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ASTM Dq39 8 9 0759530 0035289 5 / .

NOTICE: This standard has either been superseded and replaced by a new version or discontinued.

Contact ASTM International ( for the latest information.


1016 Ram S., P h i l W h m . PI. 19103
An American National Siandaid
Re~fptinldfrom hIm Annuri Bod< ol ASTM SBndrids.. CopFight ASTM
II na listed in Ihr curana combined index, will rppru in ihr nrxt .dilion.

Standard Specification for

Automotive Gasoline’
This standard is issued under the fixed designation D 439; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the Department of Dt$me. Consult the DoD Index of Spec$caiions and
Standardsfor the spec$c yzar of issue which has been adopted by the Department ofDt$ens&

1. Scope D323 Test Method for Vapor Pressure of Petroleum

1.1 This specification guides in establishing the require- -Products(Reid Method)2
ments of gasoline for ground vehicles equipped with spark- D381 Test Method for Existent Gum in Fuels by Jet
ignition engines. Evaporation2
1,2 This specification describes various characteristics of D525 Test Method for Oxidation Stability of Gasoline
gasolines for use over a wide range of operating conditions. It (Induction Period Method)’
provides for a variation of the volatility of gasoline in D1266 Test Method for Sulfur in Petroleum Products
accordance with seasonal climatic changes at the locality (Lamp Method)‘
where the gasoline is used. It neither necessarily includes all D 2533 Test Method for Vapor-Liquid Ratio of Spark-
types of gasolines that are satisfactory for automotive vehi- Ignition Engine Fuels3
cles, nor necessarily excludes gasolines that may perform D2547 Test Method for ‘Lead in Gasoline, Volumetric
unsatisfactorily under certain operating conditions or in Chromate Method3
certain equipment. The significance of this specification is D2599 Test Method for Lead in Gasoline by X-Ray
shown in Appendix X 1. Spectrometry3
1.3 Gasoline is not the only fuel used in ground vehicles D2622 Test Method for Sulfur in Petroleum Products
equipped with spark-ignition engines. Blends of gasoline with (X-Ray Spectrographic Method)’
oxygenates such as alcohols and ethers are common in the D2699 Test Method for Knock Characteristics of Motor
marketplace. However, some of the test methods referred to Fuels by the Research Method4
in this specification are not applicable to such blends, A D2700 Test Method for Knock Characteristics of Motor
specification that encompasses all fuels for automotive and Aviation Fuels by the Motor Method4
spark-ignition engines has -been developed. It appears as D2885 Test Method for Research and Motor Method
Specification D 4814. Refer to Specification D 4814 for Octane Ratings Using On-Line Analyzers4
information and for requirements and test methods appli- D 31 16 Test Method for Trace Amounts of Lead in
cable to gasoline-oxygenate blends. Gasoline3
1.4 This specification represents a description of gasolines D3120 Test Method for Trace Quantities of Sulfur in
as of the date of publication. T.he specification is under Light Liquid Petroleum Hydrocarbons by Oxidative
continous review, which may result in revisions based on Microcoulometry3
changes in gasoline or automotive requirements, or both. Ail D3229 Test Method for Low Levels of Lead in Gasoline
users of this specification, therefore, should refer to the latest by Wavelength Dispersion X-Ray Spectrometry3
edition. D 3231 Test Method for Phosphorus in Gasoline3
D3237 Test Method for Lead in Gasoline by Atomic
NOTE1-If there is any doubt as to the latest edition of Specification Absorption Spectrometry’
D 439, contact ASTM Headquarters.
D3341 Test Method for Lead in Gasoline-Iodine
1.5-The values stated in SI units are the standard. The Monochloride Method3
values in parentheses are for information only, D 4814 Specification for Automotive Spark-Ignition En-
gine Fuel5
2. Referenced Documents
3. Terminology
2.1 ASTM Standards: 3.1 Definitions:
D 86 Method for Distillation of Petroleum Products’ 3.1.1 gasoline-a volatile mixture of liquid hydrocarbons,
D 130 Test Method for Detection of Copper Corrosion generally containing small amounts of additives, suitable for
from Petroleum Products by the Copper Strip Tarnish use as a fuel in spark-ignition internal combustion engines.
Test’ 3.1.2 oxygenate, n-an oxygen-containing, ashless, or-
ganic compound, such as an alcohol or ether, which may be
‘This specification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D-2 on
used as a fuel or fuel supplement.
Petroleum Products and Lubricants and is the direct responsibility of Subcom-
mittee W2.A on Gasoline.
Current edition approved Oct. 27, 1989. Published December 1989. Originally ’Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 05.02.
published as D 439 - 37 T.Last previous edition D 439 886. - Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 05.04.
Annual Book ofASTM Standards, Vol 05.01. ’Annupl Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 05.03.

