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Pediatric Anesthesia 2009 19 (Suppl. 1): 147–154 doi:10.1111/j.1460-9592.2008.02884.

Review article
Inhalation burn injury in children
C H R I S T I N A W . FI D K O W S K I M D * , G E N N A D I Y F U Z A Y L O V
M D †, R O BE R T L. S H E R ID A N M D ‡ A N D C H A R L E S J .
C O T É M D †
*Department of Anesthesia and Critical Care, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical
School, Boston, MA, USA, †Department of Anesthesia and Critical Care, Division of Pediatric
Anesthesia, The Mass General Hospital for Children, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard
Medical School, Boston, MA, USA and ‡Department of Surgery, Massachusetts General
Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA

With advances in burn care, many children are surviving severe burn
injuries. Inhalation injury remains a predictor of morbidity and
mortality in burn injury. Inhalation of smoke and toxic gases leads to
pulmonary complications, including airway obstruction from bron-
chial casts, pulmonary edema, decreased pulmonary compliance, and
ventilation–perfusion mismatch, as well as systemic toxicity from
carbon monoxide poisoning and cyanide toxicity. The diagnosis of
inhalation injury is suggested by the history and physical exam and
can be confirmed by bronchoscopy. Management consists of sup-
portive measures, pulmonary toilet, treatment of pulmonary infection
and ventilatory support as needed. This review details the patho-
physiology, diagnosis, and management options for inhalation injury.

Keywords: inhalation injury; burn injury; pediatric

from the impairment of mitochondrial metabolism

because of hydrogen cyanide and carbon monoxide
Although children are less likely than adults to inhalation. It is important to recognize the presence
experience significant smoke inhalation, it remains a of inhalation injury as pulmonary complications
serious and life-threatening problem in the pediatric from inhalation injury markedly increase the mor-
population. Approximately 30% of patients with bidity and mortality from burn injury from 3–10% to
burn injury have concomitant inhalation injury (1,2). 20–30% (1,3). In the pediatric burn population in the
When victims are exposed to fires in an enclosed United States, the lethal burn area associated with
space, they are at risk for inhalation injury. Inhala- 10% mortality is 73% total body surface area (TBSA)
tion of flames, superheated air, smoke, and toxic without inhalation injury and 50% TBSA with
gases cause direct pulmonary damage as well as inhalation injury (2,4).
systemic toxicities. Direct pulmonary damage results For isolated inhalation injury, the mortality rate is
from both heat injury and chemical irritation from about 3% (5). In this population, increased morbid-
the products of combustion. Systemic toxicity results ity from pulmonary complications is associated with
altered mental status from elevated carbon monox-
Correspondence to: Dr G. Fuzaylov, Pediatric Anesthesia Service;
Massachusetts General Hospital, 55 Fruit Street, Clinics 309, ide levels, rhonchi and dysphonia on initial exam-
Boston MA 02155, USA (email: ination, a positive bacteriologic sample, and a

