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SCENE 5: The Mermaid Lagoon

(The MERMAIDS appear in the water around Marooner's Rock. PETER and WENDY race in
on other side of stage.)

WENDY: Look, the mermaids of Never Land! I have to meet them!

PETER: But Wendy, we gotta find Hook!

(Too late. WENDY joins the MERMAIDS, including AQUATA, ARISTA and ATINA. Some
swim on their bellies, and some float on their backs around the rock. As the MERMAIDS pull
ribbons out of WENDY's hair, they seem to want to free her up and make her a mermaid,

(The MERMAIDS are about to pull WENDY under the water.)

PETER: Wait, Wendy, no!

WENDY: Why not?

AQUATA: (to PETER) Let us have her for a week... below the waves!

ARISTA: She can tell us stories about you, Peter.

ATINA: (to WENDY) What's it like to fly with him?

PETER: They'll pull you down and keep you there, but they'll forget you need to come up for

AQUATA: Oh Peter... if we drowned her, we'd apologize. Truly we would!

ARISTA: (new thought) Fine then, you tell us one of your adventures!

PETER Wanna hear about the time I threw Hook's hand to the crocodile? There I was on
Marooner's Rock- (sees something approaching) Wait. Wendy! (points) Tiger Lily!

WENDY: (looks) Princess of the island! And she's a prisoner!

PETER: I knew Hook was up to no good!

WENDY: How do we rescue her?

(The mermaids make a dance with some clues to interpret)

PETER: Thanks, girls- we can take it from here!

MERMAIDS: (looking really sad) Goodbye, Peter....

(The MERMAIDS exit.)

WENDY: I have an idea! Come here...

(WENDY pulls PETER behind the rock and whispers her plan to him. CAPTAIN HOOK and
SMEE enter in a small boat with a tied-up TIGER LILY. They pull her onto the rock.)


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