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Ethics – Study of morality ● rules that are unrelated to moral or ethical

Morality – Practices of Ethics considerations

Non Moral – The preference of Morality ● act or action is not subject to moral judgment
Immorality - Violates the Morality because morality is not taken into consideration
● Basic examples of non-moral standards include
Moral and Non-Moral Standards
rules of etiquette, fashion standards, rules in
games, and various house rules.
● a code of conduct that would be accepted ● Some non-moral standards of any society could
by anyone who meets certain intellectual
be grammar and language expectation, clothing,
and volitional conditions, almost always
including the condition of being rational
● Matters of taste and preference
● It is goal oriented. They are a means to an end we
● Level of quality of attainment
wish to achieve
● Idea used as a measure, norm, or model in
● It includes independence, prestige fame, wealth,
comparative eval
and popularity,
Moral Standard
● norms that individuals or groups have Immoral Person
about the kinds of actions believed to be
● Knowingly violates human moral standard
morally right or wrong
● promote what is “the good” like the Amoral Person
welfare and well-being of humans as well
● May also violates moral standard because they has
as animals and the environment
no moral sense
● May differ from society to society and
● Basic examples of non-moral standards include
culture to culture
rules of etiquette, fashion standards, rules in
Why need to distinguish moral standards from non-
games, and various house rules.
moral ones?
- Some values do have moral implication while ● Some non-moral standards of any society could be
otherwise doesn't grammar and language expectation, clothing, etc

