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Journal of Emotion and Psychopathology 166

2023, Vol 1, Issue 1, 166-174

Maintaining Well-Being During the COVID-19

Pandemic: A Network Analysis of Well-Being
Responses from British Youth
Alison F. W. Wu1, Deniz Konac1, Laura Riddleston1, Taryn Hutchinson1, Belinda Platt2,
Victoria Pile, Jennifer Y. F. Lau*3
Kings College London, 1Department of Psychology, Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience, UK
Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich, Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Psychosomatics and
Psychotherapy, Germany
Queen Mary University of London, Centre of Primary Care and Mental Health, Institute of Population Health
Science, UK

COVID-19 has significant impacts on young peoples’ lives and emotions. Understanding how young people
maintain well-being in the face of challenges can inform future mental health intervention development. Here we
applied network analysis to well-being data gathered from 2532 young people (12-25 years) residing in the UK
during the COVID-19 pandemic to identify the structure across well-being and crucially, its central defining
features. Gender and age differences in networks were also investigated. Across all participants, items emerged
in two clusters: 1) optimism, positive self-perception, and social connectedness, and 2) processing problems and
ideas. The two central features of well-being were: “I’ve been dealing with problems well” and “I’ve been thinking
clearly”. There were minimal age and gender differences. Our findings suggest that the perception of being able
to process problems and ideas efficiently could be a hallmark of well-being, particularly in the face of challenging
circumstances. These findings contrast with pre-pandemic studies that point to positive affect as central aspects
of well-being networks. Future interventions that encourage problem-solving and mental flexibility could be
useful in helping young people maintain well-being during times of stress and uncertainty.

Keywords well-being; young people; COVID-19; network analysis; resilience; coping


The COVID-19 pandemic continues to pose multiple academic achievement, positive interpersonal
challenges, adding to levels of stress globally (Serafini relationships) (Saxena et al., 2006). Identifying how
et al., 2020). Young people may be especially young people maintain well-being despite the
susceptible to the long-term impact of stress, given that challenges and stressors associated with the pandemic
youth reflects a period when many mental illnesses could inform the development of future universal
emerge, consolidate and become chronic (Paus et al., programs designed to promote positive mental health.
2008; Romeo, 2013). Identifying those reporting poor This information can be used to guide countries during
mental health and intervening early to attenuate this pandemic but can also be used more generally in
negative outcomes is a priority. However, from a population-based resilience programs post-pandemic.
public health preventative perspective it is also crucial Here, we used a network approach to identify the core
to promote positive outcomes at the population level, features of well-being in adolescents and young adults
such as good mental well-being. Mental well-being is (12-25 years) in the UK across various lockdown
the positive aspect of mental health (2001) and is phases of the pandemic.
known to protect against long-term mental health “Well-being” refers to the capacity to flourish
problems, for example, by reducing emotional distress under “normal” circumstances as well as the ability to
and increasing exposure to protective factors (e.g. be resilient and recover from challenging

*Corresponding Author: Jennifer Y. F. Lau 

Received: 14 Sep 2021 | Revision Received: 25 Jan 2022 | Accepted: 26 Jan 2022
Handling Editor: David A. Preece
Published by Black Swan Psychological Assessments Pty Ltd
ISSN 2653-7583 |
Wu et al. 167

