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i5 Coaching Centre 1. Which among the following texts widely recog- nised ‘Dakshina Patha' as a particular region? 1. Bodhayana Dharma Sutras 2, Suttanipatam of Buddhism 8. Vinayapeetakam 4, All the above 2, Which foreigner stated clearly about the Deccan in his writings in 1* Century A.D? 1. Pleny 2. Mareo Polo 3. Nuniz 4, Nicolo Conti 8. Which foreign writer. described the Telugu region as Teelingan for the first time? 1 Aristotle2. Kopernicus 3. Ptolemy 4. Kepler 4, Which among the following is one of the 16 Janapadas of India in 6 Century? 1. Avanti 2, Gandhara 8. Panchala 4. All the above 5. Which text narrated that there were 16 Janapadas in India in 6" Century AD? 1: Mahabharat 2. Ramayana 3. Anguttara Nikaya 4. Abhidamma Peethika 6. In the commentary of suttanipata, which regions are wiléd Andhra states on the either side of river Godavari? 1. Asmaka and Avanti 2.Asmaka and Gandhara 3. Asmaka and Kamboja 4. Asmaka and Mulaka 7. Vayupurana stated that. the capital of Asmaka was Podan. According to historians, this Podan is today's _ town in Telangana. 1. Nirmal 2.Bodhan 3. Peedapalli 4. Nalgonda 8. Who was the son of Rushabhana tha, that ruled Armaka region with Bodhan as his capital according to Jain texts? 1. Vardhamana Mahaveera 2. Vikramendra 3, Seetalanadha 4, Bahubali 9, Bhavari kula guru of Kosala king, had settled down in Assaka janapada and taught the peo- ple there, according to this text__ L.Anguttara Nikeya 2. Suttanipata 3, Vinayapecthika 4, Abhidamma pecthika 10, According to. archeological evidence, Mahishakas had lived in these régions _ 1. Medak district 2, Nalgonda district 8. Dharwad district (Karnataka) 4. All the above I. Which inscription of 12" Century, A.D had the ‘term "Telunga’ written in it? 1. Kuirgodu 2. Maski 3.Rajulamandagiri 4, All the above TS History Grand Test 12, Which among the following is the first of Telugu copper inscriptions, according to historians? 1. Vilasa © 2. Tirumala 3. Anumakonda 4, Madras Museum copper inscription 13, The Kallamalla inscription, considered as the first Telugu inscription in Andhra desi, was issued by _ 1. Dhanunjaya 2, Jayasimha Vallabha * 3. Kubja Vishnovardhana 4. Ballia Chola 14. Which among the following inscriptions, issued by Sri Krishna Devaraya, had the term "Telangana in it? 1 Chinna Kanchi inscription (Tamil Nadu) 2, Tirumala inseription (Chittoor district) 3. 1and 2 . 4, None of the above 15, Which inscription of 1417, ‘recently uncovered in’ Sangareddy/ district had the term "Telangana’ in it? 1. Lingampally 2, Topran 3. Warangal 4, Tellapur 16, Which text narrated that there were two king- doms ealled Alaka (Asmakd) and Mulaka (Today's Nanded and Aurangabad district) and they were Andhakararda states? 1. Bhavari Vritiantam 2. Anguttar Nikaya 3. Indica 4, Malavikagnimitra 17. Bribadratha, the last of Mouryas, was murdered by his army general Pushyamitra Singa, who came to power in 187 AD. And Andhras of the region opposed this and revolted and were defeat- ed by Singas. Which drama tells this story? 1. Dharmemritam 2, Suttanipadam 3, Malavikagnimitra 4, Kreedabhiramam 18 Which among the following pairs is not matched correctly? 1, Vaddemanu inséription ~ Refers to King Somaka and Jantupalli 2. Velpur inscription ~ Refers to Sarisada and Asoka 3, Kotilingala ~ Discovery of Gopada, Samagopa and Kamvayasiri coins 3 4, Veerapuram — Referance of Nigama sabha and Goshti 19, Where were coins of the period of Kings Siva Mahastin and Siva Skandahastin found? 1, Vaddemanu hill 2. Velpur 8, Kotilingala 4, Veerapuram 20, Which among the following was the first inserip- tion that detailed the origins of Kakatiya ? 1. Magallu inscription 2. Chandupatla inscription 8. Khandapalli inscription 4. Hanumakonda inseription a1. 28, 29, . Which among the following i: ‘Telugu language had gained the status of court language and language of inscriptions during the rule of —_ 1, Rashtrakutas 2, Renati Cholas 3: Kakateeyas 4. Ikshvakus Coins of the period of Satavahanas were found here 1. Kotilingala 2. Kondapuram 8. Peddabankur 4. All the above ‘To which royal dynasty does the inscriptions written in prakeit language was recenthy tounded at chaitanyapuri on the banks of river musi in Hyderabad? . 1. Satavabanas 2. Tkshvakus 3. Vishnukundins 4, Kakatiyas Which among the following texts describes the Kakatiya era? 1. Kroedabhiramam 2. Prataparudra Yasobhushanam 3, Nirvachanothara Ramayanam 4, All the above the Abhaya inscription issued by Ganapati deva, for the protection of sea trade? 1. Bayyaram inscription 2. Pillalamarri inscription 3. Chandupatla inscription 4. Motupalli inscription ;. Which among the following is the inscription of Vemulawada Chalukyas? 1. Parbhani 2. Kurkyala 3. Chiennur 4, All the above . Which among the following texts gives details of the invasions of Allauddin Khilji on Kakatiya kingdom? 1. Tarig-e-Khili 2. Tariq-e-Ahmed 8. Tariq-e-Alam 4, Tariq-e-Babari Which among the following inscriptions, found in Telangana, were written in pure Telugu form 1. Agamotkura 2. Phanigiri 3. Palampeta 4, Vilasa The first copper inscription which was written in Telugu was madras museum wpper inscuip- tion was belong to which of the following period? 1 Ballia Chola 2, Udayana Chola 3. Karikala Chola 4, Kulottunga Chola ‘The Italian traveller Marcopolo visited Motupalli port during which Kakatiya Roler's reign? 1. Ganapathideva 2. Rudradeva 8: Rani Rudramadevi 4. Mahadeva ‘Who established Qutub shahi dynasty? 