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Nephrol Dial Transplant (2002) 17: 106–111

Original Article

Ionic dialysance vs urea clearance in the absence of

cardiopulmonary recirculation

Lucile Mercadal1, Sophie Tézenas Du Montcel2, Marie-Chantal Jaudon3, Abdelaziz Hamani1,

Hassane Izzedine1, Gilbert Deray1, Bernard Béné5 and Thierry Petitclerc1,4

Departments of 1Nephrology, 2Biostatistics, 3Biochemistry and 4Biophysics, Hôpital de la Pitié, Paris and
Hospal R&D Int., Lyon, France

Abstract of ionic dialysance is taken into account. The limits

Background. Several studies have shown a slight of agreement ("2 SD) between D0 and UK
discrepancy between ionic dialysance (D) and dialyser ("34 mlumin, Bland–Altman analysis) were higher
urea clearance (UK), even in the absence of access than expected and raised questions about the accuracy
recirculation. As it has been suggested that this of the measurement of each parameter via a central
discrepancy could be due to the cardiopulmonary venous catheter.
recirculation, we studied the relationship between these
two parameters in a particular dialysis setting without Keywords: access recirculation; cardiopulmonary
cardiopulmonary recirculation. recirculation; haemodialysis; ionic dialysance; urea
Methods. Paired measurement of urea clearance and clearance
ionic dialysance were performed in five patients
without arterio-venous access who were dialysed via
an internal jugular vein twin catheter. Fifty paired
measurements were used for statistical analysis. Introduction
Vascular access recirculation was assessed by an ultra-
sound dilution technique. The measured value of ionic Ionic dialysance is a parameter calculated from the
dialysance was corrected (D0) for the effect of vascular dialysate conductivity at the dialyser inlet and outlet
access recirculation and was compared with instant for two steps of inlet dialysate conductivity, and tends
urea clearance calculated from the dialysate side. to become an on-line monitoring parameter of the
Results. The difference between the paired measure- effective dialysis dose actually delivered to the patient
ments of D0 and UK (n s50) was equal to w1–3x. Because the characteristics of transfer through
0.6"16.9 mlumin (NS). With a statistical power of the dialyser and the osmotic distribution volumes in
90% and taking into account this standard deviation, the blood, urea and electrolytes are very close, ionic
this study might have shown a difference of at least dialysance is expected to equal dialyser urea clearance
10.9 mlumin. The correlation was highly significant (UK). Ionic dialysance, however, has been reported as
(P-0.0001). The discrepancy of the two parameters being slightly lower than UK w4–6x. As it has been
varied with dialysis efficiency, with a decreasing suggested that this discrepancy could be due to the
D0 : UK ratio for the higher dialysis efficiency. influence of cardiopulmonary recirculation on ionic
Conclusions. Compared with our previous results dialysance, this study investigated the relationship
obtained in patients dialysed on arterio-venous access between ionic dialysance and UK in a dialysis setting
and performed with similar methods, the relationship without cardiopulmonary recirculation. The measure-
between D0 and UK is modified. This difference ments were performed in patients dialysed via a central
between D0 and UK gets lower in patients dialysed venous catheter and without arterio-venous access.
on central catheters and this variance is in accord-
ance with that expected when the influence of the
cardiopulmonary recirculation on the measurement
Subjects and methods

All the patients dialysed in our centre via internal jugular

Correspondence and offprint requests to: L. Mercadal, Department vein twin catheters (Canaud TwinCaths, Medcomp,
of Nephrology, Hôpital de la Pitié, 83 bd de l’hôpital, F-75013 Paris, Harleysville, PA, USA) and without arterio-venous access
France. Email: (neither fistula nor graft) were tested at least twice during