A S T M DL139 B9 W 0 7 5 9 5 1 0 0 0 3 5 2 9 0 I W


3,1.3 gasoline-oxygenate blend-a blend consisting pri- maximum adjustments in antiknock index for seasonal
marily of gasoline and a substantial amount of one or more climatic changes are provided in Fig. 1.
oxygenates. 5.2.2 Vehicle octane requirements generally decrease with
NOTE2-Because a standard test method does not exist that can increasing altitude. The maximum antiknock index adjust-
quantitatively determine small amounts of oxygenafes or combined ments, established to protect cars driven from a high to a
oxygen in fuel, it is not possible at this time to set a maximum limit for lower altitude area while using fuel obtained in the high
oxygenate or oxygen content for gasoline. The intent of the above altitude area, are provided in Fig. 2.
definitions is to indicate that a spark-ignition engine fuel is a gasoline- 5.3 Additional requirements are listed in Table 1.
oxygenate blend when sufficient oxygenate is present to interfere with
the determination of properties using current standard test methods. It is 6. Workmanship
not the intent of the definitions to classifi as a gasoline-oxygenate blend 6.1 The finished gasoline must be visually free of
a gasoline containing: ( I ) alcohol used as a diluent for detergent or undissolved water, sediment, and suspended matter; it must
corrosion inhibitor additives and (2) small amounts of alcohols or
glycols used as anti-icing additives. When new test methods and be clear and bright at the ambient temperature or 21°C
technical data to support a limit are available, an oxygenate or oxygen (70"F), whichever is higher.
content maximum limit for gasoline will be considered.
7. Test Methods
4. Ordering Information 7.1 The requirements enumerated in this specification are
determined in accordance with the following methods:
4.1 The purchasing agency shall: 7.1.1 Distillation-Method D 86.
4.1.1 State the antiknock index as agreed upon with the 7.1.2 Vapor-Liquid Ratio-Test Method D 2533.
seller, 7.1.3 Vapor Pressure-Test Method D 323.
4.1.2 Indicate the season and locality in which the gaso- 7.1.4 Research Method Octane Number-Test Method
line will be used, D 2699 or Test Method D 2885.
4.1.3 Indicate the lead level required (Table 1). 7.1.5 Motor Method Octane Number-Test Method
D 2700 or Test Method D 2885.
5. Performance Requirements 7.1.6 Corrosion-Test Method D 130, three hours at 50°C
5.1 Volatility is varied for seasonal climatic changes by (122°F).
providing for five volatility classes of gasoline, which con- 7.1.7 Existent Gum-Test Method D 38 1, Air-Jet Appa-
form to the requirements prescribed in Table 1. ratus.
5.1.1 The seasonal and geographical distribution of the 7.1.8 Sulfur-Test Method D 1266, Test Method D 2622,
five classes is shown in Table 2. or Test Method D 3120. With Test Method D 3120, fuels
5.2 Antiknock index levels, defined as the average of the with sulfur content greater than 100 ppm (0.0100 mass %)
Research octane number (RON) and Motor octane number must bé diluted with isooctane. The dilution of the sample
(MON), and their application are set forth in Table 3. may result in a loss of precision. Test Method D 3 120 cannot
5.2.1 Vehicle octane requirements generally vary with be used when the lead concentration is greater than 0.4 g/L
atmospheric temperature and humidity. Recommended (1.4 g/gai).

TABLE 1 Detailed Requirements for Gasoline

DistillationTemperatures, OC (OF), at Percent EvaporatedAm8 DistUlatlon Vapor/Uquid Raüo (V/L)A
Volatility 10 V d %, 50 V d % 90 V d %, End Pokit, Test Temperature
V/L, max
Class max min max max max V d %, max OC (OF)
A 70 (158) 77 (170) 121 (250) 190 (374) 225 (437) 2 60 (140) 20
B 65 (149) 77 (170) 118 (245) 190 (374) 225 1437) 2 58 1133ì 20
C 60 (140) 77 (174 116 (240) 185 i365j 225 (437) 2 51 i124 20
D 55 (131) 77 (170) 113 (235) 185 (365) 225 (437) 2 47 (116) 20
E 50 (122) 77 (170) 110 (230) 185 (365) 225 (437) 2 41 (105) 20

Reid Vapor Lead Content, max, g/L (g/gai) Existent Sulfur, max, Mass % oxMation
Stability, Antiknock
v~~~~~ Pressure, max,B copperswp Gum,max,
Minimum, Index
kPa (psi) Unleadedc LeadedD conoslon*max mg/lmmL Unleaded Leaded ......_
A 62 (9.0) 0.013 (0.05) 1.1 (4.2) No. 1 5 0.10 0.15 240 E
B 69 (10.0) 0.013 (0.05) 1.1 (4.2) No. 1 5 0.10 0.15 240 E
C 79 (11.5) 0.013 (0.05) 1.1 (4.2) No. 1 5 0.10 0.15 240 E
D 93 (13.5) 0.013 (0.05) 1.1 (4.2) No. 1 5 0.10 0.15 240 E
E 103 (15.0) 0.013 (0.05) 1.1 (4.2) No. 1 5 0.1o 0.15 240 E

A At 101.3 kPa pressure (760 mm Hg).

EI If Federal legislationor regulatory action restricts Reid Vapor Pressure to a level lower than the vciatiïi classes spedíied In Table 2 for a given time and place, the
distillation temperature limits shall be consistent with the conesponding Reid Vapor Pressure in Table 1. If the Reid Vapor Pressure limit is between the two dasses, the
distillation temperature limits of either class are acceptable.
'The Intentional addition of lead or phosphorus compounds is not permttted. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulations limit their maximum
concentrationsto 0.05 g of lead per gallon and 0.005 g of phosphonis per galion @y Test Method D 3231), respectively.
EPA regulationslimit the lead concentration In leaded gasdine to no m e than 0.1 g/gal(O.O28 g/L) averaged for quarterly production by refinery.
E See Table 3.

