English Career Research-Zaira Carmona 1

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Zaira Carmona

English 9, 4th period
4 March 2023

The career of Fine arts in Painting

The career of fine arts in painting is somewhat challenging but life rewarding if you want to

make it a lifelong career. Art has had a big impact on my life, sometimes when I investigate an

art piece it brings me some type of pleasure, a type of soothing relaxing way of looking at it. At

points I ask myself what inspired them to create such a great piece of art. I have tried to find my

style in painting and have tried very different ones. I want to explore the other types of arts, go to

different places and learn about their art and how they made it and what inspired them to make it.

And I want to take art and study it in the future.

Body Paragraph 1:
In “How to become a professional fine painter”, an article by Nina Kong-Surtees, the author

illustrates the steps and phases in how to be a professional painter and how to master your own

style and others. To become a fine artist in painting it takes a lot of art skills and patience to be

able to master your own style. According to Skill Share, in “how to become a professional

painter”, Study the types of painting to define and develop your signature style, master your skill

by learning from professional painters and build your painters resume portfolio.

(Skillshare.com). Becoming a fine artist painter may take a lot of steps to master your own skill

like learning the other techniques a lot of artists used or are still using and being able to learn
them, and so it can help you find your own style. The fine arts of painting have many phases to

become a professional and it will all depend on the artist when to complete the phases.

According to skill share in “how to become a professional painter”, the painter's career typically

span three phases: emerging, midcareer, and established, and the duration of each phase vanes

from artist to artist(skillshare.com). Being able to become a professional fine artist in painting

has many steps as many phases that it must, it may take a while to be able to accomplish them

and for every phase it will always depend on the artist for when to finish. Not only do skills

matter to become a professional in painting but having the right education. According to skill

share in “how to become a professional painter”, it will generally take 6 years of formal art

education, 4 years to earn BFA (bachelors of fine arts) and two other years for an MFA (masters

of fine arts)(SkillShare.com). Having a formal education to make painting a lifelong journey

takes a lot of time and formal school education if you really want to become a professional.

Being a professional painter may take many years of patience, being able to master every

technique and skill you may learn at school, then trying to find your inner style and having

guidance to it.

Body Paragraph 2:
In “Art school requirements: How to get accepted into art school” an article by Ajayi Abimbola

Samuel, the author informs about all the requirements that are needed to get into an art school,

the steps you take to try to apply and get in. All art schools have different requirements to getting

in, some may have more strict requirements than other schools. According to career karma in

“Art school requirements: How to get accepted into art school”, it will normally depend on the

admission standards of the target school, Elite art colleges have stringent admission
guidelines(careerkarma.com). Depending on the school, every school has different requirements

to getting admitted and all depending on the school they will have stringent requirements. There

are many typical requirements to not enter an elite art school, some of common requirements are

very simple to many art schools. According to career karma in “Art school requirements: How to

get accepted into art school”, some common art school requirements are high school gpa,

standardized testing, letters of recommendation, art portfolios, personal

statement(careerkarma.com) Art schools have very different types of requirements than your

typical college or university you want to apply to, some of the requirements are the same but art

schools focus more in the creative way in how you express yourself true art. You first need to

prepare yourself to know what you even need to apply to an art school, what you need to submit

to apply. According to career karma in “Art school requirements: How to get accepted into art

schools”, some common steps to get in are, research schools, create art portfolios, prepare for

application,prepare art for interview and wait for response(careerkarma.com). Not only knowing

what the requirements are to apply or get into an art school, but the steps you need to consider

when you are applying to the school and knowing what you will need.

Body Paragraph 3: In “The Significant Role of art in shaping our society” and article by Sanjay

Jangdid, the author states in how artists and art take a big part in society in the way artists

express themselves in their art and the different styles they use and how the art can connect to the

people. Art, painting and many other forms of expressing ourselves can make very big impacts in

our society and help people in many ways. Many artists in the world want to make different

impacts in the community and may sometimes make them stand out in how they show their art in

different styles of techniques they use. According to Chitkara in the “significant role of art in
shaping our society”, artists use various forms of expression to convey a feeling, state of society,

depict critical moments in history or a perspective through space or time (Chitkara.com).

A lot of artists have different ways of being able to impact people's lives with their art by using

different textures, giving out messages in many ways. The effect art has in many societies can

affect many people in a good way, spiritual way, mental way or even part of their culture and

bringing them together. According to Chitkara in "The significant role of art in shaping our

society”, it helps people from various cultures understand and communicate with each other

through song, pictures and stories (Chitkara.com) Many people find different ways they can

connect with each other through true art and find ways where they can relate to each other and

meet new people. Art can make people connect with their culture, makes them feel inspired in

many ways.

According to Chitkara in “The significant role of art in shaping our society”, people often relate

to other societies and cultures through their artistic representation(chitkara.com)

There are many ways people connect through art, find a meaning and connect with many other


Body Paragraph 4:
In the “Art for self-care and mental health” and article by Katuana Jayde Loeuy, the author

illustrates how art can help us in our mental health in many ways.

Many of ways to distract from stress and more, art can be one of them to soothing our self out.

According to the whole u in “Art for self-care and mental health", study after study has shown

that drawing,doodling,coloring,and simply creating anything for 20 plus minutes reduces

cortisol(thewholeu.uw.edu).Being able to just distract yourself with anything, being able to

create anything can reduce stress. Art can help in many ways if you are going through a hard

time and need something to take your mind off things. According to the whole u in "Art for self-

care and mental health", research has proved that art can help process pain and provide a direct

connection between the mind and body to help with the healing process(thewholeu.uw.edu). Art

can be a way to escape pain, to feel relieved and to feel healed. Expressing yourself through art

can make you connect with more people and grow within yourself. According to the whole u in

“Art for self-care and mental health”, Expressive art, such as visual

arts,movement,drama,music,and writing, foster deep personal growth and community

development. Any type of art can help you grow as a person and connect with many other


Art has started making a big impact on my life, discovering different artists, styles, techniques

and more. Art is a way someone can express themself and show the message they want to give

out. I want to start learning more about this career and start noticing the impact that it can have

on my life and on other peoples' lives. I know that all careers that anyone wants to pursue will

take a long time of going to school, practicing and learning, but fine arts in painting is something

I really want to do in the future, and I know that going to an art school and learning will help me

a lot to achieve this goal. From the information

Work Cited
Samuel, Ajayi Abimbola. “Art School Requirements: How to Get Accepted into Art School.”

Career Karma, 3 Mar. 2022, https://careerkarma.com/blog/how-to-get-into-art-school/

Kong-Surtees, Nina. “How to Become a Professional Painter.” Skillshare Blog, 28 Mar. 2021,


Kong-Surtees, Nina. “How to Become a Professional Painter.” Skillshare Blog, 28 Mar. 2021,


“Art for Self-Care and Mental Health.” The Whole U, 11 Apr. 2022,


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