# 2002 European Renal Association–European Dialysis and Transplant Association

Ionic dialysance and urea clearance 107
1 year. Five patients were included. They were tested at most the vascular access recirculation ratio was assessed twice and
once per month. the mean of these two values was used for statistical analysis.
After insertion of the catheter in the internal jugular vein, The HD01 monitor also provides a measure of the effective
an anteroposterior chest X-ray was obtained for each patient blood flow (QB) at the dialyser inlet.
to verify that the distal extremity of the catheter was located The measured value of ionic dialysance (D) is related to the
in the superior vena cava or the right atrium. All catheters value of ionic dialysance of the dialyser (D0) by the following
were inserted for long-term haemodialysis and were con- formula taking into account access recirculation (effective
sidered to be functioning well as they delivered a blood flow ionic dialysance) (equation 7 in Appendix 1):
up to 400 mlumin without problems regarding venous and QB
arterial pressures. During the 1-year period, three patients 1R
QB  Qf
were tested twice and two patients six times according to D0 ¼ D   (1)
the length of time they were dialysed in our centre. D
1R 1þ
Haemodialysis was performed with an Integra1 dialysis QB  Qf
monitor (Hospal, Italy). The dialysate flow rate was set at Mean UK and ionic dialysance were compared with
500 mlumin. This monitor is equipped with the Diascan1 random effect for patient using SAS Mixed Procedure
module for automatic measurement of ionic dialysance. The (ANOVA with random effect, SAS Institute Inc.), t-test for
hollow-fibre dialyser was the usual one used for each patient paired data, and Bland–Altman analysis w8x. Results are
(one: HG500 Hemophan, Cobe, Denver, CO, USA; two: expressed as mean"SD. All the tests were performed for
Alwall GFS Plus 16 Hemophan, Gambro, Lund, Sweden; a 0.05 significance level.
two: CT 190 biacetate, Baxter, Minneapolis, MI, USA). The
calculation of ionic dialysance (D) was performed auto-
matically every 30 min from measurements of dialysate
conductivity according to the method previously described Results
w2,3x and summarized in Appendix 1 and Figure 1.
UK was calculated from the dialysate side by sampling Seventeen measurements of UK and two measure-
the dialysate and arterial blood just after a measurement of ments of ionic dialysance were discarded because they
ionic dialysance (calculation is detailed in Appendix 2). were higher than 85% or lower than 50% of QB, leaving
Various dialyser blood flow rates (QB) were tested (range 50 paired measurements of ionic dialysance and UK
200–400 mlumin) for each catheter. A maximum of four for statistical analysis.
blood and dialysate samples were taken during a dialysis
The relative error of the dosage of urea was equal to
The reproducibility of UK was verified and the mass 3%. Of the 12 estimations of MBE of urea, only seven
balance error for urea (MBE) was estimated using formulas gave an error lower than 5%.
detailed in Appendix 3. A MBE lower than 5% validated the The recirculation ratio was 4.1"5.4% for an
measurement of UK. In order to decrease blood sampling, effective dialyser blood flow (QB) of 272"54 mlumin.
MBE was only calculated on 12 measurements of UK during Ionic dialysance and D0 were equal, respectively, to
three dialysis sessions. Subsequently, the values of D and UK 174"17 and 180"19 mlumin. Taking into account
higher than 85% or lower than 50% of QB were discarded patient effect, UK and D0 were highly correlated
because they were out of the expected range of dialysis (P-0.0001). The linear regression coefficient was
efficiency considering all dialysis conditions. rs 0.75. The difference between the paired measure-
The vascular access recirculation ratio (R) was measured
using an HD01 monitor (Transonic System Inc, Ithaca, NY,
ments of D0 and UK was equal to 0.6"16.9 mlumin
USA) based on an ultrasound dilution technique w7x. For (180"19 vs 180"26 mlumin, NS). Bland–Altman
each pair of dialyser UK and ionic dialysance measurements, analysis is presented in Figure 2. The limits of agree-
ment ("2 SD) was equal to "34 mlumin. Taking into
account this standard deviation, the study includ-
ing 50 measurements of D0 and UK might have
indicated a statistically significant difference if it had
been equal or superior to 10.9 mlumin, with a statistical
power of 90%.
The discrepancy between ionic dialysance and UK
was dependent on the dialysis efficiency (Figure 3),
even when UK was normalized by the urea distribu-
tion volume (estimated using the nomogram of
Daugirdas w9x). This result was corroborated by the
difference of the D0uUK ratio in two subgroups of
different dialysis efficiency (D0uUK s 1.06"0.11 for
UK -180 mlumin vs D0uUK s 0.96"0.06 for UK
P180 mlumin, P-0.001, Table 1).

