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This Supplement is an integral part of the National Design Specification for Wood Construction (NDS), 1986
Edition. It provides design values for structural lumber and structural glued laminated timber.
The design values for lumber in this Supplement are obtained from grading rules published by seven agencies:
National Lumber Grades Authority (a Canadian agency), Northeastern Lumber Manufacturers Association, Northern
Hardwood and Pine Manufacturers Association, Redwood Inspection Service, Southern Pine Inspection Bureau, West
Coast Lumber Inspection Bureau and Western Wood Products Association. The grading rules promulgated by these
agencies, including the design values therein, have been approved by the Board of Review of the American Lumber
Standards Committee and certified for conformance with U.S. Department of Commerce Voluntary Product Standard
PS 20-70, "American Softwood Lumber Standard".
Design values for visually graded lumber are based on the provisions of ASTM Designation D245, "Methods for
Establishing Structural Grades and Related Allowable Properties for Visually Graded Lumber". These methods involve
adjusting the strength properties of small clear specimens of wood, as given in ASTM Designation D2555, "Methods
for Establishing Clear Wood Strength Values", for the effects of knots, slope of grain, splits, checks, size, duration of
load, moisture content and other influencing factors, to obtain design values applicable to normal conditions of service.
Lumber structures designed on the basis of working stresses derived from ASTM D245 procedures and standard design
criteria have a long history of satisfactory performance.
The appropriateness of lumber design values is regularly evaluated on the basis of experience of experimental data
developed on the properties and performance of clear wood specimens or full size lumber pieces. Reduced tension
parallel to grain values appearing in this Supplement for some sizes of visually graded lumber reflect new test
information on actual lumber grades and sizes. Such modifications in stresses for individual pieces of lumber may not
always be reflected in changed usage of trusses or other structural assemblies involving appropriately joined pieces of
lumber or other materials. Performance of these assemblies depends not only on design values for the individual
elements, but also on assumptions made in estimating the stresses induced in each member, assumptions regarding
fastener rigidity, the relationship between assumed and actual loads on the structure, estimated versus actual
environmental exposure conditions, and the quality of fabrication. These factors are all subject to adjustment or revision
based on experimental evidence, experience, and the application of improved stress analysis procedures.
Design values for machine stress rated (MSR) lumber are based on nondestructive stiffness testing of individual
pieces. Certain visual grade requirements also apply to such lumber. The stress rating system used for MSR lumber is
regularly checked by the responsible grading agency for conformance to established certification and quality control
For additional information on development and applicability of lumber design values, the grading rules published
by the individual agencies and the referenced ASTM Standards should be consulted.
Glued Laminated Timber
Design values in this Supplement for glued laminated timber are developed and published by the American Institute
of Timber Construction (AITC) in accordance with principles originally established by the U.S. Forest Products
Laboratory in 1950. These principles involve adjusting strength properties of clear straight grained lumber to account
for knots, slope of grain, density, size, number of laminations and other factors unique to laminated timber.
Specific methods used to establish design values have been revised and improved since 1950 to reflect the results of
tests of large glued laminated timber members conducted by the U.S. Forest Products Laboratory and university
research organizations. Changes have included development of new limitations on knots in outer tension laminations,
new adjustments for size effect and reductions in tension stresses. The performance history of structures made with
glued laminated timber conforming to AITC specifications and manufactured in accordance with American National
Standard ANSI/AITC A190.1-1983, "Structural Glued-Laminated Timber", has demonstrated the adequacy of the
methods used to establish laminated timber design values.
Suggestions and recommendations for revision of glued laminated timber design values are provided on a regular
basis by AITC's Technical Advisory Committee which consists of representatives of government, universities,
practicing engineers and industry.
Conditions of Use
Design values presented in this Supplement are for normal loading under dry conditions of service. Because the
strength of wood varies with conditions under which it is used, these design values should only be applied in
conjunction with appropriate design and service recommendations from the NDS. Additionally, the design values in this
supplement apply only to material identified by the grade mark of, or certificate of inspection issued by a grading or
inspection bureau or agency recognized as being competent.
To facilitate use of the Supplement, color coding has been employed to distinguish different moisture
content conditions and to distinguish the 2-inch to 4-inch wide light framing grades from the 5-inch and
wider joist and plank grades.
Table 4A—Visually Graded Structural Lumber
Species or Species Species That May Be Grading Rules
Combination Included in Combination Agencies Page
Aspen Big Tooth Aspen NELMA 6
Quaking Aspen NHPMA
Balsam Fir NELMA 6
Black Cottonwood NLGA 6
California Redwood RIS 7
Coast Sitka Spruce NLGA 7
Coast Species Amabilis Fir NLGA 7
Coast Sitka Spruce
Douglas Fir
Western Hemlock
Western Larch
Cottonwood NHPMA 8
Douglas Fir-Larch Douglas Fir WCLIB 8
Larch WWPA
Douglas Fir-Larch (North) Douglas Fir NLGA 9
Western Larch
Douglas Fir South WWPA 9
Eastern Hemlock NELMA 10
Eastern Hemlock-Tamarack Eastern Hemlock NELMA 10
Tamarack NHPMA
Eastern Hemlock-Tamarack (North) Eastern Hemlock NLGA 11
Eastern Softwoods Balsam Fir NELMA 11
" Black Spruce NHPMA
Eastern Hemlock
Jack Pine
Red Pine
Red Spruce
White Pine
White Spruce
Eastern Spruce Black Spruce NELMA 11
Red Spruce NHPMA
White Spruce
Eastern White Pine NHPMA 12
Eastern White Pine (North) NLGA 12
Eastern Woods All species NELMA 12
graded under NELMA and NHPMA
rules, NHPMA
except Northern White Cedar
Englemann Spruce-Alpine Alpine Fir WWPA 13
Fir (Engel. Spr-Lodgepole Pine) Englemann Spruce
Lodgepole Pine
Table 4A—Visually Graded Structural Lumber
Species or Species Species That May Be Grading Rules
Combination Included in Combination Agencies Page
Hem-Fir California Red Fir WCLIB . .. 13
Grand Fir
Noble Fir WWPA
Pacific Silver Fir
Western Hemlock
White Fir
Hem-Fir (North) Amabilis Fir NLGA 14
Western Hemlock
Idaho White Pine WWPA 14
Lodgepole Pine WWPA 15
Mixed Species Cedars, Firs, Hemlocks, WCLIB 15
Larch, Pines and Spruces graded by
Mountain Hemlock WCLIB 16
Mountain Hemlock-Hem-Fir California Red Fir WWPA 17
Grand Fir
Mountain Hemlock
Noble Fir
Pacific Silver Fir
Western Hemlock
White Fir
Northern Aspen Aspen Poplar NLGA 17
Balsam Poplar
Largetooth Aspen
Northern Pine Jack Pine NELMA 17
Norway (Red) Pine NHPMA
Pitch Pine
Northern Species Any Canadian softwood NLGA 18
graded by NLGA
Northern White Cedar NELMA 18
Ponderosa Pine NLGA 18
Ponderosa Pine-Sugar Pine Lodgepole Pine WWPA 19
(Ponderosa Pine-Lodgepole Pine) Ponderosa Pine
Sugar Pine
Red Pine NLGA 19
Sitka Spruce WCLIB 19
Southern Pine (KD-15) Loblolly Pine SPIB 20
Longleaf Pine
Shortleaf Pine
Slash Pine
Southern Pine (S-Dry) (Same as KD above) SPIB 20
Southern Pine (S-Grn) (Same as KD above) SPIB 21
Spruce-Pine-Fir Alpine Fir NLGA 21
Balsam Fir
Black Spruce ^
Englemann Spruce
Jack Pine
Lodgepole Pine
Red Spruce
White Spruce
Table 4A—Visually Graded Structural Lumber
Species or Species Species That May Be Grading Rules
Combination Included in Combination Agencies Page
Virginia Pine-Pond Pine (KD-15) Virginia Pine SPIB 21
Pond Pine
Virginia Pine-Pond Pine (S-Dry) (Same as KD above) SPIB 22
Virginia Pine-Pond Pine (S-Grn) (Same as KD above) SPIB 22
Western Cedar Alaslca Cedar WCLIB 22
Incense Cedar WWPA
Port Orford Cedar
Western Red Cedar
Western Cedars (North) Pacific Coast Yellow Cedar NLGA 23
Western Red Cedar
Western Hemlock WCLIB 23
Western Hemloclc (North) NLGA 24
Western White Pine NLGA 24
West Coast Woods Firs, Hemlocks, Larch and WCLIB 15
Spruces graded by WCLIB
Western Woods Englemann Spruce, Larch, Firs WWPA 25
(including Douglas), Cedars, Hemlocks
and Pines graded under WWPA rules
White Woods Englemann Spruce, Firs WWPA 25
(except Douglas), Hemlocks and Pines
graded under WWPA rules
Yellow Poplar NHPMA 25
Table 4B—Machine Stress Rated Structural Lumber 28
Table 5A—Structural Glued Laminated Softwood Timbers:
Members Stressed Primarily in Bending 29, 30, 31
Table SB—Structural Glued Laminated Softwood Timbers:
Members Stressed Primarily in Axial Tension or Compression 33, 34, 35
Table 5C—Structural Glued Laminated Hardwood Timber 36
(Design values listed are for normal loading conditions. See other provisions in the footnotes and in the National Design Specification for
adjustments of tabulated values.)

Design values in p o u n d s per s q u a r e inch

E x t r e m e fiber in Grading
Size bending " F B " Tension Compression Compression Modulus rules
Species a n d c o m m e r c i a l g r a d e Horizontal
classification parallel perpendicular parallel of agency
Single- Repetitive- shear
to grain to grain to grain elasticity
member member "Fv"
••FT" ••Fc J . " "Fc" "E"
uses uses

A S P E N (Surfaced dry or s u r f a c e d gr een. U s e d at 1 9 % max. m.c.)

Select s t r u c t u r a l 1300 1500 775 60 265 850 1,100,000
No. 1 2 " to 4 " 1100 1300 650 60 265 675 1,100,000
No. 2 ttiick 925 1050 525 60 265 550 1,000,000
No. 3 2 " to 4 " 500 575 300 60 265 325 900,000
Appearance w i d e 1100 1300 650 60 265 825 1,100,000 NELMA
Stud 500 675 300 60 265 326 900,000 NHPMA
Construction 2 " to 4 " 660 750 400 60 265 625 900,000
Standard thick 375 425 225 60 266 600 900,000
Utility 4" wide 175 200 100 60 265 325 900,000 (See footnotes

*• Select Structural 1150 1300 750 60 266 750 1,100,000 1-11

No. 1 2" to 4 " 950 1100 " 650 60 265 675 • 1,100,000 a n d 20)
No. 2 thick 775 900 8 426 60 265 576 1,000,000
No. 3 5" and 450 525 1 250 60 265 375 900,000
Appearance wider 950 1100 % 650 60 265 825 1,100,000
Stud 450 525 " 250 60 265 375 900,000

B A L S A M F I R (Surfaced dry or s u r f aced g r e e n . U s e d a 1 9 % m a x . m •c.)

Select Structural 1750 2000 1000 70 305 1350 1,500,000
No. 1 2" to 4 " 1450 1700 850 70 305 1050 1,600,000
No. 2 thick 1200 1400 700 70 305 850 1,300,000
No. 3 2 " to 4 " 675 775 400 70 305 525 1,200,000
Appearance wide 1450 1700 850 70 305 1250 1,500,000
Stud 675 775 400 70 305 525 1,200,000
Construction 2 " to 4 " 876 1000 525 70 305 950 1,200,000 (See footnotes
Standard thick 500 575 275 70 305 775 1,200,000 1-12
Utility 4" wide 226 275 125 70 305 625 1,200,000 and 20)

Select Structural 1500 1700 1000 70 305 1200 1,500,000

No. 1 2 " to 4 " 1250 1450 "t, 850 70 305 1050 1,500,000
No. 2 thick 1050 1200 i 70 305 900 1,300,000
No. 3 5 " and 600 700 325 70 305 575 1,200,000
Appearance wider 1250 1450 S 850 70 305 1250 1,500,000
Stud 600 700 " 325 70 305 575 1,200,000

Select Structural Beams and 1350 900 65 305 960 1,400,000

No. 1 Stringers 1100 750 65 305 800 1,400,000
(See footnotes
Select Structural Posts a n d 1250 825 65 305 1000 1,400,000 1-12
No. 1 Timbers 1000 675 65 306 875 1,400,000 a n d 20)

Select Structural Beams and 1350 900 65 306 950 1,400,000

No. 1 Stringers 1100 750 65 305 800 1,400,000
(See footnotes
No. 2 726 350 66 305 500 1,100,000
Select Structural Posts and 1250 825 65 305 1000 1,400,000 and 20)
No. 1
No. 2
Timbers 1000
I 675

Select Decking — 1650 — — — 1,500,000

Commercial 1400 _ 1,300,000

B L A C K C O T T O N W O O D (Surfaced Jry or s u r f a c e d gre en. U s e d at 1 3% max. m.c.

Select Structural 1000 1200 600 50 180 726 1,200,000
No. 1 2 " to 3" 875 1000 500 50 180 675 1,200,000
No. 2 thick 725 825 425 50 180 460 1,100,000
No. 3 2 " to 4 " 400 460 225 50 180 275 900,000
Appearance wide 875 1000 500 50 180 700 1,200,000 NLGA
Stud 400 450 225 50 180 275 900,000
(A C a n a d i a n
Construction 2 " to 4 " 525 600 300 50 180 625 900,000 agency. See
Standard thick 300 325 175 50 180 425 900,000 footnotes 1-12
Utility 4" wide 150 150 75 50 180 275 900,000 15, 16 a n d 20

Select Structural 875 1000 „ 575 50 180 650 1,200,000

No. 1 2 " to 4 " 750 875 1 500 60 180 575 1,200,000
No. 2 thick 625 700 % 325 50 180 476 1,100,000
No. 3 6" and 350 425 S 175 50 180 300 900,000
Appearance wider 750 875 1 500 50 180 700 1,200,000
Stud 350 425 176 50 180 300 900,000

(Design values listed are for normal loading conditions. See other provisions in the footnotes and in the National Design Specification for
adjustments of tabulated values.)
Design values in p o u n d s per s q u a r e inch
E x t r e m e fiber in Grading
Size bending " F B " Tension Compression Compression Modulus rules
Species a n d c o m m e r c i a l g r a d e Horizontal
classification parallel perpendicular parallel of agency
Single- Repetitive- shear
to grain to grain to grain elasticity
member member "Fv"
"FT" " F c i " •To" "E"
uses uses
C A L I F O R N I A R E D W O O D (Surfaced dry or s u r f a c e d gr ; e n . U s e d at 9% max. m.c )
Clear Heart Structural 4" & less thick, 2300 2650 1650 145 660 2150 1,400,000
Clear Structural any w i d t h 2300 2650 1550 145 650 2150 1,400,000
Select s t r u c t u r a l 2060 2350 1200 80 660 1750 1,400,000
Select s t r u c t u r a l , o p e n grain 1600 1850 950 80 425 1300 1,100,000
No. 1 2 " to 4" 1700 1950 975 80 660 1400 1,400,000
No. 1 , O p e n grain thick 1350 1550 775 80 425 1050 1,100,000
No. 2 2 " to 4" 1400 1600 800 80 650 1100 1,250,000
N o . 2 , O p e n grain wide 1100 1250 626 80 425 826 1,000,000
No. 3 800 900 475 80 650 676 1,100,000
No. 3 , O p e n grain 625 725 375 80 425 500 900,000
Stud 625 725 375 80 425 500 900,000
Construction 2 " to 4 " 825 950 475 80 425 926 900,000
standard thick 450 525 250 80 426 775 900,000 RIS
Utility 4 " wide 225 250 125 80 426 500 900,000
(See footnotes
Select s t r u c t u r a l 1750 2000 1150 80 650 1650 1,400,000 1 - 6 and 8 - 1 2 )
Select Structural, O p e n grain 1400 1600 925 80 425 1150 1,100,000
No. 1 2 " to 4 " 1500 1700 " 975 80 650 1400 1,400,000
No. 1 , O p e n grain thick 1150 1350 1 775 80 425 1050 1,100,000
No. 2 5 " and 1200 1400 1 650 80 650 1200 1,250,000
N o . 2 , O p e n grain wider 950 1100 • 600 80 426 876 1,000,000
No. 3 700 800 " 375 80 650 725 1,100,000
No. 3 , O p e n g r a i n 550 650 350 80 425 525 900,000
Stud 700 800 375 80 425 726 1,100,000
Clear Heart Structural or
Clear Structural 1850 — 1250 135 650 1650 1,300,000
Select Structural 5 " by 5 " 1400 950 95 650 1200 1,300,000
No. 1 and larger 1200 800 95 650 1050 1,300,000
No. 2 975 650 95 650 900 1,100,000
No. 3 550 375 96 650 560 1,000,000
Select Decking, Close grain Decking 1850 2150 1,400,000 RIS
Select Decking 2 " thick 1450 1700 - - 1,100,000 (See footnotes 1 ,
Commercial Decking 6 " a n d wider 1200 1350 E 1,000,000 2, 8and 9 )
C O A S T S I T K A S P R U C E (Surfaced cj r y or s u r f a c e d g r e en. U s e d at 1 Wo max. m.c.
Select Structural 1500 1700 876 65 455 1100 1,700,000
No. 1 2 " to 3 " 1250 1450 750 65 465 875 1,700,000
No. 2 thick 1050 1200 625 65 455 700 1,600,000
No. 3 2 " to 4 " 575 675 350 65 455 425 1,300,000
Appearance wide 1250 1450 725 66 455 1050 1,700,000
Stud 575 675 360 65 465 425 1,300,000
Construction 2 " to 4 " 750 875 450 65 455 800 1,300,000
Standard thick 425 500 260 65 466 650 1,300,000 NLGA
Utility 4 " wide 200 225 125 65 465 425 1,300,000
Select Structural 1300 1500 850 65 455 975 1,700,000 (A C a n a d i a n
No. 1 2 " to 4 " 1100 1250 " 726 65 455 876 1,700,000 agency See
No. 2 thick 900 1050 ° 476 65 455 750 1,500,000 footnotes 1 - 1 2 ,
No. 3 5 " and 525 600 1 275 65 456 475 1,300,000 16, 1 6 and 2 0 )
Appearance wider 1100 1250 S 725 65 455 1050 1,700,000
Stud 525 600 " 276 65 455 475 1,300,000
Select Structural Beams and 1150 675 60 455 775 1,500,000
No. 1 Stringers 950 - 475 60 456 660 1,500,000
No. 2 625 325 60 456 426 1,200,000
Select Structural Posts a n d 1100 725 60 455 825 1,500,000
No. 1 Timbers 875 576 60 465 725 1,500,000
No. 2 525
-_ 360 60 455 500 1,200,000
Select Decking 1250 1450 — 465 — 1,700,000
Commercial 1050 1200 _ 455 1,600,000
C O A S T SPECIES (Surfaced dry or s u r f a c e d g r e e n . Us 3d at 1 9 % me X. m.c.)
Select Structural 1500 1700 875 65 370 1100 1,500,000
No. 1 2 " to 3 " 1250 1450 760 65 370 875 1,500,000
No. 2 thick 1050 1200 625 65 370 700 1,400,000
No. 3 2 " to 4 " 575 676 350 65 370 425 1,200,000
Appearance wide 1250 1450 725 65 370 1050 1,500,000
Stud 575 675 350 65 370 425 1,200,000
Construction 2 " to 4 " 750 875 450 66 370 800 1,200,000 NLGA
Standard thick 425 500 250 65 370 650 1,200,000
Utility 4 " wide 200 225 126 65 370 425 1,200,000
Select Structural 1300 1500 850 65 370 975 1,500,000 (A C a n a d i a n
No. 1 2 " to 4 " 1100 1250 2 725 65 370 875 1,500,000 a g e n c y See
No. 2 thick 900 1050 1 475 66 370 750 1,400,000 footnotes 1 - 1 2 ,
No. 3 5 " and 525 600 I 275 65 370 475 1,200,000 16, 1 6 and 2 0 )
Appearance wider 1100 1250 S 725 65 370 1050 1,500,000
Stud 525 600 " 275 65 370 475 1,200,000
Select Decking 1250 1450 370 1,500,000
Commercial 1050 1200 — — 370 — 1,400,000
(Design values listed are for normal loading conditions. See otfier provisions in the footnotes and in the National Design Specification for
adjustments of tabulated values.)

Design values in pounds per square inch

Extreme fiber in Grading
Size bending " F B " Tension Compression Compression Modulus rules
Species and commercial grade Horizontal
classification parallel perpendicular parallel of agency
Single- Repetitive- shear
to grain to grain to grain elasticity
member member "Fv"
uses uses "FT" ••Fc" ••E"

C O T T O N W O O D (Surfaced dry or su rfaced green. Usee at 19% max m.c.)

2" to 3"
titick NHPMA
2" to 4" (See footnotes
Stud wide 525 600 300 66 320 350 1,000,000 1-12)
Construction 2" to 4" 675 775 400 65 320 650 1,000,000
Standard thick 375 425 225 65 320 525 1,000,000
Utility 4" wide 175 200 100 65 320 350 1,000,000

D O U G L A S F I R - L A R C H (Surfaced dr yor surfaced gree n. Used at 19% max. m.c.)

