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Western Australian

Biosecurity Strategy
The development of the Western Australian Biosecurity Strategy (‘the
Strategy’) led by government and informed by industry and community,
sets the strategic direction for partnership arrangements to manage
biosecurity issues affecting agriculture, fisheries, forests and biodiversity
in our terrestrial and aquatic environments.

Department of Agriculture and Food

Department of Parks and Wildlife
Department of Fisheries
Forest Products Commission

Important disclaimer
The Chief Executive Officer of the Department of Agriculture and Food
and the State of Western Australia accept no liability whatsoever by
reason of negligence or otherwise arising from the use or release of this
information or any part of it.
Copyright © Western Australian Agriculture Authority, 2016
Copies of this document may be available in alternative formats upon

3 Baron-Hay Court, South Perth WA 6151 Tel: +61 (0)8 9368 3333

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au and searching under “biosecurity strategy”.

Page 2 | Western Australian Biosecurity Strategy

Western Australian Biosecurity Strategy

The purpose of the Strategy is to set the overall direction
for the management of emerging and ongoing biosecurity
issues within WA from 2016 to 2025.

The Strategy covers animal and plant pests, diseases and
weeds, and zoonotic diseases that can be transmitted
between animals and humans. These have the potential
to negatively affect WA’s economy, terrestrial and aquatic
environments, biodiversity, agricultural resources, human
health and social amenity. It doesn’t include chemical
contamination or residue issues, animal welfare, food safety
or human health (except zoonoses), or genetically modified
organisms. The strategy covers the period 2016 to 2025.

Western Australian Biosecurity Strategy | Page 3


Foreword>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 5

What is Biosecurity?>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 6

What are the future challenges?>>>>>>>>>>>>> 8

How do we manage the risks?>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 10

Who manages the risks?>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 11

What are the biosecurity principles?>>>>>>>>> 14

What are the biosecurity goals?>>>>>>>>>>>>> 15


estern Australia’s Biosecurity Strategy The strategy is aligned with national directions
(the Strategy) sets the strategic and has been informed by Biosecurity Council
direction for the management of stakeholder engagement, the Biosecurity Senior
emerging and ongoing biosecurity issues that Officer’s Group and feedback from Industry,
impact on agriculture, fisheries, forests and the government and community members over a
environment within the State. five month period of consultation. The Strategy
covers the period 2016 to 2025.
Biosecurity incursions have the capacity to
increase costs and disrupt export and domestic A formal review of the Strategy will be
trade of agriculture, forest, aquaculture and conducted within three years.
commercial fishing as well as affecting our
unique environment, biodiversity and social On behalf of all Ministers who have a
amenity. responsibility for biosecurity I am delighted
to support the release of this Strategy, which
Western Australia is fortunate to be free of through its implementation will support the
many of the major animal and plant pests protection, future growth and economic
and diseases that occur elsewhere. Effective development of Western Australia.
biosecurity management underpins the
state’s reputation as a supplier of clean, safe,
high quality food, which enables access to
valuable markets and trade arrangements.
Of equal importance is keeping our marine
areas, conservation areas and unique natural
Hon Mark Lewis MLC
ecosystems free from damaging pests.
Minister for Agriculture and Food
The vision of the Strategy is ‘working together
to minimise risks to the state’s economic
development, environmental assets and social
amenity from terrestrial and aquatic pests and

Western Australian Biosecurity Strategy | Page 5

What is Biosecurity?
Biosecurity1 is the management of risks to the economy, the
environment and the community, of pests and diseases entering,
emerging, establishing or spreading

WA’s geographic isolation provides a natural advantage for biosecurity protection, however the extensive
coastline and numerous points of entry increase the risk of animal, plant and aquatic pests and diseases
being introduced.

Why is biosecurity important to Western Australia?

WA agricultural products are renowned
as safe, high-quality products and our
biosecurity systems ensure our reputation
and status is maintained. Our biosecurity
status confers significant competitive
advantage and value proposition in
overseas markets.