Fig. 1. Scheme of the record of the inlet and outlet dialysate Discussion
conductivity during a measurement of ionic dialysance where X1 and
X2 are the two given values of inlet dialysate conductivity, Y1 and Y2
the two measured values of outlet dialysate conductivity and Cp the Ionic dialysance has been nominated as a surrogate
representation of the patient’s plasma conductivity. of UK by Polaschegg w1x and by our group w2x. Under
108 L. Mercadal et al.

in vitro conditions, ionic dialysance is identical to UK is influenced by the recirculation phenomenon

w2x. Recent clinical studies by our group and by others, (Appendix 1). Because the measured value of ionic
however, have reported a discrepancy between ionic dialysance, but not that of instant dialyser UK, is
dialysance and UK in vivo w4–6x. influenced by recirculation, we investigated if the
Ionic dialysance is based on measurements of inlet recirculation phenomenon can explain the discrepancy
and outlet dialysate conductivity. The relationship between these two parameters.
between the inlet and outlet dialysate conductivity Concerning vascular access, the measured value (D)
of ionic dialysance was corrected to cancel out the
influence of access recirculation. This corrected value
(D0) was lower than the measured value (D) by about
3%. This decrease is in agreement with previous results
suggesting a decrease in ionic dialysance by about 10%
for an increase in recirculation ratio of 12.5% w4x.
Access recirculation was not measured in other studies
performed on patients with arterio-venous fistulas, but
was demonstrated to be absent in recent non-urea-
based methods in patients with properly cannulated
and a well-functioning 2-needle vascular access w10x.
We have previously verified the absence of access
recirculation in 30 of our patients with the ultrasound
velocity dilution technique w11x.
Cardiopulmonary recirculation also could influence
ionic dialysance. During a dialysis session in a patient
with an arterio-venous access, part of the blood going
Fig. 2. Bland–Altman analysis between ionic dialysance corrected back to the access was not reloaded in the capillary
from the part due to access recirculation (D0) and dialyser urea system. In contrast, all the blood going back to the
clearance (UK). access was reloaded through the capillary system in
patients dialysed on an internal jugular vein twin
catheter and without an arterio-venous access. Cardio-
pulmonary recirculation can be detected for about
2 min, approximately 20 s after the injection of a saline
bolus in the venous line w12x—a shorter duration
than that needed for the measurement of ionic
dialysance—approximately 6 min. This phenomenon
could decrease the value of ionic dialysance compared
with the direct measurement of the instant dialyser
UK, as it has been demonstrated with access recircula-
tion w1,2x. Lindsay et al. have already suggested this
fact, which was, however, not demonstrated experi-
mentally w13x. The correction for the resulting reduc-
tion in dialysis efficiency due to cardiopulmonary
recirculation is made by the following equation w12x:
DAV ¼ ð2Þ

Fig. 3. Linear regression analysis between D0uUK and UK shows CO  QA
the influence of the dialysis efficiency on the discrepancy between the
parameters. Linear regression is represented by the black line where QA is blood flow in the arterio-venous
(r s 0.64, P-0.05). access, CO cardiac output flow, DAV and D0 ionic

Table 1. Relationship in subgroups of similar urea clearance (UK) mean values between ionic dialysance corrected from the part due to access
recirculation (D0) and dialyser UK in patients dialysed on arterio-venous access w6x with the assumption of no access recirculation and in
patients dialysed on central catheter

Central catheter (n s 50) Arterio-venous access (n s 88)

UK -180 mlumin (n s 22) UK P180 mlumin (n s 28) UK -180 mlumin (n s 65) UK P180 mlumin (n s 23)