Dense Select Structural 2450 2800 1400 95 730 1850 1,900,000
Select Structural 2100 2400 1200 95 625 1600 • 1,800,000
Dense No. 1 2050 2400 1200 96 730 1450 1,900,000
No. 1 2" to 4" 1750 2050 1050 95 625 1250 1,800,000
Dense No. 2 thick 1700 1950 1000 95 730 1150 1,700,000
No. 2 2" to 4" 1450 1650 850 96 625 1000 1,700,000
No. 3 wide 800 925 475 96 626 600 1,500,000
Appearance 1750 2050 1050 95 625 1500 1,800,000 WCLIB
Stud 800 925 475 95 625 600 1,500,000 WWPA
Construction 2" to 4" 1050 1200 625 95 625 1150 1,500,000
Standard thick 600 675 350 95 625 925 1,500,000
Utility 4" wide 275 326 175 95 625 600 1,500,000 (See footnotes
Dense Select Structural 2100 2400 1400 95 730 1650 1,900,000 1-12
Select Structural 1800 2050 1200 95 625 1400 1,800,000 and 20)
Dense No. 1 2" to 4" 1800 2050 " 1200 95 730 1450 1,900,000
No. 1 thick 1500 1750 1 1000 95 625 1250 1,800,000
Dense No. 2 5" and 1450 1700 1 775 95 730 1250 1,700,000
No 2 wider 1250 1450 S 650 95 625 1050 1,700,000
No. 3 725 850 " 375 95 625 675 1,500,000
Appearance 1500 1750 1000 96- 625 1500 1,800,000
Stud 725 850 375 95 625 675 1,500,000
Dense Select Structural 1900 1100 85 730 1300 1,700,000
Select Structural Beams and 1600 950 85 625 1100 1,600,000
Dense No. 1
No. 1
Stringers 1550
- 776
No. 2 875 425 85' 625 600 1,300,000
Dense Select Structural 1750 1150 85 730 1350 1,700,000
Select Structural
Dense No. 1
Posts and
- 1000
(See footnotes
No. 1 1200- 825 85 625 1000 1,600,000 and 20)
No. 2 750 475 85 625 700 1,300,000

- -
Select Dex Decking 1750 2000 625 1,800,000
Commercial Dex 1450 1650 625 1,700,000
Dense Select Structural 1900 1250 85 730 1300 1,700,000
Select Structural Beams and 1600 1050 85 625 1100 1,600,000
Dense No. 1 Stringers 1550 1050 85 730 1100 1,700,000
No. 1
Dense No. 2
- 900
No. 2 875 425 85 625 600 1,300,000
Dense Select Structural 1750 1150 85 730 1350 1,700,000
Select Structural Posts and 1500 — 1000 as 625 1150 1,600,000
Dense No. 1 Timbers 1400 950 85 730 1200 1,700,000
No. 1 1200 825 85 625 1000 1,600,000
Dense No. 2 800 550 85 730 550 1,400,000
No. 2 700 475 85 626 475 1,300,000
(See footnotes
Selected Decking Decking — 2000 — — — — 1,800,000 1-13
Commercial Deci<ing 1650 1,700,000 and 20)
Selected Decking Decking — 2150 (Surfaced at 15% max. m.c. and — 1,900,000
Commercial Decking 1800 used at 15% max m.c.) 1,700,000
(Design values listed are for normal loading conditions. See other provisions in the footnotes and in the National Design Specification for
adjustments of tabulated values.)
Design values in pounds per square inch
Extreme fiber in Grading
Size ^ j3ending"FB" Tension Compression Compression Modulus rules
Species and commercial grade Horizontal
classification parallel perpendicular parallel of agency
Single- Repetitive- shear
member member to grain to grain to grain elasticity
uses "FT" "Fc i. " . "Fc" "E"
D O U G L A S F I R - L A R C H ( N O R T H ) (8 urfaced dry or surf aced green. L sed at 19% max. m.c.)
Select Structural 2100 2400 1200 95 625 1550 1,800,000
No. 1 2" to 3" 1750 2050 1050 95 625 1250 1,800,000
No. 2 thick 1450 1650 850 95 625 1000 1,700,000
No. 3 2" to 4" 800 925 475 95 625 600 1,500,000
Appearance wide 1750 2050 1050 95 625 1500 1,800,000
Stud 800 925 475 95 625 600 \ 1,500,000
Construction 2" to 4" 1050 1200 625 95 625 1150 1,500,000
Standard thick 600 675 350 95 625 925 1,500,000 NLGA
Utility 4" wide 275 325 175 95 625 600 1,500,000
(A Canadian
Select Structural 1800 2050 1200 95 625 1400 1,800,000 agency See
No. 1 2" to 4" 1500 1750 " 1000 95 625 1250 1,800,000 footnotes 1-12,
No. 2 thick 1250 1450 i 650 95 625 1050 1,700,000 15, 16 and 20)
No. 3 5" and 725 850 o 375 95 625 675 1,500,000
Appearance wider 1500 1750 S 1000 95 625 1500 1,800,000
stud 725 850 " 375 95 625 675 1,500,000
Select Structural Beams and 1600 950 85 625 1100 1,600,000
No. 1 Stringers 1300 - 675 85 625 925 1,600,000
No. 2 875 425 85 625 600 1,300,000
Select Structural Posts and 1500 1000 85 625 1150 1,600,000
No. 1 Timbers 1200 - 825 85 625 1000 1,600,000
No. 2 725 475 85 625 700 1,300,000
Select Decking 1750 2000 625 — 1,800,000
Commercial 1450 1650 _ 625 1,700,000
D O U G L A S F I R S O U T H (Surfaced d y or surfaced green. Used at 19 % max. m,c.)
Select structural 2000 2300 „ 1150 90 520 1400 1,400,000
No. 1 2" to 4" 1700 1950 B 975 90 520 1150 1,400,000
No. 2 thick 1400 1600 i 825 90 520 900 1,300,000
No. 3 2" to 4" 775 875 £ 450 90 620 550 1,100,000
Appearance wide 1700 1950 90 520 1360 1,400,000
stud 775 875 450 90 520 550 1,100,000
Construction 2" to 4" 1000 1150 600 90 520 1000 1,100,000
standard thick 550 650 325 90 520 860 1,100,000
Utility 4" wide 275 300 150 90 520 550 1,100,000
Select structural 1700 1950 1150 90 520 1250 1,400,000 WWPA
No. 1 2" to 4" 1450 1650 975 90 520 1150 1,400,000
No. 2 thick 1200 1350 625 90 520 950 1,300,000 (See footnotes
No. 3 5" and 700 800 350 90 520 600 1,100,000 1-13
Appearance wider 1450 1650 975 90 520 1350 1,400,000 and 20)
stud 700 800 350 90 520 600 1,100,000
Select Structural Beams and 1550 1050 85 520 1000 1,200,000
No. 1 Stringers 1300 850 85 520 850 1,200,000
No. 2 825
E 425 85 520 525 1,000,000
Select Structural Posts and 1400 950 85 520 1050 1,200,000
No. 1 Timbers 1150 775 85 520 926 1,200,000
No. 2 650 E 400 85 520 425 1,000,000
Selected Decking Decking — 1900 — 1,400,000
Commercial Decking 1600 _ _ _ 1,300,000
Selected Decking Decking — 2050 (Surfaced at 15% max. m.c. and 1,500,000
Commercial Decking 1760 used at 15% max. m.c.) — 1,300,000
(Design values listed are for normal loading conditions. See other provisions in the footnotes and in the National Design Specification for
adjustments of tabulated values.)

Design . : • in p o u n d s per s q u a r e i n c h

E x t r e m e fiber in Grading
Size bending " F B " Tension Compression Compression Modulus rules
o p e c i e s ana c o m m e r c i a l graae classification Single- Repetitive- parallel shear perpendicular parallel of agency
member member to grain "Fv" to grain to grain elasticity
•TT" "Fc J . " "Fc" "E"
uses uses

E A S T E R N H E M L O C K ( S u r f a c e d dry or s u r f a c e d g r e e n . U s e d at 19"/ max. m.c.)

Select s t r u c t u r a l 1750 2050 1050 85 550 1360 1,200,000
No. 1 2 " to 4 " 1500 1750 875 85 550 1050 1,200,000
No. 2 ttiicl< 1250 1450 725 85 550 850 1,100,000
No. 3 2 " to 4 " 675 800 400 85 550 525 1,000,000
Appearance wide 1500 1750 875 85 550 1250 1,200,000
stud 675 800 400 85 550 525 1,000,000

Construction 2 " to 4 " 900 1050 525 85 550 950 1,000,000

Standard thici< 500 575 300 85 550 800 1,000,000
Utility 4" wide 250 275 150 85 550 525 1,000,000
Select Structural 1550 1750 o 1000 rs 550 1200 • 1,200,000 NHPI^A
No. 1 2" to 4 " 1300 1500 . 875 85 550 1050 1,200,000 (See footnotes
No. 2 thick 1050 T250 1 550 85 550 900 1,100,000 1-12
No. 3 5 " and 625 TOO f 325 8C 550 676 1,000,000 a n d 20)
Appearance wider 1300 1500 S 875 85 550 1260 1,200,000
Stud 625 700 " 325 85 550 575 1,000,000

Select Structural B e a m s and 1350 925 80 550 950 1,200,000 NHPMA

No. 1 Stringers 1150
- 775 80 550 800 1,200,000 (See footnotes

Select Structural Posts and 1250 850 80 550 1000 1,200,000 1-12 and 20)
No. 1 Timbers 1050 — 700 80 550 675 1,200,000

Select Structural Beams and 1350

_ 925 80 550 950 1,200,000 NELMA

No. 1 Stringers 1150 775 80 550 800 1,200,000 (See footnotes
No. 2 750 375 80 550 550 900,000 1-12

Select Structural Posts a n d 1250 850 80 550 1000 1,200,000 a n d 20)

No. 1 Timbers 1050 700 80 550 876 1,200,000
No. 2 600 — 400 80 550 400 900,000

EASTERN HEMLOCK - T A M A R A C K ( S u r f a c e d dry or s u r f a c e d gre en. Used at 19 % max. m.c.)

Select Structural 1800 2050 1050 85 555 1360 1,300,000
No. 1 2 " to 4 " 1500 1750 900 85 555 1050 1.300,000
No. 2 ttiick 1250 1450 725 85 555 850 1,100,000
No. 3 2 " to 4 " 700 800 400 85 565 525 1,000,000
Appearance wide 1300 1500 900 85 555 1300 1,300,000
Stud 700 800 400 85 555 625 1,000,000

Construction 2 " to 4 " 900 1050 525 85 555 950 1,000,000

Standard thick 500 575 300 85 555 800 1,000,000
Utility 4" wide 250 275 150 85 555 525 1,000,000
Select Structural 1550 1750 1050 85 555 1200 1,300,000 NHPMA
No. 1 2" to 4 " 1300 1500 £ 875 85 555 1050 1,300,000
No. 2 thick 1050 1200 g 575 85 655 900 1,100,000 (See footnotes
No. 3
5" and
I 325
and 20)
1 875
Stud 625 725 325 85 555 575 1,000,000

Select Structural Beams and 1400 925 80 555 950 1,200,000 NHPMA
No. 1 Stringers 1150 — 775 80 555 800 1,200,000 (See footnotes

Select Structural Posts and 1300 875 80 555 1000 1,200,000 1-12 and 20)
No. 1 Timbers 1050 — 700 80 565 875 1,200,000

Select Structural
No. 1
Beams and
1160 _

(See footnotes
No. 2 750 — 375 80 555 500

Select Structural
No. 1
Posts and
1050 _— 875
No. 2 600 — 400 80 565

Select Decking 1600 1700 — — 1,300,000
Commercial 1250 1450
- - 1.100.000

(Design values listed are for normal loading conditions. See other provisions in the footnotes and in the National Design Specification for
adjustments of tabulated values.)
Design values in p o u n d s per s q u a r e inch
E x t r e m e fiber in Grading
Size bending " F a " Tension Compression Compression Modulus rules
Species and c o m m e r c i a l g r a d e Horizontal
classification parallel perpendicular parallel of agency
Single- Repetitive- shear
to g r a i n to g r a i n to g r a i n elasticity
member member "Fv"
"Fr- '•Fc J . " "Fc" "E"
uses uses
E A S T E R N H E M L O C K ^ - W I A R A C K ( N O R T H ) (Surface d d r y or surf i c e d g r e e n . Us ed at 1 9 % m ax. m.c.)
Select Structural H. 1800 2050 1050 85 555 1350 1,300,000
No. 1 2" to 3" 1500 1750 900 85 555 1050 1,300,000
No. 2 thick 1250 1450 725 85 555 850 1,100,000
No. 3 2" to 4 " 700 800 400 85 555 525 1,000,000
Appearance wide 1500 1750 900 85 555 1300 1,300,000
Stud 700 800 400 85 555 525 1,000,000
Construction 2" t o 4" 900 1050 525 85 555 975 1,000,000
Standard thick 500 575 300 85 555 800 1,000,000
Utility 4" w i d e 250 275 150 86 555 525 1,000,000 NLGA
Select Structural 1550 1750 1050 85 555 1200 1,300,000
No. 1 2 " to 4 " 1300 1500 i 875 85 555 1050 1,300,000 (A C a n a d i a n
No. 2 thick 1050 1200 1 575 85 566 900 1,100,000 agency See
No. 3 5" a n d 625 725 1 325 86 565 575 1,000,000 footnotes 1 - 1 2 ,
Appearance wider 1300 1500 S 875 85 565 1300 1,300,000 15, 16 a n d 20)
Stud 626 725 " 325 85 555 575 1,000,000
Select Structural Beams and 1450 850 85 555 950 1,300,000
No. 1 Stringers 1200 - 600 85 555 800 1,300,000
No. 2 775 400 85 555 500 1,100,000
Select Structural Posts a n d 1350 900 86 565 1000 1,300,000
No. 1 Timbers 1100 - 726 85 555 875 1,300,000
No. 2 650 425 85 565 600 1,100,000
Select Decking 1500 1700 — 555 — 1,300,000
Commercial 1250 1450 — 566 1,100,000
E A S T E R N S O F T W O O D S ( S u r f a c e d dry or s u r f a c e d gr)en, U s e d at 9 % max. m.c )
Select Structural 2 " to 4 " 1350 1550 800 70 335 1050 1,200,000 NHPMA(See
No. 1 thick 1150 1350 675 70 335 825 1,200,000 footnotes 1 - 1 2 )
No. 2 2" to 4" 950 1100 550 70 335 650 1,100,000
No. 3 wide 525 600 300 70 335 400 1,000,000
Stud 2 " to 4" 525 600 300 70 335 400 1,000,000 NELMA
thick NHPMA(See
2" to 4" footnotes 1 - 1 2 )
Construction 2 " to 4" 700 800 400 70 335 750 1,000,000
Standard thick 375 450 225 70 335 625 1,000,000 NHPMA
Utility 4" w i d e 175 200 100 70 336 400 1,000,000 (See footnotes
Select Structural 2 " to 4 " 1150 1350 n 775 70 335 925 1,200,000
and 20)
No. 1 thick 1000 1150 f 675 70 335 825 1,200,000
No. 2 5" a n d 825 950 70 335 700 1,100,000
1 "25
No. 3 wider 475 550 5 250 70 335 450 1,000,000
Appearance 1000 1150 1 675 70 335 1000 1,200,000
Stud 2" to 4" 475 550 250 70 335 450 1,000,000 NELMA
thick N H P M A (See
5" a n d footnotes 1 - 1 2
wider and 20)
E A S T E R N S P R U C E (Surfaced dry o r s u r f a c e d green. L sed at 1 9 % nax. m.c.)
Select Structural 1400 1600 800 70 390 1050 1,500,000
No. 1 2" to 4" 1200 1350 700 70 390 825 1,500,000
No. 2 thick 975 1100 575 70 390 650 1,400,000
No. 3 2" t o 4" 550 625 325 70 390 400 1,200,000
Appearance wide 1200 1350 700 70 390 1000 1,500,000 NELMA
Stud 550 625 325 70 390 400 1,200,000
Construction 2" t o 4 " 700 800 400 70 390 750 1,200,000
Standard thick 400 450 225 70 390 625 1,200,000 (See footnotes
Utility 4" wide 175 225 100 70 390 400 1,200,000 1 - 1 2 a n d 20)
Select S t m c t u r a l 1200 1350 0 800 70 390 925 1,500,000
No. 1 2" to 4 " 1000 1160 S 675 70 390 825 1,500,000
No. 2 thick 825 950 1 425 70 390 700 1,400,000
No. 3 5" a n d 475 550 £ 250 70 390 450 1,200,000
Appearance wider 1000 1150 1 675 70 390 1000 1,500,000
Stud 475 550 250 70 390 450 1,200,000
Select Structural Beams and 1050 725 65 390 760 1,400,000 NHMPA
No. 1 Stringers 900 600 65 390 625 1,400,000 (See f o o t n o t e s
Select Structural Posts a n d 1000 675 65 390 776 1,400,000 1 - 1 2 a n d 20)
No. 1 Timbers 800 550 65 390 675 1,400,000
Select Structural Beams and 1050 725 65 390 750 1,400,000
No. 1 Stringers 900 - 600 65 390 625 1,400,000
No. 2 575 275 65 390 375 1,000,000
Select Structural Posts a n d 1000 675 65 390 775 1,400,000 (See footnotes
No. 1 Timbers 800 550 65 390 675 1,400,000 1 - 1 2 a n d 20)
No. 2 450
E 300 65 390 300 1,000,000
Select Decking — 1300 — — — 1,500,000
Commercial 1100 — 1,400,000
(Design values listed are for normal loading conditions. S e e other provisions in the footnotes and in the National Design Specification for
adjustments of tabulated values.)

Design values in pounds per square inch

Extreme fiber in Grading
Size bending " F a " Tension Compression Compression Modulus rules
OfJcolcb dllU LfUllllllcIUIdl yiaUc classification parallel perpendicular parallel of agency
Single- Repetitive- shear
member member to grain "Fv" to grain to grain elasticity
"FT" "Fox" "Fc" " E "
uses uses

EASTERN WHITE PINE (Surfaced dry or surfaced green. U s e d at 1 9 % max. m.c.)

Select Structural 1350 1560 800 70 350 1050 1,200,000
No. 1 2" to 4" 1150 1350 675 70 360 860 1,200,000
No. 2 thick 950 1100 660 70 350 675 1,100,000
No. 3 2" to 4" 526 600 300 70 350 400 1,000,000
Appearance wide 1150 1350 675 70 360 1000 1,200,000
Stud 525 600 300 70 350 400 1,000,000
Construction 2" to 4" 700 800 400 70 350 750 1,000,000 NHPMA
Standard thick 376 460 225 70 350 626 1,000,000
Utility 4" wide 176 200 100 70 350 400 1,000,000
Select Structural 1150 1350 776 70 350 950 • 1,200,000 (See footnotes
No. 1 2" to 4" 1000 1150 2 675 70 350 850 1,200,000 1-12
No. 2 thick 826 950 B 425 70 350 700 1,100,000 and 20)
No. 3 5" and 475 550 £ 260 70 350 460 1,000,000
Appearance wider 1000 1150 1 675 70 350 1000 1.200,000
iStud 475 550 250 70 350 450 1,000,000
Select Structural B e a m s and 1050
_ 700 65 350 675 1,100,000 NHPMA
No. 1 Stringers 876
- 600 65 350 575 1,100,000 (See footnotes

Select Structural Posts and 975 660 66 350 726 1,100,000 1-12 and 20)
No. 1 Timbers 800 — 526 66 350 626 1,100,000

Select Structural B e a m s and 1050 _ 700 66 350 675 1,100,000

No. 1 Stringers 875 — 600 65 350 575 1,100,000
No. 2 575 — 275 65 350 400 900,000
Select Structural Posts and 975 — 650 65 350 725 1,100,000 (See footnotes
No. 1 Timbers 800 — 625 65 350 625 1,100,000 1-12 and 20)
No. 2 450 — 300 65 350 325 900,000

Select Decking 1150 1300

_ _ _ _ 1,200,000
Commercial 960 1100
- - - - 1,100,000

EASTERN WHITE PINE (NORTH) (Surfaced dry or surfaced green. U s e d at 1 9 % max. m.c.)
Select Structural 1350 1550 800 65 350 1050 1,200,000
No. 1 2" to 3" 1150 1350 675 65 350 850 1,200,000
No. 2 thick 950 1100 550 66 350 675 1,100,000
No. 3 2" to 4" 525 600 300 65 350 400 1,000,000
Appearance wide 1150 1350 676 66 350 1000 1,200,000
Stud 525 600 300 65 350 400 1,000,000 NLGA
Construction 2" to 4" 700 800 400 66 350 750 1,000,000
Standard thick 375 450 226 66 350 626 1,000,000 (A Canadian
Utility 4" wide 175 200 100 65 350 400 1,000,000 agency S e e

Select Structural 1150 1350 „ 776 65 350 950 1,200,000 footnotes 1 - 1 2 ,

No. 1 2" to 4" 1000 1150 1 675 65 350 850 1,200,000 16, 16 and 20)
No. 2 thick 825 950 1 425 65 350 700 1,100,000
No. 3 5" and 476 650 S 250 65 350 450 1,000,000
Appearance wider
1 250
Select Decking 900 1050 350 _ 1,200,000
Commercial 776 876 — 350 — 1,100,000

EASTERN WOODS (Surfaced dry or surfaced green. U s e d at 1 9 % max. m.c.)

