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PAD104 Introduction to Malaysian Public Policy


Chai Shin Yi & Nur Afisha FSPPP UiTM Sarawak

Learning Outcomes:
At the end of the topic, students should be able to:
◦Define policy
◦Define public policy
◦Define and differentiate programmes and activities
◦Define public advocacy and policy makers

Chai Shin Yi & Nur Afisha FSPPP UiTM Sarawak

Content Outline:

Policy Public Policy Programmes

Public Policy
Advocacy makers

Chai Shin Yi & Nur Afisha FSPPP UiTM Sarawak

◦ This chapter provides a general guide to the
breadth of what we call ‘policy’.
◦ In public administration, public policy plays an
influential role in determining government actions.
◦ Policy is often associated simply with legislation
and regulation, but in reality it encompasses a
wide variety of activities.

Chai Shin Yi & Nur Afisha FSPPP UiTM Sarawak

Definition of Policy

A policy often comes in the Simply put, policy refers to

form of general statements a distinct path of action
about priorities, written which is suitable for the
regulations or guidelines, achievement of desired
procedures and/or goals, thereby directing the
decision making of an
standards to be achieved. organization or individual.

Chai Shin Yi & Nur Afisha FSPPP UiTM Sarawak

Laws VS Policy
◦ Laws and policies are interrelated, but are definitely
two distinctive words. It is important to understand the
difference between a policy and a law.
◦ A policy outlines what a government is going to do or
not, in order to achieve certain objectives for society.
◦ Laws are rules and regulations, created and enforced
by the government. It is passed by the legislature for
◦ Policy paves way for law. Law is the culmination of
◦ Policy does not have punishment for violations. Law is
enforceable with punishment for violations.

Chai Shin Yi & Nur Afisha FSPPP UiTM Sarawak

◦ A policy outlines what a government ministry
hopes to achieve and the methods and
principles it will use to achieve them. It states
the goals of the ministry. A policy document is
not a law but it will often identify new laws
needed to achieve its goals.
◦ Laws set out standards, procedures and
principles that must be followed. If a law is not
followed, those responsible for breaking them
can be prosecuted in court.
◦ So, policy sets out the goals and planned
activities of a ministry and department but it may
be necessary to pass a law to enable
government to put in place the necessary
institutional and legal frameworks to achieve
their aims. Laws must be guided by current
government policy.
◦ Simply put, policy is the beginning of the journey
that ends at law. Law is the end point.
Chai Shin Yi & Nur Afisha FSPPP UiTM Sarawak
Definition of Public Policy
◦ Public policy is generally known as what the government chooses
to do, or not to do (Dye 1972). It is a decision made by
government to either act, or not act in order to resolve a problem.
◦ Public policy is a course of action that guides a range of related
actions in a given issue or problem. It does not just take on a
problem, but rather deals with a group of entangled and usually,
long-term problems. For example, poverty.
◦ Public policy can be defined as the “organizing framework of
purposes and rationales for government programmes that deal
with specified societal problems” (Gordon & Milakovich 1995).
◦ “Policy-making is the fundamental activity of governments. It is
through the public policy-making process that governments
establish the framework within which all citizens (human and
corporate) must function; and it is the process via which
governments decide both which societal goals to pursue and how
to (best) pursue them.” (Young 2013).

Chai Shin Yi & Nur Afisha FSPPP UiTM Sarawak

Programmes are considered a
plan of action to accomplish a
specified end. It includes a plan or
schedule of activities, procedures,
etc., to be followed.
VS Activities
Activities are specific deeds,
actions, functions or sphere of

Chai Shin Yi & Nur Afisha FSPPP UiTM Sarawak

Programmes VS Activites
Implementer/Agency Programmes Activities

Ministry of Tourism and Culture Malaysian Homestay Cultural (traditional dances &
Malaysia Programme songs), economic activities
(rubber tapping), & recreation
(jungle trekking)
Malaysian Government Government Transformation BR1M, BB1M etc
Programme (NKRAs)
Ministry of Education Integrated cumulative grade English Placement Test,
point average (iCGPA) – English Exit Test
English proficiency MUET
Ministry of Health Oral Health Programme School Dental Service

Chai Shin Yi & Nur Afisha FSPPP UiTM Sarawak

Definition of Public Advocacy
◦ Advocacy means to actively support, influence or
recommend something.
◦ Public advocacy can be defined as an active, covert or
inadvertent support of a particular policy or groups of
policies by members of the public. The public may include
nonprofit organizations, interest groups and even
◦ Public advocacy has played a major role in influencing
governmental decisions and legislation. For example, it
was the force behind tough penalties for batterers and
drunk drivers in the US.

