1824 Rev. F. Carey - A Grammar of The Burman Language

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par . M. Jean - Charles Biaudet .








e Roots from which the Language is derived .

By Melis

AL 145




Brit . Mus.


THE Burman empire and the kingdom of Siam have been long
known to European nations, as countries included in what geo
graphers call India beyond the Ganges ; but their boundaries and
extent are but little known, and the various nations which border
upon them to the north and north - east are known in aa still smaller .

Towards the close of the fifteenth, and during the whole of the
sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, Siam and Pegu were much fre
quented by the Portuguese, Dutch, French, and English, each of
whom, at different times, possessed factories in those countries, and
had extensive mercantile dealings with the inhabitants. Little how
ever has been left upon record concerning the manners, customs,
and religion of those nations, and still less respecting the various
languages which are spoken among them .

The only persons who attempted to write on the affairs of these

nations in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, were Pinto,
Faria de Souza, Monsieur de la Loubere, Niebuhr, and Kæmpfer;
some of whom had opportunities of visiting those countries. With
the exception of the last however, little authentic information is to
be gathered from their works.
A 2

In the year 1800, Col. Symes published his " Embassy to the Bur
man Empire .” This work contains the most accurate account of
that nation which has ever been presented to the public : Col. S.
has therein faithfully related all the facts and circumstances which
came within his knowledge ; his opportunities, however, were not
such as could enable him to give an accurate account of the lan

It is highly probable, that the religion of Boodha was the pre

vailing one throughout Bengal and Hindoost'han , from its first esta
blishment there till the expulsion of that party, which is supposed
to have taken place about three hundred years before the Christian
æra :—and that to escape the cruelty of their persecutors, the Bou
dhists then emigrated towards the South West as far as Ceylon, and
to the Eastward throughout the Burman dominions and the kingdom
of Siam . From this period then must be dated the introduction of
the religion of Boodha into the Burman country, and with it the Ma
gudha language, which is evidently a dialect of the Sungskrit.

The writings of Boodha contain a suminary of all the doctrines

received as authentic, and revered as of divine authority, by the
Siamese and Burman nations. These religious books, which were
originally written in the Magudlia or Palee language, have been trans
lated into the Burman language, and very copious commentaries
have been written upon them by successive Burman authors. The
Burmans invariably assert that they were originally brought from
Ceylon. They abound with fabulous stories and legends ofevents

however, which are said to have occurred in the upper provinces

of Hindoost'han . The manners and customs of the people who
are the subjects of these stories, resemble those of the nations of
Hindoost'han , and greatly corroborate the idea that the religious
books, and consequently, the religion of the Siamese and Burmans,
were originally brought from thence by the circuitous route of Cey

When the religion of Boodha was the prevailing one in Hin

doost'han, many of its forms and ceremonies were probably dif
ferent from those now practised among the Burmans ; but the
circumstance of its former prevalence in India may be inferred from
the numerous images of Boodhu which are to be seen in different
parts ofHindoost'han1 ; some lately dug up among the ruins of Gour
were evidently disfigured by the Mahometan monarchs when they
took possession of that province. The Burmans appear to have
had from time immemorial a greater intercourse both in a literary
and commercial point of view with Hindoost'han and the nations
to the west, than they have had with the Chinese. A circum

stance, perhaps, to be attributed to the difficulty of becoming ac

quainted with Chinese books and literature.

The system of Astro nomy and Laws prevalent in the Burman

dominions appear to be substantially the same with those which
prevail in Hindoost'han. These were, in all probability, first intro

duced into the Burman Empire by the Brahmunas of Muni-poora.

It is an authenticated fact that Muni-poora has always supplied

6 P R E FACE .

this nation with Astronomers and Diviners of the Brahman sect,

and that these have always had a considerable influence in the Bur
man court. These profess to be ofthe Hindoo religion , and follow
ers of Bruhmu ; and it appears that they have been indefatigable in
diffusing their sentiments through the Burman country. It is true,
they have failed in spreading their religious tenets, but they have
amply succeeded in introducing their system of astronomy and the
laws of Munoo. The laws, and the system of Astronomy, at pre
sent adopted by the Burmans appear therefore tohave come to them
from India through Muni-poora.

No traces of the Chinese religion appear in the Burman empire;

and the only circumstance in which the Burmans seem to have imi
tated the Chinese in latter ages, is in their mode of building and
in their official equipage, all of which is evidently of Chinese origin.
Except in construction and style, the Burman language, which is
the subject ofthe following pages, has, however, every appearance

of having originated from the Chinese, being, like it, made up of a

certain number of monosyllabic sounds, derived from natural ob
jects, and most commonly conveying a general idea of some action
or quality : these words bear but little resemblance to those of any
of the languages spoken to the westward of the Burman dominions .

It is probable, that there was a period in which the Burman

language was merely a dialect of the Chinese, and that the intro
duction of the religion of Boodha brought with it the Sungskrit
language, or rather that dialect of it called the Magudha, which
may have been onegreat cause ofthe Burman languages gradually

assuming its present form . At the present day it abounds with

words evidently derived from the Magudha, some of which are be
come quite naturalized by use and custom ; others again, not quite so
common in conversation, are found in their religious books to a de
gree scarcely to be conceived . The language being formed upon the
monosyllabic system, this renders it impossible that words consist
ing of many syllables should be blended therewith without being
perceived ; and any one with the least attention may always detect
every word of a foreign origin.

The Burman language, then, in its formation, seems to resemble

the Chinese, but, in its idiom and construction, the languages of
Hindoost’han , and it may consequently be styled a language which
partakes both of the monosyllabic and polysyllabic systems.

There are but few words in the Burman language which coincide
with the Chinese in signification. Some vestiges of similarity may,
however, be traced among the verbal roots or monosyllabic sounds.
This circumstance, among others, serves to strengthen the idea that
at some remote period the Burman language originated from the Chi.
nese, but when thatperiod was, no satisfactory evidence appears. The
most probable conjecture is, that the introduction of foreign words
and phrases, which accompanied the religion of Boodha, tended to
polish the Burman fongue, and caused it to partake in some measure
of the polysyllabic plan.

Since the introduction of the Magudha language into the Bur

man Empire, the Burman language has been much cultivated. This

is corroborated by the fact that many Grammars and Dictionaries

of the Magudha language are still extant : many of the writings of
Boodha also, which are to be met with in every part of the country,
have been translated into Burman ; and the commentariesupon them
by Burman writers are so numerous as almost to defy calculation.
Learned Burmans have also written many treatises upon the Bur .

man language, which consist chiefly of directions for writing the

roots correctly, and for translating from the Magudha into the
Burman language ; but no one has yet attempted to compose a
grammar of his own tongue. Perhaps the reason may be, that they
have thought it beneath them to attempt improving the vernacular
language of their own country. It is a fact, that a Brahmun of Ben
gal, who has only acquired a smattering of the Sungskrit, looks up
on the Bengalee, his native language, as beneath his notice.

From what has been said, it will appear that the Burman language
is formed from monosyllabic roots, and founded upon the mono
syllabic system ; but that this system is again modelled in such a
way as to admit of the construction and idiom of a polysyllabic
language. This will probably appear with greater evidence from
the present work .

Proper names, and names of sensible objects excepted, all

nouns are formed regularly from verbal roots, and from these ver
bals are formed adjectives and participles ; the language is also
supplied with inflective terminations for all the cases of nouns .

The chief peculiarity of the Burman laoguage lies in the verbs,


Of the Characters.

THE Burman * alphabet consists of forty -five letters

( 9302 ?) of which twelve are vowels ( 3.7.) and thir
ty-three consonants (@jas).

အ at saya me ဤ ee
800“ 800

Ce Ni ад sa an Sot
o @ sau cefau
Consonants ,

no ka a kha nga w gha C gna

cha 20 chha 9 ja qjha gneea
9 tha pada dha na

o ta o tha 3 da 6 dha 9 na
ора s pha ba aဘ bha oma
Ол уа ara o la O wa w tha
os ha Ella saan

* The proper word is Mranma, , Cros.

+ In writing Burman words with English tétters, the italics are to be pro

1. The first twenty - five consonants are divided

into five classes (wpcoal). From n to C , is the first
nog ); from o to 29, the second (602);; from
(600g to

m , the third (@og ); from os toq,the fourth (0.00 );

and from v to a the fifth (008 ). The rest are called
2002, onmiscellaneous.

2. The first and third letters of each class are

unaspirated, the second and fourth aspirated, and the
fifth nasal.

3. The letters are arranged by Magudha gram

marians according to their different organs in the
2 following manner :

The first class ( 702 ), viz. wanw C , and the

vowels 33 and 307, together with us, are called no
Gº, gutturals. The seccond (008),viz. © 20 g and
2; the vowels and , together with w, are
Ocaq ?go, palatal. The third (@o2),viz.ag po and
W., together with q and gહ are qzgɔ
azgo linguals. The
nounced short, and the Roman letters long, i.e. a is sounded as in father , a as
in man , and when final as in America ; e as a in name, i as ei in their, i as in
till , ee as in reed , oo as in good , oo as in cool , and u as in but. In repeating
the alphabet the inherent vowel is invariably pronounced as in pan.

fourth, (0.8 ), viz. 00 00 36 and q, together with

and > , are 3 253,dentals. The fifth, ( 002), viz.
ooy os and @, together with the vowels 3 and 3,
eskgo, labials. The vowel C is both guttural and
palatine; is guttural and labial, and o dental and

N. B. The vowels gò and 665, not being used in

the Magudha language, are omitted in the above ar
rangement. However, as they belong to the Burman
alphabet, andare indispensably necessary in writing the
language, they are reckoned with their respective
short vowels ; in which case so is both a guttural and
a palatal, and sguttural and labial.
4. The letters C , 22, 23 , 2, , and så,, are called
320033song or nasals.
5. The vowels are either similar ( 0622,) as so
and say), pp and go to and §;or dissimilar(90269
7.) as 9 and me and 9: 8 and c @ s, .
every vowel is similar to itself, and to its correspond
ing long or short vowel. In the Burman language
A 2

G, S., and slar
5 are always reckoned dissimilar to
all others ;; but in the Magudha only C and

6. The Magudha grammarians reckon eight vow

els only, three of which are short (260), as so, n and
; the restareThis
C and @
accounted long (Ex ) as 29, B ,
remark refers to the writing of
the Magudha language in the Burman character.

7. bis properiy the dental sibilant s, agreeing

with the Deva -nugura # , but by the Burmans it is
constantly pronounced like the English th in thatch ,
There being only this sibilant, two new oneshave been
introduced into the language, but they are not much
known, and are only used by the learned when there
is occasion to write the Sungskrita language in the
Burman characters, or by brahmuns who visit that
country They are the palatine, o or sh agreeing
with the Deva-nugura T , and the lingual, or sh,
agreeing with the Deva -nugura 9 .

8. & is only used in writing words derived from the


9. In words derived from the Magudha the mark (0)


is used instead of any one of the nasals, but in the Bur

man it isseldom used, except it be for the final S. It
is reckoned among the consonants by the Magudha
ns, andis calledBelgy, and GOZWADZE
တင် by the Burmans.
On the Pronunciation of the Vowels.
10. so is pronounced as a in pan. Sometimes it
is softened so as to have the sound of the first aа in
America ; as m @ E, kagen, a dancing, nos, kanan,
& crab, moos,kagneet, an iron stile.
ll . soo has the sound of a in path,

12. Ris sounded as i in till. The representative

symbol of this letter is frequently combined with the
vowelso, thus s., andhasthe same sound with 92, but
is never used instead of it.

13. is pronounced as ee in eel. It is the long

vowel of the preceding. The symbol of this vowel
is frequently combined with 33 thus 39, and has the
same sound with one but theyarenot used one for the

14. g or g.is pronounced as oo in good. The

symbol of the vowel g is frequently combined with
3s thus
အူ but they cannot be used reciprocally.
15. 3 is soundedas oo in cool. Sometimes the

symbol of thevowel Zis combined with $əthus say

which cannot be used instead of though it has the
same sound .

16. C : the sound is that of the English a in name,

It also expresses the sound of thediphthong ai in air.
It is sometimes, though but seldom , written with the
symbol joined, thus 630 .

17. constantly expresses the sound of the

diphthong ei in their.

18." @
o por
por is constantly pronounced as au
" in audience . The second of the above characters
is an abbreviation of the first, and is most commonly
used in writing. The symbol of this vowel is some
times combined with a thus 6923, but is not used
instead of the proper towel though they are pro
nounced alike.

19. c5is pronounced as aw in awful. Some.


times also the symbols of this vowel are combined with

the m to form this character, og0s, which has the
same sound,but cannot be used instead of cos.
N. B. The letters Cgà, co and cos, though
Teckoned among the vowels, are properlydiphthongs.
The forms and 6835 are but seldom used instead
of theiroriginal characters, as ( 309035, below , is never
writtencons; and ( s.ə€, conquer, is never written
@o , & c.
* .
20 . this mark has the sound of an in pan .

21 . : is pronounced as ah . This mark is never

used in the Magudha language, and merely as an acs
cent in the Burman .
It is called Saဝိ ngသeoခိnု
N. B. Few words in the Burman language begin
with the vowels son, B. &.C. sd, and
? cos Words derived from the Magudha begin
ning with the above vowels occur more frequently,

22.940, is a diphthong, and will be taken notice

of hereafter .

On the Pronunciation of the Consonants.

23. m has the sound of k in king, a the aspirato
ed letter, is pronounced something like the conjunct
sound of k and h in brick -house.

24. n is sounded as g in gad -fly. w, its aspi

rate , has the conjunct sound of g and h in log -house.

25. с has the sound of gn.

26. o has the power of ch in church. 20 is the

aspirate of the above, and is sounded as chh in much
haste were the two words combined .

27. G is pronounced asj in jar; and its aspirate g

has the sound of ge and h in college-hall.

28. @properly written 2. The first character

is commonly accounted a double letter, though gene
rally used for the single one.

29 .
{ has the sound of t in lent. g is its cor
responding aspirate, and has nearly the power of the
conjunct sound th in pent-house.

30. ? has the sound of d in dart. ~ is the aspirate;

and has the sound of dh'in old - house.

31. M is pronounced as n.
32. v is the dentalt, and is pronounced by ap.
plying the tongue to the upper teeth. o is the aspi
rate of the foregoing letter.
33 3 is the dental d , and is likewise expressed by
applying the tongue to the upper teeth
teeth .. O is the as
pirate of the above letter.

34 .
$9 is pronounced as the English n.
35. ois sounded like p in path , and its aspirate
has the sound of ph in pharisee, or fin father,

36. y is sounded like b in bad; oo is its correspond

ing 'aspirate.

37. is pronounced like the English min man ,

38. w has the sound ofyy in yard .

39. 9 is pronounced like r in rat. It also often has

the sound of y in yard .

- 40. vois pronounced like I in latter.

41. O is sounded like w in wart,

42. 30 has both the sounds of the English th ag

expressed in the words thatch and thee.
43. O has the sound of h in hat.

44. is sounded as I.
45. has the sound of n in an.

46. The consonants w , q, argi 2, Y ;" ?,

@ , Jand E. are chiefly used in writing words derived
from the Magudha, and are but seldom used in the
Burman language.Among the above 29
w , ę, go @, vi
♡ and
d & are
are never
never used as initials, in words purely
Burman ; 9 is used only twice, and ? and but seldom ,
These letters are often used as initials in the Magudha

47. The Burmans cannot pronounce the letters ရ

and 30 when they are theinitials of a compound con
sonant. In this case therefore they are generally mute .

N. B. Nearly all the consonants and the symbols

of the vowels are called by different names, which are
here omitted . In repcating the alphabet the Burmans
make scarcely any distinction between the pronuacia
tion of the aspirated and unaspirated letters.


Of compounding Letters.
3s is inherent in every consonant.
48. The vowel 39

49. Consonants may be combined with either the

vowels.or consonants. The compound character thus

formed is termed (1783820zq, or a compound letter.

50 . When a vowel follows a consonant in the
same syllable, it loses its original form , and is represent
ed by a symbol. )

Of compounding the Vowels with a Consonant.

51. The following table represents the symbolical
charactersof the respective vowels, the vowels combin .
ed with a consonant, and the power of each when thus
combined : B 2

Vowel. Symbol, Compound. Power .


2 or 2 ka







ကာ kau

' kau

အိ ကိ kani

အ ကား kah

52. The second symbolical character of thevowel

go is used only in junction with the letters a, , C , 3,
and o , because the first character cannot be joined
with them without making them assume the form of

53. The vowels soon and 6025 are for the most
part written with their respective symbols affixed to
the compound character : thus, c @ s, andcos.

When these vowels come in conjunction with a conso

nant, theletter is rejected, and merely the symbols
and 6–5 are retained ; as o ,sol,

54. Every consonant may receive .a vowel after it

in the above manner . Ex. 8, 8, 69, cons
55. The consonant with its annexed vowel is con
sidered as one letter, and pronounced as such. Ex. 9
is not read as ka - i, but ki.

56. The absence of the inherent vowel so is de

noted by the mark placed over a consonant,

က် ‫ تا ارز را‬،

57 . Whenever the symbol of any vowel or con

sonant is united to another consonant, it invariably
occupies the place of the inherent yowel 32. Ex. ,
Of compounding Consonants ,

58. The consonants ( 9, 0, Q and on are express

sed by the following symbols ;

Consonant, Symbol. Compound . Power .

el mu kya

ရ o kra
0 ) gnha
59. The symbol of us, in words purely Bunun
is affixed to all the nasals, besides which it is affixed to
onlyur, 9, 60,% 0, and S, and the compounds formed
by their combination with other letters, which will be
mentioned hereafter. But in words derived from the

Magudha it may be affixed to any character.

‫; ܪܶܪܳܝ‬
60. w and o , also Q and o , when united are ex
pressed by the following compound symbols:
Consonants , Symbole. Compounds. Power . '
and o kywa.
6 .
qand o krwa
61. Two ormore consonants may be combined so
as to be pronounced without an intervening vowel, as
nhwa ,
1, thma,, og kywa, 27, khywa;

rhwa, lhwa.

62. When an aspirated letter is doubled, the first

member is changed for its corresponding unaspirated
letter, as , kkha, & chchha, sj,
- jjha, Q., ddha,
& ttha,
8, ppha,
8. goingbbha.
63. The sign (o) represents any of the nasals.

64 . The sign (0 ) when written above an initial

consonant, is sometimes mute, as obli, a door, is not
pronounced tankha, but taga ; osaos, an ornament,
is not pronounced tạnchha, but tuja. In some instan
ces however itis pronounced, asco, than,a place, grø,
lhan , a spear.

65. When c is the first member of a compound,

and occupies the place of ( º), it is pronounced like (°),
TO, it is not pronounced loolla,
as a co;; when written 07g
but longa. No particular rules are laid down for these

66. Thenasals, Cexcepted , are never compounded

with any letter, besides those of their respective clas
ses, as 3, ncha, 2;8 nja, 3ngantha. CO'
R nda , , nta ,
nda, ndha, mbha.
@, mpa, 8

67. c with the mark above it, thus E, is generally

placed over the consonants of its own class, and the
miscellaneous letters, instead of ^ ; thus, åncis, is writ
ten ab.com, goodness,, welfare ; အက်
so , a coat; 009

&ca. Sunday;ocprêə, Monday

68. All the consonants may be doubled, as

as kka,
gga, g, chcha, jja, 23, nna, tta, mi nna,

tta, ,
83 R dda, , nna, Qy; ppa,g, bba, g, mma,, 8.
la, 30 or 3 , ththa.
69. The vowel of an initial consonant is often
pronounced like a Ex.. qa
quæ a cloth , garment ;
qood, the knee- bone orjoint; yoð, a pearl ; macos,
a stranger , a foreigner . This deviation occurs but
seldom ,


Of Monosyllables with a final Consonant.

70. A very great part of the Burman language con

sists of monosyllables with a final consonant, which with
its preceding vowel is often pronounced differently
from its natural sound. Ex. 2005, et, as in mos, ket.

71 . These monosyllables consist either of a vowel

followed by a final consonant, or of an initial consonant
( simple or compound) combined with aa vowel and fol
lowed by a final consonant. Ex. 9005 or sos, at.
Bos, kit. Milos, kyok. Czos, krwok.
72. When the initial of the monosyllable is a vowel,
it is always combined with the vowel so in the same
manner as with a consonant. In this case the initial
ou is mute, as may be seen in the following sounds :
as, roof, aet, sce, aen oraeng, ses, aeet,soos,
aee or aeeng, 2005
9305, aat, paş, aaan,, sos,, aat, sod,, aan,
Bai, aay, and, aau. COS, ait, soş, aing

2S,aik, SS,aing. qqos, aok, sos,aong, 990s,aok;

gas, အောက် aouk, SODE
ကုမ်, uong. Spoos, cedo , aoung. ရို 38 က်
aaik, 28 €, aaing, 34,ao, gres, aong. This last is the
same as gad noticed before.
13. These combinations are termed by the phrase
moqmwuosms,viz. a final ( S following ,
because the first of them is thus formed.

14. The simple combinations may be divided in .

to five sorts, viz . first, final consonants following the
vowel so; secondly, those following the vowel
" thirdly, those following the vowel g; fourthly, those
followingthe vowel @g, and fifthly, those following the
diphthong 3 These constitute the first table.
75. The other six tables are formed by the inser
tion of the symbols do1oCical Co and j, immediately
after the initial consonant.

76. 65, E, ,os, os,ş, S, S, Sand &, viz.


the first and last letters of the first, second, fourth

and fifth classes, and w and o of the miscellaneous


letters, are properly termed 200S85ozą, which means

letters killed or destroyed, viz , deprived of their ins
herent vowel.

77. The above final consonants are affixed in regua

lar order to all the simple consonants, and to all those
compounded with the following symbols do Corallo
and ,; and also when they are combined with the vowels
So, theB
အ @or h, which union occasions the fola
lowing changes in the finałconsonant and the precedy
ing vowel.

Of finalConsonants following the Vowel sa .

78. S after another consonant, thus, mos, ket,

occasions the inherent vowel of the initial consonant
to take the sound of the short e in let, and the final
05 to assume the sound of t in et, which however is
sounded but very slightly,

79. & placed after another consonant, thus, men

ken, occasions the vowel of the initial letter to take

the sound of e in pen . No material alteration takes

place in the sound of the final &, except what is occa
sioned by the absence of the inherent vowel.

80. OS placed after a consonant,thus, nor, keet,

occasions the preceding vowel to take the sound of ee,
and the final to take the sound of t as in sheet.

thus,moos, kee;
81. S affixed to a consonant, ,
Causes the preceding vowel to take the sound of ee in
see. In this instance the sound of the final consonant
is sometimes retained, and sometimes 'suppressed ,
Examp.@PS, kree, or popularly kèe, bright,clear,
OS, kreen, or popularly keen, see,behold.
82. os, s, S, Sand , placed after a conso:
nant, thus,, nos, kat, maş, kan, noc, kat, ooo ,
kam , and mus, kay, occasion the inherent vowel of
the initial consonant, to assume the sound of a in pan,
The final consonants retain their proper sound, ex
cept S, which is sounded like t in cat-gut, and S, which
is sounded like n in can ,

83. When is put after a preceding consonant,

the symbol of the vowel @ is affixed to the initial, as
cond, kau. In this case the vowel has a long
sound resembling au in fraud, caught. The o is
mute, and in writing is generally dropped.

N. B. The inherent vowel 32 when followed by

or 9, is also sometimes pronounced like 2, as in os,
a burdlen, and odo, aa duck .

Offinal Consonants after the Vowel

84. os, , S and 6 , placed after a consonant,
combined with the vowelz, thus,0%, ki, occasion the
vowel as to take the sound of iin thine. Ex. nos,
kit, 18 ,king, S, kit, and 85, king. The sound
of the final consonants is very short and abrupt, so as
to be scarcely discerned . Frequently however Sis
sounded like os, and ş like ..


Of afinal Consonant after the Vowel .

85. OS, ş, Sand & placed after a consonant, come
bined with 2, thus ကု
mą, koo, occasion the vowel oo to
assume the sound ofoin yoke. Ex. mos; kok ,mę,
kong, mpos,kok, and me, kong. Here the final OS
and acquire the sound of k in yoke, and § and of
have the sound of ng.

Of final Consonantsfollowing the Vowel @.

86. Os and placed after a consonant, combina

ed with a thus, 60752 , kau, occasion the sound of the
short diphthong au to be changed to that of ou in
lounge. Ex. omn5, kouk. 602€, koung.

OffinalConsonantsfollowing the Diphthong

87. Q is a compound vowel formed by the uni
on of the symbols of , and 2 , and may be joined
with any one of the simple consonants, or those com
pounded with ‫ دہ‬Coc Coals thus o , ko, of, kho.
This diphthong has the power of o in vake.

88. When oS and are placed after the above

diphthong combined with a consonant, thus, mms,
kaik,SE, kaing, the sound of o is changed to that
of ai.

89. When S is placed after the above diphthong,

it occasions no difference in the sound, and in writing
may be retained or dropped at pleasure.

N. B. For the sake of conveying a better idea

of these combinations, the first table with its powers,
is here inserted at large , a clear idea of which being
obtained, the rest may be easily understood,


90. The combinations of this table have the sym

bolical character, inserted immediately after the initial

N. B. Previously to the first line of each table, the

compound consonants, combined with the vowels are
inserted, each of which may be followed by a final con
sonant, and form a new table,

māj, kya, coji, kya, 8i, kyi, j, kyee, mille

kyoo, 2012 kyoo, smo,kye,ni, kyi, omoja, kyau,
oms, kyau, səs, kyan, mappe,kyah .
moppss,kyet, moję, kyen,nej , kyect, mas,
kyce, molos, kyat, mê, kyan, majs, kyat, majd,
kyan, mjas, kyay, and coopS, kyau, are the
final consonants, following the sa of an initial com
pound ; mjob, kyit, Bjø, kying.js, kyit,andjob,
kying ,are the final consonants following the n of an
initial compound. 2310S, kyok, nors, kyong,Gjes,
kyok, and moje , kyong, are the final consonants fol
lowing the g ofan initial compound. Gosposkyouk,
and 6.71 €,kyoung,are the final consonants follow
ing the @of an initial compound ; and 10., kyaik,
03 €, kyaing, and 38/18, kyo, are the finalconsonants
following the diphthong of an initial compound.
ones,, kyong, is the same as MLS above.

91. The combinations of this table have the sym

bolical character Cinserted immediately after the ini
tial consonant .

kra,@a, kra, ,kri, , kree, a kroo ,

ma kri, c @ 2, krau , os,
@ kre, Da,
kroo, s@,
krau, C , kran, @p:, krah.

Cars,kret,&, kren, ⓇS, kreet;" @S, 'kree,

@os, krat, ş, kran, , krat, @S, kran, Ow ,
kray, and @ 20, krau,are syllableş in which the final
consonants follow the vowel , of an initial conso
nant compounded with q ; os, krit, 8 , kring,
s, krit, and Od, kring, are syllables in which the
final consonants follow the vowel me of an initial con- >
sonant compounded with ရ27:05,krok, , krong,
OS, krok,and , krong, are syllables in which
thefinalconsonants followthe vowel g, ofan initial con
sonant compounded withc ;c70 , krouk, andc@ 20ve,
kroung, are syllables in which the final consonants follow
thevowel , ofaninitial consonant compounded with
9: 2ms,
ကြိုက် kraik, E,
လှိုင် kraing, and RS, kro, are syls

lablesinwhich finalconsonants follow thediphthong R,

ofan initial consonant compounded with 9;OS, is the
same as Ogos above. gib

..N. B : ' The symbol of the above and following

combinations is almost always pronouncedas the sym
b old
The English r therefore which properly repre
sents the symbol C must always be pronounced as
the consonant y. Ex. 0 , is not pronounced kret,
but kyet.


92. The combinations ofthis table have the sým .

bolical character inserted immediately after the ini
tial consonant : La

3 , kwa, rza,kwa, 08,kwi,ng, kwee, en kwoo;,

on kwe,,
22322. kwoo, 23, coza,kwau, soos,
kwi, 6032
kwau, ne, kwan, rosi, kwah .
23,kwet, ms, kwen, was, kweet, ozes, kwee;
9305, kwet, kwan, zs, kwat,Oze, kwan,
mw , kway, andonzao, kwar,are syllables in which
à final consonant follows the vowel 3 after an initial

compounded with 0; ngos, kwit, 8 %, kwing, ngis,


kwit, ando86,kwing, aresyllablesinwhich a finalcon:

sonant follows the vowel om after an initial consonant
ကွတ် Kwok, wali,kwong;
compounded with 0 ; zor ,
MZLS, kwok, andmid,kwong,are syllables inwhich
a final consonant follows the vowel 8 after an initial
consonant compounded with 0; pos, kwouk,
and 6mos, kwoug, are syllables in which afinal con
sónant follows the vowel @ , afteran initial consonant
compoundedwith o ;05,kwaik,93, kwaing, and
88,kwo, are syllablesin which a final consonantfal
lowsthe diphthong så, after aninitial consonantcom
pounded .
above, a with
toone မ ,kwong, is thesame
; Wir asng
TABLE V.3) ; 9.) ene!?
* to 1
93. The combinations ofthis table have the symbo
lical character
al inserted immediately after the initial

ogkwya,ogg?, kwya, na, kwyi, miskwyee,oglie

kwyoo, me kwyoo , og kwye, nikwyi, လာပ
kwyau, cngs, kwyau, og,
kwyan, ngipi, kwyah.

syoss kwyet, ngję, kwyen, ngo,kwyeet, ogleS;

kwyee, ngos, kwyat, spa, kwyan,ogs, kwyat,
bzo, kwyan,ogar,kwyay,and ongo , kwyau,are
syllables in which the final consonant follows the vowel
ts ofan initial consonant compounded with al;: nos,
kwyit,ng's , kwying, ogs,kwyit, and onge,kwying,
are syllables in which a final consonant follows the
yowel R of an initial consonantcompounded with ali
ogles, kwyok, ogies kwyong, ogs, kwyok, and,
poole, kwyong;are syllables in whichthe final consoul
nant follows the vowelB.of an initial consonant com
pounded with al; sogars, kwyouk,, and coache
kwyoung, are syllables in which the final consonant
follows the vowel as of an initial consonant com

poundedwith l;and ogies, kwyaik,ogs,kwyaing,

and ngS;kwyo, aresyllables in which thefiñaļ con
sonantfollowsthe diphthong oofaninitial consonant
compounded with oli nices is the same as the com

bination oglos, above. 1

N. B. There is but a very small difference between

the pronunciation of the simple symboland
the com
pound one als


94. The combinations of this table have the sym

bolical character inserted immediately after the ini
tial consonant: D.

