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Name: Lê Thị Thanh Hương

Student code: 11212513

Class: EBBA 13.2

The term digital marketing refers to the use of digital channels to market
products and services to reach consumers. Such marketing includes the use
of websites, mobile devices, social media, search engines and other similar
channels. With the advent of the internet in the 90s, digital marketing became

Digital marketing embodies some of the same principles as traditional

marketing and is often seen as a new way for companies to reach consumers
and understand their behavior. Companies often combine traditional and
digital marketing methods in their strategies. But it also brings its own
challenges, including implicit bias.

Digital marketing presents its suppliers with special challenges. Digital

channels are expanding rapidly and digital marketers need to keep track of
how these channels work, how they are being used by the recipients and how
they can use these channels to effectively promote their products or services.
It becomes increasingly difficult to grab the recipient's attention as the
recipient is increasingly inundated with competing advertisements. Digital
marketers also find it difficult to analyze the vast amount of data they obtain
and then use that information for new marketing campaigns. The challenges
of capturing and using data effectively mean that digital marketing requires a
marketing approach based on a deep understanding of consumer behavior.
For example, companies may need to analyze new consumer behaviors, such
as using website heatmaps to learn more about customer journeys.

Implicit bias creeps into digital marketing, even when marketers and
companies do their best to avoid it. The term implicit bias refers to attitudes
and stereotypes that arise automatically, towards or against other groups of
people, without any awareness.

Algorithms are an important foundation of digital marketing, so they are very

important when companies develop marketing strategies. These algorithms
are usually created for reasonable purposes.
However, remember that all of this is programmed by individuals, including
engineers, developers, data scientists, and traders, and they all have their
hidden biases. This means they can program, enter and manipulate data in
certain ways, even when they didn't intend to.

Something as simple as adding a stock photo or video to an event can

introduce implicit bias. For example, companies may inadvertently use images
and videos of heterosexual white people to the exclusion of blacks, indigenous
peoples, and people of color, as well as people of all shapes and sizes.

What skills are required for digital marketing? You need skilled content writing
as well as communication skills to effectively tell your product story to your
consumer base. Data analysis skills are essential to understanding how your
marketing campaigns are performing and where they can be improved. Finally,
social media and other online skills are a must.

How can I become a digital marketer? Digital marketers need strong writing
skills as well as data analysis and social media skills. Most digital marketing
positions require a bachelor's degree in either a business field, such as
marketing, or a related field, such as communications. You can also attend a
digital marketing course or boot camp. It is also helpful to complete an
internship during school. A master's degree in digital marketing can be helpful,
but it is not necessary to enter the field of digital marketing.

In conclusion, customers now expect a unique, connected and seamless

experience across all channels and instant gratification. You only have a short
time to grab their attention and do it with a powerful message and a delightful,
engaging experience. If you don't, they move on to the next offer. It makes old
marketing methods obsolete. Today's marketers must adopt a mobile
approach to their global audience.

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