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Learning & Behavior (2022) 50:153–166

Cognitive flexibility in the wild: Individual differences in reversal

learning are explained primarily by proactive interference,
not by sampling strategies, in two passerine bird species
Julie Morand‑Ferron1 · Michael S. Reichert2 · John L. Quinn3,4

Accepted: 30 November 2021 / Published online: 11 January 2022

© The Psychonomic Society, Inc. 2021

Behavioural flexibility allows animals to adjust to changes in their environment. Although the cognitive processes that explain
flexibility have been relatively well studied in psychology, this is less true for animals in the wild. Here we use data collected
automatically during self-administered discrimination-learning trials for two passerine species, and during four phases
(habituation, initial learning, first reversal and second reversal) in order to decompose sources of consistent among-individual
differences in reversal learning, a commonly used measure for cognitive flexibility. First, we found that, as expected, proactive
interference was significantly repeatable and had a negative effect on reversal learning, confirming that individuals with poor
ability to inhibit returning to a previously rewarded feeder were also slower to reversal learn. Second, to our knowledge for the
first time in a natural population, we examined how sampling of non-rewarding options post-learning affected reversal-learning
performance. Sampling quantity was moderately repeatable in blue tits but not great tits; sampling bias, the variance in the
proportion of visits to each non-rewarded feeder, was not repeatable for either species. Sampling behaviour did not predict
variation in reversal-learning speed to any significant extent. Finally, the repeatability of reversal learning was explained
almost entirely by proactive interference for blue tits; in great tits, the effects of proactive interference and sampling bias on
the repeatability of reversal learning were indistinguishable. Our results highlight the value of proactive interference as a more
direct measurement of cognitive flexibility and shed light on how animals respond to changes in their environment.

Keywords  Behavioural flexibility · Discrimination learning · Individual variation · Adjusted repeatability · Perseveration ·

Exploration · Paridae

Introduction explain behavioural plasticity are the focus of much research

in many fields (Lee & Thornton, 2021). In neurosciences and
Animals adjust to changes in their environment using a vari- comparative psychology, reversal-learning tasks are widely
ety of mechanisms during their lives. Behavioural plastic- used to assay the executive cognitive function ‘cognitive
ity allows animals to adjust their behaviour in response to flexibility’, defined as the ability to update behaviour in
environmental change, and the diversity of mechanisms that accordance with changes in stimulus-reward contingencies
(Izquierdo et al., 2017). In these tasks, individuals first need
to learn that one stimulus is associated with a reward while
* John L. Quinn another (or several others) is not. The contingencies are then reversed, so that the previously rewarded option becomes
Department of Biology, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON, non-rewarding, and a previously non-rewarding stimulus
Canada becomes associated with a positive outcome.
Department of Integrative Biology, Oklahoma State Increasingly reversal-learning tasks are being applied
University, Stillwater, OK, USA to evolutionary ecological studies of individual cognitive
School of Biological Earth and Environmental Sciences, performance in wild populations (reviewed in: Boogert
University College Cork, Cork, Ireland et al., 2018; Morand-Ferron et al., 2016). Cognitive flex-
Environmental Research Institute, University College Cork, ibility could be important for tracking changing environ-
Cork, Ireland ments (Shettleworth, 2010; Sol, 2009). For instance, lizards

154 Learning & Behavior (2022) 50:153–166

from suburban areas, where ecological conditions vary proactive interference is specific to reversal learning, and
spatially and temporally, were quicker to learn and rever- plays an important role in cognitive flexibility (Nilsson et al.,
sal learn an association between refuges and predatory cues 2015). Proactive interference is itself likely an outcome of
than lizards from rural areas (Batabyal & Thaker, 2019). multiple cognitive mechanisms (Anderson & Neely, 1996);
Performance in serial reversal learning, in which reward for simplicity, here we refer to the outcome of choosing a
contingencies were repeatedly switched, was predicted by previously rewarded stimulus as proactive interference, and
an index of sociality among three species of corvids, sug- acknowledge that the specific mechanism responsible for this
gesting that dynamic social interactions might select for phenomenon is unknown in our study system.
greater cognitive flexibility (Bond et al., 2007). Reversal When more than two options are available in a reversal-
learning performance did not significantly predict overwin- learning experiment, an additional process that may affect
ter survival in wild mountain chickadees Poecile gambeli reversal-learning performance can be identified: exploration
(Sonnenberg et al., 2019), but negatively impacted survival behaviour or information sampling, hereafter, ‘sampling’,
after release in captive-raised pheasant Phasianus colchi- by examining choices made for unrewarded stimuli (e.g.,
cus (Madden et al., 2018). Whether and how natural selec- Jentsch et al., 2002). Optimal performance in reversal tests
tion acts on the observed individual variation depends on is attained with a win-stay/lose-shift rule: stay with the
the mechanisms underlying reversal-learning performance, rewarded option until it stops paying, then shift to another
which in reality is a composite trait (Nilsson et al., 2015). alternative until you find a reward (Shettleworth, 2010).
In neuroscience, identifying the underlying mechanisms of Sampling a non-rewarded option is typically viewed as a
reversal-learning performance helps to identify pathologies ‘learning error’, but this overlooks the possibility that this
associated with cognitive inflexibility, and to examine the behaviour may allow the animal to obtain information on the
efficacy of drugs administered to alleviate specific issues characteristics of the alternatives, the value of which may
(Nilsson et al., 2015). In evolutionary ecological studies it change – and potentially increase – over time. Individuals
is also potentially important to do so because the individual who make many visits to non-rewarded options may tend to
mechanisms could vary in their additive genetic variation favour sampling over exploitation, a strategy that could be
and in their links with fitness through independent associa- adaptive in natural conditions (Reader, 2015). For instance,
tions with other behaviours. However, few ecological studies bees that made more errors during learning were faster to
have examined what drives variation in reversal-learning. A discover new food sources (Evans et al., 2017). Sampling
series of studies on mountain chickadees examined spatial allows for tracking changes in the environment (Shettle-
reversal-learning performance at an array of eight feeders worth et al., 1988), but repeatable individual differences in
in the field, and specifically examined proactive interfer- such behaviour have been reported in only a few studies
ence errors, i.e., visits to the previously rewarded option (Morand-Ferron et al., 2011; Smit & van Oers, 2019), and
(Croston et al., 2017; Tello-Ramos et al., 2019). While these have not been investigated in the context of reversal-learning
studies indicated that proactive interference can vary among tasks in wild populations. We thus know very little about the
populations (but see Hermer et al., 2021), we still have lit- impact of sampling tendencies on reversal performance in
tle information on individual variation, and no repeatability non-human animals. Information reduces uncertainty and
estimates, for proactive interference in natural populations. is thus expected to increase fitness (Dall et al., 2005). Here
Studies on both humans and non-human animals suggest we predict that individuals who sample at a low rate (which
that reversal-learning tasks involve at least four cognitive we term ‘sampling quantity’), and those that sample a nar-
phenomena: (1) the formation of an excitatory association rower range of options (which we term ‘sampling bias’) are
between the new rewarded stimulus and the reward; (2) the less able to reduce uncertainty about the available options,
formation of an independent, inhibitory association, between resulting in reduced reversal-learning performance.
the newly non-rewarded stimulus and lack of reinforcement; We used the data generated by a published reversal learning
(3) attention allocation to the relevant stimulus dimension experiment on free-ranging great and blue tits foraging in
(e.g. colour, space); and (4) proactive interference, in which mixed-species flocks (Reichert et al., 2020). Both species
the similarity of the previous and new association to be readily visit feeders and interact with cognitive tasks. Although
learned results in perseverative choices towards the previ- Reichert et al. (2020) showed substantial individual variation
ously rewarded stimulus, which may prevent or slow down in learning speed, and a bias towards previously rewarded
new learning (Crossley et al., 2019; Lewis & Kamil, 2006), feeders indicative of proactive interference, the role of
although, counter-intuitively, over the course of several sampling and proactive interference on learning performance
reversals proactive interference may in fact reduce perse- were unexplored. The experiment used a linear array of five
veration and speed up reversal learning (Mackintosh et al., automated feeders, thus allowing an opportunity to examine
1968; Strang & Sherry, 2014). While the first three pro- sampling separately from proactive interference (multi-option
cesses are common to discrimination and reversal learning, test; Izquierdo et al., 2017). Trials were run on the same