circumstances (Galderisi et al., 2015). Well-being is being Scale (Bartram et al., 2013; Tennant et al., 2007),
often divided into two behavioural dimensions: we expected that items will cluster in terms of affective
affective (“feeling good”) and functional (“functioning and functioning dimensions of well-being. Tentatively,
well”) (Vittersø, 2013). Latent variable approaches to we hypothesised that positive affect would emerge as a
youth well-being have identified several higher-order central item, given pre-pandemic network findings.
(latent) factors e.g. positive affect and optimism, However, as the core features of well-being may vary
positive self-perceptions, the ability to process, engage during times of stress, other items may also emerge as
and persevere with tasks and problems, and social central features. We also compared whether centrality
connectedness (Arslan & Coşkun, 2020; Kern et al., and clustering parameters would vary across males and
2016). These distinct factors purportedly capture females and across adolescents (12-18 years) and
common variance across well-being items. However, young adults (19-25 years). Based on minimal gender
these approaches, while recognising that items form differences in the previous UK study (Stochl et al.,
clusters together, can be limited in their explanatory 2019), we expected no differences in findings between
power, by failing to capture all possible interactions or males and females. Although neither the UK (Stochl et
paths between items, missing out on quantifying any al., 2019) nor the China study (Zeng et al., 2019)
causal, mutually reinforcing effects. By specifying explicitly explored age differences, prior (non-
direct links (“edges”) between all items (“nodes”), network) studies suggest that there may be mean level
network analysis can also quantify how influential differences between adolescents’ and young adults’
(“central”) items are, by their capacity to activate or be deployment of specific coping strategies (Skinner &
activated by other items (Costantini et al., 2015). As Zimmer-Gembeck, 2007). How this translates to which
central items are more influential, it has been argued items are the most central feature of well-being is
that they reflect more optimal targets for intervention unknown.
(Fried et al., 2017).
To our knowledge, there have been two studies that Method
have analysed the network structure of well-being
items, both conducted before the pandemic. The first Participants and Procedure
study included data across 4 large population-based The study was approved by the Psychiatry, Nursing
cohorts (Stochl et al., 2019). Of these, one cohort and Midwifery Research Ethics Committee at Kings
comprised adolescents and young adults (14-25 year College London (ref: HR-19/20-18868). Anyone aged
olds) and one involved adolescents only (12-16 year between 12 and 25 residing in the UK at the time of
olds). On the whole, findings across all 4 cohorts were data collection in the UK was eligible to take part.
similar, suggesting minimal age differences. There Participants were recruited via several methods:
were also minimal gender differences. Across all advertising within UK schools, colleges and
participants, positive self-perception and positive Universities, research advertisement websites, social
affect emerged as the key features (central items) of media and charities. All participants aged 16 or over
well-being. The second study was conducted only in provided informed consent. For participants under 16,
children and young people from China (aged 6-18 informed assent/consent was provided by participants
years) (Zeng et al., 2019); a partial replication of the and their parent/guardian respectively. The study was
earlier UK findings by Stochl et al. was reported. set up in response to the global COVID-19 pandemic,
Although positive affect and optimism emerged as utilising an online survey to understand and monitor
being central to youth well-being, engagement was also the emotional impact of the pandemic in young people.
a key feature. While informative regarding well-being Data collection began on 12th May 2020 and ended on
in general, neither datasets inform a second aspect of 2nd December 2020. The study, which consisted of a
well-being: the ability to be resilient and recover from battery of measures including well-being, negative
more challenging circumstances. affect, anhedonia, loneliness, boredom, worries, and
In the present study, we applied network analysis to coping strategies was administered through the online
well-being data collected from young people (12-25 platform, Qualtrics. Participants were offered vouchers
years) during the COVID-19 pandemic from May to for their time spent taking part in this and subsequent
December 2020. Our primary interest was to inform follow-up surveys. 4872 respondents clicked on the
interventions to mitigate the damaging emotional survey link. Respondents were removed from the data
impact of COVID-19 on young peoples’ mental health if they: 1) did not complete any survey measures other
but these data are also crucial to post-pandemic than initial demographic information (n=1932); 2)
positive mental health or resilience interventions too. were duplicate responses (n=33); 3) did not meet age
We investigated how well-being items clustered and criteria (n=13); 4) had a survey completion time <5
which items were most central in all participants. Given minutes (n=41); 5) were not in the UK (n=48); 5)
we used the (short) Warwick–Edinburgh Mental Well- showed other evidence of careless /inauthentic