3. kwra, 32 kwra,, 83 , kwri, 3. kwree,

kwroo, a kwroo,oz,kwre, kwri,oss
kwrau, 025, kwrau, , kwran, ez?:, kwrah.
? Los :redaguono
apos, kwret, QE, kwren,ges, kúreet; BOS,
kwree, zo5, kwrat, 289, kwran, 25, kwrat, 28,
kwran, ezus, kwray, and G6, kwrau,are sylla-.
bles in which the final consonantfollows the vowel sa

of an initial consonantcompounded with 6 Bos,

kwrit, 39, kwring, 35,kwrit,and S,kwring,
are syllables in which the final consonant follows the .
vowel of an initial consonant compounded with
O , ls, kwron,Cis, kwrok, andus
kwrong, are syllablesinwhich the final consonant fol
lows the vowel B of an initial consonantcompounded

with C: 469830 , kwrouk, and ongo , kwroung, are

syllables in which the final consonant follows the vowel
of an initial consonant compounded with C : and
opkwraik, E,kwraing, and so, kwro, are
syllables in which the final consonant follows the diphe
thong & ofan initial consonant compounded with
G Cae,kwrong, is the same combination as જાઈ
N. B.
The compound symbolical character Co
is pronouncednearly the same as of either of which
are used optionally,


95. The combinations of this table have the sym

bolical character J inserted immediately after the initial

G gnha, gl.gnha, &.gnhi,ſs gnhee,g& suhoes

fe gnhoo, og enhe, go gnhi, ofl, gnhau, og!
gahau. &. gnban egnah.


geri gnhet, ç&; gnhen,go, gnheet, gegnhee,

co . gubat, g ,gnhan, ,grikat,çer; gnlian, cor,

, syllablesinwhich the final
consonant follows the vowel 90, of an initial consorant

compounded with,; gos,gnhit, gubing: Oos,

gnhit, andCF, gnhing, are syllables in which afinal

consonant follows the vowelcon ofan initial consonant

compounded with;;
WL Ços, gnhok, ca, gnhong, ပ်
gnhok ,and cognhong ,are syllables inwhich the final
consonant -follows the vowel e ofan initial consonant
compounded witle ;oclos gnhouk, andcçlę, gnhoung,
are syllables in which the final consonant follows the
vowel Bg of an initial consonant compounded withu, ;

and cos, gnhaik, E,gnhaing, and @e,gnho,

‫الر‬ S are
syllables in which the final consonant follows the diph
thong or ofan initial consonant compounded with
‫ بار‬isprercunccd as the combinationcé,
‫ ان‬. She ‫ از‬above.

96. The symbolical characterJ, of Os, being

afixed cnly to the nasals and miscellaneous letters

W ,, q,9 ~ , 0, 0 ) and as the first nasál has been

made use of to exemplify this table. However, this
character may be used with propriety , in junction
with any letter as occasion may require ; and in words
derived from the Magudha language, is frequently
used with other letters.

97. The double nasal formed by the union of and

belonging to the last series of each table, is improper
It is, however, often used in writing, and is pronounc:
ed exactly as the simple sound of the final S.

N. B. The first lines only of the last six tables are

given. Each combination of which runs through the
whole alphabet as in the first table .

98. The mark denoting the absence of the in

herent vowel may be affixed to any letter in words
derived from the Magudha language.: When however
it is placed overany letter except those strictly called
Bossa ?37, that consonant, unless it has the sound
of some other, is generály mute. Ex. možno is

not pronounced koothol, as it is written, but kootho,

is not pronounced theehol, but theeho.

99. The mark , occurring between two similar

consonants; as, mand , or between an unaspirated
and aspirated letter, of the same or different classes,
invariably denotes the absence of the inherent vowel,
and may sometimes be used instead of compounding
the two letters. In this case the sound of the prea
ceding vowel or consonant undergoes no change, but
the two are pronounced as one letter, e. g. the word
OSLO paper, may be written either on.ca oro
or ou

100. The second, third , and fourth letters of the

first, second, third, fourth, and fifth classes, with the
miscellaneous letters q, co, 0 , Os and when they
occur as finals of a word , and do not undergo any
change in their sounds are generally mute , for the
Burmans having no such sounds in their language,',
are incapable of pronouncing them .

101. The letters ,, co and assumethe sound

of a sibilant, when the symbolof the letters is affixed
to them . Ex.. 69 , she, before, ecgjpes, lhyouk or
shyouk, to speak or deliver a sentence. S or Bojo

shyi; to be.


of the Permutation of the Sounds of Letters.

102. There are frequent instances in the Burman
language of two or more monosyllables being placed in
juxta -position, or of the same syllable being repeated
to form a new word. In this case a change takes
plače in the sound of the initial of the second and
following members of the word without any alteration
in the letters, viz. n and ə have their sounds chang
ed to that ofrə ; O and ac , to g ; ę and g, to ą ; os
and co , to 3 ; and and « , tọ

103. Those monosyllables of the foregoing tables,

which begin with the first and second letters of any
class, when repeated to form new words, occasion the
initial of the second member to take the sound of the
third letter of its own class. Ex. no..., ketget,
cer , kengen, soccer, keetgeet,mamas,
keegee, scosmos, katgat, co , kangan, woo
OSS ကယ်ကယ်, kaygay,
ကပ်, katgat, momol, kangan, nownas,
sanood, kangan , Boscopos, kitgit,

35.8 $, kingging, 85085,kitgit, 85088, king

ging,mosazos, kokgok, męcze, konggong, nos
mp3, kokgok, odozd, konggong, mersals
kaukgauk, cmokos, kaunggaung sofas,
kaikgaik ,MERE, kainggaing, &&&O, kago,and
moms,konggong, and so on through each letter
of the alphabet. This rule is to be observed as extenda
ing through all the remaining tables.

104. The first and second letters of each class when

combined with a vowel, and repeated, occasion the
initial of the second member to take the sound of the
third letter of its own class. Ex .moms, kaga, ,
kigi, mma, kaga,mą, koogoo, med,koogoo,oma
on,kege, Bod, kigi, 6320037,kangan, 6005
005, kangan, om, kanğan, and 2003.,kagah.
and so on through every letter ofthe alphabet. This
rule also extends to compounds formed by the junction
ofd, C. ol and Co with other compounds when
followed by a. vowel. Ex. najosj, kyagya, &c. @o
, kragra, & c.

105. When the first and second letters of any class


combined with a vowel, are followed by one or more

monosyllables, thus, @E, a dancing, NCE, a shaka a

ing out, the initial of the second member takes the

sound of the third letter of its own class. Ex . moal
bos, kegyethee, a dancer, ace,kagrin, an inter
bening, in obstructing, duso
ပန်း , khakpan, a girdlé,,
150:@e, chhegren, a washing, apaję @ E, khyeet
gyegren , a desiringto love,CocE, paden,awindoto.
106.. When a consonant combined with a vowel
precedes a monosyllable beginning with the first or
second letter of any class, the initial of that monosylla
ble takes the sound of the third letter of its own class.
co @ , tugroung, a reason, wasicomo :
leegoning, also cos @ €, lagren, a coming, Bali, tuga;
a door



Of the Accents.

107. In the Burman language there are two ac

cents;the first ( . ) called GenesCS, is the short or
acute accent, and is placed underneath a letter thus,
no , ka .
The second, ( : ) called 800.8 %, is thelong
or grave accent, placed after the letter thus, os ha.

108. The vowels sa, 233, R , and @s, never

admit ofthe accents; ou , and 322,, admit of the
grave one only ; C, sò, and the diphthong admitof
both the acute and grave accents, and no and så,
admit only of the acute accent.

109. The final consonants E, ES, s, and S, or the

finalº admit of both the acute and gr ave accents .

Of Abbreviations.
110. The undermentioned contractions are com
monly used either for elegance or expedition ,

III . is an abbreviation ofco.

112. & placed above a letter is used for ( o) thus,
anno,fear, a doubt, an apprehension ; as, a gar
den , a grove, an hermitage.
8 .

113. For the sake of expedition in writing, the

mark (. ) is often used instead of a final ( 5. Ex.6035

is written instead of wors.


114.gf is an abbreviation of theterminationcos.

This abbreviation is used merely for expedition in
writing. In like manner, the termination 2025 is
abbreviated thus S, and was is abbreviated thusS.
115. § is an abbreviation of of,the locative ter
mination, which is never written at full length, except
when intended to be made conspicuous, as in titles,
directions of books and letters, &c. ca

116. Or is used for 68 a participial termination,

and is never written at full length.

*. 117. The figure six ( 6 ) by itself or with o pre,

of the CHARACTERS, 39

fixed thus, of is often used for expedition in writing,

instead of the termination 2002.

118. ÇE, or &ĝ,often stands for the conjunctive

particle woensoes, and , also. 1

: 119. When expedition in writing is required, ce

is often used instead of mood and @ 2€.

120. c is an abbreviation ofCas,and is always

used when intended for аa termination .

called OcBŞ, written underneath a letter, is
a contraction of@ or 2. Ex. no.273, a carpenter,

is written consap; couşos, a gun, is written cao
122. wows, the right hand, is always con
tracted thus, compass
123. This mark ( 11 ) is the only stop the Burmans
have, and is used to mark the close of a sentence, and
to part off a sentence in the vocative case, and is also
frequently put after the adverbial terminations,



Of Words <3 thaddai

The Burians having no grammatical terms of
their own; are obliged to borrow them from the Mac
gudha language.
1. There are two kinds of words current among
the Burmans ; first, those purely Burman , and se
condly, those which are derived from the Magudha, but
are familiarized by use and time,

wa, aa word or sound, according to Magudha

grammarians; includes substantives, adjectives, pro
nouns, verbs, and indeclinable particles.

god viz. nouns may be distinguished into ay

3. 938,
ဝါ စ က, quolen ,
viz. substantives;qar.den
names of qualities, or adjectives, and so ogromno
imitative sounds. Substantives are further distin ,
guished into gadkem ,proper names ; Goo olem ,

generic names, and soodlems, abstract nouns.

The imitative sounds, are either substantives, adjec
tives oradverbs. Nouns, may also be divided into se
olens, names ofanimals, and salons, names
ofinanimate things. Abstract nouns are of two sorts
modlons, names of abstract ideas, and means
blons, verbal nouns:

4. Words are also divided into twosorts, viz. 8600

009, discriminating words, and 860092f, or isords
to be discriminated, the first term comprises adjectives
and adverbs, or words which denote the quality, cir
cumstance, or action of any thing, and thelast the thing
or action itself

OfNouns, good
5. There is only one declension of nouns in the
Burman language: Words which end in a vowel
and those which end in a consonant are declined alike,
Pronouns and adjectives are decline l as substantives,

6: Nouns have seven cases : the riominative, ac


cusative, instrümental, dativè, ablative, possessive, and

locative. Also the vocative, which is accounted a
particularform of the nominative.

17. According to Magudha grammarians, the cases

are also denominated 2000, the first; 2010
pour, the se
cond; c ) w, the third ; 8083,' thefourth ; 0728,

ဆ the sixth ; and2838,the seventh.

the fifth ; oog
8. When in construction with verbs, the cases
are denominated
m83 the agent ; , the object ;
manos;, the instrument; waziş,
သမ thegiving ;အန်
the taking away; 2g8, the connecting, and 38
mam ,, the possessing form .

9. The vocative is called sooopes, the case of fa

miliarity . It is divided into Eu_009,friendly, 2.032,
respectful, and 902339, disrespectful.

10. There are two numbers, the singular Choqes,

from the Magudha Gwoup, and the plural oppor,
from Oom.pe

of ဘတ်
Of the terminations ofthe cases, Bosos.
. 11. The cases of all nouns, adjectives, and pro
nouns, in the Burman language are formed by affixing
the following terminations ,

12. The insertion ofthe increment oimmediately

after the word, and before the terminations, forms the
plural, and is therefore here inserted as forming a part
of the plural terminations.

1. 0006
။ ကတ္တ။ Nominative.
Sing: Plur ,

သည် တို့သည်
တို့ ကား
2. RoSwm။ mogll။, Accusative.

သို့ တို့သို့
3. တတိယ၊ က ရ ဏ , Instrumental,
သည့် တို့သည်
ဖြင့် }
တို့ ဖြင့်


ကြောင် တို့ကြောင့်
4, စ ဘုတ္တိ။ သမ္ပဒ် န၊ Dative.

5. ပ ။ အ ပါ ဒါန၊, Ablative.
3 တို့မှ
က တို့ က
ကြောင့် လှိုင်
ရက် ကြိုက်
ထက် တို့ ထက်
6. ဆ ။ သ ။, Possessive.

တွင် တို့တွင်
သည် တို့သည်
ကို တို့ကို

. သမိ ။ အဓိက , Locative.

၌ တို့၌
အောင် တို့ ကြောင့်
တွင် တို့တွင်

The Declension ofom, a man .


1. Nom . ကူ ည့် a man.

ရ တို့သည် me ,

ကား , q mzn. လူ တို့ ကား me ."

2. Acc. anos, man လူ ကြို ကို men .

သို့ man . တို့သို့ men .

0es, by a man . တို့သည် og men.

3. Inst. 972
တို့ ဖြင့် by men.
26ဖြင့ę,် by aman. ကျင်
နှင့် arith ခွင့် men..
a man .

as@ re,for a man. ကြောင်.for me ."


4. .
Dat. azon to a man.. to men

for a man . လူ တို့ ဌ for men.

5. AbI. လ ,
93from a man., 02440,from men..
now ,from a man.qon
က . က from men.
ma @ pc, because of applicere,because of
[ a man . [men.
က်, (less ) ဘို အောက်, (less) than
[than a man . [men .

, (more) than moscons, (more) than
[a man, [men.
6. Poss. com,man's. တို့ရဲ့men's,
လူ ကွင်, man's. လူ တွင် men's.
7. Loc. quis, in o mar . လူ ၌ , in men,
ကင်, it a nera, ကူ ဘို တွင် «anong men,
@ s & respecting to respect
[@ ng , [ ing men .

Remarks upon the Norms,

13.A word in the nominative case terminating

in od : often answers to the relative pronoun .. See

14. When any thing is accomplished, by the

means ofany circumstance, person , or thing, the in
strumental case is expresssd by 32;ge. Ex ဘူး
သခင် အို အား ဖြင့် ပထဝီ သည် လုပ်ရင် သည်ဖြစ်
the world was created by the power of God ;
ထိုအခါ မိ ဘူ ရား ကြီး၏ လ အား ဖြင့် မင် နေရာ
သည် ကြား မင် အား ပူ ပြင် ဘင် သာ အချင်အရာကို
: 00et, then, through the influence ofthe queen's:vir
tues , the angel's seat manifested to him signs of heat
and firmness .

15. When the idea of accompanying or being

with any thing or person is to be expressed, the in
strumental caseterminating in j$ . is used.
words soon and son, with, separately, or in a com
pound form , thus, soon osoz,are often placed after it.
. 0
Exam. ခွာ မြှင့,် or ခွာ၃၁ တို့ခွင့်မြှ င့် အတူ or ခွာ တို့မြှင့် တကွ
or " ခူ အတူတကွ လိုက် ကြ ကုန်, go with the cows. .

16. scopy and sozoi, according to, agreeing .

with, following the instrumental terminating ingę;


and scopfos, following the dative terminating in Seni,

are used to convey the ideas of according to, agree
Exam.cppauskou.28; 2009:or
ing with

Scope or coccygara saodeq S.

&a (he) has
performed this work according to antient customs.
one or so, for, or or account of, is sometimes
used instead of the instrumental terinination co€ .
· Exam. oofampicoscens thepork isfor thedog.
18. When the instrumental conveys the idea of
coming, going, passing by or over any thing, it is ex
pressed by cogpos. Exam: otoccagéanaps
( 1) passed over or came bythebridge. ogoocagnes
zo;, goby the eastern road, 966agsasaalaos.
( 1) come by the court.

19. The particles do and are affixed to nouns

signifying men oỉ brute animals, when they are go
vërned by verbs conveying the ideas of going; present
ing or committing to, or of delivering over to any
person, to form the accusative. Exam :9gEECE : 0
2005 ; s= Soos:dlag, ( 1) have committed (it) to
( the care of the king my lord. GEare.co

gº ( ye) to the king.clososa.com

I have been to the commander of the forces.

20. 'Sometimes and we are inserted before the

terminations. Exam. Ecco & or :% &
to the king

21. The word grows, within, midst, is often in

serted before the accusative termination 28 to form
accusatives. Exam . QS000R ,(he goesinto
the town . It is often inserted also before the terminati

ons g and o & to form the locative e. g.8 gossows


bogen (it) is in the village.gasemmaS or Coco

wfoscosasson, (he):) shines in, or, in the midst
of the assembly .
The dative case endingin I is usedExam,
to ex
press the cause or reason of an action .
anfàcassoal.coop &qyJ8qEscaglaccusage
SacsEG (he) used great endeavours to accomplish
that difficult work completely .

23. gis affixed to the past participle& to form the

absolute case .
Exam . 08 anoscoupons

ပြီး ဝတ် ဘ် ဆာ ကို ချွတ် သဖြင် ၁.

မ ဃာ ကို မျှမသိ စေ ဘဲသဘင် ပွန် ယက် ကို သာ သိ ပါ
ကွယ် ရာ ဆို၍ ထိ DC ကို လွှဲ ထွက် လျက် နေ၏ jter
having killed the woman ,and stripped off her clothes
and ornaments, without informing his own wife and
sons of the circumstance, he made it known secretly
to his friend.

မှာ corresponds with the locative case တွင်

24. gs
conveys the idea ofamong. Exam. Cigodos
သည် တွင် or ဘယ် ကိုပ် သ လေ,ာ among the art
cles) ordered ( by me) what (have you ) brought ?
or, what have you brought of the things I ordered ?

25. Oor is affixed to words denoting inanimate

things, to express the locative. Eston. က်
Cocacow , in the south west. Scaws, in the house.
cow , in the road.

26. Gais aa locative, and is used in connection

with the pronoun why or wherefore. Exam . Focos
မတ်ပူ တို့သည် မြတ်၏။ ဘယ်

26.Sorporen oထိုအသက်ရှ
gevono cospf,those who are wise are truly
great, because they are able to procure their own sus

27. quo is accounted a locative ; alsa osas

is often affixed to nouns, and is generally used when
a neuter verb is understood . ( See Example of thelast
rule .)

On the Gender of Nouns.

28. Burman grammarians distinguish the genders

S of nouns, by the Magudha terms BE, mascu

n Does,feminine, and parmes,neuters.
29. All words denoting males , are masculine ; fe
males, feminine, and inanimate things neuter.

30. The masculine of nouns signifying brute ani

mals, is formed by inserting the final : of soli, a

male, and the feminine, by inserting the final of 96 ,

a female, immediately after the word, and before the

Exam.gooi,a buit,,
increments and terminations.
ට, a cow ,cado:
gusa, , sacri, a dog, cza, a bitch, og
a sera

-pent, cgo, a female snake,

31 . Priests, when speaking to laymen , use the
term ocors , to signify, a man, and owsa, to signi
fy a woman.

32. The word osoby, a man, is sometimes pre

fixed, to form masculines, and affixed , to form femi
nines, denoting peoplesustainingsome kind of office.
Exam.Osad ,a governor, ofmooco ,a gover
ness, 2007 , a teacher , 2002 : 7009, a mistress.

33. Other words are formed irregularly. Exan.

cumps, a male, a man, ogo, a female, a woman ,
29, a son ,a , a daughter, jusq €, a king,
Sora a queen, soon , a father, sea, a mother,
အစ်ကို an elder brother, 3000, an elder sister.
Of the Vocative Case,

34. The vocative sasapo is a particular modifica

tion of the nominative case , It may be formed

either by prefixing a vocative particle to the word, or

by placing the word itself, at the beginning of a sen
tence. Vocatives are distinguished into the qu233
respectful, 332339 disrespectful, n7m , weighty or
reverential, and Cw009, friendly.
35 . The plural is invariably formed by affixing
the increment after the word. The termina
tion aid is always suppressed.
36. The most common way of forming the voca
tive, is by writing the word, at the commencement of
a sentence , inclosed or parted off with stops, thus,
မင်RE!:၊, O0 king.: Exam . ။။wo
။TE မင်မင် ogecကျွo.com
ကယ်မfaa cool,o king,, have mercy upon me..
37. The vocative is frequently a compound
term consisting of several words .. Exam. or cocos
soros C.CoScout2gca szeg&o& Cosu
Scaccommofono acrece
proEzpaustapsoc cccse O thou most ex
cellently glorious and noble sovereign, implore the
blessing ofa son, that the royal race may not be exa

38. The following vocative particles are most

commonly used ;: sage or soအ ချင်& is a vocative partį 1

cle of respect, and is used in addressing equals, also in

addressing inferiors in a friendly manner. It is of all
threegenders. Exam .ucla commandezosa ,
thou sonofthegods equalling myself, asoojEGSOO
pozori, Oye inhabitants of the city.
39. Suuris feminine. It is used by men in ad
dressing women, when upon terms of equality ; also to
those who are inferior, when addressed in a friendly
Exam . suur or sufo
အ ပယ် ဘုရား
WE Fasamonell, O queen, request a son ;;
зје concubines implore the blessing ofa son ,

40. Son isa particle of disrespect, as,soccorso

0 ye .

Al . OSW is used as a mark of very great disres

pect, and is often used in a disdainful sense by superi

ors ,
Exam .ikswozdan,O thou thief, wo.cfoa le

O thou dog, low curaeseneazafaqn, O thou

gardener. This particle is ofall genders.

42. is a vocative of respect, but is seldom used .

Exam . uz posacmil,O son of the gods.
43. 49.367 is a weighty or reverential O
(n2 )
à familiar or friendly, and 60.60 ., a disrespectful
particle. These are seldom used, and in all probabi
lity are introduced from the Magudha lànguagé.

44. When addressing an inferior, vocatives are

formed by prefixing the particle c to the names of
men, and to those of women . Exam . ( 665 €, O
Gnamoung.co88 , O gnashwedo, by ?,OMapwcit,

GOS, O Magnee.
45. When addressing an equal, superior, or å
person older than yourself, God is often prefixed to
the names of men, and was to those of women . Exam.

GOJE @ S; Moungau, com&&$62€; Moungshwe

moung, GWS: Mayoo .
A6 . seos, an elder brother, is used as a mark of

respect, and is made use of when addressing a su

perior, or a person of greater age than the person
speaking. Exam o &wb ?, Kobo,,ကိုယ်coscoz",
Komoungnhou .

47. 600 € is used as a vocative , by women when

addressing men ; and by men when addressing young
people in a friendly or respectful manner . It is also
sometimes used in a disrespectful and even in a dis.
dainful sense .

48. spoc properly,an elder brother. This word

as a vocative particle is grown obsolete, but is to be
met with in Burman writings. In conversation it was
used by men when addressing women.

49. ose ,an old man, or grand -father, is used

when aged persons are addressed by the young , and
is indicative of respect.

ozor is a vocative used in addressing inferiors,

as, O such an one.


Of Adjectives.

50. Adjectives are derived from verbal nouns. The

termination 2008 of the verbal noun is suppressed to
form adjectives. Exam . ansoe, good ,from sa
2028 being good. ,
Gos,excellent,, from Goşuos
မြတ် သည်,
a being excellent.

• 51 . An adjective may either precede or follow a
substantive, and in either case forms a compound with
iit. Exam. cosesse, a good man. အောင် သည်
or webbury, a good man,
52 Either simple or compound adjectives are com
pounded with nouns. When the adjective is placed
before the noun, either the termination vops
သည် or ရ သာ
Exam .cooCoSmor con&
is affixed to it,

သာဥစ္စာ, an excellent
. a good man. ကောင်Ecoscosega,
orvery excellent thing :. gocausea,,a beautiful

woman ,


53. Adjectives may assume an absolute form , and

answer the purpose of aa substantive.. In this case not
only the final ups is suppressed, but an initial sa
subsituted. Exam .Cso , a good, (man, beast,
orthing). Socgo, a beautiful, (man, beast, or thing).
,the great or chief, (man, beast, or thing).
Bocus, the small or young,(man, beast, or thing);

N. B, An absolute adjective may be of any gender,

54. A compound adjective is seldom placed after

the substantive, but a simple one frequently is ; in that
case the termination of the nominative case is option:
ally suppressed . Exam. eos
လူ or coooca
လူ n
a good man. Cos or coleosogaos, excellent
Bagga or oys
မိန် aops, a beautiful woman,
55. When adjectives are placed aftera noun, or when
they are put absolutely, they are inflected with the
terminations of the cases precisely as nouns. Exam ,
qoroscoo ps, the good man,ooo
ကောင်သည် ကောင်o o good
men . aa {fosg, from the excellent man. မြတ် တို့ မှ
. (

from theexcellent men. Sow, to the youngor


အငယ် တို့အား to the

little,, (man, beast, or thing).. Scarvingoss;
young or little, (men, beasts, or things) .

56. When the adjective precedes the substantive,

and is connected therewith, bythe terminations was
and cous, the noun which is the final of the compound,
is inflected . Exam. osnovana Roo &,among the
excellent people.

1Of the Gender of Adjectives.

57. When an adjective follows or is placed after
a substantive, the particles indicating the gender are
affixed to the adjective. Exam. 666,
OIC a mad bitch.
sządz, a maddog: sacwo, a young bitch.. sacos

do , a young dog.
58. Particles indicating the gender, are sometimes
affixed to the absolute adjectives. Exam . Bacuto
the young or small female (beast ). အငယ် tite
young or little male (beast). Segpa, the beautiful fe
male (beast). Second , the beautiful male (beast ).

59. When the genders of nouns are formed irre

gularly, the adjective is the same in all genders. Ex.
womapScws, the little or young man. 80CWS, the
little or young woman . swanapigos, the beautiful
Egons, the beautiful woman..
60. - When the adjective precedes a noun, the
particles indicating the gender are affixed to the noun
itself. Exam.cuswassza or cofouspa, the
youn g orsmal l bitch.
the beautiful woman.
aseoမ orcaso
သာ ,

Ofthe Comparison of Adjectives. 1

61. The comparative degree is generally formed

byprefixingwo: T,$ D, 04D, andotherparticiples
to theadjectives. Sometimes also by prefixing parti
ciplesending in ageto the adjective. Ехат .

203:Ni mo gli and RosGoSwas, excels more or

is greater. $ 0GCamscaps,is better..
62. The superlative is formed by affixing or

by prefixing goes ; alsoby both prefixing sacs and

affixing 85 to the simple or compound adjectives.
Exam. @osoa gogg), sucu Gosbods or secus
GoSonias),(is) very excellent ormost excel



Of Pronouns .

63. Pronouns are masculine, feminine, or neuter,

and are declined as nouns.

64. Personal pronouns are of three kinds: the

honorific ; the familiar, or pronouns of equality, and
the inferior.

65. & , 1, m. f. is used when the person speak


ing, intends to indicate his own súperiority, and is

used only when addressing inferiors.


I, 1, is thus declined :
Sing . Plur.

f. Nom. ငါသည် I. ငါတို့သည် ၅၉. ”

င် ကား ငါတို့ ကား

2. Acc . ငါ ကို, name ငါတို့ကို. %%
သို. ငါတို့ သို့
3. Inst. ငါသည် ငါတို့သည်
Ogę, by me . ၁ တို့ ဖြင့် bu s.
..ငါ နှင့်- ငါ နှင့်
ကြောင်း ဘွိုင်
A. Dat... Clare,to me. တို့အား to 4s.
. ငါ တို့၌ ၂၄
5. ADI.
Elg, from me.
'' " : { "
ငါတို့ မှfrom us.
က ငါတို့ က
ငါကြောင့် ငါတို့ ကြောင့်
င် ဘက် င်တိုက်
င် ထက် ,, ငါတို့တက်
6. Posg. ce , my ၏ overs.
ငါ တွင် ငါတို့ တင်

Sing. Plur.

17. Loc.. aş, in me. ,

ငါ တို့၌, in 4s.
ငါ တွင်.. တို့တ ွင်
င် ကြောင် ဘို ကြောင်.
66. ogကျွန်နgosand
ှုတ် Rojos,
ကျတ် 1I.m . f. is used when
the person speaking is upon an equality, or upon
friendly terms, with the person to whom he is speak
န်မမand မ
ing: ကျွကျွန် mjø are feminine,, and used by fe.
males only.

67. Decors I, m . f. is invariably used by in

feriors, when addressing superiors, People of res
pectability use it when addressing their equals.
The above pronouns are declined exactly asel, I.

68, ကိုယ် ထ tox, tigse/, m,f is used when

the speaker intends to acknowledge the superiority of
the person addressed, and is used only when inferiors
address superiors.

muscos, thou, thyself, is thus declined ;

Sing. Plur.

1. Nom. ကိုယ်တော်သည် ကိုယ် ထွာ တို့သည်

[ thou. [ge,
ကိုယ်တော် က ကိုယ်တော် တို့ ကား
2. Acc ကိုယ်တော်ကို, tire, ကိုယ်တော် ဘို ကိုox.
ကိုယ်တော် သို့ ကိုယ်တို့သို့
3. Inst. ကိုယ်တော်သည် ကိုယ်တော်တို့သည်
ကိုယ်တော် ဖြင့် ၆။ ကိုယ် ခံ တို့ ဖြင့် ၂by
[ thee. [ you .
ကိုယ်တော်မှိုင် ကိုယ်တော် ခွင့်
ကိုယ်တောင် ကိုယ်တော် တို့ ကြောင်
#- Dit. ကိုယ်တော် အား, tp - ကိုယ်တော်တို့အား
[thee. [ you,
ကိုယ်တော် ကိုယ်တော် တို့
3. Abl. oeuroctionfrom ကိုယ်a corr
ခံ os,from
[ you .
ကိုယ် က ကိုယ်တော် တို့ က
ကိုယ်တော် ကြောင်. ကိုယ်တော် တို့ ကြောင်

Sing . Plur.

ကိုယ်တော် အောက် ကိုယ် ကြိုက်

ကိုယ် လာဒ် ထက် ကိုယ်တော် တို့ ထက်
.5 Poss. ကိုယ်တော်၏ tly. ကိုယ်တော် တို့၏ ၅oans.
ကိုယ်တော်တွင် ကိုယ်တော်တို့တွင်
7. Loc. Bewuctſ, in thee. Ruscossosz,inyou.
ကိုယ်တော် တွင် ကိုယ် တို့တွင်
ကိုယ် လာ ကြောင.် ကိုယ်တော် တို့ ကြောင်
69. €, thou, m . f. is used by superiors in ad
dressing inferiors, or by persons who are upon fami
liar terms with them when speaking in a civil manner.

70. E or CODE6C, thou, m . f. is used by supe

riors in addressing inferiors, or by persons who are
equal, in addressing each other.

71. 9€, thou, mi f. this pronoun is used by su

periors when addressing inferiors, or brute animals,
and, generally, in a disdainful sense.


Allthe above pronouns aredeclinedlike &W 60S,

thou .

72. 27, he, m. f. is never used but in addressing

the human species, and is used alike by all sorts of
people. It is thus declined :
Siug. Plur. "

သည် he..
1. Nom. 2008, သူတို့သည် thes.
. သူတို့အား
2. Acc.. ans, him . ဘို ကိ,ု them.
သ သို့ သူတို့ သို့
3.Inst.. သူ s , by him .
Oppသည်, တို့သည် og titcm .
၁ဖြင့် သူတို့ ပြင်
သ၁ င့် ရှင်
၁ ဘွိုင်
4. Dat. 27963, to him. သူတို့အား, to them.
ချင်း ရှိုင်း
5. Abl. 276 , from him . သူတို့ ၄ from them.
က. တို က.
a ခင် ဘို့ ကြောင့်

Siog . Plur.

အော် ကြိုက်
တက် သူ့ဘိုက်
6. Poss. 2201 his. သူတို့၏ their
R ာ င့်

သူ ကြို တွင်
7. Loc. 273, in him. apos, in them.
တွင် တို့တွင်
ကြောင် သူတို့
73. The pronoun az, he, is inserted after the pro
nouns 70, or sonWS, who, which orwhat ,58, such ,
အ ဘယ်သို့, uketsort, ကွဲ (lis, ဤသို့,this sort, သည်
this, oubą, this sort,&, that,&& that sort,
So @ €, which, and @

Ed&, which sort. The incre
ment mous, isinserted optionally after all these words,
before the terminations of the cases.

osas, who, orwhat,is thus declined :
Sing Plur .

