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Unit 1: Introduction to the Brain

Student Guide Lesson 4

1. What are the objectives of today’s lesson?

2. What is a Neurotransmitter?

 The brains c_______ m_________.

 There are more than _____ kinds of neurotransmitters.
 Neurotransmitters are released from n____ t_________, spread across the _________, and
attach to receptors on the t_______ _____.

3. What are the two different types of neurons?

 A _____________ neuron is a neuron that _______ the neurotransmitter when an action

potential enters its axon terminal.
 An _______ __________ occurs when a neuron _______ information down an axon, away
from its cell body.
 A _______________ neuron is a neuron that ___________ the neurotransmitter after it has
crossed the synapse.

4. Take a few notes on the neurotransmission video:

5. What are 8 key neurotransmitters and what do they associate with?

 Adrenaline; _______ or flight

 Dopamine; p________
 Serotonin; ________
 GABA; c______
 Acetylcholine; ___________
 Glutamate; __________
 Endorphins; e_________

U1L4 Student Guide 1

6. What does dopamine do?

 Interacts with the ________ __________to organize behavior

 Produces attention, stimulation, and focus to get something you want, satisfaction comes
 Is associated with ___________ ____ ____________

7. What are the three parts of the brain that are involved the Reward triad?

8. What is the Rewards System?
 Your reward system __________ the likelihood that an activity will have a __________
 The cortex is the d________ _________ that is responsible for e___________ ___________
and decisions made.
 The amygdala assesses your e__________ _______ and evaluates the l_______ of ________.
 The nucleus accumbens p___________ the r________ and r________ dopamine for you to
chase what you love and want.

9. What are some facts about the reward system?

 The brain remembers w_____ and _________.

 The brain _____________ behavior to a________ reward and experience a pleasurable
activity or experience again.
 T______ is not really a ___________ to a teen.
 The teen reward system is always on _____.

10. We know that in teens:

 The influence of the a________ over the c_______ is stronger than the CORTEX over the
 Teens may know to make a better decision BUT may choose the opposite decision due to the
decision being driven by _________.

11. In Summary:
 The cortex and amygdala do not have a m________ connection.
 This explains why adolescents take _______ ________ than adults.
 The teen brain weighs the r______ greater than the _______ and therefore drives the
decision-making process.

U1L4 Student Guide 2

12. Based on the video, take a few notes on how does the brain responds to fear?





13. Why is fear useful?

 It is a s_______ m_________.
 The amygdala is the brain’s t______ c______.
 S_____ ______ (unconscious)- amygdala prepares our body to respond to _______ and jump
starts our f_____ or f______ response.
 Long path c_________ the a____________; confirmed vs. a false alarm.
 A memory is created that may influence a person if a s________ s_________ occurs in the

14. How can a teen strategize for informed decision-making?

 Recognize and understand that the “___________ ________” affects decision-making
 Practice s_________ d_____ and thinking about how to make a good decision before
 Ask a ________ adult for advice
 Understand how you have the ability to s____-_________ and influence your decisions.

15. Triad Summary:

 The brain balances p________ r_________ and threats and takes p______ a_______.
 The teen brain loves to anticipate r_______.
 The teen brain does not v______ ________ as accurately as the ______ brain.

U1L4 Student Guide 3

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