Learning & Behavior (2022) 50:153–166 155

individuals over four different phases – habituation, initial (RFID) antenna placed on a perch in front of the only feeder
learning, first reversal learning, and second reversal learning opening. Access to the feeders was controlled by a sole-
– which allowed us to examine the repeatability of individual noid connected to a printed circuit board (‘Darwin Board’,
behaviour expressed over time. The effect of sampling in Stickman Technologies Inc., UK). If a PIT-tagged bird was
preceding stages could be examined for the last three phases, detected by the antenna at the perch, the solenoid block-
while a test for an independent effect of proactive interference ing the door was released, and a transparent door could be
on the second reversal learning was possible using proactive pecked open to gain access to the sunflower seeds. The board
interference measured during the first reversal learning. Thus, recorded the RFID code and time of day of each individual
we explored the following questions: (1) Are learning speed visit.
and reversal learning speed associated with sampling quantity The project received ethical approval from the Animal
and sampling bias? If greater sampling provides individuals Welfare Body at University College Cork (HPRA license
with more information about the environment, then we would number AE19130-P017), and was carried out in accordance
expect that individuals that sample more would be faster to with the ASAB Guidelines for the Treatment of Animals in
respond and learn more quickly when reward contingencies Behavioural Research and Teaching. All research was con-
change in the reversal learning experiments. (2) Does ducted under BTO licenses as part of ongoing research in
reversal learning speed correlate negatively with proactive this population.
interference? If individuals tend to visit previously rewarded
feeders more extensively, then we would expect them to take Learning experiment and criterion
longer to learn an association with a new rewarding feeder. (3)
Are individual differences in proactive interference, sampling Prior to the associative learning experiments, any PIT-
quantity, and sampling bias consistent over time during the tagged individual could obtain food from any of the five
learning trials, that is, are they repeatable? (4) And in the case feeders at a site for a period of 4 days (habituation phase).
of sampling quantity and bias, are they also repeatable across The habituation phase allowed the birds an opportunity to
the two different contexts of learning and the prior habituation become accustomed to gaining access to food at the feeders,
phase? (5) Is the repeatability of reversal-learning performance and provided data on the relatively uninhibited sampling
explained by proactive interference, sampling quantity or tendencies of individuals prior to the learning experiments.
sampling bias? If these effects explain among individual The initial learning phase took place immediately after
differences in performance during the reversal learning trials, the habituation phase. Each individual was randomly
then their addition to a model should lead to a lower ‘adjusted assigned to one of the five feeders at the site, and the feed-
repeatability’ estimate (Nakagawa & Schielzeth, 2010). If ers were programmed such that individuals could only gain
they are entirely unrelated to among-individual differences access to food at their single assigned feeder. Individu-
in reversal-learning performance, there should be no change. als were considered to have learned the association with
However, it is possible that proactive interference, sampling their assigned feeder when they made 16 ‘correct’ visits to
quantity and sampling bias could mask individual variation the assigned feeder out of 20 consecutive visits, with the
in performance, in which case accounting for these variables requirement that the first visit within that window was a cor-
would lead to a higher adjusted repeatability estimate. rect visit (Reichert et al., 2020). The individual’s learning
speed was then defined as the number of visits until the first
visit at which this criterion was met (i.e., trials to criterion).
Methods The initial learning phase took place for 8 days. Imme-
diately afterwards we began a reversal learning phase, in
Study site and species which we randomly assigned individuals to a different
rewarded feeder in the array. Although laboratory tests of
The data for this experiment came from a study of associa- reversal learning typically involve only two choices, reversal
tive learning in a wild population of PIT-tagged (passive learning paradigms can involve more choices, which allows
integrated transponder) great tits, Parus major, and blue examining proactive interference and sampling as distinct
tits, Cyanistes caeruleus, in Wytham Woods, Oxfordshire, phenomena (Izquierdo et  al., 2017; Tello-Ramos et  al.,
UK. For full details on the study design, see Reichert et al. 2019). Furthermore, we use the term ‘reversal learning’
(2020). Briefly, we set out arrays of five programmable here to maintain consistency with previous work (Reichert
sunflower-seed feeders in each of eight locations within the et al., 2020). The assignment to a new feeder was completely
wood (four locations in November-December 2017, and four random by individuals for four of the eight sites, and for the
different locations in January-February 2018). At each site, other four sites, the entire set of birds assigned to one feeder
feeders were arranged linearly and spaced at 1-m intervals. was reassigned as a group to a randomly selected new feeder.
Feeders were equipped with a radio-frequency identification The purpose of this treatment was to test that our design