Select Structural 1300 1500 • 60 270 850 1,100,000
No. 1 2" to 4" 1100 1300 650 60 270 675 1,100,000
No. 2 thick 925 1050 525 60 270 560 1,000,000
No. 3 2" to 4" 500 576 300 60 270 325 900,000 NELMA
Appearance wide 1100 1300 650 60 270 825 1,100,000 NHPMA
Stud 500 575 300 60 270 326 900,000
Construction 2" to 4" 650 750 400 60 270 625 900,000 (See footnotes
Standard thick 375 426 225 60 270 500 900,000 1-12)
Utility 4" wide 175 200 100 60 270 326 900,000
Select Structural 1150 1300 „ 750 60 270 750 1,100,000
No. 1 2" t o 4 " 950 1100 I 650 60 270 676 1,100,00(K NHPMA
No. 2 i,ooo:eea_.
No. 3
5" a n d
1 2 5425
£ 0
375 900,000
wider 950
1 650
(See footnotes
1-12 and 20)

(Design values listed are for normal loading conditions. See otfier provisions in the footnotes and in the National Design Specification for
adjustments of tabulated values.)
Design values in p o u n d s per s q u a r e inch
E x t r e m e fiber in Grading
Size bending " F B " Tension Compression Compression Modulus rules
S p e c i e s a n d c o m m e r c i a l grade Horizontal
classification parallel perpendicular parallel of agency
Single- Repetitive- shear
to grain to grain to g r a i n elasticity
member member "Fv"
" F T " "Fc J . " "Fc" "E"
uses uses
E N G E L M A N N S P R U C E — A L P I N E F R ( E N G E L M A N N £> P R U C E - L O D G E P O L E P i rJE) (Surfaced dry or surfacec g r e e n . Used at I S% max. m.c.)
Select Structural 1 3 5 0 1 5 5 0 8 0 0 7 0 3 2 0 9 5 0 1,300,000
No. 1 \ 2 " to 4 " 1 1 5 0 1 3 5 0 6 7 5 7 0 3 2 0 7 5 0 1,300,000
No. 2 thick 9 5 0 1 1 0 0 5 5 0 7 0 3 2 0 6 0 0 1,100,000
No. 3 2 " to 4 " 5 2 5 6 0 0 3 0 0 7 0 3 2 0 3 7 5 1,000,000
Appearance wide 1 1 5 0 1 3 5 0 6 7 5 7 0 3 2 0 9 0 0 1,300,000
Stud 5 2 5 6 0 0 3 0 0 7 0 3 2 0 3 7 5 1,000,000
Construction 2 " to 4 " 7 0 0 8 0 0 4 0 0 7 0 3 2 0 6 7 5 1,000.000
Standard ttiick 3 7 5 4 5 0 2 2 5 7 0 3 2 0 5 5 0 1,000,000
Utility 4 " wide 1 7 5 2 0 0 1 0 0 7 0 3 2 0 3 7 5 1,000,000
Select Structural 1 2 0 0 1 3 5 0 7 7 5 7 0 3 2 0 8 5 0 1,300,000
No. 1 2 " to 4 " 1 0 0 0 1 1 5 0 1 6 7 5 7 0 3 2 0 7 5 0 1,300,000 WWPA
No. 2 thick 8 2 5 9 5 0 1 4 2 5 7 0 3 2 0 6 2 5 1,100,000 (See footnotes
No. 3 5 " and 4 7 5 5 5 0 1 2 5 0 7 0 3 2 0 4 0 0 1,000,000 1 - 1 3 and 2 0 )
Appearance wider 1 0 0 0 1 1 5 0 % 6 7 5 7 0 3 2 0 9 0 0 1,300,000
Stud 4 7 5 5 5 0 " 2 5 0 7 0 3 2 0 4 0 0 1,000,000
Select Structural Beams and 1 0 6 0 7 0 0 6 5 3 2 0 6 7 5 1,100,000
No. 1 Stringers 8 7 5 6 0 0 6 5 3 2 0 5 5 0 1,100,000
No. 2 6 7 5
I 2 7 5 6 5 3 2 0 3 5 0 9 0 0 , 0 0 0
Select Structural Posts a n d 9 7 5 6 5 0 6 5 3 2 0 7 0 0 1,100,000
No. 1 Timbers 8 0 0 - 5 2 5 6 5 3 2 0 6 2 5 1,100,000
No. 2 4 5 0 3 0 0 6 5 3 2 0 2 7 5 9 0 0 , 0 0 0
Selected D e c k i n g Decking 1 3 0 0 1,300,000
Commercial Decking _ 1 1 0 0 _ _ _ 1,100,000
Selected D e c k i n g Decking — 1 4 0 0 (Surfaced at 1 5 % max. m.c. a n d 1,300,000
C o m m e r c i a l Decking 1 2 0 0 used at 1 5 % max. m.c.) 1,200,000
H E M - F I R (Surfaced d r y or surfaced j r e e n . U s e d at 1 9 » / 0 max. m.c.)
Select Structural 1 6 5 0 1 9 0 0 9 7 5 7 5 4 0 5 • 1,500,000
No. 1 2 " to 4 " 1 4 0 0 1 6 0 0 8 2 5 7 5 4 0 5 1 0 5 0 1,500,000
No. 2 thick 1 1 5 0 1 3 5 0 6 7 5 7 5 4 0 5 8 2 5 1,400,000
No. 3 2 " to 4 " 6 5 0 7 2 5 3 7 5 7 5 4 0 5 5 0 0 1,200,000
Appearance wide 1 4 0 0 1 6 0 0 8 2 5 7 5 4 0 5 1 2 5 0 1,500,000
Stud 6 5 0 7 2 5 3 7 5 7 5 4 0 5 5 0 0 1,200,000
Construction 2 " to 4 " 8 2 5 9 7 5 5 0 0 7 5 4 0 5 9 2 5 1,200,000 WCLIB
Standard thick 4 7 5 5 5 0 2 7 5 7 5 4 0 5 7 7 5 1,200,000 WWPA
Utility 4 " wide 2 2 5 2 5 0 125 7 5 4 0 5 5 0 0 1,200,000
Select Structural 1 4 0 0 1 6 5 0 9 5 0 7 5 4 0 5 1 1 5 0 1,500,000 (See footnotes
No. 1 2 " to 4 " 1 2 0 0 1 4 0 0 ; 8 0 0 7 5 4 0 5 1 0 5 0 1,500,000 1 - 1 2 and 2 0 )
No. 2 thick 1 0 0 0 1 1 5 0 1 5 2 5 7 5 4 0 5 8 7 5 1,400,000
No. 3 6 " and S75 6 7 5 1 3 0 0 7 5 4 0 5 5 6 0 1,200,000
Appearance wider 1 2 0 0 1 4 0 0 S 8 0 0 7 5 4 0 5 1 2 6 0 1,500,000
Stud 5 7 5 6 7 5 " 3 0 0 7 5 4 0 5 5 5 0 1,200,000
Select Structural Beams and 1 3 0 0 7 5 0 7 0 4 0 5 9 2 5 1,300,000
No. 1 Stringers 1 0 5 0 5 2 5 7 0 4 0 5 7 5 0 1,300,000
6 7 5 5 0 0 1,100,000
No. 2
E 3 5 0 7 0 4 0 5
Select Structural Posts a n d 1 2 0 0 8 0 0 7 0 4 0 5 9 7 5 1,300,000 WCLIB
No. 1 Timbers 9 7 5 - 6 5 0 7 0 4 0 5 8 5 0 1,300,000
No. 2 5 7 5 3 7 5 7 0 4 0 5 675. 1,100,000
Select Dex Decking 1 4 0 0 1 6 0 0 4 0 5 1,600,000 (See footnotes
C o m m e r c i a l Dex 1 1 5 0 1 3 5 0 4 0 5 1,400.000 1 - 1 2 and 2 0 )
Select Structural Beams and 1 2 5 0 8 5 0 7 0 4 0 5 9 2 5 1,300,000
No. 1 Stringers 1 0 5 0 7 2 5 7 0 4 0 5 7 7 5 1,300,000
No. 2 6 7 5 3 2 5 7 0 4 0 5 4 7 5 1,100,000
Select Structural Posts a n d 1 2 0 0 8 0 0 7 0 4 0 5 9 7 5 1,300,000 WWPA
No. 1 Timbers 9 5 0 - 6 5 0 7 0 4 0 5 8 5 0 1,300,000
No. 2 5 2 5 3 5 0 7 0 4 0 5 3 7 5 1,100,000
Selected D e c k i n g Decking 1 6 0 0 1,500,000
Commercial Decking _ 1 3 5 0 _ _ _ _ 1,400,000 (See footnotes
1 - 1 3 and 2 0 )
Selected D e c k i n g Decking — 1 7 0 0 (Surfaced at 1 5 % max. m.c. a n d 1,600,000
C o m m e r c i a l Decking 1 4 5 0 used at 1 5 % max, m.c.) — 1.400,000
(Design values listed are for normal loading conditions. See other provisions in the footnotes and in the National Design Specification for
adjustments of tabulated values.)

D e s i g n values in p o u n d s per s q u a r e inch

E x t r e m e fiber in Grading
Size bending " F B " Tension Compression Compression Modulus rules
Species a n d c o m m e r c i a l g r a d e Horizontal
classification parallel perpendicular parallel of agency
Single- Repetitive- shear
t o grain to grain to grain elasticity
member member ••Fv''
••FT" ••Fc J . " "Fc" "E"
uses uses

H E M - F I R ( N O R T H ) ( S u r f a c e d d r y or s u r f a c e d g r e e n . U ,ed at 1 9 % m ax. m.c.)

Select Structural 1600 1800 926 75 370 1300 1,500,000
No. 1 2 " to 3 " 1350 1550 800 75 370 1050 1,500,000
No. 2 thick 1100 1300 650 75 370 800 1,400,000
No. 3 2 " to 4 " 625 700 350 75 370 500 1,200,000
Appearance wide 1350 1550 800 75 370 1260 1,500,000
Stud 625 700 350 75 370 600 1,200,000

Construction 2 " to 4 " 800 925 475 75 370 925 1,200,000

standard thick 450 525 275 76 370 775 1,200,000 NLGA
Utility 4" wide 225 250 126 76 370 500 1,200,000 (A C a n a d i a n
Select Structural 1350 1550 900 75 370 1150 1,500,000 a g e n c y See
No. 1 2 " to 4 " 1150 1350 . 776 76 370 1050 1,500,000 footnotes 1 - 1 2 , 15,
No. 2 thick 950 1100 1 500 75 370 850 1,400,000 16 and 20)
No. 3 5" and 550 650 1 300 75 370 550 1,200,000
Appearance wider 1150 1350 1 775 75 370 1250 1,500,000
Stud 550 650 " 300 75 370 550 1,200,000

Select Structural Beams and 1250 725 70 370 900 1,300,000

No. 1
No. 2
Stringers 1000
- 500

Select Structural Posts a n d 1150 775 70 370 960 1,300,000
No. 1 Timbers 925 625 70 370 860 1,300,000
No 2 550 375 70 370 575 1,100,000

Select Decking 1350 1500 — 370 — 1,500,000

Commercial 1100 1300 370 1,400,000

I D A H O W H I T E P I N E ( S u r f a c e d dry ()r s u r f a c e d g r e e n . Used at 1 9 % max. m.c.)

Select Structural 1350 1550 775 70 316 1100 1,400,000
No. 1 2 " to 4 " 1150 1300 650 70 315 875 1,400,000
No. 2 thick 925 1050 650 70 315 675 1,300,000
No. 3 2 " to 4 " 525 600 300 70 315 425 1,200,000
Appearance wide 1150 1300 650 70 315 1050 1,400,000
Stud 525 600 300 70 315 425 1,200,000

Construction 2 " to 4 " 675 775 400 70 316 775 1,200,000

Standard thick 375 425 225 70 315 660 1,200,000
Utility 4" wide 175 200 100 70 316 426 1,200,000 W W PA

Select Structural 1150 1300 776 70 315 950 1,400,000

No. 1 2 " to 4 ' 975 1100 " 650 70 315 876 1,400,000
No. 2 thick 800 926 i 425 70 315 725 1,300,000
No. 3 5" and 475 550 1 250 70 315 450 1,200,000 (See footnotes
Appearance wider 975 1100 S 650 70 315 1050 1,400,000 1-13 a n d 20)
Stud 475 .jm— 250 70 315 450 1,200,000

Select Structural Beams and 1000 700 65 315 775 1,300,000

No. 1 Stringers 850 - 575 65 315 660 1,300,000
No. 2 650 275 66 315 400 1,000,000

Select Structural Posts a n d 960 660 65 316 800 1,300,000

No. 1
No. 2
Timbers 775
- 526

Selected Decking Decking — 1300 — — — — 1,400,000

Commercial Decking 1050 1,300,000

Selected Decking Decking — 1400 ( S u r f a c e d at 1 5 % m a x . m.c. a n d 1,500,000

C o m m e r c i a l Decking 1150 u s e d at 1 5 % m a x . m.c.) — 1,400,000

V •

(Design values listed are for normal loading conditions. See other provisions in the footnotes and in the National Design Specification for
adjustments of tabulated values.)
D e s i g n v a l u e s in p o u n d s p e r s q u a r e inch
E x t r e m e fiber in Grading
Size bending " F B " Tension Compression Compression Modulus rules
classification parallel perpendicular parallel of agency
Single- Repetitive- shear
to grain to grain to g r a i n elasticity
member member "Fv"
" F T " ••Fc J . " "Fc" " E "
uses uses
L O D G E P O L E P I N E ( S u r f a c e d d r y or s u r f a c e d g r e e n . U s e d at 1 9 % max. m.c.)
Select structural 1 5 0 0 1 7 5 0 8 7 5 7 0 4 0 0 1 1 5 0 1 , 3 0 0 , 0 0 0
No. 1 2 " to 4 " 1 3 0 0 1 6 0 0 7 5 0 7 0 4 0 0 9 0 0 1 , 3 0 0 , 0 0 0
No. 2 ttiick 1 0 5 0 1 2 0 0 6 2 5 7 0 4 0 0 7 0 0 1 , 2 0 0 , 0 0 0
No. 3 2 " to 4 " 6 0 0 6 7 5 3 5 0 7 0 4 0 0 4 2 5 1 , 0 0 0 , 0 0 0
Appearance wide 1 3 0 0 1 5 0 0 7 5 0 7 0 4 0 0 1 0 5 0 1 , 3 0 0 , 0 0 0
Stud 6 0 0 6 7 6 3 6 0 7 0 4 0 0 4 2 5 1 , 0 0 0 , 0 0 0
Construction 2 " to 4 " 7 7 5 8 7 5 4 5 0 7 0 4 0 0 8 0 0 1 , 0 0 0 , 0 0 0
S t a n d a r S ^ ^ thick 4 2 5 5 0 0 2 6 0 7 0 4 0 0 6 7 5 1 , 0 0 0 , 0 0 0
Utility 4" wide 2 0 0 2 2 6 125 7 0 4 0 0 4 2 6 1 , 0 0 0 , 0 0 0
Select structural 1 3 0 0 1 5 0 0 „ 8 7 5 7 0 4 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 , 3 0 0 , 0 0 0
No. 1 2 " to 4 " 1 1 0 0 1 3 0 0 • 7 5 0 7 0 4 0 0 9 0 0 1 , 3 0 0 , 0 0 0 WWPA
No. 2 thick 9 2 5 1 0 5 0 1 4 7 6 7 0 4 0 0 7 6 0 1 , 2 0 0 , 0 0 0
No. 3 5 " and 5 2 6 6 2 5 7 0 4 0 0 4 7 5 1 , 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 (See footnotes
i 2 7 5
Appearance wider 1 1 0 0 1 3 0 0 1 7 5 0 7 0 4 0 0 1 0 5 0 1 , 3 0 0 , 0 0 0 1 - 1 3 and 20)
stud 6 2 5 6 2 6 ^ 2 7 5 7 0 4 0 0 4 7 5 1 , 0 0 0 , 0 0 0
Select Structural Beams and 1 1 5 0 — 7 7 5 6 5 4 0 0 8 0 0 1 , 1 0 0 , 0 0 0
No. 1 Stringers 9 7 5 — 6 5 0 6 6 4 0 0 6 7 6 1 , 1 0 0 , 0 0 0
No. 2 6 2 6 — 3 2 6 6 6 4 0 0 4 2 6 9 0 0 , 0 0 0
Select Structural Posts and 1 1 0 0 — 7 2 6 6 5 4 0 0 8 5 0 1 , 1 0 0 , 0 0 0
No. 1 Timbers 8 7 5 — 6 0 0 6 5 4 0 0 7 2 6 1 , 1 0 0 , 0 0 0
No. 2 5 0 0 — 3 6 0 6 5 4 0 0 3 5 0 9 0 0 , 0 0 0
Selected Decking Decking — 1 4 6 0 — _ _ 1 , 3 0 0 , 0 0 0
Commercial Decking — 1 2 0 0 — — — 1 , 2 0 0 , 0 0 0
Selected Decking Decking 1 5 5 0 ( S u r f a c e d at 1 6 % m a x . m.c. and 1 , 4 0 0 , 0 0 0
Commercial Decking 1 3 0 0 u s e d at 1 5 % max. m.c.) 1 , 2 0 0 , 0 0 0
- -
M I X E D S P E C I E S ( W E S T C O A S T W O O D S ) ( S u r f a c e d d r y or s u r f a c e d g r e e n . U s e d at 1 9 % max. •
Select Structural 1 3 6 0 1 6 6 0 7 7 5 7 0 3 1 5 9 5 0 1 , 1 0 0 , 0 0 0
No. 1 2 " to 4 - 1 1 5 0 1 3 0 0 6 5 0 7 0 3 1 5 7 5 0 1 , 1 0 0 , 0 0 0
No. 2 thick 9 2 5 1 0 6 0 5 5 0 7 0 3 1 5 6 0 0 1 , 0 0 0 , 0 0 0
No. 3 2 " to 4 " 5 2 5 6 0 0 3 0 0 7 0 3 1 5 3 7 5 9 0 0 , 0 0 0
Stud wide 5 2 6 6 0 0 3 0 0 7 0 3 1 5 3 7 5 9 0 0 , 0 0 0
Construction 2 " to 4 " 6 7 5 7 7 5 4 0 0 7 0 3 1 6 6 7 5 9 0 0 , 0 0 0
Standard thick 3 7 5 4 2 5 2 2 6 7 0 3 1 6 5 5 0 9 0 0 , 0 0 0
Utility 4" wide 1 7 6 2 0 0 1 0 0 7 0 3 1 5 3 7 5 9 0 0 , 0 0 0 WCLIB
Select Structural 2 " to 4 " 1 1 5 0 1 3 0 0 " 7 7 5 7 0 3 1 5 8 5 0 1 , 1 0 0 , 0 0 0
No. 1 thick 9 7 5 1 1 0 0 1 6 5 0 7 0 3 1 6 7 5 0 1 , 1 0 0 , 0 0 0 (See footnotes
No. 2 5 " and 8 0 0 9 2 5 S 4 2 5 7 0 3 1 5 6 2 6 1 , 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 1 - 1 3 and 20)
No. 3 wider 4 7 5 5 6 0 S 2 5 0 7 0 3 1 5 4 0 0 9 0 0 , 0 0 0
Stud 4 7 6 5 5 0 <o 2 5 0 7 0 3 1 5 4 0 0 9 0 0 , 0 0 0
(Design values listed are for normal loading conditions. See other provisions in the footnotes and in the National Design Specification for
adjustments of tabulated values.)

D e s i g n v a l u e s in p o u n d s per s q u a r e incti
E x t r e m e fiber in Grading
Size bending " F B " Tension Compression Compression Modulus rules
classification Single- Repetitive- parallel shear perpendicular parallel of agency
member member to grain "Fv" to grain to grain elasticity
uses uses
"FT" "Fcj." "Fc" "E"

MOUNTAIN H E M L O C K ( S u r f a c e d dry or s u r f a c e d green. Used at 1 9 % max. m.c.)

