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3 (Sem~/CBCS) POL BC 2

2 0 .2 2

' .

. Paper: PO!rHC-40~6
. .

( Public Policy and Administr,ation in India )

( Honours Core .) .

- -Time ·: 3 houir s ·· 1~

· The figures inJ he-imargintindicate fu:ll marks

for the questions,, : .

1. Aris\ver the following as directed·fany ten) : .

• · ;: t . , ·.. : 1 x 1O= 10
'-!Jiif'-!J ~Ccf"111_~ffi1 "firm -(fit C<fSIC~l ~):
- ·1 ' ' J ' ~1 j. • ' (' ,. \ ' ', r •
• , I ' ' \ I •

(a) The modern form .o f p:ublic policy was

emerged I in ·
· ~'iR
(i) America / ~IC~M<fSl'-!J

6ii), England / ·,
(iii) India /

(iv) A~stralia / ~cBM~l\!J

( Choose the correct ariswer )
.( ffi ~'Sqf )
22A/1210 (Tum Over)
( 2 .)

(b) Mention one p·u blic policy adopted 1n

India. ~G•
~\<I'!>\!> ~c.r ~tr Call~~N> <RT I

/ When ~as the 7~rd ~enclment .Act of

,11 the Indian .Constitution passed?

. ~,<1®~ 9.~~

/di/Who is regarded as the 'father of local

J ~elf-government' of -India? .
~l<l'!><I ',1~~ ~l{l'8"1l'1.q<1 · f1;~.~<li9f' ~9f

. (e) Mention one problem of e-governance.

-""ll>J.q<I ~m "l~PiJl <RT I

Write the name. of the ·country which

first introduced Ombudsman as a
grievance red.r essaI m~chinery.
\S!R,c~t'if H<11~~~1~l ~9f ''8~M,C55C~-f~

J :i::
tnl L e Lokpal Bill tvas first introdu~ed in
Indian Parliament in
I"' ' - •

~1<1®~ ~9flat f<tc~ - ~~9R

· {i) · 1971 /
( Continued) I
( 3 )

(ii) 1967 / )~~'\ \

Jiil) 1968 I ) ~~b-

(iv) 1981 / )~b-)
( Choose the correct an·swer )
. ( )

r,{ "Accouritability is art ·essential

/' pre-requisite of good governance." ·
· , ( JWrite True or False )
"i_~~ ·.1..-,v'P, I \ :· .
(. >i~J c-:f_>~l>i~J ·) .

(i) Which State ,of ·India first adopted the

Right -to Service Act?·1 · ' • . ·

.~ f~ I '. , .! '. . ' '· . ,.,.,

~'f 4SM ~cii ?

•• .1 ' •

- , . .
. '

~) Write the full forJ:?l of PDS.

PD~ ~<f ,i"lii,r I r;bl"C
,-:-1. ·,Ydfe,., •
/ Which country introduced the Citizen's
.,.,: : , :Charter?
' v"- '. I

mxr -nffl <tS~~61?

(l,) ~n which year was the

1n India? ·
R;I Act_ .enacted. ,_~·<
? .
~Q.JJ ffi "'11-(,rt '~ '<_I \;I

(Tum Over)
V •Public policy is whatever government
chooses to do or not to do." Who said
fil. Rbl~ f4Rbl~
1" c,qs~a,?
(~ntion .one function of Gaon
... ~~~°<RT I

Write the full form ·or MGNREGA.

MGNREGA~ ~91_'f' ~9fiur I

I Answ~r the following i~ short (any five) :


~~fun (w c~,c~, ~) :
. 2x5=10

(a) Mention two actors . who participate in '

public policy formulation . •

' \l C~l~ffiNb '5f~~'f . l6T


:'1ention two problems · of policy

l6"f >i~>iJl <RT I

~ntion tw~ characteristics of

dece:q tralization.
l6"f ~P'm <RT I & .

( Continued )
(d) Mention two health related schemes of
the Government of India.

Mention two characteristics of the Right

to Education Act, 2009. ., ' . ,

~00~ fal~I~ '5{f'~ C<11im

I .

~ . Mention two principles o_rb~dget. .·

<RT I .

(g}~ention tw~ ~~aracteri~tics of l?cal self-

,v',:-- government. -. . ·
/ '

. I ·· -, - .

{h) Write two functions of ·· Municipal


_ I

3· Wri~e short notes on the following (any fou'T} :

' Sx4=20
~'1~ CGl<PT ("Pf C<fSIC--11 '5lRif) :

. ~ecessity Qf Decentralization
.· ~C{ll\SRl~~l -

(Tum Over)
( 6 )

(b) Gaon Sabha ·;- ·


(cV Pro bl ems of Loe al Self-Governrp.ent.

~l~-e"fi>H<i ~PP1ll'1'i_:i, . . .

(d) Types of Bu'Ciget ,.

/ , h e Citizen's Ch~e~. .
;rrffl ,~
-... ,- .. . ' .
' _.-. f

(f) Problems of Public Service ?elivery

,' t t • • • ' : I..!:, ' ; ' ... !

.. Clll<;fR<I '1~"fll'1'£:i_ , .·• . ,

he ·73rd Amendment 'Aat '~

l I . ,

~'1·- .
Public Accounts Committee


• J • I
• . l ' , ' • •'

4. Answer ·the following questions (any four) :

·~ fifllr (~ (-q,IC-TT "61FfGT) :
Discuss Various niodels of public policy,.,,

~, f.m-:r 'IT ~-'5/ICatlb-11


( Continued)
-~ f

., -a ·. ,

( 7 ) •

Discuss the public policy process ·of ,,,

~M\!J~ ~\<tS:nN> '5l\Ca-\\5.ff I

Write about the various ·apprciaches of

~(.<tS~<tS<(~ ~\~14~ ¥f~ I
/d) Discuss the stages of evolution of local
self-government . in· India since ancient
. '

'9RT \:,)/4~<\~'~ $ -~
R<ISt~ '1~Hll1R ~!CG'\16-lf -<Rf I ·

Discuss budget as a tool of socio-

economic development.
'5ff~-~l~I~~ M~f~ . '511~dll ~9f "<l1C'Stti
~l CG'\ lb~ I <Al I

J!l Explain the budget . enactment

procedure of the Indian Parliament .. /
<ilC$rG ~'f t1~R>c'G1 <UT~~ I

(g) What is public service delivery? D.

the role of . . iscuss
t pubhc administration
.· owards the delivery of publ'1c services
·!%ff ~'ITR Ff! ?
'5T1Cciil5~1 1

(Tum Over J
( 8 )

(h) Write the meaning of e-govern~ce.

. 1·ts importance · tbwatds '·
estab1..~-sh'1ng go odi.. · governance
. · and
increasing public participation in
. - ·~(

' - - ~ '5l~ I ~ · ~Pi.q\3 ,

~-'5l~'T ~ · ~'"
\!il lCiif Ib-iT I.

-{i) - Critically examine the right-.. to food

security as an instrument of social
., w~lfare.,,.
~ I

~'R ~l~ifl ~9f f.:Rt~

~IC6116~1-~~ "flT I

·(j). Write briefly about public grievance

<" re.~ressal . me~~ures with special
reference to the RT!, Lokpal and
Lokayukta. ·
. , .. ~11v~ ~icqsi{£'@'l
~ .~'IR'R ~~i:m'if ~ij~1c11<1<1

22A-7ooo 11210

3 (Sern--4/CBcsi POL He 2

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