1. Sultan Quli qutb-Ul-Mulk: 2. Muhammad shah 8. Feroz shan 4. Mahabob shah 39. 32, According to which of the following archeolo- giest Region where Telugu people had lived was called as "Trilinga desa'? 1. PV Parabrahma Sastry 2. HK Sherwani 3.Hirananda Sastry 4. B.Yazdani_ Between the reign of Alauddin Khilji to Akbar (or from Amir Khusroo to Abul Fazl), the name “Telangana’ had become colloquial, according to this historian___ 1. BN Sastry 2. Srirama Sarma 3. HK Sherwani 4, Dr. NVenkata Ramanayya . What was the mint.city of Telangana region during the period of Satavahanas? 1. Kondapur 2. Sadwavahana 3. Dharaniketa 4, Phanigiri 3. Which among the following text is written by Pampa, the court poet of Arikesari-Il, the Chalukya king of Vemulawada? 1. Gadhasaptasati 2. Artha Sastra 3. Gowda Purana 4, Adipurana . What is. 'Karshapana' during the périod of Satavahanas? 1. Gold coin 2, Silver coin 3, Lead coin 4, Copper coin Who built the Navabrakima or Swargabrahma temples in Alampur? 1. Vemulawada Chalukyas' 2. Eastern Chalukyas’ 3. Western Chalukyas 4, Kakatiyas Which among the following is one of the 16 janapadas that were mentioned in the ancient plaque found it Adom near Nagpur? » 1. Kambhoja 2, Panchala 3. Avanti 4. Asmake Where was the names of kings ruled prev satavahana period was founded recently in archeohgical research in Hyderabad? _1. Nelakondapalli 2, Palakonda 3. Dhulikatta 4. All the above |. In which region of Telangana, the hundreds of wins of Satavahanas and the names of rulers before their period were founded between 1980-83? 1. Bodhan 2. Kotilingala 3, Madhira 4, Bturu Nagaram Which famous Simhala text stated about the Mahishmati kingdom? 1. Anguttara Nikaya 2, Suttanipata 3. Mahavamsa 4, Bhagavati Who among the following was the ruler before the period of Satavahanas according the details mentioned on coins found in Telangana? 1. Salakasa 2. Mahatalavara Sivakhada '3. Maharathi Sivakanasudu 4, All the above 33, 37. 38. 43, Which of the following temples were built by prolaraja 11? 1. Siddeswara temple 2. Padmakshi temple 8. Kesavatemple 4. All of the above 44, Which texts said that Bahubali, the son of Rishabhanatha had ruled with Pothan/ Poudanyapura as his capital? 1Jaina 2Budhist 3: Vedic 4. Kaifiyats 45, Which among the following stories reveals that Andhras bad relations with Naga, Dravida and Yaksha varnas in the ancient Andhra des? 1. Gunadhya's birth story 2; Deepakarai story 3, Andhra Mahavishnu story 4. All the above 46. The term ‘Telangana’ had come into use during the reign of __ 1. Delhi Sultans 2, Moghuls 8. Bahamani Sultans 4. Kutub Shahis 47. The term ‘Andhras' was first mentioned in __ 1. Aitareya Brahman. 2. Satapatha Brahmana, 3.Kausika Brahmana 4.Yajurveda 48, Which traveller of 4‘* century mentioned in his ‘book that the Andhra people had 30 forts? 1. Pleny 2. Megasthenes 3. Starbo 4, Nuniz 49, Fort during the period of Satavahanas was _ recently found at 1. Dhulikatta. 2. Phanigiri 3. Gajulabanda 4, Peddabankura 50. Who did ‘not write about the ports of Satavahana period? 1.Tolemy 2 Pleny 3. Jeptin 4. Periplus 51. Who had the title of Tri Samudradheeswara? 1. Yognasri Satakarni 2, Gautamiputra Saitakarni 3, Pulomavi-lll 4, Kuntala Satakami 52. The title "Tri Samudradheeswara' was men- tioned in __. : 3. Kadambari 2. Harsha Charitra ©)” 8, Dasakumara Charitra 4. Katha Staritsagarafp ~ 68. Which text says that criminals were hanged to trees in ancient times? 1. Brihatkatha 2.Brihatketha Manjari 3.Gatha Saptasati 4. Leelavati Kavyam 54, Which text mentioned the Krishnalecla? 1. Katha Saritsagaram 2. Brihatkatha 8. Gatha Saptasati 4.Brihatkatha Manjari 85.-Which book reveals that there were citizen's councils to give advice in administration dur- ing the Satavahana period? 1. Arthasastra of Kautilya 2. Brihatkatha 8. Gatha Saptasati 4, Leelavati Kevyam 56, Which Magadha king was a contemporary of the first Satakarni? 1, Pushyamitra Sringa 2. Agnimitra 8. Punyamitra 4, Yasodhara 57. Which Satavahana king won over Magadha? 1, Palomavil - 2. Pulomavi Il 8. Pulomavi IIL 4, Vijayasri, |, 58. Whom did the Nasik inscription of Gautami Balasri describe as ‘Dakshina Patheswara’? 1. Pulomavi IT 2. Swathi Karna, 3. Goura Krishna 4, Lambodara 59, Rudradama was the contemporary of 1. Gautamiputra Satakarni 2. Pulomavi II , 3, Bivasri Satakarni 4, Yajnasri Satakarni 60, Which symbol is present on the Malwa coins of Satakarni? 2: Budhist Chaitya 4, Ujjaini symbol 61. Which inscription reveals that a town called ‘Vijayapuri was revealed? 1. Rentala inscription of Santimula 2. Nagarjuna Konda indefiption of Zhuvala Santimula 3, Nagarjuna Konda inscription of Vijayasree 4, Nagarjuna Konda inscription of Rudra Purusha Datta 62, Who had presented Parna Kumbha plaque to Amaravathi Sthupa? : 1. Dhimika * 2.A Ujjaini traveller 3. Pulomavi » 4, Bodhisiri 63. Brahmins started to marry their daughters to Satavahanas from the.rogion of this ruler —_ 1. Sivaswathi 2. Chakora Swathi 8, Gavtamiputra Satakarni 4, Palomayi 64, Acharya Nagarjuna is the contemporary of __ 1. Gantamiputra Satakarni 2. Sivasri Satekarni 8. Vijayasri Satakerni 4. Yajnasri Satakarni 65. Which port had become famous during the period of Satavahanas? 1. Bharukaccha, 2. Sopara 8, Kalyani 4, Chowl 86. Who wrote "The Guide fo Geography’? - 1. Pleny 2, Ptolemy 3. Plutarch 4, Heridotus 67. Hatigumpha inscription described this ruler_, 1, Kudepena Siri 2; Asika Sada - 8. Kheravela 4, Sivasri Satakamni 68. Which animal is the protected animal of Amaravati Sthupa? 