Black Crusade - Stultifera Navis - Ver. IV

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Stultifera Navis


Written by tempelmaste

Version IV
Contents (Currently WiP)
Contents……………………….………... II
How to use this Supplement…….III
Respites of a Heretic……………….. IV – XXI
A Grand Feast …………………… IV Regular Maintenance ………….. XIII
Account Deeds …………………… IV Scout ………………………………… XIV
Antagonize ………………………… V Secure a Workshop …………… XIV
Bond ………………………………… V Seek Foe ………………………….. XIV
Brawl ………………………………… V Seek Materials ………………….. XIV
Commission ……………………… V Seek your Mortal Life ………. XV
Conspire …………………………… V Sensory Reprieve ……………….. XV
Contacts …………………………… VI Tend to the Corruption ……… XV
Cultivate …………………………… VI Terrorise ……………………………. XVI
Damn ……………………………….. VII Transform …………………………..XVI
Decorate Armour ……………….. VII Upgrade Equipment …………… XVII
Ear to the Ground ………………VII Uphold Factional Obligations XVIII
Elaborate Planning ………………VII
Excise your Corrupted Flesh . VIII
False Identity ………………………VIII
Forment Dissent ………………… VIII
Foretell ……………………………… IX
Forsake and Repent ……………. IX
Gambling ………………………….. IX
Grieve ……………………………….. X
Harvest suitable Sacrifices …. X
Infiltrate ……………………………. X
Interrogate ………………………… XI
Lost Lore …………………………. XI
Meditate …………………………… XI
Negotiate ………………………….. XI
Perform …………………………….. XII
Pray ………………………………….. XII
Rally Followers …………………. XIII
Recuperate ………………………… XIII

Special Thanks to: Konigstein, Austere_Patio & Tomb

Stultifera Navis Page II
Idleness breeds Heresy
The Long War takes a great toll on the mighty champions of the Chaos, but when those quite moments do
come, it is vital to embrace them.
Stultifera Navis was primarily designed to aid you in roleplaying the long voyages abroad the kilometre long
spaceships of Warhammer 40,000, and the time between your characters’ adventures or between gaming
sessions. This supplement presents several activities, called Respites, that you can undertake between your

A Matter of Time
The Champions of Chaos are not average people with normal lives. As such, what free time they have is
limited. Stultifera Navis assumes that characters have limited free time every week outside of adventures. You
can complete one Respite in a weeks’ time. If you have more time, you can take one additional Respite per
week of downtime, up to a maximum of three; this should however not be the norm, as long periods of
idleness may cause you to fall out of favour with the Gods.

Made for War

There is no respite for the Adeptus Astartes — the Corpse Emperors followers are boundless and wars are
fought on every front in every realm. While the Adeptus Astartes of Black Crusade are not bound to the
rigorous and time-consuming indoctrination of their loyalist brethren, they must still hone their superhuman
bodies for what is to come.

All Adeptus Astartes characters must spend the first Respite of each downtime in training.

Success is measured in Blood not Fate

Some Respites have requirements that you must meet before taking them. If a Respite requires you to take a
Test, you cannot spend an Infamy Point to alter your result.

If at First…
Many Respites presented here require tests with a high number of Degrees of Success, making them almost
impossible to pass with a single Respite. Where noted, if you do not successfully complete an Extended Test
during your Respite, you have several options:

Keep Trying: If you have another week of downtime, you can extend the Respite and make another Test.
While allowing for a certain success at some distant future, you are not spared from any potential repercussions
for failing a Respite.

Abandon Your Work: You give up on your work, discarding the unfinished project. If you have used up any
materials during that Respite, you can sell them for half the value that you bought them for.

Finish it Later: If you have a secure location to store your work, such as a workshop or an ally’s ship, you can
leave the project unfinished and return to it later.

Note any Degrees of Success you have achieved for when you return to work.

Stultifera Navis Page III
Respites of a Heretic
Requirements: Appropriate ingredients, a cause for celebration

The Warband gathers for a sumptuous, celebratory meal. Around a table heavy with favourite dishes,
surrounded by gentle light and easy laughter, the Galaxy’s dangers seem smaller and farther away. This Respite
must be taken by the whole group. As you all relax and enjoy the moment, you know that the respite will not
last. You must prepare for whatever lies ahead and will soon steel yourselves for the challenges that await you.
The Warband will be ready for whatever comes their way. When you complete this Respite, every member of
the Warband gains one temporary Infamy point to be used until your next downtime. In addition, if a beloved
NPC is to join in the feast, all members of the Warband gain a +10 Bonus to all social interaction tests to that
NPC until the next downtime. Whilst not a true champion of the Gods, that NPC has proven themselves in the
eyes of the warband and is welcomed to their midst.

As an infamous Warband, your deeds are legendary. But while some broken survivors might pass on parts of
your epic journeys, ultimately it is up to you how your story will be told. Delving deeper into the Warband's
exploits, the creativity and imagination behind your stories have a profound effect on its legacy. The diverse and
artistic representations of your deeds inspire awe and admiration in some, while invoking fear and trepidation in
others. As each member contributes their own unique perspective, a rich tapestry of tales emerges, captivating
the hearts and minds of those they encounter. Consequently, the Warband's legend transcends the boundaries of
reality and myth, creating a lasting impact in the ever-evolving world of the campaign. As the accounted deeds
on the Warband become ever more infamous, the GM should try to incorporate where possible into the
backgrounds of the campaign. Feel free to embezzle your personal account of these stories and share it with the
others through the eyes of your character.

Requirements: A (perceived) slight to your person

Whilst it may be petty and childish, you relish upon the fact, that your actions may insult your chosen foes.
Select an individual, a group or a faction that has earned your hatred. You spend the week in impotent rage or
sinister yet byzantine scheming. Determine with your GM, how that hatred manifests within your character.
Bearing the burdens of this dark obsession, you may become consumed by it, completely ignoring the potential
consequences of your actions. You gain the Hatred Talent against that individual, group, or faction. To right
that wrong, will be the only source of volition that’s left in your body. Until that is achieved, you may not
choose a new target for the Antagonize Respite but can chose to further antagonize your nemesis.

