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A Project Proposal
Presented to The Faculty of
STI College Ortigas-Cainta

In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for the Degree of
Bachelor of Science Information Technology


Antazo, Mark Andrew C.

Bance, John Kim D.
Barredo, Crisselle P.
Beltran, Steven T.
Sombrero, Melody Grace Q.

Legaspi, Eleisa Moen Deala

Project Adviser

January 6, 2022
Table of Contents
Title Page I
Table of Contents II
Abstract II
Chapter 1
I. Introduction……………………………………………………………………………………...1
1.1 Current State of Technology 2

II. Project Description 4

2.1 Problem Statement 5

2.1.1 General Problem
2.1.2 Specific Problem
2.2 Proposed Research Project 7
2.2.1 General Objective
2.2.2 Specific Objective

III. Scope and Limitation 8

3.1 Scope
3.2 Limitation

Chapter 2

I. Methodology 9

Chapter 3
3.1 Floorplan 10
3.2 Business Layer 11
3.3 Flowchart 12

Supporting Documents

This Project Proposal Entitled

Web-Based Ordering System for Café Du Jour

Develop by:

Antazo, Mark Andrew C.

Bance, John Kim D.
Barredo, Crisselle P.
Beltran, Steven T.
Sombrero, Melody Grace Q.

After Having been presented

is hereby approved by:

Legaspi, Eleisa Moen Deala

Project Coordinator

January 6, 2022

This paper presents the feasibility of the web-based ordering system for Café Du Jour. The
main purpose of this is to help the business several problems they are encountering. Customers can
choose from a wide range of coffee items within just a few minutes. In today’s modern cafe
business, it's easy to able to deliver efficiently to the customer’s place. The proposed solution
presents a user interface and changes the menu to include all available options, creating customer
and employee’s work easier. The main issue is that taking orders is still done manually, which
takes a long time and leaves clients waiting and dissatisfied. Due to the fact that café de jour also
experiences data loss, real-time data tracking, and excessive paper usage, the system's developers
decided to develop a new system that will assist the company in resolving its issues.

I. Introduction

Innovation has made it possible for system operations to process record systems, such as
the production of data records, storage, filing, and retrieval of data, to be done in an easy-to-use
manner. This all became possible because of the technology. With its advancement,
technological innovation has also grown, leading to the creation of new devices. According to
Doane, J. (2018), due to administrative tasks such as inventory, accounting, and file keeping,
large and small businesses rely on computers to perform the administrative tasks. Swift
Integration is widely spreading and it makes business management better.

Systems such as inventory and sales, point of sales, database, and ordering5website are
essential in building a large business in 21st century. But website can be the most vital among all
in today’s generation because those systems can be included inside it. It is also significant when
it comes to marketing strategy, this is the place where the customers can be sent when the
business want to learn more about the business. John Rampton, an American author and
entrepreneurs famous quote "Your customers are the lifeblood of your business". Proves that
marketing plays an important role in a business and it is one of the benefits a website can

This is what Café Du Jour lacks, the website. According to Jack (2017), Internet Cafe:
One of Today’s Most Successful Small Business Idea in the Philippines. It is one of the trends
today because according to Anderson, J. (2021), coffee shops offer a uniquely calm atmosphere
where people can gather with family and friends to catch up over a cup of something warm.
Nevertheless, people love to enjoy the coffee at home or work as well that’s why ordering online
was invented. As Szenes, J. (2021) stated, Online ordering is the much safer option and
convenient way to cure your craving. Especially in this time of pandemic, people are advised to
stay at home as much as possible.
Café Du Jour is longing for a steady, consistent growth, and successful operation in the
long run. The vision of the business is to spread an idea that allows one to relax and to open the
eyes of many on the culture and art of making the perfect combination of beverage, services, and
ambiance. Also, with the use of technology, to ensure our services are able to reach a large scale
in the country. Thus, the web–based ordering system will help the business to widen the market
and add convenience to it ’s customers.
1.1 Current State of Technology 1

Café Du Jour is a start-up business that operates for two (2) years. It was started by Mr.
Steven Du Jour before the pandemic COVID 19, on February 27, 2021. The business hasn't
invested for ordering system and website since the business focuses on the local area. Data loss,
data duplication, and too much paper wastage has become the primary problem. That's why the
proponents decided to propose a web-based ordering system in order to aid in terms of efficiency
and convenience. Café Du Jour has five (5) employees: 1 Manager, 1 Cashier, 1 Waiter, and 2
Barista. The number of orders they are receiving daily is approximately 50-70. And the way of
taking orders is still by pen and paper that results to manual processing for the important data
such as accounting and tracking.

