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Apple adopts a free flow retail layout.

Apple stores adopts free flow store layout to create a unique and engaging shopping experience for their customers.

The open and airy design of their stores encourages customers to explore and interact with Apple's products without feeling rushed or constrained by a set path
or layout.
Apple stores are also designed to showcase the technology and design of their products, and the free flow layout allows them to do this effectively. The lack of
traditional aisles and walls means that Apple can display its products in a visually appealing way, often using large screens and eye-catching graphics to draw
customers in.
Furthermore, the free flow layout also allows Apple to adapt and change their displays and product placements quickly and easily, which is important for a
company that releases new products and updates frequently.
Overall, the free flow store layout is a key part of Apple's brand identity and helps them create a distinctive shopping experience that sets them apart from other

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