Select s t r u c t u r a l 1750 2000 1000 96 670 1250 1,300,000
No. 1 2" to 4 " 1450 1700 850 95 670 1000 1,300,000
No. 2 thick 1200 1400 700 95 570 775 1,100,000
No. 3 2" to 4 " 675 776 400 95 570 476 1,000,000
Appearance wide 1450 1700 850 95 570 1200 1,300,000
Stud 675 775 400 96 570 475 1,000,000 WCLIB
Construction 2 " to 4 " 875 1000 525 96 570 900 1,000,000 WWPA
Standard ttiick 500 575 276 96 570 725 1,000,000
Utility 4 " wide 225 275 126 95 570 476 1,000,000
Select Structural 1500 1700 1000 95 570 1100 1,300,000
No. 1 2" t o 4 " 1250 1450 • 850 96 570 1000 1,300,000 (See footnotes
No. 2 ttiick 1050 1200 95 1-12 a n d 20)
1 650 570 825 1,100,000
No. 3 5" a n d 625 700 96 570 525 1,000,000
1 325
Appearance wider 1260 1450 95 670 1200 1,300,000
1 850
stud 625 700 325 95 570 525 I.OOO.OOOj
Select Structural Beams and 1350 _ 775 85 670 876 1,100,000
No. 1 Stringers 1100 — 550 86 670 725 1,100,000
No. 2 725 — 376 85 570 475 900,000
Select s t r u c t u r a l Posts a n d 1250 _ 825 85 670 926 1,100,000 WCLIB
No. 1 Timbers 1000 — 675 85 570 800 1,100,000
No. 2 625 — 400 85 570 660 900,000
Select Dex Decking 1450 1650 _ 570 _ 1,300,000 (See footnotes
C o m m e r c i a l Dex 1200 1400 — 570 — 1,100,000 1-12 a n d 20)
Select s t r u c t u r a l Beams and 1350 _ 900 9C 670 876 1,100,000
No. 1 Stringers 1100 — 750 90 670 760 1,100,000
No. 2 725 — 375 90 670 475 900,000
Select Structural Posts a n d 1250 _ 825 90 570 926 1,100,000 WWPA
No. 1 Timbers 1000 — 675 90 670 800 1,100,000
No. 2 576 — 375 90 570 375 900,000
Selected Decking Decking — 1660 — — ~
_ 1,300,000
Commercial Decking — 1400 — — — — 1,100,000 (See footnotes
1-13 a n d 20)
Selected Decking Decking _ 1800 (Surfaced at 1 6 % max. m.c. a n d 1,300,000
Commercial Decking
- 1500 used at 1 5 % m a x m c )
- 1,200,000

(Design values listed are for normal loading conditions. See other provisions in the footnotes and in the National Design Specification for
adjustments of tabulated values.)
Design values in pounds per square inch
Extreme fiber in Grading
Size bending " F B " Tension Compression Compression Modulus rules
Q n o p i o c anrH n n m m o r p i a l n r a H o
classification parallel norizoniaj perpendicular parallel of agency
Single- Repetitive- shear
member member to grain "Fv" to grain to grain elasticity
"FT" "Fcx" "Fc" "E"
uses uses
MOUNTAIN HEMLOCK-HEM-FIR (Surfaced dry or surfaced green. Used at 19% max. m.c.)
Select Structural 1650 1900 975 75 405 1250 1,300,000
No. 1 2" to 4" 1400 1600 825 75 405 1000 1,300,000
No. 2 thick 1150 1350 675 75 405 775 1,100,000
No. 3 2" to 4" 650 725 375 75 405 475 1,000,000
Appearance wide 1400 1600 825 75 405 1200 1,300,000
stud 650 725 375 75 405 475 1,000,000
Construction 2" to 4 * 825 975 500 75 405 900 1,000,000
Standard thick 475 550 275 75 405 725 1,000,000
Utility 4" wide 225 250 125 75 405 475 1,000,000 WWPA
Select Structural 1400 1650 950 75 405 llOO 1,300,000
No. 1 2" to 4" 1200 1400 • 800 75 405 1000 1,300,000
No. 2 thick 1000 1150 75 405 825 1,100,000 (See footnotes
No. 3 5" and 575 675 525
£1 300 75 405 525 1,000,000 1-13 and 20)
Appearance wider 1200 1400 75 405 1200 1,300,000
stud 575 675 1 300
" 75 405 525 1,000,000
Select Structural Beams and 1250 — 850 70 405 875 1,100,000
No. 1 Stringers 1050 — 725 70 405 750 1,100,000
No. 2 675 — 325 70 405 475 900,000
Select structural Posts and 1200 — 800 70 405 925 1,100,000
No. 1 Timbers 950 — 650 70 405 800 1,100,000
No. 2 525 350 70 405 375 900,000
Selected Decking Decking —
1600 — — — _ 1,300,000
Commercial Decking — 1350 — — — — 1,100,000
Selected Decking Decking _ 1700 (Surfaced at 15% max. m.c. and _ 1,300,000
Commercial Decking — 1450 used at 15% max. m.c.) — 1,200,000
NORTHERN ASPEN (Surfaced dry or surfaced green. Used at 19% nax. m.c.)
Select Structural 1300 1500 750 60 320 850 1,400,000
No. 1 2" to 3" 1100 1250 650 60 320 675 1,400,000
No. 2 thick 900 1050 525 60 320 525 1,200,000
No. 3 2" to 4" 500 575 275 60 320 325 1,100,000
Appearance wide 1100 1250 650 60 320 800 1,400,000
Stud 500 575 275 60 320 325 1,100,000 NLGA
Construction 2" to 4" 650 750 375 60 320 600 1,100,000 (A Canadian
Standard thick 350 425 200 60 320 500 1,100,000 agency See
Utility 4" wide 175 200 100 60 320 325 1,100,000 footnotes 1-12,
'Select StructuraT 1100 1250 n 725 60 320 750 1,400,000 15, 16 and 20)
No. 1 2" to 4" 950 1100 2 625 60 320 675 1,400,000
No. 2 thick 775 900 i 400 60 320 575 1,200,000
No. 3 5" and 450 525 S 250 60 320 350 1,100,000
Appearance wider 950 1100 60 320 800 1,400,000
Stud 450 525 625
1 250 60 320 350. 1,100.0!^,
NORTHERN PINE (Surfaced dry or urfaced green. Used at 19% max. m.c.)
Select Structural 1650 1850 950 70 435 1200 1,400,000
No. 1 2" to 4" 1400 1600 825 70 435 975 1,400,000
No. 2 thick 1150 1300 675 70 435 775 1,300,000
No. 3 2" to 4" 625 725 375 70 435 475 1,100,000
Appearance wide 1200 1400 800 70 435 1150 1,400,000
Stud 625 725 375 70 435 475 1,100,000
Construction 2" to 4" 825 950 475 70 435 875 1,100,000 NELMA
Standard thick . 450 525 275 70 435 725 1,100,000 NHPMA
Utility 4 " wide 225 250 125 70 436 475 1,100,000
Select Structural 1400 1600 950 70 435 1100 1,400,00) (See footnotes
No. 1 2" to 4" 1200 1400 ; 800 70 435 975 1,400,000 1-12 and 20)
No. 2 thick 950 1100 1 525 70 435 825 1.300,000
No. 3 S" and 575 650 £ 300 70 435 525 1,100,000
Appearance wider 1200 1400 S 800 70 435 1150 1,400,000
Stud 575 650 300 70 435 525 1,100,000
Select Structural Beams and 1250 _ 850 65 435 850 1,300,000 NHPMA
No. 1 Stringers 1050 — 700 65 435 725 1,300,000 (See footnotes
Select Structural Posts and 1150 _ 800 65 435 900 1,300,000 1-12
No. 1 Timbers 950 — 650 65 435 800 1,300,000 and 20)
Select Structural Beams and 1250 _ 850 65 435 850 1,300,000
No. 1 Stringers 1050 — 700 65 435 725 1,300,000
No. 2 675 — 350 65 435 450 1,000,000
Select Structural Posts and 1150 _ 800 65 435 900 1,300,000 NELMA
No. 1 Timbers 950 — 650 65 435 800 1,300,000 (See footnotes
No. 2 550 — 375 65 435 375 1,000,000 1-12 and 20)
Select Decking 1350 1550 _ _ _ _ 1,400,000
Commercial 1150 1300 1.300,000
- - - -
(Design values listed are for normal loading conditions. See other provisions in the footnotes and in the National Design Specification for
adjustments of tabulated values.)

Design values in pounds per square inch

Extreme fiber in Grading
Size bending " F B " Tension Compression Compression Modulus rules
Species and commercial grade Horizontal
classification parallel perpendicular parallel of agency
Single- Repetitive- shear
to grain to grain to grain elasticity
member member ••F„"
••FT" "Fc x " "Fc" "E"
uses uses

N O R T H E R N S P E C I E S (Surfaced drv or surfaced greer Used at 19»/0 max. m.c.)

Select structural 1350 1550 775 65 350 1050 1,100,000
No. 1 2" to 3" 1150 1300 675 65 350 825 1,100,000
No. 2 ttiick 925 1050 550 65 350 650 1,000,000
No. 3 2" to 4" 525 600 300 65 350 400 900,000
Appearance wide 1150 1300 675 65 350 975 1,100,000
Stud 525 600 300 65 350 400 900,000 NLGA
Construction 2" to 4" 675 775 400 65 350 750 900,000
standard ttiick 375 425 225 65 350 600 900,000
Utility 4" wide 175 200 100 65 350 400 900,000
Select Structural mmmmmm 1150 1300 750 65 350 900 1,100,000 (A Canadian
975 1150 % 650 65 350 825' 1,100,000 agency See
No. 1 HHI 5" and
footnotes 1-12,
15, 16 and 20)
No. 2 'JUIPH"' wider 975 1150 S 660 65 350 975 1,100,000
No. 3 475 650 250 66 350 425 900,000
Select Decking 900 1050 350 1,100,000
— ~
Commercial 775 875 350 1,000,000

N O R T H E R N W H I T E C E D A R (Surfac ed dry or surfaced green. Used at 19% max. nI.e.)

Select Structural 1150 1350 700 66 370 875 800,000
No. 1 2" to 4" 1000 1150 600 65 370 675 800,000
No. 2 ttiick 825 950 500 65 370 550 700,000
No. 3 2" to 4" 450 525 275 65 370 325 600,000
Appearance wide 850 1000 575 65 370 825 800,000
Stud 450 525 275 65 370 325 600,000
Construction 2" to 4" 600 675 350 65 370 626 600,000
Standard thick 325 375 200 65 370 500 600,000
Utility 4" wide 160 175 100 65 370 325 600,000 NELMA
Select Structural 1000 1150 „ 675 65 370 775 800,000
No. 1 2" to 4" 850 1000 s 575 65 370 675 800,000 (See footnotes
No. 2 thick 700 825 65 370 575 700,000 1-12 and 20)
No. 3 5" and 425 475 1 65 370 375 600,000
Appearance wider 860 1000 £ 225 65 370 825 800,000
Stud 425 475 1 575 65 370 376 600,000
Select Structural Beams and 900 225
600 60 370 600 700,000
No. 1
No. 2
Stringers 750
- 500
Select Structural Posts and 850 575 60 370 650 700,000
No. 1
No. 2
Timbers 675
- 450
Select Decking 975 1100 — — 800,000
Commercial 825 950 700,000

P O N D E R O S A P I N E (Surfaced dry o • surfaced green. Lsed at 19% r lax. m.c.)

Select Structural 1400 1650 825 70 535 1050 1,200,000
No. 1 2" to 3" 1200 1400 700 70 535 850 1,200,000
No. 2 thick 1000 1150 575 70 536 675 1,100,000
No. 3 2" to 4" 550 625 325 70 535 400 1,000,000
Appearance wide 1200 1400 700 70 535 1000 1,200,000
Stud 550 625 325 70 535 400 1,000,000
Construction 2" to 4" 725 825 425 70 535 775 1,000,000
Standard thick 400 450 225 70 535 625 1,000,000 NLGA
Utility 4" wide 200 225 100 70 535 400 1,000,000
Select Structural 1200 1400 825 70 535 950 1,200,000
No. 1 2" to 4" 1050 1200 3 700 70 535 000 1,200,000 (A Canadian
No. 2 thick 850 975 i 450 70 535 700 1,100,000 agency See
No. 3 5" and 500 575 1 250 70 535 450 1,000,000 footnotes 1-12,
Appearance wider 1050 1200 1 700 70 535 1000 1,200,000 15, 16 and 20)
Stud 500 575 ^ 250 70 535 450 1,000,000
Select Structural Beams and 1100 725 65 535 750 1,100,000
No. 1 Stringers 925 500 65 535 625 1,100,000
No. 2 600 300 65 535 400 900,000
Select Structural Posts and 1000 675 66 535 800 1,100,000
No. 1 Timbers 825 550 65 535 700 1,100,000
No. 2 475 325 65 535 325 900,000
Select Decking 1200 1450 535 — 1,300,000
Commercial 1000 1250 _ — 535 1,100,000

(Design values listed are for normal loading conditions. See other provisions in the footnotes and in the National Design Specification for
adjustments of tabulated values.)
Design values in pounds per square inch
Extreme fiber in Grading
Size bending " F B " Tension Compression Compression Modulus rules
S p e c i e s and commercial grade Horizontal
classification Single- Repetitive- parallel shear perpendicular parallel of agency
member member to grain to grain to grain elasticity
"FT" "Fc i " "Fc" "E"
uses uses
P O N D E R O S A P I N E — S U G A R P I N E ( P O N D E R O S A P I N E - L O D G E P O L E P I N E ) (Surfaced dry or surfaced green. U s e d at 1 9 % ma K, m,c,)
Select Structural 1400 1660 825 70 <375 1050 1,200,000
No. 1 2 " to 4 " 1200 1400 700 70 375 850 1,200,000
No. 2 thick 1000 1150 575 70 376 675 1,100,000
No. 3 2 " to 4 " 550 625 325 70 375 400 1,000,000
Appearance wide 1200 1400 700 70 375 1000 1,200,000
Stud 550 625 326 70 375 400 1,000,000
Construction 2" to 4" 725 825 425 70 375 776 1,000,000
Standard 400 450 226 70 376 626 1,000,000
Utility 4 " wi3e 200 225 100 70 376 400 1,000,000
Select Structural 1200 1400 826 70 375 950 1,200,000 WWPA
No, 1 2 " to 4 " 1050 1200 5 700 70 375 850 1,200,000
No. 2 tfiick 850 975 1 450 70 375 700 1,100,000
No. 3 5 " and 600 576 8 250 70 375 450 1,000,000 (See footnotes
Appearance wider 1050 1200 S 700 70 375 1000 1,200,000 1 - 1 3 and 2 0 )
Stud 500 575 250 70 375 450 1,000,000
Select Structural B e a m s and 1100 725 65 376 750 1,100,000
No. 1 Stringers 925
— 625 66 375 625 1,100,000
No. 2 600 — 300 66 376 400 900,000
Select Structural Posts and 1000 675 65 376 800 1,100,000
No. 1 Timbers 825
— 550 65 376 700 1,100,000
No. 2 475 325 65 375 325 900,000
Decking —
1350 — — — — 1,200,000
Selected Decking
Commercial Decking — 1150 — — — — 1,100,000
Selected Decking Decking — 1450 (Surfaced at 1 5 % max, m .c, and 1,300,000
Commercial Decking — 1250 used at 1 5 % max, m,c.)
— 1,100,000
R E D P I N E (Surfaced dry or surfaced green. Used at 1 9 % max, m.c.)
Select Structural 1400 1600 800 70 440 1050 1,300,000
No. 1 2 " to 3 " 1200 1350 700 70 440 825 1,300,000
No, 2 thick 975 1100 576 70 440 650 1,200,000
No. 3 2 " to 4 " 525 625 325 70 440 400 1,000,000
Appearance wide 1200 1350 700 70 440 975 1,300,000
Stud 525 625 326 70 440 400 1,000,000
Construction 2 " to 4 " 700 800 400 70 440 750 1,000,000
Standard thick 400 450 226 70 440 600 1,000,000
Utility 4 " wide 175 225 100 70 440 400 1,000,000
" Select Structural 1200 • 1350 776 70 440 900 1,300,000
No. 1 2 " to 4 " 1000 1160 s 675 70 440 825 1,300,000
No. 2 thick 825 950 I 425 70 440 675 1,200,000 (A C a n a d i a n
No, 3 5 ' and 500 560 1 250 70 440 425 1,000,000 agency S e e
Appearance wider 1000 1150 S 676 70 440 976 1,300,000 footnotes 1 - 1 2 ,
Stud 500 550 " 260 70 440 426 1,000,000 1 6 , 1 6 and 2 0 )
Select Structural B e a m s and 1050 625 65 440 726 1,100,000
No. 1 Stringers 875
— 450 66 440 600 1,100,000
No. 2 575 — 300 66 440 375 900,000
Select Structural Posts and 1000 675 65 440 775 1,100,000
No, 1 Timbers 800 — 560 66 440 675 1,100,000
No, 2 475 326 66 440 476 900,000
Select Decking 1150
1360 — — 440 — 1,300,000
Commercial 975 1100 — — 440 — 1,200,000
S I T K A S P R U C E (Surfaced dry or surfaced green. U s e d at 1 9 % max m . c )
Select Structural 1550 1800 925 76 435 1150 1,500,000
No 1 2 " to 4 " 1350 1550 775 75 435 925 1,500,000
No. 2 thick 1100 1250 650 75 435 726 1,300,000
No. 3 2 " to 4 " 6 0 0 700 350 75 435 450 1,200,000
Appearance wide 1350 1550 760 75 436 1100 1,500,000
Stud 600 700 350 75 436 450 1,200,000
Construction 2 " to 4 " 800 925 476 75 436 825 1,200,000
Standard thick 460 500 260 75 436 675 1,200,000 WCLIB
Utility 4 " wide 200 250 126 75 435 450 1,200,000
Select Structural 1350 1550 900 75 435 1000 1,500,000
No. 1 2 " to 4 " 1150 1300 : 775 75 436 925 1,500,000
No. 2 thick 925 1050 1 500 75 435 775 1,300,000
No. 3 5 " and 525 600 8 275 75 435 500 1,200,000 ( S e e footnotes
Appearance wider 1150 1300 5 750 75 435 1100 1,500,000 1 - 1 2 and 2 0 )
Stud 625 600 " 275 75 435 500 1,200,000
Select Structural B e a m s and 1200 — 675 70 435 825 1,300,000
No, 1 Stringers 1000 — 600 70 435 675 1,300,000
No, 2 650 325 70 435 450 1,000,000
Select Structural Posts and 1150
— 760 70 435 876 1,300,000
No, 1 Timbers 925 — 600 70 435 750 1,300,000
No, 2 650 — 350 70 435 525 1,000,000
Select Dex Decking 1300 1500 — — 436 — 1,500,000
Commercial Dex 1100 1250 — — 435 — 1,300,000
(Design values listed are for normal loading conditions. See other provisions in the footnotes and in the National Design Specification for
adjustments of tabulated values.)

Design values in p o u n d s per s q u a r e inch

E x t r e m e fiber in Grading
Size bending " F B " Tension Compression Compression Modulus rules
Species a n d c o m m e r c i a l g r a d e Horizontal
classification parallel perpendicular parallel of agency
Single- Repetitive- shear
member to grain to grain to grain elasticity
member "Fv"
uses uses "FT" "Fc X " "Fc" "E"

S O U T H E R N PINE (Surfaced at 16°/o m a x i m u m moistur 3 content, K.f3.-15. Used at 1 5 % max. m c )

Select Structural 2150 2600 1260 105 565 1800 1,800,000
Dense Select Structural 2500 2900 1500 105 660 2100 1,900,000
No. 1 1850 2100 1050 105 565 1450 1,800,000
No. 1 Dense 2 " to 4 " 2150 2450 1250 105 660 1700 1,900,000
No. 2 ttiick 1550 1750 900 95 565 1150 1,600,000
No. 2 Dense 2 " to 4 " 1800 2050 1050 95 660 1350 1,700,000
No, 3 wide 850 975 500 95 565 675 1,500,000
No. 3 Dense 1000 1150 575 95 660 800 1,500,000
Stud 850 975 500 95 565 675 1,500,000
Construction 2 " to 4 " 1100 1250 650 105 565 1300 1,500.000
Standard ttiick 625 726 375 95 565 1050 • 1,500,000
Utility 4 " wide 275 300 175 95 566 676 1,500,000 SPIB
Select Structural 1850 2150 1200 95 565 1600 1,800,000
D e n s e Select Structural 2200 2500 1450 95 660 1850 1,900,000
No. 1 1600 1850 " 1050 96 565 1450 1.800.000
No. 1 Dense 2" to 4 " 1850 2150 S 1250 95 660 1700 1,900.000
No. 2 thick 1300 1500 8 675 95 665 1200 1,600,000 (See footnotes
No. 2 Dense 5" a n d 1550 1750 t 800 95 660 1400 1,700,000 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 1 1 ,
No. 3 wider 750 875 w 400 95 565 725 1,500,000 12, 17, 18, 19,
No, 3 Dense 875 1000 450 95 660 and 20)
Stud 800 900 400 95 665
Dense Standard Decking 2" to 4 " 2150 2450 660 1,900,000
Select Deciding thick 1550 1750 - 565 1,600,000
Dense Select D e c k i n g
Commercial Decking
2" and
- 660
- 1,700,000
Dense C o m m e r c i a l D e c k i n g Decking 1800 2050 660 1,700,000
Dense Structural 86 2 " to 4 " 2800 3250 1900 165 660 2300 1,900,000
Dense Structural 72 thick 2400 2750 1600 135 660 1950 1,900,000
Dense Structural 65 2160 2460 1450 125 660 1750 1,900,000

S O U T H E R N PINE (Surfaced dry. U s ed at 1 9 % max. m c.)