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requirement for bronchodilator agents for >24 h. smoke, the length of the exposure, and the victim’s
These risk factors are all suggestive that aspiration of minute ventilation (14).
gastric contents at the time of burn injury may be an The main pathophysiologic basis for the pulmo-
inciting factor for increased morbidity and mortality nary dysfunction from inhalation injury is because of
from pulmonary complications associated with direct mucosal damage, increased bronchial blood
inhalation injury. flow, decreased hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstric-
For combined inhalation and burn injury, predic- tion, activation of neutrophils, increased microvas-
tors of mortality include increasing age and increas- cular permeability, destruction of goblet cells and
ing TBSA burned (3,6). Increased fluid requirements ciliated epithelium, and de-activation of surfactant
and the development of acute respiratory distress (15–18). These adverse effects on pulmonary func-
syndrome are also shown to be associated with tion may last for many months after injury (19).
increased mortality (6). While patients with com- Localized injury caused by inhalation of super-
bined inhalation and burn injury have increased heated air is generally limited to the airway above the
fluid resuscitation requirements (7,8), there is no carina. As a result of this airway burn, these children
clear correlation between the required amount of should be considered to have airway obstruction
fluid resuscitation for combined inhalation and burn because of macroglossia, macro uvula, heat-induced
injury with disease severity or mortality (8). The epiglottitis and croup all at one time because of the
mortality rate also significantly increases if inhala- marked burn induced edema (Figure 1). Any child
tion injury is complicated by pneumonia (9,10). with a facial burn or one who is burned in a closed
space is likely to have an inhalation injury such that
the tongue, uvula, epiglottis and subglottic regions
Direct inhalation injury will rapidly swell because of the heat injury. As a
high degree of airway support is likely, we recom-
mend the use of a cuffed endotracheal tube which
The circumstances of the burn injury are quite will allow better sealing of the airway should
important in predicating inhalation injury. Burns positive end-expiratory pressure be required. Early
sustained in a closed space (house or automobile intubations is essential in such children as delayed
fire) in particular are associated with inhalation intubation will be more difficult and may not be
injuries as the heat in an enclosed space fire may possible even several hours following injury as a
reach 538C (1000F) (11,12). As the respiratory result of this massive swelling of the upper airway
tract is an efficient heat exchanger, only the upper structures. More distal mucosal damage from inha-
airway is affected by thermal damage. The excep- lation injury causes mucosal sloughing, impaired
tion to this rule is if the victim is exposed to steam, mucociliary clearance, and development of a fibrin-
which has a much higher heat capacity than dry ous exudate, which lead to the formation of endo-
air, particulate matter within smoke causes irrita- bronchial casts containing sloughed mucosal
tion and damage throughout the respiratory tract. endothelial cells and fibrin clots (Figure 2). This
Particles >10 lm are deposited in the upper airway injury is in part caused by the chemical reaction
(nasopharynx and larynx), particles 3–10 lm are combining NO2 and SO2 with exhaled H2O in the
deposited in the conducting airways, particles 0.5– airway that results in the formation of H2SO4 and
3 lm are deposited in the distal airways and H2NO3, which then cause an acid burn of the distal
alveoli, and particles <0.5 lm remain in the gas airway through the alveolar level. The cross-sectional
and can be exhaled (13). Examples of products of area of the bronchi, bronchioles, and respiratory
combustion, particularly from plastics and lami- bronchioles is reduced by 29%, 11% and 1.2%,
nated products that contribute to the chemical respectively (20). Airway obstruction and broncho-
airway injury from smoke inhalation include acet- spasm result in higher ventilatory pressures that can
aldehyde, formaldehyde, acrolein, ammonia, hydro- lead to barotrauma (15,16).
gen chloride, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, and Both isolated burn injury and combined burn and
hydrogen fluoride (13). The extent of the pulmo- inhalation injury lead to increased production of
nary damage depends on the components of the inflammatory mediators and cytokines such as

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Figure 2
Bronchus after inhalation injury. Note the carbonaceous material
at the level of the carina.

may explain the additional pulmonary dysfunction

(b) as the levels of IL-7 and IL12p70, which regulate
T-cell function, are significantly different in com-
bined inhalation and burn injury (21). While the
exact pathophysiology of cytokine regulation in
inhalation injury remains unknown, evidence sug-
gests that alterations in IL-6, IL-10, and IL-7 are
potential markers for predicting mortality with
inhalation injury (22).
Bronchial blood flow is markedly increased after
smoke inhalation injury, combined smoke inhala-
tion, and cutaneous thermal injury (23,24). A postu-
lated mechanism for parenchymal damage is that
systemic mediators of inflammation from the dam-
aged bronchial mucosa are carried through the
Figure 1 bronchopulmonary circulation to directly injure the
(a and b). Early (a) and late (b) facial burn injury. Note the marked
edema of the face within hours of the burn injury. pulmonary microvasculature and cause pulmonary
edema (15,23,24). In fact, ligation of the bronchial
artery in animal models decreases pulmonary
tumor necrosis factor, interleukin (IL)-6, and IL-8. edema formation (23,24).
These mediators are not further increased in com- Inhalation injury also results in increased levels of
bined inhalation and burn injury compared with inducible nitric oxide synthase and nitric oxide (NO)
isolated burn injury; therefore, an augmented anti- (15,16,25). With the increased NO levels, hypoxic
inflammatory response alone may not explain the vasoconstriction is reduced (25), and patients sub-
pulmonary dysfunction from inhalation injury (21). sequently develop ventilation–perfusion mismatch
Immunosuppression and ⁄ or immunodysfunction with an elevated alveolar-arterial oxygen gradient.

