Mrts 3525 Dei Project Breakdown

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Client - N/A

Concept - an interview based informational video about the Autism community, the

challenges they face, and the misconceptions and misunderstandings about them.

Platform - YouTube

Style - Mostly interviews with added B-roll and VO. Interview clips will be edited based

on concept

Script - I will not be able to create a verbatim script until I have nished editing my rst

cut; however, I will create a separate document with an outline of the concepts that will

be covered, which will serve as the basis for how I cut together the interview clips

Schedule - I have already completed lming, so the majority of the work is post

production. I am planning on editing from 8-11 on Tuesday the 18th and from 8-12 on

Wednesday the 19th

Equipment - personal laptop

Crew - me only

Locations - all lming has been completed in the MRTS editing lab

Transportation - N/A

Props - N/A

Interviews - I have previously lmed three interviews and received permission from

Frances Perkins to reuse these interviews for this project

Post - DaVinci Resolve will be used for editing, color grading, and audio

Delivery - 4K YouTube video, horizontal 16:9


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