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Yn, Pm ENT Sse ee TEST REPORT EN 149:2001+A1:2008 Filtering half masks to protect against particles Report no: WLH0241-2020 Product: KN9S Protective Mask (Non-Medical) Model (s) ZN9601 Main components: Mask body, without exhalation valve Dato(s) oftosts: 18 Apr~B" May 2020 “Client | ‘Anhui Zhongnan Air Dedence Works | Anhui Zhongnan Air Dedence Works Protective Co, Ltd Protective Co., Ltd. | Qanshan Comprehensive Economie Development | Zone, nl Province, China Contact: Mr hu Cet orders 1 Emal:! ret) received: Aor, 2020 Phone +9618956015566 | Conaltione: ae This report shal nt be reproduced except infu without the witen approval of CASST. The esis desorbed in his ts port refer to the montoned fest samples, orcusva. A copy ofthe fost pert, completo orm enracts. 1s ot alowed witout any wt permission ofthe CAST. ‘Any obycton shouldbe subtoc within 2 Wook rom te date of recep ofthe repo, and wil not bs ‘ovepted ster he eae _Specmens wl be clsposed of asks fromthe dale of his report, unless othenvise instructed. Issued:-7 07©- af - 9 Page 1 of 11 ‘Ph tect or GASST Test Report No: WLH0241-2020 ‘Summary of assessment Clause ‘Assessment Model 2N9604 74 Packaging z Pass, 75 Material Pass 7.6 Clearing and disinfectng NAP. 7.7 Practical performance: Pass. 7.8 Finish of parts Pass 7.9.4 Total inward leakage Pass 7.92 Penetration of fiter materia: Sodium chloride Pass 7.82 Penetration of fiter meteria: Paraffin oll Pass 7.40 Compatibility with skin oa Pass 711 Flammatity Pass 7.12 __ Carbon dioxide contert of he inhalation air Pass 713 Head hamess Pass 7.44 Field of vision Pass, 7.48 __ Extalation valve(s) NAP. 7.16 __ Breathing resistance Pass TAT logging NR. 7.48 Demountable pats NAP o_ Marking Ra 10 Information to be supplied by the manufacturer Ra) Koy Shading shows the stauses requested, z NR@__ |The clauses were not requested Pass _| Requrement satstieg, ey ‘Testing requested was insuficient completely to verify compliance with the clause. Ud | Refer tothe “Resultdetals™ section for more information. Fai__| Requirement not satisfied. Referto the ‘Resuit details section for more information, ‘Assessment not cried out Requirement not applicable NaS. Nao. INT _| Requested but not tested due fo early termination folowing falure * Assessment relates only to those specimens which were tested and are the subject ofthis repr. petal ent ms ste eal CAST Page 2 of 11 CASST Tost Report No: WLHOG41-2020 Page 3 of 11 Ponduct characteristics [Property Characteristic | Model ~_2N9601 Classification claimed FFP2NR Exhalation vaive(s) 5 ‘Submission details Product ‘Quantity | Date received ‘Specimen No. ‘ZNQS01 KNOS Protective ” Mask (Nor econ) 6 te" Apni2o20 | WLHO241-2020.01 10-86 Photographs ofthe products tested ‘Au Zhongnan Air Dedence Wars Protective Co, L's madel ZNGED1 KN95 Protective Mask (Non-Medical) Procedures, ‘Specimens were selected at random from the submission(s) detailed above. Testing was performed in azcordance wih EN 148:2001 incorporating Corrigendum No. 1 (January 2003), and amendment At (2006) unless otherwise spectied below. Reference should be made tothe ‘standard when reading hs fepod. Unless stated otherwise, specimens were tested inthe condition as receved. ‘CAST Test Report No: WLHOZ41-2020 Page of 1 7A Packaging Pass’ Particle ttering half masks shall be offered forsale packaged in such @ way that they are protected agaist mecharizal damage and contamination before use, Note 1: In accordance withthe requirement. 