Effective management of biosecurity
risks helps to protect our biodiversity and
our distinctive ecosystems and natural

As defined in Australia’s Intergovernmental


Agreement on Biosecurity (IGAB)

Page 6 | Western Australian Biosecurity Strategy

Social amenity Human health
Biosecurity risks, if not adequately Up to 75% of emerging animal diseases
managed, can directly affect both human may be transferred between animals
health and people’s ability to enjoy their and humans (such diseases are known as
surroundings. For example, incursions of zoonoses). Biosecurity management aims
pests, diseases and weeds may negatively to reduce the spread of zoonoses.
affect the use and enjoyment of the
environment by families and pets.

Western Australian Biosecurity Strategy | Page 7

What are the future challenges?
WA has an extensive, sparsely populated coastline that is exposed
to sea lanes, and a variety of environments that can support
vigorous plant growth and harbour many animals

Biosecurity management is a complex task and WA’s biosecurity system will need to respond to
increasing challenges including:

Globalisation (see Figure 1) increases
the volume and range of products
traded internationally, the number
of aircraft, ship and passenger
movements, and therefore
the increased risk of pests
and diseases entering and
establishing in Australia.
The growing volume and
speed of online trading
presents new challenges for
biosecurity because imported
plant material and animal
products may not encounter
established biosecurity checks.
In addition, unauthorised land
incursions from overseas increases the
risk of pests and diseases being imported
into the state.
Figure 1 Examples of some pathways that present
biosecurity risks

Page 8 | Western Australian Biosecurity Strategy

Climate change
Climate change may cause shifts in
the potential range, habitat, spread
and effects of pests and diseases.
For example, the potential for severe
weather events may assist the spread and
establishment of some pests and diseases
(e.g. via land degradation).

Changes in land use

disease that could then be transferred
Changes in land use increases the
to the general population. Managing
interface between urban and rural areas
the threat of such diseases requires
and the natural environment, and make
continuous engagement and systematic
pest and disease management more
Key risks to WA’s Biosecurity
Population spread
Population spread, urbanisation of
rural regions, and increasingly intensive A number of key risks to the status of
agriculture all complicate the ability to Western Australia’s biosecurity system
contain a pest or disease incursion and have emerged from recent reviews. These
the risk of zoonoses. include the risks of regulatory failure,
response failure, and innovation failure.
Risks to human health from These risks are addressed specifically
in goals 4, 5 and 7 in the Strategy.
zoonotic diseases Additionally there is a risk that changes
People in close contact with animals, such to national biosecurity legislation (the
as farmers, livestock contractors, hunters, Biosecurity Act 2015) will impact on the
wildlife carers and veterinarians are at ability of WA to retain its high biosecurity
a higher risk of contracting a zoonotic status and market advantage.

Western Australian Biosecurity Strategy | Page 9

How do we manage the risks?
An effective biosecurity system needs to manage risks across the
entire biosecurity continuum

Pre-border and border activities include risk

assessment, quality assurance, establishing
conditions of entry, pre-clearance checks,
inspection and compliance activities. Post-border
activities include surveillance, monitoring, risk
assessment, emergency preparedness and
response planning.

Managing risks across the biosecurity continuum

is fundamental to WA’s trade and economic
development. The continuum is consistent with
the approach being adopted nationally following
the Beale Review2 into Australia’s quarantine
and biosecurity services, which recommended a
change in emphasis from the narrow concept of
‘quarantine’ to the broader one of ‘biosecurity’.

The biosecurity continuum also supports

Australia’s overseas trade obligations, including
this country’s Appropriate Level of Protection
Policy described as ‘a high or very conservative
level of protection aimed at reducing risk to
very low levels, while not based on a zero-risk

Beale, R., Fairbrother, J., Inglis, A.M., and Trebeck, D. (2008)
One Biosecurity: A Working Partnership.

Page 10 | Western Australian Biosecurity Strategy

Who manages the risks?
Land managers, government agencies, industry and the community are
jointly responsible for pest and disease management

Controlling pests and diseases requires
effective collaboration between international,
national and local stakeholders. WA honours
international protocol obligations in developing
and delivering its biosecurity system. We take
into account national agreements and Australian
government policy.

International and national

Australia has responsibilities under the
International Sanitary and Phytosanitary
Agreement (SPS Agreement) to ensure that
domestic quarantine measures are consistent
with those applied to international imports.