Coffee shops are one of the business' that provides calm environment and relaxing
products within the local community. According to PCAARRD's Industry Strategic Science and
Technology Plans, the Coffee Industry Profile Coffee has been a valuable segment of the
Philippine economy. The Philippines became the 4th largest exporter of coffee in 1880, but
coffee leaf rust destroyed the farms in 1894. The Philippines is one of the few countries that can
produce the four types of coffee: Robusta, Arabica, Liberica (Barako) and Excelsa that makes
the Philippines’ coffee scene the best in Asia – home to trendy cafes and micro roasters, the
coffee here is a standard all on its own

According to Mingoy, G. (2022), Filipino coffee industry continues to evolve, according

to a study conducted by Kantar World panel Philippines. Through this study, a notable shift in
Filipinos’ coffee-drinking behavior has been observed, and it was concluded that 93 percent of
Filipino homes and those with older persons buy coffee mixes at least once a week. Many
consumers of mixed coffee purchases that contribute to sales growth were mainly from Metro
Manila, South Luzon and Mindanao markets. These two years of consistent growth made the
Filipinos shift from moderate to heavy coffee drinkers.
It shows that Filipinos started loving coffees more, but then pandemic happens and during the first
phase of pandemic, most of the coffee shops suffered. People were forced to stay at home and all
the business were affected especially these kinds of local shops. Since the past years had been
tough, it is an honor to give the best customer experience now that the protocols were lenient.
According to the article from The Online Exert, the most convenient aspect of the internet is its

time-saving nature, making online shopping perfect for those individuals whose busy lifestyles
prevent people from visiting the high street on a regular basis. Rather than spending hours
browsing through multiple shops, you can buy products in a couple of clicks online. That is why
the Innovation Team, the students from STI College Ortigas-Cainta developed a web–based
ordering system to eliminate the problem of this coffee shop in terms of data loss, data
duplication, and too much paper wastage. The said project by the proponents will not just help the
Cafe Du Jour on the daily operations but also help this business to manage the time and serve the
customers faster.
II. Project Description
The web-based ordering system were introduced by the selected proponents of STI College
Ortigas-Cainta in order to help Café Du Jour with the manual processing problem. The website
provides a fast and convenient service for the business. The proponents wanted to be part of the
progress and innovation of these business that can be used for the enhancement and better

Café Du Jour aims “To spread an idea that allow want to relax and to open the eyes of
many on the culture and art of making the perfect combination of beverages services and
ambiance”. On the other hand, the proponent supported the advocacy by ensuring the betterment
of the transaction processes and services with the use of technology. In this project, the success of
the two sides was very important and for the client’s satisfaction and proponent’s obligation as the
developers. The web-based ordering system for cafe de jure is a cloud-based system that is
developed with the use of the programming software’s; HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, Material
Design, and Figma. The said web-based system has a sir friendly interface and ensures that user of
the system will understand how it works.
2.1 Problem Statement
The main problem of the Café Du Jour is that the business process the café generally
processes the customer’s orders manually. Taking and processing orders for each customer
manually takes a lot of time and causes delays. Customer’s orders can no longer be processed
efficiently by hand. Additionally, Café Du Jour lack data protection; data at Café Du Jour is
poorly organized and handled, and there is a problem with excessive overuse of paper in the
café. Café Du Jour made the decision to search for a web-based ordering system that would suit
the requirements and help the business for the betterment of the business.

2.1.1 General Problem

 The Café Du Jour is doing a manual process on taking orders from the customers
Manual processing of the Cafe du jour in taking customers' orders. Staff consume a lot of time
processing orders therefore it takes time to prepare customer orders. It is also impossible to
manually process all of the orders in a timely manner; manually processing orders can barely
hinder the ordering process. Due to the challenges Café De Jour Staffs experienced with the
manual processing of customer orders, manually processing customer orders can no longer assure
the comfort and efficiency to the consumers of this web-based ordering system.

2.1.2 Specific Problem

 The Café Du Jour doesn’t have any data backup drives or security data loss
One of the problems of the staffs of Café Du Jour is keeping the data safe and secure. There
are various factors that we have evaluated on the Café Du Jour Staffs. Damage to the equipment,
power failures, viruses and spyware, and typical errors are all caused by human error. Café Du Jour
employees handle multiple orders at once. It also consumes and delays staff time if data is lost,
which can be a concern for workers. Due to the difficulties that Café Du Jour employees faced
when it came to data loss, it can be a major issue when the data is lost and cannot be repaired or
 The Café Du Jour doesn’t have real-time data tracker and data organizers
Café Du Jour employees were experiencing data duplication issues. The business discovered
that various records had been duplicated. Café Du Jour also discovered that there are data sets that
can be altered with other data sets, and make duplicates in order to disorganize the data sets saved
by the staff. Staff discovered that there were errors when assuring data, which can be an issue
because different data was discovered to be duplicated; it will also take time to rectify it, which
can cause additional problems for other staff that handle or are assigned to secure data. Café Du
Jour were particularly having difficulty assigning various data sets saved by personnel due to
duplications. Due to the challenges that Café Du Jour staffs have had in terms of data duplication,
it might be an issue for staffs if it is mishandled.