7.8 Materiat Pe Matevais used shall be sutable to withstand handing and wear over the period for which the particle fitering half mask & designed to be used. ‘Alter undergoing the conétlening described in 83.1 nane of the pate fiteing half masks shall hhave suffered mechanical ‘alure ofthe Facepiece or straps, ‘When conditioned in accordance wth 83.1 and 8.3.2 the particle tering half mask shall not collapse, ‘Any material om the fitermedia released bythe airflow through thefiter shallot constitute a hazard or nuisance forthe wearer Note 2: In accordance with he requirement. ‘Specimens 13-04-06 wer conditioned In accordance with ®3.1, None ofthe specimens ‘condtioned suffered mechanical falure or collapse. Specimens 06, 07, 08 were conditioned in accordance with 8.3.2, None ofthe specimens conditioned sutterea collapse. 78 Cleaning and disinfectng Nap tthe pace titering haf mask is designed to be re-usable, the materials used shal withstand ‘the cleaning and csinfecting agents and procedures to be specified by the manufacturer, Wit reference to 7.9.2, after cleaning and lsinfecting the re-usable partie fitering half mask shall satisfy the penetration requirement ofthe relevant class, Not 3: Single shit use ont 3 7.7 Practical performance Past ~ ‘The particle fitering half mask shall undergo practical performance tests under realistic conctions. Note 4: No imperfections. ‘Specimen and subject details: r Specimen Subject a TW 2 ‘sat 7.8 Finish of parts Pass? Parts ofthe device likely to come into contact withthe wearer shall have no eharp edges or burs Note: None of he specimens used in limited laboratory testing undertaken showod the evidence ‘of sharp edges or burrs. ‘CASST Test Report No: WLHOz41-2020 Poge Sof 11 7.9.4 Total inward leakage (%) Paset For patil fitering ha masks fited in accordance wth the manufacture’ information, at last 45 out ofthe 50 individual exercise results (Le. 10 subjects x5 exercises) for total inward leakage shall be not greater than: 25 % for FFPI, 11 % for FFP2, 5% for FFPS, ‘and, in adaton, atleast 8 out ofthe 10 individual wearer arithmetic means forthe total inward leakage shal be not greatr than: 22% for FFP, 8% for FFP2, 2 % for FFPS, Note 6: 47 out of he 50 individual exercise results were not greater than 11%: Bout of the 10 Individual woare aritymete mean wore not greater than 8%- Detaled data ae showed below. aa Heed | Head supject_|spectmen | cond | waik_|sio side | upldown | rank | wate oe ee ee zuw [2 | ar | as | et | c4 | 60 | 38 Yer a3 [a | 72 78 14 78 vcr | «| | sa [eo | oz | 56 evar anir [ine eae leas so 46 w | «0 | tc | | ve | ss 7a re 75 wes | 2 | vo | a | cs | 48 aM meas | sofa | eta aed 35 oe | 44 te | 80 4 we 82 Maximum permited " Subject facial dimensions: j subject | FHeetenath | Face Wish | Face Depth | Wouh wie (ex) ‘eum (eum) (eo). zane v8 157 18 o wes 100 136 105 % = var wa [ast 108 “2 1s 7 148 102 a 7 1085 181 10 2 [sw 16 4 a Ler 118 165, 124 6 ve 12 10 19 6 Nxt 113 a7 108 | 5 cue. 108 154 109) a7 FineeT vets honey ay Sd os ‘CASST Test Report No: WLHO241-2020 Penetration of filter materia Page 6of 1 ‘The penetration ofthe iter ofthe parte fitering haf mask shall meet the requirements: 1 xinum peneiraon ots eos cient | oun eve tt 06 tn. | Palin 5 in Pi 20 2 FP ¢ 3 FPS Hi + Sodium chloride test rst: (Pass) enovation specimen | Conon 3 ‘tories | Mis Sow a8 O88 a7 on? 28 102 28 199 “a7 sw. 1 = 1 4 308 288 ro MS. +T.C. 2.99 aie Py 791 228 Maxima paid aaa Paafin test rsuts: (Pass) Penetration 0) Specimen | conditon Wax. dui ter 3 minutes | MSR Sina = ow 2 Al 0.68 21 138 2 o79 = sw. ort 7 O81 = 387 882 2 ws.ete, 268 205 = 198 401 Maximum permite ¢ itotcmrtetcneh intent ‘stearic fw oy 9g See ‘CASST Test Report No: WLHO241-2020 Page 7of 1 7.40 Compatibility with skin Pass? Materials that may come ito contact wit the wearers skin shall not be known tobe ikely to ‘cause itation or any other adverse effect to health Nota 7: Specimens from 22-26 (AR) and from 1 to-55(7.C.) were tested. Noriation