A S T M D43'7 R7 W 0757530 00352'73 3 W

7.1.9 Lead-Test Method D 2547, Test Method D 2599, normal and correct operation of the test methods, exceed the
or Test Method D 3341. For lead levels below 0.03 g/L (0,l values in the following table in only one case in twenty.
g/gal) use Test Method D 3 1 16, Test Method D 3229 or Test 8.2.4 Reproducibility-The difference between two inde-
Method D 3237. pendent sets of antiknock index determinations, obtained by
7.1.10 Oxidation Stability-Test Method D 525. . different operators working in different laboratories on
identical test material would, in the long run, and in the
normal and correct operation of the test methods, exceed the
values in the following table in only one case in twenty.
8. Precision and Bias
Repeatability Limits, Anti- Reproducibility Limits,
8.1 The precision of each required test method is included Antiknock Index h o c k Index Units Antiknock Index Units
in the standard applicable to each method. 83 0.2 0.7
8,2 Antiknock Index: 85 0.2 0.7
8,2.1 The following statements apply to antiknock index, 87 0.2 0.7
89 0.2 0.6
which is a composite quantity not addressed in any other 91 0.2 0.6
standard. 93 0.2 0.6
8.2.2 The precision of the antiknock index (RON + 95
- 0.6
MON)/2 is a function of the individual precisions of
NOTE 3-These precision limits were calculated from Research and
Research (D2699) and Motor (D2700) octane numbers. M o t o r octane number results obtained by member laboratories of the
The repeatability and reproducibility variances for these test A S T M National Exchange Group (NEG) participating in a cooperative
methods must be summed in proportion to their individual testing program. The data obtained during the period 1980 through
contributions to the antiknock index. 1982 have been analyzed in accordance with RR:W2-1007, "Manual
8.2.3 Repeatability-The difference between two sets of o n Determinhg Precision Data for A S T M Methods on Petroleum
antiknock index determinations, where two test results by Products and Lubricants," Spring, 1973.
each octane number method were obtained by one operator, 8.2.5 Bias-There being no criteria for measuring bias in
with the same apparatus under constant operating conditions these test-product combinations, no statement of bias can be
on identical test material would, in the long run, and in the made.

TABLE 2 Schedule of Seasonal and Geographical Volatility Classes

Thls schedule, subject fo agreement between purchaser and seller, denotes the vdatility properties of the gasdine at the time and place of
shipment. Shipments intended for future use may anticipate this schedule.
Where alternative classes are permitted, elther class is acceptable; the option shall be exercised by the seller.
State Jan Feb March April May June July Aug Sept ûct Nov Dec
Alabama D DIC C CP B ,
Alaska E D D D
Arizona . D A A A
Arkansas EID Cle 0 0
North Coast EID CP B B
South Coast D B B B
Southeast D A A A
Interior EID B B B
Colorado E B BIA Ale
Connecticut E C C C
Delaware E C C C
District of Columbia E C C C
Florida D C C C
Georgia . D C CP B
Hawaii C C C C
N 4 6 O Latitude E ClB B B
S 4 6 O Latitude E B B B
N 40O- Latitude E C C C
S 40° Latitude E C CP BP
Indiana E C C C
Iowa E CP BlC C
Kansas E B B B
Kentucky E C C C
Louisiana D C GIB B
Maine E C C C
Maryland E C C C
Massachusetts E C C C
Mlchigan E C C C
Minnesota E C C C
Mlssissippi D C ClB B
Missouri E ClB B B
Montana E B B 0
Nebraska E B B B

I_ _~_- ____ - ----
ASTM D439 8 9 W 0759510 0 0 3 5 2 9 2 5 W

(im D439
TABLE 2 Continued
State Jan Feb March April May June July Aug Sept ûct Nov Dec
N 38' Latitude E B B
C 3 8 O Latitude D A A
New Hampshlre E C C
New Jersey E C C
New Mexico
N 34' Latitude EID A A
S 34O Latitude D A A
New York E C C
North Carolina EID C Cl6
North Dakota E Cl6 0
Ohio E C C
Oklahoma EID B 0
E 122' Longitude E Cl0 0
w 1220 Longitude E C C
Pennsylvania E C C
Rhode Island E C C
South Cardina D C CP
South Dakota E 0 0
Tennes- EID C ClB
E 99' Longitude D CP B
W 99' Longitude D A A
Utah E 0 BlA
Vermont E C C
Virginia E C C
E 122O Longitude E Cl0 B 0 BlC
W 1 2 2 O Longitude E C C C C
West Virginia E C C C C
Wisconsin E C C C C
Wyoming E
- E EjD B 0 0 0
ADetails of State Climatological Division by county as indicated.
California, North Coast-Alameda, Contra Costa, Del Norte, Humbdt, Lake, Marin, Mendocino, Monterey, Napa, San Benito, San Frandsco, San Matw, Santa Clara,
Santa Cruz, Sdano, Sonoma, Trinity
California, interior-Lassen, Modoc, Plumas, Sierra, Siskiyou, Alpine, Amador, Butte, Calaveras, Wusa, EI Dorado, Fresno, Glenn, Kern (except that portion lying east
of the LOS Angeles County Aqueduct), Kings, Madera, Mariposa, Merced, Placer, Sacramento, San Joaquin, Shasta, Stanislaus, Sutter, Tehama, Tulare, Tudumne,
Yolo, Yuba, Nevada
California, South Coast-Orange, San Diego, San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, Ventura, Los Angeles (except that portion north of the San Gabriel Mountaln range and
east of the Los Angeles County Aqueduct)
California, Southeast-Imperial, Riverside, San Bemardim, Los Angeles (that portion north of the San Gabriel Mountain range and east of the Los Angeles County
Aqueduct), Mono, Inyo, Kern (that portion lying east of the Los Angeles County Aqueduct)

