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Messenger - tells Oedipus that King Polybos of Corinth is dead

DRAMA - Oedipus learns from the messenger that Polybos was not
Ancient Greeks his father
Dionysus Shepherd of Laius - reveals his information only after Oedipus
(god of wine) threatens his life.
- admits to receiving the infant (he gave to Polybos’
 The drama was the crowning glory of the Athenian Age. messenger) from Laius and Jocasta
 Age of Pericles Second messenger - announces and describes Jocasta’s
=>called the Golden Age suicide
There were three great tragic writers: - predicts future sorrows for a people whose kings descend
- Aeschylus, Sophocles, and Euripides, from this polluted line
Aristophanes- the greatest writer of comedy the world has ever
produced. SETTING
• The epic belongs to a period when minds of the people  THEBES
were deeply influenced handed down from antiquity.  CORINTH
• Lyric poetry- republican form  DELPHI
• Dramatic poetry- appeared as an expression of summit of
• Suffering of Thebes
OEDIPHUS REX (SOPHOCLES) • Oracle of Teiresias
• Born in Colonus, a small town outside Athens, Greece in • Murder of Laius
495 B.C. • Riddle of the Sphinx
• He was about thirty years younger than Aeschylus, whose • King of Corinth
plays he must have seen and admired. • Prophecy came true
• Over 62 years, Sophocles wrote over 120 plays, 24 of • Jocasta hangs herself
which won first prize; the others placed in second at the • Oedipus blinds himself
Only seven exist today. They are …  Laius was married to Jocasta and were the rulers of
1. Ajax - 445 B.C Thebes.
2. Antigone - 440 B.C.  They were very happy because they were about to have a
3. Electra - 440 B.C. son.
4. Oedipus rex- 430 B.C.  However, King Laius went to the Oracle of Delphi to get a
5. The trachiniae 413. B.C. prediction of his future.
6. Oedipus at Colonus 401 B.C.  The oracle said that Laius was “doomed to perish by the
7. Philoctetes- 410 B.C. hands of his own son”
 With that news he tightly binds the feet of the infant
TRAGEDY a form of drama in which the protagonist, having together with a pin and orders Jocasta to kill the infant.
some quality of greatness (as in Greek, Roman and  Jocasta can’t bear to do this so she orders a slave to do
Renaissance tragedy in high places), comes to disaster so.
through some flaws in him brings about his inevitable downfall  Instead, the servant takes baby Oedipus to a mountain top
of death. (began during 6th century B.C in ancient Athens) to die from exposure.
 A shepherd rescues the infant and names him Oedipus (or
OEDIPUS REX – BACKGROUND "swollen feet").
During the early years of the Peloponnesian War, when  The shepherd carries the baby with him to Corinth where
Oedipus Rex was produced, Athens suffered from political he is raised by King Polybus.
instability and devastating plague.  As a young man in Corinth, Oedipus hears a rumor that he
is not their biological son. He asks the Delphic Oracle who
CHARACTERS his parents really are.
Oedipus -the protagonist  The oracle seems to ignore this question, telling him
- becomes King of Thebes instead that he is destined to "mate with [his] own mother,
- he is renowned for his intelligence and his ability to solve and shed/with [his] own hands the blood of [his] own sire
riddles  Desperate to avoid his foretold fate, Oedipus leaves
- stubbornly blind to the truth about himself Corinth in the belief that Polybus and Merope are indeed
- name’s literal meaning (“swollen foot”) his true parents and that, once away from them, he will
- he killed his biological father, not knowing who he was, never harm them.
and proceeded to marry jocasta, his biological mother.  On the road to Thebes, he meets Laius, his true father
Jocasta -Oedipus’s wife and mother, and Creon’s sister.  Unaware of each other's identities, they quarrel over
- she tells Oedipus not to trust in the oracles whose chariot has right-of-way.
Antigone - Child of Oedipus and Jocasta  King Laius moves to strike the insolent youth with his
- lead and care for her old, blind father in his exile scepter, but Oedipus throws him down from the chariot
Ismene - Child of Oedipus and Jocasta and kills him.
- underscores her sister’s grandeur and courage  Shortly after, Oedipus solves the riddle of the sphinx,
Creon - Oedipus’s brother-in-law which has baffled many a diviner: “What is the creature
- He claims to have no desire for kingship that walks on four legs in the morning, two legs at noon,
Tiresias - blind prophet and servant of Apollo and three in the evening?
- reveals the reasons for the devastation and plague in
- tells Oedipus he will become blind and poor • There was a single sphinx in greek mythology, a unique
demon of destruction and bad luck.
• A winged lion with a woman's head
• The name 'sphinx' is derived from the greek sphingo, SYMBOLS
which means "to strangle". • Oedipus’s swollen foot
• The three-way crossroads
 The Sphinx throws herself off the cliffside.
 Oedipus' reward for freeing the Kingdom of Thebes from PERSUASIVE TEXTS
her curse is the kingship and Persuasion
the hand of Jocasta, his biological mother • One’s ability to convince others to reconsider their points
 As he is now Ruler of Thebes, Oedipus has a new of view.
problem to face: a plague is ruining • a process in which one person or entity tries to influence
the land. another person or group of people to change their beliefs
 It is a result of King Laius’ death being unsolved or behaviors.
 Oedipus vows to find the murderer and curses him for the Aristotle through his rhetorical appeals explains three types of
plague that he has caused. persuasive methods
 Oedipus summons the blind prophet Tiresias for help.
Oedipus is enraged by Tiresias's refusal, and says the Three Persuasive Methods/Modes of Persuasion
prophet must be complicit in the murder. 1. ETHOS- refers to the appeal to ethics or an author’s
