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College of Arts and Sciences



An Undergraduate Thesis Proposal Presented to the Faculty of the

College of Arts and Sciences
Rizal Technological University, Mandaluyong City

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of

Bachelor of Science in Psychology




November 2022
College of Arts and Sciences ii


This Study entitled “Babae Ako, Hindi Babae lang: A Qualitative Study of
Women's Experiences Working at Male-dominated Jobs.”, prepared and
submitted by Lemmy M. Delos Reyes, Elijah Ryan A. Espejo, Anne Jewel B.
Rivera, and Angel M. Villabrelle in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the
degree Bachelor of Science in Psychology, has been examined and is hereby
recommended for Oral Examination.


Date Adviser


Approved in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree Bachelor of

Science in Psychology with a grade of


Member Member

Accepted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree Bachelor of

Science in Psychology.


Date Dean, CAS
College of Arts and Sciences

In this modern society, women are still constantly trying to prove that their

abilities are not limited to the confinements of their home. This study aims to

investigate the lived experiences of the women working in the male-dominated

industry of driving. Furthermore, aims identify the issues and challenges

surrounding these women face, and their thriving experiences at work.

An in-depth semi-structured interview was conducted with five female drivers

from different companies and those who are not affiliated with any using video–

conferencing applications. The participants were selected using a purposive

sampling technique. Responses were transcribed and analyzed using Thematic

Content Analysis. The results extracted five emergent themes based from the

research problems; “Remarkable events of lady drivers on the road”, “Gender-based

Discrimination”, “Personal Motivation of Lady Drivers”, “Optimistic Attitude of Lady

Drivers Towards Work”, and lastly, “Financial Freedom”.

Findings show that the lady drivers have been a victim of discrimination and

road harassment, often as a result of the stereotypical views surrounding women

drivers. However, this also provides insight into how these women thrive in work and

have felt empowerment despite their adversities. They thrive by embracing their

passion for driving, by having positive attitudes along the road, as well as the

satisfaction they get from a work that is able to sustain their needs. As the driving

profession becomes more prevalent in society, it should provide a safer environment

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for women. Further research on women empowerment with younger participants

under the same conditions will produce more useful results for the driving community

as well help address the misconceptions surrounding these women drivers.

Keywords: women drivers, male-dominated job, thriving strategies

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The completion of this study will not be possible without the help of the

institution and the cooperation of the people who assisted the researchers

throughout to accomplish this paper. Their effort is greatly appreciated and

recognized. The researchers especially want to acknowledge extend their sincere

gratitude to the following individuals:

The Co-researchers, for giving their best effort in writing this paper despite

the many struggles they experienced;

To the Participants, for taking part in this study and sincerely sharing their


The Validators, for providing their assistance to validate the interview guide

used in this study;

and Prof. Lizelle Manabat, the thesis adviser, for her guidance, expertise,

comments, suggestions, and support during the development of this study.

- L.M.D.R., E.R.A.E., A.J.B.R., A.M.V

College of Arts and Sciences

TITLE PAGE ............................................................................................................ i

APPROVAL SHEET ............................................................................................... ii
ABSTRACT ........................................................................................................... iii
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ........................................................................................ iv
TABLE OF CONTENTS.......................................................................................... v
Table 1: Socio- Demographic Profile of the Participants ....................................... 77
Table 2: Cluster Themes and Emergent Themes for the Lived Experiences of Lady
Drivers ................................................................................................................... 39
Table 3: Cluster Themes and Emergent Themes for the Issues and Challenges
Encountered by Lady Drivers ................................................................................ 45
Table 4: Cluster Themes and Emergent Themes for the Thriving Experiences of
Lady Drivers in their Male-dominated Job ............................................................. 53
Figure 1: Conceptual Framework ............................................................................ 6
Figure 2: Process of Data Collection ..................................................................... 37
Figure 3: Thematic Map of Emerged Themes and Its Sub-themes ....................... 38


I. THE PROBLEM AND ITS CONTENT .................................................... 1

Introduction ................................................................................................... 1
Research Questions ..................................................................................... 4
Theoretical Framework ................................................................................. 4
Conceptual Framework ................................................................................ 6
Scope and Delimitations of the Study ........................................................... 7
Significance of the Study .............................................................................. 8
Definition of Terms ....................................................................................... 9
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II. REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURES .............................................. 14

Women Empowerment ............................................................................... 14
Issues and Struggles in the Workplace ...................................................... 14
Effects of Workplace Struggles to Women……………………………………21
Improving Women’s Experience ................................................................. 23
Recognition of Women in Male-dominated Jobs ........................................ 26

III. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY............................................................. 29

Research Method ....................................................................................... 29
Sampling .................................................................................................... 30
Participants................................................................................................. 30
Ethical Considerations ................................................................................ 31
Research Setting ........................................................................................ 32
Research Instrument .................................................................................. 32
Data Gathering Procedures ........................................................................ 33

IV. PRESENTATION, ANALYSIS, AND DISCUSSION ............................... 36

V. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION ............................................. 58
Conclusion.................................................................................................. 58
Recommendation ....................................................................................... 59

VI. BIBLIOGRAPHY ................................................................................... 61

VII. APPENDICES ....................................................................................... 73

Demographic Profiling of the Respondents ................................................ 73
Table of Themes......................................................................................... 73
Interview Transcripts .................................................................................. 87
Certificate of Validation for Themes.......................................................... 114
Reflections................................................................................................ 115
Audio/Video Link....................................................................................... 120
Photos of Actual Fieldwork ....................................................................... 120
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Signed Informed Consent ......................................................................... 121
Member-checking ..................................................................................... 126
Certificate of Validations ........................................................................... 127
Informed Consent ..................................................................................... 130

Interview Guide......................................................................................... 131

Curriculum Vitae ....................................................................................... 133
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This chapter presents the following parts: the introduction, research

objectives, theoretical framework, conceptual framework, scope and delimitations

of the study, significance of the study, and the definition of terms used.


Gone are the days when women were expected to just stay at home and do

household chores, serve their husbands, care for the children, and limit themselves

to be the best possible housewives. Indeed, after centuries of fighting, a revolution

has been made and women are now able to turn their dreams into reality.

Opportunities arise, achievements are made, and progress is felt. But is today’s

society really giving enough recognition to women, or is society just simply tolerating

these so-called “revolutions”?

Historically speaking, it is no secret that society have always treated women

with unfair and discriminatory opportunities for employment. In the 1970s, a huge

proportion of married women entered the workforce, and the rigid segregation of

women into particular industries began to subside as new avenues for female

employees in typically masculine occupations appeared, and still the wages of the

women workers in such occupations were way lower than the men workers. Since

December 2016, the three fastest-growing industries have been mining,

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construction, and transportation and utilities, all of which are dominated by men.

During the same time span, however, women's employment has grown. It turns out

that women are entering these and a few other male-dominated industries. Women's

employment increased by 5.0 percent in these industries, compared to 3.0 percent

for males. In construction, mining, transportation, and utilities, women's employment

increased by more than 10%. And between 2016 to 2018, an increase of 5.0% of

women’s employment have been seen in industries consisting of two-thirds men.

(Catalyst, 2021)

Now that our world is already evolving, and changes regarding gender-roles

have emerged, women have become more capable of engaging themselves in

male-dominated industries. But despite their courage and all the hard work in their

chosen career, women are still exposed to different struggles while working in what

people call "manly jobs." It has become even more difficult for women to succeed in

male-dominated industries and professions because of the negative stereotypes

and unfavorable work conditions propagated in the field (Catalyst, 2020).

Various studies have shown the abuses, such as physical, verbal, and sexual

abuse, disrespect, and discrimination, experienced by women on a daily basis.

These different mistreatments can happen not just on their typical day as a woman,

but can also take place in their profession and career. People set constraints on

their skills and abilities to perform a job, especially if it requires a lot of physical work.

A recent study shows that women are frequently confronted with gender-related
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barriers and limitations, which affect their work experiences and outcomes (Bishu &

Headley, 2020).

With the growing population of women majoring in professions considered to

be male-dominated fields, such as engineering, computer programming,

construction, drivers, and electricians, some have tried to survive in their career path

but only ended up leaving the profession because of the terrible experiences they

had. Those who have achieved success, on the other hand, demonstrate that

women can also dominate their chosen field of profession.

The fundamental motivation underlying this proposal is that women who work

in male-dominated jobs still face discriminatory and biased challenges that

negatively impact their well-being. In the 21st century, the researchers have

observed substantial work opportunities for women compared to the previous years.

Nevertheless, gender inequality persists, particularly in industries associated with

male stereotypes. There are gaps in women employment that are to be addressed

in this proposal, such as inequity of wage gap between women in industries which

are male-dominated. Moreover, researchers observed that other people still have

misconceptions about the role that women have in their chosen career paths.

Their lived experiences serve as a challenge to the existing gender-roles in

employment, and as a motivation for other women who would want to pursue a

career in a male-dominated field. Hence, analysis of the current situation these

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women are undergoing is crucial to devise a much better system that will improve

their lives and will recognize women in all professions.

Research Questions

This study analyzed the lived experiences of women who currently work in

male-dominated jobs. This specifically answers the following questions:

1. What are the lived experiences of women working at male-dominated jobs?

2. What issues and challenges have they encountered in working at male-

dominated jobs?

3. How do these women thrive in their male-dominated jobs?

Theoretical Framework

The theoretical underpinning of this study is Gender schema theory, a

cognitively based theory that explains gender development using an information

processing method. The cognitive representation known as a schema serves as the

foundation for this approach. A schema is a logical structure for organizing and

categorizing fresh information.

In 1981, psychologist Sandra Bem proposed the gender schema theory,

which said that adolescents learn about male and female roles through the culture

in which they live. From the earliest stages of social development, children change

their conduct to conform with the gender norms of their society, according to the

notion. (Bem,1994 cited by Cherry,2020) According to gender schema theory, males

and females must be divided into two different and independent groupings. This
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increases stereotyping, which can lead to generalizations about typical gender

behaviors. (Williams, 2022)

Gender schema theory claims that children become gender schematic (or

gender polarizing) without even recognizing it since American society is so gender

polarizing in its language and social structures. Gender schematic, in turn, aids in

the development of traditional sex types in children. That is, children evaluate

diverse ways of behaving in terms of societal norms of gender appropriateness and

reject any style of behaving that does not fit their sex. (Starr,2017)

The theory specifically is principally relevant to the current study since it

emphasizes the roots of why there are typically male-dominated jobs and female-

dominated jobs, in short there literally is a separation of jobs in terms of gender. This

theory also shows the societal views of why people are reacting when a person does

something that is, for all intents and purposes, not in line with his gender role; with

which the theory suggests that it is because humans categorize the gender roles of

male and female in a subtle way.

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Conceptual Framework

Figure 1 presents the conceptual framework of the study. It consists of the

research objectives and variables of the study. Research objectives is dependent

with the participant.

The first phase on the left side of the diagram is the independent variable,

which are the participants, “Female working on male dominated job”. The second

phase is the dependent variable which are the research objectives. The research

objectives are: Women’s experiences in terms of Social, Mental, Emotional and

Physical; the issues and challenges that women encountered; and the thriving

strategies they used in their male-dominated jobs. These strategies are the ones

that helped the women to survive their struggles and challenges while working at
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male dominated jobs. All boxes are needed for the researchers to be able to conduct

the study.

Scope and Delimitations of the Study

This study covers the experiences of women working at male-dominated

jobs. It aimed to determine their struggles, how it affects them and how they were

able to deal with such experiences, as well as raise awareness regarding the issues

that have arisen and offer recognition for their abilities and achievements. The data

was collected from five selected women between the ages of 30 to 50 who work as

Drivers in one of the following industries: Angkas, Grab, Joy Ride, and Toktok. In

addition to this, the participants are all mothers, with one being a single parent. To

explore the lived experiences of women working in male-dominated jobs, the

researchers used a qualitative study design and a Phenomenological approach.

Each of the participants was given the same set of interview questions to answer,

which were prepared by the researchers; their answers also served as the main

source of data. Data collection was stopped with the fifth participant once the themes

were saturated as all of the data needed to address the research objectives had

been collected. The interview was conducted in a comfortable area, and held during

the participant's preferred time and day.

This study did not cover other problems that are not considered part of the

working experience. Other workers who do not meet the criteria for participants are

not included in the scope of this study. The results of this study are applicable only
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to the participants of this study and are not used as a measure of the experiences

of women working at men’s jobs who do not belong to the population of this study.

Significance of the Study

This research contributed influential information on the existing gender-role

perceptions, and has been of great benefit in the following:

To companies/organizations: the findings of the study help them determine

issues regarding gender roles in employment that need to be addressed. The

situational information also benefits the organization's administration, as the study

serves as a challenge towards reformed management.

To feminists and female students: the study provided enlightenment to the

advocates, allowing them to call forth the particular issues that have arisen. It is also

of great benefit to the students by serving as a motivation and an encouragement

to continue striving for their individual aspirations.

To society: the study was beneficial to society as it prompted people’s

awareness about misconceptions regarding women and their roles in employment.

It also helped in reshaping society’s limited perspective among women.

To the participants: the study helps in acknowledging the struggles of women

in male-dominated jobs, it also gives recognition to the achievements they have

attained in their respective fields.

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To future researchers: the study is of help to those who would like to study

other related matters, by contributing in-depth information and analysis on women’s

experiences in male-dominated jobs.

Definition of Terms

This section provides additional clarification to facilitate the understanding of

the study, different terms are defined herein.


Conceptually, this refers to the action of riding a motorcycle or bike driven by

someone else (, n.d.).

In this study, this refers to the company that provides public transportation in

the form of a motorcycle vehicle, which gave the participants the opportunity to

showcase their driving skills and provide services for the passengers.


Conceptually, this is an arrangement made to have a room, event or service

reserved at a particular time in the future (Saloodo, n.d.).

In this study, this refers to the scheduled appointment of the participants to

pick up their passengers or delivery packages made by their customers.


The term camaraderie is conceptually defined as a spirit of friendly good-

fellowship (Merriam-Webster, n.d.).

In this study, this refers to the companionship and support demonstrated by

the participants and coworkers, who guided them in their work.

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This term is conceptually defined as an individual or business that purchases

another company's goods or services (Bloomenthal, 2019).

In this study, this refers to the person who makes discriminatory and sexist

remarks about or praises lady drivers aside from their co-workers.


Conceptually, this is defined as the practice of unfairly treating a person or

group differently from other people or groups of people (Merriam-Webster, 2019).

In this study, this refers to the unfair treatment and underestimation of abilities

that the participants of the study have experienced in their male-dominated jobs.


Conceptually, this is defined as tending too often to tell people what to do;

often trying to control the behavior of others (The Britannica Dictionary, n.d.).

In this study, this refers to the actions of customers or other drivers,

specifically men, who underestimate the skills and abilities of lady riders by asserting

dominance or by bragging about their ability to drive.


The term is conceptually defined as the set of societal expectations for how

a person should behave or conduct themselves based on their biological sex

(Gender Identity & Roles | Feminine Traits & Stereotypes, n.d.).

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In this study, gender-roles pertain to the behavior and conducts that are

expected from the participants by their organizations and colleagues in relation to

their gender and sex.


Conceptually, this term is defined as an action to take hold of something or

someone suddenly and roughly (Cambridge Dictionary, 2022).

In this study, Grab is another company that offers services such as package

delivery as well as vehicles for transportation, wherein the participants experienced

discriminatory behaviors from their customers or co-workers.


Conceptually, this referred to an alternate spelling of the Tagalog word hábal-

habal, which means a motorcycle taxi (, n.d.-b).

In this study, this refers to the female drivers who are not associated with any

company or organization.


The term is conceptually defined as someone who rides a horse, a bicycle,

or a motorcycle as a hobby or job (Collins, n.d.).

In this study, rider/driver pertains to the participants who have had

discriminatory experiences as women working in an industry mostly dominated by

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Male-dominated jobs

Male-dominated jobs is conceptually defined as an organization or area of

activity wherein men have the most power and influence (Collins, 2022).

In this study, male-dominated jobs pertain to areas and fields of work that are

mostly dominated by men, and were selected by the researchers for the study. In

particular, the researchers focused on Drivers in which women are assumed to be

experiencing the challenges of gender discrimination


This is conceptually defined as placed in a position of little or no importance,

influence, or power (Dictionary, n.d.-a).

In this study, this refers to the participants who are considered as part of the

marginalized sectors of their companies; and are not given enough recognition in

their chosen field of professions.


Conceptually, this is defined as having doubts about the honesty or abilities

of someone (Cambridge Dictionary, 2022b).

In this study, this refers to the behavior of customers who question the skills

and ability of women to drive a vehicle.

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Women Empowerment

Conceptually, women empowerment is defined as a process in which women

are able to gain influence and equal opportunities to pursue and engage in all parts

of society on the same basis as men (Finca, 2022).

In this study, women empowerment pertains to the recognition of skills,

achievements, and advancements of women working in male-dominated jobs as

experienced by the participants.


This is conceptually defined as a small amount of money that you give to

someone in addition to what you owe for a service (Macmillan English Dictionary,


In this study, this refers to the small amount of money given by the customers

to show appreciation for the hard work of the lady drivers.

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This chapter presents the related literature and studies of women working in

male-dominated jobs. The chapter includes an in-depth analysis of search done by

the researchers and synthesis to fully understand the study.

Women Empowerment

Women Empowerment and gender equality has been rather successful in the

past few years, evident progress can also be observed from various aspects. More

girls are given the opportunity of education, and fewer are forced into early marriage.

A lot of women have also served in positions of leadership, and laws are being

reformed to strengthen gender equality (United Nations, n.d.).

As advancements were made, more employment opportunities have also

arisen for women, allowing them to breakthrough even at male-dominated jobs. In

a survey conducted by the New York Times, data between 2016 to 2018 shows that

women’s employment increased by 5.0% in industries consisting of two-thirds men,

and faster employment growth for women were observed in these sectors. This

shows that women are now able to engage and enter such fields.

Issues and Struggles in the Workplace

But despite these said advancements, the pace has also been quite slow,

according to a report launched by the United Nations, Women’s job participation is

stagnating with only less than 50%, a proportion that has barely changed in the last
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25 years (Blazhevska, 2020). For instance, in 2019, managerial positions globally

are held only by 28% women, which is almost the same figures as that of in 1995.

In the Philippines, even with the consistent efforts to narrow the gender gap in the

labor force, the percentage of Filipina women employed is less than 46%. This is

significantly lower than the 76% of Filipino men who are able to work, according to

East Asia and Pacific (2019). There are several barriers that hinders women from

participating in the labor force as written by (Buchave & Belghith, 2022) which are

as follows: wage gaps, skills, norms and care responsibilities. The persisting

presence of wage gap between genders in the labor market is due women being

perceived as low skilled workers. In the Philippines, who mostly thrives in low skill

jobs gain less than 50% of daily wage as with men. This is due to the fact that even

if women work in private institutions or are self-employed, a significant proportion

(around 10%) are employed without pay in family-owned businesses and then as

domestic workers, occupations that tend to offer fewer opportunities for skill

development and career advancement.

The Philippines is one of the progressive countries which empower women

to take roles as executives in big companies. However, in the recent statistics

employed by Grant Thornton International Ltd., the proportion of female executives

in senior management positions in Philippine companies dropped to 37.5% in 2019

from 47% in 2018 (ASEAN Post, 2019). Moreover, 55% of female executives report

an inaccessibility to developmental work opportunities, while 51% report difficulty

finding time in addition to core job responsibilities. Even more so, 47% of women
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specify the struggles acquiring skills and attributes to be successful at their jobs

because of lack of access to networking opportunities and external responsibilities.

As a result, Filipino women continue to encounter a difficult journey to leadership

and high-level positions.

Not to mention, women’s remarkable breakthroughs came with upsetting

events; a survey conducted in 2017 shows that women in male-dominated industries

are more likely to say that it is harder for them to get ahead at work because of their

gender. It was also found that these women reported experiencing gender

discrimination and unfair treatment in personnel matters. (Parker, 2018). According

to The Catalyst (2020), about 28% of women working at male-dominated industries

have reported experiencing sexual harassment, compared to 20% of women in

female-dominated industries.

Moreover, there is a significant increase in the number of reports of gender

discrimination, even before the recent complaints about sexual harassment by men

in high-ranking positions. The majority of women who work in female-dominated

jobs state that they are more likely to be treated fairly in terms of recruitment, hiring,

promotion, and advancement. It was also found that compared to the 13% in female-

dominated fields, almost 25% of women in male-dominated industries struggle to

prove themselves all the time in order to be respected by their colleagues (Parker,

2018). For instance, in the Philippines, women are ascending to positions of power

in increasing numbers, but only after overcoming the persistent barriers of gender

inequality. Chaye Cabal-Revilla, the telecommunications company PLDT's Senior

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Vice President and Group Controller, emphasized that the women in the workplace

often had to put in more effort while advancing to higher positions. Despite working

in finance, Cabal-Revilla felt the need to challenge herself and push the limits of

traditionally male professions by "getting down underground cables, learning how to

troubleshoot and splice copper." Police Colonel Portia Manalad, the Director of

General Santos City and the first female police director in Cotabato City, agreed with

this statement that women are unable to advance to higher positions as easily as

men. Manalad claimed that being a woman is extremely challenging, especially in

the PNP, where a woman has only recently risen to top leadership (CNN Philippines,

2020). Aside from this, despite the country ranking as the 10th smallest gender gap

in Asia, gender discrimination and sexual harassment continue to be common in the

traditionally male-dominated industry. Gender is also seen as a barrier to women's

job success in STEM fields, rather than a benefit. Jacquiline Romero, a Filipina

quantum physicist, discussed the challenges of being a woman in science. Romero

revealed that there were times when she thought her opinion was valued less than

those of her male coworkers, particularly when she was first starting out. She also

mentioned that male colleagues might be rude, either purposefully or accidentally

(Cabico, 2018). Another alarming case is that 1 in 6 Filipino women are still asked

about their plans to have children during their job interviews, which implies that as

early as the recruitment process, women are already at a disadvantage compared

to their male counterparts—especially if they have plans of having a family. (Diesta,

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In the job of pilots and automotive in Australia, researchers found that women

in these occupations face a daily barrage of belittling jokes and demeaning

comments from colleagues, managers and customers, and such behaviors are

retribution for encroaching on traditionally male occupational domains. Although

women found these behaviors humiliating, intimidating, and offensive, they lacked

a comprehensive vocabulary to define or condemn them. (Foley, 2020). Along

with this, women working in finance, automotive, and marketing, have also shared

their own experiences with men underestimating their knowledge about the field,

assuming that they “don’t understand” their job, and that men are more

knowledgeable than these professional women. (Eltz, 2020).