 The Café Du Jour was using excessive amount of papers in the café
The owner wished to reduce or eliminate the use of paper checks. Having an excessive paper
wage causes the Café Du Jour staff to devote time to working on the papers. Making multiple
orders one at a time can be difficult at times due to excessive paper waste. It can also be a
hindrance to performing well and quickly in processing orders.
2.2 Proposed Research Project 6
2.2.1 General Objectives:
 To develop a web-based ordering system for Café Du Jour that will accommodate
customer’s orders for a faster and smoother transactions.
The proponents will develop a web-based ordering system that can be able to accommodate
much customers and will able to have faster and smoother transaction with the help of this web-
based ordering system for café du jour. We also aim to develop a web-based ordering system that
will ensure the convenience of this ordering system to the users.

2.2.2 Specific Objectives

 To develop a web-based ordering system for Café Du Jour that has cloud data loss
prevention (CLDP).
The proponents will ensure that every data of café du jour was important external and internal
data’s that was risk in leakage and loss. To prevent this data loss, we will ensure and use cloud data
loss prevention (CLDP). Using a cloud data loss prevention will keep the café de jour secures from
data loss and other factors that can affect the web-based ordering system.

 To develop a web-based ordering system for Café Du Jour that has a reliable, secure,
organized, and easy to manage web-based ordering system.
The proponents will develop a web-based ordering system to ensure that all data at Café Du
Jour is always on track, updated, manageable, and secure. Café Du Jour can improve its
performance, organize different data, and manage the time spent processing orders with the help of
this web-based ordering system.

 To provide a web-based ordering system for Café Du Jour, which will reduce the use
of paper.
The proponents will develop a web-based ordering system for Café Du Jour that can reduce or
eliminate the usage of the papers at the café. Nowadays, the traditional ordering system is used. It
can be a hassle for the staff and for the customers, That’s why by the help of this web-based
ordering system, we will ensure that it reduce the usage of the paper of the café.
III. Scope and Limitations

3.1 Scope

 Welcome Page- Logging in is the process of authenticating oneself to gain access to a

 Homepage- This Homepage Module can be used to assist navigating to other modules.

 Shop- This Shop Module can see the different products or items of the web-based
ordering system of Café Du Jour.
 Payment- This Payment Method module handled the transaction or Payment of the
 Store Policy- This Store Policy Module can display the Store’s Policy of the Café Du

 About us- This Module will display the team’s details that developed the Café Du Jour
 Contact us- This Module Help the user to contact the Café Du Jour.

3.2 Limitations

 Mode of Payment- Café Du Jour only accepts GCash for online payment. Any other online
money transferring services are not supported.

 Delivery– The location is suitable for delivery since it is along the road and in the heart of a
city, but it only allows clients to be reached up to 30 kilometers away.

The methodology used for developing the system is Agile Sprint. In agile methodology,
sprint is a period of time to be followed that was agreed upon the development of the project. Agile
development is characterized by short, frequent bursts of development iterative product releases.
Unlike the traditional product development, where larger chunks of functionality are built at a time,
release cycles can last up to months and do not skip until everything is finished.

Sprint begins with an agile sprint planning meeting. The agile team will then agree on the
sprint goals. Development teams chooses items from the sprint backlog, which is a subset of the
product backlog. These items are ready to be built prioritized by the agile sprint team based on how
efficiently and effectively they meet the sprint’s goal. After completing an agile sprint, the next one

3.1 Floor Plan

Figure1.1 Business Floor Plan of Café Du Jour

The floorplan of the Cafe Du Jour is depicted in the figure. As the customer enters the
coffee shop, the bar area near the cafeteria will be on their left side. In the bar area, they will be
able to take orders from customers and enjoy their coffee. On the way to the bar area, we will see
the server area, followed by a large space in the cafeteria, which consists of a television and a
charger port that can be used to entertain and recharge while enjoying or placing orders at the cafe,
and finally, the toilet area, which was allocated at the right bottom near the coffee shop's entrance.
3.2 Business Layer

Figure 2.1 Business LayerModel of Café Du Jour

The figure shows the business layer of the Café Du Jour. This business layer comprises the
transaction that is being made in the shop; from the customer’s selecting of order, checking out,
payment, customer’s information and delivery services. The business layer frequently focuses on
the general strategy and direction of the coffee shop as well as the regular operations and
management of the company. It is an essential component since it helps the coffee business
succeed and be profitable.
3.3 Flowchart

Figure1.1 Flowchart Algorithm of Café Du Jour

This flowchart contains a scenario that demonstrates how to manipulate our website. The
developers created a step-by-step process for creating an account or logging into the website and
it provides a process that allows customers to reset their accounts when they forget their
password. This also shows the procedure on how the website works. This also shows the
customer’s transaction from the choosing of an item to checkout adding to the order list, and
First and foremost, praise and thanks to12
God, the Almighty, for His showers of blessings
throughout the research process that enabled the research to be completed successfully.

