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A Pre-Dissertation Report Submitted to

Chhattisgarh Swami Vivekanand Technical University

Bhilai (C.G.), India
In partial fulfillment
For the award of the Degree
Master of Technology
Mining Engineering
Enrollment No.: AM6883
University Roll No.: 513303921008
Under the Guidance of
Assistant Professor (Mining Engineering)
And Co-Guidance of
Lecturer (Mining Engineering)
Department of Mining Engineering
Vishwavidyalaya Engineering College, Ambikapur (C.G.)
Session: 2022-23
Declaration by the Candidate

I the undersigned solemnly declare that the report of the Pre-Dissertation work
entitled “ANALYSIS OF COAL DUST IN OPEN CAST MINES” is based on my own work
carried out during the course of my study under the Supervision and Co-Supervision of Dr.
Ketan Chourasia and Mr. Amit Kumar.

I assert that the statements made and conclusions drawn are an outcome of the project
work. I further declare that to the best of my knowledge and belief that the report does not
contain any part of any work which has been submitted for the award of any other
degree/diploma/certificate in this University/deemed University of India or any other country.
All helps received and citations used for the preparation of the thesis have been duly

(Signature of the Candidate)

ROLL NO.: 513303921008

(Signature of the Supervisor)

Dr. Ketan Chourasia
(Assistant professor)
Department of Mining Engineering
Vishwavidyalaya Engineering College
Ambikapur (C. G.) 497001

(Signature of the Co-Supervisor)

Mr. Amit Kumar
Department of Mining Engineering
Govt. Polytechnic College
Ambikapur (C. G.) 497001

Certificate of the Supervisor

This is to certify that the report of the Pre-Dissertation entitled “ANALYSIS OF COAL
DUST IN OPEN CAST MINES”, is a record of bonafide research work carried out by Mr.
Bhanu Pratap bearing Roll No. 513303921008 and Enrollment No. AM6883 under my
guidance and supervision for the award of Degree of Master of Technology in the faculty of
Mining Engineering, of Chhattisgarh Swami Vivekanand Technical University, Bhilai (C.G.),
India. To the best of my knowledge and belief the thesis.
❖ Embodies the work of the candidate him/herself,

❖ Has duly been completed,

❖Fulfils the requirement of the ordinance relating to the ME/M-Tech degree of the University
and is up to the desired standard both in respect of contents and language for being referred to
the examiners.

(Signature of the Candidate)

Mr. Bhanu Pratap

Vishwavidyalaya Engineering College,

Ambikapur (C. G.) 497001, India

Forwarded to Chhattisgarh Swami Vivekanand Technical University, Bhilai

(Signature of the Principal)

Vishwavidyalaya Engineering College,
Ambikapur (C. G.) 497001

Certificate of the Co-Supervisor

This is to certify that the report of the Pre-Dissertation entitled ANALYSIS OF COAL DUST
IN OPEN CAST MINES”, is a record of bonafide research work carried out by Mr. Bhanu
Pratap bearing Roll No. 513303921008 and Enrollment No. AM6883 under my guidance
and supervision for the award of Degree of Master of Technology in the faculty of Mining
Engineering, of Chhattisgarh Swami Vivekanand Technical University, Bhilai (C.G.), India.
To the best of my knowledge and belief the thesis.
❖ Embodies the work of the candidate him/herself,

❖ Has duly been completed,

❖Fulfils the requirement of the ordinance relating to the ME/M-Tech degree of the University
and is up to the desired standard both in respect of contents and language for being referred to
the examiners.

(Signature of the Candidate)

Mr. Bhanu Pratap
Vishwavidyalaya Engineering College,
Ambikapur (C. G.) 497001, India

Forwarded to Chhattisgarh Swami Vivekanand Technical University, Bhilai

(Signature of the Principal)

Vishwavidyalaya Engineering College,
Ambikapur (C. G.) 497001

Certificate by the Examiners

The Pre-Dissertation entitled “ANALYSIS OF COAL DUST IN OPEN CAST MINES”,

Submitted by Mr. Bhanu Pratap (Roll No.: 513303921008 and Enrollment No.: AM6883) has
been examined by the undersigned as a part of the examination and is hereby recommended
for the award of the degree of Master of Technology in the faculty of Mining Engineering of
Chhattisgarh Swami Vivekanand Technical University, Bhilai.