156 Learning & Behavior (2022) 50:153–166

prevented social learning (which seemed to be the case; phase). Visits that took place to non-rewarded feeders
Reichert et al., 2020), and to examine possible effects on when the individual’s assigned feeder was malfunction-
the social network, which will be reported elsewhere and are ing were not included. Sampling quantity and sampling
therefore not explored further here. We measured learning bias were otherwise defined the same as for the habitu-
speed during the first reversal phase as in the initial learning ation phase. Individuals that did not make any sampling
phase (trials to criterion). The first reversal learning phase visits were excluded from analyses of sampling bias (n =
lasted for 8 days in 2017 and 10 days in 2018, when extra 2, 6, and 10 for initial learning, first reversal, and second
time was needed to repair backup feeders. We then repeated reversal, respectively). Unlike the analyses of the habitu-
the randomization procedure a second time, assigning birds ation phase, for the learning phases we did not calculate
to another new feeder (no bird was assigned to a feeder that the third metric of sampling, the strength of preference for
it had already been assigned to in a previous phase). This the most preferred feeder, because birds directed most of
second reversal learning phase also lasted for 8 days in 2017 their visits in the learning phases to the rewarded feeder,
and 10 days in 2018, and we again measured trials to crite- which is not considered in analyses of sampling. Note that
rion. All of our analyses are for a dataset including the 183 we use an operational definition of sampling, and can-
individuals that met the learning criterion for all three of not discriminate between visits to non-rewarded feeders
these phases (n = 115 blue tits and n = 68 great tits; Reichert that occurred ‘intentionally’ to sample information, and
et al., 2020). those that were simply errors. However, from the point of
view of our hypotheses on information gathering by visit-
Sampling and proactive interference ing non-rewarding feeders and its effects on subsequent
reversal learning, all such visits can potentially provide
As a first step in examining sampling behaviour expressed information, whether they resulted from a ‘true error’ or
by wild birds in this experiment, we examined visits occur- from ‘sampling’.
ring during the habituation phase (when birds could feed Proactive interference during the reversal phases was
from any feeder) in three ways. First, we calculated the total quantified as the number of visits to the feeder during
number of visits to all of the feeders during this phase, the those phases that had been rewarded in the most recent
sampling quantity. Second, we calculated the variance in previous phase. For the first reversal, proactive interfer-
visits to the different feeders in the array, which we used to ence was thus defined as taking place when individuals
define sampling bias. To do this, we determined the propor- visited the feeder during the first reversal learning phase
tion of the total visits that were made to each feeder and that they had been assigned to during the initial learn-
then calculated the variance of these proportions across the ing phase. For the second reversal, proactive interference
five feeders. This variance ranged from a minimum of zero, was defined as taking place when individuals visited the
indicating that the individual visited each feeder an equal feeder during the second reversal learning phase that they
number of times (i.e., sampling broadly), to a maximum of had been assigned to during the first reversal phase. Note
0.2, indicating that the individual exclusively visited just that we found no evidence that birds were biased during
one feeder in the array and therefore was likely to have the second reversal towards visiting the assigned feeder
acquired less information about the array of feeders as a from the initial learning phase, so these visits were not
whole. Third, we estimated the strength of preference for the classified as proactive interference. We excluded visits
most preferred feeder, by calculating the proportion of visits when the individual’s assigned feeder was malfunction-
directed towards the most preferred feeder during the habitu- ing (some feeders temporarily failed to open or register
ation phase. Six individuals that met the learning criterion visits due to electrical issues; see Reichert et al., 2020).
in all three learning phases did not visit the feeders during Proactive interference visits for a given reversal phase
the habituation phase. included visits both before and after the learning criterion
We defined sampling during the three learning phases was met, because such interference could continue to bias
as visits to non-rewarding feeders that took place after visits through the entire phase (i.e., early and late errors;
the learning criterion was met. Visits prior to the learn- Nilsson et al., 2015), and because we had observed a sig-
ing criterion being met were not included because these nificant bias towards the previous feeder across all visits
were more likely to have resulted from errors made while in both the first and second reversal (Reichert et al., 2020).
searching for the rewarding feeder rather than sampling. When examining the effect of proactive interference on
For the reversal phases, we also excluded visits to the reversal-learning performance, we used proactive inter-
feeder assigned in the previous phase, because these were ference errors registered in the first reversal as a predictor
considered to have resulted from proactive interference of trials-to-criterion in the second reversal. This ensured
(i.e., three feeders could be sampled in each of the rever- independence of the data used to quantify each variable
sals, whereas four feeders could be sampled in the initial because they occurred in distinct experimental phases.