1. Nom. ဘယ် သည်, 12

auto. ဘယ်တွိသည်, aco.

Sing . Plur,

ဘယ် ကား ဘယ်သူ ကြို ကာ

2. Acc. Oswa & whom .Our proos, whom .
ဘယ်သူ သို့ [ coloum. ဘယ်သူ သိ.ု [aenom.
3. Inst. ဘယ်သူသည် ၆။ ဘယ်သူ ဘူ သည် ၁၅
ဘယ်သူ့ ဖြင့် ဘယ် ဘို့ ဖြင့်
ဘယ်သူနှင့် တယ်သင်
ဘယ်တင် တယ် တို့
4. Dat. ဘယ်သူ အား to anoom. ဘယ်တော့် အား ,to
ဘယ်သူ [tokon. ဘယ်သူ .[ecko
5. Ab . ဘယ်သူ .from ဘယ်သူ ဘို့ from
ဘယ် က ဟယ် သူတို့ က
တယ် ကြောင် တယ် ကြိုတင်
ဘယ်သူ့ အောက် ဘယ်သူ့ အောက်
ဘယ်သူ့ ထက် ဘယ် ကြိုက်
swaren, whose.
6. Poss . ဘယ် Osaa
ဘယ် c, whose .
တယ် တွင် ဘယ်သူ့ ကိုင်

Sing Plur.

7. Loc. putans, in whom . Swaps, in whom ,

ဘယ် တွင် ဘယ် တို့တွင်
ကယ်တင် ဘယ်သူဘွိုင်
ဘယ်မှာ တယ် တို့မှာ
ဘယ်သူ ကား ဘယ်သူ့ တို့ ကား
Osows, who, or what, is declined in the same manner.

a &. such, is declined thus :


1. Nom.. & canapoes, such..

ရာ ကား.
2. Acc. သို့ သာကိsuch,
3. Inst.. & casapue s,by such.
သာ သူ သည်-
သို့ သာ ဖြင့်
သို့ သာ သူ နှင့်
သာ ဝင်

4. Dat. & cac2972€), to such,

သို့ သာ သူ
5.Abl. 5& 6003377. from such,
သိသာ သူ က
သို့ သာ သူ ခင်
သို့ သာ သူ နောက်
ထို သာ သောက်
6.Poss. & 00000001, of such ,
သို့သော သူ
7. Loc. o & onung, in such ,
သိသာ သူ တွင်
သို့ သာ သူ ကြောင့်
သို့ သာ သူမှာ

1. Norm. သို့ သာ တို့သည်, Ricle

သိသာသူ ရှို ကား
Acc. & caps, such..
သို့ သာ သို့ .

3.Inst. o& caraproops, by such

သို့ သာ တို့ ဖြင့်
သိသာ သူ ရှု
4. Ďat. R90053228303, to such ..
သိသာ ဘိုင်း
ing from suck..
5. Abl. osassapon
သို့ သာ က
ထို သာကြိုင်
သို့ သာသူကြိုက်
သို့ သာ သူတို့ထက်
6. Poss. 5 & ca . 0 cl,ofsuch.
7. Loc. & ampaş,in such.
သို့ သာ သူ တို့တွင်
သို့ သာ ကြိုတင်
သို့ သူတို့မှာ

အ such, is declined in the same manner.

Ows&, what sort, is thus declined :
Sing .

1.Nom , Ischianapoes, what sort.

ဘယ်သို့ anne
2. Acc. paraus သာ သူ ကို, what sort.
ဘယ်သို့ သာ သူ သို့
3. Inst.. wRa9appas,
ဘယ်သို့ သာ သူ သည် by what sort.
တယ် သို့ သာ သ ဖြင့်
တယ်ဆို သာ သူနှင့်
တယ် သိ သောသူ ခင်
ဘယ်သို့canap2,to what sort..
4. Dat. bbw
ဘယ်သို့ သာ သူ
5. Abl. ဘယ် သို့ သာ သူ),from what sort.
တယ်ဆို သူ က
တယ် သို့ သာ ကြောင်
တယ် သို့ သာ သူ အောက်
ဘယ်သို့ သာ သူ ထက်

: " 6. Poss.. Du kadusသာ သူ၏ ofwhat sort.

ဘယ်သို့ သာ တွင်
7. Loc. suos caso3, in what sort.
ဘယ်သို့ သာ တွင်

ဘယ်သို့ သာ သူ ကြောင်.

ဘယ်သို့ သော သူမှာ


1. Nom.. ၁sus&couရှိသည် ps, what sorts.

ဘယ်သော သူတို့ ကား
သာ သူ 8,what sorts..
ဘယ်သို့ 00927
2. Acc.. sub&
ဘယ်သို့ သော သူတို့ သို့
3. Instuffcoupaop , by what sorts
ဘယ်သို့ သော သူတ္တိဖြင်.
ဘယ်သို့ သာ သူ .
ဘယ်သို့ သာ သူ ကို ကြော်
4. Dat. Barbacanaqa gax,to what sorts.
ဘယ်သိသာ ဘို့ ၌

5.All bus&raspolg,from what sorts.

ဘယ်သိသာ သူ ကြို က.
တယ် သို့ သာ သူတို့၌
ဘယ်သို့ သာ ကြို အာက်
ဘယ်သို့ သာ သူ ကို့ ထက် ်

6. Poss.Dubauspach, of what sorts.

ဘယ်သို့ သာ ဘို့ တွင်
7. Loc. Budaveszypus, in what sorts.
ဘယ်သို့ သာ သူကြိုင်
ဘယ်သို့ သု တို့ ကြောင့်
တယ် သို့ မှာ
09053&, what sort,is declined in the same manner.
74. When oso is affixed to a pronoun, it is never
inflected with the terminations of the cases, nor com
pounded with another word. Doufoss, which.

75. Ons is optionally affixed to thepronoun was,

to form the neuter. Exam. Quodoss, this thing.

176. Sus,my,or mine,and 28, his,theirs,m. f.
are pronominal adjectives, and are generally combin i

ed with nouns ;; in which case the compound is inflect

ed. Exam. & c @ regraps, it is on my ac
'nowego, my goods. US, his, or
his own disciples.

77, Saaja :,Oca] :, OCSI, other, another, m. f. n.;

These may be used in a compound form or other
wise, and are inflected in both cases, as the nouns.
Exam . Soa/2:09002
များ , the others.. i

78. 32 m . . n.. This word also
co.al some, some one, m.f
may be used in a compound or simple state, as the
above. Exam .so တို့သည်,the others.,
79. &, that, and so @ £, which are sometimes
, form a kind of plural.
a . Exam. 0808283
those things. s. Esc @ &2ga,which things.
80. 34, that, m .f. orJ %n.This pronoun is never

used in writing ; and in speaking, the person or

thing, is generally pointed to.Exam . Baca' that man. "
Sa, that dog, . :: ! ) . I

: 81. Ooo is often substituted for osus,who ...

S2. so is prefixed to , who, without making

any alteration in the sense.

.83 When the syllables indicating classes of things,

(which will be treated of hereafter ), are affixed to
sw who ? how ? the compound has the meaning of
how many , of that particular class. Corzo
Exam . ဘယ်လဲ
6702E, hor many animals ?

84. The pronoun Qię, thou, is often afixed to

the interrogative yof, who ? to form the neuter.
Exam.goa , which ?
are often insert
85. The incrementsösoand
redaſter the pronoun us, who ? or its substitute
2, and the verbal termination cù or o $ -are affixed.
Exam . Socrinocu or osucia,လဲ what,which

86 . The increment en is also sometimes affixed

to - the interrogative pronoun aus, who ? Exam .
won or 09, which , what ?
87. When 399 is substituted for us, wha ? the
vowel so is not prefixed . Exam . m , boole of
sro, Osasco, what ?
Pra ? .6 " to : 7,923
88. 33 is often substituted forsönas, who. Exant.
soon,who .sooo, hoib ?'whithier
? towhat place ?
HP: !!
89. When an indefinite question, respecting the
number of any thing isasked, the numeralzo, two,
is inserted immediately after your or gorür, who ?
how ? Exam .Osuszozo, how manyyears ? Osus
နှစ်ယောက်, how many people ?
90. Inferiors, often, when addressing their supen
riors, use the nominative case plural of the inferior
pronoun a E, thou, instead of the nominative case sin
gular of the honorific pronoun ofWO- S,thou thy
self. Eazn. ။မင် ကြီး ၊ သင်တို့ ကယ်မချမ်းသာ ရ နှိုင် ပါ

DOS, O king, if thou savest, I shallbesaved.


91. When great personages 'or superiors are

speaking of or about themselves, they use the nomina
tive plural of the honorific pronoun ) insteadof the
singular, and often only the plural particle 09.Exam,
core cocostoso ,my granman
o nosocu:
e issued the com ,
esI hav ,
92 . The antecedent and relative pronouns men
tioned above, are foreign to the language, and are
scarcely to be met with but in works translated from the
Magudha. All that for which antecedent and relative
pronouns are employed in other languages is accom
plished in this by means of participles which are em
ployed to form compound nouns of agency, and will
be treated of under that head. 2&2028
Exam. ဆိုသ ည် or
afgw927, he who speaks, viz. the speaker. a &
Cu သာ ,သူ hewhohas spoken..gorfoosing the
busi ness which ( 1 ). shall order.



Of Verbs.
1. Verbs in the Burman language are scarcely used
except in the participial form ; that being sufficient
to convey any idea, which may be conveyed by a verb.
Sometimes however, a sentence is brought to a con
clusion by affixing to the participial increments, or
to the roots, as will be observed hereafter.

2. All the different parts of speech, except some

nouns, signifying names of things or sensible objects,
are derived from verbal roots.

3. The office of verbs, is performed by affixing

certain participial terminations to those roots.

4. The participles are also employed in the forma,


tion of adjectives, and supercede the use of antecedent

and relative pronouns .

5. For the foregoing reasons, and because a know

ledge of the participles , is indispensibly necessary, be
fore the learner can obtain a clear idea, respecting the
formation of nouns, adjectives, pronouns, or adverbs,
and the way in which the verbs are dispensed with, it
will not, it is hoped, be accounted a digression from
grammatical arrangement, to treat of them first.

General Observations,

6. Participles are active or neuter. Exam .Good

(1) doing.cajörsas (1) frightening con
2025, (1) fearing
7. Participles have both the singular and plural
Exam ..Goops, ( I) do, or am doing.
Gomãos, (we) doorarë doing.

8. Participles are declined like nouns. Ехат,

DO S8,the dwing (ac.).Quisoge, in the doing

OF VERB8 , 81 ,

( loc.) G Sapfo.2 ,to the ( thing ) done, or to that

which is done (dat. )

Of the Moods.

9. The imperative or precative , the infinitive,and

three forms of the subjunctive mode, with the inter
rogative and negative forms excepted, the modes and
forms of the participles may be increased to almost
any number, by compounding with the radical letters
other roots expressive of the idea intended to be con
veyed. Exam. Gemps, causing to do. GE
225, able to do. Agoodwaê, may do,probably
may be doing. ချင်
Geja or Gra ps, wishing to do.
ပြု သည်
Qubas, easy to bedone.. Ganshops,,dificult
to be done.
Gowes, remaining or staying be
hinil in the act of doing. . G, continuing to do,or
doing GeopS. re-performing Goop, daring
to do. GeoSwas, right to be done. Go&asos,
worthy to be done. Geencaps, agreeable to be
done or doing. ; Cocosa
တတ်သည် s, knowing how to do.
ပြု was, happening to do,K doing by chance.

ü Of the Tenses.
10. There are three tenses 200 of Burman verbs
. present opisyw,
ပစ္စ၊ the past coocosmico,
and the future sopa osmon .

ll . There are five formsof the verb belonging to

the present tense, five to the past, and two to the future.

12. The verbs, or more properly, the participles ,

are formed both in the honorific, and familiar or con
temptuous forms, corresponding with the honorific,
and inferior pronouns:

13. The honorific is formed by inserting 00050

immediately after the root in the singular or plural

14 .
The plural is formed by inserting @,
ór Ons immediately after the root, or after the hio
norific increments. Exam . Conwas, (we) do,
or are doing corse gaas (we) do or

doing. Goêmico ( ye') have caused to be

15. The first form of the present tense is formed

by affixing 299 to the root in the singular, and tə
the increments which distinguish the plural for the
plural. Exam. GODS, (I,( , thou, he, she, or it)

doing Geniaas, (we, ye,'or they) doing

: 16. The second form of the present tense is formed
by affixing aò: to the root, for the singular, and to the
plural increments, for the plural." Exam. Gazas,
( I, thou,he, słe,or it) is doing. Goradiaas,
( we,ye, or they ) are doing,

17 . The third form of the present is made by

aſfixing caj to the root for the singular, 'and to the
pluralincrements for the plural. Exàm . capaces,
( 1, thou,he,she, orit)is doing Gemaſsajooks
( we, ye, they ) are doing.
18 . The singular of the fourth form of the pre
sent tense is made by affixing so to the root,and the
plural by allixing it to the plural increments . Exam .
fcusas, ( 1, thou, ske, or it) is doing. Geni

cuape, (we,ze,or they ) are doing .


19. The fifth form of the present tense is made by

affixing boy to the root, for the singular, and to the
plural increments for the plural. Exam . Grazas,
(1,thou, he, she, or it) is doing. Gemascaiaua ,
(we, ye, or they) were doing.

ſ . 20 . The first form of the past tense is made by

affixing ow to the root, for the singular, and to the in
crements indicating the plural number for the plural.
Exam . Gawas, ( I,thou, she or it) is ar was da
, they) are or were
ing. Gem cama?, (we, ye,ar
21. The second form is made by affixing to the
root, and to the plural increments, as directed in the

foregoing rules. Exam. 692028, ( 1, thou, she, or it)

was or is doing. Een caps,(we, ye,or they)
are or were doing.

22. The third form is made by affixing como as di

rected in the preceding rules. The signification of
this form varies but very little from that of the second .
Exam. Qgomongs, (I,thou, ske,or it) is or was
STOF VERB $ ... 85

doing. ပြုကြ waS,် (we, ye, or they) are or
ကုန် လေသည
were doing . 1 is.se

23. The fourth form is made by affixing à as in

the foregoing formsof the-- verb.. Exam. Gebas,
(I, thou, he, she,or ilit) was doing. Gemaa ,
(we, ye, they ) were doing.

24. The fifth form is made by affixing o

, as di
rected in the preceding rules. Exam . Graa', (I,
thou, he, she, or it) have been doing. Gorana mer
- ( we, ye, or they have been doing.
25. Of the above ten forms, the first five are pre
sent ; the next three are optionally past or present, and
The meaning intended to
the last two strictly past .
be conveyed, must, however, be gathered from the con
nection of the sentence and the idea expressed by the
root ; which can only be obtained by practice and

26. The first form of the future , is made by affix

ings မှ,w98, , မည် ororget to the root

, soops,E&S a

to form the singular, and to the increments denoting

the plural number for the plural. Eram. ပြု ၊
မည်, ခြံ မည်, ည် or လန် (I, tol,
*he, she or it ) will be doing . ပြ ကြ ကု, 4-c. $ c.
(we, yc, or they) will be doing .

27. The second form of the future is made by

alising ရ ရမည်,ရမည် လိမည် ရန်- or

to the root. Duam. ပြု ရ အံ့ se.{ c.(I, thaik,ke,slic,

erit) said do, or be doing. ပြုကြ ကုန် အံ,့ c. c. {be,
ye, or they ) shall be doing, &c. &c.

The Active root, Gdo, is conjugated in the fol

lowing manner :
. .


Present Tense .

First form .
h ; Singular.

COSE (CT, thou, he,słe,or it)doing,



၁. ပြ ခဲ့သည်.
ကု ပေး Ce
C (te, , ordoing
ticy )

Ilonorific .
Sing Plur .

ပြု မူ သည် ပြ သာဒ် ကြ ကုန်သည်

Second Form .

ပြ ပေးသည် doing ပြုကြကား သည် doing


ပြ သာဒ် ဝဲ သည်. ဘာ ကြ ကုန်ဆုံး သည်

Third Form .

Casos doing ပြုကြ ကုန်သည်) dong


ပြ သည် U ပြု လာကြသည်

Fourth Forms

ပေသည်) dong ပြုကြ ကုန် လေသည်. doing


ပ သည် ပြတ် ကြ ပေသည်.

Fifth Form .

သ သည်, dong ပြ သ သည်, doing


တော် သ သည် ပြုတ် ကုန်သည်


Past or Present.

First Form .

Sing . Plur.

frarouge, ( 1, thort, she, caméscopes; (we,ye,

[ yr i') is or was doing. (or they ) are or were doing.

လေသည် လေသည်.
Second Form .

C၇သည်. ၊is or was doing.Cemiques,

: arë ora

[were doing


တော်မူခဲ့သည်. ပြုသည့်
Third Form .

ပြ ရ လေသည် is or was ပြု ကုန် လေသည် ။ are or

[doing. [ were doing


ပြု တော် မူ လေသည် ပြု တော် မူကြ ကုန် လေသည်



Fourth Form .


Gews ( 1, thou, he, she, or it) was doing.


Genišaugo, ( we, ye, or they ) were doing

sing Plur,

“ တော် သည် ပြုမူကြ ကုန်သည်

Fifth Form

Gezaops,have beendoing.Gomaps, have

been doing


ဘ ဘို့ သည် ပြတ် ဘု သည်


Future Tense,

First Form


ပြ သို့ ပြုမည် ပြု အံ့ မည်. ပြ လိ မည်. ပြလန်, (

thou , he, che, or it) will be doing.

ပြန်တဲ့ ကြ ကုန်မည်, ပြုကြ ကုန် အံ့ ည်။

ပြုကြ ကျ လိ မည်. ပြုကြ ကုန် လတ္တ ( tue, ge, theg )
will be doing

ပြု တ မူ , ပြုတ် ပြု တော် မူ အံမည့်

ပြု တော်မ လိမ်မည်။ ပြ တော်လ

ပြ တာ ကြန် အံ့ ပြုတ် ကြ မည်

ပြု တော် မူ ကြ ကုန် အံ့ မည့် ပြရတာ ကြ ကုန် လိ မည်
ပြု တော် မူ ကြ ကုန် လင့်

Second Form,


ပြ ရ မည် ပြု ရဆီမည် ပြု လိမ်မည်. လန့်

shall be doing

- ပြုကြ ကုန်ရ , ပြုကြ ကုန် မည်. ပြန်ရမည်

ပြ ကြ ကုန်ရ လိမ် မည့် ပြုကြ ကုန် လတ္တ be doing

ပြု တော် မူရ , ပြ မူ မည်. ပြုမူ ချည်

ပြ ဘဲ ချ လိမ်မည်, ပြ လ , sk@12 bedoing

ပြု တော် မူ ကြ ကုန် အံ့ ပြု တော် မူ ကြ ကုန်ရမည်

မြို့ခံလူကြန် အံ့ မည့် ပြု မူ ကြ ကုန် လိမ့်မည်
ပြ မူ ကြ ကုန် လေ sha[I be doing
28. In conversation 202Sis pronounced ourin
the lower, and wasin the upper provinces. Exam
ပြတယ် ပြ သယ်, doing. ဘယ
်, စာ သယ်, eating

29, 00 is often substituted for a 25 and souI,

both of which are connecting participial increments.

30. Sometimes is prefixed tothe future termi

nations baſand qöps; Exam. Quoops, 928dopos,
will be doing

31. cj is sometimes substituted for SS. Exam .

ပြု မည့် or ပြုမည်,
32. Another form of the past tense, which ex
presses the idea of the action's being completed, in
formed by compounding the root with the auxiliary
La complete, accomplished. This auxiliary is affix-.
ed to the root or to any of the participial increments
of the preter forms. The partieles of the honorifig
and pluraląre ingestąd between the two roots,
First Form ,

CO: ( 1,thou, he, she, orit)having or had done


fons8 :(tve,ye, they) having or had done,


sing Plur ,

ပြု တော် ပြီး ပြု တော် မူ ကြ ကုန် ပြီး

Second Form

Goog, having, or ပြ ကြ ကုန် လေ ပြီး haping

[ had done. (or had done.

ပြဒ် လေ ပြီး ပြန်ပြီး

Third Förm .

ပြ ရပြီး, having, or Graaf :, having, or

[had done. [had done.


မြို့တော် ပြု တော် မူ ကြ ကုန်

Fourth Form .

02009:,having,, or ကြ ကုန် လေ ပြီး•, having,,

[had done. [or had done.


ပြ တာ လေ ပြု တော် မူကြ ကုန် လေ

N. B. This form differs but very little in its sig
bification from the third form .

Fifth Form .

Geez, having , or ပြုကြ ကုန် ပြီး . haping, or

[ had done. [had done.
Honorific .

ပြု တော် မူခဲ့ပြီး ပြု သဘဲ ကြ ကုန်ခဲ့ပြီး

Sixth Form. T

Good. , had done. ကြ လေ ked dose


ပြု ရ ဘော် လခဲ့ပါ သာဒ် ကြ ကုန် လေခဲ့ပြီး

Seventh Form ,

-692.0, had done.. ပြန် ပြ, he alone


Sing. Plur,

ပြု တော် မူ ခဲ့ပြီး ပြ မူ ကြ ကုန်ရခဲ့ပြီး

Eighth Form,

Goodalos, had done. commodo,had donel


ပြ တော် မူရ လေခဲ့ပြီး ပြု ဘော် မူ ကြ ကုန် ကြ ပြီး

N. B. This form differs but verylittle in signifi,
cation from the seventh .

Ninth Form ,

ပြ ဘူး ပြီး had done,

ပြုကြ ကုန် ဘူ ပြီး had done,

ဘာ ဘူး ။ ပြု တော် မူ ကြ ကုန် ဘူ ပြီး

33, The participial increment a25 is affixed to
verbal roots to make the first form of the present
participle, in which case,though it forms only a partici,

ple, the idea of a complete verħ is conveyed . Exam .

Q2025,။ II do, or am doing.
34. 2005 though not essential to the meaning, is
affixed to all the forms of the present, past and com
pound past tenses, inwhich case, besides the participial
signification, the word thus terminated has also the
force of a verb when it occurs as the final of a sentence.

3$ 3009may be affixed to the future terminations

and coo$, in which instance it only serves to con
nect the word with the following one.

36. In all the above cases the participial termina

tion 2020 may be inflected, as will be observed here

37. When a sentence is to be brought to a cloge,

the termination may be used instead of 228 in
every instance except in the future tense . This form ,
however, is seldom made use of in conversation, and in
writing is to be found principally in translations from
the Magudha language. Exam. Gei ( 1) do.GOGO
( 1) did.

38 .
The termination ospS indicates the conclu
sion of a sentenceand is frequently used when the no
minative case agreeing with the verb terminates in
53. Exam. zopfem
သူအမည် casosမောင်& တည်, his nume
is Shoemoung

- 39. When a 0.005 is affixed to a noun, some


neuter verb is generally understood if not expressed.

Exam . 22002:paa-25,who (is) he ?
40. When a sentence or the subject of aa narrative
is brought to aa close, it is frequently done by affixing
တည်. Exam . ES: 9031202000 ; 20:25

having made obeisance he remained (there) .

41. When ocpS is affixed to a verbal root, it is

often connected therewith by the participial incre
ment aspHor its substitute 23, Exam . Cuzcosa
or coopSoops
wocos is a verbal termination indicating a suppo
sition ,

Of the Geründ, or the Infinitive Mood.

42. The infinitive mood , or, more properly speak

ing; the gerund, is generally formed by affixing the
termination of the future tense to any verbal root.
Thismustbefollowed by the dative termination @. The
participial increment coz is inserted before the termi
nation of the case.
case . Eixami.
Exam .Geocara,I,to do,for the
purpose of doing.

43. The gerund or infinitive mood may be formed

by afixing ciod a wish,on account of, for, to any
verbal root or to a participle in any tense whatever ,
terminating with the increment was. This must be
followed by the termination of thedative case.
Gooossonog for thesakeofdoing ;; to do.
Exam. Gapsodig, ‫ر‬

44. The gerund, or the infinitive mood, may also

be formed by affixing the root op, to wish, to be on ac

count of, to any other root. This must be followed

by the dative termination ? Exam.. Cog) ၊, to do,
for the sake of doing. =&Eveg?,to speak,for thesake
of speaking

N. B. Either of the last forms may be used op

tionally .

Of the Subjunctive Mood .

45, The participial increment cor £ is always

employed to form the subjunctive mood, present of
future tense. To form the present it is affixed to the
root. 9 is inserted before the terminations to form the
future tense. Exam. Gozone, that (1) may do,or

be doing. Qaceasē, that (1)may obtain (power, &c.).

to do, or may do hereafter .

46, The increment cgj& when affixed to the roat

or to the terminations of the present and past tenses,
or to the inserted ရ of the future tenses, often makes
the subjunctive mood . Exam .Gc9
Gogje€, ij (I)I do.
Qacge, if(1) had done. 6200လျင်€, if (I)should do,
cozogj , if ( you) meet.
47. The termination cars when afixed to verbal
foots, to theterminations of the present or past tenses,
or to the inserted of the future tenses, sometimes


farmsthe subjunctive mood. Exam. Gajons, had (1)

done,orwas I doing (it). 62:8:0075, had. I finished

48. It is proper to remark here, that when the

increments ogę and cojos are affixed to the roots,
or to the participial increments of the present, past,
or future tenses, they may be understood in two dif
férent ways according to the connection of the sen
tence. Sometimes they form the subjunctive mood, and
sometimes are merely connecting participles of the
past, present,or future tenses, under which head they
will be treated of elsewhere. In both instances they
indicate the sentence to be incomplete. Exam .

Giage if I had done, had I done, or having done.

Googę, if (1) should , do,, or, after having done..
60:09 €, if(1) completeIn (iliket ), manner
when I have done.
or afterCoins
Ihave, done,
was I
doing, had I done or having done,

49. The increment 2025 is never affixed ta

လျှင် or လျက်
$ 300€ og con
OF VERBS , " r 101

... Ofthe Negative Participles.

50. The negative is invariably formed by prefix
ing @ to the roots. Exam. o @ do not, se, spake
600., gave not. 66 , obtained not. 603, eat not
not even
မညီ မ ခုမှ, not rediမိုး
o ,notnear.69, is not.
08 :, not finished . Of, not accomplished, not re
plete 66 %, became not. 35, slept not. ccan
is not dead.

51. The particles and areaffixed to verbal

roots, and to participial increments of the present
and past tenses of negatives to express the idea of
something's occurring; or of something's occurring
previous to the doing of the action . They occasion
the suppression of 2025. Exam. 66920facGoaz ,
(it) happened before ( 1) arrived . DOI:VDSQ 25,
( 1) am come without; or before eating .

52. is an auxiliary participle. The honorifig

increment Coco is never used without it. Ехат .

ရင် မှု
53. In the negative honorific form , the nega
tive participle, instead of being prefixed to theroot,

is prefixed to come and always indicates a not desiring

to do or be what is expressed by the root, Exam .

Gessouagiaa (he) does not wish to perform.

54. The above form is generally used when ad
dressing, or speaking of deity, or great personages .
Its signification varies according to the idea con

veyed in the sentence. Exam . 22awes

ယ OEH66,God
မ has no delight in, or,pro
perly, no wish for burnt-efferings.

55. is also used in an honorific sense with a

negative root when soos is not affixed . Exam .
ogue not having done. 6030S, without çatings

Of the Imperative or Precative Mooda

56. The imperative or supplicating mood is used

only in the present tense.

57. It is most frequently used in connection with

the second personal pronouns.
OF VERDS . 100

58 . The honorific and supplicating moods are

formed by affixing the following terminations to the
root, or after the honorific increments, or those denot
ing the plural.

59. 60 ??, chod, dę, :, or are used when

addressing inferiors or persons with whom we are fami
liar. They may also be used in addressing superiors,
when preceded by the honorific increments.

60. on and on are the proper imperative

terminations, but either of the above five may be
used in the supplicating form . Exam . Gcပြု oco, a
do, or pray do.
coyo,Que, QUI, QB :, do,
61. The above terminations may be compounded
thus: Slicon , day , : &, S :S:, 1: :00-2,
Sowa, Sę, :00 or0.008s
5:00 , in which case they
are highly honorific, and are used only by inferiors
when addressing superiors.

62. When these compound forms are used, they

are generally preceded by the honorific increments,
and in connection with the honorific pronouns,

63. The imperative or precative mood in the first

person plural, is expressed in writing by the future
in s8, and in conversation by the termination of a
Eloxam üs
Exam ..Coşqa,let us be doing, or we will do.
Goကြစို့, let us be doing
64. The third person singular or plural of the
imperative and precative mood is expressed by the
imperative forms terminating in : with the causat
root.6o affixed . Exam. 22 Secó, or ap Giaco ,
let him or them do, or cause him or them to be doing.

65. In the negative form of the root, boss and

9603, in their simple state, are not employed to form

66. The terminations ze, coe, ,and 8:, are

used with the roots in the negative form , and are both
imperative and precative.

-67.ję is the propertermination of the imperative


, Os,and 8: may be used in addressing
OF VERBS , 105

superiors .when preceded by the honorific termina

tions, and in connectionwith the honorific pronouns .

69. The compound forms kooss, Skecco , :cae,

0 :8 :, Olza, 017€ :, : :, SVES:, 118.CO. , and
Oပါး:ဦး: 09,are
လာ highly honorific,and are used by inferi
orswhen addressing superiors in a supplicating man

70. The simple roots are always in the impera

tive form ; sometimes also, compound roots are in the
imperative form , and both simple and compound roots
are used as imperatives when negative. Ехат. Q.
do. pq& OIRRGGO@ , doye. Qe do not oမပြုwwသင်,
notdo. Geros, dont do, properly.(it is)rightnot
to do .

71 .
The termination @ 25 is frequently used as
-a present imperative. Exam .Goes ,do it.
12 The termination Oo, may be written and is
constantly pronounced så. Exam . estis: or cocks ,
eat .

73. 695 is an imperative or precative termination


similar to cors. Exam. opaops, remain (alittle);

74. was is also to be met with in writing as an
imperative termination.

Of the Interrogative form . >

75. The interrogative form of the verb may be

used in connection with all three of the personal pro
nouns. It is seldom,however, used inconnectionwith
the first, except the root be in the negative form.;

76. The interrogative form is made by affixing to

the root, or to the termination of the tenses, con or
wito express a definite question, and 925 or go
express an indefinite one. Exam .cocos, ceps
@ ooo, is it not done ?
77. When the interrogatory. terminations are used
with any form of the present tense, except the first,;
with the past, whether simple or compound, or with
the future ending in ops, they are connected by the
သည် or its substitute 220.. Ex.
participial incrementwpS
@qaras, Q92929, art thou doing ? G :Garico,
co:üqar,häst(thou) done ?
OF VERBS . 107

78. When the indefinite terminations are affixed

to the fourth form of the past tense,, is substituted
for 37. Exam . Groupas, hast ( thou ) been doing ?
79. In the future tense the interrogative terminati
ons are affixed to op , sios, quos 9890es,
80p , and cops
80. The honorific form is often made by affix
ing crou to the imperative or precative form ending
in NSl:or ooch Exam . Golaccusor Qulares.
GS ?, pray hast thou done (it) ?
81 , The honorific is made by using the partici
ples in the honorific form , either simply, or with
the imperative or precative forms terminating in
Exam; Goosecco, wast thou doing ?
Grosse :2.605,hast(thou) done ?
82, In the formation of the interrogative partici
ple, w or its substitute 2 may be optionally, used.
83. The interrogative form when governed by

the first personal pronoun , is often formed by putting

the question to another person . Exam. Eigazo
onoscccə ,or a Qodarcqes,or algodon
OS :Gianco; (it is) my doing, is (it) not ? or did
I not do it ?

