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Name: Carlos Maldonado

Teacher: Ms. Ramirez

Cobra Academy 9


Make-Up Reflection

Two things I learned about myself through this college research project is that I can be

really energetic when it comes to partaking in a presentation, and that I have the ability to gather

and process information quickly. Although these are my strong areas, I believe that there are

areas that I can greatly improve in. Some areas that I could use some individual improvement in

are responsibility, and time management. For this project specifically, I was a bit irresponsible

and forgot to turn in the essay and some of my research questions. As far as time management, I

tend to get distracted easily and completing my parts of the project could have been done a lot

quicker without these distractions holding me back. Some improvements I can make as a partner

is to be more communicative. If I have learned anything from this experience, it is to always keep

constant communication with my partner, and to always have a positive and energetic attitude

while doing work with someone.

After completing all of the research on my university, CSU Long Beach, there were two

things about my university that amazed me and two things that shocked me. The two things that

amazed me were the fact that this university has a shark lab and also has a large blue pyramid

building on campus. The shark lab amazed me because it seems quite rare for a campus to have

one and it also gave me a glimpse of how students at CSULB conduct research. The blue

pyramid amazed me because after looking into it, I found out that it is a sports arena, where their
basketball and volleyball teams play. This building also showed me an amazing view of their

architecture. On the other hand, the two things that shocked me about this school were the costs

for living on campus, and the reasoning behind why their old mascot was replaced. The costs of

living on campus were surprisingly high, around $9,000 per year. These numbers shocked me

and exposed how expensive and stressful it might be to live there while also paying for tuition.

As far as the mascot goes, I didn’t expect it to be replaced because mascots are usually supposed

to be representative of their universities. To me, it just seemed like Prospector Pete was doing a

good enough job representing CSULB.

After having done my presentation on CSULB, I feel a little more motivated to apply to

college. I feel more motivated knowing I can major in something that I am excited about. Seeing

the average GPA needed for admission gives me hope that I am on the right path in terms of

grades. My current dream college is CSULA (Cal State University, Los Angeles) because of its

animation program. When I arrive at my dream college, I plan to start, or continue, my YouTube

channel where I upload small animations to entertain my future viewers. In order to get there, I

plan to exercise my creativity throughout my time in high school, and maintain an acceptable

GPA to be admitted to CSULA.

This partner project was challenging overall, but it was fun and I am glad I did it. It made

me feel curious and surprised because I was able to learn facts I would never expect from a

college, specifically CSULB. If I were to change anything, I would suggest maybe giving us

more options for our presentation model. For example, a poster on Canva, a video, or maybe

something completely different could be interesting. Overall, I had fun working with my partner

and learning about my university!

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