TABLE 3 Gasoline Antiknock Indexes and Their Application

Leaded Gasoline (for vehdes that can OT must use leaded gasdine)
Antiknock Index
(RON + MON112. minAnB
87 Meets antiknock requirements of most 1971 and later model vehicles that use leaded gasoline and of pre-1971
vehicles with low antiknock requlrements.
88 Meets antiknock requirements of most 1970 and prior modef vehides that were designed to operate on leaded gasoline,
and of 1971 and later model vehicles that can use leaded aasoline and have hiah antiknock reauirements.
89 Meets antiknock requlrements of medium and heavy duty truiks that require high& octane leaded gasoline.
92 Suitable for most vehicles with very high antiknock requirements that can use leaded gasoline.
Unleaded Gasoline (for vehicles that can or must use unleaded gasoline)
Antiknock Index
IRON MONV2. .. . mlnAsB
85 For vehicles with low antiknock requlrements.
87C Meets antiknock requirements of most 1971 and later mrxJel vehicles.
90 For most 1971 and later d e l vehides with high antlknock requlrements.
A Reductions for seasonal variations are allowed in accordance with Fig. I.
Reductions for altitude are allowed in accordance with Fig. 2.
In addition, Motor octane number must not be less than 82.0.

A S T M D439 Aï ~
= 0759530 0035293 7

(im D439

FIG. 1 Antiknock Index Reductions for Weather”
Northeast 1.o 0.5 0.5 O O O O O O 0.5 0.5 1.o
Southeast 0.5 O O O O 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 O O 0.5
Midwest 1.o 0.5 0.5 O O O O O O O 0.5 1.o
Northwest 1.o 1.o 0.5 0.5 O O O O O 0.5 1.o 1.o
Southwest 1.o 0.5 O O O O O O O O 0.5 1.o
No. Coaste 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 u.5 0.5 O O 0.5 0.5
so. Coaste O O 0.5 0.5 1.o 1.o 1.o 0.5 0.5 O O O
Alaska 1.o 1.o 0.5 0.5 O O O O O 0.5 1.o 1.o
Hawail O O O O o O O O O O O O
A Reductionsais apply to Motor octane number requirementfor unleaded gasdines with an antlknod< index of 87 to 89.9.
Detalis of Califomla coastal areas are shown in Footnote A of Table 2.

--.____. __ --___.-_

ASTM D439 89 M 0 7 5 9 5 1 0 0 0 3 5 2 9 4 9 W

FIG. 2 Antiknock Index Reductions for Altitude

Antiknock Index Reduotlons by AKitude Area
Area Less than 89* 89 OT Greater
I 0.7 0.5
II 1.5 1.5
111 2.2 1.5
IV 3.0 2.0
V 4.5 3.0
AReductions also apply to Motor octane number requirement for unleaded
gasoline with an antiknock index of 87 to 88.9.

A S T M DL139 8 9 W 0759510 0035275 O W


(Nonmandatory Information)