Learning & Behavior (2022) 50:153–166 157

Statistical analyses sampling bias, we did this across the three learning phases,
and across the two reversal learning phases alone, and did so
Effect of sampling and proactive interference on learning for the two different species separately. We modelled sam-
pling quantity as a Poisson variable, and included the phase
Objective 1, the test of relationships between sampling and and the number of correct visits made after the learning cri-
trials to criterion, was explored in separate models for initial, terion was met (to control for overall visit numbers) as fixed
first reversal, and second reversal learning. The model for effects, and individual identity as a random factor. Sampling
the second reversal also included proactive interference to bias was modelled as a Gaussian variable (the best fit we
address Objective 2. For the initial learning phase, we used a could achieve, though the errors departed from normality),
general linear model with trials to criterion (ln-transformed) and we included phase, the number of correct visits made
as the dependent variable and the following measures of after the learning criterion was met, and sampling quantity
sampling during the habituation phase (see above): sampling as fixed effects, and individual identity as a random factor.
quantity, sampling bias, and the proportion of visits directed The repeatability value was calculated using mixed models
to the most visited feeder. We included interactions between in the rptR version 0.9.22 package (Stoffel et al., 2017) in R
species and these three variables. The following additional version 4.1.0 software (R Development Core Team, 2021).
potentially confounding effects were explored in a previ- Because we included fixed effects in these models, the esti-
ous study, and are therefore not discussed here, but were mates were adjusted repeatabilities (Nakagawa & Schielzeth,
included in the model because they were sometimes related 2010). Note that for these and all other analyses, we did not
to behaviour at the feeders: sex, age, a binary feeder position include a separate random effect of site because of low rep-
variable indicating whether the feeder was at the edge of the lication at some sites resulting in poor model performance.
array or not, and the time in hours that either the individual’s The repeatability of proactive interference was tested using
own assigned feeder or any of its non-assigned feeders were a Poisson distribution with individual identity as a random
malfunctioning prior to it reaching the learning criterion factor, and with the following fixed effects: phase (first rever-
(for further details, see Reichert et al., 2020). We removed sal or second reversal; note that proactive interference can-
non-significant interaction terms before calculating the final not be measured for initial learning), the total number of
model coefficients so that we could interpret main effects. correct visits in that phase (to control for overall activity at
The general linear models run for the first and second the feeders), and the total number of rewarded visits made
reversal phases were similar. The dependent variable was the after the learning criterion was met in the previous phase.
number of trials to criterion (ln-transformed) and the main Separate models were run for great tits and blue tits.
explanatory variables were sampling quantity and sampling For Objective 4, to assess whether sampling behaviour
bias in the previous phase, and the interactions between each was consistent across contexts, we tested whether sam-
of these variables and species. As for the initial learning pling during the habituation phase (when all feeders were
model, we also included feeder location, sex, age, and the rewarding) was predictive of sampling during the initial
malfunctioning times of feeders, along with the number of learning phase (when only one feeder was rewarding).
trials to criterion in the previous phase (ln-transformed) and Note that we did not use a repeatability approach here
the number of rewarded visits post-criterion in the previous because the sampling behaviours were from very differ-
phase. The latter variable was included because the dura- ent contexts, and were effectively different variables, so
tion of each phase was the same for all birds, regardless of could not be treated as the same response variable. We
when they met the learning criterion. Thus, this variable performed separate generalized linear models for sampling
accounts for variation among birds in the delay, and num- quantity (Poisson) and sampling bias (Gaussian) during
ber of post-criterion rewards, between reaching the crite- the initial learning phase as the dependent variable, and
rion and the change in experimental contingencies occurring the equivalent variables during the habituation phase as
at the start of the next phase, which could impact reversal fixed effects. Specifically, we included three variables
learning speed (Mackintosh, 1974). For the second reversal representing sampling during the habituation phase: the
phase, proactive interference visits in the previous phase, total number of visits, the proportion of visits to the pre-
and the interaction between this variable and species, was ferred feeder, and the variance in feeder visits (further
also included to test the second objective. details above). We also included interactions between spe-
cies and these three variables to test the generality of any
Repeatability of sampling and proactive interference observed association, along with main effects of sex and
age. We focus our analyses of interactions on the species
In Objective 3, we tested for consistent individual differ- variable, rather than examining all possible interactions,
ences in sampling behaviours and proactive interference because we expected the most pronounced differences in
using a repeatability analysis. For sampling quantity and sampling to be at the species level, and because sex and

158 Learning & Behavior (2022) 50:153–166

age never explained variation in learning performance Results

(Reichert et al., 2020). In addition, for the analyses of
sampling bias during initial learning as the dependent Descriptives of visit behaviour
variable, we included sampling quantity during the initial
learning phase (i.e., the number of sampling visits) as a In the initial learning phase, individuals took a mean (SD)
fixed effect, to account for the possibility that sampling of 60.0 (100.4) trials to reach criterion, had a mean sam-
bias would be skewed for individuals with low visit num- pling quantity of 40.7 (46.2) visits, and had a mean of 428.1
bers (because it is calculated as a variance). For sampling (133.3) total visits to feeders across the entire phase. In the
quantity, we included the total number of rewarded visits first reversal, the mean trials to criterion was 59.1 (70.7),
after the learning criterion was met to control for total mean sampling quantity was 36.9 (41.5), the mean num-
visit effort. Non-significant interaction terms were dropped ber of proactive interference visits was 45.5 (50.2), and the
before calculating the final model. mean total visits was 488.7 (114.1). In the second reversal,
For Objective 5, we examined whether proactive individuals took a mean of 70.6 (98.7) trials to reach crite-
interference, sampling quantity, or sampling bias observed rion, had a mean sampling quantity of 29.4 (36.1), a mean
during the two reversal learning phases affected the number of proactive interference visits of 37.1 (34.6), and
repeatability estimate of trials to criterion during these had a mean of 517.8 (147.2) total visits.
phases. We estimated repeatabilities separately for each
species using rptR. Trials to criterion (ln-transformed) was 1) Is trials to criterion related to sampling behaviour?
the dependent variable, individual identity was the random
effect, and phase was an additional fixed effect along with In the initial learning phase, trials to criterion was
assigned feeder location and the malfunctioning times not predicted by sampling bias (Estimate: −0.69 ± 8.14,
of the feeders as described above. We then calculated P = 0.93), sampling quantity (Estimate: −0.0007 ±
repeatability values with and without the number of 0.002, P = 0.69), or feeder preference (Estimate: −0.57
proactive interference visits during this phase as an ± 1.89, P = 0.76), during the habitation phase (Table 1).
additional fixed effect. We compared the fit of these models Similarly, there was no effect of sampling quantity on
using Wald tests with the anova function in R. We repeated trials to criterion in the next phase for either the first
these procedures but with sampling quantity or sampling reversal (Estimate: −0.003 ± 0.002, P = 0.12; Table 2) or
bias as the additional fixed effect, rather than proactive the second reversal (Estimate: 0.003 ± 0.002, P = 0.22;
interference. We then examined whether including the two Table 3; Fig. 1b). However, there was a non-significant
sampling variables in addition to proactive interference trend for individuals that were more biased in their
resulted in additional effects on repeatability of trials to sampling to take fewer trials to meet criterion in the next
criterion in the reversal phases. phase, both for the first reversal (Estimate: −2.38 ± 1.37, P

Table 1  Trials to criterion during initial learning, the dependent variable, in relation to sampling during the preceding habituation phase
Estimate SE t P

Intercept 4.00 0.68 5.84 <0.001

Species (great tit) −0.70 0.19 −3.59 <0.001
Sampling quantity in the habituation phase −0.001 0.002 −0.40 0.69
Sampling bias in the habituation phase −0.69 8.14 −0.08 0.93
Proportion visits to preferred feeder in habituation phase −0.57 1.89 −0.30 0.76
Own feeder malfunction time 0.07 0.02 3.46 <0.001
Other feeders malfunction time 0.06 0.01 4.37 <0.001
Feeder position (edge) −1.61 0.19 −8.55 <0.001
Sex (male) 0.05 0.18 0.27 0.79
Age (first year) −0.03 0.18 −0.16 0.88

