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First Edition – February, 2014

© Editor
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Compendium of Abstracts (National Seminar on Forging Ahead: Futuristic Strategies and Challenges for Department of Adult,
Continuing Education and Extension)

Price : ` 250.00
Copies : 200 (Two Hundred)

ISBN : 978-93-81212-61-5

Published by Printed at

325, Rasta Peth
Pune – 411 011
CONTENTS University of Pune
Department of Adult, Continuing Education and Extension
Programme Schedule

Programme Schedule 19th and 20th February, 2014

Acknowledgements National Seminar on
Keynote Address Forging Ahead: Futuristic Strategies and Challenges for
Department of Adult, Continuing Education and Extension
Sl. No. Name the Technical Session 19th February 2014 : 1st Day
09.00 to 10.00 : Breakfast
10.00 to 10.30 : Registration
1. Adult Education and Quality of Life 10.30 to 12.00 : Inauguration
2. Adult Education, Extension and Skill Development 12.00 to 13.30 : Keynote address
13.30 to 14.30 : Lunch Break
3. Globalization and Adult Education 14.30 to 16.00 : Parallel Technical Session – 1 (A) & 1(B)
4. Differential Impact of Adult Education / Extension 16.00 to 16.15 : Tea Break
16.15 to 17.45 Parallel Technical Session – 2 (A) & 2(B)
5. Role of Adult Education in Higher Education 20.00 to 21.00 : Dinner
6. Adult Education Vs Sustainable Development 20th February 2014 : 2nd Day
09.00 to 10.00 : Breakfast
7. RTI Vs Adult Education
10.00 to 11.30 : Technical Session – 3 (A) & 3(B)
8. Lifelong Learning Vs Adult Education 11.30 to 11.45 : Tea Break
11.45 to 13.15 : Technical Session – 4 (A) & 4(B)
13.15 to 14.30 : Lunch Break
List of Authors 14.30 to 16.00 : Group Discussion with rapporteurs’
16.00 to 16.15 : Tea Break
16.15 to 17.00 : Valedictory
Inauguration at Department of Communication Studies, University of Pune
University of Pune University of Pune
Department of Adult, Continuing Education and Extension Department of Adult, Continuing Education and Extension
1st Day:19th February, 2014 1st Day:19th February, 2014
Venue: Department of Communication Studies Venue: Department of Communication Studies
Technical Session –1 (A): Adult Education and Quality of Life Technical Session –1 (B): Adult Education, Extension and Skill Development
Time : 14.30 to 16.00 Time : 14.30 to 16.00
Chairperson Dr. Seema Singh, Delhi Technological University Chairperson Dr. Kailas Bavale, Former Director, SRC Pune
Rapporteur One of the paper presenter Rapporteur One of the paper presenter
Sl. No. Title of the Paper Author (s) Sl. No. Title of the Paper Author (s)
1. Adult Education and Quality of Life K. K. Palani Life Skills important part of development of
1. Prashant B. Pagare
Adult Education and Quality of Life in individual for challenges of everyday life
2. Shobha Banka
Globalization Refashioning Secondary Education through
2. Vivek Nagpal
Reaching the Unreached : School on Vocationalisation
3. Ruchira Guglani
Wheels An introduction of Ordered English words
Continuing Education Programmes for Vasudeva Rao B 3. useful for learning “Basic English” in a short Asim Kumar etl
Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribes Viswanadha Gupta P term course much useful for Adult Education
5. Quality of Lifelong Learning Karanam M Easy learning of Basic Mathematics useful for Sandeep Kumar
Adult Education: Engaging Learners to Add Anthony Joseph Adult Education Bhakat
Form to the Chaos of Reality Poonam Barla Communicative Skills-The Gateway to
5. Abhilash Nayak
P. Swathi Lifelong Learning and Success
7. Psychological Obstacles to Adult Education
C. Raja Mouli Skill Development through NGOs (Some Vivek Nagpal
Involvement of Universities and Colleges in Innovative and Best Global & local Practices) Smita Bhutani
8. the Programmes of Continuing Education B.S. Vasudeva Rao 7. Communication skill for lifelong learners S. V. Kagade
for Weaker Sections of the Society Socio-Educational and Individual Causes of
8. Majji Appalaraju
Effectiveness of Mind Mapping strategy for Geeta Shinde Illiteracy: A Study
Adult Learner Yogita Anil Puranik 9. Adult Education and Skill Development K Ramakrishnarao
Forwarding Way of Life Long Learning: K. SudhaRani
10. Vaibhav Jadhav 10. Influence of Vocational Training on Students
ICT Ganta Eswaraiah
11. Adult Education and Quality of Life Sayon Lazila Lepcha Role of the Departments of Adult, Continuing
Vidula D
12. Reflections of Education in Human Life K. Ganesh Babu 11. Education and extension in skill development
Adult education--An instrument of poverty of India
13. Sangeeta Nath
mitigation Development of English Communicative
Chandrakant S
Perspectives of Lifelong Learning and 12. Skills Through Audio-Visual Software
14. B. Krishna Reddy Lonkar
sustainable Development Programmes
15. Life Skills Development for Improvement of
13. Asha Patil
16. Quality of Life
University of Pune University of Pune
Department of Adult, Continuing Education and Extension Department of Adult, Continuing Education and Extension
1st Day:19th February, 2014 1st Day:19th February, 2014
Venue: Department of Communication Studies Venue: Department of Communication Studies
Technical Session – 2 (A): Globalization and Adult Education Technical Session – 2 (B): Differential Impact of Adult Education / Extension

Time : 16.15 to 17.45 Time : 16.15 to 17.45

Chairperson Dr. Rajesh, Head, Dept. of Adult Education, Delhi University Chairperson Prof. Gopal Krishna Thakur, LLDIMS, New Delhi
Rapporteur One of the paper presenter Rapporteur One of the paper presenter
Sl. No. Title of the Paper Author (s) Sl. No. Title of the Paper Author (s)
Development of Communicative Skills Role of Non-governmental Organizations in the
1. S. Jaikumar 1. Upgradation of Skills of Adults in Rural Areas: A Case Latika Mishra
for Globalisation on Education
Study of Koraput District, Odisha
Strategies and obstacles for Adult, study the effective use of participatory radio in spreading Rohit &
2. P. Prasanthi 2.
continuing education and extension the AIDS awareness message amongst the youth Shridatta
3. Globalization and Adult Education D. Hassan Health Education through Extension Programmes Of Adult K. Sudha Rani
Adult Education in the era of 3.
& Continuing Education Department G. Umapathi
4. Sajid Jamal
Globalization: Challenges and Solutions Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Ravindranath
Globalization & Higher Education in 21st Act: Exploring the role of Adult Education K. Murthy
5. Gautam Bhong Care and Awareness of Health Education: Basic Concern B. Praveena &
Century 5.
Enhancing Adult Literacy skills through For Adult Kalpana
6. the use of Information and Y. Narasimham 6. Mental Health Status of the Adolescent Students Manjushri etl
Dropout an Opportunity: Meets out of Box Intervention Sweta
Communication Technology (ICT) 7.
Strategies (An Empirical Study of VJNTs) Warudkar
7. Globalization and Adult Education Pushplata Chaturvedi To Study the Awareness of Constitutional Responsibilities
Impact of Globalization on Adult 8. Anjali Jagtap
8. A. Eswara Rao of the Students in College of Education
Education in India Role of Department of Lifelong Learning and Extension for Anand
Knowledge Transfer and Adult Education 9. Sustainable Community Development: Some Reflections of Madhavrao
9. Surya Narayan Gupta
through ICT Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University Wagh
An Overview of the Global Literacy C.K. Puttaswamy 10. Extension and Health Education & Care Kamble V N
10. Functional and Objective Literacy in Adult Education – A Kunuthur S
Campaign Sindhu Shree M.T 11.
Globalization and Indian Continuing Concept for Rural Growth of India Reddy
11. Seema Singh Study the Status of Budget Management of Bachatgat
Engineering Education 12. Kalpana, Nisha
12. Promotion of Literacy through Education Tanhaji V Shinde
Impact Evaluation of a Jan Shikshan Sansthan (JSS) of Dr. Gopal K
The Impact on Globalization and Adult 13.
13. S. Alamelumangai Govt. of India Thakur etl.
Education Extension – Third dimension of Higher Education: The Dr. Babavali
National Service Scheme (NSS) Experience Dr. Gopinath

20.00 to 21.00 : Dinner at SET Guest House, University of Pune

University of Pune University of Pune
Department of Adult, Continuing Education and Extension Department of Adult, Continuing Education and Extension
2nd Day: 20th February, 2014 2nd Day: 20th February, 2014
Venue: Department of Communication Studies Venue: Department of Communication Studies
Technical Session – 3 (A): Role of Adult Education in High Education Technical Session – 3 (B): Adult Education Vs Sustainable Development

Time : 10.00 to 11.30 Time : 10.00 to 11.30

Chairperson Prof. B.S. Vasudeva Rao, Andhra University Chairperson Dr. Balkrishna Bokil, Former Director, SRC, Pune
Rapporteur One of the paper presenter Rapporteur One of the paper presenter
Sl.No. Title of the Paper Author (s) Sl. No. Title of the Paper Author (s)
Challenges before the Indian Higher Skill Developing Programmes for Sustainable
1. Ashwini A. Adadande 1. Sama Nayak
Education System Development
Role of US Higher Education in The Global E-Learning in Adult Education for Sustainable Gyanendra
2. R. Seenivasan 2.
E-Learning Market Development: A Paradigm Shift Kumar Rout
Vistaar — an Innovative Community Assessment of educational constraints of tribal Raju Narayana
3. Rajesh 3.
Learning Center in Higher Education women in India Swamy
Human Resources’ Development Needs In D. Hassan Role of Emerging Technology and Extension
4. 4. Arvind S. K
Higher Education M. Nageswara Rao Program in sustainable agricultural development
5. Scope of Adult Education Research in India Kamal Chandra Tiwari Value Based Education: A Process of Social
5. Ashish Kumar S
Community Engagement Initiatives and Transformation
6. Extension Function of Universities in India: Pradeep Dwivedi 6. Life Long Learning For Sustainable Action Pornima G. K.
A Critical Review From Social Optimism to Economic Survival: The
7. K. Ananda Rao
Universalization of Secondary Education in Need for Lifelong Learning in India
7. Harinam Singh Synchronous and asynchronous online learning: Mehdi M S
India 8.
Education and Education For All: In The Applicable strategies for adult conti. Edu. Megha Uplane
Newtan Biswas 9. Online learning to face challenges of adult learner Sunita Hiremath
8. Context of Globalization and Neo-
Jayanta Mete 10. Learning Strategies for Sustainable Development Prakash K.
Liberalism in India
Strengthening Inclusion and Participation in Empowering the Scheduled Tribes: The Role of
9. P. Viswanadha Gupta 11. K. R. R Mohan
Adult Education in India Literacy Programmes in North Coastal Andhra
10. Introduction of ‘EXTENSION MANCH’ Satish Shirsath 12. Distance Education and Sustainable Development BL Lakkannavar
11. Changing Nature of Higher Education Vilas Adhav Total Literacy: An Effective Strategy for
13. Prakash S. Y
Partnership between Government and Non- Sustainable Development
12. V. Seeni Natarajan Nagaraja M
Governmental Organization 14. An Overview of the Literacy Campaign in India
Public and Private Partnership in promoting Narendra N.A
13. Adult Education (An analytical study on P. Shailaja 15. Learning Strategies for Sustainable Development Taj Mohamad
role of Public Private Partnership in A.P.) G. S Vadivel
16. Learning Strategies for Sustainable Development
L. Anitha
University of Pune University of Pune
Department of Adult, Continuing Education and Extension Department of Adult, Continuing Education and Extension
2nd Day: 20th February, 2014 2nd Day: 20th February, 2014
Venue: Department of Communication Studies Venue: Department of Communication Studies
Technical Session – 4 (A): RTI Vs Adult Education Technical Session – 4 (B): Lifelong Learning Vs Adult Education

Time : 11.15 to 13.15 Time : 11.15 to 13.15

Chairperson V. Seeni Natarajan, Gandigram Rural University, TN Chairperson Prof. Satish Shirsath, University of Pune
Rapporteur One of the paper presenter Rapporteur One of the paper presenter
Sl. No. Title of the Paper Author (s) Sl. No. Title of the Paper Author (s)
Right to Education and Empowerment of Dalit Girls Vilas B Bandgar
1. D. Devanathan 1. Teaching and Learning Strategies in 21st century
in Tamil Nadu Bagwan Jakir S
Impact of RTE Act on Deprived Group Children’s R. Nageswara Rao 2. Sleep Learning and Adult Behaviour Santa Misra
Education Suresh Mahapatra 3. Adult Education and Literacy: An Indian Perspective Ram Mohan K
3. RTE A Need to Find Way Forward Ramachandreredd Adult Education Programmes under National Literacy
Role of Judiciary in Safeguarding the Right To 4. Vivek Bapat etl
4. Ved Pal Singh Mission
Education as a Fundamental Right of Citizens Perspectives in Indian Adult, Continuing Education K. Sudhakar
Right To Education: Orienting Student Teacher 5.
S. Anushiya and Extension M. R Nath Babu
5. Educators and General Teachers on Right To Adult Education - A Step Towards Democratic Way
G. Ananthi 6. Mary Varghese
Education for the Differently Abled of Life
6. A Study of..Right to Education (RTE) Shraddha Tiwari Institutionalization of Lifelong Learning in India: A
Towards Implementing Right to Education Act and 7. D. Rama Rao
Need of the Hour
7. Making People Involved in the Process of Change: Niradhar Dey SWOT Analysis on Continuing Education
Role of SMC for developing SDP 8. S. Surapa Raju
Programme: A Study in Andhra Pradesh
8. Role of Right to Education Act in Education for All Tara Singh Gill Continuing Education Programme in Visakhapatnam
9. Education For All and Right To Education J.D. Singh 9. G. Srinivasa Rao
District: A Study of Differential Impact
School Dropout Pupils’ Socio-Economic Status in Pramod Kumar The Concept of Continuing Education and Saakshar
10. 10. Shivani Mishra
Andhra Pradesh after Implementation of RTE Act Narikimelli Bharat
Neeti Trivedi Public and Private Partnership to Enhance Life-Long
11. Role of Parents in School Management Committee 11. Supriti Panda etl
V S Gopalkrishnan Learning: Need an Hour
12. Right To Education in India Jasraj K & M Pal Obstacles of Adult and Continuing Education: A
Rights To Education and Women Empowerment in Grishma 12. Srutirupa Panda
13. Critical Analysis
Democratic India: A Humanistic Approach Khobragade Changing Scenario of Adult, Continuing Education
Education for All and right to Education Act: 13. Bani Bora
and Extension: A Study
14. Challenges and Strategies with special reference to Devanand Shinde Development of Communicative Skill- A lifelong
Access and Quality 14. Aftab Alam
learning Process
A Critical Approach to Education For All and Right 15. Adult Education means not only 3Rs but also 4As Rupali S Kumbar
15. Meena Barse
To Education Act
Right To Education Though Adult and Continuing P. Eswara Rao
16. 13.15 to 14.30 : Lunch Break at SET Guest House
Education for Human Existence P. Rama Devi
R. B. Sathyavathi
17. Education for all and Right to Education
C. Chenchuprasad
University of Pune
Department of Adult, Continuing Education and Extension

2nd Day: 20th February, 2014

Venue: Department of Communication Studies

Group Discussion with rapporteurs’ presentation

Time: 14.30 to 16.00

16.00 to 16.15 : Tea Break

16.15 to 17.00 : Valedictory & Certificate Distribution

I express my thanks to Rupali Suresh Kumbhar, who is my

I profusely express our deep sense of gratitude and Project Assistant for her support during the national seminar.
indebtedness to Honourable Vice-Chancellor respected
Prof. (Dr.) W. N. Gade for his inspiring guidance with unstinted My express hart felt thanks to Girish Rathod, supplier of the
encouragement throughout the period of National Seminar. With different materials and other persons to bring out compendium of
immense pleasure and profound sense of gratitude, I take this abstracts in the book format.
opportunity to express my heartfelt sincere thanks to him.
I am thankful to authors / paper presenters of National
Extend my gratitude to Dr. V.B. Gaikwad, Director, Board Seminar for extending their cooperation.
of College and University Development (BCUD), Dr. Nerendra M.
Kadu, Registrar for their kind help during my national seminar I find words inadequate to express our feeling and deepest
period. sense of gratitude to Prof. B.S. Vasudeva Rao, Retired Professor,
Dept. of Adult Education, Andhra University & Dr. Rammohan and
I find inadequate words to express my feeling and deepest Dr. Sivaramakirshna Lecturers cum Assistant Directors, Centre for
sense of gratitude to members of the Board of Adult, Continuing Study of Social Exclusion and Inclusive Policy, Andhra University,
Education and Extension Services. Visakhapatnam who have always inspired us to translate any
academic interests of their dreams into action.
I express hart felt thanks to Prof. (Dr.) Dhananjay B
Lokhande, Director and Head, Department of Adult, Continuing Quite number of friends helped us in different ways from
Education and Extension for extending his cooperation during the time to time completing this National Seminar, I sincerely thankful
entire process National Seminar. to all of them.

I am grateful to Prof. Sanjeev Sonawane, Head, Department I express my appreciation to my wife Mrs Radha Gupta for
of Quality Improvement and Department of Education and failures in discharging some domestic obligations throughout the
Extension, University of Pune for extending his cooperation in this period of this programme and my wishes to my beloved kids
national seminar. Hrithvik Gupta (Sonu) and Akruth Gupta (Monu) for cooperating
without any obstacles.
I express my sincere thanks to my colleagues Prof. Vilas
Adhav, Prof. Bhoumik Deshmukh, Dr. Satish Shirsath & A lot of credit goes to chairpersons, rapporteurs, volunteers
Dr. Navnath Tupe of my Department and administrative staff and other direct and indirect supporters.
Surekha Bindre, Ulka Pathak, Mangesh Shukre, Suresh Balkowade,
Ajay Chatole and Tanaji Shinde of the department for extending
their moral support and for creating a congenial atmosphere which ___________ P. Viswanadha Gupta
helped me to complete the National Seminar.
Keynote Address on was appointed as Director-Professor in 1984. He retired from that
position in June, 2005 after completing 38 years of service in the
Future of Extension Education in Indian University of Delhi and one of its Colleges.
During his teaching period of 41 years (including School,
College and University), he has been Radio Broadcaster with the All
Sugan Bhatia, Ph.D. India Radio English Programmes, Concept Development Specialist for
President films on social development, Consultant for English Language
Indian University Association for Continuing Education Teaching Programmes, Trainer with the University-based Academic
Email: Staff Colleges, Administrative Staff College of India, National Institute
of Public Cooperation and Child Development, and, several national
98112 25103 and international NGOs. He was one of the Consultants that prepared
About Sugan Bhatia the feasibility report for a National Open School (now called the
Sugan Bhatia, born on June 15, National Institute of Open Schooling). He has been one of the Expert
1943, completed his Bachelor’s Members on Continuing Education and National Development at
degree (1963), Bachelor of the University of Kuwait. He continues to be associated with the
Education degree (1964), Master’s Quality Assurance Certification Processes as one of the Expert
members in the field of Education and Training.
degree in English (1967) and two
years of studies in Linguistics He was General Secretary of the Indian University Association
(1968-70) from for Continuing Education from 1979 till about 2000, after which he
the University of Delhi. He joined became its Vice-President (2000-2006). He is currently the President
the University of Texas at Austin i of the Indian University Association for Continuing Education since
n 1970 on a Fulbright scholarship February 2006. He was Advisor to the All India Senior Citizens’
and went on to complete his Ph. D. Confederation from 2008 to 2010.
from that University (1972). He
He was one of the members of the various Committees of the
is currently the President of Indian
University Grants Commission that helped set up more than 100
University Association for
Departments of Adult, Continuing Education and Extension in
Continuing Education; he is also the Senior Vice President of the All
Universities in India. He was again one of the members that
India Senior Citizens’ Confederation. He taught as a trained graduate
introduced Population Education in Higher Education and Legal
teacher (1964-1967) in two Senior Secondary schools in Delhi. He
Literacy in Higher Education.
taught as an Assistant Lecturer in English (1967-1969) and as
Lecturer in English (1970-72) as Selection Grade Lecturer in English He has written reports on such varied subjects as Suicides by
(1972-1979) in a college in the University of Delhi. He joined the Farmers in Andhra Pradesh, Commercial Sexual Exploitation of
Adult and Continuing Education Cell, University of Delhi as Children in India, Elementary Education in Ladakh, Partnership for
Coordinator (1979-1982), went on to become its Director (1982), and Health Development, Group Micro-enterprises in West Bengal and

Bihar, Best Practices in Social Intervention in the North-eastern I am happy to be associated (though not physically on account
region in India, Environmental Improvement in Rainfed Areas, and, of my somewhat precarious health) with this National Seminar
Ageing in the SAARC Region. where our colleagues from different Universities in general and the
Departments of Adult, Continuing Education & Extension in
He has directed projects on Gender Mainstreaming in Health,
particular have come together to explore and analyze the various
Youth Mobilization in support of Universal Immunization in India,
dimensions of Extension Education in the Indian University
and Population Education among College/University youth.
System. The National Seminar should give us an opportunity to
He has undertaken several evaluation studies including examine the various dimensions of Extension Education in the
Technology Integration in Elder Helplines in India, Technology general university system with an awareness of the very historical
Integration in Old Age Homes in India, School Education in Ladakh, and critical role that the subject had earlier marked its place and
Coaching and Allied Schemes for the SC/ST youth, Nehru Yuvak enriched the Agricultural University System, both globally and
Kendra Sangathana, Population Education in Higher Education in nationally.
India, and, Micro-enterprises by the Poor in West Bengal and Bihar.
A Historical Perspective
His current specialization includes Social Policy Development,
The Agricultural University System, both globally and
Adult and Continuing Education, Promotion of Inclusion in Higher
nationally, utilized Extension Education to transfer the knowledge,
Education, Gender Mainstreaming in Development, and, Challenges
skills and innovative products created out of such knowledge and
faced by Older Persons in India.
skills in the classrooms and laboratories to the land cultivated by
farmers. The General University System has imbibed the
He has written and published 30 books on subjects of his philosophical and theoretical foundations of Extension Education as
interest, edited and co-edited 23 books, available in its academic manpower, technocratic and revenue
resources in its Faculties, Departments and Colleges.
Keynote Address on In developed countries, Universities and Colleges are active
Future of Extension Education in Indian participants in facilitating Innovation in various walks of life in
Universities promoting interest in Public Interest in Civic Life. Some of the
developing countries, like Brazil and South Africa, have introduced a
Policy of Social Inclusion to help mainstream the neglected sections
Prof. MM Ansari, Member, University Grants Commission, of society.
Prof. Dhananjay Lokhande, Head, Department of Adult, Continuing In India, Universities have devised special efforts at Social
Education & Extension, University of Pune Inclusion through education support measures for the Scheduled
Dr. PV Gupta, Coordinator of the National Seminar, Castes, the Scheduled Tribes, Other Backward Classes, Minorities and
Women; such efforts constitute a special programme of the
Ladies and Gentlemen, University Grants Commission. I believe that such efforts could
generate good results if Universities and Colleges extend coaching

support resources for secondary education of these groups. 4. Extension Programmes and the Rural Youth in our Colleges,
Universities are already supporting Parents Education
5. Extension Programmes and the Urban Youth in our Colleges,
programmes in School Management to enable and empower
parents to become well-informed members of the School 6. Employability and Social Engagement as two planks of
Management Community, as envisaged under the Right to Extension in our Universities,
Education Act. 7. Extension Programmes and Good Governance for
The General University System should also make a scholarly Development in a Federal Society,
mention of the philosophical and operational roots of Extension 8. Faculty Development in Departments of Extension,
Education as articulated, so capably, in the Policy Frame on
Development of Higher Education (1977) by the University Grants 9. Research in University Extension,
Commission, initially for the benefit of the Vice Chancellors’ 10. Developing Course Banks in Extension for the
Conference held in Rajkot, Gujarat, in that year. The august Poor/Dispossessed/Unorganized,
assembly of Vice Chancellors in that year in Rajkot resolved to call
upon the Institutions of Higher Education resolved to add the 11. Developing Course Banks in Extension for the Rural Youth in
function of Extension as their third dimension, in addition to the our Colleges,
continuing commitment to the existing two – Teaching and 12. Developing Academic Relationship of Extension Department
Research. They urged all Institutions of Higher Education to accord with Faculties/Departments within a University,
primacy to the educational needs of the common people of India
located in diverse terrains, social classes, and in multiple 13. Developing Linkages of Extension with Development
communities. They further resolved that the Third Dimension – Departments/Agencies outside a University,
Extension – be viewed equal in importance to the first two 14. Developing a Mutually Supporting Relationship with the
Dimensions – Teaching and Research. National Literacy Mission Authority within the framework of
There is good reason to document and celebrate the past the Approach Paper of the MHRD for the 12th Five Year Plan,
chronology of this historic innovation, since it widened the traditional and
functions of institutions of higher education in India from the earlier 15. Developing an Assessment/Evaluation System for Extension
emphasis on Teaching and Research to Extension Education of the Courses within a University.
People, and develop meaningful details of, during the course of this
National Seminar, the following sixteen aspects of Extension Policy Frame on Development of Higher Education in India
Education listed below: The Policy Frame on Development of Higher Education
1. Philosophical/Theoretical Foundations of Extension, (1977) called upon the Institutions of Higher Education in India to
dedicate their available resources, in terms of codified/documented
2. Target Groups for various Extension Programmes, knowledge and teaching-learning practices, to the twin causes of
3. Extension and the Poor/Dispossessed/Unorganized,

Education of the People, and, learn from this interaction with the whole, it must assume extension as the third important responsibility
People to bring about Reforms in the System of Higher Education. and give it the same status as teaching and research”.
The “Policy Frame” offered the following analysis of the The UGC operationalized the decision in 1978 by establishing
weaknesses that had crept up in the institutions of higher education Departments of Adult, Continuing Education & Extension in the
in India: Universities and created grants for College Extension activity
through these Departments. The Departments in the Universities
 It is still dominated by models and value systems adopted
were created for Extension of academic and technocratic resources to
during the colonial regime neglecting “social objectives” and
the community, especially sections of society which had been left out
functioning in isolation from the community thus proving
of the reach of these Universities. Adult and Continuing Education
inadequate to meet national needs and aspiration;
were added as two phrases in the nomenclature of these
 The system maintained wide imbalances with a small Departments since, at that time, literacy and adult education were
minority of educational institutions of good quality and a urgent national activities, and, Continuing Education offered the
large majority of institutions with poor infrastructure and modality of short-term need-based courses for both College youth
marked under-staffing; and the Community at large. These courses were meant to enhance
youth “employability” on the one hand and offer opportunities for
 The entry of the private sector in higher education has
“personality development” through education on human interest
accentuated the imbalance with a large majority of private
sector institutions virtually operating poorly, though the fees
satiated the private sector’s requirement of profit, in It was recognized at that time that both the University
erstwhile manufacturing and other service establishments, Departments and the Colleges would not, on their own, plan and
and execute Extension in the neighbourhood of their areas. They needed
the facilitating help from Departments of Adult, Continuing Education
 The beneficiaries of the system are mainly the upper and & Extension to plan activity formats - lectures, workshops, short-term
middle classes. Students from poverty-afflicted pockets in courses, problem-solving sessions, etc. - and basic training to initiate
rural areas, small towns and urban slums were being denied a dialogue with the people.
the benefits of entry into well-resourced institutions.
Initial Efforts in Extension Education
The contribution by the universities to social development
and social change involved stepping outside, into the community, and The University Grants Commission, having recognized
becoming involved through an application of its analytical teaching “extension” as the third yet equally significant function of institutions
techniques in a “participatory understanding of the contemporary of higher education, initially came forward with a great deal of
societal problems”. The Policy Frame advocated the following: enthusiasm to promote application of knowledge to an understanding
and solution of the problems faced by the poor and disadvantaged
“… If the university system has to discharge adequately its sections of society.
responsibilities to the entire educational system and to the society as a

The period during 1978-85 saw intense activity within the of such planning involving people’s participation, monitoring at the
University Grants Commission and in universities and colleges in level of the people, and, performance audit at the level of the people.
this regard. The country had a determined Prime Minister in late Smt.
1. The first target group, and the most significant among the various
Indira Gandhi with the 1981 elections giving her a huge victory in the
groups, mentioned for operationalizing Extension Education in the
Parliamentary elections. The UGC was led by an equally determined
Rajkot Conference of Vice Chancellors, comprised of the poor and
and strong person in late Dr. (Mrs.) Madhuri R. Shah. Late (Smt.)
the disadvantaged. Interactions with the poor and the
India Gandhi’s 20-point socio-economic programme accorded a sense
disadvantaged on the rural periphery and urban slums, as revealed
of urgency to the need for “education for all”under Point Number 16
through observation and analysis of their physical, psycho-social and
of the 20-Point Programme with education seen as eradication of
economic needs, had indicated that law and its application,
illiteracy and universalization of elementary education through
upholding the rule of law, could be a very powerful instrument
involvement of youth including students. The clubbing of
apart from creating an enabling environment in a democratic polity,
Elementary Education and Literacy in the structural arrangement at
to ameliorate some of the systemic problems faced by them.
the level of the Central Ministry was a significant recognition of the
criticality of the issue to the entire process of national development. One of our learned colleagues from the Dr. BR Ambedkar
Marathwada University, Dr. Kishan Dhabe, in his book “Extension
The University Grants Commission went on to introduce,
Education and Rural Communities” (2013) has argued in support of
under its function of ‘Extension’, Literacy and Adult Education,
prioritizing institutional attention to the plight of one segments of the
Support to initiatives in Elementary Education particularly at the
the poor and disadvantaged – the Dalits in the following words:
level of Parents’ Education, Population Education to support the
wider acceptance of the small family norm, Environmental “One of the most severe resource constraints that rural
Education, Science for the Masses, and Legal Literacy. Specific communities in India face relates to the absence of peace and
programmes were launched in many universities in each of these harmony among the communities. Caste and religion become a
areas; Literacy and Adult Education, Population Education and factor of strife, bring into play forces that are violence and
Support to Elementary Education through Parents’ Education were negating life; religion also becomes a dividing factor among the
taken up by the Colleges also, thus widening outreach of university various communities in the rural habitats. The portions relating
initiatives in many communities. to the Marathwada region included in the study are an instance
where the lower castes face denial of life at the hands of the upper
The Priority Target Groups for Extension Education
castes; people from among the lower castes cannot make first use
I have chosen to confine myself to the subject of the of the village hand pump or cannot enter the temple, cannot have
Education of the People that spurred this change in the system of shelter in a particular portion of the village, and cannot have the
higher education in a year that politically marked a marked emphasis right to retain their land and property. Women among the lower
on People as the backbone of Indian Democracy and the Democratic castes face particularly intense heat from both the upper castes
System of Governance including Planning in terms of both the various and from within their own communities on account of patriarchal
development sectors and the participatory and democratic practices structures.

The peace and harmony dividend is thus missing from the A European Commission study (2008) characterizes the
lives of the lower caste communities in general and their women situation of rural communities as one facing “the existence of a social
in particular; the peace and harmony dividend is the biggest immobility trap that manifests itself both in terms of
resource constraint that shakes their very self-esteem and their intergenerational persistency of low income and occupation positions
ability to plan their own economic and social rejuvenation. The and in terms of educational attainments. The only channel open to
other constraints to eradication of poverty or release from rural children and young from poor and poorly educated families in order
indebtedness come into play much later; or, should one say that to climb the social ladder is often represented by out-migration:
the missing peace and harmony dividend often contributes to the geographical mobility as a way for social mobility”.
prevailing environment of poverty and resourcelessness.
Policies, laws and programmes had been created for all
Since the effort in many rural communities has been segments of population; however, the poor could neither understand
launched by universities participating in the National Adult such policies and laws, nor have some meaningful intermediaries
Education Programme and its later versions in this country, the facilitate their access to such benefits. It was in this context that a
element of a literate society is somewhat crucial in the scheme of minimum knowledge of laws and legal processes was found essential
things envisaged for the rural communities. The written word in such communities. Many University Departments initiated Legal
opens up many new avenues of information and resources in the Literacy Programmes as an Extension programme; the adult
form of NGO and government programmes supporting self-help education centres were utilized to impart legal literacy both in very
among the poor; the right to access such information and general terms and as relevant to the groups of learners. The common
resources should not be left untapped. Of course, radio and other content included principles of natural justice and the procedures to
audio-visual media of information gathering continue to be invoke the provisions of any given law. The specific content varied
accessible to both literate and non-literate segments of from Minimum Wages Act to Migrant Workers’ Compensation Act
population. to safety laws in agricultural operations to entitlement
provisions for relief and rehabilitation in case of natural disasters.
The rural communities wherein extension education
efforts mount a people’s self-help mobilization for development Many such partnership-based interactions have raised,
programme must work towards the growth of learning culture among others, the following points:
within the rural communities through those who have organized
 the missing productive resources in the lives of the poor,
themselves and have benefitted from acquisition of literacy skills.
The members of this self-help movement could consider compiling  the inadequate minimum social basic needs,
a list of literacy resources from the various agencies that provide
 lack of access to market,
support to planning such self-help initiatives either in the form of
financing through matching loans to the groups or through  the miniscule percentage of women in the monetised
providing orientation support to backward and forward linkages economy, and
with people’s micro-enterprises”.
 The indifferent governance processes.

Dr. Kishan Dhabe has noted the application of the following programme; some of these programmes were planned under the
educational practices in the attempt of the universities to facilitate rubric of “minimum basic needs” of all citizens and communities.
interaction with the poor and the disadvantaged: These needs include education (including literacy and adult
education, elementary education, secondary education, higher
(i) Extension Education is essentially a process of facilitating
secondary education, higher education, vocational and technical
change; its main task lies in “planning and preparation of
education, and skill development initiatives).The contact with
programmes and projects that are responsive to the needs and
communities within the area of universities’ jurisdiction also led to a
interests of communities” based on “an integrated analysis of needs
recognition of the need to encourage many “first generation learners”
and interests opening up new horizons for action” addressing and
(who had completed school level of education and belonged to
solving problems or constraints faced by the people.
backward or minority or generally disadvantaged groups of society
including women) to enter colleges and universities both for
The Extension Educators developed sensitivities to the power Continuing Education Programmes in the form of Short-Term
structure prevailing among different social groups in the rural Courses and for their first degree level education. “Access to higher
community, distribution of decision-making power in the education” was and remains a major challenge for the system of
government departments dealing with people and development, higher education in India since it wilfully blocks the entry of the
heterogeneity of people’s needs, interests and aspirations, poorer segments of society, including backward classes, minority
advantages and problems associated with people’s participation, groups and generally disadvantaged groups and women by creating
willingness to change or adjust extension’s organization structure various man-made barriers.
and management to promote dialogue, cooperation, and creativity In the current context, it would be meaningful to include
conducive to participatory planning, and maintain growth of within the Literacy programme laws such as the Right to
informal, non-formal and formal education in these classes and Information Act, and instrumentalities such as Constitutionally-
groups of population. mandated Good Governance, a people-oriented and accountable
(ii) Extension education was also utilized as a teaching programme Public-Private Partnership and Social Audit of public
equipping the people to utilize the modality of education to programmes, as spelt out in the Justice Punchchi Commission on
understand their own situation vis-à-vis the local economy and how Centre-State Relations (2010).
they can find a meaningful place in it. The understanding relates to 2. The second target group for the Extension Education
their home situation, the manner in which their community (in one programmes should be seen in the youth in and outside our
cohesive group or in diverse groups with diverse interests and educational campuses, often either (a) knocking at the doors of
loyalties), is organized, and their occupational situation (both on farm the employment market for want of employable skills or (b)
and off farm). those filled with enthusiasm, with very few visible avenues, for
(iii) Extension Education also helped to motivate rural participation in the local, regional and national level social
communities to imbibe development consciousness and change movements; the upsurge created by the Anna Hazare
facilitate their participation in the various development movement and the emergence of the Aam Aadmi Party appears to

have, hopefully, provided that avenue for entry into social change  Issue framer- finding a way to describe the issue in public
movements. terms to increase the chances of public participation
The Institutions of Higher Education have been slow to  Public forum convener - developing a process to involve the
respond and imbibe the concern and efforts triggered through the public in seeking solutions for a public issue
Prime Minister’s Council for Skill Development and its National Skills
 Forum moderator - facilitating a public discussion to produce
Development Corporation.
deliberation and shared understanding
Boyle and Mulachy (1993) called it Extension Education's
 Designer/facilitator of a formal dispute-resolution process
"path to political support" and believed that “public policy education
- functioning as part of a trained Extension team in dealing
as the type of programming that will make Extension more relevant in
with polarized disputes”.
the future”.
Some universities introduced courses in Public Interest
Extension Educators in this context are called upon to
Litigation; students in such courses filed Public Interest Litigation
perform the following two roles in Public Issues Education:
petitions on such issues as Environmental Sanitation, obligation of
“Content Expert Roles (focus on research and teaching) the Municipal Corporations to supply quality water, etc. Others
formed student-teacher groups to undertake social audit of
 Issue monitor - identifying emerging public issues
legislation, particularly social legislation.
 Issue researcher - conducting applied research (e.g., public
opinion polls)
3. The third target group for programming in Extension
 Information provider - providing objective information
Education should be seen in terms of a vulnerable group of
(written or oral) on an issue
Indian population as seen in the Senior Citizens. Senior Citizens
 Technical advisor - interpreting information for stakeholders as a constituency for Extension Education are amenable to
educational endeavours of the poorest to those who have access
 Policy analyst - analysing policy alternatives with their likely
consequences to a reasonable level of comfort in life.

Process Expert Roles (focus on facilitating resolution of the public

 Stakeholder analyst - meeting with stakeholder groups to
understand their views on the issue
 Meeting convener/facilitator - bringing stakeholders
together exchange views and build understanding

Adult and Continuing Education (ACE) for enable them to effectively exercise their Rights to information.
Through his decision notices, over ten thousands, he paved way for
Inclusive Growth: The Way Forward promoting openness in functioning of the government departments
and allowed citizens’ access to the records pertaining to decisions
About Ansari: making processes as well as implementation of various development
Professor M.M. Ansari, (DoB: July 29, Prof. Ansari was Professor & Director of Distance Education
1952), Member, University Grants Council, IGNOU; Senior Economist, FICCI; Director of Research
Commission, Former Central Information Division, AIU; Fellow, NIEPA, and Consultant (whole-time), Planning
Commissioner and Interlocutor for J&K Commission of India, 1981-84, for conduct of R&D activities that
State. Email:; Phone supported the programmes relating to planning, financing and
:09818492848 monitoring of implementation of Five Year Plans. As a professional
Prof. Ansari is an Economist and Education economist of education of international repute, Dr. Ansari has
Specialist. He has served on the staff of provided research and consultancy services to several national and
several institutions in senior positions, international bodies and developing countries. He was Member of
provided research and consultancy services international teams for accomplishment of Education Sector
to national and international organizations. Reform Project, Government of Mauritius, supported by the World
He has made significant contributions to growth of knowledge, Bank; Bihar Education Project, UNICEF; and ADB’s Technical
particularly in the areas of human resources development, higher Assistance Project on Human Resource Development in Micronesia.
education and research. He holds a Ph.D degree in Economics (of He has contributed over 200 research papers/articles in professional
Education), PG Diploma in Public Finance, M.A. Economics, 1st journals/books and is also the author of books/monographs (20). As
Division, from the Universities of Buckingham (England) and Aligarh. a CIC, he has written over ten thousand decisions for promotion of
As a Member of UGC, Prof Ansari is required to assist the transparency and accountability in functioning of the government.
Commission, a regulatory body, in designing and implementing Under the auspices of the UGC, he is the chairman/member of several
policies for promotion of higher education and research, mainly technical committees/ task forces for guiding policy planning in
through the mechanisms of funding and quality assurance. Earlier, higher education and research.
Prof. Ansari was a Centre appointed Interlocutor on J&K for holding Prof. Ansari has widely traveled in India and abroad, and
talks and engaging all the sections of the society in the process of a visited more than 30 countries in connection with higher studies,
sustained dialogue for a peaceful resolution of the Kashmir issue. A participation in conferences and for providing research and
commendable success was achieved to restore peace and normalcy in consultancy services. He has participated in over 250 TV/Radio
the state. He was first batch Information Commissioner of the Central programs on various subjects specific to his expertise. His areas of
Information Commission (2005-2010), (equivalent to EC/ Supreme specialization are: Economics of Higher Education, Educational
Court Judge) under the Right to Information Act 2005. He was Planning and Finance, and Rights-based Approach to Development
responsible for enforcing the provisions of the Act as well as and Democratic Governance.
educating the stakeholders, mainly info seekers and providers to

iii) To augment opportunities for low skilled people, whether
they have no qualifications or their skills are obsolete. The
Adult and Continuing Education (ACE) for dysfunction of society, school and the job markets create
Inclusive Growth: The Way Forward educational exclusion among all ages of citizens. The policy of
social inclusion through ACE should therefore take into
account all the factors associated with the risk of
unemployment, lower participation in social and political
Rationale for ACE: Of the various factors that determine activities. ACE, in effect, help design synergetic approaches
productivity of investible resources and accelerate economic growth, for upgrading skills, which are constant risk of obsolesce and
promoting a cohesive society.
the quality of working population, howsoever measured, is critical.
Adult and continuing education (ACE) helps workers keep their skills Perspectives on Inclusive Economic Growth: Research
up to date and reduces the likelihood of labour market exclusion. It studies have demonstrated that a sustainable improvement in
plays a fundamental role of ensuring inclusive economic growth. functional literacy and training of workers engaged in farm, industrial
Specifically, the major objectives for promoting ACE are: and social sectors raise their productivity and earnings. In fact, the
experiences of fast developing countries demonstrate that education
i) To ensure adequate supply and availability of skilled
development has preceded economic progress. Almost every country
manpower to match the requirements of the world of work.
The technical and professional knowledge of working has made concerted efforts to raise the threshold level of human
population would have to be upgraded to enable the labour capital formation through education and health care. India is no
force to effectively function in the knowledge economy, which exception, though its overall achievements are lower as compared to
is influenced by advances in science and technology. other countries in Asia, which is why India’s overall economic
performance is lower than other major countries, namely China and
ii) To rectify the outcomes of dysfunctional education system, Indonesia.
which has perpetuated socioeconomic inequalities. In spite of
the government’s policy of positive discrimination in favour
The composition of labour force has been changing due to
of marginalized groups, educational institutions managed by
the public and private sectors have failed to correct social growth of knowledge, innovation of new technologies, increase in life
exclusion produced by education system as well as other expectancy and ongoing economic reforms and public policies to
factors that influence socialization of people. Every citizen expedite socioeconomic progress, mainly through free play of market
should have opportunity to acquire and develop the mix of forces. In the globalized economy, up-gradation of human
knowledge, skills and aptitude they need to succeed in the job capabilities, through greater opportunity for quality education, skill
market. And, to effectively participate in the decision making development and health care, is necessary to enable manpower to
process of democratic governance.

adapt and use new technologies to effectively function in the improving human capability, the existing situation is likely to
knowledge intensive economy. perpetuate for the following reasons:

In the wake of on-going economic reforms, the pattern and i) At least one-third of the total population, below the poverty
structure of resource allocation by public and private sectors as well line, do not have access to a reasonable standard of basic
as foreign investors have been changing, which in effect is tending, facilities like quality education, health care, water, sanitation
and shelter;
inter alia, to:
ii) Even after sixty-five years of India’s Independence, illiteracy
a) Increase the capital intensity in almost every productive rate is as high as twenty five percent. Over two-thirds of
sector, particularly in areas in which private and foreign working population are unskilled and they lack in functional
investments have a dominant role; literacy to effectively contribute to productivity in the farm
and industrial sectors;
b) Displace uneducated and untrained labour force that
constitute a significant majority and are unable to function in iii) The mean year of schooling for 25 years and above is one of
the knowledge based and technology driven economy. This is the lowest, about 4 years, for India as against over 12 years
facilitated by unprecedented increase in mobility of labour for the developed nations. Also the availability of scientific
force across the regions; and and technical manpower per thousand of population is
similarly unfavorable for India;
c) Reduce employment and earning opportunities for the
masses that are not adequately trained to work on iv) Educational effort as measured by the ratio of expenditure to
commercial ventures, which are using knowledge, based national income is one of the lowest, less than 4%, as
economic strategies. This is responsible for increasing income compared to fast developing countries.
disparity between vocationally trained manpower and the
rest of the labour force who are unable to upgrade their skills v) Finally, the mismatch between education and the
due to dysfunctional economic and educational systems. requirements of the world of work is so wide that over sixty
percent of the total unemployed persons belong to educated
As a result of these strategic moves by the investors, low category, secondary level and above.
competence level of manpower not only deprives them of higher
wages paid in the modern sectors but also impedes the efforts to The phenomenon of simultaneous existence of surpluses of
make the economy duly efficient and globally competitive. unemployable graduates in certain disciplines and shortages of
technically and professionally qualified staff has contributed to
Challenge of Cohesive Socioeconomic Policy: Due to lack of wastages of resources. This process has to be reversed, which is
concerted efforts, commensurate with the requirements of the task of however not possible without improving technical and professional

competence of working population to enable them to cope with the services and interact with the local community, self-employed
challenge of inclusive growth and development. persons and social workers to provide the benefits of new knowledge

The Way forward: With a view to increasing the and technologies for improving quality of life.
responsiveness of education system to the manpower needs of
economy and, in particular, to improve employability of uneducated Third, investment in ACE is highly rewarding from the
or unskilled persons, the following measures should be initiated. viewpoints of both upgrading skills of labour force to accelerate

First, interface between economic and educational economic growth as well as to assure social cohesion by way of

institutions should be promoted to effectively manage the supply of reducing all forms of socioeconomic inequalities among different

and demand for different types and levels of required manpower. section of the society. There is therefore urgent need to eradicate

Moreover, employers, public and private, should adopt an integrated illiteracy, upgrade working knowledge and technical proficiency of

approach of providing training and skills development as well as workers. This task should be should be undertaken at the same scale

gainful employment. Such an approach would ensure matching of and magnitude as the adoption of the approach of Pulse polio

skills with the requirements of the word of work. An underlying Abhiyan. And, the objective of the ACE scheme should be

objective of the cooperation among the institutions should be to implemented under mission mode so as to ensure that every adult

upgrade skills, which are at constant risk of obsolesce. All the learner is provided on the job education and training for raising

relevant schemes under National Literacy Mission (NLM) should productivity linked wages. Investment in ACE should accordingly be

accordingly re-orient its programs to integrate educational and made by the central and state governments to cope with the

economic activities. challenge of creating a literate society.