X1.l General X1.3.3 Motor octane number is determined by a method
X 1.1.1 Antiknock rating and volatility define the general that measures gasoline antiknock level in a single-cylinder
characteristics of gasoline. Other characteristics relate to engine under more severe operating conditions than those
limiting the concentration of undesirable componentsso that employed in the Research method: namely, at a higher inlet
they will not adversely affect engine performance; and mixture temperature and at a higher engine speed. It
ensuring the stability of gasoline as well as its compatibility indicates gasoline antiknock performance in engines oper-
with materials used in engines and their fuel systems. ating at wide-open throttle and high engine speeds. Also, it
X 1.1.2 Gasoline is a complex mixture composed of rela- indicates gasoline antiknock performance under part-throttle
tively volatile hydrocarbons that vary widely in their physical road-load conditions.
and chemical properties. Gasoline is exposed to a wide X1.3.4 The most extensive data base that relates the
variety of mechanical, physical, and chemical environments. laboratory engine test methods for Research and Motor
Thus, the properties of gasoline must be balanced to give octane to actual field performance of gasolines in vehicles is
satisfactory engine performance over an extremely wide the annual Coordinating Research Council (CRC) Octane
range of operating conditions. The prevailing standards for Number Requirement Survey conducted for new light duty
gasoline represent compromises among the numerous vehicles. These data show that the antiknock performance of
quality and performance requirements. This ASTM specifi- a gasoline in some vehicles may correlate best with Research
cation is established on the basis of the broad experience and octane number, while in others it may correlate best with
close cooperation of producers of gasoline, manufacturers of Motor octane number. These correlations also differ from
automotive equipment, and users of both. model year to model year or from vehicle population to
vehicle population, reflecting the changes in engine designs
X1.2 Antiknock Rating over the years. To provide a single number as guidance to the
X1.2. I The fuel-air mixture in the cylinder of a spark- consumer, the antiknock index, which is the average of the
ignition engine will, under certain conditions, autoignite in Research and Motor octane numbers, (RON MON)/2, +
localized areas ahead of the flame front that is progressing was developed. The antiknock index gives an approximate
from the spark. This may cause an audible “ping” or knock. correlation of laboratory engine octane ratings of gasoline
The antiknock rating of a gasoline is a measure of its with CRC road octane ratings for many vehicles, but the user
resistance to knock, and depends on engine design and must be guided also by experience as to which gasoline is
operation, as well as atmospheric conditions. Gasoline with most appropriate for an individual vehicle. The antiknock
an antiknock rating higher than that required for knock-free index formula is reviewed continuously and may have to be
operation does not improve performance. However, vehicles adjusted in the future as engines and gasolines continue to
equipped with knock limiters may show a performance evolve. The present (RON + MON)/2 formula is not an
improvement as the antiknock rating of the gasoline used is absolute measure of gasoline antiknock performance in
increased. Conversely, a decrease in antiknock rating may general or in a specific vehicle.
cause vehicle performance loss. The loss of power and the X1.3.5 The octane requirement (the octane number of
damage to an automotive engine due to knocking are gasoline required for satisfactory vehicle operation with
generally not significant until the knock intensity becomes respect to knock) of vehicles decreases as altitude increases,
very severe. Heavy and prolonged knocking may cause primarily because of the reduction in mixture density caused
power loss and damage to the engine. by reduced atmospheric pressure. However, altitude does not
affect octane requirements of all cars uniformly. Also, the
X1.3 Octane Number effect can be smailer for vehicles equipped with barometric
X1.3.1 The two recognized laboratory engine test pressure sensors and other compensation devices than for
methods for determining the antiknock rating of gasolines vehicles not equipped with such devices. In general, the
are the Research method and the Motor method. The decrease in octane requirement is larger for low octane
following paragraphs define the two methods and describe requirement vehicles.
their significance as applied to various equipment and X1.3.5 (I) Tests by the CRC and other organizations
operating conditions. have shown that the decrease in octane requirements with
X1.3.2 Research octane number is determined by a altitude is larger for 1971 and later model uncompensated
method that measures gasoline antiknock level in a single- cars, designed to use a gasoline with an antiknock index of
cylinder engine under mild operating conditions: namely, at 87, than for pre-197 1 cars. The pre-197 1 cars generally have
a moderate inlet mixture temperature and a low engine high compression ratios and use gasolines with an antiknock
speed. It indicates gasoline antiknock performance in en- index of 88 and higher. Gasolines with antiknock indexes
gines at wide-open throttle and low-to-medium engine below 89 are adjusted by a larger reduction factor than those
speeds. with an antiknock index of 89 or greater,

A S T M Dq39 8’7 m 075’7530 00352’7b 2 m

X1.3.5 (2) Boundaries of the areas defined in Fig. 2 and higher ambient temperature operating conditions.
the corresponding antiknock index reductions were estab- X1.5.3 Five volatility classes of gasoline are provided to
lished to protect cars driven from a high to a lower altitude satisfy vehicle performance requirements under different
(and hence higher octane requirement) area while using climatic conditions. The schedule for seasonal and geograph-
gasoline obtained in the high-altitude area. ical distribution indicates the appropriate volatility class or
X1.3.6 Vehicle octane requirements on the average rise classes for each month in ali areas of the United States, based
with increasing atmospheric temperature by 0.097 MON per on altitudes and on expected air temperatures. Volatility
degree Celsius (0.054 MON per degree Fahrenheit), and limits are established in terms of vapor-liquid ratio, vapor
decrease with increasing specific humidity by 0.245 MON pressure, and distillation properties.
per gram of water per kilogram of dry air (0.035 MON per X1.5.4 For sea-level areas outside of the United States, the
grain of water per pound of dry air). Because temperature following ambient temperatures are for guidance in selecting
and humidity of geographical areas are predictable the appropriate volatility class:
throughout the year from past weather records, octane levels 10th Percentile 90th Percentile
can be seasonally adjusted to match seasonal changes in 6-h Minimum Maximum

