Barema de Ingles e Espanhol

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Gillenormand is a firm monarchist, which

means he supports the French king and doesn't
want the people around him to even mention the
word "democracy." We have the idea, however,
that he has no real political belief underlying his
position; is that he doesn't want anyone to tire
out his money or privilege, including his own
Therefore, people who think like him, rude,
conservative, selfish and extremist are not
healthy. However, whatever his thinking, we
should consider him a figure consistent with the
current situation of our society and should be


Gillenormand es un monárquico firme, lo que

significa que apoya al rey francés y no quiere
que las personas que lo rodean siquiera
mencionen la palabra "democracia". Tenemos la
idea, sin embargo, de que no tiene ninguna
creencia política real que subyace a su posición;
es que no quiere que nadie canse su dinero o
privilegio, incluido su propio nieto.
Por lo tanto, las personas que piensan como
él, groseras, conservadoras, egoístas y
extremistas no son saludables. Sin embargo,
sea cual sea su pensamiento, debemos
considerarlo una figura coherente con la
situación actual de nuestra sociedad y debe ser

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