Second, the universities and colleges are mandated to

promote ACE. For various reasons, they have not been able to cater
for educational and training needs of illiterate and untrained working
population within the vicinity of their campuses. The faculty and
students could diligently engage themselves in providing extension

Adult Education in the University System: A meaningful synergy between schemes of adult education,
school education, departments of adult education in the
Challenges and Issues Universities and other departments is being created

Prof. P. Adinarayana Reddy --- Planning Commission

Director 12th Five Year Plan
Dept. of Adult and Continuing Education
Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupati-517 502 A.P
The performance of the country both in terms of socio-
economic spheres depends upon the quality of human resources. The
Dr. Adinarayana Reddy Potukanuma is rate of literacy and participation in the formal system of education
presently Director and Head, Department largely determines the skills and competencies of the population.
of Adult and Continuing Education, S.V. Recognizing this, the country has experimented with a number of
University, Tirupati. He was trained in programmes both for the promotion of human resources in the
Youth and Adult Education in Denmark formal and non-formal systems of education. All these efforts have
and studied the adult education system culminated for the increase of literacy and rate of participation in the
of the countries in Germany, Denmark, schools by the school aged children. The cumulative effect of this has
Sweden, UK, Vietnam, Philippines, France been resulted in reduction of the dropouts and increase in the rate of
etc. He has published 130 research retention. As a part of this process, the Government of India and the
University Grants Commission liberally extended the financial
papers, 47 books on various aspects of
assistance to the Universities for establishment of the Departments of
adult education and completed 40 Adult and Continuing Education in 1980s. The impact of the activities
research projects. Earlier he has served as Registrar, Dravidian of these Departments has resulted in the form of recognization of
University, Kuppam, Principal, Institute of Advanced Study in extension as the third dimension of the universities. This has further
Education, S. V. University and serving as Chairman, BOS, strengthened the movement of establishment of Departments of
Education, Adult Education of SK University, VS University. He Adult and Continuing Education in the universities which has reached
is a recipient of Sardar Patel Literacy Award and best teacher to the mark of century. However, due to the uniqueness of the
award from the University. Departments, most of the academic fraternity has treated them as
second rated departments. In order to overcome this stigma, the
Departments has tried to convert themselves as academic
departments by introducing academic courses such as certificate
course, diploma course and post-graduation, post masters
programmes and research degrees.

The University of Madras and Sri Venkateswara Universities community. Accordingly, the concept of adult education has also
are the first departments in the country to introduce two year M.A. undergone several changes and evolved as lifelong learning. The
course in Adult Education in way back 1977-78 and 0978-79 lifelong learning encompasses not only the literacy but also the other
respectively. Later, about 30 universities followed the suite and components which are relevant to the occupation and day to day life
introduced the academic courses at various levels. The University of the people. Hence, in order to secure the required information and
Grants Commission continuously provided financial assistance for to equip oneself with the skills and competencies required has to
organizing extension and outreach programmes through issuing depend all forms of education i.e., formal, non-formal and informal.
guidelines from plan to plan. The guidelines issued after recognizing
The Departments of Lifelong Learning at the universities has
the extension as third dimension clearly indicates the roles and
acted as an outlet to cater to the needs of the community and the
functions of the Departments. The shortage of the manpower, lack of
students so as to equip them with the required competencies and
timely appointments, inadequate training / orientation facilities for
skills by integrating all forms of education. It also acts as a nodal
the newly inducted faculty has lead to the lukewarm progress of the
agency at the University level for organizing the outreach activities of
departments. In this process, the number of departments in the
all the departments at the community and social laboratory for
country has reduced and also not able to cope up with the work
conducting experiments on social welfare by adopting various
demand and in accounting the grants released by the UGC.
methods. Since from the inception of the Departments of Adult
The Adult Education Programmes conceived and Education at the Universities, they were involved in conducting Adult
implemented for the last three decades are aimed to promote literacy Literacy Classes, Population Education Centres / Clubs, Planning
among the non-literates along with the functionality and awareness Forum, Continuing Education, Vocational Education and Training,
components. During this process, the concept of Adult Education has Dissemination of information through newsletters and journals,
been redefined from time to time relevant to the needs of the people Documentation of progress of the programmes and research, legal
and for economic development of the country. The fast growth of literacy, Population Education Resource Centre etc.,
science and technology and its application to the day to day life of the
The Government has conceived and implemented a number of
individual and in industries has lead to the new needs of the programmes for promotion of the human resources such as literacy

for the non-literates (NLM, TLC, PLP, CEP, Saakshar Bharat), to various central universities, the core faculty appointed in these
improve the quality of school education through SSA, MSA
departments are adhoc in nature and needs the respective State
(Madhyamika Shiksha Abhiyan), RUSA (Rashtriya Ucchatar Shiksha
Abhiyan), health programmes, moral education, vocational education Government’s concurrence to include them under maintenance
etc., It is understood that there is a weak link between the
grants. Majority of the Departments are involved in the extension and
universities and all the major programmes that are being
implemented by the Central Government. outreach activities based on the grant provided by the UGC. In terms
Though the Adult Education is a separate entity at the of academic activities, only few departments are full pledged
University level, the State and Central Governments have not treated
academic departments and rest of them are offering certificate,
them as their outlets for organizing field based programmes and also
utilized them for furtherance of the adult education. This has lead to diploma, PG diploma courses both of short and long durationed.
the organization of adult education programmes in isolation by both
Further, the certificates issued by the Departments are not being
the systems. Lack of coordination and cooperation between these two
systems has affected the quality of adult education progrmames and recognized and valued by the employment providers due to various
not able to support each other. All these have culminated for the
discontinuation of the scheme of lifelong learning and extension at
the university level by the UGC.
Various Programmes implemented
The Departments of Adult Education that are being in
 Career Oriented Programmes for the college students and out
existence for the last 30 years is affected due to the decision of the
of school youth.
UGC in discontinuation of the grant-in-Aid. The repercussions of the
decision of the UGC has created a peculiar situation at the university  Career Guidance and Counseling for the youth
level about the status of core faculty appointed and the programmes  Vocational Training Programmes
that are being implemented by them. Further, the respective State
Governments are also not willing to observe the faculty positions and  Leadership Training Programmes for Youth and Elected
to fund the programmes undertaken by them. People’s Representatives
Current scenario  Quality of Life Improvement Programmes,
The Departments of Lifelong Learning are in existence in 66  Individual Interest Promotion Programmes
at various universities and only half of them are active and six  Awareness Programmes
universities departments are offering two year Masters programme  Resource support to the Government funded Adult Literacy
and research leading to M.Phil and Ph.Ds. Except in the states of
 Training of the Manpower
Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh and

 Material Development number of Vocational Education and Training Programmes for
promotion of skills and competencies required in the production
 Evaluation of the Adult Education Programmes and
sector and to involve them in the economy of the country. In this
process, the Central Government viz., National Literacy Mission
 Equivalency Programmes (NLM), National Skill Development Mission (NSDM) and other
 Certification of Prior Learning ministries involved in Vocational Training and Functional Skill
Development are organizing the skill based training
 Research and Evaluation programmes for various sections of the population at various
 Documentation of the Programmes and Research levels. One of the objective of the Departments of Lifelong
Learning is to promote the vocational skills and develop the
 Collaborative Programmes human resources in the area to monitor and implement the
 Convergence with the Developmental Departments programmes. in order to attain the dual objective of the above,
the agencies implementing Vocational Training Programmes
 Action Research should converge with the Lifelong Learning Departments for
 Population Education organizing their activities.
Strategies  The Government of India has conceived and implemented a
number of welfare and developmental programmes. One of the
 In order to promote the extension and outreach activities at the pre-condition of such programmes is to evaluate them to know
University level, the UGC has conceived and implemented a the impact generated by them and the attainment of objectives
number of schemes such as Adult Education and Extension, for which these were conceived. In this process, the Government
Eradication of illiteracy under point No. 16 of new 20 point is preparing a panel of evaluating agencies and individuals for
programme, Area Development Programme, Mass Programme evaluating such programmes. The Departments of Lifelong
for Functional Literacy, Each One Teach One, Adult, Continuing Learning are equipped with such skills, hence, the Departments
Education and Extension, Adult, Continuing Education and of LLL should be empanelled to evaluate and monitor all the
Extension and Outreach etc., for the last thirty years. The Adult Education and Welfare Programmes and the agencies
experience and expertise gained by these departments should be involved in implementation of such programmes.
continued to sustain the activities. Or otherwise, the time and
money invested on all these programmes will go a waste. Hence,  Our educational system aimed to generate graduates and post
the UGC should re-consider its decision and extend the Grant-in- graduates with certain levels of standards in the concerned
Aid facility for continuation of the activities and core staff of the subjects. However, the gloablized employment market requires
Departments of Lifelong Learning. specific and specialized skills to perform the tasks. The
graduates coming out of the education system are not equipped
 In order to qualify the vast masses of population as human with the required skills. As a result, most of the youth are not fit
resourses, the Government has conceived and implemented a in into the requirements of the employment. One of the

objectives of the Lifelong Learning is to equip the youth with the of LLL should involve themselves in professionalizing the
additional skills required for their employability. The manpower in the area of lifelong learning.
Departments of Lifelong Learning should conceive such training
programmes both for the college students and youth outside the  As a part of the outreach activities, the Departments of Lifelong
education system to equip them with required skills and Learning will be collecting the socio-economic profiles of the
competencies to promote their participation in employment at population and areas. In view of its knowledge base, the district
the early age. and state level agencies should make it as a partner for
conceiving and implementing the developmental programmes.
 The universities with different disciplines have experts at
various levels and their services need to be utilized for the  Adult Education has been re-defined as more than literacy and
furtherance of the community. In this process, the Central, State involves in promotion of human resources and in dissemination
Governments, SCERTs, SIRDs, SRCs etc., should involve and take of information and knowledge generated by the universities for
the support of the Universities in organizing training the benefit of the community. In order to perform the above,
progrmmes, material development, monitoring, evaluation of there is a need to establish the Departments of Lifelong Learning
their respective programmes etc., in all the universities of the country and UGC should come up
with liberal grants for faculty i.e., Professor (1), Associate
 The Lifelong Learning encompasses the learning that takes place Professor (2) and Assistant Professors (2), as well as the
throughout the life both in personal and professional activities.
development. The training of the manpower at various levels is
required at various intervals to update their knowledge in their  The first batch departments of adult education have been
occupation so as to improve their efficiency in performing their created in the early 70s and are existing till now. In this process,
tasks. Hence, there is a need to adapt a suitable method by these centres / departments have accumulated the knowledge
integrating the formal, non-formal education and open the doors and expertise in various aspects of adult education. Recognizing
to adult learners for Lifelong Learning Programmes by making and incentivizing such departments will become role models for
the University as an adult learner friendly institute. the younger departments and to nurture them. In this regard,
the UGC should recognize such centres to elevate them as
 The field based adult education programmes including Centres of Excellence in Lifelong Learning based on their
Vocational Education and Training requires a large number of performance with liberal grants to specialize in the selected
field level practitioners and administrators. As on date, the SRC areas.
which is at the state level is only looking after the training of the
apex level functionaries by adopting cascade model. It is  Though, the faculty of Adult Education is functioning for the last
understood from the past experiences that only fifty percent of three decades, but there are no opportunities for
the curricular contents are reaching the target leading to the professionalizing the staff working in the field. As a result, while
ineffective training of the functionaries. Hence, the Departments selecting the faculty, general criteria of qualification and
experience is being followed and providing opportunity for all

those who could not secure their employment in their own international collaborations may lead to professionalization of
discipline. It is taking lot of time for the staff to accustom to the the area and functionaries.
work environment and participation in the activities. As a result,
the professionalization of the staff could not be visible. Ofcourse,  The UGC for promotion of competencies and skills among the
the Academic Staff Colleges which are organizing the Refresher graduate students has initiated a scheme of Career Oriented
Courses and Orientation Programmes which have become Programmes formerly known as add on courses as an additional
certificate oriented to satisfy the norms of Career Advancement input to the existing curriculum. The courses are organized in
Scheme, but not able to fulfill the objectives for which they have isolation where the colleges propose their own programmes suit
been conceived. Hence, the Universities should come up with a to the needs of the area and students and the UGC provides
proposal for professionalization of the core faculty of Lifelong financial assistance for offering certificate, diploma and
Learning. And the UGC should create National Professorships advanced diploma courses on part time basis. There is no fixed
and fellowships in Lifelong Learning to pursue specialized curriculum and the courses are neither monitored by the
research and to expand the horizons of Lifelong Learning University nor certifies. In order to streamline the course and to
research. monitor it regularly, the task of monitoring and organizing the
courses may be assigned to the Departments of LLL as it is also
 After recognizing the extension as third dimension, all the performing similar job.
disciplines have the component of extension at various levels
and outreaching their resources to the community and also
interacting with them for taking their problems to the university 1. Reddy, P.A. & Rani, KS : Universities and Extension Services:
for resolving them. In this context, the Department of Lifelong Future directions, Discovery Publishing House, New Delhi,
Learning should act as the coordinating agency for organizing 2006
extension and outreach activities of various departments for 2. Planning Commission : XII Five Year Plan guidelines, New
dissemination of the knowledge generated by them and research Delhi, 2012
findings in the community. 3. UGC : X Five Year Plan Guidelines of Adult, Continuing
Education and Extension and Field Outreach
 The Department should undertake the research in collaboration 4. UGC : XI Five Year Plan Guidelines of Departments of Life
with the national and international agencies not only to generate Long Learning
the research findings, but also to develop the theoretical 5. UGC : Universities and extension as third dimension, Report
concepts for application in implementation of the programmes. of the Review Committee, 1999
The inputs generated through short and long term research
should be supplied to the implementing agencies for rectification
and replication of the programmes. The Departments should
collaborate with the national funding agencies such as UGC,
ICSSR, NCERT, ICMR, ICHR, ICAR, DST and other Ministries
which are financing for research in social sector. The

Involvement of Universities and Colleges in Continuing “I do not want my house to be walled in on all sides and my widows to
Education Programmes for Marginalized Communities be stuffed. I want the cultures of all lands to be blown about my house
as freely as possibly but I refuse to be blown off my feet by any”
Prof. B .S. Vasudeva Rao
Former Professor __Mahatma Gandhi
Dept. of Adult & Continuing Education, Andhra University
Email: Higher Education in India has reached a stage of maturity and
is no longer confined to the few as in the olden days. The Philosophy
Prof. B. S. Vasudeva Rao has three decades of higher education is undergoing a change and it has to" change for
of experience in Research, Teaching, the better to cater the needs of society Extension, and community
training and Extension Education services is added as the third and, fourth dimensions of the goals of
Programmes. He completed UGC Major Institutes of Higher Education, and Universities along with the
Research Project (2010-2012) on Teacher traditional dimensions of Teaching and Research. Increasing the
Education. 12 PhDs’ and 11M.Phils and 23
knowledge dimension and generation of knowledge through
P.G dissertations are awarded under his
supervision in faculty of Education. The Research and Training for Youth to be future leaders in various walks
high water mark of his academic career is of life, and creating elite groups in the society were no doubt held as
the publication of 16 books (edited and the highest virtues of the University. This ivory tower approach no
authored) and has published90 research longer holds good. We are increasingly concerned with applied
papers in various National and research, action research, productive research, participatory
International Journals. He has also presented 100 research papers in Research and 'Extension in different facilities of Science, Social
different National and International Seminars / Conferences. He evaluated 9 Sciences, Engineering, Technology, Law and so on.
Government and 3 NGO Projects. He attended 15 Short term academic
courses on Rural Development, Formal and Non-formal, Extension education This process is not confined to developing countries like ours
and Evaluation. His areas of interest are Teacher Education, Innovative
but also to developed countries like USA, Canada, U.K. USSRs and others.
Teaching Methods, Literacy, Rural & Tribal Development and Extension
activities. He is awarded the Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishna award for best
Speaking of the Philosophy of Higher Education in USA, an eminent
Academician of the year 2006 on 5th September 2006 by Andhra University, historian G. Vann Woodward says 'Many of the University Community
in recognition of commendable record of research and teaching and Best was already reconciling themselves to the new demands' .eager for
Researcher Award in 2003 by University in recognition of his academic the institutional and for personnel advantages they expect to derive
contribution. Presently he is National Level Monitor for Ministry of Rural from it. Others find in the "Transformation" or "Modernization of the
Development, Govt. of India and National Minority and Development University' the means of realizing - humanitarian or political, though
Finance Corporation New Delhi. Majority of the academic contribution made non- academic goals (versus) the traditional goals of scholarship and
by the applicant related to peoples’ involvement, nature and effects. teaching. Some advocates of modernization see the emergence of the
University as a secular Church promising 'self- discovery' and
'Identity' or group therapy for distraught or alienated post
adolescents; others see the University becoming, a new melting pot

for assimilating alienated minorities into a middle class meritocracy; the Indian context and we have to fight the battle on both the fronts.
still others would foster super, research institutes available for crash Our vast population coupled with inadequate skills poses a challenge
programmes to solve 'Crises' of Welfare, Environment, Energy, to those working in Universities, Colleges, developmental
Health, Birth Control, and nuclear arms control'. departments and Voluntary Organizations.

The Universities in India are gradually changing their style of Educators, throughout the world, mainly focus on the one
functioning. There is much more need to change their philosophy of explanation, that poverty can be reduced by placing emphasis on
action and community service. Universities are no more confined to educational and training efforts- As Hunt, one of the noted
basic teaching and research alone. As a first step the UGC has initiated educational psychologist points out, 'In-competence and poverty are
departments of Adult and Continuing Education and community inter related. As a characteristic of individual persons, incompetence
services in 20 Universities later extended to Seventy per cent of results in poverty. And, the poverty of one generation becomes, by
universities. Most of the programmes held by the departments of virtue of the circumstances which hamper the development of
Continuing Education catered to the needs of those who are educated, abilities and motives, a basis for the incompetence of the next
enlightened and elite. Gradually the UGC and the departments generation. As the burgeoning role of technology in our society calls
realised that their primary responsibility is to promote Continuing for higher and higher levels of competence in larger and larger
Education Programmes for weaker sections both rural and urban and supply, those without at least fairly high levels of competence find it
also to those living in tribal areas. There is a great need for harder and harder to earn their, way in the market place and to
Continuous and Continuing Education and training programmes for participate in the affluence deriving from our technology". So, in the
weaker sections for alleviating poverty removing ignorance, Indian context we have to initiate new types of programmes for
superstition, irrational attitudes, dislike towards fellow beings and solving the problems of illiteracy, ill health, poverty and superstition.
lower castes, other creeds and sex. Here we can recall the experience
of the well-known education and training programmes of the war on As pointed out by Dr. Adisesaiah, the need now is to visualize
poverty carried by United States Government during 60's and early how social and political consciousness could be developed in rural
70's. This is identified with such programmes as Head Start, Job people so that they could take care of their problems and also get the
Crops, Upward Bound, Follow Through and Title of the elementary benefits of various schemes of development which have been
and secondary education act of 1965. These activities represent a launched for them by the Government.
clear attempt to use educational policy to alter the traditional
approaches to educational planning by Universities. Adult education can make a substantial contribution in
awakening and increasing this consciousness. It can help them to
There are two broad views regarding the reasons for poverty form their own organizations which will not only act as pressure
(1) The first view suggests that poverty is the result of lack of groups but will also ensure their fuller effective participation in
willingness to work or an inability to do enough productive work to economic development. The role of adult education can be to develop
get wages above poverty level. (2) The second view suggests that leadership amongst the rural poor themselves so that they are made
there are inadequate un-employment opportunities which will aware of the rights conferred by the existing laws and can withstand
provide jobs for all those who wish to work. Both views are correct in the exploitation by vested interests. They can be organised in such a

manner that in due course a kind of self-propelling, self-generating model. It varies, according to the set of circumstances that operate in
and self-reliant mechanism is established without dependence on a tribal area, rural area, urban area and hilly region etc. (d) there can
outside agencies. Official agencies provide largely the delivery be different models for Universities, for colleges situated in different
mechanism and the organisation of the deprived and the poor shall regions (e) Models vary depending upon the inputs, both human and
help them to build up the demanding and receiving mechanism and material resources available and the commitment of individuals or
complement the work of the government. groups who want to work out the model (f) Action strategies are
dependent upon mobilisation of finance, men and materials and the
In the process of formation of the organizations of the rural region selected for action strategies, (g) Animally the success of
poor, the women should not be left out. To enable them to have action strategies of Continuing Education Programmes depends on
rightful position in the main stream of national development, it is the clients or groups chosen, their level of motivation and
essential that adult educators should also help in promotion of involvement, their achievement targets, levels, of aspiration, socio-
women’s organizations at the grass root level. These organizations cultural climate, willingness of the local leaderships to allow things to
once developed, should take, care of their education, including family change, the development of youth power, the continuous feeding of
life, child care, craft training, home management, home economics, people with, knowledge, , skills and attitudinal directions, finally
budgeting, savings, banking etc. proper feedback and. evaluation revision of strategies and goals for
renewed action.
It is not only the universities that shall take up this challenge
but the numerous affiliated colleges, autonomous colleges, Junior The models we have taken are broad in scope and are
Colleges, Sanskrit Institutes, Oriental Learning Institutes, Post- amenable for change and modification. In the first model for
Graduate and Graduate, Basic Training Institutes, Colleges of Universities where these are departments of Adult and Continuing
Education, Engineering, Medicine, Law, Commerce, Ayurveda, Fine Education already well established, they can take cooperation of
Arts, should all come forward and take up the challenge in the next sister departments in Physical, natural sciences and social sciences.
two decades. Now let us look into the strategies and models so that As a team, they can select one or two villages, make survey of
we can create an ongoing programme of continuing education. problems and needs of the area, identify the target groups and expose
them to a series of continuing education programmes in areas like
Models and Implementation Strategies: health, nutrition, agriculture, animal husbandry, mother care, child
care, first aid, prevention of diseases, cottage industries, marketing,
Before we launch any good programme we shall exercise social and political awareness, community dinners, youth and Mahila
sufficient thought, for its basic objectives goals, ideals and create a Mandal formation, Non-Formal Education and so on.
suitable model and draw action or implementation strategies. We
shall keep in mind certain basic assumptions when we draw such In the first year the basic and pressing problems which are
models and action strategies: (a) sometimes the models are latent in within the easy reach of solution by University Authorities or
the mind of the programmer or director or action strategist (b) departments should be attempted. In the Second Year after gaining
sometimes the model is manifest, clearly spelt out, discussed and confidence and creating a sense of well-being and achievement in the
debated, modified to suit the local conditions, (c) there is no one clients, more programmes should be attempted. In the third and

fourth years of operation of continuing education programmes for Community or peoples representatives and whoever comes forward
different groups, like youth, Mahila; Mandals, workers shall be to offer their voluntary services, incalcate knowledge, trains in skills
maximized. Here we can employ participatory research models which and trains local, leadership for taking up programmes for weaker
can give maximum results. The basic idea is to create self-reliance, sections.
confidence and vociferous groups to get their demands redressed by
government agencies.. In the fifth year the University shall gradually Education has to realize the new social order envisioned for
withdraw from the field of operations. In the subsequent areas the India. Education has demonstrated, with evidence through several
trained manpower is continuously exposed both in the University research studies, that it has the potential to do so. Studies have
campus and in other training establishments for latest knowledge shown that there is a high and positive relationship between
and skills, developments in science plus general knowledge. In any education and productivity-agricultural as well as industrial. Higher
way this will lead to community colleges or folk schools or rural levels of female education are associated with better child and
institutes to broaden their understanding and to develop them as mother care, better nutrition, higher levels of access. The
worthy citizens who can look after themselves. development is for man, of man, all of man, whole of man and is
concerned with what happens to the last man. Development cannot,
The second model is also similar to the first model, with this therefore, be adequately measured only in terms of GNP growth, but
difference, as where there are no adult education departments, one or by how far the basic needs of the people for food, shelter, clothing,
two departments in the University like Social work, Applied drinking water, health and education are being met; not in terms of
Economics, Economics, Applied Physics or Physics, Geography or per capita consumption of steel and power, but in terms of
Civil Engineering will take up the simple programmes in the first year employment generation; not in terms of industrialization or
and gradually build up in subsequent years and involve other agricultural green revolution, but by how far the unequal distribution
departments in the University and slowly withdraw after creating of incomes and property in society-which is the basic cause of
proper atmosphere. poverty and its consequences of malnutrition, ill-health and illiteracy-
are reduced. Thus the concept of development concerns with
In the third model for colleges the Principal as the key figure, meeting the basic needs of the people, removal of poverty,
with the help of service minded departments will take up the unemployment and exploitation and more equitable distribution of
programmes and develop it in the same way as in the model wealth. HenceNce there is a need to pursue, aware and educated the
enumerated above. masses continuously for their better life.

In the fourth model where the University or college instead of Need for Continuing Education Programme
taking initiative itself, joins with the ongoing programmes of rural
1. To make use of the government welfare schemes for the
development or tribal development in a nearby block and helps the
socio-economic development of the people
government agencies with various inputs.
2. To make success the government programmes like pulse
In yet another model, the University or college writes to polio, mosquito eradication, watershed management etc.,
youth clubs, village elders like Sarpanch or Grama pradhan or

3. Drawing of the women from drudgery and empowering them intricacies and complexities or bureaucratic administration. It
to express themselves. prepares them to accept and cooperate with the bureaucrats or
implementing agencies (Vasudeva Rao, 1996)
4. For tuning the voluntarism and local self-help among the
Paulo Frere is emphatically against ‘narrative’, programmes
5. To reach the goals of Education for All, Health for All etc., of education. His emphasis is the need for ‘dialogue’ with the subjects
and the necessity of building up from below. Education should not
6. To create more employment opportunities.
become act of ‘depositing’ in which the subjects are the depositors
7. To create awareness about the need of vocational education and the teacher the depositor. He is against this system which he calls
so as to enable the people to step into the part-time vocation the ‘Banking Concept’ of Education. Those involved in mass literacy
and to increase their income. should know that the oppressed are not marginal or not men living
8. The literacy process therefore, has to be continued so as to ‘outside’ society. They have always been inside the structure which
enable the people to step into the part-time vocation and to made them ‘beings for others’. The solution is not to ‘integrate’ them
increase their income. into the structure of oppression, but to transform that the structure
so that they can become ‘beings for themselves’. It is not as if the
Continuing Education Programme is also an indispensable poor are ignorant. They do not possess the power to receive critically
aspect of the strategy of human resource development and of the goal nor analyse the dynamics of social transformation. This is the job of
of creation of a learning society. Formal education as an instrument truly comprehensive literacy and adult education programmes
of human resource development is not really effective in remedying according to Frere. Many educational programmes failed because the
the structural inequalities in the society. Continuing education, which authors and planners did not take into account the people in
provides a second chance to those who missed formal education and situation.
is responsive learners’ needs, directly addresses itself to structural
inequalities. Only continuing education can bring about full According to J. K. Nyerere, former president of Tanzania feels
development of human resources. that educating the masses in a broad sense “is the key to the
development of free men and free societies”. Its function is to help
Continuing Education Programme influences rural people to think for themselves to make their own decisions and to
Development in three ways. Firstly, it increases the awareness of execute those decisions for them. This requires constant education
rural people about ongoing activities in society. The anti- arrack and training of our people for better awareness with regard to the
movement by the women folk of A.P State is a notable illustration of day to day issues of the society and also finding suitable solutions for
the impact of adult education programme. Secondly, education can be better social life. This is the nature required for continuing education
facilities, social and occupational mobility among the peoples of for target groups.
society. Educational achievements, to a large extent determine the
nature and type of opportunities that become available to the rural The Universities can play a leading role in continuing
people. Thirdly, education provides an insight to the rural folk about education programme. The best minds in the universities should turn
their attention to the problems of the community. Like eradication of

literacy, abolition of poverty, ignorance and ill-health, promotion he Subba Rao D & Vasudeva Rao B.S. (1984) Adult and Continuing
Universities should thus become bridges between the knowledge Education: Some Perspectives, Rural Development Publishers, A.P.
producing centres on one hand and the large society on the other
hand. The question is whether we can think anything in this aspect. Surendra G (2005) Perspectives of Continuing Education Programme,
Sonali Publications, New Delhi
Continuing Education can act as a powerful catalyst for
change, development and promotion of new social order. Vasudeva Rao B.S (2007) “Continuing Education Programmes: An
Socialisation is an interesting process between the individual and his Approach to Rural Enlightment”, Rural Development &
environment, through which the individual is shaped. Empowerment of Weaker Section, Practices, Promotion &
Programmes, (ed.vol) The Associated Publishers, Ambala Cantt,
Adult education neither begins nor ends with literacy. Literacy cannot
Vasudeva Rao B.S., Gupta P.V, (2006), Extension through Universities,
be forced upon the toiling masses desperately engaged in just living Universities and Extension Services(ed.vol) Discovery Publishing
House, New Delhi
somehow. A lonely and tired people will have no genuine interest in
literacy. Literacy, most some as the response to the inner urge of the Viswanadha Gupta P.(2007) “Continuing Education Programme in
Vizianagaram District: A Study of Stakeholders and Learners”, Ph.D
people themselves, who have eaten some food during the day and have Dissertation submitted to Andhra University.
marginal energy. The best way to bring literacy to such people is to
make the programme life centered

…………..…………. Mahatma Gandhi


Adinarayana Reddy P. & Sudha Rani K (2006) Universities and

Extension Services (ed.vol) Discovery Publishing House, New Delhi

Paulo Freire (1972) Pedagogy of the oppressed, Penguin Books Great

Britain Printed by C. Nocholls & Company Ltd.

Sreenivasa Rao G. (2014) Rural Development through Literacy

Campaigns, Discovery Publishing House, New Delhi

Strengthening Inclusion and Participation in
Adult Education in India


Dr. P. V. Gupta Mobil: 08956774332, 09823255448

Dr. Puvvada Viswanadha Gupta was born in The indispensable and urgent need of harnessing education to reshape
1976. He took his B.Sc. (1996) and LL.B. (2003)
from Andhra University, Visakhapatnam, M.A. the destiny of India was evident even during the period of the nationalist
(2000) in Adult Education from Sri Venkateswara struggle. But, it received a pointed focus only after India’s Independence in
University, Tirupathi and M.A. (2009) in 1947. The celebrated Education Commission (1964-66) stated, “the destiny of
Philosophy from Andhra University
Visakhapatnam. He obtained his Ph.D. from India is now being shaped in her classrooms.” This conviction could be seen
Andhra University in Adult and Continuing from the various provisions in the Indian Constitution. Article 21 of the
Education, which has focused on people’s
participation in continuing education programme. Directive Principles of State Policy enjoined the State to provide free and
He is also qualified the NET examination compulsory education to all children up to the age of 14. The Constitution had
conducted by the UGC. He has so far published set up a 10 time target (1961) from the commencement of the Constitution in
fifteen books (two in press), 50 research papers
published in various reputed adult education and 1951, for the achievement of universal elementary education for all children.
social science journals and 55 papers presented With regard to adult education, no specific deadline or target was set up, but
in seminars which are in National and the thrust was changed from mere literacy to education in citizenship.
International level. Dr. Gupta is associated with
many Non Governmental Organisations and It was, however, the National Policy on Education, 1986, which
action groups working for the welfare of the pricked the national conscience and urged that the whole nation must pledge
deprived sections of the society. Dr. Gupta
worked as a Research Associate in the Centre for itself to the eradication of illiteracy particularly in the 15-35 age group. And,
Study of Social Exclusion and Inclusive Policy, to this end, it called upon the Central and State Governments, political parties
Andhra University, Visakhapatnam. Dr. Gupta is and their mass organizations, the mass media and educational institutions to
also worked as a Consultant (Research &
Evaluation) in Technical Support Group of commit themselves to mass literacy programmes of diverse nature. NPE, 1986
Saakshar Bharat Programme of National Literacy added that the mass literacy programme would include, in addition to literacy,
Mission Authority, Ministry of Human Resource
Development, Government of India, New Delhi. functional knowledge and skills, and also awareness among learners about the
Now Dr. Gupta working as an Assistant Professor, socio-economic reality and the possibility to change it. In view of this urgency
Department of Adult, Continuing Education and to tackle the magnitude of illiteracy, the NPE’s Programme of Action (NPE-
Extension, University of Pune, Pune.
POA) urged the setting up of a national mission.

National Seminar on
Forging Ahead: Futuristic Strategies and Challenges for Department of Adult, Continuing Education and Extension
19th and 20th February, 2014
Challenges before the Indian Higher Education

Dr. Ashwini A. Adadande The Indian Higher Education System begins with Primary
Education, through Secondary Education and culminates with Higher
M.E.S Abasaheb Garware College. Education. Higher Education is divided into two phases, the Junior
College and the Senior College, the latter being further partitioned into
Karve Road, Pune-4 Maharashtra Undergraduate and Postgraduate studies.
The major role of Higher Education in most Indian institutes is to
provide specialized education is various fields. The system differentiates
between Professional and Non-professional courses, with students who
wish to pursue a professional career (doctors, engineers, architects, etc.)
often prepare and discriminate at the beginning of higher education at
the Junior College, and hence over the years, Non-Professional
undergraduate courses have shown a decline in student strength. Further
to this, the mushrooming of postgraduate centres has had its own
deleterious effect, in that the screening process for students to enter
postgraduate courses has become practically redundant, further
aggravating the situation, leaving very little choice for employers to get
good candidates.
The result of this process has ultimately led to a situation wherein
the manpower generated through higher education is often poorly
prepared and hence not acceptable by industry or other economic
ventures. This creates a feeling in the student that the education system is
poor and he or she therefore ventures into other ancillary educational
courses to ‘try’ something new. This shortfall of the student strength
boomerangs back onto the educational institution, where teachers begin
to get frustrated with the raw material and a vicious cycle ultimately
results in the overall failure of the system.

National Seminar on
Forging Ahead: Futuristic Strategies and Challenges for Department of Adult, Continuing Education and Extension
19th and 20th February, 2014
Life Skills Important Part of Development of Individual for
Challenges of Everyday Life
Dr .Prashant B. Pagare Education is never ending process of inner growth and development and its
period stretches from cradle to grave. It is the process of humanizing humanity,
Dr. Prashant Bhimsen Pagare ( M.Sc., M.Ed., SET, making life progressive, cultured and civilized. It is dynamic and continuous process
M.A. (DE), Ph.D. (Education), Ph.D. (DE) in by which human beings develop thinking, reasoning, creativity, intelligence, positive
Process ,DSM, MSCIT) founder Head, sentiments & various adjustments skills.
Department of Education, Dr. Babasaheb Adjustment and life skills are closely related. Possessing life skills, an
Ambedkar Marathwada University, Aurangabad. individual can adjust properly to the environment, and make the best effort for the
(MS) India. Having Seventeen years of teaching progress and betterment of his own family and his society. Life skills are essentially
experience. He has participated in 40 national those abilities that help to promote mental well being and competence in young people
and 21 international seminars, published 36 as they face the realities of life.
articles in National and International Journals, he According to Curtiss &Warrin (1973) life skills are problem –solving
has participated and presented 55 papers in behaviours appropriately and responsibly used in the management of personal affairs.
various National & international seminars. He has The World Health Organization (1993) defined Life skills as “The abilities for
guided 85 dissertations at post Graduate levels in adaptive and positive behavior that enable individuals to deal effectively with
Education, 9 M.Phil. &4 PhDs were awarded demands and challenges of everyday life” WHO categorizes life skills into three
under his supervision. He has completed 1 UGC components: first communication & interpersonal skill second cognitive skills third
major research projects & 1 ICSSR major research coping & self –management skills.
project on going. . He was awarded the
International Conference Awarded Best Research According to Rao (2003) the development of life skills is an important part of
Paper Prize, National conference Best Research personality development, which can be beneficial for all young adults.
Paper Prize & national seminar best poster UNICEF defines Life Skills as “a behavior change or behavior development
presentation research paper. He is a Member of approach designed to address a balance of three areas: knowledge, attitude and skills.
the National and state level educational body & This three approach combines knowledge, attitude and skills into actual abilities. i.e.
committee. He is also the Chief Editor of the “What to do and how to do it.” Life skills are abilities that enable individuals to
Journal “Glocal”. He has visited Maleshiya, Shri- behave in healthy ways, given the desire to do so and given the scope and opportunity
lanka & Thailand to present papers in to do so.
International conferences. He has Organized The present research article focuses on the Life skills - communication &
international, national & state Seminars / Interpersonal skills , Interpersonal communication skills, conflict , management
Conferences / UGC- ASC Refresher Course and ,Empathy , Co-operation & Teamwork Cognitive skills- Decision making skills
workshop. Now Dr. PAGARE working as an A. ,problem solving skills ,critical thinking skills coping & self management skills -self
Professor, Department of Education, Dr. esteem , self awareness , self monitoring , coping skills , time management for
Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University , development of the skills of the pupils, teachers and workers .

National Seminar on
Forging Ahead: Futuristic Strategies and Challenges for Department of Adult, Continuing Education and Extension
19th and 20th February, 2014
Adult Education and Quality of Life in Globalization
“Those who know cannot be like the ones who do not know. Of course, knowledge and
ignorance are like light and darkness which can never be alike.” Adult education in India is the process
to provide education to the adult who had failed to receive elementary education during their childhood.
B. Shobha After independence, the emergence of India as a democratic nation necessitated a certain preparedness
amongst its people. The concept of adult education defined as mere literacy seemed inadequate. It was
therefore broadened to “social education”. Social education was defined as a “course of study directed
Regarding Educational Qualifications towards the production of consciousness of citizenship among the people and promotion of social
M.Sc(zoo)., M.Ed., M.Phil (Edu)., Ph.D solidarity among them ……” The effort of providing adult education in India has been in existence for
the past several years, as it is one of the most important things in building an educated nation. Unless
(Edu)., Research Scholar, Dept the adults realize the importance of education they would never understand the need to educate their
of Education, IASE, S.V.University – progeny. Education is one of the stepping stones for building a strong nation. Hence adult education is
TIRUPATI, (A.P)., INDIA. Mobile No: promoted on a large scale in the Indian sub continent.
09701666858, e-mail ID: As the leader in global education, Fairleigh Dickinson dedicates itself to forging the real 5yrs distinctions between globalization and global education. The effects of globalization have been far-
reaching. While the living standards of the world are still highly uneven, 400 million people have
Experience in Zoology., and moved out of extreme poverty since 1980—more than at any other time in human history. The growth
5yrs Experience in B.Ed colleges in and urbanization of a global middle class is creating huge new markets for goods and services of all
Karimnagar Dist., I have attended and kinds. Still, while the global integration of economies has created complex webs of capital, trade,
Presented 1 international sem., 4 information, education, currencies, services, supply chains, capital markets, information technology
national sem., and 2 Workshops grids, and technology platforms that form a more intricate, multifaceted system than a model of simple
economic competition among nations, the competition for industries and for high-skill, high-wage jobs
has undoubtedly become more intense. Globalization has become a widespread idea in national and
international dialogue in recent years. Global education has become a widespread idea at Fairleigh
Dickinson University.
In India, adult education was planned as a Community Development Programme though
development of the individual was not directly associated with development of basic literacy-rather it
was designed for social development. Adult literacy was associated with socio-economic development
and for self-reliance of the individual only in the last three decades. The purpose of adult education was
integrated with out of school education. It can be said that in India and other countries there has been an
integrated concept of basic education i.e. primary schooling and adult education. Consequently Adult
education may not have been required in the form in which it existed if required. It has been found that
adult education included adult literacy and other developmental messages in varying degrees to practise
a good quality of life. If an adult is education well, the achievement may easily possible.

National Seminar on
Forging Ahead: Futuristic Strategies and Challenges for Department of Adult, Continuing Education and Extension
19th and 20th February, 2014
To study the effective use of participatory radio in spreading
the AIDS awareness message amongst the youth
Rohit Pawar
Shridatta Gaikwad
Mobil: 09420731922

Rohit Pawar: Has been working as an In the said research, the researcher’s intents to find out the
Assistant Professor from he passed 8
years in Dept. of Communication effectiveness of audio programmes broadcast through Community
Studies, University of Pune. He has
completed his M. Cm. S in radio related to AIDS awareness. Radio program will be produced
Communication Studies and is also a
Ph. D. student / Scholar. His core area and broadcast by community participants. A focused group
of research is Media & its Impact on
the audience. discussion will be conducted among the Participants and non

Shridatta Gaikwad: He has completed Participants of the radio program. The conclusions will be drawn to
his M. Cm.S in Communication Studies
and is Pursuing Ph. D. where in his measure the effectiveness of the programme on Participants and
core area of research is community
Radio. He is Currently working with non participants.
VIDYAVANI Community Radio as
Announcer. He has 10 years
experience in Radio Field.

