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Hearing Research 115 (1998) 101^112

A model for prelingual deafness, the congenitally deaf white cat ^

population statistics and degenerative changes
Silvia Heid, Rainer Hartmann, Rainer Klinke *
Physiologisches Institut III, Klinikum der J.W. Goethe-Universitaët, Theodor-Stern-Kai 7, D-60590 Frankfurt/M, Germany

Received 16 April 1997; revised 29 September 1997; accepted 8 October 1997


Cochlear implantation in congenitally deaf children leads to electrical stimulation of an entirely naive central auditory system. In
this case, processes of central auditory maturation are induced by the electric stimuli. For the study of these processes the deaf white
cat (DWC) appears to be an appropriate model. However, a knowledge of the basic data of these animals is necessary before such a
model may be used. This paper presents these data and is one of a series of publications concerning congenital deafness in children
and cochlear implantation. In our strain 72% of the animals are totally deaf as judged by the absence of any brain stem evoked
potentials at click intensities up to 120 dB SPL peak equivalent. Primarily, there is a degeneration of the entire organ of Corti during
the first postnatal weeks. An absence of acoustically evoked brain stem responses in the early postnatal weeks shows that DWCs
probably never have any hearing experience. Months after the degeneration of the organ of Corti, the spiral ganglion starts to
degenerate from the midportion of the cochlea. However, even in adult cats (2 years), a sufficient number of functionally intact
auditory afferents remain, which are suitable for electrical cochlear stimulation. z 1998 Elsevier Science B.V.

Key words: Congenital deafness; Organ of Corti ; Auditory nerve; Spiral ganglion; Degeneration; Cat; Hearing de¢cit;

1. Introduction for prelingual deafness and its treatment with cochlear

implants (see e.g. Hartmann et al., 1997a,b; Heid et al.,
Cochlear implantation in congenitally deaf children 1996, 1997), the hearing de¢cits and morphological
(Langman et al., 1996) leads to electrical stimulation of changes should be documented. The type of degenera-
a naive central auditory system. The cerebral structures tion, its time course and the population statistics of our
concerned have never received sound evoked input. Ma- animals provide important data for this model.
turation processes based on auditory experience cannot Several deaf strains in various species have been re-
therefore have taken place. Electrical stimulation of the ported in the literature, e.g. dog (Rawitz, 1896;
cochlea in these children replaces a peripheral acoustic Alexander and Tandler, 1905 ; Mitchell, 1935; Sorsby
input to some extent and apparently triggers matura- and Davey, 1954 ; Suga and Hattler, 1970), mouse (van
tion processes as the children acquire language compe- Lennep, 1910 ; Gruëneburg et al., 1940 ; Deol, 1970;
tence. Congenitally deaf animals may provide an ad- Bock and Steel, 1983 ; Brown and Steel, 1994; Steel,
equate model to study functional changes in the 1995). Although these ¢ndings in di¡erent species may
central nervous system induced by these electrical stim- bear relevance to the DWC, we wish to con¢ne our-
uli. Chronic electrical stimulation has been shown to be selves here to the cat literature. Deaf white cats
possible in such animals (Klinke et al., 1997). (DWCs) with blue eyes were ¢rst reported by Bree
If the deaf white cat (DWC) is to be used as a model (1828). The ¢rst detailed histological examinations of
these animals were provided by Alexander (1900) and
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +49 (69) 6301 6976;
Alexander and Tandler (1905). Cats of this type were
Fax: +49 (69) 6301 6987; E-mail: bred ¢rst by Whiting (1918), who concluded that the

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102 S. Heid et al. / Hearing Research 115 (1998) 101^112