UK (mlumin) 157"15 199"15 157"18 193"8

D0uUK 1.06"0.11 0.96"0.06* 0.95"0.06 0.90"0.03*

Ionic dialysance and urea clearance 109

dialysance, respectively, with and without cardio- period; if so, the observed recirculation value is the
pulmonary recirculation effect. With current values average over cardiac cycles w15x. The reliability of
(COs4800 mlumin, QAs 800 mlumin), DAV is approx- blood sampling could be decreased by this non-
imately equal to 190 mlumin for D0 s 200 mlumin. homogenous and intermittent blood flow. Finally,
Thus, for this range of dialysance, cardiopulmonary haemolysis of blood samples occurs more frequently
recirculation could decrease the dialysis efficiency with catheter access than with stainless steel needles
by about 5% during dialysis via an arterio-venous w16x, and is a source of error in the electrolyte and
access. enzyme determinations. The measurement of ionic
When we compare the results of the present study dialysance seems less affected by these variations
to data we previously collected in patients dialysed of dialysis conditions (only two measurements were
via arteriovenous fistula w6x, the relationship between discarded) perhaps because the evaluation of the
ionic dialysance and UK is modified. The protocol of electrolyte transfer by serial measurements of the out-
measurement of UK was the same in the two studies, let dialysate conductivity is less influenced by the local
as was the method of determining the dosage of urea. conditions.
Considering the evolution of D0uUK with dialysis In conclusion, the calculation of ionic dialysance
efficiency, the discrepancy of these two parameters was from dialysate conductivity measurements takes into
expected to be higher in the present study because of a account recirculation, and especially cardiopulmonary
higher mean UK (174"17 mlumin in the present study recirculation, possibly explaining the discrepancy
vs 168"25 mlumin; w6x). On the other hand, D0uUK between dialyser UK and ionic dialysance found in
gets colser to 1. The observed modification is near the patients dialysed on arterio-venous access. Thus,
one suggested by equation 2. This study might have measured ionic dialysance (D) clearly seems to be a
indicated a difference if it had been equal or superior valid parameter for monitoring the effective dialysis
to 10 mlumin, as found in patients dialysed on arterio- efficiency of a patient.
venous fistula, with a statistical power or 90%. The
difference between D0 and UK is clearly smaller on
patients dialysed on central venous catheters compared
with patients dialysed on arterio-venous fistula. References
The influence of dialysis efficiency on D0uUK,
already detected by ourselves and others, remains 1. Polaschegg HD. Automatic non-invasive intradialytic clearance
significant (Table 1). This study clearly shows that this measurements. Int J Artif Organs 1993; 16: 185–191
effect is not related to cardiopulmonary recirculation. 2. Petitclerc T, Goux N, Reynier AL, Béné B. A model for non-
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plasma conductivity (Cp) during the measurement of 1993; 16: 585–591
ionic dialysance in a patient is more likely to be 3. Petitclerc T. Recent developments in conductivity monitoring
violated with a high UK. However, the over evaluation of haemodialysis session. Nephrol Dial Transplant 1999;
14: 2607–2613
of D due to this effect is negligible (Appendix 4). The 4. Petitclerc T, Béné B, Jacobs C, Jaudon MC, Goux N.
effect of dialysis efficiency on D0uUK also could Non-invasive monitoring of effective dialysis dose delivered
be related to the difference between the distribution to the dialysis patient. Nephrol Dial Transplant 1995; 10:
volume of urea and electrolytes in blood: this dif- 212–216
ference could become more significant with higher 5. Manzoni C, Di Filippo S, Corti M, Locatelli F. Ionic dia-
lysance as a method for the on-line monitoring of delivered
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The technique of sampling from central catheters 11: 2023–2030
seems responsible for large errors in UK values. In 6. Mercadal L, Petitclerc T, Jaudon MC, Béné B, Goux N,
fact, many values of UK appeared to be out of the Jacobs C. Is Ionic dialysance a valid parameter for quantification
of dialysis efficiency? Artif Organs 1998; 22: 1005–1009
expected range (17u69) and the dispersion of D0uUK 7. Krivitski NM. Theory and validation of access flow measure-
was double compared with our previous study w6x ment by dilution technique during hemodialysis. Kidney Int 1995;
(Table 1) with a weaker linear correlation coefficient 48: 244–250
(0.75 vs 0.91). MBE confirmed many unacceptable 8. Bland JM, Altman DG. Statistical methods for assessing
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sampled blood is already mixed in the heart cavities. access blood flow from ionic dialysance: theory and validation.
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Received for publication: 16.1.01