National Seminar on
Forging Ahead: Futuristic Strategies and Challenges for Department of Adult, Continuing Education and Extension
19th and 20th February, 2014
Vistaar – An Innovative Community Learning Centre in Higher Education


Mobil No. 09873302532
The Extension/Dimension in the Higher Education system was introduced during the
implementation of National Adult Education programmer. Its objective was to extend knowledge
Dr. Rajesh and other institutional resources to the community and to gain insights from a contact between
knowledge resources and socio cultural realities with a view to reflecting the same in the
curriculum and co-curriculum.
Dr. Rajesh is currently the head of the The University-System extends knowledge and students resources in the Extension –
Department of Ault, Continuing Dimension through the various initiatives from the Department of Adult, Continuing Education &
Department of Social-work, National Service Scheme and National Cadet Core.
Education & Extension since March, 2012. The present paper critically explores Community Learning Centres of Thailand
He has 25 years of teaching and research Bangladesh, Japan and India, Community Learning Centres undertakes activities on the following
experience. He has introduced M.A. in areas:
Lifelong Leaning & Extension (semester 1. Educational Activities
based) Disciple – II course under Four 2. Information Networking
Year Undergraduate programme of the 3. Social Empowerment
University of Delhi. He is in process of 4. Economic Development
introducing M. Phil Programme. He has Conclusion
contributed several research books, Community Learning Centre under Vistaar belongs to the community people and is
operated by them for the benefit of the target population. The students, research scholars and the
research articles and articles in National teachers including professionals are involved in providing learning opportunities for community
and International Journals and the edited development and people’s quality of life improvement.
books Dr. Rajesh has recently initiated It has started collecting, generating and disseminating information and networking,
Vistaaar, a Lifelong Learning initiative among government, voluntary organizations and the educational institutions including colleges
and the universities.
under XII Plan inaugurated by the Vice- Community Learning Centres are managing and conducting Lifelong Learning activities.
Chancellor Prof. Dinesh Singh. He is All learning in the community is community based with harmonious integration between the way
member of National Level Committee on of life, working and learning that will lead to lifelong learning.
Research, International Workshop under The target groups of community learning centres under Vistaar are the senior citizens,
National Literacy Mission Authority, adult vulnerable population, minority population and the unorganized sector population.
Government of India and also Memebr of Thus, the community learning centre under Vistaar is the focal point for conducting
various lifelong learning activities for the community members. It also provides vocational and
National Level Transgender Committee of occupational guidance including continuing Education and skill enhancement. It helps in
the Government of India. He has promoting learning interests for all target population under Vistaar. Thus community Learning
provided a report to the Ministry of Social Centres adopted by the University of Delhi under Vistaar reviewed various models available in
Asia and in other continents. It has resolved to initiate the following activities in a focused way
Justice & Empowerment Government of by involving students, research scholars, teachers, professionals and the community Learning
India on transgender pertaining to Centres are initiated for the elderly population, transgender, vulnerable women and the
Education & employment opportunities. unorganized population.

National Seminar on
Forging Ahead: Futuristic Strategies and Challenges for Department of Adult, Continuing Education and Extension
19th and 20th February, 2014
Right To Education: Orienting Student Teacher
Educators and General Teachers on Right To
Education for the Differently Abled
S. Anushiya & G. Ananthi Email:

S. Anushiya at present working as a A study was carried out among 15 student teacher educators and 15
Research Assistant under UGC Major general school teachers regarding the Right to Education for the differently
Project on ‘Quality of life of The abled individuals. Now-a-days India is marching towards Inclusion of
Differently Abled in Tamil Nadu’. Every
child will have childhood aims, and for me Differently abled individual under mainstreaming and in many other aspects.
my aim was to become a Special Educator The main aim of inclusion is to diorite segregation and to initiate equal
and to work for the welfare of Special opportunity and full participation of the differently abled with out
Children, this wish have been self driven discrimination. Thus an orientation to Student Teacher Educators and to
in myself while I was in my mother’s General Teachers at private school was organised and the performance after
womb since she is also a Special Educator. the orientation on Right to Education for the differently able was analysed
I have completing my Graduation in using a questionnaire. The samples were selected using purposive sampling
Special Education with a hatrick of Gold
Medals on all my degrees. The motivation method, for Teacher training institute and from few private schools in and
of my parents helps me to take up around Coimbatore. Quasi Experimental method was followed for the conduct
researches and pilot studies in Special of the study. The main independent variables are age, gender, type of
Education. occupation. The main dependent variable included in the study is imparting the
G. Ananthi at present I am doing my importance of Right to Education for differently abled individual and to bring
Master’s in Special Education (Visual out normalization and desegregation of individuals with Special Needs. Post
impairment). I have a great interest in test was conducted using a questionnaire compassing of 25 queries regarding
doing research and bringing out changes Right to Education for the differently abled. Each question was given Two
in the field of Special Education. Thus
with the guidelines of my staff and marks and the Maximum score allocated was 50. The result not only revealed
friends I would like to publish my in orienting the importance of Right to Education to the differently abled but
Research works in conference and also created a remarkable attitudinal change among the samples regarding
seminars to bring out my work into disability, full inclusion and the need for appropriate education for the
limelight. differently abled in Inclusive setting.

National Seminar on
Forging Ahead: Futuristic Strategies and Challenges for Department of Adult, Continuing Education and Extension
19th and 20th February, 2014
A Study of Right to Education (RTE)

Sharddha Tiwari
The importance of education cannot be denied in one’s life. It sustains
Sharddha Tiwari was born in 1975. She
the human values which contribute to the individual and collective well-being.
took her B.A (1994) from Sagar University, It forms the basis for lifelong learning and inspires confidence to face
M.P. and M.A.(Hindi), M.A. (Sociology) challenges. It provides the skills to individuals become more self reliant and
from Pandit Ravi Shankar Shukla aware of right opportunities. It also enhances the ability of individuals to act
University Raipur (C.G.). She passed Ph.d more responsible and more informed citizens and have a voice in politics and
Entrance exam from Pt. RSU in 2013, society, which is essential for sustaining democracy. It is essential for
having 10 year of teaching experience. At eradicating poverty and it allows people to be more productive and playing
present, she is working as a Asst. greater roles in economic life and earning a better living. Education should be
Professor in Kalyan Post Graduate College provided in such a manner that ensures children can benefit from it. Right to
in Bhilai (C.G.). Her specialization area of Education (RTE) has been passed by Indian Legislature. The challenges which
Hindi, Social Studies and Education have been reported after the three years of passage of bill have been discussed
Development. She has participated in 30 in this paper. Universal schooling accompanied by quality, equity and
accessibility can be a single big move towards attaining future prosperity of
national and 4 international seminars, 5
every nation. Education should be provided in such a manner that ensures
workshop and 2 international conference children can benefit from it. Right to Education (RTE) has been passed by
(35 paper presented in seminar which are Indian Legislature. The challenges which have been reported after the three
national and international level) and years of passage of bill have been discussed in this paper. The education is the
published 17 research paper and article key which allows people to move up in the world, seek better jobs, ultimately
in national and international journals succeed in their lives. So education is very important, and none should be
(five in press). Sharddha Tiwari associate deprived of it. The importance of primary education has been neglected by
with journal of Multidisciplinary India since independence knowingly or unknowingly. However, Government
Education Research (JMER) per Reviewed of India now is willing to improve primary education by bringing legislation
And Referred Journal. She is also author i.e. Right to Education. The paper tries to bring out the meaning of much
of Geography Teaching (L.P) ISBN 978-93- awaited Right to Education (RTE) 2009, act and tries to bring out the critical
8034. appraisal of the Act after four years since its passage.

National Seminar on
Forging Ahead: Futuristic Strategies and Challenges for Department of Adult, Continuing Education and Extension
19th and 20th February, 2014
Reaching the Unreached: School on Wheels

Street and working children constitute one of the most disadvantaged section
of the Indian society. UNHCHR has estimated that India has the largest population of
Ruchira Guglani street children in the world, some 18 million children on urban streets, mostly
concentrated in large metropolitan cities. Recently, Save the Children, Delhi
conducted a census on situation of street children in Delhi showcasing the capital to be
Assistant Professor home of over 50,000 street children. These are children who are very low in the social
Department of Elementary Education hierarchy with little access to health and educational facilities.
Though the government promotes the idea of providing education to all by
Institute of Home Economics introducing the Right to Education Act and various other schemes like Sarva Shiksha
University of Delhi Abhiyan, street children are largely deprived of access to school and educational
support. Their condition of life such as having to live on the roads, moving from one
place to other, the lack of an address/identity, and lack of family or parental support to
get educated, do not leave them with any option other than to work to ensure food
security which limits their access to school and education. Taking care of their siblings
and doing household chores also proves to be a hindrance to their educational
The paper delves deep into the life of these children who are neglected and
live in extreme poverty situations. Specifically, the paper attempts to look into the
education of street children in Delhi and at the same time also discuss one of the most
innovative NGO run educational programme, the Mobile Learning Centre, that
reaches out to the vulnerable children in the remotest areas of Delhi with the objective
of mainstreaming them to formal school system.
These children deserve better, they are our present and our future. They are
the little heroes and heroines of our cities who struggle for their survival in a harsh and
brutal world and yet maintain their dignity, hoping and dreaming of a better tomorrow.
It is programmes like the Mobile Learning Centre that keeps the spirit alive and
provides the most vulnerable children the dream of having a secured and meaningful

National Seminar on
Forging Ahead: Futuristic Strategies and Challenges for Department of Adult, Continuing Education and Extension
19th and 20th February, 2014
E-Learning in Adult Education for Sustainable
Development: A Paradigm Shift

Dr. Gyanendra Kumar Rout Mobil: 9412581873

Dr. Gyanendra Kumar Rout is presently working Global climate change is the defining issue of our time requiring immediate
as H O D in Education Govt. Degree College, and decisive action (Stern, 2006). A much required global transformation will emerge
Rikhnikhal, PauriGarhwal, Uttarakhand (India). He from: individual actions, sustainable business strategies, government regulations, and
has obtained his M.A (Education, History), M.Phil nongovernmental organization initiatives (Muller & Siebenhuner, 2007). This paper
(Education), Ph.D (Education) and L.L.B degrees will argue that the only way that businesses can manage their climate change risk is
from Utkal University, Bhubeneswar, Orissa.. He through the comprehensive implementation of sustainable development strategies.
has also qualified the U.G.C (NET) test in These strategies require a paradigm shift toward more systems, future and critical
Education. He has worked for more than 14 years thinking skills, by everyone in the company. This will require the re-education of the
as lecturer, senior lecturer and H.O.D respectively workforce from the current, largely one dimensional focus on economic value; to a
in India and abroad both in U.G and P.G multi-dimensional, interdependent, values-based, focus on environmental, social and
Department . He has also worked as Senior economic issues. This transformation will be complex and will evolve over the
Lecturer in Department of Educational lifetime of a learner. Businesses will find that education for sustainable development
Foundation & Humanities, Faculty of Education, through learner-centred e-learning, within a blended learning program, will be the
University of Malaya, Kualalumpur, Malayasia most efficient and effective means of achieving long-term business survival and
and also contributed articles/research papers to prosperity. Blended with face to face learning, e-learning can be imbedded into
national and international (ISI) journals organizational learning and operational strategies to create life long learning in
sustainability. Learner centred education is central to the success of education for
sustainable development due to its dependence on aligned values, attitudes and
behaviours. Particularly, the depth and breadth of learning theories are critical to the
design and implementation of instructional strategies. Critical learning theories include
andragogy, self-directed learning, critical reflection, cognitive, and social learning
(Waight & Stewart, 2005). These theories, when properly employed will contribute
directly to the success of the implementation of sustainable development strategies. In
order to value adult learners within a framework of sustainable development, e-
learning should incorporate in meaningful ways

National Seminar on
Forging Ahead: Futuristic Strategies and Challenges for Department of Adult, Continuing Education and Extension
19th and 20th February, 2014
Human Resources Development Needs in Higher Education

Dr. D. Hassan An individual level approach of the human resource management requires the
M. Nageswara Rao focus upon the employees’ individual development within the organization. This

Assistant Professor, Department of process includes the identification of the human resources’ development needs, the
Education, Acharya Nagarjuna
establishment of the methods and strategies necessary for developing the employees,
University, Ongole Campus, Ongole.
A.P. the implementation of the training program, and the evaluation of the outcomes. The
success of a development program strongly depends on the first stage, which aims at

Principal, Manjeera College of analyzing the training needs. But, identifying employees’ development needs within
Education, Hyderabad. A.P. organization implies as well analyzing the organizational requirements and strategic objectives. The present study focuses on the faculty development needs identification

stage, which includes: the identification of the professional objectives set by the

academic staff, the establishment of the activities and strategies necessary for

accomplishing the goals, and their comparison with the teaching dimensions assessed

as deficient at the students’ rating of instruction.

National Seminar on
Forging Ahead: Futuristic Strategies and Challenges for Department of Adult, Continuing Education and Extension
19th and 20th February, 2014
Globalization and Adult Education

It is obvious that for optimum recognition of any phenomenon, there is

Dr. D. Hassan need to consider and review it as holistic, interactive and systematic. Adult
education isn’t exceptional of this case; hence for better understanding of
Assistant Professor, Department of
Education, Acharya Nagarjuna nature and philosophy of adult education, we have to consider it in relation to
University, Ongole Campus, Ongole. external influencing forces. Adult Education is a core element of society, and
A.P. E-mail. Id- the foundation of democratic choice. In other words, education is a major
concern for all societies, the foundation and essential driving force of
economic, social, and human development and is at the heart of the change in
the areas of science, technology, economics, and culture. Nowadays, one of the
challenging issues is globalization that , not only its impacts in cultural, social,
economic and political domains are apparent, but also can influence on nature,
philosophy and performance of adult education. Globalization is a process of
interaction and integration among the people, companies, and governments of
different nations. The impact of globalization on culture and educational
system is a major concern. The methodology of this paper is descriptive-
analytical and its main purpose is determination the positive and negative
impacts of globalization on adult education for developing countries.

National Seminar on
Forging Ahead: Futuristic Strategies and Challenges for Department of Adult, Continuing Education and Extension
19th and 20th February, 2014
Sleep Learning and Adult Behaviour
Dr. Santa Misra Ph : 91+9437211371, 0674-2592247 (Res)

Dr (Mrs.) Santa Misra (M.Phil., Ph. D. & Post doctoral “Sleep learning” is the way to harness the power of
Degree) , having 32 years of teaching experiences, has
started her career as a lecturer in Psychology in 1982 at
subconscious, during sleep, enabling one to learn something extra
Banki College Banki. At present, she is working as a Reader but essential to meet the demands of life, like, to learn foreign
in Psychology at Sri Sathya Sai College for Women,
Bhubaneswar. Her area of specialization is Comparative
language, to succeed the entrance exam, undertake professional
Psychology and Psychology of Cognitive Development. To studies, implement growth, Shedding off a bad habit, etc., where
her credit in academics and research, she has participated in the induction of information processing occurs from the outside, to
45 national and 13 international seminars, published 36
articles in National and International Journals, and the brain. The neurophysiological basis of sleep learning generally
contributed chapters in ‘Psychology of Women Studies’, co-
author of the book ‘Psychology of Deviants’ and Coeditor of indicates prefrontal lobe, left and right cuneus, limbic system
‘Inclusive Education for Adolescents Health and Life Skill (mainly Hippocampus), ACTH, cortisol ,catecholamine, and Other
Development. She is the sole author of the book
‘Metacognitive Awareness and academic performance” and alertness transmitters are responsible for the occurrence of sleep
“Sleep Learning: Theory and Practice”. She is also the Chief
Editor of the Journal “Odisha Journal of Social Science” (A
learning. Researches on sleep stated that several internal processes
peer reviewed Bi- Annual Journal, ISSN 2321 – 3493). go on during sleep. Thus this paper aims at focusing on how sleep
She has completed several Research projects on learning helps in the skill development in adult education in order
physiological psychology and on “Sleep Learning”etc. under
UGC, Delhi and under UNFPA. She is the Life Member Of: to develop meaningful life in fostering the positive wellbeing of the
Orissa Psychology Association (OPA), National Academy of individual. In this context several technologies of sleep learning
Psychology (NAOP), Indian Psychology Institute (IPI), and
the E- journal Anti Matters. Recently, she was offered to like Baroque Music, Brain wave Entrainment, NLP Hypnosis: Meta
participate in BIOCYBURNOUT (The Brain Wave Training
Programs), by Biocybernaut Institute of Canada, under Dr.
Vision Programs TM, Silent Technology ,Subliminal Message,
James V. Hardt. She is a Life member of Research Journal of Subliminal CDs, Affirmation, master mind –super learning
Arts, Management & Social Science , ISSN 0975-4083, A program, Power sleep Tm Program, Brain Mirror TM Test,
National Registered Reviewed Research Journal, Indexed &
Listed at: Ulrich's Periodicals Directory ©, Pro Quest, U.S.A , Polysomnography are to be highlighted. Besides the research
World Gerontology Board, JAPAN and World Peace findings of the author on sleep learning is to be discussed
Technology( and Asian Bioethics Association .
She has visited Russia and Japan to present papers in implicating its benefit in adult behaviour to foster their future life
International conferences on psycho-social issues of human
behavior. style.

National Seminar on
Forging Ahead: Futuristic Strategies and Challenges for Department of Adult, Continuing Education and Extension
19th and 20th February, 2014
Assessment of Educational Constraints of Tribal
Women in India
Dr. Raju Narayana Swamy
Dr. Raju Narayana Swamy belongs to the 1991 batch of the
IAS and is currently posted as Secretary to the Government Mobil: 09447713372
of Kerala and Special Officer, WTO (World Trade
Organization) Cell. Dr Swamy holds a B. Tech in Computer
Science and Engineering from IIT Madras and his Ph. D.
thesis is titled “ Development, Ecology and Livelihood : A
Case Study of the Paniya Community in Wynad District. “ He
also has a Post graduate Certificate in Cyber Law, a PG
Diploma in Environmental Law and a PG Diploma in Urban India is now having around 8.43 Crores of tribal population.
Environmental Management and Law from the National Law
University, Delhi. Dr Swamy is the first all India service Most of them are poor, illiterate and inhibit the inaccessible forests
officer in the country to successfully complete all the
courses on disaster management organized by the World and hilly areas. They lag behind in all spheres of life vis-a-vis the
Bank Institute.
other sections of the population. The Government of India has
Dr. Swamy has held various positions in the Government
including District Collector and District Magistrate of five launched a number of schemes for their education and welfare. In
districts , Managing Director of the State Marketing
Federation, Director of Collegiate Education and spite of these efforts, the rate of literacy has not improved
Commissioner of Civil Supplies. He was the Chairman of the
Committee constituted by the State Government to draft a substantially. In the case of women, it is still abscymally low. In
youth policy for the State. He has been an Observer of the
Election Commission of India in 22 general and bye-elections order to develop the aspirations of these tribal women and to raise
held in 16 States across the country.
their literacy level, additional opportunities are to be provided so
Dr. Swamy is an author of 25 books (novels, short stories,
travelogues, children’s literature, popular science etc.) and that they get encouraged to partake, support and in due course learn
is a winner of the Kerala Sahitya Academy Award. He is a
regular columnist in many weeklies and fortnightlies in the to initiate their own programmes of development. Keeping this in
vernacular. He has presented papers in a number of national
and international conferences and has published more than view, the study analyses the present status of educational facilities
100 papers in journals of repute. He has delivered talks in
many reputed institutions across the country in topics for tribal girls.
varying from IPR law to e-governance. Dr Swamy has
undergone several short term training programmes
including those at IIM, Bangalore and ENA, Paris. He is a
holder of the Homi Bhabha fellowship in the area of Cyber
Law and Cyber Forensics.

National Seminar on
Forging Ahead: Futuristic Strategies and Challenges for Department of Adult, Continuing Education and Extension
19th and 20th February, 2014
Adult Education and Literacy: An Indian Perspective

Mobil: 09918729415, 08116981914
Ram Mohan Kesherwani
Apart from lack of education among the younger generation there is
also the problem of adult illiteracy. Many people in our country do not receive
Mr. Ram Mohan Kesherwani is a Junior education because of poverty, lack of educational facilities or social
Research Fellow in the Department of conditioning, especially in case of girls. The National Literacy Mission was
Education, Vinaya Bhavana (Institute of started in 1988 and we have many adult education programmes now running
Education), Visva-Bharati, Santiniketan (West all over the country. The aim was to provide functional literacy to ten crore
people by the year 1997. Thus, many adult education centers and libraries have
Bengal). He is pursuing his Ph. D. under the been opened. Many non-conventional methods like theatre, bhajan, and kirtan
supervision of Dr. Asheesh Srivastava on the are being used to help make adults literate, particularly in the villages. Many
topic “Philosophizing the Curriculum of voluntary agencies have done good work in this field too, like organizing
Teacher Education Programme (TEP): An Mahila Mandals to reach out to the women.
Epistemological Inquiry.” Literacy Distance Education Programmes, the National Open School,
and Open Universities provide opportunities to people who wish to further
continue their higher education. The distance education programmes make use
Mr. Kesherwani completed his M.Ed. & B.Ed. of various means, for imparting education, for example, printed material, video
and audio cassettes that area are available at the regional centers throughout
from University of Lucknow securing first the country, regular telecast of various projects dealing with, wide range of
division. He received his M.A. in Philosophy subjects, etc. Radio and television are being used for this purpose. New
from University of Allahabad securing first learners benefit greatly from the slow speed news bulletin of the All India
division. Born on 26th October, 1984, Mr. Radio. It provides them with information of events in our country as well as
throughout the world. The government also launched programmes to remove
Kesherwani received his early education in illiteracy through the involvement of students.
Manikpur, Dist. Chitrakoot (Uttar Pradesh). In the year 1951 only eighteen per cent of our people were literate. By
He qualified UGC-NET (JRF) in Education in the year 2011, seventy-four percent had achieved literacy. Some states like
June-2012 and UGC-NET in Philosophy in Kerala have achieved almost a ninety-four percent literacy rate. Though states
December-2008. like Rajasthan, Bihar, Jharkhand and Arunanchal Pradesh are still backward.
Thus in this research paper conditions of adult literacy in different states, role
of adult education in growing the literacy rate, importance of adult education,
programmes and schemes for adult education, challenges in adult education
have been discussed analytically.

National Seminar on
Forging Ahead: Futuristic Strategies and Challenges for Department of Adult, Continuing Education and Extension
19th and 20th February, 2014
Towards Implementing Right to Education Act and Making
People Involved in the Process of Change: Role of SMC for
developing SDP
Mob: 09968391145 / 011-29572994
Dr. Niradhar Dey Establishment of Right to Education Act, 2009 in India is a landmark legislation
towards achieving free and compulsory quality elementary education for all. Though its
history is quite old, but till today we have not achieved the desired goal of quantity and quality
in elementary education. Statistics shows that, nationally, we have to achieve another 25
Dr. Niradhar Dey have done his Master, percent literacy to reach at the cent percent literacy (Census, 2011). Again when we talk about
the quality, it is very pathetic to note that the elementary students are lacking to achieve the
M.Phil, and Ph.D. in Education from Minimum Level of Learning (MLL). They are unable to acquire the minimum language skills
Sambalpur University, Odisha and qualified (reading, writing) and simple arithmetic. Even a student in a higher class feels unable to solve
a simple arithmetic of the lower class (NCERT, 2012). The RTE Act was implemented all over
UGC NET in Education. He has more that 12 the country on 1st April 2010. The basic target of ensuring universal access, enrolment, and
years of experience in teaching to UG and PG basic infrastructure by March 2013 has already been passed but we are unable to achieve the
target. It is because of lack of adaptation of solid implementation plan and making people
students in Education and also supervise involve in the process of change. We need to recognise that in absence of people’s
Ph.D. students. To his credit more that 40 mobilization and the capacity building of local community and institutions, the RTE Act
stands to lose significant power (AIF, 2013 p.19).
papers (research papers and articles) have Constitution of School Management Committee (SMC) is one of the important
been published in various national and aspects among the provisions of RTE Act. It has been included in the Act intensifying to
involve the people, local government, parents and the community members become the part of
international repute journals in Education. He education system and in the process of change. The responsibility of the SMC is to regular
has also participated in more that 30 national monitor of the working of the school, prepare and recommend School Development Plan
(SDP), monitor the utilisation of grants received from the appropriate government or local
and international seminars, conferences and authority or any other sources, and perform such other functions as may be prescribed
workshops. To his credit three books have (MHRD, 2009). Preparation and recommendation of SDP is the most crucial tool works for the
overall development of the school. It is a complete three year plan along with a detailed annual
been published. Presently he is serving as work plan of the school. It specifically prepares by the SMC members keeping in view the
Assistant Professor in School of Education, major issues of the school like achieving universal access, coverage, participation, retention
and promotion; requirement of teachers including the women teachers; maintaining adequate
Indira Gandhi National Open University infrastructure; achieving learning standard and realising child-friendly classroom; requirement
(IGNOU), New Delhi. His specialization and of orientation and training of teachers; organisation of co-scholastic activities in the school and
health care; proper budgeting and suitable implementation plan with fixed time line; and
interest areas of work are Educational maintaining Village Education Register (VER) [AIF, 2013 pp.42-48].
Measurement and Evaluation, Educational But unfortunately, most SMC members feel it difficult to prepare an effective SDP
Technology, Teacher Education, and Distance because of lack of proper orientation and exposure in the field of education. Some what the
government and the school authorities fail to motivate and empower the community members
Education. and the SMC for discharging their duties. It needs constructive and positive will power and
commitment of the SMC, local community, local government, school authorities, and all other
stakeholders to use this opportunity for realising change in education. By doing this we can
bring community closer to school.

National Seminar on
Forging Ahead: Futuristic Strategies and Challenges for Department of Adult, Continuing Education and Extension
19th and 20th February, 2014
Adult Education in the era of Globalization: Challenges
and Solutions

Dr Sajid Jamal Email:

Dr. Sajid Jamal was born in 1976. He took the Adult education always has provided an opportunity to the adults
degrees of B.Sc. (Hons.) in Physics in 1995, M.Sc. to know their rights, obligations and duties and has acted as a key lever
in Physics in 1997, B.Ed. in 1998 & 1999 of democratic functioning by producing well organised, self-disciplined,
from Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh. He
passed NET conducted by UGC in the year 2000. open minded, rational, scientific tempered and secular oriented masses of
He joined the Department of Education, Shibli adults who have cultivated habits of discussion, faith of non-violence,
National P.G. College, Azamgarh (U.P.) affiliated belief in peaceful methods of problem solving and faith in justice and
to the Poorvanchal University, Jaunpur in the
year 2001 as a lecturer. He obtained his Ph.D. in equality. It also has played a key role in the creation and promotion of
education from Poorvanchal University, Jaunpur self reliant and self sustaining society which can take care of their
(U.P) in the year 2006, which focussed on the problems of health , hygiene, environment, maternal and child care,
various factors responsible for organizational
commitment of secondary school teachers. In children’s education, youth welfare and optimum utilisation of local
2006, he joined Maulana Azad National Urdu resources. But the process of globalization has led to the formation of
University (MANUU), College of Teacher new identities based upon individual life styles rather than class, caste,
Education (CTE), Bhopal. Currently he has joined
the newly established MANUU, CTE, Asansol gender, religion or ethnicity. Globalization also has forced to measure the
(W.B.) as Associate Professor and in charge national success in terms of economic competitiveness, and economic
Principal. He has twelve years of teaching and competitiveness depends on the adequate supply of quality human
research experience. He has written four books
and has published fifteen research papers in resource. In this context, Adult Education is required to prepare the
various national and international journals. He adults in such a way that they are able to deliver ‘just- in - time’
has completed one minor research project knowledge for immediate gratification of market economy. Moreover,
granted by UGC. He also has guided one student
successfully for the Ph.D. thesis. Besides he has today, it is also required to provide facilities to working adults in order to
presented research papers and articles in 20 enable them to constantly upgrade their knowledge and technological
national and international seminars. His area of skills on lifelong basis. Hence, the very mission of adult education is
interest is Environmental education, Science
education and Philosophical foundations of changing today and it is facing a lot of challenges. This paper critically
education. analyses those challenges along with their possible solutions.

National Seminar on
Forging Ahead: Futuristic Strategies and Challenges for Department of Adult, Continuing Education and Extension
19th and 20th February, 2014
Adult Education Programmes under National
Prof. Vivek Bapat
Literacy Mission
Dr. Hemant Khandai
Sarita Verma The National adult education programmes of each country
had their own specificity and have grown from different political
and historical conditions resulting in unique programmes of their
own. The uniqueness of national policy and programmes are best
understood when these are studied in the developmental perspective
in relation to political and social conditions.
Of all the countries of the world, it is India, which has the
biggest literacy problem. About one third of the world’s non-literate
people reside in our country. At the last decennial census held in
1991, the most startling fact to emerge was that about 200 million
adults in our country were non-literate. India’s tryst with nation
building began with the severe handicap of extremely low levels of
literacy at the time of Independence. The neglect of education
during colonial times combined with social distortions had made
the quest for learning a rather difficult and daunting task especially
for those belonging to underprivileged social groups.
In India, adult education was planned as a community
development programme though development of the individual was
not directly associated with development of basic literacy-rather it
was designed for societal development. Adult literacy was
associated with socio-economic development and for self-reliance
of the individual only in the last three decades.

National Seminar on
Forging Ahead: Futuristic Strategies and Challenges for Department of Adult, Continuing Education and Extension
19th and 20th February, 2014
Continuing Education Programmes for Scheduled Caste and
Scheduled Tribes
Prof. B. S. Vasudeva Rao
Dr. P. Viswanadha Gupta The present scene in this country is a mixture high techno-
Prof. B. S. Vasudeva Rao has three decades of experience in logy as used in nuclear physics, space technology, oil exploration,
Research, Teaching, training and Extension Education
Programmes. He completed UGC Major Research Project
(2010-2012) on Teacher Education. 12 PhDs’ and 11M.Phils
steel, chemical and other heavy industries and a very low
and 23 P.G dissertations are awarded under his supervision
in faculty of Education. The high water mark of his academic
technology as used in traditional arts and crafts" like carpentry,
career is the publication of 16 books (edited and authored) smithy, weaving and cottage" industry and handicrafts ' In the
and has published90 research papers in various National
and International Journals. He has also presented 100 economic sense we have the highly paid managerial cadre and
research papers in different National and International
Seminars / Conferences. He evaluated 9 Government and 3 meagerly paid labour in the countryside, tribal areas and other
NGO Projects. He attended 15 Short term academic courses
on Rural Development, Formal and Non-formal, Extension backward pockets of the country. In the educational scene we have
education and Evaluation. His areas of interest are Teacher
Education, Innovative Teaching Methods, Literacy, Rural & the prestigious institutes of Management, IITs,' Indian institute of
Tribal Development and Extension activities. He is awarded
the Dr. Sarvepalli Radha Krishna award for best Science, Universities and donation Institutions. On the other [hand
Academician of the year 2006 on 5th September 2006 by
Andhra University, in recognition of commendable record of we have the most ill equipped schools, class rooms, poorly trained
research and teaching and Best Researcher Award in 2003
by University in recognition of his academic contribution. or untrained teachers and so on.
Presently he is National Level Monitor for Ministry of Rural
Development, Govt. of India and National Minority and The poverty level both in the country side and in urban slums
Development Finance Corporation New Delhi. Majority of
the academic contribution made by the applicant related to is increasing after every five year plan, especially in the last 5 years
peoples’ involvement, nature and effects.
due to inflationary pressures, spiraling prices, increased taxation on
Dr. Puvvada Viswanadha Gupta was born in 1976. He took travel, communication facilities.
his B.Sc. (1996) and LL.B. (2003) from Andhra University,
Visakhapatnam, M.A. (2000) in Adult Education from Sri
Venkateswara University, Tirupathi and M.A. (2009) in
Philosophy from Andhra University Visakhapatnam. He
obtained his Ph.D. from Andhra University in Adult and
Continuing Education, which has focused on people’s
participation in continuing education programme. He is also
qualified the NET examination conducted by the UGC. He
has so far published fifteen books (two in press), 50 research
papers published in various reputed adult education and
social science journals and 55 papers presented in seminars
which are in National and International level.

National Seminar on
Forging Ahead: Futuristic Strategies and Challenges for Department of Adult, Continuing Education and Extension
19th and 20th February, 2014
Quality of Lifelong Learning

Karanam Mahaboobuvali Mobil: 9705848036
Karanam Mahaboobuvali, M.Sc, M.A, M.Ed,
M.phil. (PhD) SET. has started as a lecturer in
Psychology in 2005 at Sharada college of In a knowledge society education and training rank among the
Education, Mahabubnagar,Ap.At present he is a highest political priorities. Acquiring and continuously updating and
Academic consultant, Department of Education, upgrading a high level of knowledge, skills and competencies is
YogiVemana University, Kadapa, Andhra Pradesh. considered a prerequisite for the personal development of all citizens and
His area of specialization is Educational for participation in all aspects of society from active citizenship through
psychology and Educational Research. He has
published so far 10 research papers and
to labour market integration. Lifelong learning has emerged as an
presented 10 papers and workshops. He has overarching strategy for enabling citizens to meet new challenges.
served in the faculty of Education last 10 years Quality of education is a central issue in ‘the Community shall
and also occupied the position like Principal, contribute to the development of quality education by encouraging co-
Academic and Administrative Unit of College of operation and if necessary, by supporting and supplementing their
Education. He is the life member of Indian
actions while fully respecting the responsibility of the content of
institute of Teacher Education (IATE) and Life
member of All India Association for Educational teaching and organization of educational systems and their cultural and
Research (AIAER). He is sole author of book linguistic diversity’. Enhancing the quality of education, training and
“Methods of Mathematics (Telugu Medium)” He ultimately lifelong learning is one of the main priorities of the action
is worked as a counselor in various institution programmes, ’Socrates’ and ‘Leonardo daVinci’, which are concerned
with education and vocational training respectively. The promotion of
quality evaluations of school and higher education respectively. The
quality objective has therefore been increasingly brought to the fore in
all aspects of co-operation in the field of education and training.

National Seminar on
Forging Ahead: Futuristic Strategies and Challenges for Department of Adult, Continuing Education and Extension
19th and 20th February, 2014
Perspectives in Indian Adult, Continuing
Education and Extension

Rajendra Nath Babu M Email:,

Rajendra Nath Babu Murathoti is Senior Mobil: 09440858111
Research Fellow (UGC), Dept. of Education,
S.V.University, Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh, India.
He got Educational Qualifications such as Education is innermost core of human life and development.
M.A.(English), M.A.(Sociology), M.Sc (Maths), Adult education is as wide as life itself, being essentially crossed
M.Sc (Psychology), M.Ed, M.Phil (Maths), sectoral. Alliance with agencies across government, NGOs, CBOs
NET(Education), PGDCA. He has worked in
various capacities at different levels like D.Ed, and private sector is demonstrated as the most effective and
B.Ed, M.Ed, MBA institutions. Presently successful way of implementing adult education. Quality in adult
perceiving his Ph.D Degree in Education under education relates to a plethora of aspects and activities like relevant
the guidance of Prof V. Dayakara Reddy, Head,
content, and its delivery, intensive training and professionalization
Dept of Education, S.V. University on topic
“Effectiveness of Advance Organizer Model in of adult educators and others delivering the programme. Main
attainment of meaningful information and ides of objective of this article to analyze and compare some of critical
IX class students in Mathematics”. He was dimensions relating to adult literacy and education in India in
awarded 1st Rank in M.Ed by Dravidian University.
He has attended 38 National and International
relation to some international benchmarks and underpin the
conferences and published research and thematic measures to make on part with the international benchmarks.
papers in various Journals which helped him to
grow professionally.
K. Sudhakar is a Research Scholar in the same

National Seminar on
Forging Ahead: Futuristic Strategies and Challenges for Department of Adult, Continuing Education and Extension
19th and 20th February, 2014
Health Education through Extension
Programmes Of Adult & Continuing Education
Prof. K. Sudha Rani Department
Mr. G. Umapathi
Dr. K. Sudharani was born on 20-5-1962. She took her B.Sc
degree in 1985 and M.A, Adult Education degree in 1987. Mobil: 09490049413, 09493222674
Later she was awarded with PhD in Adult Education in 1992 by
Sri Venkateswara University. She has started her career as
Assistant Professor in the Department of Adult and Continuing Good health is personal social state of wellbeing in which a
Education in the year 1992 and presently working as professor
in the same department. She has published 62 articles on the person feels active, wise and worthwhile. Even though much effort
themes like adult education, gender equality, women’s has been made towards this end, a number of factors like high
education, environmental pollution, vocational Training etc. in
various reputed journals like Indian journal of Adult Education, population growth and illiteracy, poverty and lack of resources and
Indian journal of Applied Research, Rural Development, Indian public participation make it difficult to reach the above objectives.
Journal of population Education, journal of Communication
Studies, Adult education and Development and edited In view of this, the department of adult & continuing education
volumes. She has published 6 books on vocational Training, organized extension programmes like vocational training, promotion
Training for field level functionaries, Literacy and Social
sustainability, libraries in Adult Education centers, people’s of literacy celebration of important days & awareness programmes
participation in Development and Extension as the third and medical camps. Among them health awareness programme one
Dimension of the university. She has participated and to help the community to acquire knowledge and developing
presented 66 papers in various National Seminars and work
shops connected to Adult Education and Social Sciences. She attitudes and skills for healthy living and to make sound decisions
has guided 22 dissertations at post Graduate levels in Adult on healthy life style. The information was given on the sanitation
Education and 2 PhDs were awarded under her supervision.
She has completed 8 minor research projects, 5 Evaluation measures and the health problems due to insanitation of personal
projects and 1 Major research project funded by MHRD and and environment, awareness on nutritious diet, aids & medical
UGC. She has organized 1 National seminars as Director and 4
national seminars and work shops as Co-Director. camps were conducted. In order to know the influence of these
Mr .G. Umapathi was born on 1974. He took his
health programmes a study was conducted and identified that the
(1997), M.A (2001) in Adult Education from S.V. University. He participants were more aware on health aspects than the non-
has so far published 16 articles in various reputed adult participants of the programmes. In the present paper the
education and social science journals and presented 25 papers
in National & 2 International seminars. Presently working as programmes organized by the department, the influence of these
Project Fellow as well as Research Scholar in the Department programmes, strengths, weaknesses of the programmes presented
of Adult and Continuing Education, S.V. University, Tirupati.
and also some suggestions were made.

National Seminar on
Forging Ahead: Futuristic Strategies and Challenges for Department of Adult, Continuing Education and Extension
19th and 20th February, 2014
Role of Emerging Technology and Extension Program in
sustainable agricultural development
Dr. Arvind S. Kulkarni
At 1.21 billion and increasing, India’s population is putting a great
Sonawane Manik Dadarao pressure on it’s food production. Despite a marvellous success in increasing
food production from 51 million ton in 1951--‐52 to 259 million ton food
grains, India continues to be in the “Alarming” category of countries by
Visiting Faculty (Political Science), severity of hunger. This poses a great challenge. Even today, Agriculture
University Tilak Maharashtra continues to hold main key to country’s GDP, food security, employment and
University, Pune income generation. Over a period of time, agriculture is undergoing a change
towards high value crops, seed varieties, use of chemical inputs and cultivation
29, Anant, Raghukul Housing Society, practices. These external inputs have substituted natural processes and
Karve Nagar, Pune 411052 resources, rendering them less effective. The main challenge towards
achieving sustainable agriculture is to make optimum use of internal resources.
Phone: +91 8796021171 E-Mail: Science, Technology and Extension can play a vital role in achieving technological empowerment and sustainable livelihood at the grass root level,
which is very much essential for nation’s development. Advances in
instructional and educational technology have transformed educational system
‘Kalidas’, Staff quarters /101 Tilak as a whole and agriculture is not an exception. The Extension programs help
Maharashtra University, Mukundnagar, to expand or extend the work of universities beyond campuses and into
neighbouring communities. American Congress created the extension system
Pune 411037 Tel. 9850336284, nearly a century ago to address exclusively rural agricultural issues. With the
9422639236 Email: use of innovative educational methodology of case studies, project work and self--‐education aids, teaching and learning process has become interesting and
inspiring. Thus, process of teaching and learning is undergoing a sea change
with increased use of ICT’s. With Globalization, it is need to transform Indian
Agriculture into a profitable enterprise, with increasing productivity per unit of
land area, increase farm efficiency, optimizing use of resources, and maintain
sustainability and consistency in production. ICAR and Agricultural
Universities are playing a catalytic role in spreading Agri--‐education in the

National Seminar on
Forging Ahead: Futuristic Strategies and Challenges for Department of Adult, Continuing Education and Extension
19th and 20th February, 2014
Adult Education and Quality of Life

Dr. K. K. Palani Adult education programme should be a people’s programme. To eradicate
illiteracy it would be necessary that very high priority is to be given to cover entire
Dr. K. K. Palani qualification M.A., M.B.A., adult illiterate population with the different socio-cultural ethics in the country. The
Ph.D., more than 15 years serve in the field special emphasis is also to be given to SC/STs and women. For the SC/STs direct
of Adult Education in the cross root participation of the common man in the development activities, the removal of
level. Author attending conference, seminar illiteracy is imperative.
and work shop in the field of Social Science Under the Five year plans, various committees and commissions were
Research. And also paper presentation of appointed by the Government to review and suggest the ways and means to eradicate
seminar and conference. More than five the illiteracy in the Indian sub continent. Many developmental programmes have been
launched since first five year plan period in this country with the major objective of
articles published in the field of Social
raising the quality and status of life of the people. Further, a significant innovative
Science Research. Adult illiterate became a programme was launched viz. “Farmers Functional Literacy Programme (FFLP) in
literate and non-formal education serve in the year 1967-68. The Ministry of Education was responsible to carryout this
the poor people. Particularly SC/ST and programme.
downtrodden people. Now a days life long In India, Adult education was planned as a community development
learning teaching/research and support all programme through development of the individual was not directly associated with
kinds of people and I am doing Post Doctoral development of the basic literacy rather it was designed for social development. Adult
Research in the field of Adult and Continuing education was associated with socio-economic development and for self-reliance of
Education. the individual in the society. Adult Education programmes are planned in such a way
that adult education includes basic literacy post literacy and continuing education.
During the Sixth Five year plan period the Adult Education programme was
given a high priority by the Government for its inclusion with the Minimum Needs
Programme (MNP). In the New 20 point programme, wider coverage was given to
the target groups of women, scheduled castes, scheduled tribes, migrant labourers and
weaker section of the society to improve their literacy and quality of life.

