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DLN Front May1-23 - Monday_Layout 1 4/28/23 2:18 PM Page 1

News you cannot get anywhere else.

Vol. CXXVIII, No. 86 Monday, May 1, 2023 75 Cents

Local Voice

Harvey holds
a Bachelor of
Arts degree, a
Juris Doctor,
correct goes off
Plunkett Cooney to and a Master
issue diversity of Laws in
taxation from
the deep end
scholarships to law Wayne State
into the abyss
school students I am writing this
Plunkett Cooney will select three Photos column with perspira-
diverse law school students who partici- courtesy of tion on my forehead,
pate in its Diversity & Inclusion (D&I) Wayne Law my hands shaking,
essay program to receive $2,500 diversity and my palms wet.
scholarships. I thought hard and
“We are excited to launch this year’s long whether to tackle
scholarship program,” said the f irm’s the issue discussed
director of Diversity & Inclusion, Laurel here, but finally decid-
McGiffert. “We are looking for diverse ed it would be coward-
students who truly understand the impor- ly not to examine the
subject which has sent shock waves

Wayne Law inducts five new

tance of, and who are committed to,
improving diversity and inclusion within through our society.
the legal industry. Our essay review panel So, I’ll take the plunge…
members are really looking forward to Dr. Vito Perrone was in line to be
reading the essays that are submitted.” appointed superintendent of the East-

members into Alumni Wall of Fame

The program began Friday and is open hampton School District in Massachu-
to all diverse students currently enrolled setts. Everything seemed in be in order
in an accredited law school. For purposes when he sent an email to two committee
of the scholarship program, “diverse stu- members, Chairperson Cynthia Kwiecin-
dents” include, but are not limited to, Wayne State University Law School inducted ski and Suzanne Colby, executive assis-
applicants based on race, ethnicity, nation- five new members into the Alumni Wall of Fame tant to the committee, regarding the
ality, gender identity, LGBTQIA+ identi- during a ceremony Tuesday, April 18, 2023, at financial offer.
ty, disability and neurodivergence. Partici- the Law School. Here it comes. I hope you are sitting
pants have until June 23 to submit their The Wayne Law Alumni Wall of Fame Award down. He made a fatal mistake. In the
essays, which must address the following is the highest honor presented by the law school. salutation, he addressed the two by writ-
prompt: It is awarded to alumni, faculty, or staff who ing, “Ladies, Good morning,” like in
Share an experience you have had, embody the highest standard of excellence and “Ladies and Gentlemen.” Now, do you
challenge you have overcome, triumph have distinguished themselves through their con- understand my palpitations?
you have enjoyed, or aspect of your back- tributions to their field and the profession, their He was told he was guilty of “microag-
ground that has influenced your pursuit work toward the betterment of humanity, or their gression” and the email was deemed “hos-
of a career in law. How has that experi- significant impact on the law school and its com- tile” and “derogatory.”
ence impacted your approach to advanc- munity. The Wall of Fame, an interactive, multi- The charge gives new meaning to, “The
ing the principles of diversity, equity, and media display in the law school lobby showcas- lady doth protest too much, methinks.” I
inclusion as you enter the legal profes- ing the inductees, was made possible by a dona- shouldn’t use that famous quote because it
sion? tion from 1986 Wayne Law alumnus, E. Powell uses the “l” word.
The firm has created a Diversity & Miller.The 2023 honorees are: I broke out in a cold sweat. It dawned
Inclusion Scholarship website to assist Judge Marcia Cooke, J.D. ’77 (posthumous- on me how many times I was guilty of sim-
students with their essay and personal ly), was an American lawyer who served as a ilar callousness because often I described a
information submissions. United States district judge of the United States woman as, “quite a lady.”
It can be accessed at https://plunkett District Court for the Southern District of Flori- Through my career I have written da. Judge Cooke was nominated by President about lots of controversial subjects, but
Questions about the scholarship program George W. Bush and unanimously confirmed by Nancy Diehl served the citizens of Wayne County in the Prosecutor’s this one is at the top of the list of sensi-
application process can be directed to Jen- the Senate with a 96 - 0 vote. Judge Cooke was Office with great distinction for 28 years, retiring in 2009. tive topics.
nifer Barczak at (248) 901-4084; jbar the first Black woman federal judge in Florida. After taking a few deep breaths, lots of Cooke’s early legal career included roles with questions popped in my mind. Let’s take
Neighborhood Legal Services, the Legal Aid and a look at some of the ramifications of Dr.
Perrone’s sin.
Michigan Judicial Defender Association in Michigan, Assistant U.S.
Attorney for the Eastern District of Michigan,
Judge Marcia
Cooke was
First, what is microaggression, you
might ask? I asked and learned it is, “A
Council seeking work in private practice, and magistrate judge of the first Black
comment or action that subtly and often
the United States District Court for the Eastern woman
public comments District of Michigan. Judge Cooke’s family, federal judge
unconsciously or unintentionally express-
es a prejudiced attitude toward a member
including her two sisters – Carretta Cooke and
for May meeting DeLois Cooke Spryszak – were in attendance to
in Florida. Her
of a marginalized group.”
The Michigan Judicial Council is accept this honor and remember their late sister. That led me to study some history for
including her
seeking public comments for its next Nancy Diehl, J.D. ’78, served the citizens of this column and discovered that “lady”
two sisters –
meeting conducted online Thursday, May Wayne County in the Prosecutor’s Office with actually was used as a compliment for
11, from 4 to 5 p.m. via Zoom. The great distinction for 28 years, retiring in 2009 as women, signifying power, nobility, and
Cooke and
council will receive written comments Chief of the Trial Division, where she oversaw privilege.
DeLois Cooke
and oral testimony on its Strategic Agen- General Trials, Homicide, Auto Theft, Major I learned that Abigail Adams asked her
Spryszak –
da, Operational Plan, and 2022 Annual Drugs, Child and Family Abuse, and Victim husband, John, who was to become the
were in
Report. second U.S. president, “to remember the
See WALL, Page 3 attendance to
ladies” while he was working on the Dec-
The council is charged with making accept the
recommendations to the Michigan laration of Independence. She reportedly
honor and
Supreme Court on matters pertinent to told him: “I desire you would remember
the administration of justice, including the ladies and be more generous and
their late
developing a strategic agenda for the favorable to them than your ancestors. Do
judicial branch and suggesting proposals not put such unlimited power into the
that would enhance the work of all courts. hands of husbands.”
Those who would like to submit com- It is a good thing that Mrs. Adams was
ments for the May 11 meeting should not applying to become superintendent of
visit schools in Easthampton. She also became
tration/special-initiatives/mjc and com- a “First Lady” when her husband was
plete the fillable PDF form. elected president.
Indeed, in politics, we had Lady Bird
Johnson, wife of President Lyndon Baines
Johnson, and all the spouses of U.S. presi-
dents who were “First Ladies.”
In literature, if we want to respond to
the committee’s sensitivities, we will have
to edit out all the “m’lady” used by ser-
vants to address women in high social standing.
Perhaps the most famous lady in litera-
ture is the ruthless Lady Macbeth. I am
INSIDE DLN confident the Easthampton committee
would never have retracted a contract
offered to her. She would not have taken
Abandoned Car Auctions . . .5 that kindly. She would have written, “Your
Bond Sales Calendar . . . . . .2 offer, m’ladies, is fine and fair, but double,
double, toil and trouble, I want to be
City Request for Bids . . . . . . .5 Mark Zausmer has had a role in virtually
In music, the song, “She’s a Lady”
Classified Ads . . . . . . . . . . .4 every major redevelopment project in metro Vince Foster has served as chairman of the Board of Directors of
Detroit over the past decades. Houston-based Main Street Capital since its inception in 2007. See FALBAUM, Page 3
Court Digest . . . . . . . . . . . .4
Court News . . . . . . . . . . . . .3
Official Newspaper: City of Detroit • Wayne Circuit Court • U.S. District Court • U.S. Bankruptcy Court
Legal Notices. . . . . . . . . . . .5
Legal People . . . . . . . . . . . 12 ■ Money Matters ■ Food Court ■ Legal People
Top investment strategies Christopher Kimball: Tuscan spring Who’s doing what
to combat high inflation soup satisfies without being heavy and who’s going where
Page 2 Page 11 Back Page
DLN Front May1-23 - Monday_Layout 1 4/28/23 2:18 PM Page 2

Page 2, The Detroit Legal News MONDAY, MAY 1, 2023

Matters Financial News Submit news & views to


Top investment
strategies to
combat high
Inflation finally dropped in March
2023 to 4.98%, the lowest since April
2021. However, while showing signs
of continuing this downward trend, it
is still higher than the long-term
average, meaning most things are
still more expensive than we’d like.
Inflation hits us all where it hurts
most: our wallets.
But you can make the most of your
money by putting it to work for you
with investments. There is a myriad of
options out there for making your
dollars last, and while it can be diffi-
cult to figure out what investment
options are right for you, there will
always be a choice that works best.
By investing your hard-earned
money in multiple places, you are
securing a better chance at protecting
your money’s value and saving your
future self from the strife of financial
High yield savings account
High-yield savings accounts are
one of the safest places to keep your
earnings, and because of high-inter-
est rates, they aid in protecting your
money’s value.
These savings accounts are also
the lowest-risk option for investors;
you always have access to your ever-
growing funds.
It’s best to open a high-yield sav-
ings account before a large blow to
the market or an inflation spike. Since
there’s no way to predict that, it’s
good to know there is never a wrong
time to open one. Just be sure you
choose a bank that is FDIC insured to
secure guaranteed protection for your
funds up to 250,000 dollars.
Exchange-traded funds
In the same vein as mutual funds,
you have exchange-traded funds
(ETFs), which handle their holdings
in a similar fashion. ETFs are man-
aged professionally, have lower risks,
and can access various asset classes.
High liquidity exchange-traded
funds have the benefit of the stock
market combined with the typically
low expense ratio. This adds to the
overall allure of investing in them,
and if it all gets to be too much, you
can always hire advisors to look after
your exchange-traded funds for you.
Treasury Inflation-Protected
Treasury Inflation-Protected Secu-
rities (TIPS) fall closely in line with
your typical bond. TIPS are designed
to mirror inflation and increase the
interest rates for each bond when
inflation goes on the rise.
These are some of the safest
investments you can make because
they are government-backed and one
of the best types of securities to use
to diversify.
Because they are specif ically
designed to protect you and your
investments during times of unfore-
seen inflation, they are often viewed
as one of the easiest investments to
start with when considering long-
term investments in an effort to com-
bat current inflation.
Bonds are a good way to protect
your money in both the long and
short term. Experts recommend hav-
ing a variety of savings bonds, but
you can also turn to other short and
long-term bonds when attempting to
combat inflation.
With short-term bonds, you can
keep your money safe and on pace
with inflation without withdrawing See SALES, Page 10
and holding it in cash. With long-term
bonds, you give yourself a worthwhile
long-term investment but don’t neces-
sarily have the same level of liquidity
that you get with short-term bonds.
I-Bonds are another type of bond
that is specifically designed to pro-
tect your investments during modern
inflation spikes. These are typically
the most popular choice in terms of
Your own business
Sometimes the best investment is
to invest in yourself and start a busi-
ness. Creating your own company
from the ground up and relying on
your own capability during times of
high inflation is a good way to ensure
your money is being put to work.
Starting your own business during
See MONEY, Page 3 Copyright 2023 Municipal Advisory Council of Michigan
DLN Front May1-23 - Monday_Layout 1 4/28/23 2:18 PM Page 3

MONDAY, MAY 1, 2023 The Detroit Legal News, Page 3

Send nominations by Oct. 31 In the Courts Submit news & views to

From Page 1 Harvey said, “It’s an incredible

honor to be selected as a 2023 Hall
Services. Diehl was a pioneer in of Fame inductee. Wayne Law SUPREME COURT NOTEBOOK
the specialization of child abuse played a pivotal role in my career

Gender gap persists at

and domestic violence prosecu- journey and it’s why I choose to
tions, founding and directing the give back and support the students
Child Abuse Unit, expanding the of today.”
Child and Family Abuse Bureau, Mark Zausmer, J.D. ’80, has
and co-authoring four booklets had a role in virtually every major
pertaining to children and the legal
system. Diehl served as President
of the State Bar of Michigan and
co-founded the Wayne County
redevelopment project in South-
eastern Michigan and Detroit
over the past decades. He has
served as counsel for several pro-
arguments before high court
Kids-TALK Children’s Advocacy
jects, including the Veterans
Administration Hospital project,
Women presented less than a quarter of the arguments this term
Vince Foster, J.D. ’82, has the Fox Theater District project, BY MARK SHERMAN a case over lawsuits against social have so far decided cases at a Kavanaugh said it was just a coin-
served as Chairman of the Board and the Thumb Loop Project that AND JESSICA GRESKO media companies. Two women at glacial pace. cidence and not something people
of Directors of Houston-based brought wind power from mid- Associated Press her f irm argued another three That will have to change soon, should read anything into.
Main Street Capital (NYSE: Michigan to the Detroit metropoli- cases between them. if they hope to finish their work “I am confident they’ll all be
MAIN) since its inception in 2007 tan area. Zausmer also serves on WASHINGTON (AP) — The Prelogar raised the gender gap by the end of June, as they usually out by the end of June. So I don’t
and previously served as its CEO several community boards, includ- Supreme Court wrapped up its when she argued in October in do before taking a summer break. think anyone needs to worry,” he
from 2007 until 2018. Main Street, ing City Year Detroit, the Detroit arguments Wednesday with a case defense of taking account of race Just 15 cases argued earlier in said.
co-founded by Foster, is an invest- Jewish Foundation, Math Corps, in which two of the three lawyers as a factor in college admissions. the term have been resolved, about —————
ment firm focused on providing and the Wayne County Jail Out- who took part are women. But that “And I think it would be rea- half of what the court usually has Justice Jackson speaks vol-
debt and equity capital to middle reach Ministry. In his acceptance, split was not at all reflective of the sonable for a woman to look at decided by now, and 44 remain. umes
and lower-middle market US com- Zausmer thanked Wayne Law for court’s term, in which women pre- that and wonder, is that a path Another oddity: The three most Jackson led the court in one
panies. Prior to his association offering a ladder for him to raise sented less than a quarter of the that’s open to me, to be a Supreme senior members of the court, Chief respect this term.
with Main Street, Foster had a 19- himself up to his potential and, arguments. Court advocate? Are private clients Justice John Roberts and Justices Over the course of the term’s 59
year career with Arthur Andersen, noted his commitment to offering The percentages haven’t willing to hire women to argue Clarence Thomas and Samuel arguments from October to April,
including 9 years as a partner of ladders to others. changed much in years, even as their Supreme Court cases? When Alito, have not written a majority Jackson spoke the most words.
Andersen Worldwide. He attended “These five Wayne Law alum- women now account for roughly there is that kind of gross disparity opinion at all. By this point in The tally: about 78,800, way more
both Wayne State University Law ni represent the depth and breadth half of all law school graduates and in representation, it can matter and most years, everyone has produced than the next most voluble justice.
School and the University of of where a Wayne Law education a record four of the nine Supreme it’s common sense,” she said. at least one opinion for the court. The approximate word counts
Houston Law School, earning his can take you. A federal judge in Court justices. Men presented 118 Martha (Mattie) Hutton brought It’s not clear what is slowing were compiled by Adam Feldman,
JD degree from Wayne Law. Florida, a prosecutor focused on arguments and women, just 35. her mother and seven-year-old things down. The court says it has the creator of the Empirical SCO-
Audrey Harvey, J.D. ’86, LLM the well-being of children in the “What can I say other than the daughter to watch her make her tightened its internal procedures TUS blog, and Jake Truscott, a
’91, holds a Bachelor of Arts system, a finance entrepreneur in numbers are embarrassing and first Supreme Court argument in an following last year’s leak of Alito’s doctoral candidate in political sci-
degree, a Juris Doctor, and a Mas- Texas, a corporate tax practitioner discouraging,” Lisa Blatt, whose immigration case earlier in April. draft opinion overturning Roe v. ence at the University of Georgia.
ter of Laws in taxation—from rising to foundation CEO, and a 46 Supreme Court arguments are Hutton argued the case in a lower Wade. Another possible considera- Jackson, the first Black woman
Wayne State University. Harvey litigator, starting his own f irm the most for a woman, wrote in an court and credited her firm, O’Mel- tion is that it’s taking some time on the court, said before the term
began her career as a CPA, work- and growing it with attention to email. veny, with sticking with her in the for the justices to get used to their began that she was “ready to
ing for the accounting f irms diversity and excellence,” said Solicitor General Elizabeth nation’s highest court, even though newest colleague, Justice Ketanji work,” and it was clear early on
Coopers & Lybrand and Arthur Richard A. Bierschbach, Dean of Prelogar, the Biden administra- a colleague, Michael Dreeben, has Brown Jackson, and she is adjust- that she would be an active partic-
Andersen & Co. Harvey joined Wayne State University Law tion’s top Supreme Court lawyer, argued more than 100 Supreme ing to the court, though Jackson ipant in arguments.
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michi- School. and seven other women in her Jus- Court cases. has already written two majority She spoke more in the affirma-
gan (BCBSM) in 1991 as a tax To learn more about the Wall of tice Department office accounted A more experienced lawyer opinions. tive action case involving the Uni-
manager and eventually worked Fame selection process, or to nom- for 21 arguments. Prelogar argued easily could have taken the case Then, too, there are a lot of versity of North Carolina than at
her way up the ranks at BCBSM inate a candidate, visit law.wayne. eight cases herself, slightly more from Hutton, she said. Instead, high-profile cases awaiting resolu- any other argument. The court
to controller. Currently, Harvey edu/alumni/wall-of-fame. Nomina- than is typical for the solicitor “they used that experience to sup- tion that are likely to divide the heard two cases about race in col-
serves as the Executive Director tions received by Oct. 31 each year general. port one of the more junior part- court. These often are among the lege admissions that day, and
and CEO of Blue Cross Blue will be considered for the follow- Outside the government, it was ners to become an advocate at that last to be decided. In addition to Jackson sat out the one involving
Shield of Michigan Foundation. ing award cycle. rare for a deep-pocketed, corpo- level,” Hutton said. affirmative action and social media Harvard because of her past role
rate client to hire a woman to ————— company cases, the justices are as a university trustee.
argue its case. The exception was Glacial pace of decisions weigh major disputes involving vot- The other two liberal justices
Blatt, the head of the Supreme The last words uttered in court ing rights, elections, student loan placed second and third in terms

MONEY: Court and appellate practice at the

Williams & Connolly firm.
Among her four arguments,
Wednesday came from Supreme
Court Marshal Gail Curley. The
court, she said, “stands adjourned
forgiveness and a clash between
LGBTQ and religious rights all are
pending before the high court. The
of words spoken. Justice Sonia
Sotomayor spoke 50,100 words
and Justice Elena Kagan, 48,800
Commodities can be volatile Blatt represented whiskey maker
Jack Daniel’s in a trademark dis-
until May 11 at 10 a.m.”
Curley was saying, in so many
oldest of those is voting rights,
which was argued nearly 7 months
The conservative justices, in
From Page 2 metals, you should seriously con- pute over a squeaky dog toy in the words, that the justices will not be ago. descending order, were: Neil Gor-
sider investing in various com- shape of the drink’s signature bot- handing down any more decisions Asked back in January about such, Samuel Alito, Amy Coney
tougher times in the market could modities. tle and Alphabet, Inc.’s Google in until then, in a term in which they the slow pace, Justice Brett Barrett, Kavanaugh, John Roberts,
increase your business’s overall When prices increase, you the chief justice, and Clarence
chance of success, as most small can turn toward commodities, Thomas.
businesses struggle to survive dur- although they are more commonly Thomas clocked in at 15,500
ing periods of high inflation.
Real estate
used as indicators. However, these
investments are known to keep
pace with inflation and generally
FALBAUM: words. That’s 15,500 more than he
used to say because, for years,
Thomas did not speak at argu-
Investing in real estate is con-
sidered an expert financial move
increase in price when inflation
School board rescinded offer to Dr. Perrone ments at all.

during high inflation spikes. You will find that commodities From Page 1 and devoted. They would not aban- Dr. Perrone has some support-
Property values generally can also be volatile and should don you when needed. ers. About 150 people, including U.S. District Court
increase along with inflation, and proceed with caution. Experts rec- written by Paul Anka and made We can’t forget Lady Godiva some ladies, protested the com- Eastern District
you have a few options when it ommend investing in raw materi- famous by Tom Jones would need who rode nude through the streets mittee’s decision. One sign read: of Michigan
comes to real estate investing. als, such as metal, oil, and rubber, to be revised as well as “Lady” of Coventry, asking people not to “These Ladies Support this Gen- Probation Clerk
You can look into home owner- when other commodities, such as written by Lionel Ritchie and per- look. But one, a man named Tom, tleman.” Specialist Vacancy
ship, though we recommend wait- livestock and types of food and formed by Kenny Rogers. did peek, and, walla, we had our I wondered what the lady of the Announcement at http://www.
ing until the market is low to buy. drink, go on the rise. Then there is Lady Gaga and first “Peeping Tom.” (I learned so house, a feminist’s feminist who Be a part of
Then once inflation rises, sell your ————— the country music trio, Lady Ante- much doing research for this col- edits my articles and books, would a great team located in Detroit.
home to turn a profit. Mutual funds bellum. The threesome actually umn). think of the issue. I got my answer The employee performs spe-
However, if you’re looking for a Mutual funds are generally a changed its name but kept “lady.” The decision to rescind the when she looked up from this col- cialized technical and adminis-
safer and easier option, delving into good investment for those of us Instead, it changed Antebellum to offer to Perrone was made behind umn and asked, “What’s with trative support services for the
who are more hands-off about the simply “A.” closed doors, possibly violating these ladies?” U.S. Probation Department.
mutual funds that deal exclusively
Professional and friendly work
in real estate investment trusts fate of our stocks and bonds. Frank Sinatra thought highly of the state’s open meeting law. Per- ————— environment, great benefits and
might be the better option for you. However, it’s important to “lady” when, while gambling, he haps someone will leak the min- Berl Falbaum is a veteran close to the downtown ameni-
————— invest in the right mutual fund for asked, “luck be a lady tonight” utes so the public can read about political journalist and author of ties. EOE
Precious metals you. Choose between four main because he found ladies to be loyal the debate over the word, “ladies.” 12 books.
Because gold and other pre- categories, each with its own sepa-
cious metals don’t lose their value rate reports and risks. Even
over time, it’s a good idea to invest
in gold for those of you with a
long-term horizon.
though the safest mutual fund for
short-term inflation spikes isn’t a
guarantee, it’s still one of the most
Investing in gold and precious
metals is a classic method for pro-
trusted places to put your money
when inflation is on the rise. AND SEE WHAT Ban Ibrahim
Founded 1895

Tom Kirvan
Editor in Chief
tecting yourself from inflation.
Because the overall value and trade
value aren’t necessarily impacted
Go with the highs and lows
Investors have one tip to keep
Brian Cox
Carol Brown
Graphic Designer

Call 866-857-0873
by inflation, your gold’s value will in mind every time inflation
keep up over decades. begins to creep over the horizon. Suzanne Ketner Mary Steinmetz
Display and Classified Advertising Circulation Coordinator
Like most other investments, it Never buy or sell in a panic.
is wiser to buy gold when prices Keep a level head when dealing Production
with the market and your invest-
are at their lowest rather than
when inflation is at its peak. ments, and use the time to review The Detroit Legal News Publishing L.L.C.
————— all of your investments and their
Bradley L. Thompson II Ban Ibrahim
Commodities performance. Good luck out there, President Publisher
Similar to investing in precious and happy investing!