Results from a linear mixed model with trials to criterion in the initial learning phase (ln-transformed) as the dependent variable. Note that high
values of trials to criterion indicate slow learning speed, and therefore learning is slower (more trials to criterion) with increasing values of any
given variable if the variable’s estimate is positive, while learning is faster (fewer trials to criterion) with negative estimates. The reference cat-
egory for species was blue tit, for sex was female, for age was adult, and for feeder position was centre. The interactions between species and
variance in feeder visits during habituation phase, and between species and proportion visits to preferred feeder during habituation phase were
not significant and were dropped before calculating these estimates. N = 177

Learning & Behavior (2022) 50:153–166 159

Table 2  Trials to criterion in the first reversal learning phase, the = 0.08; Table 2) and the second reversal (Estimate: −1.84
dependent variable, in relation to sampling in the preceding, initial ± 1.02, P = 0.07; Table 3; Fig. 1c).
learning phase

Estimate SE t P 2) Is trials to criterion related to proactive interference?

Intercept 3.58 0.4 9.01 <0.001 There was a significant positive relationship between tri-
Species (great tit) −0.09 0.19 −0.49 0.62 als to criterion for the second reversal and the number of
Sampling quantity in initial −0.003 0.002 −1.57 0.12 proactive interference visits in the first reversal (Estimate ±
Sampling bias in initial −2.38 1.37 −1.74 0.08 SE: 0.007 ± 0.003, P = 0.017; Table 3; Fig. 1a). This indi-
Own feeder malfunction time 0.13 0.03 4.16 <0.001 cates that a stronger tendency to use the previously rewarded
Other feeders malfunction time 0.09 0.02 4.97 <0.001 feeder during the first reversal predicted slower learning in
Feeder position (edge) −0.49 0.16 −2.96 <0.001 the second reversal.
Sex (male) −0.20 0.16 −1.21 0.23
Age (first year) 0.05 0.17 0.31 0.76 3) Do individuals differ consistently in sampling behaviour
Trials to criterion in initial (ln) −0.02 0.06 −0.38 0.71 and proactive interference?
Number rewards post−criterion 0.001 0.001 1.28 0.20
in initial
Across the two reversal-learning phases, sampling quan-
Results from a linear mixed model with trials to criterion (ln) in the tity was not significantly repeatable in great tits (R = 0.129,
first reversal phase as the dependent variable. Note that high values of CI = [0, 0.365], P = 0.16) but was moderate and significant
trials to criterion indicate slow learning speed, and therefore learning
in blue tits (R = 0.309, CI = [0.124, 0.475], P < 0.001).
is slower (more trials to criterion) with increasing values of any given
variable if the variable’s estimate is positive, while learning is faster Results were similar when including sampling during initial
(fewer trials to criterion) with negative estimates. The reference cat- learning along with both reversal-learning phases (great tits:
egory for species was blue tit, for sex was female, for age was adult, R = 0.081, CI = [0, 0.238], P = 0.14; blue tits: R = 0.327,
and for feeder position was centre. The interactions between spe-
CI = [0.211, 0.452], P < 0.001).
cies and sampling quantity in the initial phase, and between species
and sampling bias in the initial phase, were not significant and were Sampling bias was not significantly repeatable across
dropped before calculating these estimates. N = 181 the two reversal learning phases for either species (great
tits R = 0.118, CI = [0, 0.406], P = 0.19; blue tits R =
0, CI = [0, 0.199], P = 0.5). This was also true when
including initial learning along with both reversal learning

Table 3  Trials to criterion in the second reversal learning phase, the dependent variable, in relation to proactive interference and sampling dur-
ing first reversal
Estimate SE t P

Intercept 4.5 0.6 7.51 <0.001

Proactive interference in first reversal 0.01 <0.001 2.41 0.02
Species (great tit) 0.21 0.2 1.01 0.31
Sampling quantity in first reversal 0.003 0.002 1.23 0.22
Sampling bias in first reversal −1.84 1.02 −1.81 0.07
Own feeder malfunction time 0.1 0.03 3.87 <0.001
Other feeders malfunction time 0.04 0.02 2.44 0.02
Feeder position (edge) −0.52 0.19 −2.72 0.01
Sex (male) −0.23 0.18 −1.23 0.22
Age (first year) 0.08 0.2 0.39 0.69
Trials to criterion in first reversal (ln) −0.06 0.09 −0.62 0.54
Number rewards post−criterion first reversal −0.003 0.001 −2.89 0.004

Results from a linear mixed model with trials to criterion (ln) in the second reversal phase as the dependent variable. Note that high values of
trials to criterion indicate slow learning speed, and therefore learning is slower (more trials to criterion) with increasing values of any given vari-
able if the variable’s estimate is positive, while learning is faster (fewer trials to criterion) with negative estimates. The reference category for
species was blue tit, for sex was female, for age was adult, and for feeder position was centre. The interactions between species and sampling
quantity in the first reversal, sampling bias in the first reversal, and proactive interference were not significant and were dropped before calculat-
ing these estimates. N = 177

160 Learning & Behavior (2022) 50:153–166


Trials to criterion 2nd reversal (ln)

Trials to criterion 2nd reversal (ln)

Trials to criterion 2nd reversal (ln)

6 6

4 4 4

2 2 2

0 0 0
0 50 100 150 200 0 50 100 150 200 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4
Less exclusive More exclusive
Proactive interference 1st reversal Sampling quantity 1st reversal Sampling bias 1st reversal

