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IBE Revision Framework

Lec Topics Chap

1 Introduction: Globalizing Business 美国在抗拒经济全球化,中国在通过区域经济融合促 1 Abby

进经济全球化,关于谁是赢家/输家的争论。当作为 general background 分析全球化时,可以参考
jobs & incomes, job defined, labor policy & environment,环境在变好还是在变差(这里涉及
Ethics,有些发展中国家变成了污染天堂,很多 advanced MNE 利用低标准来生产;National
sovereignty,有无独立性来控制自己的政治经济权力,这里涉及 challenges & benefits for
bringing FDI & International Trade, types of entry,world’s poor 这些角度都可以用来分析
globalization 的 benefits & costs)。【很有可能考关于全球化的 debate 题】
2 【IBV-重要】Formal institutions: politics, laws, economics →Emerging Economies & EMNEs 2 Abby
3 【IBV-重要】Informal institutions: cultures and norms 【proposition 1&2,体现了 Informal 3 Abby
Institutions 的重要性,尤其在发展中国家。发达国家拥有 certain & stable institutions,如 IP
保护,法律法规的实施,稳定的政治体系。当分析 eMNE 在发展中国家时,需要更关注 informal
institutional factors,比如文化因素。

文化因素是最重要的非正式制度因素,其中理解文化差异的 3 种方法:dimensional, cluster(最重要)

& contextual (不重要). 可以 google hofstede 来看 dimen app. 如何处理文化差异:cultural
intelligence: phases & implications for managers to train & develop c.i for employees.

4 【IBV-重要】Informal institutions: ethics MNEs 管理海外 ethical issues 的 3 种方法& 4 3 & 17 Abby
strategic responses/strategies to cope ethical issues + EXAMPLES (记!)。Reactive 是最差劲
的,Proactive 是推荐的,最好的方法。【必考 debate 题】Race to the bottom / race to the top?
有些企业投资与发展中国家因为它们的监管要求更低,competing to lower environmental
standards,这样吸引更多 FDI。政府应提高监管标准吗?企业跟不上要求、觉得吸引力不足退出怎
么办?We really encourage you to think about HOW YOU CAN ANSWER TO this debate.
5 International environment of entrepreneurship 9 Guest

6 【RBV-重要】Leveraging resources and capabilities → Liabilities of Foreignness,在 IBV 看 4 Abby

来,外国企业不熟悉当地的 I (文化、政治体系、法律监管等), 因此往往比当地企业表现差。然而有
些时候外国企业的表现要好得多,这和 firm-specific resources 有关。二者有冲突,但都是用于解
释跨国公司的成败原因的。回答 macro-level 和 firm-specific 问题时,可以从这两个大理论出发考
虑问题:比如什么会影响 HRM,什么会影响 Entry mode,什么会影响 firm strategies。VRIO
Framework 分析 RBV 非常非常重要。比如分析企业的内部资源、内部能力是否珍贵、有价值。企业
是否拥有这 4 种资源?这些资源能否给企业带来竞争优势? RBV 他更多是战略层面分析企业内部资
源的,理解相关理论,应用其来回答期末考题目。【RBV 必考,不会出 debate 题】

7 The international financial market 帮助理解 institutional environment of MNEs. Seminar: 7 Michal
case of citi bank,PROVIDE FINANCIAL BACKGROUND info on analyzing i.e. impact on firm
behaviors, and how firm can react to this by using strategies. 【补充背景知识,不单独出考点】
8 Capitalizing on global and regional integration 读 PPT 读的很快,pros & cons。Most of the 8 Michal
learning objectives HAVE BEEN COVERED with coursework)【CW 已涉及,不出考点】

