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I. Opinion < Đưa ra ý kiến người viết >
-> Do u agree or disagree?
-> To what extent do you agree or disagree?
-> What’s your opinion?
Ex: I content/ suppose / advocate / protest/ disagree/…
II. Discussion < Thảo luận (cấm đưa quan điểm người viết) về 2 qđ # nhau về 1 vấn đề >
-> Discuss both view?
-> Explain the negative and positive?
-> What are the advantages and disadvantages?
III. Discussion and opinion < Thảo luận và đưa ra ý kiến >
-> Discuss both view and give your opinion?
-> Do u think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?
-> Is this development positive or negative?
IV. Causes – Effects – Solutions < Nguyên nhân, kết quả và giải pháp >
-> What are the reasons? What problems does this tendency cause?
-> What can be done to solve this problem?
V. 2 parts questions essay < Dạng bài 2 câu hỏi >
Ex: What’s an ideal society & how to build this society
Ex: Why? What factors contribute to happiness?

* Template 1:

+ Paraphrase the statement

+ Answer the Qs

Ex: Some pp think news has no connection to pp’s lives. Therefore, it’s a waste of time to read
the newspapers and watch television news programs. To what extend do you agree or disagree?
+ It is thought that newspaper and television reports have nothing to do with the daily life
of pp/ the general public/ members of society, so following/ checking such reports on the mass
media such as printed newspaper and the telly is time-consuming.
+ From my perspective, I strongly disagree with the statement because such news could
help widen pp’s knowledge and enhance their essential living skills.
the newspapers and watch television news newspaper and television reports
no connection to pp’s lives have nothing to do with the daily life of pp/
the general public/ members of society
a waste of time time-consuming.

* Template 2:

+ Background sentences
+ 2 compare opinions
+ Answer the Qs

Ex: Some pp think news has no connection to pp’s lives. Therefore, it’s a waste of time to read
the newspapers and watch television news programs. To what extend do you agree or disagree?
+ Whether newspapers and television reports have nothing to do with the daily life of the
general people has ignited a passion debate.
+ While some pp argue that such news engenders a waste of time, others maintain that
this helps widen the knowledge of members of society.
+ I strongly disagree with the former for the following reasons.
* I strongly in agreement with the statement because…+ Lý do 1,2
* While I agree/ consider that….., I advocate that…+ Lợi ích view 1 + Lý do ủng hộ view 2

* Template

+ In conclusion, I advocate that ….. is of great benefit.

+ This could not only enable + sb to do st + but + S + also + V.

Ex: Some pp think news has no connection to pp’s lives. Therefore, it’s a waste of time to read
the newspapers and watch television news programs. To what extend do you agree or disagree?
+ In conclusion, I advocate that reading news and watching telly is of great benefit.
+ This could not only enable viewers and readers to acquire new knowledge, but it can
also be a good way to hold their essential living skills.

* Template

1. Background sentence
2. Thesis statement – Đưa ra quản điểm đối lập
3. Trả lời + (Đưa ý kiến)


- Vấn đề gì đó gây tranh cãi, thảo luận sôi nổi

+ To spark of/ ignite a passionate debate/discussion

+ To pose a record discussion (Gây ra thỏa thuận gần đây)

+ To be under discussion/ debate/ dispute/ controversy (Đang đc thảo luận, tranh cãi)