Other concerns included structural issues and limited resources and policies

that promote the well-being of women, some of them only discovered upon

accepting the position that there are some policies in the organization that do not

support them, or even actively exclude them. Others also reported policies that

discriminate against pregnant women and maternity leave. Some men would even

display resentful or unsupportive behaviors. (Macleod, 2017).

Additionally, here in the Philippines, it has been established that gaps

between men and women still exist. Women are paid less than men in lower-level

occupations, such as clerks, service workers, and shop assistants, according to

Fangqing (2017), despite knowing that these sectors employ more women. This

salary disparity is more noticeable in male-dominated industries like trade and

machine operation, where male employees are paid more than women. In fact,
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according to the data collected from 6,971 skilled workers shows that on average,

men employees in the Philippines earn PHP 5,000 more than their female

colleagues for the same jobs. This is because, as compared to women in the same

position and at the same level, males get higher salaries as they obtain more work

experience. Given the Philippines' consistently high ranking in the World Economic

Forum's Global Gender Gap Report, the gender pay gap simply emphasizes how

much work has to be done to achieve workplace gender equality (Investing in

women, 2019).

Working in male-dominated industries has proven to be challenging for

female employees. Being a woman in a male-dominated industry will make them a

representation of the entire population of women. The smallest possible mistake or

error will be automatically attributed to all women, intensifying people's belief that

women are incapable or unsuitable for male-dominated jobs. (Rasker, 2021). In fact,

the same goes for the streets of Manila, where it has been a challenge in themselves

for public transport drivers, even more so for female drivers. One of the city's few

female electric jeepney drivers, Josefina Barandon, said the majority of people

prefer seeing more women on the roadways because they believe that women

drivers are trustworthy. However, despite the growing advances made for female

drivers, there are still issues that need to be addressed. According to statistics,

women in the Philippines have surpassed men in the fields of senior officials,

managers, and professional and technical workers, yet they still fall short in terms

of equal wages. In fields traditionally dominated by men, discrimination against

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women in hiring is still present. Even while jobs won't explicitly state that they're

looking for men, there will still be requirements or qualifications that make it

understandable that men must be recruited. In addition, macho driving attitudes by

men, such as bullying female drivers, unnecessarily overtaking their vehicles, and

believing that women are incapable of performing certain tasks, may discourage

other women from wanting to get behind the wheel (CNN Philippines, 2015).

In a news article from the Philippine Daily Inquirer, an extraordinary story of

an Angkas lady driver, Rizza Concha, was featured. According to her, she used to

be a cashier, but had to take a gamble and apply to be an Angkas driver; and upon

deciding to do so, a male rider once told her that she wouldn't be capable of passing

the exams because the test is too hard for a woman to take; despite the demotivation

thrown to her, she went ahead and passed the test in just one try. Furthermore,

these gender biases did not stop during her application process, in fact, Rizza also

mentioned that she experienced customer cancellations because she was a woman.

Such experiences just go to show the existence of discrimination and the difficulties

that women face when working in a male-dominated field.

In addition to that, A motorcycle rider named Chia Laron spoke about the

difficulties she had as an "Angkas" driver during an interview. She began her

profession as a rider for a reputable motorbike rental business. She finally began

doing package deliveries throughout the lockdown. She acknowledged that,

particularly for female motorcyclists like herself, it's not an easy job. There's also no

shortage of those who questioned her ability to ride simply because she is a woman,
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which she admitted was sometimes inevitable given that she is a woman. (Gonzales,

2021). Nonetheless, these stories demonstrate that women can persevere and

thrive in the face of adversity.

Effects of Workplace Struggles to Women

A study by Born et al. (2018) was conducted to see if male-dominated jobs

have an unfavorable impact on women's leadership skills. According to the study,

women are less likely to be willing to lead a team, are less confident and

authoritative, and are more influenced by others in team group discussions. Women

also believe they will be less likely to be elected in authoritative positions. The results

of this suggests that the lack of female employees in male-dominated workplaces

may be a self-reinforcing process.

On top of this, only several women hold positions of leadership; working as a

leader in a male-dominated field usually requires that most women maintain a work-

life balance. In a recent study, women leaders in STEM fields were surveyed to learn

about their work-life balancing solutions and support systems, as well as to promote

their leadership roles. It demonstrates how difficult it is for women leaders to strike

a balance between their professional and personal lives. Maintaining and advancing

in their roles as women leaders need emotional support from their spouses or life

partners, and informational support from fellow female employees and other

mentors. (Brue, 2019)

The sad truth is that, aside from the pressure they face, the inflexibility of the

jobs hinders them from pursuing careers in the industry. Some of them are struggling
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to find the balance between job hours and family time. Construction, by its very

nature, requires extensive hours of effort. On the other hand, as mothers, they must

make the time to support the family. Even the smallest details in the workplace can

have a significant impact. Having enough male restrooms but none for female

employees, for example, demonstrates that there are still a large number of male-

dominated jobs where women are not treated equally. (Rasker, 2021)

In a new study presented at the American Sociological Association’s annual

meeting, women working in jobs dominated by men have high levels of interpersonal

stress that could harm their health. Prior evidence shows that women in male-

dominated jobs often experience stressors like social isolation, sexual harassment

and low levels of support in the workplace. The researchers thought that stressors

like these could impact patterns of the stress hormone cortisol, which fluctuate

throughout the day but take an irregular pattern in people exposed to high consistent

levels of stress, the authors say. In the study, they found that the “token” women

had less healthy cortisol profiles compared to women who worked in jobs with a

more even gender split. Not to mention, cortisol is particularly sensitive to social

stressors and not as much to physical stressors, the authors say, which adds to the

evidence that at least some of the irregularity in cortisol profiles is linked to negative

workplace social climates that women face. (Sifferlin,2015)

What’s more is that women in male-dominated careers can experience

imposter syndrome as a result of workplace biases and stereotypes that tend to run

rampant in those environments. Psychologists explain that the “imposter syndrome”

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magnified by societal influences has significant effects on the human psyche, hence,

such biases can also exacerbate the symptoms of imposter syndrome by causing

women to not perform to the best of their ability, self-sabotage their own work, limit

the sharing of their ideas, lose ambition, experience anxiety and depression, and

develop psychosomatic symptoms. (Crawford, 2021).

Traditional gender stereotypes in the Philippines are also preventing women

from succeeding in their chosen professions. Despite ongoing attempts to promote

equality, there are unconscious gender inequalities that can be detected in the

workplace. According to a recently published research paper by the Philippine

Institute for Development Studies (PIDS), female employees' possibilities of

success in the labor market were limited by conventional gender roles. Filipinos

have these ideals about genders, such as “women nurture” and “men provide”,

which result in prejudice against women who are wanting to enter the field. Such

ideas, however, do not prevent local women from pursuing occupations in order to

establish their worth. It is demonstrated by the fact that almost half of the consultants

in Monroe's Manila office are female, which particularly represents the Philippine

workforce. In management positions, men and women are equally represented,

notably in the business process outsourcing industry. (Fangqing, 2017).

Improving Women’s Experiences

Researchers at the University of Wisconsin-Madison have developed

recommendations to improve female progression in science, technology,

engineering and mathematics (STEM) courses. Their study surveyed women in two-
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year courses, and found that self-belief in their abilities in mathematics and science

and their interaction with others about transferring to four-year STEM courses are

important factors in their intention to transfer. (Frontiers, 2017).

In addition, gender inequality in leadership positions also exists, as reported

by UNESCO. According to a survey, women only make up 5% of senior

management roles in Japan, whereas female executives make up 46.58 percent in

the Philippines. In another study, Filipina CEOs in male-dominated industries were

invited to share their story and the aspects that contributed to their success in an in-

depth interview. The findings reveal that the participants' career development

journey is divided into three (3) phases: growing up years, career growth and raising

a family, and becoming/being the CEO. The issues they experienced growing up

regarding gender inequalities and the discrimination against women that is

embedded in their culture helped them to develop the skills they use to become

successful in their chosen fields. The participants stated that the major issue they

faced in the second phase was meeting their expectations as mothers. However,

having male mentors/role models and support from their spouses helped them

succeed. (Osi & Teng-Calleja, 2021).

Another study by Tokbaeva & Achtenhagen (2019), researched female

professionals' resilience in male-dominated fields. Inequality persists in Sweden,

which is regarded as one of the most gender-equal societies in the world presently.

Through interview study and referencing 502 newspaper articles the researchers

were able to gather enough data for this study. They aimed to test that career
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progression of women in male-dominated paths develops career resilience. In the

latter, they were able to develop a process model for career resilience. Recognizing

women’s resilience in male-dominated careers and outlining different coping

strategies that allow women to develop and enhance such resilience over time.

Nevertheless, this study suggests awareness of characteristics women possess

despite being a minority within a specific field.

Moreover, in a panel discussion held by Asian Society Philippines (n.d.),

strong female personalities across traditionally male-dominated industries were

featured to share deep insights about the challenges and issues they are facing in

their respective fields. The panel have acknowledged the presence of socially

entrained biases and gender roles in their workplace. However, they have also

elaborated how these challenges could also be to their advantage; according to the

speakers, there are experiences that only women have which helps in creating

unique products that benefits their branding as it showcases ideas that are outside

the norm. When asked about advices on what to do during emotionally challenging

situations, the panel discussed how important it is to recognize strong emotions, and

turn these into something that benefits their passion and productivity. According to

them, it would be easier to cope up if women are acknowledging the impacts of the

challenges to their lives, that way it would also be easier for them to deal with it and

would help prosper their emotional maturity.

Fathima et al. (2020) also investigated the coping techniques faced by female

scientists in order to help them function effectively. There was a total of 263
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participants from various countries across the world. It is reported that the most

prevalent coping strategies are confidence, dedication, and hard work. Flexible work

schedules, woman-friendly management rules, fair evaluation, and mentoring

programs are proven to be effective in lowering work-related stress and promoting

work-life balance for female scientists. The findings show that female scientists

confront several problems that affect both their personal and professional

development. Both personal and institutional variables are present in shaping and

increasing the well-being and productivity of female scientists.

Recognition of Women in Male-dominated Jobs

Despite the enduring presence of inequality and discriminatory acts towards

women on male-dominated jobs, the achievements and advantages brought by

women in these fields are undeniably exceptional and is worth acknowledging.

According to F.P. Analytics (2020), gender diversity in typically male-dominated

industries can help to handle growing issues while also facilitating and speeding up

progress toward achieving the sustainable development goals. Women are an

important― but often underestimated or neglected—source of talent. Increasing

female participation in the workforce could benefit organizations' human resources

as well as their innovation and organizational effectiveness. Evidence proving

considerable corporate, economic, and social benefits connected with boosting

women's participation has surfaced amid rising global advocacy movements for

gender equality and diversity. However, there is a lack of knowledge about how
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women are promoting organizational and industrial transformation, as well as what

can be done to harness women's potential to make a change.

On top of that, emerging businesses and industries with female leaders are

now significantly increasing. There are a large number of Filipina CEOs who rose to

the top through perseverance and hard work. Many of them have experienced a

rough road to success consisting of obstacles, difficulties, and failures. Their

ingredients for success are their ambitions and dreams, not necessarily to become

a CEO, but to make a difference and do something meaningful. Apart from being

the organization's founding chair, Marife Zamora has been involved in the business

process outsourcing (BPO) industry since 2003, long before it became a popular

career option for Filipinos and the industry grew domestically. She was able to

establish Convergys' first contact center in the Philippines and is currently managing

Concentrix to become the Philippines' largest company. Karrie Ilagan, also part of

the organization, proved that women can be successful with her technology skills

when she became the Managing Director at CISCO and Microsoft Philippines.

Another member of the organization is Maan Hontiveros, the president and founding

CEO of AirAsia Philippines. As AirAsia’s first female CEO, her leadership

acknowledges the fact that success does not require gender but fierce dedication

and enthusiasm. (Filipina CEO Circle, 2020)

In another study conducted by Aquino (2014), they were able to identify

several motivations that keeps the young police women of Western Batangas to
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work despite the fact that males outnumber them in terms of population. The

researcher was able to identify these women's underlying motivations by employing

a descriptive research method and a survey as a data collection tool. In addition,

the participants of the study were 14 policewomen who were mostly degree holders,

young, married, in service for 1-5 years as PO1. According to them, there were

gender related complications which affected these women’s performance.

Nonetheless, these women remain in their field due to the appeal and authority

exuded by their police uniforms, as well as their commitment to serving their



The various related literature that was reviewed revealed diverse

perspectives and information that is relevant to the research as it fulfills the

objectives that the researchers would like to explore regarding the experiences of

women working in male-dominated jobs. The studies involved also discussed the

presence of unfair treatment and harassment that the women in male-dominated

jobs have encountered, prompting even more reason to dig deeper on the said

events. Aside from this, the effects of these phenomena, not only to the women, but

also to the organizations, call out for further analysis that the researchers are bound

to explore. The information gathered contributes a lot toward attaining the purpose

of the study, as it also helps the researchers give rise to more relevant information

regarding the experiences of women in male-dominated industries.

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This chapter describes various methodologies that was used in gathering

data and analysis which are relevant to the study. The methodologies include

sampling, participants, the ethical considerations, research setting, instruments to

be used, and other relevant data gathering procedures.

Research Method

The study, entitled "Babae Ako, Hindi Babae Lang: A Qualitative Study of

Women's Experiences Working at Male-Dominated Jobs," used a

phenomenological design which allowed the researchers to have an in-depth

understanding of the phenomena surrounding the variables.

In this study, the researchers also used an Interpretative Phenomenological

Analysis which is a method used in qualitative research that is focused on the

subjective experiences of individuals and groups and aims to unveil the world as

experienced by the participants through their life stories. By using this, the

researchers were able to interpret the subjective experiences of the participants and

explore relevant information relating to the lived experiences of women working at

male-dominated jobs.

For further analysis of the interview transcripts, Thematic Content Analysis

(TCA) was also utilized. This approach allowed the researchers to describe, identify,
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and classify the themes that emerged in the collected data. Thematic Content

Analysis is a step-by-step process in which researchers first create transcripts of

interviews that were conducted with the participants, which serve as their primary

data. These transcripts are then read and familiarized with by the researchers to

further identify the patterns and distinct themes surrounding the phenomena.


This study used Purposive Sampling Technique as the sampling technique.

A purposive sample is a non-probability sample that is selected based on the

characteristics of a population and the objective of the study, in which a researcher

relies on his or her own judgment when choosing members of the population to

participate in the study. The researchers specifically used a Homogenous purposive

sample. A homogeneous purposive sample is one that is selected for having a

shared characteristic or set of characteristics. (Crossman, 2020).


This section contains information about the study's potential participants. The

participants were selected based on the demographic profile determined by the

researchers. The categories are age, civil status, employment status, and the length

of service they have rendered in a male-dominated job. In line with this, the

participants in this study are women, particularly all of which are mothers, with one

being a single parent.

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The participants met the age range that has been predetermined by the

researchers, which is between 30 and 50 years old, as the study reveals that women

are highly empowered upon reaching this age (Syeda & Atif, 2019). Furthermore,

the participants are also working as drivers for one of the following companies:

Angkas, Grab, Joy Ride, and Toktok, and had a substantial discriminatory

experience while working in a male-dominated field. In addition, the participants

disclosed the years they have been employed in this specific field. The target length

of service rendered in a male-dominated environment means that the participants

selected in this study have been employed for at least a minimum of 3 years; this is

to consider that they have more relevant experiences. Because employees should

aim for promotion every three years, according to Ian Siegel, CEO of ZipRecruiter

(Vasel, 2019).

Ethical Considerations

All participants were asked to sign an informed consent form. Individual

approaches were made to possible volunteers and the researchers explained the

goal of the study and the data collection method. Participants were given adequate

opportunity to ask questions and resolve any issues. The researchers emphasized

that their involvement is entirely voluntary, that tokens of appreciation are given to

them, and that choosing to join or withdrawing from the study while it is ongoing has

no effect on their care or work at the particular facility.

Participants then gave consent to the recording of interviews, which are

subsequently anonymized and transcribed. The participants' anonymity and

College of Arts and Sciences 32

confidentiality are maintained by not disclosing their names or identities during data

collection, analysis, and publication of study findings. During the interview session,

data processing, and distribution of the findings, the privacy and confidentiality of

the interview setting are properly safeguarded. To eliminate the potential of

recordings being heard by others, data transcription took place in a private area

using headphones. During data transcription, the participants' identities, including

their names and any other relevant feature of their identity, were removed. In the

verbatim quotes used to convey the study's conclusions, the participants were

referred to by their pseudonymous identities. Interviews are stored on a password-

protected computer, which houses all data.

Research Setting

In this study, the researchers chose a male-dominated job as the site of the

study, which involves fewer female employees. The occupation selected for the

study’s focus is Female Drivers. The data was collected in the natural settings of the

participants to further investigate the experiences of women working in male-

dominated jobs.

Research Instrument

The researchers used online interviews as their primary instrument to collect

the data from their participants. The researchers aim to explore and understand the

experiences of women working in male-dominated jobs as well as collect detailed

information about the particular issue tackled in this study. Semi-structured

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interviews were used in order to gather the data, where both the participants and

the researchers have more freedom discussing the topic.

It consists of a maximum of twelve (12) guide questions formulated by the

researchers to gather data about the different experiences of the participants. There

are about five (5) introductory questions, and the rest are questions that will answer

the necessary issues for this study. The first part focuses on queries regarding their

individual experiences as women working in a male-dominated job. The second part

is focused on determining the issues and struggles encountered by women working

in male-dominated jobs. This includes the discrimination, wage gaps, and gender

roles they encountered in their professions. The last part will tackle the effects of the

following struggles and how women were able to deal with them. In this part, their

stories of thriving and improving their experiences will be discussed apart from the

impact of the struggles they encountered. It also involved asking about the

advancements, achievements, and successes of the respondents in order to

recognize their abilities and raise awareness about marginalized women working in

male-dominated jobs.

To address issues of validity, the research instruments underwent a

validation process of revision through consultation with Psychometricians.

Data Gathering Procedures

To capture the real essence of the phenomena surrounding the lived

experiences of the participants, a phenomenological research design was utilized,

College of Arts and Sciences 34

which is qualitative in nature. The researchers then created a semi-structured

interview that is designed to answer the study’s objectives and serve as a guide in

obtaining relevant information from the respondents.

Purposive sampling is then used in selecting the participants for the study; a

separate questionnaire was distributed for the demographic profiling of the

respondents, which determined whether the participants have met the

predetermined criteria regarding their age, marital status, employment status,

occupation, and length of service they have rendered in a male-dominated job, as

well as the presence of discriminatory experiences that they have encountered

related to their field of work.

Before the actual interview, the objectives of the study were discussed with

the selected participants, and an informed consent form was also included to ensure

that they had indeed understood the purpose of the study and that they were willing

to participate in the procedures, which also ensured their rights and the

confidentiality of the data that was collected from their responses. Interviews are

administered at any suitable time of the day that all parties agreed upon and are

held in an online setting, depending on the parties’ circumstances.

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Figure 2.

The steps in data collection are as follows:

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This chapter discusses the presentation, analysis, and discussion of data

gathered during the interview conducted by the researchers. The findings from the

study are based on the research questions that the researchers are trying to answer,

(1) What are the lived experiences of women working at male dominated jobs? (2)

What issues and challenges have they encountered in working at male-dominated

jobs and how did these affect them? and (3) How do these women thrive in their

male-dominated jobs? The thematic map shows the response of lady drivers that

are divided into themes and their sub-themes.

Figure 3.

Thematic map of emerged Themes and Its Sub-themes.

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Emergent Theme 1. Perception and Responses of the Community on Lady

Drivers at Work

The Emergent theme for matrix one has been identified as the perception and

responses of the community on lady drivers at work, which is characterized by the

responses and feedback that the lady drivers receive from the community. The

community in this case, involves the following: customers, enforcers, bystanders,

other drivers. This theme was categorized in to four: (1) Camaraderie, (2) Feeling of

Amazement, (3) Transformed Perception of customer after satisfactory services,

and (4) Leniency of authorities.