defect was a dominant autosomal aberration clearly vascularis was also described. The ¢rst degenerative
di¡erent from albinism. However, deafness in white changes in the spiral ganglion occurred at 10 months
cats may not always be the result of the same genetic of age. Rebillard et al. (1981b) reported a variable pat-
defects. tern of degeneration in the organ of Corti and in the
Several reports concerning these animals have been spiral ganglion. Schwartz and Higa (1982) found a de-
published (Bosher and Hallpike, 1965; Suga and Hat- generation pattern which started basally and processed
tler, 1970; Bergsma and Brown, 1971; Mair, 1973 ; in an apical direction. However, Saada et al. (1995)
West and Harrison, 1973; Rebillard et al., 1976, reported white cats with residual hearing. In spite of
1981a,b; Pujol et al., 1977; Elverland et al., 1977 ; El- incomplete hearing loss in their animal, the apex was
verland and Mair, 1980; Schwartz and Higa, 1982; El- already degenerated. Apical outer hair cells and even
verland, 1984; Delack, 1984; Larsen and Kirchho¡, apical spiral ganglion cells in the upper turn were com-
1992 ; Saada et al., 1995, 1996). Although the molecular pletely missing.
basis for the hearing problems in DWCs is not known, Thus di¡erent descriptions of the time course and the
in many of these publications it was suggested that the structural changes of the degenerative process are given
animals are a feline homologue of the human Waarden- in the literature. It is therefore unlikely that the di¡er-
burg syndrome (Mair, 1973; Bergsma and Brown, ent stocks of DWCs investigated su¡er from an identi-
1971 ; West and Harrison, 1973; Rebillard et al., cal genetic defect.
1976, 1981a,b; Schwartz and Higa, 1982; Delack, If these animals are to be used as a model for con-
1984). The gene mutated in these patients is Pax3. genital human deafness, it must be determined whether
The Pax3 gene is one candidate for deafness in mice the individuals ever experience hearing levels which are
(see e.g. Steel, 1995). Future molecular analysis of Pax3 strong enough for behaviorally relevant auditory sensa-
will have to be carried out in order to clarify this point. tions. As reported by Brugge et al. (1978), Laukli and
Thus far in our DWCs no major rearrangements of the Mair (1982), Walsh et al. (1986) and Burkard et al.
Pax3 gene could be detected using Southern blotting (1996), and summarized in Romand (1992), the ¢rst
(Balling, personal communication). However, this ¢nd- indications of high threshold compound action poten-
ing does not rule out an involvement of Pax3 as the tials (CAP) in normal cats can be found by the end of
cause of pathology in DWCs. postnatal week 1. CAP properties mature by the end of
Careful anatomical investigations of the DWC have postnatal week 3. The data published by Bosher and
been published by Bosher and Hallpike (1965) and Hallpike (1965) indicate that the organ of Corti in
Mair (1973). According to Bosher and Hallpike (1965) DWCs degenerates during the period in which the nor-
the ¢rst degenerative changes in the organ of Corti mal cochlea matures. It can therefore be assumed that
could be seen from postnatal day 5: the authors de- the DWCs, at least the individuals without any residual
scribed a collapse of the inner tunnel, a degeneration hearing, never experience useful hearing levels. Our ex-
and subsequent disappearance of the hair cells and a perimental data support this assumption.
change in shape and structure of the tectorial mem-
brane which then clings to the inner sulcus. A progres-
sive atrophy of the stria vascularis has also been re- 2. Materials and methods
ported. Reissner's membrane collapses and folds,
initially towards the spiral limbus and then towards 2.1. Animals
the tectorial membrane and ¢nally covers the basilar
membrane. The degeneration appeared to take place To date, a total of 85 white cats have been observed.
in all cochlea turns simultaneously. Hearing function was measured in all these animals.
Mair (1973) similarly investigated DWCs at di¡erent Eye color and length of coat were also evaluated. As
ages. In his strain he found the ¢rst degenerative these parameters cannot be determined reliably in kit-
changes at the 8th postnatal day, i.e. an irregular tens, only white cats older than 5 months were included
wavy appearance of Reissner's membrane in the upper in the population statistics. For statistical analysis the
half of the basal turn. Two days later, Reissner's mem- Yates corrected M2 -test was used (Sachs, 1974).
brane was observed to contact the inner limbus. Ac- The morphological data presented are based on six
cording to his description, the organ of Corti proper normal colored adult cats (2^4 years old) and 10 DWCs
cannot be distinguished from Corti's organ in normal of di¡erent ages (3 days to over 5 years) and of both
cats at this time. He described a degeneration of the sexes. Both strains were bred in our animal house. The
organ of Corti during the subsequent weeks starting colony was started by a gift of one deaf white male and
in the upper half of the basal turn and spreading four white females with residual hearing by Dr. S. Lar-
from there in both basal and apical directions. In his sen, Louisville, KY. For further breeding it was ensured
animals complete degeneration took 1^2 years, the out- that the males were profoundly deaf. Females had to
er hair cells disappearing ¢rst. Atrophy of the stria have at least severe hearing losses but were accepted if

