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1: Photograph of
the moon taken with
a survey camera by
Kenneth Mattingly
from Apollo 16, April
1972. It was taken
during a return flight
from the moon from
a distance of around
1,600 km. The
boundary between
the moon’s near
side and the far side,
which cannot be seen
from the Earth, runs
through the center of
the picture. NASA.


In science and technology, numerous forms of graphi- Wahrig-Schmidt 1997; Huber and Heller 1999; Haupt
cal information are often referred to quite generally as and Stadler 2006; Elkins 2008), where images appear-
“representations” of something, in contrast or addition ing on the computer screen are usually translations of
to alternative terms such as depiction or reproduction measurements into models that give visual access to the
that suggest a direct resemblance between (or a mimetic object of research. The creation of such images depends
approximation of ) an image and the object it seems to on basic research and knowledge in fields such as physics
substitute for. On the other hand, the ambiguous term or biochemistry and demands considerable technical and
representation carries diverse (artistic, political, theatri- financial efforts. As an essential and sometimes exclusive
cal) connotations and so is not altogether suitable to means of observation and operation, such images also
the specific problems of research in the natural sciences stand for a fundamental epistemological shift and a new
(Elkins 2008). Since the 1980s, it has increasingly been paradigm of visuality (a term coined by visual culture
questioned and replaced by alternative expressions such studies) in technology-based societies (Elkins 1999).
as visualization or rendering visible. In contradistinc- In the literal sense, visualization could refer to any
tion to the notion of a passive representation of things kind of man-made visual pattern, ranging from diagrams
and the resemblance it entails, these terms are meant to radiographs, that renders an object or a fact percep-
to describe the productive and constructive aspect of tible to the human eye. As already stated by pioneers
imaging in scientific practice (Rheinberger, Hagner, and of modern and abstract art, the aesthetic manifestation

FIG. 2 (above): An analysis of the ozone distribution over Antarctica
recorded using the Solar Backscatter Ultraviolet (SBUV/2) instrument of
the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and showing
the hole in the ozone layer on October 15, 1987.

FIG. 3 (top right): Radar image of a heavy storm southwest of Spring

Lake, New Jersey, July 27, 1944. From the “AAF Manual 105-101-2
Radar Storm Detection” issued by U.S. Army Air Forces Headquarters,
August 1945.

FIG. 4 (bottom right): Ultrasound picture of a fetus during the first half
of pregnancy, 2008. Sonography enables gynecologists to make a non-
invasive diagnosis and examine the development of the child’s body and
organs while it is still in the womb. Private archive of Vera Dünkel.

of emotions, ideas, or imaginings might likewise be dures and equipment and the problems involved with
regarded as a kind of visualization of the unseen, compa- their application in these areas. Here, images may be the
rable to scientific practices. Enhancing the eye by using result of mechanical phenomena recorded graphically
optical instruments such as a microscope or a telescope (e.g., blood pressure, seismic events) or of extended elec-
reveals new visible worlds (fig. 1); photography and film tromagnetic wave spectra made visible (fig. 2); they may
capture time and motion in a variety of forms and thereby also be based on the active emission of pulses (figs. 3 and
define them (cf. Snyder 1998). Such a wide interpreta- 4). Imaging includes the electronic registration of objects
tion would be supported by the fact that the term visual- in scanning tunneling microscopy, which uses reference
ization is also used for design solutions and screen-based values to create an interaction with the object, the sum-
media of all kinds for the virtual modeling and simulation mation of radiological data in medicine, and comparable
of constructions and surfaces in architecture, in industrial tomographic means of observation, e.g., in brain research
design, or in the games industry, where three-dimen- (fig. 5). Subsequent to the success of electronic media
sional figures are usually created out of large quantities of and the possibility of displaying data measurements
numerical data (Elkins 2007; Lima 2011; Wilson 2002). on a computer screen, terms like imaging have become
In contrast with a broad interpretation of the term primarily associated with digital media. However, imag-
visualization, imaging is often and explicitly used in medi- ing can as well remain entirely analog; see, for instance,
cal and scientific contexts to describe particular proce- the tracing of sound curves by oscilloscope (fig. 6) or the

127 Visuality, Visualizing, Imaging

FIG. 6: Acoustic wave recordings made using the early oscillograph of
Dayton Clarence Miller, called the Phonodeik, around 1910. From top
to bottom: brass band music, a bell ringing, and the sound of a rocket.
FIG. 5: Plate from a computer tomography textbook: examples of CT V. J. Phillips, Waveforms: A History of Early Oscillography (Bristol:
images showing axial sections of six patients with intracerebral hemor- A. Hilger, 1987), 58, fig. 2.53.
rhage. The hematomas are recognizable as lighter areas in the tomogram.
Sebastian Lange et al., Cerebral and Spinal Computerized Tomography,
2nd rev. ed. (New York: Karger, 1989), 95, plate 38. S. Karger AG, Basel.