1.1 Camaraderie

Camaraderie is defined as a spirit of friendly good-fellowship toward people

with whom you work or share an experience (Stamper, 2022). Upon gathering the

data, the participants have shared a lot of their experiences during work, one of the

most common encounters they have shared showcases Camaraderie. According to

the participants, camaraderie is often shown to them by their customers and co-

riders as a lady driver. This was supported by one of the participant’s statements.

Participant D recalled an instance in which her customers voluntarily aided her

during an unpleasant event whilst driving. She said:

“Dahil sa daming mga truck may nadaganang bato na tumusok sa

gulong ko sumabog talaga ‘yong gulong at ano ‘yon lima yong sakay
ko na lalaki at isa lang yong babae. Ano ‘yon di talga nila ako pinagawa
nung ano, sila lahat. Silang nagpalit ng gulong nagtulong tulong sila
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kung pano palitan ‘yong spare. Although alam ko naman, pero inaano
nga nila baka mapagod e hindi na kami makarating.”

In this statement, the participant described an event wherein her customers

volunteered to change her flat tire. It can be inferred that the participant easily finds

assistance from her customer, especially when in trouble. This showcases a facet

of camaraderie in terms of helpfulness that the participant received from her

customer. She further added another encounter involving her co-riders in which

they showed protectiveness and camaraderie to one another,

“Syempre kapag ka kunyari sa isang, ‘yon naman kapag nasa isang

grupo ka, mas bantay ka nila. Kasi alam nila na prone ka na mabastos.”
So kapag magkaroon ka ng isang grupo ng mga drivers, ‘yon yung lagi
nilang inaano (sinasabi). “Ano ha, magupdate ka lagi ng, baka mamaya
may (delikado) ano yan”

From this statement, the participant experienced that being a woman in a

group of drivers induces group members to show fellowship and is concerned about

the lady rider's safety. According to Psychology Dictionary, camaraderie is the spirit

of goodwill and rapport that boosts morale and maintains group dynamics while also

offering support and protection to members of the group (N., 2013). Aside from this,

Participant B also shared the same experience wherein her co-riders assisted her

with navigation and guides. The said participant reported that:

“Ahh so far kasi marami ako kakilalang mga drivers, so parang yung
mga hindi ko alam na mga technique about uhm lugar, so parang
nagshe-share share ng mga experience namin na "ay oo nga pala"
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at least next time alam namin na ito hindi dapat gawin, ito ay dapat
gawin, yung mga ganyan.”

In this section, participant C expressed that providing assistance to male

riders is also important as a woman in this line of work. She stated:

“Lalo na pag may nakita tayong lalaking rider na nanghihingi ng

tulong, tulungan mo kasi parehas, lalo pag nasa daan tayo eh rider
yan eh. Wala naman ibang tutulong diyan kung hindi kapwa rider

These stories demonstrated how women in this field were able to experience

camaraderie from one another as well as to their male counterparts. According to

Arayata (2020) of the Philippine News Agency, there have been groups of Angkas

riders who have been able to help the community as well as their fellow riders who

have been laid off from their previous jobs as a result of COVID19. This

demonstrates that this community of drivers are accustomed to helping one another.

Consequently, these acts were exhibited based on the statements of the


1.2 Customers’ Feeling of Amazement

According to (Merriam Webster, 2022) amazement can be described as

something that causes astonishment or the quality or state of being amazed. Hence,

this theme focuses on events in which other people expressed their amazement for

these women working in a male-dominated field. This was a common encounter

reported by the participants, the surprised reactions from their customers and men
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drivers appear to be inevitable as a woman working in this male-dominated job. In

a statement given by one of the participants, she described it as:

“Yong mga kapwa namin mga angkas biker. ‘Yong mga biker.
Kumbaga na-amaze sila kasi, ‘yon nga, trabaho nila kinakaya na
namin, ganun. As in nag-tthumbs up talaga sila kapag, gumaganon
[saludo] sila kapag once babae. Mayron ding mga pasahero na
talagang, lalo na lalaki karamihan naano sila, na-amaze sila kapag
babae ang rider nila.” (Participant A)

Participant E also narrated a time when a customer also expressed both

astonishment and appreciation to her for being a lady driver:

“May one time pa nga napapa-wow sila talaga kasi hindi nila
ineexpect na may babaeng rider nan aga-angkas kasi syempre puro
lalaki eh.”

Such reactions have also resulted to some customers giving one participant

a higher tip. Participant B shared how customers would give her a higher tip as a

sign of delight and appreciation for being a lady driver. She said: “Yung ibang

pasahero natutuwa. "Ay! Talaga po. Babae. Bilib naman ako sa inyo," ganyan

ganyan. Ayon. Tapos magbibigay ng tip.

1.3 Transformed Perception of Customers After Satisfactory Services

Perceptual transformation was defined as changes in how a problem, event,

or person is perceived as a result of new information or a different perspective

(American Psychology Association, n.d.). The following statements are accounts of

events in which the participants were able to change their customers' perceptions
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of their ability as drivers. When asked to describe their experience as a lady driver,

the participants have also shared stories that demonstrated how some customers

would first express their mistrust and disapproval for the services provided by lady

drivers, but would soon change their perceptions after trying the service of the

participants. According to Walawege (2020) women who drive face prejudice in

society. Regardless of whether the lady riders have obtained their licenses, it

appears that society believes women are incapable of driving properly.

Participant B recalled such experience from a time when a customer— who

was at first hesitant to accept her service— gave her a good rating and feedback:

“noong naihatid ko na siya nagrate naman siya sakin. Binigyan

naman niya ako ng 5 star, na ang sabi niya pa doon sa comment
niya na, ahh nagkamali daw siya ng ano… nagkamali daw siya ng,
anong tawag dito, ng kumbaga nagkamali siya ng pag-aakala na
akala niya hindi daw magaling magdrive yung mga kababaihan 'yun
pala 'yun pa daw yung maingat magdrive. 'Yon.”

The same case happened to Participant A and one of her customers who first

wanted to cancel the booking but still tried her service either way. Participant A

recalled the scene:

“nakadating na kami sa drop-off, edi kinamusta ko siya. Sabi ko,

“O, Ma’am kumusta ‘yong byahe natin?”. “Okay naman. Good.” sabi
niyang ganun. Mas maingat daw pala ang mga babae kesa lalaking
rider. ‘Yon ang sabi niya (pertaining to the customer’s feedback).”
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1.4 Leniency of Authorities

Law enforcers granting women drivers leniency while in traffic is seen as one

of their advantages in this line of work. In addition, an article written by (Farell, 2011)

shows that female drivers are less likely to receive formal sanctions following routine

traffic stops. This theme explores the significant experiences of female drivers in

dealing with authorities, particularly when they encounter violations on the road. This

was supported by one of the statements of Participant D, in which she stated:

“Ayon naman mga huli, pakiusapan mo lang, hindi ka na titikitan,

kasi nga babae ka. Oo, iyak iyakan mo lang yan. Hindi ka na
matitikitan niyan.”

This also includes leniency of authorities on places that are usually harder to

access. Upon being asked what she thinks her advantages are for being a lady

driver, Participant B said that she usually finds it easier to access strict subdivisions,

unlike other male drivers. She stated:

“Sa mga subdivision na 'yan, no entry kapag walang mga sticker sa

kanila ganon. So ang ginagawa ko... hindi ko rin alam eh! Kasi pag
ginagawa ko, binababa ko na yung window ko, instead na kukuha
pa ako ng I.D, sasabihin niya "Ay! Si ma'am pala! Sige po diretso."
Parang ganon. Sabi ko "huh?" Sabi ko "ano yon may kamukha ako
dito?" hahaha parang ganon. Parang ayon yung advantage para sa

A study of Luther (2017), proved that women are in fact more likely to avoid

an offense, aside from the fact that men often get pulled over more frequently than

women. 11 million male drivers compared to approximately 7 million female drivers

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are pulled over by police nationally each year, according to the Bureau of Justice

Statistics. 54.4% of female drivers receive traffic tickets, which equates to a

proportion of 63.4% tickets being given to male drivers.

Emergent Theme 2: Gender-based Discrimination

An emergent theme of Gender-based discrimination was derived from the

data gathered. Gender-based discrimination can be defined as the discrimination

that happens as a result of a conflict between sex (biological characteristics of men

and women) and their socially constructed ideas and roles, including the socio-

cultural concept of the differences between the two sexes. (EIGE, n.d.) This

emergent was divided into two: (1) Sexism and Stereotypical Views toward Lady

Drivers and (2) Road Harassment towards Lady Drivers.

2.1 Sexism and Stereotypical Views toward Lady Drivers

One of the primary sources of challenges and issues encountered by the

participants were the constant sexist remarks they get from customers which often

came from stereotypical views toward lady drivers. According to Ercan & Uluğ

(2015), sexism against women is a common occurrence, and female drivers are

constantly harassed, regardless of whether they are in traffic. They added that many

people appear to become authorities when it comes to women's driving behavior,

knowledge, abilities, and innate capabilities. Wherein they claimed it to be workplace

sexism, limiting women's transportation freedom, and lowering women's perceived

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The participants recalled various situations in which they were prejudiced as

bad drivers and were mistrusted, which often also leads to cancelled bookings.

Participant D has shared some of the usual sexist remarks thrown to her by

other drivers, she said: “So, kung ang trabaho mo as a lady driver, magkakaroon ng

mga, alam mo ‘yung mga maliliitin ka. Mga “Ah ano ‘to, ‘yong di marunong sa kalye.

Tanga tanga mag-drive, kaya ang bagal kasi babae driver e. Tabingi ang parking

kasi babae driver, e.” ‘Yan ‘yong mga mostly na ano (nasasabi) nila e.”

She also recalled a time when customers were dubious of the capabilities

she had as a lady driver:

Yon sasabihin nila sakin kasi ayon nag carpooling, tas sasabihin
nila “ay, babae yung driver, Ma’am makakarating po ba tayo?”
Syempre, diba? “Makakarating ba tayo? Kaya mo ba?” pagkasakay
nila sa sasakyan sasabihin kaagad ay babae pala driver. One-time
sabi sa akin “kaya mo bang mag-drive kasi kung hindi, marunong
naman ako, ako na lang.” Oo ‘yung ganun. Ako na lang kasi baka
mamaya hindi mo na pala kaya e.”

Another Participant had the same encounter when a customer did not accept her
booking, simply because she was a woman:

“Ako, kapag malapit lang sa area ko yung pick up kinukuha ko tapos

tatanungin ko yung Customer kung tuloy po ba tapos she will ask
me na “ikaw po ba yung driver lalaki po ba?” Sabi ko “hindi po,
babae po. Ako po mismo yung rider” tapos sabi “ay hindi po, cancel
na po ako kasi po I have my experience na sa mga lady rider” sabi
ko “sige po maam ingat po” pero nasa isip ko talag is “hindi mo pa
nga natry eh” iba-iba naman kasi ang capability ng bawat isa.
College of Arts and Sciences 45

Natatakot kasi na baka madisgrasya kami. Sa isip ko,common

sense, ididisgrasiya kita?” (Participant C)

The same case happened to Participant A, who was also strongly refused by
a customer, and have also experiences being questioned for her capabilities to
drive: “sabi nila "Ay! Hindi kami sasakay kung babae," ganyan, ganyan. Meron
naman magsasabi na "kaya mo ba idrive mula doon hanggang ganito?" ganyan,
ganyan. "Kaya mo ba?" Mga ganon.” She also added another encounter with a
hesitant customer:

“wala po talaga siyang tiwala sa mga lady rider. Pero sorry ah,
babae din po kasi siya. Babae din siya, as in lady po siya. Kaya
pagdating ko sa pick-up location sabi niya “Are you sure na kaya
mo ko?” ‘Yong mga ganun. So, syempre nag-ano ako, nag-explain
at nagpaliwanag naman ako ng sarili ko. Sabi ko, “Dito po kasi sa
angkas Ma’am is hindi naman kami papayagan mag-biyahe kapag
once ‘di po kami pumasa sa mga halimbawa, driving skills.” sabi
kong ganun. Ang tagal niyang nag-isip, sabi ko kung ano ma’am, i-
cancel niyo na lang po. Book na lang po kayo ulit. Sabi naman niya,
“O, I’ll try.” sabi niyang ganun.”

Such narratives were also a familiar encounter to Participant B, who recounts

how a customer cancelled her booking multiple times because the said customer

does not trust lady rivers: Participant B recalled:

“May nagbook. As in 3 times or 4 times niya akong binook. Nung

nakita niyang babae, cinancel niya tapos nagbook siya ulit so sa'kin
pa rin pumasok yung booking niya hanggang apat na ticket kasi ako
lang yung driver doon kaya no choice siya. Tapos nung pang-apat
niya na booking sinabi ko sa kanya, sabi ko "Sir, ah ika-cancel niyo
pa ba? Kasi hindi ko kayo pupuntahan para naman hindi masayang
College of Arts and Sciences 46

yung effort ko na sunduin kayo at yung gasolina," sabi ko "para

naman na hindi ko na kita pupuntahan." Sabi niya sa'kin "Sige na
sunduin mo na ako kasi pang-apat ko ng book ito," ahh "sige," sabi
niyang ganyan. Tapos nung nasundo ko na siya, nung pagsakay
niya tinanong ko siya. Sabi ko "sir bakit niyo po kina-cancel yung
booking niyo? Nagta-try lang po ba kayo or may dahilan kayo bakit
kina-cancel?" Sabi niya "ma'am sa totoo lang, ayaw ko talaga ng
driver na babae" sabi niya! Kasi parang nakakahiya daw sumakay
na lalaki siya tapos ang driver niya is babae. At the same time daw
parang wala siyang tiwala”

These instances highlight how women are stereotyped to be worse drivers

than men, and in turn impacts women whose work and source of income primarily

comes from driving. According to Covington (2022), statistics show that men are in

fact more likely to engage in riskier behaviors while driving, such as not wearing

seatbelts, speed driving, drunk driving, etc. They are also the ones who are involved

in significantly more fatal crashes. Additionally, according to the findings of a Netstar

research, women are actually better drivers than men, who are seen as being more

careless on the road. Their data suggest that men may be more likely to cause

accidents due to overconfidence, showing off, excessive speeding, drunk driving,

late-night driving, and higher tendency to road rage. As a tiny proportion of all male

and female consumers, the findings also determine the registered incidents of

vehicle impacts, harsh braking, harsh acceleration, and harsh cornering. And it

proves that during the period of observation, registered vehicle impacts by female

customers made up 1.3% of the total female customer base of Netstar, compared
College of Arts and Sciences 47

to 1.4% for men; 16.9% of female drivers and 22.8% of male drivers were involved

in incidents regarding harsh braking; the numbers for harsh acceleration are much

lower with 4.5% for women and 10% for men; and finally, the proportions for harsh

cornering are 13.2% for women while 18.8% for men (Van, 2022)

Despite the said facts, customers still appear to doubt the capabilities of lady

drivers. Participant E also shared her own experience of being stereotyped by

customers, and what she has to say to them. Participant E stated:

“Syempre tingin nila sa babae, kumbaga “mabagal ka eh, eh

nagma-madali ako”, may mga customer kasi gusto nila mabilis… so
naexperience ko yon yung mga nacacancel kasi daw babae. Pero
kami naman, hindi naman porket babae eh mahinhin kami sa kalye,
depende nga lang sa pupuntahan naming or may angkas kami.”

In a study conducted by the University of Notre Dame, they focused on

uncovering the gender-bias perceptions on ride-sharing performances thru an online

experiment, their findings suggests that whenever the ride-sharing performance was

of satisfying quality, participants would rate male and female drivers equally, but

when the ride-sharing performance was relatively low-quality, participants would

give female drivers a relatively lower rating than male drivers (Roddel, 2020). This

is an alarming factor for the nature of these women’s jobs, since their performance

evaluations lies solely on the customers, but despite these negative experiences,

women in this field still persevere and continue to show their capabilities.
College of Arts and Sciences 48

2.2 Road Harassment towards Lady Drivers

Road Harassments are also a very alarming issue that the participants also

reported. They have shared situations in which they have been a victim of

domineering behaviors from their Co-drivers that could lead to more dangerous

events. According to a statement by Participant D, other drivers would often harass

female drivers on the road, she said:

“Pagka kasi nagddrive ka sa kalye at nakita nila na babae ang

driver, gigitgitin ka. ‘Yan gigitgitin nila kasi alam nila takot. Kaya
yung sasakyan ko hindi mo ko makita sa loob, tsaka never kong
nilalagyan ng kung ano anong mga gamit na magiging parang
babae. Pag nakita nila ‘ah babae ‘to.”never ko nilagyan ng ganun
kasi once malaman nila babae ang driver gigitgitin ka, kacutin ka,
oovertake sayo. Lalo na mga taxi, jeep kasi alam nila mahina loob
mo, takot ka.”

She even recalled a time in which a truck bumped into her car, and the driver

asserted an aggressive behavior towards her despite the fact that it was the truck

driver’s fault. She further narrated the scene:

“One-time nung 2016, nabangga ako ng truck, so, wala pang tint
yung harapan ko kasi three weeks pa lang ‘yong sasakyan. Bumaba
yung truck driver pinagmumura niya ako alam niyang babae ako
e…Pinalo pa talaga yung hood ng sasakyan ko tas pinagmumura
ako, nakabangga mismo na truck. Tapos pinipilit ng operator niya
na sabi daw ng driver niya ako daw bumangga. E alam naman sa
investigation ‘yung gasgas kasi bumabase. ‘Yun isa sa mga
experiences bilang isang lady driver. Para sa kanila mahina ka, iiyak
ka lang, wala kang alam, ganun.”
College of Arts and Sciences 49

This was further supported by an unfortunate near-death experience by

another participant, participant E. She looked back as she narrated the scenario:

“Tapos sa kalye naman, naexperience ko rin na mabastos ako ng

kotse, kumbaga akala nya sinigaan ko sya kasi inunahan ko sya sa
daan, kumbaga gigitgitin parin nya ako. So, doon ako parang
umiyak talaga ako, akala ko kasi mamamatay na ako.”

Driving along jammed roads are already hard as it is to everyone, but to add

such experiences and risks, showcase how women are even trying to be extra

careful for being a prone victim of road bullying and harassments. In an article by

Walawage (2020), they have discussed the harassments on road that women

drivers face and have explained how people tend to view these women as weak and

will not talk back, because of this, they are also subjected to a lot of verbal

harassment and psychological abuse such as intimidation by loud filthy words and

insults. These scenarios are also a proof of gender-based discrimination.

Emergent Theme 3.1 Personal Motivation of Lady Drivers

An Emergent theme of personal motivation of lady drivers was also derived

from the data, this can be defined as the individual reasons of the participants as to

why and how they thrive in their male-dominated job. Three Cluster Themes was

obtained from the data: (1) personal motivation of lady driver, (2) Optimistic Attitude

of lady drivers towards work, and (3) Financial Freedom.

College of Arts and Sciences 50

3.1.1 Passion for Driving

After an in-depth and one on one interview with the participants, the data

shows that each one of the participants has their own reasons as to why they feel

motivated on their job as lady drivers. One of the most common reasons they shared

was their passion for what they do — driving. According to Clarke (2017), passion

pushes people toward their objectives, regardless of how challenging they may be.

For a worker, it inspires the desire required to push through the toughest challenges

and overcome the biggest difficulties in their jobs. With that said, the participants

expressed that their passion and love for their profession encouraged them to

continue thriving in their respective jobs rather than letting the misconceptions of

other people about women affect them. One participant aforementioned: “Since nga

I love driving, kaya ito yung pinili kong trabaho.” (Participant B)

This was further supported by Participant D, who also finds her passion for

driving as her motivation to continue her work, she stated:

“Pag dumarating yung time na hindi na ako nagddrive, namimiss mo

e. Nami-miss mo makipagbalyahan sa kalye. Ay, hindi, gusto ko pa.”

Participant C also added: “Sakin kasi, parang naging motivation ko yung


Another participant expressed her passion for her job when she narrated how

she started driving at an early age:

“Bago naman pala ako nag-angkas rider, I’m a lady grab driver.
Since dalaga pa lang mahilig na ako magmotor. Kaya ‘yon,
kumbaga nagswitch na lang ako sa motorsiklo kasi na-ano
College of Arts and Sciences 51

(nahihirapan) ako sa traffic e. So, ‘yon lang, enenjoy ko na, okay na

sakin ‘tong ano (pertaining to driving as a job), ganito klaseng kita.”
(Participant A)

Emergent Theme 3.2 Optimistic Attitude of Lady Drivers Towards Work

In addition to the personal motivations that the participants shared, they have

demonstrated optimistic attitudes towards their work as lady drivers. This emergent

theme was categorized into four: (1) Feelings of empowerment, (2) Ableness, (3)

Positive attitude along the road, and (4) Dedication to succeed as lady drivers.

3.2.1 Feelings of Empowerment

There are still significant issues regarding the underrepresentation of women

in some traditionally male-dominated industries, transportation specifically, which is

a result of gender stereotypes and stigma. These women, however, used their sense

of empowerment to challenge these preconceived ideas about them. Donzel (2017)

stated that empowerment is a kind of strength that comes from within and among a

community, and being empowered enables people to use their power to affect

change in fields outside of their scope. Related to this, the lady drivers showcased

that their ability to work is no longer determined by their gender and they are capable

of performing the same tasks as men, despite the perception of people that women

are less valuable than men. This was supported by a statement given by Participant

C: “Kaya ko rin naman gawin yung ginagawa mo” “babae ako, lalaki ka, pero

depende na yan kung pano mo ihahandle yung pagdadrive mo, diba?” She further

College of Arts and Sciences 52

“Tapos na yung panahon na nasa bahay lang ang babae.”