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responding (n=245); or 6) had missing data on key Second, centrality indices representing the degree to
variables for this analysis (n=28). This allowed which a node influences or can be influenced by other
N=2532 for the final analysis. nodes were estimated for each item. We focused on two
centrality indices: strength and closeness (Newman,
Measures 2010) as these were stable in the present analysis.
Demographic Information. We measured Strength suggests how strongly and frequently a node
participants’ age, gender, ethnicity (using response is directly associated (has edges) with other nodes.
options that corresponded to ONS-recommended Closeness is indexed by the lengths of paths from any
harmonised country-specific questions for England, one node in the network to itself and calculated by the
Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland), educational inverse sum of distances of the focal node to all other
level, socioeconomic status (SES; indexed by highest nodes based on their shortest paths (Costantini et al.,
qualification obtained by either parent), and country of 2015). Betweenness is the number of shortest paths
current residence. passing through a specific node (Costantini et al.,
Warwick – Edinburgh Mental Wellbeing Scale 2015), but as the index was not reliably estimated from
(WEMWBS). Given practical considerations of the current dataset, it was not presented here. Third, the
administering several online measures to young communities within the networks were detected using
people, the short-version of the WEMWBS was used. the Louvain algorithm (Rubinov & Sporns, 2011) on
Consisting of 7 items, this scale captures the concept of edge weights, which identifies nodes that cluster
well-being as reflecting functional and affective together. The Louvain algorithm optimises modularity,
aspects (although more items relate to functioning) and defined as the comparison between the edges’ density
is robust and valid in community youth settings of a community/cluster and edges’ density outside this
(Bartram et al., 2013; Tennant et al., 2007). Each item community/cluster, through moving each node to
is rated between 1 (none of the time) and 5 (all of the different communities/clusters (Blondel et al., 2008).
time). This algorithm has been used in previous studies and
shown good performance (Miers et al., 2020). Finally,
Analysis to explore gender and age group differences, network
Network analysis quantifies links (“edges”) between comparisons across genders and age groups (12-18 and
observed items (“nodes”) of a measure; thus it informs 19-25) were conducted. 18 years was selected as the
the overall structure of items, clusters (“communities”) cut-off because it reflected the median value within our
of items, and items that are more connected (“central”) age range. Network comparison analyses with
(Costantini et al., 2015). All analyses were performed Bonferroni correction were conducted on the global
by various packages within the statistical software, R, strength of the networks, which is the total sum of all
version 1.2.5033-1(Team, 2013): “qgraph version edge weights (partial Spearman correlations) and
1.6.5” (Epskamp et al., 2012), “bootnet version 1.4.3” reflects how tightly linked the entire network is, and on
(Epskamp et al., 2018)“NetworkComparisonTest the centrality indices, across the different groupings
version 2.2.1” (van Borkulo et al., 2016) and with 5000 iterations.
“NetworkToolbox version 1.4.0” (Christensen, 2018). To mitigate against any potential sample size
The Gaussian graphical model (GGM, (Costantini et limitations, we applied bootstrapping procedures to
al., 2015)), an undirected weighted network, was enhance the reliability of network parameters
estimated based on partial Spearman correlations (Epskamp et al., 2018). 95% confidence intervals (CI)
between observed variables. To infer the of edge weights were obtained through a bootstrapping
characteristics of interest (i.e. relationships between method, involving repeatedly estimating a model under
nodes, clusters among nodes, the most central items), sampled data and the statistic of interest (Team, 2013).
we evaluated the network structure using measures To investigate the stability of centrality indices,
taken from graph theory (Müller et al., 2012). When correlation stability (CS) coefficients were calculated
estimating the GGM, we employed GLASSO by case dropping bootstrap methods. Here, the
regularisation (“graphical least absolute shrinkage and centrality measures are recalculated for different sub-
selection operator”, (Tibshirani, 1996) to ensure the portions of the data after dropping a random percentage
sparsity (fewer edges) of the model with the Extended of cases. The CS coefficient is defined as the amount
Bayesian Information Criterion (EBIC, (Chen & Chen, of cases that can be dropped while still maintaining a
2008)) to select the best-fitting model. high correlation (higher than .7) with the original
These analyses yielded 4 sets of information. First, centrality estimate (Epskamp et al., 2018). This
while GGMs were estimated and plotted for all coefficient should not drop below 0.25 and ideally be
participants (and for each subgroup), the accuracy of above 0.5 to justify robust interpretation of centrality
edge weights was also evaluated. This step allowed for indices.
the assessment of the overall network structures.