1, Tiger (Tiger protastive gates) 2. Lion © . 8. Horse (Horse protective gates). _ 4. Elephant (Elephant protective gates) 69. Which Mughal emperor asked Nizam Ul-Mulk | 83. Which chief royal dynasty.had not only ruled to become the viceroy of Deccan? ‘Telangana but the whole of South India too? 1. Akbar 2, Farrukhsiyar 1. Mauryas 2, Kakatiya 3, Jahandar shah 4, Aurgangzed 3, Satavahanas 4. Chalukyas 70. The Myakadoni inscription refers to the work | 84. Who issued the Nasik inscription during the 19%" "Gulmika’ to mean? year of the rule of Vashishtiputra Pulomavi? 1. Slave 2. Commerical tax 1, Gautainiputra Satakarni 2. Satakarni IT 3. Foudatory chief 4. Village head 3, Pulomavi Il 4, Gautami Balasri ‘Tl. Which of the following sultanate was ruled by | 85 Coins which were found at the phanigiri the Nizam shahi Dynasty? Buddhist holy place in suryapet district was 1 Berer 2. Bijapur issued by which of the following kings? 1. Kuntala Satakarni 2. Yajnasri Satakarni 3. Ahmednagar 4, Golconda 72. Acharya Nagarjuna was murdered by the coup of _ separ 4, Srimukha " ‘ 86, Which city of Satavahanas was described as the 1 Aryasunga 2. Vijayasri ‘mint city! by Mallampalli Somasekhara Sarma? 3. Chandasri 4. Yajnasri 1 Kotiingala ‘2Dhutikstta 78, As per:Vishnu purana, how many number of 3, Nagarjuna Konda 4, Kondapur satavahana rules are there? 87. Kalyani chalukya kingdom was established in. 123 2.30 a 47 aaiiekD 2 2D 74, Buddhist educational institutions were called 9 a5 AD o7AD during the Satavahana period as 88. Who translated the Puranas into English with 1. Ghatikas 2, Sangharamas the title ‘Dynasties of Kali Age? 3. Viswavidyalayas 4. Aramas 1 Ptolemy 2, Pleny 75, "Jain monk in Periéd of salivahanas 3, Pargiter ‘4. Megasthaneese 1. Vateayana 2. Acharya Nagarjuna Which among the following is not correctly 3, Kondakundacharya © 4. Guyadhya * matched? 76. What is the capital of Anavota Nayaka? 1, Hala - Gadhasapthasati 1. Racha Konda 2, Amanagallu 2, Gunadhya - Brihatkatha 3. Géleonda 4, Bijapur 3, Kathasaritsagara - Kutuhala 77. Who ogcupied warangal after Musunuri 4, Valsyayana - Kamasutra Nayaka dynasty? 90. Kalyanichalukyas or westernchalukyas were 1. Katatiya 2, Satavahanas the feudatories of 3, Recharla padmanayakas 4. Mughals 1. Pallavas 2. Cholas 78, Which is the largest Buddhist Sthupa in India? 3, Pandyas 4. Rashtrakutas 1.Sanchi 2.Saranath 3. Kausambi 4. Rajagriha | 91. Which text says that'Progenitor of Satavahanas 79. Which among the following pairs is not cor- was born at the i of sites Galera! toa rectly matched? + . - king of Nagas and a Brahmin yw"? 1 Megasihanase -Indica 10 COaChing Centre| 1. Suttani patha 2. Dwatramsika Puthalike 2: Pleney - Natural history 3. Anguthara Nikaya 4, Mahavamsa 3. Piolemy - Geology 92, Which Satavahana king was famous with the 4, Nuniz - Periplus of Erithrean sea title of ‘Kavi Vatsala’? “40, Which among the follawing isnot correctly matched? =»): Satakarni It2. Hala 3. Pulomavi 4 Kanha 93. Who was the first and the most important kin; EAahiaran” Soniye 5 of Rashtrakuta ane of Karnataka who 2, Nigamas - Nigama Sabhas 9 defeated the chalukyas of Badami? 3, Village - Gramani 1. Bindusara “ 2, Hariharal 4, Vandana goshti -Adminigtrative Conference 5 —_-3 Yama 4. Dantidurga 81, What was the ancient name of Bhattiprolu? 5 94° Which among the following statements is not eorrect? 1. Kantakasila 2. Pratipalapur = 1. The army settlement of Satavahanas were called 3. Dandapur 4, Sarangapur as Skandawar and Kataka 82. Where is the Buddha's jataka stories explained 2. Skandawar was a temporary settlement in the form of ruptures? § 3. Army settlements in cities were called as Katakas 1. Amaravati 2. Nagarjuna Konda & 4. the administration of villages was in the hands of 3. Bhattiproka 4. Bethavolu 6 legislative writers 95. Who had published the architecture of “Amaravathi in his "Tree and Serpent worship? 1 John Marshal 2. James Princep 3, James Ferguson . 4, Pleny 96. Who were called as Sriparvatéeyas and andhra bhrityas in Puranag? : 1 Teshivalnis 2, Abeeras 8. Ancient Pallavas 4: Chutunagas 97. Which among the following was the capital of Tkshvakus? . 1. Nagarjuna Konda 2. Vijayapuri 3, Amaravathi 4. Sei Parvata 98, Who was the founder of Ikshvaku dynasty? 1, Vasishtipuird Srisomthimula 2. Veerapurushadatta 3. Ehuvala Senthamula 4. Rudra Purushadatta 99. Who among the following kings donated lakhs of cows, plows and gold coins for the develop- + 2, Veerapurushadutta 3. Ebuvala Santhamula 4, Rudra Purushadatta 100. Which place was ‘a great sacred city for Mahayana Buddhists during the reign of Veera Purushadutta? 1 Amaravathi 2. Sri Parvetam 3. Ghantasala 4, Vijayapuri 40L Which King conducted sacrifices like Aswamedha, Vajapeya and Agnisoma? 1-Rudra Purushadutta 2. Vera Purushadutta | 8. Santhamula 3. None of the above 102 Who reconstructed the Sthupa first built by Yajnasri Satakarni for Acharya Nagarjuna? 1. Senthamala. 2. Santhisri 3. Shashtisri 4, Gautami Balasri 108. Jn which place of ‘Telangana, Tkshvaku coins | “founded? +1 Panigiri 2:Dholikatia 3, Pedda Bankur 4. Kotilingala 104, What are the traders groups calléd in the peri- ‘od of Ikshvakus? 1. Nigamas 2, Phanis 3. Village Panchike ~ 4. None of the above 106. There was the riret island museum formed in India? 1 Amaravathi 2, Nagarjuna Konda 3. Nalanda 4, Bhattiprole 106. Who was the founder of Mudigonda chalukya 1 Rudradeva 2. Ranamarda 8. Ganapathideve 4, Satakarni I 107. Who was the Vemulawada chalukya king that gave shelter to Goagayya who lost his kingdom? 