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When you wake up in the morning on your first day of teaching no matter how much you

have planned and thought out this day you never know what to expect. Your first day as an
educator could be a disaster or it could be your calling either way it will form you into the
educator you want to be. This is the reason I live by the motto don’t let the bad days shape the
ones that lie ahead of you. This basically means that no matter what is going on at home or
whatever happened the days, weeks, or months before don't let it shape the attitude you are
bringing into the classroom. Your students will feed off of your attitude or the vibe you may
have and that will determine how your day may go. A very important educator in my life once
told me that you may be the most influential person in one of your student’s lives. At the moment
in class when he presented the class with this statement, it made me think about the type of
teacher I would want to be.
I believe that values are not “taught they are caught” meaning the teacher is a role model
for the students and if they are portraying these values the students will also learn to portray
them as well. Some values I would like to promote in my classroom are honesty, respect, and
enthusiasm. In my opinion, I believe that honesty and respect are the most important values
teachers should promote because the students should feel comfortable enough with you as their
educator, to be honest about why their homework didn’t get done whether it is because they
forgot or an issue at home. Also having this value would help the students even after they are out
of school to create professional relationships. Another value I believe is important is the aspect
of respect. I believe that if you are giving a student the utmost respect it should be returned back
to you or their peers no matter who they are talking to. The final value would be enthusiasm. If
you portray to your students that you are excited about the material you are teaching then the
students will have more motivation to complete the work and will provide a good effort that
meets your expectations. These values along with many others are hopes that I hope my future
students will achieve.
I hope for my students to achieve some basic ideas such as having respect for not only
their teachers and peers but also themselves, being able to include all types of students in their
group activities, and feeling comfortable in their own skin. As a future educator, I want my
students to be able to feel comfortable coming to me when there is an issue within the classroom
or at home and to look to me for guidance when needed. This also plays a role in my ideal
classroom. In my experiences observing classrooms, I have noticed that not every teacher has
what is considered an ideal classroom. That is something that is hard to achieve, but if I had to
choose I would want to be in an inclusive classroom either kindergarten or first grade. I am very
flexible though and would be honored to fill any position that is needed. You may be in a
classroom that has children with behavioral issues and it is important that you know how to deal
with them.
When I am presented with non-compliant behavior I will address it privately. for example
in the hallway or even after class. I may ask the student what I have done wrong to make you not
comply with the rules or what can I do better or what rules can I implement to help solve the
problem. I believe that asking for the student’s input and putting the blame on yourself as an
educator relates to the students more than becoming a dictator and making a scene in front of the
classroom which could promote more non-compliant behavior.

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