WA is signatory to the Intergovernmental

Agreement on Biosecurity (IGAB), which aims
to ‘enhance Australia’s biosecurity system and
strengthen the collaboration between the
Commonwealth of Australia and state and
territory governments to address Australia’s
broad range of biosecurity issues’.

Western Australian Biosecurity Strategy | Page 11

IGAB’s work focuses on developing national
systems to support decision making and
investment; use of biosecurity information,
surveillance and diagnostics; managing
Industry Community established pests and diseases; engagement
Industry bodies, Community
committees and organisations, and communication; preparedness and
representatives general public
response arrangements; and biosecurity
research and development.
of The state is also signatory to three national
cost-sharing agreements for the management
of emergency plant, animal and environmental
Government pests and diseases.
Portfolio Ministers
Agriculture and Food, State
Fisheries, Environment, Forestry
At the state level, biosecurity is managed
Through respective Director’s General through a legislative framework that includes a
and General Managers number of key pieces of legislation.
State Government The WA government works with industry and
Biosecurity Senior
Officers Group the people of WA to identify and manage
biosecurity risks and is responsible for:

Western Australian Government Agencies • policies and systems that relate to

specific pests and diseases
Fisheries Parks and Wildlife
• legislation, including import and
Agriculture and Food Forest Products Commission
movement controls

Figure 2 WA biosecurity framework for collaboration

and advice

Page 12 | Western Australian Biosecurity Strategy

• inspection and certification services Local governments raise awareness and
for interstate border and post-border undertake surveillance and biosecurity
movements, and at international borders management activities within the community,
(in collaboration with the federal particularly in relation to invasive plant and
government) animal pests.
• control of the impact of invasive plants
Industry and land managers play a key role
and animal pests on land and waters for
in biosecurity planning and decision making
which it has management responsibility.
through both national and state committee
The Strategy emphasises the importance of structures. The Strategy sets the expectation
shared responsibility for the management of of industry becoming increasingly involved
biosecurity in WA, which is underpinned by a in investment and decision making for
framework for collaboration and advice (see management of biosecurity.
Figure 2).
Not-for-profit, research and community
The Biosecurity Council of Western Australia organisations are also seen to play an important
provides strategic advice to the Minister for role through funding and providing human
Agriculture and Food, the Director General of resources for the delivery of biosecurity-related
DAFWA and other ministers, when required, research and on-ground programs, fundraising,
on matters related to biosecurity. They communications and awareness-raising
actively engage with industry, community and activities.
government to ensure informed and robust
All Western Australians and visitors to WA
advice is given.
have a role to play in protecting the biosecurity
The Biosecurity Senior Officers Group, status of WA (abiding by biosecurity legislation,
comprised of senior executives from each of maintaining good farm practices, reporting
the state government agencies with biosecurity anything unusual in animals, crops and
responsibilities, develops and recommends the environment) to ensure the community
cross-government and state-wide strategies for continues to benefit from our healthy
biosecurity management. environment and economy.

Western Australian Biosecurity Strategy | Page 13

What are the biosecurity principles?
Biosecurity management in WA is underpinned by three principles

Biosecurity is a shared
1 responsibility

Effective risk management

underpins decision making

Policies and programs are

transparent, consistent and

Page 14 | Western Australian Biosecurity Strategy

What are the biosecurity goals?
The Strategy identifies seven goals that are considered essential to
underpin and reform WA’s biosecurity system3


In October 2012 a crab
Enhanced partnerships and
1 collaboration
caught in WA’s Swan
River near Mosman
Controlling pests and diseases is not Bay by a recreational
a task that government agencies can fisher was identified and
manage on their own. The scale of confirmed as being the
the task requires cooperation and international high-risk
collaboration among all stakeholders. marine pest species,
Asian paddle crab
Improved cooperation and (Charybdis japonica).
communication between organisations
and community members who have a This species presents
stake in biosecurity management are a serious biological
needed to build stronger partnerships threat to WA’s marine
and networks and to deliver efficiencies. environment due to its
This sharing should lead to a broader highly aggressive nature and its potential to out-compete
base of knowledge and expertise, and native crabs for food and habitat.
reduced duplication. Existing relationships
In response to the discovery of the paddle crab,
between industry, government and the
the Department of Fisheries assembled an incident
community provide a strong foundation
management team, with input from the Swan River Trust
for sharing responsibility.
and other stakeholders.