I'd like to express my heartfelt appreciation to our research supervisor, Ms. Eleisa Moen
Deala Legaspi, for providing this opportunity to conduct research and for providing invaluable
guidance throughout this process. Her dynamism, vision, sincerity, and motivation have left an
indelible impression on us. She taught us the methodology for conducting the research and
presenting the findings as clearly as possible. Working and studying under her supervision was a
great privilege and honor. We are very grateful for what she has given us. I'd like to express my
gratitude to her for her friendship, empathy, and wonderful sense of humor.

I am grateful to our parents for their love, prayers, care, and sacrifices in educating and
preparing us for the future.

Finally, we are grateful to everyone who has helped me, directly or indirectly, complete
the research work.
Supporting Documents
1. Who is the owner of their company?
-Steven Du Jour

2. Tell us about the technical problem your issues you are encountering in the business
-Cafe Du Jour hasn't invested for ordering system and website since the business focuses
on the local area but when cafes in the Philippines started to be in trend the customer and praise
and human errors occurred.

3. How's the efficiency of transaction process in the cafe?

- The transaction process is efficiency by the proponents will not just help the Cafe Du
Jour on the daily operations but also help this business to manage their time and serve their
customers faster.

4. Aside from slow processing problem, what are your other concern?
- Data loss, data duplication, and too much paper wastage.

5. How many people are involved in the business?

-5 employees
Jack (2017). Internet Cafe: One of Today’s Most Successful Small Business Idea in the
Philippines. Retrieved from cafe-one-of-todays-most-successful-small-

Anderson, J. (2021). Why are coffee so popular? Esquires The Organic Coffee.
Retrieved from

Doane, J. (2018). Business and its relationship with technology. Intellinet. Retrieved
%201%20Rela tionships%20with,confidential%20information%2C%20and%20decisions.
%205%20Research% 20opportunities.%20

Szenes, J. (2021). Why People Just Love To Order Food Online. Retrieved from

Clayton Lea, S. (2019). The 25 Best Coffee Shops In The Philippines. Big Seven
Travel. Retrieved from
the- philippines/?
fbclid=IwAR2cLIm8WGVc88tXYlaAc1xXDf3jmtyIwbx7CKABvULa5jtJOp3nPYPIH aA

Marc Andrew Antazo

Contact Information
Address: 976 Maycacayan St Mahabang Parang, Binangonan, Rizal
Contact Number: 09127418161
Email Address:

Personal Information

Age: 20
Sex: Male
Date of Birth: September 14 2002
Marital Status: Single
Citizenship: Filipino
Religion: Catholic
John Kim D. Bance

Contact Information
Address: Block 16 Lot 2 Purok 2 Hapay na Mangga Brgy. Dolores
Taytay Rizal
Contact Number: 09691193888
Email Address:

Personal Information

Age: 20
Sex: Male
Date of Birth: May 21, 2002
Marital Status: Single
Citizenship: Filipino
Religion: Catholic


February - August 2021

Esports Analyst (Bren Esports)

Networks Foundation – Huawei
Course Completion (Database Foundation) - Oracle Academy
Crisselle Barredo

Contact Information
Address: 4119 Villa San Pedro St. Nagpayong, Pinagbuhatan Pasig City

Contact Number: 09297707071

Email Address:

Personal Information

Age: 20
Sex: Female
Date of Birth: January 31, 2002
Marital Status: Single
Citizenship: Filipino
Religion: Catholic


March 2022
Call Center Representative (Teleforformance)
January 2021
Call Center Representative (Inspiro Relia Inc.)
Volunteer and Host at Explore Possibil-IT-ies 3-Day Mentorship Events. 2021
Volunteer At DevFest 2021, Discovering the Future IT in You. 2021
Volunteer At Exceed Philippines Giveaway Engagement. 2021
Steven Lee T. Beltran

Contact Information
Address: 2572 Sitio Halang St. Macamot, Binangonan, Rizal
Contact Number: 09664008457
Email Address:

Personal Information

Age: 20
Sex: Male
Date of Birth: December 2, 2002
Marital Status: Single
Citizenship: Filipino
Religion: Catholic


August 2022 (Summer Job as Barista - ILAW Cafe)

Melody Grace Sombrero

Contact Information
Address: 18 Purok 5 Luzon Avenue, Culiat Quezon City
Contact Number: 09152028805
Email Address:

Personal Information

Age: 20
Sex: Female
Date of Birth: January 31, 2002
Marital Status: Single
Citizenship: Filipino
Religion: Catholic



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