vehicle octane requirements. Figure 1 defines the boundaries Volatility Daily Temperatures, Daily Temperatures,
areas and the seasonal variations recommended for anti- CiasS ‘c! (‘F) Y! (‘F)
knock index variations. A >16 (60) 243(110)
B >10 (50) 4 3 (1 10)
C (40) 436 (97)
X1.4 Antiknock Additives D >-7 (20) <29 ( 8 5 )
E s-7 (20) <21 (69)
X 1.4.1 In addition to selecting the appropriate antiknock
index to meet vehicle antiknock needs, a choice must be The 6-hour minimum temperature is the highest tempera-
made between leaded and unleaded gasoline. Vehicles that ture of the six coldest consecutive hourly temperature
must use unleaded gasoline are required by Environmental readings of a 24-hour day. The 6-hour minimum tempera-
Protection Agency (EPA) regulation to have permanent ture provides information on the cold-soak temperature
labels on the instrument panel and adjacent to the gasoline experienced by a vehicle. The 10th percentile of this temper-
tank filler inlet reading “Unleaded Fuel Only.” Most 1975 ature statistic indicates a 10 % expectation that the 6-hour
and later model passenger cars and light trucks are in this minimum temperature will be below this value during a
category. Most 1971-74 vehicles can use leaded or unleaded month. The 90th percentile maximum temperature is the
gasoline. Pre- 1971 vehicles were designed for leaded gasoline; highest temperature expected during 90 % of the days, and
however, unleaded gasoline of suitable antiknock index may provides information relative to peak vehicle operating
generally be used in these vehicles, except that leaded temperatures during warm and hot weather. For areas above
gasoline should be-used periodically (after a few tankfuls of sea level, the 10th percentile 6-hour minimum temperature
unleaded gasoline have been used). Leaded gasoline may be should be increased by 3.6”C/1000 m (2”F/1000 fi) of
required in some vehicles, particularly trucks, in heavy duty altitude, and the 90th percentile maximum should be
service. Instructions on gasoline selection are normally increased by 4.4“C/1000 m (2.4”F/1000 ft) of altitude before
provided in publications of vehicle manufacturers (for ex- comparing them to the sea level temperature. These correc-
ample, owners’ manuals, service bulletins, etc.). Antiknock tions compensate for changes in fuel volatility caused by
agents other than lead alkyls may be used to increase the changes in barometric pressure due to altitude.
antiknock index of gasolines, and their concentrations may
also be limited due to either performance or legal require- X1.6 Vapor Pressure
ments. X1.6.1 The vapor pressure of gasoline must be sufficiently
high to ensure ease of engine starting, but it must not be so
X1.5 Volatility high as to contribute to vapor lock.
X1.5.1 In most spark-ignition internal combustion en-
gines, the gasoline is metered in liquid form through the X1.7 Vapor-Liquid Ratio ,
carburetor or fuel injector, and is mixed with air and X 1.7.1 Vapor-liquid (V/L)ratio is the ratio of the volume
partially vaporized before entering the cylinders of the of vapor formed at atmospheric pressure to the volume of
engine. Consequently, volatility is an extremely important gasoline tested in Test Method D2533. The V/L ratio
characteristic of motor gasoline. increases with temperature for any given gasoline,
X 1.5.2 At high operating temperatures, gasolines may X1.7.2 The temperature of the fuel system and the V/L
boil in fuel pumps, lines, or carburetors. If too much vapor is ratio that can be tolerated without vapor lock vary from
formed, the fuel flow to the engine may be decreased, vehicle to vehicle and with operating conditions. The ten-
resulting in loss of power, rough engine operation, or engine dency of a gasoline to cause vapor lock, as evidenced by loss
stoppage. These conditions are known as “vapor lock.” of power during full-throttleaccelerations, is indicated by the
Conversely, gasolines that do not vaporize sufficiently may gasoline temperature at V/L ratios of approximately 20. The
cause hard starting of cold engines and poor warm-up temperature at which the maximum V/L ratio is specified for
performance. These conditions can be minimized by proper each gasoline Volatility class is based on the ambient temper-
selection of volatility requirements, but cannot always be atures and the altitude associated with the use of the class.
avoided. For example, during spring and fall a gasoline of
volatility suitable for satisfactory starting at low ambient X1.8 Vapor-Liquid Ratio (Estimated)
temperatures may cause problems in some engines under X1.8.1 Three techniques for estimating temperature-V/L

ASTM D439 89 ~~
0759530 0035297 4 a

values using Reid vapor pressure (Test Method D 323) and are no ASTM test methods to evaluate corrosion of these
distillation (Method D 86) results are given in Appendix X2. metais.
X1.9 Distillation
X1.11 Existent Gum
X 1.9.1 Method D 86 for distillation provides another
measure of the volatility of gasoline. Table 1 designates the X 1.1 1.1 The test for existent gum measures the amount
limits for end-point temperature and the temperatures at of residue after evaporation of the gasoline and after a
which 10 %, 50 %, and 90 % by volume of the gasoline is heptane wash. The heptane wash removes the heptane-
evaporated, These distillation characteristics, along with soluble material such as additives and nonvolatile oils, which
vapor pressure and V/L ratio characteristics, affect the may have been added to gasoline. Excess existent gum may
following vehicle performance characteristics: starting, drive- cause harmful carburetor, engine intake manifold and intake
ability, vapor lock, dilution of the engine oil, fuel economy valve deposits.
and carburetor icing.
X1.9.2 The 10% evaporated temperature of gasoline x1.12 sulfur
should be low enough to ensure starting under normal X1.12.1 The limit on sulfur content is included to protect
temperatures. against engine wear, deterioration of engine oil, and corrq-
X1.9.3 Gasolines having the same 10 % and 90 % evapo- sion of exhaust system parts.
rated temperatures may vary considerably in driveabiiity
performance because of differences in the boiling tempera-
tures of the intermediate components or fractions. Drive- X1.13 Oxidation Stability
bility and idling quality are affected by the 50 % evaporated X1.13.1 The induction period as measured in the oxida-
temperature. The 90 % evaporated and end-point tempera- tion stability test is used as an indication of the resistance of
tures should be low enough to minimize dilution of the gasoline to gum formation in storage. Experience indicates
engine oil. that gasolines with an induction period equal to or greater
than that in Table 1 generally have acceptable short-term
X1.10 Corrosion storage stability. However, correlation of the induction
X1.10.1 Gasolines must pass the copper strip corrosion period with the formation of gum in storage may vary
test to minimize corrosion of copper parts in fuel systems. markedly under different storage conditions and with dif-
Some gasolines corrode other fuel system metals, but there ferent gasoiines.