Stultifera Navis Page IV
The Warband uses downtime to bond, strengthening relationships and growing closer as a unit. They may use
this time to relax and enjoy each other’s company, sharing stories and jokes, making sure everyone feels at least
somewhat included. Overall, the Warband's interpersonal relationships are an important part of their Crusade. It
is now time for them to unplug, relax, and enjoy the company of their comrades. It also serves as an
opportunity for them to build their skills and strengthen their bond. This could involve exploring the local area,
going on a hunt, or simply enjoying some leisure time. Doing so helps the Warband stay connected and
reminds them that their bond is something to be cherished.
This Respite must be taken by the whole Warband. When you complete this Respite, until your next
downtime, every member of the Warband may allow other members of the Warband to spend one of their
Infamy points as if they were their own. In addition, discuss together with your DM on the things you did to
bond as a Warband. Creativity or good roleplay should be rewarded by your DM with additional bonuses.

You take to the fighting pits and the seediest of taphouses. Surrounded by a crowd of spectators, all eager to see
who will come out on top, you feel the adrenaline coursing through your veins. Over the course of one week,
you prove your mettle in a variety of brutal brawls, each one more brutal than the last. Brawling is a (-20)
Extended Weapon Skill Test. Over the course of one week, you can make 3 Tests to indicate how well you
perform in each bout. Your successes persist between iterations of this Respite, so keep track of them. Your
total successes determine your reputation among fellow pugilists, as well as the level of fanfare surrounding
your vicious brawls. As your legend grows, an aspect of Khorne bestows upon you his agnostic blessing. Even
if you are devoted to Slaanesh, this aspect will bless you, to the delight of your mistress. Bonuses depending on
your successes, will represent these blessings. On the other hand, any degrees of failure will be subtracted from
your total successes, allowing you to fall from grace.

10 successes: You are a respected brawler in the underhive or equivalent local slum, and gain the Unarmed
Warrior Talent, or if you already possess the Unarmed Warrior Talent, you gain the Unarmed Master Talent.

20 successes: You become well known in your circle. You gain +5 Bonus to Fellowship and Intimidate Tests
in which you’re known as a brawler.

30 successes: You become something of a local celebrity. You gain an additional +5 Bonus to Fellowship and
Intimidate Tests in which you’re known as a brawler. In addition, unarmed attacks gain a +5 Bonus to your
Weapon Skill Tests, representing your honed combat skills.

50 successes: You become notorious for your exploits in the ring. You gain the Peer (Pugilists) Talent, and
those that know of you will treat you with a measure of respect. In addition, your unarmed attacks now gain
the Tearing Quality.

75 successes: You are a legend among brawlers. Your name will be on the lips of most fighters in the sector.
You gain the Peer (Criminal Underworld) Talent as well, and while they may not be eager to face you in the
ring, combatant's will strive to emulate your style. In addition, your unarmed attacks now gain the
Concussive(1) Quality.

100 successes: Khorne himself looks upon your exploits with pride. Unless you are aligned to Slaanesh, you
gain the Daemonic Name Reward of Khorne. If not, your mistress may reward you with a gift of her own or
something equivalent of comparable value. Furthermore, the legend around your fists may never die. While
you may pass away in combat, you will be remembered as a living legend, your name inspires reverence in all
who hear it. Your Fists will now count as a Legacy Weapon (Tome of Blood) with the Legacy of Pain history.

Stultifera Navis Page V
You and another member of your Warband decided to collaborate. The both of you at least claim to not stab
each other in the back. Even the Chaos Gods could come together in agreement. This mutual agreement may
blossom into unlikely but true friendship or end the second you both see no further use in this relationship. The
future remains to be seen. Until then, you both will have to rely on each other and hold true to the agreement.
No matter what happens, the result will be worth the journey, or at least that’s what you tell yourself. Both you
and your collaborating partner must take this Respite. Both parties will be at least somewhat certain that they
won’t be betrayed by the other just yet. Work together and with GM how your collaboration changes your
dynamic in the Warband. You may both become more amicable in conversation, decide to share critical
resources or actually start to form a stronger interpersonal bond. As you both grow more accustomed this
cooperation, you can even see past otherwise dealbreakers. You and your collaborator may decide to ignore any
social penalties against each other, such as given via the Enemy or Hatred Talents. Through the crucible of
war, even a Khorne Beserker can learn to begrudgingly accept his Sorcerer companion, even though he would
usually suffer not the Psyker to live.

Requirement: Known source for acquiring or manufacturing the desired item

So, you wish to own a Legion Bolt Pistol that saw action during the Great Crusade? Or a custom set of
Carapace bracers, with a personalised crest representing your epic victories? The Commission Respite allows
you to acquire unusual or highly specialized items that are never simply ‘stocked’ in the black markets of your
average Underhive. It also allows for you to arrange for the creation of unique items. Such things take time,
though… If you are unaware of an appropriate source for such an item, you will first have to find one, which
may lead to an epic adventure by itself. Once you have secured such a source, you may even make a
commission from afar.
A character can either commission up to two Extremely Rare (-50) or single Near-Unique (-70) item per
downtime. To finalise your commission, you must pass the necessary Acquisition Test or Tests, with an
additional +10 Bonus.
Alternatively, you may decide to dabble in eccentric requests that couldn’t be procured without your special
connections to the underworld. Treat this as a regular Acquisition Test, having your clout offset the strangeness
in your order. This very well may be a set of demolition chargers infused with a fragrant perfume, a sword cast
from smelted busts of Imperial Saints, or just bolt ammunition bearing your signature. Be creative and work
with your GM on if and how those esoteric traits should translate to game mechanics.

In any case, your GM will be the final arbiter on what items you can and cannot procure through your ill
begotten connections. The acquired items are transferred to the commissioner at the start of the next downtime
as such things will take their time.

Stultifera Navis Page VI
Requirement: A suitable ally to be your pawn

With whispers in the right ears, you fight a subtle battle to both remove an enemy from power and raise an ally
to fill the vacuum. You spread rumours to discredit your enemy and build up your allies through a network of
contacts, spies, and associates. You must use subterfuge to sow discord, uncover secrets, and manipulate events.
After a few weeks of careful manoeuvring, you hope to see your plans come to fruition as your enemy is
removed from power and your ally rises to take their place. The success of your mission relies on your skill at
gathering information, playing people’s emotions, and staying one step ahead of those who would stop you.
Conspiring is a dangerous game, and one wrong move could spell disaster. You can use the Conspire Respite
to attempt to remove a rival from power and replace them with an ally of your choice. You must first establish
a relationship with both your target and your ally. You must then spend a number of weeks equal to 2 + (your
target’s Charisma Bonus) gathering information and making connections. In some cases such a feat is simply
impossible, such as trying to replace one of the High Lords of Terra. During this time, you must make a series
of tests to gain information and manipulate events in your favour. The specific tests you must make depend on
the situation you are trying to manipulate.