National Seminar on
Forging Ahead: Futuristic Strategies and Challenges for Department of Adult, Continuing Education and Extension
19th and 20th February, 2014
Refashioning Secondary Education through Vocationalisation

Dr. Vivek Nagpal
Secondary and Higher Secondary Education are important terminal
Vivek Nagpal holds First Class Masters in stages in the system of General education. At these stages, the youth decide
Extension Education from Jamia Millia Islamia whether to pursue education, opt for technical training or join the workforce.
and Doctorate on the topic A Study of Non Educationists and experts have recommended that Vocational education and
Formal Education component in the Training (VET) is suitable to specific target groups who want to enter into the
Vocational Training Programmes of Selected world of work .Vocationalization through specialized institutions or through
Voluntary Organizations, from University of
Delhi. During his professional career spanning the re-fashioning of secondary education will, at these stages, provide valuable
more than one and a half decades, he has manpower for economic growth. The Kothari Commission on Educational
been involved in research projects conducted Reforms, 1966 estimated the proportion of students expected to join the
by some reputed National level organizations vocational stream at the secondary level to be 25%. In 1976-77 a state scheme
/institutions. He has also rendered was introduced for vocational education programme at the secondary school
Administrative and Management services in level. This was followed in 1987- 88 by a Centrally Sponsored scheme of
the Government Sector in liaison with the vocationalisation of secondary education. The Kulandaiswamy Committee
institutions of National importance as well as Report (1985) pitched the proportion of children expected to join this stream to
Non Government Sector. Presently as
Technical Support Group (TSG) member in be 15% by the year 2000. According to the recent NSSO data, only 5% of the
the capacity of a Senior Consultant he has population of the 9 to 24 age group in India have learnt skills through the
been involved more particularly in Quality vocational education stream. More recently, National Vocational Education
Interventions, Teacher Education and Qualification Framework has been introduced in 2012
Pedagogy related issues under Rashtriya The present paper traces the need and importance of restructuring the
Madhymik Shiksha Abhiyan (RMSA) of MHRD framework of Vocational education and training within the ambit of general
GOI at the National Level.
education system in view of the transformation that the world of technical
Senior Consultant (Quality Interventions, occupations has seen in the wake of globalization. The current policies,
Teacher Education & Pedagogy) and Technical
Support Group (TSG) Rashtriya Madhaymik schemes, and practices are surveyed and suggestions made for improvements
Shiksha Abhiyan (RMSA) Ed CIL India Ltd, in the best interests of national development.
MHRD GOI, 6th Floor, 17, Vijaya Building,
Barakhamba Road, New Delhi 110001

National Seminar on
Forging Ahead: Futuristic Strategies and Challenges for Department of Adult, Continuing Education and Extension
19th and 20th February, 2014
Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment
Guarantee Act: Exploring the role of Adult
Dr. Ravindranath K Murthy Email:
Mobil: 9440479462
Dr. Ravindranath K. Murthy is presently
working as Assistant Professor in the The National Rural Employment Guarantee (NREGA) Act, 2005
Department of Education, Institute of was enacted by the Parliament of India, and received the assent of the
Advanced Study in Education, Osmania president of India on 5th September 2005, was notified by Government
University, Hyderabad. Prior to Joining of India on September 7, 2005, and came into effect from February 2,
Osmania University, he worked as Asst. 2006. Later by an amendment, NREG Act was changed to The Mahatma
Prof. at the National University of Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act with effect from 2
Educational Planning and Administration October 2009. The objective of the Act is to enhance livelihood and
(NUEPA), , Ministry of Human Resource security in rural areas by providing at least one hundred days of
guaranteed wage employment in a financial year to every household
Development, Govt. of India, New Delhi. whose adult members volunteer to do unskilled manual work. In the
Dr. Ravindranath K. Murthy holds a first phase the Act was notified in 200 drought prone and backward
Masters degree in Statistics, Education, districts of India, and then extended to additional 130 districts in the
Philosophy and Psychology, all completed financial year 2007-2008. With effect from April 1, 2008, the NREGA
through regular mode of Education. He covers the entire country with the exception of districts that have a
has been awarded Ph.D. in Psychology hundred percent urban population, and also excludes the state of Jammu
and Ph.D. in Business Management from and Kashmir. One of the important goals of this act is for empowerment
Osmania University, Hyderabad. of rural poor through the processes of a rights-based Law. Empowerment
of rural poor cannot happen without Education. There is no scope or role
Dr. Ravindranath has conducted many of educating the rural masses in this act. This paper explores on this gap,
workshops on Statistics and Data analysis and describes how the rural masses can be educated by including the
techniques using IBM SPSS version 20. component of adult education in the act. Suitable strategies are
He can be reached on the mail id suggested in this paper for the effective implementation of this act and or on the mobile for the realisation of the goal of empowerment of rural people.
number +91 9440479462

National Seminar on
Forging Ahead: Futuristic Strategies and Challenges for Department of Adult, Continuing Education and Extension
19th and 20th February, 2014
Role of Right To Education Act in Education for All
Mobil: 09782726609
Dr. Tara Singh Gill
India’s education system over the past few decades has made a
measurable progress. The landmark passing of the Right of Children to Free
Dr. Tara Singh Gill is working in Murti Devi and Compulsory Education (RTE) Act 2009 marks a historic moment for the
B.Ed. College, Sadulshahar, Sri Ganganagar children of India. The Right to Education Act enforces the 86th Constitutional
(Raj.), India as Principal. He is M.A. amendment added Article 21A, which gives every child between the age of 6
and 14 years the right to free and compulsory education. RTE focuses on the
(Psychology), M.Ed., Ph.D. in Education and quality of teaching and learning, which requires accelerated efforts and
serving in the field of Teacher Education since substantial reforms. The practitioners of education appreciate the intent of the
1996. Dr. Gill is Ph.D. Supervisor in Education Act and see it as a significant step towards universalisation of elementary
by Maharaja Ganga Singh University, Bikaner education across the spectrum. Research has found that about 50 % ability to
learn develops in the first four years of life. Another 30% of ability develops
since 2009. Two Research scholars have before s/he turns eight; and the final 20 % between the ages of 8 & 17. So, it is
awarded Ph.D. degrees till now & 03 research imperative that the early years of childhood are well taken care of and an
studies are going on under his guidance. His ambience is created for learning. Learning assessments show the children who
four books have published and two articles do remain in school are not learning the basics of literacy and numeracy or the
additional skills necessary for their overall development. In the year 2000, the
also published in edited books. More than 15 world’s governments adopted the six EFA goals and the eight Millennium
articles and 4 research papers have also been Development Goals (MDGs), the two most important frameworks in the field
published in reputed national and of education. The report to UNESCO of the International Commission on
International Journals. About 20 national and Education for the twenty-first century promoted a holistic view of education
consisting of four pillars namely learning to know, learning to do, learning to
international Seminars, workshops and be and learning to live together. The education priorities of UNESCO are
Conferences have attended and presented shaped by these objectives. In response to this situation, the global Education
paper at different places in India. for All (EFA) movement aims to meet the learning needs of all children, youth
and adults by 2015. Of course it is a difficult thing to work out. Education is
the basic right which must be granted to all for the proper development of the
nation because it increases the productivity of the citizens of that country and
thus is directly proportional to the welfare of the people. There is a global
concern on ‘Education for All’ without compromising the quality. We hope, the
RTE Act will be a boon for the long term vision required for development of
National Seminar on
Forging Ahead: Futuristic Strategies and Challenges for Department of Adult, Continuing Education and Extension
19th and 20th February, 2014
Education For All and Right To Education

Cell: 09414577875
Dr. J D Singh
“Everyone has the Right to Education”
Dr. J D Singh is working in a reputed Institute
Gramotthan Vidyapeeth Post Graduate College of
Education (CTE), Sangaria, Rajasthan, India as - Article 26 of the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Senior Lecturer in Education. He is M.Sc.
(Mathematics), M.Ed., BJMC, PGDHE, Ph.D. in Knowledge is the food for man because in absence of knowledge man
Education and serving in the field of Teacher cannot grow his food. Education is the pond of knowledge. The Education for
Education since 1994. In between he has also All movement is a global commitment to provide quality basic education for
acted as Principal, Aklia College of Education for
Women, Goniana Mandi, Bathinda, Punjab (2006- all children, youth and adults. Education is the key to the new global economy,
08). Dr. Singh is Ph.D. Supervisor in Education by from primary school on up to life-long learning and it is central to
Maharaja Ganga Singh University, Bikaner since development, social progress and human freedom. In fact, education makes
2005. Nine Research scholars have awarded people educated, acquaints them with some need based skills. According to the
Ph.D. degrees till now & 04 research studies are Millennium Report, Education is a lifelong process and the ultimate aim of
going on under his able guidance. Dr. Singh has Education for All (EFA) is sustainable development. India has keenly pursued
completed nine minor research projects and two the Education for All (EFA) goals that are defined in the area of early
in hand. Four Radio Talks have been broadcasted childhood care and education, elementary education, gender, youth and
from All India Radio, Suratgarh. He has also adolescents, adult education and quality of education. India became one of 135
contributed to the development of reading countries to make education a fundamental right of every child when the Right
material and Self Instructional Material published to Education (RTE) Act came into force on 1 April 2010. RTE provides a ripe
by IGNOU and Bhoj Open University. His three
books have published and ten articles also platform to reach the unreached, with specific provisions for disadvantaged
published in edited books. His best-known book is groups, such as child labourers, migrant children, children with special needs.
related with the area of Vedic Mathematics It also provides for children’s right to free and compulsory admission,
(Granth) and more than 50 articles and 20 attendance and completion of elementary education. Therefore in recent past,
research papers have also been published in India has made progress in terms of increasing primary education enrolment,
reputed national and International Journals. retention, regular attendance rate and expanding literacy to approximately
About 60 national and international Seminars, three fourths of the population. But this time, we should be achieved cent
workshops and Conferences have attended and percent literacy after a long journey of independence and huge investment in
presented paper at different places in India and elementary education. This paper describes the major challenges facing in
abroad. achieving goals of EFA and right to education in India and suggests possible
enablers for providing education to everyone.

National Seminar on
Forging Ahead: Futuristic Strategies and Challenges for Department of Adult, Continuing Education and Extension
19th and 20th February, 2014
Value Based Education: A Process of Social

Ashish Kumar Sharma Email:

Ashish Kumar Sharma is pursuing his Man is a social animal. The web of relationship of society and
individual can be strengthening with the help of education system. As we
Ph.D (Education) from Lucknow know the aim of education is to transform an individual into a more
useful and responsible citizen of the society. But today what we see in a
University. He completed his M.Ed in society, there is disharmony, violence, dissatisfaction and it is heading
towards riots and wars. The reason is very simple we have gained
2005 and M.Phil (Education) in 2008 material prosperity without getting peace of mind. Advance in
technology and science have not generated equity nor guaranteed human
from C.S.J.M. University, Kanpur. He dignity. In result of this knowledge based education system, we are
did Post Graduation in Mathematics in witnessing progressive erosion of values and the resultant pollution of
public life. The crisis of values is a highly dangerous and ominous
2010 from C.S.J.M. University, Kanpur. development. It can be harbinger of a crisis of civilization, of the
downfall and destruction of civilization itself.
He has qualified UGC-NET in 2008 Dec.
This paper will emphasis that value based education in modern
text is considered much wider, transcending the boundaries of religions
and encompassing ethical, social, aesthetic, cultural and spiritual values.
Present paper will advocate a need to develop essential moral attributes
in children such as truthfulness, courtesy, generosity, compassion,
justice, love and trustworthiness, whose reflection in the everyday lives
of human beings can create harmonious, productive families and

National Seminar on
Forging Ahead: Futuristic Strategies and Challenges for Department of Adult, Continuing Education and Extension
19th and 20th February, 2014
An introduction of Ordered English words useful
for learning “Basic English” in a short term
course much useful for Adult Education
Dr. Asim Kumar Majumdar
Adhyapaka English is a very living language. With the flux of time a
large number of words are going out of use and many new words
Siksha-Satra, Visva-Bharati, Sriniketan, are being coined and used. Ever expanding as the range of words is,
Birbhum, W.B words play a significant role in learning and mastering the
language. In the process of learning, the acquisition of knowledge
Mobile : 09475345917
about the ordering of words is of immense importance. By the order
of a word we mean the number of letters a word comprises. This
Email : arrangement of words on the basis of different orders is quite
different from that of a dictionary. Traditionally, in a dictionary,
words are arranged on the basis of the alphabetical order
without taking their lengths (no of letters in the word) into
consideration. However, in our arrangement of words, the length
(or order) of the words is given the highest priority. In our method
of structuring a lexicon, our endeavour is to sort out words
according to their lengths and arranged them in an alphabetical
In order to develop a handbook of English Word for Adult
Education the ‘ordered words’ are very important for learning easy
English. In this paper the introduction of “Ordered English Word
Book” has been discussed for the purpose.
National Seminar on
Forging Ahead: Futuristic Strategies and Challenges for Department of Adult, Continuing Education and Extension
19th and 20th February, 2014
Easy learning of Basic Mathematics useful for
Adult Education
Dr. Sandeep Kumar Bhakat
Adhyapaka Learning basic mathematics is an essential part of Adult
Siksha-Satra, Visva-Bharati, Sriniketan, Education in our country. For introduction of mathematics
Birbhum, W.B
education to the first generation learners / adult educators /
Mobile : 09475988544 educationally weaker section of the society, a new type of
methodology has been discussed in this paper. Some concrete
Email :
illustrations regarding interesting and important mathematical
concepts such as properties of numbers and introduction of easy
geometry for the adult educators has been developed and to be
discussed in this paper. How to introduce basic geometry for these
students with easy illustration is shown. Using very low cost
materials one can easily learn the basic concepts of geometry.

National Seminar on
Forging Ahead: Futuristic Strategies and Challenges for Department of Adult, Continuing Education and Extension
19th and 20th February, 2014
Life Long Learning For Sustainable Action
Ph: 9552524632/ 9818515209
Dr. Pornima Ganesh Kadam
Henry Ford once said “Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at
twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young. The greatest
Dr. Pornima Ganesh Kadam born in thing in life is to keep your mind young.”
1978. She has completed her B.A., Lifelong learning can be socially invigorating while also improving
B.Ed. and M.A. English from University memory and cognitive abilities. Activities such as volunteering can be a
of Pune. Completed M.Ed. and Ph.D. learning experience while making the life of the volunteer meaningful and at
from SNDT Women University. She is the same time offering benefits to society. Lifelong learning allows us to
continue to use our minds, one of our most important “muscles” we often
also qualified SET Exam Conducted by
forget to exercise as we age!
UGC. She has presented and published
Wikipedia defines Lifelong learning as the continuous building of
research papers and research articles skills and knowledge throughout the life of an individual. It occurs through
in international, national and state experiences encountered in the course of a lifetime. These experiences could
level conferences, seminar journals be formal or informal. Lifelong learning is the “lifelong, voluntary, and self-
and online journals now she is working motivated” pursuit of knowledge for either personal or professional reasons. As
as a such, it not only enhances social inclusion, active citizenship and personal
development, but also competitiveness and employability which are essential
Principal, for sustainable development of the society and country at large. In this article
In the researcher is trying to put forth the importance of lifelong learning for
sustainable action and development.
Maeer’s MIT, Saint Dnyaneshwar B.Ed.
Alandi (D) Pune.

National Seminar on
Forging Ahead: Futuristic Strategies and Challenges for Department of Adult, Continuing Education and Extension
19th and 20th February, 2014
School Dropout Pupils’ Socio-Economic Status in Andhra
Pradesh after Implementation of RTE Act

Pramod Kumar Narikimelli Mobil: 9491763124 / 9491762833

Pramod Kumar Narikimelli 1976, The word education has been derived from Latin word ‘education’. In
M.Sc. (Tech.), M.Sc. (Psy.), M.A. Latin ‘e’ means ‘inside’ and ‘duco’ means going ahead. Sarva Siksha Abhiyan
(Socio.), M.A. (Child Care & Edu.), Programme was launched in 2002 to universalize elementary education by
community ownership of the school system. It is a programme with clear time
PGDMR, M.Ed., M.Ed.(MR), M.Phil. frame for universal elementary education, with a response to the demand for
(Edu.), NET (Edu.), SET (Edu.) is a quality basic education all over the country, an opportunity for promoting
Research Scholar. He submitted Ph.D. social justice through basic education. Education also gives the human being a
in Education with topic “Intelligence, chance for his economic development and also for his economic independence.
With regard to the status of education at primary and upper primary levels in
Adjustment and Values of Juvenile and India and Andhra Pradesh, we have noticed many regional and gender
Normal Secondary School Students in imbalances among the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes. This fact has
Andhra Pradesh”. He was an active led us to study the cause like enrolment ratio, dropout rates and gender
discrimination to pin point the exact reason for dropouts among these
participant in Many Work Shops and communities at primary level of education. This study is a novel attempt to
Training Programmes, for Teacher analyze the growth rates in the variables like caste, religion, income of parents
Educators and Teachers. Mr Narikimelli and sex and to suggest some measures to control dropout rate in Andhra
Pradesh. The RTE Act came into force on 1st April, 2010 after 62 years of
having ten years of teaching independence, has made free and compulsory education a fundamental right of
experience, out of which two years as every child in the 6-14 age groups. The enforcement of this Right has made it
a Principal. He presented hand full of a joint responsibility of Central and State Governments to provide free and
papers in National level Seminars at compulsory education to all children by all means. An analysis of region-wise
dropout rate in school children basing on the primary data is presented. Totally
various Universities in India. 600 respondents are selected on various socio-economic break-ups, which
analyses the dropout rate of children, the reason for the dropout and children
who are engaged in workforce.

National Seminar on
Forging Ahead: Futuristic Strategies and Challenges for Department of Adult, Continuing Education and Extension
19th and 20th February, 2014
Adult Education - A Step Towards Democratic Way of Life

Adult education is the process whereby adults engage in systematic

and sustained learning activities in order to gain new forms of knowledge,
Dr. Mary Varghese skills, attitudes or values.
Education is a right, like the right to have proper food or a roof over
Seva Sadan’s College Education your head. Article 26 of the 1948 Universal declaration of human rights states
Ulhasnagar, Thane. that “everyone has the right to education”. Education is not only a right but, a
passport to human development. It opens doors and expands opportunities and freedoms. It contributes to fostering peace, democracy and economic growth
as well as improving health and reducing poverty.
In a country like India the need for adult education is to secure their
present. The adult education programme must be organised in a planned and
practicable ways. While organising an adult education programme, it must be
remembered that the adults bring a lot of experience with them to the training
sessions they prefer to focus on real life, immediate problems rather than on
theoretical situations. Adults are accustomed to being active and self-directing.
The adult education programmes should include three main components i.e
literacy, knowledge and awareness. India has declared herself as the Sovereign
democratic republic, the saying “as the Government as the people” is more
true and relevant under democracy than under any other form of government.
But unless the people are vigilant, conscious of their rights and
responsibilities, democracy has no meaning. An adults should know their
rights and responsibilities; if they have to contribute consciously to the
functioning of the democracy, Education is the most important tool for making
the citizen alert and capable of discharging their duties and responsibilities
efficiently and effectively. This paper highlights the components of adult
education and the importance of education for the smooth functioning of
democracy to ensure every citizen a dignified life.

National Seminar on
Forging Ahead: Futuristic Strategies and Challenges for Department of Adult, Continuing Education and Extension
19th and 20th February, 2014
Role of US Higher Education in The Global E-
Learning Market
Dr. R. Seenivasan
This paper analyzes system and institutional level responses
Assistant Professor to the growing demand for e-learning in the US in comparison with
Dept. of Mathematical Economics,
a number of other countries and regions. It reviews the external
School of Economics, M. K. University,
Madurai – 625 021 forces and factors that are driving institutions to introduce and use
Email: ICT in this area and investigates in particular the role of, globalization and increasing competition.
Tel: 0452- 2458471. extn 379. (Res) : The responses of institutions to the changing (global)
environment are discussed with respect to e-learning models and
international strategies. Finally, a number of future scenarios are
presented as well as an outline for research on the strategic
pathways institutions may choose in planning for the future.

National Seminar on
Forging Ahead: Futuristic Strategies and Challenges for Department of Adult, Continuing Education and Extension
19th and 20th February, 2014
From Social Optimism to Economic Survival: The Need for
Lifelong Learning in India

Dr. Ananda Rao Kuriti Globalised system that we now have needs a learning society and
lifelong learning. Lifelong learning for employment is vital to the success of
Dr. Ananda Rao Kuriti was born in 1980. the process for the part of the workforce whose work demands knowledge, but
He has passed M.A. Adult & Continuing for the remainder of the workforce, they are the unskilled and routine service
workers who do not need a great deal of knowledge. In knowledge based
Education (2005) from Andhra University, economy and society requires a highly skilled, knowledgeable, and flexible
Visakhapatnam and M.A. Sociology workforce as a key to sustained national and corporate competitive advantage;
(2010) from Indira Gandhi National Open individuals equally need to invest continuously in their own competence in
University (IGNOU), New Delhi. He was order to maintain their employability in an ever-changing labor market. This
awarded Ph.D Degree in Education (2010) reflects and is expressed through a policy discourse that is centered on a
human-capital approach to social inclusion and economic growth. This strong
in the area of Tribal Elementary economic bias distinguishes the current debate over lifelong learning from
Education. He obtained lectureship twice earlier policy attempts to promote learning in adult life. Lifelong learning has
in UGC NET examination in the subject of broad application across a variety of policy domains, its meanings are many
Adult & Continuing Education. He and varied, usually emphasize learning as a ubiquitous process, which takes
place throughout the lifespan, and across a variety of life contexts. The recent
attained JRF in UGC NET examination in focus among policymakers, educationalists, and researchers on the ability to
Sociology. He has published 15 research learn continuously after the phase of initial education, and across a variety of
papers in the National and International contexts of which educational institutions are one among many, distinguishes
Social Science Journals. He participated the debate over lifelong learning from more conventional policy discussions of
and presented 14 papers in National and education and training as levers across a range of economic and social policy
domains. For governments like India, lifelong learning is an overarching
International Conferences in the stream policy framework which offers solutions to a number of common economic
of adult education and its allied fields. At and social challenges; globalization and competitiveness often dominate the
present, he is working for his Ph.D Degree policy discourse, but promoting lifelong learning is also seen as relevant to
in Sociology in the area of Youth Social social cohesion, demographic change, active citizenship, migrant assimilation
and public health. In this paper, the author highlights the different aspects of
Capital from Andhra University, lifelong learning which are more relevant in Indian context from the domain of
Visakhapatnam. knowledgeable society for the economic survival of the people.

National Seminar on
Forging Ahead: Futuristic Strategies and Challenges for Department of Adult, Continuing Education and Extension
19th and 20th February, 2014
Institutionalization of Lifelong Learning in India:
A Need of the Hour

Learning is one of the most important activities in which humans

Dr. Dharmana Rama Rao engage. It is at the very core of the educational process, although most of what
people learn occurs outside of school. For thousands of years, philosophers and
psychologists have sought to understand the nature of learning, how it occurs,
Dr. Dharmana Rama Rao is working as Senior and how one person can influence the learning of another person through
Assistant Professor in the Dept. of Sociology, teaching and similar endeavors. In a technology driven knowledge based
Andhra University, Visakhapatnam. He has competitive economy; the landscape of learning is fast changing in India.
about 15 years of teaching experience from Tremendous expansion of Information Communication Technology and the
1989 to till date as a lecturer as well as rapid globalization have all been instrumental in bringing about changes in the
assistant professor at Degree and PG levels. job skills so that the workforce keeps on learning and updating their skills to
He took B.A. (1983) and M.A. (1986) from be globally competitive. The country’s economic performance depends
Andhra University, Visakhapatnam. He has critically on access to and the adoption of new technology and improving the
passed B.Ed. (1988) Annamalai University skills of the labor force. Equipping the labor force with relevant skills implies
and M.Ed (1994) from Nagarjuna University. the need for creating a variety of learning and training opportunities. In this
He obtained Ph.D (2002) from Andhra process, the university system in India will have to play an important role. The
University, Visakhapatnam which was importance of Lifelong Learning has been repeatedly stressed in several
focused on Child Labour in Vizianagaram educational policy documents and discourses in India such as the Report of the
District. He has published 5 research papers Education Commission (1964-66) and National Policy on Education in India -
in the Social Science Journals. Two M.Phil and 1986 (modified in 1992). These policies were translated into practice and a
one Ph.D degrees were awarded under his number of Lifelong Learning programs were implemented by governmental,
guidance. He has completed one UGC minor non governmental organizations and universities in the country. After the
project on Women Empowerment in Rural launching of the National Adult Education Programme (NAEP) by the
Area. He was invited as guest lecturer to the Government of India in 1978 that the UGC began to encourage the universities
Police Training Centre, Visakhapatnam and and colleges to participate in Lifelong Learning programmes and started
Andhra Pradesh State Sociological funding it. Simultaneously the UGC encouraged the universities to
Conference conducted by Dr. B.R. Ambedkar institutionalize the programme by setting up separate Departments with core
Open University. He has participated and faculty to undertake teaching and research. The Departments of Lifelong
presented 9 papers in National Conferences. Learning will play a more dynamic role and move from the periphery to the
He was engaged in administrative positions centre stage of the university system and the development of the human
like Warden to Arts & Commerce Hostels. resources specially providing professional manpower in the area of Lifelong
Presently, he is an Associate Dean to Learning. This paper analyses the need and importance of lifelong learning in
Students Affairs, Andhra University, India and further it tries to explain what institutional practices implementing
Visakhapatnam. by India in the higher education.

National Seminar on
Forging Ahead: Futuristic Strategies and Challenges for Department of Adult, Continuing Education and Extension
19th and 20th February, 2014
Adult Education: Engaging Learners to Add Form to
the Chaos of Reality
Anthony Joseph
Poonam Barla Adult, Continuing and Extension Education have not been on the priority list
of the social science research community or on the priority policy agenda of the
governments in many developing countries. Scanty and scattered, scholarly critique of
Anthony Joseph, the concepts, theories and the programmes relating to Adult, Continuing and
Extension Education, have merely served to highlight the tenuous and ambiguous
Research Scholar linkages and gaps in the theory and practice of several initiatives in the context of
Department of Education (CIE) India.
What counts as Adult and Continuing Education and what counts as quality
University of Delhi Adult and Continuing Education teaching learning methodology are both highly
E-mail – contested therefore, this paper explores the potential of quality Adult, Continuing and
Extension Education as spaces of intellectual discussion and organic unity where individual pedagogic choice and creativity are fostered. On the path from idealisation
to realisation successful evaluations to improve education programs for adults, the
Mobile - +91 9968747760 paper advocates, must address the basic rationale of why and how of - needs
assessment, goals and policies, staffing, assessment, materials development, and more.
The strength and vitality of Adult and Continuing Education requires developing
Poonam Barla, stronger criteria, and its use as a contribution to the generation and modification of
existing indicators.
Research Scholar Arguing for Adult, Continuing and Extension Education as worthy cause for
Department of Education public-private partnership, creative commons and, more synergies the paper highlights
the need for research and innovation, development of materials and methods, and
BHU, Varanasi. outreach and advocacy that would help ‘teachers’ to provide quality credential,
support and validation of learners as they engage in adding form to the chaos of reality
E-mail – with/through CONCEPTS, STRATEGIES and NETWORKING. The paper attempts to discern and abstract the potential of rooting social empowerment of conscientious
democratic citizens through quality Adult, Continuing and Extension Education for
creating a fully literate India of knowledge-based communities in villages and

National Seminar on
Forging Ahead: Futuristic Strategies and Challenges for Department of Adult, Continuing Education and Extension
19th and 20th February, 2014
Role of Non-governmental Organizations in the
Upgradation of Skills of Adults in Rural Areas: A Case
Study of Koraput District, Odisha

Dr. Latika Mishra Email:

Mobil: 9437337715
Dr. Latika Kumari Mishra received her
education from D.A.V College, Koraput, India is a land of villages and hence the prosperity of the nation heavily
Berhampur University. She did doctorate in depends upon the extent and quality of facilities available in the rural pockets.
Education from Berhampur University, Odisha The Government of India has been implementing numerous rural development
and qualified NET in Education. She started programmes for the upliftment of rural communities. Simultaneously, the non-
government organizations with the advantage of flexible, locality specific,
her work as a teacher in DM school, RIE need-based, beneficiary oriented and committed nature of service have played
Bhubaneswar and later on in Dudhari M.E multiple roles to further community and rural development and manage
School, Koraput. She has extensive work development initiatives of various kinds at the rural level.
experience with Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan and Koraput is a tribal sub-plan district of Odisha where a huge number of
UNICEF, both at District and State level as people live below poverty line. The literacy rate of the district is 49.21 as per
Pedagogy Specialist. She has been nominated 2011 census. Despite the various governmental interventions through schemes,
as a Consultant for the State of Orissa by plans and programmes for the upliftment of the rural people, the socio –
SRUTI – A Delhi based National Organisation economic scenario of rural mass leaves much to be desired. As the
to run a Literacy Project in Orissa. She has government alone cannot meet the challenges of the enormous tasks entailed
also worked with NCERT as the State in the process of rural development, the non-profit, voluntary and non-
governmental organizations have been involved in different developmental
Research Officer for the Evaluation of activities in the rural areas. The NGOs working in this area have extended skill
Multilingual Education Programme in Orissa. based education to the educationally disadvantaged underprivileged adults in
She worked the Programme Officer of Room rural areas, developed their capacities and equipped them with the necessary
to Read in Raipur until she joined IGNOU as resources to choose and maintain a successful life in different sectors of the
Assistant Regional Director on 24th May, society. Thus they have proved their excellence as professional resource
2011 at Regional Centre, Koraput. She has centers and innovators.
attended a lot of National and International In this paper an attempt has been made to study the role of some
Seminars and Workshops on different issues selected NGOs working in the district towards the skill-upgradation of rural
and areas of Education and has published people in various sectors like agriculture, forest management, community
research articles in reputed Journals. radio programmes, weaving clothes, in order to actualise the aspirations of
rural poor and facilitate their empowerment.

National Seminar on
Forging Ahead: Futuristic Strategies and Challenges for Department of Adult, Continuing Education and Extension
19th and 20th February, 2014
Communicative Skills-The Gateway to Lifelong
Learning and Success

Dr. Abhilash Nayak Mobil: 09438036660

Dr. Abhilash Nayak, educated from Utkal University, Communication is the soul of life, the life force behind any successful
Bhubaneswar and Sambalpur University, Sambalpur, worked
as a lecturer in English in different colleges of Odisha for 12 individual or organization. It is a much larger concept than just speaking and
years before he joined Government PG College, Sector-46, writing in effective ways and includes all tools, techniques, modes and
Chandigarh in 2003. There he worked until 2006 when he modalities used to connect to people. People become heroes because they are
was transferred to Regional Institute of English, Chandigarh.
He worked here until 2008 when he was appointed as a good leaders; they are good leaders because they are good communicators.
Regional Director of IGNOU. He has been working as a Since the beginning of civilization, communication has played a pivotal role in
Regional Director in IGNOU Regional Centre, Koraput, bonding people, strengthening relationships and sustaining the society. At each
Odisha since 22nd December 2008. Having worked for his
Ph. D Project on the Morpho-Syntactic Study of Saora (a and every stage in life, we, as human beings, are required to communicate
Tribal Language Spoken in the Koraput District of Orissa), he with a variety of people. Irrespective of the background, experience and
is presently pursuing research on Language and Gender qualifications a person has, s/he cannot achieve anything in life if s/he has no
towards a Post-Doctoral project. His other areas of interest
include Indian Writing in English, English Language Teaching command over communicative skills. No two people communicate in the same
and Open and Distance Learning. With degrees and manner because they have different filters: the socio-psychological
diplomas in distance education, higher education, E- backgrounds, levels of knowledge, abilities and experiences.
Learning, Teaching of English, Translation Studies in English,
Teaching English to Young Learners from reputed Communication is a two-way process resulting in the transfer of a
universities like IGNOU, The English and Foreign Languages message from the source to the destination, facilitating the expression of our
University, Hyderabad, Central University, Hyderabad and
University of Maryland, Baltimore County, USA, he has been thoughts, feelings and emotions before the people we care, the people we work
constantly updating his knowledge in various fields related for or the people we live with. The skills for effective communication keep on
to education. One book titled Kalyani Practical English changing with the increase in our age and in response to the context of
Grammar, authored by Dr. Nayak widely in use since 1997,
has been published by Kalyani Publishers, Ludhiana. He has communication. Right from the personal level to the level of the institution in
also authored a book Communicate Effectively in English for a corporate environment, development of communicative skills remains an
the Students of Government Polytechnics in Haryana. He has imperative to keep pace with the requirements of changing times and
also worked as the General Editor (Language) for a series of
forty books (PEARLS) from KG-I to Standard VIII published by circumstances and ensure success and lifelong learning. Further, within the
Future Kids, Daryaganj, New Delhi. Under an academic personal circle, the communicative skills required in childhood are completely
collaboration with UNICEF, Odisha he has been instrumental different from the skills required by an adult to confront the challenges in life.
in providing orientation in English Language teaching to
about 500 teachers working in the Departments of ST/SC In the present paper, focus has been laid on the crucial role played by
Development and Department of School and Mass communicative skills in shaping the personality and career of the adults and
Education, Government of Odisha.
facilitating lifelong learning.

National Seminar on
Forging Ahead: Futuristic Strategies and Challenges for Department of Adult, Continuing Education and Extension
19th and 20th February, 2014
Skill Development through NGOs (Some Innovative and Best
Global & local Practices)
Dr. Vivek Nagpal
Professor Smita Bhutani Non formal training is usually referred to as the easily accessible and flexible
training imparted in the structures set up to cater to the needs of the non or ill educated
Vivek Nagpal holds First Class Masters in Extension youth or young adult population. The Non Formal Vocational Training centres are
Education from Jamia Millia Islamia and Doctorate on
the topic A Study of Non Formal Education component hence usually the low cost, out of school pre employment entry institutions designed
in the Vocational Training Programmes of Selected to offer post primary vocational training, trade training and or work experiences to
Voluntary Organizations, from University of Delhi.
During his professional career spanning more than one youth, especially to primary school leavers.
and a half decades, he has been involved in research In the past, several vocational training programmes had been set up (publicly
projects conducted by some reputed National level
organizations /institutions. He has also rendered or privately financed) to absorb the student clientele which did not wish to or was not
Administrative and Management services in the able to finish general secondary education. The last decade has witnessed a growing
Government Sector in liaison with the institutions of awareness on the part of development specialists and funding agencies that these
National importance as well as Non Government
Sector. Presently as Technical Support Group (TSG) formal vocational training programmes – due to their minimum educational
member in the capacity of a Senior Consultant he has requirements and restricted capacity – had not been designed to cater to the needs of a
been involved more particularly in Quality highly increasing number of ill –and /or uneducated youth in developing countries.
Interventions, Teacher Education and Pedagogy
related issues under Rashtriya Madhymik Shiksha Many designs, methods and pedagogical models can be found within the training
Abhiyan (RMSA) of MHRD GOI at the National Level. component of non-formal programmes. Strength in the case of non-formal vocational
training programmes could, in turn, be attained through information dissemination and
Smita Bhutani holds First Class First with distinction knowledge sharing which would facilitate networking with other complementary
M.Phil in Geography and Doctorate on the topic
Spatial Patterns of Population Change in India 1971-81 programmes, besides assisting programmes in obtaining other private and/or public
from Panjab University Chandigarh. She worked on the support as well as national incentives at the macro levels. There are hundreds of
international research project entitled Gender,
Migration and Care: The Changing Position of India in voluntary organizations promoting different approaches.
the Global Nursing Care Chain. with Canadian A comparative study of the experiences of different voluntary organizations,
Collaborator and Principal Investigator, Prof Margaret
Walton Roberts during October 2010-July, 2011. She as proposed in the present paper is expected to provide insights necessary for
was co-awarded Partnership Development Seed modification of procedures where necessary in order to achieve the best results.
Grant, 2009-10 by Shastri Indo Canadian Institute Inferences drawn from the study are thus likely to prove useful in framing further
(SICI) for working on Women and Sustainable
Agriculture: Experiences from the Field.She has about programmes.
30 years of experience in doing research, teaching and
supervising post graduate students in the areas of
Climatology, Cartography, Regional and Settlement

National Seminar on
Forging Ahead: Futuristic Strategies and Challenges for Department of Adult, Continuing Education and Extension
19th and 20th February, 2014
SWOT Analysis on Continuing Education
Programme: A Study in Andhra Pradesh
S. Surapa Raju Email:
Mobil: 09908216927
S. Surapa Raju, is Assistant Professor, Council
for Social Development (CSD), Hyderabad, an
autonomous research institute supported by The main endeavor of this paper is to find out the Strengths
the Indian Council for Social Science Research
(ICSSR). He has been with CSD for nearly two and Weaknesses of the Continuing Education Programme in West
and half decades. Primarily interested in Godavari district of Andhra Pradesh. It highlights that this is a right
Fisheries Economics, Rural Development and programme for the illiterate youth to become literate in rural areas.
Adult Education, he has been on the
research team of as many as 30 Research The paper identified more Strengths & Opportunities than
Projects related to fisheries, agriculture and Weaknesses & Threats. It stresses the need to implement the
Adult education funded by State and Central programme more effectively by finding solutions to weaknesses
Governments, World Bank, etc. He has
conducted many Evaluation studies on Adult and threats. It recommended that while taking up these programmes
Education Programmes in the states of ensure the people’s co-operation, participation, and management
Andhra Pradesh, Orissa and Maharashtra. by forming the people’s committees and make them to responsible
Recently, he has completed three research in supervising the Centres’ activities on their own in each village
projects on “Fishers” funded by NABARD,
ICSSR and Planning Commission, Govt. of and extract the optimum level of services from the Preraks by
India. He has presented many papers on paying their honorariums regularly. This paper emphasized need for
“Small-scale Fisheries” at National and encourage non-participants to participate in Centre’s activities by
International seminars and published 25
papers in various reputed journals and in conducting more awareness camps by taking the help from the
edited books. He has published a book villagers, N.G.Os, youth clubs, SHG groups etc. Then only the
entitled “Development of Fishermen Continuing Education Programme can bring change in quality of
community through Technology” by The
Associated Publishers.
life of the learners.

National Seminar on
Forging Ahead: Futuristic Strategies and Challenges for Department of Adult, Continuing Education and Extension
19th and 20th February, 2014
Psychological Obstacles to Adult Education

Dr. P. Swathi & Dr. C. Raja Mouli
Dr. Paidipati Swathi received her PhD in 2003 in Counselling Psychology
Mobil: 040 23680493, 9849426761
from Osmania University. She is an Assistant Professor of Psychology at
the Osmania University Department of Psychology. She is currently the
General Secretary-elect of the Hyderabad Psychological Association and Obstacles to adult education can be geographical,
also maintains an independent practice in Hyderabad. She is serving as a physical, economical, or psychological. Our focus is on
Guest Faculty at Marri Chenna Reddy Human Resource Development
Institute, Hyderabad; A.P.Judicial Academy, Secunderabad; Zoological learners’ needs, motivation for learning and other
Survey of India, Hyderabad; Academic Staff Colleges at Osmania psychological barriers. All normal adults are motivated to
University and Maulana Azad National Urdu University, Hyderabad; to
name a few. She is an active researcher. She has published more than
keep growing and developing, but this motivation is
ten Research Papers and two Books. She presented more than 18 frequently blocked by such obstacles as procrastination or
Conference Papers. learning disabilities. There are many additional significant
Dr. Cherla Raja Mouli is Professor in the Dept. of Education,
Dr.B.R.Ambedkar Open University, Hyderabad. He acquired M.A.
obstacles to keep adults away from learning; however,
Education (1983), M.Phil. Education (1985), M.A. Psychology (1987), present focus is on the psychological obstacles.
Doctorate in Psychology (1992) from Osmania University, Hyderabad.
Dr.Mouli joined the Andhra Pradesh Open University, now called
Dr.B.R.Ambedkar Open University, in 1988 as an Asst. Professor. He Adults are characterized by maturity, self-confidence,
served as the Head of the Department of Education (Jan 2005 – Feb
2008); Dean, Faculty of Education in Dr.B.R.Ambedkar Open University ( autonomy, solid decision-making, and are generally more
Feb 2008-Jan 2011). He was awarded the prestigious Commonwealth practical, multi-tasking, purposeful, self-directed,
Academic Staff Fellowship during 1994 – 1995 to do post-doctoral
research as an Honorary Research Fellow at the University of
experienced, and less open-minded and receptive to change.
Birmingham, UK. He was selected for the DAAD Exchange of Scientists All these traits affect their motivation, as well as their ability
Programme (2009) by the German Academic Exchange Service. Dr.Mouli to learn. So, in the proposed presentation, understanding
is holding several Special Appointments. He is a Member of the National
Council for Teacher Education Visiting Teams to several institutions in the adult learners' psychological characteristics, our focus
Tamilnadu and Karnataka. He is a Member / Member Coordinator of would be on what instructional designers need to know in
several Peer Teams of the National Assessment & Accreditation Council,
Bengaluru. He is an active researcher. He has published more than 25
order to create the right course content and structure, and
Research Papers and three Books. He presented more than 38 adjust their attitude.
Conference Papers.

National Seminar on
Forging Ahead: Futuristic Strategies and Challenges for Department of Adult, Continuing Education and Extension
19th and 20th February, 2014
Care and Awareness of Health Education: Basic
Concern for Adult

Dr. B. Praveena Devi Email:,

N. Kalpanakumari
Health is vital factor for the prosperity of any nation. Awareness
of health shall be concentrated in all age groups. But it is neglected by
Dr. B. Praveena Devi, with 9+ years of all. We can’t expect from the children and teenagers to canvass regarding
teaching experience, presently positioned as health education but it is the responsibility of the adult group to give
Assistant Professor, Andhra University importance regarding the health education. According to the World
Campus, Vizianagaram. During her Health Organization, health is defined as “the state of complete physical,
graduation she started her carrier as home- mental and social wellbeing and not merely the absence of disease or
tutor and took up teaching as profession. She infirmity.” Health Care is defined as multitude of services rendered to
is an Alumnus of (B.Ed., M.Ed., Ph.D.) Andhra the individuals, families, Society or Communities by the agents of the
University. PG in M.Sc.(Math) and Qualified health services, or professions for the purpose of promoting,
her UGC-NET. Besides her academics, she maintaining, monitoring or restoring health. Health Care includes
participated in many workshops, National medical care. Many people mistakenly believe that both are
and International Seminars. synonymous. Medical Care is subject of a health care system. Health
Care is public right, and it is the responsibility of Governments to
N. Kalpanakumari is presently Junior provide this care to all people in equal measure. Illiteracy is correlated
Research fellow – Indian Council for with ill health. The common beliefs, customs, socio- economic factors
Philosophical Research, and pursuing her and practices connected with health and deceases have been found to be
Ph.D. in the Dept. of Education, Andhra intimately related to the treatment of the health. This is more happened
University since two years. She obtained her in the case of women and elderly people. There is need of health
Master degrees in both Education and Adult educators who can promote the importance of health education. Health
and Continuing Education. She also educators are having vital roles and responsibilities which are to be
completed Master degrees in English, Telugu concentrated timely. Adult group shall identify all the criteria of health
and Philosophy and Diploma in Linguistics. education and shall promote them in a liable way so, that they not to only
Mrs. Kalpana published five papers in various protecting their family but also the society.
journal and presented 12 national seminars
and Regional seminars.
National Seminar on
Forging Ahead: Futuristic Strategies and Challenges for Department of Adult, Continuing Education and Extension
19th and 20th February, 2014
Involvement of Universities and Colleges in the Programmes of
Continuing Education for Weaker Sections of the Society

Prof. B.S. Vasudeva Rao Mobil: 09440424007
Prof. B. S. Vasudeva Rao has three decades of
experience in Research, Teaching, training and When we think of the goals of Higher Education, we have yet to 'make higher
Extension Education Programmes. He completed education more relevant to the needs of society or community. We have to face
UGC Major Research Project (2010-2012) on questions like: What are. we going to do in the next 20 years ? Are Our Universities'
Teacher Education. 12 PhDs’ and 11M.Phils and capable of changing their rigid structures? Are the University Departments ready to
23 P.G dissertations are awarded under his extend their knowledge to the community? Do the staff and students and University
supervision in faculty of Education. The high administration ready to launch new programmes. Can we do away with the frustration
water mark of his academic career is the
publication of 16 books (edited and authored) among youngsters and also solve problems of unemployment? Can the universities
and has published90 research papers in various provide leadership and, revolutionary thinking and zeal to the youngsters? What he
National and International Journals. He has also can achieve by 2000 A.D.? The time' is running fast. Can the University community
presented 100 research papers in different rise to the occasion? Will the governments allow the Universities to be harbingers of
National and International Seminars / change? Let us think of the ways and means to take up the, challenging task in the
Conferences. He evaluated 9 Government and 3 coming years.
NGO Projects. He attended 15 Short term
academic courses on Rural Development, Formal Higher Education in India has reached a stage of maturity and is no longer
and Non-formal, Extension education and confined to the few as in the olden days. The Philosophy of higher education is
Evaluation. His areas of interest are Teacher undergoing a change and it has to" change for the better to cater the needs of society
Education, Innovative Teaching Methods, Extension, and community services were added as the third and, fourth dimensions of
Literacy, Rural & Tribal Development and the goals of Institutes of Higher Education, and Universities along with the traditional
Extension activities. He is awarded the Dr. dimensions of Teaching and Research. Increasing the knowledge dimension and
Sarvepalli Radhakrishna award for best generation of knowledge through Research and Training for Youth to be future leaders
Academician of the year 2006 on 5th September in various walks of life, and creating elite groups in the society were no doubt held as
2006 by Andhra University, in recognition of
commendable record of research and teaching the highest virtues of the University. This ivory tower approach no longer holds good.
and Best Researcher Award in 2003 by University Questions, like knowledge for whom? Is research for Research fake worthwhile?
in recognition of his academic contribution. Does University cater only for the few? Can it continue to work without adding and
Presently he is National Level Monitor for multiplying schemes of research useful to the welfare of common man? - are being
Ministry of Rural Development, Govt. of India and posed' Uplift of the weaker sections through" various programmes is no longer
National Minority and Development Finance considered a taboo. We are increasingly concerned with applied research, action
Corporation New Delhi. Majority of the academic research, productive research, participatory Research and 'Extension in different
contribution made by the applicant related to facilities of Science, Social Sciences, Engineering, Technology, Law and soon.
peoples’ involvement, nature and effects.