X2.1 Scope applicable in all instances to gasoline blending stocks or

X2.1.1 Three techniques are presented here for estimating specially blended fuels.
temperature-V/L data on gasolines from Reid vapor pressure
and distillation test results? They are provided for use as a X2.2 Computer Method
guideline when V/L data measured by Test Method D 2533
are not available. One method is designed for computer X2.2.1 Summary-The values of four intermediate func-
processing, one is a simpler linear technique, while the other tions, A, BI C, and Dyare derived from the gasoline vapor
is a nomogram form of this linear equation. pressure and distillation temperatures at 10, 20, and 50 %
X2.1.2 These techniques are not optional procedures for evaporated. Values for A, BI C,and D may be obtained
measuring V/L. They are supplementary tools for estimating either from equations or from a set of charts. X2.2.2.1
temperature- V/L relationships with reasonable accuracy through X2.2.2.3 provide A, B, C,and D values using SI
when used with due regard for their limitations. units. X2.2.2.6 through X2.2.2.8 provide A, B, C, and D
X2.1.3 Test Method D 2533 is the referee V/L procedure values using inch-pound units. Estimated temperatures at
and shall be used when calculated values are questionable. V/L ratios 4, 10, 20, 30, and 45 are then calculated from A,
X2.1.4 These techniques are not intended for, nor are B, C, and D.Estimated temperatures at intermediate V/L
they necessarily applicable to, fuels of extreme distillation or ratios may be obtained by interpolation.
chemical characteristics such as would be outside the range X2.2.2 Procedure:
of normal commercial motor gasolines. Thus, they are not X2.2.2 (I) Establish input data from Reid vapor pressure
(Test Method D 323) and distillation (Method D 86) test
results as follows:
6 A correlation of temperature-V/L ratio data with vapor pressure and E = distillation temperature, OC, at 10 % evaporated,
distillation data was developed in 1943 and restudied in 1963 by panels of the F = distillation temperature, *CIat 20 % evaporated,
Coordinating Research Council, Inc. See “Correlation of Gasoline Vapor Forming G = distillation temperature, ‘C, at 50-%evaporated,
Characteristicswith Inspection Test Data,” CRCReport No.159, Jan. 28, 1943 (or H G-E,‘C
SAE Transaction, Vol 52, August 1944, pp. 364-367) and “Study of CRC P = Reid vapor pressure, H a ,

Calculated Temperature-V/L Technique,” CRC Report No. 370, February 1963. Q = F-E,’Cand
The CRC correlation was modified by a task group of Subcommittee A of R = H/Q, except that if H/Qis greater than 6.7, make R = 6.7.
Committee D-2to adapt it for computer processing, as well as the linear equation X2.2.2 (2) If A, B, C, and D, are to be calculated, use the
and the nomogram. following equations:

/- \, 9
--_____ I _ ~ _ _ _ ~ ___ ~ ~s ~.
A S T H Dg37 87 m 0757530 0 0 3 5 2 9 8 b H



$ 5 0
y 40


30 40 60 ô0 70 80 90 100 110 120


FIG. X2.1 Function A versus Reid Vapor Pressure P

A - 1.36599P+ 0.009617P’
- 0.000028281P3 + 207.0097/P
B = -5.36868 + 0.910540Q - 0.040187Q2
+ 0.00057774Q3 + 0.254183/Q
S = -0.00525449 - 0.367 1362/( P - 9.65)
-0.812419/(P - 9.65)’ 0.0009677R +
-0.0000195828R2 - 3.3502318R/P2
+1241.1531R/P4 - 0.06630129R2/P
+0,û0621839R3/P + 0.0969 193R’IP’
C = 0.34205P 0.555561s+
D = 0.62418 - 0.68964R 0.132708R2 +
-0.0070411R3 + 5.84851R FIG. x2.3 Function C versus Ratio R and Reid Vapor Pressure P

X2.2.2 (3) if A, B, Cyand D, are to be obtained from X2.2.2 (4) Calculate the estimated temperature (‘C or O F )
charts, read them from Figs. X2.1,X2.2, X2.3, and X2.4, at V/L ratios 4, 10, 20, 30, and 45 from the following
respectively. equations:
T45 = F 0.125H C +
T10 = T4 0.146341 (T45 - T4) +D
l20 = T4 0.390244 (T45 T4) - + 1.46519D
T30 L= T4 0.634146 (T45 - T4) +D
T4, T10, T20, T30 and T45 are estimated temperatures at
V/L ratios 4, 10, 20, 30, and 45.

O 5 10 15 20 25


FIG. X2.2 Function B versus Distillation.Temperature
Difference Q FIG. X2.4 Function D versus Ratio R

10 --~

FIG. X2.5 Function A versus Reid Vapor Pressure P

X2.2.2 (5) If the temperature at an intermediate V/L x-4 x-10 x-45

ratio is to be estimated, either plot the values calculated in
X2.2.2 (4) and read the desired value from a smooth curve X-4 X-10 X-30
through the points, or use the Lagrange interpolation for-
mula as follows:
X = the desired V/Lratio between 4 and 45, and
TX = the estimated temperature at V/Lratio X .
X-4 X-30 X-45 X2.2.2 (6) If inch-pound units are used, establish input
data from Reid vapor pressure (Test Method D323) and

O 10 20 30 40 60
FIG. X2.6 Function 8 versus Distillation Temperature Difference Q