Government and community members worked together

to implement reporting of possible paddle crab sightings
via the FishWatch hotline. Since 2012, no further paddle
crabs have been found from ongoing reporting.
The outcomes and tactics that underpin the
achievement of the goals are described in Table 1

Western Australian Biosecurity Strategy | Page 15

The cane toad (Bufo marinus) is a highly invasive species Enhanced engagement
that is believed to have entered WA from the Northern 2
Territory in 2009, occupying the habitats of many Engagement refers to how people
native species. The people of Kununurra have been involved in biosecurity interact to achieve
active in trying to slow the spread of cane toads and outcomes.
the Department of Parks and Wildlife has established a A proactive biosecurity system based on
number of toad ‘drop-off points’ in the east Kimberley shared responsibilities relies on active
for travellers. A dog trained in cane toad detection is also participation from people across WA.
used as a proactive quarantine measure, inspecting high Those on the ground are best placed
priority freight for ‘hitchhiker’ toads to help prevent the to detect and respond to a biosecurity
spread of cane toads to other parts of the state. threat. They must, however, know what to
look for, what to do, who to report it to
and what might happen after they report
the threat.
Government, industry and community
groups can all play a role in increasing the
awareness and participation of citizens in
biosecurity activities.

Increasing use of evidence and

3 agreed principles to inform
decision making and investment
Evidence-based protection of the
biosecurity status of WA ensures that
there is a consistent approach to decision
making and prioritising investment.
The IGAB investment principles outlined
above have been accepted by federal,
state and territory governments.

Page 16 | Western Australian Biosecurity Strategy

IGAB investment principles Asset Based protection
1. Activity is undertaken and

Area occupied
investment is allocated according
to a cost-effective, science-based Containment
and risk-management approach,
prioritising the allocation of Eradication
resources to the areas of greatest
Prevention Entry of
2. Relevant parties contribute to the species
cost of biosecurity activities:
Species Small number Rapid increase in Invasive species widespread Time
a. Risk creators and beneficiaries absent of localised distribution and and abundant throughout its
contribute to the cost of risk populations abundance, potential range
many populations
management measures in
proportion to the risks created 1:100 1:25 1:5–10 <1:1–5
or benefits gained (subject to
Economic Returns (indicative only)
the efficiency of doing so)
b. Governments contribute to
the cost of risk management Figure 3 Invasion Curve
measures in proportion to the The Invasion Curve indicates greater economic return on
public good accruing from investment for actions on the left side compared with asset-
them. based protection on the right
Adapted from Department of primary Industries Victoria (2009)
3. Governments, industry and other
relevant parties are involved in
decision making, according to
their roles, responsibilities and

Western Australian Biosecurity Strategy | Page 17

Wild dogs can be a significant pest to livestock and native
Effective legislation, regulation
animals. To mitigate wild dog impacts, sustained and
cooperative management programs are required.
4 and policy
The Recognised Biosecurity Group (RBG) framework It is essential all stakeholders have a clear
provides WA communities with a legislated opportunity understanding of the what, why and how
through the Western Australia Biosecurity and Agriculture of the biosecurity system.
Management Act 2007 (BAM Act) to work in partnership A number of pieces of legislation support
with the state government to address ‘declared pest’ the delivery of an effective biosecurity
issues over large areas. system (for key WA legislation, see
While land managers are responsible for wild dog control under ‘Partnerships’). The legislation
on their own properties, broader management programs articulates the roles and responsibilities
allow managers to use their resources more effectively, of landholders, business owners,
significantly improve livestock production and profits, and transporters and certain individuals.
contribute to the protection of vulnerable wildlife. Government policies also highlight the
public land management responsibilities
for applicable agencies and the need to
protect high-value biodiversity assets.
A compliance framework is in place
to ensure biosecurity responsibilities
are adhered to. Education and raising
awareness of biosecurity responsibilities
is a fundamental element of achieving
voluntary compliance.
Recognition and acceptance by all
stakeholders (government, industry, the
broader community and users of the
environment) of their responsibilities is a
key goal of the Strategy.