Internal Examiner External Examiner

Date: Date:


Foremost, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to my project Guide Dr. Ketan
Chourasia, Assistant Professor, Department of Mining Engineering, Vishwavidyalaya
Engineering College, Ambikapur and Co-Guide Mr. Amit Kumar, Lecturer, Department of
Mining Engineering, Govt. Polytechnic College, Ambikapur for his committed guidance,
valuable suggestions, and sustained help from the very early stage of this project work that
made me to look every nook and cranny of this project work, for the successful completion.

I am very much grateful to the respected Dr. R. N. Khare Principal and Dr. Ketan
Chourasia Head of Department of Mining Engineering, Vishwavidyalaya Engineering College,
Ambikapur for providing the facilities to carry out the project work.

I would like to place on record the continuous support, encouragement, advice and help
throughout the project work by my Parents and Friends who contributed to my efforts and
growth in many ways and shall continue to be grateful to them forever.

I take this opportunity to thank all faculty members and staff of Mining Engineering
Department for their support and encouragement in accomplishing this work. Finally, I thank
everyone who has contributed in multiple ways for successful completion of the project work.

(Signature of the student)

Mr. Bhanu Pratap
Department of Mining
Vishwavidyalaya Engineering College
Ambikapur (C. G.) 497001

3.3 Dust Characterisation 18
3.3.1 Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy 19
3.4 Dust Dispersion Modelling 20
3.4.1 Mathematical Models for Dust Dispersion 20
3.4.2 Emission Factors for Different Mining Activities 23
3.4.3 Dust Dispersion Modelling Using AERMOD View 25
3.4.4 Input Data Requirement of AERMOD 27
3.4.5 Work Process of AERMOD 27

4.1 Study Area: Lakhanpur Opencast Project(LOCP) 33

4.1.1 Real Time Dust Monitoring 35
4.1.2 Personal Dust Exposure Sampling 52
4.1.3 Dust Characterisation 52
4.1.4 Dust Dispersion Modelling Using AERMOD for LOCP 53


Table Title Page

No. No.
3.1 Emission Factors of Different Mining Activities 24

4.1 Summary of Dust Monitoring at LOCP 51

4.2 Personal Dust Exposure of Different Persons 52

4.3 Quartz Content of Dust Different Locations of LOCP 53

4.4 Location of Reference Point 54

4.5 Sample Micrometeorological data for the year 2013 56

4.6 Specifications of SRTM3 map 58

4.7 Results of Windrose Plot 59

4.8 Prediction of Conc. for PM10 at Different Areas at and around LOCP 63


Figure Title Page

No. No.
1.1 Plan of work 2
2.1 Human respiratory system 8
3.1 Methodology adopted for project work 15
3.2 DustTrak II 16
3.3 Personal dust sampler PDS APM-800 18
3.4 Perkin Elmer spectrum two spectrometer 20
3.5 Data flow in AERMOD modelling system 25
3.6 Processing stages of AERMET 26
4.1 Location of Lakhanpur opencast project 34
4.2 Mining site of LOCP 34
4.3 Satellite view of LOCP 35
4.4 Loading point at LOCP for shovel and dumper 36
4.5 Concentration vs Time graph for dust at loading point in PM10 37
4.6 Concentration vs Time graph for dust at loading point in PM4 37
4.7 Concentration vs Time graph for dust at loading point in PM2.5 37
4.8 Concentration vs Time graph for dust at loading point in PM1 38
4.9 Surface miner in operation at LOCP 39
4.10 Concentration vs Time graph for dust at surface miner in PM10 39
4.11 Concentration vs Time graph for dust at surface miner in PM4 40
4.12 Concentration vs Time graph for dust at surface miner in PM2.5 40
4.13 Concentration vs Time graph for dust at surface miner in PM1 40
4.14 Drilling operation at LOCP 41
4.15 Concentration vs Time graph for dust at drilling point in PM10 41
4.16 Concentration vs Time graph for dust at drilling point in PM4 42
4.17 Concentration vs Time graph for dust at drilling point in PM2.5 42
4.18 Concentration vs Time graph for dust at drilling point in PM1 42
4.19 Wet haul road of LOCP 43
4.20 Concentration vs Time graph for dust at wet haul road in PM10 44

List of Figures

Figure No. Title Page No.

