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Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic

Saturday, August 6th, 2022

Jose Aneudy Rodriguez Zapata 100523593

Máximo Encarnación Gomera
IDI-2280 English Composition I

The person I admire the most

By Jose Aneudy Rodriguez Zapata
Every time someone asks about the person that I admire the most in
the world, I do not have to overthink about it, because the only name that
comes to my mind is Teresa Zapata. This lovely, strong and beautiful
woman is my mom. If I must start mentioning something what I admire my
mom for is her strength, which appears to be resistant throughout her hard
times. She is a single woman and has managed to raise two children alone,
while goes through hard health problems always keeping positive attitude.
Finally, I can assure you that there is not a way you could hate a person like
my mom.

When I say that my mom works hard, what I mean is that she does not stop
until she gets what she wants. Once, I was going health problems. I
remember that the doctor told her that they had to make me a surgery. But
my mom did not have the money to pay for it. Nevertheless, this did not
freak her out. Rather, she started contacting people whom she knew that
could help us to pay the surgery. She kept working and looking for ways
without any rest. And after a while of work, she had already collected all
the money that we were needing for the surgery. I was operated and could
go back home with my family. Thanks to my mother’s long work. ´

I remember once my mom had a job that used to pay her very little money.
By the time, we did not have any furniture or home appliances at home.
Like a proper stove or just a nice sofa. Then, my mother decided to look for
better job. I helped her make several resumes and she sent them to places
where she considered she could get it. The time passed and she had not
received an answer. So, she could not wait any longer, thus making the
decision to open a cafeteria. Also, she bought a bale of clothes and started
selling them in our neighborhood. My little sister and I wanted to help. So,
we created some homemade things like bracelets, neckless and earrings.
This way we collected enough money to buy all the things we were needing
in our house. Nowadays she is making much more than ever.

If I had to choose someone from whom I received an unconditional love,

that would be my mom. When she was pregnant with me. She was also
going through an illness. She had appendicitis. One day my grandmother
and her were at the hospital checking if everything was going well with the
baby. When a doctor who had seen the results of her sonography came
where they were and told them that they would have to perform surgery on
my mother and left. So far, everything looks normal until they went back
where my mom and my grandma were, but this time told her that the baby
she was pregnant with would not survive. She freaked out and did not want
anyone to touch her. She was not willing to let anyone to kill her baby. She
let the doctors and my family know that. Also, she told them that if they
would do the surgery, they should save both of us. Otherwise, she will not
permit them to do the surgical process, but not only that she was willing to
die by not allowing the doctors perform the surgery on her. The doctors
insisted on telling her about the odds in which that could happen. They
were too low to save both of us. Anyway, she did not settle with their
answers, but she preyed to God. In summary, I am still alive and my mom
too. Today I can say that really someone loved me without conditions.

Being my mom means going beyond what most people would do in order
to love, complete and achieve what she wants. She has proven to be all
terrain woman by always showing her strength and character with actions.
Also, she has achieved everything she had proposed to do, and I must tell
you all that I am faithful witness of that. Finally, I can say that a mother´s
love is truly unmatched, and Teresa Zapata is totally an example of selfless
love, which teaches all of us who have lived with her to understand what
true love is.

Santo Domingo 2022

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