Fig. 1  a Significant relationship between the number of proactive between sampling quantity during the first reversal phase and the
interference visits during the first reversal phase and the number of number of trials to criterion during the second reversal phase. This
trials to criterion during the second reversal phase (higher values = relationship was not significant. c Marginally non-significant relation-
slower learning). Line and shaded region represent the model pre- ship between sampling bias (higher values = feeders are sampled less
diction (± 95% confidence interval) and dots represent the estimated broadly) during the first reversal phase and the number of trials to cri-
marginal means of the data points for each individual. b Relationship terion during the second reversal phase

phases (great tits R = 0.082, CI = [0, 0.252], P = 0.15; The number of sampling visits after reaching criterion
blue tits R = 0.044, CI = [0, 0.165], P = 0.22). (i.e., sampling quantity) in the initial learning phase was
For both great tits and blue tits, proactive interfer- predicted by the sampling quantity to all feeders during the
ence was moderately and significantly repeatable across habituation phase (Estimate: 0.005 ± 0.0003, P < 0.001),
the first and second reversal (Great tits: R = 0.383, CI and by sampling bias (Estimate: −5.04 ± 1.34, P < 0.001),
= [0.145, 0.577], P = 0.001; blue tits R = 0.385, CI = but not by the proportion of visits to the most preferred
[0.214, 0.538], P < 0.001). This indicates that individuals feeder during the habituation phase (Estimate: 0.13 ± 0.29,
differed consistently in their tendency to inhibit responses P = 0.65; Table 4). Sampling bias during initial learning
that were no longer rewarded. was not related to sampling quantity during the habitua-
tion phase (Estimate: −0.00003 ± 0.00009, P =0.72), but
4) Is sampling behaviour consistent across contexts? there was a marginally non-significant effect of sampling
bias during habituation suggesting that birds who sampled

Table 4  Consistency in sampling quantity across contexts. The relationship between sampling quantity post-learning criterion during the initial
learning phase (dependent variable) and sampling variables during the habituation phase

Estimate SE t P

Intercept 3.4 0.09 36.05 <0.001

Species (great tit) −0.29 0.03 −10.01 <0.001
Sampling quantity during habituation phase 0.005 0 18.3 <0.001
Sampling bias during habituation phase −5.04 1.34 −3.75 <0.001
Proportion visits to preferred feeder during habituation 0.13 0.29 0.45 0.65
Number correct visits after initial learning −0.001 0 −9.89 <0.001
Sex (male) 0.06 0.02 2.5 0.01
Age (first year) 0.4 0.02 16.02 <0.001

Results from a generalized linear model with sampling quantity (the number of visits that were to the non-rewarding feeders after the learning
criterion was met) in the initial learning phase as the dependent variable. The reference category for species was blue tit, for sex was female, and
for age was adult. The interactions between species and either the number of habituation phase visits (sampling quantity), the variance in feeder
visits during habituation phase (sampling bias), or the proportion of visits to the preferred feeder during the habituation phase were not signifi-
cant and were dropped before calculating these estimates. N = 177

Learning & Behavior (2022) 50:153–166 161

Table 5  Consistency in sampling bias across contexts. The relationship between sampling bias (dependent variable) during initial learning phase
and sampling variables during the habituation phase
Estimate SE t P

Intercept 0.1 0.03 2.97 <0.001

Species (great tit) 0.04 0.01 4.33 <0.001
Sampling quantity during habituation phase −0.0003 0.0001 −0.36 0.72
Sampling bias during habituation phase 0.82 0.43 1.92 0.06
Proportion visits to preferred feeder during habituation −0.14 0.1 −1.48 0.14
Number sampling visits during initial learning −0.0002 0.0001 −1.54 0.12
Sex (male) 0.01 0.01 1.14 0.25
Age (first year) −0.005 0.01 −0.49 0.62

Results from a general linear model with sampling bias (the variance in visits among the four non-rewarding feeders) in the initial learning phase
as the dependent variable. The reference category for species was blue tit, for sex was female, and for age was adult. The interactions between
species and either the number of habituation phase visits (sampling quantity), the variance in feeder visits during habituation phase (sampling
bias), or the proportion of visits to the preferred feeder during the habituation phase were not significant and were dropped before calculating
these estimates. N = 175

feeders broadly during habituation continued to do so later in only a very minor effect on the repeatability of trials to cri-
the experiment (Estimate: 0.82 ± 0.43, P = 0.057; Table 5; terion in the reversals (Table 6). When sampling bias was
Online Supplemental Material (OSM) Fig. S1). included as a variable, the adjusted repeatability of trials to
criterion in the reversal phases was lower for great tits, but
5) Is the repeatability of reversal learning speed explained not for blue tits, compared to when sampling bias was not
by proactive interference and sampling? included (Table 6). Models of the trials to criterion in the
reversal phases had a better fit when proactive interference
was included as a variable than when proactive interfer-
The adjusted repeatability of trials to criterion in the ence was not included (great tits: Wald test, Χ12 = 44.7, P
reversal phases was lower for both species when proactive < 0.001; blue tits: Wald test, Χ12 = 68.9, P < 0.001). Like-
interference in those phases was included as a fixed effect wise, models with sampling bias included had a better fit
than when proactive interference was not included (Table 6). than when sampling bias was not included (great tits: Χ12 =
However, including sampling quantity as a fixed effect had 8.17, P = 0.004; blue tits: Χ12 = 4.28, P = 0.04). However,

Table 6  Estimates of trials to criterion repeatability across the two reversal phases, either excluding, or including, proactive interference and
sampling variables from the current stage
R 95% CI P

Great tit a) Proactive interference and sampling variables not included 0.273 0.055, 0.501 0.01
b) Proactive interference included 0.079 0, 0.347 0.26
c) Sampling quantity included 0.247 0.049, 0.492 0.02
d) Sampling bias included 0.069 0, 0.378 0.30
e) Proactive interference and sampling variables included 0.066 0, 0.414 0.31
Blue tit f) Proactive interference and sampling variables not included 0.138 0, 0.323 0.07
g) Proactive interference included 0 0, 0.212 0.5
h) Sampling quantity included 0.1 0, 0.294 0.15
i) Sampling bias included 0.161 0.001, 0.364 0.04
j) Proactive interference and sampling variables included 0 0, 0.215 1.0

Repeatability estimates (R; 95% confidence interval; P-value) from mixed model analyses. All ten (a)–(j) models had fixed effects of phase,
feeder location, and the malfunctioning times of the feeders. Models (b) and (g) additionally included the number of proactive interference visits
prior to the learning criterion being met during each phase as a fixed effect. Models (c) and (h) included sampling quantity as a fixed effect (but
not proactive interference). Models (d) and (i) include sampling bias as a fixed effect. Models (e) and (j) included proactive interference, sam-
pling quantity and sampling bias during each phase as fixed effects. N = 68 great tits, N = 115 blue tits. Note that for models (d), (e), (i) and (j),
there were 13 great tits and three blue tits that did not have a measurement of sampling bias for one phase, because they made no sampling visits
during that phase