Another statement given by Participant E demonstrated her belief that there

is nothing a man can do that a woman cannot: “kumbaga sa akin ang tingin ko dito

kung kaya ng lalaki, kaya din ng babae.”

3.2.2 Ableness

Driving is commonly considered as a dangerous job with harsh working

conditions, long working hours, and little time for household life, which is contrary to

cultural expectations of women's gender roles. But there are numerous instances of

women proving, when given the chance, that they are very capable of performing

physically demanding jobs. As opposed to what people may think, these female

drivers demonstrate that operating motorcycles and cars is not a difficult task for

women. The participants have reported that despite the challenges they are facing

in a male-dominated job, they still believe that they are able to perform their work

properly and are capable of doing the demands from their work:

“Sanay na po talaga akong nasa lansangan. Kumbaga hindi na

hirap sa akin pero as a babae, medyo, medyo lang. Pero
napapantayan naman yung ano (kaya) ng mga lalaki kumbaga.”
(Participant A)

Participant E also felt the same way, in which she stated: “Describe ahh,
para sa akin kasi ah parang easy lang siya… sa pagda-drive, hindi ako
College of Arts and Sciences 53

The obtained responses indicate that women who chose to work in this

field are strong-willed individuals with a high ability that made them good drivers on

the road. According to Halili (2020), despite stereotypes about female drivers, they

have demonstrated that they possess all of the necessary skills, allowing them to

drive safer than men. Nonetheless, these women are capable of driving even large

vehicles. It is transparent that the participants have a strong belief in their abilities

to carry out their responsibilities in this line of work.

3.2.3 Positive Attitude Along the Road

As a woman working in a male-dominated job, the lady drivers experienced

firsthand the harsh environment of getting behind the wheel, working under a busy

road, and having to deal with different people but despite the numerous difficulties

they face, the lady drivers managed to maintain their good attitudes toward their

jobs, essentially looking at the positive aspects of their lives. They also shared some

of the positive characteristics needed for them to thrive as drivers, mentioning

courage, bravery, confidence in themselves, and professionalism. Participant C


“Bilang babaeng rider kasi kailangan matapang ka at di pwedeng

matakot lalo na nasa kalsada. Dapat buo loob mo at matapang ka
kailangan mong maging positibo lagi kahit pa yung customer mo eh
bara bara yung pag sagot, maging professional ka na dapat kahit
sabihan ka na “habal ka lang naman eh” “lady rider ka lang naman
eh”. Kung di siya nagpapakatao sayoedi ikaw magbigay sa kaniya.
Sa ganiyang paraan ay marerealize niya din. Huwag ka ring
College of Arts and Sciences 54

makikinig sa mga negative comments. Syempre alam din natin

kakayahan natin bilang babae”

Participant E shared the same thoughts regarding the importance of havig

confidence in oneself and fostering a positive mindset for the nature of their job, she

also believes that it is also better to try despite the challenges, rather than quitting

immediately. She said:

“Tiwala lang tsaka lakas ng loob ganon. Tsaka hayaan lang yung
mga negative na naririnig nila, kasi kumbaga kung yun talaga yung
passion mo, go lang… wala naman masama eh. Pwede ka naman
magquit kung di mo talaga kaya, pero kung di mo susubukan,
walang mangyayari.”

Furthermore, participant B believes that a lady driver must have a lot of

patience to deal with the challenges of rude customers and severe road

disturbances. As stated by Singleton (2021), one of the worst impatience-related

driving behaviors is road rage, often known as aggressive driving,

“Kailangan araw-araw may baon silang mahabang, mahabang

pasensya. Una, sa pasahero. Pangalawa, sa sobrang haba ng
traffic. Tapos, para hindi ka mabagot, para hindi ka mainis, ahh hindi
ka mastress, ienjoy mo lang yung pagda-drive kasi pag mainis ka,
mabagot ka or iinit ulo mo, sarili mo lang din yung pinapahirapan
mo. Ienjoy mo na lang yung driving ahh, idaan mo na lang sa ngiti,
idaan mo na lang sa tawa.”

The same goes for participant A who believes that courage and good health

are the most crucial factors a lady driver needs in order to succeed in their field, she

said: “Kailangan buo ang loob mo. Laging presence of mind atsaka ‘wag
College of Arts and Sciences 55

matarantahin. ‘Yon lang ang pinaka puhunan dito ay yung buo ng loob atsaka ‘yong

good health palagi.”

In an article by Sriram (2018), it is mentioned that it is important for a driver

to keep their presence of mind completely on the road while driving any vehicle and

to refrain from becoming panicky in order to prevent making a mistake that could

lead to an accident.

3.2.4 Dedication to Succeed as Lady Drivers

The participants of the study also mentioned their dedication, they believe

that if a woman truly wants to succeed in this male-dominated job, their willingness

to learn should be present. One participant mentioned that dedication is important

since the nature of their job requires them to really persevere to be able to earn:

“kailangan dedicated ka sa papasukin mong trabaho. Kasi as a lady

rider, kailangan talaga kumbaga focus lagi. Kasi sabi nga ang kita
naman dito is nakadepende sa sipag at tiyaga. Basta sa akin lang,
kung kaya naman why not, basta pursegido lang.” (Participant A)

Similarly, Participant D shared the same beliefs about their job: “Sabi ko kung

talgang gusto mo matutong magdrive dapat willing ka, hindi ka matatakot. Kung

hindi mo uumpisahan hindi ka makakapagdrive. Yun nga ang lagi kong sinasabi na

i-overcome niyo fear niyo.”

Emergent Theme 3.3 Financial Freedom

The gathered data also demonstrated how financial freedom has been a sign

of success and a motivation to thrive for the participants. Christensen (2022) defines
College of Arts and Sciences 56

financial freedom as having enough money on hand, savings, and investments to

support the kind of lifestyle we want for ourselves and our families.

3.3.1 Sustainable Work

According to the participants, their job as lady drivers have been proven to

be a sustainable work which also allowed them to provide for the need of their

families. In a statement given by Participant E, she shared the reason why she thinks

being a lady driver is more practical job for her: “Ginrab ko parin yung opportunity,

sabi ko madaling pera to eh. Kumbaga hawak ko na agad yung pera eh. Eh kung

papasok ka sa trabaho, maghihintay ka pa ng kinsenas, ito hawak mo na, maiuuwi

mo na kaagad.” Upon asking what she thinks her achievement is for being a lady

driver, Participant E also added:

“Siguro yung natutuwa ako na nakabili kami ng bahay ng asawa ko,

so meron kaming nabili ngayong bahay na hinuhulugan naming,

matatapos na this year. Syempre yung motor ko rin, nafully paid ko

yon, four years ko na rin yon nagamit sa paga-angkas ko.”

The same goes D, who also considers her investments anf financial freedom

as a sign of her achievement as a lady driver:

“Magkakaroon ka ng sariling investment (sasakyan), although

depreciated na siya pero investment mo na yan e. Once mabayaran
mo na yan nasa pangalan mo na yan. Masasabi mong sayo na
talaga yan. Tapos syempre bumabyahe ka nakakapagpundar ka rin
ng mga gamit. Yun achievement yun. Yung kaya mong bayaran
yung bills sa pagdadrive.”
College of Arts and Sciences 57

According to a study by Menges and his colleagues (2017), supporting one's

family is a significant source of motivation that can improve job performance.

Similarly, Participant C felt proud that she was able to provide for her family’s needs

by being a driver, she said:

“Yung ano, yung kaya ko palang masustentohan yung everyday

living expenses namin for 14 days. Masaya kasi kahit anong hingin
ng anak ko, naibibigay ko. Galing kasi ako sa mahirap na pamilya
kaya ayaw ko maexperience ng mga anak ko yung hirap kaya
kumakayod talaga ako para maibigay ko maginhawang buhay.”

Furthermore, Participant b also felt reflected on her experiences and stated

how she uses her family and financial needs as a motivation to continue her job as

a driver: “Ahh naisipan ko rin kung bakit ko ginagawa 'to, para talaga sa family ko,

para sa tatlong anak ko. I mean, walang ibang tumutulong sa'kin para buhayin ko

yung tatlong anak ko. Kaya nagupursigi ako para sa mga bata.”

On the other hand, Participant A shared the story as to how she considered

working as a Lady Driver, and that she believes she made the right choice for doing


“Ganito po kasi ‘yon… uhh galing po ako sa business industry.

Since uhh… 2005 kumbaga ano kami ang nagiging ano ko pa talaga
is tindahan, karinderya, ‘yong mga ganun bigasan. And then ano e,
kumbaga syempre hindi mo naman kaya lahat. Kumbaga
maghahire ka ng kasama mo kasi maliliit pa ‘yong mga anak ko.
Kaso kapag once hindi ka papasukan, hindi nagpapaalam, so
trabahuin mo siya lahat. Parang nagiisip ako, kumbaga parang ang
hirap. Kaya ang ginawa ko, nagswitch na lang ako sa motorsiklo
kasi na-ano ako sa traffic e. So, ‘yon lang, enenjoy ko na, okay na
sakin ‘tong ano, ganito klaseng kita.”
College of Arts and Sciences


This chapter discusses the conclusions and recommendations of the

researchers concerning the presented data.


Being a driver is a challenging profession in and of itself: driving along a busy

road, under the heat of the sun and heavy rain while also having to deal with different

people, such demands have been a challenge both to the physical and mental well-

being of those who work as one. These challenges get more serious for lady drivers

as it specifically targets them as women. As the lady drivers share their personal

experiences, different issues that women are facing in a male-dominated industry

have unfolded. The never-ending stereotypical views against women drivers have

arisen, various instances have shown how people would easily associate poor

driving with women, often resulting to discrimination and harassment; such as

mistrust and cancelled booking from customers, as well as sexist remarks and

domineering behaviors that are constantly thrown to them on the road. These

revelations are an alarming factor specially to the participants of the study, whose

actual job is driving, and whose earnings are directly affected by the said unfair

perceptions. Nevertheless, these women did not fail on proving themselves to be

the contrary of what society believes, as observed from the results of the study, they

were able to change the perceptions of those they met, for instance, a lot of the

biased customers of the participants would admit their mistake on stereotyping

College of Arts and Sciences 59

women drivers and would eventually express their recognition for the capabilities

that the participants have displayed. On the brighter side, it was also observed that

the lady drivers were still able to experience camaraderie and approval from other

people who were able to appreciate them as a woman working in a male-dominated

field. Aside from this, findings show how the participants were able to grab

opportunities and achieve success as women drivers, making it known that they are

as competent and as accomplished as their male counterparts in the same field.

Furthermore, despite the inevitable challenges and issues they are facing, these

women drivers were able to express the feelings of empowerment they felt regarding

their job and the passion they have for doing it. As stated by one of the participants

of the study, “Tapos na ang panahon na nasa bahay lang ang babae”, and indeed,

the findings of the study have exhibited the limitless capabilities of women working

in the male-dominated job of driving.


Women who work in the male-dominated job of driving still appear to be

different from the eyes of society, and only a few studies in the Philippines have

been conducted about it thus, it is important to understand and be knowledgeable

about what we can do to address the stereotypical views surrounding them, as well

contribute with their positive representation. With this being said, in order to increase

the level of safety for women drivers, the researchers contend the ride-sharing

industries, as well as courier companies involved should be able to help promote

the competencies of their female employees. Furthermore, the participants of the

College of Arts and Sciences 60

study should be given the chance to participate in seminars and programs that could

help them on how to handle the challenges they face at work as a lady driver.

While the study was conducted through virtual interviews with the

participants, face to face settings would also be recommended for future research.

In addition to this, the limits of this study are the lack of local surveys that show the

list of most male-dominated jobs in the Philippines, future research should fill the

lack of the study with more related resources. Aside from this, the study only focused

on the participants who are aged thirty (30) and above, future studies regarding

other age ranges and industries are required to gain more insight about the lived

experiences of women working in male-dominated jobs.

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Table 1.

Socio- Demographic Profile of the Participants

Profile of the Participants

Age Employer Years of service

Participant A 48 Angkas 4

Participant B 44 Grab 6

Participant C 33 Habal 4
Participant D 41 Grab 5

Participant E 34 Angkas 5

Table 2.

Table of Themes for Research Objective 1





Participant D: The participant easily

“Dahil sa daming mga truck may finds help from Camaraderie Perception
nadaganang bato na tumusok sa people on the road, and
gulong ko sumabog talaga ‘yong especially in the face Responses of
gulong at ano ‘yon lima yong sakay of trouble. the
ko na lalaki at isa lang yong babae. Community
Ano ‘yon di talga nila ako on Lady
pinagawa nung ano, sila lahat. Drivers at
Silang nagpalit ng gulong Work
nagtulong tulong sila kung pano
College of Arts and Sciences 74

palitan ‘yong spare. Although alam

ko naman, pero inaano nga nila
baka mapagod e hindi na kami

Participant B: The participant's

Ahh so far kasi marami ako fellow drivers
kakilalang mga drivers, so parang assisted her in
yung mga hindi ko alam na mga navigating the road,
technique about uhm lugar, so particularly those
parang nagshe-share share ng mga unfamiliar to her, by
experience namin na "ay oo nga sharing their
pala" at least next time alam namin experiences and
na ito hindi dapat gawin, ito ay techniques.
dapat gawin, yung mga ganyan.
Lalo na sa aming mga kababaihan,
kasi may grupo din kaming mga
kababaihan. Puro lang kami babae.

Participant D: Belonging to a group

“Syempre kapag ka kunyari sa of drivers as a
isang, ‘yon naman kapag nasa woman will result in
isang grupo ka ano, mas bantay ka group members being
nila. Kasi alam nila na prone ka na protective and
mabastos.” So kapag magkaroon ka concerned of the lady
ng isang grupo ng mga drivers, rider's safety.
‘yon yung lagi nilang inaano. “Ano
ha, magupdate ka lagi ng, baka
mamaya may ano yan”

Participant A: Fellow riders are

“Yong mga kapwa namin mga frequently astounded Feeling of
angkas biker. ‘Yong mga biker. that there are female Amazement
Kumbaga naamaze sila kasi, ‘yon riders doing the same
nga, trabaho nila kinakaya na job, which they
namin, ganun. As in nag-tthumbs up express through
talaga sila kapag, gumaganon thumbs up and
[saludo] sila kapag once babae. salutations.
Mayron ding mga pasahero na
talagang, lalo na lalaki karamihan
naano sila, na-amaze sila kapag
College of Arts and Sciences 75

babae ang rider nila. ”

Participant E: Customers express

May one time pa nga napapa-wow their appreciation
sila talaga kasi hindi nila ineexpect towards the
na may babaeng rider nan aga- participant for being
angkas kasi syempre puro lalaki eh. a female driver in a
commonly male-
dominated job.

Participant C: A co-rider was

Kasi mga kasama ko eh “ang amused and
tapang tapang mo naman” commended her
nagmomotor ka dumadaan ka ng ability to drive on
c5. Sabi niya kung madali ba raw highways such as the
magmotor. C-5 road.

Participant D:
Actually kapag may nakakausap A passenger praised
ako na mga naging pasahero ko, the lady driver's
galing mo naman magdrive sana ability, to which the
matuto rin ako kasi nerbyosa ako e. customer aspires.

Participant B: Yung ibang Customers give

pasahero natutuwa. "Ay! Talaga higher tips as a result
po. Babae. Bilib naman ako sa of amazement
inyo," ganyan ganyan. Ayon. Tapos towards lady drivers.
magbibigay ng tip.

Participant A: Ang nagiging

advatage lang kasi doon is ‘yong
siguro mas ma-ano (mataas) sila
mag-tip sa babae.

Participant A:
nakadating na kami sa drop-off, edi Customers' mindset
kinamusta ko siya. Sabi ko, “O, toward female Transformed
Ma’am kumusta ‘yong byahe drivers changed in Perception after
natin?”. “Okay naman. Good.” terms of safe driving Satisfactory
sabi niyang ganun. Mas maingat after arriving at theIr Service
daw pala ang mga babae kesa destination.
lalaking rider. ‘Yon ang sabi niya.

Participant B:
Customers left a 5-
College of Arts and Sciences 76

Ahh nung naihatid ko na siya star rating and a

nagrate naman siya sakin. Binigyan comment refuting
naman niya ako ng 5 star, na ang their own negative
sabi niya pa don sa comment niya stereotypes against
na, ahh nagkamali daw siya ng female riders.
ano… nagkamali daw siya ng,
anong tawag dito, ng kumbaga
nagkamali siya ng pag-aakala na
akala niya hindi daw magaling
magdrive yung mga kababaihan
'yun pala 'yun pa daw yung maingat
magdrive. 'Yon.

Participant B: Authorities let them

Ang advantage naman like ah mga pass inside the
subdivision subdivision na 'yan, no subdivision without
entry kapag walang mga sticker sa showing their I.D.
kanila ganon. So ang ginagawa
ko… Hindi ko rin alam eh! Kasi
pag ginagawa ko binababa ko na
yung ano, binababa ko na yung
window ko, instead na kukuha pa
ako ng I.D, sasabihin niya "Ay! Si Leniency of
ma'am pala! Sige po diretso." authorities
Parang ganon.

Participant D: Traffic officers are

Yun naman mga huli, pakiusapan more lenient to
mo lang, hindi ka na titikitan, kasi female drivers when
nga babae ka. Oo, iyak iyakan mo it comes to penalties.
lang yan. Hindi ka na matitikitan
College of Arts and Sciences 77

Table 3.

Table of Themes for Research Objective 2





Participant D: People easily Sexism and Gender-based

So, kung ang trabaho mo as a associate poor stereotypical views Discrimination
lady driver, magkakaroon ng driving skills to toward lady drivers
mga, alam mo ‘yung mga lady drivers.
maliliitin ka. Mga “Ah ano ‘to,
‘yong di marunong sa kalye.
Tanga tanga mag-drive, kaya Belittling Remarks
ang bagal kasi babae driver e. are often thrown to
Tabingi ang parking kasi babae lady riders.
driver, e.” ‘Yan ‘yong mga
mostly na ano (nasasabi) nila e.
Yon sasabihin nila sakin kasi
ayon nag carpooling, tas
sasabihin nila “ay, babae yung
driver, Ma’am makakarating po
ba tayo?” Syempre, diba? Customers are
“Makakarating ba tayo? Kaya dubious of the
mo ba?” capabilities of lady
drivers during long
“pagkasakay nila sa sasakyan drives.
sasabihin kaagad ay babae pala
driver. One-time sabi sa akin
“kaya mo bang mag-drive kasi
kung hindi, marunong naman
ako, ako na lang.” Oo ‘yung
ganun. Ako na lang kasi baka
mamaya hindi mo na pala kaya
College of Arts and Sciences 78

Participant C: The customer does

“Ako, kapag malapit lang sa area not trust the
ko yung pick up kinukuha ko tapos services offered by
tatanungin ko yung Customer kung the participant
tuloy po ba tapos she will ask me simply because of
na “ikaw po ba yung driver lalaki her gender.
po ba?” Sabi ko “ hindi po, babae
po. Ako po mismo yung rider”
tapos sabi “ay hindi po, cancel na
po ako kasi po i have my
experience na sa mga lady rider”
sabi ko “ sige po maam ingat po”
pero nasa isip ko talag is “hindi
mo pa nga natry eh” iba-iba
naman kasi ang capability ng
bawat isa. Natatakot kasi na baka
madisgrasya kami. Sa isip
ko,common sense, ididisgrasiya

Participant A: Customers are

“sabi nila "Ay! Hindi kami dubious of the
sasakay kung babae," ganyan, capabilities of lady
ganyan. Meron naman drivers during long
magsasabi na "kaya mo ba drives.
idrive mula doon hanggang
ganito?" ganyan, ganyan. "Kaya
mo ba?" Mga ganon.

“wala po talaga siyang tiwala

sa mga lady rider. Pero sorry
College of Arts and Sciences 79

ah, babae din po kasi siya.

Babae din siya, as in lady po
siya. Kaya pagdating ko sa pick-
up location sabi niya “Are you
sure na kaya mo ko?” ‘Yong
mga ganun. So, syempre nag-
ano ako, nag-explain at
nagpaliwanag naman ako ng
sarili ko. Sabi ko, “Dito po kasi
sa angkas Ma’am is hindi
naman kami papayagan mag-
biyahe kapag once ‘di po kami
pumasa sa mga halimbawa,
driving skills.” sabi kong ganun.
Ang tagal niyang nag-isip, sabi
ko kung ano ma’am, i-cancel
niyo na lang po. Book na lang
po kayo ulit. Sabi naman niya,
“O, I’ll try.” sabi niyang ganun.