For example, if you are trying to replace a governor with a rival noble, you may need to make a series of
Charm Tests to build relationships with influential people, Scholastic Lore(Politics) Tests to uncover
information about your target, and Intimidate Tests to threaten those who may stand in your way. Once you
have made all of your Tests, you must make a final Opposed Test against your target.
The Opposed Test is determined by the nature of your mission. If you are trying to replace that governor with
a rival noble, then the Opposed Test is typically Charm or Command. If you are trying to replace a military
commander with a loyal insider, then the Opposed Test is typically Command or Intimidate.
If you succeed in your final Opposed Test, then your target is removed from power and your ally takes their
place. If you fail, you may be able to salvage some of your work and still have your ally gain some influence,
but it will be significantly less than if you had succeeded in your mission. If you fail your last test by more
than 4 Degrees of Failure, then you may have made a powerful enemy who will seek to undermine your plans
in the future.

This Respite can also be used to make your allies more powerful. You can use the same process to gain
information and manipulate events in your ally’s favour, granting them more influence, power, and allies. The
Opposed Test in this case is typically Charm or Command. If you succeed, then your ally is granted a boon
such as a title, a powerful ally, or a large sum of throne gelt. If you fail however, your ally may be weakened or
even ruined.

Finally, this Respite can also be used to undermine your enemies. You can use the same process to spread
rumours, discredit your enemies, and make them appear foolish or untrustworthy. The Opposed Test in this
case is typically Charm or Deceive. If you succeed, then your enemies suffer a setback such as public
humiliation, a ruined reputation, or even exile. If you fail, your enemies may be strengthened or even gain an
ally through the process.

Stultifera Navis Page VII
You spend your time going out and meeting with the people of the area. Over the course of your downtime,
you foster a new relationship with a useful contact. Work with the GM to determine the nature of the contact
and what benefit they provide. They may be an aspiring chaos cultist, a shady merchant, or a promising
member of your immediate followers, or they could be someone more influential such as a high-ranking spire
noble or even a member of the Adeptus Munitorum. As your network expands, the value of these connections
creates a powerful web of influence across various sectors. Leveraging these relationships can be crucial when
navigating the challenges that may arise during your misadventures. However, it is important to remember that
these contacts also have their own limits and boundaries to uphold. The contact does what they can to help
you, within reason, but won’t endanger themselves or their livelihood.
Each time you take this Respite, you have the opportunity to forge new alliances or reinforce existing ones,
further strengthening your position and resources within this unforgiving galaxy.

• If the contact could reasonably help you with a Respite, such as a member of the Word Bearers
helping with subverting an Imperial world, their help grants two Degrees of Success to your total
number of Degrees of Success for any Extended Tests.
• When you strengthen a contact, you may use their specialties to grant yourself a bonus on certain
Tests. For example, if your contact were a Tech-Priest, you might be able to use their expertise on
Tech-Use Tests for a +10 Bonus, or if they were a smuggler, you might gain one reroll on a failed
Operate(Voidship) Test.
• Your contacts may provide you with valuable information or resources. When you strengthen a
contact, you may ask the GM for one piece of pertinent information or access to a certain resource,
depending on the nature of your contact.
• You may use your contacts to gain access to otherwise restricted locations or resources. Depending on
the nature of your contact, they may be able to get you into certain locations or provide you with
items that would otherwise be unobtainable.
• Contacts may serve as a distraction or a decoy, depending on the nature of the situation. If you find
yourself in a compromising situation, a contact may be able to provide you with the means to escape
or hide from your pursuers.

Bizarre but useful plants grow throughout the galaxy, and if you have collected seeds or cut samples from them
during your adventures, you can cultivate a garden in your downtime. With the proper care and cultivation,
these peculiar plants can provide a myriad of benefits and uses, such as medicinal purposes, mechanical
enhancements, or as tools for survival in extreme conditions. Knowing the specific requirements to nurture
them is crucial in ensuring their full potential is harnessed. It is important to understand the potential risks when
cultivating such plants, as they may harbour dangers to those unfamiliar with their biological processes.
Nevertheless, embracing and mastering the art of gardening exotic and heretical flora can lead to a wealth of
untapped knowledge and abilities, altering the fate of the Warband for better or worse.

Cultivating a garden requires a Challenging (+0) appropriate Lore (like Forbidden Lore(Occult) or Common
Lore(Imperium) ) Extended Test with a total of 10 Degrees of Success. Over the course of one week, you can
make 3 Tests to cultivate your garden. If you succeed, you learn about the applications of the plant or fungus
and harvest a usable quantity. These plants and fungi could then be turned into drugs or be used as part of an
esoteric chaos ritual .

Stultifera Navis Page VIII
The Chaos Gods prey on the weakness in mortal hearts, but with patience and understanding, you can weaken
those same hearts to make them fall under the influence of your dark Masters. When you take this Respite,
choose an enemy of Chaos who won’t try to kill you on sight. (Ultimately, your GM determines which enemies
even possess the possibility of damnation). By subverting their ideals or showing them the power of Chaos,
you try to make them reconsider their zeal in a decaying corpse on far-away Terra.
At the end of your downtime, make a Difficult (-10) Deceive Test, requiring 5 Degrees of Success. The default
needed Degrees of Success are appropriate for coercing a mildly devout member of the Imperial Cult inside the
average Hive, but your GM can change the needed Degrees of Success depending on the initial zeal of the
target and the stability of their home world, or substitute the Deceive Skill with another appropriate skill.
If you succeed, the enemy you chose with this Respite contemplates making a change. While you can support
them in their journey, ultimately the long but easy road to damnation is theirs to walk alone.
If you fail, your pray escapes certain damnation for now. You may attempt it again with another Respite,
increasing the difficulty of the test by another -10 for each subsequent attempt.

