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Όρος Ορισμός

to say yes when someone wants to give you something, δέχομαι

She accepted the job offer.
accept (v) get, receive
Unit 2 Lesson 4
refuse, reject
Word Family
acceptable, acceptance
beyond an early or beginning level; in a very developed state, προηγμένος
advanced (adj) Example
Unit 2 Lesson 4 Their company uses some very advanced technology.

to surprise very much, εκπλήσσω

amaze (v) The large size of the fish amazed everyone.
Unit 2 Lesson 4
Word Family
amazing, amazingly
the study of past human life that studies objects such as pottery, tools, and buildings,
archaeology (n) Example
Unit 2 Lesson 4 My son wants to study archaeology.
Word Family
archaeologist, archaeological
any object made by human beings,
artifact (n) Example
Unit 2 Lesson 4
The museum had an exhibit of ancient Mexican artifacts.
the soft gray powder that remains after something burns, στάχτη
ash (n) Example
Unit 2 Lesson 4
The ash from her cigarette fell onto the floor.
an abbreviation for "Before Christ"
B.C. (abb) Example
Unit 2 Lesson 4
If something happened in 300 B.C., it happened 300 years before the birth of Christ.
the work or result of cutting and shaping wood, stone, or other material
carving (n) Example
Unit 2 Lesson 4
He makes beautiful carvings of birds.
call into question; dispute, διαμάχη
challenge (v) A book that challenges established beliefs.
Unit 2 Lesson 4
Word Family
a piece of metal money that is small, flat, and round, νόμισμα
coin (n) Example
Unit 2 Lesson 4
Pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters are all coins.
a person who has the same job or employer as another, συνάδελφος
colleague (n) I met my mother's colleagues when she took me to her office.
Unit 2 Lesson 4
associate, companion,
a section of print or writing that runs down a page, not across, στήλη
column (n) Example
Unit 2 Lesson 4
I added up a column of numbers.
to find or see before anyone else, ανακαλύπτω
He discovered oil on his property.
discover (v) Synonym
Unit 2 Lesson 4
come across, detect, find
Word Family
a sudden, often violent outburst of a volcano with flames and rocks coming out of it, έκρηξη
eruption (n) Example
Unit 2 Lesson 4
The eruption of the volcano Krakatoa was one of the most violent in global history.
to dig up and remove material from, κάνω ανασκαφή
excavate (v) The bulldozer excavated an area for the foundation of the new house.
Unit 2 Lesson 4
Word Family
to increase the feelings of; to increase energy
The first snow of the year always excites children.
excite (v) Antonym
Unit 2 Lesson 4
Word Family
excitement, excited, exciting
the condition of being alive or real, ύπαρξη
existence (n) Example
Unit 2 Lesson 4
Dinosaurs are no longer in existence.
something that a person has done or lived through, εμπειρία
experience (n) Example
Unit 2 Lesson 4
The war was a terrible experience for everyone.
a person who explores an area that is not known, εξερευνητής
explorer (n) Example
Unit 2 Lesson 4
The Greeks tradesmen were the first genuine naval explorers of ancient world.
a standard unit used to measure length, «πόδι» (μονάδα μέτρησης)
foot (n) Example
Unit 2 Lesson 4
One foot equals 12 inches.
very great in size, strength, or importance, γίγαντας
giant (adj) Einstein is one of the giants of twentieth-century science.
Unit 2 Lesson 4
to give knowledge to; tell, πληροφορώ
inform (v) They informed me that today is your birthday.
Unit 2 Lesson 4
Word Family
Information, informative
a conversation in which someone asks questions in order to learn more about a person,
interview (n) Example
Unit 2 Lesson 4 This magazine often publishes interviews of movie stars.
Word Family
interviewee, interviewer
to look at closely so as to get information and learn the facts, ερευνώ
investigate (v) The police are investigating the crime.
Unit 2 Lesson 4
Word Family
investigation, investigator
things made of special stones and metal worn on the body for decoration, κοσμήματα
jewelry (n) Example
Unit 2 Lesson 4
Rings, necklaces, and bracelets are some kinds of jewelry.
a very old story from ancient times, not always true, that people tell about a famous event or
legend (n) Example
Unit 2 Lesson 4
The coyote is a central figure in Native American legend.
Word Family
place or position, τοποθεσία
location (n) I marked the location of my house on the map.
Unit 2 Lesson 4
a large sea bordered by Europe on the north, Asia on the east, and Africa on the south, Μεσόγειος
Mediterranean Sea (n) Θάλασσα
Unit 2 Lesson 4 Example
The Mediterranean Sea is connected to the Atlantic Ocean by the Straight of Gibraltar.
to take place; happen
occur (v) Example
Unit 2 Lesson 4 Where were you when the crime occurred?