1. Arikesari, 9. Arikesari I 3, Kusimayudhya I 4. Vijayaditya II 108, Who occupied Mudigonda kingdom after drove away kusumayudha VI?" 1. Vijayaditya TT 2, Satakarni II Koraviseema in medieval period? 1. Warangal * 2. Khammam 8. Karimmagar A Land 2 40. Consider the following statements regarding "Tandula Divya’, which is one of the nine tests for precoving a crime affer satavahana period, 1. To weigh the persof and determine his/hér crime. 2, Criminal shouldbe given only the water in which idols were cleaned, to live on 8, Criminal should chew sacred rice : 4, Accused should take a coin out from boiling oil with bare hands IIL, Who built a town called 'Eleewatam' during the Tkshvaku perio 1. Elisri + 2, Santhisri 3. Ehuvala'Santhamula 4. Harmasti U2, Army general of Ehuvala Santhimula had built a Siva temple with the mame: of ‘Sarva devalays'.Whowashe? = 1. Upasika Bodhisri 2. Nodukaari 8, Blisti 4: Kondabalisti 113. Which Ikshvaku princess had built Buddhist structures on Nagarjuna Konda?. 1. Santhisri 2. Harmasti ‘Maha Bhattidevi 4. Elisei 114, Which among the following is correctly matched? 4, Sri Santhimula - Vedic religion b, Sri Veera Purushadutta - Buddhist religion «. Ehuvaia Santhimula - Vedic and Budhist religions 3.¢,donly 4.b,¢, domly 116, Who was the first ruler of Musunuri Nayakas? 1.Prolaya Nayaka 2. Pota 3. Mahadeva 4. Prateparudra 116, Which place was choosen by Musunuri Pewlaya nayaka as a center for all his administrative activities? >: “1 Anumakonda- 2. Waiangal 3. Rekapale 4. Amayavalthi 107, Where were the feet of Buddha and Dharma chakra found inf archeological research in Telangana? 1. Tirnmalagiri 2,Bodhan 8, Nelakondapalli 4, Phanigiti 108 Under whieh dynasty- im Andhra, the non- Brahnianisation of religion and polities was culminated? . 1 Pallavas 2% Roshtrakutas 8. Kakatiyas 4, Vengichalukyas 119. Who got the title of “Andhra Desadbeeswara’ after the occupation of orugullu? 1. Radranayaka 2, Anavotinayake 3,Singemanayaka 4. Damanayske 120, Which Buddhist place was recognised as archeo- Jogical protected site in 1960 in Nalgonda district? 1. Kolanupake 2, Panigiri 3.Nelakondapalli 4. Tirumalagiri 11. Which dynasty had ruled several parts of south ” India after satavahanas? 1.Gupta's Dynasty, 2. Kadambas Dynasty ~ 8. Chalukyan Dynasty * ‘4. Ikshvaiu Dynasty 122, The Kannada Mahabharata describes Bodhan aa LViprapuri 2, Vadhapur 3.Bahu DhanyNagari 4. All the above 188, Which among the following religions had put an end to Buddhiem in Telugu regions? 1, Veera Saivam 2. Veera Vaishnavam 8, Veera Jainam 4. Voora Persian 14, Which among the following books are written "41. Mahrixoud Gawan, 8, Firoz Shah Bahimani 4. Ahmad shah ° 1217, Which Rashtrakuta king followed Jainism and conducted Sallekhana Vrata? 1 Amogha Varsha 2. Dantidurga 8. Krishna-l 4: Dhruva 128, Famous Jain poet of Kakatiya period is: 1. Pampa, 2. Appayarya 8, Palkariki Somanatha 4. Tikkana. 120. Which among the following villages was donat- ‘ed by Queen Ayyana Mahadevi, firet queen of ‘kcubja visbnu Vardhana who established the 180, Which Satavahana king helped Acharya” Nagarjuna in writing Buddhist philosophical texts? 1. Yajnasri Satekarni 2. Gautamiputra Satakarni * 8, Pulomaxi IL 4.Hala 131 History of which religion was narrated in the ‘Vikramarjuna Vijayam’, written by Pampa? 1. Jain Poet 2, Saiviem 3. Buddhism 4, Vaishnavism’ 182, Jinavallabha was a follower of which of the fol- lowing religion 1. Buddhism 2. Jainism 3, Saivism 4. None of the above 188. Acharya Nagarjuna was called as_ 1, Buddha It 2 Schola? 3, ‘Tikkana TIS ~ 4, Pothana IL 134. Who was the founder of Vakataka kingdom? 1. Pravargsena I 2, Vindhya Sakti 8, Rudrasena I 4. Rudrasena Il 135, Prabhavati Gupta, daughter of Chandragupta- ‘was the wife of this Vakataka King 1 Radrasena I 2:Pridhvisena { 8, Rndyasena TL 4, Pravarasona I 136, Who among the following Vakataka kings got the title of ‘Samarat'? 1. Pravarasona 1 2, Sarvasena 8, Rudrasona TI 4. Pravarasena I 187, Who among the following Vakatuka kings had written an ogic called Harivijayam in Prakrit language? . 1, Pravarasena I 3. Rudrasena I 2. Pravarasana TT 4. Sarvasena | 138, What were the chief religions of Vakataka period? « 1. Buddhism and Jainism 2, Hinduism and Jainism 3. Hinduism and Buddhism 4. Saivismn and Jainism 189, What was the capital of Vindhyasalsti, who was the founder of Vakataka kingdom? 1 Ujjaini 2. Akola 8. Vidisa 4, Aurangabad 140. Who ‘among the following Vakataka kings was the contemporary of Samudragupta? 1. Pravarasena IT 2, Rudrasena It 8, Pridhvisena I 4, Rudrasena I 141. Who constructed the 'Sudarsasia Sdrovaram'? 1. Swamiladeva. - 2. Hasthibhaja 3.Varahadeva . — -4. Budhadutta 142, Who of the following kings is the founder of the branch? 143, Who was the best ruler of the Vatsagulma branch? 1. Sarvasena 2. Devasena 3, Harisena 4. Vindhyasena 144. Who among the following Vakatakd kings con- dueted Aswamedha sacrifice and other vedic activities? . 1. Vindhyasakti 2. Pravarasena I 3. Rudrasena I 4, Prithvisena T 145. Into -how many Nayankaras: Prataparudra divided his empire? Lm 2.55 3.44 4,33 146. Which ruler called himself as the son of Vakataka Mahadevi, Vishnukunda Vakataka dynasty great and a great poet? 1. Vikramendra Bhattaraka Varma 2. Madhava Varma 3, Pravarasena Tl 4, Prithvisena TT 141. What were the two branches of Nakataka king- don? 1. Hinayana and Mahayana 2, Pravara Nandivardhana and Vatsagulma 3, Therawada and Mahasanghika 4. Vaishnavaand Saiva 148, Whose daughter was married by Gautamiputra, son of Pravarasena? 