162 Learning & Behavior (2022) 50:153–166

including sampling quantity did not improve model fit for biologically relevant, and specifically we speculate that sam-
great tits (Χ12 = 1.80, P = 0.18) but it did for blue tits (Χ12 pling quantity was more likely to reflect motivation to use
= 6.30, P = 0.01). Estimates of repeatability adjusting for the feeders. In mice engaged in a sequential go/no-go rever-
sampling bias and sampling quantity in addition to proac- sal task, exploration errors were related to the motivation
tive interference were very similar to the estimates when of individuals to interact with the test device (Odland et al.,
these sampling variables were not included (Table 6). This 2021). If sampling quantity is indeed underpinned by moti-
indicates that proactive interference and sampling bias, but vation rather than an attempt to gather information as such,
not sampling quantity, explains among-individual variation then the lack of a relationship between sampling quantity
in reversal learning speed for one or both species. and trials to criterion would suggest that motivation to visit
the feeders is not a driver of differences in reversal-learning
performance, thereby ruling out an important confound in
Discussion cognitive experiments (Cooke et al., 2021; Rowe & Healy,
2014). One limitation of our experiment is that it involved
While studies on humans and animal models are revealing only two reversals, and each time the rewarded feeder was
the neurological and genetic bases of reversal-learning per- constant across a period of several days. Thus, sampling
formance (Nilsson et al., 2015), as well as those specifically may have been of only limited utility in this relatively sta-
associated with perseveration and sampling errors (Jentsch ble environment, in which case one might not readily detect
et al., 2002; Odland et al., 2021), we still know little about any association with reversal learning. Future studies in the
individual variation in these processes in wild populations. wild could easily increase the number of reversals and vary
The repeatability of reversal learning has been assessed in the rate at which they take place, which may affect the ben-
a few species, with results ranging from no repeatability to efits of sampling and reveal additional individual variation
large and statistically significant repeatabilities (reviewed by in sampling that may affect reversal-learning performance.
Cauchoix et al., 2018). These individual differences could Once the learning criterion was reached, our ‘sampling
be due to a number of cognitive mechanisms and behav- quantity’ variable was significantly and moderately repeat-
iours known to contribute to reversal-learning performance able in blue tits but not in great tits. Thus, in great tits, vari-
(Nilsson et al., 2015), but the extent to which each of these ation in this behaviour was mostly at the within-individual
mechanisms varies among-individuals has not been exam- level, while some variation in blue tits was explained by
ined before, to the best of our knowledge. Here we used a consistent among-individual variation. Motivation to use
multi-option discrimination reversal-learning task to assess freely available feeders has previously been shown to be
the contribution of (1) sampling behaviour, as measured by moderately repeatable in this population for both great tits
errors to options that had never been rewarding during the and blue tits (Crates et al., 2016), so it is unclear why we
learning phases, and (2) proactive interference, as meas- detect repeatability only in blue tits. There was also a spe-
ured by errors to the previously rewarded option, to vari- cies difference in sampling quantity itself: blue tits made
ation in reversal-learning performance. With the exception more sampling visits than great tits. Furthermore, males and
of sampling quantity in blue tits, sampling quantity and bias first-year birds sampled more than females and older birds.
were not significantly repeatable, and neither variable had The reasons for these demographic differences despite a
a strong relationship with reversal-learning performance. similar foraging ecology could be examined in future stud-
Proactive interference was moderately repeatable and nega- ies that manipulate the social environment at the feeders,
tively impacted reversal-learning performance. Furthermore, perhaps revealing a role for competition among species, ages
proactive interference explained all of the among-individ- and sexes.
ual variation in reversal-learning performance for blue tits, Both great tits and blue tits showed consistency in sam-
though sampling bias and proactive interference had similar pling quantity across contexts early in the experiment (habit-
but indistinguishable effects in great tits. uation vs. initial learning). For great tits, the consistency
in sampling in the habituation versus initial learning phase
Sampling quantity but lack of consistency across the learning phases could
potentially be explained by a change in motivational and/or
We predicted a positive relationship between sampling attentional state due to the reversal of contingencies, which
quantity post-learning and the subsequent reversal-learning may bring in other sources of variation in the tendency to
performance, i.e., that more sampling would lead to better visit non-rewarding feeders, such as a decrease in the ability
performance. This prediction was not supported in either to recognize and remember the actually rewarding feeder,
of the two reversals (Tables 2 and 3). However, there was even after the learning criterion was met (i.e., true errors).
evidence that sampling quantity was repeatable within and Future studies could investigate the relative contribution of
across contexts (see below), which suggests this variation is learning errors and information gathering by manipulating