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Court Digest
ALABAMA cussed and considered.”
“We just feel like it’s inevitably
flict for city employees to vote on
the application to remove the
for advertisers’ ability, for exam-
ple, to advertise on huge social
Elsinore home and at events,
meetings, and property of the
against Bennett Walsh, the former
superintendent at the facility, and
Teen convicted of going to have to be tried again,”
Golden told the station.
“... Their employment and their
media platforms like Facebook
and TikTok that run their own
local Church of Jesus Christ of
Latter-day Saints, the lawsuit said.
Dr. David Clinton, its former med-
ical director, to move forward.
killing 5 family The slayings rocked the quiet being asked to sit in review of an advertising platforms independent “These ongoing acts of abuse In their ruling, the majority of
community of Elkmont, a tiny application filed by their employer of Google. brought Plaintiff to the brink of the justices found that the facts
members in 2019 town of 500 residents just north- were sufficient to raise a reason- In court papers, Google made an suicide,” according to the lawsuit. presented to the grand jury consti-
west of Huntsville and not far able question of impartiality such analogy to an unsuccessful antitrust In addition to the stepfather, tuted probable cause to believe
when he was 14 from the Alabama-Tennessee bor- that recusal was required as a mat- lawsuit against Live Nation, a con- the negligence and sexual abuse that Walsh and Clinton violated
ATHENS, Ala. (AP) — An der. ter of law,” he wrote for the major- cert promoter that owns and oper- suit also named the church and the the elder abuse statute and that
Alabama teenager has been con- ity. ates a large number of outdoor woman’s mother. It alleged that Hampden Superior Court Judge
victed of killing five family mem- KENTUCKY Plaintiff Steve Wiser said he amphitheaters. the woman repeatedly told church Edward McDonough Jr. erred in
bers, including three young sib- was pleased with the court’s rul- The lawsuit alleged Live Nation officials, including local bishops, dismissing the charges.
lings, when he was 14 years old. Court overturns ing. held a monopoly on amphitheaters, about the sexual abuse but that “Of course, sometimes bad
A jury deliberated for two rulings allowing Kevin Trager, a spokesman for but a judge ruled that the plaintiffs they failed to report it to law things happen for no discernable
hours Thursday before f inding the city, said off icials were failed to prove a monopoly in part enforcement in violation of church reason, and no one is to blame. At
Mason Sisk, now 18, guilty of Confederate reviewing the opinion before because they did not take into policy and also used “intimidation any subsequent trial, prosecutors
multiple counts of capital murder deciding how to proceed. account reasonable alternatives to and shaming tactics” to keep her will need to prove their case. We
for the 2019 slayings, local media statue removal amphitheater venues, like indoor from telling anyone outside the conclude only that they will have
reported. All five were shot in the LOUISVILLE, Ky. (AP) — VIRGINIA concert halls and arenas. church. the opportunity to do so,” the
head at their home in Elkmont. The Kentucky Supreme Court has Brinkema said the question of The AP is not naming the step- court ruled.
The youngest, Colson, was just 6 overturned lower court rulings that Judge rules how to define the market in which father nor the mother to shield the Walsh and Clinton pleaded not
months old. allowed leaders in Kentucky’s against Google, Google allegedly holds a monop- identity of the victim. An email to guilty in 2020 to charges stem-
Sisk faces life in prison largest city to remove a Confeder- oly will be a key issue in the case, the stepfather’s attorney seeking ming from their decision that
because of his age at the time of ate statue from a prominent loca- allows antitrust But she said at this preliminary comment wasn’t returned. March to combine two dementia
the killings. He’ll be sentenced tion three years ago. stage, the government’s allega- The stepfather was arrested in units, packing residents who were
July 25. The 6-1 ruling issued Thursday case to proceed tions are plausible enough for the 1997 after Jane Doe told her high positive for the coronavirus into
Sisk initially told police he was said Louisville violated due ALEXANDRIA, Va. (AP) — A case to move forward. The govern- school basketball coach about the the same space as those with no
in the basement playing video process in getting approval to federal judge on Friday rejected a ment’s burden of proof, though, abuse, the suit said. He pleaded symptoms.
games when he heard gunshots remove the John Breckenridge motion from Google to toss out will increase at trial. guilty to committing lewd acts In November 2021, McDo-
and ran outside to see a vehicle Castleman monument from the government’s antirust case A number of states, including with a child under age 14 and nough found that there was “insuf-
pulling away, but he later told Cherokee Triangle, news outlets against it. Virginia, California, Colorado, spent three years in state prison, ficient reasonably trustworthy evi-
investigators he’d killed the five, reported. U.S. District Judge Leonie Connecticut, New Jersey, New according to the lawsuit. dence that, had these two demen-
prosecutors said. The statue was vandalized sev- Brinkema ruled the lawsuit alleg- York, Rhode Island and Ten- While denying wrongdoing, the tia units not been merged, the
“Yeah, they argue a lot, and I eral times over a few years before ing Google wields monopolistic nessee, have joined in the case as church settled its part of the law- medical condition” of five veter-
got fed up with it,” Sisk said in a it was removed from its pedestal power in the world of online plaintiffs against Google. suit for $1 million in December, ans in question would have been
video recording of the question- in June 2020 following a decision advertising can proceed in its and the woman’s mother settled materially different.
ing. “And the kids were going from Louisville’s landmarks com- entirety. CALIFORΩNIA for $200,000 in February, accord- Last year Massachusetts agreed
through a lot.” mission. Her ruling is the second set- ing to the woman’s lawyers. to pay $56 million to settle a
His defense attorneys argued A group called Friends of back for Google at the federal $2.3B awarded in The stepfather failed to appear class-action lawsuit brought by the
the sheriff used manipulative Louisville Public Art filed a law- court in Alexandria. Google had
interrogation tactics on a child suit challenging the landmarks earlier tried to get the case consol-
sex abuse lawsuit at trial on the f irst day of jury
selection and withdrew his answer
families of veterans who died.
Attorney General Andrea
who was fatigued, sleep deprived commission ruling. They argued idated with a similar lawsuit that’s that named to the lawsuit rather than face a Campbell welcomed Thursday’s
and traumatized by what hap- the statue was a local landmark been ongoing for several years in war rant for his ar rest, and decision.
pened, WAAY-TV reported. and said some commission mem- New York. But Brinkema ruled Mormon church “accordingly, his attorney was not “Today’s decision allows us to
John Wayne Sisk, age 38; Mary bers should not have been allowed last month that the case can pro- RIVERSIDE, Calif. (AP) — A able to participate in the trial,” the focus once again on securing
Sisk, age 35; Kane, age 6; Aurora, to vote because they have a con- ceed in the Alexandria courthouse, woman who was molested for law firm said in an email. accountability for the tragic and
age 4; and the infant Colson were flict of interest. which is known as the “Rocket years by her stepfather has been preventable deaths at the Soldiers’
killed on Sept. 2, 2019. While the group acknowledged Docket” for its reputation of adju- awarded $2.28 billion by a Cali- MASSACHUSETTS Home in Holyoke,” she said in a
The first attempt to prosecute Castleman’s Confederate ties, they dicating disputes swiftly. fornia jury in a lawsuit that also written statement.
Sisk ended in a mistrial last Sep- argued that he later renounced his The lawsuit alleges that Google implicated her mother and the Court reinstates
tember after new evidence from allegiance to the Confederacy. holds a virtual monopoly in online local Church of Jesus Christ of charges against
Mary Sisk’s cellphone became Castleman later served as a advertising that works to the detri- Latter-day Saints, in which both
available. brigadier general in the U.S. Army. ment of consumers. The complaint parents were active, her attorneys leaders of
The Limestone County district He was partially responsible for alleged that Google “corrupted announced.
attorney said he was pleased with establishing Louisville’s park sys- legitimate competition in the ad The panel in Riverside County veterans’ home Legal Notices & News
Thursday’s verdict. tem and fought to keep the city’s tech industry by engaging in a Superior Court awarded damages BOSTON (AP) — Massachu-
“Any life that is lost is horrific, parks and playgrounds open to systematic campaign to seize con- Tuesday to a woman described in setts’ highest court overruled a
since 1895
but Mason Sisk killed three chil-
dren and we wanted to communi-
Black residents.
Kentucky’s Court of Appeals
trol of the wide swath of high-tech
tools used by publishers, advertis-
court papers only as Jane Doe,
who said she was sexually assault-
lower court judge Thursday and
reinstated criminal neglect charges
cate that,” District Attorney Brian upheld a Jefferson Circuit Court ers, and brokers, to facilitate digi- ed by her stepfather from age 5 against two top former officials at OUT ON THE
C.T. Jones told WHNT-TV. judge’s ruling dismissing the law- tal advertising.” until she was 14, according to an a veterans’ home. Nearly 80 veter-
Defense attorney Shay Golden suit. The appeals court ruled that Google argued that the case announcement by the law firm of ans died at the Veterans’ Home in INTERNET!!
told the Huntsville TV station that there were “no facts to support the should be tossed out, in part Gary A. Dordick. Holyoke after contracting the
he thinks there were mistakes in conflict of interests claim.” because the government defines The lawsuit alleged that begin- coronavirus in one of the worst Visit our website at
the trial, including, “information The Supreme Court disagreed. Google’s alleged monopoly too ning in the 1980s, the stepfather COVID-19 outbreaks in a long-
that we believe to be relevant was Chief Justice Laurance B. Van- narrowly. Google’s lawyers con- sexually abused the girl. The term care facility in the nation.
never really allowed to be dis- Meter said it was a “patent” con- tend the lawsuit does not account assaults took place at their Lake The ruling allows the case
Decedent’s Estate sale does not automatically entitle the couraged to contact the county register of
STATE OF MICHIGAN - PROBATE purchaser to free and clear ownership of deeds office or a title insurance company,
COURT - COUNTY OF WAYNE the property. A potential purchaser is en- either of which may charge a fee for this
2 Woodward Ave, Room 1305 Detroit, couraged to contact the county register of information.
Michigan 48226 313-224-5706 deeds office or a title insurance company, Default has been made in the conditions
Estate of MARIE JOAN ORZEL Date of either of which may charge a fee for this of a mortgage made by Geraldine Howell,
Birth: March 14, 1926 information. unmarried woman, to Mortgage Electron-
TO ALL CREDITORS:* Default has been made in the conditions ic Registration Systems, Inc., as nomin-
NOTICE TO CREDITORS: The de- of a certain mortgage made by Steven J. ee for lender and lenders successors
Typesetter — Pam — Monday — 5-1-23 cedent, MARIE JOAN ORZEL, died Janu- Cornett, a single man to Mortgage Elec- and/or assigns, Mortgagee, dated Febru-
CASE NO. and JUDGE ary 12, 2022. tronic Registration Systems, Inc., acting ary 4, 2005 and recorded February 24,
ARPA-71 2023-880490-DE
Creditors of the decedent are notified
that all claims against theonday
estate will, May 1, 2023 solely as nominee for MB Financial Bank, 2005 in Liber 42212, Page 377 Wayne
The Detroit Legal News, Page 5
N.A., Mortgagee, dated December 24, County Records, Michigan. Said mort-
NOTICE TO CREDITORS forever barred unless presented to Jef- 2014, and recorded on January 13, 2015, gage is now held by U.S. Bank National
CITY OF DETROIT Decedent’s Estate frey Orzel, personal representative, or to CASE NO. and JUDGE in Liber 51971, Page 7, Wayne County Association, as Trustee for Residential
Office of Contracting STATE OF MICHIGAN - PROBATE both the probate court at 2 Woodward 2022-887447-DE Records, said mortgage was assigned to Asset Mortgage Products, Inc., Mortgage
and Procurement COURT - COUNTY OF WAYNE Ave, Room 1305, Detroit and the person- HONORABLE JUDY A. HARTSFIELD Fifth Third Bank, National Association by Asset-Backed Pass-Through Certificates,
Coleman A. Young Municipal Center 1305 CAYMC, 2 WOODWARD AVE., al representative within 4 months after NOTICE TO CREDITORS an Assignment of Mortgage which has Series 2005-EFC1, by assignment. There
Two Woodward Avenue, Suite 1008 DETROIT, MI 48226 313-224-5706 the date of publication of this notice. Decedent's Estate been submitted to the Wayne County Re- is claimed to be due at the date hereof
Detroit, Michigan 48226 Estate of EDWARD LEE SCOTT, DE- Date: 04/27/2023 STATE OF MICHIGAN - PROBATE gister of Deeds, on which mortgage there the sum of Forty-Six Thousand One Hun-
——— CEDENT Date of Birth: OCT. 11, 1955 William P. Lyshak, Butzel P29774 COURT - COUNTY OF WAYNE is claimed to be due at the date hereof dred Forty and 52/100 Dollars
May 1, 2023 TO ALL CREDITORS:* 201 W. Big Beaver Road, Suite 1200 2 Woodward Ave, Detroit, MI 48226 313- the sum of Forty-Four Thousand Fifty- ($46,140.52).
——— NOTICE TO CREDITORS: The de- Troy, MI 48084 224-5706 One and 77/100 ($44,051.77) including Under the power of sale contained in
Bid: 183122,1 cedent, EDWARD LEE SCOTT, died 248-258-1616 Estate of Thomas Edward Horn, De- interest at the rate of 4.12500% per an- said mortgage and the statute in such
——— JUNE 07, 2021. Jeffrey Orzel ceased Date of birth: March 24, 1958 num. case made and provided, notice is hereby
ARPA – GSD – OSSIAN SWEET Creditors of the decedent are notified Personal Representative TO ALL CREDITORS: * Said premises are situated in the City of given that said mortgage will be fore-
HISTORIC INTERPRETIVE that all claims against the estate will be 39636 Muirfield Lane NOTICE TO CREDITORS: The de- Lincoln Park, Wayne County, Michigan, closed by a sale of the mortgaged
CENTER MASTER PLAN forever barred unless presented to Northville, Michigan 48168 cedent, Thomas Edward Horn, died and are described as: premises, or some part of them, at public
——— JASON RYAN SCOTT, personal repres- (5-1) November 12, 2021. Land located in the City of LINCOLN vendue at the place of holding the circuit
Solicitations providing proposals/pricing entative, or to both the probate court at Creditors of the decedent are notified PARK, County of Wayne and the state of court within Wayne County, Michigan at
1305 CAYMC, 2 WOODWARD AVE., CASE NO. and JUDGE that all claims against the estate will be Michigan and described as follows:
for ARPA – GSD – Ossian Sweet Historic 11:00 AM on JUNE 1, 2023.
DETROIT, MI 48226, and the personal 23-882334-DE forever barred unless presented to Daniel Legal:
Interpretive Center Master Plan for the City Said premises are located in the City of
representative within 4 months after the NOTICE TO CREDITORS P. Horn, personal representative, or to LOT(s) 81 AND 82, including one half of
of Detroit in accordance to specifications DETROIT, Wayne County Michigan, and
date of publication of this notice. Decedent's Estate both the probate court at 2 Woodward the vacated alley located at the rear
provided in Bid: 183122,1. Bids will only are described as:
Date: 05/01/2023 STATE OF MICHIGAN PROBATE Avenue, Detroit, MI 48226 and the per- thereof and adjacent thereto, "LINCOLN
be received electronically by OCP through SOUTH 4 FEET OF LOT 7, ALL OF
Blake A. Speck P83672 COURT WAYNE COUNTY sonal representative within 4 months after HOMES SUBDIVISION", according to the
the Oracle Supplier Portal on or before LOTS 8 AND 9, AND NORTH 4 FEET OF
20619 Ecorse Rd. CAYMC 2 Woodward Ave., Detroit MI the date of publication of this notice. plat thereof as recorded in Liber 48 of LOT 10, AND 1/2 VACATED ALLEY AT
Typesetter — Pam — Monday — 5-1-23
4:00 p.m., May 15, 2023.
The City’s Oracle portal can be accessed Taylor, MI 48180
48226 313-224-5706
Estate of Patricia Ann Rogers Date of
Date: 04/26/2023
Plats, Page 9, Wayne County Records.
Commonly known as: 1866 RICHMOND
Personal Representative
birth:* 12/20/1938
Kathleen A. Cieslik P80024
480 Pierce Street, Ste. 300
If the property is eventually sold at fore-
24621 CHERRY ST. NOTICE TO CREDITORS: The de- Birmingham, MI 48009 closure sale, the redemption period will 19358 Evergreen Rd, Detroit, Michigan
DEARBORN, MI 48124 cedent, Patricia Ann Rogers, died 248-567-7858 be 6.00 months from the date of sale un- 48219
CITY OF DETROIT 313-898-4922 12/26/2021. Daniel P. Horn less the property is abandoned or used The redemption period shall be 6 months
Office of Contracting (5-1) Creditors of the decedent are notified Personal Representative for agricultural purposes. If the property is from the date of such sale, unless de-
and Procurement that all claims against the estate will be 27W134 Chestnut Lane determined abandoned in accordance termined abandoned in accordance with
Coleman A. Young Municipal Center CASE NO. and JUDGE forever barred unless presented to Don- Winfield, IL 60190 with MCL 600.3241 and/or 600.3241a, MCLA §600.3241a, in which case the re-
Two Woodward Avenue, Suite 1008 2023-882807-DE ald Gioia, personal representative, or to 630-487-8913 the redemption period will be 30 days demption period shall be 30 days from
Detroit, Michigan 48226 Terrance A. Keith both the probate court CAYMC 2 Wood- (5-1) from the date of sale, or 15 days after the date of such sale.
——— NOTICE TO CREDITORS ward Ave., Detroit MI 48226 and the per- statutory notice, whichever is later. If the If the property is sold at foreclosure sale,
May 1, 2023 Decedent’s Estate sonal representative within 4 months after CASE NO. and JUDGE property is presumed to be used for agri- pursuant to MCL 600.3278, the borrower
——— STATE OF MICHIGAN PROBATE the date of publication of this notice. 2023-882990-DE cultural purposes prior to the date of the will be held responsible to the person
Bid: 183487 COURT WAYNE COUNTY Date 04/27/2023 NOTICE TO CREDITORS foreclosure sale pursuant to MCL who buys the property at the mortgage
——— 1305 CAYMC - 2 Woodward Avenue, Paul C. Fessler P61361 Decedent’s Estate 600.3240, the redemption period is 1 foreclosure sale or to the mortgage hold-
DHD BIOMEDICAL WASTE REMOVAL Detroit, Michigan 48226 (313) 224-5706 220 E. Huron Ste. 415 STATE OF MICHIGAN PROBATE year. er for damage to the property during the
——— Estate of Gerald Richard Ciesielski Date Ann Arbor, MI 48104 COURT WAYNE COUNTY Pursuant to MCL 600.3278, if the prop- redemption period.
Solicitations providing proposals/pricing of birth:* October 18, 1948 7343696448 1305 CAYMC, 2 Woodward Ave., De- erty is sold at a foreclosure sale, the bor- Dated: May 1, 2023
for DHD Biomedical Waste Removal for TO ALL CREDITORS:** Donald Gioia troit, MI 48226 rower(s) will be held responsible to the File No. 23-004217
the City of Detroit in accordance to spec- NOTICE TO CREDITORS: The de- Personal Representative Estate of THOMAS JAY SALLIOTTE person who buys the property at the Firm Name: Orlans PC
ifications provided in Bid: 183487. Bids cedent, Gerald Richard Ciesielski, died 48209 Manorwood TO ALL CREDITORS:** mortgage foreclosure sale or to the mort- Firm Address: 1650 West Big Beaver
will only be received electronically by February 23, 2021. Northville MI 48168 NOTICE TO CREDITORS: The de- gage holder for damaging the property Road, Troy MI 48084
OCP through the Oracle Supplier Portal Creditors of the decedent are notified 734-644-2648 cedent, THOMAS JAY SALLIOTTE, died during the redemption period. Firm Phone Number: (248) 502.1400
on or before 2:00 p.m., May 11, 2023. that all claims against the estate will be (5-1) 01/20/2023. TO ALL PURCHASERS: The foreclos- (05-01)(05-22)
Typesetter — Pam — Monday — 5-1-23
The City’s Oracle portal can be accessed
forever barred unless presented to Pau-
line M. Ciesielski, personal representat-
FILE NO. 2023-882064-DE Creditors of the decedent are notified
that all claims against the estate will be
ing mortgagee can rescind the sale. In
Attention homeowner: If you are a milit-
PUBLICATION OF NOTICE that event, your damages are, if any, lim-
ive, or to both the probate court at 1305
CAYMC, 2 Woodward Avenue, Detroit
OF HEARING forever barred unless presented to
SUSAN SALLIOTTE, personal represent-
ited solely to the return of the bid amount ary service member on active duty, if your
period of active duty has concluded less
STATE OF MICHIGAN PROBATE tendered at sale, plus interest.
and the personal representative within 4 ative, or to both the probate court at 1305 Dated: May 1, 2023 than 90 days ago, or if you have been
months after the date of publication of CAYMC, 2 Woodward Ave., Detroit, MI Randall S. Miller & Associates, P.C. ordered to active duty, please contact the
In the matter of Robert William Gee, De-
CITY OF DETROIT this notice. 48226 and the personal representative Attorneys for Fifth Third Bank, National attorney for the party foreclosing the
Office of Contracting Date: 04/27/2023 within 4 months after the date of publica- Association mortgage at the telephone number stated
and Procurement Robert P. Perry, Butzel P41887 tion of this notice. 43252 Woodward Avenue, Suite 180, in this notice.
Coleman A. Young Municipal Center 201 W. Big Beaver, Suite 1200 Date 04/27/2023 Bloomfield Hills, MI 48302, (248) 335- Notice of foreclosure by advertisement.
Robert Smith, Donald Smith
Two Woodward Avenue, Suite 1008 Troy, Michigan 48084 AMY L. HOSEY P47997 9200 Notice is given under section 3212 of the
whose address(es) is/are unknown and
Detroit, Michigan 48226 (248)258-1616 20600 Eureka Rd., Ste. 315D Hours: 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. revised judicature act of 1961, 1961 PA
whose interest in this matter may be
——— Pauline M. Ciersielski Taylor, MI 48180 Case No. 23MI00126-1 236, MCL 600.3212, that the following
barred or affected by the following:
May 1, 2023 Personal Representative 734 418-6188 (5-1)(5-22) mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale of
TAKE NOTICE: A hearing will be held on
——— 9143 Greenboro SUSAN SALLIOTTE the mortgaged premises, or some part of
Wednesday, June 14, 2023 at 9:40 am at Attention homeowner: If you are a milit-
Bid: 183485 Detroit, Michigan 48224 Personal representative them, at a public auction sale to the
1201 CAYMC 2 Woodward Ave. Detroit, ary service member on active duty, if your
——— (5-1) 6920 McGuire St. highest bidder for cash or cashier’s check
MI 48226 before Judge Terrance A. Keith period of active duty has concluded less
DSS TREE PLANTING Taylor, MI 48180 at the place of holding the circuit court in
CASE NO. and JUDGE 37738, for the following purpose: than 90 days ago, or if you have been
AT BLIGHTED SITES 313-778-0693 Wayne County, starting promptly at 11:00
23-881735-DE Petition to Appoint Personal Represent- ordered to active duty, please contact the
ative of Decedent Estate (5-1) AM on JUNE 1, 2023. The amount due
Solicitations providing proposals/pricing NOTICE TO CREDITORS attorney for the party foreclosing the on the mortgage may be greater on the
Decedent’s Estate Dated: 04/28/2023 Notice of Foreclosure by Advertisement mortgage at the telephone number stated
for DSS Tree Planting at Blighted Sites for day of the sale. Placing the highest bid at
STATE OF MICHIGAN - PROBATE TREVOR A. DANIEL P734840 Notice of foreclosure by advertisement. in this notice.
the City of Detroit in accordance to spec- the sale does not automatically entitle the
COURT - WAYNE COUNTY 6803 ROOSEVELT AVE. Notice is given under section 3212 of the Notice of foreclosure by advertisement.
ifications provided in Bid: 183485. Bids purchaser to free and clear ownership of
Two Woodward Avenue, Detroit, MI ALLEN PARK, MI 48101 revised judicature act of 1961, 1961 PA Notice is given under section 3212 of the
will only be received electronically by the property. A potential purchaser is en-
48226 734-984-0800 236, MCL 600.3212, that the following revised judicature act of 1961, 1961 PA
OCP through the Oracle Supplier Portal couraged to contact the county register of
Estate of Harold Lynn Stringer, De- Patricia A. Becker mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale of 236, MCL 600.3212, that the following
on or before 2:00 p.m., May 2, 2023. deeds office or a title insurance company,
ceased. Petitioner the mortgaged premises, or some part of mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale of
The City’s Oracle portal can be accessed either of which may charge a fee for this
TO ALL CREDITORS:** 4314 Oak Tree Trl. them, at a public auction sale to the the mortgaged premises, or some part of
at information.
NOTICE TO CREDITORS: The de- Fenton, MI 48430 highest bidder for cash or cashier’s check them, at a public auction sale to the
810-936-5167 Default has been made in the conditions
DPS-144 cedent, Harold Lynn Stringer, died 11-12- at the place of holding the circuit court in highest bidder for cash or cashier’s check of a mortgage made by Lisa Zurawski, to
2022. (5-1) Wayne County, starting promptly at 11:00 at the place of holding the circuit court in MB Financial Bank, N.A., Mortgagee,
Creditors of the decedent are notified FILE NO. 2006-707158-DD AM on 6/1/2023. The amount due on the Wayne County, starting promptly at 11:00 dated April 24, 2018 and recorded May 4,
that all claims against the estate will be PUBLICATION OF mortgage may be greater on the day of AM on JUNE 1, 2023. The amount due 2018 in Liber 54391, Page 426 Wayne
forever barred unless presented to John the sale. Placing the highest bid at the on the mortgage may be greater on the
ADVERTISING POLICIES D. Clark, personal representative, or to
sale does not automatically entitle the
County Records, Michigan. Said mort-
STATE OF MICHIGAN PROBATE day of the sale. Placing the highest bid at gage is now held by FIFTH THIRD
both the probate court at Two Woodward COURT COUNTY OF WAYNE purchaser to free and clear ownership of the sale does not automatically entitle the BANK, National Association AS SUC-
Advertiser shall indemnify Avenue, CAYMC, Detroit, MI 48226 and In the matter of SARAH DENYS the property. A potential purchaser is en- purchaser to free and clear ownership of CESSOR BY MERGER TO MB FINAN-
and save Publisher harmless the personal representative within 4 TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS in- couraged to contact the county register of the property. A potential purchaser is en- CIAL BANK, N.A., by assignment. There
from any loss or expense, months after the date of publication of cluding: deeds office or a title insurance company, couraged to contact the county register of is claimed to be due at the date hereof
this notice. ANY KNOWN RELATIVES OF SARAH either of which may charge a fee for this deeds office or a title insurance company, the sum of Two Hundred Ten Thousand
including reasonable attorney Date: April 27, 2023 information. Names of Mortgagor(s): AFO
DENYS either of which may charge a fee for this Seven Hundred Twelve and 18/100 Dol-
fees, resulting from claims or Annette T. Raczkowski P43456 whose address(es) is/are unknown and Global Enterprises LLC. Original mort- information. lars ($210,712.18).
suits based on the content of 30700 Telegraph Road, Ste. 1580 whose interest in the matter may be gagee: Constructive Loans, LLC. Date of Default has been made in the conditions Under the power of sale contained in
the copy submitted to Publish- Bingham Farms, MI 48025 barred or affected by the following: mortgage: 4/19/2019. Mortgage recorded of a mortgage made by Adrienne Cun- said mortgage and the statute in such
248-723-9940 TAKE NOTICE: A hearing will be held on on 4/24/2019 as Document No. ningham, An Unmarried Woman, to Mort- case made and provided, notice is hereby
er or published. John D. Clark 2019149242, in Liber 55010, Page 333.
5/16/2023 at 11:00 a.m. at ZOOM gage Electronic Registration Systems, given that said mortgage will be fore-
Failure to publish copy as Personal Representative ID#7910061697 before Judge Foreclosing Assignee (if any): Wilming- Inc., as nominee for lender and lender's closed by a sale of the mortgaged
ordered or material typograph- 4774 Munson Street NW, Suite 200 LAWRENCE J. PAOLUCCI for the follow- ton Savings Fund Society, FSB, not in its successors and/or assigns, Mortgagee, premises, or some part of them, at public
ical errors by Publisher shall Canton OH 44718 ing purpose: individual capacity but solely as Trustee dated January 15, 2021 and recorded vendue at the place of holding the circuit
(5-1) APPOINTMENT OF GUARDIAN of MFA 2021-INV1 Trust. Amoun t January 26, 2021 in Liber 56368, Page court within Wayne County, Michigan at
entitle advertiser to credit for claimed to be due at the date hereof:
CASE NO. and JUDGE Date 4/28/2023 428 Wayne County Records, Michigan. 11:00 AM on JUNE 1, 2023.
actual space of error, which Lauri Palmer $78,091.26. Mortgaged premises: Situ- Said mortgage is now held by Lakeview Said premises are located in the Town-
credit shall be the sole remedy Judge Lawrence Paolucci Petitioner ated in Wayne County, and described as: Loan Servicing, LLC, by assignment. ship of Grosse Ile, Wayne County
to advertiser. NOTICE TO CREDITORS 23230 Seneca LAND SITUATED IN THE CITY OF DE- There is claimed to be due at the date Michigan, and are described as:
Oak Park, MI 48237 TROIT, COUNTY OF WAYNE, STATE hereof the sum of One Hundred Forty- WESTERLY 49.36 FEET OF LOT 449
Publisher reserves the right, Decedent’s Estate
STATE OF MICHIGAN - PROBATE 248-854-5381 Seven Thousand Thirty-Four and 48/100 AND ALL OF LOT 450 AND EASTERLY
at its absolute discretion and at (5-1) LOWS: LOT(S) 3286 OF ROSEDALE Dollars ($147,034.48). 28.64 FEET OF LOT 451, GROSSE ILE
any time, to reject any adver- 1305 Coleman A. Young Municipal Cen- PARK NO. 9 ACCORDING TO THE Under the power of sale contained in MANOR SUBDIVISION, AS RECOR-
tising copy, whether or not it CASE NO. AND JUDGE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN LIBER said mortgage and the statute in such DED IN LIBER 58, PAGES 88-89 OF
ter, 2 Woodward Ave., Detroit, MI 48226 2023-880418-DE 50 OF PLATS, PAGE 90 OF WAYNE case made and provided, notice is hereby PLATS, WAYNE COUNTY RECORDS.
has been previously acknowl- 313-224-5706 Judge Judy Hartsfield COUNTY RECORDS. Commonly known
Estate of The Estate of Jerome Penn, given that said mortgage will be fore- 9722 Blauvelt Dr, Grosse Ile, Michigan
edged and/or published. NOTICE TO CREDITORS as 16741 Ashton Ave, Detroit, MI 48219. closed by a sale of the mortgaged 48138
Deceased Date of Birth: 10/01/1952 Decedent’s Estate
TO ALL CREDITORS:* The redemption period will be 6 months premises, or some part of them, at public The redemption period shall be 6 months
STATE OF MICHIGAN, PROBATE from the date of such sale, unless the vendue at the place of holding the circuit from the date of such sale, unless de-
cedent, Jerome Penn, died 11/25/2022. property is abandoned or used for agri- court within Wayne County, Michigan at termined abandoned in accordance with
1305 Coleman A. Young Municipal Cen-
LEGAL NOTICES Creditors of the decedent are notified ter, 2 Woodward Ave., Detroit, MI 48226-
cultural purposes. If the property is de-
t e r m i n e d a b a n d o n e d u n d e r M CL
11:00 AM on JUNE 1, 2023.
Said premises are located in the City of
MCLA §600.3241a, in which case the re-
demption period shall be 30 days from
that all claims against the estate will be 3447
All real estate advertised herein is subject forever barred unless presented to Mary 600.3241a, the redemption period will be Lincoln Park, Wayne County Michigan, the date of such sale.
Estate of SHARON MARIE STOCK. 30 days from the date of such sale, or 15 and are described as: If the property is sold at foreclosure sale,
to the Federal Fair Housing Act, which Penn, personal representative, or to both Date of Birth: 4-18-1948 days after the statutory notice, whichever Lot(s) 447 except East 5 feet front and pursuant to MCL 600.3278, the borrower
makes it illegal to advertise any prefer- the probate court at 1305 Coleman A. TO ALL CREDITORS: **
ence, limitation, or discrimination based on Young Municipal Center, 2 Woodward is later. If the property is determined East 4.93 feet rear thereof and including will be held responsible to the person
NOTICE TO CREDITORS: The de- abandoned under MCL 600.3241, the re- East 17 feet front and East 17.26 feet who buys the property at the mortgage
race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial Ave, Detroit and the personal represent- cedent, SHARON MARIE STOCK died
ative within 4 months after the date of demption period will be 1 month from the rear of Lot 448 of Alper-Green Sub. No. 2 foreclosure sale or to the mortgage hold-
status, or national origin, or intention to January 06th, 2022 date of such sale. If the property is pre-
make any such preference, limitation, or publication of this notice. according to the plat thereof recorded in er for damage to the property during the
Creditors of the decedent are notified sumed to be used for agricultural pur- Liber 72 of Plats, Page 85 of Wayne redemption period.
discrimination. Date: April 27, 2023 that all claims against the estate will be
Justin M. Thomas P81066 poses pursuant to MCL 600.3240(16), the County Records. Dated: May 1, 2023
We will not knowingly accept any advertis- forever barred unless presented to redemption period is 1 year from the date 1677 Capitol Ave, Lincoln Park, Michigan
17200 E 10. Mile Rd, Ste 100 File No. 23-001896
ing for real estate which is in violation of the Melissa M. Mazaris, personal represent- of such sale. The redemption period may 48146 Firm Name: Orlans PC
law. All persons are hereby informed that Eastpointe, MI 48021 ative, or to both the probate court at 1305
586-776-1700 be extinguished pursuant to MCL The redemption period shall be 6 months Firm Address: 1650 West Big Beaver
all dwellings advertised are available on an Coleman A. Young Municipal Center, 2 600.3238. If the above referenced prop- from the date of such sale, unless de- Road, Troy MI 48084
Mary Penn Woodward Ave., Detroit, MI and the per-
equal opportunity basis. Personal Representative erty is sold at a foreclosure sale under termined abandoned in accordance with Firm Phone Number: (248) 502.1400
sonal representative within 4 months after Chapter 32 of Act 236 of 1961, under MCLA §600.3241a, in which case the re- (05-01)(05-22)
14056 E. State Fair the date of publication of this notice.
FOR PUBLICATION SERVICE IN Detroit, MI 48205 MCL 600.3278, the borrower will be held demption period shall be 30 days from
Date: 1-27-23 responsible to the person who buys the the date of such sale. Attention homeowner: If you are a milit-
WAYNE, OAKLAND or MACOMB 313-409-1852 Melissa M. Mazaris property at the mortgage foreclosure sale ary service member on active duty, if your
(5-1) If the property is sold at foreclosure sale,
COUNTIES, Call (248) 577-6100. Personal Representative or to the mortgage holder for damaging pursuant to MCL 600.3278, the borrower period of active duty has concluded less
FILE NO. 2014-800149-DE 7828 N. Ridge Rd. the property during the redemption peri- will be held responsible to the person than 90 days ago, or if you have been