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they were reproductive and looked well after the litter. 0.5 ml of heparin (Liquemin, Ho¡man-La Roche, Ger-
The inbreeding program aimed to provide a large num- many) was ¢rst injected into the left ventricle. A can-
ber of deaf subjects. No data are yet available for in- nula was then introduced into the left ventricle after
terbreeding with normal cats. having removed the pericardium. A second cannula
The morphological comparison with normal cats is was inserted into the right ventricle and served as an
mainly based on six 2 year old DWCs. Furthermore, outlet for the perfusion £uids. Then 1 l of 0.1 M phos-
there was one male cat more than 5 years old. This cat phate bu¡er (pH 7.4) was infused to rinse the circula-
was the ¢rst male we received and came into our animal tory system. The subsequently infused 1 l of ¢xative was
house as a sexually mature male of unknown age and a mixture of 2.5% glutaraldehyde and 2.0% formalde-
was used as a breeding male as long as possible. It is hyde (both Merck, Germany). After the perfusion the
very likely that this animal was in fact much older than head was post¢xed overnight at 4³C in the same ¢xa-
5 years. In addition there were one 3 month old kitten tive. Subsequently the petrous bones were removed
and two kittens 5 and 3 days of age used for morphol- from the skull and contrasted in 1% osmium tetroxide
ogy. (Serva, Germany) for 2 h. After that the petrous bones
were cut with a dental drill in order to remove as much
2.2. Assessment of deafness bone as possible and thus reduce the time needed for
decalci¢cation. For this step 0.2 M EDTA was used for
In general, hearing assessment was performed at an 2 days. After dehydration in a graded alcohol series and
age of 3^6 weeks by means of acoustically evoked brain passing through propylene oxide (Merck, Germany) as
stem responses (BAEPs). In two kittens, a longitudinal an intermedium the specimens were embedded in epon
study of BAEPs was performed within the period of (Serva, Germany). Serial midmodiolar sections, 7 Wm
postnatal days 10^31. These repeated tests were not thick, were cut on a microtome and mounted on ge-
possible in all animals because of the high risk of losing latinized slides with a mixture of H2 O and acetone
the litter. (10:1) on a hotplate. The sections were additionally
For the test, the kittens were lightly anesthetized stained with 0.25% toluidine blue. Finally the sec-
with Rompun (Bayer, Germany; 0.6 mg/kg body tions were rinsed and coverslipped in Depex (Serva,
weight) and Ketavet (Parke-Davis, Germany; 15 mg/ Germany).
kg body weight). Each ear was tested separately. Acous-
tic stimuli were clicks (50 Ws) at levels up to 120 dB SPL 2.4. Evaluation of the morphology
peak equivalent, presented through an earphone (in-
versely driven BpK 1Q condenser microphone). The The slides were evaluated under a light microscope
sound pressure in the ear canal was monitored by a (Olympus BH-2). The following parameters were of
1/4Q Sennheiser electret microphone. BAEPs were re- particular interest:
corded with subcutaneous silver electrodes (vertex-ear- b position and course of Reissner's membrane, de-
lobe). The potentials were ampli¢ed (U500 000) and gree of tension
bandpass-¢ltered in the frequency range of 10 Hz to b position and structure of the tectorial membrane
10 kHz. 100 responses at a rate of 13/s were averaged b presence and morphology of hair cells and sup-
on-line using an Apple MacIntosh II computer and a porting cells
National Instruments AD converter. Only DWCs with b di¡erentiation between sensory cells and support-
negative results in all of these tests (i.e. completely deaf ing cells
animals) were used for histological examinations. b thickness of stria vascularis
If some hearing function was found in the ¢rst test, b number of spiral ganglion cells in about 40 mid-
further BAEP tests were undertaken after 6 weeks in modiolar sections
order to follow up the progressive loss of hearing. b presence of nerve ¢bers in the spiral lamina
Most of the animals were used for other electrophys- Each half turn (see below) was evaluated separately.
iological experiments before histological examination. The di¡erent half turns were delineated as follows.
In these animals, the deafness was con¢rmed by an The cochlea including the hook portion was subdivided
attempt to elicit click-evoked CAPs from a round win- into six half turns. The area of the ganglion of the ¢rst
dow electrode (Ag/AgCl). Single ¢ber recordings from half turn corresponds to ¢bers originating from the
the auditory nerve were also attempted. hook portion. In the subsequent half turns, the gan-
glion areas could be clearly separated. The sections of
2.3. Histology the ganglion of the 5th and 6th half turns merge and
were therefore evaluated jointly. As the angle of section
Immediately after an overdose of pentobarbital can vary slightly in spite of all precautions in the adjust-
(Nembutal, Sano¢, Germany) the animals were trans- ment of the axis of the modiolus, the ganglion may
cardially perfused. In order to prevent blood clotting, appear larger with oblique angles of section. To avoid