No matter their allegiance, the warriors of the galaxy often wear their accomplishments for all to see. When you
take this Respite, you adorn your armour with pieces of a foe you’ve slain, sashes representing mastery over
martial or arcane disciplines, or sentimental accoutrements honouring fallen comrades. While wearing this
armour, your GM might grant you benefits based on the enhancements you’ve made. You could have Rerolls
on Opposed Tests to intimidate or impress Imperial Guardsmen, for example, if you go about wearing their
Commisar’s skull on a spike attached to your helmet. You can also refresh your ‘civilian’ wardrobe when you
take this Respite. What impression does your clothing give? Does it reflect a cultural, professional, or artistic
style? Where will it earn you respect, and where will it earn you enmity?


You delve deeper into the heart of the local community, seeking out secrets and gaining insights on local
politics and power dynamics. Through careful observation and discreet inquiries, you discover potential allies
and rivals among the populace. As relationships begin to form, you find yourself immersed in the intricacies of
these connections, using your newfound knowledge to navigate the often-perilous web of alliances and enmities.
Over time, your understanding of the local area expands, allowing you to make more informed decisions in
your pursuits and effectively utilizing the resources available to you. Your alliances prove useful and you may
create a contact with the Contact Respite rules. Additionally, you gain +10 to Inquiry Tests for that location.

You spend your downtime anticipating every possible outcome. You describe a specific plan that your character
is preparing themselves for the entire week. You may ask your GM if your careful preparations have given you
specific insights that could prove helpful. During your next adventure, if at any point your careful yet specific
preparations could come to fruition, reduce the Difficulty of an appropriate Test by one (Challenging becomes
Ordinary, etc.) Furthermore, if you fail this Test, you may reroll it. Your elaborate planning will only grant you
this bonus once for a single test that meets your specific preparations.

Stultifera Navis Page IX
Requirements: At least 1 point of Corruption

For some, the gifts of the gods are nothing but cancerous growths that need excising. Either way, you have
your own reasons to cleanse your body and soul from the gaze of the Chaos Gods. Over the course of the
week, you manage to escape spawndom for another day without enraging those who gifted you with these
growths. As long as you wouldn’t fall under your current Corruption Threshold, you lose 1 Corruption. You
cannot take this Respite more than once per downtime.

Through happenchance of discovering the corpse of a high-ranking PDF-member of similar build and
appearance, or by dedicated forgery and deceit, you manage to gain a false identity. A proper false identity does
require some work and preparations, may it be creating an elaborate backstory or simply hiding the most
obvious but still concealable Chaos mutations. Try working with your GM on how you might spend the week
trying to make this false identity work out. This must however still be within the realm of logic; a foetid and
bloated Plaguemarine would make a poor Sister Repentia and couldn’t even fool the blindest and most gullible
Cardinal. A disguised character will usually successfully pass for their false identity and gains a +10 Bonus to any
Tests that would convince others of the legitimacy of their identity if pressed.

If you are looking to sow civil unrest, undertake the Foment Dissent Respite. By talking with local citizens,
leading meetings, and involving yourself, you can direct conversations to slowly feed anger and resentment
towards a specific individual, group, or institution. But this takes time, so Fomenting Dissent takes two Respites
to attempt.
To undertake the Endeavour, you must first attempt a Hard (-20) Inquiry Test to understand the local movers
and shakers. If you succeed, attempt a Charm Test with the Difficulty determined by how unpopular the target
may be. Rousing anger against an oppressive spire noble or draconian PDF captain may be an Ordinary (+ 10)
Test, while raising a mob to protest the good work of a Sister Hospitaler hospice may be a Punishing (– 50)
Test. If you fail either of these tests, the Respite fails.

If successful, you will find it easier to invoke the wrath of crowds upon your chosen target. During your next
adventure, you can attempt a Command Test to gather a rioting mob to accost the target, with the Difficulty
determined by the GM according to how well-planned the mob-to-be is.
Up to 2 Degrees of Success means you gather enough angered townsfolk to confront the target, shouting
insults, demanding justice, throwing rotting vegetables, and generally accosting the focus of their ire.
More than 2 Degrees of Success may result in violent riots while 5 or more Degrees of Success may lead to
uncontrollable lynch mobs and attempted burnings!
Failure means folk have no stomach for wrath or unconsciously sense the dreading influence of Chaos in their
revolution; failing by several Degrees of Failure may mean the target, or larger Imperial institutions, become
aware of your actions…

Once you have the ear of a mob (successfully undertaking this Respite), you can attempt to rally the mob
against a different target in that area, although this is more difficult, and any subsequent Charm Test suffers a
further -10 penalty.

Stultifera Navis Page X
Requirements: Either Scholastic Lore(Occult), Scholastic Lore(Numerology) or Trade(Soothsayer)

The Immaterium itself can sense danger coming, manifesting portents like a body rejecting disease. You can
read these portents by watching the movements of celestial bodies, consulting augurs versed in the secrets of
blood and bone, or (inadvisably) partaking in a deep séance with the freshly slain dead. When you undertake
this Respite, you may roll twice on your first Initiative of your next combat and take the better result.


For whatever reason, you have chosen to forsake the Chaos gods to escape the damning corruption of your
soul and body. When you undertake this Respite, you lose 1d5+1 Corruption that would not cause you to fall
below your current Corruption threshold. The Gods, however, do not take kindly on those who distance
themselves to their gifts. You lose twice as much Infamy as you have lost Corruption. This can only be taken a
single time per character, as the Chaos gods may be forgiving enough to let you denounce them once, but a
second time will be met with their utter wrath.

You chance your luck by spending the week visiting any of the numerous gambling dens in the region you are
in. A glorious Champion of Chaos like you is destined to play the Skeins of Fate to your advantage. Although
those who are willing to gamble with your kind do not take Throne Gelt, you can always offer some of your
possessions as bet to play, may it be your Bolt Pistol from the Great Crusade or even part of your slave chattel.

After determining your bet for this round of gambling, roll a D10 to determine the consequences for giving in
to this vice.

1–2: Terrible Luck: You lose the bet you set aside and it’s almost impossible for you to ever gain it back.

3-4: Win some, lose some: While you lost your original bet, you have managed to win back something of equal
worth. Exchange your original bet for a different item of equal availability.

5-6: Breaking Even: While you lost your original bet, you have managed to win it back by the end of your
gambling session through smart and cautious play.

7-8: Winning at a Cost: Although you managed to win a lot during your gambles, you did lose your original bet.
Exchange your original bet for a different item of an availability that’s one higher (Rare becomes Very Rare,

9: Winning Greatly: Through a mix of winning and losing, you amassed a great wealth during your gambles.
Not only do you keep your original Bet, but you also gain a different item of an availability that’s one higher
than your original bet (Rare becomes Very Rare, etc.).