1.1 Percentagewise dust generation from different sources 3

1.2 Dust generation w.r.t time with varying speed of haul truck 5
1.3 Particle size Vs their percentage from haul road 5
1.4 Dust generation on haul road of Mine 6
1.5 Dust generation on haul road of Mine 6
3.1 Proposed Model of Haul road dust suppression system 12

Figure Title Page

No. No.
1.1 Plan of work 2
2.1 Human respiratory system 8
3.1 Methodology adopted for project work 15
3.2 DustTrak II 16
3.3 Personal dust sampler PDS APM-800 18
3.4 Perkin Elmer spectrum two spectrometer 20
3.5 Data flow in AERMOD modelling system 25
3.6 Processing stages of AERMET 26
4.1 Location of Lakhanpur opencast project 34
4.2 Mining site of LOCP 34
4.3 Satellite view of LOCP 35
4.4 Loading point at LOCP for shovel and dumper 36
4.5 Concentration vs Time graph for dust at loading point in PM10 37
4.6 Concentration vs Time graph for dust at loading point in PM4 37
4.7 Concentration vs Time graph for dust at loading point in PM2.5 37
4.8 Concentration vs Time graph for dust at loading point in PM1 38
4.9 Surface miner in operation at LOCP 39
4.10 Concentration vs Time graph for dust at surface miner in PM10 39
4.11 Concentration vs Time graph for dust at surface miner in PM4 40
4.12 Concentration vs Time graph for dust at surface miner in PM2.5 40
4.13 Concentration vs Time graph for dust at surface miner in PM1 40
4.14 Drilling operation at LOCP 41
4.15 Concentration vs Time graph for dust at drilling point in PM10 41
4.16 Concentration vs Time graph for dust at drilling point in PM4 42
4.17 Concentration vs Time graph for dust at drilling point in PM2.5 42
4.18 Concentration vs Time graph for dust at drilling point in PM1 42
4.19 Wet haul road of LOCP 43
4.20 Concentration vs Time graph for dust at wet haul road in PM10 44

4.21 Concentration vs Time graph for dust at wet haul road in PM4 44
4.22 Concentration vs Time graph for dust at wet haul road in PM2.5 44
4.23 Concentration vs Time graph for dust at wet haul road in PM1 45
4.24 Transportation road at LOCP 46
4.25 Concentration vs Time graph for dust at transportation road in PM10 46
4.26 Concentration vs Time graph for dust at transportation road in PM4 46
4.27 Concentration vs Time graph for dust at transportation road in PM2.5 47
4.28 Concentration vs Time graph for dust at transportation road in PM1 47
4.29 Overburden bench at LOCP 48
4.30 Concentration vs Time graph for dust at overburden bench in PM10 48
4.31 Concentration vs Time graph for dust at overburden bench in PM4 49
4.32 Concentration vs Time graph for dust at overburden bench in PM2.5 49
4.33 Concentration vs Time graph for dust at overburden bench in PM1 49
4.34 Concentration vs Time graph for dust after first blasting in PM10 50
4.35 Concentration vs Time graph for dust after second blasting in PM10 50
4.36 Absorbance vs. Wavenumber for MCL Mine Road Dust 53
4.37 Base map showing reference point and area of modelling for LOCP 55
4.38 Windrose plot with 36 directions 59
4.39 Windrose plot with 16 directions 59
4.40 Wind class frequency distribution 60
4.41 Windrose along with the mine as seen in google earth 60
4.42 Highest 24hour concentration for the year 61
4.43 Annual average concentrations 62
4.44 Highest 24 hour concentration isopleths as seen in google earth 62
4.45 Annual average concentration isopleths as seen in google earth 63
5.1 Comparison of average concentration of dust at different locations of 67
5.2 Comparison of minimum dust concentration at different locations of 67
5.3 Comparison of maximum dust concentration at different locations of 68
5.4 Personal dust exposure level of different workers at LOCP 68

5.5 Quartz content of dust at different locations of LOCP 69
5.6 Highest 24hour predicted dust concentration in PM10 for the year 70
5.7 Annual average predicted dust concentration in PM10 for the year 70