oF any ther adverse effect to heath, 7.14 Flammabiity eae \When teste, the particle fitering haf mask shall not bum or not to continue to burn for mare than 88 aftr removal rom the fame. Specimen Condition Results a ~ ‘burn for 05 8 28 aoe burn for 0.85 “56 burn for 0.58 7 os bum for 0.4 s 742 Carbon dioxide content ofthe inhalation air Pass ‘The carbon dioxide contrt ofthe inhalation sir (dead space) shall not exceed an average of 41.0% (by volume) ‘Specimen (603 (%) z 2 037 0 oat oH 0.38 ~~ Maximum permitted 10 743 Head harness: asst ‘The head hares salle desineds that the par tng Pal mask can be donned ard removed easily. ‘The nead namess shal be acjstable or sett-adjusting and shall be sufficiently robust to hola the particle fiterng naif mask firmly in postion and be capable of maintalring total inward leakage requirements fr he device, Note & Specimens from -32f0-36 (AR) and from 58 to 62 (F..) were tested. Head harness be donned and removed easly, adlstable or sel acjusting and have suicinty robust to Wold, the face mask firmly. The product sated te total inward leakage roqulromants. Sob 79.1 for results. 7.44 Field of vision Pass? “The fed of vision is acceptable if determined so in practical performance tests "Note 9: Specimens from 09 and 10 (A.R.) wore tested. Pass the practical performance tests and ro sdverse comment, SHREW Rte ha oy Sc en CCASST Test Report No: WLHO:41-2020 Page Bot 11 48. Exhalation valve Nap A particle itering half mack may have one or more exhalation vale), which shall function cotrety i al onentations Ian exhalation vale is provided it shall be protected agains or be resistant to cit and ‘mechanical damage and nay be shrouded or may include any other doves that may be ‘necessary forthe pari ‘tering half mask o comply with 7 8 Exhalation valves) itd, shall continue to operate corecl afte a coninuous exhalation ‘low of 300 Umin over a period of 30 \When the exhalation valve housing is stached tothe faceblank, shall wihstand axially @ tense force of 10N appled for 10's. 7.48 Breathing resistance Pass T sium perite esitones (mbar ere inhalation exhaiation 160m or Selim |S tmin | cascytesimine2.0 vse) FPA 08 24 30 Fre 07 24 30 FPO 1.0 30 30 Note 10: FFP2 Fitting face mask. Test results are detailed below. ‘np flee ad etn i tt gd ASST STREET Wontar Noy ty Sc ‘CASST Test Report No: WLH0Z41-2020 Page 9of11 Tea coi Gis ER | reathing machine 5 | Specimen] Condition | 4. s5unin | atesumin {__eyoammareiunie) | alelel ole] a cas —[ ome as] si] ase asco] 38 aR 02 oss] 190] 204] 20%] 195] +98) [ae oa | ose | vee] 160] xn 1a7| 120] a oat [ous | tas) tee] can] 7870] a] re (as [am | sae sar] as) a8 023 | ose [vet] 200] | 51100] 2 021 0.82, 2.07| 201) 1.98] 1.96] 1.98) aa] aw. Toa | one [tae] te] 120] 100 4 02 086 7.95 1.98) 1.91] 1.91] 1.96) Maximum permitted o7 24 30 ‘Refacing dieslyahoa Side; E: ying on the right side. TAT Clogging RQ” TA72 Breathing resistance \Valve particle fitering haf mass: ‘ter clogging the inhalation resistances shall nt exceed, FFPI; 4 mbar, FFP2: § mbar, FFP3: 7 mbar, at 95 Inin continuous flow, ‘The exhalation resistance shall not exceed 3 mar at 180 Vinin continous flow, \Valveless partic fitering half masks: ‘Aor clogging the inhalation and exhalation resistances shall not exceed, FFP: 3 mbar, FFP2: 4 moar, FFP3: § mbar, at 9 Vln continuous flow. AT. Penetration of iter material All types (valved and valveless) of parce fiterng half masks claimed to meet the clogging ‘quirement shal aiso meet the requirements given in7 9.2, forthe Penetration test accorcing TO EN 13274-7, ater the dogging tteatment. Note 1: Single shit use only MRE Route mer tte Sanaa ce CCASST Test Report No: WLHO241-2020 Page 10 0f 1 7.48 Demountable parts Nap ‘Alldemountable pas (ffted) shall be really connected and secured, where possible by hand. Note 12: No demountable parts were used. 8 Marking NRq 9.4 Packaging The folowing information shall be clearly and durably marked on the smallest commercially avaiable packaging or legible through ithe packaging is wansparent 9.1.4 The name, trademark or other means of identification of the manufacturer or supplier. 