Canton, MI 48187
od. Attention homeowner: If you are a
military service member on active duty, if
who buys the property at the mortgage
foreclosure sale or to the mortgage hold-
ordered to active duty, please contact the
attorney for the party foreclosing the
mortgage at the telephone number stated
Abandoned Vehicles Auction sale STATE OF MICHIGAN PROBATE your period of active duty has concluded er for damage to the property during the
COURT COUNTY OF WAYNE less than 90 days ago, or if you have redemption period. in this notice.
The following vehicles, which have been CASE NO. and JUDGE
In the matter of: Joan Marie O'Piela De- been ordered to active duty, please con- Dated: May 1, 2023 Notice of foreclosure by advertisement.
deemed Abandoned are to be sold at 23-102514-NC
cedent tact the attorney for the party foreclosing File No. 23-004358 Notice is given under section 3212 of the
open auction as is At LIJBS Towing 6380 Hon. Mary Beth Kelly
TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS in- the mortgage at the telephone number Firm Name: Orlans PC revised judicature act of 1961, 1961 PA
Marcus St. Michigan 48211 at PUBLICATION OF NOTICE OF
cluding: stated in this notice. Date of Notice: Firm Address: 1650 West Big Beaver 236, MCL 600.3212, that the following
12:00 p.m. on May 4, 2023 HEARING FOR NAME CHANGE
Sarah Bent, 28360 Warren Rd., Apt. 05/01/2023. Codilis & Moody, P.C. Road, Troy MI 48084 mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale of
215, Westland, MI 48185 15W030 North Frontage Road, Suite 100 Firm Phone Number: (248) 502.1400 the mortgaged premises, or some part of
Whose address(es) is/are unknown and Burr Ridge, IL 60527 (313) 536-2500 (05-01)(05-22) them, at a public auction sale to the
whose interest in the matter may be C&M File 23-23-00035 highest bidder for cash or cashier’s check
(5-1) 1441 St. Antoine, Detroit, MI 48226 313- Attention homeowner: If you are a milit-
barred or affected by the following: (5-1)(5-22) at the place of holding the circuit court in
224-0892 ary service member on active duty, if your
CASE NO. AND JUDGE TAKE NOTICE: A hearing will be held on Wayne County, starting promptly at 11:00
In the matter of STEFAN SCOTT WUN- FORECLOSURE NOTICE period of active duty has concluded less
2022-878569-DA Tuesday, May 23, 2023 at 9:45 at 1301 AM on JUNE 15, 2023. The amount due
DERLICH Attention homeowner: If you are a milit- than 90 days ago, or if you have been
Judge Lawrence J. Paolucci Coleman A. Young Municipal Center De- on the mortgage may be greater on the
TO ALL PERSONS, including: ary service member on active duty, if your ordered to active duty, please contact the
NOTICE TO CREDITORS troit, MI 48226 before Judge David Brax- day of the sale. Placing the highest bid at
whose address is unknown and whose period of active duty has concluded less attorney for the party foreclosing the
Decedent’s Estate ton 41292 for the following purpose: the sale does not automatically entitle the
interest in the matter may be barred or af- than 90 days ago, or if you have been mortgage at the telephone number stated
STATE OF MICHIGAN, PROBATE PRE Application/Petition to Reopen purchaser to free and clear ownership of
fected by the following: ordered to active duty, please contact the in this notice.
COURT, WAYNE COUNTY Date 04/27/2023 the property. A potential purchaser is en-
TAKE NOTICE: A hearing will be held on attorney for the party foreclosing the Notice of foreclosure by advertisement.
1307 Coleman A. Young Municipal Cen- CHESTER C. LAWRENCE, P.C. couraged to contact the county register of
06/09/2023 at 9:00 AM at Zoom meeting mortgage at the telephone number stated Notice is given under section 3212 of the
ter, 2 Woodward Ave., Detroit, MI 48226 Chester C. Lawrence (P16461) deeds office or a title insurance company,
( before Judge in this notice. revised judicature act of 1961, 1961 PA
313-224-5706 14940 Michigan Ave. either of which may charge a fee for this
Mary Beth Kelly to change the name of: Notice of foreclosure by advertisement. 236, MCL 600.3212, that the following
Estate of ARNITA DENSIE DOGGETT, Dearborn, MI 48126 information.
STEFAN SCOTT WUNDERLICH to Notice is given under section 3212 of the mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale of
Deceased. Date of Birth: 09/07/54 (313) 730-9898 Default has been made in the conditions
STEFANIE WUNDERLICH revised judicature act of 1961, 1961 PA the mortgaged premises, or some part of
TO ALL CREDITORS: ** DAWN KUEBER of a mortgage made by Mary Elizabeth
(5-1) 236, MCL 600.3212, that the following them, at a public auction sale to the
NOTICE TO CREDITORS: The de- Petitioner Gamlin A/K/A Mary E. Gamlin, single, to
cedent, ARNITA DENSIE DOGGETT, 46648 Pinehurst Circle CASE NO. and JUDGE mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale of highest bidder for cash or cashier’s check Beneficial Michigan INC, Mortgagee,
died June 14, 2022 Northville, MI 48168 23-102432-NC the mortgaged premises, or some part of at the place of holding the circuit court in dated June 13, 2006 and recorded June
Creditors of the decedent are notified (734) 678-6457 Alexis A. Glendening them, at a public auction sale to the Wayne County, starting promptly at 11:00 30, 2006 in Liber 44941, Page 1407
that all claims against the estate will be (5-1) PUBLICATION OF NOTICE OF highest bidder for cash or cashier's check AM on JUNE 1, 2023. The amount due Wayne County Records, Michigan. Said
forever barred unless presented to Dani- HEARING FOR NAME CHANGE at the place of holding the circuit court in on the mortgage may be greater on the mortgage is now held by DLJ Mortgage
elle Robinson, personal representative, or CASE NO. and JUDGE STATE OF MICHIGAN JUDICIAL CIR- Wayne County, starting promptly at 11:00 day of the sale. Placing the highest bid at Capital, Inc., by assignment. There is
to both the probate court at 1307 Cole- 2022-873869-DE CUIT - FAMILY DIVISION WAYNE AM , June 1, 2023. The amount due on the sale does not automatically entitle the claimed to be due at the date hereof the
man A. Young Municipal Center, 2 Wood- David A. Perkins COUNTY the mortgage may be greater on the day purchaser to free and clear ownership of sum of Thirteen Thousand Six Hundred
ward Ave., Detroit, MI 48226 and the per- NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the matter of WALTER LOUIS KRAFT of the sale. Placing the highest bid at the the property. A potential purchaser is en- Ninety-Three and 33/100 Dollars
sonal representative within 4 months after Decedent’s Estate TO ALL PERSONS, including: sale does not automatically entitle the couraged to contact the county register of ($13,693.33).
the date of publication of this notice. STATE OF MICHIGAN - PROBATE whose address is unknown and whose purchaser to free and clear ownership of deeds office or a title insurance company, Under the power of sale contained in
Date: 04/05/2023 COURT - COUNTY OF WAYNE interest in the matter may be barred or af- the property. A potential purchaser is en- either of which may charge a fee for this said mortgage and the statute in such
Danielle Robinson 2 Woodward Ave, Room 1305 Detroit, fected by the following: couraged to contact the county register of information. case made and provided, notice is hereby
Personal Representative Michigan 48226 313-224-5706 TAKE NOTICE: A hearing will be held on deeds office or a title insurance company, Default has been made in the conditions given that said mortgage will be fore-
22779 N. Bellwood Dr. Estate of MARIE JOAN ORZEL Date of May 16, 2023 at 9:30 am at the 3rd Dis- either of which may charge a fee for this of a mortgage made by Geraldine Howell, closed by a sale of the mortgaged
Southfield, MI 48034 Birth: March 14, 1926 trict Court 1441 St. Antoine, Detroit, MI information. unmarried woman, to Mortgage Electron- premises, or some part of them, at public
313-690-1790 TO ALL CREDITORS:* 48226 before Judge Alexis A. Glenden- Default has been made in the conditions ic Registration Systems, Inc., as nomin- vendue at the place of holding the circuit
(5-1) NOTICE TO CREDITORS: The de- ing to change the name of: of a certain mortgage made by Steven J. ee for lender and lenders successors court within Wayne County, Michigan at
cedent, MARIE JOAN ORZEL, died Janu- WALTER LOUIS KRAFT to KELLI LIN Cornett, a single man to Mortgage Elec- and/or assigns, Mortgagee, dated Febru- 11:00 AM on JUNE 15, 2023.
CASE NO. and JUDGE ary 12, 2022. KRAFT tronic Registration Systems, Inc., acting ary 4, 2005 and recorded February 24, Said premises are located in the City of
2023-880490-DE Creditors of the decedent are notified (5-1) solely as nominee for MB Financial Bank, 2005 in Liber 42212, Page 377 Wayne Detroit, Wayne County Michigan, and are
HON. JUDY A. HARTSFIELD that all claims against the estate will N.A., Mortgagee, dated December 24, County Records, Michigan. Said mort- described as:
(Continued on Page 6)
NOTICE TO CREDITORS forever barred unless presented to Jef- 2014, and recorded on January 13, 2015, gage is now held by U.S. Bank National LOT 61, 'B.E. TAYLOR'S MIDDLE-
Decedent’s Estate frey Orzel, personal representative, or to in Liber 51971, Page 7, Wayne County Association, as Trustee for Residential POINTE SUBDIVISION' AS RECORDED
STATE OF MICHIGAN - PROBATE both the probate court at 2 Woodward Records, said mortgage was assigned to Asset Mortgage Products, Inc., Mortgage IN LIBER 34 ON PAGE 67 OF PLATS,
COURT - COUNTY OF WAYNE Ave, Room 1305, Detroit and the person- Fifth Third Bank, National Association by Asset-Backed Pass-Through Certificates, WAYNE COUNTY RECORDS.
1305 CAYMC, 2 WOODWARD AVE., al representative within 4 months after an Assignment of Mortgage which has Series 2005-EFC1, by assignment. There 8874 Meyers, Detroit, Michigan 48228
DETROIT, MI 48226 313-224-5706 the date of publication of this notice. been submitted to the Wayne County Re- is claimed to be due at the date hereof The redemption period shall be 6 months
Estate of EDWARD LEE SCOTT, DE- Date: 04/27/2023 gister of Deeds, on which mortgage there the sum of Forty-Six Thousand One Hun- from the date of such sale, unless de-
CEDENT Date of Birth: OCT. 11, 1955 William P. Lyshak, Butzel P29774 is claimed to be due at the date hereof dred Forty and 52/100 Dollars termined abandoned in accordance with
TO ALL CREDITORS:* 201 W. Big Beaver Road, Suite 1200 the sum of Forty-Four Thousand Fifty- ($46,140.52). MCLA §600.3241a, in which case the re-
NOTICE TO CREDITORS: The de- Troy, MI 48084 One and 77/100 ($44,051.77) including Under the power of sale contained in demption period shall be 30 days from
case the redemption period will be 30 NA, successor trustee to Wachovia Bank, court within Wayne County, Michigan at
Gamlin A/K/A Mary E. Gamlin, single, to days from the date of such sale, or 15 N.A., as Trustee, on behalf of the holders 11:00 AM on JUNE 1, 2023.
Beneficial Michigan INC, Mortgagee, days from the MCL 600.3241a(b) notice, of Multi-Class Mortgage Pass-Through Said premises are located in the City of
dated June 13, 2006 and recorded June whichever is later; or unless extinguished Certificates Series 2005-1 Allen Park, Wayne County Michigan, and
30, 2006 in Liber 44941, Page 1407 pursuant to MCL 600.3238. Date of Mortgage: December 23, 2004 are described as:
Wayne County Records, Michigan. Said If the above referenced property is sold Notice of Foreclosure by Advertisement Date of Mortgage Recording: January LOT 493, INCLUDING 1/2 OF THE VA-
mortgage is now held by DLJ Mortgage at a foreclosure sale under Chapter 32 of Notice is given under section 3212 of the 10, 2005 CATED ALLEY LOCATED AT THE
Capital, Inc., by assignment. There is Act 236 of 1961, under MCL 600.3278, NOTICE OF MORTGAGE revised judicature act of 1961, 1961 PA Amount claimed due on date of notice: REAR THEREOF AND ADJACENT
claimed to be due at the date hereof the the borrower will be held responsible to FORECLOSURE SALE 236, MCL 600.3212, that the following $65,460.90 THERETO, "DIX BOULEVARD VILLAS
sum of Thirteen Thousand Six Hundred the person who buys the property at the Notice of foreclosure by advertisement. mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale of Description of the mortgaged premises: SUBDIVISION NO. 1," ACCORDING TO
Ninety-Three and 33/100 Dollars mortgage foreclosure sale or to the mort- Notice is given under section 3212 of the the mortgaged premises, or some part of Situated in City of Taylor, Wayne County, THE PLAT THEREOF AS RECORDED
($13,693.33). gage holder for damaging the property revised judicature act of 1961, 1961 PA them, at a public auction sale to the Michigan, and described as: LOT(S) 11, IN LIBER 52 OF PLATS, PAGE 18,
Page 6, The Detroit Legal News
Under the power of sale contained in
said mortgage and the statute in such
during the redemption period.
Attention homeowner: If you are a milit-
236, MCL 600.3212, that onday ,M
the following
mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale of
highest 1, 2023
ay bidder for cash or cashier's check
at the place of holding the circuit court in
14542 Paris, Allen Park, Michigan 48101
case made and provided, notice is hereby ary service member on active duty, if your the mortgaged premises, or some part of Wayne County, starting promptly at 11:00 REAR T HEREOF AND ADJACENT The redemption period shall be 6 months
given that said mortgage will be fore- period of active duty has concluded less them, at a public auction sale to the AM, on June 1, 2023. The amount due on THERETO, from the date of such sale, unless de-
closed by a sale ——— of the mortgaged than 90 days ago, or if you have been highest bidder for cash or cashier’s check the mortgage may be greater on the day "OSBERG ESTATES SUBDIVISION NO termined abandoned in accordance with
or some part
them,5)at public ordered to active duty, please contact the at the place of holding the circuit court in of sale. Placing the highest bid at the sale 1", AS RECORDED IN LIBER 63 , MCLA §600.3241a, in which case the re-
vendue at the place of holding the circuit attorney for the party foreclosing the Wayne County, starting promptly at 11:00 does not automatically entitle the pur- P A G E ( S ) 8 1 O F P L A T S , W A Y NE demption period shall be 30 days from
court within Wayne County, Michigan at mortgage at the telephone number stated a.m. on June 1, 2023 The amount due on chaser to free and clear ownership of the COUNTY RECORDS. the date of such sale.
First Insertion
11:00 AM on JUNE 15, 2023.
Said premises are located in the City of
in this notice.
Nationstar Mortgage LLC
the mortgage may be greater on the day
of the sale. Placing the highest bid at the
property. A potential purchaser is encour-
aged to contact the county register of
Common street address (if any): 9356
Holland Rd, Taylor, MI 48180-3056
If the property is sold at foreclosure sale,
pursuant to MCL 600.3278, the borrower
Detroit, Wayne County Michigan, and are Mortgagee/Assignee sale does not automatically entitle the deeds office or a title insurance company, The redemption period shall be 1 year will be held responsible to the person
described as: Schneiderman & Sherman P.C. purchaser to free and clear ownership of either of which may charge a fee for this from the date of such sale, unless de- who buys the property at the mortgage
LOT 61, 'B.E. TAYLOR'S MIDDLE- 23938 Research Dr, Suite 300 the property. A potential purchaser is en- information: termined abandoned in accordance with foreclosure sale or to the mortgage hold-
POINTE SUBDIVISION' AS RECORDED Farmington Hills, MI 48335 couraged to contact the county register of Name(s) of the mortgagor(s): Amedeo MCL 600.3241a. er for damage to the property during the
IN LIBER 34 ON PAGE 67 OF PLATS, 248.539.7400 deeds office or a title insurance company, Apolloni Jr, a married man and Karen If the property is sold at foreclosure sale redemption period.
WAYNE COUNTY RECORDS. (5-1)(5-22) either of which may charge a fee for this Ann Apolloni aka Karen A. Apolloni, his under Chapter 32 of the Revised Ju- Dated: May 1, 2023
8874 Meyers, Detroit, Michigan 48228 information. wife dicature Act of 1961, pursuant to MCL File No. 23-004511
The redemption period shall be 6 months Notice of Foreclosure by Advertisement. MORTGAGE SALE –Alberta Jones and Original Mortgagee: Mortgage Electronic 600.3278 the borrower will be held re- Firm Name: Orlans PC
from the date of such sale, unless de- Notice is given under section 3212 of the Eliza Jane Bass, both single women, as Registration Systems, Inc., as mort- sponsible to the person who buys the Firm Address: 1650 West Big Beaver
termined abandoned in accordance with revised judicature act of 1961, 1961 PA JTWRS, original mortgagors, granted a gagee, as nominee for lender and property at the mortgage foreclosure sale Road, Troy MI 48084
MCLA §600.3241a, in which case the re- 236, MCL 600.3212, that the following Mortgage to CitiFinancial Inc., dated lender's successors and/or assigns or to the mortgage holder for damaging Firm Phone Number: (248) 502.1400
demption period shall be 30 days from mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale of November 17, 2005, and recorded Foreclosing Assignee (if any): U.S. Bank the property during the redemption peri- (05-01)(05-22)
the date of such sale. the mortgaged premises, or some part of November 25, 2005 in Liber 44017, Page Trust National Association, not in its indi- od.
If the property is sold at foreclosure sale, them, at a public auction sale to the 1128 in official records of Wayne County Notice of Foreclosure by Advertisement
vidual capacity but solely as owner trust- Attention homeowner: If you are a milit-
pursuant to MCL 600.3278, the borrower highest bidder for cash or cashier’s check Register of Deeds, Michigan, and as- Notice is given under section 3212 of the
ee for Legacy Mortgage Asset Trust ary service member on active duty, if your
will be held responsible to the person at the place of holding the circuit court in signed to CitiFinancial Services LLC, re- revised judicature act of 1961, 1961 PA
2019-GS7 period of active duty has concluded less
who buys the property at the mortgage Wayne County, starting promptly at 11:00 corded on January 19, 2017 in Liber 236, MCL 600.3212, that the following
Date of Mortgage: September 28, 2002 than 90 days ago, or if you have been
foreclosure sale or to the mortgage hold- AM, on June 01, 2023. The amount due 53447, Page 1492, in official records of mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale of
Date of Mortgage Recording: January ordered to active duty, please contact the
er for damage to the property during the on the mortgage may be greater on the Wayne County Register of Deeds, the mortgaged premises, or some part of
17, 2003 attorney for the party foreclosing the
redemption period. day of the sale. Placing the highest bid at Michigan, assigned to Wilmington Sav- them, at a public auction sale to the
Amount claimed due on date of notice: mortgage at the telephone number stated
Dated: May 1, 2023 the sale does not automatically entitle the ings Fund Society, FSB, dba Christiana highest bidder for cash or cashier's check
$57,016.17 in this notice.
File No. 23-004512 purchaser to free and clear ownership of Trust, not in its Individual Capacity but at the place of holding the Circuit Court in
Description of the mortgaged premises: This notice is from a debt collector.
Firm Name: Orlans PC the property. A potential purchaser is en- Solely in its Capacity as Owner Trustee Wayne County, starting promptly at 11:00
Situated in City of Detroit, Wayne County, Date of notice: May 1, 2023
Firm Address: 1650 West Big Beaver couraged to contact the county register of for WF 19 Grantor Trust, recorded on AM, on June 1, 2023. The amount due on
Michigan, and described as: The North Trott Law, P.C.
Road, Troy MI 48084 deeds office or a title insurance company, January 19, 2017 in Liber 53477, Page the mortgage may be greater on the day
30.00 feet of the South 55.00 feet of the 31440 Northwestern Hwy, Suite 145
Firm Phone Number: (248) 502.1400 either of which may charge a fee for this 1495, in official records of Wayne County of the sale. Placing the highest bid at the
West 172 1/2 feet of Lot 25, Hubbard's Farmington Hills, MI 48334
(05-01)(05-22) information. Register of Deeds, Michigan, assigned to sale does not automatically entitle the
Subdivision of Private Claim 77, known (248) 642-2515
MORTGAGE: Wilmington Savings Fund Society, FSB, purchaser to free and clear ownership of
Notice of Foreclosure by Advertisement as Knaggs Farm, between Fort Street
Mortgagor(s): Hilliard Dwight White, a d/b/a Christiana Trust as Trustee for PN- the property. A potential purchaser is en-
Notice is given under section 3212 of the and the Michigan Central Railroad in the 1497456
single man PMS Trust III, recorded on June 2, 2021 couraged to contact the county register of
revised judicature act of 1961, 1961 PA Town of Springwells, Wayne County (05-01)(05-22)
Original Mortgagee: Mortgage Electronic in Liber 56766, Page 204, in official re- deeds office or a title insurance company,
236, MCL 600.3212, that the following Michigan 1856 according to the plat
Registration Systems, Inc. ("MERS"), cords of Wayne County Register of Attention homeowner: If you are a milit- either of which may charge a fee for this
mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale of thereof in Liber 64 on Page 1 Deeds
solely as nominee for lender and lender`s Deeds, Michigan, which mortgage there ary service member on active duty, if your information.
the mortgaged premises, or some part of Wayne County Records.
successors and assigns is claimed to be due at the date hereof period of active duty has concluded less Name(s) of the mortgagor(s): Gail F.
them, at a public auction sale to the Common street address (if any): 1482
Date of mortgage: May 31, 2019 the sum of $28,592.98. than 90 days ago, or if you have been Dershinski aka Gail Frances Dershinski
highest bidder for cash or cashier's check Hubbard St, Detroit, MI 48209-2454
Recorded on June 7, 2019, in Document The following described premises situ- ordered to active duty, please contact the Original Mortgagee: Mortgage Electronic
at the place of holding the Circuit Court in The redemption period shall be 6 months
No. 2019185045, Liber 55088, on Page ated in the City of Detroit, County of attorney for the party foreclosing the Registration Systems, Inc., as mort-
Wayne County, starting promptly at 11:00 from the date of such sale, unless de-
869, Wayne, State of Michigan, to-wit: mortgage at the telephone number stated gagee, as nominee for Bank of America,
AM, on June 1, 2023. The amount due on termined abandoned in accordance with
Foreclosing Assignee (if any): NewRez Lot 21, SMITH & BURNS ST, FRANCIS in this notice. N.A., its successors and assigns
the mortgage may be greater on the day MCL 600.3241a; or, if the subject real
LLC d/b/a Shellpoint Mortgage Servicing SUBDIVISION, of the East six (6) acres Notice of foreclosure by advertisement. Foreclosing Assignee (if any): Bank of
of the sale. Placing the highest bid at the property is used for agricultural purposes
Amount claimed to be due at the date more or less, of Lot 8 of the survey of the Notice is given under section 3212 of the America, N.A.
sale does not automatically entitle the as defined by MCL 600.3240(16).
hereof: Eighty-Four Thousand Five Hun- East 1/2 of the Southeast 1/4 of Section revised judicature act of 1961, 1961 PA Date of Mortgage: February 8, 2011
purchaser to free and clear ownership of If the property is sold at foreclosure sale
dred Sixty-Five and 16/100 Dollars 15, and the Southwest 1/4 of the West 236, MCL 600.3212, that the following Date of Mortgage Recording: February
the property. A potential purchaser is en- under Chapter 32 of the Revised Ju-
($84,565.16) 1/2 of the Southeast ¼ Section 15, Town mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale of 16, 2011
couraged to contact the county register of dicature Act of 1961, pursuant to MCL
Mortgaged premises: Situated in Wayne 1 South, Range 11 East, City of Detroit, the mortgaged premises, or some part of Amount claimed due on mortgage on the
deeds office or a title insurance company, 600.3278 the borrower will be held re-
County, and described as: Wayne County, Michigan, as recorded in them, at a public auction sale to the date of notice: $6,117.70
either of which may charge a fee for this sponsible to the person who buys the
Lot 2960, Robert Oakman Land Com- Liber 44, Page 90, Wayne County Re- highest bidder for cash or cashier’s check Description of the mortgaged premises:
information. property at the mortgage foreclosure sale
pany`s Aviation Field Subdivision No.4, cords. at the place of holding the circuit court in Situated in the Township of Canton,
Name(s) of the mortgagor(s): Marc A. or to the mortgage holder for damaging
as recorded in Liber 58 on Page 48 of Commonly known as 15359 Parkside, Wayne County, starting promptly at 11:00 Wayne County, Michigan, and are de-
Claiborne and Meisha D. Tooson, Hus- the property during the redemption peri-
Plats. Detroit, MI 48238 AM on JUNE 15, 2023. The amount due scribed as: Lot 41, Forest Brook Subdivi-
band and Wife od.
Commonly known as 8065 Sorrento St, Property ID# 12011584 on the mortgage may be greater on the sion No. 1, as recorded in Liber 94,
Original Mortgagee: Option One Mort- Attention homeowner: If you are a milit-
Detroit, MI 48228 The redemption period shall be 6 months day of the sale. Placing the highest bid at Pages 57, 58 and 59 of Plats, Wayne
gage Corporation ary service member on active duty, if your
The redemption period will be 6 months from the date of such sale, unless de- the sale does not automatically entitle the County Records.
Foreclosing Assignee (if any): U.S. Bank period of active duty has concluded less
from the date of such sale, unless aban- termined abandoned in accordance with purchaser to free and clear ownership of Commonly Known as: 43516 Apple-
National Association, as trustee for Mer- than 90 days ago, or if you have been
doned under MCL 600.3241a, in which MCLA 600.3241, in which case the re- the property. A potential purchaser is en- wood Rd., Canton, MI 48188
rill Lynch Mortgage Investors Trust, Mort- ordered to active duty, please contact the
case the redemption period will be 30 demption period shall be 1 month, or un- couraged to contact the county register of The redemption period shall be 12
gage Loan Asset-Backed Certificates, attorney for the party foreclosing the
days from the date of such sale, or 15 der MCL 600.3241a 30 days from the deeds office or a title insurance company, months from the date of such sale, un-
Series 2006-OPT1 mortgage at the telephone number stated
days from the MCL 600.3241a(b) notice, date of such sale, or 15 days from the either of which may charge a fee for this less determined abandoned in accord-
Date of Mortgage: June 28, 2006 in this notice.
whichever is later; or unless extinguished MCL 600.3241a (b) notice, whichever is information. ance with MCL 600.3241a, in which case
Date of Mortgage Recording: July 10, This notice is from a debt collector.
pursuant to MCL 600.3238. later, or extinguished pursuant to MCL Default has been made in the conditions the redemption period shall be 30 days
2006 Date of notice: May 1, 2023
If the above referenced property is sold 600.3238. of a mortgage made by Kuldeep Dogra, a from the date of such sale, or upon the
Amount claimed due on mortgage on the Trott Law, P.C.
at a foreclosure sale under Chapter 32 of If the property is sold at foreclosure sale married man and Pinky Sharma, his wife, expiration of the notice required by MCL
date of notice: $115,253.90 31440 Northwestern Hwy, Suite 145
Act 236 of 1961, under MCL 600.3278, under Chapter 32 of the Revised Ju- to Mortgage Electronic Registration Sys- 600.3241a(c), whichever is later; or un-
Description of the mortgaged premises: Farmington Hills, MI 48334
the borrower will be held responsible to dicature Act of 1961, pursuant to MCL tems, Inc., as nominee for lender and less MCL 600.3240(16) applies.
Situated in the City of Inkster, Wayne (248) 642-2515
the person who buys the property at the 600.3278 the borrower will be held re- lenders successors and/or assigns, Mort- If the property is sold at foreclosure sale
County, Michigan, and are described as: mortgage foreclosure sale or to the mort- gagee, dated June 30, 2003 and recor- under Chapter 32 of the Revised Ju-
sponsible to the person who buys the 1497454
Lot(s) 4, Cherry Hill Meadows Subdivi- gage holder for damaging the property ded July 28, 2003 in Liber 38748, Page dicature Act of 1961, under MC L
property at the mortgage foreclosure sale (05-01)(05-22)
sion No. 1, as recorded in Liber 75, Page during the redemption period. 1570 Wayne County Records, Michigan. 600.3278, the borrower will be held re-
or to the mortgage holder for damaging
93 of Plats. Attention homeowner: If you are a milit- Notice of Foreclosure by Advertisement Said mortgage is now held by Select sponsible to the person who buys the
the property during the redemption peri-
Commonly Known as: 29451 Steinhauer ary service member on active duty, if your Notice is given under section 3212 of the Portfolio Servicing, Inc., by assignment. property at the mortgage foreclosure sale
St., Inkster, MI 48141 period of active duty has concluded less revised judicature act of 1961, 1961 PA There is claimed to be due at the date or to the mortgage holder for damaging
The redemption period shall be 6 months than 90 days ago, or if you have been 236, MCL 600.3212, that the following hereof the sum of Fifty-Three Thousand the property during the redemption peri-
a military service member on active duty,
from the date of such sale, unless de- ordered to active duty, please contact the mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale of Eight Hundred Eighteen and 25/100 Dol- od.
if your period of active duty has con-
termined abandoned in accordance with attorney for the party foreclosing the the mortgaged premises, or some part of lars ($53,818.25). Attention Purchaser: This sale may be
cluded less than 90 days ago, or if you
MCL 600.3241a, in which case the re- mortgage at the telephone number stated them, at a public auction sale to the Under the power of sale contained in rescinded by the foreclosing mortgagee
have been ordered to active duty, please
demption period shall be 30 days from in this notice. highest bidder for cash or cashier's check said mortgage and the statute in such for any reason. In that event, your dam-
contact the attorney for the party foreclos-
the date of such sale, or upon the expira- NewRez LLC d/b/a Shellpoint Mortgage at the place of holding the circuit court in case made and provided, notice is hereby ages, if any, shall be limited solely to the
ing the mortgage at the telephone num-
tion of the notice required by MCL Servicing Wayne County, starting promptly at 11:00 given that said mortgage will be fore- return of the bid amount tendered at sale,
ber stated in this notice
600.3241a(c), whichever is later; or un- Mortgagee/Assignee AM, on June 1, 2023. The amount due on closed by a sale of the mortgaged plus interest, and the purchaser shall
less MCL 600.3240(16) applies. Schneiderman & Sherman P.C. the mortgage may be greater on the day premises, or some part of them, at public have no further recourse against the
may be rescinded by the foreclosing
If the property is sold at foreclosure sale 23938 Research Dr, Suite 300 of sale. Placing the highest bid at the sale vendue at the place of holding the circuit Mortgagor, the Mortgagee, or the Mort-
mortgagee. In that event, your damages,
under Chapter 32 of the Revised Ju- Farmington Hills, MI 48335 does not automatically entitle the pur- court within Wayne County, Michigan at gagee's attorney.
if any, shall be limited solely to the return
dicature Act of 1961, under MC L 248.539.7400 chaser to free and clear ownership of the 11:00 AM on JUNE 15, 2023. Attention homeowner: If you are a milit-
of the bid amount tendered at sale, plus
600.3278, the borrower will be held re- (5-1)(5-22) property. A potential purchaser is encour- Said premises are located in the Town- ary service member on active duty, if your
sponsible to the person who buys the aged to contact the county register of ship of Canton, Wayne County Michigan, period of active duty has concluded less
Notice of Foreclosure by Advertisement. This notice is from a debt collector.
property at the mortgage foreclosure sale deeds office or a title insurance company, and are described as: than 90 days ago, or if you have ordered
Notice is given under section 3212 of the Dated: April 28, 2023
or to the mortgage holder for damaging either of which may charge a fee for this LOT 8, SIERRA HEIGHTS SUBDIVI- to active duty, please contact the attor-
revised judicature act of 1961, 1961 PA For more information, please call:
the property during the redemption peri- information: SION, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT ney for the party foreclosing the mort-
236, MCL 600.3212, that the following (513) 852-6066
od. Name(s) of the mortgagor(s): Daniel THEREOF AS RECORDED IN LIBER110 gage at the telephone number stated in
mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale of Daniel A. Cox
Attention Purchaser: This sale may be Walker and Gloria Walker, his wife ON PAGE (S) 16 THROUGH 18, IN- this notice.
the mortgaged premises, or some part of Wood + Lamping, LLP
rescinded by the foreclosing mortgagee Original Mortgagee: Gehrke Mortgage CLUSIVE, OF PLATS, WAYNE COUNTY This notice is from a debt collector.
