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What not to do during an exam

Exams are an essential part of our lives. It tests our knowledge, fitness, and our abilities. The week
before the examination is the most stressful week. Everyone works hard during the week. The worst
part of the week is the mood of every student. Almost every student is more likely to have an angry
face. The topic for today is what we should not do during exams. Let's conjure up our memory by
discussing what we should not do during class and its effects. A lot of times, students disrespect the
teacher in many possible ways. One of the most common ways for a student to disrespect a teacher is
by talking during class when they are not supposed to. Even teachers force them not to speak during
class, but they completely ignore the teacher by continuing their conversation. Not only does it affect
the teacher, but it also affects the people surrounding you. We should change seats and sit closer to the
teacher during class to stop such a problem.

Moreover, using smartphones is another big reason we do not learn more precisely and attentively.
When a student uses their smartphone to check social media or plays video games, the teacher
constantly tells students to turn off their smartphone. This leads to disturbance and distraction in the
class. Eventually, students who eat during a course will not be able to understand the lessons. Students
can not handle two situations at a time, concentrating on the class or the snack they eat. Eating food will
lose other students' attention towards the lesson and start to look at you. Most foods will make
disturbing or distracting noises. Not only does it make the sound, but it is also impolite to eat in front of
the teacher and the students who are paying attention if a student wants to get good grades but doesn't
know anything about the test. What will he most likely do? He will cheat. Cheating has been known
globally. This kind of wicked behaviour usually crops up during tests or exams. Cheating has no benefits
to our life. This kind of act can lead us to lack understanding in the future for exams, which is unfair to
those students who studied hard for the test.

There are various ways of cheating in exams. Students can copy each other, write notes on their hands,
use mobile phones, and many more methods. The primary reason which leads most students to cheat is
that students always desire to have good marks. Now, most of the schools in Hong Kong rely on general
performance marks(GP). For example, tests, home-classwork classwork. And If students notice that
many of their classmates are getting higher marks than them. So they also want to get good grades and
get students' attention. Thus, this unintentionally causes students to value their grades much more than
their knowledge. Eventually, students will do anything to get good grades.

In conclusion, I would like to say that, not only will cheating give us zero benefits, it will provide us with
long-term drawbacks such as a lack of understanding in future tests, and may in the future, cheating will
make us feel guilty all of the time or may, we will suffer from low esteem. This loss of affection will lead
to other domestic issues and social issues in the future, such as lack of communication, unemployment,
lack of understanding in studies, and different essential facets of life. My final advice for you guys is to
never cheat again during class. As I mentioned before, it will give zero benefits leading to long-term

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