------ ~ ~ _ _

A S T M DY39 €59 m 0 7 5 9 5 3 0 0035300 O m




E -20

1.0 2.0 3.O 4.0 5.0 6.0

FIG. X2.7 Function C versus Ratio R and Reid Vapor Pressure P

distillation (Method D 86) test results as follows: +O.O009677R - 0.0000195828R2

E = distillation temperature, 'F, at i0 % evaporated, -0.0704753R/P2
F = distillation temperature, OF, at 20 % evaporated, +0.549224R/P4 - 0.009616 19R2/P
G =
H =
distillation temperature, 'F, at 50 % evaporated,
G - E, 'F
+0.0009 10603R'IP 0.00203879R2/P2
P = - Reid vapor pressure, psi, C = 4.245P + l.O/S
Q = -
F E, OF,and +
D = 1.12460 - 1.24135R 0.238875R2
R = H/Q, except that if H/Qis greater than 6.7, make R = 6.7.
X2.2.2 (7) If A, B, Cy and D are to be calculated in
- 0.0126750R' 10.5273/R
X2.2.2 (8) If A, B, Cy and D are to be obtained from
inch-pound units, use the foliowing equations: charts in inch-pound units, read them from Figs. X2.5, X2.6,
A = 217.147 - 16.9527P + 0.822909P2 X2.7, and X2.8 respectively.
-0.0166849P' + 54.04361P X2.2.2 (9) Calculate the estimated temperatures, O F , at
B = -9.66363 + 0.910540Q - 0.0223260Q2 V/L ratios 4, 10, 20, 30, and 45 using the equations in
+ 0.000178314Q' + 0.823553/Q X2.2.2 (4) and X2.2.2 (5).
S = -0.00525449 - O.O532486/(P - 1.4) X2.3 Linear Equation Method
-0~0170900/(p - 1-4)2 X2.3.1 Summary-As given, these two equations provide

1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0

FIG. X2.8 Function D versus Ratio R

ASTM D437 8’7 0757530 0035303 2



TVIL = 2o = 52.47
2o -
0.33 RVP + 0.20 TIO i 0.17 T50


1 7 . t.
T V I L = 20
TVL . - 63.1


FIG. X2.9 Relationship Between Gasoline Volatility and Temperaturefor V/L Ratio at §ea Level-§I Units

only the temperatures (“C or O F ) at which a V/L value of 20 Tv/tZo 114.6 - 4.1 (RVP) + 0.20 TIO+ 0.17 T,,
exists. They make use of two points from the distillation where:
curve, T,, and T,, (“C or OF), and the Reid vapor pressure TV,*,, = temperature, O F , at V/L of 20:1,
(kPa or psi) of the gasoline with constant weighting factors RVP = Reid vapor pressure, psi
being applied to each. Experience has shown that data TIO = distillation temperature, O F , at 10 % evaporated,
obtained with these simple linear equations generally are in and
close agreement with those obtained by the computerized T50 = distillation temperature, O F , at 50 % evaporated.
version given above. The limitations pointed out in X2.1.1
through X2.1.4 must be kept in mind when use is made of X2.4 Nomogram Method
this procedure, X2.4.1 Summary-Two nomograms have been devel-
X2.3.2 Procedure-Obtain 10 % evaporated and 50 % oped and are included herein (Figs. X2.9 and X2.10) to
evaporated points from the distillation curve (Method D 86) provide the same function ,as the linear equations procedure
along with the Reid vapor pressure value (Test Method outlined above. Figure X2.9 is in SI units and Fig. X2.10 is
D 323); apply these directly in the equation. in inch-pound units. The nomograms are based on the two
equations and the same limitations apply to their use in
Tv/L 20 = 52.47 - 0.33 (RVP) + 0.20 Tio + 0.17 T50 estimating V/L (20) temperatures.
where: X2.4.2 Procedure-Obtain 10 % evaporated and 50 %
Tv,L=io = temperature, OC,at V/L of 20:1 , evaporated points from the distillation curve (Method D 86)
RVP = Reid vapor pressure, kPa, along with the Reid vapor pressure (Test Method D 323).
TIO = distillation temperature, OC,at 10 % evaporated, Select the SI unit (Fig. X2.9) or inch-pound unit (Fig. X2.10)
and nomogram based on the units of TIO, T50,and RVP, Using a
T,, = distillation temperature, OC,at 50 % evaporated, straightedge, locate the intercept on the line between the “TIO
and T50)> scales after selecting the applicable T,, and T50
or in the inch-pound customary unit equation: values. From this intercept and the proper point on the

-- - _ _
ASTM D439 8?7 m 0759530 0035302



250 -6
210 1 1




200 Il

190 12

ia0 EXAiiPLE: 13

w-- 10.7
170 ?50 - 23OoF RVP li)


FIG. X2.10 Relationship Between Gasoline Volatility and Temperature for V/i. Ratio of 20 at Sea Level-Inch-Pound Units

?RVP? scale, a second intercept can be obtained on the V/L data estimated by any one of these three techniques and
scale to provide the desired value directly. data obtained by Test Method D 2533 has not been estab
X2.5 Precision
X2.5.1 The precision of agreement between temperature-
The American Society for Testing and Materials takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection
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This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrewn. Your comments are Invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
end should be addressed to ASTM Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful conslderation at a meeting of the responsible
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