Most mining operations produce dust when air-borne becomes serious hazard to miner’s health
and may cause respiratory diseases e.g. chronic bronchitis/pneumoconiosis. It can be
collagenous/non-collagenous (non-fibrogenic). Based on size particulates can be divided into
TSP, PM10 and PM2.5. Dust is generally measured in terms of weight of particles per cubic
meter of air. Dust is a primary thing associated with all mining activity. In every step of
operation there is generation of dust. Open cast mines produces more dust as compare to
underground mines. The mining activities like drilling, blasting, loading, transportation,
crushing, conveying, haul road and the exposed overburden face generate large quantities of
fugitive dust. In view of this, identification dust emission sources and determination of
emission rate of various activities of the mine site is pertinent to assess impact of mining
activities on surrounding air quality. Silica is a potential carcinogen and its exposure to the
workers may be detrimental to their health which may result in progress of silicosis and lung
cancer. Hence determination of silica content in the respirable air is essential to assess its
impact on miner’s health.
Dust emission, dispersion patterns are difficult to predict through dispersion models due to the
wide range of fugitive sources in mining activities that may give rise to dust, empirical emission
factors for these activities, and the impact of local meteorology and topographic features.
Dispersion modelling can provide simple predictions of probable isopleths, and ambient air
quality monitoring can provide validation of possible levels of dust concentration in and around
a site.

In order to accurately predict dust concentration levels around the mine, long-term and
comprehensive dust monitoringz is essential. Dust dispersion patterns are often affected by
wind speed, short lived dusting events, precipitation and the source of emission itself.
Sometimes dust emission from the mining site itself may be low or immaterial, but the receptor
may be subjected to background dust sources.

In this project, an attempt has been made to carry out dust monitoring and dust characterization
at Lakhanpur opencast coal project using real time aerosol monitor DustTrak II and FTIR.
Finally dust dispersion modelling was carried out using AERMOD to assess the magnitude of


Surface mining method enormously affects the environment in terms of dust emission than
underground mining method. All the several sources of dust emission from opencast mining,
haul road transportation system are the main source of dust. Surface mining operations use
large off road haul trucks extensively to move material at mining properties. It has shown that
haul road transportation system produces a huge amount of dust from surface mining sites,
which polluted the environment Transportation of overburden, reaching to ore and then
carrying of useful material i.e. ore to mineral processing plants is done over the road with a
specific direction that is known as the haul road. Movement of haul trucks and other heavy
machines over the haul road system has been identified as the immense source of fugitive dust
generation. It contributes approximately 78% to 97% of total dust emissions.

Dust control is a major challenging problem in opencast mining. The problem of dust has
been there since early days of mining, but in recent times with introduction of mechanization
in mines, it has become menace than ever. Dust may cause lots of problems for mining
operations, such as low-visibility issues, equipment failure, and can also be linked to health
problems, such as asthma, lung cancer, and heart disease. Airborne dust can adversely affect
employees working at mines or at transportation facilities and residents who live nearby and
the surrounding environment. As Haul roads play an integral part in any mining operation and
generates huge amount of dusts its suppression is very necessary at the mines sites. In this
paper a critical review and working model creation on dust suppression has discussed by
using the visibility sensors technology.
Chapter - 1 Introduction

Haul roads and access roads are used extensively in mining operations by mobile equipment
to move material in and out of the mining areas. The road network at a surface mine site can
be lengthier and the possibility for dust generation is much higher creating areas of potentially
high dust exposures. Over exposures to respirable dust can harm both equipment operators
and workers in the vicinity of the road. The majority of the fugitive dust is generated through
the forces of the wheels on the road surface and by the turbulence created by the vehicles.
Around 85% of Dust particle size from haul truck emissions is >10 μm in diameter. An
effective haul road dust suppression and control system strategy needs to be worked out
during the construction of the road and during the mining and transport operations.

Dust control is a major challenging problem in opencast mining. The problem of dust has
been there since early days of mining, but in recent times with introduction of mechanization
in mines, it has become menace than ever. Opencast mining for coal and other mineral
dominates in India, It creates much more dust problems. In opening of opencast mines huge
overburden is removed to reach mineral deposit. This requires excavators, loaders, dumpers,
and conveyor belt which cause massive discharge of fine particulates from overburden
Dust may cause lots of problems for mining operations, such as low-visibility issues,
equipment failure, and can also be linked to health problems, such as asthma, lung cancer, and
heart disease. Airborne dust can adversely affect employees working at mines or at
transportation facilities and residents who live nearby and the surrounding environment. In
some countries, dust levels that are consistently above acceptable air quality levels set by
governments result in fines and shut down operations temporarily. And it is not just
government’s regulations that mining operators have to contend with but also public
perception and activism that can turn a negative spotlight on uncontrolled dust and the mining
operator’s ownership of the problem.