Page 18 | Western Australian Biosecurity Strategy

Foot and mouth disease (FMD) is the most important
More effective preparedness
5 and capacity to detect, respond
biosecurity threat to Australia’s livestock industries
because it is highly contagious, trade sensitive and has
and recover from new incursions a high potential cost. It affects cloven-hoofed animals
including cattle, sheep, goats and pigs.
Due to the strong reliance of our
agricultural, fishing and fibre industries Disease surveillance to demonstrate freedom from FMD is
on export markets, strengthening the critical to maintain access to our international markets as
surveillance and diagnostic systems well as to ensure that FMD is detected as early as possible.
supports the continued economic
Government is working with industry to increase
development of WA. Reporting and
awareness of signs of exotic disease, to minimise the time
assurance of WA’s pest and disease
to first detection.
status under national and international
agreements is pivotal to access a number The roles of government, industry and the community
of domestic and international markets. are critical in maintaining vigilance for signs of FMD, and
Similarly, early detection and action ensuring all biosecurity measures designed to minimise
is necessary to protect WA’s valued the risk of an incursion and enhance emergency response
environmental assets from pests and capacity and capability are in place.
The earlier that we detect and accurately
identify unwanted pests and diseases, and
the more we know about them, the more
likely we will be able to effectively manage
Having effective, coordinated emergency
management systems and capacity for
biosecurity response and recovery is

Western Australian Biosecurity Strategy | Page 19

Community and industry
6 understand and use available
mechanisms for managing
priority pests and diseases
A number of invasive pests and diseases
are established in WA, or in particular
areas of WA, and have the potential to
cause damaging impacts to agriculture,
forests, the environment or social amenity.
The BAM Act provides mechanisms
(including Industry Funding Schemes
and Recognised Biosecurity Groups) to
support industry and local or regional
community groups to lead eradication,
containment or management of pests and
diseases where industry or community are
motivated to do so.

Page 20 | Western Australian Biosecurity Strategy

Biosecurity management is
7 underpinned by science and
technology-based innovative
Research and development activities,
innovation and continuous improvement
are critical to the development of a
flexible biosecurity system that can adjust
to changing circumstances.
A collaborative approach to develop new
knowledge and adapt existing knowledge
and technologies to WA conditions is
recognised as good practice.
In particular, the involvement of end-
users in identifying knowledge gaps and
developing research priorities is crucial to
ensure the research is well directed, and
to maximise uptake of new knowledge
and systems.

Western Australian Biosecurity Strategy | Page 21

Table 1: Summary of the Western Australian Biosecurity Strategy Goals, Outcomes and Tactics
Goal Outcome Tactics
1. Enhanced partnerships and 1.1 Industry, government and community are 1.1.1 Define and communicate roles and responsibilities of all
collaboration partners who also understand and respect stakeholders (government, industry and community) in existing
each other’s roles and responsibilities biosecurity legislation according to public and private benefits
1.1.2 Government biosecurity agencies collaborate effectively
to enable coordinated policy and cross-portfolio administrative
1.2 Industry and community play a greater 1.2.1 Government biosecurity agencies collaborate effectively
role in decision-making and biosecurity to enable coordinated policy and cross-portfolio administrative
management arrangements to effectively manage risk
2. Enhanced engagement 2.1 Increased industry and community 2.1.1 Identify the most effective partners in industry and the
awareness of biosecurity risks and community for engaging in biosecurity related activities/messages
participation in biosecurity
2.1.2 Develop and deliver engagement strategies and communication
mechanisms directed at increasing community awareness of
biosecurity issues and their potential roles
2.1.3 Develop and deliver engagement and communication strategies
directed at increasing government, industry and community
awareness of biosecurity science, its applications and benefits
3. Increasing use of evidence 3.1 Government, industry and community 3.1.1 Improve knowledge of the costs, benefits and lessons learned
to inform decision making understand and apply the investment from current and previous intervention for pests and diseases
and investment, and principles outlined by IGAB
support market access
3.1.2 Ensure impacts of pests and diseases on access to priority trade
markets are clearly understood and data is available to support area
freedom declarations to maintain Western Australia’s competitive
3.1.3 Increase awareness and application of the IGAB investment
principles to investment decision-making
3.2 State government resources targeted to 3.2.1 Use risk assessment and cost benefit analyses to prioritise
provide the greatest public benefit, and for biosecurity prevention, eradication, containment and asset based
agriculture this is prevention and eradication protection measures with resourcing targeted towards threats across
of priority pests and diseases terrestrial and aquatic environments
4. Effective legislation and 4.1 Effective and appropriate state biosecurity 4.1.1 Ensure legislation supports the roles of government, industry
regulation legislation exists and is understood by and the community to deliver effective biosecurity activities
4.1.2 Conduct periodic reviews of biosecurity legislation at a state and
national level
4.1.3 Effectively negotiate arrangements with the Commonwealth
that ensure Western Australia’s area freedoms and market access is
recognised and leveraged
4.2 A compliance framework that is well 4.2.1 Ensure the compliance continuum from education to
understood, effective and efficient prosecution is implemented in an appropriate and consistent manner
4.3 Effective control of established priority 4.3.1 State government to review and develop programs to manage
pests and diseases on land and water assets established priority pests and diseases so as to minimise harm to
managed by government agencies people, the environment and assets, on land and water for which it
has management responsibility

