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Drew Haiman

Thursday, April 13, 2023

MRTS 3525 DEI Project

Outline of Topics and Ideas

- Famous people on the spectrum

• Nikola Tesla

• Isaac Newton

• Elon Musk

• Steve Jobs

• Bill Gates

• Albert Einstein

- Challenges faced by the Neurodiversity community

- Lack of support and recognition

- The amount of diversity within the Autism community

• The unique ways it a ects di erent people

- Why the terms high and low functioning are controversial

- Misconceptions about the Autism community

• Why Autism Speaks is widely despised

• Notion that Autism is a problem that must be cured

- I am Autism commercial

• Harmful stereotypes of Autism

- Why ABA treatment is problematic

• Form of gentri cation

• The fact that UNT has a behavioral analysis program


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