Dust is classified as fine, dry particulate and can be made up of pollen, minerals, soil, and
many other particulates found in the local environment. Companies in the mining industry are
tasked with monitoring and controlling their dust emissions, because dust is created in every
step of the mining process: mine construction, extraction, processing, storage and
transportation. In the United States, Canada, and the EU, particulate emissions standards are

set and monitored by government agencies, and as more mines are brought on-line in
developing countries, air quality concerns are sure to become an issue Dust of any type when
inhaled in large quantity lead to respiratory diseases. Pneumoconiosis is general term used for
occupational lung disease due to dust.

Haul roads play an integral part in any mining operation and should be viewed as a linear
asset. Haul roads can be used over approx. 300 times a day to transport materials. A well
planned and well-maintained haul road translates into greater productivity and prolongs the
life of equipment. Currently, truck haulage expenditures can account for up to 50% of surface
mining operational costs. Poorly designed haul roads increase these costs exponentially and
often lead to premature failure, faster road deterioration rates, increased rolling resistance,
lower productivity, higher fuel consumption, and lower tyre life resulting in excessive
maintenance and operational costs. Traditional approaches to dust control such typically lead
to overwatering, the need for additional grading, and increased incidence of uncontrolled haul
truck movements.

Within mining and quarrying, large amounts of dust can be created on-sites from the nature of
work. Exposure to dust in the air, both inhalable and respirable can be harmful to workers.
Dust can not only cause health issues but can have a role in reducing visibility within mining
and quarrying sites and have effects on equipment when largely built up. Dust suppression in
mines and quarries is a priority to ensure safety of workers.
Fine, dry dust can cause issues such as, irritation to throat, nose, and eyes, which can be
unpleasant for workers and in more serious cases cause respiratory issues such as COPD and
asthma. Within the workplace both respiratory (invisible) and inhalable (visible) dust can be
created from materials such as, coal, silica dust and limestone dust exposure.
Within mines, coal dust is extremely toxic. When breathed in, coal dust can be harmful which
is why coal dust suppression systems are essential to have in place. Coal dust can also be
extremely explosive when in the air, and is the greatest cause of mining accidents, using
systems for coal dust suppression can reduce the associated risks.
COSHH regulations state that if dust is present at a concentration in the air equal to or greater
than 10mg/m3 (inhalable dust) or 4mg/m3 (respirable dust) it’s considered a health hazard.
Which is why it’s important for the mining and quarrying industry to control dust to stay
within Workplace Exposure Limits and improve the environment for workers.

Haul Road

Opencast mining operations use large off-road haul trucks extensively to move material at
mining properties. Haul trucks generate the majority of dust emissions from surface mining
sites, accounting for approximately 78%-97% of total amount of dust emissions.
Dust emission caused by the transportation of mined material ore on surface mines is the most
significant contributor. In a study conducted by (Thompson & Visser 2001), results indicated
that as much as 93.3% of total dust emissions were associated with the transportation of mine
Observations of dust emissions from haul truck shows that if the dust emissions are
uncontrolled, they can be a safety hazard by impairing the operator’s visibility. This increases
the probability for haul truck accidents However, the greatest long-term health hazard of dust
generated from hauling operations is due to inhalation of the respirable dust [median diameter
<4 micrometers ] and thoracic dust, which is equivalent to the EPA’s definition of PM10
[particulate matter with a mean diameter <10 μm].

Fig 1.1 Percentagewise dust generation from different sources (Thompson and Visser 2007)

The amount of dust that will be emitted is a function of two basic factors

 The erodibility of the material involved.