Select Structural 2000 2300 1150 100 565 1550 1,700,000
Dense Select Structural 2350 2700 „ 1350 100 660 1800 1,800,000
No. 1 1700 1950 1 1000 100 565 1260 1,700,000
No. 1 Dense 2" to 4 " 2000 2300 § 1160 too 660 1460 1,800,000
No. 2 thick 1400 1650 S. 825 566 975 1,600,000
No. 2 Dense 2 " to 4 " 1650 1900 J 975 90 660 1150 1,600,000
No. 3 wide 775 900 460 90 565 575 1,400,000
No. 3 Dense 925 1050 525 90 660 675 1,600,000
Stud 775 900 450 90 665 675 1,400,000
Construction 2 " to 4 " 1000 1150 600 100 666 1100 1,400,000
Standard thick 575 676 350 90 565 900 1,400,000
Utility 4" wide 275 300 150 90 565 576 1,400,000
Select Structural 1750 2000 1150 90 566 1350 1,700,000
D e n s e Select Structural 2050 2350 1300 90 660 1600 1,800,000
No. 1 1450 1700 976 90 565 1250 1,700,000 SPIB
No. 1 Dense 2" to 4 " 1700 2000 1150 90 660 1450 1,800,000
No. 2 thick 1200 1400 625 90 565 1000 1,600,000 (See footnotes
No. 2 Dense 5" a n d 1400 1650 725 90 660 1200 1,600,000 1,3,4,5,6,11,12,
No. 3 wider 700 800 350 90 566 625 1,400,000 17,18,19 a n d 20)
No. 3 Dense 825 925 425 90 660 725 1,500,000
Stud 725 850 350 90 565 625 1,400,000
Dense Standard D e c k i n g 2 " to 4 " 2000 2300 660 1,800,000
Select Decking thick 1400 1650 - 565 1,600,000
Dense Select D e c k i n g
C o m m e r c i a l Decking
2" and
- 660
Dense Commercial D e c k i n g Decking 1650 1900 660 1,600,000
Dense Structural 86 2 " to 4 " 2600 3000 1760 156 660 2000 1,800,000
Dense Structural 72 thick 2200 2550 1450 130 660 1650 1,800,000
Dense Structural 66 2000 2300 1300 115 660 1600 1,800,000

(Design values listed are for normal loading conditions. See other provisions in the footnotes and in the National Design Specification for
adjustments of tabulated values.)
Design values in p o u n d s per s q u a r e inch
E x t r e m e fiber in Grading
Size bending " F B " Tension Compression Compression Modulus rules
opeLiBS dnu Lurnrne[L.iai yr<iuc classification Single- Repetitive- parallel shear perpendicular parallel of agency
member member to grain to grain to grain elasticity
"FT" " F c i " "Fc" "E"
uses uses
S O U T H E R N PINE (Surfaced green U s e d any condition)
Select Structural 1600 1850 925 95 375 1050 1,500,000
Dense Select Structural 1850 2150 1100 95 440 1200 1,600,000
No. 1 1350 1550 800 95 375 825 1,500,000
No. 1 Dense 21/2" to 4 " 1600 1800 925 95 440 950 1,600,000
No. 2 tfiick 1150 1300 675 85 375 650 1,400,000
No. 2 Dense 21/2" to 4 " 1350 1500 775 85 440 750 1,400,000
No. 3 wide 625 725 375 85 375 400 1,200,000
No. 3 Dense 725 850 425 86 440 450 1,300,000
Stud 625 725 375 85 375 400 1,200,000
Construction 21/2" to 4 " 825 926 475 95 375 725 1,200,000
standard thick 475 525 275 85 375 600 1,200,000
Utility 4" wide 200 250 125 86 375 400 1,200,000
Select Structural 1400 1600 900 85 375 900 1,500,000
Dense Select Structural 1600 1850 1050 85 440 1050 1,600,000
No. 1 1200 1350 „ 775 85 375 825 1,500,000
No. 1 Dense 21/2" to 4 " 1400 1600 1 925 85 440 950 1,600,000
No. 2 tfiick 975 1100 i 500 85 375 675 1,400.000 SPIB
No 2 Dense 5" and 1150 1300 I 600 85 440 800 1,400,000
No. 3 wider 550 650 cS 300 85 375 426 1,200,000 (See f o o t n o t e s
No. 3 Dense 650 760 350 85 440 475 1,300,000 1,3,4,5,6,11,12,
Stud 575 675 300 85 375 425 1,200,000 17,18,19 a n d 20)
Dense Standard D e c k i n g 21/2" to 4 " 1600 1800 _ _ 440 _ 1,600,000
Select Decl<ing thick 1150 1300 — — 375 — 1,400,000
Dense Select Decl<ing 2" and 1350 1500 — — 440 — 1,400,000
C o m m e r c i a l Decl<ing wider 1150 1300 — — 375 — 1,400,000
Dense C o m m e r c i a l D e c k i n g Decking 1360 1500 — — 440 — 1,400,000
No. 1 SR 1350 _ 875 110 375 775 1,500,000
No. 1 Dense SR 5" and 1550 — 1050 110 440 925 1,600,000
No. 2 SR thicker 1100 — 725 95 375 626 1,400,000
No. 2 Dense SR 1250 — 850 95 440 725 1,400,000
Dense Structural 86 21/2" a n d 2100 2400 1400 145 440 1300 1,600,000
Dense Structural 72 thicker 1750 2050 1200 120 440 1100 1,600,000
Dense Structural 65 1600 1800 1050 110 440 1000 1,600,000
S P R U C E — P I N E — F I R (Surfaced dry or s u r f a c e d g r e e n U s e d at 1 9 % max. m . c )
Select Structural 1450 1650 850 70 425 1100 1,500,000
No. 1 2 " to 3 " 1200 1400 725 70 425 875 1,500,000
No. 2 thick 1000 1150 600 70 425 675 1,300,000
No. 3 2 " to 4 " 550 650 325 70 425 425 1,200,000
Appearance wide 1200 1400 725 70 426 1050 1,500,000
Stud 650 650 325 70 425 425 1,200,000
Construction 2 " to 4 " 725 850 425 70 425 775 1,200,000 NLGA
Standard thick 400 475 225 70 425 650 1,200,000
Utility 4 " wide 175 225 100 70 425 425 1,200,000
Select Structural 1260 1450 825 70 425 975 1,500,000 (A C a n a d i a n
No. 1 2 " to 4 " 1050 1200 " 700 70 425 875 1,500,000 a g e n c y See
No. 2 thick 875 1000 1 450 70 425 725 1,300,000 footnotes 1 - 1 2 ,
No. 3 6 " and 500 575 70 425 450 1,200,000 15, 16 a n d 20)
Appearance wider 1050 1200 70 426 1050 1,500,000
Stud 600 575 " 275 70 425 450 1,200,000
Select Structural Beams and 1100 _ 650 65 , 425 775 1,300,000
No. 1 Stringers 900 — 450 66 426 626 1,300,000
No. 2 600 300 65 425 425 1,000,000
Select Structural Posts a n d 1050
- 700 65 425 800 1,300,000
No. 1 Timbers 850 — 550 65 425 700 1,300,000
No. 2 500 325 65 425 500 1,000,000
Select Decking 1200
1400 — 425 — 1,500,000
Commercial 1000 1150 425 1,300,000
- - -
VIRGINIA P I N E — P O N D PINE (Surfaced at 1 5 % m a x i m u m m o i s t u r e content, K.D - 5. Used at 1 5 % max. m.c.)
Select Structural 2 " to 4 " 2150 2500 1260 105 565 1750 1,600,000
No. 1 thick 1850 2150 1050 105 565 1400 1,600,000
No. 2 2 " to 4 " 1550 1800 900 95 565 1100 1,400,000
No. 3 Wide 850 975 600 95 665 650 1,200,000
Stud 850 975 500 95 665 650 1,200,000
Construction 2 " to 4 " 1100 1300 650 105 565 1260 1,200,000 SPIB
Standard thick 625 725 375 95 565 1000 1,200.000
Utility 4" wide 275 325 176 95 565 650 1,200,000
(See footnotes
Select Structural 2 " to 4 " 1850 2150 " 1200 96 565 1500 1,600.000 1,3,4,5,6,
No. 1 thick 1600 1850 5 1050 95 565 1400 1,600,000 12,14,18,
No. 2 5 " and 1300 1500 95 565 1150 1,400,000 19 a n d 20)
No. 3 wider 750 875 t 400 95 565 . 700 1,200,000
Stud 675
800 925 S 400 95 565 700 1,200,000
(Design values listed are for normal loading conditions. See other provisions in the footnotes and in the National Design Specification for
adjustments of tabulated values.)

Design values in pounds per square inch

Extreme fiber in Grading
Size bending " F B " Tension Compression Compression I^odulus rules
Species and commercial grade Horizontal
classification parallel perpendicular parallel of agency
Single- Repetitive- shear
member member to grain to grain to grain elasticity
uses uses "FT" "Fc a. " "Fc" "E"

VIRGINIA PINE—POND PINE (Surfs ced dry Used at 13% max. m.c)
Select structural 2" to 4" 2000 2300 1150 100 565 1500 1,500.000
No. 1 tliick 1700 1950 1000 100 565 1200 1,500,000
No, 2 2" to 4" 1400 1650 825 90 565 950 1,300,000
No. 3 wide 775 900 450 90 565 575 1,200,000 SPIB
Stud 775 900 450 90 565 575 1,200,000
(See footnotes
Construction 2" to 4" 1000 1200 600 100 565 1050 1,200,000 1,3,4,5,6,
Standard thick 575 675 350 90 565 850 1,200,000 12,14,18,
Utility 4" wide 275 300 150 90 565 575 1,200,000 19 and 20)
Select Structural 2" to 4" 1750 2000 " 1150 90 565 1300 1,500,000
No. 1 thick 1450 1700 1 975 90 565 1200 1,500,000
No. 2 5" and 1200 1400 1 625 90 565 975 • 1.300,000
No. 3 wider 700 800 ^ 350 90 565 600 1,200,000
Stud 725 850 « 350 90 565 600 1,200,000

VIRGINIA PINE-POND PINE (Surfa cad green. Used any condition)

Select Structural 2" to 4" 1600 1850 926 95 375 1000 1,300,000
No. 1 ttlick 1350 1550 800 95 375 800 1,300,000
No. 2 2" to 4" 1150 1300 675 85 375 625 1,200,000
No. 3 wide 625 725 375 85 375 375 1,000,000 SPIB
stud 625 725 375 85 375 375 1,000,000
(See footnotes
Construction 2" to 4" 825 950 475 95 375 700 1,000,000 1,3,4,5,6,
Standard tliick 475 550 275 86 375 575 1,000,000 12,14,18,
Utility 4" wide 200 250 125 85 375 375 1,000,000 19 and 20)
Select Structural 2" to 4" 1400 1600 - 900 85 375 875 1,300,000
No. 1 tf\ick 1200 1350 f 775 85 375 800 1,300,000
No. 2 5" and 975 1100 8 500 85 375 660 1,200,000
No. 3 wider 550 650 t 300 85 375 400 1,000,000
Stud 575 676 S 300 85 375 400 1,000,000

WESTERN CEDARS (Surfaced dry )r surfaced green. Jsed at 19%max. m.c.)

Select Structural 1500 1750 875 75 425 1200 1,100,000
No. 1 2" to 4" 1300 1500 750 75 425 950 1,100,000
No. 2 ttlick 1050 1200 626 75 425 750 1,000,000
No. 3 2" to 4" 600 676 350 75 425 450 900,000
Appearance wide 1300 1500 750 75 425 1100 1,100,000
Stud 600 675 350 75 425 450 900,000
Construction 2" to 4" 776 875 450 75 425 850 900,000 WCLIB
Standard ttlick 425 500 250 75 425 700 900,000 WW PA
Utility 4" wide 200 225 125 75 425 450 900,000
Select Structural 1300 1500 875 75 425 1050 1,100,000
No. 1 2" to 4" 1100 1300 " 750 75 425 950 1,100,000 (See footnotes
No. 2 ttlick 925 1050 1 475 75 425 800 1,000,000 1-12 and 20)
No. 3 5" and 525 625 1 275 75 425 500 900,000
Appearance wider 1100 1300 S 750 75 425 1100 1,100,000
Stud 525 625 ^ 275 75 425 500 900,000
Select Structural Beams and 1160 675 70 425 875 1,000,000
No. 1
No. 2
Stringers 975
- 475
70 425
Select Structural Posts and 1100 726 70 425 925 1,000,000 WCLIB
No. 1
No. 2
Timbers 875
- 600
(See footnotes
Select Dex Decking 1250 1450 425 — 1,100,000 1-12 and 20)
Commercial Dex 1050 1200 425 1,000,000
Select Structural Beams and 1150 775 70 425 875 1,000,000
No. 1
No. 2
Stringers 975
- 650 70
725 1,000,000
325 475
Select Structural Posts and 1100 725 70 425 925 1,000,000
No. 1
No. 2
Timbers 875
E 600

Selected Decking Decking — 1450 1,100,000

Commercial Decking 1200 1,000,000 (See footnotes
Selected Decking Decking 1550 (Surfaced at 15% max. m.c. and — 1,100,000 1-13 and 20)
Commercial Decking — 1300 used at 15% max. m.c.) 1,000,000

(Design values listed are for normal loading conditions. See other provisions in the footnotes and in the National Design Specification for
adjustments of tabulated values.)
Design values in p o u n d s per s q u a r e inch
E x t r e m e fiber in Grading
Size bending " F B " Tension Compression Compression Modulus rules
op6Ci6S 3nQ cornrncrciai yidOc classification Single- Repetitive- parallel shear perpendicular parallel of agency
member member to grain "Fv" to grain to grain elasticity
"FT" "Fc J." "Fc" "E"
uses uses
W E S T E R N C E D A R S ( N O R T H ) ( S u r f a c e d d r y or surface d g r e e n . U s e d at 1 9 % max m.c.)
Select s t r u c t u r a l 1450 1700 850 70 425 1200 1,100,000
No. 1 2 " to 3 " 12S0 1450 726 70 425 950 1,100,000
No. 2 thick 1000 1200 600 70 426 750 1,000,000
No. 3 2 " to 4 " 575 650 325 70 425 450 900,000
Appearance wide 1250 1450 725 70 425 1100 1,100,000
Stud 575 650 325 70 425 450 900,000
Construction 2 " to 4 " 750 850 425 70 425 850 900,000
Standard tfiick 425 475 260 70 425 700 900,000 NLGA
Utility 4" w i d e 200 225 125 70 425 450 900,000
Select s t r u c t u r a l 1250 1450 825 70 426 1050 1,100,000 (A C a n a d i a n
No. 1 2 " to 4 " 1050 1250 S 725 70 425 950 1,100,000 agency See
No. 2 thick 875 1000 1 475 70 425 800 1,000,000 footnotes 1-12,
No 3 5" a n d 525 600 1 275 70 425 500 900,000 15,16 and 20)
Appearance wider 1050 1250 S 725 70 425 1100 1,100,000
Stud 525 600 " 276 70 425 500 900,000
Select Structural B e a m s and 1150 675 65 425 850 1,000,000
No. 1 Stringers 925
— 475 65 426 700 1,000,000
No. 2 625 — 300 65 425 450 800,000
Select s t r u c t u r a l Posts a n d 1050 700 65 425 900 1,000,000
No. 1 Timbers 875
— 575 65 425 800 1,000,000
No. 2 500 350 65 425 550 800,000
Select Decking 1200 1400 — — 426 — 1,100,000
Commercial 1060 1200 — — 425 — 1,000,000
W E S T E R N H E M L O C K ( S u r f a c e d dry or s u r f a c e d g r e e n . Used at 1 9 % max. m.c.)
Select Structural 1800 2100 1050 90 410 1450 1,600,000
No. 1 2 " to 4 " 1550 1800 900 90 410 1150 1,600,000
No. 2 thick 1300 1450 750 90 410 900 1,400,000
No. 3 2 " to 4 " 700 800 425 90 410 550 1,300,000
Appearance wide 1550 1800 900 90 410 1350 1,600,000
Stud 700 800 425 90 410 650 1,300,000 WCLIB
Construction 2" to 4 " 925 1050 650 90 410 1050 1,300,000 WWPA
Standard thick 525 600 300 90 410 850 1,300,000
Utility 4" wide 250 275 150 90 410 660 1,300,000
Select Structural 1550 1800 1050 90 410 1300 1,600,000
No 1 2 " to 4 " 1350 1550 " 900 90 410 1150 1,600,000 (See footnotes
No. 2 thick 1100 1250 1 575 90 410 975 1,400,000 1-12 a n d 20)
No. 3 5" and 650 750 8 325 90 410 625 1,300,000
Appearance wider 1350 1650 S 900 90 410 1350 1,600,000
Stud 650 750 " 325 90 410 625 1,300,000
Select Structural B e a m s and 1400 826 85 410 1000 1,400,000
No. 1 Stringers 1150
— 575 86 410 860 1,400,000
No. 2 760 — 375 85 410 560 1,100,000
Select Structural Posts a n d 1300 875 86 410 1100 1,400,000 WCLIB
No. 1 Timbers 1060 700 85 410 950 1,400,000
No. 2 650 425 85 410 650 1,100,000
-_ (See footnotes
Select Dex Decking 1500 1750 410 — 1,600,000 1-12 and 20)
C o m m e r c i a l Dex 1300 1450

— 410 — 1,400,000
Select Structural Beams and 1400 950 85 410 1000 1,400,000
No. 1 Stringers 1150 — 775 85 410 850 1,400,000
No. 2 750 — 376 85 410 550 1,100,000
Select Structural Posts a n d 1300 875 86 410 1100 1,400,000 WWPA
No. 1 Timbers 1050
— 700 85 410 960 1,400,000
No. 2 600 — 400 85 410 425 1,100,000
Selected Decking Decking 1750 — — — — 1,600,000 (See footnotes
Commercial Decking
— 1450 — — — — 1,400,000 1-13 and 20)
Selected Decking Decking — 1900 (Surfaced at 1 5 % max. m.c. a n d — 1,700,000
Commercial Decking — 1600 used at 1 5 % max. m . c ) — 1,500,000
(Design values listed are for normal loading conditions. See otfier provisions in tfie footnotes and in tfie National Design Specification for
adjustments of tabulated values.)

Design values in pounds per square inch

Extreme fiber in Grading
Size bending " F B " Tension Compression Compression Modulus rules
S p e c i e s and commercial grade Horizontal
classification parallel perpendicular parallel of agency
Single- Repetitive- shear
to grain to grain to grain elasticity
member member ••Fv"
"FT" "Fcj," ••Fc" "E"
uses uses

W E S T E R N H E M L O C K (NORTH) ( S L rfaced dry or surfa ced green. U sed at 1 9 % m=IX. m . c )

Select Structural 1800 2100 1050 75 410 1450 1,600,000
No. 1 2 " to 3 " 1560 1800 900 75 410 1160 1,600,000
No. 2 ttiick 1300 1450 750 75 410 900 1,400,000
No. 3 2 " to 4 " 700 800 425 75 410 560 1,300,000
Appearance wide 1550 1800 900 75 410 1350 1,600,000
Stud 700 800 425 75 410 650 1,300,000
Construction 2 " to 4 " 925 1050 550 75 410 1060 1,300,000 NLGA
Standard ttiick 525 600 300 75 410 850 1,300,000
Utility 4 " wide 250 275 150 75 410 550 1,300,000
(A Canadian
Select Structural 1550 1800 1050 75 410 1300 • 1,600,000 agency S e e
No. 1 2 " to 4 " 1350 1550 " 900 75 410 1150 1,600,000 footnotes 1-12,
No. 2 ttiick 1100 1250 1 575 75 410 975 1,400,000 15,16 and 20)
No. 3 5 " and 650 750 1 326 76 410 625 1,300,000
Appearance wider 1350 1550 1 900 76 410 1350 1,600,000
Stud 650 750 * 325 75 410 625 1,300,000
Select Structural B e a m s and 1400 825 70 410 1000 1,400,000
No. 1
No. 2
Stringers 1150
E 575
Select Structural Posts and 1300 876 70 410 1100 1,400,000
No. 1
No. 2
Timbers 1050
E 700
Select Decking 1500 1750 — — 410 1,600,000
Commercial 1300 1450 410 1,400,000

W E S T E R N W H I T E P I N E (Surfaced Jry or surfaced gre en. U s e d at 1 ) % max. m.c.