Participant B: The customer

may nagbook. As in 3 times or 4 cancels the booking
times niya akong binook. Nung with the lady driver
nakita niyang babae, cinancel multiple times
niya tapos nagbook siya ulit so because he does not
sa'kin pa rin pumasok yung trust lady drivers.
booking niya hanggang apat na
ticket kasi ako lang yung driver
doon kaya no choice siya. Tapos
nung pang-apat niya na booking
sinabi ko sa kanya, sabi ko "Sir,
ah ika-cancel niyo pa ba? Kasi
hindi ko kayo pupuntahan para
naman hindi masayang yung
effort ko na sunduin kayo at
yung gasolina," sabi ko "para
naman na hindi ko na kita
pupuntahan." Sabi niya sa'kin
"Sige na sunduin mo na ako kasi
pang-apat ko ng book ito," ahh
"sige," sabi niyang ganyan.
Tapos nung nasundo ko na siya,
nung pagsakay niya tinanong ko
siya. Sabi ko "sir bakit niyo po
kina-cancel yung booking niyo?
Nagta-try lang po ba kayo or
may dahilan kayo bakit kina-
College of Arts and Sciences 80

cancel?" Sabi niya "ma'am sa

totoo lang, ayaw ko talaga ng
driver na babae"

Participant E: People easily

Tingin nila sa babae, kumbaga associate poor
“mabagal ka eh, eh nagma- driving skills to
madali ako”, may mga customer lady drivers.
kasi gusto nila mabilis… so
naexperience ko yon yung mga
nacacancel kasi daw babae.
Pero kami naman, hindi naman
porket babae eh mahinhin kami
sa kalye

Participant D: Female drivers are Road Harassment

Pagka kasi nagddrive ka sa kalye, prone to road towards lady
at nakita nila na babae ang harassments like drivers.
driver, gigitgitin ka. ‘Yan other cars
gigitgitin nila kasi alam nila cramming them
takot. Kaya yung sasakyan ko
hindi mo ko makita sa loob, tsaka
never kong nilalagyan ng kung The participant was
ano anong mga gamit na verbally harassed
magiging parang babae. Pag during a road
nakita nila ‘ah babae ‘to.”never accident despite
ko nilagyan ng ganun kasi once being in the right.
malaman nila babae ang driver
gigitgitin ka, kacutin ka,
oovertake sayo. Lalo na mga taxi,
jeep kasi alam nila mahina loob
mo, takot ka. Tapos yun one-time
nung 2016, nabangga ako ng
truck, so, wala pang tint yung
harapan ko kasi three weeks pa
lang ‘yong sasakyan. Bumaba
yung truck driver pinagmumura
niya ako alam niyang babae ako
e. Akala niya ako ‘yong literal na
iiyak, matatakot. Tapos pagdating
sa investigation matatalo so ako
magpapagawa, ‘yon. Ay
nagkamali siya, na hindi lahat ng
lady driver ay nanganagawa lang
kapag naaksidente.
College of Arts and Sciences 81

Pinalo pa talaga yung hood ng

sasakyan ko tas pinagmumura ako,
nakabangga mismo na truck.
Tapos pinipilit ng operator niya na
sabi daw ng driver niya ako daw
bumangga. E alam naman sa
investigation ‘yung gasgas kasi
bumabase. ‘Yun isa sa mga ano
din yun, diba ang daming
experiences bilang isang lady
driver. Para sa kanila mahina ka,
iiyak ka lang, wala kang alam,

Participant E: Female drivers are

Tapos sa kalye naman, prone to road
naexperience ko rin na mabastos harassments like
ako ng kotse, kumbaga akala other cars
nya sinigaan ko sya kasi cramming them
inunahan ko sya sa daan,
kumbaga gigitgitin parin nya
ako. So, don ako parang umiyak
talaga ako, akala ko kasi
mamamatay na ako

Table 4.

Table of Themes for Research Objective 3




Participant A: The participant started Passion for

Bago naman pala ako nag- her passion for driving Driving
angkas rider, I’m a lady grab during her teenage
driver. Since dalaga pa lang years. Personal
mahilig na ako magmotor. Motivation of
Lady Drivers
Participant B: The participant’s love
Since nga I love driving, kaya for driving motivated
ito yung pinili kong trabaho. her to do this job.
College of Arts and Sciences 82

Participant D: Despite having

So parang naano (natanong) thoughts of career
ko sa sarili ko ano kaya kung change, the
magpalit na ako ng career. participant’s love for
Pero pag dumarating yung driving still gets the
time na hindi na ako best of her.
nagddrive, namimiss mo e.
Namimiss mo
makipagbalyahan sa kalye. Ay,
de, gusto ko pa.

Participant C: Motor driving served

Sakin kasi, parang naging as a motivation to the
motivation ko yung participant.

Participant E: The participant

kumbaga sakin ang tingin ko believes that there is Feelings of Optimistic
dito kung kaya ng lalaki, kaya nothing a man can do Empowerment Attitude of Lady
din ng babae that a woman cannot Drivers Towards
Participant C:
“kaya ko rin naman gawin The participant's strong
yung ginagawa mo” “babae belief that her abilities
ako, lalaki ka, pero depende na could cope with those
yan kung pano mo ihahandle of her male coworkers.
yung pagdadrive mo, diba?”

The participant
“Tapos na yung panahon na believes that a
nasa bahay lang ang babae.” woman’s capabilities
should no longer be

Participant A: The participant finds

Sanay na po talaga akong nasa the job challenging but
lansangan. Kumbaga hindi na still believes that she is
hirap sa akin pero as a babae, capable of whatever it
medyo, medyo lang. Pero is a male driver can Ableness
napapantayan naman yung
ano (kaya) ng mga lalaki

Participant B: The participant still

Describe ahh, para sa akin finds her job easy
kasi ah parang easy lang despite the challenges.
siya… sa pagda-drive, hindi
College of Arts and Sciences 83

ako nahihirapan.

Participant A: Courage and good Positive Attitude

Kailangan buo ang loob mo. health are some of the Along the Road
Laging presence of mind factors needed to
atsaka ‘wag matarantahin, become a successful
atskaa buo ang loob. ‘Yon lang lady driver.
ang pinaka puhunan dito ay
yung buo ng loob atsaka ‘yong
good health palagi.

Participant B: Being a lady driver

Kailangan araw-araw may requires a lot of
baon silang mahabang, patience, especially on
mahabang pasensya. Una, sa struggles encountered
pasahero. Pangalawa, sa on the road.
sobrang haba ng traffic.
Tapos, para hindi ka mabagot,
para hindi ka mainis, ahh hindi
ka mastress, ienjoy mo lang
yung pagda-drive kasi pag
mainis ka, mabagot ka or iinit
ulo mo, sarili mo lang din yung
pinapahirapan mo. Ienjoy mo
na lang yung driving ahh,
idaan mo na lang sa ngiti,
idaan mo na lang sa tawa.

Participant C: A lady driver should

Bilang babaeng rider kasi show braveness along
kailangan matapang ka at di the road and
pwedeng matakot lalo na nasa professionalism toward
kalsada. Dapat buo loob mo at the customers.
matapang ka kailangan mong
maging positibo lagi kahit pa
yung customer mo eh bara
bara yung pag sagot, maging
professional ka na dapat kahit
sabihan ka na “habal ka lang
naman eh” “lady rider ka lang
naman eh”. Kung di siya
nagpapakatao sayoedi ikaw
magbigay sa kaniya. Sa
ganiyang paraan ay
marerealize niya din. Huwag
ka ring makikinig sa mga
College of Arts and Sciences 84

negative comments. Syempre

alam din natin kakayahan
natin bilang babae.

Participant E: Trust in oneself and

Tiwala lang tsaka lakas ng courage are essential to
loob ganon. Tsaka hayaan being a lady driver.
lang yung mga negative na
naririnig nila, kasi kumbaga
kung yun talaga yung passion
mo, go lang… wala naman
masama eh. Pwede ka naman
magquit kung di mo talaga
kaya, pero kung di mo
susubukan, walang

Participant A: Dedication to work Dedication to

atsaka kailangan dedicated ka and persevere is Succeed as Lady
sa papasukin mong trabaho. important to succeed Drivers
Kasi as a lady rider, kailangan as a lady driver.
talaga kumbaga focus lagi.
Kasi sabi nga ang kita naman
dito is nakadepende sa sipag at
tiyaga. Basta sa akin lang,
kung kaya naman why not,
basta pursegido lang

Participant D: The participant

Sabi ko kung talgang gusto mo believes that it is
matutong magdrive dapat important for lady
willing ka, hindi ka matatakot. drivers to have the will
Kung hindi mo uumpisahan to learn and overcome
hindi ka makakapagdrive. Yun your fears.
nga ang lagi kong sinasabi na
i-overcome niyo fear niyo.

Participant A: The participant became

Ganito po kasi ‘yon… uhh more satisfied with her Sustainable
galing po ako sa business salary after switching work
industry. Since uhh.. 2005 careers to driving.
kumbaga ano kami ang Financial
nagiging ano ko pa talaga is Freedom
tindahan, karinderya, ‘yong
mga ganun bigasan. And then
ano e, kumbaga syempre hindi
mo naman kaya lahat.
College of Arts and Sciences 85

Kumbaga maghahire ka ng
kasama mo kasi maliliit pa
‘yong mga anak ko. Kaso
kapag once hindi ka
papasukan, hindi
nagpapaalam, so trabahuin mo
siya lahat. Parang nagiisip
ako, kumbaga parang ang
hirap. Kaya ang ginawa ko,
nagswitch na lang ako sa
motorsiklo kasi na-ano ako sa
traffic e. So, ‘yon lang, enenjoy
ko na, okay na sakin ‘tong ano,
ganito klaseng kita.

Participant B: The participant strives

Naisipan ko rin kung bakit ko as a lady driver to
ginagawa 'to, para talaga sa support the needs of
family ko. Para sa tatlong anak her children.
ko, na wala na akong ibang
ahh… I mean, walang ibang
tumutulong sa'kin para
buhayin ko yung tatlong anak

Participant E: The participant chose

Ginrab ko parin yung to be a driver because
opportunity, sabi ko madaling it was an easier way to
pera to eh. Kumbaga hawak ko get income than a job
na agad yung pera eh. Eh kung that has twice a month
papasok ka sa trabaho, paycheck.
maghihintay ka pa ng
kinsenas, ito hawak mo na,
maiuuwi mo na kaagad.

Siguro yung natutuwa ako na

nakabili kami ng bahay ng
asawa ko, so meron kaming
nabili ngayong bahay na
hinuhulugan naming,
matatapos na this year.
Syempre yung motor ko rin,
nafully paid ko yon, four years
ko na rin yon nagamit sa paga-
angkas ko.
College of Arts and Sciences 86

Participant C: The participant can

Yung ano, yung kaya ko provide for her
palang masustentohan yung family’s needs and
everyday living expenses wants.
namin for 14 days. Masaya
kasi kahit anong hingin ng
anak ko, naibibigay ko. Galing
kasi ako sa mahirap na
pamilya kaya ayaw ko
maexperience ng mga anak ko
yung hirap kaya kumakayod
talaga ako para maibigay ko
maginhawang buhay.

Participant D: The participant

Magkakaroon ka ng sariling considers her
investment (sasakyan), investments as a sign
although depreciated na siya of success for being a
pero investment mo na yan e. lady driver
Once mabayaran mo na yan
nasa pangalan mo na yan.
Masasabi mong sayo na talaga
yan. Tapos syempre
bumabyahe ka
nakakapagpundar ka rin ng
mga gamit. Yun achievement
yun. Yung kaya mong bayaran
yung bills sa pagdadrive.
College of Arts and Sciences 87


Interview Transcripts

Participant 1
Interviewer: Unang tanong ko po ma’am, ano, paano niyo po madedescribe yung
mga experiences niyo po dito sa angkas o pagiging lady driver po?
Interviewee: Oo. Kahit nga mag-spiel ka na ng ahh ano… Kumabaga, “Hi, I’m Litlit”,
ang reply pa rin sa inyo ‘okay, kuya’. Sa akin naman, mai-describe ko since na ano
po ako. Sanay na po talaga akong nasa lansangan. Kumbaga, hindi na hirap sa akin
pero as a babae, medyo, medyo lang. Pero napapantayan naman yung ano ng mga
lalaki, kumbaga.
Interviewer: Ano ma’am yung mga, yung mga nasasabing niyo pong parang
mahirap bilang babae sa ganitong klase ng trabaho?
Interviewee: Like for example ahh... ahh sorry, ah. Medyo heavy. Medyo mabigat
po. Sobrang sakit po sa balikat. Lalo na po, lalo na kung hindi siya marunong
sumakay ng motor, ‘yong first time pa niyang sumakay. Atsaka ‘yong traffic.
Interviewer: Ay, opo, opo.
Interviewee: Yes po, kasi kailangan i-balance mo talaga, e. Kasi mahirap two-
wheels lang kasi diba po.
Interviewer: Ma’am how about naman po yung mga ano, relasyon niyo po sa iba
niyo pong kaworkmate na mga kapwa angkas rider, paano po madedescribe mga
friendship niyo po or samahan niyo po?
Interviewee: Ah… sa amin naman, pero kapag once ano lady rider parang na-amaze
‘yong mga kapwa namin mga angkas biker. ‘Yong mga biker. Kumbaga na-amaze
sila kasi, ‘yon nga, trabaho nila kinakaya na namin, gano’n. Kaya nga sabi ko ‘wag
niyo lang kami pagbubuhatin ng mabigat hahaha.
Interviewer: Ma’am paano naman po yung ano, kumbaga, meron po bang mga
instances kung saan may nabato po sa inyo na mga salita or mga trato na parang
discriminatory po dahil babae kayo?
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Interviewee: Yes. Ako po palagi po akong, ah, hindi naman palagi kumbaga ano
lang, siguro ano siya, wala po talaga siyang tiwala sa mga lady rider. Pero sorry ah,
babae rin po kasi siya. Babae rin siya, as in lady po siya. Kaya nga pagdating sa
ano, pagdating ko sa pick-up location sabi niya “Are you sure na kaya mo ko?” ‘Yong
mga ganun. So, syempre nag-ano ako, nag-explain at nagpaliwanag naman ako ng
sarili ko. Sabi ko, “Dito po kasi sa angkas ma’am is hindi naman kami papayagan
mag-biyahe kapag once ‘di po kami pumasa sa mga halimbawa, driving skills.” Sabi
kong ganun. Ang tagal niyang nag-isip. Sabi ko “Kung ano ma’am, i-cancel niyo na
lang po. Book na lang po kayo ulit.” Sabi naman niya, “O, I’ll try.” Sabi niyang ganun.
So, ‘yon ngaap. Tapos ito na, nakarating na kami sa drop-off, edi kinamusta ko siya.
Sabi ko, “O, ma’am kumusta ‘yong byahe natin?”. “Okay naman. Good,” sabi niyang
gano’n. Mas maingat daw pala ang mga babae kaysa lalaking rider. ‘Yon ang sabi
niya. ‘Yon, binigyan ako tip hahahaha.
Interviewer: ‘Yon lang ma’am ‘no, parang mas nauuna ‘yong mga akala nila.
Interviewee: Yes, atsaka ako ano, minsan na rin po akong naano ng lalaki naman.
Lalaki naman siyang pasahero, kumbaga pinick-up ko siya sa Makati. Nagmamadali
pala siya pero ang tagal kong nag-hintay ro'n. Sabi ko “Sir nandito po ako.” Ang
tagal niya, sabi niya kesyo sira raw elevator. So, wala sa’kin ‘yon kasi hindi naman
ako. Tapos nung sumakay na siya, sabi niya, “Can you do it faster?!” Sabi niyang
gano’n. Sabi ko, “Sir, hindi pwede kasi may standard po kaming ano, takbo ng-
atsaka isa pa, traffic po.” Sabi ko hindi po talaga pwede. Ang dami niyang mga ano,
ang daming mga salitang hindi ko ma-ano, maintindihan. Kasi parang ano nga siya,
nag-aano. Alam mo ba, pagdating doon sa drop-off nireport ko siya. Naireport ko
siya sa angkas, kasi binato niya sa akin ‘yong helmet. Pagkababa talaga binato niya
sa akin. Card payment po kasi. Binato niya sa akin ‘yong helmet.
Interviewer: Wala namang modo kung tutuusin, grabe po.
Interviewee: Oo, wala po talaga. Tapos isa pa, meron pa ulit. ‘Yong medyo chubby
siya, lalaki. Doon sa ano ba, ‘yong school sa malapit sa may, ‘yong malapit sa may
inaanuhan, yung laging maraming nagwewelga?
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Interviewer: PUP po?

Interviewee: Hindi, ‘yong school doon. ‘Yong malapit sa Manila, sa may Legarda.
Alam mo ba, Diyos ko, Ginoo ko, okay lang sana ano, excited siyang bumaba, as
in. Hindi pa ako nakapag-side stand. Edi sabi ko ay “Diyos ko, sir.” Natumba siya,
kasalanan niya. Siya naman ang ano. E ano, natawa ‘yong guard sa amin. Siya nag-
ano, bumulagta talaga siya, excited siya bumaba. Hindi ko siya nakayanan sa bigat
niya, edi tinumba ko ‘yong motor ko na lang, kaya ayun.
Interviewer: So ma’am, uhm.. Nabanggit niyo po pala kanina ma’am na meron
kayong mga standards sa Angkas, pag mag-aapply po. May mga challenges po ba
kayong na-encounter po habang nag-aapply po kayo sa angkas bilang babae po?
Interviewee: Wala naman kasi naipasa ko naman ‘yong driving skills.
Interviewer: Opo, pero hindi naman po ba sila mahigpit po ganoon?
Interviewee: Same lang, kapag hindi ka talaga pumasa sa driving skills. Hanggang
take two lang doon e. Kapag once hindi ka umano sa pag-retake, hindi ka talaga i-
ano. Kasi ang katwiran nila, kapag pinagbigyan ‘yong nag-failed, e paano na kapag
nasa kalsada na at may pasahero. ‘Yong meron pong palakasan system? Wala po
‘yan. Kung ano sa lalaki, same lang sa babae. Need lang talaga i-ano. E ang sabi
nga nila, mas mabilis daw makapasa ang mga babae gawa ng malambot yung
Interviewer: Ma’am ‘yong ano naman po, ‘yong next question ko po e meron po
bang mga, since ‘yong kanina niyo pong mga nakwento kumbaga may mga
discrimination pong mga nangyayari kapag sa customers po o sa passengers,
meron naman po ba ma’am ‘yong mga nangyayari na kapwa Angkas rider niyo po?
Interviewee: So far, sa’kin wala. As in nag ta-thumbs up talaga sila kapag,
gumaganon (saludo) sila kapag once babae. Oo, ganon.
Interviewer: Kumbaga, amaze po talaga sila, ‘no?
Interviewee: Meron ding mga pasahero na talagang, lalo na lalaki, karamihan naano
sila, na-amaze sila kapag babae ang rider nila. Oo.
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Intervierwer: Ahh… Speaking po of ano ma’am, ano po ‘yong mga advantages niyo
naman bilang mga babae dito po sa klaseng trabaho?
Interviewee: Parang sa akin walang advantage, e. Kasi same ‘yong serbisyo e
hahaha. Ano na lang po siguro is kung paano sila i-ano, pa’no mo sila i-handle,
pa’no mo sila e- tawag niyan… asikasuhin as a pasahero.
Interviewer: Opo.
Interviewee: Ganon. Ang nagiging advantage lang kasi doon is ‘yong siguro mas
ma-ano (malaki) sila mag-tip sa babae.
Interviewer: Oh, mga tip po.
Interviewee: Oo, ‘yon ganon. Pero sa serbisyo ano, wala, same lang. ‘Yon nga lang
ang nakakaano kasi kapag once babae ‘yong rider alam mong malinis sa lahat. ‘Yon
'yun. Ultimo ‘yong ano ng helmet laging nilalabhan, ‘yong mga ganun. Kaya minsan
may mga pasaherong nag-rereklamo na gabi na amoy araw pa rin ‘yong helmet.
Interviewer: Mas malinis po pala ano kapag babae?
Interviewee: Yes. Oo, ‘yon yung maano nila.
Interviewer: Ma’am, how about naman po, may mga success story po ba kayo na
makukwento sa amin? Kung ano man po yung gusto niyo ishare sa amin na story
pa po na mga unforgattable, mga ganon.
Interviewee: Ano naman e. Sa akin naman, as in okay na kasi ‘yong- dalawa lang
kasi ‘yong anak ko. Dito naman nakaano na. Kumbaga ‘yong policewoman, okay na
siya, for training na kasi siya, hintay na lang ng ano, oath taking. Kumbaga para
ano, kasi ano board passer na siya, e. Nakapag ano na siya. Tapos ‘yong binata ko
naman, ‘yong lalaki ko pong anak na panganay is angkas rider din siya. Mother and
son kami dito.
Interviewer: Nakakaproud naman po pala ‘yon ma’am ‘no?
Interviewee: Oo, sobra. Kumbaga, ‘yong anak kong babae parang nagmana sa akin
ng lakas ng loob.
Interviewer: Oo nga po, amazing din po pala.
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Interviewee: Oo! Kasi hindi naman lahat ng babae kumbaga sumugal sa trabaho ng
Interviewer: Opo, totoo po.
Beth: Oo, ganon po siya. Kasi sabi nga nila ano, delikado. Lalo na noong pandemic.
Pero hindi pa Angkas rider ‘yong anak kong lalaki. Lagi nila akong pinapagalitan
noong time na ‘yon kasi ako nga naman labas nang labas. ‘Di ba, baliktad? Kaya
ayon. Kumbaga, sa akin araw-araw naman is a success talaga. As long as ineenjoy
mo lang ‘yong ginagawa. Nag-eenjoy naman ako, hindi naman ako- Kasi sabi nila,
ang tawag naman nila sa akin Mommy Vice, Mommy Beth, kasi I’m 48.
Interviewer: Grabe po ma’am ah, mukha pa rin po kayong strong na strong.
Interviewee: Oo, I’m 48 years old and sabi nga nila “Grabe My, pahinga ka naman!”
Kasi kumbaga meron kasi kaming paligsahan e, may incentives kami. May ano
kapag once ‘yong numbers of rides per month and then ako pa ‘yong nagwawagi.
O, diba? Hahahahaha.
Interviewer: Grabe ma’am, talo pa ‘yong mas bata ano.
Interviewee: Yes, oo nga kaya sabi kong ganun ano lang enjoy niyo lang. ‘Wag
masyadong ano, ‘wag niyo lang masyadong, kumbaga gawing, ano ba tawag diyan.
Kaya nga sabi ng anak ko “Ay nako, ‘yang si mama hindi ‘yan napapagod.”
Interviewer: Proud na proud din po sila sa inyo. Ma’am matanong ko rin po, ano po
pala ang dahilan ma’am kung bakit po naisipan mag-Angkas o pumasok po sa
Interviewee: Ganito po kasi ‘yon… ahh galing po ako sa business industry. Since
ahh.. 2005, kumbaga ano kami- Ang nagiging ano ko pa talaga is tindahan,
karinderya, ‘yong mga ganon, bigasan. And then ano e, kumbaga syempre hindi mo
naman kaya lahat. Kumbaga maghahire ka ng kasama mo kasi maliliit pa ‘yong mga
anak ko. Kaso kapag once hindi ka papasukan, hindi nagpapaalam, so trabahuin
mo siya lahat. Parang nag-iisip ako, ba’t ganun? Kumbaga parang ang hirap. Kaya
ang ginawa ko- Bago naman pala ako nag-Angkas rider, I’m a lady Grab driver.
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Since dalaga pa lang mahilig na ako magmotor. Kaya ‘yon, kumbaga nagswitch na
lang ako sa motorsiklo kasi na-ano ako sa traffic e. So, ‘yon lang, inenjoy ko na,
okay na sa’kin ‘tong ano, ganito klaseng kita.
Interviewer: Matanong ko rin po, ano po kaya ‘yong masasabi niyo po sa iba pa
pong mga kababaihan na kino-consider nilang magtry nila ngayon mag-Angkas?
Interviewee: Ang masasabi ko lang naman talaga sa kanila kailangan buo ang loob
mo. Laging presence of mind atsaka ‘wag matarantahin. Atsaka kailangan
dedicated ka sa papasukin mong trabaho. Kasi as a lady rider, kailangan talaga
kumbaga, focus lagi. Kasi sabi nga ang kita naman dito is nakadepende sa sipag at
tiyaga. Basta sa akin lang, kung kaya naman why not, basta pursigido lang atsaka
buo ang loob. ‘Yon lang ang pinaka puhunan dito ay yung buo ng loob, atsaka ‘yong
good health palagi. Kasi rito maabutan ka ng ulan, maarawan, ‘di ba? Kaya sabi ko
nga wala naman akong ibang dasal lagi kundi good health kasi ang pera madali
namang kitain basta maganda ‘yong pangangatawan mo.