10: Too Lucky for your own Good: You made yourself a very rich person as fate wanted you to win…every single
game…with the highest values possible…consequently. You somehow manage to a hold onto your original bet,
but must succeed on a Hellish (-60) Charm, Intimidate or Deceit Test to not start a fight against the whole

You may roll on this table up to 3 times per Respite, choosing the same or a different bet each time.

Stultifera Navis Page XI
Requirement: The death of a party member or an equivalent loss

All who wage the unending war against the Imperium know the meaning of grief. Over the course of your
downtime, you mourn in whatever way feels appropriate. A usually jovial Plague-Sorcerer might spend the
week shrouded in the caustic fumes of a chymist experiment, while a lucid Khorne Bezerker recites the saga of
the departed over a burning libation. The ongoing process of grief has only begun, but these ceremonies
provide you some catharsis. During your next adventure, you count your Infamy Bonus as one higher than it
actually is. Perhaps a remnant of the one you have lost lingers with you, or perhaps you simply fight harder in
their memory.


Many a Chaos Ritual depends on regular reaping of mortal souls. Even though you have become a Chosen of
the dark gods, that does not exempt you from acquiring this vital resource.

Harvesting sacrifices is either an Ordinary (+10) Stealth Extended Test, or a Difficult (-10) Commerce
Extended Test, both requiring 15 Degrees of Success. Over the course of one week, you can make 3 Tests to
gather the mortal souls you require.
If you succeed, you gather your grim crop in a way that no one ever notices — stealing through infirmary halls
as the sickly rattle their last breaths or disappearing those who will not be missed under the cover. You harvest
enough sacrifices to summon a lesser Daemon of your chosen God or a Fury.
If you fail, then your thefts are detected. You draw the ire of the local Enforcers, and perhaps even the

Requirement: Successful FALSE IDENTITY Respite

The enemies of Chaos are insidious, but so are you. To take this Respite, you must have successfully finished a
FALSE IDENTITY Respite. You then chose an overt group that is both overt to you, and appropriate to your
guise gained through the FALSE IDENTITY Respite. Any restrictions mentioned in the FALSE IDENTITY
Respite, also apply here. Infiltrating this group requires a Hard (-20) Stealth or Hard (-20) Deceit Extended
Test with a total of 10 Degrees of Success. Over the course of one week, you can make 3 Tests to spend time
with your enemies. Work with you GM on how you managed to keep a low profile, or bodaciously convinced
everyone around you. If you succeed, you learn something about the group’s organisation and aims.
You might not have immediate access to the group’s leadership, but you know how to enter their hidden
hideouts (if you used Stealth) or the rank-and-file trust you (if you used Deceit). If you fail, the group realises
an intruder is in their midst. Unless you flee with haste, your sudden disappearance prompts the start of another

Stultifera Navis Page XII
Requirement: Unwilling prisoner

You pry secrets from unwilling tongues. Perhaps you brought home a recalcitrant prisoner after your last raid,
or perhaps you have cornered a wounded Inquisitor in the wrecks of his private frigate. Whoever it is and
however you approach them, you must take care to sift falsehoods from truth. Interrogating is a Hard (-20)
Inquiry or Hard (-20) Intimidation Extended Test requiring 10 Degrees of Success. Your GM can secretly
adjust the Complexity of the Extended Test depending on your subject’s loyalty and shrewdness. Over the
course of one week, you and any other player that attempts the same respite with the same goal in mind, can
make 3 Tests to learn the truth.
If you succeed, your interviewee tells you about a plot, hideout, vulnerability, or something similar. If you fail,
they still tell you what you want to hear — but they leave out key information or lie about an important detail.

Requirement: Available source of potential lost lore

You spend your time researching lost tomes, speaking to scholars, and gathering spoken tales of ancient times.
Upon deciphering the traces of your newly found revelation, the gravity of the situation becomes apparent to
you. Decoding these buried secrets may not only alter the course of history but could very well reshape the
collective understanding of a long-lost era. The path that lies ahead is treacherous, yet full of promise for the
treasure that awaits at the end. In pursuit of this forbidden knowledge, you must traverse desolate wastelands,
brave ancient ruins, and forge alliances with other inquisitive souls who share your thirst for uncovering the
hidden truths buried within the annals of time. If you follow this trail and acquire what you seek, the GM may
award you with an appropriate but highly specialised Forbidden Lore Specialisation for free.
While this may seem like a strong boon, it may require several weeks of research as well as a daring expedition
to unbecoming places. On the other hand, that hyper-specialised knowledge on the pre-Unification Wars
Achaemenid Empire may very well be the key to gaining the trust of the Thousand Sons Sorcerer you
desperately need for your ninefold scheme.

Requirement: Scholastic Lore(Occult)

You open your mind to the raw powers of the Immaterium, which in its magnanimity shines upon all. Though
mostly practised by trained Chaos sorcerers, these mostly Prosperite forms of meditation can be attempted by
anyone. Either self-directed or with the guidance of a trained practitioner, you spend your downtime
contemplating axioms and complex arcano-mathematical proofs. In turn, your attention and awareness expand.
You may re-roll one Awareness and one Psyniscience Test per Session until your next downtime, as you find
your ability to focus bolstered over the next couple of days. Though the Prosperite techniques are the most
common form of meditation taught to and by aspiring sorcerers, they are not the only ones. Other traditions
may have different tools, mantras, postures, and purposes. If necessary, your GM should adjust the Respite’s
benefits to match.

Stultifera Navis Page XIII
The enemy of your enemy may still be your enemy, but those hostilities can wait. In an attempt to unite against
a common foe, you reach out to nearby forces in an attempt at diplomacy. When you take this Respite, choose
a local hostile faction, such as a pirate fleet or an rival chaos warband. (You can attempt to negotiate with loyal
subjects of the Corpse-Emperor, but that is often futile or results in certain betrayal) You spend most of your
downtime just getting them to the table — and, in some cases, keeping them from eating it. Once you do have
a chance to speak, you learn what this faction wants, who their leaders are, and under what circumstances
collaboration might be possible.
You may reroll a single failed Charm, Deceit or Scrutiny Test when you speak to the group with whom you
negotiated. You can take this Respite again to establish a conditional truce or trade agreement.
If you take this Respite again for the same faction, you might even be able to find common ground. With
clever roleplaying you might gain a favor from this faction that can be used in any future encounter — they’ll
give you information, assist in combat, or even provide troops and supplies.