84. The interrogative is but seldom used in the

first form of the present tense, except it be with a
root in the negative form .

85. cs and co are most frequently used when

the question is asked by the pronoun Duf, what,
how ? or
osaogus, how ?Dow Exam . Oswana,
what person is it ? czas, who is it ?
soojagamo or w ; facao, how art thou ?
Cocony, why ? orfor what reason ?
od is frequently used in conversation
when the question is put to a person by using the
pronoun usus.
Exam. Osogoro, d, how art
thou? Dawsoncone, how did it happen ?
popg2006,which thing (is it) ?
87 .
Ojs is sometimes prefixed to the inter
OF VERBS . 109

rogative termination 725,thus

928 08005. Exam .
OZ ESSES, (who)can possibly knowo ?
difficult isit known ?
Chow )

4. 88. ' The imperative or precative mood, and the

interrogative forms of the verb, arethe only instances
wherein there is any appearance of a verb , the ter
minations of which are not inflected ; they may, how
ever, be connected with the following participle, word,
or sentence, by certain increments, and then the fol.
lowing word or sentence may be inflected.

Of the neuter verb, and the passive voice.

89. The roots of neuter verbs are conjugated like

the active ones.

90. There is no passive voice in the Burman

language. When, however, the passive is required,
the neuter verbs go, to become, org), to be, are em
ployed as auxiliaries, to give the sense required. Ex.
doodgerups,I am sent, or sending II am.
Of miscellaneous participial terminations,
91 .
The terminations oqs, Q Qand spar
present, and on present or past. Exam ,Gora
(deed1) to be done. Gå, forthe purpose of being
done. Go to be done.. Gorus, to bedone. Goren
probably doing or done,

fo@ o, for doing ..Qon for daing. Gwo, in


Of the connective increments,

92 . The incrementsoops andGas possess ng

signification of their own, nor are they essential to
the signification of any,word.

93. The terminations 2025 or cob as connective

increments, may be affixed to the roots, or the termi
nationsof the present, the past simpleor compound,
and to the future tenses. They merely serve to con
nect the participial roots in their various forms to an
other word or sentence. Exam . Goos,or Goas,
doing. Googzwas or Googznasသာ,will be doing
OF YERBS . 111

94. The following terminations are both continu

ative and adverbial, viz.cgję,ajo!,AGE,T, cas,
coccusand cows. They maybe affixedto the
root, or to the terminations of the present, and pasty
simple or compound tenses.

95. These terminations also serveto connect one

part of a sentence with another, or two different sen
tences with each other, without occasioning any alter
ation in the sense.

96. They also sometimes suspend a sentence,

while another foreign to the subject is introduced , as
in the case of a quotation, and connect itwith the
Subjecť when ' reassumed : 3:0 }; 5.411 ,
,' ng ,

97. The connecting increments 202S and cous

árë suppressed when the above terminations occhr.

98. The above participial terminations may al

ways be affixed to the honorific increments. Exam.

GOODBQT, Goorsquoc, Gostal:cgič,doing:

having done.

99 Theincremento is used to connect the last

member of a word or sentence, which cannot be in
Élected, with the participial increment 225 yor cas.
Whend connected with bos, the super ma be in
flecte ,"when with soon, the agent which may be
compounded with it is inflected . Exam.ones
or opposege .
:: los 11
100. The compound increment ,
or no is also used
in the same manner.

101. The incremention serves to connect the last

member of a quotation or speech introduced into a
narrative , with the verb which concludes that narra
tive, or to the next sentence. See the example given
to rule the fifteenth of Syntax.

102. Sometimes also on is prefixed to D , thys

Omar, to connect sentences.
TA ! !!!' .


Of wmpound Verbsi

103. The forms of the verb which are aceounted

different moods, in other languages are in this made
by compounding other roots with the radical letters,
This new compound has all the moods, tenses, and
forms of the simple verb .

104. The honorific increments, and those denota

ing the plural, are usually inserted between the two
roots, and the increments denoting the tenses affix ,
ed to the second root.. Exam . Asoofolecacie
(he) did ( it) again.REE@ o2-Coccoles ( they)
kaving consulted together again. လေ ကို Ecos
USD,taking the bow again.
of the Subjunctive Mood .

105. The subjunctive mood is usually made by affix

ing Groze, good, proper, suitable, to the radical cha,

racters of another verb . The honorific increments ,

and those expressive of the plural number, are inserted
between the two roots, and the increments which in
dicate the tenses are affixed to the second root. Exam.
Gora23, (he) may be doing, or, probably is do
ing: oor onvoca 25, (he) probably has arrived,
(he) may have arrived. Goooda.com.co
စတင်ပြီး8:,(he) proba:
(he) may have done it. Asoomse
brj.hascaused (him ) to do(it)). ပြေ
bby Encoာင်cops, (he))
probably will perform .

Of the Potential Mood.

106 . The potential is formed by compounding

the root & , able, with theradical letters. In
L ore
this form also the honorifiç and plural particles are
inserted between the two roots, and the increments
denoting the tenses are affixed to the last. Exam .

Reap,( am) ableto da,orcapable of doing,

(1)can do. Grosse 3Econ,they are ableto do
or can do, (honorific.)

107, In like manner © $, again, return, က်


decompany or follow up, and many other roots, may

be aſfixed, or compounded, as auxiliaries to other verbs:

108. The following compounds, forming the op

tative and other moods, differ from those above -men
tioned in being folímed through all the tenses like a
simple verb; and not admitting of the honorific and
plural increments being inserted between the two
roots . These compounds supply the place of pre
positions in other languages. The second root is ge
nerally neuter,

Of the Optative Mood.

109. The optative mood is formed by compounds

ing aj€ or with the radical.. Evain. ပြု ချင် သည် -
( I) wish to do. Giove ( I): wish to do.. Grp
ကြ ကုန် cool
လေ ပြီး , they wished to do

In like manner,ô, dare,, 8 or o reach;
aitain ,
to, 9 obtain, à, or a05, difficult; was,easy,,
00, send, w025, agree with, suit, o& s, proper, be >

coming; op, stay,continue, qos; twine round . O ,aap


customed, 390, right, proper, 0.05, know, PE cold

lect, 012€, muny, ai, few , small, little, Cş, relish;
and many others.

Of the causal verb ..

111. The causal verb, as observed above, is formed
by coin pounding the root 60 , send , with the radical,
and is conjugated exactly as a simple verb through
every tense. Exam . Gogoas, ( I) cause todo.
Ooooops (they) cause todo.Coorweë
(they)may havecaused (it) to be done. Osalg.cgję,
having caused the doing (of it). Ocoom , that he
may cause them to do .

112. The particle 8Sindicates the causal futute;

and is generally prefixed to the future termination
စိ € ( 1) will cause to do..
GOS. Exam.. G860
113. 85 is also used to form the causal infinitives
Exam . Qeorang! to cause to G Goobassocong.
do. E
for the sake ofcausing to be done hereafter ,


Of Sumasa, or compound Words.

1. · Compound words are formed by the junca
tion of several simple ones, the last of which alone
can be inflected. According to Magudha gramma
rians, there are six kinds or classes of them , viz. the
first,called 23 ; the second wpg39; the thirdmy
60 ; the fourth oya2n
SR; and the
- 200 ; the fifth So;
Mixtln အ ဗျ ဘာဝ သ မာ သ.
2. Several substantives in the same case may be
united into one, by rejecting the copulative conjunc
tions and the terminations of all the cases except the
" last. All the substantives except the lastare generally
పి ။
parted off with stops. Exam.cool II 2001 စူး ။ ဆိ
wunscowoso doufalogosoko dcosmo
339002s, having purchased cured fish, salt,rice,
husked rice, and broad cloth, (he) has proceeded up
to the Golden Feet.

3. Sometimes owes or OD, &c. and soforth, is

inserted between the last nouns, and the terminations
of the case . Exam . CO2.112010 glau ao11aos
rosawpSozlow , having purchased cured
fish, salt, husked rice, rice, broad cloth , &c.

4. Sometimes also after enumerating the various

articles og sampe ,all these, or J., with thearenumber
specified,prefixedthus, o-ch,yosh boli,
ed immediately after the last substantive, and are in
Aected instead of the noun . Exam.coasa 200l acu
ငါး occo
Son သက် က rsogood or င်း konce
o တို ့ ကို
OWST, having purchased thesefive, viz. cured fish,
salt, rice, husked rice, and broad cloth , &c.
5. The second class is formed by compounding
one or more words together. These compounds are

used as epithets; or as the adjectives of their follow

ing nouns. In the last case the noun is inflected,
Exam. 32050 ကြ , ( drinking) spirits to excess, viz.. a
drunkard. ois eating to excess, viz. a glutton .
squalcosos @ drinking spirits to excess. com
os i eating food to excess. ogsaicos, waters
OF VERBS ) 119

drinking szoonessaqe
ရ သာက် သူ ((one) who drinkswater.
ojoses, graminivorous.. Ground
nivorous beast.
Gersos que ,a gramer

6. The third class is formed by connecting a sub

stantive with an adjective, which adjective is never in
flected. Exam . closcoloG sowussc @ . 3

çagbasa pf,I mentioned (it) to themostnobleking..

7. The fourth class consists of words formed by
compounding a noun in any case with a verb. Exam.

equoper cə0:,the man-destroying medicine. ca@ arap

the potfilled (with) water: @U:Gousègo, theișing

given (by)theking, ofac Scaugogo,the reverenceto

be paid to the king poucojoama28:,fruit
fallen from the tree . scopal, the fishes which dwell
in the water.

N. B. In the formation of these compounds, the ter

minations of the cases may sometimes be retained, with
the exception ofthe possessive. Exam . 69gcqrand,
the fisheswhich dwellinthewater. smoen sowo

cocosos, the birds which flyin the air. GosaSE
sassages, animals which live upon grass..
8. When one substantive is connected with ano
ther in thepossessive case, the two wordsform a com
pound of this class. Exam. Claq, my man. ထ မင်
the dog's rice. s&osqcacgs, the king's elephant.
9. The fifth class is formed by compounding a
numeral with its following word . Exam. Eldias
quafungerar, adored by the three worlds.
Ellioungagol conc0997. (one) who restraina
thefive passions,

Ofcompounding a numeral with a noun :

3 10. The Burmans arrange words, bearing a near,
or even some distant resemblance to each other, under
certain classes, as for instance, words signifying brute
animals ofany description, are classed under the word
Soose, a brute beast ;‫ و‬words bearing a resemblance
to rotundity, under the term son , any thing round ;
OT VERBS , 121

things resembling a continuous line, under the term

sao ?, an extended line, 8c.

11. The term descriptive of these classes, becomes

the latter member of a particular order of compound
words, which commonly have the initial character of
the numeral osos, one, for their first member. Exam.
000033€, one ( animal). 000
oso , one round(thing ).
oom one.
1. 12. - When the number of the article to be specia
fied, is more than one, any of the numerals may be
used as the first member of the compoundl ; but when
the number specified exceeds ten, the numeral is the
last member . Exam .zonose , tạo (animals ).
Samose, three ( animals ). soomsdcaçãow , thirty
(ani ufason
mals). -52%of, three pots. Saသို ဆယ်
thirty -three pots.

13. The words expressing these classes undergo


certain changes, before they are affixed to other words,

viz. if the word denoting the class be a substantive
with an initial 30, the 33 is suppressed ; or if it be
the verbal noun ending in oups, thattermination is

suppressed: Exam. OCGOSTE, one or a brute beast,

is formed from 9-5039€, a brute beast, and the initial
one. ocês, one beast of burden , is formed from
ofocó, опе.
8:002S; toride, andthe initial ofoce, one.
14. The name of the class compounded with its
numeral is affixed to the name of any thing in the
class; to form a compound substantive. Exam. The
compound cysoceč, one or a spear, is formed from
Fooc,an extended line, gol, a spear,and theinitial
of opo,ane. uşampion one or a garland, is formed
from Y? ștrung like a necklace, uș, flower ,
andtheooos of os ,one. samse, threedags, is,
formed from 8.02€,a brute animal,ºz.a dog, and
the numeral 2 , three.

15. When a particle is descriptive of any oneclass

of words, the initial of the numeral ocd, or any other
numeral, is invariably prefixed if the number does not
exceed ten . Exams oba, one. 0020, one (God ).

OS:,one (God,Priest, or King, 8c.).03.wsos, one

(man ),

16. The following classes comprize nearly all de

scriptions of these compounds.

17. aq, a particle, probably from am, a blessing,

is compounded with the first class of words signifying
deity alone. Exam. 29308d, God, 0.9, one, and
ဆူ, form the compound 320 2.200 foçaq,oneor a God .
losporq2;God, ord, one,andao,form Cosesor
9380.20, one God .

18. ,a particle, probably from Olaps, be,get,

obtain, is compounded with another class of nouns
signifying deity; priests, or personssustaining any re
ligious character ; kings ; subordinate officers of go
vernment, or any otherpersons ofnote. Exam. 5792 :
2008, God. ocel, one,and the particle :formuar:
Wacosols, one God, ac :, amendicant, OcOS ,one,
and Oz, form af 8:00 , one mendicant.9 & #39 €.
a king ,ooo', one, and Sli,formg&osqcocol, oneking.
be, a governor, coo, one, and Ols, form oco - SI:, one
or a governor . 2002., a teacher, ooo , one, andSli,
form ao posols,one teacher.

19. - 2, the head, chief, is compounded as the

above.. Exam .zad
သခင့် a lord, oco ,,one,and
, :, form
သခင် တ ဦး one lord. godę, a priest, ocos, one, and
8: formquodas, one priest. 07, a man, တစ်
ooo ,one,
and g, form copios, oneman.
20. ကိုယ်, the body. This word is seldom used
to denote deity, and is generally compounded with
words signifying men of some respectability, or some
thing embodied. Exam . GC, a governor, oco, one,
and 80s, a body, forms acosofas, one governor.
လူ a man, oss, one,, and ofus, formpa ono us,်
တ ကိုယ 07
20 €:op, a bust, ocos, one, and fu , form
ao ဘုတယ်
ဆင်း :opor cos, one bust..
21. ww205 from winops, a male, is coma
pounded only with words signifying mankind. Exam.
QE, a ruler, ocol, one, and owners, form E
ocowsos, one ruler or governor. Wato, a mis
tress, ooo , one, and W205, form waEbocsausos,
one or a mistress. co, a man , ooo , one, and curos,
form Cocowsos, oneora man. မိန် မ Q along ,
တစ်, one, and ယောက်, form မိန် ယောက်) « aco
OF VERBS . 125

22. CODE from 800E, a brute animal, is

compounded with words meaning birds, beasts, rep
tiles, insects, &c. Exam. mjes, a fowl, ooo, one,
and ကောင်, form ကျက်တင် onefowl.. mogli
a buffalo, ono, one, and one, form ngocomse,
a buffalo. najpi, a rhinoceros, oco, one, and comme,
form mojęsoccome, a rhinoceros. 37, a cow, တစ် ODOS,
one, and 600 €, form 23:00 DE, one or a cow .
ကျွတ် a leech, ooo ,one, and COSE, form ogos
OCCOSSE, a leech .Ĉ, a goose, ocd, one, and €,
form coccosse, a goose. odo, a duck, ocol, one;
and ကောင်, forms ဝမ်ပဲတကောင် « @ack. ငှက်
a a

bora, တစ်, one, and ကောင်, form နှက်တကောင်, 4a

bird. zus, a deer, ( the small hog deer), ose, one,
and ယောင်, form ဒြယ်တကောင်, one deer. 005, ahog , 1

oso , one, and so form oofoons , one hog .

23. &: from Sovas, ride upon, is compounded

with words meaning beasts ofburden and vehicles, such
as land carriages, &c. The hog is also included in this
class.. Exam . 20E,, an elephant,, ocOS, one,, and os,, form
ao cocei, one elephant. s:, a mule, ocor, one, and
Ei, form (09:0pe:, one mule. ) GE, an horse, oso ,

one, and 8, form Gosti,a , or one horse. 005,an

hog, ooo, one, and Si, form GEOSE, an hoy.
23, a cow , ooo, one, and 8:,form groces, a cow or
one ox ofburden. gorwas, a cart,(orany
, land
one cart.
carriage), ooo, one, and 8:,formoso ,
2009, a charint, ooo ,one,and 8:, form goosessi, one

24. Fes-frongaspups, unite oryoke together,,

is employed to form compounds meaning pairs of ani
mals or things which are united together in the same
work , or for the same cause or end. Exam.
cow, oss, one, and925, form 3D:03g12 , onepair
s တစ်
of cows or yoke of oxen. a buffalo, opos,
one, and 90 , form ogh:039125, a yoke of buffalos.
ပြည် a plank, osos, one, and 925,form ပြည်

a pair ofplanks.
25. Any class of words may be sub -divided into .
several other classes, in which case the term which
comprises the greatest number of words belonging to
the subordinate division , becomes the term denomi
nating that class ; thus CE, a horse, properly belong's

tothebrutébeasts, but because itis a beast of burden ,

is classed among them: zas,a ców;, is alsoa beast of
burden, but on account of their being often yoked to
gether as draught animals, it is classed with words of
the samedenomination. Exam. Gos&i
မြင် တ , and not
CEC ောင်€, one horse. goose one cow , is proper
when intended for a beast of burden ; but when
yoked together as draught animals, it is stooges.
yoke of exen -or cows

26. 6 or 80 %, a side or individualof a pair, is

compounded with words denominating the individual,
of things which are naturally joined in pairs, or which
have two similar sides or parts. The compound ex
presses the individual. Exam . Baos, a .shoe or
sandals ocod, one,and720S;form 3 osoborcos,one
skoeorsandals @go,sa boot or stacking,co, one,
and 100 % , form GoSocoons,one boot orstocking .)
@ခြေ a leg ,ooo ,one, andprys form oCocosos, one
leg, moss, an arm , ooo , one, and 90 , form cons
cosas, ané မြစ် a river,, oooK,, one, and30075,
and arm . Cosa
form Sccosas,oneside of ariver,

27. O from somö, rotundity, is compounded with

words meaning things that are round, cylindrical,

spherical, conical, convex, concave, oval, or approxi

mating to either of the above forms. Some squarear
ticles are also included, Exam . woor, afruit,
Oos, one, and , form 2003:03ng, one fruit. 2008,
timber,, ooo, one, and op, formWorosco,
သစ် တ one tim
ber. Goos, a cannon, oss, one, and cº, form

sac@ soccer one cannon , or great gun . 60083 ?

a chest, ooo , one, and y, form oogzonocy,
chest. cors, an arm , ODOS, one, and co,form coလကor်s
osas,one arm . o ,a leg, 00S, one, and op, form

coses,one leg. Sias, a tanthorn , shade,000,

one,and ¥; form & Soci, one lanthorn, orshade.
မြင် an inkestand ,ooo,one, and op,forra gerosco
one inkstand. 60တောင် တစ်
0 € , a basket,o s, one,, and of,
form gostosas, one basket. uns, a bason, cup,
plate, ooo, one, and op, form unoon, one bason ,
cup, or plate. 205, a cup, a bowl of any descrip
tion, osos,one,and oộ, form zor oseu,one cup; &c.
690000 ,a goblet,a pitcher, 000, one, and on
form c.qoscosocoso , one goblet,a pitcher. 69185
ရေရေ aosတ asလိ,ု
ea pump or spout;ove), one, ando9, form cag
ane pump or spout. ogs, a cask, 039, one, and ot,

စည် , တooo
form စည် တ ကျ one cask.. ogSog,ajar, စ်,,one,
စ လို . socoqd, a gumbla,,
and cộ, form of20.00',onejar.
Oo9, one, and op, form scossosme ?, onė gumbla.
Joe, a bottle, (quart or pint), ose, one, and 9, form
ပ လင် တ one bottle. sc.comune, a square bottle,
တစ် one,andcộ,
ODS, form couscosEurocosop,one square
လေ တ
bottle.ope a phial,ooo, one, and a , form opo-cộ, one

prial. 7728:, gourd, 00S, one,andoy, formoņ23:00 ,

one gourd. socco, weight, ooo, one,and ,form 9.cc
တ လို) one weight (io weigh with), fos, a syringe,,
တစ်, one,andco', form goscoop ,one syringe. sqqd,

a bucket, ooo , one, and ox , form 9926osce,
တိုင် a post,mast, OSS,one, and , form
တိုင် တ လိ)ု one post.. Szao,
မီး an hanging lamp,ooo,
one, and လို, form ဆွဲ တ လို one hanging lamp.
ရက်ဘူး an anchor , ocol, one, and , form
ကျောက် တ လုံး one anchor. Soos,, a box, ((made of
တစ်, one, and op, form 2005
bamboos and lacquer,) OCS,
တ ) one box. ep05, a conical Burman box, onſ, one,,
and cé, form sofocal box consomosex, a tea

, one, and 09, form cursoshory,one tea


pot.. caEx&,a rice pot, oso, one,and cę, formi

လမင်းတရာ one rice pot.3 &s, a watch, a clock, osos,

'one, and လို,form နာ ရီး ဘ လို), onewatch.Gwos,

မုတ်) a ladle
( to take water, up with), ocd, one, and i, form
ရေ မုတ် သလို၊ one ladle.cQ, a fute,fife, ops, one, and
ရ, form oQosao, one flute. Ok, a bamboo, ooo ,one,
and op,form olcosce , onebamboo. ကြိမ် ၅a cane,
တစ်, one, and လို,, form ကြိမ် တ လို One Came.
a spittingpot, ons, one,and op, form a sufocov
one-spitting pot. ojoso,
မျက်စိ an eye, oco, one, and aလို့
form Oj58.000 ,one eye. Bonppe, an head, oso,
'one, and လှ,form ဦး ကြောင် တ လို one head. colegada,
a pillow , ODS, one,and aß, form wasesadosos, one
pillow .60, an anvil, on , one,andcé, form suósol,
aộ, form
one anvil. SS,a bag, pocket,oco), one,, and လို,
တစ် one, and op,လို
အုပ်, a brick,, OOS,
အိပ် လို)one bag : squs
form အုပ် လို one brick . အုပ် ကျွတ်, a tide, တစ်,
one, and လို, form အုပ် ကျွတ် ဟ လို one tide: စောင်,
a spy glass, obes, one, and vợ, forn Escofoco , 0၇၉

... spy glass.

28. & from so & an extended line. This class

includes all manner of things that are - straight or

long. Exam. 009:, a knife, oco, one, and oč, form

Cos:Ose , one knife.ccsscows,a sword, OcOS, one, and

Gစင်,&, form comoထယ်focee,one
တ secord. န့် Gee a pike,,
spear, cos,, one,, and of, လှန် တစင်
စင် form yos ed, one spear .
သံ တော် , a shop, တစ်, one, and စင်, form သော်ဇင်
one ship. .a( boat, ooo, one,,and CE, form coo
OOoC, one boat.cQ ,a snake, ood, one, and oC, form ..
Ocoe, one snale. 3, a rope,ocos, one, and oc,

form ကြိုတင် one rope. 300 €, a stripe, (as upon .

cloth ), ODOS,one,, andoe, form စ
quo ESOE, one stripe.
29. gads from gaoz Ewps, bear, cantain, is em
ployel to form a class of compounds including all
manner of buildings ; artificial trees, imitations, of
palaces, temples, &c. made of paper or wax, also a
bell. Exam . , a.house, o ,one,and cacne, form
Soscacs &,one house. maja, a monastery, school,
တစ် ဝ ng, andဆောင်, form ကျောင် တ ဆောင် onc. mo
nastery, 8c. &&, a shop,ooo, one, and Gacoc, form ,
ဆိုင်တောင် one shop . $ 905, a building (erected to
accomodate travellers ), ODO, one, and cacsa, form
ဇရတ်တဆောင် one building as, a palace, 000, one,
ဆောင်, form agcocacsť, one palace, coare,a
and co??, ရေ . (


necessary Os, one,

one, and c2038,form oqayo.caosť,
a necessary oè, a temporary todging or hut, ODOS,
one, and ( 209 €, form ooncaos , one hut. Occache,
တိုင် an artificial tree made of wax, oso, one, and
Sacoc, form occacocofcoccacok, one artificial tres
made ofwax . Eccooc ,abell,ooo, one, and 6202 &
form sáleccos Ensao3 €, one or a bell.

30 . Gone from cccose, a steepness or side,

is used to form compounds including all manner of
books, writings, letters, &c. Exam .mje, a religious

book,039, one, andqə€,formojSoccose, one reli

gious book. on, a book, writing, letter, ooo, one, and
CODE, form on OcFODE, one book, letter , &c.

31. s. from Sops, collect together, heup,

Compounds formed by this word include all things that
are collected into heaps, or formed into collections .
cmajor a stone, ose, one, and ( S , form
Exam.. saja?,
sopporonoa, an heap of stonnes. c , earth, oso ,
es. 6
Qo form smoporosydd, a heap of earth .
one, and on,
&အ Go, leaves, ooo, one,andyes,form ogoforços
a collection ofleaves.

32 ms from odwzo, crowd,be thick (like a

forest.). This word forms aa class of compounds, in
cluding all things that are crowded together,as a book
or piece of cloth , which hath many leavers or folds.
Exam .qəą, clath, oss, one, andsąus,formya&03990,
a piece ofcloth. 63, a book, ooo, one,and 930S, form
0209%20S, one book .
33. ausfrom o caps,bundle, tietogether .This
word forms aa class of compounds including all manner
of bundles, Exam .8., a book ,oss, one, and os,
form onobond, a bundle of letters or books. val
cloth, oss,one, andonS,form ya osor ,a bundle of
Ogl paper, ooo, one, and S. form
စ တ abundle ofpapers,
Oops, a pieceor garment. ' Compounds end
34. တည်
ing in this word include all kinds of wearing apparel:
Exam . yal, a cloth, ooo, one, and cops, form
capocorps, a garment or suite of clothes. cSEGUIS
a handkerchief(for the head), OS, one,and cops,
form OESIEScopes one handkerchief
35. zjs from sooju , a thin leaf or slip of any

thing This word forms compounds including all

things which resemble the leaves of a book of palmira,
leaves ; panes of glass; paper, or any thing which is
both thin and flat. Exam . Geos, a board,plank,-000,
one,and 2j0S, form Casosa S,oreboard. Gy,a maty
Oos, one,and wjs, form Gopa, S, one mat. ,a
looking glass, obes,one,and @js, formရ မ့soba
် js, one.
looking glass . spengos ,a tile,oss, one, and ojos.

form sa ngomosojos,one tile. စ က paper , oso, one,


and @j5, form og losajos , one leaf or sheet of paper.

co, a leaf of the palmira tree, oos, one, and 20
form cuocajs, one leaf of thepalmira tree.
36. go from Dagens a leaf, fold or row , forms
compounds of nearly the samemeaning asthose forma
ed by @js. Exam . Ogzl, paper, ooo, one,and 93
form oogsaol a leaforfold of papers oda 25,
(fast)soldiers, 005,one,andgoo, formosaoSongs,
a rank of soldiers.

37. jp from 2013., a point,extremity, forms come

pounds which comprize all things that have a point or
extremity. Exam. Okopojo; the end of a bamboo,

38. Ooo from SOODS, a bit, smallpiece or pora

tion, forms words meaning a bit. Exam .0050.000,
a piece of flesh .

39. Go: from sogo, aflat surface, forms a class

of coinpounds including all things with a flat surface.
Exam. Gas, a plank, ooo, one, and Go, form
ပြည် တ ပြား one plank.. Oorz,
တကာ, a dollar, rupee, ooo,
one, andGös, osoðsca @x,one dollar or rupee.
( form oonco
, a mat, osos, one, and (y ?:, form Goonga, a mat,
a single mat

40. O from soue, a tree, plant . Compounds forma

ed by this word comprize trees and plants of every de
scription. Exam .Oli, a bamboo, ooo, one, and
oc, form okogue, a bamboo plant. gefolgue, a
a a

plantain tree,ooo, one, and oC, form goaloooo

ogue, one plantain tree. oņue, a flowering shrub,
COS, one, and Ue, form usucosus, one flowering
shrub. 29005, a mango, ooo, one, and u ?, form
wqofosue, a mango tree.

41. G2S, a plain open surface. Compounds forma


ed by this word include all words signifying open

plains. Exam. cwrGas,afield, 00S, one,and Gas,

လယ်ပြည် ges,
form wason တ ပြည် one field.Osw @ 25, a yard,,
. တ လင် ပြည်,
တစ်, One, and ပြည်, လင်GESO @28, a court
ပြည် ပြည်

42 72ကွ € from ozEaues,to

င် ကွင် form acircle.
a In the
class of compounds formed by this word are included
all articles, which are in the form of a circle . Exam .

လက်စွပ်, a Ting, တစ် one, and ကွင် form လက်စွပ်

တင် one ring., ကွ
28 တစ်
င်, the noose of a rope,, 00S,
öne, and mois, form og fome,a noose.
43. @€ from goo @ o , a bar,, or long piece.
To the class of compounds formed by this word belong
all manner of bars, or any thing long or straight in
the form of a har: Exam . O , iron, ODOS, one, and
ခင်, form သိတင်an iron bar or nail. mais,
opes, one, and c @ oင် ,form of oneof
sugar--cane,, တစ် တရ
တစ်, one, and clous,
one sugar --cane.. g os, a pen,ooo,
form မှင် ဘီဘင်one pen. BS, a needle, ocor, one,,
and @ze, form so80.c@zę, one needle,

.-44.- PE from google

so &&, a branch or large bunch.
To the class of compounds formed by this word be
long all flowering branches, corymbs, racemes , &c.

Exam. çochezသီး, a plantain,,OcS, one,and နိုင်
form çoceGrosso_2€, a bunchofplantains. uş, a
, oues, one, and &&,form uſosae, a large
bunch of flowers.

45. &:or 3 % from E:2008, comb. In the class of

compounds formed by this word are included all arti
cles that are pectinated, or bear any distant resem
blance to the teeth ofacomb.
သီး r,
d om the large bunch .
a row ofplantains separatefr

46. o from coups,spread out. The class of

compounds formed by this word includes all articles
which may be spread out.Exam. G2:00aC, one mat,
Bosmacosad, one sheet.
47. ms from acas, to string. The classof
compounds of which this is the last member includes

all articles which are štrung like beads. Exam ,

o forma a string of beads, ugooms, a garland.
48. gofrom zufazo, flowor move in a con
tinued course, forms a class of compounds meaning
rivers, &c. which flow in a certain course. Ехат.
Grusgas, a river,or the course ofa river.
49. Og from soosę, straightness, forms a class
of words to which belong all articles which are straight
resembling an arrow. Exam . offocose,aa straight
row ofposts.

50. 30 , a cup. A class ofcompounds is formed
by this word to which belong all articles resembling
a cup, or a cup full ofany thing. Exam.. Sazons

တခွက် acup
oozes, a cup,, or a cupful,os
a cup or a cupful.