them, at a public auction sale to the Attorneys for Servicer
for any reason. In that event, your dam- Corporation RECORDS. Date of notice: 05/01/2023
highest bidder for cash or cashier’s check 600 Vine Street, Suite 2500, Cincinnati,
ages, if any, shall be limited solely to the Foreclosing Assignee (if any): MID- 632 Sorel Ct., Canton, Michigan 48188 Potestivo & Associates, P.C.
at the place of holding the circuit court in OH 45202
return of the bid amount tendered at sale, FIRST BANK The redemption period shall be 12 251 Diversion Street, Rochester, MI
Wayne County, starting promptly at 11:00 File 22-06028
plus interest, and the purchaser shall Date of Mortgage: August 17, 1993 months from the date of such sale, un- 48307
AM, on June 01, 2023. The amount due (5-1)(5-29)
have no further recourse against the Date of Mortgage Recording: August 23, less determined abandoned in accord- 248-853-4400
Mortgagor, the Mortgagee, or the Mort- on the mortgage may be greater on the Notice of Foreclosure by Advertisement 1993 ance with MCLA §600.3241a, in which 317184
gagee's attorney. day of the sale. Placing the highest bid at Notice is given under section 3212 of the Amount claimed due on date of notice: case the redemption period shall be 30 (5-1)(5-22)
Attention homeowner: If you are a milit- the sale does not automatically entitle the revised judicature act of 1961, 1961 PA $6,476.16 days from the date of such sale.
ary service member on active duty, if your purchaser to free and clear ownership of 236, MCL 600.3212, that the following Notice of Foreclosure by Advertisement
Description of the mortgaged premises: If the property is sold at foreclosure sale,
period of active duty has concluded less the property. A potential purchaser is en- mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale of Notice is given under section 3212 of the
Situated in City of Detroit, Wayne County, pursuant to MCL 600.3278, the borrower
than 90 days ago, or if you have ordered couraged to contact the county register of the mortgaged premises, or some part of revised judicature act of 1961, 1961 PA
Michigan, and described as: Lot 34, will be held responsible to the person
to active duty, please contact the attor- deeds office or a title insurance company, them, at a public auction sale to the 236, MCL 600.3212, that the following
Ruehle Harper Ave. Subdivision, accord- who buys the property at the mortgage
ney for the party foreclosing the mort- either of which may charge a fee for this highest bidder for cash or cashier's check mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale of
ing to the Plat thereof as recorded in foreclosure sale or to the mortgage hold-
gage at the telephone number stated in information. at the place of holding the circuit court in the mortgaged premises, or some part of
Liber 43, page 88 of Plats, Wayne County er for damage to the property during the
this notice. MORTGAGE: Wayne County, starting promptly at 11:00 them, at a public auction sale to the
Records. redemption period.
This notice is from a debt collector. Mortgagor(s): Saif Shajira, a single man, AM, on June 1, 2023. The amount due on highest bidder for cash or cashier's check
Common street address (if any): 9411 Dated: May 1, 2023
Date of notice: 05/01/2023 as sole owner the mortgage may be greater on the day at the place of holding the circuit court in
Somerset Ave, Detroit, MI 48224-2873 File No. 22-007302
Potestivo & Associates, P.C. Original Mortgagee: Mortgage Electronic of sale. Placing the highest bid at the sale Wayne County, starting promptly at 11:00
The redemption period shall be 1 year Firm Name: Orlans PC
251 Diversion Street, Rochester, MI Registration Systems, Inc. ("MERS"), does not automatically entitle the pur- AM, on June 8, 2023. The amount due on
from the date of such sale, unless de- Firm Address: 1650 West Big Beaver
48307 solely as nominee for lender and lender`s chaser to free and clear ownership of the the mortgage may be greater on the day
termined abandoned in accordance with Road, Troy MI 48084
248-853-4400 successors and assigns property. A potential purchaser is encour- of sale. Placing the highest bid at the sale
MCL 600.3241a. Firm Phone Number: (248) 502.1400
114298 Date of mortgage: October 13, 2021 aged to contact the county register of does not automatically entitle the pur-
If the property is sold at foreclosure sale (05-01)(05-22)
(5-1)(5-22) Recorded on October 28, 2021, Liber deeds office or a title insurance company, chaser to free and clear ownership of the
under Chapter 32 of the Revised Ju-
57152, on Page 1405, and re-recorded either of which may charge a fee for this Attention homeowner: If you are a milit- property. A potential purchaser is encour-
dicature Act of 1961, pursuant to MCL
Notice of Foreclosure by Advertisement. via Affidavit of Correction on January 12, ary service member on active duty, if your aged to contact the county register of
information: 600.3278 the borrower will be held re-
Notice is given under section 3212 of the 2022, Liber 57332, on Page 135, period of active duty has concluded less deeds office or a title insurance company,
Name(s) of the mortgagor(s): Maurice sponsible to the person who buys the
revised judicature act of 1961, 1961 PA Foreclosing Assignee (if any): United than 90 days ago, or if you have been either of which may charge a fee for this
Phillip, single man property at the mortgage foreclosure sale
236, MCL 600.3212, that the following Shore Financial Services, LLC d/b/a ordered to active duty, please contact the information:
Original Mortgagee: Mortgage Electronic or to the mortgage holder for damaging
mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale of United Wholesale Mortgage attorney for the party foreclosing the Name(s) of the mortgagor(s): Sandra L.
Registration Systems, Inc., as mort- the property during the redemption peri-
the mortgaged premises, or some part of Amount claimed to be due at the date mortgage at the telephone number stated Fioretti, a single woman, as her sole and
gagee, as nominee for lender and od.
them, at a public auction sale to the hereof: One Hundred Fifty-Five Thou- in this notice. separate property
lender's successors and/or assigns Attention homeowner: If you are a milit-
highest bidder for cash or cashier’s check sand Three Hundred Seventy and 99/100 Notice of foreclosure by advertisement. Original Mortgagee: Mortgage Electronic
Foreclosing Assignee (if any): PennyMac ary service member on active duty, if your
at the place of holding the circuit court in Dollars ($155,370.99) Notice is given under section 3212 of the Registration Systems, Inc., as nominee
Loan Services LLC period of active duty has concluded less
Wayne County, starting promptly at 11:00 Mortgaged premises: Situated in Wayne revised judicature act of 1961, 1961 PA for American Elite Financial its suc-
Date of Mortgage: June 21, 2019 than 90 days ago, or if you have been
AM, on June 15, 2023. The amount due County, and described as: 236, MCL 600.3212, that the following cessors and assigns
Date of Mortgage Recording: July 9, ordered to active duty, please contact the
on the mortgage may be greater on the Lot 277 and 1/2 of vacant alley adjoining mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale of Foreclosing Assignee (if any): Arvest
2019 attorney for the party foreclosing the
day of the sale. Placing the highest bid at in rear, Robert Oakman Land Company`s the mortgaged premises, or some part of Bank, its successors and assigns
Amount claimed due on date of notice: mortgage at the telephone number stated
the sale does not automatically entitle the Detroit Seamless Steel Tubes Subdivi- them, at a public auction sale to the Date of Mortgage: April 28, 2004
$89,721.76 in this notice.
purchaser to free and clear ownership of sion, as recorded in Liber 40, Page 54 of highest bidder for cash or cashier’s check Date of Mortgage Recording: May 7,
Description of the mortgaged premises: This notice is from a debt collector.
the property. A potential purchaser is en- Plats, Wayne County Records. at the place of holding the circuit court in 2004
Situated in City of Detroit, Wayne County, Date of notice: May 1, 2023
couraged to contact the county register of Commonly known as 6541 Pinehurst St, Wayne County, starting promptly at 11:00 Amount claimed due on date of notice:
Michigan, and described as: Lot 124, Trott Law, P.C.
deeds office or a title insurance company, Dearborn, MI 48126 AM on JUNE 1, 2023. The amount due $76,989.32
Palmer Field Subdivision, according to 31440 Northwestern Hwy, Suite 145
either of which may charge a fee for this The redemption period will be 6 months on the mortgage may be greater on the Description of the mortgaged premises:
the Plat thereof as recorded in Liber 37, Farmington Hills, MI 48334
information. from the date of such sale, unless aban- day of the sale. Placing the highest bid at Situated in City of Livonia, Wayne
Page 7 of Plats, Wayne County Records. (248) 642-2515
MORTGAGE: doned under MCL 600.3241a, in which the sale does not automatically entitle the County, Michigan, and described as:
Common street address (if any): 16746
Mortgagor(s): DONALD JAMES case the redemption period will be 30 purchaser to free and clear ownership of North 13 feet of Lot 206, and South 47
Mansfield St, Detroit, MI 48235-3633 1497445
GEORGE AND BERNADETTE K. days from the date of such sale, or 15 the property. A potential purchaser is en- feet of Lot 207, Heatherstone Subdivi-
The redemption period shall be 6 months (05-01)(05-22)
GEORGE, HIS WIFE days from the MCL 600.3241a(b) notice, couraged to contact the county register of sion City of Livonia, Wayne County,
from the date of such sale, unless de-
Original Mortgagee: U.S. Financial Mort- whichever is later; or unless extinguished Notice of Foreclosure by Advertisement deeds office or a title insurance company, Michigan, as recorded in Liber 78, Pages
termined abandoned in accordance with
gage Corp. pursuant to MCL 600.3238. Notice is given under section 3212 of the either of which may charge a fee for this 86, 87 and 88 of Plats, Wayne County
MCL 600.3241a; or, if the subject real
Date of mortgage: September 30, 2004 If the above referenced property is sold revised judicature act of 1961, 1961 PA information. Records.
property is used for agricultural purposes
Recorded on October 25, 2004, Liber at a foreclosure sale under Chapter 32 of 236, MCL 600.3212, that the following Default has been made in the conditions Common street address (if any): 19940
as defined by MCL 600.3240(16).
41590, on Page 168, and re-recorded via Act 236 of 1961, under MCL 600.3278, mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale of of a mortgage made by Tamela J. Bra- Brentwood St, Livonia, MI 48152-2011
If the property is sold at foreclosure sale
affidavit of corrections on February 27, the borrower will be held responsible to the mortgaged premises, or some part of baw, single woman, to ABN AMRO Mort- The redemption period shall be 1 year
under Chapter 32 of the Revised Ju-
2023, Liber 58096, on Page 378, the person who buys the property at the them, at a public auction sale to the gage Group, Inc., Mortgagee, dated from the date of such sale, unless de-
dicature Act of 1961, pursuant to MCL
Foreclosing Assignee (if any): Nation- mortgage foreclosure sale or to the mort- highest bidder for cash or cashier's check December 10, 2001 and recorded Janu- termined abandoned in accordance with
600.3278 the borrower will be held re-
star Mortgage, LLC gage holder for damaging the property at the place of holding the circuit court in ary 3, 2002 in Liber 35355, Page 134 and MCL 600.3241a.
sponsible to the person who buys the
Amount claimed to be due at the date during the redemption period. Wayne County, starting promptly at 11:00 Loan Modification Agreement recorded If the property is sold at foreclosure sale
property at the mortgage foreclosure sale
hereof: One Hundred Fifty-One Thou- If the sale is set aside for any reason, the AM, on June 8, 2023. The amount due on on March 18, 2016, in Liber 52855, Page under Chapter 32 of the Revised Ju-
or to the mortgage holder for damaging
sand Six Hundred Thirteen and 88/100 Purchaser at the sale will be entitled only the mortgage may be greater on the day 742, Wayne County Records, Michigan. dicature Act of 1961, pursuant to MCL
the property during the redemption peri-
Dollars ($151,613.88) to a return of the deposit paid. The pur- of sale. Placing the highest bid at the sale Said mortgage is now held by NewRez 600.3278 the borrower will be held re-
Mortgaged premises: Situated in Wayne chaser shall have no further recourse does not automatically entitle the pur- LLC d/b/a Shellpoint Mortgage Servicing, sponsible to the person who buys the
Attention homeowner: If you are a milit-
County, and described as: against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee, or chaser to free and clear ownership of the by assignment. There is claimed to be property at the mortgage foreclosure sale
ary service member on active duty, if your
LOT 120, INCLUDING THE ADJOINING the Mortgagee’s attorney. property. A potential purchaser is encour- due at the date hereof the sum of One or to the mortgage holder for damaging
period of active duty has concluded less
1/2 OF THE VACATED PUBLIC ALLEY Attention homeowner: If you are a milit- aged to contact the county register of Hundred Seven Thousand Twenty-Four the property during the redemption peri-
than 90 days ago, or if you have been
AT THE REAR THEREOF, SMITH`S LIN- ary service member on active duty, if your deeds office or a title insurance company, and 48/100 Dollars ($107,024.48). od.
ordered to active duty, please contact the
COLN PARK, AS RECORDED IN LIBER period of active duty has concluded less either of which may charge a fee for this Under the power of sale contained in Attention homeowner: If you are a milit-
attorney for the party foreclosing the
4 2 , P A G E 7 O F P L A T S , W A Y NE than 90 days ago, or if you have been information: said mortgage and the statute in such ary service member on active duty, if your
mortgage at the telephone number stated
COUNTY RECORDS. ordered to active duty, please contact the Name(s) of the mortgagor(s): William case made and provided, notice is hereby period of active duty has concluded less
in this notice.
Commonly known as 18868 Gaylord, attorney for the party foreclosing the Boyle, married and Jacqueline Marie given that said mortgage will be fore- than 90 days ago, or if you have been
This notice is from a debt collector.
Redford, MI 48240 mortgage at the telephone number stated Boyle, his wife closed by a sale of the mortgaged ordered to active duty, please contact the
Date of notice: May 1, 2023
The redemption period will be 6 months in this notice. Original Mortgagee: Chase Manhattan premises, or some part of them, at public attorney for the party foreclosing the
Trott Law, P.C.
from the date of such sale, unless aban- United Shore Financial Services, LLC Mortage Corporation vendue at the place of holding the circuit mortgage at the telephone number stated
31440 Northwestern Hwy, Suite 145
doned under MCL 600.3241a, in which d/b/a United Wholesale Mortgage Foreclosing Assignee (if any): U.S. Bank court within Wayne County, Michigan at in this notice.
Farmington Hills, MI 48334
case the redemption period will be 30 Mortgagee/Assignee NA, successor trustee to Wachovia Bank, 11:00 AM on JUNE 1, 2023. This notice is from a debt collector.
(248) 642-2515
days from the date of such sale, or 15 Schneiderman & Sherman P.C. N.A., as Trustee, on behalf of the holders Said premises are located in the City of Date of notice: May 1, 2023
days from the MCL 600.3241a(b) notice, 23938 Research Dr, Suite 300 of Multi-Class Mortgage Pass-Through Allen Park, Wayne County Michigan, and Trott Law, P.C.
whichever is later; or unless extinguished Farmington Hills, MI 48335 Certificates Series 2005-1 are described as: 31440 Northwestern Hwy, Suite 145
pursuant to MCL 600.3238. 248.539.7400 Date of Mortgage: December 23, 2004 LOT 493, INCLUDING 1/2 OF THE VA- Farmington Hills, MI 48334
If the above referenced property is sold (5-1)(5-22) Notice of Foreclosure by Advertisement Date of Mortgage Recording: January CATED ALLEY LOCATED AT THE (248) 642-2515
at a foreclosure sale under Chapter 32 of Notice is given under section 3212 of the 10, 2005 REAR THEREOF AND ADJACENT
Act 236 of 1961, under MCL 600.3278, NOTICE OF MORTGAGE revised judicature act of 1961, 1961 PA Amount claimed due on date of notice: THERETO, "DIX BOULEVARD VILLAS 1497546
the borrower will be held responsible to FORECLOSURE SALE 236, MCL 600.3212, that the following $65,460.90 SUBDIVISION NO. 1," ACCORDING TO (05-01)(05-22)
the person who buys the property at the Notice of foreclosure by advertisement. mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale of Description of the mortgaged premises: THE PLAT THEREOF AS RECORDED
mortgage foreclosure sale or to the mort- Notice is given under section 3212 of the the mortgaged premises, or some part of Situated in City of Taylor, Wayne County, IN LIBER 52 OF PLATS, PAGE 18,
gage holder for damaging the property revised judicature act of 1961, 1961 PA them, at a public auction sale to the Michigan, and described as: LOT(S) 11, WAYNE COUNTY RECORDS.
during the redemption period. 236, MCL 600.3212, that the following highest bidder for cash or cashier's check INCLUDING ONE HALF OF THE VA- 14542 Paris, Allen Park, Michigan 48101 (Continued on Page 7)
Attention homeowner: If you are a milit- mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale of at the place of holding the circuit court in CATED ALLEY LOCATED AT THE The redemption period shall be 6 months
ary service member on active duty, if your the mortgaged premises, or some part of Wayne County, starting promptly at 11:00 REAR THEREOF AND ADJACENT from the date of such sale, unless de-
period of active duty has concluded less them, at a public auction sale to the AM, on June 1, 2023. The amount due on THERETO, termined abandoned in accordance with
than 90 days ago, or if you have been highest bidder for cash or cashier’s check the mortgage may be greater on the day "OSBERG ESTATES SUBDIVISION NO MCLA §600.3241a, in which case the re-
ordered to active duty, please contact the at the place of holding the circuit court in of sale. Placing the highest bid at the sale 1", AS RECORDED IN LIBER 63, demption period shall be 30 days from
attorney for the party foreclosing the Wayne County, starting promptly at 11:00 does not automatically entitle the pur- PAGE(S) 81 OF PLATS, WAYNE the date of such sale.
mortgage at the telephone number stated a.m. on June 1, 2023 The amount due on chaser to free and clear ownership of the COUNTY RECORDS. If the property is sold at foreclosure sale,
in this notice. the mortgage may be greater on the day property. A potential purchaser is encour- Common street address (if any): 9356 pursuant to MCL 600.3278, the borrower
Nationstar Mortgage LLC of the sale. Placing the highest bid at the aged to contact the county register of Holland Rd, Taylor, MI 48180-3056 will be held responsible to the person
Mortgagee/Assignee sale does not automatically entitle the deeds office or a title insurance company, The redemption period shall be 1 year who buys the property at the mortgage
Raymond Rice Unit #230 House hold 5/10/2023 At U-HAUL MOVING & STOR- Detroit Michigan, 48234 Hundred Eighty and 92/100 Dollars Wayne County, MI, Register of Deeds,
items 29500 Michigan Ave Inkster, MI AGE OF NW DETROIT, 19990 Tele- Eric Cliett Storage Room #T56 House- ($3,380.92). said default resulting in the recordation of
48141 graph Road, Detroit, MI 48219 hold Goods 8055 E. 7 Mile Road Detroit Under the power of sale contained in the a Lien by Country Walk I Condominium
Jamelia Dejournette Unit #1641 House To satisfy a warehouseman’s lien there- Michigan, 48234 Michigan Condominium Act of 1978, MCL Association, a Michigan Nonprofit Corpor-
hold items 29500 Michigan Ave Inkster, on for storage and other legal charges. Ramey Merriweather Storage Room 559.208(2), and Article II of the Con- ation, said Lien being recorded in Liber
MI 48141 The goods as described and stored by or #209 Household Goods 8055 E. 7 Mile dominium Bylaws, attached as part of 56485, Page 885, Wayne County, MI,
Kimberly Jones Unit #1127 House hold for the person’s named below: Road Detroit Michigan, 48234 said Master Deed, please take notice as Register of Deeds, on which Lien there is
items 29500 Michigan Ave Inkster, MI John Anagli Storage Room #2213-17 Ramona Kamate Storage Room #271 follows: claimed to be due at the date hereof the
48141 Household Goods 899 Baltimore Detroit Household Goods 8055 E. 7 Mile Road Notice of foreclosure by advertisement. sum of Twelve Thousand Nine Hundred
Julian Aileni Unit #1410 House hold Michigan, 48201 Detroit Michigan, 48234 Notice is given under section 3212 of the Fifty-Two and 14/100 Dollars
items 29500 Michigan Ave Inkster, MI Johnny Hamood Storage Room #2176 Kelly Winfrey Storage Room #1057 revised judicature act of 1961, 1961 PA ($12,952.14).
Ronald Fabinski Unit #1617 House hold Michigan, 48201 M
Household Goods 899 Baltimore Detroit
onday ,M 1, 2023
Household Goods 19797 Livernois De-
ayMichigan, 48221
236, MCL 600.3212, that the following Li- Under the power of sale contained in the
The Detroit Legal News, Page 7
en will be foreclosed by a sale of the Condominium Act of 1978 and said Mas-
items 29500 Michigan Ave Inkster, MI Carleton McClendon Storage Room Tia Richardson Storage Room #2010 liened premises, or some part of them, at ter Deed, notice is hereby given that said
48141 #5277 Household Goods 899 Baltimore Household Goods 3175 Fort Street De- a public auction sale to the highest bid- Lien will be foreclosed by a sale of the
LEGAL NOTICES Jeanette Williams Unit #946 House hold Detroit Michigan, 48201 troit, MI 48217 der for cash or cashier’s check at the premises at public auction to the highest
——— items 29500 Michigan Ave Inkster, MI Lena Reed Storage Room #7048 House- Crystal Channelle Prather Storage Room place of holding the circuit court in Wayne bidder, at the Coleman Young Municipal
(Continued from Page 6) 48141 hold Goods 899 Baltimore Detroi t #1033 Household Goods 3175 Fort County, starting promptly at 11:00 AM, on Center, in the City of Detroit, Wayne
Thomas Phillippi Unit #1623 House hold Michigan, 48201 Street Detroit, MI 48217 May 25, 2023. The amount due on the Li- County, Michigan, (that being the build-
items 29500 Michigan Ave Inkster, MI Brianna Woodson Storage Room #2198 Cristian Goode Storage Room #3034 en may be greater on the day of the sale. ing where the Circuit Court for Wayne
First Insertion 48141
Milivda Mitchell Unit #1408 House hold
Household Goods 899 Baltimore Detroit
Michigan, 48201
Household Goods 3175 Fort Street De-
troit, MI 48217
Placing the highest bid at the sale does
not automatically entitle the purchaser to
County is held), on Thursday, June 1,
2023, at 11:00 o’clock in the forenoon,
Notice of Foreclosure by Advertisement items 29500 Michigan Ave Inkster, MI Avyanna Williams Storage Room #4256 Danyell Marshall Storage Room #2039 free and clear ownership of the premises. Local Time, the following described prop-
Notice is given under section 3212 of the 48141 Household Goods 899 Baltimore Detroit Household Goods 3175 Fort Street De- A potential purchaser is encouraged to erty, To-Wit:
revised judicature act of 1961, 1961 PA Avery Casey Unit #633 House hold items Michigan, 48201 troit, MI 48217 contact the county register of deeds of- Said premises are situated in the Town-
236, MCL 600.3212, that the following 29500 Michigan Ave Inkster, MI 48141 Nikole Crystal Mitchell Storage Room Quianisha Gordon Storage Room #3102 fice or a title insurance company, either of ship of Van Buren, County of Wayne, and
mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale of Cheryl Collins Unit #2906 House hold #4111 Household Goods 899 Baltimore Household Goods 3175 Fort Street De- which may charge a fee for this informa- State of Michigan, described as follows:
the mortgaged premises, or some part of items 8901 Telegraph, Taylor, MI 48180 Detroit Michigan, 48201 troit, MI 48217 tion. Unit No. 74, Country Walk I Condomini-
them, at a public auction sale to the Deatrice Richardson Unit #3311 House Marquis Chalmers Storage Room #6131 Gwendoline Barber Storage Room #142 Said premises are located in the City of um, according to the Master Deed recor-
highest bidder for cash or cashier's check hold items 8901 Telegraph, Taylor, MI Household Goods 899 Baltimore Detroit Household Goods 3175 Fort Street De- Detroit, County of Wayne, State of ded in Liber 39401, Pages 3 through 68,
at the place of holding the circuit court in 48180 Michigan, 48201 troit, MI 48217 Michigan, and more particularly de- inclusive, as amended by First Amend-
Wayne County, starting promptly at 11:00 Curtis Brown Unit #1961 House hold Shayla Woodard Storage Room #3324 Erika Ohanian Storage Room #2020 scribed as: ment to Master Deed recorded in Liber
AM, on June 8, 2023. The amount due on items 8901 Telegraph, Taylor, MI 48180 Household Goods 899 Baltimore Detroit Household Goods 3175 Fort Street De- Unit 61, Parc Lafayette, a condominium 40502, Pages 17 through 36, inclusive,
the mortgage may be greater on the day Deatrice Richardson Unit #3016 House Michigan, 48201 troit, MI 48217 according to the Master Deed recorded in as amended, Wayne County Records,
of sale. Placing the highest bid at the sale hold items 8901 Telegraph, Taylor, MI Alice Fowler Storage Room #3144 Mashala Pate Storage Room #1509 Liber 20819, Pages 720 through 762, and designated as Wayne County Con-
does not automatically entitle the pur- 48180 Household Goods 899 Baltimore Detroit Household Goods 8055 E. 7 Mile Road both inclusive, and any amendments dominium Subdivision Plan No. 737, to-
chaser to free and clear ownership of the Matthew Demery Unit #2413 House hold Michigan, 48201 Detroit Michigan, 48234 thereto, Wayne County Records, and gether with rights in General Common
property. A potential purchaser is encour- items 8901 Telegraph, Taylor, MI 48180 Habacuc Bessiake Storage Room #3473 Jackie Lee Wilbert Storage Room #2249 designated as Wayne County Condomini- Elements and Limited Common Ele-
aged to contact the county register of Crystan Lever Unit #2116 House hold Household Goods 899 Baltimore Detroit Household Goods 19990 Telegraph De- um Subdivision Plan No. 156, together ments as set forth in the above stated
deeds office or a title insurance company, items 8901 Telegraph, Taylor, MI 48180 Michigan, 48201 troit MI 48219 with rights in general common elements Master Deed, as amended, and as de-
either of which may charge a fee for this Erik Aponte Unit #3937 House hold John Doe Storage Room #4208 House- Debra Pitts Storage Room #2523 House- and limited common elements as set for scribed in Act 59 of the Public Acts of
information: items 8901 Telegraph, Taylor, MI 48180 hold Goods 899 Baltimore Detroi t hold Goods 19990 Telegraph Detroit MI in said Master Deed, and any amend- 1978, as amended.
Name(s) of the mortgagor(s): Larry K. Shajuana Duncan Unit #3165 House Michigan, 48201 48219 ments thereto, and as described in Act 59 Tax No. 83-101-03-0074-000
Schanz and Yvonne C. Schanz, husband hold items 8901 Telegraph, Taylor, MI Christy Hazime Storage Room #4216 Thomas Edward Allen Storage Room of the Public Acts of 1978, as amended. PROPERTY ADDRESS: 13397 Country
and wife 48180 Household Goods 899 Baltimore Detroit #1513 Household Goods 19990 Tele- Owner(s) of Record: Lumpkin Hull Prop- Walk Court, Van Buren Township, MI
Original Mortgagee: Wells Fargo Bank, N Ronald Wade Unit #3914 House hold Michigan, 48201 graph Detroit MI 48219 erties, LLC 48111
A items 8901 Telegraph, Taylor, MI 48180 Dorothy Lackey Storage Room #6124 Danielle Prostell Storage Room #1048 Property Address: 1941 Orleans Street, Sale subject to redemption by owner for
Foreclosing Assignee (if any): Wells Robyn Brown Unit #3401 House hold Household Goods 899 Baltimore Detroit Household Goods 19990 Telegraph De- #602, Detroit, Michigan 48207 a period of six (6) months, unless the Unit
Fargo Bank, N.A. items 8901 Telegraph, Taylor, MI 48180 Michigan, 48201 troit MI 48219 Parcel ID No. 070001957.061 is deemed abandoned at which time the
Date of Mortgage: January 12, 2012 Peter Dalton Unit #2903 House hold Charmaine Quick Storage Room #7266 Reonnis Turner Storage Room #2649 Attention homeowner (or condominium redemption period will be reduced to
Date of Mortgage Recording: January items 8901 Telegraph, Taylor, MI 48180 Household Goods 899 Baltimore Detroit Household Goods 19990 Telegraph De- co-owner): If you are a military service thirty (30) days pursuant to MCL 559.208,
27, 2012 Bernetha Shelton Unit #1902 House hold Michigan, 48201 troit MI 48219 member on active duty, if your period of after which Kalena Dunham, and all per-
Amount claimed due on date of notice: items 8901 Telegraph, Taylor, MI 48180 Joseph Paul Williams Storage Room Andre Andrews Storage Room #1489 active duty has concluded less than 90 sons claiming through or under her, shall
$124,022.64 Benjamin Wilkes Unit #2738 House hold #3140 Household Goods 899 Baltimore Household Goods 19990 Telegraph De- days ago, or if you have been ordered to be forever barred from all equity of re-
Description of the mortgaged premises: items 8901 Telegraph, Taylor, MI 48180 Detroit Michigan, 48201 troit MI 48219 active duty, please contact the attorney demption.
Situated in City of Northville, Wayne Terrence Ransom Unit #1143 House Greg Palmer Storage Room #3330 Bianca Chambers Storage Room #2738 for the party foreclosing the Lien at the Dated: April 21, 2023
County, Michigan, and described as: Unit hold items 199 S Wayne Rd Westland, Household Goods 899 Baltimore Detroit Household Goods 19990 Telegraph De- telephone number stated in this Notice. Country Walk I Condominium Associ-
8, Villas at Northville Hills Condominium, MI. 48186 Michigan, 48201 troit MI 48219 The redemption period shall be six (6) ation, a Michigan Nonprofit Corporation
a condominium according to the Master Asianna White Unit #1716 House hold Willa McFarland Storage Room #6097 D.B. Williams Storage Room #2412 months from the date of such sale pursu- Robert K. Siegel (P36140)
Deed recorded in Liber items 199 S Wayne Rd Westland, MI. Household Goods 899 Baltimore Detroit Household Goods 19990 Telegraph De- ant to MCL 559.208(2) unless the prop- Attorney for Country Walk I Condomini-
34604, Pages 90 through 175, inclusive, 48186 Michigan, 48201 troit MI 48219 erty is determined abandoned, then, in um Association
Wayne County Records, as amended, Mignon Murray Unit #1814 House hold Monique Harris Storage Room #4361 Kenyetta Powell Storage Room #2733 that event, the redemption period shall be 30200 Telegraph Rd., Ste. 467
and designated as Wayne items 199 S Wayne Rd Westland, MI. Household Goods 899 Baltimore Detroit Household Goods 19990 Telegraph De- one (1) month from the date of such sale Bingham Farms, MI 48025
County Condominium Subdivision Plan 48186 Michigan, 48201 troit MI 48219 pursuant to MCL 559.208(2), after which (248) 644-4433
Number 627, together with rights in gen- Christopher Carter Unit #1169 House Salicia Campbell Storage Room #7100 Yolanda Bates Storage Room #1748 Lumpkin Hull Properties LLC and all per-
eral common elements and hold items 199 S Wayne Rd Westland, Household Goods 899 Baltimore Detroit Household Goods 19990 Telegraph De- sons claiming through or under it shall be (4-24)(5-22)
limited common elements as set forth in MI. 48186 Michigan, 48201 troit MI 48219 forever barred from all equity of redemp-
the aforementioned Master Deed and as Jamie Starks Unit #1237 House hold Tiffany William Storage Room #6188 Debra Pitts Storage Room #2349 House- tion. Pursuant to MCL 600.3278, if the DANIEL J. SWEDA & ASSOCIATES,
described in Act 59 of the items 199 S Wayne Rd Westland, MI. Household Goods 899 Baltimore Detroit hold Goods 19990 Telegraph Detroit MI property is sold at foreclosure sale under PLLC
Public Acts of 1978, as amended. 48186 Michigan, 48201 48219 Chapter 32 of the Revised Judicature Act ATTORNEYS AT LAW
Common street address (if any): 44450 Jenelle Donaldson Unit #1209 House Caren Felton Storage Room #3198 Alexis Gibson Storage Room #1616 of 1961, the owner, Lumpkin Hull Proper- P.O. BOX 252203
Broadmoor Blvd, Northville, MI 48168- hold items 199 S Wayne Rd Westland, Household Goods 899 Baltimore Detroit Household Goods 19990 Telegraph De- ties LLC, will be held responsible to the WEST BLOOMFIELD, MI 48325
8630 MI. 48186 Michigan, 48201 troit MI 48219 person who buys the property at the fore- PHONE: (248) 973-8737
The redemption period shall be 6 months Faleh Omar Unit #012 House hold items John Doe Storage Room #2161 House- Mary Wade Storage Room #1947 closure sale or to Parc Lafayette Associ- THIS FIRM IS A DEBT COLLECTOR
from the date of such sale, unless de- 12768 Inkster Rd, Redford, MI 48239 hold Goods 899 Baltimore Detroi t Household Goods 19990 Telegraph De- ation for damaging the property during ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A DEBT.
termined abandoned in accordance with Kharielle Thomas Unit #069 House hold Michigan, 48201 troit MI 48219 the redemption period. ANY INFORMATION WE OBTAIN WILL
MCL 600.3241a; or, if the subject real items 12768 Inkster Rd, Redford, MI Finese Foushee Storage Room #2256 Lesmeek Bridgeman Storage Room Dated: April 20, 2023 BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. IF