● Moral standard affect other people and ● Matters of taste and preference
non-moral doesn't ● It is goal oriented. They are a means to an end we
● Norms + Values = ✨Moral Standard✨} wish to achieve
Characteristics of Moral Standard ● It includes independence, prestige fame, wealth,
and popularity,
● Welfare of Beings - Deal with matters we
think can seriously injure or benefit
Characteristics of Non-Moral Standard
humans, animals and the environment;
● Relies on Sound Reasoning - Not ● Welfare of non-beings
established or changed by the decisions of ● Relies on authority-law
authoritative individuals or bodies; ● ● Religion, tradition
Overriding Hegemony ● Limits hegemony
- Hegemony means a type of ● Self interest
domination based primarily on ● No emotions and vocal
dominated people's and groups' What is Ethics?
consent rather than purely on a
● The word ethics comes from the Greek ethos which
leader's coercion and exerted
means customs or habits.
● Ethics is the study of what is right or good in
○ Impartial, Fair, and Just - Based on impartial
human conduct or character. Ethics is also the
‘science of the highest good.’ It is the science of
○ Emotions and Vocabulary -
morality. Morality
Associate with special emotions and
vocabulary. ● The word moral is from the Latin mores which
Non-Moral Standard also means customs or habits.
● Morality can be a body of standards or principles post vulgar stuff, etc. Ethics helps us in
derived from a code of conduct from a particular using social media with proper
philosophy, religion, or culture. consideration as we are not the only
person in the virtual world.
● Ethics applies to social norms and rules
Ethics VS Morality ○ It goes without saying that there are many
Ethics unwritten rules in society such as not cutting in lines,
● It analyzes concepts such as right and wrong. It giving your seat to PWDs, the elderly, pregnant women,
seeks to establish principles of right behavior that returning lost things, throwing away trash properly,
may serve as guides etc. The most simplest things are tend to be forgotten
by a lot of people, ethics reminds us to be conscious
● Guiding principles of conduct of an individual or
and aware of our actions to help us in being better
human beings.
● Influenced by profession, field, organization, etc.
● Ethics is the core of all decisions
○ Ethics is what guides us to tell the truth,
● It is a effort to guide one’s conduct by reason, keep our promises, or help someone in
giving equal weight to the interests of each need, it is the basis of how we judge from
individual who will be affected by what one does. right or wrong. There is a framework of
● Rightness or wrongness of an action. ethics underlying our lives on a daily
● Influenced by society, culture, and religion. basis, helping us make decisions that
Why Should We Study Ethics? create positive impacts and steering us
● Ethics is used in our daily lives away from unjust outcomes
○ Ethics is applied everywhere, to your ● Ethics helps us in being future professionals
personal life, professional life, etc. In ○ Business ethics is equally important to
everyday life we make decisions ethics in personal life, it refers to how we
continually about what is right or wrong. behave in a professional environment
Most of these decisions are made quickly such as respecting company rules, clients,
and without a lot of thought or reason. and workmates. It also helps in the
Ethics helps us to reduce the chances of integral part of being a leader because of
getting a negative outcome whenever we the responsibility that involves in it.
make certain decisions that will affect our Classifications of Ethics
lives. ● Metaethics or Analytic Ethics
● Ethical issues are becoming more subjective and - The prefix Meta- came from the Greek
confusing word meta which means "beyond".
○ Sensitive topics such as abortion, suicide, - This classification is the philosophical
racism, discrimination, sexuality, etc. have aspect of Ethics, as it discusses ethical
come into more attention in society. Many language and morality itself.
are getting confused on what truly is the - It studies the foundation, properties, and
right thing to do in these topics. Ethics scope of morality. It answers the
helps us in this matter to critically dissect questions, ''Where do moral values come
these topics to weigh what outcomes are from?", "What do people mean when
more beneficial to the world and people referring to the terms 'good', 'bad', and
around us. 'right', 'wrong'?", "How does morality
● The rise of social media has made people over certain issues or actions vary on
distracted different kinds of people?", and many
○ Social media has indeed made people more.
closer to each other because of the ease in - For example, if one person strongly
communication. People tend to forget believes that an emerging social issue is
etiquettes in the virtual world is just as wrong, then can his/her opinion be called
important to the physical world, many just a personal belief, a moral value, or
people often forget to act with simply irrelevant?
consideration to what they do in social ● Normative Ethics
media, some get into trivial arguments,
- This studies which ethical actions are “quadrilemma”; many alternatives could be
considered morally right or wrong. Also referred to as a “polylemma”.
including which character traits are good • Now, however, “dilemma” is the word for all cases
or bad. Differentiate Problem and Dilemma?
- This is often based on the consequences
of one's actions, or punishments once a So, what is Moral Dilemma?
rule was violated when doing the said • It involves the situation where you are put in dilemma
action. of choosing two options that may affect your moral
- Such actions can sometimes be classified principles. That whatever you choose, it will still
easily as they are the norms or what most violate your moral principles.
people know. For example, kicking • A situation that, although offering potential benefits, is
someone suddenly is not right, as it will unethical.
hurt the other person physically. This • A more complicated situation wherein one is torn
action being wrong or bad is known by between choosing one of two goods or choosing
most that's why they don't do it. between the lesser of two evils.
● Applied Ethics
- Based on the name itself, applied ethics is
the application of the ethical actions 3 Levels of Moral Dilemma
imposed in society or in different fields. It 1. Personal Dilemmas -
is the practice of morality in the real Definition - These dilemmas are ones that people deal with
world. personally. Since every one of us has made individual
- There are different sets of ethics followed choices throughout our life, almost everyone has
in different fields like social ethics, encountered personal dilemmas.
political ethics, business ethics, This type of dilemma often has to be solved by one
biomedical ethics, environmental ethics, individual person that got into that situation. Most people
etc. have their own morals they follow, and those morals could
- In someone's daily life, it is concerned potentially contradict one another. This contradiction leads
with the practice of good character traits to Personal dilemmas where no one can help you, but
in making decisions and interacting with yourself.
other people. It is also about ensuring that Example: Abortion, should you kill your own potential
before doing a certain action, child or should you raise her and learn that you’re not
consequences are kept in mind. ready for parenthood.