a deep, round container made of metal, clay or glass, used for cooking
pot (n) Example
Unit 2 Lesson 4
She cooked soup in a large pot.
plates, bowls, pots, and other items made of clay, κεραμεικά
pottery (n) Example
Unit 2 Lesson 4
Pottery was important to the ancient Greeks for storage.
to make ready, προετοιμάζω
prepare (v) We’re preparing the students for their end-of-year exams.
Unit 2 Lesson 4
Word Family
prepared, preparation
the act of showing or explaining, often to a group of people, παρουσίαση
presentation (n) There was a great presentation on wolves at school.
Unit 2 Lesson 4
display, introduction show
to keep safe from loss or harm, συντηρώ
The court will preserve the right to freedom of speech.
preserve (v) Synonym
Unit 2 Lesson 4
conserve, guard, maintain
Word Family
preservation, preserver
any material that proves something is true or real, απόδειξη
proof (n) Scientists are searching for proof of life on other planets.
Unit 2 Lesson 4
related to what is being discussed or is presently important, σχετικός
His comment about cooking was not relevant to our discussion about sports.
relevant (adj) Antonym
Unit 2 Lesson 4
Word Family
toss, roll, or rise and fall in an uncontrolled way
roll over (v) Example
Unit 2 Lesson 4
The dog rolled over and began to snore.
piles of broken stone and bricks, etc. that are left from ancient buildings or cities, ερείπια
ruins (n) Example
Unit 2 Lesson 4
The ruins of Troy were first found by Charles McLaren in 1822.
to try to find; look for, ψάχνω
The dog was seeking the bone that he had left in the yard.
seek (v) Synonym
Unit 2 Lesson 4
hunt, look for, quest
Word Family
to choose; pick, επιλέγω
Please select the song you would like to play.
select (v) Synonym
Unit 2 Lesson 4
Word Family
selection, selector
the land beside an ocean, sea, lake, or river, ακτή
shore (n) Example
Unit 2 Lesson 4
We collected shells along the shore.
site (n) a place where something is built, or where something happened, μέρος
Unit 2 Lesson 4 Example
The council haven't yet chosen the site for the new hospital.
to say or write something that you believe, usually in a strong, confident way, δηλώνω
state (v) He stated that he would never get married again.
Unit 2 Lesson 4
Word Family
to imagine or think of something as a possibility, υποθέτω
suppose (v) I suppose I could go to the movies if I could find a babysitter.
Unit 2 Lesson 4
believe, suspect, think
a building or place where gods and goddesses are worshiped, ναός
temple (n) Example
Unit 2 Lesson 4
We visited a Buddhist temple.
a formal statement of the rules on which a subject of study is based or of ideas which are
suggested to explain a fact or event, θεωρία
theory (n) Example
Unit 2 Lesson 4 The scientists discussed theories about the beginning of life on Earth.
Word Family
to change from something else, or to be different from other things, ποικίλλω
vary (v) The weather varies a lot this time of year.
Unit 2 Lesson 4
Word Family
Varied, variety
acting with great force or anger,βίαιος
violent (adj) The violent criminal was sent to prison.
Unit 2 Lesson 4
Word Family
violently, violence
characterized by or relating to a volcano, ηφαιστειακός
volcanic (adj) Example
Unit 2 Lesson 4
Ash from the volcanic eruption in Iceland caused chaos across Europe.
to eliminate
wash away (v) Example
Unit 2 Lesson 4 The nurse washed away the blood.

a large amount of money or property,πλούτη

wealth (n) She has money because of the wealth of her grandparents.
Unit 2 Lesson 4 Word Family

known by many people; famous

well-known (adj) He is a well-known actor.
Unit 2 Lesson 4 Antonym

to a great degree; by a large amount, ευρέως

widely (adv) Example
Unit 2 Lesson 4 Those two have widely different opinions about religion.

a part of the body of some animals that they use for flying, φτερό
wing (n) Example
Unit 2 Lesson 4 The eagle spread its wings and flew away.

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