Dance, theatre, music, and poetry all provide relief from or contribute to the horrors of the 40 millennium.

During your downtime, you take to the stage or the street and practise your arts before appreciative audiences.
Performing is a Challenging (+0) Trade(Performer) Extended Test requiring 10 Degrees of Success. Over the
course of one week, you can make 3 Tests to perform. Since art is subjective, work with you GM in case you
wish to substitute the Trade(Performer) Skill with another one; maybe a gruesome act of chirurgery can be
turned into a crimson play on life and death. If you succeed you impress upon your audience an ideal or a
perspective which lingers with them, and you are often recognised around the venues where you performed.
But beware: your spreading reputation might also alert enemies to your location.

Requirement: Knowledge on how to venerate the God or Gods of your choosing

When you take this Respite, ask your god for a boon or an answer to a question. You spend your downtime
acting in dedication to your god, hoping to prove worthy of a response. In most cases the Gods requires far
more than just kneeling in supplication. Nurgle might ask his followers to cultivate a deadly new disease in their
body, while ritual battle honours Khorne. Ultimately you decide with your GM in what Skill you wish to show
your devotion. In any case, this will require a single successful Difficult (-10) Test in the Skill of your choosing,
using Infamy instead of any other Characteristic.
Even if you succeed, the gods rarely speak with clear words. Instead, you find your answer in the sweat upon
your brow as you conclude a new masterwork, or the blood that sprays from your wounds as you take down
an Eldar warrior. This can be a very personal experience, and not one that you can share with others. Once
during your next adventure, you may spend one of your Infamy points as if you had 100 Corruption Points.
Alternatively, you receive beneficial insight into the question you asked. This insight may be in the form of a
cryptic riddle or a brief vision, but it’s usually enough for you to come up with an answer on your own. You
still have to take action and figure out how to use this insight—but at least now you know what direction to go

Stultifera Navis Page XIV
With glory come sycophants. When you take this Respite, you use your infamous reputation or ungodly
charisma to rally the Lost and the Damned. Your duties mean you cannot take direct command of this group,
but you can serve as their patron and establish their core principles and goals. Rallying followers is a (-30)
Extended Test. Over the course of one week, you can make 3 Tests using a Skill determined by the nature of
your following. Khorne Beserkers might come to your side if you excel at Athletics, while the unwashed masses
of Chaos Undivided may be swayed with a Scholastic Lore (Occult) Test, taken with Fellowship instead of
Intelligence. By default, you attract followers sympathetic to the dark God you serve, but if you go out of your
way to win the attention of certain groups, then your following diversifies accordingly. It will, however, be
almost impossible to rally followers dedicated to your God’s antagonist. You may be able to undermine such
restrictions with a cunning combination of the False Identity and/or Conspire Respite.
Whenever you take this Respite, make note of your number of successes. These successes persist between
Respites and will determine the size and influence of your following. You may also need to Uphold certain
obligations if your following grows to a certain size. See Uphold Factional Obligations (Page XVIII) for more

10 successes: You are able to gain a small retinue of followers. These followers are loyal to you and will follow
your orders blindly. They may be very diverse in origin, as they may have come from a variety of backgrounds
and cultures, but they all believe in your cause and are willing to fight for you. At this level, you will still be
able to maintain a personal relationship with each of your followers and will be able to develop them as stated
in the Contacts Respite.

30 successes: You now have a small but dedicated following. This following is still loyal to you, though their
loyalty is more an extension of their loyalty to your cause, rather than an unshakable bond with you. Your
followers now number into the dozens or even hundreds, depending on your successes and the size of your
faction. You will need to spend some of your Respites for the Uphold factional Obligations Respite to your
followers or risk losing some of their loyalty.

60 successes: Your following has grown significantly, and now numbers in the hundreds or thousands. Your
followers now have their own hierarchy and divisions, representing a formidable organisational force. Your
obligation to them is now greater, as their needs are more complex and diverse. You will need to spend
multiple Respites for the Uphold factional Obligations Respite to them or risk losing some of their loyalty.

100+ successes: Your following is now a powerful force to be reckoned with, numbering in the several
thousands. Your obligation to them is now more complex than ever, and they will require extensive resources
and leadership. You will need to spend multiple Respites for the Uphold factional Obligations Respite to them
or risk losing a large portion of their loyalty. Beyond this, you may also need to employ strategic manipulation
and social engineering to secure your following’s loyalty, as the sheer size of your following necessitates a multi-
tiered bureaucracy with many different factions vying for power.

Stultifera Navis Page XV
In addition, whenever you take this Respite, you can instead ask for your followers’ aid in whatever endeavour
you are currently pursuing. Your successes in Rally Followers determine the quantity and quality of the aid you
can ask for.

10 successes: Your followers’ aid is minimal, and they are unlikely to be of any real significance in whatever
endeavour you are currently pursuing.

30 successes: Your followers are able to provide you with significant aid in whatever endeavour you are
currently pursuing.

60 successes: Your followers are able to provide you with significant military or material aid in whatever
endeavour you are currently pursuing.

100+ successes: Your followers are able to provide you with overwhelming military or material aid in whatever
endeavour you are currently pursuing.

Requirement: The ability to spent a prolonged time calm and at ease, at least 1 Corruption Point

You spend the entirety of your time recovering from your previous misdeeds and bolstering yourself for the
challenges ahead. You fill your days with people and activities that remind you of why you fight the ill-begotten
Imperium and have pledged yourself to the ruinous Gods of Chaos. You use the Recuperate Respite to restore
your mind, body, and soul to their former glory. This Respite can only be used once per downtime. You must
spend the duration of the respite in a place of comfort and ease where you can rest, reflect, and meditate. You
spend hours each day in self-reflection, either pondering the events of your past or planning the future. During
this time, you must make a Difficult (-10) Willpower Test. If you succeed, you lose 1 Corruption Point as
your soul is cleansed of some of its impurities and your inner strength is restored. If you fail, you gain 1
Corruption Point as your soul sinks further into the depths of depravity.