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tion. Singed nasal hairs, soot in the airway, stridor,

hoarseness, dyspnea, wheezing, and facial burns are
suggestive of inhalation injury (6,29). Chest radiog-
raphy is not useful in diagnosing inhalation injury as
it is often normal immediately following injury
(1,6,30). Xenon ventilation–perfusion scans were
previously used to diagnose inhalation injury; how-
ever, false positive results may occur in children
with underlying pulmonary disease (1,31). Bedside
fiberoptic bronchoscopy is often helpful in ascer-
taining the severity of inhalation injury (32,33).
Children with inhalation injury characteristically
have mucosal erythema, edema, ulcerations, partic-
ulate matter and soot in the airway, and areas of
Figure 3 necrotic mucosa (2,3,5,6). Methods for grading the
Chest escharotomy. Note how the skin is separated, removing the severity of inhalation injury based on bronchoscopy
tourniquet effect around the chest. Multiple eschararotomys will
markedly improve chest wall compliance and reduce the work of findings have been developed (8,31) and may be
breathing. helpful in predicting the severity of disease, devel-
opment of acute lung injury, and mortality. Com-
The increased NO production caused by the inhala- puted Tomography (CT) scanning may also be
tion injury is also implicated in pulmonary micro- helpful in making the diagnosis (34,35) with findings
vascular endothelial damage that leads to of ground glass opacities, atelectasis, and consolida-
pulmonary edema (26). Children with inhalation tion adjacent to large airways, but this imaging is not
injury may develop laryngospasm and broncho- always practical in acutely burned children. CT
spasm from airway irritation. The loss of an intact scanning is shown to predict severity of the inhala-
mucosal epithelium along with immunosuppression tion injury at 24 h postinjury in an ovine model (36).
leads to tracheobronchitis and pneumonia.
There is usually a 2–5 day initial period of near-
Systemic toxicity
normal gas exchange prior to endobronchial slough,
shunting and compromised ventilation. Residual Carbon monoxide poisoning and cyanide toxicity
reactive airway disease, bronchiectasis, bronchiolitis should be suspected in any child with inhalational
obliterans, and interstitial fibrosis may occur. The injury or with burns from open fires. Carbon
long-term consequences of prolonged tracheal monoxide binds to heme-containing proteins, such
intubation (erosion of the ala nasae, granuloma as hemoglobin, cytochromes, and myoglobin with
formation, subglottic stenosis, tracheomalacia, an affinity that is 200 times stronger than that of
tracheo-innominate artery fistula) are more likely oxygen (12,37,38). Carbon monoxide poisoning
to occur in these children compared with children decreases tissue oxygenation by displacing oxygen
without an inhalation injury (27,28). from hemoglobin and cytochromes and by shifting
Another consideration when evaluating the child the oxygen dissociation curve to the left (37). Thus,
for an inhalation injury is a circumferential chest the available oxygen is more tightly bound and less
burn. With this type of injury the skin shrinks, available for release to the tissues, and the total
causing a tourniquet-like effect and thereby reduc- amount of oxygen is reduced. For example, with a
ing chest expansion; urgent multiple escharotomies 40% level of carboxyhemoglobin, the amount of
may be required to improve ventilation (Figure 3). available oxygen is reduced from 20 mlÆ100 g)1 of
hemoglobin to 12 mlÆ100 g)1 of hemoglobin. The
binding of carbon monoxide to myoglobin also
decreases oxygen tension in cardiac and skeletal
The diagnosis of inhalation injury should be sus- muscles, which may contribute to cardiac dysfunc-
pected based on the history and physical examina- tion and rhabdomyolysis.