 Outraged, Tiresias tells the king that Oedipus himself is character. A person’s believability and credibility hold an
the murderer. important attribute in persuading others to believe in
 Oedipus thinks Creon, Jocasta’s brother, made Tiresias him/her.
say this. 2. LOGOS- refers to the appeal to logic or reason.
 Jocasta enters and attempts to comfort Oedipus, telling 3. PATHOS- refers to sympathy and emotions.
him he should take no notice of prophets.
 Many years ago she and Laius received an oracle which WHAT IS A PERSUASIVE TEXT?
never came true. • A persuasive text appeals to the reader’s emotions and
 It was said that Laius would be killed by his own son, but, abilities to reason.
as all Thebes knows, Laius was killed by bandits at a • A persuasive text is any text where the main purpose is to
crossroads on the way to Delphi. present a point of view and seeks to persuade a reader.
 A man arrives from Corinth with the message that FACTS
Oedipus's father has died. • A writer will use current facts to support his point.
 Oedipus, to the surprise of the messenger, is made • To do this, he must do some research to learn about his
ecstatic by this news, for it proves one half of the topic.
prophecy false, for now he can never kill his father. • Often, the facts will convince the readers to agree with the
 However, he still fears that he may somehow commit point the author wants to make.
incest with his mother. The messenger, eager to ease
Oedipus's mind, tells him not to worry, because Merope A Persuasive text can be a:
was not in fact his real mother. - a formal letter
 Everything is at last revealed, and Oedipus curses himself - speech or debate
and fate before leaving the stage - an informal letter
 When Jocasta enters the house, she runs to the palace - advertisement
bedroom and hangs herself there.
 Giving a cry, Oedipus takes her down and removes the WHAT IS PERSUASIVE WRITING?
long gold pins that held her dress together, before • Persuasive writing in which the writer needs to convince
plunging them into his own eyes in despair. the reader of his/her point of view or opinion.
 Oedipus's two daughters (and half-sisters), Antigone and EXAMPLES:
Ismene, are sent out, and Oedipus laments that they Persuasive Writing in Campaign Ads
should be born to such a cursed family. Excerpt from Persuasive Essay examples
- Quest for identity and truth Features of Persuasive Texts
- Nature of innocence and guilt 1. Rhetorical questions- refers to questions which are not
- Nature of moral responsibility intended or meant to be answered.
IMAGERY “What is the point of voting when the same corrupt officials will
• References to light and darkness to predict the future The be placed in power?”
priest says at the beginning: "all the house of kadmos is 2. Emotive language- refers to the choice of words used by the
laid waste; all emptied, and all darkened” writers to stimulate, arouse, or invoke a strong emotional
response from its audience.
• Teiresias tells Oedipus that it is he who is blind flawlessly, defiantly, ginormous, magical, vindicated
“But I say that you, with both your eyes, are blind. You 3. Exaggeration- refers to the statements that are amplified,
cannot see the wretchedness of your life” more prominent, or over the top descriptions of people, things,
concepts, or phenomenon.
MOTIFS Example:
• Suicide The Philippines is drowning in its own debts.
• Sight and blindness This copy of Noli Me Tangere have been a thousand years old!
• Graves and tombs 4. Facts and Statistics- refers to the various information made
up of figures and data that can be used as a reliable and
factual pieces of evidences.
(see page 47 of the worktext)
5. Alliteration- refers to a rhetorical device that starts with the
same letter or consonant sound but are used repeatedly in
phrases or sentences.
“Big. Beefy. Bliss.”
6. Rule of Three- refers to the utilization of three (3) adjectives
to prove a point and emphasize the degree of importance of a
specific word.
faster, stronger, higher
See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil
I came, I saw, I conquered
The truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.
7. Inclusive language- refers to the technique of consciously
adding the readers in the delivery of the persuasive text.
“We must all think about this...' and 'this concerns all of us”.
You have the power----vote wisely!
Together as one, we can restore freedom and democracy.
8. Repetition- refers to a tool used by the writers to allow the
audience to appreciate the power of words used, comprehend
an unpopular point of view, or support an advocacy.
“And that government of the people, by the people, for the
people, shall not perish from the earth”
- Abraham Lincoln

Content Features
• INFORMATIVE TITLE-states the viewpoint
• INTERESTING OPENING-(introduction) to engage the
reader (question, quote/saying, statement)
• CLEAR REASONS-to convince the reader
• FACTS AND ARGUMENTS-to give support
the viewpoint

• is a material that aims to push a particular political point of
view or agenda, often by using biased or misleading

Propaganda techniques
1. TESTIMONIAL- this popular advertising technique used
renowned, or celebrity figures to endorse products and
2. TRANSFER- it is a technique to project certain qualities of a
person, ideology, or object to other things and people.
• A major soft-drink brand was accused of having traces of
pesticides a couple of years ago.
3. BANDWAGON- it is all about persuading the target
audience to take action.
• Millions are using it. Don’t be left behind. Wear Nike now.
4. CARD-STACKING- it is manipulating information so that one
product looks better than other.
5. GLITTERING GENERALITIES- it uses appealing words and
images to sell the product.

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