9.1.2 Typeidentiying marking, 9.1.3 Classification “The appropriate class (FFP1, FFP2 or FFPS) folowed by a single space and then, "NR" i he paricl fitering haf maski limited to single shit use ony, Example: FFP NR, or “R" ithe particle tering half mask is re-usable, Example: FFP2 RD" 8.1.4 The number and year of publication ofthis European Standard 9.1. Atleast the year of end of shelf if. The end of shel ife may be informed by a pictogram as ‘shown in Figure 12a, where yyyyimm incicates the year and morth 8.1.6 The sentence ‘see information supplied by the manufacturer, atleast inthe oficial language(s) ofthe county of destination, or by using the pictogram as shown in Figure 12b, 0.1.7 The manufacturer's recommended conditions of eorage (atleast the temperature and humidity) or equivalent petogram, as shown in Figures 12c and 124 9.1.8 The packaging of those parce fitering haf masks passing the dolomite clogcing test shal be adlionaly marked wih the letter "D" This latter shall folow the easeiicaton marking preceded by a single space. 9.2 Particle filtering half mask Particle firing half masks complying with this European Standard shall be cleary and durably racked wih the flloing 9.2.1 The name, trademark or ther means of identification of the manufacturer or suppl. 9.2.2 Typerdenitying marking 8.2.9 The number and year of publication ofthis European Standard 9.2.4 Classification ‘The appropriate class (FFP1, FFP2 or FFP3) followed by a single space and then "NR" the particle fiterng half masks limited to single shit use only. Example: FFP3 NR, Rf the patce fitering half masks re-usable. Example: FFP2 R D. {9.2.5 appropriate the eter D (dolomite) in accordance with clogging performance. This letter shall folow the clasiieaion marking preceded by a single space (see 92.4) Examples FFPS NR D, FFP2 RD" 9.2.6 Sub-assemblies and components with considerable bearing on safety shal be marked so that they can be identified 410 Information to be suppied by the manufacturer NRq ‘CASST Test Report No: WLHoz#1-2020 Page 11 of 11 10.1 Information supped by the manufacturer shall accompany every smallest commercial avaiable package. 10.2_Information supplied by the manufacturer shal be at least inthe offal language(s) of the ‘county of destination 10.3 The formation supplied by the manufacturer shall contain all information necessary for ‘rained and qualified persons on application limitations; the meaning of any colour coding: checks prior to ust; donning iting use; ‘maintenance (eg cleaning disinfecting) if applicable; storage; the meaning of any symbols/pletograms used ofthe equipment 10.4 The information shall be cloar and comprehensibe. If helpful ilustations, part numbers, ‘marking shall be added 10.5 Warning shall be given against problems kel to be encountered, for example: ft of particle tering hal mask (check prior to use); it unikely thatthe requirements for leakage wil be achieved facial har passes under the face seal; 1 ar quality (contaminants, oxygen deficiency); Buse of equipment in expesive atmosphere, 10.8. The information shall provide recommendations as to when the pate fitering half mask shall be discarded 10.7 For devices marked "NR’, a warning shall be given thatthe partic fitring hal mack shall ‘ot be used for more than one shi.” End of Test Report.

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