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The diagnosis of carbon monoxide poisoning is for cyanide binding from cytochrome oxidase
confirmed by elevated carboxy-hemoglobin levels (47,51–53). The induction of methemoglobinemia
measured by cooximetry (38). Normal carboxy- may be dangerous with inhalational injuries because
hemoglobin levels are in the range of 1–3%. Typi- of co-existing carboxy-hemoglobin. Young children
cally, children with a level <20% present with mild are particularly sensitive to nitrite administration as
symptoms such as lightheadedness, nausea and fetal hemoglobin more easily converts to methemo-
headache (38). Children with 20–40% carboxyhemo- globin and as children have lower levels of methe-
globin may be confused and disoriented, whereas moglobin reductase as compared with adults.
those with higher levels (>60–70%) develop ataxia, Hydroxocobalamin, which is a precursor to vitamin
collapse, and coma with resultant seizures, cardio- B12, readily binds intracellular cyanide to form the
pulmonary arrest, and death (13,38). Treatment nontoxic cyanocobalamin (vitamin B12) (48,53,54).
should not be delayed. The half-life of carboxy- Treatment with hydroxocobalamin may be more
hemoglobin is 40–80 min when breathing 100% advantageous in children with smoke inhalation as it
oxygen compared with 240–320 min when breathing does not induce methemoglobinemia and has a
air (38). If there is any suspicion of carbon monoxide rapid onset of action. Empiric treatment for possible
poisoning, 100% oxygen should be administered cyanide exposure is not currently recommended.
and supportive measures instituted (13). Treatment
for carbon monoxide poisoning with hyperbaric
Perioperative respiratory management
oxygen is controversial but should be considered
for children who are hemodynamically stable and Although children may appear stable initially, air-
whose airway is secured who also have a history of way edema can rapidly progress over the first 12–
loss of consciousness, neurologic sequela, or ongoing 24 h. As the typical physical examination findings of
metabolic acidosis. The half-life of carboxy-hemo- inhalation injury, including stridor, hoarseness,
globin decreases to 20 min when breathing 100% dyspnea, and dysphagia, are not predictive of the
oxygen at 2.5–3 atmospheres. It should be noted that need for intubation, it is imperative to err on the side
pulse oximetry will be inaccurate in children with of intubation for some children who might not
carbon monoxide poisoning with a resultant over require intubation rather than to delay intubation
estimation of oxygen saturation as the standard only to encounter extreme difficulty when the
oximeter interprets carboxyhemoglobin as oxyhe- airway becomes distorted by edema (29). The pres-
moglobin (39,40). A new generation of pulse oxime- ence of soot in the nares and oropharynx, facial
ters (Rad-57 pulse Co-oximeter; Masimo, Inc., Irvine, burns, and large body burns correlate with edema of
CA, USA) is able to quantitate carboxyhemoglobin the true or the false vocal cords. Therefore, if a child
values and may be useful in assessing the efficacy of has facial burns, large body burns, or soot in the oral
treatment (41–44). cavity, the airway should be secured. If intubation is
Cyanide toxicity results from inhalation of cya- required, it is safe to use the nondepolarizing muscle
nide products of combustion, which are usually relaxant, succinylcholine, within the first 24 h after
contained, for example, in the glue that holds injury without the risk of developing lethal hyper-
laminates together (13,45,46). Cyanide poisoning is kalemia (55). Our previous standard was to place
suggested by an elevated venous oxygen level and a uncuffed endotracheal tubes in pediatric patients;
lactic acidosis that does not improve with oxygen however, recent experience suggests that low pres-
administration. Cyanide binds to cytochrome oxi- sure high volume cuffed endotracheal tubes should
dase and impairs tissue oxygenation by converting be used as the decreased pulmonary compliance and
intracellular aerobic metabolism to anaerobic metab- increased ventilatory pressures may cause leaks
olism (47–51). Treatment consists of administration around the uncuffed tubes and result in an inability
of sodium thiosulfate, which serves as a sulfate to adequately ventilate and oxygenate the child (56).
donor that increases the conversion of cyanide to the In these circumstances, change to a cuffed tracheal
nontoxic thiocyanate, and administration of nitrites, tube or a larger uncuffed tracheal tube would be
such as amyl nitrite and sodium nitrite, that increase required, but places the child at risk for a disaster,
the amount of methemoglobin, which then competes should reintubation prove difficult because of