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104 S. Heid et al. / Hearing Research 115 (1998) 101^112

uncertainties caused by such a variation only the cells

within a square 150U150 Wm2 positioned above the
center of the ganglion were counted, rather than the
complete ganglion area. For evaluation the section
was focused through. To avoid double counts, ganglion
cells were only accepted if the nucleus and the nucleolus
were visible. The number of nerve ¢bers within the spi-
ral lamina could not be counted as no transverse sec-
tions were available.
Fig. 1. Click-evoked CAPs recorded from the round window of a
normal cat compared with a trace gained with the identical tech-
nique in a deaf white cat. No response in the latter case even with
3. Results
20 dB higher sound pressure. At 120 dB SPL (deaf cat) the electri-
cal crosstalk produces an artefact in the recording at the time of the
3.1. Assessment of hearing click (0 ms).

In normal animals, the threshold of the BAEP to the

click stimuli used was less than 54 dB SPL peak equiv-
alent. In contrast, no responses could be detected in
deaf individuals of our white cats up to a sound pres- recordings in all animals that were later used in an
sure of 120 dB SPL peak equivalent. These animals acute experiment. In all these cases, no CAPs could
were de¢ned as `deaf'. In white animals with residual be recorded at even 120 dB SPL peak equivalent. In
hearing, di¡erent threshold values were determined single ¢ber recordings from the auditory nerve no
which ranged from near normal hearing in a few ani- sound evoked or spontaneous single ¢ber activities
mals to severe hearing loss (see Table 1). were found. It was thus concluded that hearing assess-
These negative BAEP results were con¢rmed by CAP ment by BAEPs is satisfactory and that no false nega-
tive results were gained. Fig. 1 shows round window
recorded CAPs in a normal cat and an isoelectric re-
Table 1 cording track in a DWC. A clear CAP is seen at 100 dB
Comparison of hearing thresholds in white cats with residual hear- SPL p.e. in the normal cat. The recording in the DWC
ing using click stimuli is isoelectric with a small initial stimulus artefact due to
Cat ID Threshold left ear Threshold right ear the high sound pressure used.
(dB SPL p.e.) (dB SPL p.e.) In two kittens, BAEP recordings were made at post-
200 80 80 natal days 10, 14, 17, 24 and 31. In one of these kittens
300 98 75 no BAEPs could be recorded even at 120 dB SPL. In
400 82 82 the other kitten a BAEP could be evoked with 114 and
9106 65 70
119 dB SPL p.e. at postnatal day 24. Even this high
9107 90 50
9108 82 78 threshold BAEP could not be reproduced on the sub-
9214 70 70 sequent days (Fig. 2). Five other kittens, measured on
9216 71 80 postnatal days 23 and 24, were completely deaf, i.e.
9218 90 deaf there were no BAEPs up to 120 dB SPL p.e.
9224 115 90
9225 90 95
9230 85 110 3.2. Population statistics
9231 50 45
9333 70 80 The associations between deafness or hearing loss
9334 80 deaf and eye color or length of coat are summarized in Table
9446 92 60
2 (85 cats). As can be seen, 72% of the animals were
9448 42 deaf
9459 95 75 completely deaf at the ¢rst hearing test. Only one adult
9460 deaf 72 animal had normal hearing (cat 9231). This animal had
9567 108 100 a long coat and amber eyes. The remaining animals had
9570 deaf 86 di¡erent degrees of hearing loss and showed a tendency
9575 102 62
to further deterioration. However, none of the cats with
9585 deaf 100
9586 55 85 residual hearing became fully deaf (tested up to 1.5
years). As shown by Yates corrected M2 -test a signi¢cant
The numbers give the sound pressure level necessary to evoke a visible
brain stem potential after 100 summations. Animal no. 9231 is the one correlation between deafness and blue eyes exists
with normal hearing. Note that in normal hearing colored cats hear- (K = 5%). The length of coat does not correlate with
ing threshold are below 54 dB SPL peak equivalent. deafness.

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Fig. 2. BAEP recordings from two kittens, one normal hearing kitten at postnatal day 27 and one deaf white kitten at postnatal day 24.