 The erosivity of the action to which the material is subjected. The erosivity is itself
dependent on a number of road and traffic related factors;
 Wind speed at the road surface. Speed appears to be linearly related to the amount of
dust generation (for light passenger vehicles), as does the vehicle aerodynamic shape,

especially the wind shear (lower vehicles with many wheels tending to cause an
increase in dust).
 The traffic volume or number of vehicles using the road.
 Particle size distribution of the wearing course.
 Restraint of fines. This is related to compaction of the road surface, cohesiveness and
bonding of the surface material, durability of the material and the amount of imported
fines (spillage) on the road. Thompson and Visser ( 2007)

Dust exposure on haul road due to haul trucks

Haul trucks have the potential to generate large amounts of respirable dust. This respirable
dust has been shown to be a health hazard to personnel, especially if it has a high silica
content. Lack of dust sampling data from haul trucks prompted the completion of a study to
quantify respirable dust concentrations. Fugitive dust levels from haul trucks were analyzed
to characterize dust dispersion. This analysis indicates safe following distances for haul
trucks and other heavy equipment to avoid overexposure of respirable dust from the haul
truck. (Reed and Organiscak 2005)

Primarily wind, distance, and road treatment conditions notably affect the dust concentrations
at locations next to, 50 ft. from, and 100 ft. away from the unpaved haulage road.
Instantaneous respirable dust measurements illustrated that the trucks generate a real-time
dust cloud that has a peak concentration with a time-related decay rate as the dust moves past
the sampling locations. The respirable dust concentrations and peak levels were notably
diminished as the dust cloud was transported, diluted, and diffused by the wind over the 100
ft. distance from the road. (Organiscak and Page, 1999) Individual truck concentrations and
peak levels measured next to the dry road surface test section were quite variable and
dependent on wind conditions, particularly wind direction, with respect to reaching the
sampling location.

Fig. 1.2 Dust generation w.r.t time with varying speed of haul truck (Thompson & Visser 2007)

Fig. 1.3 Particle size Vs their percentage from haul road (Reed and organiscak2007)

Fig. 1.4 Dust generation on haul road (https://www.

Fig. 1.5 Dust generation on haul road (

Chapter - 2 Literature Review or Background Information

K. Mandal, A. Kumar, N. Tripathi, R. S. Singh, S. K. Chaulya, P. K. Mishra and L. K.

Bandyopadhyay (June 2011)
In this they describes a comparative study of qualitative and quantitative aspects of road dust
samples of four coalfields of India. The pH of the dust was found to be in the range of 5.1–
7.7. Moisture, ash, volatile matter, fixed carbon, water-holding capacity, bulk density, and
specific gravity of dust samples were found to be in the range of 0.5–3.0%, 45–76%, 12.6–
20.0%, 10.2–45.3%, 21.17–31.71%, 1.15–1.70, and 1.73–2.30 gcm−3 , respectively.

Jai Krishna Pandey (February 2019)

In this he briefly describes the techniques/methodologies for controlling dust during different
drilling practices and at crusher house and conveyor transfer points and haul roads in the
mining industry. Mining is a dust prone occupation and almost every major process in mining
contributes to the atmospheric load of suspended particulate matter. Prolonged exposure of
this dust is known to cause various respiratory diseases including deadly pneumoconiosis
among the miners. It has developed a few simple yet effective techniques for controlling dust
in drilling, crusher houses, transfer points, and haul roads. (a) Dust generation has increased
significantly due to higher mechanization and the introduction of mass production
technologies to meet our growing production needs making application of dust control
mechanism inevitable, (b) Growing consciousness of environment and stricter environmental
compliance mechanisms has put constant pressure on the mining industry for regular use of
dust control practices. He briefly describes the techniques/methodologies for controlling dust
during different drilling practices and at crusher house and conveyor transfer points and haul
roads in the mining industry.

Oyedele E. O., Okeke O. C. and Israel H. O (December 2019)

In this they focuses on the adverse effects of dust and noise in mines and quarries and
provides the control measures for protecting the workers against it. The health cost of mining
operations sometimes outweighs the benefits gained. Dust pollution in terms of particulate
matters is increasing tremendously mainly due to rise in open cast projects, transportation,
coal stockyard overburden dumps as well as mineral mine fires and other domestic activities.
Mine dust can result in a serious nuisance and loss of amenity for populations living in the
vicinity of a mine. Health hazards of mines’/quarries’ dust include asbestosis lung cancer,

kidney damage, black lung cancer, bronchial cancer, gastro-irritation, cough, conjunctivitis,
CNS deterioration, silicosis. Noise has been recognized as a health hazard with potent
implications on occupational safety. The physiological and psychological effects of noise on
humans are often subtle and insidious, appearing so gradually that it becomes difficult to
associate cause with effect.