Page 22 | Western Australian Biosecurity Strategy

Table 1: Summary of the Western Australian Biosecurity Strategy Goals, Outcomes and Tactics (cont.)
Table 1: Summary of the Western Australian Biosecurity Strategy Goals, Outcomes and Tactics (cont.)
Goal Outcome Tactics
5. More effective 5.1 The introduction and establishment of 5.1.1 Maintain effective and efficient risk-based quarantine operations
preparedness and capacity pests and diseases is prevented by effectively (surveillance, tracking and reporting) to minimise the introduction
to detect, respond and regulating risk pathways (Prevention stage of of new pests and diseases and limit the risks to market access,
recover from new incursions the invasion curve) environment and social amenity
5.1.2 Enhance skills, knowledge and capacity within industry,
government and community for the delivery of biosecurity prevention
5.2 Industry and community understand 5.2.1 Industry and community contribute to surveillance and response
the importance of prevention and early
eradication and increasingly support
surveillance for pests and diseases
5.3 Effective biosecurity emergency 5.3.1 Develop skills, knowledge and capacity within industry,
preparedness, response and recovery government and community for the delivery of biosecurity eradication
(Eradication stage of the invasion curve) activities
5.3.2 Develop and deliver effective information, training, logistics and
administrative systems to underpin emergency response and recovery
and regularly practise using these systems
5.3.3 Commonwealth and other states and territories work together
to improve national arrangements for managing exotic pests and
6. Community and 6.1 Community and industry increasingly 6.1.1 Review and develop programs with industry and community to
industry understand and lead management of established pests and manage established priority pests and diseases so as minimise harm
increasingly utilise available diseases where they consider them a priority to people, the environment and assets
mechanisms for managing (Containment and asset based protection
their priority pests and stages of the invasion curve)
6.1.2 Develop skills, knowledge and capacity within industry,
government and community for the delivery of biosecurity
containment and asset based protection activities
7. Biosecurity management 7.1 Western Australia has access to effective 7.1.1 Maintain and improve diagnostic capability, surveillance,
is underpinned by science identification, diagnostic, surveillance, reporting and tracking systems using effective technologies, and
and technology based reporting and tracing systems information management systems
innovative solutions
7.2 Research and development is applied to 7.2.1 Strengthen research and development partnerships and
fill important knowledge gaps encourage research and development to address priority knowledge
gaps in biosecurity that impact on the management of agriculture,
fisheries, forests and environment within the State

Western Australian Biosecurity Strategy | Page 23

All Western Australians and visitors to WA have a role to play in protecting
the biosecurity status of WA (abiding by biosecurity legislation, maintaining
good farm practices, reporting anything unusual in animals, crops and the
environment) to ensure the community continues to benefit from our healthy
environment and economy.

Detailed descriptions of the roles and responsibilities of government, industry

and the community can be found on the Biosecurity Council web page.

Development and refinement of the Strategy was part of the

Boosting Biosecurity Defences project, led by the Department
of Agriculture and Food, WA and made possible by the State
Government’s Royalties for Regions program.

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