3.3. Morphology basilar membrane and the region of the stria (see Fig.
5). Fragments of the tectorial membrane are retracted
3.3.1. Normal cats towards the spiral limbus. Hair cells cannot be di¡er-
The organ of Corti and spiral ganglion of a normal entiated. The cells on the basilar membrane are rela-
cat (basal turn) are shown in Fig. 3. The cochlea of a tively uniform in appearance. Cells which stain more
normal animal is characterized by a tense Reissner's intensely are possibly pillar cells. Although they are in
membrane with no wave-like structure. The tectorial the expected position, their shape is far from being
membrane covers the organ of Corti. Hair cells and normal. The stria is much thinner than in normal inner
supporting cells can be easily di¡erentiated. The various ears (16 Wm vs. 25 Wm). With the light microscopic
types of supporting cells can also be clearly di¡erenti- evaluation melanocytes cannot be identi¢ed. There is
ated. The pillar cells form the inner tunnel with its complete degeneration of the organ of Corti in six
typical triangular shape. The stria vascularis consists half turns.
of multiple layers of cells. In contrast, changes in the spiral ganglion are not
The spiral ganglion is densely packed with neurons equally distributed in the six half turns. In general,
in Rosenthal's canal and many nerve ¢bers can be fol- there is a reduction in the number of ganglion cells.
lowed into the spiral lamina. Quantitative results are 90% of the cells have survived in the basal turn com-
summarized as histograms in Fig. 4. Independent of pared to the normal cat. In the second half turn 55% of
the origin of the sections, 10^11 ganglion cells per the cells are preserved. However, only 27% are present
150U150 Wm2 frame are found in a normally hearing in the third half turn. In the fourth half turn 45% of the
cat. cells can be found. There is no di¡erence between
DWCs and normal animals in the apical half turns.
3.3.2. Two year old DWCs Thus the loss of ganglion cells is most severe in the
Six 2 year old DWCs su¡ering from profound deaf- middle of the cochlea (see Fig. 4). It should be men-
ness as veri¢ed by absence of BAEPs (and CAPs, if tioned that results from left and right hand cochleae in
applicable) were examined. As the largest number of individual animals were equal.
animals was available in this group, these animals are The number of preserved nerve ¢bers running in the
described ¢rst. Reissner's membrane is collapsed and spiral lamina is also reduced as compared to normal
the cochlear duct is absent in these cochleae. It appears animals. As mid-modiolar sections were made, no
that a cell layer which originally formed Reissner's transverse sections of nerve ¢bers were available for
membrane is still present and overlies the cells of the counting nerve ¢bers (see Section 2).

Table 2
Population statistics of the 85 white cats evaluated for this study
Color of eyes Coat length
long coat short coat total number
Deaf white cats (n=61)
2 blue eyes 33 ^ 33
2 amber eyes 15 1 16
1 blue+1 amber eye 12 ^ 12
total number 60 1 61
White cats with residual hearing (n=23)
2 blue eyes 3 ^ 3
2 amber eyes 14 2 16
1 blue+1 amber eye 4 ^ 4
total number 21 2 23
In addition to the hearing-impaired cats listed above, there was one cat with normal hearing, long coat and amber eyes.

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Fig. 3. Organ of Corti and spiral ganglion in the basal turn (osmium tetroxide and toluidine blue stained) in a 2 year old normal cat. Calibra-
tion bars 100 Wm and 50 Wm respectively.

3.3.3. DWC more than 5 years old absence of ganglion cells a lack of nerve ¢bers in the
Degeneration of the organ of Corti was more severe midportion of the cochlea was found: the spiral lamina
than in the 2 year old animals. Possible fragments of showed no structures. On the other hand, many nerve
Reissner's membrane were present. The remnants of ¢bers were found in the apex.
the tectorial membrane were similar to those in 2 year
old cats. The supporting cells appeared quite uniform, 3.3.4. DWC of 3 months
there were no longer more heavily stained cells. The At this age, the organ of Corti is already degenerated
stria was even thinner (12 Wm) than in the 2 year old over the entire length of the cochlea. The condition of
DWCs. Reissner's membrane, tectorial membrane, hair cells
In the spiral ganglion a more severe degeneration and supporting cells resembles those of the 2 year old
than in 2 year old DWCs was seen (see Figs. 4 and DWCs. It is already impossible to di¡erentiate di¡erent
6). Only 20% of the neurons were preserved in the basal types of supporting cells, with the possible exception of
turn. No ganglion cells remained in the second and questionable pillar cells. In contrast, the thickness of
third half turns. One surviving cell was found in the the stria vascularis corresponds to normal cats (23 Wm).
fourth half turn. However, in the ¢fth and sixth half Also, the spiral ganglion is fully preserved in all
turns most of the ganglion cells survived as was also turns (Figs. 4 and 6). The nerve ¢bers also appear to
found in the 2 year old animals. Corresponding to the be fully preserved.