Learning & Behavior (2022) 50:153–166 163

the predictability and rate of reversal and the difficulty of performance (Pike et al., 2016). Other studies have reported
the learning task. that sampling does not always lead to the maximization
of payoffs, for instance in bees learning to use two feed-
Sampling bias ers that varied in their probability of reward (Dunlap et al.,
2017). Increasing the costs of sampling – for example, by
Sampling bias was unrelated to the total number of visits increasing the distance between feeders or adding a task to
during habituation, suggesting it is not a general expres- complete to have access to the food – could lead to more
sion of motivation to use the feeders, but might indeed be targeted information-gathering visits and, potentially, a posi-
more closely related to the tendency to collect information, tive impact on learning. Although a bias for the previously
or the way information is collected. Sampling bias during rewarded feeder during the reversals demonstrates that great
the habituation phase was a marginally non-significant pre- and blue tits used some information from the previous phase
dictor of sampling bias post-criterion of the initial learning in guiding their current decisions (Reichert et al., 2020),
phase, suggesting some cross-contextual consistency in how it is possible that birds mostly memorized information on
broadly birds sampled the different options. However, sam- rewarded, rather than non-rewarded, feeders. If this was the
pling bias during the learning phases of the experiment, or case, it could suggest that in our system reversal-learning
solely during the reversal learning phases, was not signifi- performance is mainly driven by the formation and inhi-
cantly repeatable in any of the two species. It is thus possible bition of positive associations, as opposed to learned non-
that this process of information gathering is different in the reward (Nilsson et al., 2015).
initial phases of the experiment (habituation and initial dis-
crimination) than in the reversal phases, a change that could Proactive interference
be prompted by variation in the predictability of rewards
(Keasar et al., 2013). Proactive interference was moderately and significantly
The lack of repeatability of sampling bias means that repeatable in both species, pointing to intrinsic differences
most variation is due to within-individual adjustment in among individuals. Repeatability is a prerequisite for, and
sampling, or errors made, in response to the environmental sets the upper limit to, heritability in a trait. Equally most
or test context. A potential source of within-individual vari- of the intrinsic differences could be caused by non-genetic
ation in sampling bias is the energetic state of the animal, effects (Kruuk, 2004) – for example, permanent environment
which has been shown to influence the propensity to sample or maternal effects (e.g., Quinn et al., 2009). Our results re-
novel options (Katz & Naug, 2015) or options that have not iterate previous findings that reversal-learning performance
paid before (Arvidsson & Matthysen, 2016). If the state of is negatively impacted by proactive interference (Crossley
individuals varies in a manner that is not consistent over et al., 2019; Lewis & Kamil, 2006), but in our experimental
the phases of the experiment (e.g., stochasticity in foraging design it was also possible for birds to make non-proactive
success at the experimental feeders or other sources), this interference errors (i.e., visits to other feeders than those
could explain the lack of repeatability of state, and thus of made by visiting the previously rewarded feeder), which is
sampling tendencies. Greater experimental control over the not the case in two-option tasks. Note that our results indi-
energetic state of individuals in the laboratory might explain cate a robust link between proactive interference and rever-
why the tendency to sample was found to be significantly sal speed, as we examined proactive interference errors and
repeatable in artificial selection lines of great tits (Smit & reversal performance independently, instead of during the
van Oers, 2019) but not here in this field-based study. same reversal. Moreover, the criterion for reversal learning
We predicted that if sampling many options is beneficial was attained more slowly than that for initial learning, an
by providing information that can be used to inform future effect that has often been used to detect proactive interfer-
choices, then individuals with a smaller sampling bias, indi- ence in reversal learning studies (e.g., Mancini et al., 2019).
cating a tendency to distribute sampling visits more evenly Proactive interference captured relatively more among-
across the feeders, would require fewer trials to meet the individual variance than reversal-learning performance
learning criterion. However, we found no support for this itself, that is, it was more repeatable. This difference was
prediction in either reversal. In natural conditions, sampling especially pronounced for blue tits, for whom proactive
a range of options might be an adaptive strategy in some interference was moderately repeatable (R = 0.39), but trials
ecological conditions (Evans et al., 2017). This might not be to criterion in reversals was not (Reichert et al., 2020). Com-
the case in reversal tasks, where some information becomes bined with the finding that proactive interference explains
irrelevant after the reversal; in our experiment, two of five all of the repeatability in reversal-learning performance for
feeders have a different payoff after a reversal. However, it blue tits (Table 6), this suggests that examining proactive
is not clear why information on the other three feeders was interference itself could be a valid avenue for future stud-
not used by individuals to reduce errors and improve their ies on the evolution of cognitive flexibility (Tello-Ramos

164 Learning & Behavior (2022) 50:153–166

et al., 2019). This would bring the benefit of examining results on sampling behaviour gave equivocal results, possi-
a less composite trait than reversal-learning performance bly because sampling is also a composite trait, with elements
itself, which leaves out little or no among-individual varia- of exploration, motivation, and other unidentified processes.
tion to be explained by other variables – at least for blue tits Additionally, the relative importance of these effects is likely
in our study system. This was not true for the great tit, for to be dynamic across phases of the experiment. Examining
which the effects of sampling bias and proactive interference decision making by fitting competing models of learning
on the repeatability of reversal learning were similar; note onto trial-by-trial choice data (Daw et al., 2006; Metha et al.,
that when sampling bias and proactive interference were 2020) could be a valuable approach to examine individual
included in the same model, the order in which they were variation in exploration-exploitation in reversal-learning
entered determined which explained repeatability, so their tasks. Furthermore, the costs and benefits of proactive
effects on repeatability were indistinguishable. Nevertheless, interference and sampling may depend on the permanence
we argue that the proactive interference measure was likely of environmental change: proactive interference may act
the most important because, in the second reversal learning as a buffer when changes are transient, while sampling in
model, proactive interference was a significant fixed effect, such conditions may provide a misleading characterization
but sampling bias had only a non-significant tendency to of environmental conditions. In contrast, when changes are
predict performance and this was in the opposite direction to relatively long-lasting, sampling would enable individu-
that predicted, i.e., reversal-learning performance decreased als to adjust to the new situation quickly, while proactive
with increasing sampling bias. interference would slow them down. Thus, investigations
of individual variation and covariation in these traits under
different patterns of environmental change will contribute
Conclusion to the understanding of reversal-learning performance in an
ecological context.
Our results demonstrate that an automated system can be
used to provide novel insight into the mechanisms that cause Supplementary Information  The online version contains supplemen-
tary material available at https://d​ oi.o​ rg/1​ 0.3​ 758/s​ 13420-0​ 21-0​ 0505-1.
consistent among-individual differences in cognitive flex-
ibility in the wild. Most of our findings were similar for both Acknowledgements  Sam Crofts and Keith McMahon assisted with
species, suggesting that the mechanisms driving cognitive fieldwork. Martin Whitaker helped design the selective feeders; Josh
flexibility are likely to be similar among species. Decom- Firth, Gabrielle Davidson, Ipek Kulahci, James Savage and Iván de
posing among-individual variation into its constituents is la Hera helped with construction. Ben Sheldon provided access and
funding to maintain the study system. JMF would like to thank Ethan
an important step towards identifying heritable variation in Hermer for useful discussions. Robert Hampton and two anonymous
traits potentially targeted by natural or sexual selection. It referees provided very useful comments. Funding was provided by
may also help explain why some tasks that seem to concep- the European Research Council under the European Union’s Horizon
tually measure the same ability do not covary (e.g., detour- 2020 Programme (FP7/2007-2013)/ERC Consolidator Grant ‘EVOLE-
COCOG’ Project No. 617509 and a Science Foundation Ireland ERC
reaching and reversal learning, both implicated as measures Support Grant 14/ERC/B3118, awarded to JLQ.
of behavioural flexibility; Audet & Lefebvre, 2017; Troisi
et al., 2021; Völter et al., 2018).
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