The Impact of Durkheim and Freire Perspectives On The Current Educational System

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The impact of Durkheim and Freire perspectives on the current

educational system

The current education system is the result of years of research by different thinkers from
my perspective Emile Durkheim and Pablo Freire helps education to grow. The system
of education consists of prepare people in what they are good according to their abilities
and society´s needs.

Nowadays the perspective of Emile Durkeim is present in the current system seeing
education as a social and cultural process to transmit knowledge, according to
(Durkheim, 1972) “La educación es la acción ejercida por las generaciones adultas
sobre aquellas que no han alcanzado todavía el grado de madurez necesario para la vida
social”. The school to promote socialization, establishes a behavior for everyone, but to
act, this person needs a boost. In many cases, as Durkheim said, the impulse is found in
the collective feeling or spirit. Then the other is indispensable. another may be the
system of symbols, the monetary system, technology and the educational system used to
express themselves. In this system a culture and a way of life have been legalized, and
for reasons of survival, it is necessary to establish a work division.

One feature of Pablo Freire´s perspective continues in the current educational system, I
am referring to the Banking model of education which means that instead of
communicating, the educator makes statements and deposits that the learners patiently
receive, they memorize and repeat. In this model, learners are like an empty container to
be filled by educators. In this model of education, we can see that the only role that
students have is to receive the deposits of knowledge, save them and file them. This bad
practice of education can be seen these days in some schools. The Freire pedagogical
practice transform the role of teachers as facilitators (Blackburn, 2002)

As a conclusion, the current system of education has characteristics of the perspectives

of Durkheim and Freire, two of them are the moral education that Durkheim mentions
as an education that can transform society based on a thought of rationality and moral
education to give way to homogeneity. On the other hand, Freire's perspective on
banking education takes place in many schools today since the transmission of
knowledge limits the educator to see the learner as an empty container of knowledge.
Blackburn, J. (2002, January). Oxford Academic. Retrieved from

Durkheim, E. (1972). Educacion y sociologia.

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