1. Daughter of Chandragupta I 2, Daughier of Kakusta Varma, the Kadamba king 8, Daughter of Bharasivanaga 4, Daughter of Vishnukundina ruler After the fall of Satavahana dynasty, Abbiras declared independence near Nasik of Maharashtra and which is the other dynasty that, declared independence at East berar region? 1. Ikshvaku 2. Vakataka 3.VisbnuKundina 4, Chalukyas 150. What is the capital of first Vakatakas according inscriptions? 149, 1. Purikapathan 2, Basim 3. Manthal 4. Jaggayyapeta 151 Who formed the Vatsagulma branch of Vakatakas? 1. Vindyasakti TI 2. Pravarasena I 3, Devasena 4, Sarvasena 152. Which among the following Vakataka kings issued the copper coin where the words ‘Srimaharaja Pridbri’ were written in Brabri sceipt? 1. Devasena 2. Pravarasena 3. Pridhvisena 4. Narendrasena I 158, Which among the following books narrates the fall of Vakataka kingdom? 1. Meghadutam 2. Visru Charitra 3, Sethubandham 4, Hari Vijayam 154. Who stated that the origin of Vakatakas was from the banks of river Kilakila near Panna of Bundelkhand-Bagelkhand region? * 1. Mirasi 2, Altekaut 3. Roy Chowdari 4. Dr. KP Jaiswal 155, Who was the original founder of Vakataka empire? * 1. Devasena 2.Indrasena 3, Pravarasena I 4, Radrasena 156. Who among the following Vakataka kings is compared to Dharma raja, the eldest of Pandavas? 1 Narendrasena 2, Sarvasena 8, Pridhvisena T 4, Pravarasena 1. Who among the following Vakataka queens ruled in proxy for 13 years while her two sons were growing under her care? 1, Aijita Bhattarika 2. Kosala 3. Vatsagulma 4, Prabhavatigupta 158. What is the meaning of Sadanda;Nigraha which appears in Vakataka inscriptions? 1. To impose land tax 2. To impose fines for sjnall crimes 8. To divide land into pattas 4, To follow royal duties 159, Which inscription of Vakatakas mentionsed on water reservoir? 1. Hissey-Borala inscription 2. Junnar inscription. * 8, Ganj sila inscription 4, Ramtek inscription .160, What is mean by 'Viraka’ during Vakataka period? LA type of tax 2, Buddhist centre 3, Waterbody 4, An inscription ‘Who among the following Vakataka kings built a temple called ‘Dharmasthana' and dedicated 161. it to his favourite deity? 1; Pravargsena 2, Rudrasena I 8, Harisena 4, Devasena 162. Which of the following epics was praised by Kshmendra in his book ‘Auchitya Vichara Charcha’? 1, Hari vijayam 2, Sethubandham 8. Meghasandesam- 4. Basi 163, In which cave at Ajanta did the Vakatakas sculpt the Ganga, Yamuna sculptures? 115m 2, 16% 3.17 | 4.19% 164, In which place the evidences of the history of ‘Vishnukundinas ware found in Telangana? 1. Tummalagudem (Yadadri dist.)” 2, Vanasthalipuram (Rangareddy dist.) 8. Kotilingala (Jagityal dist.) 4. Kondapur (Sangareddy dist.) 165. Which place is considered as the first capital of ‘Vishnukundinas by historians? LiIndrapalanagara —2. Bhattiprolu 8. Vijeyapuri 4. Sriparvatam pe 168. i5 Coaching Centre Who was the founder of Vishnukundina dynasty? Indra Varma I 2. Deva Varma 8. Vikramendra Varma I 4. Indrabhattaraka Varma 167. Who among the following Vishnukundina kings 168. 169. 170. am. 172. issued the first inscription of Tummalagudem? 1. Govinda Varma 2. Indra Varma * 3. Madhava Varma 4, Madhava Varma Tit Who among the following kings declared him- self as "Irikuta Malayadhipati'? 1. Madhava Varma II 2. Govinda Varma 3. Vikramendra Varma 4. Indrabhattaraka Varma Who is the kings conducted a hundred thou- sand Agnisthanas and 11 Aswamedha sacri- fices? 1. Madhava Varma I 2. Deva Varma 3, Vikramendra Varma I 4, Indrabhattaraka Varma Who was the last of Vishnukundina Kings? 1. Madhava Varma If. 2. Madhava Varma Ill 8, Vikramendra varma-II 4. Govinda Varma ‘Ghatikasthamas' was’ first mentioned in the inscriptions of__ . 1. Pallavas 2, Vishnukundinas 3. Brihatpalayanas 4. Salankayanas, What is a'Ghatika'? 1, Bathing place 2. Centre of Sanskrit education 3. Buddhist text 4. Court of a King 173.In whieh district the was Coins of ‘Vishnukundinas founded in Telangana? 1. Nalgonda district 2. Karimnagar district 3. Medak and Hyderabad district regions 4. All the ‘above 174, Royal symbol of Vishnukundinas__ 1. Pig (Varaha) 2. Lion 3. Bull 4. Rat 175. Temples of the period of Vishnukundinas were located at this place in Telangana 1. Keesara’ 2. Phanigiri 3. Pedda Bankr 4. Dhulikatta’ 196. Which inscription is being considered as the first Sanskrit inscription found in Telangana region? . 1. Tummalagudem copper inscription 2, Bayyoram inscription 3. Manchikalli inscription 4. Vilasa copper inscription 177. Who is the only Vishnukundina king who had become a Buddhist? 1. Madhava Varma II 2. Govinda Varma 3, Madhava Varma III 4. Indra Varma 178. Which among the following is considered sis the first Sanskrit text from Telangana? 1. Madhyamike Karike : 2, Kreedabhiramam 3, Janasraya Chandovichithi 4. Yayati Charitra 179. In which place a gold win of constatin was found during Roman emperor and thoers in ‘Vishnukudina period in Telangana? 1. Vadapalli 2, Bexawada 3, Sangameswar 4, Kodura . 180.In which of the following inscription Rudradaman mentioned that he defeated satakarni twice? 1. Girnar inscription _2. Hatigumpha inscription 3. Nasik inscription 4. Junagerah inscription 181. The reign of which king was considered as the “Golden era’ of Vishnukundina dynasty? 1. Vikramendra varma 2-Govinda Varma 8. Indrabhattaraka varma 4, Madhava varma II 182, Who among the following Vishmulcundina kings had built the Ramalingeswara temples at Velpur, Epur and Keesaeragutta of Sathenapalli Taluk? 