51. aos, a hand.The class of compounds form

ed by this word comprizes implements of war, agri
culture, and workmen's tools. Exam . cä 2005 or
casJ a gun,ose
, ;,one,and cos,, form owococos ,
ore or agun.8 &close , d - swivel or blunderbuss, ocOS,
one, and cons, form ocococam , one swivel, & c.

262005 a chisel, ocos, one, and cons, form - can05

Cocos, one chisel.

N. B. Many other instances might be added, but

those given above will be sufficient to give the learner
an idea how to form these kinds of compounds at hịs
option .

52. The particle a with the initial of thefirst

numeral, or with any other numerical word prefix
ed, thus m2, one, zowela, fifteen, may be substitut
ed for the last member of any of these compounds . It
is also used as the last member of any compound which
cannot be brought under any of the above mentioned
kinds. Exam. osa); a table, ooo,one,, and a form
စား ပွဲတခု one table. naco:0& E, a chair, w , three,

and2, form opros:0& Earnခု, threechairs. 300€, a bed


stead, wow , ten, and a, 'form aos faowa,

ဆယ် ten bed
stegds, oswojobops,a broom, oss, опеone, and me forní
osojofepdocą, one broom .6W ?, a key, cocos, six,
and q,form
sazoasofą, six keys.Gaseo ,a lock ,
oss, one, and 9,form
ą coordoosa, one lock.0833, an

șinge, ooo , one, andą, form og

0839907 one hinge

Smnoee, scales, ose,

SjS osos one,
опе , j& zés
and 2, form fér & e, al

pair of scales. moscas, a small kindof scales, o . ,

one,, and a form mosuwosa, one pair of scales.oję
COS.E., nusquito curtains, coo, four,andą, form oje
codécroz, four curtains. om,တူ an hammer, C), five,
and 2, form o Ela,fivehammers. CÓEO, breeches or
and a form celom one pair
pantaloons, oco , one, and
of breeches. rosez, a neckcloth, Oce, one,and a

form copezona, oneneckcloth. compas,aα garden,

0-e, one,and
опе ą, form guopp တခု agarden. cud, aa
ဥ ယျာည်
m woona, one road.cocoa,
road, OO, one, andą, forand
a mountain, ooo, one, ု form contosa

mountain. 6 )),fear or danger, 0.9, one, and me form

socą, a danger.

53. Almost any substantive of the language may

be selected to form compound words expressing things
which have some real or supposed resemblance to it.

54. When the object is near, or pointed to , or is the

subject of conversation, the word denoting the clasa
is frequently sufficient of itself to convey the idea

intended . In this case the initial of the first nume

ral or any other - numerical word is always prefixed .
Exam . omaşncosod, give (me) one round
(thing). ook
O Gozofa,Echarps, (1) wish for one flat
(thing ).

55. In enumerating mankind, when the number

exceeds ten, the word cmos, one ten, is used.
Exam.coposjos,ten men persojos,twenty men,
or twice ten.cozzesejosoco, thirty-four men , or three
tens and four.

56 . When the number is not exactly specified,

the word ocos, about, is affixed to the term which
discriminates the class. Exam sacoclownsors
null, give (me) about fifty round (articles).

57. The sixth class of compounds is formed by af

fixing the adverbs vosodo, during, 08809€ and
of & s se, until, orvosa during to a noun,and also,
by affixingwas, alike, and somjag , accordingto,
to the terminations ; €, of the instrumental case. Ex.
အသက်ပတ်aoလ, during life. capsa SORERE

OREos , until the arrival. OmsizCsops, ac
cording to the words. soa corSsazescopios;accor
ding to the order. Ofafwasons ;Emai,accor
ding to the words spoken by the governor.

N. B. The terminations of the cases cannot be

affixed to these compounds.


Of the formation of Words,

1. Words are either nouns substantive, verbals,
derivatives, or compounds. Exam. Op €, a wave.

ajos, love. Gox, (an action) to be done. GoEcos,


2. A great proportion of words, in the Burman

language, are formed from monosyllabic verbal roots.
3. These roots consist, either of one or two let
ters. Exam. n , dance. me,fry, release.

4. When roots consist of more than one letter,

the firstmay be either a simple or compound-letter ;
and the last is invariably a final consonant. ' Exam .
OC, clean . 63, moveR
., S, pluck.

5. Nouns, adjectives, and verbs, are formed from

these roots by affixing or prefixing certain syllables.
sou a reception, is formed from the root Um
take, receive circaFor moec22 ( ),agood
( person ), is formed fromthe root omsce, good. Go ,
Goz f
Geoaf,did,is formed from the root @ do.
: 6. All words which cannot be derived from verbal
roots, and will not admit of being used in a verbal
sense, are nouns substantive, or proper names, signi
fying things. Exam.
Exam .az, mar.. 988;a wave.. Onsရ
aip, a man
water. Wa?,lord. 69, the sun. cæ, a day.

Of theformation of Simple Nouns.

7. Nouns are formed from the verbal roots, by
prefixing the vowel 33. Exam .2.00 €, a light, from
the root as,- light . 9302, food, is formed from the
roöton, eài: corse,awatch, is formed from one,

preside over, protect, look after.


8 Abstract nouns indicating the doing of an ac
tion, the possessing of certain properties, or suffering
of certain things denoted by the root, are formed by
affixing CE to the root. Exam. 26 €, a doing,
, စ @€,an ealing: REGE, firmness. 276 €,
a deed,or
beautifulness. ကြွ ခြင်,a going.. SS, a sleep
ing. co @ e, a sending
9. The affix op is placed after the verbal roots,
to form nounsindicating actions which are to be per
formed. Exam . Ozone , what is to be eaten, or is
for the purpose of being eaten. counocoqz, what is
to be drank, or is for the purpose of being drank.

စရာda what is to be delivered, or is for the

purpose of being delivered . 3-00 ?, what is to be
gone.for, or is for the purpose of being gone for.
97809 ?, what is to be heard, or is for the purpose
of being heard. 60097, an occasion of sending , or
the sending for something. C00:09 , a place toput,
or that is for the sake of putting any thing in.
10. org is placed after the verbal root,to form
nouns indicating actions which are to be performed ,
or are intended to be done or accomplished , Exam ,

Ong, any thing to be eaten , or that is for the purpose

of being eaten. 00 :0, anything to begiven, or is
for the purpose of being given. Gą, any thing to
be done, or that is for the purposeof being done.
qa, any thing which is for the purpose of besmear
ing or anointing. 924, any thing which is for the
*purpose of giving away or bestowing. RoSå, any
thing which is for the purpose of planting, or that
in which any thing may be planted.

11. Soosisa particle denoting supremacy, royalty,

and is affixed to nouns, to indicate that they belong to
the king, royal family, or to one who is invested with
authority from the king or royal family. Exam .
oscors, articles, belonging to the king or royal fami
ly, &c. qoss, a person belonging to the king, &c. or
to any one invested with authority. Oufoss, an ele

phant belonging to the king or the crown .. Sogaoss,
a government affair or any business of the king, &c.

12. os, a burden, responsibility, and a deed,

or one who performs, are used as titles given to high
personages, immediately under the king, or royal fa

mily, or who are åttached to the crown in some way

or other, and must have coc inserted immediately
after them .
Exam 960-5, a noble or minister of
state. oecocs, a prime ministers o cosi :, the
chief minister of state.

13. The names of workimen , tradesmen, or peois

ple of some occupation, are formed by affixing axis to
the name of the tools, or work in which a person is
employed. Exam . cofagos, a carpenter. Gac: . ,
a doctor: 3 :207?, a sawyer. ojca ,၊ a taylor..
a boat-man. gadoo.com
600. , a boat-man . Có, a waggoner , or a
person that drives a carriage.

14 . Adjectives, when they assume the absolute

' form , and are used as nouns, are formed like noun
substantives by prefixing so to the verbal root.
Exam.. 869E, goodness, is formed from the ver
bal root cos.E, be good. gosd, greenness ,is forma
ed from 6S green.

15. Adjectives are formed by placing the ver

bal root in its natural state after a noun ; also ad
jectives are formed from nouns, if they are derived

from a verbal root, by the rejection of the initial sa .

These are placed after substantives, like the verbal
root, to form adjectives. Exam. ( 9) G aa white
(man), is formed from CO
a man, and a white,
grance, a good coro, from ga, a cow ,cand cosť,

good. 6.sec ., cold water , from 69, water , and 09..,,

çold. capri, many people, from me of?:,
လူ a man,, and ၊

16. Either your or car is placed after the ver

bal root, to form adjectives indicating the worthiness,
fitness, or suitableness of the action. Exam . söogus,
what is worthy of praise-or wonder, viz , wonderful.
@rozat , what is to befeared,viz.dreadful,
terrific. ajdoçus, what is deserving or wcę:hy of
love, viz. lavely. 2on acosozus,what is worthy
of abhorrence, viz. disagreeable. org , what is
fit for eating,viz. delicious. Gozas, fitto be done,
or what is desirable to be done.

17 . Bay , way and ocey are placed after the

verbal root, to form adjectives denoting all, the whole .
Exam .Gacaf all(there)is.
Goog,all (that is) dones

18. 369: is affixed to the verbal root, to form adjeca

tives indicating the being possessed of the property
expressed thereby. Exam . @rofaggi, fearful,
.dreadful. əjdabei, lovely.goscoại, shameful. Also
aegro?& orco
o @ de or so.com :dega 25.
ရှိ သည့်
19. Adjectives are formed by affixing or pręfix
ing imitative sounds, which have no meaning. Exam.
comescos , wide open , gaping, ( as a hole.JOSE ,
-wide open ( open as a door ,) empty,

< 20. aargar

o Ques, co& and ;WS, are plac

ed after nouns, to form words denoting likeness or simi

larity to the thing expressed by the word, and occasion
the suppression of the terminations of the cases. Exam,
325 Craicis, likea large drum . Occavoro ,
like a Taling. Ooooo, like the earth . ambo,

like a man. Grejas. like a lotos.

21 . amoną placed after the verbal root, de

notes the likeness or similarity of an action. Exam.
Carol, like the doing Downlao like the
eatinga qanax, like the writing.

;; 92.08€ from goose,according to, exactly as,

is placed after verbal roots, to form words which sig
„ nify, according to, or exactly like the action. Exam .
Gore, accordingto the doing. cogosoas, accoril
ingto the delivery or speaking. O :0 $ &; accord
ing to the hearing

23. one affixed to the verbal roots, implies a pro

bability of the action having been performed. This

is a past participle. Exam. Goss,Sapl),proba


bly having been done. crococs, probably have

ing been afraid .

24. o * forms words conveying the idea offoror

for the sake of the thing or action to which it is af
fixed.. Exam.. cz3r, for the dog. ,for man .
03for eating couco for drinking.
25. s @ ce whether affixed to verbal roots or
to nouns, forms words which signify for, or for the
reason of the thing or action. Exam.czr@os for
f thedog. 20 &s @ €,for the elephant. clo@ či for
the fish.

26. 6} placed after verbal rootsforms wordswhich

mean in the performance of the action. Exam. cola,
-in10preventing. 69.g, in arriving. ouro, in giving.

- 27. Verbals formed by the above last three affixes,

are the proper gerunds. Exam. Copior@
for doing. Ge,in doing.
28 .. is placed after the verbalroot to form
words which indicate the continuance of an action .
Exam Gowy, eating , continuing to eat.2o, sees
ing, continuing to look , beholding,

29. Compound nouns are formed hy rejecting

" the initial so of a noun formęd from the root when
' it is the last member.
Exam.gos, a cow, and Boer, a
collection , from collect, forms
collect, forms a herd of cows.

m , a man, and scrolę, a collected body, form pole,

a multitude af men. osalo, the entrance of a doo

SO. Compounds are formed by rejecting the initial

es of the first member of a compound term . Exam ,

sa@es, aparticular
a kind of teakplank, is formed
from 909125, any thing united or yoked together in
the same work, and G25, a plank. siCo297, the lord
my master, is formed from yog1€; lord, and 07975, lord.
31. Compound abstract nouns, indicating the
performance of the thing, possession of the properties ,
or suffering the circumstances expressed , are form
ed by affixing & to the root, which is always the last
member . Exam . maj& ąjcser:@E, an eating toge
ther. Gazpam @ , agentle approach . SSGST
Rye, the remaining in a profound sleep.

S2. Nouns of agency are formed from the root of

the verb, by affixing con. The noun or pronoun indi
cating theagentmustbe affixed to those words. Exan.
åraze (he) who receives. Cu.Foun28(he)whogives.
Couscon ,(he)whobegs. @fega 900.(he)
who believes or has faith . cosszazsa ba? (he) who
dwells in the wilderness. momsouro ca scos,
the bird whichflies in theair. Poocosowodeg
w22093 , the master or teacherwho is versed in the

arts. ao casoconscosa.no , thegovernor who is

more noble than thepoor. Wypesprow so-cosur
coupraps,, the person whoshines in the midst of
the assembly . corams, thefragrant flower .
33. The pronouns osas, who, which or what,
5&, such, osuszą, what sort, on this, mana,
this sort, 202S, this, w380&, this sort, &, that,
&&, that sort, so@ £, which, and 838,
which sort, are compounded with nouns and pro
nouns, by affixing 903. The noun or pronoun in . )
dicating the agent is the last member. Exam.

pousawon, what person. o & asan, such a per.

son. 2008 &c09an, what kind of person.
34 .Honorific nouns ofagency are formed from
the root of the verb by affixing coor, acon or
Cofocs. The nouns or pronouns indicating the
agentmust be affixed to those words.Exam . Gosp?
Oppogosoroscoobaoca zerrs:,the word spok,
énor delivered by God.

35. Nouns of agency are formed from the root


of the verb by affixing the participial terminations

ending in 2025; and the nouns or pronouns indi

cating the agent must be affixed to these words.
Exam . 2002507, the receiver, ar he who receives.
W.2082, the giver, orhewhogives. somewosare
the beggar,, or he who begs or asks. ရiုံ Qesapla
ကြည် သည် ma
the believer, orhe who believes. 60
wild person , or he who lives in the wilderness. 6oC
ne gwascos ငှက်, the bird which flies in the air.
goosesuperio2920933, the teacher who is
wise in the arts. 2o&quofco Cosafoe,the go
vernor who is nobler thanthe poor.w ?resaus
os& swwesowomaps,the
သည် ယာဉ် person who shines in
theassembly သည်ပ the sweet-smelling, or
. goodson
fragr ant flower.
36 . Nouns of agency may be of any mode or
tense . The particles denoting the modes and ten
ses are prefixed to the participial terminations.
Exam. (os) saosewos or coisaoC, the burden
bearing elephant. lGro ws orcasaq, hewho didor
performed. osuwzósz, thedog which has eaten
28 :00-2007 , the words which were spoken,
ဆို လ ossausoms,, whatD will be spoken or the

speech which will be delivered. Assessoal@os

8207921, the God who is able toperform .
37 . Nouns denoting the person who possesses
any thing , holds any office , or follows any trade or
calling, are formed by affixing saose, possess, to
the name of the thing possessed. This affix is option
ally put after the accusative case. Exam . aos
သာ သူ or face&casa one who wears, or
card ထီး
one who carries an umbrella Gegancsos
begonasao samaz, one who has to dowith govern

ment affairs,

38. Nouns signifying the person who sustains any


office, acquiesces in any responsibility, sustains any

burden, or bears any punishment, are formed by af
fixing , bear, sustain , suffer, to the noun indicating
what he bears, acquiesces in, or the like, in the ac
cusative case, either expressed or understood. This
rule is also optional. Exam. Sedéso 9007 or
Sandésacsan one who acquiesces, viz. a security.

oşărbunaq orofcoécounan, onewho bears the res

ponsibility, viz. a securily.

39. Nouns signifying the person whodares to sus

tain any office, or perform any deed, are formed by
affixing ô , daré, to the noun indicating what he sus,
tains or undertakes, in the accusative case , either
expressed or understood. This rule may be used at
option. Exam . bóworon doaz, one who darės
to bear, he who dares to sustain the burden , viz. a

40 . Nouns signifying the person who is worthy

to sustain any office, or perform any deed , are formed
by affixing & n5, worthy, sufficient, to the noun in

dicating what he is worthy of, or sufficient to under

take, in the accusative case, either expressed or un
derstood. This rule is also optional. Exam .

ဆောင်သူ am or gogoa03& သ he who
အမှုကို ဆောင် &oSavon,
is worthyofbearing or sustaining the cause.9080807
or soosdicequ& ,he who is worthy or deserving
of his reward .

41. Nouns signifying the person who is a suit

able person , or the thing which is suitable or proper
for any purpose , are formed by affixing soos or we,
T 2

suitable, to the noun which indicateswhat he is suit

æble or proper for, in the accusative or instrumental
cases, either expressed or understood. This rule is

optional. Exam. Soosayor 21 &27; sy ecosfor

WE72, a worthy or suitable person ,one who is worthy

or sifficient(toperform ) thedeed. o&o Sox or bocaz;
o gazebę or - 60957, he who is suitable
for, or worthy of that kingdom ,

42. o $, a burden, and 9 , adeed, are affixed to

a a

nouns, to denote situations of office under govern

Exam.Qoş, governor of a city. Eos,
governor of the shield. Gossen overseer or keeper
of the jail.

43. 372 €, chief, dài, excel, and 8:, great,

are affixed to words signifying men and things, to
indicate the chief among them, or their superiors.
Exam . q &uqe, the chief sovereign, lord , king .
OS one,the general of the forces. Ovài, the chief
of an army. Bossòi,:, the head or chief cook.
မင် ကြီး15:,chiefamong governors,viz.aking: 582,08:
chiefor sovereign among the pots, viz.a cook. com :

a great man. 2010 :, chief ofa city. Duerossar

not, the chief or captain ofa ship.
သခင် orqe, a master, mistress,, owner, are
44. DOE
affixed to words, denoting the things which they go
vern . Exam .Cac or ရှင်
C69€,lord or master of
the earth. Jadua orage,, lord or master of the
house. Sua
မြ သခင် orG9€,
ရှ a creditor..
45. from sali, a tribe,is always affixed to
the names of progenitors, or the chiefs of tribes or faa
milies, to form patronymics, and to the name of the
country, to form gentile nouns. Exam. 6 € 23:28,de
scended from the kings. Que ofthe brahmuntribe.
00:28 of a respectablefamily.
Chinese nation .
0.90 23 of the ,

46.209 , a son, is added to nouns denoting a

country, city, or any other place, to form words deno
minating the inhabitants or natives of it. Exam.

0-950s:, an inhabitantornative of China,a Chinese.

Gafas,an inhabitant of acountry. 2009:,
မြို့သား an in
habitant of a city. 8SOU
° 2330038, an inhabitant or nas

tive of the upper provinces. Soon Coon , one who

dwells within, an inhabitant of the interior.

47. &, a bone, sect, race, tribe, 23. ,a sprout,,

germ , bud, and coj?, a continuation , succession, are
often affixed to words denoting a king, an umbrel
la ofroyalty, and a palace, to form words which mean
a person of royal blood who may succeed to the
throne . Exam. 09:, a descendant of the umbrella,

pada; a descendant of the palace. googę,a descend

ant or sprout ofthe palace. $ay2, abranch or con

tinuation or descendant of the palace.

48.600 from Bosco, an infant, the young, or a

little thing , is affixed to words signifying mankind,
beasts, or things, to indicate their young, or any small
thing 26600 a calf.
Exam . 076600, a child .
crofoon, a young or little monkey. Woocarno,
a small tree. Ooofonco, a small mountain , a hill.

49. oʻSfrom soqd,

အ alog or lump, is often pla
ced after nouns signifying wood, to denote a log. Exam .
သစ် log ofwood.. nzifond,a
ကျွန် log of teakwood.

50. ozd is often placed after om ?,a word, to

mean a sentence or speech. Exam . endors, a
sentence .

51. from 300 , a small bit, is often placed after

nouns signifying any solid substance, to denote a
small bit of it. Exam.oco, a bit of silver. @oso,
a bit of stone. Go a bit ofearth.

52. os: from 3352 :, food, is affixed to words in

dicating the thing or person by which any one ob
tains a maintenance, to form nouns denoting particu
lar employments. Exam . 32365 , one who lives by
wages, viz. a servant. 2018.0 % ,one who lives by
(the buying or selling of)fruit. 6302, one who lives
or subsists by daily labour, viz. a day labourer.
owos, one who lives or subsists upon another ,
viz. a servant.

53. 205 from 992/65, a deed, a thing, a mother,

is affixed to verbal roots, to form words signifying the
matter or subject of which a person has been speak
ing, or the business a person has been doing Exam .

sagjes,the matteror subject ofconversation.Gojos,

the business a person has been performing :

ရာ from 3397, a matter , a concern, is placed

54. 93 3

after verbal roots, to form nouns indicating the action

which any one is performing. Exam . 09:q?, the
thing (he is) eating. Qgs, the action (he is) doing.
cogao5q03 €@ sosedloops, in what he
has delivered, or in his speech, there is disrespectful

55. z8 from ခွင်

soze, a commission, authority, is
affixed to verbal roots, to form substantives indicato
ing the authority by which a person performs any
act. Exam. G28, authority to do a gé;autho
rity or permissionto speak. acaze, authority orper
mission to go.

56. (@is placed after verbal roots, indicating the

continuation of an action from any past períod.
Exam. 6C,accustomed to do, continued todo.

::57. Zo is affixed to verbal roots, to indicate bes

hind. Exam. 699802s, remain behind,.

58. @is frequently placed after nouns, to de

note the absence of the thing expressed, or to express
the being void or destitute of a thing. Exam. code
void or destitute of people. iceraeg, destitute of

59. vE is an affirmative particle, signifyingeven,

only, and is generally affixed to the pronouns or to
the participial terminations , and sometimes to nouns.
Exam. Clu &gov026, 1, even I, am he, or Ialoneam
he. Esofa foscosocialsource second
@ 3229 So foscos@ tursongam cl,the
parents, having only heard of the welfare of their
children, werefilled with joy, and obtained ease .

60. Adjectivesare formed by doubling the verbal

roots, and prefixing the compound to a noun or verb.
Exam. CGICoGoEag, an upright man. GEGE
Soups, he, or it is upright. ngoEngre, bright.
WOEDE, light. occose, appearing, perceivable, visis
ble. grans, deep. Olle,
မြန်မြန် quick.


Of Adverbs and indeclinable Particles.

1. Adverbs may be divided into four kinds ; ad

verbs of time ; adverbs of place 3 adverbs of quanti,
ty, and adverbs of circumstance.

2. They are formed from nouns or pronouns,

and by affixing certain particles to the verbal root.
The terminations and ope of the locative
case, are affixed optionally to now and sod), time,
(in general); sooss, time (defined); sood, time,
(of the day or night); and popf, time, (a series of
time or times, or a continuation of time), to form
adverbs of time.

4. When the time of the adverb is defined , the

words yow , which, what, 5X, such, WE, for
merly, sową, what sort, or, this,capa&, this
sort, 22S, this,202083&, this sort, o & that, o &02
that sort, 9a @ €, which,and 30 @ , which sort,
OF ADVERBS , & e . 169

are prefixed to ကာလ, အခါ အရက် and အချိန်

Exam. & m3000, then, in that time. becandal,
then, in such a time.SecoSjS, when,or in what
time, (of the day or night ).

The words ကာလ, အင်္ဂါ, အခိုက် and အမ်
are also combined with verbals, by affixing the con
necting particles 3025 or ow? to the root. The
word denoting time is always the last member of
the compound, and the terminations of the locative
case are optionally suppressed. Exam. Goopzodi,
Goussəl, or soaiş, then ,in the time of doing.
စား သည် အခါ, or စ သာ အခါ, or အ ဒိမ်or အမ်၌
orozę, then , in the time of eating.
6. The initial syအ ofFores,
အခိုက် 80.JSand SOOJS
စည်,, ia
rejected, and the remaining part of the word affixed
to a verbal root, to form adverbs of time.. Exam.

Saroo, while staying.Oops, while eating yourలో

လည် ၅ နမ်, uk ,or phile tuziking. ငို ကျွ စည်
&while crying. Sobots, sleeping time.
7. The initial so of sod), time, is rejected, and

I affixed to the verbal roots, to form words indicato

ing the time ofthe action.Exam. Yool, going time.
00:2!, eating time. Quial, giving time.

8. of Ecrone, until,ofERE,until, and comme

or cosmz, all along, vis,ull the time between twa
fixed periods, or from one period to another, are
affixed to words signifying time, and the whole
sentence has the force of an adverb. Exam .

omwwocasook,untilthattime o8godlo co €,
until thai period . odszuoścò, all that day.
9. Soosi, time, is affixed sometimes to cą, a day,
သည် night,todenote time ofthe day or night,
and geS;a
Also to 09 :, before, and 62305, behind. Exam . ca
ဘို့တွင်, in the day time. 22%2:30 €,in the
night time.Ogsong, formerly. cpansson, after

10. W , a watch , is also sometimes affixed to og

a day, and 232%, a night. Exam . a asuisccajons
: ogę, in the fourthwatch ofthe night.
OF ADVERBS, &c. 165

Il . wo is always placed after the terminations

of nouns and participles, and signifies only. Exam ,
Ooods 2203202 ,(it) eats rice only. : 0899pg
woawa, da that work only. segorGasse
soch by speaking only it can be accomplished.
12. jefwhen placed after substantivessignifies
anly, entirely, wholly, all ofone sort, or kind. Exam .
souwbaar, all (are) sages, or sages only. moje,
all (are) men
13 .
When as follows a verb,it isplaced after
the verbalterminations. Exam .ofci Coosso ess:
eldhoogojausmasfejedoops, my grand-chil
dren can be happy with only me.

14. @is affixed to verbalroots to form adverbs,

signifying now , even niw , scarcely, merely, but just.
Exam. vorigoes, (he) is but just escaped.
Obamaps, (he) has but justdone eating. one's
(he is) butjust now arrived ,

15. aas: and 60.05 are affixed to verbal roots ,

to form adverbs sigpifying, nearly, almost. Exam ,

@geocas, almost consumed. s9Groosos,

almost, or nearly reduced to powder.

16. ? E is afixed to nouns signifying time, to

form adverbs.
Exam . &&, daily. 2:25 28
every night. q2:3şe, every hour, hourly.
17. 6E is affixed to the negative verb to form
adverbs, signifying before or previous to the action .
The verbal terminations are suppressed in this case .

Ex. obę, before it is done, or is doing: 663330 %

prepiously to drinking

18. The increments or is is affixed to the neg

gative verb, to form adverbs signifying without doing
the action . The terminations of the verb are sup
pressed. Exam . Gondor u pozas,( he) remains
without eating

19. and Q ,before, previous to, are affixed imų

mediately after the negative verb, to signify, before
or previous to the doing of the action . In this case
the verbal terminations are affixed optionally to the
particles. Exam . Q3 or og Soes ,before ( I)
did. boblar, before eating, or previous to eating,
OF ADVERBS, & c . - 6

20 G is a particle, denoting quantity, and conveys

the ideas of much , many, any ; the sense, however,
varies in different situations.

21 . Gy is generally used in connection with nos,

how ? Etern.. ဘယ်လောက် ရှိသနည် ည် ၀or ၁.ယ်သ
, how much is there'? or how many are there ?
22. When qy is used in connection with nouns,
dow is prefixed to the noun, and placed after the
terminations. Essem . ဘယ်သူ့ကို မျှ နှင့် don't
· mention (it) to any one.

23. gwis affixed to the pronoun Osw , what ? to

form adverbs signifying, how ? what like ? Exam
poszus, how ? Bocco, how ? like what ?
The following is a list ofthe most common Adverbs.
တတ် အကယ် အချိန် ကန,့် အ တတ် တင် တင် မချွတ်
[ verily, certainly, truly,
sac @ odaoce, surprizingly, how !
လောက်, about, သို့ မျှ လောက် 50so much ,
အဘယ်မျှ လောက် so much, how much .

အပေါ် 6obe, ထက်, above, open.

093705, below .
spajassa,useless, vain..
Dopped, in that time.
BUSI: and saGoGo, differently .
Boobcws, small(distance), maicus, small,little,fem .
အသာ, nickly , soon.
. အ လျင် အဆာ, အ ဆာ ဘ လျင် လျင် လျင်, Yaica,
( speedily .
အ ဘ တ ဖ , again.
ဘေ ဘန် or အဖန်ဖန့် အကြိမ်ကြိမ် အခါခါ, again, re
[ peatedly.
သို စင်, ၀၀, szei.

အတူ တကွ အအရာဘ က with.

အ ညီ မှာ according , Like, malan .
300, again.
gasos, afterwards.
ယ မန်, ယခင် before,jonmen, formera
B2025, continually.
qawwes, morning.
wuşca& midnight.
efalos, evening

89000 $, mid -day.

gscow , afternoon .
Apos, morning. Vulgarly apas.
wzorze now. In speaking, the wis option ally
suppressed, e. g. 7

0076 , crgorcz, to-day. Improperly pronounced

w962,yesterday. Vulgarly (2907.
Ocje . the day before yesterday .
pocoşor Bus
s w
cos ,the day after to-morrow .
ဖိ , the third day after thepresent.
24. Adverbs of placé are formed from the pro
noun mous, the adverb. 10 € formerly, and the
pronouns , 202S, & and so @ e, by affixing the
* terminations and 38 ,of the accusative ; mr Q ,
and c @ , of the ablative, and go and quos of the
locative cases singular.
у ..

25.5ą, that,such, sousWfDX, whatsort, wfall,

former sort, &,
ဤသို့ this sort,2233&,
သည်သို့ this sort,,
& 2&, that sort, se@@ & which sort, do not admit
The in
ofthe terminations of the accusative case.
crement cas is optionally inserted before the termi

The above Pronouns are likewise thus declined to form


Sing. T

, that, such.
Abl. & m or 300& m , whence.
bag အ o,မှ whence..
မှ or sobą
ထိုစဉ် or အကြေ
32 ာင် , also သို့သော် or
အ သိသာ ကြောင်, bberefore,
Loc. သိမှာ or အသိ မှာ wherein .
သို့ ကြောင် orအသိ ကြောင်ရှည် ကား also သို့သော
ကြောင် or အ သိသာ ကြောင်နည် ဟူ , beccase, |

Osuus, who, which , or whata

Acc. 90058 or 9003068, chick.

ဘယ်သို့ or ဘယ်သို့, nokere
Abl. ဘယ် က or ဘယ် က ယူ ence,

ဘယ်မှ or အ ဘယ် apkence.

sub coe or suc @ €, why, wherefore.
. ga or gooswor, where, wherein.

ဘယ် or အ ဘယ် ကြော နည် , kere


ဘယ်သို့ what sort.,

A. ဘယ်သို့ က or အ ဘယ် သိ က, actat, hosp, 1pa
တယ် ။ ဘယ် သ , arkme.
ဘယ်သို့ ကြောင်or ကယ်သောင်, also ဘယ်သို့
ကြောင်း ဘယ်လို
၁ ကြောင်, sterefore,
Loc. ဘယ်သို့ မှ or ဘယ်သို့ ) woñére. biere
ဘယ်သို့ ကြောင်နည်း, PF ဘယ်သို့ or
ဋည် ကား also ဘယ် V 2
လောင်ခြည် အား

or 90505 & co.cEpsons: wherefore, be

cause ,

WE, formerly ,previously,

Acc.. Ceယင်raကိုu။ wdယင်ząသို့ , as before.,
Abl. wemuaaaww c @ oe,from what passed
Lo c. wegs mocars , in, among, or of what
passed before.

