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Homework 2

You have been hired as a consultant by a local non-profit organization that aids migrant workers in
Singapore. The organization would like you to propose a framework for the organization to measure
the impact of the organization’s vocational training program for migrant domestic workers (MDW)
in Singapore. In Singapore, migrant domestic workers are employed by private households, live with
their employees, and perform daily household chores, such as cooking, cleaning, and caregiving.

The vocational training program that the organization would like you to work on is a cooking and
baking training program for MDWs in Singapore. The objective of this program is to provide
opportunities for MDWs to improve or obtain new cooking and baking skills.

The cooking and baking class is held every Sunday at the organization’s kitchen facility and taught by
a group of volunteer chefs and past graduates of the program.

Any MDWs in Singapore can join this program free of charge. However, due to the high demand for
the program and the limited availability of training space, applicants may be placed on a waiting list
for up to 6 months before they can join the program. As part of the admission requirement, all
participants are asked to commit to staying in the program for the entire duration of the project,
which is 12 weeks.

Question 1 (limit: 75 words, 1 point).

a. Using only the information provided in Homework 2, state the intended objective of the
cooking and baking program.
b. Specify one success criteria for the cooking and baking training program that can indicate
whether the program’s intended objective has been met.
Question 2 (limit: 75 words, 1 point). Specify the metric you plan to use to measure the outcome of
the program based on the success criteria defined in your answer to Question 1.
Question 3 (limit: 150 words, 2 points). Specify how you plan to obtain the data for the impact
measurement you propose in your answer to Question 2. Hint: in your answer, please carefully
consider the feasibility of your proposed data gathering method, including (but not limited to) time,
manpower, accuracies, and response rate.
Question 4 (limit: 150 words, 2 points). Specify how you plan to analyse the data that you plan to
obtain in Question 3, including the criteria you would use to assess whether the program has
successfully met its intended objective.
Question 5 (limit: 200 words, 4 points). Specify the potential weaknesses of your proposed impact
measurement method and how they can be addressed.

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