Chai Shin Yi & Nur Afisha FSPPP UiTM Sarawak

◦ Another example of public
advocacy; Society for the
Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
(SPCA) had pushed the
Malaysian government for stricter
laws on animal abuse. The
Animal Welfare Act 2015 was
passed in Parliament and came
into force on 1 July 2017. The Act
tightens regulations on activities
involving animals such as a new
licensing system, holding pet-
owners more accountable, and
more importantly harsher
punishments for animal cruelty.
Chai Shin Yi & Nur Afisha FSPPP UiTM Sarawak

Chai Shin Yi & Nur Afisha FSPPP UiTM Sarawak

Policy makers
Policy comes from those who have authority to impose normative guidelines for action. It
is usually made by elected officials acting in concert with advisors from the higher levels
of the administration.

In Malaysia, government ministers are appointed from members of Parliament (either

Dewan Rakyat or Dewan Negara) who then have the right to articulate policy.

Actors who are involved in policy making include:

Politicians Civil Servants Public

Chai Shin Yi & Nur Afisha FSPPP UiTM Sarawak
Policy - is a deliberate plan of action to guide decisions
and achieve rational outcome(s). Policies can be
The understood as political, management, financial, and
administrative mechanisms arranged to reach explicit
Relationship goals. Policy merely guides actions toward those that

are most likely to achieve a desired outcome.

Public Policy Administration – is described as the implementation of

government policy carried out by public servants.
and Public Policy and administration are two interconnected
Administration activities that is relevant to public administration and
the government administrative process. Public
administration works on various policies that are
decided by the government to achieve desired goals.

Chai Shin Yi & Nur Afisha FSPPP UiTM Sarawak

The Importance of Public Policy
1. To respond to issues concerning public (e.g. unregistered nursery, child
abuse and bully at school).
2. Act as a tool to inform the public regarding national concern and desired
goals (e.g. privatisation policy and national education policy).
3. To enable public to measure the achievements made by the
4. To enhance people’s welfare (e.g. Program Perumahan Rakyat (PPR), Klinik
Komuniti and Bantuan Sara Hidup)

Chai Shin Yi & Nur Afisha FSPPP UiTM Sarawak

Various Models of Public Policy
◦ Elite Model Hierarchy of power Hierarchy of society
◦ Policy decision in this model is
said to be monopolized by
those on top in the system of
◦ The public under this model is
assume to be passive/
◦ All decisions are made by the
government without direct
participation from the public.

Chai Shin Yi & Nur Afisha FSPPP UiTM Sarawak

Various Models of Public Policy

◦ Incremental model
◦ This model explains that policy
making is a continuous process
which sees the policy be
improved/enhanced over time.
◦ Improvement made to the
existing policy is essential to
build a strong foundation for the
◦ Furthermore, by improving the
existing policy, it can save cost,
time and labor which could be
already lacking.
Policy improve across time

Chai Shin Yi & Nur Afisha FSPPP UiTM Sarawak

Various Models of Public Policy
◦ Group Model
◦ In this model, various groups demand or
pressure will become the main factor for
determining a policy.
◦ Different groups with different demands/
agendas are allowed to forward their
demands/agendas to the authority.
◦ Policy decision under this model
depends greatly on the group strength.

Chai Shin Yi & Nur Afisha FSPPP UiTM Sarawak

Various Models of Public Policy
◦ Systems Model
◦ Under this model, policy making is
considered as a political process as the
input from the public (demands and
support) will be debated before a
decision (policy) is made.
◦ Once decision is made, the policy is
evaluate based on the feedback gain
from the environment (refers to the
stakeholders that are affected by the

Chai Shin Yi & Nur Afisha FSPPP UiTM Sarawak

In Malaysia, various policies have
been established by the government
to either fulfil public demands, to set
desired goals for the nation or to
improve the effectiveness and
efficiency of public service.

Conclusion Public participation and policy

evaluation remain the root for a
successful policy.

Chai Shin Yi & Nur Afisha FSPPP UiTM Sarawak

Suggested Tutorial Questions
Question 1:
Define Policy from Public Policy (10 marks)

Question 2:
Differentiate programmes from activities in public policy (10 marks)

Question 3:
Differentiate policy advocacy from policy makers (10 marks)

Chai Shin Yi & Nur Afisha FSPPP UiTM Sarawak

Suggested Tutorial Activities

Discuss Why Public

Policy is Important to
the Citizens
Chai Shin Yi & Nur Afisha FSPPP UiTM Sarawak
◦ Dye, Thomas R. (1972). Understanding Public Policy. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall
◦ Gordon, G.J. & Milakovich, M.E. 1995, Public Administration in America 5th Edition, St Martin’s
Press, New York.
◦ Young, Shaun P. ed. (2013). Evidence-Based Policy-Making in Canada. Don Mills, ON: Oxford
University Press

Chai Shin Yi & Nur Afisha FSPPP UiTM Sarawak

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