BV Aswathama Script

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Hari Om! To everyone.

We are going to talk about the Aswathama and Kripaacharya.

Let’s delve into the time when
Dronaachrya meets with King Drupada at his court at Panchala
Drona: Namaskara O King Drupada!
Drupada: Namasakara Drona How are you?
Drona: Am ok. I come seeking help!
Drupada: Obviously you need help!
Drona: I come here to claim half of your kingdom as you promised me during our
Gurukul time.
Drupada: I do not remember any such promise nor do I befriend a mendicant like you.
Drona: You arrogant Drupada. You are a shame to the Kshatriya. I will bring wrath on
Come Aswathama.
Drona and Aswathama reach out to Kripachrya for help .
Guru Kripaachrya was a great warrior saint who trains the Princes of Hastinapura. He
was a Maharathi  that is, he could fight 60,000 warriors at a time.He was extensively
trained in weapons and warfare.
At the court of Diridrastra

Kripaachrya: Oh great King Diridrastra,  Drona &his gifted son, Aswathama have come
seeking help to defeat King Drupada for the injustice done unto them. Guru Drona is
skilled in advanced military arts, including the devastras. He is the disciple of Swami
Parusuram himself.
Diridrastra : Oh Great Guru Drona, I would be blessed and very grateful if you could
teach princes of Hastinapura - the Pandavas and my sons the Kauravas.
I assure you that they would help you to avenge the Adharma done unto you and your
son by Drupada.
Drona: Thank you o King! I vow to train the princes to be the best Kshatriyas in the
Dronaachrya and Kripacharya train the Pandavas, Kauravas, Jayadratha and
Aswathama. Ashwathama and Jayadratha grew close to the Kauravas and helped them
during the war of Kurukshetra.
The war of Kurukshetra was fought between the Pandavas who rightfuly claimed their
throne and the Kauravas who were arrogant and withheld the same.
During the war, Pandavas were losing many of their allies and Arujna’s son Abhimanyu
was deviously killed by the Kauravas at the battle. However Drona is proud of his
student and went about praising Abhimanyu to the wrath of Duruyodana who doubted
his allegiance to the Kauravas. Enraged by the dishonor, Drona and Aswathama, rage
and kill a lot of Pandava soldiers and also King Drupada is killed by Drona.
Krishna and the Pandavas came up with a strategy
At the Battlefield
Krishna: Bhima, You have to kill the Elephant Aswathama & Yudistra you have to convey
this news to Drona.
Yudistra: o Lord! I cannot lie.
Krishna: Oh righteous Yudistra, You shall convey the new by just telling “Aswathama ,
the elephant, is dead ” ..but the word “elephant” would have to be told a little silently.
This alone can help us to put an end to this adharmic war.
Yudistra confirm this to Drona & while he conveys this message, a lot of purposeful
noise is created so that Drona doesn’t hear the word “elephant” clearly. He loves his son
more than anything so Drona laid down his arms and grief stuck. Dhrishtadyumna
beheads the great Drona to avenge the death of his father, Drupada.
Ashwathama: My father is unjustly killed. I will use the Asta to kill the UpaPandavas.//
HMMM (satisfied sigh)
Now, I shall kill the unborn son of Uthara and Abhimanyu….
Krishna: Oh Ashwathama…. Stop there.
I hereby curse you to an eternal life. You shall be cursed to live with all the diseases and
roam the world. You shall be a witness to the pain of all birth and death. You shall be
ripped of all your gifts.
Ashwathama: I am Ashwathama, the son of the great Drona. I was blessed with this
gem on my forehead which gives me power over all living beings lower than humans; it
protected me from hunger, thirst, and fatigue.
I learned from the best of Gurus. But I joined forces with Adharmic people and lost my
dad. I was grief struck and I killed mercilessly in this war. Though I am a Chiranjeevi, I did
not know to master my emotions which would have made me a better person.

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