Total suspended particulate matter (TSP) concentration was found to be as high as 3,723
μg/m3, respirable particulate matter (PM10) 780 μg/m3, and benzene soluble matter was up to
32% in TSP in work zone air. In ambient air, the average maximum level of TSP was 837
μg/m3, PM10 170 μg/m3 and benzene soluble matter was up to 30%. Particle size analysis of
TSP revealed that they were more respirable in nature and the diameter was around 20 μm.

Vivek Kumar Kashi, N. C. Karmakar, S. Krishnamoorthi, Ekta Sonker, Pubali

Adhikary and Rudramani Tiwari (July 2019)
All the several sources of dust emission from opencast mining, haul road transportation
system are the main source of fugitive dust. In this research article, a biodegradable
polyacrylamide (PAM) was used to suppress dust generation from haul road of mine. It
improves the moisture carrying capacity of haul road than the water. PAM has been
synthesized by free radical polymerization process using ceric ammonium nitrate initiator.

It was characterized by 1H NMR, IR & intrinsic viscosity measurements, whereas size

distribution of haul road dust was measured by sieve analysis. Laboratory work has been
carried out to investigate the water holding capacity of haul road dust particles using PAM
solution and compared with only water for 8 hours duration. The temperature of the chamber
was kept constant at 35°C while relative humidity’s (RH) varied from 40% to 70%. It was
observed that moisture retention of dust with the application of PAM solution and only water
were 25.65% and 20.4% at 70% RH and 7.14% and 1.65% at 40% RH, respectively after 8

W.R. Reed and J.A. Organiscak

In this journal Observations of dust emissions from haul trucks show that if the dust emissions
are uncontrolled, they can be a safety hazard by impairing the operator’s visibility. This
increases the probability for haul truck accidents. However, the greatest long-term health
hazard of dust generated from hauling operations is due to inhalation of the respirable dust
[median diameter <4 micrometers (µm)] and thoracic dust, which is equivalent to the EPA’s

definition of PM10 [particulate matter with a median diameter <10 µm]. Exposure to
respirable dust has long been considered a health hazard at surface mining operations,
especially if silica dust is present.

Mishra, G.B (1986)

In Mine Environment and Ventilation book author describes Dust is defined as fine particles
suspended in the air. The size of dust particles vary from few nanometer to 100 micron and
the concentration of dust vary from few microgram to hundreds of micrograms per cubic
meter of the air.

Various factors such as dust lifted by weather, volcanic eruption, pollution, mining activity,
construction activity etc. lead to the formation of dust. The formation of dust can be attributed
to the fine particle which is entrained in the atmosphere due to turbulent disturbances
produced by the wind; it is also formed from mechanical disturbances and through release of
particulate rich gaseous emission. Dust includes wide range of particles varying from 1
millimeter to less than 1micron. But the size range normally varies from 1-20 micron.
Because particles above 20 micron are usually quick to settle and particles below 1μm do not
form in abundance. The size of particle considerably influences its characteristics.

R.J. Thompson and A.T. Visser (April 2007)

In this they describes about an evaluation and modelling methodology for truck generated
fugitive dust emissions is developed as a basis for the comparative assessment of dust control
strategies. For water-based spraying, a watering model was developed to estimate individual
mine road watering frequencies for characteristic site parameter combinations during summer
and winter operating conditions, for a required level of control or maximum dust defect. This
forms the base-case scenario with which to compare the performance of other types of dust
palliatives under the same conditions.
Finally, a basic palliative economic evaluation model is introduced with the aim of identifying
and costing the establishment, application and maintenance rejuvenation activities associated
with the use of chemical palliatives. While palliative cost and performance is generally site
specific, it is shown that under certain combinations of conditions, the use of dust palliatives
has the potential to deliver cost savings when compared to water-based spraying

Chapter - 3 Methodology or Materials and Methods

1.Objective: Creation of model for dust suppression in the haul road of opencast mine using
visibility sensor.