National Seminar on
Forging Ahead: Futuristic Strategies and Challenges for Department of Adult, Continuing Education and Extension
19th and 20th February, 2014
Right to Education and Empowerment of Dalit Girls in Tamil Nadu

Since many centuries, scores of saints, leaders and organisations, up to their level best worked for
the empowerment of dalits in India who are the economically oppressed, socially depressed and politically
suppressed worst effected least minority community in the world. Dalit girls not only grapple with the
Dr. D. Devanathan discrimination due to caste hierarchy and untouchability but they live in poverty coupled with political,
legal and religion-cultural discrimination. Caste system of Hindu religion forced the dalit girls to do the
filthy jobs and concentrate on unhygienic occupation and refused to enjoy the basic human rights. Due to
Associate Professor and Head, their poverty and illiteracy, dalit girls are not able to get basic and primary education besides they are also
overworked oppressed and victimized by a number of factors. Dalits are systematically segregated and
Dept .Political Science, DDE, forced to settle in a separate places especially in the remote villages which are far away from the
educational institutions areas and even governmental schools not located in their settlement areas. Because
Annamalai University, Tamil of these reasons nearly to 40% of the dalit girls are dropout students.
Education in every society plays an important role in the social, economic, political development
Nadu -608002. Mobil: of the country. It develops the personality and wisdom of people and makes them capable of performing
certain economic, political and cultural functions and consequently their socio- economic status is
09994909774 enhanced. Education has been accepted as an equipment to achieve the desired goals. It brings mobility in
the society and helps in bringing the equal status among the people coming from different social levels.
Email: Education system is the only institution which can uproot the deep roots of inequality between the man
and women; which are settled in the minds of people through the process of socialization. Therefore, in the
whole world in order to improve the status of women, education has been considered as an important
source. Education is a real light and weapon in the hands of marginalized communities, struggling to come
out from the darkness of centuries.
After attaining Independence in 1947, India became a Sovereign Democratic Republic, emerging
as a free nation; the new Constitution of Independent India provides the legal protections and reservation
in education, employment and legislative bodies for the empowerment of Dalits. For their most horrible
and awful conditions, the central and state governments have been implementing the various kinds of
educational measures for the empowerment of dalits women such as; welfare schools, hostels, scholarship,
awards, grants, concessions, free bicycles and other innovative measures. There is no significant changes
in the life conditions of Dalits in India. Ensuring access to education for the Dalits of India has been the
greatest challenge for the Indian government in diminishing the social effects of the caste system, which
still remain entrenched in Indian society.
The government of India has enacted the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education
Act or Right to Education Act (RTE) on 4 August 2009, which describes the modalities of the importance
of free and compulsory education for children between 6 and 14 in India under Article 21a of the Indian
Constitution. India became one of 135 countries to make education a fundamental right of every child
when the act came into force on 1 April 2010. in this context this article study the following important
issues; positive and negative aspects of RTE, impact of RTE on Dalit girls education and their
empowerment with the help of empirical and document analysis.

National Seminar on
Forging Ahead: Futuristic Strategies and Challenges for Department of Adult, Continuing Education and Extension
19th and 20th February, 2014
Role of Parents in School Management Committee

Neeti Trivedi School is a formal agency of education developed with the specific and
exclusive aim of imparting education. When the child enters school, educational help
Dr. V. S. Gopalkrishnan and support of the parents, who are primarily responsible for his/her education, are
complemented by educators. The school can never replace the home but it continues to
build on the foundations laid by the parents at home. Since the independence of our
Research Scholar, Faculty of Education, country, the Government of India has been striving hard to involve the community
Banasthali Vidyapeeth, Rajasthan more and more in the system of administration and process of development.
(304022) Government of India has taken initiation in different programme of action to ensure
parents involvement in their wards’ school. SSA launched in 2001 with a remit to
universalize quality elementary (6-14) education across India. It also has a strong
Associate Professor, Faculty of decentralization remit, with aims to increase accountability of schools to communities.
This was mandated and enhanced under the Right to Education Act (2009) through the
Education, Banasthali Vidyapeeth, formation of the School Management Committee (SMC).
Rajasthan (304022) Over the years, an almost complete disappearance of the community involvement in the management of the schools, significantly contributed towards the
decline in the school system. To contribute effectively to child development the school
and local community have to work in unison. Teachers and Parents share a common
goal for the upbringing of the children. This goal is achieved most effectively when
teachers and parents work together. It is widely recognized that if pupils are to
maximize their potential from schooling they will need the full support of their
parents. Parental involvement in children’s education is largely believed to lead to
improved learning outcomes. Recognizing this, the architects of RTE act mandated
parental involvement in every government-funded schools, government owned/run
school in the country, it was to encourage community and more particularly, parental
involvement through School Management Committee to ensure school quality with
equity. This paper is an attempt to explore meaning and functions of SMC and role of
parents in SMC.

National Seminar on
Forging Ahead: Futuristic Strategies and Challenges for Department of Adult, Continuing Education and Extension
19th and 20th February, 2014
Communication skill for lifelong learners
Mrs. Dr. Shobha Kagade Contact : 9881309193

Dr. Mrs. Kagade Shobha Vijaykumar was born in 1954. She

took her B.A., M.A., B.Ed., M.Ed., M.Phil., and Ph.D. from Lifelong learning is necessary in a world that changes and renews itself
University of Pune. She obtained her Ph.D. in Educational
Psychology, which has focused on High school student’s so rapidly. Such dynamism makes demands on individuals to update
personality factors. Her M .Phil. has focused on ‘A study of themselves constantly in the context of their workplace, social life, and
Urban Adult Womens' Attitude and their Continuing
Education Needs with respect to Improving their Knowledge participation in healthy and vibrant democracies. The individual who face
of English Language’. She has 23 years of Teaching
Experience. Now Dr.Kagade working in well reputed and challenges such as inadequate supply of learning opportunities, inflexibility of
well known Adhyapak Mahavidyalaya Aranyeshwar, Pune. as learning systems, lack of money, and inadequate supply of information can
the Principal. She associated with the post-Doctoral
Research project of NCERT. develop through acquiring effective communication skill.
Dr. Kagade worked as Research Associate in M.S.C.E.R.T.,
Pune. She has published Teacher’s handbook of Civics Std- Communication is master key of to modern civilisation. It is basic to all
10th. She has so far published Research and conceptual human performance and interaction. Communicating the intended message
papers in various reputed journals and papers presented in
seminars /conferences at National and International level. clearly and effectively is an important skill, which is often a key factor in
Dr. Kagde organized various state and national level
seminars and workshops. She has been appointed as deciding the chances of success. Communication is the process of
Examiner for the B.Ed. Examination by the University of transforming information from one entity to another; but communication skills
Pune. She has actively participated in the workshop for
‘Reforming M.Ed. & B.Ed. Syllabus’. Also she has actively are a set of important attributes that highlight one’s personality. You need to
participated in workshop for reforming syllabus of
Psychology for In-service Training to Higher Secondary focus diligently on your communication skills to convey your ideas better. The
Teachers’, H.S.C. Board, Pune. She has member of BOS, process of interpersonal communication is both art and science.
University of Pune. She has advisory member of “MSCERT
for amendment to Primary Education Act. She has also This paper describes the following areas related to communication skill:
involved as member of the Maharashtra State Committee
for ‘Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan”. Dr. Kagade participated in the 1. Effective communication skills
scheme of ‘Operation Black Board’ She delivered many
Lectures in different colleges and UGC Academic Staff 2. Components of communication.
College, Aurangabad. Dr. Kagade has recognized as M.Phil.
&Ph.D. Guide of University of Pune. Noteworthy point to 3. Major modes of communication.
mention here is she has hobby of swimming and Yoga. She
also completed Yoga Therapy Orientation Course. 4. Barriers to communication and methods of overcoming.
5. Principals of effective communication.

National Seminar on
Forging Ahead: Futuristic Strategies and Challenges for Department of Adult, Continuing Education and Extension
19th and 20th February, 2014
Globalization & Higher Education in 21st Century
Ph.No. Office : +91-20-41038203
Dr. Gautam Bhong Resi : +91-20-25472378

Director, Post Graduate Research Centre in

Economics, Reader and Head Deptt of Economics, Globalization has a multi-dimensional impact on the system of
Vice-Principal Abasaheb Garware College, Karve Road, education. It has underlined the need for reforms in the educational
Pune-411002. system with particular reference to the wider utilization of information
Guided Ph.Ds 22 technology; giving productivity dimension to the educational system and
Guided M.Phils 55 emphasis on research and development. It has also given rise to
Received Best Teacher Awards 6 controversies relating to introducing changes in the intra-sect oral
Administrative Experience priorities in the allocation of resources leading to the misconceived
As a Dean, Mental Moral and Social Science, University policy of down-sizing of higher education. It has also advocated
of Pune since 2010 As a Head of the Dept. of privatization of higher education without realizing the dangerous
Economics since 1995. possibility of making the system a commercial enterprise. Further,
As Vice Principal MES Abasaheb Garware College, internationalization of education particularly higher education has been
Pune since 2002. Director-Post Graduate Research
advocated without due regard to the needs and susceptibilities of the
Centre in Economics since2003. Co-
ordinator MagasvargiyaHitarakshan Samiti, MES developing countries. A multicultural and multi-ethnic society like
Abasaheb Garware College, Pune- since 2002. India faces number of challenges owing to emerging influences of
Professional Distinctions globalization. The global co-operation will have little meaning unless
Awarded State level "Adarsha Shikshak within various societies the common linkage is not established. Hence
Puraskar"Sanket Kala Pratisthan- 2005. “Best Teacher the course to be introduced and their curriculum must be in conformity
Award”from Bhartiya Jain Sanghtana- with the national priorities. Coordinated synergy may be attempted
2006. “Dnyanratna Puraskar”Bharatratna Dr. through segmentation of different forms of education, decentralized
Babasaheb Ambedkar Gaurav Samiti, June development of primary education, private participation in management
2007. “Gunavanta ShikshakPuraskar” – Bharatiya Shiv
Sena, September 2007.
and research and integration education with other sectors of the

National Seminar on
Forging Ahead: Futuristic Strategies and Challenges for Department of Adult, Continuing Education and Extension
19th and 20th February, 2014
Teaching and Learning Strategies in 21st Century

Mr. Bandgar Vilas Bhanudas

Mr. Bagwan Jakir Salauddin Teaching is an interaction process, interaction means participation of
both teacher, student and both are benefited by this the interaction takes place
Assistant professor for achieving desired Objectives. Teaching is relationship which is established
Uma Shishanshastra (B.Ed)
between three focal points in education (teacher, student and subject)
Mahavidyalaya, Pandharpur.
.Teaching Strategies play a vital role in education system when they are
implemented in system that encourage collaboration among staff, students and
Mob 9860845730
in which each is a part of a well planned whole teacher should plan short term
and long term Strategies according to student and teaching methods is part of
Strategies, Student enable to know value education, Life skill education by
Strategies used by teacher which help them in meaning a valuable person of
India out put teaching learning process is depending upon teaching Strategies
it is the core elements of education system.

National Seminar on
Forging Ahead: Futuristic Strategies and Challenges for Department of Adult, Continuing Education and Extension
19th and 20th February, 2014
Enhancing Adult Literacy skills through the use
of Information and Communication Technology
Dr. Y. Narasimham
Dr. Y. Narasimham is working as an Associate
Programme Coordinator at State Resource
Centre for Adult & Continuing Education
(SRC) in Visakhapatnam since two years. He
The 21st century and the beginning of the new millennium
completed Post Graduation in English,
have marked many changes in the way the world thinks and
Education and also got Ph.D. in Education. He
qualified National level Eligibility Test (NET) in
functions. New technologies offer considerable Promise in
Education, conducted by University Grants
addressing the special concerns faced by adult learners who wish to
Commission (UGC). He participated and improve their literacy skills. Technology can deliver instruction to
presented papers at National and learners in many new and different ways, whether they are
International level. His research articles were computer based, video based (e.g. television and videotapes) or
published in various disciplines. He has audio based (e.g. radio, audiotapes). Some of the promise of new
computer knowledge and skills; and he had technologies reflects effects on increasing and sustaining
experience in Yoga. As a key resource person motivation. Another plus is the possibility that instruction delivered
he has given training at Mandal, District, via technologies may directly influence cognitive understanding
State and National level. He has participated that helps learners master new information better, more
training programmes which is organized by comprehensively, and more quickly. Use of technology in teaching
National Institute of Rural Development literacy had considerable anecdotal evidence for its effectiveness.
(NIRD) and National Literacy Mission The present paper aimed to discuss about how to motivate adults
Authority (NLMA). for continuing their education in real life situations and to develop
their literacy skills through the use of information and
communication technology (ICT).

National Seminar on
Forging Ahead: Futuristic Strategies and Challenges for Department of Adult, Continuing Education and Extension
19th and 20th February, 2014
Effectiveness of Mind Mapping strategy for Adult learner

Dr. Geeta Shinde Email:

Ms. Yogita Anil Puranik Cell: 09921229740, Office: 02025601301

Publications: Books: Republican Netya – Shantabai Dani

Research Papers in Journals: Research Based Design,
The purpose of this research work was to explore the status of the use of the
Marmadrushti(2010),. Use of ICT by teachers in Pune City.
Shikshan Tarang (2010), Study of level of e-culture and mind mapping strategy in education while learning & teaching. Adult learner means
integration of ICT in Teacher, Education Institutions of Pune
City, Research studies on Impact of ICT in Education, Intel above 18 years for research. Researcher considered M.Ed. student as a adult learner.
Corporation India. (Aug. 2009) Analysis of Research Finding
of ICT & Effectiveness Shikshan Tarang: Sant Gadgebaba In this paper researcher focused on learning strategy. The sample of the study selected
yanche shaikshanik Marmadrushti:
among population which was including 360 students of M.Ed. they were including
International Level: Search for New Perspective (2010),
Spin, Comparative study of India and Kenyan Teacher 110 students from M.Ed. through mix method of sampling including probability
Education Curriculum. 2010,Srilanka , Use of ICT in Pune city
schools and it’s effectiveness in teaching/learning (simple random sampling) and non probability (purposive sampling). Questionnaire,
process2010,Srilanka, ODL as a key growth drive for social
economic development. –Symbiosis, Pune, Learning
commons: A must for Indian Universities, Use of ICT in self developed Pre test & Post test including 10 questions for each one of the tests and
teaching /Learning. Indian Education 2020: Shared Resource
Environment, Learning together. Development of ICT based Interview used as data collection tools. The researcher mixed research types including
student service facilities for person with disabilities.
Symbiosis, Pune, Multicultrasim in Teacher Education(2012) Survey and experimental method based on the research objectives. The researcher
developed a program (mind mapping) in order to study that’s effect on emotional and
Ms. Yogita Anil Puranik took her B.Sc degree (2006) from
S.P. College, Pune & M.Sc. (2008) from Modern college of social integration. The researcher analyzed data through descriptive and t test as
Art, Science & Commerce affiliated to University of Pune.
She has completed her B.Ed.(2012) from Adarsha inferential analysis. The results of the study indicated using the developed program
Comprehensive college of education & research, Pune. &
M.Ed.(2013) from the Department of Education & Extension
Pune. She has also covered a Ms‐CIT course from All India affected on increasing emotional and social integration among students mind mapping
institute of local self-government. Regarding work
experience; She has almost 3 years’ experience in was preferred as compare to common teaching methods while the researcher suggested
Electronics industry as on the post of Assistant Engineer
Marketing and R &D Engineer. Now she is working in Sharp using mind mapping techniques along other methods of teaching & learning process in
Publications as assistant professor from January 2014.
order to improve the performance of the student.

National Seminar on
Forging Ahead: Futuristic Strategies and Challenges for Department of Adult, Continuing Education and Extension
19th and 20th February, 2014
Socio-Educational and Individual Causes of
Illiteracy: A Study
Dr. Appala Raju M
Mobil: 09951971493
Dr. Appala Raju Majji aged 36 years completed
B.Sc., B.Ed., M.A. Adult and Continuing Education
from Andhra University, Visakhapatnam; M.A. Adult illiteracy is the key hurdle for national development
Sociology from Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Open
University, Hyderabad; M.Phil. in Adult and for many countries like India. It is the root cause for so many
Continuing Education, Ph.D. in Education from challenges. This paper depicts the reasons for not acquiring literacy
Andhra University, Visakhapatnam; which has
focused on Socio-economic and educational from 60 non-literate adults from Vizianagaram district which is the
aspects of fishermen community. He also second from last low literacy districts of Andhra Pradesh in India.
qualified UGC-NET examination twice in Adult
Education. Dr. Raju got a number of appreciation Qualitative approach was adopted to evaluate the barriers of
certificates for participation in different Adult
Education and allied activities and also for illiteracy in this research study. The reasons include social,
conducting programmes/activities. He got educational and personal causes of adult illiteracy. Social causes
certificates from District Magistrate & Collector;
Secretary Zilla Saksharata Samiti, Vizianagaram; consist of lack of interest, alcoholism/drug abuse and early
Regional Director CSD, Hyd., NGOs and University marriage; educational causes include 'school was far away',
Departments etc.
Dr. Raju at present working as Programme 'physical punishment' and inappropriate teacher behavior; personal
Coordinator in State Resource Centre for Adult & causes combine Poor economic conditions, no source of income,
Continuing Education (SRC), Visakhapatnam,
Andhra Pradesh. He conducted and actively over workload, hesitation, etc. The study also provides the status
involved in trainings, Monitoring and Research & and suggestions for overcoming this hurdle which is useful for the
evaluation, in development of material for neo
literates at State & District levels in the field of adult literacy practitioners, providers and policy makers.
Adult & Continuing Education. Apart from this he
also attended/participated and presented
lectures in trainings, workshops & seminars at
National and Regional level in Saakshar Bharat
Programmeand in Adult &Continuing Education.

National Seminar on
Forging Ahead: Futuristic Strategies and Challenges for Department of Adult, Continuing Education and Extension
19th and 20th February, 2014
Continuing Education Programme in Visakhapatnam District: A Study of
Differential Impact
Mobil: 09984026425

Society engages itself in many activities. Education is one of the manifold activities
of the society. As such the aims and methods of education depends on the nature of society in
Dr. G. Srinivasa Rao which it is organised. For instance, in a predominantly agricultural society, agricultural
education enjoys a privileged status.
The village people in India are mainly engaged in agriculture and allied occupations.
Dr. G. Srinivasa Rao was awarded his PhD Degree We can find four kinds of people in villages as agriculturists, agricultural labour, child labour
in Adult and Continuing Education from Andhra and artisans. All these sections are backward in terms of the social-economic development,
University for his Doctoral dissertation titled irrespective of their caste and creed. In their daily occupation they are dependent upon natural
“Continuing Education Programme in resources, environment, climate and economic aspects. The Andhra Pradesh Government and
Visakhapatnam District: A study of differential Central Government introduced many welfare programmes for the benefit of rural people.
impact”.and MPhil Degree in Adult Education Due to ignorance, illiteracy and interference of middlemen, the rural development programmes
are not reaching the target groups up to expectation of the planners. Realizing this fact the
(2007) and obtained Post-Graduation in Adult Government of India introduced many educational programmes under non-formal sector.
and Continuing Education(2005), he extended Continuing Education Programme is one of the strategies under National Literacy Mission to
himself by obtaining the Graduation and post- provide Literacy and creating awareness for income generating activities to the neo-literates at
graduation degrees inTelugu (2006)and B.Ed. the centre level. Andhra Pradesh is known as a pioneering state for effective implementation
(2010) from Andhra University and Master of both continuing education programmes and rural development programmes. Government is
degree in Sociology from Dr.B.R.Ambedkar Open particular to link continuing education programmes and welfare schemes for conveying the
University, Hyderabad. benefits to the target group properly. The functionaries of CEP arrange face – to –face
Dr. Srinivas to his credit published one book on interaction between neo-literates and developmental officials regularly. With this background
the present study entitled “Continuing Education Programme in Visakhapatnam District: A
Rural Development through literacy campaign, 8 Study of Differential Impact” was taken up.
research papers published in reputed journals of This study is an attempt to measure the impact of the continuing education
Adult Education and Social Sciences, and programme on the set goals in Visakhapatnam district, measuring the impact of the
presented 23 papers in National and programme on the neo-literates, Literacy, Functionality, Awareness, Benefits received from
International seminars/conferences. He worked developmental programmes and also eliciting the opinion of the Preraks towards organisation
as a Field Investigator in the Department of Adult of the centre, to elucidate information from community members (non-enrolled) and also to
& Continuing Education, Andhra University for a identify the difference. This study analyses the impact in relation to the socio-economic
UGC sponsored Project. Presently he is working background of neo-literates, community members.
as Programme Coordinator at State Resource Visakhapatnam district in Andhra Pradesh was selected for the purpose of study.
Centre for Adult & Continuing Education (SRC), The Visakhapatnam district consists of 42 Mandals. A total of 570 continuing education
Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh and actively centres and 570 sub Literacy Centres are functioning in the district under the supervision of
contributing his servicesin Research, Evaluation, Zilla Saaksharatha Samithi. For the purpose of this study 2 Mandals were selected at random,
Material development and Training in the area of the data was collected in two rural Mandals to elicit unbiased responses from the sample.
Adult & Continuing Education for Saakshar Bharat From the selected Mandals, nearly fifty percent of the centres were selected for the study. All
Programme. the Village coordinators from the selected centres were interviewed. Five Neo-literates from
each of the selected centres and three community members' responses from the selected centre
area were also recorded. The detailed research finds submitted at the time of presentation.

National Seminar on
Forging Ahead: Futuristic Strategies and Challenges for Department of Adult, Continuing Education and Extension
19th and 20th February, 2014
Manjushri P. Bansode Mental Health Status of the
Mahesh G.Mali Adolescent Students
Bhandas R. Pomane
Megha M. Uplane Manjushri P. Bansode :
Mrs.Manjushri P.Bansode is born in 1986.she took her M.Sc.(2009)from Department of Mahesh G.Mali :
Botany and M.Ed.(2013) from Department of Education and Extension of University of Bhandas R. Pomane :
Pune. She is also qualified the NET examination conducted by the UGC (2013).She is Megha M. Uplane :
pursuing the degree of M.Phil from Department of Education and Extension of University
of Pune.
The purpose of this research work was to explore
Mr. Mahesh G. Mali is born in 1990.He took his D.Ed(2011) from SSVSS Adhyapak Vidyalay,
B.Ed(2012) from SSVSS College of Education, Osmanabad. He Obtained his M.Ed.(2013)
the Mental health status of the SSC board affiliated, co-
from Department of Education and Extension of University of Pune. He is pursuing the educational, Marathi medium secondary schools
degree of M.Phil from Department of Education and Extension of University of Pune students. For this study survey had been conducted in 3
Mr. Bhandas R. Pomane is born in 1980. He took his M.A.(2004) from University of cities from Pune and Osmanabad district. 283 students
Pune(External), B.Ed(2012) from Aranyeshwar College of Education, Pune. He Obtained his from Pune, 282 students from Osmanabad and 173
M.Ed.(2013) from Department of Education and Extension of University of Pune. He is students from Baramati comprised sample of the study.
pursuing the degree of M.Phil from Department of Education and Extension of University The tool used for data collection was Mental Health
of Pune Inventory by Dr. Jagdish and Dr. Shrivastava. Mental
Dr. Megha Mahadev Uplane is Associate Professor in the Department of Education and health scale contains 56 items. The data was analysed
Extension, University of Pune, Pune (India). She has done Ph. D. in Physics and Ph. D. In with respect to 6 components i.e. Positive self
Education.sha has varied experience of 24 years of teaching from Navodaya Vidyalaya to evaluation, Perception of reality, Integration of
University Department. Her areas of research are Science and Mathematics Education, personality, Autonomy, Group oriented attitudes and
Measurement and Evaluation, Environment Education, Educational Psychology and Environmental Competence. Overall Mental health
Inclusive Education. She has guided many students for their research (Ph. D. ; M. Phil. and status found that the mean of mental health score of
M. Ed.) Dr. Uplane is co-author of five books and conference proceedings. Her Ph. D. thesis
students from Osmanabad and Baramati sounds more
has been published as monograph ‘CAI for Inclusion of Low Achievers’ by Lambert
than Pune.
Academic Publishing, Germany. She has completed two minor research projects as
principal investigator and one major &three minor research projects as co-investigator.
She has 20 Journal Publications and 27 Conference Publications. She is member of many
professional bodies.
National Seminar on
Forging Ahead: Futuristic Strategies and Challenges for Department of Adult, Continuing Education and Extension
19th and 20th February, 2014
Globalization and Adult Education
Pushplata Chaturvedi
Education systems and education at large have been regarded
as being predominantly national issues and phenomena for a long
Pushplata Chaturvedi, born on 1976. She time. Admittedly, education does have a number of globally
took her gradution from Jiwaji University common objectives which have been defined several decades ago.
Gwalior. Post Graduation in Hindi from
Adult education is important to development. Adult
University of Delhi, Delhi and M.A.
education (among other factors) has been acknowledged for
History from Madurai Kamraj University,
bringing about political, social, cultural and economical
Madurai and M.Phil degree from Madurai
development. This study is, therefore, an attempt to contribute to
Kamraj University, Madurai. the growth of knowledge on adult education at international,
Till now attend 10 National and national and institutional levels.
International Seminar and presented Adult Education is a core element of society, and the
papers in different fields of Social foundation of democratic choice. In other words, education is a
Sciences. major concern for all societies, the foundation and essential driving
At present she is associated as an force of economic, social, and human development and is at the
Educator with Ahmedabad International heart of the change in the areas of science, technology, economics,
School, Ahmedabad. and culture. Nowadays, one of the challenging issues is
Address globalization that , not only its impacts in cultural, social, economic
and political domains are apparent, but also can influence
Pushplata Chaturvedi
on nature, philosophy and performance of adult education.
I-103, Anand Vihaar Globalization is a process of interaction and integration among the
Tragad-IOC Road people, companies, and governments of different nations. The
Behind Nirma University impact of globalization on culture and educational system is a
major concern.

National Seminar on
Forging Ahead: Futuristic Strategies and Challenges for Department of Adult, Continuing Education and Extension
19th and 20th February, 2014
Impact of RTE Act on Deprived Group Children’s
Dr. R. Nageswara Rao Phone: 9059583319, 9603167928
Suresh Mahapatra
Dr. Nageswararao Racharala 1959, with M.A. The Right to Education Act came into force on 1st April, 2010
(Phil.), M.Ed., Ph.D. is a Lecturer in Education in after 62 years of independence, has made free and compulsory education
Government IASE, Rajahmundry. He obtained a fundamental right of every child in the 6-14 age groups. The
Ph.D. from Andhra University. There are only five
Teacher Training institutions throughout India enforcement of this Right has made it a joint responsibility of Central
before independence. IASE, Rajahmundry is one and State Governments to provide free and compulsory education to all
of the oldest, established by British Government children by all means. Special Care of the economic and educational
in 1883. Dr. Racharala is associated with many
NGOs and action groups working for the welfare interests of the under privileged sections of the population also became a
of the deprived sections of the society. He was an constitutional obligation. Government’s commitment to ensure
expert member in many inspection committees elementary education for all children aged 6-14 years was later seen in
and having more than thirty years of teaching
experience at various Teacher Training Colleges its ambitious programme named ‘Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan’. The RTE Act
at different levels, among that he worked as will benefit about one crore out-of- school children and a large number
Mandal Educational Officer in West Godavari of drop-out children. As per an estimate, out of 22 crore children in the
District, Andhra Pradesh.
6-14 years age group in the country, 4.6 percent children have no
enrolment in any school. The state governments are required to show
Suresh Mahapatra 1986, is M.Sc. (Botany), B.Ed.
is a Teacher. He was an active participant in promptness for the implementation of the RTE Act. The states who have
College level and various NGO Training not yet released any notification regarding the Act must do it without any
Programmes. Previously he worked in Syndicate further delay. The Central Government should impose a time limit to
Bank CMS HUB, Hyderabad, now he is at present
in Teaching Field. He got one year training in release funds to the states. Primary schools need to be made aware of the
Vizag Defence Academy. Mr Mahapatra provisions made for 25 percent reservation of seats for the economically
participated in INSPIRE District Level Science and socially weaker and disadvantaged children and the role of school
Exhibition in Srikakulam. Now at present he is
working as Principal in Om Shanti English Medium managing committees in this regard. The identification, selection and
School, Jayantipur (Odisha). He was an active verification procedure of such children should be well defined and well
participant in many NGOs activities throughout informed. It should also be notified that how the whole process will be
Odisha, and he got computer training in C, C++
and HTML. monitored.

National Seminar on
Forging Ahead: Futuristic Strategies and Challenges for Department of Adult, Continuing Education and Extension
19th and 20th February, 2014
Skill Developing Programmes for Sustainable Development

Adult and continuing education has emerged as one of the

Dr. B. Sama Nayak
keys to improving the quality of life in the present days. It provide,
PDF (UGC) Scholar continue to acquire new knowledge and skills to benefit from the
Department of Education, Andhra new opportunities that advances in science and technology present
University, Visakhapatnam,
E-mail ID:, sector (work) gives new strength to reduce difficulties of life in the
Cell No: 9573148224 world of change. The present education provides skill less
certificates for just exam oriented knowledge. So they are not
adjusting in their relevant works or jobs are not creating new
incentives and methods. Continuing education serves as an
intellectual commons, providing a place for digesting the amalgam
of disparate values, goals, knowledge, individuals and structures
that is adult and Continuing education. In this paper I explain
importance of continuing education programmes and its challenges.

National Seminar on
Forging Ahead: Futuristic Strategies and Challenges for Department of Adult, Continuing Education and Extension
19th and 20th February, 2014
Adult Education and Skill Development

Mobil: 09492748176

Kandipalli Ramakrishnarao Adult Education cannot and should not anymore be considered as a short term
project for achieving a certain percentage of literacy. Instead it should be conceived as
a comprehensive and lifelong programme for providing a variety of learning
Sri Kandipalli Ramakrishnarao was born opportunities to all Adults (in the age group 15-50) in the country. In this, Basic
1972.He had obtained postgraduate degrees Literacy will have to be, certainly considered as an important and Indispensable first
step/stage in the programme of Adult Education. But it should not be restricted to that
Sociology, Political Science, English Literature, alone. These learning programmes will include life skill development programmes,
and Education and M.Phil degree in livelihood skills development programmes, social and cultural learning programmes
Education. He has also qualified in the NET and so on and will depend upon the learning needs of the adult learner communities.
Therefore, now Adult Education is being called as Continuing and Life-Long
examination conducted by the UGC. Education programme. Despite national and international commitments to achieve a
Presently he has been working as a lecturer 50% reduction in illiteracy rate by 2015, India still has the largest population of
illiterate adults (270 millions) according to EFA monitoring report. Majority of them
in Govt. District Institute of Education and are poor. There is considerable disparities in literacy attainment across region, gender,
Training (DIET) Bheemunipatnam in ethnicity, caste and linguistic minorities. Envisaged in such a perspective, there is need
Visakhapatnam district. He has 12 years for a paradigm shift in respect of Adult Education. It should be a regular and
permanent system of education of adults, and encompass basic literacy, as well as the
experience as a teacher educator. He has learning avenues to meet the needs of life and livelihood skills as a lifelong and
participated National and International continuous endeavor. Skills and knowledge are the driving forces of economic growth
seminars/conferences and presented papers and social development for any country. Countries with higher and better levels of
skills adjust more effectively to the challenges and opportunities of world of work. In
on Education. His articles/research papers India the population of working age group of 15-50years is increasing steadily, and
have been published in national journals. He appropriate skill development efforts would provide an opportunity to achieve
acted as a resource person and conducted inclusion and productivity of the country. Large scale skill development is thus an
imminent imperative. Skill development for persons working in the unorganized sector
orientation programmes/workshops for is a key strategy in that direction. There are several Jana Sikshna Samstans in the
professional development of elementary country which have been entrusted with the task of imparting skill up gradation and
skill development programmes as part of the Adult Education. Their role and linkage
school teachers. with the comprehensive Lifelong Education needs to be reviewed and redefined in the
new context in order to achieve better results. In the era of Globalization and
Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) there is a need to develop variety
of skill development courses for adult learners. This paper elaborately discusses the
issues and concerns regarding the skill development of adult learners in the changing

National Seminar on
Forging Ahead: Futuristic Strategies and Challenges for Department of Adult, Continuing Education and Extension
19th and 20th February, 2014
Scope of Adult Education Research in India

Mobil: 75 88 000 333
Dr. Kamal Chandra Tiwari
This paper focus on India’s experience on Research in Adult Education,
Dr. Kamal Chandra Tiwari completed MA & subsequent restructuring of Adult Education programme. In present era of
(International Economics), MA (Int. Politics), Globalization, there is growing demand in favour of market economy; hence
MBA (System MGT.), M.PHIL, UGC-NET(JRF), there is an urgent call for attention to development of human capital, which
PhD (A-Grade) (Faculty /Asso. Professor) requires attaining higher level of literacy in Adult Education programme &
Senior Academic Officer, Group-‘A’, Gazetted also stress to be required to the development of productive skills. Application
Department of Politics & Pub. Adm. National of science, technologies, informatics, cybernetics, Para medicals etc... to be
Defence Academy, Kahadakwasla, Pune. included. Such a change will have beneficial effects on Adult Education
programme. There will be focus on significance of Adult Education Research
Published Two ISBN Numbered Reference
programme. Government of India initiated National Adult Education
Books, Published 48 Articles in Refereed ISSN Programme (NAEP), but there is an inherent scepticism amongst officials,
Numbered reputed National / International policy makers toward researchers, since they have confined, understanding on
Research Journal, in the field of Governance, the subject. They feel that the problems on Adult Education programme can be
Defence, Policy making. Participated in solve through common sense and there is no requirement of specialized
presented Research papers in 18 knowledge, hence there were least involvement of Researcher in field of Adult
International & 31 International Conferences/ Education programme. UNESCO as well as other inter-governmental
Seminars. PhD/M.Phil Guide from Madurai organisations & Nongovernmental organisation may play vital role in
Kamraj University, Madurai & Tilak changing attitude of officials, which will give dignity, since of responsibility
and provide financial resources in the field of Adult Education programme.
Maharashtra University, Pune
Systematic programme evaluation is required to be undertaken. Hence it is an
opportunity for Researchers from Education programmes to relate research
activities on basis of ground reality. Hence empirical method will assist more
accurate evaluation. We should focus on emphasising, Applied & action
Research in Adult Education programme & Experiment with new method of
Participatory Research. This paper focus on Participatory Adult Education
Programme, Documentation & Information Networking (PALDIN).

National Seminar on
Forging Ahead: Futuristic Strategies and Challenges for Department of Adult, Continuing Education and Extension
19th and 20th February, 2014
Synchronous and asynchronous online learning:
Applicable strategies for adult continuing education
Mehdi Mehri Shahabadi
Dr. Megha Uplane Email:,
Mehdi Mehri Shahabadi is a lecturer in University of
Dezfoul (Iran) and a research scholar, Department of The main purpose of the study is to find out and suggest
Education and Extension, University of Pune. The applicable strategies based on synchronous and asynchronous online
researcher has been doing research since 4 years. learning for adult continuing education. Nevertheless need to the adult
Doing research on potentials of online learning and its continuing education is not limited to the particular countries or time
components including Synchronous and Asynchronous
e-learning environment, personalization of learning
while answering, this necessity has become a global issue. The rapid
environments respecting learners-oriented process development of rift of ICT gaps and need for quality development in
are some particular research area of the researcher. many sectors of society has manifested. Due to the development of
science and technology constantly, need of adult education has become
Dr. Megha Mahadev Uplane is Associate Professor in
the Department of Education and Extension,
an absolute necessity. Although there are many restrictions on the use of
University of Pune, Pune (India). She has done Ph. D. in ICT among adults and in particular adult continuing education but it does
Physics and Ph. D. In Education. Sha has varied not preclude the need and search strategies required to overcome the gap
experience of 24 years of teaching from Navodaya between existing and desired. Synchronous and asynchronous online
Vidyalaya to University Department. Her areas of learning are different but complementary modes, and common strategies
research are Science and Mathematics Education, that have the potential to solve some of the most debilitating part of adult
Measurement and Evaluation, Environment
Education, Educational Psychology and Inclusive
continuing education. Continuing educations and its specific challenges
Education. She has guided many students for their and limitations that need to employ new strategies which are necessary.
research (Ph. D. ; M. Phil. and M. Ed.) The research focused on adult continuing education, the current
Dr. Uplane is co-author of five books and conference programs, their reflection, status and challenges in developing countries.
proceedings. Her Ph. D. thesis has been published as The researchers have studied synchronous and asynchronous online
monograph ‘CAI for Inclusion of Low Achievers’ by learning, their component and suggested applicable strategies based on
Lambert Academic Publishing, Germany. She has these unique modes which can have the effect on the adult continuing
completed two minor research projects as principal
investigator and one major &three minor research
projects as co-investigator. She has 20 Journal
Publications and 27 Conference Publications. She is
member of many professional bodies.
National Seminar on
Forging Ahead: Futuristic Strategies and Challenges for Department of Adult, Continuing Education and Extension
19th and 20th February, 2014
Online Learning to Face Challenges of Adult Learner
Cell no-7588330568/9890441462
Dr. Sunita G. Hiremath
Dr. Sunita Guruswami Hiremath was It is essential for every individual to keep himself/herself abreast with
born in 1968. She took her B.Sc.,,
the latest developments. Otherwise, it will be very difficult for him/her to
B.Ed., M.Ed., and Ph.D. from Shivaji
University, Kolhapur. She obtained her adjust himself/herself properly in the ever-changing world. It is adult
Ph.D. in Education, which has focused on
High school scholarship holder student’s education that keeps him/her up-to-date in new trends in various fields of
educational progress. She is also qualified human activities. The Indian Education commission has stated, ‘Adult
SET examination in Education conducted
by the UGC. She has so far published 28 education to provide every adult citizen with an opportunity for the education
Research and conceptual papers in of the type which he/she wishes and which he/she should have for his/her
various reputed journals and 22 papers
presented in seminars /conferences at personal enrichment, professional advancement and effective participation in
National and International level. social and political life”. Adult learner face numbers of challenges of which
Dr. Hiremath organized various state and
national level seminars and workshops. Time challenge, money challenge, the Disconnect challenge are few examples.
She has member of Advisory board of
various reputed research journals. She is Online- learning can provide a medium for teaching and learning and
associated with Maharashtra State contribute to face challenges faced by adult learner. This paper deals with the
Secondary Teacher- Educator’s
Association and Council for Teacher activism in learning through online-learning. The author concentrated on
Education. She has 16 years of Teaching challenges faced by adult learner and online-learning components to face these
Experience in B.Ed. and M.Ed. College.
Dr. Hiremath has recognized as a Ph.D. challenges.
Guide of University of Pune.
National Seminar on
Forging Ahead: Futuristic Strategies and Challenges for Department of Adult, Continuing Education and Extension
19th and 20th February, 2014
Forwarding Way of Life Long Learning: ICT

Dr. Vaibhav G Jadhav Mobil: 09421503397

Dr. Vaibhav Govidrao Jadhav is born in 1980.

He Completed his M.A. (2002) from
Department of English, University of Pune Information and communication technology is become an integral
and M.Ed. (2004) & Ph.D. (Education) from part of life. By and large it is not yet adequately integrated into adult
RIE, Bhopal (NCERT). He is also research language and literacy programs. The possible respect of technology is
scholar of NCERT. He is also qualified the NET enhancing learning and promoting the importance of Life Long Learning
examination conducted by the UGC. It is also among entire societal scenario of India. Technological proficiency is
featherbedding to know that he worked as played a role of gatekeeper for occupational success and full civic
co-author in 5 books and also published 21 participation in the development of Country. Research findings on the
research papers in various national & impact of technology in education are mixed, but a few studies among
international journals and conference adult learners suggest benefits worth exploring.
proceedings. His two research monographs
are published by international publications. It
is also indulging to know that he worked as Present paper is trying to disseminate the contribution of
co-author in self instructional materials, emerging technologies in Life Long Learning. Technology is able to
which is published by IDEAL, North formulate some kind of opportunities & challenges regarding Life Long
Maharashtra University, Jalgaon and Learning. Various emerging technologies are described, ranging from
Yashwantrao Chavan Maharashtra Open audio and video production to games, wikis and blogs, to mobile
University, Nashik. He is keen to pursue his
academic career in teaching profession as
devices, cell phones and open-source software, in the current scenario of
teacher educator and the researcher. Dr. higher education. All these technological aspect is helpful for achieving
Vaibhav Jadhav has been in the field of the goal of Life Long Leaning and strengthen the education entire India.
teacher education since 2003 and now, has All the group of society should be getting all gains of educational policy.
been working as an Assistant Professor in Relevant research is reviewed, and the costs, difficulties and advantages
Department of Education & Extension, of deploying various technological approaches in Life Long Learning are
University of Pune. discussed.
National Seminar on
Forging Ahead: Futuristic Strategies and Challenges for Department of Adult, Continuing Education and Extension
19th and 20th February, 2014
Adult Education and Quality of Life
Ms. Sayon Lazila Lepcha
Basically the main aim of education refer to the all round development of a
child – body mind and spirit .In which case from time immemorial ,the term
Research Scholar education has co-relation with a child may be from the day a baby starts
RIE, gurgling with the parents in an informal way of education , later as the child
Utkal University grows up the informal education starts with the type of environment the child
is tuned into .It is ultimately in the school system which has a great impact on
Bhubaneshwar,Odisha the personality development of a child. But how many children of India are
Contact Number: 9734132988 fortunate enough to get enrolled in the formal set of education? Or how many
Indian children are lucky enough to complete their primary level or elementary
,secondary or senior secondary or college level? Or are they rich enough to
pursue their higher studies? At this juncture it not unworthy to mention about
the various factors that determine the ‘education of a child. In fact, in spite of
putting so much effort by the government in the area of human resource
development, right from implementation of UEE to the present RTE Act (
Right To Education Act ) the quality of education in the states show low
improvement and at the same time high drop -out rates in the schools of India
still continues. The main reason for the drop-outs from the schools of a
developing country like India are economical reasons along with it comes the
population, gender issues, educational background of parents, health reasons
etc. In this regard Adult Education can play a crucial role in the lives of the
individuals of our country.

National Seminar on
Forging Ahead: Futuristic Strategies and Challenges for Department of Adult, Continuing Education and Extension
19th and 20th February, 2014
Dropout an Opportunity: Meets out of Box Intervention Strategies
(An Empirical Study of VJNTs)

Sweta Warudkar
Education plays a vital role in the development of human potentialities every
Ms. Sweta Warudkar, Phd Scholar (born, country develops its system of education to meet the challenges of the changing times.
1986) is a Research Scholar of the Dept. of A quality in education not only makes individual employable but also socially
Social Work, Bharati Vidyapeeth University, accountable and culturally verse. Education means expansion of knowledge and
Pune (Maharashtra). She had qualified in employment opportunities to an individual. But for nation, it means enhanced
National Eligibility Test, December 2012. She
has obtained M.S.W degree specialized in prospects of social and economic development. In the walks of 21st century education
Urban and Rural Community Development merely means growth and progress of individual through expansion of employment
from Bharti Vidyapeeth University. Ms. opportunities available to an individual. Education is well exemplified when endowed
Warudkar has worked on the research and with quality. Quality in education not only provides learning skills but make
training for organizations of repute like Dr. individual compatible and proficient in all the spheres of life. What if lack of quality in
Babasaheb Ambedkar Training & Research education is marked as one of the reason of dropout? Drooping out doesn’t mean only
Institute, Pune; Maharashtra State Child the rejection of school by students but also leads to economic and intellectual wastage
Protection Society (ICPS), Pune; Bharatiya
Jain sanghatana, Pune; Don Bosco that hampers both the students and the nation as a whole. Here, Non-Formal Education
Ashalayam, New Delhi. Apart she had traditionally an old pattern of learning in the present scenario had gained growing
volunteered in many social service sectors. demand by the learners. Where formal education system had failed in fulfilling the
She is an inspirer and empathetic individual learning needs of the individual NFE has been an alternative in bridging the gap of
with strong team building, organizational and illiteracy to literacy and imparting employable skills. It’s a second chance an
human resource management skills with opportunity to the dropouts to imbibe in them learning skills to become proficient
experience of working with NGOs in the technically sound in the domains of their own interest, channelizing with non-formal
domain of child education and child rights. education programme.
Her interest area of work is on educational
issues, child rights and quality education, The purpose of this study is to investigate the complementary role of NFE
youth empowerment and rural development. programmes in influencing people’s objective and subjective quality of life. It also
Her contribution in work is through research, highlights the need for transforming school management and involving the community
she has documented, re-research on the in order to increase children’s participation, with the help of initiatives taken by NFE
aforesaid topics for policy making and institution to turn a dropout into a productive citizen.
drafting a change with support to
organizational development.
National Seminar on
Forging Ahead: Futuristic Strategies and Challenges for Department of Adult, Continuing Education and Extension
19th and 20th February, 2014
Learning Strategies for Sustainable Development
Alexander the great maid an unique statement “I am more indebted to
Aristotle for giving me knowledge than that to my father Philip for giving birth
and life to me” This clearly emphasizes the role of knowledge for sustainable
Dr. Prakash K development. William Blake observed “learning supports and strengths life” In
this light our ancestors told “knowledge is power”.
Dr. Prakahs is Corporate Trainee. Procured Learning are of two types.1) Academic 2) Updating skills. In modern days
PhD in ‘ linical death is not end of life’. numbers of educational institutes are available to suit needs and infrastructures of an
Perusing PDF( Post Doctoral Fellowship )from individual. One can update his academic profile by attending to the from primary to
an American University . Conducting post graduation instaurations .If requires he can pursue doctoral and post doctoral
studies. But due to family responsibilities, economic restraints, non availability of
workshops for MBA, Engineering, Medical
infrastructures; at times one cannot pursue education. Irrespective of RTI and number
students urging them to develop a mindset
of scholarships in educational institutions our country is not at par with developing
of ‘‘Delivering Goods’ . Served as a and developed countries.
chairperson for an international conference
Now universities are offering distance education .Anyone can evolve by
on Green Tec Marketing. Participating in following strategies for a sustainable development.
conferences to learn more and updating .
1. Continuing Higher education through Distance Education and Evening Colleges
Conducting workshops like ‘How to update
2. Increasing economic strength through work i.e following ‘earn while you learn’
from Doctor to Healer’ ‘Updating from
customer satisfaction to customer delight’ ‘ 3. Accepting support from NGOs
‘How to update from manager to leader’ 4. Minimizing expenses over books either by borrowing or through zerox copies.
‘Effective communication’ ‘ Be an 5. Through scholarships either from state , national or international organizations
Entrepreneur and not an Employee’ 6. Subscribing to community school where fees are very nominal.
7. Increasing one’s bar by getting maximum marks to attract sponsors.
8. Specializing by persistent efforts and practice.
9. Developing communicational skills by becoming ‘Trainers Trainee’
10. By becoming more competent by qualification combinations like BE & MBA.
11. Adding special skills like SAP, C++ and Java etc to domain knowledge.
12. Excelling and updating oneself by attending symposiums, seminars and national
and international conferences on diverse subjects to add depth.