“sound figures” of Ernst Chladni, who visualized acoustic Visualization and imaging are thus in many ways syn-
oscillations as patterns in sand in the late eighteenth onymous; the latter has become the established term of
century (fig. 7). art, especially in the medical equipment industry, where
When the alleged object under investigation is images can become the basis of vital decisions, diagno-
brought into the register of the visible, screens, prints, sis, and treatment. Nevertheless, since visualized data is
or algorithms themselves become a field of operations. increasingly present in the “operation theater,” there are
Classifications, experiments, and changes to parameters still intersections with a performative notion of “repre-
turn the visible image into a product of interventions sentation.” —MB
that refers to the object only indirectly, through the
“inscription” of measurements (Latour and Woolgar
1986). This has raised fundamental questions concern-
ing the interpretation of results based on visual tools LITERATURE
(Hacking 1983). The philosopher of science Hans-Jörg Elkins, James. The Domain of Images. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press,
Rheinberger has regarded such images, in a systematic
Elkins, James. Six Stories from the End of Representation: Images in Painting,
way, as the product of a constructive process of “per- Photography, Astronomy, Microscopy, Particle Physics, and Quantum
forming” knowledge (Rheinberger, Hagner, and Wahrig- Mechanics, 1980–2000. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press,
Schmidt 1997, 2001). Owing to their artificial character, 2008.

images created in this manner are subject to the respec- Elkins, James. Visual Practices across the University. Munich: Wilhelm Fink
Verlag, 2007.
tive rules of representation, e.g., in terms of coloring,
Foster, Hal, ed. Vision and Visuality. Seattle: Bay Press, 1988.
spatiality, perspective, scale, and speed; deliberately or
Hacking, Ian. Representing and Intervening. Cambridge: Cambridge
unintentionally, their producers abide by these rules so University Press, 1983.
as to provide better means of analysis and evaluation (cf. Haupt, Sabine, and Ulrich Stadler, eds. Das Unsichtbare sehen: Bildzauber,
Lynch and Edgerton 1988). optische Medien und Literatur. Zurich: Edition Voldemeer, 2006.

FIG. 7: Sound figure created using Ernst Chladni’s method of 1787. Oscillations produced on a sand-covered metal plate using
violin bows or loudspeakers create frequency-dependent patterns on the plate. Alexander Lauterwasser, Wasser Klang Bilder. Die
“schöpferische Musik des Weltalls,” 2nd ed. (Aarau: AT Verlag, 2003), 43.

Huber, Jörg, and Martin Heller, eds. Konstruktionen Sichtbarkeiten. Vienna: virtuellen Welten, ed. Bettina Heintz and Jörg Huber, 55–61. Zurich:
Springer, 1999. Edition Voldemeer, 2001.
Latour, Bruno, and Steve Woolgar. Laboratory Life: The Construction of Rheinberger, Hans-Jörg. Towards a History of Epistemic Things:
Scientific Facts. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1986. Synthesizing Proteins in the Test Tube. Palo Alto, CA: Stanford
Lima, Manuel. Visual Complexity: Mapping Patterns of Information. New University Press, 1977.
York: Princeton Architectural Press, 2011. Rheinberger, Hans-Jörg, Michael Hagner, and Bettina Wahrig-Schmidt,
Lynch, Michael, and Samuel Y. Edgerton. “Aesthetics and Digital Image eds. Räume des Wissens: Repräsentation, Codierung, Spur. Berlin:
Processing: Representational Craft in Contemporary Astronomy.” In Akademie Verlag, 1997.
Picturing Power: Visual Depiction and Social Relations, ed. Gordon Snyder, Joel. “Visualization and Visibility.” In Picturing Science, Producing
Fyfe and John Law, 184–220. London: Routledge, 1988. Art, ed. Peter Galison and Caroline A. Jones, 379–97. London:
Lynch, Michael, and Steve Woolgar, eds. Representation in Scientific Routledge, 1998.
Practice. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1990. Wilson, Stephen. Information Arts: Intersections of Art, Science, and Tech-
Rheinberger, Hans-Jörg. “Objekt und Repräsentation.” In Mit dem Auge nology. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2002.
denken: Strategien der Sichtbarmachung in wissenschaftlichen und Wise, Norton. “Making Visible.” Isis 97 (2006): 75–82.

129 Visuality, Visualizing, Imaging

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