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was tensely stretched in all turns. There was no wave-

like structure. As expected, the spiral ganglion was
densely packed with neurons. Nerve ¢bers appeared
thicker than in older animals.

4. Discussion

Whether DWCs experience behaviorally relevant

auditory sensations in the early fourth week of life is
the most important point to be discussed here. Remem-
ber, there was one kitten (out of seven), in which in-
dications of BAEPs were found at 114 dB SPL p.e. and
above. Nevertheless, this cat was classi¢ed as deaf in
the subsequent tests. All other kittens monitored at
this time, and classi¢ed as deaf later on, showed no
BAEPs. A few days of hearing experience cannot be
completely ruled out in the deaf kittens, however, as
tests would need to be done every day in the period
around postnatal day 21. This would cause unaccept-
able stress to the animals. However, only one of the
seven kittens tested showed high threshold BAEPs.
Moreover, the sound levels necessary to evoke this re-
sponse are not normally reached in our animal house.
Mean ambient noise levels there were measured in the
range of 60 dB Leq . Only occasional peaks in sound
pressure would be suprathreshold, if at all, and it is
very likely that these would not form biologically mean-
ingful stimuli. Similarly children with severe hearing
loss, e.g. 90 dB and above, seem not to make use of
occasionally occurring high level acoustic stimuli. How-
ever, if these children are equipped with high power
hearing aids in time, they perform quite well (Diller,
Fig. 4. Ganglion cell counts in standardized sections of the spiral
ganglion in normal and deaf cats. Bars represent standard devia-
We thus conclude that the DWC is an adequate
tion. model for congenital deafness and that the auditory
system has not received substantial peripheral input
which could trigger input-dependent maturation proc-
3.3.5. Kittens 3 and 5 days of age esses.
These kittens were not mature enough to be tested
for hearing thresholds as there is no hearing in normal 4.1. Population statistics
cats of this age either. According to our population
statistics, there is a more than 90% probability of severe A higher percentage of deaf individuals (72%) was
hearing loss or deafness in these kittens. found in our strain of DWCs than that given in the
In the above kittens, the organ of Corti was present. literature. Bosher and Hallpike (1965) found 68%,
It was compared to normal cats of this age by reference Mair (1973) 52%. Both data are based on morpholog-
to Bosher and Hallpike (1965). The organ of Corti was ical analyses rather than on hearing tests.
not fully mature in our kittens. For example the inner Our results con¢rm observations by Bree (1828) and
tunnel was not open yet in the fourth, ¢fth and sixth later investigators that the probability of hearing de¢-
half turns. The hair cells were present and had taken a cits is higher in individuals with two blue eyes (Bergsma
mature shape. However, the nuclei lay in the center of and Brown, 1971 ; Mair, 1973). Mair (1973) further
the cells and had not yet migrated to the basal part. The described cases where unilateral deafness was correlated
spiral vessel, a blood capillary just below the basilar with a blue eye on the hearing-impaired side, the second
membrane, was quite large in diameter in these animals. eye being of amber color. Four cats with two di¡erent
The stria cells in the deeper layers had a reticular eye colors were found in our sample. In two of them on
shape indicating their immaturity. Reissner's membrane the deaf side the eye was blue. The remaining animals

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Fig. 5. Organ of Corti and spiral ganglion in the basal turn (osmium tetroxide and toluidine blue stained) in a 2 year old deaf white cat. Cali-
bration bars 100 Wm and 50 Wm respectively.