1. Indra Varma 2. Mahadeva Varma-II 3. Deva Varma 4, Govinda Varma 183, Which of the following villages was donated by the Vikramendra Varma for the maintananee of ‘Tryambakanathe temple? 1.Uddandapuram 2. Regonna 3, Munnanur 4. Amrabad 184, Which branch of Buddhism was practiced at, Chaitanyapuri of Hyderabad? 1. Mahayana 2, Heenayana 8. Brihansutiya 4, Rajagarika, 185, ‘Weick Telegu Eiige were the list bo: patredize Buddhism ? 1. Satavahanas 2. Tkshvakus 3. Vishnukundinas 4. Chalukyas 186. Who wrote the 'Sankhya Karika'? 1. Dign yana 2. Atyadeva 3. Eswara Krishna 4, Vasubandhu 187. The last king of Mudigonda chalukyas? 1. Beta Raja 2, Nagati Raja 3, Kusumayadhvi 4, Ranamarada aaquag einihiee Si 188, Which text describes the origin of the name of Sriparvata and its regions? 1. Pramana Samuchayam 2. Dharmamritam 8. Kavijanasrayam * 4. Panchatantram 189. The Telugu term ‘Vijaya Rajya Samvatsaras bul appears in which of the following inseri tions? 1. Chaitanyapuri 2. Tummalagudem 3. Chikkulla 4, Polomur (copper) 190, Inscriptions that give information of Mudigonda Chalukyas__ 1. Koravi 2. Moghul tank 3. Gudur 4. All the above 191. Who was the founder of Mudigonda Chalukya dynasty? “1, Kusumayudha 2, Ranamarda 8. Vijayaditya IT 4. Betharaju . Kusumayudha was the contemporary of __ 1. Gunaga Vijayaditya 2. Chalukya Bheema 3. Land 2 4. Krishna IT 199. Other names of Goniagayya_ 1. Vijayaditya Gonaga 2. Vijayata Gonaga, 8. Vijaya Gonaga 4, All the above 194, Which Mudigonda Chalukya king was the con- temporary of Kakatiya Rudradeva? 1KusumayudhaS 2. Betharaju 2 3.Kusumayudha6 4, Nagatiraju 195. Who among the following ministers of Mudigonda kingdom took away its tresures into forests after it was defeated by kakatiya Rudra? 1.SriKaranadhipati 2, Indap@ raju 3. Deva raju 4, All the above 196, Who was the greatest among the Mudigonda Chalukyas 1. Ranamardha 2, Kusumayudha 3 3, Krishna Il 4. Chalukya Bhima 197. What was the capital of Mudigonda Chalukyas? 1. Khammam 2. Bodhan 3, Mudigonda 4. Vemmulawada 198, Which text narrated the details of expenditure from tax revenue of Chalukya rulers? 1. Sukra's Neetisaram 2. Ketana's Kadambiari 8, WkKana's Nirvachanottara Ramayanam 4, Marana’s Marksindeya Purana 199. What were judicial officers called’ during the Chalukya period? 1. Pradvivakulu 2. Sani‘mennurus 3. Rattodi 4, Grameyaludu 200. Which “among the following pairs is not cor- rect? 1. Vignaneswara - Mitakshari 2, Somadeva suri - Neetivakyamrita 8. Nyayadhikaras - (judicial officers) - Pradvivakas 4, Judgements of Dharmasana - Tantrapala Which isiscription says that Arikesari I had formed a court called 'Dharmasabha’, with him- self as the justice? 1. Kollipara copper inseription 2, Vermalawada inscription 3. Parbhani copper inscription 4. Aihol inscription 202. Aceording to.Guduru Inscription, in which period koravi seema ruled by two Betarajas? 1, 1040-1065AD 2, 1030-1060 AD 8, 1050-1057 A.D 4, 1020-1050 A.D 203. Who wrote the ‘Saraswati vilasam’, which was considered as the penal code of Chalukya period? 1. Vignaneswara 2. Somadeva suri . 4. Prataparudra Gajapathi 201. 3. Nayanasena 204. Gold coin of CI ra era'was called as__ Made 2.Kasu 3. Nivartana 4. Gadya 208. Which among the following is not a coin of Chalukya period? 1,Panam 2. Kalanju 3.Dramma 4, Manugu Which text reveals the prices of different prod- ucts of Chalukya period? 1 Ganitasara Sangraham 2. Vikramarjuna Vijayam 8. Bhaskara Ramayanam’ 4. Vignaneswareeyam . Mabachaitya stupa, has the privilege of being the largest stupa (95 Feethigh) in India. It is sit- uated in 1. Bikar 2. Madhya pradesh. 8. Andhra Pradesh 4. Telanagana 208. Which among the following is considered as one of the ancient Jain sacred places in ‘Telangana? 1. Nagarjuna Konda 2. Bekallu 3, Dhanyakatakam 4, Hanumakonda Who among the following Kings had estab- lished the idol of Chakreswari, the Jain deity on a hillock near Kurkyala at a distance of 20 kams, from Karimnagar? 1. Jinavallabha 2, Somadeva suri 206. 3, Nannechoda 4, Arikesari It 210, Who is considered as the first royal poet in Telugu? 1, Somadeva suri 2. Errana 3, Palkuriki Somanatha 4. Nannechoda 211. Who wrote the 'Sivatatva saram'? 1, Nannechoda 2, Mallikarjuna Panditha 3. Jayasimha Vallabha 4. Pampa ‘912, Who rainslated Kadambari as a Telugu poem- epic? 1. Ketana 2, Tikkana 3, Marana 4, Bhaskara 213. Which among the following is not paired correctly? 1, Tikkaria - Nirvachanottara Ramayana 2, Palkuriki Somanatha -Besava Purana 3, Marana - Bhaskara Ramayana 4, Ketana - Vignaneswareeyam. 214, Tikkana dedicated his Nirvachanottara ‘Ramayana to __ . 1. Nannaya 2. Narayana Bhattu 3. Manumasidhi 4. Buddega 215. Which the biggest of the Navabrahma temples ‘of Alampur? 1. Viswabrahma temple 2, Balabrahma temple 3. Nagarabrahmia temple 4, Padmabrahma temple 216, What was the deity, worshipped by traders dur- ing the Vemulawada Chalukya period called? 1. Prithviswara 2, Nagareswara 3. Gajalakshmi 4, Mahishasura mardhini 217. Who was the founder of Vemullawada Chalukya dynasty? 1. Vinayaditya Yudhamalla 2, Avikesari II 3. Baddega 4. Dantidurga 218; Who was the most famous king of Vemulawada Chalukyas? LAtikesari II 2, Baddega 3, Avikesari I 4, Yudhamalla 219, In which book did Pampa compare Arikesari IL with Arjana? 1. Adi Purana 2, Vikramaxjuna Vijayam 4, Kumara Sambhavam Vassal of the Rashtrakuta 1: Dantidurga 2, Dhruva 3 Krishna IT 4. Indra IIL 221) What was the ‘first Capital of Vemulawada Chahikyas? 