The equipment of a Chaos warband needs regular maintenance to ensure they continue to function correctly.
Even though most warbands dismiss this concept by looting from their fallen enemies, you do not. When you
take this Respite, you perform regular maintenance on your equipment and replace any parts subject to regular
wear and tear. This can include anything from basic cleaning and oiling of weapons, replacing broken or worn
parts, and sourcing new ammunition or fuel. The defiled machine spirit in your equipment begins to whisper
words of gratitude to you as it senses the effort you are taking to care for it. A number of pieces of equipment
equal to your Intelligence Bonus can be maintained during this Respite with a successful Challenging (+0)
Tech-Use Test.

You also take the time to reinforce your possessions. You take the time to reinforce your armour, overcharge
your laspacks, or inscribe runes on your chainsword. The GM should decide what bonuses or effects your
reinforcements bestow upon your equipment; however they are likely to be minor. For example, your
reinforced armour may provide a bonus to resist attacks with the Concussion Quality, your lasgun may fire
slightly quicker, or your chainsword may a bit deal more damage to an opponent whose name you speak aloud
as you wield it. These bonuses last until your next downtime, whereupon you may use the Regular
Maintenance Respite again.

Stultifera Navis Page XVI
It pays to know your home turf. When you take this Respite, you learn about a nearby area such as a part of
the nearby Hive, a stretch of frozen wasteland, or a labyrinthine district within your flagship. Work with your
GM to determine interesting details about the area you are exploring. How has the vile corruption of Chaos
shaped this land? What did this place look like before it was reclaimed by the Great Crusade, and how did it
change during the Horus Heresy? Generally, the size of the area you scout determines the granularity of the
details you discover. You gain a +10 Bonus for Survival Tests in this area and may treat that knowledge as if
you had gained it as a Common Lore Skill Specialisation.

While some travelling tinkerers and Medicae are able to ply their trade on the road, operating from the backs of
cramped carts or salvaged Chimeras, most craftspeople require a dedicated space to undertake their work. This
is especially true with those who seek to work metal in large quantities, as no matter how skilled the artisan they
cannot smelt iron without a forge. Workshops are also great for the storage of long term projects. You spend
the week scouring the local area for a suitable workshop. This could be anything from a rundown back alley
laboratory, to a well-tended to Manufactorum operated by the Dark Mechanicum. Most workshops outside the
Cult Mechanics are happy to take a small bribe for the use of their facilities and storage of equipment. An
abandoned or freshly conquered Mechanicus workshop can also be claimed, provided its operational demands
can be met. The GM may declare that a character must secure a workshop for themselves before they can
undertake sizable endeavours, such as forging weapons or armour, performing chirurgery, or brewing delicate
chymical concoctions.

A Chaos warband and those who somehow decide to stand beside them, always have enemies. Sometimes, they
just don’t know who those enemies are yet. By opening your soul to whispers in the Warp, listening to the
propaganda of the Imperium, or facing your past, you find a foe worthy to face you. Work with your GM to
create a new antagonist. Why do they seek to end you in particular? What are their distinguishing features?
Where were they last seen? Later, if you defeat this antagonist and do land the killing blow, you gain 1 Infamy.
You can modify this Respite to seek out a lost artefact or location, earning 1 Infamy upon discovering or
securing whatever has taken your interest.

Sometimes sourcing rare materials for your newest unethical experiment is a serious undertaking. You might
need to scour long forgotten battle fields for precious ceramite, place specific requests with cold trade brokers,
or even strike out into the wilds of uncharted space and track them down yourself. When you take the Seek
Materials Respite, you can make 3 separate Acquisition Tests. These Tests can target the same or different
materials. Work with your GM to determine the rarity of the materials you desperately need.

Stultifera Navis Page XVII
Requirement: Adeptus Astartes

Most Space Marines are concerned with battles just fought or still to come. They are living weapons, and have
been stripped off their humanity from early childhood on. However, in a quiet moment of reflection they may
find themselves pondering their long-lost mortal life, or they may stumble across something that triggers a
powerful memory. When you take this Respite, work with the GM to discover something about your former
mortal life. This can be a small fragment of information, such as a favourite food, or something with more
consequence, such as learning you still have a biological family, albeit most likely distant relatives, somewhere in
the galaxy. The discovery of something from your mortal life might change how your character acts or sees the
world, so think of how you can roleplay this at the table. This is a great way for the GM to introduce new plots
and NPCs into the campaign, and it can also serve as a catalyst for you to explore more about your character’s
background. For example, if you learn that you were an orphan raised by a kind Sister Hospitalers, perhaps the
next time you come raid a Shrine World there will be some kind of event or revelation related to what was
discovered during this Respite.

The material world is teemed with noise and colour. While some Chaos sorcerers in particular are sensitive to
overstimulation, any character can take this Respite if they wish to calm their senses. When you take this
Respite, you spend your downtime in isolation. Some people need only sequester themselves in a dimly lit
room and avoid crowds in order to recentre themselves, while others find the only acceptable amount of light
and sound within a looted Navigator’s Sanctum. In any event, you find a way to disconnect from the hustle and
bustle of the material world. You meditate, chant mantras, or simply sit in stillness and tune out the distractions
of the outside world. When you are ready, you reconnect with the sensations of your body, the warmth of the
sun, and the rhythm of your breath. As you reach a higher state of awareness, you recognize that the noise and
colour of the material world are but a small part of a greater harmony, one that you are a part of. In any case,
you may reroll a single Test to resist being affected by Fear until your next downtime.


The billion worlds of the dying Imperium bear many wounds from the divine influence of Chaos. The zealous
followers of Chaos often take responsibility for patrolling these remote and forgotten regions, furthering the
blights inflicted by Nurgle and his wonderous siblings, but individual champions of chaos may also feel
compelled. During your downtime, you nurture infected growths in water purification plants, inscribe
numerous surfaces with Chaos-tainted sigils, and temper metal to brass with the hate-filled exsanguination of
foes long slain. By strengthening the local Corruption, you tell yourself, that fostering such a bond is less
transactional but more symbiotic.

You gain 1d5 Corruption and may add your Corruption Bonus to as many Tests as you have gained
Corruption through this Respite. While small animals seem to be very much at unease around you, minor
warp entities, such as Unclean Spirits, seem to have taken a linking to your presence. Be that as it may, it does
not give you any advantage on daemonic mastery tests, as that liking can very much be a growing thirst for
your soul.

