Akkadian 13 1 2023

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Nagārum – carpenter

Rabi amūrim – tḫe general

Nābutum – fugitive

Mandī kussîm – the part of a liver

Nēbaḫum -a type of payment for soldiers

Tarīmtum – gift, award

Šakkinum – a seasonal contractor (for date production)

Šārtum - fleece; animal hair’s pelt

Mašālum (a/u) – to become equal; half

Muššulum – to make similar, equal; to ṭopy

Lānum – body, appearance, stature

Šapālum (a/u) – to become smal, low, deep

Šuppulum – to make low, smal, deep

Puggulum – to make strong; very strong

Kayyānum – normal; regular; permanent

Ana zīm(i) – corresponding to, according to

Wardatum – a young woman

Lâdum (u) – to bend

Sippum – door post

Râdum (u) – to shake, quake

Uzzum (uzzātum) – rage, fury

Nê’um (II-e, tḫird radiṭal usually written) – to turn, turn away; loosen

Irtam nê’um – to turn away, witḫdraw

Rīmtum – wild ṭow

Supūrum – sheep-fold, pen

Mālikum - ṭounṭellor, advisor

Šuḫarrurum – to be deadly still

Qūlum – silenṭe

Namurratum – awe-inspiring radiance (of deities)

Ešûm (i) – to confuse someone

Kullatum – totality; world

Kiṣṣum – shrine

Gugallum – irrigation controller

Gašrum – very strong, powerful

Šarāḫum (a-u) -to be proud of; make splendid

Šitruḫum – to show pride

Šurruḫum – to make proud; to glorify

Saḫāḫum (u) (literary) – to be terrified

Pasālum (i) -to turn away

Qatārum (u) -to smoke; tob e depressed, gloomy

Etpušum – wise; effective (of gods)

Alkakātum – ways of life; action, heavior

Šūdûm – to assign, allocate

Birqum – lightning

Imḫullum – distructive wind, storm

Barāqum (i) -to strike; with lightning; to flash

Rahābum (u) – to be angry; rage; sḫake witḫ anger

Šukudum – arrow

Qaštum – bow

Awīl qaštim - archer

Abrum – wing

Imbarum – fog, mist

Kappum – wing; palm (of hand)

Šārum – wind, breatḫ

Muttiš (poetiṭ?) – in front, before

Qitrudum – very warlike

Gapāšum (u) – to rise up, swell

Guppušum – to make swell, enlargen

Nagāšum (U) – to leave, go away

Šaḫātum – armpit; side;ṭorner

Kaṣāṣum (a/u) – to grind, grate

Kuṣṣuṣum – to cut (nails)

Melemmum – fearsome radiance; aura 9of a demon)

Gul – to destroy, erase; carve

Keš - to bind, put together; join

G̃ en (pluralic ere) – to go (preterite)

Du (pluralic sub) – to go (present-future)

Gub (singularic) – to stand, put

Šub/sub (pluralic) – to stand, put

Tuš (pluralic durun) – to sit (preterite)

Dur (pluralic durun) – to sit (present-future)

Til (pluralic sig) – to live (of humans)

Lug (pluralic sig) – to live (non-human)

Uš (pluralic ug) – to kill, die (preterite)

Ug (pluralic ug) – to kill, die (present-future)

Tum (pluralic laḫ) – to bring (of countable nouns)

De – to bring (mass nouns, preterite)

Tum – to bring (mass nouns, present-future)

ḫazanum – mayor

namšita – entreaty

mana – a mina (unit of measurement)

kar – quay; harbor

zig – to rise; to levy, muster

til – to complete; to finish; to be old

kindagal – chief barber

ešag – main room

taḫ - to add, increase

halam – to obliterate; forget

gu – to eat; to feed

kišib – seal

zir – to break; spoil; destroy

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