Select Structural 1350 1550 775 66 375 1100 1,400,000
No. 1 2 " to 3 " 1150 1300 675 65 375 876 1,400,000
No. 2 thick 926 1050 550 65 375 676 1,300,000
No. 3 2 " to 4 " 525 600 300 65 376 425 1,200,000
Appearance wide 1150 1300 675 65 375 1050 1,400,000
Stud 525 600 300 65 375 425 1,200,000
Construction 2 " to 4 " 675 775 400 65 375 776 1,200,000
Standard ttiick 375 425 225 65 375 650 1,200,000 NLGA
Utility 4 " wide 175 200 100 65 375 426 1,200,000
Select Structural 1150 1300 750 65 375 975 1,400,000
No. 1 2 " to 4 " 975 1150 • 650 65 375 875 1,400,000 (A C a n a d i a n
No. 2 thick 800 925 65 agency S e e
1 "^^s 375 725 1,300,000
No. 3 5 " and 475 550 66 375 450 1,200,000 footnotes 1-12,
£ 250
Appearani Mgg*^^ wider 975 1150 1 650 65 375 1050 1,400,000 15, 16 and 20)
475 550 250 65 375 450 1,200,000
Select Structural B e a m s and 1050 600 60 375 775 1,300,000
No. 1
No. 2
Stringers 850
- 425
375 625
375 1,000,000
Select Structural Posts and 975 650 60 375 800 1,300,000
No. 1
No. 2
Timbers 775
- 525 60 375
300 60
Select Decking 1100 1300 375 — 1,400,000
Commercial 925 1050 — — 375 1,300,000

(Design values listed are for normal loading conditions. See otfier provisions in the footnotes and in the National Design Specification for
adjustments of tabulated values.)
Design values in pounds per square inch
Extreme fiber in Grading
Size bending " F e " Tension Compression Compression Modulus rules
S p e c i e s and commercial grade Horizontal
classification parallel perpendicular parallel of agency
Single- Repetitive- shear
to grain to grain to grain elasticity
member member "F„"
"FT" •Tc X " "Fc" "E"
uses uses
W H I T E W O O D S ( W E S T E R N W O O D S ) (Surfaced dry o surfaced gre en. Used at 1<
J% max. m.c.
Select Structural 1350 1550 775 70 315 950 1,100,000
No. 1 2 " to 4 " 1150 1300 660 70 315 760 1,100,000
No. 2 tfiick 925 1050 550 70 315 600 1,000,000
No. 3 2 " to 4 " 525 600 300 70 315 375 900,000
Appearance wide 1150 1300 650 70 315 900 1,100,000
Stud 525 600 300 70 315 376 900,000
Construction 2 " to 4 " 675 775 400 70 315 676 900,000
Standard thick 375 425 226 70 315 550 900,000
Utility 4 " wide 175 200 100 70 315 375 900,000
Select Structural 1150 1300 70 315 850 1,100,000 W W PA
No. 1 2 " to 4 " 975 1100 2 650 70 315 750 1,100,000
No, 2 thick 800 925 1 "25 70 315 625 1,000,000
No. 3 5 " and 475 550 £ 250 70 315 400 900,000 (See footnotes
Appearance wider 975 1100 1 660 70 315 900 1,100,000 1 - 1 3 and 20)
Stud 475 550 250 70 315 400 900,000
Select Structural B e a m s and 1000 700 66 315 676 1,000,000
No. 1 Stringers 850 - 575 66 315 560 1,000,000
No. 2 550 276 65 315 350 800,000
Select Structural Posts and 950 650 66 315 700 1,000,000
No. 1 Timbers 775 - 526 65 315 625 1,000,000
No. 2 450 300 66 315 276 800,000
Selected Decking Decking 1300 1,100,000
Commercial Decl<ing 1050 _ _ _ 1,000,000
Selected Decking Decking 1400 (Surfaced at 1 6 % max. m.c. and 1,100,000
Commercial Decking 1160 used at 1 5 % max. m.c.) _ 1,000,000
Y E L L O W - P O P L A R (Surfaced dry or surfaced green. U • at 1 9 % n- ax. m.c.)
Select Structural 2 " to 3 " 1500 1700 876 • 420 1050 1,600,000
No. 1 thick 1260 1450 750 80 420 825 1,500,000
No. 2 2 " to 4 " 1050 1200 625 75 420 650 1,300,000
No. 3 wide 575 675 350 75 420 400 1,200,000
Stud 575 675 350 76 420 400 1,200,000
Construction 2 " to 4 " 750 875 450 80 420 760 1,200,000 NHPI\^A
Standard thick 425 500 250 76 420 626 1,200,000
Utility 4 " wide 200 225 126 76 420 400 1,200,000
Select Structural 1300 1500 „ 850 75 420 925 1,500,000 (See footnotes
No. 1 2 " to 4 " 1100 1250 5 725 75 420 825 1,500,000 1 - 1 2 and 20)
No. 2 thick 900 1050 76 420 700 1,300,000
No. 3 5 " and 525 600
i 76 420 426 1,200,000
wider 1100 £ 276
Appearance 1260 75 420 1000 1,500,000
525 1 725
Stud 600 75 420 425 1,200,000
S e e Following P a g e s for Footnotes Applicable to Table 4A. Visually Graded Lumber.
Table 4A Footnotes
Applicable to Visually Graded Structural Lumber
1. Following is a list of agencies certified by the American Lumber Standards Committee Board of Review (as of 1982) for inspection and grading of untreated lumber
under the rules indicated. For the most up-to-date list of certified agencies, write to:

American Lumber Standards Committee

P.O. Box 210
Germantown, Maryland 20874

Rules for which

Rules Writing Agencies grading authorized
Northeastern Lumber Manufacturers Association (NELMA) NELMA, NLGA
4 Fundy Road, Falmouth, Maine 04105
Northern Hardwood and Pine Manufacturers Association (serviced by NELMA) NHPMA, WCLIB, WWPA, NLGA
4 Fundy Road, Falmouth, Maine 04105
Redwood Inspection Service (RIS) RIS, WCLIB, WWPA
591 Redwood Highway Suite 3100, Mill Valley Caiifornia 94941
Southern Pine Inspection Bureau (SPIB) SPIB, NELMA
4709 Scenic Highway Pensacola, Florida 32504
West Coast Lumber Inspection Bureau (WCLIB) WCLIB, RIS, WWPA, NLGA
6980 SW Varnes Rd., PO Box 23145, Portland, OR 97223
Western Wood Products Association (WWPA) WWPA, WCLIB, NLGA, RIS
1500 Yeon Building, Portland, Oregon 97204
National Lumber Grades Authority (NLGA)
RO. Box 97 Ganges, B.C., Canada VOS 1EO

Non-Rules Writing Agencies

California Lumber Inspection Service RIS, WCLIB, WWPA, NLGA
Pacific Lumber Inspection Bureau, Inc RIS, WCLIB, WWPA, NLGA
Timber Products Inspection RIS, SPIB, WCLIB, WWPA,
Alberta Forest Products Association NLGA
Canadian Lumbermans Association NLGA
Cariboo Lumber Manufacturers Association NLGA
Central Forest Products Association NLGA
Council of Forest Industries of British Columbia NLGA
Interior Lumber Manufacturers Association NLGA
MacDonald Inspection NLGA
Maritime Lumber Bureau NLGA
Ontario Lumber Manufacturers Association NLGA
Pacific Lumber Inspection Bureau NLGA
Quebec Lumber Manufacturers Association NLGA

2. The design values herein are applicable to lumber that will be used under dry conditions such as in most covered structures. For 2" to 4 " thick lumber the DRY
surfaced size shall be used. In calculating design values, the natural gain in strength and stiffness that occurs as lumber dries has been taken into consideration as well as the
reduction in size that occurs when unseasoned lumber shrinks. The gain in load carrying capacity due to increased strength and stiffness resulting from drying more than offsets
the design effect of size reductions due to shrinkage. For 5" and thicker lumber, the surfaced sizes also may be used because design values have been adjusted to compensate
for any loss in size by shrinkage which may occur
3. Tabulated tension parallel to grian values for all species for 5" and wider, 2" to 4 " thick (and 21/2" to 4 " thick) size classifications apply to 5" and 6" widths only for
grades of Select Structural, No. 1, No. 2, No. 3, Appearance and Stud, (including dense grades). For lumber wider than 6" in these grades, the tabulated " F j " values shall be
multiplied by the following factors:
Multiply tabulated "FT" values by
(2" to 4" thick, 5" and wider)
(2V2" to 4" thick, 5" and wider)
(Includes "Dense" grades) 5" & 6" wide 8" wide 10" and wider
Select Structural 1.00 0.90 0.80
No. 1, No. 2, No. 3 and Appearance 1.00 0.80 0.60
Stud 1.00 — —

4. Design values for all species of Stud grade in 5" and wider size classifications apply to 5" and 6" widths only
5. Values for "FB", "FJ", and "Fc" for all species of the grades of Construction, Standard and Utility apply only to 4" widths. Design values for 2" and 3" widths of these
grades are available from the grading rules agencies (see Note 1).
6. The values in Table 4A for dimension lumber 2" to 4" in thickness are based on edgewise use. When such lumber is used flatwise, the design values for extreme fiber
in bending for all species may be multiplied by the following factors:
Dimension lumber used flatwise
Width Thickness
2" 3" 4"
2" to 4" 1.10 1.04 1.00
5" and wider 1.22 1.16 1.11

7. The design values in Table 4A for extreme fiber in bending for decking may be increased by 10 percent for 2" thick decking and by 4 percent for 3" thick decking. (Not
applicable to California Redwood.)
8. When 2" to 4" thick lumber is manufactured at a maximum moisture content of 15 percent and used in a condition where the moisture content does not exceed 15
percent, the design values for surfaced dry or surfaced green lumber shown in Table 4A may be multiplied by the following factors. (For Southern Pine and Virginia Pine-Pond
Pine use tabulated design values without adjustment):
2" to 4" thick lumber manufactured and used at
15 percent maximum moisture content (m.c. 15)
Tension Compression Compression* Modulus*
Extreme fiber parallel Horizontal perpendicular parallel of
in bending to grain shear to grain to grain elasticity
"FB" "FT" "Fv" "Fc J." "Fc" "E"
1.08 1.08 1.05 1.00 1.17 1.05
"For Redwood use only 1,15 1.04

9. W h e n 2 " to 4 " thick lumber is d e s i g n e d for use w h e r e t h e m o i s t u r e c o n t e n t will e x c e e d 19 percent for an e x t e n d e d period of t i m e , the design values s h o w n herein shall be
multiplied by the following factors, e x c e p t that for S o u t h e r n Pine a n d Virginia P i n e - P o n d Pine footnote 18 applies:
2 " to 4 " thicl< lumber used w h e r e moisture content will e x c e e d 1 9 %
Tension Compression Compression Modulus
E x t r e m e fiber parallel Horizontal perpendicular parallel of
in b e n d i n g to grain shear to grain to grain elasticity
"FB" "FT- "Fv" ••FC_L" ••Fc" "E"
0.86 0.84 0.97 0.67 0.70 0.97
10. W h e n lumber 5" a n d thicker is d e s i g n e d for use w h e r e the moisture c o n t e n t will e x c e e d 19 percent for an e x t e n d e d period of t i m e , the design values s h o w n in Table 4A
(except those for S o u t h e r n Pine a n d Virginia P i n e - P o n d Pine) shall be multiplied by the following factors:
5 " and thicker lumber used w h e r e moisture content will e x c e e d 1 9 %
Tension Compression Compression Modulus
E x t r e m e fiber parallel Horizontal perpendicular parallel of
in b e n d i n g to grain shear to grain to grain elasticity
"FB" "FT" ••Fv" "Fci." •To" "E"
1.00 1.00 1.00 0.67 0.91 1.00
1 1 , specific horizontal shear values may be established by use of the following table w h e n length of split, or size of c h e c k or s h a k e is known a n d no increase in t h e m is
anticipated. For California R e d w o o d , S o u t h e r n Pine, Virginia P i n e - P o n d Pine, or Ye I low-Poplar, the provisions in this Footnote apply only to the following Fy Values: 80 psi,
California R e d w o o d ; 95 psi, S o u t h e r n Pine (KD-15); 90 psi, S o u t h e r n Pine (S-Dry); 85 psi. S o u t h e r n Pine (S-Green); 95 psi, Virginia P i n e - P o n d Pine (KD-15); 90 psi, Virginia
P i n e - P o n d Pine (S-Dry); 85 psi, Virginia P i n e - P o n d Pine (S-Green); a n d 75 psi, Yellow-Poplar.
Shear Stress Modification Factor
Length of split on Length of split on Size of s h a k e *
wide face of Multiply tabulated wide face of 3 " a n d Multiply tabulated in 3" and Multiply tabulated
2 " lumber (nominal): " F v " value by: thicker l u m b e r (nominal): " F v " value by: thicker lumber (nominal): " F v " value by:
no split 2.00 no split 2 00 no shake 2.00
V2 X wide face 1 67 V2 X narrow face 1 67 Ve X narrow face 1 67
3/4 X wide face 1.50 1 X narrow face 1.33 1/3 narrow face 1.33
1 X wide face 1.33 11/2 X narrow face or more . . 1.00 1/2 X narrow face or more . . 1.00
1V2 X wide face or more 1.00 ' S h a k e is m e a s u r e d at the e n d between lines e n -
closing the shake and parallel to the w i d e face.
12. Stress rated boards of n o m i n a l 1 " , IV4" a n d IV2" t h i c k n e s s , 2 " a n d wider, of most species, are permitted the design values s h o w n for Select Structural, No. 1, No. 2,
No. 3, Construction, Standard, Utility A p p e a r a n c e , Clear Heart Structural a n d Clear Structural g r a d e s as s h o w n in the 2 " to 4 " thick categories h e r e i n , w h e n g r a d e d in
a c c o r d a n c e with the stress rated board provisions in the applicable g r a d i n g rules. Information on stress rated board g r a d e s applicable to the various species is available from the
respective grading rules agencies. Information on additional design values may also be available f r o m t h e respective g r a d i n g agencies.
13. W h e n D e c k i n g graded to W W P A rules is s u r f a c e d at 15 percent m a x i m u m moisture content and used w h e r e the moisture content wilt e x c e e d 15 percent for an
extended period of time, the tabulated d e s i g n values for D e c k i n g s u r f a c e d at 15 percent m a x i m u m moisture content shall be multiplied by the following factors: Extreme Fiber in
B e n d i n g " F B " , 0.79; M o d u l u s of Elasticity " E " , 0.92.
14. To Obtain a r e c o m m e n d e d design value for S p r u c e Pine, multiply the appropriate design value for Virginia P i n e - P o n d Pine by the c o r r e s p o n d i n g conversion factor
s h o w n below a n d round to the nearest 100,000 psi for m o d u l u s of elasticity; to the next lower multiple of 5 psi for horizontal shear and c o m p r e s s i o n p e r p e n d i c u l a r to grain; to the
next lower multiple of 50 psi for b e n d i n g , tension parallel to grain a n d c o m p r e s s i o n parallel to grain if 1000 psi or greater, 25 psi otherwise.
C o n v e r s i o n Factors for D e t e r m i n i n g Design Values for S p r u c e Pine
E x t r e m e fiber in
bending " F B "
Tension Compression Compression Modulus
Design Single Repetitive parallel Horizontal perpendicular parallel of
Category member member to grain Shear to grain to grain elasticity
uses uses "FT" "Fv" "Fox" "Fc" "E"
Conversion Factor .784 .784 .784 .766 .965 .682 .807
15. National Lumber Grades Authority is the C a n a d i a n rules writing a g e n c y responsible for preparation, m a i n t e n a n c e and dissemination of a u n i f o r m softwood lumber
g r a d i n g rule for all C a n a d i a n species.
16. For species g r a d e d to N L G A rules, values s h o w n in Table 4A for Select Structural, No. 1, No. 2, No. 3 and Stud grades are not applicable to 3" x 4 " and 4 " x 4 "
17. Repetitive m e m b e r design values for extreme fiber in b e n d i n g for S o u t h e r n Pine g r a d e s of D e n s e Structural 86, 72 and 65 apply to 2 " to 4 " thicknesses only
18. W h e n 2 " to 4 " thick S o u t h e r n Pine or Virginia P i n e - P o n d Pine lumber is s u r f a c e d dry or at 15 percent m a x i m u m moisture content (KD-15) and is d e s i g n e d for use
where the moisture content will e x c e e d 19 percent for an e x t e n d e d period of t i m e , the d e s i g n values in Table 4A for the c o r r e s p o n d i n g grades of 21/2" to 4 " thick surfaced g r e e n
S o u t h e r n Pine lumber shall be u s e d . T h e net green size may be used in such d e s i g n s .
19. W h e n 2 " to 4 " thick S o u t h e r n Pine or Virginia P i n e - P o n d Pine lumber is s u r f a c e d dry or at 15 percent m a x i m u m m o i s t u r e content (KD-15) a n d is d e s i g n e d for use
under dry conditions, s u c h as in most c o v e r e d structures, the net DRY size shall be used in design. For other sizes a n d conditions of use, the net g r e e n size may be used in
20. W h e n the d e p t h of a b e a m , stringer, post, timber or other rectangular s a w n lumber m e m b e r 5" or thicker e x c e e d s 1 2 " , the design value for the extreme fiber in
b e n d i n g , F B , shall be multiplied by the size factor, C F , as d e t e r m i n e d by the following f o r m u l a :
(Design values listed are for normal loading conditions.'^'' See footnotes, and other provisions in
the National Design Specification, for adjustments of tabulated values.^)
Design values in pounds per square incti^°

Extreme fiber in
Grading bendin
Size Tension Compression Modulus
Grade designation^^ agency classification Single- Repetitive- parallel parallel of
{see footnotes member member to grain to grain elasticity
1,2,3,4) uses uses "FT" "Fc" "E"

900f-1.0E 3,4 900 1050 350 725 1,000,000

1200f-l.2E 1,2,3,4 1200 1400 600 95.0 1,200,000
1350f-1.3E 2,3,4 1350 1550 750 107512 1,300,000

1450f-1.3E 1,3,4 1450 1650 800 1150 1,300,000

1500f-1.3E 2 1500 1750 900 1200 1,300,000
1500M.4E 1,2,3,4 1500 1750 900 1200 1,400,000

1650f-1.4E 2 1650 1900 1020 1320 1,400,000

1650f-1.5E 1,2,3,4 1650 1900 1020 1320 1,500,000
1800f-1.6E 1,2,3,4 1800 2050 1176 1450 1,600,000
1950f-1.5E 2 rated 1950 2250 1376 1550 1,600,000
1950f-1.7E 1,2,4 lumber 1950 2260 1376 1650 1,700,000
2100f-1.8E 1,2,3,4 2 " thick 2100 2400 1676 1700 1,800,000
or less
2250f-1.6E 2 2250 2600 1750 1800 1,600,000
All w i d t h s
2250f-1.9E 1,2,4 2250 2600 1750 1800 1,900,000
24001-1.7E 2 2400 2750 1925 1925 1,700,000

2400f-2.0E 1,2,3,4 2400 2750 1925 1925 2,000,000

2550f-2.1E 1,2,4 2650 2950 2050 2050 2,100,000
2700f-2.2E 1,2,3,4 2700 3100 2150 2150 2,200,000

2850f-2.3E 2,4 2850 3300 2300 2300 2,300,000

3000f-2.4E 1,2 3000 3460 2400 2400 2,400,000
3150f-2.5E 2 3150 3600 2500 2600 2,500,000

3300f-2.6E 2 3300 3800 2650 2650 2,600,000

900f-1.0E 1,2,3 900 1060 350 725 1,000,000

900f-1.2E 1,2,3 900 1060 360 725 1,200,000
1200f-1.5E 1,2,3 1200 1400 600 950 1,500,000
1350f-1.8E 1,2 footnote 1350 1550 750 1075 1,800,000
1500f-1.8E 3 5 1500 1750 900 1200 1,800,000
1800f-2.lE 1,2,3 1800 2050 1175 1460 2,100,000

Table 4 B . Footnotes Applicable to M A C H I N E S T R E S S RATED L U M B E R

1. NLGA g r a d i n g rules, see Footnote 1 , Table 4A,

2. SPIB g r a d i n g rules, see Footnote 1 , Table 4A.
3. W C L I B g r a d i n g rules, see Footnote 1 , Table 4A.
4. W W P A g r a d i n g rules, see Footnote 1 , Table 4A.
6. Size classifications for these g r a d e s are: ^ • •
N L G A — M a c h i n e Rated Lumber; 2 " IMck or less, all w i d t h s . '
S P I B — M a c h i n e Rated Lumber; 2 " thick or less, all w i d t h s .
W C L I B — M a c h i n e Rated Joists; 2 " thick or less, 6 " and w i d e r
6, Stresses apply for lumber used at 19 percent m a x i m u m moisture content.
7. W h e n lumber 2 " thick or less is d e s i g n e d for use w h e r e the m o i s t u r e content will e x c e e d 19 percent for an e x t e n d e d period of time, the design values s h o w n herein
shall be multiplied by the f o l l o w i n g factors.

L u m b e r 2 " thick or less used w h e r e m o i s t u r e content will e x c e e d 1 9 %

Tension Compression Compression Modulus
E x t r e m e fiber parallel Horizontal perpendicular parallel of
in b e n d i n g to grain shear to grain to grain elasticity
"FB" "FT" "FV" "Fcx" "Fc" "E"

0.86 0.84 0.97 0.67 0.70 0.97

8. Tabulated e x t r e m e fiber in b e n d i n g values " F B " are applicable to lumber loaded on e d g e . W h e n loaded flatwise, these values may be increased by multiplying by the
following factors:

w i d t h (in.) 3" 4" 5" 6" 8" 10" 12" 14"
Factor 1.06 1.10 1.12 1.15 1.19 1.22 1.25 1.28

9. Footnotes 1 , 2, 11 and 19 to Table 4A apply also to M a c h i n e Stress R a t e d L u m b e r

10. Design values for horizontal shear " F v " a n d c o m p r e s s i o n p e r p e n d i c u l a r to grain " F c j . " for lumber used under dry conditions are the s a m e as the values listed in Table
4A for No. 2 visually graded lumber of the appropriate s p e c i e s . For " M i x e d S p e c i e s " g r a d e d under W C L I B g r a d i n g rules, Fv = 70 psi and F c j . = 315 psi.

1 1 . For any given value of fiber stress in b e n d i n g , " F B " , the average m o d u l u s of elasticity, " E " , may vary d e p e n d i n g upon species, timber source a n d other variables. T h e
" E " values included in the " F - E " g r a d e designations in Table 4 B are those usually associated w i t h e a c h " F B " level. G r a d e s t a m p s may show higher or lower " E " values (in
increments of 100,000 psi) if m a c h i n e rating indicates the a s s i g n m e n t is appropriate. W h e n an " E " value associated w i t h a designated " f " level is lower or higher than t h o s e
listed in Table 4B, the tabulated " F B " , " F T " , a n d " F c " values associated w i t h the d e s i g n a t e d " f " value are applicable. T h e " E " value for d e s i g n shall be that associated w i t h the
" E " value on the g r a d e s t a m p .