+ To be controversial/ disputable/ debatable

- Vấn đề gì đó nan giải

+ To be a thorny

+ To be a thorny issue/ problem

+ To be head – splitting

- Vấn đề gì là gợi suy nghĩ

+ To be thought-provoking

+ To be thought-provocative

- While some people argue/ claim/ suppose/ believe/ think + that + VIEW 1,
- I/ others advocate/ contend/ maintain/ subcribe + to the idea that + VIEW 2
- I am going to elucidate/ discuss/ shed light + on two sides of the problem (and present my
personal view)
* Example
- Ex 1:
Many people argue that in order to improve educational quality, high school students are
encouraged to make comments or even criticism of their teachers. Others think it’ll lead to a less
of respect and discipline in the classroom. Discuss both views give your own opinion.
+ People have different perspectives on how to enhance the standard of education at high
schools/ has ignited a passionate debate/ discussion.
+ While some individuals claim that comments or criticisms of teachers/educators from
students will serve as an effective measure to achieve this, others maintain that they could lead to
disrespect and in discipline in class,
+, I will/am going to elucidate 2 news and present my opinion.
- Ex 2:
A good planning is a key factor for life success. Other thinks other factors are more
important (hardworking…)
+ What factors contribute to achieving a sense of success in life is a thorny problem.
+ While it is believed that arranging tasks well is one of great importance to this,
+ , I advocate that there are several other factors such as deligentle and fortunate being
more significant to success.
- Ex 3:
Some people believed that studying at uni is the best route to a successful carrer, while
others belive that it is better to get a job straight after school.
+ What ways lead to boost a successful career is thought- provoking…
+ While some pp claim that tertiary education is of great important to climbing up the
career ladder,
+ ,I advocate entering the workforce right after leaving school is more significant because
it offer the chance to gain the practical experiences and sharpen necessary working skills.


* Template

+ In conclusion, each idea/ new/ opinion has its own value/ chủ đề?
is both beneficial and detrimental

+ VIEW 1, whereas I am strongly of the opinion that + VIEW 2

I am in agreement that
I am sue with the view that
- Ex 1: Many people argue that in order to improve educational quality, high school students are
encouraged to make comments or even criticism of their teachers. Others think it’ll lead to a less
of respect and discipline in the classroom. Discuss both views give your own opinion.
+ All things considered, each agreement has its own value.
+ The educational quality could be enhanced by encouraging learners to comment or
criticize their teachers,
+, but I am strongly of the opinion that this action is a culprit of lack of respect
and discipline in the classroom.


* Template

1. Background sentence
2. Thesis statement – Đưa ra quản điểm đối lập
3. Trả lời + (Đưa ý kiến)


- Vấn đề gì đó gây tranh cãi, thảo luận sôi nổi

+ To spark of/ ignite a passionate debate/discussion

+ To pose a record discussion (Gây ra thỏa thuận gần đây)

+ To be under discussion/ debate/ dispute/ controversy (Đang đc thảo luận, tranh cãi)

+ To be controversial/ disputable/ debatable

- Vấn đề gì đó nan giải

+ To be a thorny

+ To be a thorny issue/ problem

+ To be head – splitting

- Vấn đề gì là gợi suy nghĩ

+ To be thought-provoking

+ To be thought-provocative
- While some people argue/ claim/ suppose/ believe/ think + that + VIEW 1,
- I/ others advocate/ contend/ maintain/ subcribe + to the idea that + VIEW 2
- I am going to elucidate/ discuss/ shed light + on two sides of the problem (and present my
personal view)
Đồng ý Từ chối
+ to side with those who maintain that + I’m opposed to those who believe that
+ to be in an agreement with those who contend + I oppose/ protest those who
that + I object to the view that
+ to be in support of those who argue that + I am at variance with those who
+ to be sync with those who claim that + I am in disagreement with those who
+ to advocate those who/ the view that
+ to lean towards those who argue that

* Example 3: Many people argue that in order to improve educational quality, high school
students are encouraged to make comments or even criticism of their teachers. Others think it’ll
lead to a less of respect and discipline in the classroom. Discuss both views give your own
+ How to raise the standard of education has ignited a passionate debate.
+ While some pp claim that students in high schools should be entitled to comment or criticize
their teachers in the interest of better education,
+ I side with those who maintain that this proposal results in discipline in class.