property is used for agricultural purposes 48239 Household Goods 899 Baltimore Detroit #2731 Household Goods 19990 Tele- By: Parc Lafayette Association, a YOU ARE IN ACTIVE MILITARY DUTY
as defined by MCL 600.3240(16). Sushone Calmese Unit #416 House hold Michigan, 48201 graph Detroit MI 48219 Michigan Nonprofit Corporation OR HAVE BEEN IN THE PRIOR YEAR.
If the property is sold at foreclosure sale items 2225 Parkwood Ave Ypsilanti, MI Christi McMiller Storage Room #6250 Monica Hardwick Storage Room #2220 For any inquiries, please contact the at- PLEASE CONTACT OUR OFFICE AT
under Chapter 32 of the Revised Ju- 48198 Household Goods 899 Baltimore Detroit Household Goods 19990 Telegraph De- torney for the party foreclosing the Lien (248) 973-8737.
dicature Act of 1961, pursuant to MCL William Kuhn Unit #1215 House hold Michigan, 48201 troit MI 48219 set forth below: ATTENTION HOMEOWNER:
600.3278 the borrower will be held re- items 3655 South State St. Ann Arbor, MI Courtney Williams Storage Room #6041 Brittany Taylor Storage Room #2207 Matthew P. Markley, Esq. Default has been made in the conditions
sponsible to the person who buys the 48104 Household Goods 899 Baltimore Detroit Household Goods 19990 Telegraph De- Hirzel Law, PLC of a Mortgage granted by RMU Holding,
property at the mortgage foreclosure sale Victor Robinson Unit #1126 House hold Michigan, 48201 troit MI 48219 37085 Grand River Avenue, Suite 200 LLC, as the original mortgagors, to In-
or to the mortgage holder for damaging items 3655 South State St. Ann Arbor, MI Tyra Nolen Storage Room #3095 House- Takia Igbinowwanhia Storage Room Farmington, Michigan 48335 sider’s Cash, LLC as the original mort-
the property during the redemption peri- 48104 hold Goods 899 Baltimore Detroi t #2015 Household Goods 19990 Tele- Phone: (248) 478-1800 gagee, dated June 6, 2016 and recorded
od. (4-24)(5-1) Michigan, 48201 graph Detroit MI 48219 Hirzel Law, PLC File No. 15042 January 13, 2017 as Instrument
Attention homeowner: If you are a milit- Doris Beecham Storage Room #4212 Shari Daly Miller Storage Room #2492 (4-24)(5-15) 2017017123, Liber 53464, Page 25,
ary service member on active duty, if your NOTICE OF MORTGAGE FORECLOS- Wayne County Register of Deeds, MI;
Household Goods 899 Baltimore Detroit Household Goods 19990 Telegraph De-
period of active duty has concluded less URE SALE Attention homeowner: If you are a milit- and assigned by mesne assignment of
Michigan, 48201 troit MI 48219
than 90 days ago, or if you have been THIS FIRM IS A DEBT COLLECTOR ary service member on active duty, if your mortgage to American Estate and Trust
Deiana Childres Storage Room #2079 Raven Smith Storage Room #2053
ordered to active duty, please contact the ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A DEBT. period of active duty has concluded less FBO Leonard McKinnon IRA as the as-
Household Goods 899 Baltimore Detroit Household Goods 19990 Telegraph De-
attorney for the party foreclosing the ANY INFORMATION WE OBTAIN WILL than 90 days ago, or if you have been signee, documented by 1) an assign-
Michigan, 48201 troit MI 48219
mortgage at the telephone number stated BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. ordered to active duty, please contact the ment of mortgage via dated June 6, 2016
Kaelyn Carter Storage Room #3113 Asia Evans Storage Room #1272
in this notice. PLEASE CONTACT OUR OFFICE AT attorney for the party foreclosing the and recorded January 13, 217 at Instru-
Household Goods 899 Baltimore Detroit Household Goods 19990 Telegraph De-
This notice is from a debt collector. THE NUMBER BELOW IF YOU ARE IN mortgage at the telephone number stated ment Number 201701791, Liber 53464
Michigan, 48201 troit MI 48219
Date of notice: May 1, 2023 ACTIVE MILITARY DUTY. in this notice. Page 341, Wayne County Register of
Reaven Jones Storage Room #6074 Gwen Mingo Storage Room #61 6
Trott Law, P.C. ATTN PURCHASERS: This sale may be Notice of foreclosure by advertisement. Deeds, MI; on which said mortgage there
Household Goods 899 Baltimore Detroit Household Goods 19001 Joy Road De-
31440 Northwestern Hwy, Suite 145 rescinded by the foreclosing mortgagee. Notice is given under section 3212 of the is claimed to be due, as of April 19, 2023,
Michigan, 48201 troit Michigan, 48228
Farmington Hills, MI 48334 In that event, your damages, if any, shall revised judicature act of 1961, 1961 PA as the date hereof Eighty One Thousand
Arthur Hawkins Storage Room #5105 Lawnda Boston Storage Room #522
(248) 642-2515 be limited solely to return of the bid 236, MCL 600.3212, that the following Two Hundred Sixty Nine And 37/100 Dol-
Household Goods 899 Baltimore Detroit Household Goods 19001 Joy Road De-
amount tendered at sale, plus interest. mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale of lars ($81,269.37), plus interest, late fees,
Michigan, 48201 troit Michigan, 48228
1497437 NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE BY AD- the mortgaged premises, or some part of and attorney’s fees, each of which contin-
Elnoa Wilson Storage Room #7111 Shannon Beavers Storage Room #547
(05-01)(05-22) VERTISEMENT: Notice is given under them, at a public auction sale to the ues to accrue. Under the power of sale
Household Goods 899 Baltimore Detroit Household Goods 19001 Joy Road De-
section 3212 of the revised judicature act highest bidder for cash or cashier’s check contained in said mortgage and the stat-
Michigan, 48201 troit Michigan, 48228
Second Insertion
of 1961, 1961 PA236, MCL 600.3212, at the place of holding the circuit court in ute in such case made and provided, no-
Samone Williamson Storage Room Duncan Sneed Storage Room #638
that the following mortgage will be fore- Wayne County, starting promptly at 11:00 tice is hereby given that said mortgage
#7274 Household Goods 899 Baltimore Household Goods 19001 Joy Road De-
closed by a sale of the mortgaged AM on MAY 25, 2023. The amount due will be foreclosed by a sale of the mort-
CASE NO. and JUDGE Detroit Michigan, 48201 troit Michigan, 48228
premises, or some part of them, at a pub- on the mortgage may be greater on the gaged premises, or some part of them.
2023-103258-DO Janice Arnold Storage Room #B258 Marcus Morris Storage Room #852
lic auction sale to the highest bidder for day of the sale. Placing the highest bid at Notice of foreclosure by advertisement.
ORDER REGARDING ALTERNATE Household Goods 19510 W 8 Mile Road Household Goods 19001 Joy Road De-
cash or cashier’s check at the place of the sale does not automatically entitle the Notice is hereby given under section
SERVICE Southfield MI 48075 troit Michigan, 48228
holding the circuit court in Wayne County, purchaser to free and clear ownership of 3212 of the revised judicature act of
STATE OF MICHIGAN 3RD JUDICIAL Lamont Gleton Storage Room #A250 Michele Thompson Storage Room #686
starting promptly at 11:00 A.M., on June the property. A potential purchaser is en- 1961, 1961 PA 236, MCL 600.3212, that
DISTRICT WAYNE COUNTY Household Goods 19510 W 8 Mile Road Household Goods 19001 Joy Road De-
15, 2023. The amount due on the mort- couraged to contact the county register of the following mortgage will be foreclosed
Coleman A. Young Municipal Center, 2 Southfield MI 48075 troit Michigan, 48228
gage may be greater on the day of the deeds office or a title insurance company, by a sale of the mortgaged premises, or
Woodward Ave., Detroit, MI 48226 313- Gloria Young Storage Room #A221 William Smith Storage Room #707
sale. Placing the highest bid at the sale either of which may charge a fee for this some part of them, at a public auction
224-5261 Household Goods 19510 W 8 Mile Road Household Goods 19001 Joy Road De-
does not automatically entitle the pur- information. sale to the highest bidder for cash or
Vera L. Harris Southfield MI 48075 troit Michigan, 48228
chaser to free and clear ownership of the Default has been made in the conditions cashier’s check at the place of holding at
11820 Morang Dr., Apt. 18 Ephraim Chaney Storage Room #B280 Valerie Moorer Storage Room #511
property. A potential purchaser is encour- of a mortgage made by David L. Ran- the circuit court in Wayne County, MI
Detroit, MI 48224 Household Goods 19510 W 8 Mile Road Household Goods 19001 Joy Road De-
aged to contact the county register of dolph and Helen L. Randolph, His Wife, starting promptly at 11:00 A.M. on
Plaintiff, Southfield MI 48075 troit Michigan, 48228
deeds office or a title insurance company, to Mortgage Electronic Registration Sys- Thursday, May 25, 2023. The amount
v. Justin Bernard Storage Room #B274 Mariyah Baynes Storage Room #680
either of which may charge a fee for this tems, Inc., as nominee for lender and due on the mortgage may be greater than
Charles William Harris, Jr. C Household Goods 19510 W 8 Mile Road Household Goods 19001 Joy Road De-
information. lenders successors and/or assigns, Mort- the date of the sale. Placing the highest
Defendant. Southfield MI 48075 troit Michigan, 48228
MORTGAGE SALE: Default has been gagee, dated June 24, 2004 and recor- bid at the sale does not automatically en-
THE COURT FINDS: Shirley Jacobs Storage Room #B067 Doleen Hale Storage Room #118 House-
made in the conditions of a mortgage ded July 12, 2004 in Liber 40946, Page title the purchaser to free and clear own-
1. Service of process upon the defend- Household Goods 19510 W 8 Mile Road hold Goods 19001 Joy Road Detroit
made by Ladoris C. Davis, the Mort- 255 Wayne County Records, Michigan. ership of the property. A potential pur-
ant, Charles William Harris Jr., C, cannot Southfield MI 48075 Michigan, 48228
gagor(s), and Marathon Financial Corpor- Said mortgage is now held by THE BANK chaser is encouraged to contact the
reasonably be made as provided in MCR Lamont Gleton Storage Room #B066 Michael Calhoun Storage Room #587
ation, the original Mortgagee, dated Feb- OF NEW YORK MELLON FKA THE county register of deeds office or a title
2.105 MCR 2.107 (B)(1)(b) and service of Household Goods 19510 W 8 Mile Road Household Goods 19001 Joy Road De-
ruary 27, 2001, and recorded on March BANK OF NEW YORK, AS TRUSTEE insurance company either of which may
process may be made in a manner that Southfield MI 48075 troit Michigan, 48228
30, 2001, in Liber 33507, on Page 375, in FOR THE CERTIFICATEHOLDERS OF charge a fee for this information. Said
reasonably calculated to give the defend- Julian Williams Storage Room #1666 Willie Coleman Storage Room #538
Wayne County Records, Michigan, and THE CWABS INC., ASSET-BACKED premises are located in City of Detroit,
ant actual notice of the proceedings and Household Goods 3541 Highland Road Household Goods 19001 Joy Road De-
last assigned to TIAA Bank (successor by CERTIFICATES, SERIES 2004-6, by as- Wayne County, State of Michigan, of and
an opportunity to be heard. Waterford MI 48328 troit Michigan, 48228
merger to Everbank), the Foreclosing As- signment. There is claimed to be due at are described as follows:
IT IS ORDERED: Kareyale McClellan Storage Room Brian White Storage Room #674 House-
signee, as documented by an Assign- the date hereof the sum of One Hundred The following described premises situ-
2. Service of the summons and com- #1363 Household Goods 3541 Highland hold Goods 19001 Joy Road Detroit
ment of Mortgage dated February 11 Three Thousand Three Hundred Thirty- ated in the City of Detroit, County of
plaint other: and a copy of this order shall Road Waterford MI 48328 Michigan, 48228
2011, and recorded on March 2, 2011, in Nine and 82/100 Dollars ($103,339.82). Wayne and State of Michigan, and partic-
be made by the following method(s). Daniel Lugo Storage Room #1730 Kevin Hayward Storage Room #637
Liber 49008, on Page 1193, in Wayne Under the power of sale contained in ularly described as follows:
Other: Publication in the Detroit News for Household Goods 3541 Highland Road Household Goods 19001 Joy Road De-
County Records, Michigan, on which said mortgage and the statute in such Lot 88, Garden Homes Subdivision, as
a period of three weeks. Waterford MI 48328 troit Michigan, 48228
mortgage there is claimed to be due and case made and provided, notice is hereby recorded in Liber 139, B.E Taylor’s Lu-
For each method used, proof of service Ana Hunter Storage Room #1434 Catherine Hatcher Storage Room #941-
owing as of the date of this Notice, the given that said mortgage will be fore- ane Subdivision as recorded in Liber 40
must be filed promptly with the court. Household Goods 3541 Highland Road 43 Household Goods 19001 Joy Road
sum of One Hundred Twenty Nine Thou- closed by a sale of the mortgaged of Plats, Page 51, Wayne County Re-
/s/ Susan A. Dabaja 04/13/2023 Waterford MI 48328 Detroit Michigan, 48228
sand Nine Hundred Forty Four and premises, or some part of them, at public cords.
(4-24)(5-8) Tyler Logan Storage Room #1884 Nicole Hodges Storage Room #509
67/100 U.S. Dollars ($129,944.67). vendue at the place of holding the circuit Property Address: 15509 Ferguson St.,
Household Goods 3541 Highland Road Household Goods 19001 Joy Road De-
Said premise is situated at 19934 Hey- court within Wayne County, Michigan at Detroit, MI 48227
The undersigned will sell at public auc- Waterford MI 48328 troit Michigan, 48228
den Street, Detroit, Michigan 48219, in 11:00 AM on MAY 25, 2023. Tax ID: W271071156S A/K/A Tax Par-
tion at 10:00 AM, Thursday, 5-11-23 At Tyler Dickson Storage Room #1480 Timothy Spears Storage Room #683
the City of Detroit, Wayne County, Said premises are located in the City of cel: 2206337
U-HAUL MICHIGAN & MIDDLEBELT Household Goods 3541 Highland Road Household Goods 19001 Joy Road De-
Michigan, and is described as: Detroit, Wayne County Michigan, and are The redemption period shall be 6 months
29500 Michigan Ave., Inkster, Michigan Waterford MI 48328 troit Michigan, 48228
LOT 80, HARRY SLATKINS EVER- described as: from the date of sale, unless determined
48141. Tiana Zelaya Storage Room #1477 Denise Miller Storage Room #632
GREEN SUBDIVISION, AS RECORDED Lot 278, Aberles Subdivision as recor- abandoned in accordance with MCLA
To satisfy a warehouseman’s lien there- Household Goods 3541 Highland Road Household Goods 19001 Joy Road De-
IN LIBER 71, PAGE 66 OF PLATS, ded in Liber 18, Page 83 of Plats, Wayne 600.3241a, in which case the redemption
on for storage and other legal charges. Waterford MI 48328 troit Michigan, 48228
WAYNE COUNTY RECORDS. County Records. period shall be 30 days from the date of
The goods as described and stored by or Maicol Ivan Rivera-Torres Storage Room Juan Mendonza Storage Room #1244
WARD 22, ITEM 99381.007 3009 Saint Clair St, Detroit, Michigan such sale or 15 days from the MCLA
for the person’s named below: #228 Household Goods 3541 Highland Household Goods 1250 W. Maple Troy
The redemption period shall be six (6) 48214 600.3241a(b) notice, whichever is later or
Richard Howton Unit #1417 House hold Road Waterford MI 48328 Michigan, 48084
months from the date of such sale, un- The redemption period shall be 6 months extinguished pursuant to MCLA
items 29500 Michigan Ave Inkster, MI Monica Latrice Cannady Storage Room Natashia Caruthers Storage Room
less determined abandoned in accord- from the date of such sale, unless de- 600.3238. If the above referenced prop-
48141 #1103 Household Goods 3541 Highland #2250 Household Goods 1250 W. Maple
ance with MCLA 600.3241a, in which termined abandoned in accordance with erty is sold at a foreclosure sale, under
Valentine Eneugwu Unit #1610 House Road Waterford MI 48328 Troy Michigan, 48084
case the redemption period shall be 30 MCLA §600.3241a, in which case the re- MCL 600.3278, the borrower will be re-
hold items 29500 Michigan Ave Inkster, Shannon Tionoco Storage Room #B165 Richonne Gilliam Storage Room #C131
days from the date of such sale. demption period shall be 30 days from sponsible to the person who buys the
MI 48141 Household Goods 3760 Elizabeth Lake Household Goods 1250 W. Maple Troy
Pursuant to Chapter 32 of the Revised the date of such sale. property at the mortgage foreclosure sale
Jordan Clark Unit #1651 House hold Road, Waterford MI 48328 Michigan, 48084
Judicature Act of 1961, if the property is If the property is sold at foreclosure sale, or to the mortgage holder for damaging
items 29500 Michigan Ave Inkster, MI Robert Peck Storage Room #B177 (4-24)(5-1)
sold at foreclosure sale the borrower will pursuant to MCL 600.3278, the borrower the property during the redemption peri-
48141 Household Goods 3760 Elizabeth Lake
be held responsible to the person who NOTICE OF CONDOMINIUM ASSOCI- will be held responsible to the person od. TO ALL PURCHASERS: This sale
Richard Howton Unit #1306 House hold Road, Waterford MI 48328
buys the property at the mortgage fore- ATION LIEN FORECLOSURE SALE who buys the property at the mortgage may be rescinded by the foreclosing
items 29500 Michigan Ave Inkster, MI Lisa Gordon Storage Room #B101
closure sale or to the mortgage holder WHEREAS, default has been made in foreclosure sale or to the mortgage hold- mortgagee. In that event, your damages,
48141 Household Goods 3760 Elizabeth Lake
under MCLA 600.3278 for damaging the the terms and conditions of the Amended er for damage to the property during the if any, shall be limited solely to the return
Jeffrey Brown Unit #912 House hold Road, Waterford MI 48328
property during the redemption period. and Restated Master Deed of Parc Lafay- redemption period. of the bid amount tendered at sale, plus
items 29500 Michigan Ave Inkster, MI Pursaal Lee Storage Room #T02 House-
ATTENTION HOMEOWNER: If you are ette dated December 22, 2004, signed on Dated: April 24, 2023 interest. The purchaser shall have no fur-
48141 hold Goods 8055 E. 7 Mile Road Detroit
a military service member on active duty, December 30, 2004, and recorded on File No. 23-003913 ther recourse against the Mortgagor, the
Jeffrey Brown Unit #600 House hold Michigan, 48234
if your period of active duty has con- January 27, 2005, in Liber 41986, Page Firm Name: Orlans PC Mortgagee or the Mortgagee’s attorney.
items 29500 Michigan Ave Inkster, MI Cierra Goler Storage Room #229-31
cluded less than 90 days ago, or if you 2, et seq., inclusive, Wayne County, Firm Address: 1650 West Big Beaver American Estate and Trust FBO Le-
48141 Household Goods 8055 E. 7 Mile Road
have been ordered to active duty, please Michigan, Register of Deeds, and any Road, Troy MI 48084 onard McKinnon IRA as the Mortgagee
Rahannie Tackoor Unit #1109 House Detroit Michigan, 48234
contact the attorney for the party foreclos- amendments thereto, and designated as Firm Phone Number: (248) 502.1400 Dated: April 21, 2023
hold items 29500 Michigan Ave Inkster, Dwayne Davis Storage Room #212
ing the mortgage at the telephone num- Wayne County Condominium Subdivi- (04-24)(05-15) /s/ Daniel Sweda
MI 48141 Household Goods 8055 E. 7 Mile Road
ber stated in this notice. sion Plan No. 156 (the “Master Deed”). Daniel Sweda, Esq. attorney for Mort-
Robert Mcclendon Jr. Unit #1413 House Detroit Michigan, 48234 NOTICE OF SALE
Dated: 04/17/2023 Said default under the Master Deed has gagee
hold items 29500 Michigan Ave Inkster, Eddie Threatt Storage Room #T24 THIS FIRM IS A DEBT COLLECTOR
For More Information, please call: resulted in the recordation of a “Notice of Daniel J. Sweda & Associates PLLC
MI 48141 Household Goods 8055 E. 7 Mile Road ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A DEBT
Quintairos, Prieto, Wood & Boyer, P.A. Lien for Nonpayment of Assessments” by P.O. Box 252203
Breon Henderson Unit #960 House hold Detroit Michigan, 48234 AND ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED
Attorneys for Servicer Parc Lafayette Association, said Notice of West Bloomfield, MI 48325
items 29500 Michigan Ave Inkster, MI Eric Cliett Storage Room #233 House- WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE.
255 South Orange Avenue, Suite 900 Lien being dated March 13, 2023, signed Phone: 248-973-8737
48141 hold Goods 8055 E. 7 Mile Road Detroit FORECLOSURE SALE – Default has
Orlando, Florida 32801 on March 13, 2023, and recorded on Email:
Latoya Horace Unit #1107 House hold Michigan, 48234 been made in the terms and conditions of
(855) 287-0240 March 13, 2023, in Liber 58117, Page (4-24)(5-15)
items 29500 Michigan Ave Inkster, MI Quinnita Jeter Storage Room #337 the Master Deed for Country Walk I Con-
Matter No. MI-002334-23 1466, Wayne County, Michigan, Register
48141 Household Goods 8055 E. 7 Mile Road dominium in connection with the below Notice of Foreclosure by Advertisement
(4-24)(5-15) of Deeds (the “Lien”) on which Lien there
Joseph Hawk Unit #838 House hold Detroit Michigan, 48234 described property, by Kalena Dunham, Notice is given under section 3212 of the
Richard Agnew Storage Room #207 is claimed to be due, as of the date here-
items 29500 Michigan Ave Inkster, MI The undersigned will sell at public auc- which Master Deed is recorded in Liber revised judicature act of 1961, 1961 PA
Household Goods 8055 E. 7 Mile Road on, the sum of Three Thousand Three
48141 tion at 10:00 A.M., WEDNESDAY, 39401, Pages 3 through 68, as amended, 236, MCL 600.3212, that the following
Detroit Michigan, 48234 Hundred Eighty and 92/100 Dollars
Raymond Rice Unit #230 House hold 5/10/2023 At U-HAUL MOVING & STOR- Wayne County, MI, Register of Deeds, mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale of
Eric Cliett Storage Room #T56 House- ($3,380.92).
items 29500 Michigan Ave Inkster, MI AGE OF NW DETROIT, 19990 Tele- said default resulting in the recordation of the mortgaged premises, or some part of
hold Goods 8055 E. 7 Mile Road Detroit Under the power of sale contained in the
48141 graph Road, Detroit, MI 48219 a Lien by Country Walk I Condominium them, at a public auction sale to the
Michigan, 48234 Michigan Condominium Act of 1978, MCL
Jamelia Dejournette Unit #1641 House To satisfy a warehouseman’s lien there- Association, a Michigan Nonprofit Corpor- highest bidder for cash or cashier's check
Ramey Merriweather Storage Room 559.208(2), and Article II of the Con-
hold items 29500 Michigan Ave Inkster, on for storage and other legal charges. ation, said Lien being recorded in Liber at the place of holding the circuit court in
#209 Household Goods 8055 E. 7 Mile dominium Bylaws, attached as part of
MI 48141 The goods as described and stored by or 56485, Page 885, Wayne County, MI, Wayne County, starting promptly at 11:00
Road Detroit Michigan, 48234 said Master Deed, please take notice as
Kimberly Jones Unit #1127 House hold for the person’s named below: Register of Deeds, on which Lien there is AM, on May 25, 2023. The amount due
Ramona Kamate Storage Room #271 follows:
items 29500 Michigan Ave Inkster, MI John Anagli Storage Room #2213-17 claimed to be due at the date hereof the on the mortgage may be greater on the
Household Goods 8055 E. 7 Mile Road Notice of foreclosure by advertisement.
48141 Household Goods 899 Baltimore Detroit sum of Twelve Thousand Nine Hundred day of sale. Placing the highest bid at the
Detroit Michigan, 48234 Notice is given under section 3212 of the
Julian Aileni Unit #1410 House hold Michigan, 48201 Fifty-Two and 14/100 Dollars sale does not automatically entitle the
Kelly Winfrey Storage Room #1057 revised judicature act of 1961, 1961 PA
items 29500 Michigan Ave Inkster, MI Johnny Hamood Storage Room #2176 ($12,952.14). purchaser to free and clear ownership of
Household Goods 19797 Livernois De- 236, MCL 600.3212, that the following Li-
48141 Household Goods 899 Baltimore Detroit Under the power of sale contained in the the property. A potential purchaser is en-
troit Michigan, 48221 en will be foreclosed by a sale of the
Ronald Fabinski Unit #1617 House hold Michigan, 48201 Condominium Act of 1978 and said Mas- couraged to contact the
(Continued oncounty
Page 8)register of
Tia Richardson Storage Room #2010 liened premises, or some part of them, at
items 29500 Michigan Ave Inkster, MI Carleton McClendon Storage Room ter Deed, notice is hereby given that said deeds office or a title insurance company,
Household Goods 3175 Fort Street De- a public auction sale to the highest bid-
48141 #5277 Household Goods 899 Baltimore Lien will be foreclosed by a sale of the either of which may charge a fee for this
troit, MI 48217 der for cash or cashier’s check at the
Jeanette Williams Unit #946 House hold Detroit Michigan, 48201 premises at public auction to the highest information:
Crystal Channelle Prather Storage Room place of holding the circuit court in Wayne
items 29500 Michigan Ave Inkster, MI Lena Reed Storage Room #7048 House- bidder, at the Coleman Young Municipal Name(s) of the mortgagor(s): Kurt W.
#1033 Household Goods 3175 Fort County, starting promptly at 11:00 AM, on
48141 hold Goods 899 Baltimore Detroit Center, in the City of Detroit, Wayne Cassidy, a married man and Lori Cas-
Street Detroit, MI 48217 May 25, 2023. The amount due on the Li-
Thomas Phillippi Unit #1623 House hold Michigan, 48201 County, Michigan, (that being the build- sidy, his wife
Cristian Goode Storage Room #3034 en may be greater on the day of the sale.
items 29500 Michigan Ave Inkster, MI Brianna Woodson Storage Room #2198 ing where the Circuit Court for Wayne Original Mortgagee: Mortgage Electronic
Household Goods 3175 Fort Street De- Placing the highest bid at the sale does
48141 Household Goods 899 Baltimore Detroit County is held), on Thursday, June 1, Registration Systems, Inc., as mort-
troit, MI 48217 not automatically entitle the purchaser to
Milivda Mitchell Unit #1408 House hold Michigan, 48201 2023, at 11:00 o’clock in the forenoon, gagee, as nominee for lender and
Danyell Marshall Storage Room #2039 free and clear ownership of the premises.
items 29500 Michigan Ave Inkster, MI Avyanna Williams Storage Room #4256 Local Time, the following described prop- lender's successors and/or assigns
Date of Mortgage: March 25, 2013 MORSES SUB L15 P81 PLATS, W C R Mortgage Company. Date of mortgage:
Date of Mortgage Recording: April 18, Estate of Dell Johnson, c/o Tiffany Nicole DETROIT LAND BANK AUTHORITY, a 4/7/2005. Mortgage recorded on
2013 Johnson PR, c/o Darell Smith, as to Par- public body corporate, Plaintiff, Wayne 4/15/2005 as Document No.
Amount claimed due on date of notice: cel: QT370P39, commonly known as County Circuit Court Case Nos. 23- 2015159769, in Liber 42487, Page 1024.
$169,855.75 3813 Pingree, PIN: 14002996., legally 004078-CH Hon. Patricia P. Fresard. Foreclosing Assignee (if any): Wilming-
Description of the mortgaged premises: described as S PINGREE 348 STORM- NOTICE OF HEARING OF EXPEDITED ton Savings Fund Society, FSB, as trust-
Situated in City of Livonia, Wayne FELTZ-LOVELEY CO SUB L29 P99 QUIET TITLE & FORECLOSURE AC- ee of Stanwich Mortgage Loan Trust F.
Notice of Foreclosure by Advertisement County, Michigan, and described as: Unit PLATS, W C R TION Nos. 357 Amount claimed to be due at the date
Notice is given under section 3212 of the 30, Churchill Manor Site Condominium, DETROIT LAND BANK AUTHORITY, a Estate of Bonita Ann Hall-Boykin, c/o TO: those parties named below; other hereof: $60,006.94. Mortgaged premises:
revised judicature act of 1961, 1961 PA according to the Master Deed recorded in public body corporate, Plaintiff, Wayne Antonio Hall, c/o Bonita Lynn Hall, c/o known, unknown or unnamed owners, Situated in Wayne County, and de-
236, MCL 600.3212, that the following Liber 44234, Pages 74 through 100, in- County Circuit Court Case Nos. 22- Timothy Charner-Lee Hall-Norman, c/o spouses, land contract purchasers, ten- scribed as: THE FOLLOWING DE-
mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale of clusive, and any amendments thereto, 010408-CH, 23-004124-CH Hon. Patricia Boni Rhum, Estate of Turhan G. Hall, c/o ants, or occupants; heirs, devisees, as- SCRIBED PREMISES SITUATED IN
Page 8, The Detroit Legal News
the mortgaged premises, or some part of
them, at a public auction sale to the
Wayne County Records and designated
as Wayne County Condominium Subdivi-
P. Fresard. M onday
,M 1, 2023
ayJ. Hall, c/o Rhonda Hall, as to Par-
cel: QT370P40, commonly known as
signees, trustees, personal representat-
ives, conservators, guardians or other fi-
highest bidder for cash or cashier's check sion Plan No. 902, together with rights in QUIET TITLE & FORECLOSURE AC- 11775 Rosemary, PIN: 21009658., leg- duciaries; receivers, tax authorities, mort- TO WIT: LOT 466 AND 1/2 ADJACENT
at the place of holding the circuit court in general common elements and limited TION Nos. 319, 370 ally described as N ROSEMARY 240 gagees, or lienholders; and all other per- VA C A T E D A L L E Y A T T H E R E AR
Wayne County, starting
———promptly at 11:00 common elements as set forth in the TO: those parties named below; other DAVID TROMBLEY EST SUB NO 2 L40 sons or entities claiming a recorded or THEREOF, ROBERT OAKMAN LAND
AM, on May 25, 2023.
(Continued fromThe
7) due above described Master Deed and as de- known, unknown or unnamed owners, P47 PLATS, W C R unrecorded interest in the following prop- COMPANY'S WARREN GROVE SUBDI-
on the mortgage may be greater on the scribed in Act 59 of the Public Acts of spouses, land contract purchasers, ten- Estate of Stella Ibrahim, c/o Farid Naim erty located in Detroit, Michigan. VISION, AT RECORDED IN LIBER 40,
day of sale. Placing the highest bid at the 1978, as amended ants, or occupants; heirs, devisees, as- Ibrahim, c/o Leena Ibrahim, c/o Mia A THE FOLLOWING PROPERTIES HAVE PAGE 91 OF PLATS, WAYNE COUNTY
Second Insertion
sale does not automatically entitle the
purchaser to free and clear ownership of
Common street address (if any): 37454
Eagle Dr, Livonia, MI 48150-5055
signees, trustees, personal representat-
ives, conservators, guardians or other fi-
Ibrahim, c/o Michael P Ibrahim, c/o Nad-
ine Ibrahim, c/o Randa W Ibrahim, as to
the property. A potential purchaser is en- The redemption period shall be 6 months duciaries; receivers, tax authorities, mort- Parcel: QT370P41, commonly known as (DLBA) AND ARE SUBJECT TO AN EX- PERRY AND SHARON L. PERRY, HUS-
couraged to contact the county register of from the date of such sale, unless de- gagees, or lienholders; and all other per- 20107 Schoenherr, PIN: 21029664., leg- PEDITED QUIET TITLE AND FORE- BAND AND WIFE BY DEED FROM DAV-
deeds office or a title insurance company, termined abandoned in accordance with sons or entities claiming a recorded or ally described as W SCHOENHERR S 10 CLOSURE ACTION UNDER THE LAND ID JOHNSON AND BARBARA JOHN-
either of which may charge a fee for this MCL 600.3241a; or, if the subject real unrecorded interest in the following prop- FT 28 N 15 FT 27 FELDMAN & FELD- BANK FAST TRACK ACT, 2003 PA 258. SON, HIS WIFE AND KURT JOHNSON
information: property is used for agricultural purposes erty located in Detroit, Michigan. MAN, PALOMAR PARK SUB L59 P42 PERSONS WITH INFORMATION RE- AND ELAINE JOHNSON, HIS WIFE, AS
Cassidy, a married man and Lori Cas- If the property is sold at foreclosure sale BEEN TRANSFERRED TO THE DE- Estate of Stella Ibrahim, c/o Farid Naim THE PROPERTIES ARE REQUESTED 12/14/1994 IN DEED BOOK 27778
sidy, his wife under Chapter 32 of the Revised Ju- TROIT LAND BANK AUTHORITY Ibrahim, c/o Leena Ibrahim, c/o Mia A TO CONTACT: PAGE 527, IN WAYNE COUNTY,
Original Mortgagee: Mortgage Electronic dicature Act of 1961, pursuant to MCL (DLBA) AND ARE SUBJECT TO AN EX- Ibrahim, c/o Michael P Ibrahim, c/o Nad- Michael Donovan, Attorney for DLBA, MICHIGAN, RECORDS. Commonly
Registration Systems, Inc., as mort- 600.3278 the borrower will be held re- PEDITED QUIET TITLE AND FORE- ine Ibrahim, c/o Randa W Ibrahim,as to 500 Griswold, Ste. 1200, Detroit, MI known as 7651 Steadman St, Dearborn,
gagee, as nominee for lender and sponsible to the person who buys the CLOSURE ACTION UNDER THE LAND Parcel: QT370P42, commonly known as 48226, (313) 261-9914; email MI 48126. The redemption period will be
lender's successors and/or assigns property at the mortgage foreclosure sale BANK FAST TRACK ACT, 2003 PA 258. 20103 Schoenherr, PIN: 21029665-6, MDONOVAN@DETROITLANDBANK.OR 6 months from the date of such sale, un-
Foreclosing Assignee (if any): PennyMac or to the mortgage holder for damaging PERSONS WITH INFORMATION RE- legally described as W SCHOENHERR S G less the property is abandoned or used
Loan Services LLC the property during the redemption peri- GARDING THE PRIOR OWNERS OF 5 FT 27 26 FELDMAN & FELDMAN, PA- DLBA previously recorded a Notice of for agricultural purposes. If the property is
Date of Mortgage: May 8, 2009 od. THE PROPERTIES ARE REQUESTED LOMAR PARK SUB L59 P42 PLATS, W Pending Expedited Quiet Title and Fore- determined abandoned under MCL
Date of Mortgage Recording: July 7, Attention homeowner: If you are a milit- TO CONTACT: CR closure Action with the Wayne County 600.3241a, the redemption period will be
2009 ary service member on active duty, if your Michael Donovan, Attorney for DLBA, Estate of Michael P. Cafagna, c/o Register of Deeds for each property ad- 30 days from the date of such sale, or 15
Amount claimed due on date of notice: period of active duty has concluded less 500 Griswold, Ste. 1200, Detroit, MI Dominic G. Cafagna, c/o Lisa W. Priest, dress below. ON THURSDAY, MAY 11, days after the statutory notice, whichever
$62,368.36 than 90 days ago, or if you have been 48226, (313) 261-9914; email as to Parcel: QT370P43, commonly 2023, AT 9:30 A.M. THE COURT WILL is later. If the property is determined
Description of the mortgaged premises: ordered to active duty, please contact the MDONOVAN@DETROITLANDBANK.OR known as 4744 Seminole, PIN: CONDUCT A HEARING ON DLBA’S RE- abandoned under MCL 600.3241, the re-
Situated in City of Westland, Wayne attorney for the party foreclosing the G 17007711-2, legally described as E QUEST FOR A JUDGMENT OF EXPED- demption period will be 1 month from the