9 International trade 讲了 6 个理论,理解其含义及 implications。目前还有用的俩理论是 product 5 Abby

life cycle(和新兴经济体的 MNE 有关)和 national competitive advantage(国家支持薄弱产业)。
Free trade 的 economic pros & cons。国家安全、消费者保护、国外政策和 ESG 可以用于分析
globalization,economic integration,international trade,FDI 的 benefits & costs。
10 Investing abroad directly FDI:OLI theory, basic knowledge。3L theories 是基于 OLI 发展出 6 Abby
来的,可以用于分析 eMNE 的兴起。
Debates regarding FDI‘s benefits & challenges, implications
for multinational companies, potential challenges + solutions. 可以向 MNE 提建议。
11 The international business environment of EMNEs 新型市场的特点和作用,新兴市场发展的 Michal
挑战,其如何追赶发达市场。这里最重要的就是 reverse innovation: 1. rising up of eMNEs:
liability of foreigness, how important is reverse innovation for MNE to catch up in
developing countries. 2. refer to the product life cycle - advanced economies produce
leading tech & innovations, for r.i development is based on lower tech but has lower costs,
easier for company to promote to the mass market of consumers in the global world.
[REALLY PAY ATTENTION TO THIS CONCEPT.]3. Market reasons: address more
customers, adjust offering; 4. Defensive reasons: pre-empt room for competitors;
5.Efficiency reasons: better allocation of resources, rationalization.
12 The global context of international business strategies 4 strategies: meanings, Michal
implications for firms, in what scenarios should firm adopt which strategy.

13 Learning in MNEs (教科书内容不够,请看 additional readings) 战略层面的问题,结合 RBV 考, 13 Abby

→ Knowledge based View,知识是 MNE 最重要的资源,成功的 MNE 应该有 interactive learning
& knowledge float between headquarters,这会带来 efficiency & effectiveness,这也是为什
么他们能比其他公司表现更好。Larger knowledge basis & able to learn from each other,create
synergy effect。CORE OF evolutionary theory。那么什么会影响 Knowledge transfer 呢?
Knowledge (e.g. explicit vs. codified; richness etc.) ,Knowledge senders – disseminative
capacity,Knowledge receivers – absorptive capacity, The context – e.g. institutional
important implications for MNEs] →Reverse innovation: The potential challenges for the
Chinese subsidiaries in sharing knowledge with their headquarters in advanced economies?
可以分析 Ability issue(公司是否有吸收能力,是否有动机) IBV 看 contextual difficulty:
institutional distance: language, culture, .... 【REALLY IMPORTANT】

14 International human resource management RBV & IBV Compare and contrast the different 15 Abby
approaches of going rate and balance sheet, 解释分别是什么,比较 benefits & costs。用于分
不同情况给 MNE 提出建议。
15 Entry mode choices RBV & IBV. 10 Michal

16 Global competitive dynamics BACKGROUND INFORMATION for strategic decision making. 11 Michal
4 strategies, their benefits & costs & application scenarios.
17 International strategic alliances 与 Entry mode 相关,不考。不同的 alliances 类型。 12 Michal

18 Global strategy and organization of MNEs 组织结构,就提了一嘴,不考。可以对组织应选择什 13 Michal

19 Global marketing and pricing 很有意思,了解但不考。可以和 globalization 结合提建议用。 14 Michal

20 Competing in emerging markets Michal

根据 Revision Lecture 给出的复习重点来复习。不标号的 chapter 不代表不用做 Reading。

看教科书的 chapter 能帮助理解。对于概念、case 请见教科书。
PPT→课本→additional reading→outline 里的 reading
复习 seminar case studies,虽然考试不考 case 题目,但可以用 case 举例子来解释理论。
Example paper: IBE1+IBS1 PP
不需要 References,鼓励但不强制 citation,cite textbook 只要一次。经典理论可以 cite 一下。
只要理解理论,没有 citation 也没关系。
Critical thinking:对于“如何评价 XXX”,需要写出为什么同意/为什么不同意。当你对一个 statement 给出正面肯定时/选一边
站的时候,除了说站这边的理由外,还可以考虑下另一边的合理性,以及站自己这一边的潜在风险、潜在挑战。如果你极其反对 MNE

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