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Results Of note, additional analyses on age-matched groups

were similar to the unmatched groups with no gender
Participant Characteristics differences in overall global strength, clusters and
The mean age of participants was 18.4 (SD 3.6), and centrality analysis.
there were more females (70.1%) than males (29.9%).
Proportions of individuals in different ethnic groups Age Differences of Well-Being Networks
was as follows: 62.6% White/Caucasian, 8.2% The network comparison test showed no significant
Mixed/multiple ethnic groups, 20.6% Asian/Asian global network strength difference between groups, p
British, 4.1% Black/African/Caribbean, 2.4% other = .3. Both age groups showed the same two clusters as
ethnicities, and 2.1% prefer not to say. In terms of those of the whole group network (Figure 1c).
parental educational level, 2.9% reported parents with Centrality indices (i.e. strength and closeness) were
primary level qualifications, 13.4% with GCSE or stable in both age groups (Table 1). Items 4 and 5 had
equivalent, 18.7% with A level or equivalent, 39.5% the highest strength in both groups. In terms of
with Higher level degree or equivalent, 19% with closeness, item 5 (“I’ve been thinking clearly”) had the
Masters and 6.4% with PhD. highest closeness in the adolescent group (12-18 years)
The female group was older than the male group whereas in young adults (19-25 years), item 4 (“I’ve
(Mean(SD)male = 17.6 (3.6), Mean(SD)female = 18.7 been dealing with problems well”) had the highest
(3.6), t(2531) = 7.21, p < .001, d = .31, CI [0.81, 1.41]). closeness.
There were also more males in the adolescent age Of note, due to differences in the proportion of
group compared to the young adult age group (male males to females across age groups, we repeated
ratioadolescence = 35.1%, male ratioadult = 22.1%, c2 analyses with gender-matched groups, which yielded
=48.91, p < .001). similar results to unmatched groups.

Network Structure Across all Participants Discussion

The estimated network of 7 items represented as nodes
is presented in Figure 1a, where thicker lines reflect The outbreak of COVID19 and government measures
stronger partial correlations between items and all to mitigate infection rates have meant new daily
items are positively correlated. Two clusters were routines for many young people (changes in
identified. The first cluster comprised 3 items: item 1 educational, occupational, social and recreational
(“I’ve been feeling optimistic about the future”), item 2 activities), uncertainties over the physical health and
(“I’ve been feeling useful”) and item 6 (“I’ve been morbidity of themselves, family
feeling close to other people”). The second cluster members/friends/acquaintances, and wider society, and
consisted of the remaining items: item 3 (“I’ve been an exacerbation over any existing stressors (e.g. family
feeling relaxed”), item 4 (“I’ve been dealing with dynamics, over-crowded housing) (Janssen et al.,
problems well”), item 5 (“I’ve been thinking clearly”) 2020). As well-being can protect against future distress
and item 7 (“I’ve been able to make up my own mind and mental health problems (Saxena et al., 2006),
about things”). The centrality analysis showed items 4 understanding how individuals maintain well-being in
and 5 had the highest standardised strength and the face of these challenges at a developmental juncture
closeness, each estimated with high stability (CS- typically associated with the emergence of persistent
coefficient values for strength and closeness were both lifelong psychiatric symptoms (Paus et al., 2008) is
0.75, see Table 1). important for prevention. Although sparse, pre-
pandemic data (Stochl et al., 2019; Zeng et al., 2019)
Gender Differences of Well-Being Networks are consistent in showing that experiences of positive
There were no significant differences in overall global affect (e.g. feeling cheerful) are at the centre of well-
strength in the networks of males and females, p = .48. being networks, and that this is true across genders and
Both male and female group networks clustered in the across ages (children, young people, adults). Our
same way as those of the whole sample (Figure 1b). findings taken during the pandemic revealed a different
Centrality analyses (i.e. strength and closeness) set of key features, which related to functional aspects
showed that items 4 and 5 had the highest strength and of well-being, notably, processing problems and ideas
closeness across both males and females, resembling (i.e. “I’ve been dealing with problems well” and “I’ve
that across all participants. Strength indices were been thinking clearly”). Well-being items could be
mostly stable in both gender groups (see Table 1) but differentiated into two distinct clusters. The first
the CS-coefficients for closeness in males showed only included items about optimism, positive self-
acceptable stability (CS-coefficient = .44), suggesting perception, and social connectedness, while the second
caution when interpreting male-only results. broadly related to processing problems/ideas.
Consistent with a previous UK study, we found no