Stultifera Navis Page XVIII
A Night Lord Reaver slips through the darkness, picking off the weak, while a mortal Apostate sings
bonechilling bastardisations of Imperial hymns in the dead of night. When you take this Respite, choose a
nearby enemy faction in which to sow fear. Terrorising them is a Difficult (-10) Intimidation Extended Test
requiring a total of 10 Degrees of Success. Over the course of one week, you can make 3 Tests to terrorise
them. If you succeed the targeted faction is left more and more fearful, and increasingly paranoid about their
safety, thus local non-combatants and Troop-type enemies in the chosen faction become frightened of you until
your next downtime period. You count as having the Fear(1) trait, or increase your Fear rating by one to a
maximum of Fear (4), against the rank-and-file of that faction. If you fail, all factions you have previously
terrorised lose their fear of you gained through Terrorise until you terrorise them again. It’s up to you to
remind them that you’re still a force to be feared.

You undergo a trial of body, mind, and soul and emerge transformed. A Chaos Space Marine might endure a
particularly brutal gift of the gods, their memories shattered while their inner spirit is tempered, while an eager
Chaos Sorcerer might meditate so long their mind expands but their body withers. For some followers of
Chaos, like deeply corrupted Plaguemarines or cults of mutation dedicated to Tzeentch, such transformations
are normal — but the Chaos Gods always offer their twisted gifts as a path to change, may it be by gaining
their attention, or reciting ruinous tomes. No matter how the transformation is achieved, the results are always
unpredictable. Some followers may find themselves blessed with a new strength, while others may find
themselves cursed with an unnatural affliction. Some will find their inner darkness unleashed, while others may
find their hearts filled with hope and faith. At the end of the transformation, the followers of Chaos will emerge
changed, either for better or for worse.
When you take this Respite, swap the values of two Characteristics. This process is harrowing and takes a toll
on your mind, soul and body yet also proves great dedication.
You gain 1d5 Corruption, 1 Infamy but also permanently reduce your Wounds-Maximum by 2. Work with
your GM if you are certain, that this transformation has further effects on you.

Stultifera Navis Page XIX
Requirement: Workshop, advanced tools and parts

Over the course of your unholy crusade, your weapons and armour may become damaged or simply proved
inefficient. You use your time between raids and skirmishes to repair and enhance your equipment, ensuring it
is in top condition for the next battle. To upgrade your equipment, you need appropriate tools and access to a
forge or workshop. When you take this Respite, you seek to upgrade one piece of unpossessed equipment. This
can be done in two ways.
Firstly, you can find a suitable craftsperson to restore damaged equipment. When you do this, you must succeed
on an Acquisition Test that is one level lower than the current rarity of the item or items you wish to have
repaired(Very Rare becomes Rare, etc.). This can only be used to restore a Poor Craftsmanship item to a
Common Craftsmanship item.

Alternatively, you can attempt to repair the equipment yourself. This requires either an Arduous(-30)
Trade(Technomat), Hard (-20) Tech-Use or Difficult (-10) Trade(Armourer) Extended Test. Over the course
of one week, you can make 3 Tests to repair or improve the equipment. The required Degrees of Success are
based on the level of Craftsmanship you wish to bestow upon the equipment and are as listed below:

• Restore Poor Craftsmanship item to Common Craftsmanship : 10 Degrees of Success

• Enhance Common Craftsmanship item to Good Craftsmanship: 20 Degrees of Success
• Uplift Good Craftsmanship item to Best Craftsmanship: 40 Degrees of Success

Whilst the equipment is in the process of being upgraded, it cannot be used for its original purpose due to the
extensive reforging necessary to improve upon already built structures. In an emergency, a single Hard(-20)
Trade(Technomat), Difficult (-10) Tech-Use or Challenging (+0) Trade(Armourer) Test can turn the
skeletonized item into a cruel mockery of it’s intended purpose. This will however discard all current progress
on this Upgrade Equipment Respite and decrease the Craftsmanship of the item by one, based on its
Craftsmanship prior to attempting the Upgrade Equipment Respite (Good Craftsmanship becomes Common
Craftsmanship, etc.). Already Poor Craftsmanship items will still count as Poor Craftsmanship for the stated
emergency but will have been irreparably damaged and be effectively destroyed afterwards.

Stultifera Navis Page XX
Requirement: At least 10 successes in RALLY FOLLOWERS

Even the most callous warrior-king must address his subjects, lest he find himself in an empty court. Whenever
your court of Followers grows to a certain size, you must spend some of your Respites to Uphold factional
obligations you have to them. While they would easily die for you in a heartbeat, such blind zeal cannot sustain
itself unattended. Your factional obligations to your personal followers are tied to your Degrees of Success in
the Rally Followers Respite.

10 successes: You small retinue of followers does not need your direct intervention, but they will certainly
welcome your firm hand as their feudal master. You may choose one of your select few to develop them as
stated in the Contact Respite.

30 successes: As your own personal faction grows beyond the ability to keep personal relationships with every
member, your obligations start to bleed into your limited free time. You need to spend one Respite each
downtime to Uphold your factional Obligations or lose 5 Degrees of Success in your Rally Followers Repite,
due to some of your followers becoming disillusioned by the lack of your presence.

60 successes: The sheer size of your following becomes unmanageable for a single person, so you must
appoint officers and stewards, or risk becoming entirely overwhelmed. Though helpful, your new direct
inferiors very much require a watchful eye on your side, as you do not wish for any of them to grow power
hungry or rebellious. You need to spend two Respites each downtime to Uphold your factional Obligations or
lose 15 Degrees of Success in your Rally Followers Repite, as some of your officers use your absence to secede
with your rightful flock to earn their own glory for the dark Gods.

100+ successes: The overwhelming monolithic organisation built around your person forces you to adopt a
bureaucratic structure in a cruel mockery of your own distaste for the hated Imperium. With several layers of
officer levels and the ever expanding demand to upkeep your force, the only way to keep it all together, is to
enlist enslaved Imperial Adepts to manage your affairs. In-between crushing rebellious pretenders and being
ever present in the life of your followers, you are now also forced to work through arduous stacks of forms and
statistics. You need to spend three Respites each downtime to Uphold your factional Obligations or lose 30
Degrees of Success in your Rally Followers Repite, as your faction starts to cannibalise itself. May it be due to
infighting, secession or simply because their feudal master did not seem it necessary to requisition enough
foodstuffs for them all.

Stultifera Navis Page XXI

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