National Seminar on
Forging Ahead: Futuristic Strategies and Challenges for Department of Adult, Continuing Education and Extension
19th and 20th February, 2014
To Study the Awareness of Constitutional Responsibilities
of the Students in College of Education

Dr. Anjali Jagtap
Teachers are supposed to be the architects of the future nation. They are
Dr. Anjali Jagtap has been working as instrumental in imparting the necessities of nation to the students. If they effectively
an Asst. Prof. in Sinhgad College of train the students in the skills and competencies required for building the nation
sustainable development of the nation is possible. And this is possible only when the
Education since 2006. Before She has teachers are aware of their role of paramount importance in the development of human
taught in S.P.M. English School from resources in terms of the young students under their nurturing. It is necessary to carry
out the study to know whether the teachers are aware of their responsibilities. The
1995 to 2006. She has pursued the pupil teachers in the training colleges are the most appropriate subjects for this matter
degree of Ph. D. in Education from because they can be trained accordingly.
University of Pune in Jan. 2007. Her Procedure:
research topic was ‘A study to test 1. To administer the questionnaire to the students of B. Ed. College, Vadgaon,
effectiveness of Constructivist 2. To evaluate the awareness of the pupil teachers regarding the duties of the
Approach to teaching at middle school citizen endowed upon the constitution of India.
level.’ She has published total 10 3. To conduct the orientation programme for the pupil teachers so that they are
given information about preamble of the constitution, duties and responsibilities
research papers in various National of the teachers in the upbringing of the students.
and state level conferences. Dr. Anjali 4. To administer the post-test.
has also presented a PDF proposal to 5. To study the effectiveness of the orientation programme.
the Department of Science and Findings of the study:
technology, Govt. Of India on Cognitive • 68% students think that it is their responsibility to develop the qualities and
competencies in the students for the development of nation.
Science in 2012 at Indian Institute of • 65% students are not aware of the pre-amble of the constitution.
Science, Bangalore. • 62% students don’t know the duties and rights of the Indian citizens.
• 87% students gave positive answers regarding their duty to build up the future
citizens after orientation programme.

National Seminar on
Forging Ahead: Futuristic Strategies and Challenges for Department of Adult, Continuing Education and Extension
19th and 20th February, 2014
RTE A Need to Find Way Forward

It is purgative so much has talked about RtE., since it made into law
not much of the changed the very condition of the right to education, it has
Ramachandreredd Gadi thrown much bigger challenges, which need to addressed at the earliest. To
start with some basic …..
The TEN Functions of the Right to Education Act 2009
Consultant Policy, ASCI, Hyderabad 1. It makes education Free
2. It makes education compulsory for the state to provide
Email : 3. It provides for Curriculum to be in consonance with Constitutional
Mobile: 9492071765 values
4. It addresses Quality of Teachers
Qualification : MBA(U.K) 5. It sets norms for Quality of schools
Experience : more than 15 years with 6. It has a Social Reform function (25% seats in private schools)
SAP, HP 7. It Protects the Child and Removes Child Labor
8. It De-bureaucratizes transfer certificates
Currently :AS a social policy Consultant
9. It provides for Participation of Civil society in Education (SMC)
with ASCI 10. It Removes oppression of Examinations
Opportunity provide by RTE is also a challenge to ensure that the right
to quality basic education is enjoyed by all children and not few. Overall,
challenges refer to what has been termed the elusive triangle of “access, equity
and quality” framing education and which the RTE will have address in order
to ensure not only ALL children are in school, but also learning.
While the geography, scale and complexity of the issue before us is no
doubt huge, the immediate question before this consultation is what role can
knowledge exchange education community in particular can play in addressing
the challenges and concerns in Education in supporting the implementation of
For that to happen one need to relook at those points, though in
principal they sound very profound, in reality they have taken these points in
to consideration, five years since they in existence, if the way forward is not
addressed , based on these pints, we are heading for imminent death.

National Seminar on
Forging Ahead: Futuristic Strategies and Challenges for Department of Adult, Continuing Education and Extension
19th and 20th February, 2014
Role of Department of Lifelong Learning and Extension for
Sustainable Community Development: Some Reflections of
Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University
Dr. Anand Madhavrao Wagh Email:
Mobil: 09545778985, 09423171476
Dr. Anand Madhavrao Wagh was born in
1972. He took his B.A. (1992) from
Bankatswami college, Beed and M.A.
(English), M.A. (Pol-Sci), M.A. (Thoughts), Dept. of Adult, Continuing Education and Extension (Dept. Lifelong
M.A. (History), M.A. (Marathi), M.A. (Pali Learning and Extension) services is life of three & half decades in which
& Buddhism), M.Ed. Ph. D. (Education) higher Education and its goals marched towards educating the community
from Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar through the present department of Adult, Continuing Education and Extension
Marathwada University, Aurangabad (Dept. Lifelong Learning and Extension) by implementing literacy, continuing
education programmes and various awareness and training programmes. These
(M.S.) He has also written a book entitled programmes and activities successfully implemented by the dept. with
‘History and Research in Indian Adult financially aids of UGC New-Delhi and support of state governments and
Education’ and 25 research papers university authorities. At present the department has multi-dimensional roles
published in various reputed journals. He and therefore every dept. has his own characteristic according to their need of
taught English at college level from 1995 areas. Just before in the month of May UGC has discontinued its funding
to 2006. Dr. Wagh is an eminent orator, separately to the department after completion of XIth five year plan. Therefore
debater and good writer. He is working as the university department had been lost its glory allover India. Where earlier
an Assistant professor from Jan. 2006 is UGC policy statement quoted that Teaching, Research and Extension are
the Dept. to Lifelong Learning and equally dimension of higher education, but now extension is neglected by the
Extension formerly known as Dept. of UGC. Therefore as per contemporary dept. of the university, the dept. of Adult,
Adult, Continuing Education and Continuing Education and Extension (Dept. Lifelong Learning and Extension)
Extension Services, Dr. Dr. Babasaheb compared to it however main object of the department is to educate masses is
forgotten. Therefore in future, the Dept. of Adult, Continuing Education and
Ambedkar Maracthwada University, Extension (Dept. Lifelong Learning and Extension) to develop its own policy
Aurangabad by strategic planning in teaching discipline at post Graduate level at least one
diploma/degree at every university and to develop interdisciplinary approach.

National Seminar on
Forging Ahead: Futuristic Strategies and Challenges for Department of Adult, Continuing Education and Extension
19th and 20th February, 2014
Strategies and Obstacles for
Adult, Continuing Education and Extension
In more than 60 years of independence, women in our country witnessed major change in their
socio, economic and political status. The constitutional provisions and the opportunities
created played a vital role in reaching this stage. However there is imperative need for
bringing women into literacy fold which ultimately brings equality.

Smt. P. Prasanthi The Context: The literacy statistics for past five decades show an encouraging trend in female
literacy rate with8.9%in 1951 and 65.46% in 2011, 59.74% in Andhra Pradesh. The pace of
this has specifically picked up in the last two decades in particular. Many efforts towards
P. Prasanthi was born in 1968. I took my Masters Degree in improving the country’s total literacy rate have contributed for this rise. Different players
Social Work from Andhra University, Visakhapatnam. including State and Central governments, specific development programmes, agencies and
I started my carrier working as an instructor in the NGOs together worked to reach the set goals. New Education Policy 1986, with its specific
Anganwadi Workers’ Training Centre (World Bank project) at
KGNM trust, E.G. District during 1993 and later worked as approach towards education for equality highlighted the need for women’s education while
special educator in “Thakur Hari Prasad Institute for categorically referring to the status of women in the country. The policy laid special emphasis
Mentally Handicapped”, Rajahmundry, A.P. after completing
one year diploma course in Mental Retardation. Joined on the removal of disparities and to equalize educational opportunity by attending to the
APMSS in 1997 and worked in four different positions till specific needs of those who have been denied equality and remained marginalized. As part of
now, right from District level to the State level and presently this Mahila Samakhya programme has been formulated which eemphasize that education is
working as State Programme Director, APMSS since
September, 2004. prerequisite to empower the women.
A.P. Mahila Samatha Society is a part of National Mahila Strategies: MS believes education is a tool to empower women. Towards this MS adopts
Samakhya Programme of GoI, working with the principal
objective of “Education for Empowerment of Women”. The different and innovative strategies which include functional and thematic literacy. Accordingly
Programme is operational in ten states. Initiated in AP in the need based TLM is prepared with locally available material and curriculum, methodology are
year 1993, the organization is now working in 14 districts, developed women’s participation. Another uniqueness of MS is periodical review, revision
117 mandals and 4,834 villages covering about 6,115
Sanghams with over 2.19 lakh women as members from and evolution of need based with regional cultural contexts.
most marginalized communities of rural Andhra Pradesh. Activities: Every forum of women’s collectives is used for literacy sessions. In addition to
These women are mobilized and organized into village level
collectives – the Sanghams and empowerment processes this, Adult Learning Centers are facilitated at village level to focus on functional literacy with
are facilitated with them. Education, Health, Natural due consideration of their literacy levels, space and timings. Other interventions like Short
Resources & Asset Building, Women’s participation in
Panchayat Raj, Social & Gender Issues are the core areas term Mahila Sikhsna Kendras, Literacy camps include intensive activities with an aim of
identified for strategic interventions and for further capacity enabling women acquire functional literacy. In addition Literacy camps will also serve as a
building on women’s position and condition with respect to tool to mobilize them to access educational opportunities (certificate education through
all these.
In the process of working on women’s empowerment I could APOSS). Designing literacy activities based on their traditional cultural forms is another
build my expertise in the issues of Health, Life skills, rights & innovation of MS which creates positive environment to inculcate interest among the women.
entitlements, legal literacy, women’s livelihoods, women in Mahila Samakhya is identified as potential resource agency by the department of adult
governance and different social issues with Gender
perspective. My core area of interest is evolving strategies education in developing TLM, evolving mobilization strategies besides seeking active
and interventions for implementation at grassroots to participation in implementation. In this process, MS played proactive role in taking up the
address strategic gender interests of women and to build activities in collaboration with Department of Adult Education at different levels. The result,
capacities of the cadres facilitating the processes of
women’s empowerment while working with grassroots many women from rural areas in the movement of literacy are marching towards success. The
women. present paper gives details of MS approaches, strategies, interventions in facilitating women's
literacy, the successes achieved and important lessons learnt.
National Seminar on
Forging Ahead: Futuristic Strategies and Challenges for Department of Adult, Continuing Education and Extension
19th and 20th February, 2014
Influence of Vocational Training on Students

Prof. K. Sudha Rani Email:,

Mobil: 09490049413, 09441075079
Dr. Ganta Eswaraiah
Dr. K. Sudharani was born on 20-5-1962. She took her B.Sc degree in 1985 and
India is the second largest country in the world in terms of
M.A, Adult Education degree in 1987. Later she was awarded with PhD in population and majority of them are in the younger age group. These are
Adult Education in 1992 by Sri Venkateswara University. She has started her low educated, unskilled and involved in primary sector for their
career as Assistant Professor in the Department of Adult and Continuing sustainability. No doubt the country has produced best scientists and
Education in the year 1992 and presently working as professor in the same technical manpower distributed throughout the world in all major sectors.
department. She has published 62 articles on the themes like adult education,
gender equality, women’s education, environmental pollution, vocational
In order to improve its domestic sector by reducing the gap between
Training etc. in various reputed journals like Indian journal of Adult Education, haves and have–nots and to streamline the marginalized, the government
Indian journal of Applied Research, Rural Development, Indian Journal of has been implementing the programmes to promote employability of
population Education, journal of Communication Studies, Adult education and youth and makes use of their services in the economy. However these
Development and edited volumes. She has published 6 books on vocational efforts have not yielded desired effect on the employment rate among the
Training, Training for field level functionaries, Literacy and Social
sustainability, libraries in Adult Education centers, people’s participation in
youth, leading to the large scale unemployment and under employment
Development and Extension as the third Dimension of the university. She has among the youth. The Department of Adult and Continuing Education
participated and presented 66 papers in various National Seminars and work was established in 1972. Since then it has been organizing the teaching,
shops connected to Adult Education and Social Sciences. She has guided 22 research in the department and extension activities in the nearby villages.
dissertations at post Graduate levels in Adult Education and 2 PhDs were During the XIth plan period, UGC has sanctioned Self Assistance Program
awarded under her supervision. She has completed 8 minor research projects,
5 Evaluation projects and 1 Major research project funded by MHRD and UGC.
me to the department to carry out the activities Career guidance and
She has organized 1 National seminars as Director and 4 national seminars counseling, vocational training and community based action research
and work shops as Co-Director. studies. Under vocational training the department has organized M. S.
Office course. The present study was undertaken to study the impact of
Dr. Ganta. Eswaraiah was born in 1970. He took his B.A (1994), M.A (2000) in
Adult Education, IR & PM (2001) from Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupathi.
this M. S. Office course on computer skills promotion and gaining the
He obtained his Ph.D from S.V. University in Adult Education, which has employment among the participants. The study was undertaken in three
focused on Attitude of preraks and Neo-literates towards Neo-literate phases i.e., pre training, training and post training. The vocational
literature and Organisation of Continuing Education Activities. He has training program me organized by the department had a good and positive
published one International Book, 10 research papers published in various impact on the trainees in gaining knowledge and skills to use computers
repeated in Adult Education and Social Science journals and 30 Papers
Presented in Seminars which are in National and International Level. Dr. Eswar
and they are confident that they will get employment with this certificate.
is Associated with many Non-Governmental Organizations and actions groups The objectives of the study, methodology, findings and suggestions were
working for the welfare of the deprived sections of the society. Now Dr. Eswar discussed in the paper.
Worked as a Project Fellow, UGC SAP (DRS-1), Department of Adult and
Continuing Education, S.V. University, Tirupati. He has 10 years experience in
research, teaching, extension in several areas of Adult Education.

National Seminar on
Forging Ahead: Futuristic Strategies and Challenges for Department of Adult, Continuing Education and Extension
19th and 20th February, 2014
Empowering the Scheduled Tribes: The Role of Literacy
Programmes in North Coastal Andhra Pradesh
Mobil: 09394793417
Dr. K. R. Rama Mohan Adult and Continuing education particularly for the scheduled tribes is
Dr. K.R. Rama Mohan, M.A ( Anthropology) , attributed with various important life consequences. There are only few
M.A.( Psychology), Ph.D , Diploma in Russian
Language. He has taken up teaching research studies conducted on the significance of literacy and its implications
assignments at Pondicherry University, on the adult scheduled tribes population in North Coastal Andhra Pradesh. It is
Pondicherry, London School of Economics
(University of London) at Singapore, widely accepted and proved that illiteracy and low level literacy are severe
University of Asmara, Africa, Brigham Young educational disadvantages for the scheduled tribe population. Additionally,
University, USA, before he joined at Andhra
University. Delivered Guest Lectures at lack of literacy shall have negative outcomes which dwarf individual
colleges in Indonesia, Malaysia and Hong capacities and abilities to enhance their livelihood opportunities. There are
Kong. His research publications include
topics on Tribal Development, Fishing also other limitations being remained low literate is that, they may be excluded
Communities, Disadvantaged children and from the accesses to information and other resourceful opportunities. Lastly,
Education and Gender aspects. He
completed UGC and ICSSR Major Research without proper literacy and sensitization, scheduled tribes may not benefit and
projects. Empowerment process among the improve their status in the ongoing developmental programmes.
Marginalized groups, are his research
interests. The paper shall address the role of literacy in the lives of adult learners
among scheduled tribes in the context of development programmes that are
currently taking place in this region.

National Seminar on
Forging Ahead: Futuristic Strategies and Challenges for Department of Adult, Continuing Education and Extension
19th and 20th February, 2014
Introduction of ‘EXTENSION MANCH’
Mobil: 09975435152
Dr. Satish Shirsath
Some social, political conditions at national level, are instrumental for
Dr. Satish Shirsath was born in1961. He planning and executing socially important and community-oriented
obtained degrees of B.A., M.S.W., D.L.L. & programmes. The education field is at forefront of it. Besides government
L.W., M.A., M.Phil, Ph.D.In college days; level, the UGC in 1977 took a very important step in declaring extension as an
he has served as Adult Education important responsibility of higher education. The UGC policy statement in that
instructor as well as supervisor. He joined concern is valuable. The ‘Extension ’ dimension is important so far as
the Department of Adult, Continuing involvement of higher education in development of people is concerned. Along
Education & Extension in University of with, it is beneficial for the personality development of youth is concerned. It
Pune as Project Officer. At present he is can benefit the youth in their life too. The ‘Extension Manch ’ concept is apt in
holding a position of Associate Professor this context. It has been experimented in University of Pune.
in the same department. He has involved A group of students (from colleges/ university campus) should be
in teaching, training, evaluation & formed. Several programmes/activities based on their requirements as well as
research, administration of extension felt necessary for their personality development should be planned
programmes. He has written 11 books, &implemented. The content as well as methodologies of such activities should
developed ample of resource material,
read and published 61 research papers/ be formal and non-formal too. The trained students will go in communities, for
articles at international, national, state conducting programmes for community education. These students will also
and local level too. He was the first participate in the community development too. For it, needs will be assessed
coordinator of Mahatma Phule Adhyasan from the community. The prime objective of ‘Extension’ – working for & with
in University of Pune. Through it also he community from social commitment view, will be achieved along with it can
carried out several academic, managerial, help the students for their personality development also. It is stated by
educational programmes for communities statistics from various sources that, not much percentage of youth are involved
and for youth. At various levels such as in higher education. However the actual number of youth (involved in higher
government level, university level, he education) is big. The idea of involving this bulk in the work of ‘Extension’
occupied several positions. He is a Ph.D. can be useful for the process of upliftment of our society; as well as it can be
research guide in three universities. instrumental to give directions to youth to live in this rapidly changing world.

National Seminar on
Forging Ahead: Futuristic Strategies and Challenges for Department of Adult, Continuing Education and Extension
19th and 20th February, 2014
Adult Education means not only 3Rs but also 4As
Email:, Mobil: 9762517795
Rupali Suresh Kumbar
Initially, the inclusion of literacy as one of the five Technology Missions and
the launching of NLM in 1988 by India’s Prime Minister Late Shri Rajiv Gandhi
Miss. Rupali Suresh Kumbhar is presently implied that literacy was accorded priority at all levels of the government. When we
working as Project Assistant in Dept. of Adult, look back at the literacy movement, it reminds us about the larger vision with which
Continuing Education and Extension, the NLM was envisaged. It was truly: a Mission to achieve not merely the cognitive
University of Pune. She is pursuing M. Phil. skills of the 3 Rs (Reading, Writing and Athematic ), but also the ability to apply these
Under the supervision of Dr. Sridhar skills in real life situations – functional literacy i.e. 4 As (Awareness, Access,
Aakshakar on the topic “Concept of Rebirth: Availability, Accountability); a Mission to promote national integration, secularism,
Shree Chakradhar’’ Dept. of Philosophy democratic values, scientific temper and women’s equality; a Mission of equity, i.e.,
University of Pune. She is completed M.A. greater stress on the disadvantaged and deprived; and a Mission to bring about critical
Philosophy form University of Pune. She is awareness as well as rights and entitlements consciousness among the learners. NLM
participated in few National and International was acutely conscious of the fact that literacy is a powerful instrument of social and
gender equality, and also an instrument to fight against exploitation and oppression.
Seminars and workshops. And her paper
presentation at Dayakrushana memorial In this age of globalization and information technology and with winds of
change sweeping through continents at a rapid pace, it is important that some
Student seminars. She Published two articles
segments of population are not left behind. The challenge of literacy is not just of
in various Marathi journals. Rupali attended
funds or the other wherewithal. It is one of commitment and perseverance. To ensure
and paper presented in National Seminar in this literacy has to be brought to the centre stage. The challenge posed by literacy is
Sukhadiya University of Udaipur. varied and complex. NLM's experience has shown that it cannot be left to one
Department or agency to do the needful. The entire community and society has to be
mobilized. Literacy has a critical role to play in bringing the marginalized, the un-
reached and the downtrodden to the mainstream and giving them a fair chance in
sharing the fruits of development. It certainly merits the complete attention of each
and every one of us, if the country is to progress in harmony and peace. If the fruits of
economic development are to percolate to the masses, then the yawning gap between
the haves and have nots has to be bridged.

National Seminar on
Forging Ahead: Futuristic Strategies and Challenges for Department of Adult, Continuing Education and Extension
19th and 20th February, 2014
Perspectives of Lifelong Learning and sustainable Development
Learning is a continuous process that takes place from birth to death
and during the process of life journey, human beings need to lead comfortable
Dr. B. Krishna Reddy life and for this, lifelong learning plays a vital role in brewing modifications in
the behavior of the human beings. Lifelong learning may be broadly defined as
Dr. B. Krishna Reddy did his M.A in Adult learning that is pursued throughout life: learning that is flexible, diverse and
education, M.A, Sociology, M.SC Psychology, available at different times and in different places. Lifelong learning crosses
M.Phil., M.Ed. and Ph.D., in Education and sectors, promoting learning beyond traditional schooling and throughout adult
presently he is the senior coordinator in life.
charge of Training and Research Department
at the State Resource Centre for Adult and Adult education programmes were/are in existence during pre
Continuing Education, Hyderabad. He independence and post Independent India and some of the components of
developed a good number of training Lifelong learning are reflected in the policies but a policy on lifelong learning
manuals and Modules for imparting training exclusively was not brought out by the successive Governments to meet the
to the field functionaries of Adult education requirements of the rural people at large. The learning continuum which starts
in the state of Andhra Pradesh and undertook with basic literacy to post literacy to continuing education should result in
research projects on literacy and continuing lifelong learning. The structures such as Jana Shikshana Nilayams as part of
education. Also he worked as
National Literacy Mission, Continuing education Centres after conclusion of
Lecturer/principal of college of education for
nine years and participated in the National Total Literacy Campaigns and the present Lok shiksha kendras (Adult
and State level workshops organized by the Education Centres) set up in every Gram Panchayat under Saakshar Bharat for
Ministry of Human Resource Development, continuing education and lifelong learning of the beneficiaries, could not able
Govt of India. Besides presenting papers on to bring out change in the quality of life of the stake holders due to inherent
various themes of Adult Education and problems. In order to empower people comprehensive vision of lifelong
Teacher education in the seminars organized learning is necessary.
by the universities, he also published 60
This paper tried to highlight the conceptual issues of lifelong learning,
papers/ research articles in National and
international Journals on Adult Education and recommendations of various conferences on lifelong learning, components of
Teacher education. He has been the research lifelong learning in the present adult education programmes and
supervisor to the Ph.D., students of Osmania recommendations for bringing out a policy exclusively on lifelong learning.
National Seminar on
Forging Ahead: Futuristic Strategies and Challenges for Department of Adult, Continuing Education and Extension
19th and 20th February, 2014
Changing Nature of Higher Education
Dr. Vilas Adhav Phone No- 020-25699387

Vilas Adhav worked as a Lecturer of Economics from the

Academic year 1992-1993 at Arts, Commerce and Science Information and Technology in today’s developing world have brought great
College Nasrapur, Dist. Pune. Since 1993 worked as Project revolution in the socio, economic and educational pattern at global level. When we are talking
Officer, Lecturer, Senior Lecturer in Department of Adult,
Continuing Education and Extension in University of Pune. about education, let me quote this ‘Educational is intellectual search for truth inculcating right
At present working as a Professor. Participated in National kind of value and finally building up character. While building up a character means ‘We
and International Seminars and workshops. Co-ordinated
various activities. Member of Ad.-hoc board in Adult, should keep pace with the ever-growing knowledge and technology. For generating this
Continuing Education & Extension Service of Dr. Babasaheb knowledge, we at University level should generate Progressive, Scientific and Creative
Ambedkar Marathwada University, Aurangabad. He has thinking.
been recognised Research Guide in 'Adult Education' for
University of Pune. Let me quote these words of our first Prime Minister Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru: “The
Published Books 1999 - Sakriya Adhyan Co-Author, University stands for humanism and tolerance for reason for adventure of ideas and for the
University 0f Pune Goldan Jubilee year Publication. 2001 -
Adhyanshil Samaj : Jivanvishayak Udhbodhak Vichar . 2002 - search of truth. It stands for the forward march of the human race towards even higher
Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar : Shikshan ani Samaj Prabodhan, objectives. If the Universities discharge their duties adequately then it is well with the nation
Suyash Prakashan, Pune. 2002 - Vichar Vaibhav , Suyash and the people.” As we all know that the present system of educational organization is based
Prakashan, Pune. 2003 - Samajkrantikarak : Rajarshi Shahu
Maharaj, Suyash Prakashan, Pune. 2004 - Dr. Babasaheb on the 19th Century or we can say old pattern. Which is rigid disciplinary and it lacks for
Ambedkar : Education & Globalisation, Suyash Prakashan, behind between the ever increasing demand of the Higher education. Our Indian Universities
Pune. 2005 - Krutishil Vicharwant ani Samajsudharak, Suyash should be financially self-reliant and should be able to provide highest quality of education of
Prakashan, Pune. 2009 - Mahila Sabalikaran, University of
Pune Diamond Jubilee year Publication. affordable cost to the deserving Indian youth. Let me quote Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar’s views
Published Articles Published 460 articles in various daily on this aspect, India has a rich heritage of intellectual class of people and in every country the
news-papers, journals and periodic journals on Phule, intellectual class is the most influential class, if not the governing class. The intellectual class
Ambedkar and progressive movements for the upliftment of
weaker sections of the society. is he class which can foresee, it is the class which can advise and give lead. In no country does
Awards / Recognition 1999 - Nishthawant Karyakarta the mass of the people live the life of intelligent thought and action. It is largely imitative and
Puraskar , Bandhuta Pratishthan, Pune. 2000 - Shikshak follows the intellectual class. When we are talking about higher education, it should fulfil all
Puraskar , Pune Muncipal Corporation, Pune. 2001 -
Bharatratna Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Gaurav Puraskar, the qualities, standards and excellence of international level, which is globally expected. Our
Dayawan Mitra Mandal, Pune. 2002 - Gunwant Karyakarta standards should not only be beneficial to our students, but we must also cater the world
Puraskar, Sarvadharm Sambhav, Seva Munch, Pune, intellectual class. We should attract the intellectual class from every university or foreign
affiliated to Nehru Yuva Kendra, (Govt. of India.) 2003 -
Mahatama Jyotiba Phule, fellowship Sanman , Bharatiya universities to share and spread the light of knowledge with a broader perspective. We should
Dalit Sahitya Akademi, New Delhi. 2005 - Dr. Ambedkar also develop affiliations and collaborations with renowned universities abroad. This way we
National fellowship award, Bhartiya Dalit sahitya akademi,
New Delhi. 2006 - Furgusoniyans Awards, Furgusson Club, can share our knowledge to greater extent. Today, as we know that the Information
Pune 2007 - Shiksha Ratna Award, India International Technology (IT) sector is a booming market, our education system must also be made high-
Society, New Delhi. 2008 - Jewel of India Award , Indian tech. Our universities should be affiliated to the I.T. industries/sector, to cater their demands in
Solidarity Council, New Delhi.
software and hardware technology.

National Seminar on
Forging Ahead: Futuristic Strategies and Challenges for Department of Adult, Continuing Education and Extension
19th and 20th February, 2014
Life Skills Development for Improvement of Quality of Life
Asha Patil Email:
Mobile no. 09869018028
Asha Ramagonda Patil, Ph.D. is Associate Professor, in
Department of Continuing and Adult Education and Extension
Work, S.N.D.T. Women’s University, Mumbai since 1986. She is Adolescents are the future of the nation. Their energy and talents
a recipient of “Jamunabai Govindji Madhavji Prize” for her Ph.D. should be channelized in proper direction. They can become asset if their
degree in Education from S.N.D.T. Women’s University. She has
also received the “Smt. Jayashreeben Raiji Prize” for standing capacities are fully developed. If they are not properly guided, they become
first in the University Merit for Post Masters Diploma in Adult social and economic liabilities. During adolescence phase, physical growth is
and Continuing Education from S.N.D.T. Women’s University. at its peak. Physiological changes and hormonal changes lead to sexual urge,
She has more than 25 years of teaching experience.
A member of Committee for selection of Books for Neo-literates
emotions become unstable. In this phase, they have abundance of energy,
of Continuing Education Centres, Maharashtra Rajya Saksharata curiosity and fanciful ideas (many times not realistic), which force them to
Parishad, Government of Maharashtra, Dr. Patil has extensively indulge in adventurous activities.
contributed to the field of neo-literates’ literature. She has
written more than 25 books for neo-literates in writers’ Due to negative peer pressure, they tend to take risks-especially
workshop organized by different organizations namely SRC, related to their sexuality, alcohol drinking, smoking, etc. Many adolescents
Aurangabad, YUVA, Nagpur, UNICEF & AAMRAI, FPAI etc. are not equipped with skills to cope with the physical and psychological
One book for neo-literate is published by State Resource Centre,
Chhattisgarh, and four books are selected by Maharashtra Rajya
changes happening in their bodies.
Saksharata Parishad, Government of Maharashtra. She is the LSE helps the adolescent to understand ‘Who am I? It helps to
sole author of the books “Prabhavi Vyaktimatwasathi Mulancha
Bhasha Vikas (for 1-5 yrs.) and Community Organization and
understand own strengths and weaknesses. This helps them to utilize
Development: An Indian Perspective”. She has contributed opportunities in a fruitful manner, setting goals and taking appropriate steps
chapters in five books on subjects related to gender issues, skill to achieve them. It contributes in developing an assertive personality. Overall,
development, Adult Literacy and Rural development, etc.
this helps to improve the quality of life.
Her articles are published in various peer reviewed journals
namely Indian Journal of Adult Education, New Delhi, Nirantan Life skills training help individuals to make healthy choices, resist
Shikshan Dhara published by Maharashtra Rajya Saksharata negative pressures and avoid unsocial behaviour. It also helps to build
Parishad, Government of Maharashtra, Urban World, Mumbai,
Education Quiz, Mumbai etc. She has presented a number of
positive attitudes and values, ultimately contributing to overall personality
papers in international, national and state level seminars, development. In long-term, such personalities contribute in constructive
conferences and workshops. community action.

National Seminar on
Forging Ahead: Futuristic Strategies and Challenges for Department of Adult, Continuing Education and Extension
19th and 20th February, 2014
Right To Education Though Adult and Continuing Education
for Human Existence
Dr. P. Eswara Rao
P. Rama Devi Education must be aimed at the full development of the
human personality and instill a sense of dignity. It should also be
PDF (UGC) Scholar, Andhra University, aimed at enabling all persons to participate effectively. Education
Vishapatnam, A.P. develops learners’ ability to make political and civil choices.
Secondly, education should confer the necessary skills to enable Cell No:
recipients to enjoy and appreciate human existence, and participate
in the economy. The right to education imposes an obligation on the
state to put in place and maintain an education system, with
Educational Qualifications : M.Sc. educational programmes available in all its forms and at all levels.
(Zoo); M.A.(Eng); M.A.(Edn); B.Ed., Education is not limited by age or gender, it extends to children,
PGDCA., Ph.D youth and adults and older persons. The fundamental education is a
National Seminars & Conferences: right of all age groups. Primary Education developed equality,
14 papers reading, writing, numeracy skills, active citizenship, health and
Workshops attended : 05, livelihoods also gender equality. Most of the women are in rural
International Seminars: 05 area and tribal areas illiterates. The women education is light of the
house but most of the time they fight for arrangement of fuel, water
Papers Publication: 07
and primary needs. Women should get primary education through
safe and available manner. The paper explains the rural and tribal
School Assistant, Z.P. School, area illiterates conditions need of the human right.
Nagulavaram, Guntur (Dt), A.P.

National Seminar on
Forging Ahead: Futuristic Strategies and Challenges for Department of Adult, Continuing Education and Extension
19th and 20th February, 2014
Role of Judiciary in Safeguarding the Right To Education
as a Fundamental Right of Citizens

The child is a soul with a being, a nature and capacities of its own, who
Dr. Ved Pal Singh must be helped to find them, to grow into their maturity, into a fullness of
physical and vital energy and the utmost breadth, depth and height of its
emotional, intellectual and spiritual being; otherwise there cannot be a
Asst. Professor, Faculty of Law, healthy growth of the nation.”
M.D. University, Rohtak (Haryana) …………………………... Justice PN Bhagwati
Email :, Contact
The Indian Constitution is a document committed to social
No : +91-9466901134 justice. As per expert opinion, literacy forms the cornerstone for making
the provision of equality of opportunity a reality. The Indian Judiciary
has pronounced various decisions in declaring education as a tool of
social change and a fundamental right for the citizens of the nation.
Some of the landmark cases are as follows :
Mohini Jain vs. State of Karnataka (1992) 3 SCC 666
J.P.Unnikrishnan vs. State of Andhra Pradesh (1993) 1 SCC 645
Bandhua Mukti Morcha, etc. vs. Union of India JT 1997 (5) SC 285
Since childhood we are taught that knowledge empowers. The
right to education can be realized only through compulsory education.
However due to the widespread poverty and various prejudices in the
society, the efforts to develop an educational system in India with full
access, equality and quality of education has not been achieved. It is our
duty to join our hands with media, social activists and NGOs to impart
the education to all the children irrespective of their economic
conditions. We should always remember the following Sanskrit saying
“Maataa Shatroo Pitaa Vairi Yen Balo Na Paathitaa Na Shobhate Sabhaa
Madhye Hansa Madhye kako Yathaa.”

National Seminar on
Forging Ahead: Futuristic Strategies and Challenges for Department of Adult, Continuing Education and Extension
19th and 20th February, 2014
Partnership between Government and
Non-Governmental Organization
Mobil: 9245806624
Prof. Dr. V. Seeni Natarajan A Government is a group of people that governs a community or unit.
It sets and administers public policy and exercises executive, political
Dr V. Seeni Natarajan started his carrier as junior and sovereign power through customs, institutions, and laws within a state.
project officer in National Adult Education
Programme in the year of 1978 organized by A Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) / Voluntary Organization (VO) is
Gandhigram Trust, Gandhigram, and Tamil Nadu. any non-profit, voluntary citizens' group which is organized on a local,
He was appointed as project officer in the year of national or international level. Task-oriented and driven by people with a
1984 at Gandhigram Rural University, common interest, NGOs perform a variety of service and humanitarian
Gandhigram in the department of Adult and
Continuing Education and Extension. Now he is functions, bring citizen concerns to Governments, advocate and monitor
serving as professor in the department of Lifelong policies and encourage political participation through provision of
Learning &Extension. In the field of literacy he information. Some are organized around specific issues, such as human rights,
made lakes of illiterates to literates .He published environment or health.
7 vocation based primers in Tamil and 7 vocation
based primers in Hindi. He organized 35 All India NGO/VO plays a vital role in the social welfare & development of poor,
Radio Programmes with the help of All India Women & disadvantage group by providing basic needs & facilities to the
Radio Madurai and Trichy He won second price in above group.
Drama writing competition organized by All India
Radio. He was awarded second for writing Tamil In India, NGOs (Non Governmental Organizations) are increasingly playing a
Drama, the title of the drama is ‘Muthalvar’. He balancing role between the state and citizens to ensure the latter's easy access
was awarded fellowship by International Institute to fundamental rights and state/central government's developmental schemes.
of Adult and Lifelong Education. He translated Being an interface between the common people and government
NIOS learning materials which were in English in
to Tamil. The subjects are Economics, Home administration, an NGO's role in streamlining the services for the masses is
science, Social science. Regarding research, He is vital for the healthy functioning of any democracy.
guiding 8 PhD scholars; two of them has got PhD Any NGO which is registered as a trust/ society/ a private limited nonprofit
degree recently. Further details company, under section-25 Company of the Indian Companies Act, 1956 can
m apply for the NGO Partnership System.
Voluntary Organizations (VOs) play a vital role in the shaping and
implementation of our participatory democracy. They have been contributing
immensely towards various development programmes.

National Seminar on
Forging Ahead: Futuristic Strategies and Challenges for Department of Adult, Continuing Education and Extension
19th and 20th February, 2014
Public and Private Partnership in promoting Adult Education
( An analytical study on role of Public Private Partnership in A.P.)
Email:, Mobil: 9247750351
Mrs. P. Shailaja India is a democratic and developing country and even after 67 years of
Mrs. P. Shailaja working as Assistant Professor, independence also the literacy rate is very low when compared with other developing
Department of Public Administration, Nizam College Asian countries. Nearly 72% of the population are still residing in the rural areas.
(Autonomous) Osmania University since 2007. She The Constitution of India provided us with the Right to Education. But when we see
completed BA (1996) and M.A. (Public Administration)
in 2000 from Osmania university, M.Phil. the literacy rate among men and women there is a lot of difference. In spite of various
(Administration of District Primary Education development programmes implemented by the Government of India from time to time
Programme in Andhra Pradesh)awarded in 2010 the literacy rate is not improved. This is due to many reasons at all levels. There is a
Osmania University, Awarded UGC NET in December’
2010. Presently She is doing her research Ph.D. on need for development from the grass root level especially in the rural areas.
“Capacity Building of Probationary IPS Officers : A The literacy rate in Andhra Pradesh and reached to 67.02 percent in 2011. Of
study of Sardarvallabhai Patel National Police
Academy, Hyderabad” O.U. She is also taking contact that, male literacy stands at 74.88 percent while female literacy is at 58.68 percent. In
classes for BA at Prof. G. Ram Reddy Center for 2001, the literacy rate in Andhra Pradesh stood at 60.47 percent of which male and
Distance Education, OU from 2008 onwards. She is
taking weekend classes at Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Open female were 71.16 percent and 50.29 percent literate respectively. A household survey
University, Hyderabad. was conducted as per the instructions of Government of India during 2010-11 to
She has presented paper in 2 International conference identify non-literates in 15 and above age population. About 1.67 crore non-literates
held at Calicut University, Kerala and Karnataka have been identified during the survey in 19 Saakshar Bharat districts of Andhra
University, Dharwad and presented 10 papers at
National Seminars in various universities in AP and Pradesh. This excludes Urban/Municipal Areas
other Universities. Published Article in International The aim of the government is to further promote and strengthen Adult
Journal on Applied Research on “Corporate Social
Responsibility” November’2013. Published Article on Education, specially of women, by extending educational options to those adults who
INCULSIVE HIGHER EDUCATION & MARGALINISED having lost the opportunity of access to formal education and crossed the standard age
Problems of SC&ST sections in Higher Education ) in for receiving such education. National Literacy Mission Authority is authorized to
Higher Education Between Quality and Reservation develop Public Private Partnerships and other models of partnership to generate funds
(Book- 2013) and also to obtain donations. Alike in selection of NGOs as also institutions in the
She is co-author for Indian Administration text book private sector, there would be total openness and transparency in the process.
for BA, II year English Medium (Distance Education)
Mahatma Gandhi University, Nalagonda, AP in 2013. Adult education in India has always been predominantly a government
Attended Faculty Development Programmes at IPE, responsibility with some degree of involvement of NGOs. In contrast to very
O.U, and workshop on Research Methodology and
Data Analysis using SSP tools organized by ICSSR, prominent collaboration in the case of formal school system, the contribution of
Southern Region, at University College for Women, private and corporate sector in adult education has been miniscule. Private and
Koti, Osmania University, Hyderabad.
corporate sector can play a momentous role in promoting objectives of the Mission.

National Seminar on
Forging Ahead: Futuristic Strategies and Challenges for Department of Adult, Continuing Education and Extension
19th and 20th February, 2014
Education for all and Right to Education

Dr. R. B. Sathyavathi Email:

C. Chenchuprasad Mobil: 9440860859

Assistant professor, Deportment of adult and The Constitution (Eighty-sixth Amendment) Act, 2002 inserted Article
continuing education, S.V. University, Thirupati 21-A in the Constitution of India to provide free and compulsory education of
all children in the age group of six to fourteen years as a Fundamental Right in
such a manner as the State may, by law, determine. The Right of Children to
Chinnam Chenchuprasad was born in 1978 at
Velavedu village Sri Kalahasti Mandal of Chittoor Free and Compulsory Education (RTE) Act, 2009, which represents the
Dist, Andhra Pradesh. I was completed my school consequential legislation envisaged under Article 21-A, means that every child
education in my own village. Thereafter, I has a right to full time elementary education of satisfactory and equitable
finished my intermediate at Sri Venkateswara
junior college Tirupati, in 1998. Then, I completed quality in a formal school which satisfies certain essential norms and
my bachelor degree in 2001 (BA) at S.V.Arts standards. Article 21-A and the RTE Act came into effect on 1 April 2010. The
College Tirupati, and I completed my master title of the RTE Act incorporates the words ‘free and compulsory’. ‘Free
degree in 2004 (MA) Adult and Continuing
Education from Sri Venkateswara University education’ means that no child, other than a child who has been admitted by
Tirupati. Than I was joined as a district co- his or her parents to a school which is not supported by the appropriate
coordinator at “ SNEHABALA” project, in AZEEM Government, shall be liable to pay any kind of fee or charges or expenses
PRAMJI FOUNDATION of Andhra Pradesh. I had
been worked in that foundation from 2005 to which may prevent him or her from pursuing and completing elementary
2007.Than I was joined PhD and my research education. ‘Compulsory education’ casts an obligation on the appropriate
topic is “Maternal and Child Health Care Facilities
and Practices among the Rural Women of Government and local authorities to provide and ensure admission, attendance
Chittoor Dist” under the guidance of Dr. R. B. and completion of elementary education by all children in the 6-14 age group.
Sathyavathi, Dept of Adult and Continuing With this, India has moved forward to a rights based framework that casts a
Education from S. V. University Tirupati in June
2010.Meanwhile I was selected for RGNF (Rajeev legal obligation on the Central and State Governments to implement this
Gandhi National Fellowship)Fellowship that has fundamental child right as enshrined in the Article 21A of the Constitution, in
been very useful and financial support to me, I accordance with the provisions of the RTE Act.
will have been completed my research work in
June 2014.