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Table 1. Correlation stability coefficients of networks for all participants, each gender group and each age
n Strength Closeness

All 2532 0.75 0.75

male 757 0.75 0.44
female 1775 0.75 0.67
Adolescents 1517 0.75 0.67
Young adults 1015 0.75 0.36

gender differences in global network strength, clusters specifically to stress and uncertainty by thinking
and central items but subtle age differences on central clearly and problem-solving appear to be important.
items only were found. There were no age differences Future studies may wish to differentiate whether it is
in items reflecting the highest strength; that is, both objective abilities or simply the perception of being
clear thinking and problem-solving were equally able to think clearly and problem-solve that is
strongly associated with other items across adolescents important to resilience.
and young adults. In terms of closeness (how quickly Nonetheless, these findings suggest that therapeutic
an item can affect other items or be affected by other techniques encouraging problem-solving and thinking
items), clear thinking had the highest closeness index more clearly (or nurturing the perception of these
in adolescents (12-18 years) but problem-solving cognitive capacities) could nurture resilient outcomes
emerged as being closest to other items in young adults to challenging situations. These findings are useful for
(19-25 years). Each of these findings are discussed. dealing with stressful life events more generally.
Although direct comparisons between our study However, these skills need to be directed at problems
findings and the two previous studies are somewhat that are carefully selected, not just for personal salience
constrained by the use of different well-being but are also within control and achievable. While our
measures, developmental differences (with the UK findings suggest that such interventions may be
study, (Stochl et al., 2019)) and cultural differences applicable to males and females, somewhat different
(with the Chinese study, (Zeng et al., 2019)), intervention targets could benefit adolescents and
nonetheless, the broad pattern of findings around young adults. Adolescents who are struggling may
central items is different between those collected pre- benefit more from instruction around thinking clearly
pandemic and ours collected during lockdown – a time (sustained, flexibly, being able to ignore distractors),
of stress and uncertainty. While both pre-pandemic while struggling young adults could be more receptive
studies identified positive mood as a key feature of to guidance over solving the problems that they are
well-being, pandemic data indicated that a functional facing.
aspect of well-being, notably processing problems and Beyond findings on the centrality of items, our data
ideas, became more prominent. In network analyses, also shed light on the network structure of items during
being prominent means that these items have more the pandemic. In network analysis, clusters within
strong connections with other items. Once activated, networks may not necessarily suggest that these items
these items may also be likely to quickly influence have conceptual equivalence, as they perhaps do in
other items and be quickly influenced in turn. Within factor analysis. Instead, clusters point to more dense
the concept of well-being, this suggests that under patterns of inter-connection or co-activation within a
conditions of stress and uncertainty, being able to subset of items. We identified two clusters. The first
problem-solve and think clearly could impact other pertained to items mapping onto the affective aspects
affective aspects of well-being including optimism, of well-being: optimism, positive self-perception and
positive self-perception and feeling connected to connectedness with others while the second cluster
others. That these findings differ from pre-pandemic mapped more onto functional aspects of well-being,
findings suggests that the emotional challenges posed specifically, cognitive-processing of problems, ideas
by the pandemic requires more than the experience of and decisions. At first glance, the items of the first
positive affect to maintain well-being. Indeed, being cluster appear more heterogeneous, but given the
able to manage and control feelings that emerge restrictions, changes and uncertainty of the pandemic,