Accepted in revised form: 19.7.01 Appendix 2
Urea clearance (UK ) was calculated for the dialysate
side according to the following formula:
Appendices (Qd þ Qf ÞCdUout
UK ¼
Appendix 1
where Qd is the dialysate flow at the dialyser inlet,
For a given inlet dialysate conductivity (Cdin), the set at 500 mlumin, Qf is the ultrafiltration rate, CdUout
outlet dialysate conductivity (Cdout) depends on the is the urea concentration in the spent dialysate, CwU
patient’s plasma conductivity (Cp) and on ionic is the plasma water urea concentration at the dialyser
dialysance (D) and is calculated by the following inlet. The concentration CwU is calculated as:
equation w2x:
  CwU ¼ CU uð1  0:01  ProtÞ
Cdout ¼ 1  Cdin þ Cp ð3Þ where Prot and CU are respectively the plasma total
Qd þ Qf Qd þ Qf
protein concentration (gudl) and the plasma urea
Consequently, the measurement of two values of concentration (mmolul) measured at the dialyser inlet.
Cdout (Y1, Y2) for two levels of Cdin (X1, X2) allows the
calculation of Cp and D, assuming that the changes in Appendix 3
D and Cp are negligible during the short period
required for the measurement of X1, Y1, X2, and Y2 The MBE is calculated as follows:
(about 6 min). During each measurement of D, the MBE ¼
value X1 of Cdin prescribed for the patient is changed
automatically by the dialysis monitor by about ðQd þ Qf ÞCdUout  ðQBw CwU  QBwout CwUout Þ
2 100
1 msucm over 2 min, defining an X2 value of Cdin ðQd þ Qf ÞCdUout þ ðQBw CwU  QBwout CwUout Þ
(Figure 1). ð8Þ
Cp and D can be calculated by the following
equations: where QBw and QBwout are the water blood flow rates
at the dialyser inlet and outlet, respectively, and where
X1 Y2  X2 Y1
Cp ¼ ð4Þ CwU and CwUout are the plasma urea concentration at
ðX1  X2 Þ  ðY1  Y2 Þ the dialyzer inlet and outlet respectively.
QBwout is calculated as: QBwQf and QBw is
  calculated as:
Y1  Y2
D ¼ (Qd þ Qf Þ 1  (5)
X1  X2 QBw ¼ QB ½0:72  Ht þð10:01  ProtÞð1HtÞ ð9Þ

The relationship between the inlet and outlet where QB, Ht and Prot are blood flow rate (calculated
dialysate conductivity is influenced by the recirculation by ultrasound), haematocrit and plasma total protein
phenomenon. The greater the access recirculation, concentration measured at the dialyser inlet.
the closer the outlet dialysate conductivity from the CwUout is calculated as CUoutu(10.01 3 Protout)
inlet dialysate conductivity, at each of the two levels where Protout and CUout are the plasma total protein
of inlet dialysate conductivity during the measure- concentration (gudl) and the plasma urea concentration
ment of ionic dialysance. Thus Y1Y2uX1X2 tends (mmolul) measured at the dialyser outlet, respectively.
towards 1 when increasing access recirculation and CwU is calculated in the same way.
ionic dialysance tends toward zero.
The measured value of ionic dialysance (D) is
related to the value of ionic dialysance of the dialyser Appendix 4
(D0) by the following formula taking into account the If Cp is not constant, equation (3) should be written
access recirculation (effective ionic dialysance) w2x: with Cp1 and Cp2. Using Cp2 s Cp1qe, equation (5)
1R becomes:
D ¼ D0   (6)  
D0  Qf (Qd þ Qf Þ Y1  Y2
1R 1 D¼ 1 (10)
QB  Qf 1  e uðX2  X1 Þ X1  X2
Ionic dialysance and urea clearance 111

The ratio of the real value of D to the calculated of e could be written as:
value is:
Dreal 1 DðLuminÞ  ðCp1ðmSucmÞ  X2ðmSucmÞ Þ  2ðminÞ
s es
D 1  e uðX2  X1 Þ VðLÞ
If X2)X1, Cp2 is higher than Cp1 and e is positive, or For D s 200 mlumin, Cp1X2 s 1 mSucm (the max-
X2-X1, Cp2 is lower than Cp1 and e is negative. Thus imum of what is commonly observed with X1X2
eu(X2X1) is always positive and Dreal is lower than the equal to "1 mSucm according to Diascan operat-
calculated value of D. The ionic dialysance determined ing conditions), V s 40 l, e is equal to 0.01 mSucm and
by Diascan1 is over-estimated. the over-estimation is thus under 1%.
Because the osmotic distribution volume of sodium
is the total body water volume (V ), an approximation

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