Essay 3 Reflection 3

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Adolfo Soto

Keaton Powers

English 1302

April 19, 2023

Essay 3 Reflection

Essay one i learned how to properly look for peer reviewed articles how to break them

down and cite them for an essay. i used that same method for essay 3 and was able to find all the

material that I needed on the killam library website. a thing i learned on essay 2 that helped me

on essay 3 is a better understanding of the topic. since i used the same topic for both essays it

gave me a better understanding of what gun control and violence really is and gave me a clearer

picture so i could write my essay.

i learned how to conduct an experiment on productivity for essay 1 during this course.

which i did not en dio using that for the third essay. i did the experiment to see the productivity

in school depending on the time of day and i could not use that during essay 3. in essay 2 i

learned how to do an annotated bibliography for the articles used in essay 2 . as i did not need

that for my 3 rd essay.

with essay 3 I learned to see all these arguments from different perspectives and see every

single thing about all the sides during an argument. to better support my evidence and ideas

against the opposing opinion. i feel like with this i could use it someday in real life if i ever have

some kind of controversial argument with someone else .

the creation of an argument makes you think more about what you’re going to do or say.

so writing an argument can enhance your writing skills on how you explain and pull things off.

seeing things as an argument and fighting for a position makes writing it more clear.
i have a feeling that the comments for essay 1,2 will be the same for the third one. i have

the same weaknesses and strengths on either topic.

the most challenging aspect to this essay was going through every possible position on

this argument and stating their point of view, since this argument is very controversial it was one

of the most challenging aspects

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