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Figure 1. Network clusters of well-being items for: a) all participants; b) two gender groups,
and c) two age groups.

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may have been re-defined together because they are all sample had higher SES, contained a lower proportion
more difficult to achieve. Yet, their differentiation of participants describing themselves as belonging to a
from processing problems and ideas are also somewhat White ethnic group, and a higher proportion belonging
consistent with previous research. For example, Stohl to a minority ethnic group (Office for National
and colleagues reported that items around processing Statistics, 2018).
problems and ideas were highly related but distinct In closing, our findings suggest that the perception
from items of self-perception (which were themselves of being able to process problems and ideas efficiently
highly related), and from items of relationships with could be a hallmark of well-being, particularly in the
others (again highly related to each other). Although face of challenging circumstances. Tentatively,
feeling relaxed also feels more “affective” in nature developing interventions that encourage (perceptions
compared to the more “cognitive” aspects of the second of or actual) problem-solving and mental flexibility
cluster, it may be that it co-activates with these items could be useful in helping young people maintain well-
more because feeling relaxed is important for cognitive being during times of stress and uncertainty, either
processing such as thinking clearly, decision-making during later phases of the pandemic or even post-
and problem-solving, an association that is especially pandemic.
evident during mindfulness meditation (Jay Lynn et al.,
2006; Tarrasch, 2015). Additional Information
There are some study limitations. First, as we used
a different measure to previous studies, our findings are
Supplementary Materials
not directly comparable. Specifically, we used the 7- Supporting information includes network analysis
item Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Well-being Scale
results (centrality graphs and bootstrapping results for
(WEMWBS), whereas the previous study of British all participants, see FigS1, gender groups, see FigS2,
sample used the 14-item version and the study and age groups, see FigS3) and R code for network
involving Chinese adolescents used the 20-item
analysis and comparison, see SRcode.docx.
Chinese version of Engagement, Perseverance, Supplementary materials for this article can be viewed
Optimism, Connectedness, and Happiness scale
(EPOCH). The 7-item scale we used contains fewer
affective well-being items compared to the 14-item Funding
scale, and the WEMWBS considers two behavioural This work was supported by the Rosetrees Trust
dimensions of well-being rather than the more in-depth (M949).
EPOCH, which measures five clusters of well-being.
Differences between these measures (and their Conflict of Interest
underlying constructs) means it is difficult to attribute
The authors report no conflicts of interest. The authors
discrepancies between findings to differences in alone are responsible for the content and writing of the
environmental circumstances (pre and during the paper.
pandemic). Another concern about measurement is our
reliance on self-reported items only; this means that for Ethical Approval
some of the key features of well-being reflect
This study was approved by the research ethics
perceptions rather than objective capacity to use these committee of King’s College London (reference: HR-
skills. Second, because it is challenging to incorporate 19/20-18250)
continuous age differences as a moderator into network
analysis, to assess age differences we divided the Data Availability
sample into those above and below the median value.
Data and study materials are available upon request.
18 years was the median in our sample, however, it is
also a transitional juncture where some 18 year olds Copyright
have begun University and others are still in secondary The authors licence this article under the terms of the
school, adding to the heterogeneity of the adolescent Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) licence.
sample. Third, not all young people experienced the
© 2023
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levels of restrictions with varied lockdown rules and References
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