1. Bodhan 2. Venulawada 3. Karimnagar 4, Gangadhara Pattanam 222, Vinayaditya, Yudhamalla had founded the Vemulawada Chalukya dynasty with his capital as 1. Vernulatgada 2, Bodhan 3. Mudigonda 4. Kondapur 223. Who built the Baddegeswara temple? 1, Baddega 2. Arikesari I ‘3. Vinayaditya 4, Pampa 224, Somadeva suri, court poet of Arikesari I had written this book __ 1. Yasastilaka Champu Kavyam 2. Neeti Vakyamitra 3. Yukta Chintamani 4. All the above 225. What were the titles of Somadeva suri? 1. Kaviraju 2. Tarkika Chakravarti 3. Sadvada Chalasimha 4, All the above 226, Titles of Arikesari II 1, Mahamandaleswara 2. Maha Samanthadhipati 3. 1and2 4: Tarkika Chakravarthi 227, Which Vemulawada Chalukya king had the title of ‘Nirupadeva’? 1. Arikesari 1 2. Yudhamalla 3. Baddega 4, Vegaraja 228. Which Jina temple built by Arikesari at Bommalgutta near Kurkyala, Karimnagar? 1, Tribhuvana Jain temple 2. Tilaka Jain temple 3. Tribbuvana Tilaka Jain temple 4-All the above 229. Which religion was patronized by the Vemulawada Chalukyas? 1. Hinduiem 2. Jainism 3. Veerasaivam 4. All the above 280. Which region was given by Dantidurga to Rudhamalla after the defeated the Badami Chalu kyas? 1. Bodhan region (Nizamabad) 2. Kurkyala region (Karimnagar) 3. land 2 4, None of the above Mallia Rechana, who had written a book called "Kavi Janasrayam' was the court poet of __ 1 Arikesari I 2. Arikesari II 3. Narasimha IL 2, Narasimha 111 Which dance form originated during the kakatiya period? 1. Perini dance 2. Kathakali dance 3. Bharata Natyam . 4, Kuchipudi dance 293. What are the titles of Arikesari I? 1. Samasta Lokasraya 2; Tribhuvana malla 8: Raja Trinetra 4. All the above 234, Which ‘inscription reveals that Baddega II had built a Gowda Sangha Jainamatt with the names ‘Subhadama Jinalaya’ for Somadeva suri? 1. Vemulawada 2. Kurkyala 8. Repala 4, Kollipara 235. During which of the following chalukya ruler’s reign the famous virupaksha Temple (Lokeshwara temple) and Mullikarjuna Temple was built? 1. Vikramadity I 2. Vinayaditya 3. Vikramaditya 4. Vijayaditya 231, 236. Which inscription details the family tree of Vemulawada Chalukyas? 1. Jinavallabha's Kurkyala Inscription 2. Chennuru stone inscription of Arikesari IT 3. Kollipara inscription of Arikesari I * 4, Kuruvagatta inscription ‘Who wrote the book ‘Neeti Vakyamrita’ during the poriod of Vemulawada Chalukyas? 1. Pampa 2, Jinavallabha _ 8. Somadeva suri 4, Arikesari II 288. Which among the following is not correctly paired? 1. Arikesari I - Kollipara copper inscription 2. Arikesari III - Parbhani copper inseription 8, Jinavallabha - Kurkyala inscription, 4, Arikesari II - Mydavolu inscription 239. Which among the following is not correctly paired? 1, Pampa - Vikramarjuna Vijayam 2. Somadeva suri - Neetivakyamrita 3. Another name for Yasastilaka - Yasodhara Charitra 4, Meaning of Soladaganda - Warrior who never tast- ed defeat 240. Baddegeswara temple at Vemulawada is now being called as__ 1. Rajarajeswaralayam 2. Nagareswaralayam 3. Bheomeswaralayam 4, Vijayeswaralayam 241. Which Vemulawada Chalukya king had invad- ed all the land upto river Ganga and had 237. become famous and historic? - 1. Arikesari I 2. Baddega - ~ 3. Narasimha I 4. Vogaraju 242, Which Vemulawada Chalukya king had ruled with Gangadhara Pattana as his capital? 1 Baddega 11 2, Vega raja 3. Arikesari IT 4. Ranamardha 243, Who was the last of Vemulawada Chalukya rulers? 1. Vega raju 2, Baddoga 3. Vinayaditya Yudhamalla 4, Avikesari IIT 244. Rashtrakutas had built a large empire on the ruins of which of the following dynasty? 1.Badami Chalukyas 2. Vishnukundinas 8. Vengi Chalukyas 4. Mudigonda Chalukyas 245, The term 'Rashtrakuta’ suggests__ 1. Name of a race 2. Name of recognition 8.Name of a religion 4. Name of a job 246, Which of the following lities was built by Amoghavarsha and made it the’ capital of Rashtra kutas? 1. Bidar 3. Katliiavar 2, Manykheta 4, Blichpur 247. Who was the founder of Rashtrakuta dynasty? 1. Govindaraja I 2, Karkaraja T 3. Indraraja I 4. Verma 248. Who was the founder of the independent Rashtrakuta kingdom? 1. Indraraja TT 2, Dantidurga 8. Krishna I” 4, Karkaraja T 249. What was the title given to Dantidurga when he had become the ruler of all of Maharashtra region? 1. Maharajadhi raja 2, Parama Maheswara 3\'Parama bhattaraka 4. All the above 250. Which inscription narrates all the conquests of Dantidurga? 1. Sayangarh 2, Dasavatara cave temple inscription in Ellora 3, Sanjan . 4.land2 251, What was the title of Krishna I? 1, Subhattunga 2. Akalavarsha 3. Maheswara 4. Land 262. Who built the anatha temple at Ellora, which had been declared. as the world Resting site? i L Krishna I 2, Krishna TL 3. Govindaraju IL 4, Govindaraju IIT 253. What is the title of Dhruvaraju who conquered not only South India but also several North Indian regions? 1. Sri Vallabha ‘2. Nirupakeli Vallabha 3. Danarnava 4. All the above: |. Which Pala king had defeated Vatsaraja, the Pratihara king and had changed his royal emblem to Ganga-Yamuna garland? ” 1. Dharmapala 2, Dhanananda 3. Bhupala 4, Nandapala 258. What was the.origiial name of Amoghavarsha, who had title of ‘Kaviraju'? 254. L.Sharva 2. Siva 3.Marya 4. Karya 256. The ‘Kaviraja Margam' written by Amoghavarsha is a___ in Kannada language. 1 First epic poem 2. First grammar text 8, First Alanakara txt 4, First prose 257. Which Arab traveller had praised Amoghavarsha as one of the best emperors of the four greatest rulers in the world? 1. Benjiman 2. Suleman 3. Salman 4. Mohammed Khaza 258, Why did Amoghavarsha sacrifice his fingers of left hand to Kolhapur Mahalakshmi goddess? 