Participant 2
Interviewer: How would you describe yung trabaho niyo po bilang babae?
Interviewee: Describe ahh, para sa akin kasi ah parang easy lang siya. Para sa akin
kasi I love driving. Kumbaga, ito yung hilig ko e. So, parang para sa akin ha, ahh ok
lang. Nung una siguro sa mga daan daan or sa mga lugar na hindi ko kabisado,
doon ako nahihirapan. Pero sa pagda-drive, hindi ako nahihirapan. Sa mga lugar
Interviewer: How about naman po yung, syempre meron din po kayong mga
kaibigan na kapwa drivers or kaya naman may mga kakilala po kayo, nae-
encounter. Paano po yung reationship niyo with them sa mga kapwa niyo drivers?
Interviewee: Ahh tulad ngayon… Ahh so far kasi marami ako kakilalang mga drivers,
so parang yung mga hindi ko alam na mga technique about uhm lugar, so parang
nagshe-share share ng mga experience namin na "ay oo nga pala", at least next
time alam namin na ito hindi dapat gawin, ito ay dapat gawin, yung mga ganyan.
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Lalo na sa aming mga kababaihan, kasi may grupo din kaming mga kababaihan.
Puro lang kami babae.
Interviewer: Sabi niyo nga po marami kayong mashe-share, yung mga instances or
mga situation na kung saan parang nadescriminate po kayo because of your gender
sa ganitong klaseng trabaho.
Interviewee: Hmm oo. Ahh nung ano… Nung two thousand- Ano ba ngayon? 2019-
18- 2019, parang ganon. Bandang Antipolo, Antipolo yata 'yon. So doon uhm
mahina signal ko tapos may nagbook. As in 3 times or 4 times niya akong binook.
Nung nakita niyang babae, cinancel niya tapos nagbook siya ulit so sa'kin pa rin
pumasok yung booking niya hanggang apat na ticket kasi ako lang yung driver doon
kaya no choice siya. Tapos nung pang-apat niya na booking sinabi ko sa kanya,
sabi ko "Sir, ah ika-cancel niyo pa ba? Kasi hindi ko kayo pupuntahan para naman
hindi masayang yung effort ko na sunduin kayo at yung gasolina," sabi ko "para
naman na hindi ko na kita pupuntahan." Sabi niya sa'kin "Sige na sunduin mo na
ako kasi pang-apat ko ng book ito," ahh "sige," sabi niyang ganyan. Tapos nung
nasundo ko na siya, nung pagsakay niya tinanong ko siya. Sabi ko "sir bakit niyo po
kina-cancel yung booking niyo? Nagta-try lang po ba kayo or may dahilan kayo bakit
kina-cancel?" Sabi niya "ma'am sa totoo lang, ayaw ko talaga ng driver na babae"
sabi niya! Kasi parang nakakahiya daw sumakay na lalaki siya tapos ang driver niya
is babae. At the same time daw parang wala siyang tiwala. 'Yon. In short daw,
parang wala siyang tiwala daw sa driver na babae. Ahh nung naihatid ko na siya
nagrate naman siya sakin. Binigyan naman niya ako ng 5 star, na ang sabi niya pa
don sa comment niya na, ahh nagkamali daw siya ng ano… nagkamali daw siya ng,
anong tawag dito, ng kumbaga nagkamali siya ng pag-aakala na akala niya hindi
daw magaling magdrive yung mga kababaihan 'yun pala 'yun pa daw yung maingat
magdrive. 'Yon.
Interviewer: Ito lang po ba ma'am yung isang encounter niyo po or marami po 'tong
mga situations na ganon?
College of Arts and Sciences 94

Interviewee: Uhm, iyon! Siguro mga 5 times nangyari sa'kin yung ganong situation
na ahh 'yun nga sinasabi nila na wala silang tiwala sa babae na driver. Tapos ang
isa ko pang naecounter is yung mga lasing, mga nagkakalat sa loob ng sasakyan,
tapos 'yon. Tapos yung pinakamatindi is yung ah holdup, 'yon. Yung holdap na 'yon
ahh sa ano 'yon eh, nangyari yon sa Dasma, Dasmariñas Cavite. So ang kinuha
lang naman sakin is yung mga pera lang naman. Tapos, ahh lately lang. Lately lang
talaga. Yung July, July 20 or 22, mga ganon. Nabudol-budol naman ako sa Cubao.
Ahh nagpanggap siyang pasahero ko tapos ahh umupo siya dito sa tabi ko, babae
yon. Babae yung sumakay. Isa lang siya. Eh ganito daw, ganito daw ahh...Ang dami
niyang chika. Tapos ang natandaan ko lang meron siyang inispray sa parang maliit
na, parang alam mo 'yon, parang, parang hand sanitizer lang siya. Sabi ko "Ang
bango naman ma'am nung ano, nung pabango mo." Sabi niya "Hindi ano lang 'to
hand sanitizer lang 'to". And then after that sabi niya "ma'am daan muna tayo ng
watson", "ma'am daan muna tayo ng ganito". Parang lahat ng sasabihin niya parang
sunod lang ako nang sunod. Tapos parang alam mo ‘yon… yung wala, hindi ka
pwede- parang wala, nawala sa isip mo hindi ka pwedeng mag- ahh magrason na
oo ka lang ng oo. Kumbaga parang… para ganitong kalabaw na kung saan hinila
yung tali sa ilong parang sunod ka lang din nang sunod. Yung wala... wala... wala...
Parang wala akong, wala ako sa sarili ko nung time na yon. Tapos ang ano don ahh
pabili daw siya ng ganito, nawalan siya ng load. Tapos ang sabi niya ganito daw
"ma'am patext muna," ganyan, ganyan. Tapos ayon, inano niya na yung phone
tinapat- ioff mo yung screen niya pag-on mo ulit diba hihingi ng password 'yon?
Nung time na 'yon ganon ang ginawa niya. Tapos hingi niya sa'kin yung password.
So 'yun binigay ko rin. So, na hindi naman dapat sana. So ewan ko bakit binigay ko.
Huli ko na- Huli ko na nalaman pagsabi niya ng "Ay! Bababa po muna ako ma'am
kasi magpapaload daw siya. Pero hawak-hawak niya yung telepono ko. Iyon hindi
ko na siya nakita. Kitang kita ko siya naglalakad kung saan siya pumasok don sa
mall na yon. Tapos bitbit niya yung telepono ko. So parang, tinitignan ko lang siya.
After mga ilang minutes, dun ko na, bakit binigay ko yung phone? Bakit nagbigay
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ako ng password? Ganyan. Blah blah blah. So wala na, hindi na siya bumalik. Tapos
naano ko na lang na ahh andon yung gcash number ko, andon yung gcash apps
ko, nandon- nandon yung lahat-lahat ko. Grab apps ko. Lahat! Yung grab paywallet
ko nandon, nakuha. Lahat ng laman non nakuha niya talaga. Tapos uhm hindi
kaagad ako naka buy ng phone kasi wala eh, wala.. wala.. zero, wala talaga akong
kapera pera kasi nandon din yung pera na naipon ko pambayad ng sasakyan. So
ang nangyari is siguro mga one or two days bago ako nakabili ng phone. Hindi ko
na-aware yung iba kong mga friend na mga.. na.. tawag nito, nahack yung- pinalitan
niya yung password ng email ko, pinalitan yung password ng messenger ko,
pinalitan yung password, lahat! Kasi nandon lahat sa ano ko eh sa, tawag dito, sa
ahh cellphone ko na 'yon yung pinaka ano niya na. Do'n ko ginawa yung email.
Lahat. Kaya lahat ng access nandoon. Pinalitan niya lahat 'yon. Tapos until now
ginagamit niya yung facebook messenger ko sa panloloko. Ang dami niya ng
nautangan. Ang dami niya ng napaniwala na ako, ako yung kausap nila. Na hindi
ako yung gumagamit don sa dati kong account.
Interviewer: Ma'am ibalik ko lang po sa isa pong nasabi niyo. Since nabanggit niyo
po ma'am yung mga problema sa pagiging grab driver, ano naman po yung mga
masasabi niyo na advantage niyo bilang babae sa ganitong klaseng trabaho?
Interviewee: Advantage… Meron ibang mga pasahero na ahh gusto nila na babae
yung driver. Ang advantage naman like ah mga subdivision subdivision na 'yan, no
entry kapag walang mga sticker sa kanila ganon. So ang ginagawa ko… Hindi ko
rin alam eh! Kasi pag ginagawa ko binababa ko na yung ano, binababa ko na yung
window ko, instead na kukuha pa ako ng I.D, sasabihin niya "Ay! Si ma'am pala!
Sige po diretso." Parang ganon. Sabi ko "huh?" Sabi ko "ano yon may kamukha ako
dito?" hahaha parang ganon. Parang ayon yung advantage para sa akin. "Huh?"
ganon "Ba't kaya hindi ako kinuhanan ng I.D?" Tapos tinatanong ako nung pasahero
ko "ma'am taga rito ka ba?", "hindi po," "Bakit hindi po kayo kinuhanan ng I.D?",
"Hindi ko po alam. Binaba ko lang yung binatana ko eh nakita niya ako." Parang
ganon yung ano, yung advantage para sa'kin bilang isang ahh driver, grab driver na
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ahh tawag dito… sa mga subdivision subdivision na ganyan. Like kasi sa BF

Parañaque, BF Homes Parañaque. Kung saan ka pumasok, pag kinuhanan ka ng
I.D, dun ka lang talaga babalik. Napakahirap para sa’min ‘yon kasi kung pagdrop
namin do'n sa loob meron kaming makuhang pasahero which is halimbawa dito,
dito kami sa may Sucat pumasok tapos makakuha kami ng pasahero papuntang
Las Piñas, bumabalik pa kami ng Sucat na instead do'n na kami lalabas sa entrance
ng Las Piñas. So yung ano ko, yung yung parang sabi ko "ahh advantage 'yun sa
akin na, ay hindi na ako babalik do'n kasi hindi ako kinuhanan ng I.D." Diba yung
mga ganon. Tsaka ano, yung ibang pasahero natutuwa. "Ay! Talaga po. Babae.
Bilib naman ako sa inyo," ganyan ganyan. Ayon. Tapos magbibigay ng tip. 'Yon.
Kaya nakabili ako ng mga… mga luho ko.
Interviewer: Nakita ko po ma'am may mga artista din po talaga kayong mga pictures
Interviewee: Ahh opo. 'Yun naman si Mel Changco, si Glaiza de Castro. Bale si
Glaiza de Castro, siya yung gumanap sa true to life story ko bilang ako. Tsaka si
Mel Changco yung, siya yung nag-interview sa akin sa Magpakailanman.
Interviewer: Since meron po kayong mga nabanggit na discrimination from
customers, sa iba na kapwa niyo po riders, mapakaibigan or kung ano man, may
mga discrimination po ba na sinasabi po sa inyo?
Interviewee: Mostly sa aming mga kababaihan, 'yun yung talagang parang ano, sabi
nila "Ay! Hindi kami sasakay kung babae," ganyan, ganyan. Meron naman
magsasabi na "kaya mo ba idrive mula doon hanggang ganito?" ganyan, ganyan.
"Kaya mo ba?" Mga ganon. Ano, yung tanong na hindi ka dinidiscriminate.
Mararamdaman mo din naman 'yon na yung tanong na dinidiscriminate ka. "Ano
na? Kaya mo?" mga ganon, diba? Based sa reaction ng mukha or sa mga… 'yun
yung mga naririnig ko sa mga kapwa lady driver ko. Sa mga kalalakihan, wala
naman. Wala naman akong naririnig na ganyan.
Interviewer: Next question po ma'am is yung, ano po yung dahilan kung bakit po
naisipan o napili niyong pumasok sa ganitong klaseng trabaho?
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Interviewee: Since nga I love driving, kaya ito yung pinili kong trabaho. Nung
nalaman ko na nag-open, nag-open si- October. October nung time na yon. Tapos
ahh 'yon sabi ko wala naman akong… wala akong trabaho, may kotse naman. Ahh
wala. Before may negosyo kasi ako tapos parang, hindi lang parang, na-down
talaga. Na-down tapos nagdecide ako na, sige itry ko, itry ko pumasok. Though,
pero ano eh uhm hindi ko inexpect na ganon kabilis. Kasi nung araw na 'yon ahh
nagpasa lang ako… nagpasa ako don sa Uber office. Uhm interview ganyan,
ganyan. Bigay ng ilang requirements, na actually hindi pa ako kumpleto do’n sa
requirement ko. Tapos ayun na! Nung time na yon ahh sabi nung ano sa'kin, nung
Uber, sabi niya "Ma'am ok na yung app niyo after mga 2 to 3 hours active na kayo,
pwede na kayo magdrive." Nagtry ako.
Ayan naranasan ko umiyak na magda-drive kasi yung mga pasahero… yung mga
pasaherong iba na sinasabihan ako na "pa'no ka naging driver eh hindi mo alam
yung mga daan?", "pa'no ka naging Uber driver bobo ka pala sa mga daan?" yung
mga ganon. Tapos, ahh sabi ko "pasensya na po kasi first week/second week ko pa
lang", "First week ko sa lugar niyo, hindi ko kabisado." Parang lahat sorry sorry,
hingi ka ng sorry, hingi ako ng sorry sa mga pasahero. Which sana na, sinasabi ko
naman sa kanila na pagsakay na "ma'am ah baguhan lang po akong driver hindi po
ako masyadong familiar sa lugar ahh baka pwedeng tulungan niyo ako, i-guide".
'Yan po yung mga sinasabi ko sa pasahero ko noon. Tapos andon na yung nahuhuli
ako sa mga traffic enforcer kasi mali yung pinasok ko. Ano lang ako eh ahh…
sinusundan ko lang si Waze. 'Yun. May mga… may mga lugar din kasi na sira si
Waze, na hindi- kahit one way pinapapasok niya. Do'n sa Makati, ayon. Nahuli ako
dyan kasi one way. 'Yun yung ano, ahh naisipan ko rin kung bakit ko ginagawa 'to,
para talaga sa family ko. Para sa tatlong anak ko, na wala na akong ibang ahh… I
mean, walang ibang tumutulong sa'kin para buhayin ko yung tatlong anak ko. Single
parent, tatlo anak, 'yon. Kaya nagupursigi ako para sa mga bata.
Interviewer: Pwede ko pong matanong, ilang taon na po kayo ma'am?
Interviewee: Ay! Matanda na 'ko. 44 na ako.
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Interviewer: Tapusin po namin yung interview with one last question na lang po. Ano
po yung mga masasabi niyo sa mga kapwa natin kababaihan na gusto rin pong
iconsider yung pagpasok sa pagiging lady rider?
Interviewee: Ayun. Kailangan araw-araw may baon silang mahabang, mahabang
pasensya. Una, sa pasahero. Pangalawa, sa sobrang haba ng traffic. Tapos, para
hindi ka mabagot, para hindi ka mainis, ahh hindi ka mastress, ienjoy mo lang yung
pagda-drive kasi pag mainis ka, mabagot ka or iinit ulo mo, sarili mo lang din yung
pinapahirapan mo. Ienjoy mo na lang yung driving ahh, idaan mo na lang sa ngiti,
idaan mo na lang sa tawa. 'Yun, ganon.

Participant 3
Interviewer: Paano niyo madedescribe ang trabaho niyo po sa ganitong klaseng
trabaho bilang isang babae?
Interviewee: Sa’kin? Sa pananaw ko kasi pag puma- yung pagmomotor, lalo sa
babae, iispin kasi lahat “ Bakit ka magmomotor, kababae mong tao?”, diba? Sa’kin
kasi, parang naging motivation ko yung pagmomotor. Kasi bago ako naging habal
na lady rider talaga, online seller ako tapos ang gamit lang naming mag-asawa dati
is bike lang. Nakabike lang kami, as in nakabike. Tigi-isa kami ng bisekleta. Then,
nagstart kasi ako mag online seller tapos ‘yun na, nagpatok ba. Tapos sabi ko
parang hindi na kakayanin ng bisekleta yung demand ng pagiging online seller ko.
Yung mga order, kaya nag ano kami, nagdecide kami na kukuha kami ng motor
kahit isa lang muna. Then, ‘yun nga. Then, kasagsagan ng pandemic, malakas
talaga ang online selling tapos itong bumaba na yung ano ng IATF, lumuwag na, as
in parang ‘yun nga, parang nag lie low. Naglie low na, as in yung online selling. Sabi
ko, anong pwede kong gawin para makatulong ako sa husband ko kasi minimum
earner naman alam natin kung hanggang saan lang ‘yun. Specially kung may bills
ka, may students ka na nag-aaral sa private school. Then yung gastos ng ilaw, tubig,
at other daily expenses. Hanggang kailan lang aabutin 'yun. E ako naman mula
noong nagsama kami, gumagawa talaga ako ng paraan para makatulong sa
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husband ko. Ayun nga sabi ko, “What if maghabal ako?” Mag lady rider ako, habal.
Sabi ko sa asawa ko, “papa pwede ba?” Sabi niya “ikaw, kung kakayanin mo”. Ayun
na, magstart na. Una paisas-isa mga page. Sa online facebook, ‘yan. Hanggang sa
lumaon, nagkaroon na ako ng mga regular customer. Kasi sa pagmomotor,
kailangan buo ang loob mo madam. Specially nasa highway ka, dumadaan. Hindi
ka pwedeng matatakutin kasi mga kasama ko e, “Ang tapang tapang mo naman.
Nagmomotor ka, dumadaan ka ng c5.” Sabi niya kung madali ba raw magmotor.
Sabi ko “madali, pero kailangan mo ng tiwala sa sarili mo, lakas ng loob kasi kung
may takot ka, huwag ka na magmotor, mamatay ka pa bigla” Yes, ‘di ba? ‘Di natin
alam. Ayun yung sa'kin naman yung pagiging habal rider ko, naging motivation ko
siya para matugunan ko yung pngangailangan ng family namin. Kasi alam ko not
enough yung minimum earner ka lang. ‘Di bale sana kung manager ka, eh yung
asawa ko is merchandiser, ahente. Ayun.
Interviewer: Buti po maam supportive po ang asawa niyo sa paghahabal niyo po.
Interviewee: Yes ma’am, supportive naman siya. Tapos hindi naman talaga- Ang
napag-usapan agad namin naisip ko na papasukin ko yung paghahabal ba na as
lady rider, pumasok agad sa isip ko na hindi talaga ako magsasakay ng lalaki.
Interviewer: Bakit po ma’am?
Interviewee: Kasi parang nagkaphobia ako doon sa balita na lumabas na holdup-
an. Yung na-holdup na pinatay pa yung rider. Tapos syempre kapag ‘di mo kilala
yung lalaking isasakay mo ay pwede kang mabastos. Sa'kin naman, kaya ko yung
self defense. Pero what if na-holdup ka na pinatay ka pa tapos nakipag-agawan ako
ng motor, ‘di ba? Parang ayaw ko isipin na lalabas sa’kin yung ganun na
mamamatay ako dahil lang sa nakipag-agawan ako sa motor.
Interviewer: 'Di mo po talaga masasabi.
Interviewee:Yes. Ayun yung nagdecide ako na simula naging lady rider ako, hindi
talga ako nagsakay ng lalaki. Sabi nga nila “bakit hindi ka mag Angkas ma’am or
Joyride?” Sabi ko, “sabi kasi ng kasamahan ko, ‘wag ka na mag Angkas at Joyride
lalo hindi ka nagsasakay ng mga lalaki” Kasi sa mga apps, hindi mo raw madedetect
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kung babae o lalaki yung mabobook. E sa awa naman ng Diyos po, marami naman
na ako naging regular customer talaga na nagpapahatid sundo. Tapos kapag may
free time ako, magchachat lang sila. Ayun po, nagstart ako na maghabal mga 5:00
AM, minsan hanggang gabi na po ‘yun dire-diretso.
Interviewer: Matanong ko po, since nga po nabanggit niyo po na may nababalitaan
kayo ng ganun, mga discriminatory experience. Meron po ba kayong mga
delikadong experiences po lalo na sa mga kababaihan na lady rider. Ikaw po ma'am,
may naencounter ka na po ba kung saan nadiscriminate po kayo bilang babae sa
ganitong trabaho po?
Interviewee: Yes ma’am, specially kami, as habal is illegal kami. Kasi ang uso is
may mga booking GC, magbobook ka lang, saaabihin mo yung location, ganun.
Tapos paunahan lang kayo ng kumuha ng booking. Ako, kapag malapit lang sa area
ko yung pick up, kinukuha ko tapos tatanungin ko yung customer kung tuloy po ba
tapos she will ask me na “Ikaw po ba yung driver? Lalaki po ba?” Sabi ko “ Hindi po,
babae po. Ako po mismo yung rider” Tapos sabi, “Ay, hindi po. Cancel na po ako
kasi po I have my experience na sa mga lady rider.” Sabi ko “Sige po ma’am. Ingat
po.” Pero nasa isip ko talaga is “hindi mo pa nga na-try e.” Iba-iba naman kasi ang
capability ng bawat isa. Natatakot kasi na baka madisgrasya kami. Sa isip ko,
common sense. Ididisgrasiya kita? Sa’kin naman as lady rider, mas gusto ng mga
customer na babae is hanap talaga nila is lady rider.
Interviewer: Opo, may mga naghahanap po talaga ng lady riders. Mas komportable
po talaga sila sa lady riders.
Interviewee: Yes po. Kaya lahat ng nagiging customer ko sa FB, kapag alam nilang
libre ako ay icha-chat nila ako.
Interviewer: Ma’am matanong ko lang po, ayun nga po nakakaexperience po kayo
sa mga cusomers, how about po sa mga co-riders niyo po?
Interviewee: Yes, nung una meron akong kagroup. Sabi niya “Rider ka ba talaga or
customer ka, madam?” Sabi ko is rider ako. Sabi niya “Babae ka nga e.” Sabi ko “E
ano naman?” May mga kasamahan ako na tropa kong rider sabi na “baka matalo
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ka dyan ni madam pag nagkarera kayo.” E sa’kin naman, hindi naman sa

