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Congratulations! You have just been hired as an advertisement designer for the S.S.-7
Travel Company.  This company is having financial troubles because travel to
Australia, their main client-continent is slowing.  You have been hired to design a
travel brochure/document for one of Australia countries. 

Your brochure/document design should entice tourists to travel to this part of the
world.  This new opportunity gives you the chance to explore this region in depth.

To help the company get a new start, you need to think of a catchy logo for the
company.  You will be creating and designing a travel brochure/document by ONLY
using Internet web sites.  The brochure/document should include information about
the selected destination, areas of historical and recreational interest, and a choice of
travel packages.  You should also include pictures and/or images to help make a
lasting impression of your country.  Always remember that the first impression you
make on a customer is usually the most lasting impression.  You want this
brochure/document to be unique and something to remember.

Remember you are creating a travel brochure/document to entice customers to book a
trip with you!  So, the first thing that you need to do is decide on the destination
(country/state in Australia) to use for the brochure/document. 

Be creative and use the technology available or create it by hand using Smart Art, Clip
Art or on-line pictures.

As an advertisement designer, you will have 2 roles:


The travel agent will be the person to provide a complete profile of the physical
geography and climate of the destination. The travel agent will provide the following
1. A map of Australia with your country and its capital highlighted.

2. Name your country’s hemispheres and continent.  Describe the relative location of your
country.  Name the national capital and its absolute location. We are in the Southern
Hemisphere! Our state is south of Queensland and to the east of South Australia. Our
capital is Sydney and it is located 33.8688° S, 151.2093° E.
3. Describe the physical characteristics of the place such as size, land and water features.
What natural resources are available?  How is the land used? Our state is approximately
300,00 square miles. We are on the east coast of Australia, so there is a beach. The land is
mountainous and also has many rivers. New South Wales has many natural resources,
such as coal, gold, copper, lead, zinc, clays, etc. NSW has an abundance of rocks and
minerals. The land is used for inhabiting people, farming, and mining.

4. Name any special natural features that tourists would want to see (for example The
Colorado National Monument). NSW is home to over 780 national parks, so there are
plentiful natural features. A notable one is the “Three Sisters” mountains in the Blue
Mountains National Park, which is an unusual rock formation.

5. Explore the recreational activities available due to your country’s physical features (for
example we can ski in Grand Junction because we have snow and mountains). Due to the
fact that NSW is on the coast, it is great for ocean-related activities. Australia as a whole
has a great variety of marine life, and it is awesome to do activities such as surfing,
snorkeling, and scuba diving.

6. Describe the climate and recommend the best time of year to travel there. A lot of NSW
is very arid, meaning it does not receive much rainfall. The summer can be very hot,
while the winter can become decently cold. Due to these climates, it is recommended to
travel there during either the fall or spring seasons, where the temperature is more
7. Evaluate the threat of any natural disasters. The threat of natural disasters can be
intimidating when considering Australia’s fires and droughts, however the populated
areas such as Sydney will be fine.

The ambassador will be the person to provide a complete cultural profile of the destination. The
ambassador will provide the following information:
1. Describe the cultural characteristics of the people including food, clothing, language,
population density and homes. Due to NSW being on the coast, seafood is quite popular
there. You can expect to find Sydney’s rock oysters. However, NSW is quite
multicultural, so don’t be too sad if you aren’t a seafood lover. NSW can become quite
hot, so summer-style clothing is the norm. English is the most popular language in NSW,
with around 70% speaking it. NSW is very population dense in its major cities, such as
Sydney. For example, a whopping 65% of NSW residents live in Sydney.

2. Name any special cultural places or historical places that tourists would want to see (for
example Main Street with Art on the Corner). Fans of movies might want to visit some
famous film shooting locations, where it was featured by films like Mad Max, Mission
Impossible, and the Matrix. NSW also has an abundance of talent in art, with many
famous art schools such as The National Art School. Therefore, NSW has many art
galleries and museums.
3. Name their currency (money) and any products that most tourists buy from this area.
NSW uses the AUD currency (Australian dollar). Tourists like to buy camphor cutting
boards, opals, boots, and many other souvenirs.

4. Describe cultural events, athletic competitions, and museums that might be of interest to
tourists (for example The Museum of Western Colorado). NSW is home to many events,
competitions, and museums. As mentioned before, there are multiple art galleries for
anyone to visit. NSW is home to a lot of sports, most notably cricket and rugby. There are
also motorsport events at the infamous Mount Panorama Circuit.

5. Explore the costs and types of transportation both to the destination and within the
destination. Flights to NSW can range from $2,000-$3,000 depending on where you are
and the experience. Within NSW, you can easily travel by rail, road, air, or on water in
ferries. Ferries usually won’t cost more than $10.
6. Provide travel tips and travel advisories.
 Due to NSW’s intense heat and sunlight, sunblock is always a must. Sydney is home
to many great beaches, so you never forget your swim clothes. It is advisable to look
up on the snakes and spiders that are native to NSW, as they could be quite dangerous.

Source 1 ; Source 2 ; Source 3 ; Source 4 ; Source 5 ; Source 6 ; Source 7 ; Source 8 ;

Source 9 ; Source 10 ; Source 11 ; Source 12

After you have collected all the information, you must sort through it to select the
important information and discard the rest. Now, you should begin the writing
process, and create your rough drafts.  You need to convey the information you have
collected in a persuasive style.  Remember, you want people to be interested in the
brochure/document you produce. This can be in a Word document or a Google Doc.
Only one person needs to submit the assignment.

Guidelines for the brochure/document is as follows:

Title Page - Company name, logo and your name
3 stories with pictures/captions
-         physical characteristics and natural features
-         recreation and climate
-         culture and history
Title, bulleted lists for travel, money and transportation information, with
Interesting facts
You can use bullet points if you prefer.
Work cited slide using APA format


Travel Brochure/document WebQuest Checklist

Criteria                                                                                           Student Teacher

1. Fulfilled the Role Assigned (10 points)                                            
2. Research (10 points)    
3. Quality of Material (5 points)    
4. Wrote to Persuade (5 points)    
5. Draft of Persuasive (5 points)    
6. Mechanics of Writing (20 points)    
7. Creativity (10 points)    
8. Neatness (10 points)    
9, Participation in Group Work (5 points)
10. Work cited (5 points)    
11. Need 20 slides of content (20 points)
12. Total (100 points)    

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