2.Methodology: A visibility reduction is probably the most apparent symptom of air

pollution. Visibility degradation is caused by the absorption and scattering of light by
particles and gases in the atmosphere. Absorption of electromagnetic radiation by gases and
particles is sometimes the cause of discolorations in the atmosphere but usually does not
contribute very significantly to visibility degradation.

Visibility sensors, like other observation-based systems, offer a snapshot of conditions from a
specific point at a specific time. Visibility can vary widely within the same general location.
Therefore, the proper positioning of the sensor or group of sensors is critical to obtaining an
accurate enough visibility reading to justify the need for sensors.

Visibility technology is widely used in both aviation and maritime applications. Visibility
sensors are part of the Runway Visual Range (RVR) systems, a suite of instruments that
provide the basis for pilots to land at airports around the world.

Visibility sensors Technologies:

Forward Scatter Technology: Visibility sensors which use forward scatter technology,
measures the extinction coefficient—the sum of the absorption and scattering properties of
light in the atmosphere. It does this by transmitting a narrow beam of light from a light-
emitting diode (LED), which then scatters particles of light into a receiver. This receiver has
an infrared detector that produces electrical energy equal to the amount of light received by
the detector. The transmitter and receiver are aimed toward each other at an angle. If the air is
clear, the transmitted infrared beam will pass by the receiver and no light will be detected. If
the air becomes hazy or if precipitation is present, the beam will be scattered. The receiver
will detect some of the scattered infrared light, proportional to the amount of haze or
precipitation. The input to the receiver passes through an infrared filter to reduce the effects of
other light. To further reduce extraneous effect, the transmitted beam is modulated at 4 kHz
and receiver output voltage passes through a 4 kHz filter. (FAA, December 2006). The

sensors also incorporate several techniques that reduce the maintenance needed and ensure
that the sensor remains reliable between maintenance visits.
Video-Based Technology: The Small Business Innovative Research (SBIR) program has
funded a promising technology that mimics the complex processing done by the human eye.
The technology uses multiple, video-based algorithms that result in reliable, accurate, and
repeatable observations during documented tests conducted both day and night in all kinds of
weather. The algorithms include methods such as intensity variation, contrast changes, edge
detection, DCT (discrete cosine transform) frequency distribution measurement, wavelet
transforms, and lamp counts. The sensor uses multiple methods to measure visibility,
switching between them and automatically determining the optimal method (IEM 2005).

Location and Orientation:

1.The sensor should be sited in such a way that the measurements will be representative of
the surrounding weather conditions.

2.The site should be free of obstacles and reflective surfaces that will disturb the optical

Permissible limit of dust concentration for sensor:

Pollutant Time Weighted Average Concentration in Ambient

Particulate Matter (size less 2 hours 100
than 20 µm) or PM20 µg/m3

Table. 3.1 Permissible limit dust concentration for sensor

Proposed Model:

Fig. 3.1 Proposed Model of Haul road dust suppression system

The sensor will sense the presence of dust by using two parameters:

1. Visibility and
2. Concentration of dust

After sensing, it will transmit signal to the sump for supply of water, then pump will supply
water after checking the concentration of coagulating agent in water.

Time Frame of Dissertation:

 It will take two to three months to complete the thesis report.

Chapter – 4 Results & Discussions

The output of the study will be most effective way of dust suppression, as the sensors sense
and evaluate the concentration of the dust. The sprinkler will only target the particular area for
suppression, while doing this, it will consume minimum amount of water for dust settling.

Way forward of this project to synchronize the sprinkling system with the concentration of the
dust. Though, the sense of automated fixed water sprinkler is operated by the concentration of
the dust but the amount of water required for heavy dust concentration and low dust
concentration will be the same. For this, the opening of the sprinkling system could be
programmed for automated opening and sprinkling for maximum suppression of dust with
minimum requirement of water.

Chapter – 5 Conclusion

The idea documented to reduce or avoid unfortunate accidents/traffic events caused by dust
due to reduce or low visibility. The visibility impacts the distance estimation and may cause
unfortunate events. By implementing the given dust suppression solution, the visibility
distance is estimated & assure a safe movement of HEMM’s & Light motor Vehicles can be
established. These will lead to speed adjustment, guarantee a certain response time that is
necessary to take decisions by the HEMM & LMV control systems, and alert the other traffic
participants. It also helps in making green environment and further employee’s health too
because most of the miners diseases is caused by dust.


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