County, Michigan, and described as: Lot mortgage at the telephone number stated DLBA previously recorded a Notice of SEMINOLE N 15 FT 7 8 CURRY COOK ITED QUIET TITLE AND FORECLOS- date of such sale. If the property is pre-
421- Stieber Park Subdivision No. 3, ac- in this notice. Pending Expedited Quiet Title and Fore- FARM SUB L27 P75 PLATS, W C R URE. Under MCL 124.759(11), a person sumed to be used for agricultural pur-
cording to the Plat thereof as recorded in This notice is from a debt collector. closure Action with the Wayne County Estate of La Ron Hall, c/o Carolyn Hall, with a property interest in the property poses pursuant to MCL 600.3240(16), the
Liber 77, Page(s) 10 of Plats, Wayne Date of notice: April 24, 2023 Register of Deeds for each property ad- as to Parcel: QT370P45, commonly may lose his or her interest, if any, as a redemption period is 1 year from the date
County Records Trott Law, P.C. dress below. ON THURSDAY, May 11, known as 14801 Spring Garden, PIN: result of the hearing, and the judgment of of such sale. The redemption period may
Common street address (if any): 1555 31440 Northwestern Hwy, Suite 145 2023, AT 9:30 A.M. THE COURT WILL 21017322., legally described as N the Court may extinguish any ownership be extinguished pursuant to MC L
Regene St, Westland, MI 48186-4417 Farmington Hills, MI 48334 CONDUCT A HEARING ON DLBA’S RE- SPRINGGARDEN 748 YOUNGS GRATI- interest in or right to redeem the property, 600.3238. If the above referenced prop-
The redemption period shall be 6 months (248) 642-2515 QUEST FOR A JUDGMENT OF EXPED- OT VIEW SUB ANNEX L41 P72 PLATS, and may result in title to the property erty is sold at a foreclosure sale under
from the date of such sale, unless de- ITED QUIET TITLE AND FORECLOS- WCR vesting in DLBA. Chapter 32 of Act 236 of 1961, under
termined abandoned in accordance with 1496736 URE. Under MCL 124.759(11), a person NHSH, Inc, as to Parcel: QT370P47, NOTE DO NOT COME TO THE MCL 600.3278, the borrower will be held
MCL 600.3241a; or, if the subject real (04-24)(05-15) with a property interest in the property commonly known as 13566 Stoepel, PIN: COURTHOUSE; IT IS CLOSED FOR responsible to the person who buys the
property is used for agricultural purposes may lose his or her interest, if any, as a 16018862., legally described as E REASONS OF PUBLIC HEALTH AND property at the mortgage foreclosure sale
as defined by MCL 600.3240(16). Notice of Foreclosure by Advertisement result of the hearing, and the judgment of STOEPEL 551 AMENDED PLAT OF SAFETY. ALL COURT HEARINGS ARE or to the mortgage holder for damaging
If the property is sold at foreclosure sale Notice is given under section 3212 of the the Court may extinguish any ownership ROBERT OAKMANS TURNER & FORD CURRENTLY BEING HELD REMOTELY the property during the redemption peri-
under Chapter 32 of the Revised Ju- revised judicature act of 1961, 1961 PA interest in or right to redeem the property, HIGHWAY SUB L44 P96 PLATS, W C R VIA ZOOM VIDEO CONFERENCING OR od. Attention homeowner: If you are a
dicature Act of 1961, pursuant to MCL 236, MCL 600.3212, that the following and may result in title to the property Estate of Hattie Pearl Robinson, c/o TELEPHONE CALL-IN. IF YOU OP- military service member on active duty, if
600.3278 the borrower will be held re- mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale of vesting in DLBA. Wanda Lynn Hall, c/o Jonathon Dominic POSE THE ENTRY OF A JUDGMENT your period of active duty has concluded
sponsible to the person who buys the the mortgaged premises, or some part of NOTE DO NOT COME TO THE Robinson, c/o Matthew William Robinson, OF QUIET TITLE IN FAVOR OF DLBA, less than 90 days ago, or if you have
property at the mortgage foreclosure sale them, at a public auction sale to the COURTHOUSE; IT IS CLOSED FOR c/o Quentin Perry Robinson, c/o Sherry YOU MUST DO THE FOLLOWING BE- been ordered to active duty, please con-
or to the mortgage holder for damaging highest bidder for cash or cashier's check REASONS OF PUBLIC HEALTH AND Grace Robinson, c/o Terry William Robin- FORE THE DATE OF THE HEARING: tact the attorney for the party foreclosing
the property during the redemption peri- at the place of holding the circuit court in SAFETY. ALL COURT HEARINGS ARE son, c/o William Leo Robinson, as to Par- 1. FILE A WRITTEN OBJECTION WITH the mortgage at the telephone number
od. Wayne County, starting promptly at 11:00 CURRENTLY BEING HELD REMOTELY cel: QT370P50, commonly known as THE COURT, AND SERVE A COPY stated in this notice. Date of Notice:
Attention homeowner: If you are a milit- AM, on June 1, 2023. The amount due on VIA ZOOM VIDEO CONFERENCING OR 11931 Wisconsin, PIN: 16035387., leg- UPON DLBA USING THE EMAIL AD- 04/17/2023. Codilis & Moody, P.C.
ary service member on active duty, if your the mortgage may be greater on the day TELEPHONE CALL-IN. IF YOU OP- ally described as W WISCONSIN 353 DRESS ABOVE. 15W030 North Frontage Road, Suite 100
period of active duty has concluded less of sale. Placing the highest bid at the sale POSE THE ENTRY OF A JUDGMENT GREENFIELD PARK SUB NO 2 L33 P25 DAY OF HEARING: Burr Ridge, IL 60527 (313) 536-2500
than 90 days ago, or if you have been does not automatically entitle the pur- OF QUIET TITLE IN FAVOR OF DLBA, PLATS, W C R 1. ALL COURT HEARINGS ARE HELD C&M File 23-23-00107
ordered to active duty, please contact the chaser to free and clear ownership of the YOU MUST DO THE FOLLOWING BE- (4-21)(4-26)(5-1) REMOTELY VIA ZOOM VIDEO CON- (4-17)(5-8)
attorney for the party foreclosing the property. A potential purchaser is encour- FORE THE DATE OF THE HEARING: FERENCE OR TELEPHONE CALL-IN.
mortgage at the telephone number stated aged to contact the county register of 1. FILE A WRITTEN OBJECTION WITH To join the virtual hearing please select NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE BY AD-
in this notice. deeds office or a title insurance company, MORTGAGE SALE - Pursuant to the VERTISEMENT. Notice is given under
THE COURT, AND SERVE A COPY “join meeting” for Hon. Patricia Fresard’s
This notice is from a debt collector. either of which may charge a fee for this terms and conditions of a certain mort- section 3212 of the revised judicature act
UPON DLBA USING THE EMAIL AD- courtroom on the date of your scheduled
Date of notice: April 24, 2023 information: gage and by virtue of the power of sale of 1961, 1961 PA 236, MCL 600.3212,
DRESS ABOVE. hearing at
Trott Law, P.C. Name(s) of the mortgagor(s): Myrtice contained in said mortgage, made by that the following mortgage will be fore-
DAY OF HEARING: sions/civil/virtual-courtroom-meeting or
31440 Northwestern Hwy, Suite 145 Thomas, a single man Myrtha Y. Hull, a single woman, Mort- closed by a sale of the mortgaged
1. ALL COURT HEARINGS ARE HELD call (646) 876-9923 to join via telephone.
Farmington Hills, MI 48334 Original Mortgagee: Financial Freedom gagors, to ABN AMRO Mortgage Group, premises, or some part of them, at a pub-
REMOTELY VIA ZOOM VIDEO CON- 2. Then, enter your name and case num-
(248) 642-2515 Senior Funding Corporation, a Subsidi- Inc., Mortgagee, dated the 22nd day of lic auction sale to the highest bidder for
FERENCE OR TELEPHONE CALL-IN. ber; for example, “john doe 21-123456-
ary of Indy Mac Bank, F.S.B. October, 2002 and recorded in the office cash or cashier’s check at the place of
To join the virtual hearing please select ch." for video zoom users, please change
1496729 Foreclosing Assignee (if any): Bank of of the Register of Deeds, for The County holding the circuit court in WAYNE
“join meeting” for Hon. Patricia Fresard’s your telephone number to reflect your
(04-24)(05-15) New York Mellon Trust Company, N.A. as of Wayne and State of Michigan, on the County, starting promptly at 11:00 A.M.,
courtroom on the date of your scheduled name, instead of your telephone number,
Trustee for Mortgage Assets Manage- 8th day of November, 2002 in Liber on May 25, 2023. The amount due on the
hearing at before you enter the zoom "waiting
Notice of Foreclosure by Advertisement ment Series I Trust 37171 of Wayne County Records, page mortgage may be greater on the day of
sions/civil/virtual-courtroom-meeting or room."
Notice is given under section 3212 of the Date of Mortgage: May 27, 2005 1092, said Mortgage having been as- the sale. Placing the highest bid at the
call (646) 876-9923 to join via telephone. 3. If you have difficulty joining the re-
revised judicature act of 1961, 1961 PA Date of Mortgage Recording: July 26, signed to Equity Financial, LLC on which sale does not automatically entitle the
2. Then, enter your name and case num- mote hearing via zoom video conference
236, MCL 600.3212, that the following 2005 mortgage there is claimed to be due, at purchaser to free and clear ownership of
ber; for example, “john doe 21-123456- or telephone call-in, please contact the
mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale of Amount claimed due on date of notice: the date of this notice, the sum of the property. A potential purchaser is en-
ch." for video zoom users, please change staff of Chief Judge Patricia Fresard at
the mortgaged premises, or some part of $43,734.62 Twenty-Eight Thousand Seventy-Two couraged to contact the county register of
your telephone number to reflect your (313) 224-5430 for instructions on how to
them, at a public auction sale to the Description of the mortgaged premises: and 90/100 ($28,072.90). Notice of Fore- deeds office or a title insurance company,
name, instead of your telephone number, participate in the hearing.
highest bidder for cash or cashier's check Situated in City of Detroit, Wayne County, closure by advertisement. Notice is given either of which may charge a fee for this
before you enter the zoom "waiting 4. IF YOU LACK THE TECHNOLOGY
at the place of holding the circuit court in Michigan, and described as: Lot 41, under section 3212 of the revised ju- information.
Wayne County, starting promptly at 11:00 Thomas Subdivision, according to the dicature act of 1961, 1961 PA 236, MCL MORTGAGE INFORMATION: Default
3. If you have difficulty joining the re- PHONE CALL-IN, YOU MAY ARRANGE
AM, on May 25, 2023. The amount due plat thereof as recorded in Liber 30, 600.3212, that the following mortgage will has been made in the conditions of a cer-
mote hearing via zoom video conference TO USE THE ZOOM AND TELEPHONE
on the mortgage may be greater on the Page(s) 68 of Plats, Wayne County Re- be foreclosed by a sale of the mortgaged tain mortgage made by Precious Nichole
or telephone call-in, please contact the FACILITIES AT THE DLBA OFFICE.
day of sale. Placing the highest bid at the cords. premises, or some part of them, at a pub- Reed, a married woman, whose address
staff of Chief Judge Patricia Fresard at YOU MUST SCHEDULE AN APPOINT-
sale does not automatically entitle the Common street address (if any): 7501 lic auction sale to the highest bidder for is 5640 W. Outer Drive, Detroit, MI
(313) 224-5430 for instructions on how to MENT BY SENDING AN EMAIL, NO
purchaser to free and clear ownership of Tumey St, Detroit, MI 48234-3941 cash or cashier’s check at the place of 48235, as original Mortgagors, to Mort-
participate in the hearing. LATER THAN NOON ON WEDNESDAY,
the property. A potential purchaser is en- The redemption period shall be 6 months holding the Circuit Court Wayne County, gage Electronic Registration Systems,
couraged to contact the county register of from the date of such sale, unless de- starting promptly at 11:00 AM o’clock Inc., being a mortgage dated February
deeds office or a title insurance company, termined abandoned in accordance with Local Time on the 18th day of May, 2023. 19, 2020, and recorded on March 9, 2020
either of which may charge a fee for this MCL 600.3241a; or, if the subject real The amount due on the mortgage may be in Liber 55630 Page 574, Wayne County
information: property is used for agricultural purposes greater on the day of the sale. Placing the Records, State of Michigan and then as-
FACILITIES AT THE DLBA OFFICE. Akegun Investment, Inc., Estate of
Name(s) of the mortgagor(s): Queen Es- as defined by MCL 600.3240(16). highest bid at the sale does not automat- signed to NewRez LLC d/b/a Shellpoint
YOU MUST SCHEDULE AN APPOINT- Pankie L. Dunham, Nathaniel Watts,
ther McKinney, an unmarried woman If the property is sold at foreclosure sale ically entitle the purchaser to free and Mortgage Servicing, as assignee as doc-
MENT BY SENDING AN EMAIL, NO LaTasha Gilmore, as to Parcel: QT357
Original Mortgagee: Seattle Mortgage under Chapter 32 of the Revised Ju- clear ownership of the property. A poten- umented by an assignment dated
LATER THAN NOON ON WEDNESDAY, P01, commonly known as 12056 Ap-
Company dicature Act of 1961, pursuant to MCL tial purchaser is encouraged to contact December 1, 2022 and recorded on
May 10, 2023, TO MDONOVAN@DE- poline, PIN: 22020896., legally described
Foreclosing Assignee (if any): Mortgage 600.3278 the borrower will be held re- the county register of deeds office or a December 1, 2022 in Liber 57980 Page
Assets Management, LLC sponsible to the person who buys the title insurance company, either of which 153, Wayne County Records, Michigan,
Date of Mortgage: October 6, 2006 property at the mortgage foreclosure sale may charge a fee for this information. The on which mortgage there is claimed to be
Date of Mortgage Recording: October or to the mortgage holder for damaging bid may include interest thereon at due at the date hereof the sum of ONE
Future City Initiative, Future City Initiat- Estate of Anthony Braxton/ Estate of An-
26, 2006 the property during the redemption peri- 5.82000 per annum and all legal costs, HUNDRED EIGHTY THOUSAND FOUR
ive c/o Registered Agents Inc., Future thony Braxton, Lekeya Nico Wilkerson, as
Amount claimed due on date of notice: od. charges, and expenses, including the at- HUNDRED EIGHTY-ONE AND 22/100
City Initiative c/o Devankar Mukhi, Future to Parcel: QT357 P13, commonly known
$139,782.99 Attention homeowner: If you are a milit- torney fees allowed by law, and also any DOLLARS ($180,481.22).
City Initiative c/o THOMAS MEISTERS, as 5165 Hillsboro, PIN: 16003857., leg-
Description of the mortgaged premises: ary service member on active duty, if your sum or sums which may be paid by the Said premises are situated in the City of
Future City Initiative c/o MARNIX GOOS- ally described as S HILLSBORO 329 SE-
Situated in City of Detroit, Wayne County, period of active duty has concluded less undersigned, necessary to protect its in- Detroit, County of Wayne, State of
SENS, as to Parcel: QT319P08, com- CURITY LAND COS SUB L29 P85
Michigan, and described as: Land Loc- than 90 days ago, or if you have been terest in the premises. Which said Michigan, and are described as:
monly known as 1995 Ford, PIN: PLATS, W C R
ated in the City of Detroit, County of ordered to active duty, please contact the premises are described as follows: All Lot 1124, Blackstone Park Subdivision
08004753., legally described as S FORD Kamal Ahmed, Johnie Mae Walker/ Es-
Wayne, State of Michigan and more par- attorney for the party foreclosing the that certain piece or parcel of land, in- No. 1, according to the plat thereof, as re-
LOT 389 R OAKMANS 12TH ST SUB tate of Johnie Walker, as to Parcel:
ticularly described as: Lot 8, Rouge Out- mortgage at the telephone number stated cluding any and all structures, and corded in Liber 48, Page 92 of Plats,
L34 P90 PLATS, W C R QT357 P14, commonly known as 8916
er Drive Subdivision, as recorded in Liber in this notice. homes, manufactured or otherwise, loc- Wayne County Records.
Case # 23-004124-CH, DLBA Case- Isham, PIN: 19004153., legally described
77, Pages 82 and 83 of Plats, Wayne This notice is from a debt collector. ated thereon, situated in the City of De- Street Address: 5640 W. Outer Drive,
County Records. Date of notice: April 24, 2023 troit, County of Wayne, State of Michigan, Detroit, MI 48235
Estate of Iola Littejohn aka Lola Little- SUB L30 P66 PLATS, W C R
Common street address (if any): 12705 Trott Law, P.C. and described as follows, to wit: The redemption period shall be 6 months
john, c/o Talisha Eileen Little John, c/o Estate of Ed Hannah, Let's Make a Deal
Beaverland St, Detroit, MI 48223-3001 31440 Northwestern Hwy, Suite 145 The North 1 foot of Lot 858, all of Lot from the date of such sale, unless the
Dajuan Marcus-Rona Littlejohn, c/o Dar- Investments, LLC, Akegun Invesment,
The redemption period shall be 6 months Farmington Hills, MI 48334 859, and the South 10 feet of Lot 860, property is determined abandoned in ac-
cel Littlejohn, c/o Darmese Daran Little- Inc., Heavenly Healthcare Services LLC
from the date of such sale, unless de- (248) 642-2515 Seymour and Troester`s Clairmont Park cordance with MCLA § 600.3241a in
john, c/o John Littlejohn, c/o Leslie Wynn c/o DESREA FREEMAN, as to Parcel:
termined abandoned in accordance with Subdivision No. 1, according to the plat which case the redemption period shall
Littlejohn, c/o Maurice Littlejohn, c/o Mi- QT357 P17, commonly known as 9069 N
MCL 600.3241a; or, if the subject real 1496683 thereof as recorded in Liber 62 of Plats, be 30 days from the date of the sale. If
chael Anthony Littlejohn, c/o Mila Martindale, PIN: 14007545., legally de-
property is used for agricultural purposes (04-24)(05-15) Page 95, Wayne County Records the property is sold at a foreclosure sale
Lavonne Littlejohn, c/o Theila Littlejohn, scribed as W MARTINDALE NO 40 MAR-
as defined by MCL 600.3240(16). Commonly known as 19958 CONLEY, under Chapter 32 of the Revised Ju-
c/o Thelia Devonne Littlejohn, c/o Darryl TINDALE SUB L29 P12 PLATS, W C R
If the property is sold at foreclosure sale
under Chapter 32 of the Revised Ju- Third Insertion S Little-John, c/o Timothy L Little-John,
c/o Eileen Ardaitha Littlejohn-Cabell, as
During the immediately following the
Johnny Wade Jr., One Accord Realty,
LLC, Gilbert Weinstock, Tradin Places,
dicature Act of 1961, pursuant to MCLA §
600.3278, the borrower will be held re-
dicature Act of 1961, pursuant to MCL Bell, Jessie M. sale, the property may be redeemed, ex- sponsible to the person who buys the
to Parcel: QT370P03, commonly known LLC, Hansons LLC, Michigan Basic Prop-
600.3278 the borrower will be held re- NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE BY AD- cept that in the event that the property is property at the mortgage foreclosure sale
as 6211 Avery, PIN: 08007114., legally erty Insurance Association / Winters &
sponsible to the person who buys the VERTISEMENT. Notice is given under determined to be abandoned pursuant to or to the mortgage holder for damaging
described as W AVERY 9 BLK C HAM- Associates, PC c/o Attorney Susan L
property at the mortgage foreclosure sale section 3212 of the revised judicature act MCLA 600.3241a, the property may be the property during the redemption peri-
LIN & FORDYCES SUB L16 P10 PLATS, Winters, as to Parcel: QT357 P21, com-
or to the mortgage holder for damaging of 1961, 1961 PA 236, MCL 600.3212, redeemed 30 days after the foreclosure od.
WCR monly known as 17449 St Aubin, PIN:
the property during the redemption peri- that the following mortgage will be fore- sale or when the time to provide the no- THIS FIRM IS A DEBT COLLECTOR
Estate of Major Brown, c/o Cornelius 09016099., legally described as W ST
od. c l o s e d b y s a l e o f t h e m o r t g a g ed tice required by the statute expires, ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A DEBT
Brown, c/o Dona Jean Brown, c/o Major- AUBIN 307 OAKDALE SUB L29 P79
Attention homeowner: If you are a milit- premises, or some part of them, at a pub- whichever is later. AND ANY INFORMATION WE OBTAIN
ie Cornelious Brown, c/o Marjorie Lou PLATS, WCR
ary service member on active duty, if your lic auction sale to the highest bidder for Pursuant to MCLA 600.3278, the mort- WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE.
Brown, c/o Rosa Mae Brown, c/o Malissa Brandon Seed, Estate of Calvin Seed &
period of active duty has concluded less cash or cashier’s check at the place of gagor(s) will be held responsible to the ATTENTION HOMEOWNER: IF YOU
Ruth Johnson, Estate of Porshe Ecckles, Estate of Rosalie Seed aka Rose Sees,
than 90 days ago, or if you have been holding the circuit court in Wayne County, person who buys the property at the fore- ARE A MILITARY SERVICE MEMBER
c/o Nicole Andretta Ecckles, as to Parcel: Rose Seed, Lynn E. Morgan, as to Par-
ordered to active duty, please contact the starting promptly at 11:00 AM on closure sale or to the mortgage holder for ON ACTIVE DUTY, IF YOUR PERIOD
QT370P08, commonly known as 8629 cel: QT357 P22, commonly known as
attorney for the party foreclosing the Thursday, May 18, 2023. The amount damaging the property during the re- OF ACTIVE DUTY HAS CONCLUDED
Colfax, PIN: 16013989., legally de- 2735 Taylor, PIN: 10002306., legally de-
mortgage at the telephone number stated due on the mortgage may be greater on demption period. LESS THAN 90 DAYS AGO, OR IF YOU
scribed as W COLFAX 30 ADDITION TO scribed as S TAYLOR W 20 FT 35 E 15
in this notice. the day of the sale. Placing the highest If the sale is set aside for any reason, the HAVE BEEN ORDERED TO ACTIVE
This notice is from a debt collector. bid at the sale does not automatically en- Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled DUTY, PLEASE CONTACT THE AT-
Estate of Mary Clay, Estate of Benjamin CR
Date of notice: April 24, 2023 title the purchaser to free and clear own- only to a return of the deposit paid. The TORNEY FOR THE PARTY FORE-
Clay, c/o Debra Etta Clay, c/o Jamar T Malcolm Fondren, Preston Taylor, Es-
Trott Law, P.C. ership of the property. A potential pur- Purchaser shall have no further recourse CLOSING THE MORTGAGE AT THE
Clay, c/o Raymount Deion Clay, as to tate of Preston Taylor, Yemisi Olorunsola,
31440 Northwestern Hwy, Suite 145 chaser is encouraged to contact the against the Mortgagee or the TELEPHONE NUMBER STATED IN
Parcel: QT370P16, commonly known as Alana Scott a/k/a ALANA NICOLE
Farmington Hills, MI 48334 county register of deeds office or a title Mortgagee’s attorney THIS NOTICE.
4502 Garland, PIN: 21037872., legally DILLARD, Spartan Investments LLC,
(248) 642-2515 insurance company, either of which may Attention homeowner: If you are a milit- Dated: April 17, 2023
described as E GARLAND 89 H A Spartan Investments LLC c/o KENT
charge a fee for this information. Name of ary service member on active duty, if your For more information, please contact the
STRASBURG SUB L29 P98 PLATS, W C JACKSON, as to Parcel: QT357 P26,
1496686 mortgagor: Jessie M. Bell. Name of ori- period of active duty has concluded less attorney for the party foreclosing: Ken-
R commonly known as 2929 Carter, PIN:
(04-24)(05-15) ginal mortgagee: Comerica Bank, a than 90 days ago, of if you have been neth J. Johnson, Johnson, Blumberg, &
Debora Lynett, Ohlala, as to Parcel: 12002236., legally described as S
Texas banking association. Date of the ordered to active duty, please contact the Associates, LLC, 5955 West Main Street,
Notice of Foreclosure by Advertisement QT370P24, commonly known as 19139 CARTER LOT 49 WILLIAM HOLMES
mortgage: April 25, 2006. Date mortgage attorney for the party foreclosing the Suite 18, Kalamazoo, MI 49009. Tele-
Notice is given under section 3212 of the Lamont, PIN: 13017532., legally de- SUB L18 P18 PLATS, W C R 12/184
was recorded: June 13, 2006 (Affidavit to mortgage at the telephone number stated phone: (312) 541-9710.
revised judicature act of 1961, 1961 PA scribed as W LAMONT 89 DONDEROS (4-21) (4-26) (5-01)
Re-Record Mortgage to Correct Legal in this notice. File No.: MI 23 4801
236, MCL 600.3212, that the following L38 P43 PLATS, W C R
Description recorded January 17, 2017). Dated: 04/17/2023 Notice of Foreclosure by Advertisement (4-17)(5-8)
mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale of CHG Consulting Services Corporation,
Amount claimed to be due at the date Equity Financial, LLC Notice of foreclosure by advertisement.
the mortgaged premises, or some part of as to Parcel: QT370P25, commonly Notice of Foreclosure by Advertisement
herein: $14,078.74. Description of the Mortgagee Notice is given under section 3212 of the
them, at a public auction sale to the known as 14954 Lauder, PIN: 22041911., Notice is given under section 3212 of the
mortgaged premises: Lot 49, Glacier Park HLADIK, ONORATO & FEDERMAN, revised judicature act of 1961, 1961 PA
highest bidder for cash or cashier's check legally described as E LAUDER 98 B E revised judicature act of 1961, 1961 PA
Subdivision, as recorded in Liber 32, LLP 236, MCL 600.3212, that the following
at the place of holding the circuit court in TAYLORS HOLLYWOOD SUB L41 P3 236, MCL 600.3212, that the following
Page 54 of Plats, Wayne County Re- Jonathan L. Engman (P56364) mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale of
Wayne County, starting promptly at 11:00 PLATS, W C R mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale of
cords. Address: 15045 Muirland St., De- Attorney for Servicer the mortgaged premises, or some part of
AM, on May 25, 2023. The amount due Cyril Pelletier, Emmanuel Quentin Wylie the mortgaged premises, or some part of
troit, Michigan 48238. The redemption 3290 West Big Beaver Road, Suite 117 them, at a public auction sale to the
on the mortgage may be greater on the Pierson El, as to Parcel: QT370P32, them, at a public auction sale to the
period shall be 1 year from the date of Troy, MI 48084 highest bidder for cash or cashier’s check
day of sale. Placing the highest bid at the commonly known as 14050 Mansfield, highest bidder for cash or cashier's check
such sale, unless determined abandoned (248)362-2600 at the place of holding the circuit court in
sale does not automatically entitle the PIN: 22057165., legally described as E at the place of holding the Circuit Court in
in accordance with MCL 600.3241a. If the FCI FF HULL - 23-00706 Wayne County, starting promptly at 11:00
purchaser to free and clear ownership of MANSFIELD 91 B E TAYLORS Wayne County, starting promptly at 11:00
property is sold at a foreclosure sale un- (4-17)(5-8) AM on 5/18/2023. The amount due on the
the property. A potential purchaser is en- STRATHMOOR-ORTMAN SUB L47 P4 AM, on May 18, 2023. The amount due
der Chapter 32 of the Revised Judicature PLATS, W C R mortgage may be greater on the day of
couraged to contact the county register of Proclamation on the mortgage may be greater on the
Act of 1961, pursuant to section MCL Estate of Aurelious Holmes, c/o Aureli- the sale. Placing the highest bid at the
deeds office or a title insurance company, Declaration of Non-citizen Nationality day of the sale. Placing the highest bid at
600.3278 the borrower will be held re- ous Dewayne Holmes III , Estate of Aure- sale does not automatically entitle the
either of which may charge a fee for this Section 302 of public law 94-241 the sale does not automatically entitle the
sponsible to the person who buys the lious Holmes and Estate of Mary Holmes, purchaser to free and clear ownership of
information: I Rashida Alzadie Bennett El Chief purchaser to free and clear ownership of
property at the mortgage foreclosure sale c/o Brianna Cheszarae Holmes, c/o the property. A potential purchaser is en-
Name(s) of the mortgagor(s): Angela V Sparkling Waters duly affirmed[sworn], the property. A potential purchaser is en-
or to the mortgage holder for damaging Richard L Holmes III, c/o Robert Lewis couraged to contact the county register of
Kozlowski and Philip J Kozlowski, wife hereby declare my intention to be a Na- couraged to contact the county register of
the property during the redemption peri- Holmes, c/o Cynthia Maria Holmes-Oliv- deeds office or a title insurance company,
and husband tional but not a citizen of the United deeds office or a title insurance company,
od. Attention homeowner: If you are a er, Estate of Mary Holmes, c/o Kenyetta either of which may charge a fee for this
Original Mortgagee: Mortgage Electronic States. I am one with the All ASE! either of which may charge a fee for this
military service member on active duty, if Ladawn Cooper, c/o Cynth Holmes, c/o information. Names of Mortgagor(s):
Registration Systems, Inc., as mort- Notice: to all executive and judicial of- information.
your period of active duty has concluded Jovon Marie Holmes, as to Parcel: Robert D. Perry and Sharon L. Perry. Ori-
gagee, as nominee for lender and ficers both of the United States and the Name(s) of the mortgagor(s): Nestor
less than 90 days ago, or if you have QT370P37, commonly known as 9556 ginal mortgagee: Mortgage Electronic Re-
lender's successors and/or assigns Several States. Lora aka Nestor E. Lora, Married Man
been ordered to active duty, please con- Oakland, PIN: 05004756., legally de- gistration Systems, Inc., as mortgagee,
Foreclosing Assignee (if any): MCLP As- FormLPN#RE 34552866US Original Mortgagee: Mortgage Electronic
tact the attorney for the party foreclosing scribed as E OAKLAND 13 MOTT & as nominee for Nationwide Advantage
set Company, Inc. (4-27)3D Registration Systems, Inc., as mort-
the mortgage at the telephone number MORSES SUB L15 P81 PLATS, W C R Mortgage Company. Date of mortgage:
Date of Mortgage: March 25, 2013 gagee, as nominee for American Lend-
stated in this notice. This notice is from a Estate of Dell Johnson, c/o Tiffany Nicole 4/7/2005. Mortgage recorded on
Date of Mortgage Recording: April 18, DETROIT LAND BANK AUTHORITY, a ing Solutions, LLC, its successors and
debt collector. Dated: April 17, 2023. The Johnson PR, c/o Darell Smith, as to Par- 4/15/2005 as Document No.
2013 public body corporate, Plaintiff, Wayne assigns
Law Office of Jessica L. Berg, PLLC, cel: QT370P39, commonly known as 2015159769, in Liber 42487, Page 1024.
Amount claimed due on date of notice: County Circuit Court Case Nos. 23- Foreclosing Assignee (if any): Planet
1052 Bedford Road, Grosse Pointe Park, 3813 Pingree, PIN: 14002996., legally Foreclosing Assignee (if any): Wilming-
$169,855.75 004078-CH Hon. Patricia P. Fresard. Home Lending, LLC
MI 48230 (734) 755-8486 described as S PINGREE 348 STORM- ton Savings Fund Society, FSB, as trust-
Description of the mortgaged premises: NOTICE OF HEARING OF EXPEDITED Date of Mortgage: November 29, 2017
(4-17)(5-8) FELTZ-LOVELEY CO SUB L29 P99 ee of Stanwich Mortgage Loan Trust F.
Situated in City of Livonia, Wayne QUIET TITLE & FORECLOSURE AC- Date of Mortgage Recording: December
PLATS, W C R Amount claimed to be due at the date
County, Michigan, and described as: Unit DETROIT LAND BANK AUTHORITY, a TION Nos. 357 12, 2017
Estate of Bonita Ann Hall-Boykin, c/o hereof: $60,006.94. Mortgaged premises:
30, Churchill Manor Site Condominium, public body corporate, Plaintiff, Wayne TO: those parties named below; other Amount claimed due on mortgage on the
Antonio Hall, c/o Bonita Lynn Hall, c/o Situated in Wayne County, and de-
according to the Master Deed recorded in County Circuit Court Case Nos. 22- known, unknown or unnamed owners, date of notice: $222,077.62
Timothy Charner-Lee Hall-Norman, c/o scribed as: THE FOLLOWING DE-
Liber 44234, Pages 74 through 100, in- 010408-CH, 23-004124-CH Hon. Patricia spouses, land contract purchasers, ten- Description of the mortgaged premises:
Boni Rhum, Estate of Turhan G. Hall, c/o SCRIBED PREMISES SITUATED IN
clusive, and any amendments thereto, P. Fresard. ants, or occupants; heirs, devisees, as- Situated in the Township of Brownstown,
Oriole J. Hall, c/o Rhonda Hall, as to Par- THE CITY OF DEARBORN, COUNTY
Wayne County Records and designated NOTICE OF HEARING OF EXPEDITED signees, trustees, personal representat- Wayne County, Michigan,
(Continued on Pageand
9) are de-
cel: QT370P40, commonly known as OF WAYNE AND STATE OF MICHIGAN,
as Wayne County Condominium Subdivi- QUIET TITLE & FORECLOSURE AC- ives, conservators, guardians or other fi- scribed as: Lot 4, Sleepy Hollow Subdivi-
11775 Rosemary, PIN: 21009658., leg- TO WIT: LOT 466 AND 1/2 ADJACENT
sion Plan No. 902, together with rights in TION Nos. 319, 370 duciaries; receivers, tax authorities, mort- sion No. 1, as recorded in Liber 106,
general common elements and limited TO: those parties named below; other gagees, or lienholders; and all other per- Pages 62 through 69, inclusive of Plats,
common elements as set forth in the known, unknown or unnamed owners, sons or entities claiming a recorded or Wayne County Records.
above described Master Deed and as de- spouses, land contract purchasers, ten- unrecorded interest in the following prop- Commonly Known as: 24622 Christian
Estate of Stella Ibrahim, c/o Farid Naim VISION, AT RECORDED IN LIBER 40,
scribed in Act 59 of the Public Acts of ants, or occupants; heirs, devisees, as- erty located in Detroit, Michigan. Dr., Flat Rock, MI 48134
Ibrahim, c/o Leena Ibrahim, c/o Mia A PAGE 91 OF PLATS, WAYNE COUNTY
1978, as amended signees, trustees, personal representat- THE FOLLOWING PROPERTIES HAVE The redemption period shall be 6 months
Ibrahim, c/o Michael P Ibrahim, c/o Nad- RECORDS. BEING THE SAME PROP-
Common street address (if any): 37454 ives, conservators, guardians or other fi- BEEN TRANSFERRED TO THE DE- from the date of such sale, unless de-
ine Ibrahim, c/o Randa W Ibrahim, as to ERTY CONVEYED TO ROBERT D.
Eagle Dr, Livonia, MI 48150-5055 duciaries; receivers, tax authorities, mort- TROIT LAND BANK AUTHORITY termined abandoned in accordance with
Parcel: QT370P41, commonly known as PERRY AND SHARON L. PERRY, HUS-
The redemption period shall be 6 months (DLBA) AND ARE SUBJECT TO AN EX- MCL 600.3241a, in which case the re-
DLN Front May1-23 - Monday_Layout 1 4/28/23 2:18 PM Page 5