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massive upper airway tissue edema. Unfortunately decreased shunt fraction, improved gas exchange,
we have been in such a position whereby even when and decreased lung water content. No systemic
exchange of the tracheal tube took <30 s the child anticoagulant effect is noted with the aerosolized
was so compromised that cardiac arrest ensued. We antithrombin and heparin. Aerosolized N-acetylcys-
have also observed fatal loss of the airway in this teine combined with heparin is also shown to be
situation and it is for these reasons that we acknowl- effective for treating inhalation injury in an animal
edge the greater potential for cuff induced airway model as well as retrospectively in a pediatric
injury but balance this risk against a more serious population (64,65). Prospective human data are
adverse outcome, should ventilation and oxygenation lacking.
prove inadequate with a small uncuffed tracheal tube. Another potential mechanism for the management
A focus of care for children with inhalation injury of inhalation injury is aimed at reducing pulmonary
is aggressive pulmonary toilet, which includes chest vascular permeability. In an ovine model, NO is
physiotherapy, therapeutic bronchoscopy in older shown to decrease microvascular permeability by
children, coughing, and, if possible, early ambula- decreasing pulmonary vascular pressures and by
tion (57,58). If a child is mechanically ventilated, decreasing the endovascular damage by reactive
attention should be paid to minimize barotrauma oxygen species (66). NO also improves oxygenation
and volutrauma by minimizing both peak airway in children with severely impaired arterial oxygen-
pressures and tidal volumes (57). Permissive hyper- ation and ventilation by decreasing ventilation–
capnia may be indicated (59). High frequency perfusion mismatch (67).
percussive ventilation is an alternative to conven- A course of steroids is thought to reduce the
tional mechanical ventilation and is shown to inflammatory response in inhalation injury. How-
decrease peak inspiratory pressures and work of ever, treatment with methylprednisolone in isolated
breathing in pediatric patients with inhalation injury inhalation injury is shown not to improve long term
(60). This mode of ventilation does not, however, pulmonary function at 3 months postinjury (27).
improve shunt fraction, development of pneumonia,
or mortality (61).
Several pharmacologic treatments are also avail-
able for inhalation injury. As children with inhala- Inhalation injury contributes to increased morbidity
tion injury develop bronchitis and reactive airways, and mortality from burn injuries. The diagnosis
they benefit from inhaled bronchodilators. Nebu- should be suspected in individuals exposed to open
lized albuterol is effective in decreasing peak inspi- fires or those with characteristic physical examina-
ratory pressures, improving pulmonary compliance, tion findings. Those children with inhalation injury
decreasing shunt fraction, and increasing the arterial should be treated aggressively with supportive
to alveolar oxygen gradient (62). These positive measures and pulmonary toilet. Further investiga-
effects of albuterol are attributed to its bronchodila- tion is needed to fully elucidate the pathophysiology
tory effect as well as its anti-inflammatory effect. of inhalation injury in order to provide targeted
Aerosolized epinephrine also has a bronchodilatory treatment options.
effect along with a vasoconstrictive effect to reduce
mucosal edema (57).
As fibrin clots are one component of the debris
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Corrigendum after online publication

The authors have declared no conflicts of interest.

 2008 The Authors

Journal compilation  2008 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Pediatric Anesthesia, 19 (Suppl. 1), 147–154

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