Moral Dilemma: 2. Organizational Dilemmas

First, let us define what is Dilemma? Definition – Organizational Dilemmas is about when there
is a matching discrepancy between the needs and
• When we must make a choice, but the options
aspirations of an individual on the one hand and the goals
have undesirable consequences, it can be difficult
of the organization on the other. This is when a person has
to decide which path to take. This is what we call a
a hard choice of choosing either his own interest or goals
or he should choose the goals of the organization they are
• Dilemmas can happen anywhere at any time may
it be at school, in our house, outside, or while
Example: Conflict between Workmate due to
shopping in the mall.
Personality/goal difference, are you choosing to just
• As imperfect beings, we tend to make bad benefit yourself or you will sacrifice your personal goal
decisions and questionable choices that we must order to achieve the goal of your company.
live with for the rest of our lives. Basically, anything related to Businesses or Company
Interesting Fact: related Issues that can only be solved within the
• The Shorter Oxford English Dictionary defines a organization. Moral dilemmas also arise in professional
dilemma as “a choice between two (or loosely work. Administrative bodies in business are confronted
several) alternatives which are or appear equally with situations in which several courses of action are
unfauvorable”. possible but none of them provide a totally successful
• If there were three alternatives, strictly speaking it outcome to those affected by the decision or actions taken.
would be a “trilemma” and, if four, a
For example, a hospital that believes that human life should - According to cultural relativists, the moral
not be deliberately shortened, and that unpreventable pain frameworks that govern relationships within
should not be tolerated encounters a conflict in resolving various civilizations and cultures are essentially
whether to withdraw life support from a dying patient. different from one another. Cultural relativists use
This is a common moral dilemma faced by healthcare the ethical norms of the society in which the
organizations and medical institutions. activity takes place to judge whether an action is
"just" or "wrong" in the context of international
3. Structural Dilemmas relations. Whether value judgments can be made
Definition - These structural moral dilemmas pertain to across cultural boundaries is a topic of discussion
cases involving network of institutions and operative in the field. Moral relativism, which contends that
theoretical paradigms. As they usually encompass multi- there are no moral absolutes governing individual
sectoral institutions and organizations, they may be larger action, should not be confused with cultural
in scope and extent than organizational dilemmas. (My Info relativism.
Basket, 2021)

There are different types of structural dilemmas those are; TYPES OF CULTURAL RELATIVISM
• Gap vs Overlap in roles and responsibilities.
• Differential vs Integration. Should different 1. ABSOLUTE CULTURAL
divisions be divided and have their own culture or RELATIVISM
should two or more divisions be integrated for - a culture even when considered strange
cooperation. should not be questioned. It indicates
• Excessive autonomy vs Excessive that whatever activities are practiced
interdependence. Be distracted with too much within a culture, no matter how weird
coordination or be isolated from other groups or and dangerous they appear to be, should
divisions. not be questioned by other cultures.
• Irresponsible vs unresponsive. Adhere to strict
rules or be too accommodating for it to result in - EXAMPLE: tying of feet of Chinese
inconsistency. Example: The government trying to women in the 19th and 20th centuries.
come up with a new budget for Education. - Chinese people found small feet in
women as a symbol of beauty. Therefore,
Freedom As the Foundation Moral Act We, the for women to get married, they had to go
people, have our own freedom, and there are no through the process of feet beautification
limits to it, so it is important that we set a limit 2. CRITICAL CULTURAL RELATIVISM
based on ethics for our freedom to not be abused. - it asks questions about cultural practices
That is why even though we have freedom, it is and why they are practiced. It seeks
important that we can comply with the moral answers about the cultural practices in
principles to avoid being misguided to the wrong line with who is accepting them and why
path. In short, having the freedom to have your they are doing so. The importance of
own moral principles, you need to know what the finding out why some cultures are
moral norm is. You need to learn how others may practiced so asking questions is fine.
think about a certain situation and how they
would act on it based on principles. Not only does - EXAMPLE: the residents of Spain practice
this give you more perspective and create a El Colacho, which is a baby-jumping
structurally stable moral standard, but people who ritual practiced since 1620.
you talk to about those moral standards will be - It is said that jumping over the babies
able to understand your point. In doing so, both chases the devil and keeps them safe.
sides will be able to communicate much. This practice has been critiqued by
people seeking answers as to its
CULTURAL RELATIVISM relevance in protecting the children.