MONDAY, MAY 1, 2023 The Detroit Legal News, Page 9

the borrower will be held responsible to 236, MCL 600.3212, that the following couraged to contact the county register of
LEGAL NOTICES the person who buys the property at the mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale of deeds office or a title insurance company,
——— mortgage foreclosure sale or to the mort- the mortgaged premises, or some part of either of which may charge a fee for this
(Continued from Page 8) gage holder for damaging the property t hem, at a public auction sale to the information.
during the redemption period. highest bidder for cash or cashier’s check Name(s) of the mortgagor(s): Jeffery C.
Attention homeowner: If you are a milit - at the place of holding the circuit court in Czich aka Jeffrey C. Czich, a Single Man
Third Insertion ary service member on active duty, if your
period of active duty has concluded less
Wayne County, starting promptly at 11:00
a.m. on May 25, 2023. The amount due
Original Mortgagee: Dynasty Fundin g
Situated in the Township of Brownstown, than 90 days ago, or if you have been on the mortgage may be greater on the Foreclosing Assignee (if any): Nation-
Wayne County, Michigan, and are de- ordered to active duty, please contact the day of the sale. Placing the highest bid at star Mortgage LLC
scribed as: Lot 4, Sleepy Hollow Subdivi- attorney for the party foreclosing the the sale does not automatically entitle the Date of Mortgage: November 13, 1996
sion No. 1, as recorded in Liber 106 , mortgage at the telephone number stated purchaser to free and clear ownership of Date of Mortgage Recording: November
Pages 62 through 69, inclusive of Plats, in this notice. the property. A potential purchaser is en- 21, 1996
Wayne County Records. Cincinnati Capital Corporation couraged to contact the county register of Amount claimed due on mortgage on the
Commonly Known as: 24622 Christian Mortgagee/Assignee deeds office or a title insurance company, date of notice: $68,249.65
Dr., Flat Rock, MI 48134 Schneiderman & Sherman P.C. either of which may charge a fee for this Description of the mortgaged premises:
The redemption period shall be 6 months 23938 Research Dr, Suite 300 information. Situated in the City of Dearborn Heights,
from the date of such sale, unless de - Farmington Hills, MI 48335 MORTGAGE SALE –Dobbs and Dobbs Wayne County, Michigan, and are de-
termined abandoned in accordance with 248.539.7400 I nvestments, LLC, original mortgagor , scribed as: Lot 83, Plat of Burnet t
MCL 600.3241a, in which case the re- (4-17)(5-8) granted a Mortgage to F Street Invest- Boulevard Subdivision, as recorded i n
demption period shall be 30 days from ments, LLC, dated March 16, 2022, and Liber 43, Page 36 of Plats, Wayn e
the date of such sale, or upon the expira- NOTICE OF MORTGAGE recorded March 24, 2022 in Liber 57483, County Records.
tion of the notice required by MC L FORECLOSURE SALE Page 1364 in official records of Wayne Commonly Known as: 5148 Hazel, Dear-
600.3241a(c), whichever is later; or un- Notice of foreclosure by advertisement. C ounty Register of Deeds, Michigan , born Heights, MI 48125
less MCL 600.3240(16) applies. Notice is given under section 3212 of the w hich mortgage there is claimed to be The redemption period shall be 6 months
If the property is sold at foreclosure sale revised judicature act of 1961, 1961 PA d ue at the date hereof the sum o f from the date of such sale, unless de -
under Chapter 32 of the Revised Ju - 236, MCL 600.3212, that the following $ 344,662.00. termined abandoned in accordance with
dicature Act of 1961, under MC L mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale of The following described premises situ- MCL 600.3241a, in which case the re-
600.3278, the borrower will be held re- the mortgaged premises, or some part of a ted in the City of Detroit, County of demption period shall be 30 days from
sponsible to the person who buys th e them, at a public auction sale to th e W ayne, State of Michigan, to-wit: the date of such sale, or upon the expira-
property at the mortgage foreclosure sale highest bidder for cash or cashier’s check Lot 20, Jackson Park Subdivision, ac - tion of the notice required by MC L
or to the mortgage holder for damaging at the place of holding the circuit court in cording to the plat thereof, as recorded in 600.3241a(c), whichever is later; or un-
the property during the redemption peri- Wayne County, starting promptly at 11:00 L iber 30, Pages 95 of Plats, Wayn e less MCL 600.3240(16) applies.
od. a.m, on May 25, 2023. The amount due C ounty Records. If the property is sold at foreclosure sale
Attention Purchaser: This sale may be on the mortgage may be greater on the Commonly known as 1667 Ediso n under Chapter 32 of the Revised Ju -
rescinded by the foreclosing mortgagee day of the sale. Placing the highest bid at S treet, Detroit, MI 48206 dicature Act of 1961, under MC L
for any reason. In that event, your dam- the sale does not automatically entitle the Property ID# 08002840 600.3278, the borrower will be held re-
ages, if any, shall be limited solely to the purchaser to free and clear ownership of The redemption period shall be 6 months sponsible to the person who buys th e
return of the bid amount tendered at sale, the property. A potential purchaser is en- f rom the date of such sale, unless de- property at the mortgage foreclosure sale
plus interest, and the purchaser shal l couraged to contact the county register of termined abandoned in accordance with or to the mortgage holder for damaging
have no further recourse against th e deeds office or a title insurance company, M CLA 600.3241, in which case the re- the property during the redemption peri-
Mortgagor, the Mortgagee, or the Mort - either of which may charge a fee for this demption period shall be 1 month, or un- od.
gagee's attorney. information. d er MCL 600.3241a 30 days from the Attention Purchaser: This sale may be
Attention homeowner: If you are a milit- MORTGAGE SALE –Dobbs and Dobbs d ate of such sale, or 15 days from the rescinded by the foreclosing mortgagee
ary service member on active duty, if your Investments, LLC, original mortgagor , MCL 600.3241a (b) notice, whichever is for any reason. In that event, your dam-
period of active duty has concluded less granted a Mortgage to F Street Invest - l ater, or extinguished pursuant to MCL ages, if any, shall be limited solely to the
than 90 days ago, or if you have ordered ments, LLC, dated June 30, 2022, and re- 6 00.3238. return of the bid amount tendered at sale,
to active duty, please contact the attor- corded July 26, 2022 as Liber 57765 , If the property is sold at foreclosure sale plus interest, and the purchaser shal l
ney for the party foreclosing the mort - Page 145 in official records of Wayne u nder Chapter 32 of the Revised Ju- have no further recourse against th e
gage at the telephone number stated in County Register of Deeds, Michigan , d icature Act of 1961, pursuant to MCL Mortgagor, the Mortgagee, or the Mort -
this notice. which mortgage there is claimed to b e 6 00.3278 the borrower will be held re- gagee's attorney.
This notice is from a debt collector. due at the date hereof the sum o f s ponsible to the person who buys the Attention homeowner: If you are a milit-
Date of notice: 04/17/2023 $326,651.27. property at the mortgage foreclosure sale ary service member on active duty, if your
Potestivo & Associates, P.C. The following described premises situ- or to the mortgage holder for damaging period of active duty has concluded less
251 Diversion Street, Rochester, M I ated in the City of Detroit, County o f the property during the redemption peri- than 90 days ago, or if you have ordered
48307 Wayne, State of Michigan, to-wit: od. to active duty, please contact the attor-
248-853-4400 Lot 18, Jackson Park Subdivision, ac - ATTENTION HOMEOWNER: If you are ney for the party foreclosing the mort -
317144 cording to the plat thereof as recorded in a military service member on active duty, gage at the telephone number stated in
(4-17)(5-8) Liber 30 of Plats, Page i f your period of active duty has con- this notice.
95, Wayne County Records. cluded less than 90 days ago, or if you This notice is from a debt collector.
Notice of Foreclosure by Advertisement. Commonly known as 1651 Ediso n have been ordered to active duty, please Date of notice: 04/17/2023
Notice is given under section 3212 of the Street, Detroit, MI 48206 contact the attorney for the party foreclos- Potestivo & Associates, P.C.
revised judicature act of 1961, 1961 PA Property ID# 08002838 ing the mortgage at the telephone num- 251 Diversion Street, Rochester, M I
236, MCL 600.3212, that the following The redemption period shall be 6 months ber stated in this notice 48307
mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale of from the date of such sale, unless de - ATTENTION PURCHASERS: This sale 248-853-4400
the mortgaged premises, or some part of termined abandoned in accordance with m ay be rescinded by the foreclosin g 316219
them, at a public auction sale to th e MCLA 600.3241, in which case the re- mortgagee. In that event, your damages, (4-17)(5-8)
highest bidder for cash or cashier’s check demption period shall be 1 month, or un- if any, shall be limited solely to the return
at the place of holding the circuit court in der MCL 600.3241a 30 days from th e of the bid amount tendered at sale, plus
Wayne County, starting promptly at 11:00
AM, on May 18, 2023. The amount due
date of such sale, or 15 days from the
MCL 600.3241a (b) notice, whichever is
interest. Fourth Insertion
This notice is from a debt collector. NOTICE OF MORTGAGE
on the mortgage may be greater on the later, or extinguished pursuant to MCL Dated: April 12, 2023
day of the sale. Placing the highest bid at 600.3238. FORECLOSURE SALE
For more information, please call: Notice of foreclosure by advertisement.
the sale does not automatically entitle the If the property is sold at foreclosure sale (513) 852-6066
purchaser to free and clear ownership of under Chapter 32 of the Revised Ju - Notice is given under section 3212 of the
Daniel A. Cox revised judicature act of 1961, 1961 PA
the property. A potential purchaser is en- dicature Act of 1961, pursuant to MC L Wood + Lamping, LLP
couraged to contact the county register of 600.3278 the borrower will be held re- 236, MCL 600.3212, that the following
Attorneys for Servicer mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale of
deeds office or a title insurance company, sponsible to the person who buys th e 600 Vine Street, Suite 2500, Cincinnati,
either of which may charge a fee for this property at the mortgage foreclosure sale the mortgaged premises, or some part of
OH 45202 them, at a public auction sale to the
information. or to the mortgage holder for damaging File 23-03024
MORTGAGE: the property during the redemption peri- highest bidder for cash or cashier’s check
(4-17)(5-15) at the place of holding the circuit court in
Mortgagor(s): Yolanda R. Spearman, a od.
married woman ATTENTION HOMEOWNER: If you are NOTICE OF MORTGAGE Wayne County, starting promptly at 11:00
Original Mortgagee: Main Street Bank a military service member on active duty, FORECLOSURE SALE a.m. on May 11, 2023. The amount due
Date of mortgage: July 31, 2008 if your period of active duty has con - Notice of foreclosure by advertisement. on the mortgage may be greater on the
Recorded on October 6, 2008, Libe r cluded less than 90 days ago, or if you Notice is given under section 3212 of the day of the sale. Placing the highest bid at
47506, on Page 228, have been ordered to active duty, please revised judicature act of 1961, 1961 PA the sale does not automatically entitle the
Foreclosing Assignee (if any): Cincinnati contact the attorney for the party foreclos- 2 36, MCL 600.3212, that the following purchaser to free and clear ownership of
Capital Corporation ing the mortgage at the telephone num- mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale of the property. A potential purchaser is en-
Amount claimed to be due at the dat e ber stated in this notice the mortgaged premises, or some part of couraged to contact the county register of
hereof: Twenty Thousand Seven Hun - ATTENTION PURCHASERS: This sale t hem, at a public auction sale to the deeds office or a title insurance company ,
dred Ninety-Eight and 92/100 Dollar s may be rescinded by the foreclosin g highest bidder for cash or cashier’s check either of which may charge a fee for this
($20,798.92) mortgagee. In that event, your damages, at the place of holding the circuit court in information.
Mortgaged premises: Situated in Wayne if any, shall be limited solely to the return Wayne County, starting promptly at 11:00 MORTGAGE SALE –Ralph L Robinson ,
County, and described as: of the bid amount tendered at sale, plus a.m. on May 25, 2023. The amount due a single man, original mortgagor, granted
Lots 522, 523 and 524, including the ad- interest. on the mortgage may be greater on the a Mortgage to Marathon Financial Cor-
joining 1/2 of the vacated public alley at This notice is from a debt collector. day of the sale. Placing the highest bid at poration, dated March 30, 2003, and re-
the rear thereof, Warrendale Warsa w Dated: April 12, 2023 the sale does not automatically entitle the corded July 11, 2003 as Liber 38679 ,
Subdivision, according to the plat thereof For more information, please call: purchaser to free and clear ownership of Page 147 in official records of Wayne
recorded in Liber 47, Page 33 of Plats , (513) 852-6066 the property. A potential purchaser is en- County Register of Deeds, Michigan, and
Wayne County Records. Daniel A. Cox couraged to contact the county register of assigned to BAC Home Loans Servicing,
Commonly known as 9356-9358 Ever- Wood + Lamping, LLP deeds office or a title insurance company, LP fka Countrywide Home Loans Servi-
green Ave, Detroit, MI 48228 Attorneys for Servicer either of which may charge a fee for this cing LP, recorded on May 24, 2010 as
The redemption period will be 6 months 600 Vine Street, Suite 2500, Cincinnati, information. Liber 48563, Page 1105, in official re-
from the date of such sale, unless aban- OH 45202 MORTGAGE SALE –Dobbs and Dobbs cords of Wayne County Register o f
doned under MCL 600.3241a, in whic h File 23-03018 I nvestments, LLC, original mortgagor , Deeds, Michigan, assigned to Carrington
case the redemption period will be 30 (4-17)(5-15) granted a Mortgage to F Street Invest- Mortgage Services, LLC, recorded on
days from the date of such sale, or 15 ments, LLC, dated June 2, 2022, and re- April 4, 2023 as Liber 58184, Page 1449,
days from the MCL 600.3241a(b) notice, Notice of Foreclosure by Advertisement c orded June 15, 2022 as Liber 57689 , in official records of Wayne County Re-
whichever is later; or unless extinguished Notice is given under section 3212 of the Page 1044 in official records of Wayne gister of Deeds, Michigan, which mort-
pursuant to MCL 600.3238. revised judicature act of 1961, 1961 PA C ounty Register of Deeds, Michigan , gage there is claimed to be due at the
If the above referenced property is sold 2 36, MCL 600.3212, that the following w hich mortgage there is claimed to be date hereof the sum of $31,537.17
at a foreclosure sale under Chapter 32 of mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale of d ue at the date hereof the sum o f The following described premises situ-
Act 236 of 1961, under MCL 600.3278 , the mortgaged premises, or some part of $ 258,188.43. ated in the City of Detroit, County of
the borrower will be held responsible to t hem, at a public auction sale to the The following described premises situ- Wayne, State of Michigan, to-wit:
the person who buys the property at the highest bidder for cash or cashier's check a ted in the City of Detroit, County of The West 12 feet of Lot 72 and the Eas t
mortgage foreclosure sale or to the mort- at the place of holding the circuit court in W ayne, and State of 28 feet of Lot 73 and 1/2 of vacant alley
gage holder for damaging the propert y Wayne County, starting promptly at 11:00 Michigan, and particularly described as adjoining in rear of Obenauer-Barber-La-
during the redemption period. AM, on May 25, 2023. The amount due follows: ing Company`s Ternes Garden Subdivi-
Attention homeowner: If you are a milit- on the mortgage may be greater on the Lot 534, The Joy Farm Subdivision, ac- sion, according to the plat thereof recor-
ary service member on active duty, if your day of sale. Placing the highest bid at the cording to the plat thereof, as recorded in ded in Liber 63 of Plats, Page 16 of
period of active duty has concluded less s ale does not automatically entitle the L iber 32, Pages 39 and 40 of Plats , Wayne County Records.
than 90 days ago, or if you have bee n purchaser to free and clear ownership of W ayne County Records Commonly known as 15634 Lappi n
ordered to active duty, please contact the the property. A potential purchaser is en- Commonly known as 2058 Clairmoun t Street, Detroit, MI 48205
attorney for the party foreclosing th e couraged to contact the county register of S treet, Detroit, MI 48206 Property ID# 21021675
mortgage at the telephone number stated deeds office or a title insurance company, Property ID# 08002708 The redemption period shall be 1 2
in this notice. either of which may charge a fee for this The redemption period shall be 6 months months from the date of such sale, un-
Cincinnati Capital Corporation information: f rom the date of such sale, unless de- less determined abandoned in accord-
Mortgagee/Assignee Name(s) of the mortgagor(s): Derek J termined abandoned in accordance with ance with MCLA 600.3241, in which case
Schneiderman & Sherman P.C. D reyer a married man M CLA 600.3241, in which case the re- the redemption period shall be 1 month,
23938 Research Dr, Suite 300 Original Mortgagee: JPMorgan Chas e demption period shall be 1 month, or un- or under MCL 600.3241a 30 days from
Farmington Hills, MI 48335 B ank, N.A. d er MCL 600.3241a 30 days from the the date of such sale, or 15 days from the
248.539.7400 Foreclosing Assignee (if any): NewRe z d ate of such sale, or 15 days from the MCL 600.3241a (b) notice, whichever is
(4-17)(5-8) L LC F/K/A New Penn Financial, LLC MCL 600.3241a (b) notice, whichever is later, or extinguished pursuant to MCL
D /B/A Shellpoint Mortgage Servicing l ater, or extinguished pursuant to MCL 600.3238.
Notice of Foreclosure by Advertisement. Date of Mortgage: September 4, 2018 6 00.3238. If the property is sold at foreclosure sale
Notice is given under section 3212 of the Date of Mortgage Recording: October 8, If the property is sold at foreclosure sale under Chapter 32 of the Revised Ju-
revised judicature act of 1961, 1961 PA 2018 u nder Chapter 32 of the Revised Ju- dicature Act of 1961, pursuant to MCL
2 36, MCL 600.3212, that the following Amount claimed due on date of notice : d icature Act of 1961, pursuant to MCL 600.3278 the borrower will be held re-
mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale of $137,903.46 6 00.3278 the borrower will be held re- sponsible to the person who buys the
the mortgaged premises, or some part of Description of the mortgaged premises : s ponsible to the person who buys the property at the mortgage foreclosure sale
t hem, at a public auction sale to the S ituated in City of Southgate, Wayne property at the mortgage foreclosure sale or to the mortgage holder for damaging
highest bidder for cash or cashier’s check County, Michigan, and described as: Lot or to the mortgage holder for damaging the property during the redemption peri-
at the place of holding the circuit court in 234, Fordville, a Subdivision, according to the property during the redemption peri- od.
Wayne County, starting promptly at 11:00 the plat thereof as recorded in Liber 46, od. ATTENTION HOMEOWNER: If you are
AM, on May 18, 2023. The amount due Page 13 of Plats, Wayne County Records ATTENTION HOMEOWNER: If you are a military service member on active duty,
on the mortgage may be greater on the Common street address (if any): 13356 a military service member on active duty, if your period of active duty has con-
day of the sale. Placing the highest bid at N etherwood St, Southgate, MI 48195- i f your period of active duty has con- cluded less than 90 days ago, or if you
the sale does not automatically entitle the 1 015 cluded less than 90 days ago, or if you have been ordered to active duty, please
purchaser to free and clear ownership of The redemption period shall be 6 months have been ordered to active duty, please contact the attorney for the party foreclos-
the property. A potential purchaser is en- f rom the date of such sale, unless de- contact the attorney for the party foreclos- ing the mortgage at the telephone num-
couraged to contact the county register of termined abandoned in accordance with ing the mortgage at the telephone num- ber stated in this notice
deeds office or a title insurance company, M CL 600.3241a; or, if the subject real ber stated in this notice ATTENTION PURCHASERS: This sale
either of which may charge a fee for this property is used for agricultural purposes ATTENTION PURCHASERS: This sale may be rescinded by the foreclosin g
information. as defined by MCL 600.3240(16). m ay be rescinded by the foreclosin g mortgagee. In that event, your damages,
MORTGAGE: If the property is sold at foreclosure sale mortgagee. In that event, your damages, if any, shall be limited solely to the return
Mortgagor(s): Sandra Rogers, a singl e u nder Chapter 32 of the Revised Ju- if any, shall be limited solely to the return of the bid amount tendered at sale, plus
woman d icature Act of 1961, pursuant to MCL of the bid amount tendered at sale, plus interest.
Original Mortgagee: Main Street Bank 6 00.3278 the borrower will be held re- interest. This notice is from a debt collector.
Date of mortgage: July 15, 2005 s ponsible to the person who buys the This notice is from a debt collector. Dated: April 5, 2023
Recorded on August 12, 2005, Libe r property at the mortgage foreclosure sale Dated: April 12, 2023 For more information, please call:
4 3305, on Page 1250, or to the mortgage holder for damaging For more information, please call: (513) 852-6066
Foreclosing Assignee (if any): Cincinnati the property during the redemption peri- (513) 852-6066 Daniel A. Cox
Capital Corporation od. Daniel A. Cox Wood + Lamping, LLP
Amount claimed to be due at the dat e Attention homeowner: If you are a milit- Wood + Lamping, LLP Attorneys for Servicer
hereof: Nineteen Thousand Seven Hun- ary service member on active duty, if your Attorneys for Servicer 600 Vine Street, Suite 2500, Cincinnati,
d red Twenty-Nine and 12/100 Dollars period of active duty has concluded less 600 Vine Street, Suite 2500, Cincinnati, OH 45202
( $19,729.12) t han 90 days ago, or if you have been OH 45202 File 23-03010
Mortgaged premises: Situated in Wayne ordered to active duty, please contact the File 23-03021 (4-10)(5-8)
County, and described as: a ttorney for the party foreclosing the (4-17)(5-15)
Lots 359 and 360 of Mcfarlane Brothers mortgage at the telephone number stated
Rainbow Gardens No. 1, according to the in this notice. Notice of Foreclosure by Advertisement
plat thereof as recorded in Liber 63, Page This notice is from a debt collector. Notice is given under section 3212 of the
75 of Plats, Wayne County Records. Date of notice: April 17, 2023 revised judicature act of 1961, 1961 PA
Commonly known as 5666 Helen St , Trott Law, P.C. 2 36, MCL 600.3212, that the following
G arden City, MI 48135 31440 Northwestern Hwy, Suite 145 mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale of
The redemption period will be one year Farmington Hills, MI 48334 the mortgaged premises, or some part of
from the date of such sale, unless aban- (248) 642-2515 t hem, at a public auction sale to the
doned under MCL 600.3241a, in which highest bidder for cash or cashier's check
c ase the redemption period will be 30 1496101 at the place of holding the Circuit Court in
d ays from the date of such sale, or 15 (04-17)(05-08) Wayne County, starting promptly at 11:00
days from the MCL 600.3241a(b) notice, AM, on May 18, 2023. The amount due
whichever is later; or unless extinguished NOTICE OF MORTGAGE on the mortgage may be greater on the
pursuant to MCL 600.3238. FORECLOSURE SALE day of the sale. Placing the highest bid at
If the above referenced property is sold Notice of foreclosure by advertisement. the sale does not automatically entitle the
at a foreclosure sale under Chapter 32 of Notice is given under section 3212 of the purchaser to free and clear ownership of
Act 236 of 1961, under MCL 600.3278, revised judicature act of 1961, 1961 PA the property. A potential purchaser is en-
DLN Front May1-23 - Monday_Layout 1 4/28/23 2:18 PM Page 6