National Seminar on
Forging Ahead: Futuristic Strategies and Challenges for Department of Adult, Continuing Education and Extension
19th and 20th February, 2014
Learning Strategies for Sustainable Development
Email: Mobil: 9444062101
Dr. G. Sundharavadivel Life attracts Life and thus life requires learning for its
sustenance in this sustainable world and it is now accepted that generally
L. Anitha that every citizen is required to learn up to certain age which will help
Dr. G. Sundharavadivel Asst. Professor, Dept.
of Adult & Continuing Education, University him to reach certain standard . thus, act as enabling tool for the rest of
of Madras. He has more than 20 years of his life. However, the problem does not end here, Education is not only
Research Experience in the field of Adult, helping to the individual but for the nation also. Hence, the concept of
Non- formal, Extension Education, his sustainable education is imperative in this context. The concept of
research work on Vocational Education –
women’s studies. He has participated & sustainable education is based on 3ps that is people, planet and profits.
presented papers in several National (65) and Sustainable development, in fact, has become the guiding principle for
Inter –national(16) Seminars. He has served achieving just and equitable development options that benefit all people
as a Principal i/c Madras University everywhere. The concept of Sustainable Education has two inherent features
Constituent College. He has served as a
Programme officer, NSS, University of Madras it is based on time and space. Thus, it incorporates the needs of the future
(5 years), and acted as a member in several generation as well as the needs of contemporary times also. Therefore
committees. Acted as Team leader in lifelong learning has become important in this aspect. Lifelong learning is
evaluation of JSS. Nizamabad, Tirupathi (AP), defined by the OECD as: ’lifelong education means education resulting from
Ernakulum, kollam, Kottayam (Kerala), Trichy,
Virudhu nagar, Madurai, Virudhunagar (TN). integration of formal, non-formal and informal education so as to create the
ability for continuous lifelong development of quality of life. Learning is
L. Anitha Guest Faculty, Dept. of Adult & therefore part of life which takes place at all times and in all places. It is a
Continuing Education, University of continuous lifelong process, going on from birth to the end of our life,
MadrasShe has served as a Guest faulty in beginning with learning from families, communities, schools, religious
Anna University, Annamalai University institutions, workplaces.‘ Lifelong Learning is the continual acquisition of
(handling Classes for M.B.A), and EDI
(Conduct training Programmes for Different knowledge and skills throughout somebody’s life. Lifelong learning occurs in
Target Groups) She has participated and preparation for, and in response to, the different roles, situations, and
presented a paper Two International & Five environments that somebody will encounter in the course of a lifetime. hence
National Seminars and Published a Research it important to develop a sustainable strategies for learning has imminent
Papers (3 International & 5 National journals)
Now she is handling classes for M.A HRM naturally . This paper aimed at defining the concept, context and
Course contours of sustainable development in detail.

National Seminar on
Forging Ahead: Futuristic Strategies and Challenges for Department of Adult, Continuing Education and Extension
19th and 20th February, 2014
Extension – Third dimension of Higher Education: The
National Service Scheme (NSS) Experience
Dr. N. Babavali Email:
Mobil: 8985995036
Dr. T. Gopinath The National Service Scheme (NSS) is the largest government
sponsored student youth programme in the world. Started in 1969 the scheme
Dr. Noorbasha Babavali, Research Assistant seeks to involve the student youth of higher education institutions in
Centre for Study of Social Exclusion and community service with an aim to enable them to gain social experience. In
Inclusive Policy, Andhra University, other words the scheme operates with twin objectives of making student youth
Visakhapatnam is a Post Graduate in Social engage themselves in community initiatives and in the process develop their
Work and Ph.D. (Social Work) from Andhra personality. Since its inception the programme has been successful in linking
University. He has also qualified in the SLET the higher education system with the community thus strengthening the
(State Level Eligibility Test for Lectureship) former’s extension dimension.
examination conducted by Andhra Pradesh Designed to channelize the energies of the students through low cost
College Service Commission, Hyderabad. His structures and well formatted programmes the NSS so far has involved
13 years of Programme Assistant Exposure in millions of students in some kind of activity that reflected social concerns.
National Service Scheme of Andhra Some of the important areas in which the programme has intervened
University, provoked him select “Youth satisfactorily are literacy, public health, gender issues, rights, environment,
Participation in National Service Scheme in water conservation, plantation, blood donation, campaign against HIV/AIDS
Andhra University: Student Volunteers’ etc. As it is basically an awareness building tool the scheme stresses on
Perception” for his Doctoral thesis. He has mobilization (of student volunteers, resources and community), organization
published 10 research articles in national (of resources and man power) and sensitization (of student youth and larger
referred journals and in edited books. He has community. Since the community is accorded centrality in all the NSS
completed two village studies and three initiatives it is widely felt that the scheme’s campaign approach and method
other empirical studies on socially excluded are in line with Freireian concept of ‘Pedagogy’.
groups including minorities. The paper traces the background and evolution of the NSS, critiques its
Dr. T. Gopinath, Assistant Professor, ICEYD philosophy, discusses its modus operandi, success and short comings and
Division, Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of critically examines its role as a social intervention tool. The paper shall also
Youth Development (RGNIYD), Sriperumudur, suggest appropriate strategies for future.
Tamil Nadu and Mobil: 09442110723

National Seminar on
Forging Ahead: Futuristic Strategies and Challenges for Department of Adult, Continuing Education and Extension
19th and 20th February, 2014
The Impact on Globalization and Adult Education

Dr. S. Alamelumangai The impact of globalization on culture and educational system is a

major concern. Some people saw it as a treat for traditional institutions such as
the family and the school, another argument saw benefits in overturning
Dr. S. Alamelumangai was born in 1977.She took
her B.Sc (1999),Government College for Women traditional and developing modern attitudes. Globalization on adult education
Kumbakonam and M.R.Tech.,(2002), in Rural for developing countries, the large difference in opportunities in education
Technology and M.Phil., (2003) in Adult between countries is one of the basic causes of global inequality. People can
education from Bharathidasan University,
TIruchirappalli. She obtained her Ph.D., from only contribute and benefit from globalization if they are endowed with
Bharathidasan University, TIruchirappalli in Adult knowledge, skills, and values and with the capabilities and rights needed to
Education Continuing Education and Extension,
which has focused on Development and Testing pursue their basic likelihoods. In the background it introduces first the
Criteria for the Neo –Literate Books in Tamil. She necessary definitions and presuppositions for the analysis of both adult
is also qualified the NET Examination conducted education and globalization, and second, it highlights the underpinnings of the
by the UGC. 19 research papers published in
various reputed social science journals and edited changes in adult education and learning in the last decades. The main thrust of
book and 28 papers presented in seminars which the deals with three main issues that relate adult education and globalization:
are in National and International level. She has first, the importance of contexts, systems and trends in changing adult
guided Seven M.Phil students Awarded. She is
having one research Project Jointly worked for education under the age of globalization; second, the relation between
Slum Survey Project Municipal Corporation, globalization and adult education and lifelong learning policies; and thirdly,
Tirunelveli. August 2008 to till now the case of lifelong learning policies in the European Union is presented as an
Dr.S.Alamelumangai working as an Assistant
Professor, Centre for Study of Social Exclusion example of supra-national continental economic and political integration on
and Inclusive Policy and also served as the NSS national policies. This paper focuses on The Impact on Globalization and
Programme Officer, Jan 2010 to till now
Manonmaniam Sundaranar University of Adult Education in the learning in societies in the 21st century.
Tirunelveli. She has organized various awareness
programmes for the students, N.S.S. programme
officers and the village people. Currently she
works on extensively working in various themes
of Social Exclusion and Women and Children.

National Seminar on
Forging Ahead: Futuristic Strategies and Challenges for Department of Adult, Continuing Education and Extension
19th and 20th February, 2014
Development of Communicative Skills for
Globalisation on Education

Dr. S. Jaikumar Email:

Mobil: 09942425290
Dr. S. Jaikumar, (B,1979) had his School
education in G.H.School. Deviyakurichi and
T.H.R.B.H.S. School. Perambalur, his B.A.,(His) Development communication refers, alternatively, as either a type
graduation from A.A.G.A College, Attur of marketing and public opinion research, or the use
(2001), affiliated to Periyar university of communication to facilitate social development. This article focuses
M.A,(His) from Pachiyappas, Chennai (2003), on the latter use. Communication skills include lip reading, finger-
affilliated to Madres University, B.Ed., (2004), spelling, sign language; for international skills use, international
M.Ed., (2006), Ph.D (2011). Degrees from the relations. Here it indicates individual meditation, reflection, and
Annamalai University. And M.Phil (History) contemplation. One best example of this is mystical mediation. This is
(2006), M.Phil, Education (2008) B.A English direct, face-to-face communication which occurs between two persons. It
(2011) from Alagappa University. He has is essentially a dialogue or a conversation between two or more
Presented Papers on numerous themes in
various seminars and conferences and
people. It includes all aspects such as eye contact, body language, facial
published journals during his college days. expressions, gestures, etc,.This is usually identified with tools of modern
Further, he has various Co-curricular mass media: books, cinema, television, the press, radio, etc. Teaching
certificates like NCC “C” certificate, Scout communication skills can be a rather discourage task, considering that
(Leadership Training camp), Dirstick and almost every individual feels that they are very good communicators.
University level sports certificates, he has The successful achievement of desired corporate goals is very much
participated the national level Principals 4th determined by quality of team communication skills. People with good
orientation programme from minority communication skills always hold an edge over others in terms of
managed institutions of Higher learning. confidence, execution and performance. East Asia experienced
NUPEA, New Delhil, December 10th -14th phenomenal economic growth from the 1960s to 1990s and integrated
2012. At present he is working as a principal successfully into the global economy. Japan and the East Asian ‘tigers’
I/C in Maruthi College of Education, are widely regarded as examples of ‘beneficial’ globalisation.
Manivizhudan South-636 121,Attur (Tk),
Salem (Dt), Tamil Nadu, India.
National Seminar on
Forging Ahead: Futuristic Strategies and Challenges for Department of Adult, Continuing Education and Extension
19th and 20th February, 2014
Impact of Globalization on Adult Education in India

A. Eswara Rao
Mr. A. Eswara Rao got his Post-Graduation Adult Education is a core element of society, and the foundation
and submitted his Doctoral thesis in Social
Work titled “A Study of Women’s Self-Help of democratic choice. In other words, education is a major concern for
Groups in Visakhapatnam City” to Andhra
University in 2013. He also qualified the UGC- all societies, the foundation and essential driving force of economic,
NET examination. Earlier he worked as
Project Fellow in UGC sponsored DRS social, and human development and is at the heart of the change in the
Prgoramme under Phase III at Dept. of Social
Work in Andhra University; worked as areas of science, technology, economics, and culture. Nowadays, one of
Assistant Professor in Dept. of Social Work
(PG), SVVP VMC Mahila Vidya Peeth, MVP the challenging issues is globalization that , not only its impacts in
Colony, Visakhapatnam. He presented papers
in National and International seminars / cultural, social, economic and political domains are apparent, but also
can influence on nature, philosophy and performance of adult education.
Mr. A. Eswara Rao, at present, working as Globalization is a process of interaction and integration among the
Associate Programme Coordinator in State
Resource Centre for Adult & Continuing
Education (SRC), Visakhapatnam, Andhra people, companies, and governments of different nations. The impact of
Pradesh and actively contributing his services
in components like Research & Evaluation, globalization on culture and educational system is amajor concern. The
Material development, Monitoring and
Training under Saakshar Bharat Programme in methodology of this paper is descriptive-analytical and its main purpose
the area of Adult & Continuing Education.
Apart from this, he also associated with is determination the positive and negative impacts of globalization on
various NGOs and social groups working for
the wellbeing of the disadvantaged sections adult education in India.
of the society.

National Seminar on
Forging Ahead: Futuristic Strategies and Challenges for Department of Adult, Continuing Education and Extension
19th and 20th February, 2014
Community Engagement Initiatives and Extension Function of
Universities in India: A Critical Review
Dr. Pradeep Dwivedi Mobil: 09450860523

Higher Education when dealing with social development by engaging with

Dr. Pradeep Dwivedi completed his M.Sc. communities through non formal settings is called University Extension or Extension
(Extension Education) in 1994 from Indian Education. UNESCO, as early as 1976, observed that higher education should be more
Veterinary Research Institute, Izatnagar, widely involved with society. Its institutions should cease to be passive repositories of
knowledge, and should take an active role in the problems of development. While this
Bareilly, U.P. his Ph.D. research work is was apparent even two decades ago, little has been achieved in real terms towards this
focused on – Technology Transfer System goal. Dearing Report, which is the latest report on higher education in England, gives
of NGOs. He had more than 10 year a clear emphasis on the social vision of the university.
experience of working with National Level Universities worldwide are now becoming recognized as key generators of
NGOs. He was the recipient of ICAR cultural and social - as well as economic - capital, their community engagement and
research fellowship during his M.Sc. and outreach activities are coming under increasing scrutiny. “Communities” refers to
Ph.D. programme at IVRI. He has qualified various communities involved: not only business, but all communities - e.g. artistic,
farming, religious, educational, sporting, charitable, indigenous, professional
NET in 1998. Online courses from associations, local councils, families etc.
University of Michigan and Stanford (USA) The untapped energy of universities and other institutions of higher education
were also completed successfully by Dr. to address regional issues seem endless. Policy-makers and analysts alike have begun
Dwivedi. He is leading figure in launching to pay more attention to the ways in which university-based capabilities and activities
the nationwide campaign to promote can contribute to social and economic development. Gassler et al. (2001)
third function of universities i.e. In India the University Grants Commission (UGC) has taken some bold policy
extension education in more effective decisions in favor of the trend mentioned above. In their policy statement, UGC has
way. Online effort through social recognized extension as the third dimension of institutions of higher education, in
addition to the earlier two-fold dimension of teaching and research. Community
networking sites is also being coordinated involvement in the realm of higher education institutions is not new. Guided by
by the author to activate the mutual benefit, there always existed some form of exchange of knowledge, resources
professionals to promote extension and services between the HEIs and the proximate communities. However,
functions of universities. Presently he is institutionalized practice of such exchange, termed ‘community engagement’, has
working as senior assistant professor in been gaining in significance in the Indian situation only recently.
the Department of Agriculture Extension Periods of economic stagnation or recession provide excellent opportunities
at BRDPG College, Deoria, U.P.- 274001. for university agencies to apply their research and knowledge in ways that generate
lasting benefits to society.

National Seminar on
Forging Ahead: Futuristic Strategies and Challenges for Department of Adult, Continuing Education and Extension
19th and 20th February, 2014
Right To Education in India
Dr. Jasraj Kaur Education in India has always been a significant instrument for social
Maninder Pal and economic transformation. Educated and skilled population not only drives
national development but also ensures personal growth. The challenge to
ensure education for all requires concerted efforts to strengthen the education
Department of Education & C.S. system at all levels.
Punjabi University, Patiala. India has made impressive progress in terms of growth of educational
institutions at different levels, physical access to schooling for children, and
diversification of educational programmes. Today, 18 crore children are taught
by almost 57 lakh teachers in more than 12 lakh primary and upper primary
Research Scholar schools across the country. Education in India has always been a significant
instrument for social and economic transformation. Educated and skilled
Department of Education & C.S.
population not only drives national development but also ensures personal
Punjabi University, Patiala. growth. The challenge to ensure education for all requires concerted efforts to
strengthen the education system at all levels. India has made impressive
progress in terms of growth of educational institutions at different levels,
physical access to schooling for children, and diversification of educational
programmes. Today, 18 crore children are taught by almost 57 lakh teachers in
more than 12 lakh primary and upper primary schools across the country. In
December 2002 86th Constitution Amendment inserted Article 21A after
Article 21. It mainly stated that the state shall provide free and compulsory
education to all children of the age six to fourteen years in such as a way as the
State determined. On 1stApril, 2010 The RTE Act was enforced by central
government. On August 26, 2009 The Right of Children to Free and
Compulsory Education Act was passed by parliament, thereby notifying it and
bringing it into force as an Act. On 1stApril, 2010 The RTE Act was enforced
by central government.

National Seminar on
Forging Ahead: Futuristic Strategies and Challenges for Department of Adult, Continuing Education and Extension
19th and 20th February, 2014
Rights To Education and Women Empowerment in Democratic
India: A Humanistic Approach

Grishma Khobragade Mobile No.9869530720

Mr. Grishma Manikrao Khobragade has In the present paper, it is proposed to study mainly the women issues
graduated from Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar with the reference to Human Rights Education and their social consciousness
Marathwada University, Aurangabad.He has in Indian social system. Contemporary Indian society witness scenes of
completed his post graduate degree in Swami
Ramanand Teerth Marathwada University, violence against women .This degrades the image and the position of women
Nanded He has done Diploma in Journalism and presents her as a weaker sex. This is unfortunate, because it strengthens
and Mass Communication (D.J.M.C.)- from K. the patriarchal views of woman. The images produced after independence
J. Somaiya Institute of Journalism & Mass show that the western culture has been partly assimilated by Indians. Post
Communication, Vidya Vihar, Mumbai. He did Independence Indian society also witnessed a new social order coming into
his M.Phil. (Arts) in English with Alagappa existence. It was also to see the emergence of new women class and the
University, Karaikudi, May 2007. formation of new communities according to the changing patterns of life.
Most of his scholarly 100 papers have been
published in different books and journals, Gender equality implies a society in which women and men enjoy the
magazines and anthologies. His area of same opportunities, rights in all spheres of life. Equality between men and
interest is Dalit literature, Women novelists in women exists when both are able to share equally in the distribution of power
Indian literature., diasporic literature. and influence, have equal opportunities for financial independence through
Currently ,He Is Engaged In Working In A work. Women empowerment is vital to sustainable development and the
Major U.G.C Project On Resistance To Caste realization of human rights for all and this possible only through education of
Hegemony And Caste Aparthied In The Prose women. Education is an entry point for all opportunities towards success and
Writings Of V.T. Rajshekar. He is honoured
with Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar National empowerment .It is significance for women to achieve effects within the
Fellowship Award -2013 by Bharatiya Dalit family and across nation. Efforts should be undertaken to make this world
Sahitya Akamedi in recognition of literary and better place for women to live in with respect, dignity and with seen enjoying
social services rendered by him. He has been equal rights and opportunities. This paper is to study Human Rights Education
teaching in Birla College, Kalyan since 15 and Women Empowerment .This paper aims presenting contemporary issues
years He has an experience of teaching that women experience and paves the path open for the women to enjoy their
English and English literature to degree rights as Human Rights.
college (under graduate level) students. He
has worked as N.SS. Programme Officer

National Seminar on
Forging Ahead: Futuristic Strategies and Challenges for Department of Adult, Continuing Education and Extension
19th and 20th February, 2014
Physical and Mental - Emotional Health

Mobile No – 9767395067
Mr. Kamble Vijay Nagnath
Mr. Kamble Vijay Nagnath was born in 1983. Physical Health and Mental Health are the two sides of same coin. For
He completed his B.A. English from University healthy living Physical and mental- emotional health are very important.
of Pune in 2008. He also completed
B.Ed.from University of Pune and M.Ed. from Today the world is faster and competitive. Every minute there is new
the same University in 2009-2010. He invention and one day after the new invention becomes older one. Rapidly
qualified UGC NET JRF Exam (2010) & SET
Exam (2010) in Education Subject. He has as changing life style, development made human restless. So for the creation,
far as presented 07 Research Papers at invention, and creativity the mind, body and spirit should be balance. Healthy
National, University, & State level seminars.
Mr.Kamble Vijay Nagnath worked as a mind and brain rest in a sound body. So physically and mentally fit person has
Lecturer for Education subject in Meenatai capacity to handle all physical or mental health problems well. In day today
Thakare D.T.ED. College Kothrude, Pune.
Presently he is doing his Ph.D. in Education as life person caught in stressful, anxious, tired, and depressed conditions. So
a Junior Research Fellow at the Department handling our emotions, feelings, mood, emotional intelligence is basic part of
of Education & Extension, University of Pune,
Pune – 07. person’s life. Person’s daily routine has almost importance. Exercise, daily
meal, enjoyment, communication, sound sleep have lot of important it can
change our mood, it will give us relaxation and keep it us fresh. So person
should very careful about physical fitness. Understanding emotional
intelligence and behave according to it can keep person mentally fit.

National Seminar on
Forging Ahead: Futuristic Strategies and Challenges for Department of Adult, Continuing Education and Extension
19th and 20th February, 2014
Role of the Departments of Adult, Continuing Education
and extension in Skill development of India

Ms. Vidula Vyawahere Mobil: 09860996449

Ms. Vidula Dnyaneshwar Vyawahare Taking into consideration current scenario of India, India is
(M.A., NET) is an Assistant Professor in having a window of opportunity called ‘demographic dividend’. It
will last till the year 2040.The government of India is focusing on
Prof. Ramkrishna More Arts, skill development from the 11th five year plan to reap the
Commerce and Science College, advantages of demographic dividend because India has a skill
Akurdi. She started her career as a deficit. The government of India is undertaking many policy
lecturer in Economics in 1996.She has measures to skill the unskilled population of India. The emphasis of
the policies of the government is strengthening the existing
seventeen years of teaching institutional structure of the vocational training and increasing the
experience at undergraduate level and outreach of the vocational training courses. The government of
eight years of teaching experience at India is also going to have a serious thought on vocationalisation of
postgraduate level. She has presented higher education from the 12th five year plan. However, the role of
the Departments of Adult, Continuing and extension in filling the
thirteen papers in the state, national skill gaps in the Indian economy and utilizing the demographic
and international seminars. She has dividend of the country to accelerate the rate of the growth of the
been conducting extension activities economy can be vital. The paper discusses the concepts of
for college students, senior citizens demographic dividend and skill development in India, the approach
and focus of the policy measures of the government of India. The
and the students of the school through paper throws light on the objectives of the departments of Adult,
the Board of Extra Mural studies from Continuing Education and extension in India and how the strategy
last five years. of these departments should be designed to focus the broader
objective of the skill development of the government of India .The
paper concludes that the departments of lifelong learning and
extension should make the skill development as the main objective
in the light of the emergence of demographic dividend.
National Seminar on
Forging Ahead: Futuristic Strategies and Challenges for Department of Adult, Continuing Education and Extension
19th and 20th February, 2014
Development of English Communicative Skills
through Audio-Visual Software Programmes

Mr. Chandrakant S. Lonkar Email:

Mobil: 9011143935
Mr. Chandrakant Sakharam Lonkar was born
in 1980. He completed his B. A. & M. A. with
Special English from S. R. T. M. U. Nanded in
In era of Globalization & Internet, people become more
2004. He also completed his B. Ed. From
University of Pune & M. Ed. From Dr. B. A. M. interactive & participative than older time. English language is the
U. Aurangabad’s Sub Center at Osmanabad.
He qualified NET (2008) & SET (2009) in global language and played vital role to communicate people locally,
Education subject. He has written Mobile nationally and internationally. In the World, there are thousands of
English Book series in 2007. He has so far as
presented 07 research papers in National & languages in existence. Hence, there should be uniformity about a link
International level seminar. Mr. Chandrakant
Lonkar worked as an English Teacher language. English language provides platform for it.
Educator in S.N.T. College of Education, Bhor,
Communication is a two way process of reaching mutual
Pune in the B.A. B.Ed. (integrated)
department. Presently, he is doing his Ph.D. understanding, in which participants not only exchange information but
in Education as a JRF Research Fellow at the
Department of Education & Extension, also create and share meaning. English language communicative skills
University of Pune, Pune-07. are very important to receive job opportunities in this competitive World.
The main aim of this paper is to introduce various Audio-Visual
Programmes to develop communicative skills in English.

National Seminar on
Forging Ahead: Futuristic Strategies and Challenges for Department of Adult, Continuing Education and Extension
19th and 20th February, 2014
Reflections of Education in Human Life

Dr. K. Ganesh Babu
Dr. Ganesh Babu has received Ph.D., in Education is a reflection of a good civilization; human civilization has
Department of Political Science and progressed by innovation in education since periods. Education spreads
Public Administration, S.V. University, awareness in society about how we can be a good social being and help
Tirupati in June 2009. He has received others in our daily life. Education removes blanket of ignorance and help
M.A. Degree in Public Administration, people in knowing them their fundamental rights. Education help in imparting
Political Science from S.V. University and
English from Nagarjuna University, and moral values which is missing in our youth and needs to be addressed carefully
has completed B.Ed., in Social Studies and for creating a good society.
English Methodologies from Annamalai Education plays its continuous role in all spheres of life. It is a holistic
University. He has an experience as a process and continues through our life. An educated person has the ability to
part time Degree College Lecturer for 2 change the world, as he/she is brimming with confidence and assured of
years (1998-2000) in Political Science at
Piler Degree College. 5 years (2001-2006) making the right moves.
of experience as a Contract Lecturer in Education is that which transforms a person to live a better life and
Civics at Chinnagottigallu Government even in a social well being. Education is the one that doing something
Junior College, Chittoor District, Andhra constructive in our near future. It helps a person to show their best by their
Pradesh. At present working as an mind and spirit. It gives you a lot of knowledge in whatever aspects.
Academic Consultant in the Department
of Political Science and Public The author has been expecting that the education provides fruitful
Administration, S.V. University, Tirupati. reflections in every aspect of human life. Education is the vehicle of
He has published 8 articles in different knowledge, self-preservation and success. Education not only gives a platform
Journals, participated in 3 Workshops, to succeed, but also the knowledge of social conduct, strength, character and
attended 4 International Seminars, 26 self respect and his study strengthens his expectations.
National Seminars, 1 Regional Seminar
and presented papers.

National Seminar on
Forging Ahead: Futuristic Strategies and Challenges for Department of Adult, Continuing Education and Extension
19th and 20th February, 2014
Adult Education – An Instrument of Poverty

Sangeeta Nath Email:

Mobil: 09320673338
Dr. (Mrs.) Sangeeta Nath (M. Phil. and
Ph.D) was born in 1980.she took her
B.A(2001),MA(2003)and M.Phil. (2004) in Despite decades long efforts most of our population is still struggl
Education from Sambalpur University, ing below the poverty line. Gandhiji's dream to provide each and every I
Orissa and MA(2006) in English from ndian poor access to basic needs of life is yet to materialize. Adult educa
Sambalpur University. She obtained her tion is a package of educational programme for adults outside the formal
Ph.D. from pt. RSSU, Raipur in Education educational system aiming at providing more information and better kno
which has focused on personality and wledge and skill for improving their life style and also their earning capa
learned helplessness students. She also city. Some of the important dimensions are discussed in the context of ob
qualified the NET (UGC) examination in jective of poverty alleviation..
2003.She has published 5 research paper 1. Increase effectiveness of development programme
and 20 papers presented in seminars 2. Promotion of employment
which are national and international 3. Awareness generation.
level. She is a life member of research 4. Mobilization and coordination of the resources
journal Education Today. She is having 9 5. Motivation of the learner.
years of teaching experience in B.Ed. and
M.Ed. teacher training colleges and The present paper focuses on concept of adult education and chro
university. At present she is working as a nology adult education in India and provisions made for poverty alleviat
principal in Oriental College of Education ion .It is an instrument of poverty alleviation.
Sanpada affiliated to Mumbai University.

National Seminar on
Forging Ahead: Futuristic Strategies and Challenges for Department of Adult, Continuing Education and Extension
19th and 20th February, 2014
Education for All and right to Education Act: Challenges and Strategies with
special reference to Access and Quality

Mobil: 09890134381
Dr. Devanand Shinde The present paper focuses on the emerge of a global movement of Education
For All led by UNESCO, aims and objectives, target, implementation mechanism and
Dr. Devanand Shinde (MSW, Ph. D in Social expected outcome of the movement in general. Specifically the paper throws light on
Work) is one of the eminent personalities who present situation of the movement with facts and figures and critical analysis on the
contributed significantly towards social work Indian education. Emerge of right to education act and its provision also the significant
profession. Presently he is working as Associate part of this paper.
Professor with one of the top ten social work Education for all (EFA) is a global movement led by UNESCO aiming to
colleges in the country known as Karve Institute meet the learning needs of all children, youth and adult by 2015. To expand early
of Social Service, Pune a college affiliated to childhood care and education, increase adult literacy by 50 percent, to achieve gender
University of Pune. During 19 years of his parity by 2005 and gender equality by 2015 and to improve the quality of education is
teaching profession, he has published 5 books the target to achieve by all the countries. As a part of above target, govt. of India has
and more than 30 articles on various issues. He is decided to give access to the children by making specific provisions, given assurance
qualified SET examination conducted by the UGC. to reduce the rate of dropout, decided minimum target to achieve and set mechanism
Dr. Shinde has presented several papers at to implement the programme effectively.
national and International level conferences. As education is one of the fundamental rights of each and every individual in
Recently he has represented on behalf of India at the country and it is the foundation of empowering an individual and all human being
International conference held at Accra Ghana the Indian parliament enacted the Right to Education Act in 2009 to provide free and
(West Africa). Earlier He has worked with compulsory education to all the children between the age group of six to fourteen
YASHADA, Pune as course associate and TISS as years. On 12th December 2002 Article 21A and further right to education bill 2005
consultant in community participation. He is was amended in order to introduce Right to Education as a fundamental right. Further
known as research too as he has carried out significant provisions has been made in the act consisting free and compulsory
many research and helped government, local self primary education to the children, given opportunity for children above six years to
government and corporate sector such as admit in proper class in proper time till elementary education, made provision to
ministry of HRD govt. of India, MSCERT, Pune, establish schools in different areas wherever is necessary and given assurance to make
MPSP, Mumbai, Social Justice and special sufficient provisions of funds by both central and state government. Though the Indian
assistance, Govt. of Maharashtra, Reliance group education could achieve some target to a better extent, still there are many
of companies and PMC, Pune. He has worked as contradictions as far as access and quality is concern. Therefore at the end of paper
member of Board of Studies (BOS) in social work some significant suggestions are given so that the govt. may think on it.
at University of Pune. He has worked as
contributed teacher for University of Pune, All
India Institute of Local self Govt. and Tilak
Maharashtra University.

National Seminar on
Forging Ahead: Futuristic Strategies and Challenges for Department of Adult, Continuing Education and Extension
19th and 20th February, 2014
Functional and Objective Literacy in Adult Education –
A Concept for Rural Growth of India
Kunuthur Srinivasa Reddy Phone: 0877-2232783 M: 09849211195
That the term ‘Education’ from an ideological perception aims at the
Prof. Kunuthur Srinivasa Reddy secured a graduate acquisition of knowledge coupled with wisdom, maturity and understanding of
degree in Agricultural Sciences in the year 1966 from S the world if not the universe in a holistic way. Whereas, ground analysis and
V Agricultural College, Tirupati and postgraduate
degree in Agricultural Chemistry in the year 1972 from realities in a global environment warrant an urgent and imperative need to
College of Agriculture, Rajendranagar, Acharya N G dovetail idealism with pragmatism for the successful survival of human race as
Ranga Agricultural University Hyderabad, Andhra
Pradesh and a doctorate degree in Soil Science in the such particularly in rural India befitting the strong belief and conviction of late
year 1980 from College of Agriculture, Punjab Mahatma Gandhi, Father of the Nation, that India lives in villages.
Agricultural University, Ludhiana, Punjab. He worked
for Andhra Pradesh Agricultural University (later Growth of education in India if not elsewhere becomes meaningless if
renamed as Acharya N G Ranga Agricultural
University), Hyderabad in the year 1967 and retired in it does not result in meeting the most basic needs of human’s viz., food, fiber
2006, as Soil Scientist, Professor of Soil Science and and shelter. In this context, economic empowerment of people living in rural
Agricultural Chemistry, Principal Scientist (Dryland
Agriculture) and Associate Dean. He published 50 India becomes critical. Adoption of natural farming technologies to improve
research papers in national journals on soil science and sustain quality of natural resources land, water, air, plant, animal and
with special reference to soil chemistry and fertility.
He established bio-energy park and nature clubs human, health and environment facilitates economic viability of the farmers in
involving students. He also served as an Advisor to as much as the fact that chemical farming has proved beyond any doubt as a
Command Area Development Authority, Andhra
Pradesh in farmers' land reclamation of salt affected catastrophe reflected in global warming, adverse climatic changes, disease
soils to make them productive. He founded 'Prakriti incidence of unknown etymology in respect of all forms of life with no
Vyavasaya Samakhya' an NGO in the year 2007
exclusively dedicated for training the farmers on curative measures of control available. Further step in rural empowerment lies
natural farming technologies that are globally proven in promoting the biogas technology for the production of biogas as an ideal
as economically cheaper and environmentally safer in
order to free them from debt traps by reducing substitute for Liquid Petroleum Gas and filling in cylinders as the LPG has
significantly the crop production costs and caused turned out to be a white elephant for the Government of India to maintain and
economic empowerment. He is also a practicing
organic farmer in his 20 acre ancestral land in a village, for people to afford due to skyrocketing of LPG prices. The techniques of
Anantapur District of Andhra Pradesh. He is currently natural farming that are easily adopted using local resources and of the biogas
the President of Intellectuals Forum, Tirupati a
voluntary organization committed to the cause of generation and storage in cylinders and a tie up with the electric power grid are
natural resource management with special reference discussed as an economically viable solution for rural empowerment.
to water bodies.

National Seminar on
Forging Ahead: Futuristic Strategies and Challenges for Department of Adult, Continuing Education and Extension
19th and 20th February, 2014
Universalization of Secondary Education in India

Mobil: 09451144443
Harinam Singh
Harinam Singh holds a Diploma (1994) in Electrical
India has the largest education system in the World after China.
Engineering from Hewett Polytechnic, Lucknow, and The Right to Education (RTE) is a fundamental right for all children in
Diploma in Railway Engineering from IPWE (India), the age group of 6 to 14 years. Secondary education is increasingly
Railway Board, New Delhi. He took his B.A. (2000) and becoming an area of focus in developing countries like India. It is being
M.A. (2002) from C.S.J.M. University, Kanpur, and
M.Phil. (2007) in Economics from Bharathiar increasingly recognized that universalization of secondary education will
University, Coimbatore. He obtained his Master be critical to maintain competitiveness in India economy. The enrolment
Degree in Population Studies from I.I.P.S., Mumbai. His rate in secondary education in India is very low at less than 40% in 2009.
area of specialization in Public Economics and In order to improve this situation, during the XI plan period, a major
He has presented many research papers in National initiative, the Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan, has been
and International Conferences in reputed institutions promulgated, which aims at univeralization of class IX & X education.
such as Centre for Development Studies, Secondary education’s contribution to economic growth,
Thiruvananthapuram; Indian Institute of Technology
Bombay, Mumbai; Indira Gandhi Institute of demonstrated high social benefits for girls, and support of democratic
Development Research, Mumbai; & Indian Statistical citizenship reinforce the need for increased public support at this level,
Institute, Kolkata. He has published 3 articles in particularly in light of the very large inequalities in access to secondary
reputed Research Journals, and 7 research papers in
edited books. He is the sole author of the 3 books, education, by income, gender, social group and geography. The
namely, ‘Rural Development and Poverty Reduction in challenge is to improve access, equity and quality of secondary
India - Trends, Status and Outlook’; ‘A Study of Tax education.
Reforms in India - since 1991’; and, ‘Levels and Trends
of Infant Mortality Rate - A State Level Analysis’. He is Universalization of secondary education in India reflects an
also the member of Editorial board of the expansionary phase of number of institutions and students enrolled
‘International Journal of Scientific and Innovative especially in secondary education. Even, with this quantitative rise in
Research Studies (IJSIRS)’ (A peer reviewed Monthly
Journal, ISSN 2347-7660). enrolment, only 39 percent of the eligible age-group children were
He is the Life Member of Indian Association for enrolled in secondary education in 2004-05 unlike many developed and
Research in National Income & Wealth (IARNIW), developing nations where secondary education is almost universal. The
Indian Association of Social Sciences and Health paper examines the inter-state variations of secondary level of
(IASSH), and Indian Political Economy Association
(IPEA). He is pursuing Ph.D. in Economics from Indira educational development and performance in India.
Gandhi National Open University, New Delhi.

National Seminar on
Forging Ahead: Futuristic Strategies and Challenges for Department of Adult, Continuing Education and Extension
19th and 20th February, 2014
The Concept of Continuing Education and
Saakshar Bharat
Shivani Mishra It is true that the more a country is literate and educated, the more
developed and progressive it is. Eradication of illiteracy from a nation that is set to become the most populated in the world is by no means an easy task. It
is easy to make someone literate but to sustain literacy is difficult. Therefore,
JRF, Department of Education, organization of post-literacy and continuing education is very important to
University of Lucknow sustain acquired literacy and to enhance it further. This was realized in the
eighties and the National Literacy Mission came into being to impart a new
sense of urgency and seriousness to adult and continuing education. The
continuing education programme was launched with the objective of providing
opportunities to neo-literates to facilitate retention of their literacy skills. This
enables the learners to continue their learning beyond elementary literacy and
to create scope for application of their learning for improvement of their living
conditions. Continuing education also enables school dropouts to resume and
continue their studies. Continuing education in India has been implemented
under the National Literacy Mission since 1988. Now the Saakshar Bharat
programme has been launched in 2012 with four broader objectives, namely
imparting functional literacy numeracy to non-literates; acquiring equivalency
to formal educational system; imparting relevant skill development
programme; and promote a learning society by providing opportunities for
continuing education. The present paper discusses the concept of continuing
education that has been formed and implemented since the formation of NLM
and the present day context of continuing education in the Saakshar Bharat

National Seminar on
Forging Ahead: Futuristic Strategies and Challenges for Department of Adult, Continuing Education and Extension
19th and 20th February, 2014
Knowledge Transfer and Adult Education through ICT

Illiteracy is a big concern in India especially among adults. Adult

Education provides opportunity to those adults who has left their education in
Surya Narayan Gupta early age or crossed the age of attaining formal education. It is their right to
get education for standard living. It is dispensable to make them literate. They
SRF, Department of Education have the capabilities to get the knowledge. Knowledge is considered the major
driving force in acquiring, retaining and sustaining the social, political, legal
University of Lucknow
and economic growth. It is very important to awaken them about national issues namely national integration, population control, secularism,
environmental threats, and ethical issues. With the help of the Information and
Communication Technology (ICT), the process of knowledge transfer becomes
quite easy and effective among adults.
Knowledge transfer among adults through ICT has become very
popular. Information and Communication Technologies have tremendous
power to enhance the linguistic abilities of adults. Several programs have been
launched by the Government through a variety of media such as Radio, and
TV. These programs are not only making them literate but also ensure equity
and access of knowledge to them. ICT has now become so powerful that
somewhere it has replaced the traditional practices. The present paper
discusses the various literacy programs that should be transferred to the adults
as an extension program with the help of various ICT based projects and

National Seminar on
Forging Ahead: Futuristic Strategies and Challenges for Department of Adult, Continuing Education and Extension
19th and 20th February, 2014
Distance Education and Sustainable Development
Smith & Norlen (1994) defined distance education. Accordingly, Distance education
can be interpreted broadly as teaching at a distance. Distance education seldom involves face-
to-face classroom instruction; it always involves the use of either print, audio, video or
interactive components. While much of distance education remains print-based only, it can
Dr. B. L. Lakkannavar also be supplemented with audio or other means. Interaction may be via television,
teleconferencing, mail, fax, e-mail or one-on-one telephone interaction between learner and
Dr. B. L. Lakkannavar Distance education is a planned learning that normally occurs in a different place
from teaching and as a result requires special techniques of course design, special instructional
Asst. Professor techniques, special methods of communication by electronic and other technology, as well as
Dept. of Education special organizational and administrative arrangements. Distance education is practiced in all
parts of the world to provide study opportunities for those who cannot or do not want to take
Karnataka State Women’s University, part in classroom teaching. In its earliest form, distance instruction was delivered through such
Bijapur media as audiotape, videotape, radio and television broadcasting, and satellite transmission.
Different Types of Distance Learning
E-mail :- Distance learning has evolved greatly since the days of correspondence learning in
Mob: 09880614637 which the student would receive course materials including textbooks and other course
materials through the mail. Students would then work completely at their own pace, finishing
Experience : 14 Years the course according to their work and life schedule. Although correspondence courses still
exist, they are quickly being replaced by online courses, which offer instruction from teachers,
Subject : Education Psychology interaction with other students, and a forum for feedback.
and Physical Science There are a number of advantages to the new formats of distance learning, such as
making permanent professional contacts, a greater amount of teacher support and a multimedia
More than 25 International and 20 educational experience. With the advent and improvements on computer, digital and Internet
National attended and Presented technology, the shift from the traditional classroom experience to online or distance learning
Paper only seems natural.
There are a variety of ways to structure distance learning courses. The format
Now Worked as Assitant Professor, , depends on the purpose of the online course. Are you seeking an online degree and taking a
Department of Education , Karnataka full online course load? Or are you supplementing your on-campus curriculum with online
classes? Or perhaps your school has an overload of courses and requires that you take an
state Women’s University , Bijapur. online course. Whatever the reason, it is important to know which type of distance learning
course you are taking so you can understand the time and travel requirements that will be
expected of you.

National Seminar on
Forging Ahead: Futuristic Strategies and Challenges for Department of Adult, Continuing Education and Extension
19th and 20th February, 2014
Development of Communicative Skill- A lifelong learning Process
Email :,
Cell: 09891048198, Landline: 011-22446119
Any educational or the social milieu may be effective and conducive with good communication only.
Developing good communication skills are essential at every stage in our lives and miscommunication is
a huge obstacle in building a successful relationship. Nowadays, communication becomes a requirement
in life but how many of us actually practice effective communication skills and be more sensitive towards
Aftab Alam each other feelings. For example, in one family, if one appears to be in a bad mood of something
(regardless is work matters or school stuffs), his/her family ought to know or else they will be worried for
you and start to wonder what actually happened. On the other hand, this can also strengthen family ties
and he/she will feel the love, care and concern from the family. To understand the concept of
Mr. Aftab Alam, an educationist and a social communication skills it is very important to understand the meaning of a skill. In my opinion, a skill is
worker was born on 24.12.1979 in a small village the learned ability to carry out a task with pre-determined results often within a given amount of time,
of Distt. Bijnor, Uttar Pradesh and got his primary energy or both. In other words the abilities that one possesses is a skill and communication the process of
education there only. He came to Delhi in 1989 transferring signals/messages between a sender and a receiver through various methods (written words,
and took admission in Harbhagwan Memorial nonverbal cues, spoken words). It is also the mechanism that we use to establish and modify
D.A.V. Sr. Sec. School, Darya Ganj and from there relationships.
only he completed his intermediate. He On the other hand, communication skills are the skills needed to use as a kind of language, regardless of
completed his B.Sc. from Delhi University and verbally, non verbally or written, to interact with one another. Language employs symbols - words,
B.Ed. (Topper) from CCS University. He has gestures, or spoken sounds to represent objects and ideas. Communication of language begins with
master degree in four subjects and M.Phil in two. spoken sounds combined with gestures. For example, the earliest form of communications we have is the
He is pursuing Ph.D (Education) from Jamia MIllia first cry we made when we came into this world. And as we grow older as a child, we first get hold of the
Islamia (Central University). He has been skills to receive communications, that is, the ability to listen and understand what we hear, and
associated with teaching profession since 2002. sometimes supported by accompanying gestures from the adults. Next, we will begin experimenting with
expressing ourselves through speaking and gesturing. Speaking will begin as repetitive syllables,
According to him, “Teaching is not a profession followed by words, phrases, and sentences. Gradually, we will acquire the skills of reading and writing -
but a mission and teachers are the soldiers of this the written forms of communication.
mission.” Presently, he is working for Anglo Few tips for the effective communicative skills
Arabic Sr. Sec. School (A Govt. Aided Muslim
Minority Institution running under the aegis of 1. Try to speak fluently and try to make sure people can hear you when you speak.
Delhi Education Society). The school has a 2. Don't over-praise yourself in front of your audience.
historical past and one of the oldest institutions 3. A good speaker is a good listener.
(Estd. in 1692) of North India. In this institution 4. Get feedback from your receiver to ensure you were properly understood during your
old Delhi children, who are socially and conversation.
economically weak are getting education in Urdu, 5. Make sure you're using proper grammar.
Hindi and English medium by the support of 6. Do not interrupt or talk over the other person--it breaks the flow of conversation. Timing is
management of DES. Mr. Aftab Alam has important.
presented many papers in National and 7. Have confidence when talking, it doesn't matter what other people think.
International Seminars and received National and 8. Use appropriate volume for your conversation setting.
International awards too. His dream is to create a Hence, I believe that it's not sufficient, though, simply to communicate. The person you're
conducive, fearless and educational milieu for the communicating with has to understand what you're trying to say; in other words, you have to learn to
students belonging to weaker section of the communicate clearly and effectively. Developing effective communication skills takes effort, but they
society. can be learned, and the results more than warrant the effort.

