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Title of Lesson: Collaging The Everyday Created by: Corissa Leeds

Grade Level: Overview/Background

The Big Idea for this unit is the everyday.
High School: In this lesson, students will learn about genre scenes, perspective, and scale by creating a collage out of cutouts that include
a foreground, middle ground, and background. The finished product should trick the eye as a cohesive piece due to the
matching perspectives of all the cutouts.
They will reflect on their work by writing a short reflection that includes what elements they consider to be their foreground,
middle ground, and background, along with their successes and challenges within their piece.

Materials Vocabulary
Poster board Collage: An artistic composition made of various materials glued
Gluesticks on a surface.
Scissors Genre Scene: A depiction of everyday life by portraying ordinary
Xacto Knives people engaged in common activities.
Cutting Boards Linear perspective: A graphic system used by artists to create the
Magazines illusion of depth and volume on a flat surface. The lines of
Newspapers buildings and other objects in a picture are slanted, making them
Illustrated Books appear to extend back into space.
Scale: Refers to the relative size of one object compared to
another, typically the size of the artwork
Exaggeration: Increasing or enlarging an object or figure or one
of its parts to communicate ideas and feelings.
Negative Space: The empty space around & between the subject
of an image.
Composition: The arrangement of forms in a work of art.
Foreground: Part of a two-dimensional artwork that appears to
be nearer the viewer or in the front
Middle Ground: Area of a two-dimensional work of art between
foreground and background.
Background: The part of the picture plane that seems to be
farthest from the viewer.
Unity: Total visual effect in a composition achieved by the careful
blending of the elements of art and the principles of

Contemporary Artists Presentation Slideshow

Individual links to artists used in slideshow:

Alexey Kondakov:

Frank Moth:

Guillaume Chiron:
Toon Joosen:
Additional sources:
Principles of Design: Scale and Proportion
Cutting Techniques for Collage
Video on the principles of scale and proportion:
Cutting techniques for collage making:

Notes before starting the lesson:
- Before the lesson starts, students will be asked to gather old magazines, newspapers, and unused illustrated books
from home. Teacher may bring in as many of these supplies as they have available.

Introduction/Inspiration –
- Students will be shown this contemporary artist presentation and will have a discussion based on the opening
- Students will be asked to have a brief discussion in small groups on their genre sketches that they created in the
week prior and how their sketches related to the artists that they saw in the presentation.

Brainstorm/Generate Ideas -
- Seven days before the start of this lesson plan, have the students keep a daily journal where they will create two 5-10
minute sketches of at least two activities that they perform each day during this week; there will be 12-14 sketches
total. Sketches do not have to be exciting activities, as the point is that they are observing their own everyday
activities / beginning to grasp the idea of a genre scene.
- Students will use their magazines / newspapers / books from home as well as the class supplied materials to start
cutting out possible foregrounds, middle grounds, and backgrounds for their piece. They should aim for about 10-15
cutouts minimum.
- Students should be encouraged to experiment with their cutouts to see how various pieces might work together.
- Students will try out at least 3 different compositions and will take photos of these ideas. Photos will be uploaded
with their final assignment.
Demonstration –
- Show the class this video on scale and proportion.
- Show the class this video on cutting techniques for their collage pieces.
- Teacher can do a class demo on using an xacto knife, emphasizing the safety precautions students must take.

Process -
- Students will create a genre scene collage out of cutouts that include a foreground, middle ground, and background.
This will involve cutting out pieces from magazines, newspapers, and/or illustrated books, experimenting with
compositions, and then gluing down their pieces onto a posterboard to create a cohesive scene.

- Students will reflect on their work by writing a short reflection that includes what elements they consider to be their
foreground, middle ground, and background, along with their successes and challenges within their piece.

Clean up
- In the last 10 minutes of each class session, students are reminded they have a short amount of time left to clean up
after themselves.
- Students are responsible for returning materials and leaving their projects in their designated spaces (if needed, they
are encouraged to take it home to continue working on it).

Art Objectives Standards (# and sentence) Assessments (Formative and/or

Processes Summative)
Creating Students will generate ideas about what Prof.VA:Cr1.2: Shape an artistic Formative: Completion of these sketches
everyday life / a genre scene might look investigation of an aspect of present-day are part of the final grade.
like to them by sketching two activities life using a contemporary practice of art or
from each day for a week leading up to design.
this project.

Creating Students will create a genre scene Prof.VA:Cr2.1: Engage in making a work of Summative: The final collage will be
collage out of cutouts that include a art or design without having a turned in for credit.
foreground, middle ground, and preconceived plan.

Subject Objectives Standards (# and sentence) Assessments

English Students will reflect on their work by Writing 4: Grades 11-12 Summative: The reflection will be turned
Language writing a short reflection that includes Produce clear and coherent writing in in with the students’ final project.
Arts (ELA) what elements they consider to be their which the development, organization,
and style are appropriate to task, purpose,
foreground, middle ground, and
and audience.
background, along with their successes
and challenges within their piece.
English Students will watch the contemporary Part I: Interacting in Meaningful Ways Formative: This assessment will involve
Language artist presentation and answer the B. Interpretive listening to students talking in their small
Developmen questions posed by the teacher in small 5. Listening actively and asking or groups.
t (ELD) groups. answering questions about what was heard

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