12. W h e n graded under W W P A or W C L I B g r a d i n g rules, value shall be 1100 p s i .

Design values are for normal load duration and dry conditions of use. See footnotes, and otiier provisions in the National Design
Specification for Wood Construction, for adjustments of calculated values.
D e s i g n v a l u e s in p o u n d s per s q u a r e i n c h
a v i a i 1 V 1 r\Anpn
L o a d e d P e r p e n d i c u l a r t o W i d e F a c e s of L a m i n a t i o n s L o a d e d Parallel to t h e W i d e Faces of t h e L a m i n a t i o n s
Combination Species ESctreme Fiber in B e n d i n g ^ C o m p r e s s i o n Perp. to G r a i n
Symbol* Outer Shear
Laminations/ (For M e m b e r s
Core Tension Compression W i t h Multiple
Uminations^ Zone Zone Tension Compression Horizontal Modulus Extreme Compression Horizontal Piece Modulus Tension Compression Modulus
Stressed stressed* Face"'2 Face"'2 Shear'2 of Fiber Perpendicular Shear Laminations of Parallel Parallel of
in Tension in Tension Elasticity in to G r a i n W h i c h A r e Not Elasticity to to Elasticity
Bending*''5 Side faces Edge Glued)'* Grain Grain
Fbxx Fbxx Fclxx Fclxx Fvxx Exx Fbyy Fciyy Fvyy Fvyy Eyy Ft Fc E
16F-V1 DF/WW 1600 800 560"'l2 560'2 140 1,300,000 950 255 130'^ 65" 1,100,000 676 975 1,100,000
16F-V2 HF/HF 1600 800 500'2 375'2 155 1,400,000 1250 375 135 70 1,300,000 876 1300 1,300,000
16F-V3 DF/DF 1600 800 560"'12 560'2 165 1,500.000 1460 560 145 70 1,600,000 960 1550 1,500,000
16F-V49 DF/N3WW 1600 800 650 560'2 90'2 1,500,000 900 255 130" 65" 1,300,000 650 600 1,300,000
16F-V59 DF/N3DF 1600 800 650 560'2 90'2 1,600,000 1000 470 135 70 1,500,000 750 875 1,600,000
leF-ve'" DF/DF 1600 1600 560"''2 560'2 165 1,500,000 1450 560 145 75 1,400,000 960 1550 1,500,000
iSF-vy'" HF/HF 1600 1600 375'2 375'2 155 1,400,000 1200 375 135 70 1,300,000 850 1350 1,300,000
16F-V8 DFS/DFS 1600 800 650 500 165 1,200,000 1200 500 145 75 1,100,000 825 1350 1,100,000
20F-V1 DF/WW 2000 1000 650 560'2 140 1,400,000 1000 255 130'^ 65" 1,200,000 750 1000 1,200,000
20F-V2 HF/HF 2000 1000 500'2 375'2 155 1,500,000 1200 375 135 70 1,400,000 950 1350 1,400,000
20F-V3 DF/DF 2000 1000 650 560'2 165 1,600,000 1450 560 145 75 1,500,000 1000 1560 1,500,000
20F-V4 DF/DF 2000 1000 590"'2 560'2 165 1,600,000 1450 560 145 75 1,600,000 1000 1550 1,600,000
20F-V59 DF/N3WW 2000 1000 650 560'2 90'2 1,600,000 1000 255 135" 70" 1,300,000 750 726 1,300,000
20F-V6' DF/N3DF 2000 1000 650 560'2 90" 1,600,000 1000 470 135 70 1,500,000 775 900 1,500,000
20F-V7"> DF/DF 2000 2000 650 650 165 1,600,000 1450 560 145 75 1,600,000 1000 1600 1,600,000
20F-V8'° DF/DF 2000 2000 590"'2 590"'2 165 1,700,000 1450 560 145 75 1,600,000 1000 1600 1,600,000
20F-V9"' HF/HF 2000 2000 500'2 500'2 155 1,500,000 1400 375 135 70 1,400,000 975 1400 1,400,000
20F-V10 DF/HF 2000 1000 650 560 155 1,500,000 1300 375 135 70 1,400,000 950 1500 1,400,000
20FV11 DFS/DFS 2000 1000 650 500 165 1,300,000 1400 500 145 75 1,100,000 900 1400 1,100,000
22F-V1 DF/WW 2200 1100 650 560'2 140 1,600,000 1050 255 130'^ 85" 1,300,000 860 1100 1,300,000
22F-V2 HF/HF 2200 1100 500^2 500'2 155 1,500,000 1250 375 135 70 1,400,000 960 1350 1,400,000
22F-V3 DF/DF 2200 1100 650 560'2 165 1,700,000 1450 560 145 75 1,600,000 1050 1600 1,600,000
22F-V4 DF/DF 2200 1100 590"''2 560'2 165 1,700,000 1450 560 145 75 1,600,000 1000 1660 1,600,000
22F-V5S DF/N3WW 2200 1100 650 560'2 90'2 1,600,000 1100 255 135" 75" 1,400,000 800 725 1,400,000
22F-V69 DF/N3DF 2200 1100 650 560'2 90'2 1,700,000 1250 470 135 75 1,600,000 900 926 1,500,000
22F-V7"' DF/DF 2200 2200 650 650 165 1,800,000 1450 560 145 75 1,500,000 1100 1650 1,600,000
22F-V8"' DF/DF 2200 2200 590"''2 590"'2 165 1,700,000 1450 560 145 75 1,600,000 1060 1650 1,800,000
22F-V9"l HF/HF 2200 2200 500'2 500'2 155 1,500,000 1250 375 135 70 1,400,000 976 1400 1,400,000
22F-V10 DF/DFS 2200 1100 650 560'2 165 1,600,000 1600 500 145 75 1,300,000 1000 1400 1,300,000
24F-V1 DF/WW 2400 1200 650 650 140 1,700,000 1250 255 135" 70" 1,400,000 1000 1300 1,400,000
24F-V2 HF/HF 2400 1200 500'2 500'2 155 1,500,000 1250 375 136 70 1,400,000 950 1300 1,400,000
24F-V3 DF/DF 2400 1200 650 560'2 165 1,800,000 1500 560 145 75 1,600,000 1100 1600 1,600,000
24F-V4 DF/DF 2400 1200 650 650 165 1,800,000 1500 560 145 75 1,600,000 1150 1650 1,600,000
24F-V5 DF/HF 2400 1200 650 650 155 1,700,000 1350 375 140 70 1,500,000 1100 1450 1,600,000
24F-V6' DF/N3WW 2400 1200 650 560'2 90'2 1,700,000 1200 255 140" 70" 1,600,000 960 800 1,500,000
24F-V7' DF/N3DF 2400 1200 650 560'2 90'2 1,700,000 1250 470 135 70 1,600,000 900 950 1,600,000
24F-V8"' DF/DF 2400 2400 650 650 165 1,800,000 1450 560 145 75 1,600,000 1100 1660 1,600,000
24F-V9i" HF/HF 2400 2400 500^2 500'2 155 1,500,000 1500 375 135 70 1,400,000 1000 1450 1,400,000
24F-V10"' DF/HF , 2400 2400 650 650 155 1,800,000 1400 375 140 70 1,600,000 1160 1600 1,600,000
24F-V11 DF/DFS 2400 1200 650 560'2 165 1,700,000 1600 500 145 75 1,400,000 1160 1700 1,400,000
factors 0.8 0.8 0.53 0.53 0.876 0.833 0.8 0.53 0.875 0.875 0.833 0.8 0.73 0.833
Design values are for normal load duration and dry conditions of use. See footnotes, and other provisions in tfie National Design
Specification for Wood Construction, for adjustments of calculated values.

Design values in pounds per square incti

Loaded Perpendicular to Wide Faces of Laminations Loaded Parallel to the Wide Faces of the Laminations

Combination Species Extreme Fiber in Bending^ Compression Perp. to Grain

Synnbol^ Outer Shear
Laminations/ (For Members
Core Tension Compression With Multiple
Laminations'" Zone Zone Tension Compression Horizontal Modulus Extreme Compression Horizontal Piece Modulus Tension Compression Modulus
Stressed Stressed^ Face"'2 Face"'2 Sfiear'2 of Fiber Perpendicular Shear Laminations of Parallel Parallel of
in Tension in Tension Elasticity in to Grain Which Are Not Elasticity to to Elasticity
Bending^ '^ Side faces Edge Glued)'^ Grain Grain
Fb« Fbxx Fcixx Fcixx Fvxx Exx Fbyy Fciyy Fvyy F»yy Eyy Ft Fc E
16F-E1 WW/WW 1600 800 255'2 255'2 140 1,300,000 1050 255 125" 65" 1,200,000 725 925 1,200,000
16F-E2'3 HF/HF 1600 800 500'=^ 500'2 155 1,400,000 1250 375 135 70 1,300,000 825 1200 1,300,000
16F-E3 DF/DF 1600 800 650'=' 650'2 165 1,600,000 1450 560 145 75 1,500,000 975 1600 1,500,000
16F-E4>' DF/N3WW 1600 800 650'2 650'2 90'2 1,600,000 900 255 130" 65" 1,300,000 675 675 1,300,000
16F-E58 DF/N3DF 1600 800 650' = 650'2 90'2 1,600,000 1050 470 135 70 1.500,000 700 900 1,500,000
16F-E61" DF/DF 1600 1600 650'2 650'2 165 1,600,000 1500 560 145 75 1,600,000 1000 1600 1,500,000
leF-E?"." HF/HF 1600 1600 500'2 500'2 156 1,400,000 1250 375 135 70 1,300,000 850 1150 1,300,000
20F-E1 WW/WW 2000 1000 25512 255'2 140 1,600,000 1100 255 125" 65" 1,300,000 800 1050 1,300,000
20F-E2" HF/HF 2000 1000 500'2 500'2 155 1,600,000 1400 376 135 70 1,400,000 925 1550 1,400,000
20F-E3 DF/DF 2000 1000 650'2 650'2 165 1,700.000 1650 560 145 75 1,600,000 1050 1650 1,600,000
20F-E49 DF/N3WW 2000 1000 650 650'2 90'2 1,600,000 1100 255 130" 65" 1,400,000 800 700 1,400,000
20F-E5'' DF/N3DF 2000 1000 650'2 650'2 90'2 1,700,000 1300 470 135 70 1,600,000 826 975 1,600,000
20F-E6" DF/DF 2000 2000 650'2 650'2 165 1,700,000 1600 560 145 75 1,600,000 1150 1650 1,600,000
20F-E7'°.'3 HF/HF 2000 2000 500'2 500'2 155 1,600,000 1500 375 135 70 1,400,000 1060 1550 1,400,000
22F-E1 DF/DF 2200 1100 650 660'2 165 1,700,000 1650 560 145 75 1,600,000 1050 1600 1,600,000
22F-E2'3 HF/HF 2200 1100 500'2 500'2 155 1,600,000 1400 375 135 70 1,400,000 950 1400 1,400,000
22F-E3» DF/N3WW 2200 1100 650 650'2 90'2 1,700,000 1250 256 135" 70" 1,400,000 825 760 1,400,000
22F-E4S DF/N3DF 2200 1100 650 650'2 90'2 1,800,000 1350 470 135 70 1,600,000 950 950 1,600,000
22F-E5"' DF/DF 2200 2200 650 650 165 1,700,000 1650 560 145 75 1,600,000 1100 1650 1,600,000
HF/HF 2200 2200 500'^ 500'2 156 1,700,000 1550 375 135 70 1,500,000 1050 1500 1,500,000
24F-E1 DF/DF 2400 1200 650 650 165 1,800,000 1650 560 145 75 1,600,000 1100 1600 1,600,000
24F-E2'3 HF/HF 2400 1200 500'2 500'2 155 1.700,000 1450 375 135 70 1,500.000 1000 1400 1,500,000
24F-E3 DF/HF 2400 1200 650 500'2 155 1,800,000 1500 376 135 70 1,500,000 1050 1550 1,500,000
24F-E4 DF/DF 2400 1200 650 650 165 1,600,000 1650 560 145 75 1,700,000 1100 1700 1,700,000
24F-E5 DF/DF 2400 1200 650 650'2 165 1,800,000 1650 560 145 75 1,600,000 1100 1550 1,600,000
24F-E6" HF/WW 2400 1200 500'^ 500'2 140 1,800,000 1250 255 130" 65'^ 1,400,000 925 1350 1,400,000
24F-E78 DF/N3WW 2400 1200 650 650 90'2 1,900,000 1400 266 135" 70" 1,600,000 975 876 1,600,000
24F-E8'' DF/N3DF 2400 1200 650 650 90'2 1,900,000 1400 470 135 • 70 1,700,000 1000 1050 1,700,000
24F-E9''" HF/N3HF 2400 1200 500'2 500'2 90'2 1,800,000 1350 375 135 70 1,600,000 950 826 1,600,000
24F-E10"' DF/DF 2400 2400 650 650 165 1,900,000 1860 560 145 75 1,700,000 1300 1750 1,700,000
24F-E11"'" HF/HF 2400 2400 500'2 500'2 155 1,800,000 1600 375 135 70 1,500,000 1150 1550 1,600,000
24F-E12'° DF/HF 2400 2400 650 650 155 1,900,000 1750 375 135 70 1,600,000 1200 1600 1,600,000
24F-E13i" DF/DF 2400 2400 650 650 165 1,800,000 1950 560 145 70 1,700,000 1260 1700 1,700,000
24F-E14 DF/DF 2400 1200 650 650 165 1,800,000 1600 560 145 75 1,600,000 1050 1600 1,600,000
24F-E15 HF/HF 2400 1200 500 500 155 1,800,000 1500 375 135 70 1,500,000 1000 1550 1,500,000
factors 0.8 0.8 0.53 0.53 0.875 0.833 0.8 0.53 0.875 0.875 0.833 0.8 0.73 0.833

m ^ €
3 ) )
Design values are tor normal load duration and dry conditions of use. See footnotes, and ottier provisions in the National Design
Specification for Wood Construction, for adjustments of calculated values.
Design values in pounds per square inch
L o a d e d Perpendicular to W i d e Faces of Laminations Loaded Parallel to the W i d e Faces of the Laminations
Combination Species Extreme Fiber in Bending^ Compression Perp. to Grain
Symbol* Outer Shear
Laminations/ (For M e m b e r s
Core Tension Compression W i t h Multiple
Laminations^ Zone Zone Tension Compression Horizontal Modulus Extreme Compression Horizontal Piece Modulus Tension Compression Modulus
Stressed Stressed" F a c e " '2 Face"''2 Shear'2 of Fiber Perpendicular Shear Laminations of Parallel Parallel of
in Tension in Tension Elasticity in to Grain W h i c h A r e Not Elasticity to to Elasticity
Bending* '^ Side faces Edge Glued)'* Grain Grain
Fbxx Fbxx Fcixx Fcixx Fvxx Exx Fbyy FcXyy Fvyy Fvyy Eyy Ft Fc E
16F-V1 SP/SP 1600 800 560"'2 560'2 200 1,400,000 1450 560 175 90 1,300,000 950 1450 1,300,000
16F-V2 SP/SP 1600 800 5 6 0 " '2 560'2 200 1,400,000 1600 560 175 90 1,400,000 1000 1550 1,400,000
16F-V3 SP/SP 1600 800 650 650 200 1,400,000 1450 660 175 90 1,300,000 975 1450 1,300,000
16F-V45 SP/SP 1600" 800 560"'2 560'2 90'2 1,300,000 975 470 150 75 1,200,000 650 950 1,200,000
16F-V5'" SP/SP 1600 1600 560"'2 560'2 200 1,400,000 1600 560 176 90 1,400,000 1050 1550 1,400,000
20F-V1 SP/SP 2000 1000 650 560'2 200 1,500,000 1450 560 175 90 1,400,000 1000 1450 1,400,000
20F-V2 SP/SP 2000 1000 650 560'2 200 1,600,000 1450 560 175 90 1,400,000 1050 1550 1,400,000
20F-V3 SP/SP 2000 1000 560">'2 560'2 200 1,400,000 1600 560 175 90 1,400,000 1000 1500 1,400,000
20F-V49 SP/SP 2000 1000 650 560'2 90'2 1,500,000 1100 470 150 75 1,300,000 725 950 1,300,000
20F-V6"' SP/SP 2000 2000 650 650 200 1,600,000 1450 560 175 90 1,400,000 1050 1550 1,400,000
22F-V1 SP/SP 2200 1100 650 650 200 1,600,000 1600 560 175 90 1,500,000 1050 1650 1,500,000
22F-V2 SP/SP 2200 1100 560"'2 660'2 200 1,400,000 1600 560 175 90 1,400,000 1000 1500 1,400,000
22F-V3 SP/SP 2200 1100 650 560'2 200 1,600,000 1500 560 175 90 1,400,000 1050 1500 1,400,000
22F-V4' SP/SP 2200 1100 650 560'2 90'2 1,600,000 1250 470 155 80 1,400,000 825 1000 1,400,000
22F-V5"' SP/SP 2200 2200 650 650 200 1,600,000 1600 470 175 90 1,500,000 1050 1600 1,500,000
24F-V1 SP/SP 2400 1200 650 560'2 200 1,700,000 1500 560 175 90 1,500,000 1100 1350 1,500,000
24F-V2 SP/SP 2400 1200 650 650 200 1,700,000 1600 560 175 90 1,500,000 1100 1600 1,500,000
24F-V3 SP/SP 2400 1200 650 650 200 1,800,000 1600 560 175 90 1,600,000 1150 1700 1,600,000
24F-V49 SP/SP 2400 1200 650 560 90'2 1,700,000 1250 470 155 80 1,400,000 850 1050 1,400,000
24F-V5"' SP/SP 2400 2400 650 650 200 1,700,000 1600 560 175 90 1,500,000 1150 1700 1,500,000
24F-V6 SP/SP 2400 1200 650 650 200 1,700,000 1500 560 175 90 1,500,000 1160 1750 1,500,000
16F-E1 SP/SP 1600 800 560" 560'2 200 1,600,000 1550 560 175 90 1,500,000 1050 1600 1,500,000
16F-E29 SP/SP 1600 800 660'2 560'2 90'2 1,600,000 950 470 145 75 1,300,000 700 1050 1,300,000
16F-E3l» SP/SP 1600 1600 660'2 560'2 200 1,600,000 1700 560 175 90 1,500,000 1100 1650 1,500,000
20F-E1 SP/SP 2000 1000 56012 560'2 200 1,700,000 1600 560 175 90 1,500,000 1050 1600 1,500,000
20F-E2'' SP/SP 2000 1000 650 560'2 90'2 1,600,000 1100 470 150 75 1,400,000 750 1000 1,400,000
20F-E3'" SP/SP 2000 2000 560'2 560'2 200 1,700,000 1800 560 175 90 1,500,000 1150 1700 1,500,000
22F-E1 SP/SP 2200 1100 650 560'2 200 1,700,000 1600 560 175 90 1,500,000 1050 1650 1,500,000
22F-E2' SP/SP 2200 1100 650 560'2 90'2 1,600,000 1250 470 155 80 1,400,000 850 1050 1,400,000
22F-E3"' SP/SP 2200 2200 650 650 200 1,700,000 1750 560 175 90 1,500,000 1150 1650 1,500,000
24F-E1 SP/SP 2400 1200 650 560'2 200 1,800,000 1600 560 175 90 1,600,000 1100 1750 1,600,000
24F-E2 SP/SP 2400 1200 650 650 200 1,900,000 1700 560 175 90 1,600,000 1150 1700 1,600,000
24F-E3'' SP/SP 2400 1200 650 650 90'2 1,800,000 1300 470 155 80 1,500,000 950 1100 1,500,000
24F-E4"' SP/SP 2400 2400 650 650 200 1,800,000 2000 560 175 90 1,600,000 1250 1750 1,600,000
factors 0.8 0.8 0.53 0.53 0.875 0.833 0.8 0.53 0.875 0.875 0.833 0.8 0.73 0.833
Table 5A Footnotes
1. Design values in this table are based on combinations conforming to AITC 117-84—"Design Standard Specifications for Structural Glued Laminated Timber tor
Softwood Species", by American Institute of Timber Construction, and manufactured in accordance with American National Standard ANSI/A!TC A190.1-1983, "Structural Glued
Laminated Timber".
2. The combinations in this table are intended primarily for members stressed in bending due to loads applied perpendicular to the wide faces of the laminations. Design
values are tabulated, however, for loading both perpendicular and parallel to the wide faces of the laminations, and for axial loading. For combinations applicable to members
loaded primarily axially or parallel to the wide faces of the laminations, see Table 5B.
3. Design values in this table are applicable to members having 4 or more laminations. For members having 2 or 3 laminations, see Table 5B.
4. When moisture content in service will be 16 percent or more, tabulated design values shall be multiplied by the modification factor for wet service conditions, as given
in the bottom line of this table,
5. The tabulated design values in bending are applicable to members 12" or less in depth. For members greater than 12" in depth, the requirements of Section 5.3.4 of
the National Design Specification apply
6. The 22F and 24F combinations for members 15" and less in depth may not be readily available and the designer should check on availability prior to specifying. The
16F and 20F combinations are generally available for members 15" and less in depth.
7. The symbols used for species are DF = Douglas Fir-Larch, DFS = Douglas Fir South, HF = Hem-Fir, WW = Western Woods or Canadian softwood species, and SP
= Southern Pine (N3 refers to No. 3 structural joists and planks or structural light framing grade). For design values for California Redwood, see AITC 117-84-DESIGN.
8. Design values in this column are for extreme fiber stress in bending when the member is loaded such that the compression zone laminations are subjected to tensile
stresses. For more information, see AITC 117-84-DESIGN. The values in this column may be increased 200 psi where end joint spacing restrictions are applied to the
compression zone when stressed in tension.
9. These combinations are intended for straight or slightly cambered members for dry use and industrial appearance grade, because they may contain wane. If wane is
omitted these restrictions do not apply
10. These combinations are balanced and are intended for members continuous or cantilevered over supports and provide equal capacity in both positive and negative
11. For bending members greater than 15" in depth, these design values for compression perpendicular to grain are 650 psi on the tension face.
12. These design values may be increased in accordance with AITC 117-84-DESIGN when member conforms with special construction requirements therein. For more
information see AITC 117-84-DESIGN.
13. For these combinations manufacturers may substitute E-rated Douglas Fir-Larch laminations that are 200.000 psi higher in modulus of elasticity than the specified E-
rated Hem-Fir, with no change in design values.
14. For fastener design, the appropriate timber connector load group, lag bolt and driven fastener load group, and bolt design value can be classified by the design value
for compression perpendicular to grain, as shown in the following table:

Species classification for fastener design

Timber Lag Screw
Compression Perpendicular Connector and Driven Bolt Design
to Grain Design Load Fastener Values in
Value Fjipsi Grouping Load Grouping NDS Table 8.5A
(NDS Table 8.1 A.) (NDS Table 8.1 A.)
650- A II Column 1
590 or 660 B II Column 3
500-• C III Column 8
470 or 375 c III Column 8
315 c III Column 8
255 D IV Column 12

"For Fcj.= 650 psi for Douglas Fir South, use timber connector Group B. driven fastener group 11 and bolt values from column 3.
" F o r Fci= 500 psi for Douglas Fir South, use bolt values from column 6.

