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DATE: the 5th of April, 2023

SCHOOL: Școala Gimnazială Regina Maria Arad
TEACHER: Oancea - Motorca Mihaela Monica
CLASS: 2nd
TIME: 50 minutes
COURSEBOOK: 2nd grade: Herbert Puchta, Gunter Gerngross, Peter Lewis – Jones, Bianca
Popa, Comunicare in Limba modernă 1 Engleza, București, Editura Art Klett, 2021
2nd grade: Sports Club
LESSON: Sports
TYPE OF LESSON: vocabulary lesson
MATERIALS/RESOURCES: PowerPoint Presentation, Audio and video files, worksheets,
2nd grade
1. Understand simple oral messages
1.1. Provide an adequate reaction to a simple question/instruction articulated clearly and
very slowly, in everyday communication situations
1.3. Show curiosity towards understanding the global meaning of children’s films and songs
in English
2. Speak in everyday communication situations
2.1. Reproduce short, simple children’s songs/poems
2.2. Introduce a person/popular character, using a few familiar details (name, gender, age,
2.3. Take part in communication games by reproducing or creating short chants/messages
3. Understand simple written messages
3.1. Show curiosity towards decoding simple, short written messages related to their
immediate universe
4. Write short simple messages in everyday communication situations
4.1.Take part in group/class projects by producing short written messages with help from the
1. Receptarea de mesaje orale simple
1.1. Oferirea unei reacţii adecvate, în situaţii de comunicare uzuale, la o întrebare/
instrucţiune simplă rostită clar şi foarte rar
1.3. Manifestarea curiozităţii faţă de sesizarea semnificaţiei globale a unor filme şi a unor
cântece pentru copii în limba modernă respectivă
2. Exprimarea orală în situaţii de comunicare uzuală
2.1. Reproducerea unor cântece/poezii simple pentru copii
2.2. Prezentarea unei persoane / unui personaj cunoscut folosind câteva detalii familiare
(nume, gen, vârstă, hobby)
2.3. Participarea la jocuri de comunicare în care reproduce sau creează rime/ mesaje scurte
3. Receptarea de mesaje scrise simple
3.1. Manifestarea curiozităţii pentru decodarea unor mesaje scrise simple şi scurte din
universul imediat
4. Redactarea de mesaje scrise simple în situaţii de comunicare uzuală
4.1. Participarea la proiecte de grup/ la nivelul clasei în care elaborează cu sprijin scurte
mesaje scrise
AIM OF THE LESSON: to consolidate notions about sports and hobbies
OBJECTIVES: At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to
- use words related to sports;
- form short sentences;
- extract essential information from text.
I anticipate that the following may cause problems: The students may have difficulties in
understanding the text so the teacher may translate some words or may use other techniques to
make sure that students understood the tasks.

Stages of the Teacher’s activity Students’ activity Resources Interactions

1. Warm Up T greets the Ss and marks the absences The Ss greet the teacher and read the T - Ss
5’ and asks the Ss about the homework and homework
to read the lesson The Tree on the Track
Then the Ss read in turns the lesson
The Tree on the Track

2. Lead – in The teacher asks the students a few The students answer the questions. T - Ss
5’ questions about sports

3. Presentation The teacher presents the lesson on page The students pay attention to the PPT Ss – Ss
25’ teacher and complete the table.
64 Table T – Ss
- The T projects the lesson on the
board and asks the students if they projector
recognise some of the words
– the T pronounces the sports from the
The students read the text and answer PPT
picture and translates the words T – Ss
the questions, they write the answers
- Then the T asks the Ss to listen on the worksheet. Blackboard
and look carefully to the lesson Worksheet
- The T displays the lesson twice
and asks the Ss to repeat the words
- The T asks several students to say
the words

- The T writes on the board the
words related to sports and asks
the Ss to write them in their
notebooks The students, with teacher’s help, Video file T - Ss
- The T plays the song from write sentences.
exercise 2/ 64 Worksheet


4. Production The teacher presents an image (Annex 4) The students describe the image. PPT T - Ss
7’ and asks the students to describe it by
answering Wh questions.

5. Practice The teacher gives a worksheet (Annex 5) The students complete the worksheet. T - Ss
5’ in which the students need to complete
the fact sheet.

6. Feedback The teacher presents a video file (What is The students pay attention to the Video file T - Ss
5’ it? English Pattern Practice) and asks the video and guess the images.
students to guess the image before the
time limit.

7. Homework The teacher presents the homework: The students write the homework. T - Ss
3’ What’s your favorite animal? Write your
own fact sheet.


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