had hearing losses in both ears, but were not pro- 1982 ; Delack, 1984). However, no one has tested this
foundly deaf (animals 9585, 9586). hypothesis before. Using Southern blotting in our cats,
As compared to Mair (1973) in our stock more ani- no major rearrangement of the Pax3 gene could be
mals had long coats (96% vs. 36%). detected (Balling, personal communication). However,
this ¢nding does not rule out point mutations. The
4.2. Comparison of morphological data on DWCs variability of data in the literature, however, suggests
that there my be di¡erent types of DWCs. The fact that
A number of papers have been published on the in our cats there was one animal with normal hearing,
morphology and time course of degeneration of the of which the father was deaf and the mother severely
organ of Corti and the spiral ganglion in DWCs. The hard of hearing, indicates that modifying genes seem to
¢ndings of these papers di¡er and it seems questionable be involved.
whether the genes involved in deafness of these animals The DWCs of our stock are born with an organ of
were identical. Corti that appears morphologically intact with an age-
Many investigators see the DWC as a homologue of appropriate development. Nevertheless, hearing func-
the human Waardenburg syndrome (Bergsma and tion does not develop normally. At 3 months of age
Brown, 1971; Mair, 1973; West and Harrison, 1973; degeneration of Corti's organ is complete in all cochlear
Rebillard et al., 1976, 1981a,b; Schwartz and Higa, turns. The degeneration of the spiral ganglion is much

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Fig. 6. Comparison of the spiral ganglion in the basal turn (osmium tetroxide and toluidine blue stained) in deaf white cats. Top: 3 month old
deaf white cat. Bottom: 5 year old deaf white cat. Calibration bars 50 Wm.

slower. No ganglion cell losses are seen at 3 months. In contrast, our data di¡er from those of Mair
Later degeneration starts in half turn III, which corre- (1973). In his cases, degeneration started in the upper
sponds to the upper part of the basal turn, and pro- part of the basal turn. However, degeneration took up
ceeds towards both base and apex. Finally, the ganglion to 2 years and the outer hair cells disappeared ¢rst.
cells completely disappear in the midportion of the Even near the end of the second year (22 months) inner
cochlea, but ganglion cells are found in the hook por- hair cells were present in the basal and apical parts.
tion and particularly in the apex even in old animals. Degeneration was by no means complete by day 21 as
This pattern approaches the description of Bosher described by Bosher and Hallpike (1965). Mair (1973)
and Hallpike (1965). These authors report that signs also examined the spiral ganglion. In Mair's data, no
of degeneration are never observed before the ¢fth alterations could be seen in the spiral ganglion before
day and that the degeneration of the organ of Corti is the age of 10 months. At 19 months, a clear reduction
¢nished by day 21. in the number of ganglion cells was reported. The loss
Similarly, our data correspond to those of West and was also most severe in the cochlear midportion. In our
Harrison (1973) who described the spiral ganglion to be animals the degeneration of the organ of Corti is much
largely normal in the apical region, whereas substantial faster.
cell losses were reported from the middle and basal In a recent communication Saada et al. (1995) re-
portions. ported about a white cat with residual hearing in which