National Seminar on
Forging Ahead: Futuristic Strategies and Challenges for Department of Adult, Continuing Education and Extension
19th and 20th February, 2014
Education and Education For All: In The Context of
Globalization and Neo-Liberalism in India
Newtan Biswas
Jayanta Mete Email:
Mobil: 9433476662
Asst. Prof. JRSET College of Education,
Nadia, Wes Bengal.
The aim of education is not only to increase literacy or
economic security. The aim of education is to increase knowledge,
Associate Professor, Dept. of make human life better and above all to make good human being.
Education, University of Kalyani, West Only good human beings can make this world a beautiful place to
Bengal live in. This is why education for all is very important. But today
with the advent of globalization and neo-liberalism the term
education is often profaned. Day by day education is being
marketized. With this marketization, education is becoming a
product and learners are the consumers. Today in India, the
business in education sector is one of the most profitable sector. It
is very difficult to make this world beautiful with this type of
education. A new term emerged- quality education. We need quality
education for all, for all round development of the world.
An attempt has been made in this paper to point out the
deformities that education sector is facing mainly due to
globalization and neo-liberalism, and how we can use maximum
benefits of globalization and neo-liberalism in education sector and
make this planet a better place.

National Seminar on
Forging Ahead: Futuristic Strategies and Challenges for Department of Adult, Continuing Education and Extension
19th and 20th February, 2014
A Critical Approach to Education For All and Right To
Education Act
To achieve the goal to educate every child or to provide free education,
Ms. Meena Barse we must look the way of adopting A-Right-Based Approach to education. A
Ms. Meena Barse have done her masters in M.A. quality education cannot be achieved without regard to children, children
(Political Science), M.Ed. Elementary Education cannot achieve their optimum development. For achieving this target, the
from RIE, Bhopal and M.Phil. Education from concept of Education for all in generally associated with the World
Madurai Kamaraj University. She has submitted Conference in Jomtien, Thailand in March, 1990 which is the World
her thesis for Ph.D. in Education title on “ A Study
of Empowerment, Self Esteem And Job Declaration on Education for all and a Framework for Action to meet basic
Satisfaction of Teacher Educators” . She has learning. As the Education is a fundamental right of every human being. It lays
more than 14 years of experience in teaching to the foundation for the development of society. The Right of Children to Free
UG & PG students in education and also guide to and compulsory education Act, or Right to Education Act (RTE), was hailed as
M.Ed. students in their dissertations. At present
she is working as Assistant Professor in Sant a landmark bill in 2009 when it was passed by parliament August 2009. The
Hirdaram Girls College, Bhopal (M.P.) since 2007. RTE, has ushered in hope for school education in the country. It is the
She is a Program-In-charge as well as an culmination of efforts made by educationists, members of civil society and
Academic counselor for B.Ed .program IGNOU judiciary for the last many years. As the education in the Indian constitution is
(Indira Gandhi National Open University) , New a concurrent issue and both centre and states can legislate on the issue. The Act
Delhi with ID No. 25898 Since 2008. Her
specialization area Teaching method of social lays down specific responsibilities for the centre, state and local bodies for its
Studies & Hindi, Philosophical & Sociological implementation. The states have been clamoring that they lack financial
Foundation of Education. She has participated in capacity to deliver education of appropriate standard in all the schools needed
20 National, 05 International Conference,01 for universal education. Thus it was clear that the central government (which
International symposia, 06 Workshops and
published 10 research papers in National & collects most of the revenue) will be required to subsidies the states.
International peer reviewed Journals with an ISSN Universal good quality basic education is a requisite and moral
No. (five in process).Her interest area of work are requirement of all modern societies, for the sake of social equity, cultural
Philosophical & Sociological Foundation of
Education, Evaluation Techniques, CCE pattern, values and economic functionality. People are still excluded from receiving
Women Empowerment, Teacher Education, what they are entitled to as a human right; a life in dignity, freedom and
Educational Psychology and Self Esteem Of equality. Education is one of those rights that enables the full realization of a
Teachers person’s potential and inclusion in society by enabling citizenship and growth.
In India the situation is not different as many children are excluded from
having the substance of their right translated into reality.

National Seminar on
Forging Ahead: Futuristic Strategies and Challenges for Department of Adult, Continuing Education and Extension
19th and 20th February, 2014
Learning Strategies for Sustainable Development
Sustainable refers to a situation that can continue. Development can be
described as creating better living conditions. Together sustainable
development can be summarized as ‘a better future for all, now and in the
Taj Mohammad future’ (Van Ginkel, unesco UNU, Tokyo 2007).
Learning for sustainable development is a process that continues lifelong and
Taj Mohammad an educationist & a therefore takes place in a whole range of learning environments that may be
social worker was born on 1971 in formal, non-formal and informal in nature; the ultimate objective is ‘a better
Paswara, Distt. Meerut UP. He completed future for all’. (Heideveld & Cornelissen, 2008, p. 15) One of the challenges of
his graduation from D.V. Degree college, lifelong learning for sustain -able development is how to put global solidarity,
Machhra, Meerut & B.Ed. From CSS rather than international competitiveness at the heart of learning.(Scandrett,
University, Meerut. Presently pursuing
Ph.D. (Education) from Mewar University. 2008, p. 7)
Working as Social worker since 1998 & Five statements about Lifelong Learning for Sustainable Development
done tremendous work for the socially & LLLSD should develop those competences that people require to develop
economically weaker section of the
society. He had done a great job in the appropriate technologies and sustainable livelihoods within the informal
admission of girls in the Anglo Arabic economy.
Inter College for the first time in the year LLLSD should develop those competencies that would improve the labour
2012. He faced protests and Criticism market for environmen-tally friendly technologies, and thus LLLSDs
from walled city people. His dream is to relevance for employment.
create a fearless society where equal
opportunities are shared by all caste, LLLSD should not develop pre-determined competences. Those that people
creed and gender people and the author require will only emerge as they address issues facing their community and
also believes strongly in the harmonious learn alongside others.
living and national integration. LLLSD should develop those competences that people require to resist the
further dispossession and privatisation of environmental knowledge and
Email address: resources and work with others to realize envi-ronmental justice.,
LLLSD should develop those competences that people require to understand
Cell: 09312986856
their relations with one another and the rest of nature and realize forms of
citizenship that enable the continued co-evolution of human and non-human
National Seminar on
Forging Ahead: Futuristic Strategies and Challenges for Department of Adult, Continuing Education and Extension
19th and 20th February, 2014
Study the Status of Budget Management of Bachatgat Mahila

Kalpana Chavan Email ID:, Mobile No. 9730559289

Email ID-, Mobile No 9850031267
Nisha Valvi Empowerment is a multi- faceted, multi dimensional and multi layered
Chavan Kalpana Swamirao took her M.Sc. (1993) and
M.Ed. (2006) and M.Phil (2009) from University of tool for women power. “Empowerment means moving from a position of
Pune, Pune, M.A (2o13) in Marathi and doing enforced [powerlessness to one of power]” This involves the ability to get
Vocational Diploma in Adult Education from BAMU,
Aurangabad. She doing her Ph.D. from University of what one wants with reference to women. The power relation that has to be
Pune , Department of education and extension and involved includes their lives at multiple levels, family, community, market,
area is Inclusive Education and Developing Academic
and Social Survival model for inclusive class room. She and the state and the nation “Those rights which are inherent in our nature and
was also qualified the SET examination conducted by without which we cannot live as human beings. H.R. and fundamental freedom
the UGC. 40 research papers presented and published
in seminars which are in National and International allow us to develop fully and our human qualities, our intelligence, our talents
level. Asst. Prof Chavan is also working as a resource and our conscience and to satisfy our spiritual and other needs” Women
person for many subjects such as Micro Teaching,
Cooperative Learning, and Constructivism, Time empowerment is a process of redistribution of social power and control of.
management. She has 7 year experience and now she Bachatgat Mahila already tastes this empowerment. But some basic questions
is working as an Assistant Professor in Education field
affiliated to University of Pune, Pune. arise related to Economy and life skills. Skills needed for empowerment are,
Leadership, Communication, Decision Making, Time Management,
Valvi Nisha Jitendra took her M.Sc. (1998) from M.P. Networking, Techno savvy, Personal Management, Motivational skill, Ethics
and M.Ed. (2005) and M.Phil (2010) from University of
Pune, Pune, doing Vocational Diploma in Adult and Morals, Finance, Calculated risk taking, Persistence, Flexible. Personal
Education from BAMU, Aurangabad. She doing her management skills and Finance skills related to economy include Budget
Ph.D. from University of Pune , Department of
education and extension and area is Inclusive management. We have curiosity should Bachatgat Mahila have knowledge
Education and Developing syllabus for B.Ed optional about budget? Are they preparing budget? On what level and which type? So
Paper :inclusive Education. She was also qualified the
SET and NET examination conducted by the UGC. 40 we focused on to study the status of budget management of Bachatgat. And
research papers presented and published in seminars this gives us idea about economy empowerment, decision making and
which are in National and International level. Asst.
Prof Valvi had been as a visiting scholar at Telemark leadership, time management, finance skill is the most contribution knowledge
university, Norwey, Working on joint research project about women empowerment and this is contribution of our study.
for multi-culture . She has 6 year experience and now
she is working as an Assistant Professor in Department
of Education and Extension, University of Pune, Pune.

National Seminar on
Forging Ahead: Futuristic Strategies and Challenges for Department of Adult, Continuing Education and Extension
19th and 20th February, 2014
Dr. Gopal Krishna Thakur Impact Evaluation of a Jan Shikshan Sansthan (JSS) of Govt. of India
Dr. Suman Lata
Jan Shikshan Sansthan (JSS) is a scheme launched by the Government
Ms. Arti Chaudhary of India in 2000 focusing on the poor, the illiterates, the neo-literates, the
Ms. Rashmi Kalia under-privileged and the un-reached. This is not just a scheme but an
institution of People’s Education. Jan Shikshan Sansthan is conceived as an
Head – Department of Education institute for conducting skill up-gradation in the programmes of Non-formal,
Adult and Continuing Education. It also provides academic and technical
LLDIMS, New Delhi-110047 resource support to Zila Saksharata Samitis (ZSS) in both urban and rural
E-Mail: areas. JSS was launched presumably to provide an opportunity to learn diverse
working skills including literacy linked vocational skills with necessary inputs
of Life Enrichment Education (LEE) at a very low cost to make beneficiaries
Assistant Professor, LLDIMS, New Delhi self reliant and self-assured employees and entrepreneurs. Today, there are 221 Jan Shikshan Sansthans in the country and they
are expected to act as district level resource support agencies especially in
regard to organisation of vocational training and skill development
Assistant Professor, LLDIMS, New Delhi programmes for the adult citizens of our country, neo-literates and other target
E-Mail: groups of the continuing education programme. The current aim is that the
JSSs should progressively move towards having 95 % of their beneficiaries
from amongst the illiterates, neo-literates and underprivileged section of
D Y Patil International School, Pune society.
E-Mail: This paper presents the outcomes of a study which attempted to do an
evaluation of a Jan Shikshan Sansthan situated in the State of Madhya Pradesh
in India. The paper points out nuances of the functioning of the JSS and
delineates an account of the JSS taken up for study. The paper contends that in
order to have a proper adult education, training and skills development
programme in place, an equally adequate mechanism of evaluation of such
programme needs to be there. Only then the effort of such programme could
become meaningful.

National Seminar on
Forging Ahead: Futuristic Strategies and Challenges for Department of Adult, Continuing Education and Extension
19th and 20th February, 2014
Promotion of Literacy through Education

Mr. Tanhaji V Shinde Mobil: 9552437152

The Christian Missionary started establishing school education in India

Mr. Tanhaji Vishwanath Shinde was
from 18th century. It was done for two reasons – expansion of British rule and
born in 1985. He took his B.A. (History) spread of religion. Humanisms and inclination towards theoretical knowledge
in 2005 form University of Pune. He is were the features of schools at that time.
completed M.A. (History) at New Art’s, The expansion of knowledge i.e. school education became rapid after
Commerce & Science College attainment of independence. Schools and college were started in rural and
Ahmednagar in 2007 form University remote areas. It resulted in growth of students in schools and colleges. It is
of Pune. He is presently working as unending. The domain / department of education is considered as the biggest
Library Assistant in Department of employment giving government department.
Adult, Continuing Education and It (education) requires teachers, as the number of students has been
grown. In rural areas one can ignore building, furnisher, sport material etc.
Extension, University of Pune, Pune- 7. aspects in schools and colleges. This pathetic ignorance is seen in rural areas
He is participated in National and mostly. There may exist schools without physical presence of students. In rural
International Seminars and workshops. areas many School going boys and girl have to work in agricultural or
somewhere else along with their parents or they have to assist their parents in
some work. Financial aspects are important in such cases. At many cases, the
schools/ colleges are far away from their residence. And these students don’t
have means for travel. In rainy session many habitations have no contact with
main town. It puts hindrances in education.

National Seminar on
Forging Ahead: Futuristic Strategies and Challenges for Department of Adult, Continuing Education and Extension
19th and 20th February, 2014
Public and Private Partnership to Enhance Life-
Supriti Panda Long Learning: Need an Hour
Vaishali Moreshwar Pitambare
Vaibhav Govidrao Jadhav Email:
Supriti Panda presently is pursuing M.Phil (Education) in the,
Department of Education & Extension, University of Pune.
She took her B.A. (2007), M.A. (2009) in English from
Sambalpur University, Orissa. She has completed her B.Ed
and M.Ed from The English and Foreign Languages
University, Hyderabad. She has participated in two national
The paper gives an insight on the implementation of services
seminars, titled "Gender issues in literary Studies in English for lifelong learning, by the joint endeavor of public and private
and Indian Languages" and "Midnight's Children: Text and
contexts". She has also participated in an international sectors. It describes two faces of these sectors, one to promote adult
seminar organized by British council and The English and
Foreign Languages University Hyderabad, titled "Starting, education and the other to satisfy the branding of private sectors.
Stimulating and Sustaining English Language Teacher
Education and Development.” There is an urgent need to institutionalize groups and
Vaishali Moreshwar Pitambare was born in 1976. She took agencies, from Government and Non-Government sector, to
her D.Ed. (1994) and M.A. (2000) in Hindi from Shivaji
University, Kolhapur and M.Ed (2013) in Department Of perform the go-between institutional processes both within the
Education and Extension, Pune University, Pune. And, now
she is pursuing M.Phil in Department Of Education and public and private sector for catering to the Life Long Learning.
Extension, Pune University, Pune. She having 07 years of Specifically, there is a need to change the potential of such groups
teaching experiences. She has participated in ‘Wipro
Applying Thought in School’s’ Teacher Development from the long term perspective. This means that more attention
Dr. Vaibhav Govidrao Jadhav is born in 1980. He Completed needs to be given to building institutional capacity within, public
his M.A. (2002) from Department of English, University of and private sector. (UNESCO, 2002)
Pune and M.Ed. (2004) & Ph.D. (Education) from RIE, Bhopal
(NCERT). He is also research scholar of NCERT. He is also
qualified the NET examination conducted by the UGC. It is Present paper is trying to make a comparison between the
also featherbedding to know that he worked as co-author in
5 books and also published 21 research papers in various
public and the private services regarding their individual success
national & international journals and conference rates. And, to strengthen the power of both sectors for technological
proceedings. His two research monographs are published by
international publications. It is also indulging to know that inputs for quality refinement in lifelong learning. Lastly, this paper
he worked as co-author in self instructional materials, which
is published by IDEAL, North Maharashtra University, discusses how refinement and improvement in both the public as
Jalgaon and Yashwantrao Chavan Maharashtra Open
University, Nashik. He is keen to pursue his academic career
well as private sector can make life- long learning a tool to enable
in teaching profession as teacher educator and the education to face its multiple current and emerging challenges.
researcher. Dr. Vaibhav Jadhav has been in the field of
teacher education since 2003 and now, has been working as
an Assistant Professor in Department of Education &
Extension, University of Pune.

National Seminar on
Forging Ahead: Futuristic Strategies and Challenges for Department of Adult, Continuing Education and Extension
19th and 20th February, 2014
Total Literacy: An Effective Strategy for Sustainable Development
Mobil: 09960431507, Off. 020 24403049 / 24403105
Prakash S. Yadav
The right to education is recognized as human right by the United
Nations and is understood to establish an entitlement to free, compulsory
Mr. Prakash Sadashiv Yadav, 05th primary education for all children, an obligation to develop secondary
education accessible to all children, as well as equitable access to higher
August 1983 BSc, MSW, NET, M. Phil, education, and a responsibility to provide basic education for individuals who
NET, (P.hD)in Social Work, from, Karve have not completed primary education. In addition to these accesses to
Institute of Social Service, University of education provisions the right to education encompasses also the obligation to
eliminate discrimination at all levels of the educational system, to set
Pune. Totally 15 papers has been minimum standards to improve quality.
presented in World, International, Sustainable development is nothing but rural development as a part of
social change is defined as a process of expanding the decision-making
National level conferences and State horizon and extending the time frame for appraising investment and
level seminars, out of which 09 papers consumption choices by rural disadvantaged people collectively and not
has been published in National and necessarily at the village levels of aggregation.
As one perceives the concept of Total Literacy in its totality, the
International Journals and Books with question arises whether the adjective TOTAL refers to quantity, quality or
ISBN and ISSN respectively. Working both. There is quite an amount of diversity of opinion regarding whether
greater weightage is to be given to the number made literate, on to retention of
as, Assistant Professor, Department of literacy or on developing the potentials of individuals to the fullest capacity to
Social Work, Tilak Maharashtra facilitate effective participation in sustainable development of the nation. The
group unanimously felt that ‘total literacy’ (in the sense of education for all) is
Vidyapeeth, Mukundnagar, non-negotiable. Everyone, irrespective of age, must be provided with the basic
Gultekadi, Pune. 411037. Email: minimum education. Thus there was an agreement about the need for ‘total, literacy’.
The present paper is based total literacy approach for sustainable Contact No: development. The present paper will discuss how the better or more systematic
09960431507, 020 24403049 Total education for individuals right. The paper also urges all concerned to take an
active role of total literacy to getting fundamental rights to individuals for
Work Experience: 05 years in better society which leads to sustainable development of the nation.
National Seminar on
Forging Ahead: Futuristic Strategies and Challenges for Department of Adult, Continuing Education and Extension
19th and 20th February, 2014
Obstacles of Adult and Continuing Education: A
Critical Analysis
Srutirupa Panda
Srutirupa Panda obtained B.Sc. and M.Sc. Adult and continuing Education is the one of the main
from Utkal University as well B.Ed. and
M.Ed. from Regional Institute of objectives of Education system. In our country in this recent 21st
Education (NCERT), Bhubaneswar, Odisha.
She has pursued M.Phil. in Biotechnology century a section of people are there who are illiterate or devoid of
from Alagappa University, Tamilnadu and
M.Phil. in Education from North Orissa basic educational qualification. Many people could not complete
University, Odisha. She has qualified UGC
NET in Education. Presently she has their education and dropped from primary or secondary level but
submitted Ph.D. thesis in Education at
North Orissa University and working as a need education. Similarly due to job and occupation as well as
Lecturer in Nabakrushna Choudhury
College of Teacher Education, Utkal because of social, economical, geographical barrier could not able
University. She has participated in many
state, regional, national and international to learn. To solve this problem schemes are implemented in the
level seminar, workshop, conferences and
contributed research papers and articles country to make adult and continuing education successful.
for national, international journals and
books. Also has published one book in However there lies several obstacle and problems to achieve this
relation to teaching competency of
science teacher. She has been a member goal of Education for adult. The Paper intended to explore and
of Editorial board of International
Educational E-Journal, (An International E analyze several hurdles arising in the successful implementation of
journal in Education and Physical
Education) Quarterly. adult and continuing and achieving its objectives.

National Seminar on
Forging Ahead: Futuristic Strategies and Challenges for Department of Adult, Continuing Education and Extension
19th and 20th February, 2014
An Overview of the Literacy Campaign in India

Nagaraja Murthy A good education system is fundamental to a nation and for a

Narendra N.A nation like India, which is growing, it is of paramount importance
to reflect on our present education system and incorporate
Research Scholar in Department of sustainable changes in it, to make it compatible with the global
Communication and Journalism, dynamism. Literacy in India is key factor for social and economic
University of Mysore progress. The Indian literacy rate grew to 74.04% in 2011 from
12% at the end of British rule in 1947. Although this was a greater
improvement, the level of education is well below the world
average literacy rate of 84%, and of all nations, India currently has
Research Scholar in Department of the largest illiterate population of the world. In democratic system,
Communication and Journalism, if majority of the population is illiterate leads to awful governance
University of Mysore system.
The absence of adequate school infrastructure like improper
facilities and inefficient teaching staff is one of the main factors
affecting literacy in India. Absolute poverty in India has also
deterred the pursuit of formal education, as education is not deemed
of as the highest priority among the poor as compared to other
necessities. The large proportion of illiterate females is another
reason for the low literacy rate in India. Inequality based on gender
differences resulted in female literacy. Therefore, there is a need to
study the literacy campaign in India to draw problem-solving
techniques. Hence, in the current study literary campaign in India is
studied through review of literature.
National Seminar on
Forging Ahead: Futuristic Strategies and Challenges for Department of Adult, Continuing Education and Extension
19th and 20th February, 2014
An Overview of the Global Literacy Campaign

Dr. C.K. Puttaswamy Human development is the foundation for communal, societal,
national, and global development. Over the years, governments around the
Sindhu Shree M.T. world have confirmed the role and importance of education by protecting
individual rights to an education. Education is not only a human right, but also
Associate Professor in Department of necessary for individual, national, and global development. Illiteracy is the
Communication and Journalism, main cause of poverty and underdevelopment in many countries. People
University of Mysore unable to read have limited access to opportunities and information. Hence,
lack of knowledge and awareness put them down in competitive world. Even
in 21st century, the global literacy statistics paint a dark picture of illiteracy. As
the Illiteracy threatens over 785 million adults worldwide. Approximately one
in every five people on the planet is illiterate with either no or just basic
Research Scholar in Department of reading skills. Two-thirds of the illiterate population is women. Ninety eight
Communication and Journalism, percent (98%) of illiterate people are concentrated in three key areas: they are
University of Mysore South and West Asia, Sub-Saharan Africa, and the Arab States. Due to lack of
literacy or with the denial of education, the fundamental necessities has
become far out of reach of many people. A common factor underlying the
challenges of education is resources. These resources may be human resources,
a lack of financial resources, or the inefficient and ineffective use of resources.
The main problems in developing countries pertain to resource levels, but
equally important is the lack of incentives to use them efficiently. Hence, there
is a scope for the study of need of education and global literary campaign. The
present study on global literary campaign is conducted through review of

National Seminar on
Forging Ahead: Futuristic Strategies and Challenges for Department of Adult, Continuing Education and Extension
19th and 20th February, 2014
Changing Scenario of Adult, Continuing Education
and Extension: A Study
Dr. Bani Bora Mobil: 9971493021

Dr. Bani Bora has more than fifteen years All over the world, education is regarded as the key factor in
experience of imparting youth development overcoming the barriers that people face. In India, the educational policy
training for both National and International provides a broad framework for education planning, and gives direction
youth, while working at the Indian for overall educational development in the country. Adult education in
Association of the Experiment in India is planned within the broader context of the general educational
International Living and Vishwa Yuvak policy. Adult literacy received adequate attention nearly after three
Kendra, New Delhi. At present Dr. Bani is a decades of planned development in India. There was a major change in
guest faculty at the department of Adult ,
Continuing Education and Extension, the approach towards adult, continuing education and extension during
University of Delhi. Dr. Bani’s specialization is the XI Plan. All the different programmes initiated earlier under various
in extension education. Her perspicacious terminologies viz; Adult Education, Continuing Education, Extension,
interests are in the field of empowerment Population Education, Student Counseling, Placement Services and e-
and legal rights for women, relationship learning were reformulated and developed as Lifelong Learning
counseling, communication and life skill Programmes so as to bring them in tune with fast expanding global
development. Dr. Bani conducted capacity knowledge scenario. Apart from collaboration with university
building programmes on Agro-based departments and colleges, networking with Governmental and Non-
Entrepreneurship Development, Women governmental agencies, international organizations as well as industries
Empowerment and Panchayati Raj also became a part of its new approach. The Gender Resource Centers
Institutions for rural women and youth in (GRCs),a project initiative by the Delhi Government, envisaged as an
Rajasthan and Assam. She has coordinated instrument to empower women, particularly those belonging to the under
workshop on “UN Millennium Development
Goals: A Challenge for Today’s Youth” for privileged section of the society, have skill development training and
European Students Forum and international non- formal functional literacy as its key activities. The present study
conference on “Food Security and Hunger provides an insight into the impact of these programmes in the
Management”. Dr. Bani has number of papers community. The study concludes that the importance of education is very
published on issues related to empowerment well realized by the study respondents and non formal education can
of women and presented papers on national contribute to a large extent to the fulfillment of various needs of women,
and international conferences. however, income generating skill development programmes are more
sought after.
National Seminar on
Forging Ahead: Futuristic Strategies and Challenges for Department of Adult, Continuing Education and Extension
19th and 20th February, 2014
Globalization and Indian Continuing Engineering

Dr. Seema Singh Email:

Dr. (Ms) Seema Singh is Associate Professor

in Economics and Head of the Department of
Globalization has integrated the Indian economy to the world
Humanities, Delhi Technological University,
economy. It has made capital very mobile which has ultimately, made the
Delhi since 2006. Largely, interested in
market very competitive. In the given scenario, adoption of improved
economic and social issues related to technology has become survival strategy to remain in the market. They,
engineers, she has written extensively on now operate at higher level of technology than they use to operate during
education, employment condition and labour pre-reform period and regularly upgrade them. Not only that, the shelf
market for engineers. She has published life of technology has decreased. Any change in technology leads to
number of papers in referred journals and change in the set of skills requirement and ultimately, training for the
presented in national and international workforce. In formal sector, which employ about 7 percent of the Indian
seminars and conferences. She has also workforce, enterprise arranges training programme for the workers.
completed successfully several research However, rest of the them are employed in the informal sector or
projects sponsored by national and employed in informal way in the formal sector. There may be casual,
international agencies as UGC, AICTE, UNDP contractual and temporary workers. For such workers if training is
etc. She received AICTE Career Award for required, employers prefer to retrench them rather than retrain. Under
Young Teacher in 2000. She is Joint Secretary such scenario, role of continuing engineering education (CEE) has
of the Indian Society of Labour Economics enhanced manifold. In this background, the paper tries to discuss major
since 2006 and Vice-President of the Wise- changes which has taken place in the Indian CEE system. On the basis
India. More recently, she has been awarded, of interview of 500 students of CEE, an analysis will be made to find out
“Outstanding Track Chair Award” at the 4th suitability of the CEE course under globalization and type of changes
International Conference of Industrial which needs to be made.
Engineering and Operations Management”,
held between January 07-09’ 2014 at Bali,
National Seminar on
Forging Ahead: Futuristic Strategies and Challenges for Department of Adult, Continuing Education and Extension
19th and 20th February, 2014
Sl. Sl.
Name Address Email Phone Name Address Email Phone
no. no.
A. Eswara State Resource Centre(SRC) Professor, Center of Advanced
1. Professor
Rao Visakhapatnam 16. Study in Geography, Panjab 9779141517
Smita Bhutani
Regional Director University Chandigarh 160014
Abhilash nayakabhilash4@gmail.c
2. IGNOU Regional Centre Koraput, 9438036660 UGC Junior Research Fellow in the
Nayak om Dr. K.
Odisha 17. Dept. of Sociology, Andhra
(Research Scholar, IASE, Jamia Ananda Rao
University, Visakhapatnam
Millia Islamia, Delhi- 110025)
aftabangloarabic@gmail. 09891048198,
3. Aftab Alam Working as T.G.T (Science) Asstt. Professor, Dept. of Lifelong
com 011-22446119 Dr. Anand
Faculty in Anglo Arabic Sr. Sec. Learning and Extension, Dr. wagh.anand915@gmail.c 09545778985,
18. Madhavrao
School, Ajmeri Gate, Delhi-6 Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada om 09423171476
Sinhgad College of Education, University, Aurangabad
4. Anjali Jagtap Training and Research, Vadgaon,
Pune Visiting Faculty (Political Science),
Dr. Arvind S.
19. University Tilak Maharashtra
Anthony Research Scholar, Kulkarni ,
University, Pune
5. Joseph, Department of Education (CIE) 9968747760
Poonam Barla University of Delhi m 20. Dr. Asha Patil
Research scholar, Dept. Of Dr. Asim
Ashish Siksha-Satra, Visva-Bharati,
6. Education, University of Lucknow, 21. Kumar 9475345917
Sharma Sriniketan, Birbhum, W.B
Lucknow Majumdar
UGC NET Junior Research Fellow. bllakkannavar@rediffmai
Chandrakant Asst. Professor, Dept. of Education,
Department of Education and Dr. B. L.,
7. Sakharam, 9011143935 22. Karnataka State Women’s 9880614637
Extension, University of Pune, Lakkannavar vijaysalimathkb@gmail.c
Lonkar University, Bijapur
Pune om
Chinnam Research scholars, Sri prasadchinnam8@gmail. Guest Faculty, Department of
8. 9440860859 Adult, Continuing Education and
Prasad Venkateswara University: Tirupati com 23. Dr. Bani Bora 9971493021
Dept. of Education, Dr.Babasaheb Extension
Dr .Prashant University of Delhi
9. Ambedkar Marathwada University, 9421600540
B. Pagare m Dr. C.K.
Aurangabad.(M.S) India Associate Professor in Department
Puttaswamy, sindhushreemt22@gmail.
Dr B. Krishna 24. of Communication and Journalism, 7259730364
10. Coordinator, SRC-Hyderabad Sindhu Shree com
reddy m University of Mysore
Programme Coordinator, State Associate Professor and Head, Dept
Dr G Resource Centre for Adult & gsreddygsreddy@gmail.c Dr. D. .Political Science, DDE,
11. 9985026425 25. 9994909774
Srinivasa Rao Continuing Education Education, om Devanathan Annamalai University, Tamil Nadu
Endada, Visakhapatnam -608002
Dr Professor & Project Fellow UGC Assistant Professor, Department of
K.SudhaRani, (SAP) Department of Adult & Education, Acharya Nagarjuna
12. 9441075079 26. Dr. D. Hassan
Dr. Ganta. Continuing Education, Sri University, Ongole Campus, m
Eswaraiah Venkateswara University, Tirupati, Ongole
Dr Mary Seva Sadan’s College Education
13. Assistant Professor, Department of
Varghese Ulhasnagar, Thane. m
27. Dr. D. Hassan Education, Acharya Nagarjuna
Associate Professor, Maulana Azad m
University, Ongole Campus
National Urdu University shadansj07@rediffmail.c
14. Dr Sajid Jamal 3412281901 Dr. D. Rama Faculty, Dept. of Sociology, ramarao_dharmana_dr@
College of Teacher Education, om 28.
Asansol (W.B.) Rao Andhra University, Visakhapatnam
Senior Consultant (Quality Associate Professor
Dr. Devanand
Interventions, Teacher Education &, 29. Karve Institute of Social Service, 9890134381
Dr Vivek Shinde
15. Pedagogy) Technical Support viveknagpal1947@gmail. 9560399239 Pune,
Group (TSG) Vijaya Building, com
Barakhamba Road, New Delhi
Sl. Sl.
Name Address Email Phone Name Address Email Phone
no. no., Dr. R.
Dr. Gopal,
Head - Department of Education, Nageswara Lecturer in Education, SGS Govt.
30. Krishna 9310944835 44. mahapatra.suresh@yahoo 9885600700
LLDIMS, New Delhi - 110047 artichaudhary01@gmail.c Rao, Suresh IASE, Innespeta, Rajahmundry
om, Mahapatra
Assistant Professor in Education Assistant Professor, Dept of 0452- 2458471.
Dr. Gyanendra Govt. Degree College, Rikhnikhal- Dr. R. Mathematical Economics, School extn 379. Tel
31. 9412581873 45.,
Kumar Rout 246170 Seenivasan of Economics, M. K. University, (Res) :
Pauri Garhwal, Uttarakhand Madurai 09841532913
Dr. Jasraj Research Scholar,
Head, Associate Professor,
32. Kaur, Department of Education & C.S. 46. Dr. Rajesh rajeshkumar72001@yaho 9873302532
University of Delhi
Maninder Pal Punjabi University, Patiala
Academic Consultant, Dept. of Pol. Dr. Raju
Sci., and Pub. Adm., S.V. Secretary to Government of Kerala
Dr. K. Ganesh ganeshbabukayathi@gma 47. Narayana 9447713372
33. University, Tirupati-517 502 (A.P). 9652893818 Mob 09447713372
Babu Swamy
Residence: 4-182, Indira Nagar,
Piler – 517214 Maruthi College of Education,
Dr. S. jaikumareducation@gmai 09942425290,
Post Doctoral Research, Anna 48. Manivizhundan south-636 212,
Dr. K. K. punithapal2012@gmail.c JAIKUMAR 04282-230880
34. Centre for Public Affairs, Attur Tk, Salem Dt. Tamilnadu,
Palani om,
University of Madras Dr. Sama Research scholar Dept.of Education
Assistant Director, Centre for Study 49. samarama1141@gmail.c 9573148224
nayak A.U, Visakhapatnam
Dr. K. R. of Social Exclusion and Inclusive om
35. Dr. Sangeeta Principal, Oriental college of
Rama Mohan Policy, Andhra University, 50. 9320673338
Visakhapatnam-530003 Nath Education, sanpada,Navi mumbai m
(Asso. Professor) Senior Academic Dept. of Adult, Continuing
Officer, Group-‘A’, Gazetted 51.
Dr. Satish Education & Extension
Dr. Kamal Shirsath University of Pune, Pune, 09422467289
Department of Politics & Pub.
36. Chandra 75 88 000 333 Maharashtra - 411 007
Adm. National Defence Academy
Kahadakwasla, Pune Associate Professor in Economics
Dr. Seema
Maharashtra, India, 411023 52. Delhi Technological University 9810790475
Singh m
Programme Coordinator, State Delhi, 110 042, India
Dr. Majji Resource Centre for Adult & principal murti devi memorial b.ed.
37. 9951971493 Dr. Tara 09782726609,
Appalaraju Continuing Education Education, 53. college, sadul shahar
Singh gill 09001832018
Endada, Visakhapatnam
Assistant Professor, School of Assistant Professor, Department of
Dr. Niradhar Education, Indira Gandhi National, 011-29572994 / Dr. Vaibhav vaibhavjadhav07@hotma
38. 54. Education & Extension, 9421503397
Dey Open University (IGNOU), Maidan 09968391145 Jadhav
University of Pune, Pune, INDIA
Garhi, New Delhi-110068 Dr. Ved Pal Asst. Professor, Faculty of Law,
Peswararaoedn@gmail.c 55. 9466901134
Dr. P. Eswara Singh M.D. University, Rohtak (Haryana)
PDF (UGC) Scholar, Andhra om,
39. Rao, 7396677759 Professor Deptt. of Adult,
University, Vishapatnam, A.P., Dr. Vilas
P. Rama Devi 56. Continuing Education & Extension, 9850910917 Adhav,
Pune University, Pune-7
Dr. P. Dept. of Adult, Continuing
drpvgupta.nlma@gmail.c Ph :
40. Viswanadha Education & Extension, University 9823255448 H.O.D.,Dept. of Psychology Sri
om Dr.(Mrs) santaamisraa@rediffmail. 91+9437211371
Gupta of Pune, Pune 57. Sathya Sai College for Women,
Santa Misra com 0674-
Principal, Maeer's MIT, Saint Bhubaneswar,Odisha
Dr. Pornima 2314747(Res)
41. Dnyaneshwar B.Ed. College. 9552524632 Dr.Ashwini A.
Kadam m 58.
Alandi Pune. Adadande
Assistant Professor DR.B.Praveen
Dr. Pradeep PG Department of Ag. Extension a Devi Assistant Professor Andhra m,
42. 9450860523 59. 9963000334
Dwivedi BRDPG College (DDU Gorakhpur m N.Kalpana University Campus, Vizianagaram kalpanakumari8276@gm
University) Deoria- 274001 Kumari
prakash999light@gmail.c Dr.C.Raja Professor & Former Dean, Faculty 040 23680493,
43. Dr. Prakash K. 9980351693 60.
om Mouli, of Education, Dr. B. R. Ambedkar 9849426761
Sl. Sl.
Name Address Email Phone Name Address Email Phone
no. no.
Dr.P.Swathi Open University Jubilee Hills, Senior Research Fellow(Ugc), Dept
Hyderabad 500033 M.Rajendra mrajendranathbabu@gma 9440858111
77. Of Education, S. V. University,
Asst.Professor, Dept. of Adult & Nath Babu 9441989740
Dr.G.Sundhar Continuing Educatio, University of
61. avadivel Madras. Guest Faculty, Dept. of 9444062101
L.Anitha Adult & Continuing Education, Department of Education & m,
University of Madras Manjushri P.
78. Extention,
Dr.Gautam Vice-Principal, Abasaheb Garware gautambhong@hotmail.c Bansode
62. 41038203 University of Pune,
Bhong College, Karve Road, Pune-411002 om meghauplane@rediffmail
Dr.Geeta drgeetashinde5577@gma .com
Department of Education
Shinde,, mehdimehri1358@gmail.
63. &Extension
Ms.Yogita yogitapuranik7585@gma Research Scholar Department of com,
University of Pune
Anil Puranik Mehdi Mehri Education and Extension 79. 8855024358
Principal Dr. Kagade Shobha Shahabadi University of Pune (India) Pune- m,
Dr.S V. m, 411007 Mehran_dez_1359@yaho
64. Vijaykumar Adhyapak 9881309193
Kagade shobha.kagade@yahoo.c
Mahavidyalaya, Aranyeshwar,Pune
om Miss Srutirupa Lecturer in Education srutirupa.panda@gmail.c
Assistant Professor, Council for 80.
Dr.S.Surapa suraparajus@rediffmail.c Panda NKCCTE, Angul, Odisha om
65. Social Development, Near NIRD, 9908216927 UGC NET Junior Research Fellow, vijaykamble.kamble@gm
Raju om
Rajendranagar, Hyderabad-500 030 Mr. Kamble Department of Education &,
81. 9767395067
Dr.Sunita Associate. Professor, Adhyapak sunitamalkothe@gmail.c 9890441462/758 Vijay Nagnath Extension, University of Pune,
66. Pune m
Hiremath Mahavidyalaya Arnyeshwar, Pune om 8330568
Department of Lifelong Learning, Library Assistant, Department of
Dr.V.Seeni Adult, Continuing Education &
67. Gandhigram Rural Institute 9245806624 Mr. Tanhaji
Natarajan m Extension, University o Pune, tanhajishinde09@gmail.c
(Deemed University), Tamilnadu 82. Vishwanath 9552437152
Dr.Y.Narasim associate programme Coordinator, narasimham.yabaji@gma Pune- 411007 , Mobile No. om
68. Shinde
ham SRC, Visakhapatnam 9552437152, Email-id-
School of Social Sciences (SOSS),
Harinam Indira Gandhi National Open harinam_4a41@rediffmai Asst.Professor, Department of
69. 9451144443 Public Administration
Singh University (IGNOU), Maidan Mrs. P.
Garhi, New Delhi-110068. 83. Nizam College (Constituent 9247750351
GV (PG) College of Education, College), Osmania University,
70. JD Singh 9414577875 Hyderabad, A.P.
Sangaria-335063 Rajasthan
Kalpana Assistant Professor, Assistant Professor
9730559289 , Ms. Meena meenabarse@rocketmail.
71. Chavan, Nisha Sharadchandrjy Pawar College Of m, 84. Sant Hirdaram Girls College
9850031267 Barse com
Valvi Education, Pune, Mahharashtra, Bhopal
Kandipalli Lecturer; Govt.D.I.E.T, Nagaraja Research Scholar in Department of sindhushreemt22@gmail.
72. Ramakrishnar Bheemunipatnam – 531163; 9492748176 85. Murthy, Communication and Journalism,
m Narendra N.A University of Mysore
ao Visakhapatnam (Dist); A.P
karanam Academic consultant, Department Neeti Trivedi, Research Scholar
73. mahaboobuval of Education, Yogivemana 9705848036 Dr Vinita m,
m 86. Banasthali University
i university, Kadapa Singh vinitasinghg@rediffmail.
Gopalkrishnan com
Kunuthur Soil Scientist cum Organic Farmer,
kunuthursrinivas@hotmai 0877-2232783 Newtan
74. Srinivasa Prakriti Vyavasaya Samakhya, Asst. Prof. JRSET College of M: 09849211195 87. Biswas, 9433476662
Reddy Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh Education, Nadia, Wes Bengal n
Jayanta Mete
A.P. Mahila Samatha Society
Assistant Professor & Head,
75. Lalitha 12-13-485/5, Nagarjuna Nagar, 040-27150233
Department of Social Work, Tilak 9960431507, 020
Tarnaka, Secunderabad - 500 017 Prakash S.,
88. Maharashtra Vidyapeeth, 24403049 /
mishra.latika@rediffmail. Yadav
Asst. Regional Director Mukundnagar, Gultekdi, Pune, 24403105
com, Maharashtra, India
76. Latika Mishra IGNOU, Regional Centre 9437337715
Koraput, Odisha
Sl. Sl.
Name Address Email Phone Name Address Email Phone
no. no.
Pramod Research Scholar, RIE,Utkal
Dept. Of Education n.pramodkumar2010@g 9491763124/949 Sayon Lazila
89. Kumar 103. University, Bhubaneshwar 9734132988
Acharya Nagarjuna University 1762833 Lepcha
Narikimelli Odisha
Institute of Advanced Studies in
Prof. B. S. Professor, Andhra University Shivani
90. 9440720949 104. Education, Faculty of Education,
Vasudeva Rao Andhra Pradesh. Visakhapatnam Mishra m
m University of Lucknow Research Scholar, Department of
Prof. K. Sudha Professor, Dept. of Adult and Shobha
m, 105. Education, Sri V University, 9701666858
91. Rani G. Continuing Education, S. V. 9490049413 Banka
kasireddysudharani@gma Trupathi
Umapathi University, Tirupati.A.P Shraddha Asst.Pro.(Edu.Dpt.) anil.shraddha0014@gmai 106.
Assit.Professor, Dept.Of English, Tiwari Kalyan P.G. college Bhilai(C.G.)
Prof.Grishma Birla College Of Arts,Science & khobragade.grishma@ya Supriti Panda,
92. 9869530720 107. Vaishali Dept. of Education, UOP m,
Khobragade commerce Kalyan, Dist:-Thane-
421301 Pitambare,,
Surya Senior Research Fellow,
I-103, Anand Vihaar, Tragad-IOC Mob No.-
Pushplata 108. Narayan Department of Education,
93. Road, Behind Nirma University, m 9305352806
Chaturvedi Gupta University of Lucknow
Sweta Ph.d Scholar, Bharti Vidyapeeth swetawarudkar@gmail.c
Research Scholar (J.R.F.), 109.
Warudkar University, Pune om
Department of Education, Lecturer (English), Anglo Arabic aftabangloarabic@gmail.
Ram Mohan VinayaBhavana, Visva-Bharati: A 09918729415, 110. Taj Mohamad 9312986856
94. Sr. Sec. School, Ajmeri Gate, Delhi com
Kesherwani Central University & An Institution 08116981914 Assistant Prof.Department of
of National Importance, Vidula,
Economics. Prof. Ramkrishna More
Santiniketan, West Bengal 111. Dnyaneshwar vidula.vyawahare@gmail
Arts, commerce and science
Ramachandrer Consultant Policy, ASCI, ramchandgadi.g@gmail.c Vyawahare .com
95. 9492071765 college, Akurdi, Pune 411044
edd. Gadi Hyderabad om
Assistant professor Uma
vilas B
Assistant Professor Department of 112. Shishanshastra (B.Ed) 9860845730
Ravindranath Education, Institute of Advanced Mahavidyalaya, Pandharpur
96. 9440479462
K. Murthy Study in Education, Osmania
University, Hyderabad 113.
97. Rohit Pawar
Assistant Professor, Department of 114.
Ruchira Elementary Education
98. 9873271505
Guglani Institute of Home Economics, m
University of Delhi
Project Assistant
Rupali Suresh Dept. of Adult, Continuing rupalikumbhar3333@gm
99. 9762517795
Kumbar Education and Extension,
University of Pune
Research Assistant, UGC Major
Project, Department of Special 117.
S.Anushiya, Education, Avinashilingam anushiyaa.sethupathy@g
100. 9952330408
G.Ananthi Institute for Home Science and
Higher Education for Women,
Coimbatore. 118.
Sandeep Siksha-Satra, Visva-Bharati,
101. 9475345917
Kumar Bhakat Sriniketan, Birbhum, W.B
Asstt. Prof. Dept. of Education, saritaverma1970@gmail. 119.
102. sarita verma
DCAB College, Raisen com

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