WCOX, the former sort.

Abl . 6093& , from the preceding.
wca& q; from the preceding .
Co au
ပင်ncac or ယင် & သ င e,, because of
the preceding
Loc. wEgo, in or among the preceding.
ယင် သို့ ၈- ယင် သို့
ပြောင်းမည် ဟု Acces
of the preceding.

Acc. ကို and ဤသို့ this.

- Abl. om,က og ဤ
son .
se,hence,for this rea
မှာ Bamsကား , among, orofthese,, from
Loc. ogs,

273&ု့. this sort..

Ab. သို့ က ဤသို့ မှfro, m this.
ဤသို့ orogo& car.c@re ,because ofthis simi

Loc. ဤသို့ မှာ ဤသို့၀ ၌ သို့

ကြောင် နည်း
omansefor this reason.
Sing .

သည် . this.
Acc. mofos, a 25zą, thus.
Ab. သည် က. သည် မှ သ တင်, from this.
Loc. သည်မှာ သည်ကာ မူ း in this.
သည် သို့ , this sort..
Abl. သည် သို့ က, သည်သို့ မှ from tlas this manner
me2 %e .

သည်ဆိုင် - သည်သို့သာor
of this manner .

Loc. သည် မှာ သည် သို့ နည် , or


သည် သို့ ဝင် ချည် n this manner

&, that
Acc. ထို , ထိုသို့. . as

Abl. ထို့ က ထိ ထိုင်,jrom that, because of


Loc. ထို့ မှာ ထို cmong them,in that

ထိုသို့ that sort.
Abl. ထိုသို့ က, ထိုသို့ မှ,Jrom wwch .
ထိုသို့ ကြောင့် or &&0.c@ce, because of
such .

သို , among such..

“ ထိုသို့ ကြောင်ချည် ကား , or ထိုသို့သင်ရှည်
Oo, because of such .

အကြင်, colnich.
Acc. @EX, , to which.
Ab. အကြင် က,အကြင် မှ ဝင် ကြင်,jromsick,
because of which.
Loc. အကြင် မှာ, အင် ကား among alic

@ &&, which sort.

A>. အကြင် သို့ က, အကြင် သို့ မှ,from aulic sont.
အကြင် ကို ခင်, or 3အကြင် သို့ သာ , because
of which sort.

Loc. အကြင် မှာ အသိုင်း

ရှည် ကား or TIL

အကြင်သို့ယ နည်, ia aolic sort.


26. Sometimes , what, is substituted for us

to form'adverbs. Exam .379; what. more, why,
for what reason, wherefore ?

27. 082050,there, when the object is at a dis

tance ; 0,8g, there, when the object is ata small dis:

tance, and of, there, when the object is near, are

used in the ablative case.

28. 82, there, when the object is pointed to

This word is only used in conversation.

Of Conjunctions.
CO2S, also, and.
တ လည်, also, and.
လည်းကောင်း , and, also.
မဟုတ်လား, On, f not.
မဟုတ်လျှင်, fnot.
ဆိုလျှင် j so, .

25oreos, wherefore, for what


သို့ @reposo ,therefore,for that reason,


Of Interjections.
ဪ ဝါ
ows or vos are interjections, indicating a pleas
ing surprise .
pows or poofcos are interjections, indicating
surprize and astonishment.
OcBc3 or soc@fmoos indicate astonishment,
and sometimes pain or anguish .
Occ : is often added to the end of a sentence, to
indicate surprize, or affectionate astonishment. It

is also used when a person is enquiring, by putting

the question to another person or to himself with an
anxious degree of astonishment. Exzxz. သင်
သူ ။ သာ
သာ ဋိလည် စင်တာ
O my queen ! are the children come to such a state) ?
or reduced to such (a situation ? nggoson gina
are not our
ဘို့ သာ ကြုံဘူး သည် တ ကား ,
ယ် လက် ခိုက်
bodies and hands grown thin ? or ure,we not pining
away ´


Rules for deriving Burman words from the Magudha.

There are no existing rules for deriving Burman
words from the Magudha language, yet as Burman
words derived from the Magudha frequently occur ,
a few general observations upon them may not be al
together useless in this place.

1. Magudha words are often introduced into the

Burman language without undergoing any alteration ,
as cosms, the world . Oly ,breath, life, or soul.200 ),
a recollection, remembrance. C , agoing, a charac
ter. Ums , nature .

2. Burman words are derived from the Magudha

by suppressing the final vowel ea. Exam. 22005,
knowledge, understanding, is derived from2010).
Mag. knowledge. ong, anger, pride, from one ,Mag.
to be proud , angry .

3. By dropping the final vowel, and affixing the

diphthong 38, to the last consonant but one. In this
case the final consonantis mute. Exam. EcS, an of
ficer, is derived from wov, Mag. strength , power , valor.
RULES, & c. 179

& as, a reward, from 6co,fruit.

coco ကုသိုလ်
0089, good,wel.
fare, from mouc , Mag: peace.
4. By dropping the final consonant of a com
pound . Exam. 6c, a road, way , from aမဂ္ဂ ons,
a wheel, machine, from og3. Mag.a wheel. Sos,
the mind, the heart, from Egz, Mag.the heart.
5. By dropping the final consonant of a coma
pound, and lengthening the vowel of the last conso
nant but one. Exam. giros, a punishment, from
37. Mag. punishment
6. By dropping the final inherent vowel, and
changing the inherent vowel of the last consonant but
one to 33 Exam. 37qခု , an inhabited country, from
G903. Mag. a country. 2428, a fast,from gosuco.
Mag. a fast.

7 ... The final vowels or consonants of Magudha

words being 'suppressed, they immediately come
under the rules laid down for pronouncing monosyl
lables with a final consonant. Exam . Ons is not
W 2

pronounced chak, but chet. 8o5, not chit, but chit

or chik . See the rules for the pronunciation of final
consonants .

8. When , O, ę , 3 and are the finals of words

deduced from the Magudha language, the same
changes take place in their pronunciation as would
have been occasioned by the first letters of their res
pective classes. Exam .E , is not pronounced meg ,
but met. B073925, an era , from an92C , is not
pronounced tliakkaraj, but thakkareet. Spois
not pronounced janapad, but janápok . Boas is not
pronounced oopath, but oopok , or oobok.
9. Burman words derived from the Magudha
may be generally known from their being used in an
& c ပြသည်
abstract form ,thus way ( take care or heed.
acola26, ( to) recollect. scoasses, (10) acquiesce.
ugh pf,(he) is (aa man of) character. ပuncosaသ
25, (it) is natural (or in ils) natural state.
10. Tlie above, and all Magudha abstract nouns,
when used in the Burman language, have аa Burman
verb aflixed. Sometimes, however, the verbal termi
nations are affixed to the nouns themselves, as no
aps, doubt.


Of Syntar.

Though there be, properly speaking, no verb in

the Burman language, yet the term verb is retained
throughout the syntax, because the word participle
seunds aukwardly to an English car.

1. A word or sentence expressing or denoting

the quality of a noun is called down , and the
word, the quality of which is expressed by the 800
29, is called the www .

2. If the draw be a noun or pronoun, the

Saaq is its aljective ; ifa verb, its adverb.
3. A Saaş,or adjective, agrees with its c2200,
or substantivc, in number and case ; but as the adjec
tive in this language usually forms a compound with

the substantive, the terminations of number, gender,

and case , are not expressed . Even . ပြတ်
၆ သာ
Edwupo, the beautiful woman.
4. An adjective must be in the honorific or inferior
form to agree with its substantive. Exam . oc @
ယ်ရောင် မတ် လာ သ ဖြတ် သည်) the hus
and upright God.

5. Sometimes the 8.00wşconsists of asentence

or sentences made up of several subordinateowoဿခု?
and Saw ဿ. When the owwe သ consists of more
than one sentence, each member of the sentence or “
Eraaş is parted off with stops,and the Sousa ,
which is to be inflected , is placed after the last brou
သေး Exan. ခပ် ကုန် သာ မျှ အ ရာ တိုက် ရင်
ဆောင်ရွက် တော် မူ ပြီး ထ သာ ။ အစ် ကျေး အပြင် မရှိ
စင် ဖြော င့်မတ် စင် ကြယ် သည်ဖြစ် တထာ။ ခပ်
သိ ကုန် သာ ရာ ဘို့ ခံရတာ။
အ မှု အ ရာ ဘို့ ကို မြင် တော် မ သာ ။ ခပ်သိသာ
အပ် ဘူ ၌ရှိ တော် မူ ရာ။ ဆည်မြတ် သည် ဖော်
သော ။ သိ ခပ် မ် ပ်၌ သည်

9950000 usdigestoon casapor consommage

Sponasgossossacocooni soyasaus -Gosga
0722: Sarasol (I) praiseGod who created and
presides over all ; who is exemptfrom all evil and sin ;
who is pure and holy ; who is omniscient ;‫ و‬all-wise
- ;
omnipresent; everlasting ; who ought ever to be a
dored by all ;‫ و‬who is deserving ofpraise exceedingly
beyond all that are praised, who is greatly to be re
verenced. *

6. The Swouş always precedes and is connect

ed with the 200000 by the increments apor or

con. The cow go alone can be inflected.

7. In the formation of a sentence, the agent is
generally placed first, the object second, and the verb
last. Exam . Sesongecorded
the king spake to his general.

N. B. All that is said in the above sentence concerning God , is one com
pound adjective, which is again compounded with the substantive God, and is
to be considered as one word in the accusative case,

Of the Cases.
8. The cases of nouns, when understood in con.
nection with verbs, are called by different terms as has
been observed already. See page 12, rule 8, each of
which has several terminations .

og has two termina

9. The first case or agent m
tions, 25and .
10. The first of these terminating in 2025, is the
nominative case. Exam .clop Gwas, I1 do ,
3:02Sabaccostosaicin, the king spake.
11. Words terminating in o : are also nomina
tives. When this termination is used, the verb, though
frequently expressed, is generally understood. This
form is used in instances similar to the following :
Exam . cowongozogeconomicoyag : ll

ooow Soon Soggen ooowoodoo

woosmos.com :, of the four,one (is)a bout
man , one a taylor, one a bearer, one ti carpenter.

apparsmusegas 35, hisname (is) Mo-


eng, သန် သည်ရှိသော် ကား ယခုခံ သာ ဆင် ရဲ ထက်

အပါယ်၌ ယ် ုက္ခ လွဲ ဆင် တန် ( state)
after death, 1,000 or 10,000 times more exquisitely
tormenting than the pain now endured, will be the
pain that must be endured in the four states of punish
ment, in which there is no one to relieves nor any
diminution of the torment. မြင် ကာ သာ ဆို
သည် ကား ငါ ကိုရည် ဆို သည့် ။ ကောင် ၁ ယောက်
ဆိုသည် ကား ဘ သ ကြီးကိုရည် ဆိုသည်. (aoken )
speaking ofthe good horse, ( he) spake withreference
to me ; (when) speaking of a certain rich man (he)
had my rich father in view .

12. The vocative case , indicated by the particle

H, is reckoned among the nominatives by Burman
grammarians. Perhaps merely because the particle
is invariably inserted in a sentence before the nomi
native case .

13. The object or accusative case has two

terminations ,and 22

14. is the true termination of the accusative

case .
Exam . Befowwe , (1) bought the
house. OERO DC, (I) eat the rice.
15. The accusative in o & is generally used
when connected with verbs of motion . Exam .

Go pe်,,(he)
မြို့ zpauသည ( goes to the city.. 697338CB
જ 25, (he) returns to ( his) abode.
16. The instrumental 2005 has four termina
tions, viz:o2s,
. which forms the agentofthe passive
voice, called mgzmoqm ; Gę, which forms the true
instrumental, called maqom ; g , which forms the
instrumental case indicating society, called was
w.n ; @OE , which forms words indicating the
reason or cause, called 0.90ရ 3ကာ,., to which may be add
ed 837:Gę, which forms the adverbial instrumental,
called Condoom
17. 2025 is the nominative termination , but
when used as the agent of a passive verb, or when the

instrument is the agent or doer of the action, it is

accounted a termination of the instrumental case.

Exam. Bapalonas GOCCE GoSapfs.com


ဝ ရွာ လယ် ဘူ ရား လောင်သည့် ရင် အပ် သေ စပ် ကို

မြင် လတ် သော်။ ံ ကို ဆောက် လုတ် ၎င် သာ
သ မတ် ကြ ဖြစ်လာ လျက် the
enquiring noble who went out from the east gate,
beholding the house built by Bhooraloung, in the
centre of the village Majjhagoong, and having
trought “ undoubtedly the builder of this house was
a wise man ,” said .

18. The instrumental case terminating in GE, de

notes the instrument by or through which a person
docs an action . Exam .consciema29, (he) cats
with the hanl.Ojos SG CEX 28, (he) sees through
or by (his) eyes:' c303753 &a; Saps,(he) mude :

( it) with a chissel.

19 . The instrumental case terminating in

may be best expressed by the words, wit1, or tozeiner
with , like, compared with . Exan .
ခင် ဘူး သည်
(he is)} like a cow, or resembles a cow. င် လို
က် သည် ( Air) goes tidi tue coပဒ, ပတ် င် မင်
020025, (he) cats butter with rice.

20. The terminations GE and gę, may often be.

used interchangeably . Esm, လက် ပြင် ကြသည်
လက် ရှင် စာ သည် မှင် တံ
ops, (he)) eats with his hands.occit
for Go.c92008, (he) writes with a pen.
21. The instrumental case terminating in c @
indicates the reason why an action is performed, and
is also called the cos or reason . Exam . aaIC ပြစ်
@ DE300:02 :0927 %aas, evil has come upon me
through or an account of his misconduct.

22. SI.GE is also frequently used as an instru


mental, and is nearly similar to GE, the true instru

mental. It is most frequently used however, when
any thing is performed by or through the power or
virtue ofthe instrument. Exam . Gospacios
902:GEGO025,(he)performed it by thepowerofGod .
GoSsor :GEGCI,(he)performed it by his energy..
S5 ဖြင်းနတ်ပြည် သို့ ရောဂ ၆, by the
power of virtue he arrived at the country ofthegods.
23. T
The dative . wg3lg has two terminations,
@9: and cl .

24. The dative terminating in 800, indicates

the object to which, or towards which, an action is .
performed. Exam. QE Eormusega25, (he)
spake to the king

25. The dative terminating in a, is called the

0328800wis, and indicates thereason for which an
action is performed. Exam . CC FOG!,for
လိုင် the
sake of food. This termination is seldom used, ex
cept in connection with conę, a wish, and in the
formation of the infinitive mood .

26 . The ablative cool 9 has five terminations,

mc@ os, 33c05, and cos.

27. Ablatives terminating in and mo indicale

from , or out of Exam. (ancora af, (1) came
from the town,con
ရေ seips,it
. came out of the war
ter .

28.. Ablatives terminating in ccc denote the

reason why or wherefore an action is performed ; and
is called the saw.goclis.
29. Ablatives terminating incons and coccofare
used in forming sentences of comparison, where

the object compared is greater or less than the thing

with which it is compared. They are called 82383
Ó0 ) , or comparative ablatives.
> Exam. 9.
a 00

OscGoSD , I am more noble than he.
30. The possessive acuş has two terminations
ci and ကင်
03 .
31. C is the possessive termination , and indi
cates the possessor or receiver. It is also deno
minated aine, or the owner , Exam . coleg , กmy
မင် his rice..
thing. Ociccoc,
32. The locative termination £ is also reck
oned by Magudha grammarians as a termination
of the possessive case . Exam . Closedla cammy
silver , or the silver I have with me.

33. The locative zenqn has seven termina

tions, ş, oze, c@ €,g ,ow ,qasi, and more co

34. Locatives terminatingin are called @rco

accocon , or the receptacle . Exam.cagal gaas,
the fish (is) in the water. mafuper gads,know
ledge ( is) in mankind.

35 . Locatives terminating in ose are called

$ 390sánards, and indicate of,or among,things.
Exam. cwow..5 403 Focundariaes,there.
is only one among thefour.. So
&&,တွင် in the house.
IL among the people.
36 .
The Locative case terminating in ce is
called the $ Poszonom., indicating the reason or
cause of an action being performed . Exam .Co . ?.
င် went byland.
37. The termination øy is also аa locative similar
toocê Exam.cgacmokgood.moocrisos,
of the pups is a handsome one.

38 .
Locatives terminating in §, 98, 93, or owl,
may in many instances be used interchangeably.
Exam . 393,40
269O,or ecos, in the

3: Locatives, terminating in ous, are generally

used with neuter nouns. Exam . Crow , in the

40. Locatives terminating in on

၄ and on

are used in connection with adverbs. Exam.

အ ဘယ် ကြင်နည် အရပ်

ကား , because. အ ကား
in desiring :

41. The ablative terminating in , is sometimes

used for the nominative . ဘာ ပြန်လာ
he returning. opakuas, he said.
42.6m is used in the comparison of numerals,
and is affixed to the object with which the compari
on is made. Exam. တ သိန်း ရှစ် သိမ့် မ က အလှများ
43. The words zoon, like, come, together with, are
constructed with nouns in the instrumental case ter

minating in ;?. Exam , asနှင့်counzor osco or

လူ နှင့် အpoorpoo,with
op တူ or together with theman..
44. 2., like, even, similar, according to; and
apoge, suitable, are constructed with nouns in the in
strumental case terminating in C. Exam. Sacos
•3or coojem, according tothe royal mandate.
45. The instrumental cause of an action is ex

pressed in thethird case in GC. Exam. Awards:

GEBIED S ,he conquered by his own strength.
46. The agent of a passive verb must be in the
third case terminating in Dops or GC. Exam .

လူ ဘတ် သည် or လူ တတ် ဖြင့် ဆောက် သည် မ, the

house built by a wise man.

Of the government of verbs .

47 . À verb agrees with its agent or nominative

case in person , number , and quality .* Exam .

င် ပြု သဉ်I do. ငါတို့ ပြုကြ ကုန်သည်, w#eedo.

e တူ ရာ
သခင် ဘွဲ့ကိုစီရင် ဆင် တော် မူ လေ၏. God created the
earth .

48. The honorific form of the verb is only used,

in connection with the second and third personal
pronouns with an honorific agent.. Exam. Bowfoods
ပြု တော် သည် tone tast done. မြတ် ဘူများသည်
cuXopS, God spake
* The term quality is here used to sigoify the honorific or inferior noun, pro
noun or verb .

49 . The plural number of the verb is often ex 1

pressed when the increments denoting it are suppres

sed ; in which case it is to be inferred from the agent
and connection of the sentence : သင် သာ ကြုံတွေ့
cgué, if ye meet with
‫ وو‬,
Verbs which signify taking, giving, eating ,
50 .

speaking, beholding, doing, trusting, crediting, rul

ing, hurting, oheving, destroying , parting , coming,
& c. govern the object in the accusative case termina
ting in Exam .ao , (he) gave to me. 1

cichigaap , (he) trusts me.

51. Verbs of motion to or towards any thing go
vern an accusative case terminating in a&. Exam .
G igsops ,(he) goes to the city.
52. Verbs denoting giving , acting for, or a
gainst any person , speaking to, appearing, suitable
to, unsuitable to, deficient, motion towards, com
manding, and petitioning to, govern a dative case in
22 . Exam. Cl732200 :00 $, (he) gave to me.
Cibovian Evo ,(he) asked ofme.

53. Verbs denoting motion from out of, govern

nouns in the ablative case terminating in O or .
Exam .. Spor မRoom
ြို့ , (it)) issues out of thecity.
54. Verbs denoting motion into, or the being situa
ted in, or anong, govern the locative case in g or o
Exam . E30095, (he) goes into the city.
55. When the neuter verb is used to express pos
session , the name of the possessor musi be in the da
tive case terminating in 2012, or the locative in E
oror posse
. Exam ..close pusorclcg.035, Ii have
ss silver, or to me or in me there is silver.

Of Numerals.

1. The Burmans have no ordinals, but use those

of the Magudha when required. The Magudha or
dinals also are the same as the cardinals, except thefirst
twelve, both of which , as they differ in some slight
degree from the Sungskrita, are inserted below .

Burman Cardinals. Numeral Figures.

Boef or obes, one , ၁

နှစ်, too,

0 %, three,
လ yjoan ,
El, five,
ချောက်, sis ,
ခုနှစ်, sepen,
ရှစ်, eight,
&, nine, ၉
dows or Opaows, ten , 30
dowlosof or opsowSober, eleven , ၁၁

ဆယ်နှစ် or တ ဆယ်နှစ် tape

toetoe, ၁၂
doubé or owoway, thirteen, ၃
DowScroor opdowScco , fourteen , ၁၄
Jowa or Osbowe), fifteen , ၁၅
ဆယ် ချောက် or တဆယ်ချောက်, stateen, ၁၉
ဆယ်ခုနှစ်or opowipos, seventeen, ၁ ရ
acoor opowgio, eighteen , ၁၀

ဆယ် ကို ၀r တ ဆယ် ကို nineteen ,

နှစ်ဆယ်, tuents , Jo
golaowoso, twenty - one, ၂၁
dowy , twenty -two, JJ.

Burman Cardinals. Numeral Figures.

golaowai, twenty-three,
joaowow, twenty -four,

goawa,) twenty-five,
goowcapes, twenty-six,

3 က္ကဌ

joaours, twenty -nine,

သုံးဆယ်, thinty,
Yaowoso, thirty -one,
baowzor, thirty-two,
Joaowao, thirty - three,
သို ဆယ် လေ, thirty -for,
deawrel, thirty-five,
faouscanjos, thirty- six,
zawszpos, thirty -seven,
Baowgs. thirty-eight,
သို ဆယ် ကိ, thirty- nine,
scoacwS, forty,
ccaowoso, forty -one,
ဆယ်နှစ်, fortu -too,
Gouaousas, forty -three,
Gwows.co, forty -four,
croadwrd , forty-five,
Oooops,forty -six,

Burman Cardinals. Numeral Figures.

လေဆယ်စ်) .font-sench, ၄၇
cacaodogo, forty-eight, , ငှာ
6ca0w ,forty-nine, ၄၉
ဆယ် lity, ၅၁
ငါ ဆယ် တစ် [ 1 ]-031 , ၅၁
ငါခး ယ်နှစ်,၂၆/1sy-to, ၆)

Clacus 3,fifty-three, ၅၇ )
claccocco, fifty -four, ၅
ဆယ် , ff -fire, ၅၅
ငါဆယ် ချောက်, / 13/-es, 96
ဆယ်, Jt/? -seven, ရ
ခယ်; f /ta -cigit, ၅ဝ
“ ယ် ./i/0-ne, ၅၉
စက်ဆယ်, cctv, GO
ကျောက် ဆယ် ဘစ် stofu-one, ၆၁
ချောက် ဆယ်နှစ်, sixty-too, ၆၂
ကျောက်ဆယ်သု, 8ty-three,
ချောက်မယ်လေ, %ty-fon, S;
ကျောက် ဆ ယ , sixty-၂ic, ၉၅
က် ဆယ် ချောက်, (၂) 66
နောက် ဆယ် , sis (၂-sepen, S
ာက် ဆယ်ရှစ် (၂)-cig4, ( ဂ
ချောက် ဆယ် ကို ယty-noe ol

Burman Cardinals .
Numeral Figures.

ရှစ် ဆယ်, seventy , ရ ၀

2poc ဆယ်ows,seventy-one,
ခုနှစ်ဆယ်မှု sentg -tဃ0,

Soroki , seventy -three,
ကယ် လ်) seventy - four,

- -
ရစ် ဝပ် , scaventu -fre, ၅
@of accapor ,seventy -six,
ဆယ်နှစ်, seventy -seven,
ကယ်ရှစ် spenty- eight,
ဝယ် , ဇ epunkay-ate,
soxas, eighty, -
sorofoco, eighty -one, }

goxozó , eighty-two,

Servosa , eighty-three,
ရှစ်ငယ် လေ, cig/ kg-ox)

ရှုပ်ဝယ် , cig/xtur:/te,

ရှယ် က်, eigital-szy
ရှယ်သစ်, eig / g-sex, ဂရ )
ရှယ် ” (Q/-Eigit,
geofre, eighty -nine, ဂ၉
Ba os,o ni,nenity,nety - one,
pclc ၉၀
ဝိ ပယ်ရှုပ်, xairetu -taco, ၉၁
၉ ၂


Burman Cardinals . Numeral Figures.

acuras, ninety-three, ၉၃
Sidoarcco, ninety- four, ၉၅
ကြိ ဆယ် ငါ, ninety-fice,
Soufop05, ninety- six, es
ကို ဆယ်ခုနှစ်, ninety -seven,
Bowugos, ninety-eight,

Bows, ninety-nine, ၉၉
037, one hundred ,
026cose , one thousand , ၁ဝဝဝ
onose, ten thousand, oooo
aso3 $, an hundred thousand ,
ovos, a million , သ သ ကျ သ ဟ ဿ
တ တ သ သ ဟ ဿ or :

Magudha Cardinals. Magudha Ordinals .

က , one. ပထ o , first,
, two. 20W, second .
8, three . တ ယ, third.
Com,four. Og3,fourth.
o five. မ ./th.
ဆီ , s13 . 2026, sixth.
သက္က seven . သတ္တမ, sepeat .
Poa, eight. saçd, eighth
ဝေ, အne. 900, ninth .


Magudha Cardinals. Magudha Ordinals.

30 ), ten . 3006 , the tenth .
Co300, eleven, Cow006 , the eleventh .
31200, twelve. 2200, the twelfth.
05900 , thirteen , or the thirteenth ,
azoo, fourteen, or thefourteenth,
OUI ,fifteen , or thefifteenth .
wanသာgoo, sixteen , or the sixteenth .,
* 8220, seventeen , or the seventeenth .
sag9900, eighteen, or the eighteenth.
20?300, nineteen ,or the nineteenth.

Ers, twenty, or the twentieth.

Comowe , twenty-one,or the twenty - first:
zowy,twenty-two, or the twenty -second.
cosiosos, twenty -three, or the twenty -third.
ogpów , twenty-four, or the twenty-fourth.
ugeass ,twenty-five,or the twenty-fifth.
pogi %,twenty -six,or the twenty -sixth.
bogzimus, twenty-seven,or the twenty-seventh.
esgåvos, twenty-eight, ora the twenty-eighth.

593003, twenty-nine, or the twenty-ninth.

Bos, thirty, or the thirtieth.
Gribs , thirty -one, or the thirty-first.
2898,thirty-two,or the thirty-second.
, the thirty-third.
cocoS, thirty-three,or
oopBas,thirty-four,or the thirty-fourth.
038gzos, thirty-føve,orthe thirty-fifth.
ဆ , thirty-six, or the thirty-sixth.
agzobs, thirty-seven,or the thirty-seventh.
Egoes, thirty-eight, or the thirty-eighth
Şool.8, thirty-nine,or the thirty-ninth.
Ogzde 30,forty,or the fortieth.
Cmogz30033,forty -one, or theforty-first.
zlogzcos, forty-two, or theforty-second.
cosoggioso, forty-thrée, or theforty-third.
0979832333, forty-four,or theforty-fourth.
azzeggróa3,forty-five,or the forty-fifth.
acego forty -six, or theforty-sixth.
282083388,forty-seven,or theforty-seventh.


sögogzanos, forty-eight, or theforty-eighth,

poogzoco 30,forty-nine,or theforty-ninth.
2010, fifty, or thefiftieth.
cmusae, fifty-one,or the fifty-first.
ဒို , fifty-two, or thefifty-second. ‫ܐܝ ܝ‬
တိ , -thrce, or the fifty-third..
poquaypai,fifty-four,or thefifty- fourth.
ပ ပညာ , or the fifty-fifth..
2000si, fifty -six, or thefifty -sixth.
bogzubusos, fifty -seven, or thefifty -seventh . )

mogu upas,fifty -eight, or thefifty-eighth .

pouzupas,fifty-nine, or the fifty-ninth.
pogor bog, sixty,or the sixtieth.
Gebouge sixty-one, or the sixty-first.
zlog,sixty-two,or the sixty -second.
cowg, sixty- three, or the sixty-third.
ogpoog, sixty-four, or the sixty-fourth.
cepoog, sixty-five,or the sixty-fifth.
ဆ g, sixty-six, or the sixty-sixth.
Z 2

buggoog, sixty -seven, or the sixty-seventh.

egwug, sixty-eight,or the sixty-eighth.
powg, sixty-nine,or the sixty -ninth.
ogzos, seventy, or the seventieth.
Commanggo , seventy-one, or the seventy-first.
Blogzom ,seventy-two, or the seventy-second.
cosazos,seventy-three, or the seventy-third.
60700gzos, seventy- four, or the seventy-fourth.
oppoggo%, seventy-five, or the seventy-fifth.
ဆ the seventy-sixth.
aggoogzos, seventy-seven,orthe seventy-seventh.
sogogzo), seventy-eight,ortheseventy-eight.
20a8309, seventy- nine, or theseventy-ninth.
382 , eighty, or the eightieth.
Cross သီ , eighty -one, or the eighty-first.
2%, eighty-two,or the eighty -second.
cow2033%, eighty -three, or the eighty- third.
O2223 *3), eighty-four, or the eighty-fourth.

upraso, eighty- five, or the eighty-fifth.

Bombos ), eighty-six, or the eighty -sixth.
30833333, eighty- seven, or the eighty-seventh.
sogo3.% ,eighty-eight,or the eighty-eighth.
201530, eighty -nine, or the eighty-ninth .
န ဘိ,ု့ ninety, or the ninetieth..
Good, ninety-one,or the ninety-first.
2792 %, ninety-two, or the ninety-second.
osow ?pqos, ninety-three, or the ninety-third.
ogzaa23%, ninety-four, or the ninety -fourth.
033 qos,ninety-five, or the ninety -fifth.
209038, ninety -six, or the ninety-sixth.
283293, ninety-seven , or the ninety-seventh .
sogaços, ninety -eight, or the ninety-eighth.
20x933,ninety -nine, or the ninety-ninth.
woj, one hundred , or the one hundredth .
WUD0009, one thousand , or the one thousandth .
2000mcu ', tenthousand, or the ten thousandth .
သ တ သ ဟ 0ဿ' or cong, one hundred thousand.

2. The ordinal number is frequently formed by

affixing Co., elevate, exalt, to words denoting
time, to which the numeral is prefixed. Exam .

သိုရက်.Go.co , on the third day.. Bécsမြော
05, the third time. aposer Groszorce,inthe
seventh year .

3. Words which indicate a thing's being so

many -fold, are formed by affixing 20 to the cardinal
numbers under ten, and.by prefixing soap to all above
ten . Exam . 2 *wo, three-fold. spaoclaous, fifty

4. affixed to any cardinal number forms a

multiplier. In this case the number to be multiplied
is specified land precedes the number which is to form :
the multiplier. Exam. 28, three times. Cla,five
times. Coowrc 3 ,five timesfifty. Dowsovac,
three times fourteen.

5. Fractional numbers are expressed by sacos, a

quarter;; sal@ sand scorib, half. Exam. appogos,
thefourth part ofa Pithą. 2oCS S@S or Ocons, one ,


Of Money, Weights, and Measures.