pinagmamalaki ko na ok ako magdrive, sa’kin kasi is jinajudge ka agad porket babae
ka? Sabi ko nga e, kung wala kang motor at lisensiya anong kakayahan mo dyan?
“Kaya ko rin naman gawin yung ginagawa mo.”, “Babae ako, lalaki ka, pero depende
na 'yan kung paano mo ihahandle yung pagdadrive mo, ‘di ba?” May mga customer
na paghihintayin ka sasabihan ka na “Ma’am, wait lang.” Diyos ko po. Paghihintayin
ako ng mga isang oras. Pag ganun, tinatanong ko kung matagal pa ba pero hindi
talaga sumasagot minsan. Napaka time wasting, sana nakakuha na ako ng ibang
booking. Tapos ibai-iba rin kasi mga nasasakay ko minsan, mga call center agent o
office workers tapos mga entertainer (GRO).
Interviewer: May mga ganun po pala ‘no?
Interviewee: Yes po. Ang pinaka experience ko no’n, may customer akong ganun,
unang meet namin is sexy ang damitan. Tapos habang bumabiyahe kami nasa amin
lahat ng attention ng mga kapwa namin rider. Then the next day is nagbook ulit siya
samin. “Ma’am isasakay po kita pero pwede po bang patungan mo yung damit mo?
Ayaw ko po kasi maging cause of distraction tayo along the highway.” Ang ayaw ko
kasi, pag may sakay akong sexy ay ginigitgit ako sa kalye para lang makita yung
sakay ko.
Interviewer: May mga instances po pala na ganun ma’am, ano?
Interviewee: Yes, kahit nasa traffic light ka e gigitgitin ka para lang makita yung
customer ko. Ang sakin lang, gusto ko lang maging comfy customer ko. Kaya ayun
naging deal namin na kapag ibobook niya ako ay magsusuot siya ng hindi sexy na
damit. Mas concern kasi ako sa mga customer ko kasi babae ako e. Nakikipag away
ako sa daan kapag pinapangunahan ako ng ibang driver, e alam ko naman
ginagawa ko, ang batas trapiko.
Interviewer: Ma’am, since napag-usapan na po natin yung negative sides na
naexperience niyo. Doon naman po tayo sa tingin niyo po ay advantages niyo as
lady rider.
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Interviewee: Mas advantage kasi mas pipiliin ka ng customer maging rider ka kasi
mas nagtitiwala sayo. Bukod sa tiwala ay nagsheshare sila ng everyday nilang
gawa. Halos lahat ng customer ko ay alam ko buhay at schedule.
Interviewer: Bale nakapalagayan niyo po ng loob, ano po?
Interviewee: Yes po. Meron nga ako customer magpapapick up ng 8:30 tapos
sasabihin ko na baka mamaya 10:30 na naman ‘yan. Tapos tatawag sa’kin na “Ate,
10:30 na pala.” May nakakasama talaga kami na customer na nakakasama namin
sa mga long rides, sa mga chill out namin. Sumasama sila kasi they trust me. Kapag
‘di ako available, may mga ineendorse ako sa kanilang ibang lady rider din na
susundo sa kanila. Ok lang sa kanila kahit hindi ko sila mapick up basta
recommended ko, ganun kalaki tiwala nila sakin.
Hindi ako nawawalan ng customer sa isang araw kasi maya-maya may nagchachat
na sa’kin. Go lang ako pag libre ko kasi sayang kita. Ang una ko naman purpose
bakit ako naghabal is kumita.
Interviewer: Ma’am, last two question po kami ma’am. Yung isa po namin is, ano po
yung success story na maisheshare niyo po samin regarding po rito sa work niyo?
Interviewee: Yung ano, yung kaya ko palang masustentuhan yung everyday living
expenses namin for 14 days. Yung sa asawa ko kasi, yung sweldo niya napupunta
agad sa tuition ng mga anak namin. Masaya kasi kahit anong hingin ng anak ko,
naibibigay ko. Galing kasi ako sa mahirap na pamilya kaya ayaw ko maexperience
ng mga anak ko yung hirap kaya kumakayod talaga ako para maibigay ko
maginhawang buhay. Yung in laws ko is tutol talaga sa pagiging rider ko kasi nga I
have 4 kids. What if madisgrasiya ako, sino mag-aasikaso? Sinasabi ko sa kanila
“Hindi niyo naman kami bubuhayin e.” Kaming mag-asawa yung magpoprovide para
sa family namin. Nagbibiyahe talaga ako ng 5:00 AM then babalik ng 9:00 para
asikasuhin yung kinder ko, tapos babiyahe ulit, then at 12:00 PM yung iba namang
anak ko aasikasuhin ko for school. Ayun na, after nun nasa biyahe na ako hanggang
11:00 pm.
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Interviewee: Tapusin ko po yung interview with one last question po. Ano po yung
magiging advice niyo sa mga kapwa po natin kababaihan na gusto ring maging rider
tulad niyo?
Interviewee: Sa pagiging lady rider kasi, specially habal, lagi ka kasing nasa daan.
Maging mabait ka lang talaga at mapagbigay. Lalo na pag may nakita tayong
lalaking rider na nanghihingi ng tulong, tulungan mo kasi parehas- lalo pag nasa
daan tayo e rider yan e. Wala naman ibang tutulong diyan kundi kapwa rider din.
Bilang babaeng rider kasi kailangan matapang ka at 'di pwedeng matakot lalo na
nasa kalsada. Dapat buo loob mo at matapang ka. Kailangan mong maging positibo
lagi kahit pa yung customer mo e bara-bara yung pagsagot, maging professional ka
na dapat kahit sabihan ka na “Habal ka lang naman e,” “Lady rider ka lang naman
e.” Kung ‘di siya nagpapakatao sayo edi ikaw magbigay sa kanya. Sa ganyang
paraan ay marerealize niya rin. Huwag ka ring makikinig sa mga negative
comments. Syempre alam din natin kakayahan natin bilang babae. We need to be
practical sa panahon ngayon. Tapos na yung panahon na nasa bahay lang ang
babae. Lalo na sa panahon ngayon, kasi kapag ‘di ka gumawa e wala pa rin. Sabi
nga, nandyan ang Panginoon at laging nakagabay sa atin. Pero nasa sayo naman
kung paano mo i-adapt ang buhay. Lahat ng opportunity is nasa paligid, depende
lang sayo kung paano mo i-adapt sa buhay mo. Thankful lang ako dahil karamihan
sa customer ko ay okay ako sa kanila. Sabi nila e mas magaling ang ate sa mga
rider. Ang mahalaga e safe sila sa'kin.

Participant 4
Interviewer: So, ang unang tanong po namin ma’am how would you describe po
‘yong experiences bilang babaeng rider po?
Interviewee: Syempre… ah at first pagdadrive talaga mostly mga lalaki yan e. So,
kung ang trabaho mo as a lady driver, magkakaroon ng mga, alam mo ‘yong mga
maliliitin ka. Mga “Ah ano ‘to, ‘yong ‘di marunong sa kalye. Tanga-tanga mag-drive.
Kaya ang bagal kasi babae driver e. Tabingi ang parking kasi babae driver e.” ‘Yan
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‘yong mga mostly na ano nila e. Lalo na pag dumating ‘yong time na pandemic. ‘Yon
sasabihin nila sakin kasi ayon nag car pooling. Ta’s sasabihin nila “Ay, babae yung
driver, Ma’am makakarating po ba tayo?” Syempre, ‘di ba? “Makakarating ba tayo?
Kaya mo ba?” ganun. Kasi ang byahe namin that time is Manila-Ilocos Norte. Nag-
aano sila, nag-aalangan kasi alam mo ‘yon, napapagod, hindi na makarating, puyat,
Interviewer: Opo, thank you po doon ma’am. Ang dami nga rin po namin naririnig
na lagi pong nasasabihan na mabagal kasi e, mga ganun po. Ma’am matanong ko
na rin po, paano naman po ‘yong mga relationship niyo po sa mga kapwa niyo po
driver? Paano po yung mga samahan niyo po?
Interviewee: Syempre kapag ka kunyari sa isang- ‘yon naman, kapag nasa isang
grupo ka ano, mas bantay ka nila. Kasi alam nila na prone ka na mabastos.
Syempre, may mga time na kunyari ang masasakay mo ibang lahi. ‘Yong natatakot
sila para sayo kasi ano, mahina ka, kumbaga. Oo nga, kaya mo magdrive. Pero
kaya mo ba proteksyunan sarili mo? Kaya mo ba magpalit ng gulong? Kaya mo ba
magpalit ng battery pagka nag ano yan. Ganun. So kapag magkaroon ka ng isang
grupo ng mga drivers, ‘yon yung lagi nilang inaano. “Ano ha, mag-update ka lagi ng-
baka mamaya may ano yan.”
Interviewer: Nakakatuwa ma’am na may bantay rin po pala. Ma’am.. Uhm.. pwede
niyo po bang ma-elaborate pa ‘yong iba niyo pang experiences na mga nasabi niyo
po? Isang kwento po ma’am kung ano po naexperience niyo, anything unforgettable
Interviewee: Ano ‘yon, ang unforgettable lang naman sa akin is ‘yong lady driver ako
ng Grab. ‘Yong sumuka ‘yong lasing. Syempre December, so alam mo naman. Kasi
nga ber-months nga rin bumabagyo madalas. Sumuka. Hindi lang isang lasing e,
dalawa silang lasing at sumuka, sabay pa. Tapos hindi mo alam, syempre
pagkagabi saan ka maghahanap ng ano carwash? Hindi kasi pupwede tumagal ‘yun
e. So ‘yon, hassle na talaga sa byahe mo ‘yun. Tapos ano pa ba, ‘yung alam ng
babae ka, yung pagbubuhatin ka ng lalaki ng bagahe, ‘yan. Parang, “Hello sir,
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tulungan niyo ‘ko kasi mabigat yan e.” Parang pagkababae, “Ay, sige kami na
magbubuhat.” Minsan ganun. Pero minsan meron talaga merong hindi bumubuhat,
as in 45 kilos
Interviewer: Grabe, hindi man lang nagtulong ma’am ano? Ma’am matanong ko po
‘yung ibang sinasabi po sa inyo, ‘yong mga “E, babae ka kasi.” ‘Yong mga ganun.
Anong mga situation ‘yon and ano po ‘yung naging effect po sa inyo?
Interviewee: Parang ano, syempre magkakaroon ba ako ng sasakyan kung hindi ko
kayang mag-drive. Meron nga ‘yon one time, everytime na may sasakay, syempre
iba ibang tao yan e. Syempre pagkasakay nila sa sasakyan sasabihin kaagad “ay
babae pala driver.” One-time sabi sa akin “Kaya mo bang magdrive? Kasi kung
hindi, marunong naman ako, ako na lang.” Oo, ‘yung ganun. “Ako na lang kasi baka
mamaya hindi mo na pala kaya e.” Tapos ito pa ‘yong pinaka ano, habang nagda-
drive kami, papuntang Ilocos, along NLEX, meron siguro dahil sa daming mga truck
may nadaganang bato na tumusok sa gulong ko sumabog talaga ‘yong gulong at
ano ‘yon lima yong sakay ko na lalaki at isa lang yong babae. Ano ‘yon ‘di talaga
nila ako pinagawa nung ano, sila lahat. Silang nagpalit ng gulong, nagtulong tulong
sila kung pano palitan ‘yong spare. Although alam ko naman, pero inaano nga nila
baka mapagod e hindi na kami makarating.
Interviewer: Ma’am since ano po, ito po uhm mga experience niyo po mostly sa mga
customer, matanong ko lang po kung meron po bang mga ganitong kumbaga mga
sexist remarks po na nabato rin sa inyo na galing naman po sa mga kasamahan
niyo or kapwa niyo po driver?
Interviewee: Pagka kasi nagda-drive ka sa kalye at nakita nila na babae ang driver,
gigitgitin ka. ‘Yan, gigitgitin nila kasi alam nila takot. Kaya yung sasakyan ko hindi
mo ‘ko makita sa loob, atsaka never kong nilalagyan ng kung ano-anong mga gamit
na magiging parang babae. Pag nakita nila “Ah babae ‘to.” Never ko nilagyan ng
ganun kasi once malaman nila babae ang driver gigitgitin ka, kacutin ka, oovertake
sayo. Lalo na mga taxi, jeep kasi alam nila mahina loob mo, takot ka. Tapos ‘yun,
one-time nung 2016, nabangga ako ng truck. So, wala pang tint yung harapan ko
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kasi three weeks pa lang ‘yong sasakyan. Bumaba yung truck driver pinagmumura
niya ako, alam niyang babae ako e. Akala niya ako ‘yong literal na iiyak, matatakot.
Tapos pagdating sa investigation matatalo so ako magpapagawa, ‘yon. Ay
nagkamali siya, na hindi lahat ng lady driver ay nanganagawa lang kapag
Interviewer: Tama, tama po. Grabe naman po ‘yon ma’am. Nakakatakot ‘yong mga
experiences niyo rin po. Sobrang delikado.
Interviewee: Pinalo pa talaga yung hood ng sasakyan ko ta's pinagmumura ako,
nakabangga mismo na truck. Tapos pinipilit ng operator niya na sabi raw ng driver
niya ako raw bumangga. E alam naman sa investigation ‘yung gasgas kasi
bumabase. ‘Yun isa sa mga ano rin ‘yun, diba ang daming experiences bilang isang
lady driver. Para sa kanila mahina ka, iiyak ka lang, wala kang alam, ganun.
Interviewer: Talagang dinadaan nila sa mga ano, parang superiority nila.
Interviewee: Oo, kasi nga lalaki sila.
Interviewer: Opo. Doon naman po tayo sa mga positive side. Ano naman po yung
mga advantages ninyo bilang babae?
Interviewee: Ako? Kasi ako ‘yung ano e, ang personality ko kahit trabaho ng lalaki
kaya ko. Oo. Parang ako yung- nagmana kasi ako sa mommy ko e, jack of all trades.
Gumawa ng gripo, magkabit ng ilaw, yung mga ganyan. Kaya ko yan, ‘yun naman
ang ano positive sa akin na kahit masiraan ako sa kalsada hindi ako matatakot.
Nagrunning flat ako, gilid ko lang. Nakakapagod talaga magpalit ng gulong. Pero
magtatawag ako, marami naman tumutulong, hindi ka iiwanan kasi nga iniisip nila
babae ka. ‘Yun naman mga huli, pakiusapan mo lang, hindi ka na titikitan, kasi nga
babae ka.
Interviewer: Mas maluwag sila ‘no ma’am?
Interviewee: Oo, iyak-iyakan mo lang yan. Hindi ka na matitikitan niyan.
Interviewer: Sabi niyo po sa chat ma’am nasa 6 years na po kayo?
Interviewee: As a Grab driver, oo.
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Interviewer: Opo. May mga instances po na parang nahihirapan and if meron pano
niyo po na nabigay sa sarili niyo na gusto niyo pa po magstay, ganun?
Interviewee: Ano siya, actually ngayong taon lang. Parang maramdaman mo yung
sobrang traffic. Yung bumyahe ka tapos makikita mo income mo hindi siya ganun
ka-compensate kasi nga sobrang traffic. Syempre hindi ka agad nakakakuha ng
maraming booking, tapos maliit na yung fare. Dahil nga ‘yun pinakakita mo mas
maliit na dahil sa taas ng diesel, matinding traffic. So parang naano ko sa sarili ko,
ano kaya kung magpalit na ako ng career? Pero pag dumarating yung time na hindi
na ako nagda-drive, namimiss mo e. Namimiss mo makipagbalyahan sa kalye. Ay,
'de, gusto ko pa. Gigitgitin ko ‘to, mga ganun ba hahahaha. Once pagka nagdrive
ka na ulit kunwari kasi diba nagstop ka ng ilang days, tatamarin ka na talaga kasi
mararamdaman mo yung pagod. Kasi talagang pagod na pagod ka na. Syempre
ayun, as babae, as nanay hindi naman kagaya ng mga lalaki na paggising,
magkakape lang, kakain, aalis na e. Hindi kagaya ng mga babae na may obligasyon
pa sa bahay e. So naramdaman ko yung pagod talaga.
Interviewer:Ma’am ano, ‘yun po, isa pa sa ga positive namin questionno. Ano yung
mga, mayron po ba kayong masheshare na story na tingin mo ay success niyo po
as lady driver?
Interviewee: Ang pinaka success story ko ay ‘yan, magkakaroon ka ng sariling
investment (sasakyan). Although depreciated na siya pero investment mo na yan e.
Once mabayaran mo na yan nasa pangalan mo na yan. Masasabi mong sayo na
talaga yan. Tapos syempre bumabyahe ka, nakakapagpundar ka rin ng mga gamit.
‘Yun, achievement 'yun. Yung kaya mong bayaran yung bills sa pagdadrive. ‘Yun,
sipag talaga. Isa sa mga positive, pag masipag ka marami kang mapupundar. ‘Yun,
makakapagipon ka, sa totoo lang.
Interviewer: Nakikita niyo ma’am ‘no na may katas yung pagdadriver niyo?
Interviewee: Yeah.
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Interviewer: Thank you ma’am. Matanong ko na rin po, ano po yung mga advice na
mabibigay niyo roon sa mga kapwa nating mga kababaihan na gusto rin maging
driverag, maging Grab driver?
Interviewee: Actually, kapag may nakakausap ako na mga naging pasahero ko,
“galing mo naman magdrive sana matuto rin ako kasi nerbyosa ako e.” Sabi ko,
kung talagang gusto mo matutong magdrive dapat willing ka, hindi ka matatakot.
Kung hindi mo uumpisahan, hindi ka makakapagdrive. ‘Yun nga ang lagi kong
sinasabi na i-overcome niyo fear niyo. Masasanay at masasanay rin sila sa araw-
araw. Na balang araw mas magaling ka pa sa mga lalaking driver. Wala namang
pinanganak na magaling agad.
Interviewer: Thank you po ma’am sa mga advice. Uhm... last question na po ma’am.
Sa tingin niyo po ma’am, ano pa po yung pwedeng gawin pa po ng industry para po
mapromote ang ganitong trabaho para sa mga kababaihan?
Interviewee: Yung rent a car, alam mo ‘yun, marami siyang pwedeng kunin pero
dumarating yung time na walang available at available naman kaso hindi naman
pwede sa company nila. So ayun, mga ganun, sana ma-open yung mga ganun na
hindi porket babae na, hindi kaya. Kung alam lang nila, mas maingat ang mga babae
kaysa sa mga lalaki.
Interviewer: Thank you po ma’am. Actually, ‘di po kami aware na may mga company
pa pala na hindi hinahire yung mga babae.
Interviewee: Oo. Kaya nakakalungkot kasi kahit kaya mo, gusto mo itry, sasabihin
“ay hindi,” kasi babae. “Hindi pwede.” Baka nga mas safe pa ako e. ‘Yun nga sayang
e, kaso yung company ayaw. Yung ganun, discrimination na yun. Tanggapin sana
ng society na kapag babae, safe naman.