* Template

+ In conclusion, both sides of the argument have their own value/ merits.
+ Although + VIEW 1 + could contribute to enhancing the quality of + st,
+ I advocate the view that this tendency is held accountable for a lack of/ dearth
respect and discipline in + st (environment)

+ In conclusion, both sides of the argument have their own value/ merits.
+ Although comments or criticism by learners could contribute to enhancing the quality of
+ I advocate the view that this tendency is held accountable for a lack/ dearth of respect and
discipline in the learning environment

* Template:
It is true that + câu đề bài. While this trend is attributed/ attributale/
ascribed to + causes, there are several measures that should be taken by sb to
combat the situation.

Ex: An increase in the production of consumer goods results in damage to the natural
environment. Why is this the case, and what solutions are possible?
+ Human overexploitation of inland and + To impose stringent sanctions on businesses
under water natural resources and individuals who break the law on
< Khai thác các nguồn tài nguyên TN trên cạn environmental protection.
và dưới nước quá mức > < Áp đặt lệnh trừng phạt đối vs các doanh
+ Deforestation nghiệp và cá nhân vi phạm luật MT >
+ Mineral extraction + To launch campaigns to raise the public
< Khai thác khoáng sản > awareness of detrimental impacts of
+ Over fishing deforestation and overfishing on the ecology.
+ Oil drilling < Vận động các chiến dịch nâng cao ý thức
của người dân về những tác động có hại của
việc chặt phá rừng và đánh bắt cá quá mức lên
môi trường >
=> It is true that the ecological system is seriously exacerbated by the increasing
manufacture of goods for human consumption. While this trend is ascribed to human
overexploitation of inland and underwater natural resources, there are several measures that
should be taken by local and national authorities to combat the situation.
The production of consumer goods Manufacture of goods for human
Damage Exacerbate = aggravate = undermine =
The natural environment The ecological system


* Template:

In conclusion, although causes (sb/ st) are the main contributor to st…,
/ the problem could be resolved once sb do st .
/ In my opinion, there should be the joint effects among + sb + themselves so
as to have the best results in the fight against + st…

Ex: An increase in the production of consumer goods results in damage to the natural
environment. Why is this the case, and what solutions are possible?
+ Human overexploitation of inland and + To impose stringent sanctions on businesses
under water natural resources and individuals who break the law on
< Khai thác các nguồn tài nguyên TN trên cạn environmental protection.
và dưới nước quá mức > < Áp đặt lệnh trừng phạt đối vs các doanh
+ Deforestation nghiệp và cá nhân vi phạm luật MT >
+ Mineral extraction + To launch campaigns to raise the public
< Khai thác khoáng sản > awareness of detrimental impacts of
+ Over fishing deforestation and overfishing on the ecology.
+ Oil drilling < Vận động các chiến dịch nâng cao ý thức
của người dân về những tác động có hại của
việc chặt phá rừng và đánh bắt cá quá mức lên
môi trường >

=> In conclusion, although deforestation and overfishing are the main contributor to
environmental degradation/ deterioration,
=>…. the problems could be resolved once governments impose stringent sanctions on
businesses and individuals who break the law on ecological protection as well as launch
campaign to raise/ heighten the public awareness of detrimental/ harmful impacts of such action
on the natural ecology.
=>…. In my opinion, there should be the joint effects among parents and children
themselves so as to have the best results in the fight against…..
Damage to the natural environment Environmental degradation/ deterioration
Solutions The problems could be resolved…

1. <CES> Today family members do not eat meals together. Why is this case? Do the advantages
outweigh disadvantages of the development?

Why? Advantages Disadvantages

- Too busy = up to the neck - Lead an independent life - Lack of love/care
- Under pressure => catch up - Save time - Separate the family members
with others - Enhance the chance of success <Don’t understand others
- Bc of distant (live/work/study situation/ sadness>
far away from house) -
- Conflict
Whether the family reunion times, especially when it comes to the meal hour, are being
cut down has ignited a passionate debate. It is also considered that this trend is attributed to the
hustle and bustle of each person’s life. While some people argue such meals engenders a lack of
care among the family member, others maintain this helps people lead their independent life.

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