The Burmans have no coin , and their money,

which consists chiefly in lead, silver, and gold, is al
ways dealt out by weight. The denominations of
which are as follow :

36 ပ ရ မာ ဏု မြို့ or invisible particles, make one

@, visible particle ofdust
အ nd

which falls from an iron stile.

36 90.76, are equal to one mwecle: grossparticle.
7 က ညစ် : : ofgonzac,louse's
ကြောင် head.
သန် ဥ ကြောင်, , , P22€, mustard seed.

3 မှ သင် gåspo,grain
r of sesamum .
4 နှုန် one do, grain of rice.
4A one
ချင် og, seed ofAbrus preo
one di, pay . [ catorius.
6 ချင်
5. ပဲ one Bos, mat .
၉ မတ် : oneg:or Cliq, khway orgna
, moo..
ခွဲ ae ကျပ် adf.

500S, eas,bo.

208 . one Es, piththa .

4 82002, one onos, toola.
4000 OEOS, one ocą or ocę, tupong or tchoo.
At present eight @jogo: are reckoned as one c :.
The seeds of Adenanthera pavonina are now gene
rally used by the Burmans, one of which is accounta
ed equal to two of the seeds of Ahrus pręcatorius.

The Names of the weights now in use are opoos,

Cacco ,S. ,Scoops,couſand 2005;
in all seven kinds of weights,, and are called og or
og ca :. The weights are distinguished in writing
: one o, ;
cz one d , do;
thus: oneog: is written 62;
မတ်, and one mojs,
one00S,3, ကျပ် are written
ကျပ် 9.Ten gjS
38, and so on to one hundred ,which is expressed by
a simple figure of one thus (©) . When the number
exceeds one, any other figure may be made use of.

Two d; are equal to one (7, and eight Q. equal to

one cas; however the Qvaries in weight according
to circumstances.
OF WEIGHTS, &c. 209

Long Measure.
10 ဆီ ချ ည့် or hair's breadth , are equal to one grain
of sesamum နှ .
6 နှုန် :: Qw, a species, of grain,perhaps
[ barley.
ယာ i coscool, the breadth of one finger.
8 လက်သစ် မိုက်, the width of the fist with the
[ thumb extended.
မိုက် : တောင် cot.
# တောင် လ, .
7 တောင် တာ, ta,
20 တာ , Baxos , pothhbha .
cou, kothu.
90 သဘာ
4 ဟာသ, Apos,gavoot. >

+ ဂါ ဝုတ် ယာ ,jana .
N. B.12 fingers' breadth ( 5.00) are reckoned
equalto one ogą, or span .. Also 1000 o က are reckon
ed equal to one ကိုင် or post, which is generally used
by the Burmans on the measurement of long dis
tances .

The measurement of distances is expressed in

A {

writing, thus ; တ လက်သစ် 5;တမိုက် } တာ and

တဏှာ, 5 ; and တဘောင် ၌. When the number
exceeds one, any other figure may be used,

Dry Measure.

တန် one ear of corn (ought to) contain 200 grains

( အ ၂ ဝဝ).
200 grains are equal to one worfəzes, or a quantity
which may be placed upon the ends
of thefingers whert joined together.
2 လ ကံ ဆွမ်
2 လက်ဝဲ or the quantity of grain
which may be grasped in the fist.
3 လက် ဆုပ် လက်ဖက် on the garntity of gain
· which may be heaped upon the palm
of the hand.
၉ လက်ဖက် လက် ပေ, or the qitentity telticle mcg
be heaped on the surface of both
hands joined together.
၉ လတ် , . ကွန် စား , or what is sufficient for one
meal of a single person.
small measure.
ဖို့ Gas, aa smal
ပြည် . ogos, another small measure .
OF WEIGHTS, &c. 211

2 egos, . cos, quarter of a large basket.

2 805, ai, half a large basket
2 gi. CoC, large basket.. :

4 ose, of, larger basket.

20 ORE ose or osę, viz. one heap, or two
cart loads(copuurzorg)
s pores .
N. B. The fourth part of the small measure called
GPS is called a owus.
The measures used for dry substances are four,
viz. ord, sos, GS, and saws, which are express
ed in writing thus: 0 €,3 ; 305, 5 ; 625, 9; and

pouf, ?, and when the number exceeds more than

one, any other numeral may be used .

Time .

The time in which one can throw the arm out ten
times ( vosudowozos), or the time while a per
son can twinkle the eyes ten times (@jo culoos)
or the time in which ten flashes of lightning may take
place (@gdaow Gos),is
Aa 2
one 27, nuru.

4 97, are equivalent to one am , khunu.

12 က, 397, khura.
ဓရာ) .
oş , pron . >

6 ပြန် CG ?), beejuna.

15 ဗီ ဒ နာ, ပါ , pud.
ပါ C{ နာရီ
or noree.

60 make one .
905, or day and night.
15 ရက် umz, or side ( ofthemoon ).
2 O , or month .

12 co , နှစ်) or year.
Days of the Week .
The names of the days of the week are said to be
derived from the names of the planets, but as the eti
mology of all the words cannot be traced, the Magu
dha names are also inserted, from which they are said
to be derived .

Burman : Magudha.

တနှင်. Sunday, : 080ဝါ19 from 8, the sun. .

osars,Monda y, : ogóly from og, the moon.
အ ၇ Mars.
so fromSS1,
88 1 ,Tuesday, : 08969
OF WEIGHTS, &c . 213

93ccm, Wednesday, ozola from43, Mercury.

@rausos, Thursday, mqo.9 from 27, Jupiter ,
buros @ y, Friday, car@so.qfrom cour @ s,
069, Saturday, 600 ogfrom wow, Saturn.

A day 905 is divided into two parts, viz. from the

sun rising to its setting 62, day, and from the sun's
setting to its rising 22, night, which are again
subdivided into four equal parts, called 002 /00%
poapos, asos, and CC05059, viz the first,
second, third, and fourth watches, which vary
the seasons of the year. When the days are short,
they consist of eight, and when-long of nine 600 €. A
Soc& is equal to a နာရီ.

Of the Months.

The Burman ,months, always commence with the

change of the moon ; they consist alternately of twenty
nine and thirty days. The months are also known
by the names of the twelve signs of the Zodiac, both
of which are inserted below .

ovq, April, 80, the Goat.

ocar , May, , the Cow .
şuj, June, 69$,the union oftheprocre
ating powers of themale andfemale.
olsą, July moကgęs,the Crab.
Oca E, August , bos, the Lion
cosSurod,September, mę, the Virgin.
သိ ဘင် ကျွတ် October, Op, the Balance.
Stads& o, November, Egy,thetheBow.
gossoss, December, ORE
opoĄ, January, . 67006 , the Sea -monster.

opon, February mpd ,the Water -pot.

Opoc E, March, .
oş, the Fish .

20 ) until the full(norG25)

From the new moon (ca GOS
is called cacę, or the waxing of the moon ; from the
full to the disappearing (ana ) is termed CGS
@s, above or beyond the full; the time from the
moon's disappearance until the change, is called
(anzoors, or the hiding of the moon .
The Burmans divide their months into four quar
ters or weeks, viz . from the new moon to the eighth day

is the first (ccao ngocoy); from the eighth day to the

ပ ) from the
full is the second quarter, and the first ung;
full to the eighth day is the third quarter (ngaSc @ 5
90205), and from the eighth day to the change in
the fourth quarter, or the second, 03.

Hence the Burmans date their letters, &c. thus : the

first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth,
ninth , tenth , eleventh , twelfth , thirteenth , fourteenth

or fifteenth day of the wax or wane of the moon of

such a month .

Examples of the use of ihe Verbal terminutions ,

600 , page 84, 19 ; and 60 , page 84 , 20 .

1. အပယ် ဘုရား ဘို၊ ဟ္မ ပြည်သူပြည်သား တို့ က အိမ်

ဌာန် တောင် သည်။ ငါ ၌ ပေးစရာ ရှိရ သ။ လေးအ
မြတ် သင်တို့ ကိုယ် ကွယ် မှရှိ သည့် အတိုင်း ကိုင် ကွယ်
ကိုး မြင်ဖြင့် နန် ညွှန် ခုန် လျာ အ လိုငှါ သား တောင် ကြ လေ ၊
ဟု ခ န် ထား အာဏာ ရာဒ သိ ပေး၏။ “ Ye mcidens, one,
the inhabitants of the city have been intreating for an

heir to the throne ; I have none to give, (ye therefore)

according to the best of your various customs,, im
plore the blessing of a son , who may become the ac
cessor to the throne,” thus, (he, viz. the king) com
manded with a kingly voice.

page 116, In.

အင်ပြည်သူပြည်သား တို့။ ခင် ။ သင် .

တို့ လျှောက်ထား ကြိုါ ဘူ ရား ဘို့ ကို သား ခ တောင်မှ

2S1n Well,ye inhabitants ofthe city,according to
your request , I will cause my concubines to supplicate
( for ) children .

5. Page 65, 96. Page 150, 96.

3. ယခုပင်မိဘူး ကြီး အား ထိုက် တန် သား ဆူ ကို

ပေး အံ့ ကြံ ပြီးမှ၊ မိဘုရားကြီးအား လျောက် ပတ် သား
ဘာဝယ်၁ခုတ်ပြည် လေမလာဘူး စမ်း ကြည့်
ရှု လ တံ လျှင်း ဘုရားလောင်းမှတ်သား ပြင် လေး « Doem
now, I will grant a suitable son to the queen ,” (af
ter)having melitated thus, (and) having beheld and
considered , whether there was a son suitable to, (vis.

for) the queen , in Tawa- tingtha, the abode of thegod,

saw the immature deity, the son of the god.

လျက်။ ၍ ။ သဖြင့် page 11, 94,95, 96.

4 ဘူ ရား လောင် သည် ထက်ဝန် ကြင်၌ဝန်ရုံ သား

မင် စစ်သည် ကို ပ မာ ဏာ မပြ ဘဲ မိနှစ် အ လို အ ပြီး သို့

ရောက်သည် ကို သာ ဆင် ချင် လျက် နှစ်သက် ခြင်း ဖြင့်
ချမ် သာ ထ ညည်ပတ် အိပ် ပြီး နံနက် ယှက်
ရောက်သောအခါ မှ။ မော် ဒိုက် လာ သဖြင့် စစ်ပွဲ
Groſelin.Bhooraloung,from thepleaşurewhich
he enjoyed at the idea of having attained to the sum
mit of his desires, contemning the soldiers of Choo
lanee, who surrounded the city, slept the whole night
with the greatest composure : when the morning was
come Choolanee, drew nigh to the city, and resumed
the battle,

လျှင်။ ) pree III, 94 95,96.

( ၁ )
( 3. လိပ်မှ အပါး ကဏ္ဍ သည်BB
ဝင် လေ လျှင်

ခွယ် ကို သွား ဖြင့် ကိုက်ဖျက်၍ ထိုင်နွယ်ဖြင့်လိ

သ ဘို သား လာလက် ကို လည်းကောင်း။ ာ သ တို့
သ္မီး ၏ လက်ဝဲ လက် ကိုဝ် လည်းကောင်း ကြိုး ဖြင့် ချည်ပြီးလျှင်
နွယ် ကြီး အတွင်း ကို ကိုင် လျက် လှံ ကံ ဖြင့် ပြင် ရိုက် ၍
afterwards, Choojaka, the brahmuna, entering the
bower, bit off a creeperwith his teeth ; brought it ;
bound the right hand of Jalee, and the left hand of
Ganhajee, and taking hold of the end of the creeper
rope with his hands, beat (them ) very severely with a
switch .

မှ page150, 26 and 27. သ ဖြင့်။ လျက် page

*99 , 47.၃ ” ရ, Pa ] . ၏ ၇dge 96, 97.
paggee 84, 921.
‫را به زو‬
6, ထိုင်ပြည် ဘ် ဆာမလုပ်ကြက်ဖျက်ပြီး မှ ။
ဝဘ် တံ အို့ ကို ချွတ်ပေးခဲ့ သ ဖြင့်မိမ်မ၌ သမ

ယား စေရတ်။ အဆွေ ခင် ပွ သာ ယာက် ကို သာ

ဆိပ် ကွယ် Toot ပြော ဆို၍ ထို မျှ ကို ကျုပ်ငက် လျက် နေ၏ ။
ထိုသို့ဝံ့လျှို့ဝှက်ပြသည် ကျွန်ုတ် ပညစာ
စွမ်း ဖြငထိုသူ၏
့် အမှုကို တခုမကျန် ဟုတ်မှန် ကြိုင် ကျွန်

posezec.con, after having destroyed the hurtot, and

brought the ornaments, &c. withoutmaking mention
of the circumstance to his family , he kept it a secret,
only mentioning it to one of hisfriends ;, but though
he kept it a secret, I, by the strength of my under
standing related every circumstance ofthe affair.

ဟု pge 112, 99 101. သင် အ ge 111, 94, 95.

အg 36, 37. သ ဘ , pnge 97, 41.
၇. သင်္ဘော ဝင် မိန့် ပြန် လိုက် သ ဖြင့် ဘုရား
လောင် မှ ဟာသဆန်သည် ခုန် ဘာ သို့ ဝင် မင် ကြီး
သက်မင် ပ နေရာ၌ ။ မတ် လေးယောက်
လည် ဘို နေရာ၌ နေ၍မင် ကြီး အား စား လျက် နှင့်
woszu, having returned the order," letmy son en
ter," the ministerMahauthatha, entered the palace,
and having made obeisance seated himself in the
place alloted to him by the king ; thefour ministers
also, seating themselves in their places, remained in
a state of obeisance.
? ??

ချ page 55, 2£ pnge 111, 94

မည် p ? ge 85, 26. သဖြင့် ၉ge 111, 94, 05, 96.
Also Exam . to page 105, 70 .

8. သာသ ထာ ။ ဤလောက၌
သာစည်အိမ်ရှင် ဘို သည် မရ အပ် သာ တည် စိမ် ထက် လွန်
စည် စိ ကို အ လိုင် ရှိ၍ တ ပြည် ဘိုင်ငံတိုက် တိုက်
ဖျက် သိပ ချင် သည် ။ ပ ည .စည် ပြန်
ချ သာ ဝင်။ သာ လှန် ပြန် သ ဖြင့် ကျော်
ဖြစ်မည်စိုဝ် ၀ ထိုင်း ခြင်း ကောင်ကို ပြေ။ )
my son Mahauthatha, (thereare) in this world , other
persons wealthy like unto ourselves, (who are) anxi
ous to obtain more than they possess, even though
they should have to destroy whole kingdoms to obtain
it'; but because their wisdom neither returns nor in
creases, and being afraid that retaliation will de
prive(tien )of their hcriour, enter no more upon the
evitactions to car . i . ) ..::
၁" : :: : .

09 €,page 99,, 46; page84;21.

- , .

9. မိဘ တို့သည် သာ လာခံ တို့၏ချမ် သာ များ ကား


ကိုဝ် ကြား ရ ပင်ဝမ် မြောက် ကြ ၍ သက်သာရ ကုန် ၏

the parents having heard of the welfare of their chil
dren, being filled with joy, obtained tranquillity .,

လျှင် page 99, 46 : မ, page 101, 80.

10. စင်စစ် သူ 33c မှန် လျှင် လျှို့ဝှက်
ကြောက် ကြံ မည်ora te
အပ်သောစကားကို ဘယ်သူ
မှထဝ် ကြာပြ ီး

GonGosos,if itbe indeed true, that, that person in
tendsto deceive,it cannot beright to mention a secret
to any one until its object be accomplished. "

- ၂၁
ဆ , page 83, 16.

11. အ ကျွန်ုတ်သည် လွန်လေပြီးသော အယူ၊ ဖြစ်ဆဲအမ။


ဖြစ်လတ္တန် အမျှ အနား အ သယ်သယ် ဘယ် ဆောင်ရန်

တန် ကိစ္စကိုပင် ဆင် ချင် အ သင် ချင် တတ် ။ :D
meditation andforesight, I am acquainted with allthe
minutie ofpast, present, andfuture affairs.

၅။ သဖြင့်။, page 111, 94, 95, 96. စိ မ့်, page 116,113.

oze page 112, 99, 101.

19. မင် ကြီးသည်။ ဘွဲ့ တံ ။ ငါ ကျင် ရာ ဆင်

ရာ သာ သင်၏ဝဘ် မ ကုန် သာ ကြောင် နှစ် လုံ မ သာရှိသည်
လည် မဟုတ်။ တ ဝါးရ သာအကြောင်ကြိုက်နှစ်လုံးမ သာ
ရှိသည် လည်မဟုတ်။ ငါ အား ယခု ည့် ကတ် လေ
ယက် ဘိမ ု့ ဟာသ ထာ ကိုဖျက်ဆီး စေ လို သ ဖြင့် လျှောက်
သား ကြသည်စကား ငါသည်မင်ချင်
ချင် ကြေက် လျင် တ
အမျက် ထွက်၍နာသပြင် ကြီး အထူး နှင့် တူ
ဆာ O
ဝ ပ သရှိသောငါ သားမာသ ဘ ကို လုပ်ကြ ၍
သ ခု က အမတ် အား လက်စွဲ ဘဲ သိ လျက် ကို အပ် လိုက် မိ ၏။
ထို သိ အပ် လိုက် သာင် အား ယု တဖန် ပြန်၍အောက်မေ့
မိသသင့် ပြင် နှစ်လုံး မ သာ ခြင် ရှိ၏ ဟုဘူး ၏ ။ .

the king replied. unto the queen, " O queen , it is not

because I have done with thee, ( viz. thou hast nothing
more to do with me ); nor is it on any other account,
that I am uneasy. Yesterday evening the fournobles,
wishing to destroy Mahauthatha, petitioned me,and
I being deceived and angry, without reflecting, gave

my sword to Thenaka, for the purpose ofdestroying

Mahauthatha (who is)replete ( with blessings ) as the
earth itself. Now the thought of having delivered my
sword to him , fills me with pain. "

- ဆေး အ age 83, 10 ,

` ဟု pige 112,99, 101 ,
သံချည်, Page 106 16, 77.
13. မည် တော် မင် ကြီး ဥစ္စာစည် ဟူသည် ကား ။
ရန် သူ ငါးပါးဖျက်ဆီး၍ ပြန်း သ ဖြင့် လည် ဥစ္စာ ရှင် ကိုဝ်စွန်
တတ် ၍ ရန် သူသူ ငါးပါးမဖျက် ဆီ "မိမိ ဖြစ် ဆဲ ၊။ ဆဲ ဖြစ်

သော် လည် ဥ စွာ ရှင် သ သဖြင့်ဥစ္စာရှင် သည်း ဆပ် ထိ

သို့ ဝန် ဘတ် အပ်သောအချင် အ ရာ ဖြင့် ပြက် ခြင် ကုန်
ငြင်သဘော သာလျှင် စင်စစ် ဖြစ်လာပြည်စည်
29 စိမ် ဖြင့် အ
ဘယ် ကြောင့် ခမည် ဘာ ကိတ် မန် ခြင် ကြိပ် ပြ ပြန်သည်။
Such my father are the riches ofa king. When the five
enemies (viz. water, fire, governors, thieves, and desa

pisers) have destroyed and consumed them, they de

sert their master ; and even if these ( enemies ) do not
( destroy them and the riches be one's own, and in .
crease, still must the owner die and leave them ; why
then does my father tempt me with wealth which is
thus deceitful.

၂ ) ၀rge 12, 109 | Page 98, 17.

14. ယခု ကောင်နက် ကောင် ဟူ၍ ပြင်နှင့်


လျက်အက် ရ ကာလ မ ကုန် စေ သင့် အ ဘယ် ကြောင့်

ဟူမ ။ အ ယောက် မျှ မ ကာ မင် နှင့် မိတ် ကျွမ်း ဝင်
ပြု၍ နေက် အချက် အချိန် ကို ရသည် မရှိချေ။ ယခု ကား
ဆေး ခ က မှ ယခုလည်းကောင်း ငှက် ဖန်လည်းကောင်း
မည် သဉ် ကာလ မ ဆို ထို့သို့သောအနာဂတ် အိုင်၌ သ ကို
ရှင် ဆိုသည်ကိုမည့် သည်ယောက်မျှ မသိနိုင် ကြ
A It is not right to procrastinate to no advantage
(saying); “ To-day'is bäd, to-morrow will begood ;”.
because there is no one, who having entered into a
leayue with king death has thereby lengthened out
his days, nor is there a single person , now speaking ,
who canpossibly tell whether he shalllive through the
day .'

လေ့ Il5,
15 69. လျှင်, page99 46, and 100, 49.
15. အရှင် Cသခ- င့် မောင်ကြီး။
2: သည့် မိခင်သည် ကက
ရောက်၍ နူတ် ဖော်မှု " မက် မှု ကင်o ပြင် လျှင်
GESIGO CA လာ2, (0 ourfatherand king, achen ourmo
ther arrivcs from the woods,if shewishesto see the
countenance of us (who are) brother and sister, per
wil her so to do,

စ , page 104 64

16. အရှင်သခင်မင် ကြီး ။ မွေး သည် မိခင်မျက် ကို

masing poso 002SGEOlço68: O fatherthe king,
- Permit ut also to see, our mother's countenance.

85 93.
နဲ့ page 83, သော် ၍ page III, 94 95, 96 .
oş, page 112, 101 .
( 2

IY မ သ တ သုန်သည် တဖန်။ အရှင် မင် ကြီး ။


အ ကျွန်ုတ် တွင်ပါ သာ ဆင် ပေါင်တို့သည် လည်ရေထဲ၌

သာလျှင် မွေး လျာ ကုန် ၏၊ ထို ဆင်ဘို သည် မြစ်၌ က စား၍
စ နောက်ခဲ့သော်။ မဟာသသ ထာ လာ သသောအခါ မှစ၍ စရ
ကြည် ကို ပင် ကြို မ သောက် ချိုင်း ကုန် မြို့ သူ မြို့သား
ရှိသည်အကျွတ် အမျက်ထွက် ကြ ရာ .74+
hauthatha, again replied, “ O king, the elephants
which attend me, enjoy themselves in the water ono
ly, and should they by playing in the river stir ир
themud, the inhabitants of the country will be of.
fended , saying, Since the arrival of Mahautha
tha, we have not been able to drink, nor even bathe
in clear water ")

oş, page 112 , 101. ၍ သော် လျက်, pcge

* 11, 94, 95, 96. ပြီး , pcge 92, 39.

18. ယခုပင် ဂရု မဇ္ဈ ဂုံး ရွာသို့ငဲ့ သွညာှးာ၍ သတို့သား သု

မိ ကိုင် ကိုယ်တိုင် ဆောင် ခွံ့ ပြီးသော်။ တွင်
“ သား မှူး တော် မတ် တော် အ ပေါင်ခြံရံ လျက် မထင်မရှား လွန်
သောက်ခြင်း ဖြင့် မြင် ၍ မ သို့ ပြော ရာ မင်
ကြီး ထွက်သွား ၏ ""Now
.You II khaving
အ g gone to thevillage
Majjhagoong which lies on the east, will myselfbring
the youth ,” having thus reflected, king Videha, with
his private attendants, set out on horseback in a pri
( vate manner for the village.

လတ် သ or လ သ also လျက် လျှင် page 111,


94 , 95, 96 , ome page 112, 101 .

19. အရှေ့တံခါး မှဘွက် ၍ သဂတ်သည် ပါဠိမှ

ယဝမဇ္ဈ ဂုံး ရွာလယ်၌ ဘူ ရား လောင် သဉ်စီရင် အပ် သေ စရပါ
အိပ် မြင် လတ် သေ၊ာ် ကျွဲ စရပ် ကို ဆောက်လုတ် ရင်
` သူ သည် မချွတ် သျှင်ပညာရှိ ဖြစ်လတ္တ ဟုကြက်ခ .
The noble, continuing his search , went out of the east

gate beholding the house built by Bhooraloung, in the

centre of the village Majjhagoong, and reflecting,
said, undoubtedly the builder of this house was a
wise man . "

ကြ page 93, 96. ဂ လ, page 84, 0 . 8 :, page

99 39 လျင်, page 99, # 6. ဟု page 119, 101 .
ခ here an imperative.

20. ထိုအခါမဟာသင်္ဘော သ ဘို သား ည်။ ဆ ရား ။ ဤ

လောက်သာ သု ကာ အ တတ် ဖြင့် ငါ တိုဝ်ဥစ္စာ လာ ထောင်
ကို လျက် စ ရပ် ကို ဆောက် ကြ ဝဲ လေသည် ဘယ်သို့
ဖြ ် နိုင် အံ့ နည် ဟု ဆင်ပြီးလျှင် တ မျည် ကြိုး ပ ချေ ။
ခင်း ပေးခဲ့ဘူ ရား လောင် ပြင်၍ တည် ခြင်းကိုခင်း
• AY
O ch Then ,the youth Mahauthatha, (said ),
chitect, thou having received one thousand (pieces of
silver ), hast made a promise to finish the house ; but
it is impossible you can complete it;" - having thus
spoken , Bhooraloung said, bring hither the line
and plumet, I will lay it down ,” and thus again he
extended the line.

* h , page III, 94 , 00, page 81, 19, in the

; ; ; last instance is a future. ဟု Page 112, 01.
လက် page 99, 41.
၅. အရပ် ဆောက်လုပ် ရင်း သည်။စပ်သည့်
ဤမျှ ဖြင့်မတ် တယ် လေး ။ စရပ် ၌ ရက် ကြီး တ
ဘဲ ။ ဘယ်ဘယ် သေ ၏ ကြ လျက် ၊
costawaci, havingfinished the building ofthe
Jarat, Bhooraloung, meditating, said " the Jarai
does not as yet appear magnificent, should a large
pond be dug in its vicinity, it will appear, more so."

on page ]11,
2, 11
III1. Soulaas, page 106, 76, and
107, 79. သနည်, prge 106, 70.
၀၅. ထိပ်ပညာ သည် ယခု အဘယ် အရပ်၌ရှိ
နည် အောက်မေ့လျက် အမတ် လေးယောက် တို့ကို ခေါ်
ငါ၏ အိမ်မက် ကို သုခမိန် တော်တို့ ကပညာရှိမည်ဟု
ဖတ်ကြကုန်သည်။ ထိုပညာရှိ အဘယ်မှ သည်ဟု
. “ Now , where can that wise man be ?” thus re
flecting, the king called the four nobles, and enquir
ing, said,, "“ ye nobles interpreted my dream , as in

dicating that wisepersonoge would make his appear .

ance ; where then, can this person be ? ”

“ မ့်page,99 30... ( ဘဲ , page101, 51 .

29.3 မ ဘုရား တို့သည် အုတ် ကို ကောင်မ

ပြု ရာ ဘဲ။ ကောင် စ ချင် သည် လို နှင့် မင် သု ထိုက်
သိုက် မြိုက် ဘွယ် ရာ လက္ခ ကောင် ခြင် ဂုံ သည် မြို့
£u£ doleziqesups., Thequeens not intend
ing any harm , butrather having regardlo my inter"
est, will, I am convinced, give me in marriage to a
princess who is beautiful and replete with every vir

လ , page 84, 90. age 101 , 59. ရှိ

1. ကျွန်နူတ်ဘိုမောင်နှစ်မအားပုန္တာ ချည်နှောင်
ရိုက်ပုတ် လေ သာ ကြောင် များကို မွေး သည့် မိခင် အား
တော် မင် ပြီး မိန် တပ်ရင်း, Outlier, inform tVie
mother who has nourished us, of the punishments
which this Pongna has inflicted upon us, who are hry .
ther and sister

လ, page 84 , 20. s , page 106, 76.

25. အိုဝ်ခုတ် သား ဘို။့ အ ကျွတ် မောင် နှစ်မ တို့သည်

ပုံ နာက် ဘွင်ပါ လေ သာ အဖြစ် ကို မွေး သည့်မိခင် မ
ရစ် ကုန်a, Oye sons of the gods, inform
the mother who bore us, of our having followed the

လေ , page I06 , 76.

96. ကျွန်နူတ် ဘို မောင် နှစ်မ အနာ ရော ခါး သာ အဖြစ်
တို့ကို မွေး သည်မိခင် ကို ဆို ရစ် ပါ ကု Injurma or
mother, ofour being exemptfrom all munner of sick

N. B. The increment qö generally conveys the

idea of continuing, remaining behind, &c. Exam ,

opgevo20,continue behind, saj qe atas, remain.

Sometimes, however it is used as an imperative. See
page 29, .

မူ page 101 , 52. ၅, page 111, 94, 95, 96 .


. ကောင်မွန် သာ ဝတ်ဆင်
၂။ တရား စောင် ရာဥပုသ်နှိမ်၌ မူ ၏ aping
arrayed (himself ) with, or being arrayed in superb
attire, ( he) remained in the house of fasting.
- ၂၂ * ၊[{ "} { } " '

' ..
ogje, page 99,46.
29. ငါ သွား လျှင် မည်, fIgo, I sheldobtain
The increment sol is used as an imperative. See
page 997 , 90.

The increments copsor ogpsare afixed to denote

the imperative. Exam.၅၀ :08223 cuper ni ajos {

သီး ၊ ရထား ဘက်သို့ဘက် လှ ည့။် ယ ပင် ကျန်

ဟု the angel ( in theform of) an old man, said,
“Daughter, ascend into the chariot, we will depart
. immediately . See page 106, 74 .

The increment ow is frequently used as an impe

rative. Exem. ဏ္ဏ သည်။ မောင်တို့။
စ် မအဖြစ် ကို ပြေ ၍၊ ပြု ဆောင် ရာ သည် ဝတ် ကို
232 *

လျက် ကောင် နှစ်မ ကိုင် လိုက် ရှင်းဘာ

လိုက် ကြောင် ကိုင် လ မှာ ။, *“".0Q ၂e youth
ye goat,
after that ye have, mentioned to the female Pongna
the circumstanceof this person's being my sister,
deliver my command that she be treated well," thus
the Pongna commissioned (the youths) .
The increment 3 is both present and imperative .

Even.မုတ်ခ မ သား ဟူသောစကားကို စား လျှင်။ မင်

“ သား သည် ` သူငယ် ကား ။ ကိုဟ်မယ် ဆိုး
oras anci, having heard (of the circumstance of
his being called ), the widow's son, the youth , said,
"these children harrass me, by saying this person is
the son of a widow . " See also the example in the
last rule.co

6. The incrément şę is affixed to roots, and conveys

an idea of the actionhaving been performed previous
ly to some other action.. Exam .. c005cw pS, ((he)
ရောက် သည် -
arrived orhad arrived, ( previously 'to sonie- other
circumstance): See page 219, 7. 4

Examples illustrative of increments used as affixes to nouns.

1. The verbal termination 202 , and the termi

nation @ce of the instrumental case, are frequenta
ly affixed to verbal roºts in any mode or tense, to form
a s t ecircumstance of
compound words, and indicate the circumstance of.
an action or thing. Dam ကြင် ရင်
ကို ကြား ရ သည့် မာသည်သာဘ်ကိုင်ကြသည်
I have heard of your being well and in health. 68
စဉ် များ ရောင် ကြောင် ကို ကြားရသည် or ခင်
ကုန်စည် များ ရောင် ပြီး သည် နိုင်ငံ ရသည်, I lood

heard (of your ) having sold your property .