Participant 5
Interviewer: First question po namin ma'am, how would you describe po itong job
niyo na ito being a woman?
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Interviewee: Teka ha, medyo loading hahaha. Ano lang naman ‘to eh kumbaga
sa’kin, ang tingin ko rito, kung kaya ng lalaki, kaya rin ng babae.
Interviewer: Paano ninyo naman po madedescribe or paano po ba yung relationship
niyo roon po sa mga kapwa niyo drivers?
Interviewee: Doon naman sa mga kapwa ko drivers. Actually, kasi may grupo ako.
Bago ako pumasok dito sumali muna ako sa grupo. So, ‘yon barkada-barkada,
motor-motor, nahikayat din ako. Yung dati ko kasing pinapasukan malayo sa’kin
kaya nagdecide ako bumili ng sarili kong motor. Tapos una kong gamit noong motor
is service lang. Tapos, kasi una kong work is sa may POGO. Tapos alam mo naman
bansa natin medyo pigil sa POGO kaya nahinto yung operation nung dati kong work.
Kaya ayon, do’n ako nagstart pumasok sa habal. 2017 yun naghabal ako. Kung
familiar kayo sa habal ah?
Interviewer: Opo ma'am, familiar po.
Interviewee: Oo. Nung time na ‘yon ‘di ko alam kung kakastart lang ng Angkas non,
pero nung time na ‘yon hindi pa kasi ako professional license e. E si Angkas ang
kailangan professional license, non-pro palang ako non haha.
Interviewer: Ma’am, since ‘yon nga po nasabi niyo po sa amin na nagstart po kayo
2017. Matanong po naming, ano po yung mga nasabi or opinions po ng asawa niyo
sa pagpasok niyo rito sa pagiging lady rider, or yung mga tao po sa paligid niyo, ano
po yung naging opinyon nila?
Interviewee: Halos lahat against sila, especially parents ko, kasi syempre delikado
nga raw. Syempre iba ibang ugali yung tao e, pati yung sa kalye, iba yung ugali eh.
Kaya ‘di mo masasabi kasi kahit ikaw yung maingat, yung mga kasama mo sa daan
may mga garapal magdrive, ganyan. So medyo against talaga sila ron. Eh makulit
ang ate mo eh hahaha kaya ayon, sabi ko eh kailangan ko ng trabaho eh. So ginrab
ko pa rin yung opportunity. Sabi ko, madaling pera ‘to eh. Kumbaga, hawak ko na
agad yung pera eh. Eh kung papasok ka sa trabaho, maghihintay ka pa ng kinsenas.
Ito hawak mo na, maiuuwi mo na kaagad. Ganon.
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Interviewer: Opo, totoo. Thank you po doon ma’am. Matanong ko rin po, since ‘yun
po nasabi niyo yung experiences niyo yung mga sa kalsada may maeencounter ka
talaga na iba yung ugali. Pwede niyo po ba mashare samin ma’am if meron po
kayong mga discriminatory experiences bilang babae rito po sa ganitong klaseng
Interviewee: Ay madami 'nak, ang dami eh hahahaha. Sige. Yung una is yung dati
kong kawork. Diba nabanggit ko nga kanina nagwork ako sa online casino ako noon.
So dati nagde-deliver na ako sa Grab. Naghatid ako sa Ortigas, eh do’n nagta-
trabaho yung kasama ko dati. Friend ko sya dati, actually parang best friend. Tapos
nung hinanap ko siya doon kasi kakamustahin ko siya. Tapos niyakap ko siya kasi
syempre best-friend, kumbaga sa’tin, babae tayo, diba sweet sweet tayo eh. So
ayun, nandiri sakin, kasi syempre nasa kalye yung trabaho ko. Parang syempre
yung amoy ko noon haha… Amoy kalsada. Pero nagpapabango naman ako noon,
pero parang sa kanila, “Ay nasa kalye ka eh, parang iba na yung level ng trabaho
mo.” Kumbaga yung tingin nila sa'kin ang baba ko na. Driver na lang ako eh, rider
na lang ako eh. ‘Di na ko nasa casino na malaki sahod. Kumbaga parang pag nasa
kalye ka, iba na yung dating.
Tapos meron ring, lalo na nung pandemic. Guard, guard ang nang a-ano samin.
Ako, babae na 'ko, pero guard ang nambabastos samin.
Interviewer: Pwede po bang paelaborate ma’am, kung okay lang, paano po kayo
Interviewee: Sa lahat na lang 'to ng mga rider, kumbaga kahit ako babae, ang baba
ng tingin nila samin. Parang pang-agaw kayo sa atensyon ng mga residents, like sa
mga condo. Syempre nandyan yung agaw tip, agaw tip sa mga guards. Syempre
binibigyan din sila ng mga residents sa condominium. So samin, galit na galit sila
lagi. Alam mo ba yung parang pinapalayas ka na parang hayop, yung papagalitan
ka “Bawal ka diyan!” Although meron kang hatid doon. Tapos alam mo yung parang
aso na sisitsitan na parang nagtatabi ng hayop. Although kahit alam nilang babae
ako, ganon pa rin ginagawa nila.
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Tapos sa kalye naman, naexperience ko rin na mabastos ako ng kotse. Kumbaga

akala niya sinigaan ko sya kasi inunahan ko sya sa daan, kumbaga gigitgitin pa rin
niya ako. So do’n ako parang umiyak talaga ako, akala ko kasi mamamatay na
ako… Ayan, naiiyak na naman ako hahaha. Naalala ko kasi. Kasi nandito nanay ko
eh, ngayon lang niya naririnig hahaha. Sorry.
Interviewer: Ay, narinig pa po tuloy ni mommy haha.
Interviewee: Ok lang. Naexperience ko rin kasi ‘yon nung pandemic. Kumbaga
nakakainis lang din na maraming rider grabe idown. Alam niyo ba, mga rider
sobrang professional, lalo na yung mga naga-Angkas, kasi halos iba dyan nagresign
kasi mas ok yung kita kapag Angkas. Mga professional, mga engineering na, kasi
syempre pinipili nila yung magfull-time sa ganitong trabaho, yung hawak mo oras
mo ganon.
Interviewer: Opo.
Interviewee: Ano, magdagdag pa ba akong discriminatory experience? Marami pa.
Intervewer: Opo ma’am, okay lang po magshare kayo ng stories niyo. May mga
experinces din po ba kayo how about sa customers ma’am ganon and sa
pagkababae niyo po, ano po yung mga nasasabi nila?
Interviewee: Ayon, sa customer. Siguro sa bading hahaha. Siguro naiisip nila “talong
talo pa ako ng babae.” 'Di naman sa the way ng pagtalk, the way ng actions nila.
Kumbaga ayaw ako dikitan. Alam mo yung pagsasakay sila, kasi dapat ang tamang
pag angkas sa isang motor dikit ka sa rider, pero kadalasan sa bakla, nasa dulo
hahaha. Medyo delikado 'yon sa mga nag a-angkas. Pero lahat naman din ng
nasasakay ko is nagugulat na may babae raw pala na nag a-angkas, na may babae
raw pala na gumagawa ng gantong trabaho. ‘Yon din kadalasan yung tanong sa'kin,
“Straight girl ka ba?” hahaha, ganon. Although ako, may apat na anak na ko. May
baby pa ako, kakapanganak ko lang din two months ago. Nag a-Angkas pa ako
hanggang six months kasi ‘di ko maalis yung passion ko ng pagmomotor sa buhay
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Interviewer: Wow, grabe ma’am, thank you po don. Matanong ko lang din po, since
nashare niyo po samin yung experiences niyo regarding sa mga beki. Actually may
mga nagshare din po ng same experiences na ganyan; iwas nga raw po pagbeki
yung passengers. Meron din po ba kayong experiences na cancelled bookings
because of your gender? Kasi po ‘yon yung most common na nasasabi samin.
Interviewee: Ay, oo. Oo, madami. Tapos syempre tingin nila sa babae, kumbaga
“mabagal ka eh, eh nagma-madali ako.” May mga customer kasi gusto nila mabilis.
So naexperience ko ‘yon yung mga nakacancel kasi raw babae. Pero kami naman,
hindi naman porket babae eh mahinhin kami sa kalye. Depende nga lang sa
pupuntahan naming or may angkas kami. Though may mga customer kami na
talagang ang baba talaga ng tingin nila sayo kasi nga rider.
Interviewer: Ano po ma’am yung nararamdaman niyo pag may mga ganoong
instances? Ano po yung naging effect non sa inyo?
Interviewee: Ako kasi, nung time na ‘yon, positive thinker kasi ako. Ayoko kasi ng
negative kasi abala rin sa kalye yung nagda-drive ka tapos nag-iisip ka, hindi pwede
‘yon sa kalye. So ako, parang “kung ayaw niyo, ok lang, madami naman pasahero,”
“Go lang, madami naman ako makukuha” Kumbaga dapat ganon ka talaga lagi eh,
kasi kung iisipin mo yung “sayang yung pasahero ko”, walang mangyayari, parang
malulungkot ka lang. Ang nalulungkot lang talaga ako, yung mga discrimination
galing sa mga kakilala mo, kamag-anak mo ganon.
Interviewee: Pwede po ba matanong ma’am, ano po ba yung mga nasasabi nila sa
pagiging lady rider niyo?
Interviewee: Siguro yung ano, yung tingin sa’kin mababa, ganon. Kasi yung mga
kamag-anak naming nag-iibang bansa eh- tapos parang “ikaw nandito ka lang,
tapos rider ka pa”. Alam mo naman yung mindset ng mga Pilipino sa aming mga
rider, ‘di ba? Ayon, so sa’kin naman, wala lang naman sa’kin ‘yon kasi proud ako na
may nararating ako sa pagiging rider ko.
Interviewer: Opo ma’am, very proud po dapat kayo sa profession kayo.
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Interviewee: Atsaka maniwala ka. Showbiz tayo ha. May nagsabi na wala ‘yon sa
propesyon, wala ‘yon sa pinag-aralan mo. Mahalaga kasi ngayon paano mo
bubuhayin pamilya mo.
Interviewer: Ma’am matanong ko na rin po, doon naman po tayo sa positive side.
Ano po yung advantages niyo bilang babae sa ganitong klaseng trabaho?
Interviewee: Advantage ko? Siguro, yung alam mo yung ibang lalaki na ‘di kayang
magmotor, yung ‘di kaya makipag sabayan sa kalye, sa mga malalaking truck.
Tapos kumbaga ako malakas kasi loob ko, yung iba hindi. Kahit lalaki, minsan may
‘di malakas yung loob. ‘Yon yung parang lumalakas yung loob ko ganon. Atsaka
yung mga customers na natutuwa kapag sa lady rider, ganon. May one time pa nga
napapa-wow sila talaga kasi hindi nila ineexpect na may babaeng rider na nag a-
Angkas kasi syempre puro lalaki eh.
Minsan nado-down din talaga ako sa discrimination. Nawawala yung self-
confidence ko, ganon, pero wala eh, kailangan mabuhay eh. Kailangan kumain, ‘di
ba? Makatulong. Kaya 'yun yung ginagawa ko na lang, tinitignan ko na lang sa
positive na way.
Interviewer: Thank you po ma’am, matanong ko na rin po ulit for the positive side.
Ano po yung sa tingin niyo yung success story niyo po rito sa pagiging lady rider
Interviewee: Ay, siguro yung natutuwa ako na nakabili kami ng bahay ng asawa ko.
So meron kaming nabili ngayong bahay na hinuhulugan naming matatapos na this
year. So ‘yon, meron na kaming bahay. 'Yon yung pinaka positive yung side talaga
ng pagiging rider na nagawa ko. Syempre yung motor ko rin, nafully paid ko 'yon.
Four years ko na rin ‘yon nagamit sa pag a-Angkas ko.
Interviewer: Ma’am, last question na po. I-end ko po ito with one last question. Ano
pong advice mabibigay niyo sa mga kapwa natin kababaihan na kino-consider din
yung pagpasok bilang lady rider?
Interviewee: Ano… tiwala lang atsaka lakas ng loob, ganon. Atsaka hayaan lang
yung mga negative na naririnig nila, kasi kumbaga kung 'yun talaga yung passion
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mo, go lang, wala naman masama eh. Pwede ka naman magquit kung ‘di mo talaga
kaya, pero kung ‘di mo susubukan, walang mangyayari.


Certificate of Validation for Themes

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Reflection 1: Lemmy Delos Reyes

The women in my life had a significant impact on how I view women's ability

to provide for the entire family. A brief background, I come from a family where

women were the primary providers, making huge sacrifices. My engagement with

the participants allowed me to reflect on how, despite adversity, these women

prevailed. The phrase "women empowerment" has been used countless times, and

it was only this time that I realized what it meant to be empowered. Discrimination

in the workplace is already a dilemma, but assume how much worse it is for women

who face danger every day on the road. Listening to how they were regarded with

remarks that minimized their abilities without allowing them to demonstrate what

they were capable of must have been exasperating on the inside. In that specific

instance, where a participant explained that a customer threw the helmet at her

because they were frustrated that they were taking longer to arrive at their

destination, I felt absolutely awful about it. It is never acceptable to treat people with

disrespect, regardless of our status or current emotional state. Despite this, these

women have proved that they are strong-willed and that they belong in this male-

dominated field. They are my living proof that women should be the one who

determines their own paths and be catalysts for social change. Indeed, the era of

women being confined to household responsibilities is over.

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Apart from the general knowledge that this study has provided for me, the

experience of writing this paper with my group mates has been very meaningful; I

learned many things from them as well. Perhaps it was our group chemistry that

allowed us to accomplish so much even without constant communication, all while

having fun. Through this paper, I hope that we were able to open the eyes of many

that in this profession, women can be as competent as their male counterparts. And

again, ‘ako’y babae, hindi babae lamang’.

Reflection 2: Elijah Ryan Espejo

As a person who’s always find ride-sharing and courier apps convenient, the

study has been both interesting and relatable to me. The topic itself have been

something I was really eager to study about, but to be able to learn more about

what’s beyond the things I usually use, such as the services provided by the

participants, I was able to realize a lot of things, both alarming and eye-opening. It

was disheartening to know that despite the progress that women have been able to

achieve, it seems as though society still tries to limit and depreciate the

accomplishments of women. The study made me wonder what I can do as an

individual to contribute with the representation of women in various male-dominated

jobs, and I sure hope that by finishing this study, I was able to contribute in my own

simple way; and despite our own challenges as researchers, this task has been

fulfilling to me both as a student and as a woman.

Reflection 3: Anne Jewel Rivera

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Changes in gender issues have been widely accepted in our society. But

despite this, there is still a lot of prejudice against women in our country, particularly

for those who work in fields where men predominate. Some people are still

questioning their abilities; some are throwing belittling comments and sexist

remarks; and some are raising their eyebrows and asking why a woman would work

in a male-dominated industry. Knowing these kinds of behaviors made me reflect

that gender stereotypes is the root of this treatment towards women. Exploring the

nature of women in a male-dominated job is such an eye-opener not just for us

researchers, but for other readers as well to be aware of the struggles these women

encounter in their jobs, how it affects them, and how they are still surviving with their

careers despite the unfair treatment they receive. After hearing the stories of the

participants, it made me realize that women are becoming stronger when they are

challenged. The trust female drivers have in their capabilities is too strong to be

shattered by the negative comments constantly thrown at them. They used the need

to provide for their families as inspiration to work hard at their occupations in addition

to their obligations to their clients. These women are motivated to succeed even

though they are underrepresented in their chosen field of profession. With all of

these being said, I think it’s already time for other organizations to provide them with

more platforms and job opportunities to make them feel more empowered and

confident in their own unique talents. Women are also capable of what men can do.

Society has to realize that women are not all about being mothers and wives; they

are capable of more than that.

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Reflection 4: Angel Villabrelle

Whether we admit or not, we cannot deny that gender discrimination is still

exist in our country, the Philippines. We are now living in a 21st century, where

women have more freedom to express their feelings and thoughts to the public,

where women are now thriving in various fields where male have been dominant in

the past years. Despite these improvements and changes in the views of society

towards women, we cannot still hide the fact that society is still bigot or sexist against


Me and my co-researchers, we had a hard time finding a perfect job and

profession that could actually fit our study. We considered a lot of things, by the

guide and help of our panelists and most especially, by our adviser, it became less

of a struggle for us. Finding a survey that shows the list of most male dominated

jobs was one of the hardest parts of this study, but I believe there is no easy way of

conducting research. As I was saying, we had a hard time finding local surveys to

help us choose our target participants. Not only the local surveys but most especially

the local articles. Chapter 2 was one of the most challenging parts of all the chapters

in this study. Local articles that could support our study were rarely to be found. We

have to keenly read each article that we have found to find the perfect and right

articles for our review of related literature.

After a long period of consideration and arguing, we had finally made a

decision on what would be our participant for this study and we chose the police

women first. But after having an interview with two policewomen, we found out that
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they are not the right participants for our study. Then, another struggle began. We

sought consultation with our adviser and then we finally decided to have the lady

drivers as our participant of this study and they never failed us.

While conducting an interview with the lady drivers, I was literally shocked

because the struggle of being a woman in a male dominated job is actually

happening to our fellow Filipina, specifically in the driving industry. While listening to

different kinds of stories of the participants, I cannot hide the amusement and the

admiration to our fellow Filipina. Despite the struggles that they are facing in their

daily life along the road, they still manage to deal with it in a positive way. What I

actually like more about them are their positive mindset and bravery, they can keep

up with men along the road. And they have been in a training and test at the same

level as the men and accept that they did not receive any special treatment when

they are applying to their job.

I had learned a lot from the participants of this study. The lesson that I think I

will bring in my life is that— “if you want to do something, you should not let other

people turn you down. Always focused on the goal and don't ever let their

judgements win against your eagerness to achieve your goals and dreams.” And

“do not make your gender a reason to stop you from what you actually want, if a

men can do it, so can a woman”

One last thing, I would like to include here how much I am very thankful with

my co researchers. They have been very supportive, cooperative, considerate and

most especially understanding to each one of us. I am beyond grateful that I was
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with them all throughout the study. This amazing study would not be possible without


Audio/Video Link

The footage from the interview with the participants can be accessed via

this link: Recorded Interview Videos; Babae Ako, Hindi Babae Lang: A Qualitative

Study of Women's Experiences Working At Male-Dominated Jobs.

Photos of Actual Fieldwork.

Photos of Actual Fieldwork

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Signed Informed Consents

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Certificate of Validation
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Statement of the Problem

1. What are the lived experiences of women working at male-dominated jobs?
2. What issues and challenges have they encountered in working at male-
dominated jobs?
3. How do these women thrive in their male-dominated jobs?

I, , agree to participate in the study entitled: “Women

Empowerment: A Qualitative Study of Women's Experiences Working at Male-
dominated Jobs.”

I certify that I have been told of the confidentiality and the anonymity of my
participation. I also confirm that I am well aware of the objectives and the project
procedures of the study, and that my queries concerning the study have been
answered by the researchers. I am also informed that I am free to withdraw and
discontinue my consent and participation in the study whenever I wish to do so.

I agree to participate in one or more interviews for the study which will be
recorded by the researchers for the purpose of their data gathering procedures,
and I am also aware that my identity will be kept anonymous by the use of
pseudonyms to address my name during future reporting. I have also been told
that the transcripts of my interview will be recorded and used solely for the
purpose of the study.

Name and Signature of Interviewee Date

College of Arts and Sciences 131


Research question 1: What are the lived experiences of women working at male-

dominated jobs?

1. How would you describe your experience as a woman in your current job?

(Follow up questions if answers are vague)

2. How would you describe your relationship with your workmates?

3. Can you tell us about your day-to-day experiences?

4. What is your most unforgettable moment (if any) in your workplace?

Research question 2: What issues and challenges have they encountered in

working at male-dominated jobs and how did these affect them?

1. Have you ever felt being treated differently because of your gender?

2. Have you ever experienced being discriminated against by your co-workers

because of your gender?

3. Were there situations in which sexist remarks were thrown at you? Can you

tell us more about it? How did it affect you?

Research question 3: How do these women thrive in their male-dominated jobs?

1. What advantages do you have as a woman working in a male-dominated

College of Arts and Sciences 132

2. What is the reason behind your stay in your chosen field of profession?

3. What is the reason behind your stay in your chosen field of profession?

Describe your success story as a woman working in a male-dominated jobs.

4. What advice do you have for women considering a career in this field?

5. How do you think the industry can promote women in terms of equity and

equality in the workplace dominated by males?

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Curriculum Vitae
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