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The result, Mr. Dancy says, is an emerging change in the student culture.

“Some of
the bad behavior has slowed down,” he concluded. “Students know that we can tell if
they’re trying to use their computers for stuff they shouldn’t do, so why try now?
I think they’re starting to see their devices as educational tools.”

“Teachers are catching students cheating left and right,” he said, “but they’re
taking screen shots and recording students’ screens to show parents. That makes a
big difference.”

The result, Mr. Dancy says, is an emerging change in the student culture. “Some of
the bad behavior has slowed down,” he concluded. “Students know that we can tell if
they’re trying to use their computers for stuff they shouldn’t do, so why try now?
I think they’re starting to see their devices as educational tools.”

“Before, if one school wanted something blocked but another school didn’t, we
weren’t able to help them,” Mr. Dancy said. “Now, with Lightspeed Filter, we’re
able to support different teachers with their different approaches to the
material.”“Using Lightspeed Filter alongside Classroom Management allows the
schools to see any inappropriate behaviour, any content that’s being accessed and
searched on a single dashboard,”

One of my students wasn’t on the correct website. Instead, they were looking for
cricket updates. In this instance, I didn’t want to shame the student in front of
everybody, so instead I just closed the tab within Classroom Management. The
student obviously realised that they’d been caught out, so we didn’t have any
issues beyond that.”

We can show the superintendent and the school board that we blocked this number of
students from, for instance, pornographic material,” he explained. “That’s huge,
and superintendents love getting this data.”

Students know that we can tell if they’re trying to use their computers for stuff
they shouldn’t do, so why try now? I think they’re starting to see their devices as
educational tools.

With hundreds of alerts flagged daily

With Lightspeed Alert, AI technology scans and flags concerning indicators within
VUSD educational apps, browsers, documents, as well as chat messaging, and social
media platforms. Alerts are sent simultaneously to Visalia Unified School District
safety personnel and to highly trained, 24/7/365 Lightspeed Safety Specialists who
then conduct a threat assessment. Threats of imminence are immediately escalated to
VUSD safety personnel and/or law enforcement, ensuring no alert is overlooked.

Shortly after implementing Lightspeed Alert, Burgess saw several flags of high-risk
alerts for self-harm. These alerts are serious and VUSD does not take them lightly.
Burgess was relieved to have the support of Lightspeed safety specialists
investigating these alerts.

This last year, 87% of Lightspeed Alert flags within Visalia Unified School
District were issued for students who were not otherwise on their radar. “I can’t
emphasize enough, and how seriously, that Lightspeed Alert saves lives. We have
instances where we have gotten the alert, called law enforcement and literally
stopped a student from hurting themself,” Burgess explains. “This was for a student
we never even expected to have an issue.”

Just one of many life-saving instances, a 5th grade student, not previously on the
district’s alert list, searched online for “painless ways to die,” and “how to hang
myself quietly.” Realizing the imminence of the threat, a Lightspeed safety
specialist called law enforcement and notified Burgess. The student was home alone,
and law enforcement arrived at her home in time to save her life.

students learned what was expected of them while using a school-issued device.
After analyzing the data, Langford discovered that the top 25 categories of sites
that students were visiting were now learning categories

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