15. Footnote 5 to Table 5B also applies,

16. The values for horizontal shear, F^yy, apply to members manufactured using multiple piece laminations with unbonded edge joints. For members manufactured using
single piece laminations or using multiple piece laminations with bonded edge joints the horizontal shear values in the previous column apply
17. Where Douglas Fir South is used in place of all Western Wood laminations required, the design value for horizontal shear is the same as for combinations using all
Douglas Fir-Larch.

(or loaded in bending parallel to the wide face of laminations)'^-^"
Design values are for normal load duration and dry conditions of use. See footnotes, and other provisions in the National Design Specification
for Wood Construction for adjustments of calculated values
Design values in pounds per square inch
Loaded Perpendicular to Wide
Loaded Parallel to Wide Faces of Laminations
Tension Compression Faces of Laminations
Modulus Compression'^ Parallel Parallel
Extreme Fiber Horizontal
Combination of Perpendicular To Grain To Grain bxtreme Fiber in bending^ ° Horizontal Shear' in Bending^ Shear'
Symbol Species'* Elasticity To Grain 4 or More
2 or More 4 or More 2 or 3 4 or more 3 Lami- 2 Lami- tions (For 4 or More 3 Lami- 2 Lami- 2 Lamina- 4 or More 2 or More
Lami- Lami- Lami- Lami- nations nations members Lami- nations nations tions to Lami- Lami-
nations nations nations nations with nations 15" deep" nations^ nations
piece lami-
E Fcl F, Fc Fc Fbyy Fbyy Fbyy Fvyy Fyyy Fyyy Fyyy Fbxx Fbxx Fyxx
1 DF 1,500,000 560'° 900 1550 1200 1450 1250 1000 75 145 135 125 1250 1500 165
2 DF 1,700,000 560'" 1250 1900 1600 1800 1600 1300 75 145 135 125 1700 2000 165
3 DF 1,800,000 650 1450 2300 1850 2100 1850 1550 75 145 135 125 2000 2300 165
4 DF 1,900,000 5901° 1400 2100 1900 2200 2000 1650 75 145 135 125 1900 2200 165
5 DF 2,000,000 650 1600 2400 2100 2400 2100 1800 75 145 135 125 2200 2400 166
6 DF 1,400,000 470 350 875 550 550 550 550 60 120 115 105 450 _ 140
7 DF 1,500,000 660 900 1550 700 1450 1250 1000 75 145 135 125 1000 _ 165
8 DF 1,600,000 560'° 1000 1550 1150 1600 1550 1300 76 145 135 125 1350 1600 165
9 DF 1,800,000 650 1150 1800 1350 1850 1800 1500 75 145 135 125 1600 1850 165
10 DF 1,800,000 560'° 1300 1950 1450 1960 1750 1500 75 145 135 125 1750 2100 165
11 DF 2,000,000 650 1500 2300 1700 2300 2100 1750 75 146 135 125 2100 2400 165
12 DF 1,800,000 560'° 1400 1950 1660 2100 1950 1650 75 145 135 125 1900 2200 165
13 DF 2,000,000 650 1600 2300 1950 2400 2300 1950 75 145 135 125 2200 2400 165
14 HF 1,300,000 375'° 800 1100 975 1200 1050 850 70 135 130 115 1100 1300 155
15 HF 1,400,000 375'° 1050 1360 1300 1500 1350 1100 70 135 130 115 1450 1700 155
16 HF 1,600,000 375'° 1200 1500 1450 1750 1550 1300 70 135 130 115 1600 1900 155
17 HF 1,700,000 500 1400 1750 1700 2000 1850 1550 70 135 130 115 1900 2200 155
18 HF 1,300,000 375 425 900 575 700 700 700 70 136 130 115 575 — 155
19 HF 1,400,000 375'° 850 1300 975 1350 1300 1100 70 135 130 115 1150 1350 155
20 HF 1,600,000 375'° 975 1450 1260 1550 1500 1250 70 135 130 115 1350 1550 155
21 HF 1,600,000 375'° 1100 1450 1350 1750 1650 1400 70 135 130 115 1500 1750 155
22 WW 1,000,000 255 525 850 675 800 700 550 60 120 115 106 725 850 140
23 WW 1,000,000 255 275 625 450 450 450 450 60 120 115 105 400 140
24 WW 1,100,000 255 550 900 700 900 875 725 60 120 116 105 775 140
25 WW 1,200,000 255 650 1000 875 1050 1000 860 60 120 115 105 875 • 140
26 WW 1,200,000 255 750 1000 1000 1150 1100 925 60 120 115 105 1000 1160 140
59 DFS 1,100,000 500 800 1400 1050 1200 1050 850 75 145 135 125 1050 1250 165
60 DFS 1,300,000 500 1050 1750 1400 1760 1550 1150 75 145 135 125 1450 1700 165
61 DFS 1,500,000 650 1350 2200 1850 2000 1800 1500 76 145 135 126 1850 2200 165
Wet-use factors 0.833 0.53 0.8 0.73 0.73 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.875 0.875 0.875 0.875 0.8 0.8 0.875
(or loaded in bending parallel to the wide face of laminations)'^^ "
Design values are for normal load duration and dry conditions of use. See footnotes, and other provisions in the National Design Specification
for Wood Construction for adjustments of calculated values

Design values in p o u n d s per square incti

L o a d e d Perpendicular to W i d e
L o a d e d Parallel to W i d e Faces of Laminations
Faces of Laminations
Tension Compression

Modulus Compression'^ Parallel Parallel E x t r e m e Fiber Horizontal

To Grain To Grain E x t r e m e Fiber in B e n d i n g ^ Horizontal S h e a r '
Combination of Perpendicular in B e n d i n g ^ Shear'
Symboi Species" Elasticity To Grain 4 or More
2 or More 4 or More 2 or 3 4 or more 3 Lami- 2 Lami- tions (For 4 or More 3 Lami- 2 Lami- 2 Lamina- 4 or More 2 or More
Lami- Lami- Lami- Lami- nations nations members Lami- nations nations tions to Lami- Lami-
nations nations nations nations with nations 15" deepS nations^ nations
piece lami-
E Fci F, Fc Fc Foy, Ft,,, FD,, F„,, F.„ F,y, F,y, FB„ F„„ F,„


27 DF 1,800,000 650 900 1750 1200 1450 1250 1000 75 146 135 125 1250 1500 165
28 DF 2,000,000 650 1100 2000 1400 1450 1250 1000 75 145 135 125 1500 1750 165
29 DF 2,200,000 650 1250 2300 1550 1650 1400 1150 75 145 135 125 1700 2000 165
30 DF 1,800,000 650 1560 2100 1700 2400 2400 2100 75 145 135 125 1800 2100 165
31 DF 2,000,000 650 1800 2400 1900 2400 2400 2400 75 145 135 125 2100 2400 165
32 DF 2,200,000 650 1800 2400 2100 2400 2400 2400 75 145 135 125 2300 2400 165
62 DF 2,100,000 650 1150 2200 1500 1550 1350 1100 76 145 135 125 1600 1900 165
63 DF 2,100,000 650 1800 2400 2000 2400 2400 2400 75 145 135 125 2200 2400 165

33 HF 1,500,000 500 800 1050 950 1200 1050 850 70 135 130 115 1100 1300 155
34 HF 1,800,000 500 900 1300 1200 1450 1250 1000 70 135 130 115 1250 1500 155
35 HF 2,000,000 500 1100 1550 1400 1450 1250 1000 70 135 130 115 1500 1750 155
36 HF 1,500,000 600 1200 1450 1300 2100 1900 1700 70 135 130 115 1400 1650 155
37 HF 1,800,000 500 1550 1950 1700 2400 2400 2100 70 135 130 115 1800 2100 155
38 HF 2,000,000 500 1800 2400 1900 2400 2400 2400 70 135 130 115 2100 2400 155

39 WW 1,500,000 255 800 1200 950 1200 1050 850 60 120 115 105 1100 1300 140
40 WW 1,800,000 255 900 1500 1200 1450 1250 1000 60 120 115 105 1250 1500 140
41 WW 2,000,000 255 1100 1760 1400 1450 1250 1000 60 120 115 105 1500 1750 140
42 WW 1,500,000 255 1200 1550 1300 2100 1900 1700 60 120 115 105 1400 1650 140
43 WW 1,800,000 255 1560 1950 1700 2400 2400 2100 60 120 115 105 1800 2100 140
44 WW 2,000,000 255 1800 2200 1900 2400 2400 2400 60 120 115 105 2100 2400 140

Wet-use factors 0.833 0.53 0.8 0.73 0.73 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.875 0.875 0.875 0.876 0.8 0.8 0.875
) )
(or loaded in bending parallel to the wide face of laminations)'-^'^"
Design values are for normal load duration and dry conditions use. See footnotes, and other provisions in the National Design Specification
for Wood Construction for adjustments of calculated values
D e s i g n values in p o u n d s per square inch
L o a d e d Perpendicular to W i d e
L o a d e d Parallel to W i d e Faces of L a m i n a t i o n s
F a c e s of L a m i n a t i o n s
Tension Compression
Parallel Parallel E x t r e m e Fiber Horizontal
Modulus Compression'"
To Grain To G r a i n E x t r e m e Fiber in Bending^'^ Horizontal S h e a r '
Combination of Perpendicular in B e n d i n g ^ Shear'
Symboi Species" Elasticity To G r a i n
4 or More
2 or More 4 or More 2 or 3 4 or m o r e 3 Lami- 2 Lami- tions (For 4 or More 3 Lami- 2 Lami- 2 Lamina- 4 or M o r e 2 or M o r e
Lami- Lami- Lami- Lami- nations nations members Lami- nations nations tions to Lami- Lami-
nations nations nations nations with nations 1 5 " deep= nations^ nations
p i e c e lami-
E Fci F, Fc Fj Fb„ Fb„ Fbyy Fvyy Fvyy F.y» F.„ Fbxx Fbxx F„x
45 SP 1,100,000 470 326 850 560 550 550 550 60 120 115 105 450 140
46 SP 1,300,000 560 900 1500 675 1450 1250 1000 90 175 165 160 1000 200
47 SP 1,400,000 560'° 1200 1900 1150 1760 1650 1300 90 175 166 150 1400 1600 200
48 SP 1,700,000 650 1400 2200 1350 2000 1800 1500 90 175 166 150 1600 1900 200
49 SP 1,700,000 560"' 1350 2100 1460 1960 1750 1600 90 175 166 150 1800 2100 200
60 SP 1,900,000 650 1550 2300 1700 2300 2100 1760 90 175 166 150 2100 2400 200
61 SP 1,700,000 560'" 1300 1900 1600 2100 1960 1660 90 175 166 160 1750 2100 200
62 SP 1,900,000 650 1500 2200 1850 2400 2300 1960 90 175 166 160 2100 2400 200
E-RATED sou r H E R N P I N E
53 SP 1,800,000 650 900 1900 1200 1450 1250 1000 90 175 165 150 1250 1500 200
54 SP 2,000,000 650 1100 2300 1400 1450 1250 1000 90 175 165 150 1500 1760 200
55 SP 2,200,000 650 1250 2400 1550 1650 1400 1150 90 175 165 150 1700 2000 200
56 SP 1,800,000 650 1550 1850 1700 2400 2400 2100 90 175 165 150 1800 2100 200
57 SP 2,000,000 650 1800 2400 1900 2400 2400 2400 90 175 165 150 2100 2400 200
58 SP 2,200,000 650 1800 2400 2100 2400 2400 2400 90 175 165 150 2300 2400 200
Wet-use factors 0.833 0.53 0,8 0.73 0.73 0.8 0.8 08 0.875 0.875 0.875 0.876 0.8 0.8 0.875
Table SB. Footnotes
1 . Design v a l u e s in this t a b l e are based o n c o m b i n a t i o n s c o n f o r m i n g to " A I T C 1 1 7 - 8 4 - D E S I G N — S t a n d a r d 6. T h e t a b u l a t e d d e s i g n v a l u e s in b e n d i n g are a p p l i c a b l e to m e m b e r s 1 2 " or less in d e p t h . For m e m b e r s
Specifications for S t r u c t u r a l G l u e d L a m i n a t e d T i m b e r of S o f t w o o d S p e c i e s " , by A m e r i c a n Institute of T i m b e r C o n s t r u c - greater t h a n 1 2 " in d e p t h , t h e r e q u i r e m e n t s of S e c t i o n 5 . 3 . 4 of t h e National D e s i g n S p e c i f i c a t i o n apply to FBYY a n d
tion, and m a n u f a c t u r e d in a c c o r d a n c e w i t h A m e r i c a n N a t i o n a l S t a n d a r d ANSI/AITC A 1 9 0 . 1 - 1 9 8 3 , " S t r u c t u r a l G l u e d FBXX-
Laminated Timber" 7. T h e d e s i g n v a l u e s in horizontal shear in Table 5 B are b a s e d on m e m b e r s t h a t d o not c o n t a i n w a n e .
2. The c o m b i n a t i o n s in this t a b l e are i n t e n d e d p r i m a r i l y for m e m b e r s loaded either axially or in b e n d i n g w i t h t h e 8. The d e s i g n v a l u e s in b e n d i n g about t h e X-X axis in this c o l u m n are for m e m b e r s up to 1 5 " in d e p t h w i t h o u t
loads acting parallel to t h e w i d e f a c e s of t h e l a m i n a t i o n s ( b e n d i n g about Y-Y axis). D e s i g n v a l u e s for b e n d i n g d u e tp tension laminations.
load applied p e r p e n d i c u l a r to tfie w i d e faces of t h e l a m i n a t i o n s ( b e n d i n g about X-X axis) are also i n c l u d e d , a l t h o u g h t h e 9. T h e d e s i g n v a l u e s in b e n d i n g about t h e X-X axis in this c o l u m n are for m e m b e r s h a v i n g specific t e n s i o n
c o m b i n a t i o n s in Table 5A are usually better s u i t e d for this c o n d i t i o n of l o a d i n g . laminations, a n d a p p l y to m e m b e r s having 4 or m o r e l a m i n a t i o n s . W h e n t h e s e v a l u e s are u s e d in d e s i g n a n d t h e
3. W h e n m o i s t u r e c o n t e n t in service will be 16 p e r c e n t or m o r e , t a b u l a t e d d e s i g n v a l u e s shall be multiplied by m e m b e r is s p e c i f i e d by c o m b i n a t i o n s y m b o l , t h e d e s i g n s h o u l d also specify t h e r e q u i r e d d e s i g n v a l u e in b e n d i n g .
the modification factor for wet s e r v i c e c o n d i t i o n s , as g i v e n in t h e b o t t o m line of this table. 10. T h e s e d e s i g n v a l u e s may be i n c r e a s e d in a c c o r d a n c e with AITC 1 1 7 - 8 4 - D E S l G N w h e n m e m b e r c o n f o r m s
4. The s y m b o l s u s e d for s p e c i e s are DF = D o u g l a s F i r - L a r c h , DFS = D o u g l a s Fir S o u t h , HF = Hem-Fir, W W w i t h special c o n s t r u c t i o n r e q u i r e m e n t s t h e r e i n . For m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n see AITC 1 1 7 - 8 4 - D E S l G N .
= W e s t e r n W o o d s a n d C a n a d i a n s o f t w o o d s p e c i e s , a n d SP = S o u t h e r n Pine. For d e s i g n v a l u e s for C a l i f o r n i a R e d - 1 1 . Footnote 14 of Table 5A applies also to Table 6 B .
w o o d , see AITC 1 1 7 - 8 4 - D E S I G N . 12. T h e values for horizontal shear, FVYY, a p p l y to m e m b e r s m a n u f a c t u r e d u s i n g m u l t i p l e p i e c e l a m i n a t i o n s w i t h
5. The values of FBYY in Table 6 8 are b a s e d o n m e m b e r s 1 2 " in d e p t h { b e n d i n g a b o u t Y-Y axis). W h e n m e m b e r u n b o n d e d e d g e j o i n t s . For m e m b e r s using single p i e c e l a m i n a t i o n s or u s i n g m u l t i p l e p i e c e l a m i n a t i o n s w i t h b o n d e d
d e p t h is less t h a n 1 2 " , t h e v a l u e s of FBYY may be m u l t i p l i e d by t h e f o l l o w i n g f a c t o r s : e d g e joints t h e horizontal s h e a r values t a b u l a t e d in t h e next t h r e e c o l u m n s a p p l y
Depth Multiply t a b u l a t e d FBYY by:
10.75" 1.01
8.76" 1.04
e.TS" 1.07
5.125" 1.10
3.126" 1.16
Design values are for normal load duration and dry conditions^ of use. See footnotes, and other provisions in the Nat
Specification for Wood Construction, for adjustments of calculated values.
Pounds per square inch

Multiply the appropriate stress module Desigr
in part B by the factors below to pounds
determine design value for in
SPECIES Extreme fiber in Compression
Modulus of Horizontal
bending T B " or parallel elasticity shear
tension parallel to grain E F„
to grain " F T " 'V
Factor Factor Factor

Hickory, true and pecan 3.85 3.05 1.80 260

Beech, American 3.06 2.45 1.70 230

Birch, sweet and yellow 3.05 2.45 1.90 230
Elm, rock 3.05 2.45 1.40 230
Maple, black and sugar (hard maple) 3.05 2.45 1.70 230

Ash, commercial white 2.80 2.20 1.70 230

Oak, commercial red and white 2.80 2.05 1.60 230

Elm, American and slippery (white or soft elm) 2.20 1.60 1.40 190
Sweetgum (red or sap gum) 2.20 1.60 1.40 190
Tupelo, black (blackgum) 2.20 1.60 1.20 190
Tupelo, water 2.20 1.60 1.30 190

Ash, black 2.00 1.30 1.30 170

Yellow poplar 2.00 1.45 1.50 150

Cottonwood, Eastern 1.55 1,20 1.20 110

Modification factor for wet service conditions 0.80 0.73 0.833 0.875

PART B — Values for use in computing design values with the factors of Part A together with limitations
required to permit the use of such stresses
Ratio of size Compression parallel v - < : , c-
of maximum Extreme fiber in bending'' Tension parallel to grain"* to gram* r =s- ; *,
Combination knot to Number of
grain slope Maximum Maximum
symbol finished laminations Stress Stress Stress S:-ess
grain gram
width of module module module
Core slope stope

A 0.1 4 to 14 800 1:16 18 500 1:16 970 1:15 ; ,00000c

15 or more 800 1:16 18 500 1:16 970 1:15 ;

B 0.2 4 to 14 770 1:16 18 500 1:16 920 V15 -OCCOOC

15 or more 800 1:16 18 500 1:16 930 1 -15

c 0.3
4 to 14 600 1:12 18 450 1:15 860 1 14 ^ ™
15 or more 660 1:12 18 450 1:16 870 1 14

D 0,4 4 to 14 450 1:8 18 350 1:10 780 1:12 80C OOC

15 or more 520 1:8 18 350 1:12 810 1:12

E 0,5
4 to 14 300 1:8 18 300 1:8 690 1:10 80C rjx.
15 or more 380 1:8 18 300 1:8 730 110


1. Standard Specifications for Hardwood Glued Laminated Timbers, AITC 119-85, by American Institute of Timber Construction, applies.
2. The design values in bending obtained from this Table apply when the wide faces of the laminations are normal to the direction of the load. They also apply when the
loading is parallel to the wide faces of the laminations, provided certain additional restrictions, given in the applicable specification indicated in Note 1. are applied
3. For wet service conditions, where moisture content of the member will be 16 percent or more, multiply design value by the appropriate modification factor from the
bottom of Part A of this table.
4. Stress modules apply only when laminations have a slope of grain no steeper than the values listed, as required in the specification indicated in Note 1. For tension and
compression parallel to grain values to apply, all laminations must conform to slope of grain requirements. As an alternative to specifying more restrictive slope of grain
limitations in order to use tabulated values for "secondary" stresses, such as when a member is subject to reversal of axial load or to combined flexure and axial load, consult
American Institute of Timber Construction for advice on "secondary stresses appropriate for the slope of grain required for the principal stress "
5. For bending, outer laminations means each outer 10 percent of the depth of the member, measured from each face at any cross section of the member as finally


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