HEARES 2937 9-1-98

110 S. Heid et al. / Hearing Research 115 (1998) 101^112

a portion of the basal inner hair cells and ganglion cells formation was also reported in DWCs by Elverland
had survived. In this cat no ganglion cells were found and Mair (1980).
in the apical region. In these authors' completely deaf In a later study, Leake et al. (1992b) described kit-
white cats the organ of Corti and spiral ganglion tens neonatally deafened with neomycin. There was an
cells were absent in all turns. In our preparations an initial loss of organ of Corti and spiral ganglion cells in
apical cochlea devoid of ganglion cells has not been the cochlear midportion, similar to that found in our
observed. DWCs.
A variable pattern of degeneration was reported by A similar course of events was reported by Xu et al.
Pujol et al. (1977), Rebillard et al. ( 1976, 1981a,b). In (1993). These authors deafened adult cats with a com-
particular, Rebillard et al. (1981b) reported a cat where bination of kanamycin and etacrynic acid. In nine out
the spiral ganglion was absent in spite of a largely nor- of 14 cochleae a complete loss of hair cells in all turns
mal organ of Corti. This combination of results was was found. In the remaining specimens, surviving hair
never seen in our animals. Surprisingly, Rebillard et cells and supporting cells were found in the apex. The
al. (1981a) described a cat with residual hearing where ganglion cells degenerate subsequent to the organ of
the organ of Corti was no longer recognizable. Corti, taking years to fully disappear.
A degeneration proceeding from base to apex was The results of electrical cochlear stimulation in ex-
found by Schwartz and Higa (1982). In their specimens, perimentally deafened cats are contradictory. Leake et
the loss of ganglion cells could only be seen after 10 al. ( 1992a, 1995) reported that unilateral electrical
months and was most severe in the basal area. Again, stimulation through a cochlear implant leads to a better
this is at variance with our ¢ndings. The time course survival of ganglion cells compared to the unstimulated
and pattern of degeneration was uniform in all our control. Extracochlear stimulation is reported to result
animals. in a 6% higher survival rate of ganglion cells and intra-
There are a number of deaf strains in mice where cochlear stimulation is reported to lead to a 13% in-
pigmentation anomalies are associated with inner ear crease. Shepherd et al. (1994), on the other hand, did
defects (partly both cochlear and vestibular). However, not ¢nd signi¢cant di¡erences between stimulated and
indications of vestibular disturbances have never been non-stimulated cochleae with respect to ganglion cell
observed in our stock. Thus one of the mutants w/wv survival. Experiments on cochlear implantation in our
(Schrott and Spoendlin, 1987), sl/sld (Schrott et al., DWCs are in progress. It is hypothesized that the DWC
1990) and mibw /mibw (Motohashi et al., 1994) may be is better suited to studies of early cochlear implantation
similar to our DWCs. because of the better survival of ganglion cells in these
4.3. Comparison with experimentally deafened normal
5. Conclusions
Some investigations use pharmacologically deafened
cats as a model for human deafness. There are similar- It appears that the DWC is an appropriate model for
ities and di¡erences in the degeneration of the cochlea the study of central nervous consequences of congenital
in DWCs and experimentally deafened normal cats. hearing disorders. A su¤cient number of animals is
Leake and Hradek (1988) described the time course of completely deaf from early infancy. If there is some
degeneration in the organ of Corti and spiral ganglion hearing in these animals at all, thresholds (near 120
after neomycin deafening in adult cats. This drug ¢rst dB SPL peak equivalent) are far above ambient sound
impairs the basal cochlea. With long survival times the levels and the episode of residual hearing is con¢ned to
midportion is also impaired. Apically, Corti's organ is a time span of a few days around postnatal day 24.
still present but shows structural alterations. The degen- Thus the animals do not receive su¤cient external stim-
eration of the spiral ganglion is similar. There is a clear uli to develop useful hearing capabilities.
correlation between survival time and preservation of A su¤cient number of a¡erent ¢bers are available in
the inner ear structures. After 3^4 years only 2^3% of DWCs and can be stimulated (Hartmann et al., 1997b;
the ganglion cells survive in all turns. Degeneration is Klinke et al., 1997) to study the e¡ects of early electri-
thus more severe in neomycin-deafened animals than in cal cochlear stimulation. Whether chronic electrical
our DWCs. More ganglion cells had survived even in stimulation reduces the proportion of degenerating af-
our oldest cat. ferents, as has been reported in experimentally deafened
In their electron microscopy studies Leake and Hra- animals by Leake et al. ( 1992a,b), remains to be seen.
dek (1988) showed that a demyelination of the a¡erent The larger number of surviving ganglion cells in DWCs
nerve ¢bers occurs. Myelinated type I neurons trans- compared to experimentally deafened animals supports
form into unmyelinated type III units which can still the use of DWCs as a scienti¢c model.
be di¡erentiated from type II neurons. Such a trans- An important caveat is that di¡erent genotypes and

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phenotypes of deafness in DWCs possibly exist. Careful Heid, S., Jaëhn-Siebert, T.K., Klinke, R., Hartmann, R., Langner, G.,
1996. Quantitative analysis of the projections from cochlear nu-
physiological monitoring of hearing is necessary before
cleus to inferior colliculus in congenitally deaf white cats by means
kittens are used for neurophysiological experiments. of retrograde transport of a £uorescent tracer. Proc. 24th
Goëttingen Neurobiol. Conf., Vol. II, p. 515.
Heid, S., Jaëhn-Siebert, T.K., Klinke, R., Hartmann, R., Langner, G.,
Acknowledgments 1997. A¡erent projection pattern in the auditory brainstem in
normal cats and congenitally deaf white cats. Hear. Res. 110,
This work was supported by the Deutsche For- Klinke, R., Hartmann, R., Heid, S., Kral, A., 1997. Wider eine Welt
schungsgemeinschaft (SFB 269). Ms. Natalie Krimmel ohne Worte. Forsch. Frankfurt 2, 16^27.
is thanked for careful technical assistance. Langman, A.W., Quigley, S.M., Soulieére, C.R., 1996. Cochlear im-
plants in children. Pediatr. Otolaryngol. 43 (6), 1217^1231.
Larsen, S.A., Kirchho¡, T.M., 1992. Anatomical evidence of synaptic
plasticity in the cochlear nuclei of white-deaf cats. Exp. Neurol.
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