Page 10, The Detroit Legal News MONDAY, MAY 1, 2023


Kicked off Medicaid: Millions at risk as states trim rolls

Federal government will require states to remove surprising. Last year, Congress, so
worried that some states were ill-
equipped to properly handle the
Every weekday, about a dozen
staffers at Adelante Healthcare, a
small chain of community clinics

people whose incomes are too high for program number of calls that would flood
lines during the Medicaid process,
required states to submit data
in Phoenix, call families they
believe are at risk of losing Med-
icaid. Colorful posters on the
BY AMANDA SEITZ including Arizona, Arkansas, Flori- said. A spokesman for Arkansas’ state has mixed up their income about their call volume, wait times walls remind families in both Eng-
AND ANITA SNOW da, Idaho, Iowa, New Hampshire Department of Human Services while checking their eligibility for and abandonment rate. The federal lish and Spanish to ensure their
Associated Press and South Dakota, according to said the forms instruct enrollees to Medicaid. Centers for Medicare and Medic- Medicaid insurance doesn’t lapse.
data gathered by the AP. fill in their information. After their son Ryder was diag- aid Services will try to work with That’s how Alicia Celaya, a 37-
WASHINGTON (AP) — Days Trevor Hawkins is seeing the Tonya Moore, 49, went for nosed with cancer in September states where call wait times are year-old waitress in Phoenix,
out from a surgery and with a problems play out f irsthand in weeks without Medicaid coverage 2021, Allie McHenry quit her job especially high, a spokesperson found out that she and her chil-
young son undergoing chemothera- Arkansas, where officials told the because the state used her 21-year- to take care of him, leaving the for the agency said. dren, ages 4, 10 and 16, will lose
py, Kyle McHenry was scrambling AP that the state is moving “as fast old daughter’s wages, including family with a single income from Some doctors and their staffs coverage later this year.
to figure out if his Florida family as possible” to wrap up a review incomes from two part-time jobs Kyle McHenry’s job as a heavy are taking it upon themselves to When she and her husband
will still be covered by Medicaid before year’s end. that she no longer worked, to diesel mechanic. She signed the let patients know about the com- were laid off from their jobs dur-
come Monday. Hawkins spends his days driving determine she was ineligible for family up for Medicaid then but plicated process they’ll have to ing the COVID-19 pandemic, they
One form on the state’s website winding roads across the state pro- the program. County officials told says they were initially denied navigate over the next year. enrolled in Medicaid. Both have
said coverage for their sick 5-year- viding free legal services to people Moore she had to obtain state- because the state wrongly counted Most of the little patients pedi- returned to working in the restau-
old son, Ryder, had been denied. who have lost coverage or need ments from the businesses — disability payments for Ryder’s atrician Lisa Costello sees in Mor- rant industry, but Celaya and her
But another said the family would help filling out pages of forms the about an hour’s drive from Moore’s cancer as income. She’s concerned gantown, West Virginia are cov- children remained on Medicaid
remain on Medicaid through next state has mailed to them. In rural home in Highland, Arkansas the state included those payments ered by Medicaid, and she’s made for the free health care coverage
year. Still, a letter from the state between his drives, he fields about — to prove her daughter no longer in its latest assessment but has a point to have conversations with because she’s unable to come up
said McHenry now makes too a half-dozen phone calls daily from worked there. Moore says she was- been unable to get a clear answer, parents about how the process will with the hundreds of dollars to
much money for him, his wife and people seeking guidance on their n’t able to get the documents after calling the state three times play out. She’s also encouraging pay the monthly premiums for her
their older son to qualify after the Medicaid applications. before being kicked off Medicaid and being disconnected twice after her colleagues to do the same. employer-sponsored health insur-
end of the month. “The notices are so confusing,” on April 1. staying on hold for hours. West Virginia officials have sent ance.
Three phone calls and a total of said Hawkins, who works for Legal By last week, Moore had run “It is always a nightmare trying letters to nearly 20,000 people The clinic is helping her navi-
six frustrating hours on hold with Aid of Arkansas. “No two people out of blood pressure medication to call them,” Allie McHenry said telling them that they’ll lose cov- gate the private health insurance
Florida’s Department of Children have had the same experience with and insulin used to control her of her efforts to reach the state’s erage on Monday. plans available through the
and Families later, the McHenrys losing their coverage. It’s hard to diabetes and was staring down a helpline. “I haven’t had the heart Some people might not realize Affordable Care Act’s marketplace
finally got the answer they were identify what’s really the issue.” nearly empty box of blood sugar or strength to try and call again.” they no longer have Medicaid and trying to determine whether
dreading on Thursday: Most of the Some people have been mailed test strips. Notices sent to the McHenrys until they go to fill a prescription her children qualify for the federal
family is losing Medicaid cover- pre-populated application forms “I got a little panicky,” she said and reviewed by the AP show they or visit the doctor in the coming Children’s Health Insurance Pro-
age, although Ryder remains eligi- that include inaccurate income or at the time. “I don’t know how were given less than two weeks’ weeks, Costello said. gram, known in Arizona as Kid-
ble because of his illness. household information but leave long it’s going to take to get my warning that they’d lose coverage “A lot of it is educating people sCare. Celaya said she’d never be
“I’m trying not to go into Medicaid enrollees no space to fix insurance.” at the end of April. The federal on, ‘You’re going to get this infor- able to figure out the marketplace,
panic,” McHenry’s wife, Allie the state’s errors. Others have Moore was reinstated on Med- government requires states to tell mation; don’t throw it away,’” she where dozens of plans covering
McHenry, told The Associated received documents that say Med- icaid as of Monday with Legal people just 10 days in advance said. “How many of us get pieces different doctors are offered at
Press earlier in the week. The state icaid recipients will lose their cov- Aid’s help. that they’ll be kicked off Medic- of mail and toss it in the garbage varying price points
agency did not respond to AP’s erage before they’ve even had an The McHenry family, in Winter aid. because we think it’s not impor- “I’m no expert on health insur-
request for comment. opportunity to re-apply, Hawkins Park, Florida, also worries the The family’s experience isn’t tant?” ance,” she said.
The McHenrys are among the
first casualties in an unprecedented
nationwide review of the 84 mil-
lion Medicaid enrollees over the SALES from Page 2
next year that will require states to
remove people whose incomes are
now too high for the federal-state
program offered to the poorest
Millions are expected to be left
without insurance after getting a
reprieve for the past three years
during the coronavirus pandemic,
when the federal government
barred states from removing any-
one who was deemed ineligible.
Advocacy groups have warned
for months that confusion and
errors will abound throughout the
undertaking, wrongly leaving
some of the country’s poorest peo-
ple suddenly without health insur-
ance and unable to pay for neces-
sary medical care.
Medicaid enrollees are already
reporting they’ve been erroneously
kicked off in a handful of states
that have begun removing people,
DLN Front May1-23 - Monday_Layout 1 4/28/23 2:18 PM Page 7

MONDAY, MAY 1, 2023 The Detroit Legal News, Page 11

Food Court Submit news & views to

Side Dish

spring soup
being heavy
Soup season in Tuscany
doesn’t end once spring begins,
but it does mean the soups start
to take a different tone.
Garmugia, for example, a
specialty of the city of Lucca,
bridges the seasons by marrying
a hearty backbone of pancetta,
meat stock, and ground beef or
veal with freshly picked arti-
chokes, peas, fava beans and
asparagus — the first tender
vegetables of spring. Like the
season itself, garmugia bursts
with contrasts, at once tender
and bold, simultaneously lushly
green yet robust and meaty.
Thought to have originated
during the Renaissance era,
garmugia was feast-worthy fare
for the rich and powerful. Most
Tuscan soups artfully repur-
pose scraps, but only the finest
ingredients go into garmugia, a
pairing of pricey meats and the
season’s freshest vegetables.
For the garmugia-inspired
soup from our book “Tuesday
Nights Mediterranean,” which
features weeknight-friendly
meals from the region, we pared
down on the meat but use
pancetta and beef broth so the
finished dish is satisfying with-
out being heavy. And we sim-
mer a Parmesan rind in the mix
to boost the umami notes.
Canned artichoke hearts do
well here, but frozen artichokes
also work — just defrost and pat
them dry before use (you’ll need
about 2 cups). To serve on the
side, we make savory Parmesan
toasts that are perfect for dip-
ping into the broth.
Make sure to not use too-
slender asparagus, which will
end up overcooked. Look for
spears about the size of a pen-
cil. And to retain the bright-
green color of the peas, don’t
allow the soup to boil after the
peas are stirred in.

Tuscan-Style Spring
Vegetable Soup
Start to finish: 30 minutes
Servings: 4
4 tablespoons extra-virgin
olive oil, divided, plus
more to serve
3 to 4 ounces pancetta,
4 scallions, thinly sliced,
whites and greens
reserved separately
4 thyme sprigs
1-1/2 quarts low-sodium
beef broth
1 chunk Parmesan rind
(optional), plus 1/2 ounce
Parmesan cheese, finely
grated (1/4 cup)
Kosher salt and ground
black pepper
8 ounces crusty white
bread, sliced 1/2 inch
14-ounce can artichoke
hearts, rinsed, drained
and quartered
1 pound asparagus,
trimmed and cut into
1-inch lengths on the
1/2 cup frozen peas,
Heat the broiler with a rack
about 6 inches from the ele-
ment. In a large saucepan over
medium, combine 1 tablespoon
of oil and the pancetta. Cook,
stirring occasionally, until the
pancetta has rendered its fat and
begins to brown, 3 to 5 minutes.
Add the scallion whites and
thyme. Cook until the scallions
are lightly browned, 1 to 2 min-
utes. Add the broth, the Parme-
san rind (if using) and 1/2 tea-
spoon pepper, then bring to a
boil over medium-high.
Meanwhile, brush both sides
of the bread slices with the
remaining 3 tablespoons oil,
then place in a single layer on a
See KIMBALL, Page 12
DLN Front May1-23 - Monday_Layout 1 4/28/23 2:18 PM Page 8

Page 12, The Detroit Legal News MONDAY, MAY 1, 2023

Legal Affairs Submit news & views to

Legal People
McDonald Hopkins LLC dent in the firm’s Bloomfield Hills office. Beidel,
who is a former assistant U.S. attorney in the South-
support and practical solutions, with cross functional
collaboration, on a wide range of product develop-
title insurance, business and commercial disputes,
mortgage and real estate litigation, construction dis-
McDonald Hopkins is proud to congratulate ern District of New York, joins Dykema after practic- ment, commercial, and contractual matters. Cheng was putes, and creditor’s rights law, including bankruptcy.
member and Data Privacy and Cybersecurity Co- ing at Saul Ewing Arnstein & Lehr LLP in Philadel- also a former VP and senior counsel at Deutsche Bank A frequent lecturer, Hart is regularly called upon
Chair Dominic Paluzzi on his selection to Cyberse- phia, where she served as co-chair of its White Collar in New York where she regularly advised on cyber, to present on business law, title insurance and real
curity Docket’s Incident Response 50 for 2023. and Government Enforcement practice. technology and IP related matters throughout the bank. estate law topics. Since 2007, he has been continually
Paluzzi, of the firm’s Detroit office, was also rec- As an assistant U.S. attorney, Beidel worked as a Cheng earned her law degree from the Saint Louis recognized in the Michigan edition of Super Lawyers
ognized by Cybersecurity Docket in 2016, 2018 and member of the complex frauds and cybercrime unit. University School of Law. While in law school, she and was named among DBusiness Magazine’s 2018
2022. He advises organizations on data privacy and She led investigations and prosecutions in a variety clerked for the United States Attorney’s Office of Top Lawyers.
cybersecurity risks on both a national and interna- of areas, including tax fraud, healthcare fraud, cyber- Eastern Missouri. She also earned an MBA in man- —————
tional basis, including proactive compliance, incident crime, bank and wire fraud, securities fraud, con- agement from Johns Hopkins University and her
response strategies and management, and defense of sumer fraud, bribery, and money laundering. Beidel bachelor’s degree in communication studies from the Office of Michigan
regulatory enforcement actions and single-plaintiff has worked closely with numerous government agen- University of Michigan.
and class action litigation. cies, including the FBI, SEC, IRS, DEA, Department ————— Secretary of State
Paluzzi has counseled clients through more than of Homeland Security, Department of Labor, Secret Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson
10,000 data breaches and privacy incidents where he Service, Postal Inspection Service, and New York Plunkett Cooney received the Brennan Center for Justice 2023 Legacy
works closely with local, state and federal law State Department of Financial Services. Plunkett Cooney partner Patrick C. Lannen was Award at a recent ceremony in New York City. Ben-
enforcement, forensic investigators and third-party In her law firm practice, Beidel represents organi- recently named to the 2023 Class of Go To Lawyers son was selected for the national honor for her work
cybersecurity vendors to offer his clients efficient zations and individuals in white collar criminal for Business Litigation as determined by Michigan protecting fair elections in Michigan and defending
and effective breach response services in compliance defense cases, internal investigations, corporate com- Lawyers Weekly. American democracy.
with the numerous state, federal, international and pliance matters, and complex commercial disputes. The co-leader of Plunkett Cooney’s Commercial “I am deeply honored and accept this on behalf of
industry-specific legal obligations. She draws on her trial and investigative experience— Litigation Practice Group in Plunkett Cooney’s the thousands of election officials throughout our
————— in both the private and public sectors—to assist Bloomfield Hills office, Lannen has been integral to country who work every day in ways big and small to
clients facing criminal and civil allegations of fraud fulfill that simple promise held in the power of the
Varnum LLP and other misconduct in the health care, life sciences,
the growth and success of the firm’s high stakes and
bet-the-company commercial practice. He is recog- vote for every American,” said Benson. “I am so
Varnum partner Rich Hewlett has been named a food and agriculture, and financial services indus- nized for complex commercial and financial services grateful for the work that the Brennan Center does to
Go To Lawyer for Construction Law by Michigan tries, among others. litigation, banking and creditors’ rights matters, and help inform and support our work through nonparti-
Lawyers Weekly. He was one of only 20 attorneys Beidel was recognized as one of “America’s Lead- class, mass and multi-district actions. san research and legal advocacy squarely focused on
from around the state to be honored for demonstrating ing Lawyers in Litigation: White-Collar Crime & Lannen has successfully tried a number of cases reform, revitalization, and defense of our nation’s
unique expertise in the construction legal industry. Government Investigations” by Chambers USA and on behalf of Fortune 500 companies, as well as expe- systems of democracy and justice.”
Hewlett’s recognition is based on his professional has been rated as a “Future Star” by Benchmark Liti- rienced business owners throughout the country. Each year the Brennan Center honors “outstand-
expertise and record of success for clients as well as gation. She earned a law degree and a B.S. from The Lannen earned his undergraduate degree in 2006 ing visionaries who have advanced the goal of what
his commitment to the industry. For more than 32 Pennsylvania State University. from Kalamazoo College and his law degree in 2009 Justice Brennan called ‘common human dignity.’”
years, he has represented owners, contractors, con- ————— from the University of Detroit Mercy School of Law. Past Legacy Award recipients include the late U.S.
struction managers, subcontractors, suppliers and He has been named a Michigan Rising Star in Bank- Rep. John Lewis, the late U.S. Sen. John McCain,
design professionals in a wide range of construction Taft ing by Michigan Super Lawyers for more than a and former U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder.
law matters, with a strong focus on contracts, claims Taft is pleased to welcome Fatima Boylea to the decade straight. The Brennan Center for Justice was founded in
and litigation. He has achieved favorable results for his firm’s Detroit office as an attorney in the Commer- ————— 1995 in honor of the late Supreme Court Justice
clients in construction, commercial, and shareholder cial Litigation practice group. William J. Brennan Jr. It is an independent, nonparti-
disputes, both in court and before arbitral bodies. Boylea represents a wide range of business clien- Howard & Howard san law and policy institute that works to reform,
Hewlett has achieved an AV® Preeminent™ rating – tele, with a focus on small businesses, close corpora- revitalize, and defend the nation’s systems of democ-
the highest possible – by Martindale Hubbell. He is tions, family-owned companies, and their owners. Her
Attorneys PLLC racy and justice.
consistently listed in The Best Lawyers in America® representation of these clients extends to all phases of Howard & Howard is pleased to welcome Heidi —————
and has been named “Lawyer of the Year” four times the business life cycle, including drafting operational McAra to its growing Business & Corporate group.
for Construction Litigation, in addition to numerous and governing documents, providing guidance during McAra joins the firm’s Royal Oak office, primarily University of Detroit
other recognitions. contentious employment disputes (such as theft of serving in the Trust & Estate Planning group.
intellectual property and trade secrets, and breach of McAra counsels her clients through estate plan- Mercy School of Law
Honigman LLP non-competition and non-solicitation agreements),
and providing effective representation and counsel
ning, probate matters, and estate and trust adminis-
tration, specifically with wealth transfer, succession
The American Bar Association Law Student Divi-
sion Assembly has elected University of Detroit
Honigman is pleased to announce that Michigan during litigation (including for complex issues such planning, and tax planning strategies. Mercy School of Law student Malak Tehaili to
Lawyer’s Weekly 2023 “Hall of Fame” and “Up & as breaches of fiduciary duties, contractual breaches, McAra received her bachelor’s degree from the serve as chair for the 2023-24 term.
Coming Lawyer” recognized Cyril Moscow and and shareholder/member disputes). University of Colorado Boulder in environmental sci- Elections were recently held by the Law Student
Kristin Fernandez respectively. Boylea also has experience assisting clients with ence and graduated from Emory University School Division Assembly, which comprises Student Bar
Moscow is a corporate partner with experience business divorces, dissolutions, and breakups. She of Law with her law degree. Association presidents, Law Student liaisons to other
advising business clients in corporate matters and has successfully represented business owners in state ————— ABA divisions and ABA representatives from each of
securities transactions for more than 45 years. He court, federal court, Michigan business courts, and in the 199 ABA-accredited law schools.
earned his law degree from the University of Michi- arbitration. Maddin, Hauser, The Law Student Division Council oversees the
gan Law School. Taft is also pleased to welcome Anna Cheng to general operation of the ABA Law Student Division,
Fernandez is an interdepartmental attorney who the firm’s Detroit office as an attorney in the Paytech Roth, & Heller PC including advocating for and shaping legislation and
focuses her practice on general matters across vari- and Payment Systems practice group. Maddin Hauser is pleased to announce that policy, coordinating outreach to law students regarding
ous practice areas. She earned her law degree from Cheng counsels her clients on various legal issues Michigan Lawyers Weekly selected executive com- ABA resources and acting as representatives for law
the University of Detroit Mercy School of Law. and risks in areas such as technology, licensing, data mittee member David E. Hart as a “Go To” lawyer students to the ABA and the legal profession. Officers
————— privacy and security, IP, and payments laws. in business litigation. each serve a one-year term from August to July, in
Prior to joining Taft, Cheng worked as associate Hart is a shareholder, lead trial attorney, member alignment with the ABA’s program and fiscal year.
Dykema general counsel for Plastiq, a business payment plat- of the firm’s executive management committee, and To learn more about the officers-elect and their
Dykema recently announced the addition of Jen- form, where she led all commercial matters. She has co-chair of the Financial Services and Real Property platforms, videos are available on the LSD Elections
nifer L. Beidel as a member in its Government served as senior counsel in cyber and intelligence Litigation group. His business litigation practice website at:
Investigations and Corporate Compliance Team resi- solutions for Mastercard and provided global product focuses on litigation and dispute resolution involving dents/about/leadership/elections.

Upcoming State Bar of Michigan Events

Great Lakes Legal Confer- ence will be full of opportunities their own part in the conflict and dent of the Mediation Training Magee is the author of, “The titled “Pro Bono, Post-Pandemic,”
ence combines Bar Leadership for attendees to strategically net- engage in productive problem and Consultation Institute, Zena Inner Work of Racial Justice: will focus changes and challenges
Forum, Upper Michigan Legal work and interact with Michigan’s solving to reach a mutually agree- Zumeta Mediation Services, and Healing Ourselves and Transform- created by the pandemic.
Institute into one event top legal leaders and experts. able resolution, rather than focus- The Collaborative Workplace in ing Our Communities Through Michigan Supreme Court Jus-
The State Bar of Michigan For additional information, ing on who is to blame. Ann Arbor. She received her law Mindfulness,” has been a visiting tice Megan K. Cavanagh will be a
Great Lakes Legal Conference visit Laura A. Athens, mediator, degree from the University of scholar at the Center for the Study special guest speaker at the work-
will take place June 9-10 at the facilitator and arbitrator, will be Michigan Law School. of Law and Society, and a visiting shop, which will include sessions
Grand Hotel on Mackinac Island. ‘Addressing Difficult Emo- the featured speaker for the webi- Zumeta is a former board mem- professor of law at the University on the Michigan Task Force on
Formerly the Upper Michigan tions in Mediation’ focus of nar with Zena D. Zumeta as mod- ber and president of the Academy of California, Berkeley. Well-Being in the Law, the Pro
Legal Institute and Bar Leadership webinar erator. of Family Mediators (AFM), now The program is free for all Bono Portal on Justice Server, the
Forum, this newly combined legal The Alternative Dispute Reso- Athens is an attorney, mediator, merged into the Association for State Bar of Michigan members, Right to Counsel in Civil Cases,
conference is open to all members lution Section of the State Bar of facilitator and arbitrator in Farm- Conflict Resolution (ACR); past but registration is required. The the Access to Justice Campaign,
of the State Bar of Michigan and Michigan will present a webinar ington Hills who has more than 30 president of the Michigan Council first 25 people who register and and Best Practices for Establish-
will be packed with information on “Effectively Addressing Diffi- years of legal experience. Athens for Family and Divorce Mediation; attend the event will win a free ing Virtual and In-Person Legal
on emerging legal issues and net- cult Emotions in Mediation” provides alternative dispute reso- and past regional vice president of wellness-based gift. To register, Clinics.
working opportunities. Thursday, May 11, from noon to lution (ADR) services in a variety the Society of Professionals in visit https:// This workshop is hosted by the
Attendees can mix and match 1:30 p.m. via Zoom. of matters, including elementary Dispute Resolution. State Bar of Michigan Justice Ini-
topics from our learning tracks — In this presentation, attendees and secondary education, higher There is no cost for the webi- State Bar to host 2023 Spring tiatives Committee, which is com-
Leadership, Legal Updates, Liti- will learn practical strategies to education, university faculty nar. To register, visit https://con- Pro Bono Workshop mitted to promoting access to jus-
gation, and Practice Management address blame, shame and other grievance, employment, vocation- adr/home. The State Bar of Michigan’s tice for all Michigan residents by
— to fully personalize their con- difficult emotions that frequently al rehabilitation, student disci- 2023 Spring Pro Bono Workshop identifying, developing, and pro-
ference experience. Great Lakes arise in mediation. The webinar will pline, eldercare, guardianship and Benefits of mindfulness at is set for Tuesday, May 16, from 9 moting innovative programs and
Legal Conference is presented in also explore how to recognize and disability rights cases. work explored in free virtual a.m. to 3:30 p.m. and will be initiatives.
conjunction with the Institute of effectively respond to four common Athens currently serves as an seminar offered in-person at the State Bar The deadline to register for the
Continuing Legal Education. reactions to shame – blaming oth- arbitrator in automotive consumer The State Bar of Michigan’s Building in Lansing and virtually workshop is May 8. To register,
Those who register at mich- ers, blaming self, avoidance, and and home warranty cases and pre- Lawyers & Judges Assistance Pro- via Zoom. This year’s workshop, visit https://bit. ly/41IDS0a. by May 9 will be able withdrawal. The impact of emo- viously served as a hearing officer gram (LJAP) is excited to announce
to take advantage of the early bird tions on dispute resolution and the in special education and vocational its second virtual wellness event,
pricing of $185. difference between shame and guilt rehabilitation due process hearings. “Cultivating Resilience Through
Session topics include Family,
Criminal and Estate Planning and
Elder Law Updates; Lawyer Well-
also will be explored.
Participants will learn a step-by-
step process for addressing diffi-
As an adjunct professor at Wayne
State University Law School,
Athens taught education law, health
Mindfulness.” The 90-minute pro-
gram will take place Friday, May
26, at 10 a.m. via Zoom and feature
Being: Creating Awareness, Bal-
ance, and Connection; Rule 21:
cult emotions and have an opportu-
nity to engage in skill building
law and bioethics. She also taught
Legal Research and Writing at
Rhonda Magee, a professor of law
at the University of San Francisco
Serve with the Parmesan toasts
Law Practice Succession Plan- through interactive exercises. The Washington University School of who is also an expert in mindful- From Page 11 stirring, until the peas are heated
ning; Marketing Your Event & presentation will include helpful Law as a Visiting Assistant Profes- ness-based stress reduction. through, about 3 minutes; do not
Attracting New Members; and checklists and tools for identifying sor. Magee draws on both interdis- rimmed baking sheet. Sprinkle allow the soup to boil.
more. prevalent cognitive biases and tech- Athens is an associate of Pro- ciplinary research and more than with the grated Parmesan, then Off heat, remove and discard
The keynote speaker is Joan W. niques for managing and counter- fessional Resolution Experts of 20 years of scholarship, teaching, broil until lightly browned, 1 to 2 the thyme and Parmesan rind (if
Howarth on “Shaping Our Profes- acting these biases and for promot- Michigan, LLC (PREMi) and has and practice. She will teach how minutes. Set aside. used). Stir in the scallion greens,
sion’s Inclusive & Client-Centered ing respectful and restorative con- served on the State Bar of Michi- using mindfulness at work can When the soup reaches a boil, then taste and season with salt and
Future.” Howarth is dean emerita flict resolution. gan Alternative Dispute Resolu- help us develop resilience and add the artichokes, reduce to medi- pepper. Ladle into bowls, drizzle
of Michigan State University Col- Through participation in this tion Council and as a former improve our overall mental health um and cook, stirring occasionally, with additional oil and serve with
lege of Law and distinguished vis- session, attendees will develop Chair of the Oakland County Bar and well-being. Her presentation for 5 minutes. Add the asparagus the Parmesan toasts.
iting professor at University of greater confidence in addressing Association ADR Committee. will include a short, optional, and cook, stirring occasionally, —————
Nevada-Las Vegas Boyd School of difficult emotions in mediation Zumeta is internationally interactive mindfulness lesson and until the asparagus is just tender, 2 For more recipes, go to
Law. and learn a process for helping known as both a mediator and proven tools that can help you to 4 minutes. Stir in the peas, Christopher Kimball’s Milk Street
The Great Lakes Legal Confer- parties to take responsibility for trainer of mediators. She is presi- face challenges more effectively. reduce to medium-low and cook, at

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