1: Th expand his kingdom 2.'Tb conquer all enemies in battle 8. To control famines in his kingdom 4, All the above 259, Which among the following books was written by Amoghavarsha? 1. Prasnotbara Ratnamalika 2. Amogha Vrithi 3. Ganitasara Sarigraham 4. None of the. above 260. Which is not the correct pair regarding books and their writers (during Amoghavarsha's period)? 1. Mahaveera Acharya -Ganithasara Sangraham 2, Sathayana - Amogha Vrithi 3, Halayudha - Kavi Sangraham 4, land 2 261, Who was the last ruler of Rashtrakutas? 1. Karkaraju 2. Karkerajull =” 3, Karkaraju I 4, Karkaraju IV 262. Which is the correct pair regarding the divi- sions of Rashtrakuta kingdom and their chiefs? 1. Rashtram - Mahasamanta or Maha mandaleswara 2. Vishayam - Vishayapati / Bhogapati 3. Gramam - Gramapati 4, All the above 263. Which is the correct pair regarding regions and crops of Rashtrakuta period? 1. Corn and Jovar - Maharashtra, Karnataka 2, Paddy and Cotton - Andhra, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu 3 Area gardens - Karnataka 4, All the above 264. Which language was patronized by the Rashtrakuta rulers? 1. Sanskrit 2, Kanhada 3. Telugu 4.Land2 265, Ponna, second of Kannada poet triology was the court poet of __ 1. Krishna I 2. Krishna It 3. Krishna IIL 4¢Amoghavarsha 266, Who wrote the Saittipurana? 1. Ponsa 2.Ranna 3. Pampa_—_4. Veeracharya 267. Who built the Dasavatara temple in the first cave at Ellora? . 1. Dantidurga 2. Krishna T 3. Dhrivaraju 4, Amoghavarsha 268, What are the features ofthe Kailasanatha tem- ple‘at Ellora which was built by Krishna II of Rashtrakuta dynasty? 1. thas a sanctum sonctorium 2. Ithag @ Mukhemandapa 8. Ithas a covered corridor in front, 4. All the above “3 269. Where is the world famous Maheswara statue which waé sculpted with the faces of sacred trinity (trimurthi) located? 1. Cave temples of Elephanta caves (Bombay) 2, Kailasanatha temple (Bllora) 3. Dasavathara temple (Mora) 4, Sun temple (Konark) 270. Where is the Narasimha statue in a killing pose (of Hiranyakasipa) located? 1. Dasavatara temple 2. Kailasanatha temple 3. Elephanta temple 4. Manykheta 271. Srisailam had became famous as a centre of ___worship during the period of Rashtrakutas 1, Pasupata 2, Kapalika . 3, Kalamukha 4,Gurava 272, Which of the following was the first sultanate to gain independence among the Bahmani suc. cessor states? 1. Imad shahis of Berar 2, Qutub shahis of Goleonda 3, Nizam shahis of Ahmadnagar 4, Adil shahis of Bijapur 278, Which Buddhist centre was not famous during Rashtrakuta period? 1. Guntupalli Amaravati 2, Sriparvatam Salihundam 3, Abobilam Tirumnala 4. nagapattanam Kanchi 274, Which Jain centre was most famous during the period of Rashtrakutas? 1, Hanumakonda 2, Sravanabelagola 3, Kollipaka 4, Vemulapadu 275.Which kings. had maintained the title of ‘Andhra desadhiswara'? 1. Kakatiyas 2. Velanati Cholas 3, Chalukya Cholas . 4, Nellore Cholas ~ 276.Who, was the progenitor of Kakatiya dynasty? 1. Kakatiya Gundana 2. Prolaraju 3. Kakati 4. Bethana 277.Who was the founder of Kakatiya dynasty? 1. Betharajul =. Betharaju IT 3. Rudradeva 4, Mahadeva 278,Who was the deity of Kakatiya dynasty? 1. Katatiya 2, Durga devi 3. Hareeti 4. Sakti 279.Kakatiya were the chieftains of this dynasty in the beginning__ 1. Badami Chalukyas 2. Rashtrakutas 3. Nelloru Cholas 4, Renati Cholas 280.Who had. the titles ‘Arigaja kesari' and ‘Samadhigata Panchamahasabda' ? 1, Kakatiya Gundana 2. Betharaju I 3. Prolaraju I 4, Mahadeva 281, Kakatiya Rudradeva was killed by__ 1. Jaitrapala 2, Prithviswara 3, Vidyanatha 4, Mallapadeve 282, Who built the Anumakonda Rudreswara temple (thousand pillar temple)? 1. Prolaraja I 2. Prolaraju It 3.Rudradeva 4, Ganapatideva 288. Gangadhara was a minister under this king__ 1. Nalagamaraja 2. Prataparudra I (Rudradeva) 8, Mahadeva, 4, Ganapatideva 284, Which ruler changed the capital completely from Anumakonda to Warangal? 1. Ganapatideva 2, Prolaraju I 8. Mahadeva, 4, Rudramadevi 285.Who was the political teacher (Guru) of Ganapatideva? 1. Visweswara Sambhuva 2. Saitugi 8. Gangadhara 4. Vidyadhara 286. What. was the name of Warangal during the Kakatiya period? - 1. Anpumakonda 2. Orugallu 3. Nidadavolu 4, Motupalli 287. Who was the first woman to rule South India? a. Rudramadevi 2. Lalitamba 3. Leelavati “4, Gautami balasri 288. Who was the Italy traveller that visited ‘Motupalli during the reign of Rudramadevi? 1. Marco Polo 2. Nuniz 8, Nicolo de Conte. 4. De ariemo 289. Which among the following is correctly paired? 1. Bayyaram tank inscription : Mylamba 2, Hanamakonda inscription - Rudradeva 8. Motupalli inseription - Ganapatideva 4. All the above 290. Who was the husband of Rudramadevi? 1. Veerabhadra 2. Gona Ganna Reddy 8, Betharaju 4 Mahadeva 291, Which Kakatiya king ruled the longest? 1. Mahadeva 2. Ganapati deva 8, Rudradova 4, Prataparudra 292, Prataparudra was captured by this Muslim: general in 1328 AD. _ 1. Junakhan © 2. Allauddin Khilji 8, Malik Kafur 4. Taglag, 299. Which gold had the highest value during the Kakatiya period? 1-Gadyanam 2. Ruka 3. Rupayi 4. None of the above 294, Who wrote the hodk ‘Neetisaram’? 1. Baddena 2, Tkkana 8. Bkandara 4. Vidyanatha 295, What is another name for Warangal? 1.Bkasila nagaram ~ 2, Orugallu _. 8. Saltanpar 4.All the above 296, What is the meaning of the word 'Kakati"? 1. Koshmanda 2. Pig 3. Tree 4. Bull (Nandi, 5 Coaching Centre Nizamabad-9908235670 Groups: 2,3&4. 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