- Cultural relativism contents about its moral and WHAT IS CULTURE

social norms that is a reflection of the culture
from which they are derived.
- Culture reflects the moral values and ethical how a culture is different from one
norms governing how people should behave and another and this leads people to connect
interact with others. to one another.
- It describes a collective way of life, or way of ○ Example: For example, Person A has a
doing things. It is the sum of attitudes, values, different set of standards than Person B.
goals, and practices shared by individuals in a If Person A or Person B tried to
group, organization, or society. understand and be aware of their
- According to the theory of cultural relativism, differences, it would help them to
there is no singular truth on which to base ethical connect with one another, avoiding
or moral behavior, as our interpretations of truths unintentional discriminatory remarks
are influenced by our own culture. that may disconnect them.
○ Example: Kunware may hapon (Japanese)
How does Culture define our Moral Behavior? kang nakilala mo kailan lang nakilala.
- Culture reflects the moral and ethical beliefs and After niyo bumili ng food sa bilihan,
standards that speak to how people should sinabi mo na kainin niyo na lang yung
behave and interact with others. Cultural norms food niyo habang naglalakad kayo para
are the shared, sanctioned, and integrated hindi sayang sa oras.
systems of beliefs and practices that are passed ■ Dahil hindi mo alam ang kultura
down through generations and characterize a nila na bawal kumain habang
cultural group. naglalakad, you unknowingly
offend yung bagong kilala mo na
- Culture can highly affect our moral judgements sana naging friend mo.
and behaviors. Because our reactions and beliefs ● Create a more inclusive environment.
are based on what our culture was, we ○ Having an understanding that people
unconsciously react that way. For example, in have different cultural backgrounds, it
Starbucks, employees are not supposed to call would help them to treat others with
their seniors or customers "sir" or "ma'am" as respect. Knowing that they hold different
they do in a culture like Americans that called set of standards and behavior, it would
people by their names. If some people with help the minority to feel closer to their
different culture or beliefs experienced it, it will environment.
make them think or believe that the employees ○ For example, a certain company is
there are a bit rude. It will strongly affect their predominated by culture A while culture
judgements to people and such. B is the minority. Making the company
recognize their presence and accept them
would provide an avenue for culture B to
Attribute facets of personal behavior to culture. be at ease in their working environment.
- Based on anthropology, culture refers to the ways ■ Asian employees were treated
of thinking or how people behave based on the with discrimination in the
groups or in a particular population or society. United States for having brought
Based on that, it is the said virus into the country.
composed of such a things as LANGUAGE, Being the minority in the
KNOWLEDGE, LAWS, RELIGIOUS BELIEFS, FOOD country, they are subjected to
● Minimizes personal conflicts and
- It would be inevitable for people to cause
Advantages of Recognizing Cultural Differences misunderstanding and create small
● Helps break down cultural barriers and build conflicts, even in the workplace. This is
bridges to those who are different from us. caused by differences in cultural
○ Recognizing and accepting the fact that backgrounds, set of standards, behavior
other people have different cultural etc. However, recognizing that a culture of
backgrounds will help one to be aware a person is different from one’s
perspective, you will notice what to avoid making any progress in eliminating
and what makes others feel immoralities that are dressed as “culture”.
uncomfortable. This would help in However, it would also be difficult for any
minimizing conflicts that could be other nations to show intervention when
avoided with conscious decision. a nation exercises their sovereignty and
- In some cultures, it would be rude to thus, the change must start in its citizens.
stare for too long while staring might be a ○ For example, you see a person that is
way for intimacy. By knowing a person’s culturally different physically violates her
perspective towards that act, it would partner. You know that they are part of
help you avoid any unnecessary conflict the minority and thus, if you lay your
and may even build a relationship hands against them, you will get canceled
towards them. and thus, you let it happen without any
Weaknesses of Cultural Relativism
● Might cause aversion towards others out of
○ Since it is in human nature to look out for
themselves to survive, we think of things
that would benefit us and avoid what
might cause us trouble. In our society, we
don’t want to be canceled because of
sexism, racism etc. so we would rather
choose to avoid people with cultural
differences so we would not
“offend” and be discriminatory.
○ For example, you want to befriend someone
that is part of the minority. You know that
you must be extra careful with how you
treat them so that you will not be tagged
as racist. Rather than taking the first step,
you decided to avoid the person entirely
so that you won’t potentially offend them.
● May remove the concept of what is 'right' and
○ Since people cannot be exactly wrong
because their culture says so, you may
not have the ability to “correct” them
precisely because you are not part of
their culture.
○ For example, in China, the feet of the
women are bound because the small feet
in women are their standard of beauty, or
it symbolizes beauty. However, it is
required for these women before they get
married. It may seem that it is wrong in
our perspective but the people there
would say that it is right.

● Could limit Humanity's progress against

○ Being tied with compromising may lead
people to prioritize inclusion rather than

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