2. A sentence términating with a verb in any mode

or tense may be inflected with the termination of of
the accusative case. The whole sentence then forms
a compound noun, and becomes the object to the verb
of the following sentence. sam. မာ သည် သာ
apoc @ 2:20025, I have heard of your being
teet . မ ကုန်စည် များ ရောင်းသည် ကို ကြားရသော
D d

I have heard of your having sold your goods. o &

23.co&ajopóscoaps, I believe you
will sellyour house.. goro မြို့ သိ apgr.ope
မည် noa
Casqရသuesည်, 1hear he will go to Madrus..acaကsa ောင်
Sokoniosou :23preso poracconeogeoogs
mou ? ( He) dont take away the good man's sil.
ver which was deposited ( by me. )

3. The particle Q frequently conveys the idea of,

though, although, even, & c. and is frequently affix
ed to the terminations of nouns. Exam. clocowas
medgrofwurzel Although I give, youdo not wish
to receive.

4.The termination is sometimes used adverbial

ly, in which case it is affixed to the inflections. Exam.

de lauseigoEstoso&. Though Icall, youdon't

wish to come,, or you don't come at my calling.

5. The compound increment cojasgę is syno
nymous to the inflected verbal termination 202ą.


Exam. ငါ ပေးလျက် နှင့်မင့် မ လို or ငါ ပေးသည် ကို မြင့်

oupe IfI should bestow, you will not accept it,
The accusative termination ofis frequently
used for the nominative case terminatingin DpS.
Eazm. ထိပ် သီ သာက် တေ တ နာ တို့ကို။တ လုံ
cgjesporazgo& oSci, Those three precious stones
are valued at so much each .

7. The Dative in 300 : is sometimes substituted for

the accusative in o&. Exam. Oopscos

စ တု dlouzosos
ကြီးလေ ယာက် တို့ က မ မေ လောဉ် သာခုတ် သီး အား ၊
ထိပ် နှစ် မွန်း သူတို့ ကိုဝ် ဆယ် တင် စိမ့် ငါ သမုဒ္ဒရာ ဌ
econoom :00: 28, The fourgods (by name) Chua
toopala appointed Thumooddureet to the office of deli
vering and protecting the beloved daughter of the
godwho is called Munimechulu .


THE Burman language is principally formed from

certain roots, which the author has endeavoured to
collect together in this appendix. As these roots have
never before been collected, some few may have been
omitted, and others may be found repeated more than
once, owing to their having been written differently
by different authors : yet it is hoped, the attempt will
not be condemned because it has not attained a high
er degree of perfection . 1

Should a second edition be required, the Coma

pound roots will be added . But being found to be
more numerous than was at first imagined, they must
be omitted in the present edition, in which the chief
aim has been to give a complete list of the simple
roots, which during four years'close labour, have been
collected as the author met with them in the course of
his Burman reading
238 A P P E N D I X.

In the following list, the reader will not only find

the same Monosyllable in three different forms as dis
tinct roots but also each one of the same ünaccented

or accented monosyllables repeated more than once,

and considered as a distinct root, where the ideas con :
veyed are somewhat vague .

General Observations upon the Verbals.

1. Nearly all the verbal roots are Monosyllables,

consisting either of one or two letters . Some feiv
consist of two syllables. These, however, are gene
rally imitative sounds, or notes of animals.

2. When the root consists of one consonant, the

vowel zo is always to be understood as inherent.

3. When they consist of tiro letters, the last is

always a final Consonant.

4. The initial letter may be either simple or com


5. These Verbal roots convey merely crude ideas

of an action , or quality , and in reality are neither
nouns, adjectives, verbs; nor participles. In their
crude state, they scarcely convey any idea whatever,
even to a scholar in the language ; and must be com
Þined with affixes or prefixes to form them into words.

6. Yerbal roots are of two kinds, simple and com

pound The compound ones are here omitted, and
only the simple ones inserted.

7. There are several characters, both simple and

compound, in the Burman alphabet, which admit of no
material variation of sound . These are often written
indiscriminately one for the other; at first sight they
are very deceptive to a student, and appear to aug
ment the number of roots ; but a small degree of caų
tion will enable him to overcome this diſliculty.

8. The following are some of the most common

variations, which are generally used at the option of
Burman authors, without being considered incorrect,
Ee 2

us and q2 ; the com

The symbolical characters of 07
pound (g and 20 ; 55 and 6 ; and (º) and of, are fre
quently used one for the other. Exam , isc, be O

pestless,disturbed, is written CSS ညီမ

SS, be easy ,,
still,quiet, is written Q. cape, be loose,not tight,
is written co&. C., divide,aje.. , believe,
9.5. ,tie, bind,છેy).,&c,
, In like manner also the
symbol of the vowel '( ) is frequently used for the
final of, Exam . now , şare, deliver, is also written

N. B. Not having been abļe to ascertain in every

instance which is the most correct mode of writing
these words, the same root is sometimes written with
two different characters ,

92 The Roots are arranged in the alphabetical

order of their initial characters,

10. The root is placed first through the following

list, and the signification given ás nearly as possible by

other Burman words, chiefly abstract nouns, The

meaning is then given in English, which is generally
expressed by the second person of the imperative

ll . Most of the following verbals are active, but

some of them neuter, Roots of an active significa :
tion, with an initial aspirate, frequently form their neu:
ters by changing the aspirate to an unaspirated let
ter ; when liowever an unaspirated letter occurs which
has no corresponding aspirate, the symbolical charac,
ter of osOn is used instead of it. Exam ,saafojes
esp , the housegaes ta ruin ; Segros,
(I) destray the house ; çada esa obaas,the cloth
is pressed(as
( betöpcen two boilies ; }çaqif 29Sopas,
) ဩ
the çloth is cut (as by a pair of scissors,

12. The Burmans have two accents in addition to

the natural sound arising from the characters them.
selves , viz .the long and sqft accent whịch follows a
character thus :: o : and the short and abrupt accent
written underneath thus R. These accents aro used
only with those Monosyllables which end with a vowel

or nasal; hy this means they are enabled to form three

distinct words fro:n ane Wonosyllable. Exan. Coco
COS : Call

f ' )

Verbal Roots.

အဆင့် ခြင်းစကား တယ် င့်, be dems, speci

less, stammer.
8005. gados:GE, become open, wide; widen (as?

a crack ); be parched, as the earth, skin,

&c . (from heat) .
no musea,
slack .
become tight, tense, straight, not
ဒန် ကြားခဲ့ခြင်း လို့ ထွက် ပြင်, Yomit, diagorge
emit .

န်း ကျော်ဇင်, lively, assist, aid,

ပ် အပ်နှံ ခြင်။ အပ်နှင်းခြင်း၊ အ ဆင်။ ကပ် ခြင် !1

commit, consigo (as to the charge of any

one) , deliver over, deliver up, put under
charge; add to or upon, place in or upon.
အပ် ထိုက်perခြင် con
။ သင့် ခြင်, be suitable, qualified,
pro ,
ယ် များတွင် ပေါ် ခြင်။ ဖောင် ခြင်း၊ ကြီးခြင်, become

numerous, more,he plentiful }; become swol

len, bloated, large . .

or nasal; hy this means they are enabled to form three

distinct words from one Monosylable.Exam . GOSH
ကြည်း ။ ကြည်.
; -1..
Verbal Roots .

က တ less,ဆင့် ချင်းstammer.
စကားထပ် , be dent, speed-
2 )

9005 . mooto :Ce,become open,wide

, ;; »widen (as?
a crack) ; be parched, as tlie earth, skin,
&c. ( from heat ) .
900 msee, become tight, tense, straight, not
slack .

2.$ Poznajmo
emit .
&, romit, disgorge,
pro mese, help, assist, aid:
ထပ် ထပ် ခြင်။ အပ်နှင်း ခြင်း အပ် ထ ခြင် ။ ကပ် ခြင်

commit; consigo (as to the charge of any

one) , deliver over, deliver up , put under
charge; add to or upon , place in or upon.
0005 0805CE
ထိုက် ခြင် 112 & ge,
ခြင်, be suitable,, qualified,,
proper, convenient.
ငယ် များတွင် မြင်ခြင်း၊
I )
ခြင်, become
numerous, more , be plentiful ; become swol
len, bloated, large .


မာ ခြင် ။ ခြင်။ ဟင် ၊ ခက် , become

expanded ; open , spread out, blossom (as a
flower). !

So @ E, become vacant, void ,empty ;

be free, disengaged , at leisure. 7

£ ပဲ ကူးပြောင်ible, deliနဲ့cateခြင်,; be fla bby, limber, flex
incl ined
, recu mbenta
တ် Pos
စက် sosCE,sleep,
. lie down .
os ECS, be proud, ostentatious; become
haughty, arrogant.

OSGEBOGE, bedeliciotis, agréeable tổ

the taste, of a pleasant rich ſavour, sa

မှ မြင်၊ လည် ခြင်။ ခြင် twirl, turn or

move round ; lean over , be inclined , be
recumbent; hang bvér:
or och muige i 20% COE ,be satisfied, full,
flourishing, healthy, well.

အုပ် ဖြင်။၎င်း င်း ၊ ဌ ဖြင်း မိုး ခြင်, rilry

preside over ; overivhelm , run over, cover.

ဝိုင်းခြင်း ကူ ခြင်။ ခြင်, help, assist, at

ford assistance, co -operate, surround,
assemble together.
@@ E, plaister ( asa wall); cover (asa sore
with medicine).
67:6€, be many, abound .
ŞOSGENOJOSCOLTE up-co @ e,bedress
ed, prepared (as food ); cooked ; cause
to be dressed.

ပုဝ @ EnE@ , become a little taint

ed ( as flesh or fish ); be stale, rotten, ran
cid , musty, decay; become carious:
To OS E 1 6395 @ €, make a noise, make a
rumour, make" a tumultuous noise (as
that of a multitude); produce sound.

-GenFo @ , produce an egg ; bring

forth or lay (an egg).

PODECSOC, begin,make a beginning

or commencement.

2309060_CO € uange, refine, make

bright, polish.

63 or @ :06E12JCE, become cool,be cold;

be sharply cold , be keen,


က် COE COEE, collect,assemble, associ.


ate ; be thick, close, numerous.

> são -g&, applaud, praise, speak a
person's faine.
Google, vomit, disgorge, reject, emit
(as food ).
အောက် အောက်ချား သွားလာ၁ခင် ခြင်. search,
investigate ; trace, bring in ,
con conseil car @ E, "be musty, damp,
mouldy, mildeived, smutty.
စ အောင် အောင် နိူင် ၊ အောင် မာ ခြင်း ၊ရင် ငြင်, over
come," subdue, conquer ; become liard ,
mature, ripe.
အောင်း ပုံပြင်။ ကွယ် ခြင်း။ ဖြင်, keep secret
fècunesecret,hidden, &c.c.
၀ င်း ၊ ဦး
အ င့် အော င့် ခြင်း ။ " ခြင်, retain, keep in
- (as the breath 5 detain ,
Osr @ €, hoot,halloo,bawl.
deilo ogid
အိ COSSOSGE, read,repeat,chant,utter.
ချီးမွမ်း ခြင် ။ညာ ခြင် appk ud, praise,

E, becomeold,mature ;

နောက် ပူ ခြင်း နှင် , be warm, close, hot.,

RE Q&E, collect, gatber together (as water).
Also a collection , or assemblage of water,
) )
a pool, a lake.
C ",

The number of Simple roots with an initial sa is


male, dance, jump,skip.

move ခြင်E,harness,, bind on (as a saddleor
harness); caparison
ကျင် mele &uçon,C ,roast, broil, prepare (as
broiled food ).
ကင်း @eungကွ?ာ @e, liberate,, exempt,,
w emancipate, separate ; become distant, ,
exempt , freed from .
ကင်း GECE, sprout (asa germ or bud ;
form (as fruit in its first formation ).
သစ် -
ခြင်းကိ စယ် ခြင်။ မြင်, teaze,
? on vex, play with .
243 A P P ENDIZ .

ကစား စယ် ခြင်။ ကြိုးစား ခြင်။ က စစ် ခြင်,traze )


vex, play with

ကည တောင်ပန် ဖြင့် ကွာခြင် ။ င်,intreat,
beg, (in a reverential manner ; reve
rence, regard ; aid, assist; afford , help
(without being commanded or intreated ).
ကဘက် က တောက် ခြင် ။ က တောက် က တက် ခြင်

crow (as a cock after the "hien has láid

an egg).
က ဘောက် က ခြင် ။ ကောက် ခြင်, dito .
က ဘော် က ဘောက် ။ က ဘက် င်, ditto.
၁ဘိုက် ကင် ခြင် ။ 1
က် ခြင်း၊ ( ဓ က ကိုက်
ဖြ6 င့်, telltales; do or speák any thing to
in staat irritate another, excite the anger of one
person grainst another by misrepresenta
MX ,
tion .
ကတ် 2015 End: @E,be hárd, difficult.
ကန် ခြင်။ တန် ခြင်း နိုင် ခြင်,be capable,
sufficient (to hold or contain),
ကန် ကန် ကြောက် ခြင် , kick, resist.

ကန်း၊ QjOSOLGEGE, be blind,become deficient

in the power of vision..

ကန် ခြင်။ ကွက် ခြင် ။ ဉ် ခြင် ။ ဖြတ် ခြင်,၀b


struct, cụt across (as any thing in its

regular course) ; retard progress ; pre
vent, oppose, dam up (as a river) .
ကပ် ရှည် ခြင်။ ပူး ကပ် ခြင်း စပ် ခြင် ။ ကိုး ဖြင့် နို့
@En 200 @ en92 @ e,unite, adhere to3
be near, come into contact, draw night,
approach ;rely on ; cover, protect ; give,
offer, bestow
ကမ်း CU :@E, give, bestow, offer.
က မြင်း အရှက် နဉ်း ခြင်းမရှိနိုင် ကက် ခြင်,
be void of modesty, shameless, impu

ကယ်orက် ကယ် မ ခြင် ။ ထက်ပန် ခြင် ထောက် ပ င့်


ခြင်။ ဆယ် ခြင် ။ ခြင် ထုတ် ခြင်, help, )

assist; aid ; pull up or out, extricate ,
ကယ် လွဲ ချင်။ စောင်း ခြင်း။ အိမ် ခြင်, becomein)

clined, not upright , indirect.

ကယ်orကဲ့ ဝှက် ခြင်း ။ ခြင် ထောင့်ခြင်း ကျိုင်

9056 €, hide,conceal, lie on one side;

do or perform secretly, not act openly ;

act indirectly ; perform by degrees.
cicons saoangosfee, be rude, impudent ; brit
tle, frangible.
အ လိ ရှောင် ရှက် ခြင် ။ ထိုး ဆွ ခြင်, stir up, dis
turb, interfere ( in the affairs of ano
ther ).
က လူ mox @EBES €, play with, divert,

က လဲ့ 58 @ , stir, disturb, molest, stir up, stir

round and round.
က ကော် ခြင် ။ -- က် ခြင်း ပင် ခြင်, Air mp,
disturb , stir round and round , finger,
meddle with ; raise, stir up .
ကယ် ခြင် ။ ခြင် ။ဘာ မြင်, intervene,
obstruct , prevent , debar .
အ . ကြက် ခြင် ။ဖြန် ခြင် ။ အာ ခြင်း ဖွင့် ခြင်း
Os the stretch out, stride, open, expand, ex
tend, scatter.
or ဆိုင် ခြင်း သစ္စာ မူ ခြင် ။ ပန် ခြင်း ။
ချိန် ဆပ်
agsusans@e, sivear, abjure, voir,
call deity to witness, implore or invoke
VER B A L R oʻ0 73. -251

(some disaster from the deity in case

of breaking a vow). 'This root is nearly

ကိန်း ဖr ကိန်း ရခြင်းဝပ် ခြင်း ပင်။စက် ခြင်

sleep , ta repose , enjoy, lie at ease.
This word was generally used by
. priests, but is now obsolete.
ကု ခြင် I
ခြင် ကုသ ခြင်။ ကု သပ်
@E, practise in medicine,assist in

ကုတ် ခြင် ။ ကိုင်ခြင်။ ဝ ခြင်, be drawntos

gether, bowed down or together ; be
come doubled, of hang down at the
edges; act or live in aa modest, hum.
wit ble manner,, og
ကုတ် တ်ပြင်။ ဘတ်စင်, subtract , des
1 . duct.

ကုတ် ကတ် ခြင်။ ကောင်း ကြိုးစား ခြင် ၊ ကြိုး

rosaမြင်, adhere to, turn up, rout out;
endeavour, use diligence.
ကုန် ဆုံး ခြင်း ၊ ဆိုး ခြင်း မရှိ ခြင်, make an
end, finisli, become exhausted,

ထူး ကုန်း ကိုင် ခြင် ။ ခဲ့ ခြင် ။ တံ ခြင် , be


come bent , bowed down, rounded ,

convex .

ကျပ် Sae& ,pinch,,scratch (as

children ' ; rout about.

ကု သိမြင် ။ ခြင် လို့ မြင် ။ ဆင် င် ။

E, string in rows ; pierce through
in regular order (as with a string);
!!! file, hang, suspend.
ကို ကို ထံင် ၂။ လံ က် င် င် ။ ဝင်။

fisting Buonnabe, haveenough,

Sites or sufficient;be abundant or plenti
• ။ ‫ ( ری‬41: ‫ملی‬ ful.
ကူ မြင် ။ ဝင်း မြင် ။ ခြင် ပန်
. : help, assist ; , surround }; unile or
combine together, ( in the perform
ance: of an action ), coço -operate,
ကူး မြောက် ခြင်း ကူး တ်ပြင် ။ ကူးသန်း

။ i j ,
ခြင်။ ပြင် save, swim, cross

over, transfer, copy .

ons or car which see,

. :) ! မ (၂) ကိုး ပြတ် ဖြင့်။။ ကကဲား လွန် ခြင် ။ စား ခြင်း ။

D.O.O &u09:02:C8,
II become noble,
Ger grand,great, exceed, excel,surpass,
become conspicuous.
ကဲ့ or က which see . 30 -
om :ofte Becomeskállow , descend
၈။ ဘာ gradually (as an obliquè descent or
၂၀ ရတော့ဝ rih obdeclivity). Se
က ၌ သတ်ခြင် ။ လိမ် ခြင်၊လန် ခြင်,warn, turn

၁ up of
or over, become reffected atthe
edges, rise and twist aliout (as a fea
. tħer when put in the fire.) ၁
. ၅
ai smagad!
ကြေ ခြင်။ ကျေး ခြင့် ။ လိမ် ခြင့်။ ထော င့် ခြင်း
become crooked, bent at one end,
:194 twistéd,perverse:. 3991
ကောက် om.8, pick, gather or take up,
pick'out, choose;extract.

၂ ( ၂)
မြတ် ခြင်း မွန်ခြင်။- ဖွယ်ရာ တွင် သာယီ

.. : " ခြင် ။ သာ ရာ ခြင်, be good, proper; ekex?

" cellen t.
) ,

- '၊ က်ခြင်းပင့် ခြင်း က ကပ်ကခြင်
G g

lift t) , raiseup or out ; plough up

( as with a lever) cause to adhere ( as to
01573.107 the sides), )

ကိုး ကပ် ခြင် ။ ဆည်းကပ်

ကိုးကပွယ် ခြင် e။i နှင့်
ခြင် ၊ မြင်ဝံ ဖြင့် ပြုပြင် , rely in, trust
17:53:13 Villin or to worship. ) )
သို့ ၁၁ ‫اور ان‬ ခြင်။ကုတ်ဖြင့် draw in, retract, be
bent together, bowed down (as with ol
( ) age) ၁
st ။၁ လ
ကိုက် ၂ ခြင်းရာင်ခြင် ။ဖြတ် ခြင်းတတ် ခြင်,bite,
-001 2...) ou become painful, gnaw .
ကိုင် ` ကိုင် တွ ယ့် မြှင့်။ ကို ၎င် ခြင်။ ကိုင် ခြင် hold
2022c co . catch,lay hold .of32m2
ကို ကိုင်း ညွတ်မြင့် ၊ ကုန်း တွင် become inclinedပါ
bent, recumbent;hang over,
( ၁၂ .) .) က ခြင်၊ ကျခြင်း ဖြင့်, fall,
drop,, becomelow in stature. The active
cocco rootia - 21

moo5 956 , be cooked (as food ); healed ( as a

wound ), mature, ripe, perfected (as fruit ).
င် ပြုပြင် ။ ခြင် ၊ ပြုမူ ခြင်. do, perform,
ကျင် 620:00JE @ခြင်€,, sift or filter

re၍ သင့် ခြင်း ပြု ကျင် ခြင် ။ သင် ခြင်, do, act, practise,
Aherepe learn ; initiate, instruct.

ကစ် ကျစ် လိမ် ခြင်း တို့ ခြင်, twist, plait, curves

ဆည်း ကျ ခြင်င် ။ ကြွက် ကျစ် ဇင် , di၄-, scratch, (as a
rat or wormo)
=lyin ,t
ကျစ် လှီခြင် ။ ငယ် ခြင် ။ က ခြင်၊ စသင်., become
little, small , dwarf, slender.

as II
mejercoor cas p @ &u00a @ €, be nicé,exact, parti
cular, accurate, minute.
ကျည် ကျ ရာတွင် ။ တုန်နာခြင်။ ဘုန် ခြင်. become
cramped, deadened, stunned, as from a
severe bruise or fall, become benumbed
(as from a cold or bruise).

ချန် ကြွ ခြင် ။ ကြွင်း ကျန် ခြင် ။ ကြွင်း ရစ် ခြင်း ၊
I2 ကျန်ကြွင်း ခြင်း ကျန်ရစ် ခြင်, remain , be
Tëft behind, continue behind.

ခြင်း၊ ကျန်၊ ခြင် ။ ကျွံ ကျန်း ခြင် ။ ခန် ခြင်။ ကျန်း ခန့်
ခြင် ။ နိုင်ခြင်း။ နိုင် ကျဉ်း ခြင် ။ ကျန်း တာ
ခြင်။ ကြီး ကျ ခြင် ။ သန်ကျန်းခြင့် ။ သွန်း 11

asdit ကြတ် ခြင် ။ ကျွန် ခြင်း ဆိုး ခြင်, be wel,


1, hardy, in health, prosperity , catissed ,

G g2
256 A P PENDIX .

strong, &c .; be firm (as a post) ; har

adamantine, putrified, be large, rough
üneven ; be great, thrive luxuriantly , h ,
terrific, rough, coarse , harsh ; act wicked
ly, perversely ; behavé rudely, act with im
pudence, bè unpolished or rustic.
ကျမ်း erCE, level, make even..
ကျယ် ကျယ်ဝန်း ပြင်းပြင်း ဆန်း ကျယ် မြင်
become widened, be broad, become ex
tended, be extensive, &c. ; be nice, be
,- profuse in compliments, be particular ;
distant, apart, far off.
t စိမ် ခြင် ။ ဂွင် ။ ငြင်၊ နှုပ်ခြင်း
anoint, rub over, besmear, be affable, be
agreeable in conversation.
ကြို ကျွတ်ခြင်း ကြ ခြင် နောက် ခြင်
be slimy, viscous; not transparent, im,
pure, muddy, opake.

ကိုက် ခြငe်, swallow, take in #a

ကြိုက် ပြုပြင် ။ soojas@

ကိန်းor ) which seei

- န်း or ကိန်း.
0 which see .

ကီ စယ် က်စားခြင်း ၊ က စစ် ခြင်, teaze,res,play

ကြိုးစား ကံ စယ်ခြင် ။ သစ် ခြင်, ditto.
( orc] မ် ပိန် ချုံ့ ခြင် ။လှ ခြင် ၊ က တူး ခြင်, be
narrow, thin ,slender ; grow thin or
dwarfish, become compressed ; pine
away, grieve, be sorrowful, despair.
ချို ဂျီမ်
The active root is oilor
novi or cond gosmaster gooie, remark, be
lieve, rely on, be satisfied with .

or o ]မ်း ရခြင်း သ ညင်။ ထွေ ခြင်းပညာ ကြီး

ခြင်း သာ လာ ခြင်, obtain, know,
meet with, become familiar with.

{ ၌ ကျ ယ ခြင်း ဖြင့် မြင်

crouch, be drawn in or together,
shrink or shrivel up . The activo

foot is ဍor
ချီ 'မျိုးမျိုး
ရက Cool ane ,pulverize , rub or reduce
ကေto pow der. The active root is ca.
988 AFPEN » A.

ရ က စ လေ့လာ ခြင် ။စ က ပို့ ခြင်း orecloe, be vets

ed (as in learning ), be perfected , accom
plished (as in any of the arts and sciences).

powodzes: ခြင်း€, be void of dregs, be mode

rately liquid, viz. contain more liquid than
solid substance; be of a consistence like
tar. Pronounced majes:
onoja moz d@a,bend round, make a nöose ;
catch, apprehend (as by à noose ).
စက၁ ယည်ခြင် ။ ယည် က ခြင် ။ဖွယ်ရာ ခြင်။ရှင်
, be tamed, broken in, polished in
manners, be well informed, act becom
ingly, be free from rubbish, unconfused.
စ ကစာ ခြင်။ ပြန် ခြင် ။ ကျွခြင်း၊
စင်္glွင ်။ ဟာပြင်, spread fame,
noise abroad, publish .

“ င် ။ ုန် ခြင်း ကြူး လွန် ခြင်း ခံခြင်း
ခြင်း ပင် ။ မောက် ခြင် ။ သာ ခြင်။ 6
Eu 8:0 ,jump, dancé ; leap, step
over ; pass by or beyond ; surpass, ex«
ceed, go to an excess, transgress; ex®
ceed (as in number), be more,
cted, as စု ၌ စုပ် ခြင်း
dress, parch ,
ဒ်ချက်ခြင်း £ y, roast.
( ၁း
Es, be 10e, dress,heal ; boil, melt, dissolve (by
liga .? "
boiling ), assay, melt (as ore or metal).
etence ကြ De EuQOSE:Ge, be broken, fractur
ed, broken to pieces, destroyed, shatter
a (1 .
ed Re: is the active form.
'၊ ခြင်။၊ ဂကိုင်ညွတ် ခြင် ။့ မ ခြင် ။ မ ခြင်
10. , ၉
4 enter under, bow beneath , stoop ; be hum ,.
ble , act with humilityog'i

အိင်း ခြင်း လာခြင်း ဖြင့် ကြီး မာ ဖြင်. De 09on
become great, be beautiful, be large, har
. dy, strong: :1363( : )
6997068;fallintolaproperplace, become
right.( faris the active form , which see.
က ပြန်ခြင်း ပြန် ခြင်။ က ခြင်, keep at full length

i to issor in an expanded Ostate , extend , stretch
" . 10 ( 10 )
out .

င် ၊ ်
Ji 6
သာ ခြင်။ သ နာ ကြဖြင့် မ ။။ ၆

GE, love,esteem ,,regard,be
, affectionate,
be compassionate ,
!!!! . .

ကြင်နာခြင် စပ် ခြင်း၊ စပ် ခါး ခြင်,hurt, nain,smart,

stb Ee
feel pain, & c.
ကြင်း ' ဆင် ပြင် ခြင် ပြင်ဆင်ခြင်း၊ ခင်း ခြင်း ခင် ကြင်း နိုင်။
in order p
ကြင်း ပန်း ငန် ခင်း ခြင်း (itregu
pare, arrange, dispose in
'' ၂)
lar order
..! :):) :)
array, spread out.
ကြည့် ကြည်လင် ခြင်။eeကြည်ညို ခြင် ။ကြည် မြင် ။ သ
C : N ght
SG do,ubt or, amia
from,clear,pure, suspble on ;

act from a pure'motive is

ကြ ည်ကြည် ခြင်းသည် စွန် ပြင်းစွန
၊ ့်ပစ် ခြင်, reje
sich scast,awey,cputaway , refuse,! castoff.
ကြည်း ကြည်း ဆောင် ခြင် ။။ ခွ စင် ကြယ် ခြင်, bear,
omoged 5 carry, undeitake itake upon , (as the trans
ibiliw acting of anysbusiness).dain
ဖြည်း ဟည်း ဖြင့် ညည်း ခြင်း ဟီး ငြင်, producesound,
ile sada 6.:) $ 50 of an élenljant or neigh,
ing of an horse ), make a goytinued sound.
- EL @ 3Segreta@ e,we near,narrow,
( 55) :
H1,50 close together becomeless in width ; be
ina straighitor." illiculty. aS.
ချည်း is the
active formi,

ကြည် ကြည်ရှင , behold, sce,

@ 2.96 €,် look, look at,
search into any affair, look about..
ကြတ် ၃ လ ကြတ် ခြင်း ။ လုတ်ဖြင်, Swallow , grasp ,
(used only to signify an eclipse of the sun
or moon ).
ကြာ ခြင် ။ ကြန် ခြင် ၊ ကြည်း ငြင်, de

lay, continue long, procrastinate ; be

:: come few in number, diminish.
ကြပ် အုပ် ခြင် ။ စိုးခြင် ။ ကြပ် မ ခြင်။ ကြပ် ထိမ် ခြင်
appoint, preside over, rule ; arrange,
: put in order, assist, aid, help, afford as..
sistance, guard, defend, watch over.
ကြပ် စပ်စင်။ ထက် ကြပ် ခြင်။စည်း ဖြင့်။ ခြင် ။
GECE, be united, be in a state ofunion ;
bind together (as into a bundle); tie up ,
(as a faggot) ; collecta ajs is the active.
form, which see .
ကြပ် တစ် ခြင်း မြီး ခြင်း၊ နိုင် ခြင်
II secure, make fast;
firm, tight. ajos is the active form ,
which see .
I ; ;
မ ပ။) 26 €,befirm , hard,resolu
နိုင် ခြင် , te,furious.


ကြံ စည်ခြင် ။ ဝေ ခြင် ၊ တင်ခြင်း ကြ

တွေး ဖြင်။ ခြင် ၊ ဆင် နိုင် ခြင်။ ရွယ်
@e, think, scheme, consider, meditate
upon, suppose, design, intend, aim, re

ကျန် ခြင်။ ကြာ တင် ခြင်, be long,delay,

continue behind, tarry ; be distant, be
far off (applied to time),
Cး @ 1: En 3:$? E,know, receive in
formation, hear; inform , mention, com
mend, receive or give intelligence.
ကြား ကြွက် ကြား ခြင်း ကြောင်း ခြင် ။ ကွက်
r:CE, be spotted, checkered, striped,
of divers colours.

ဝေးခြင်း ဖြင်။ ပြန်ခြင်း

I ကျယ် ခြင်
þecome open , wide, apart ; be dispersed,
scattered .

ကြိတ် ကြိတ်
တံ ခြင် ။ နယ် ကြိတ် ခြင် bruise , max
ticate ; rub, (as in a mortar) ; reduce to
pulp or powder.

HOS @ €, smart,be dazzled ; become


overpowered (as the eyes from a strong

reflection of light).
BOE u 2006 €,meet, approach,, come to
gether, come into contact.
ဒြ ကြိမ်း မောင် မြင့် ။ ကြ

u &, fright, threaten, drive away, com

mand with authority, domineer, boast,
exult over : E : is the causal verb..

ကြီး ကြီးကျယ် ခြင်း ကြီး မြတ် ။ ဆို ခြင်း။


ကြီး ပွ ခြင် ။ကြီးမား ခြင်၊း ကြီး

8:2 Ge, become wide, be noble,
great, old, increase , become many, be
strong, robust, lu xuriant.

ောက် ကြြင် ။ နောက် ပြင် ။ ညစ်ခြင် ။ }


coaf:G &, be slimy, muddy, impure,

dirty, filthy, mean .
, c. fric
off ((as the skin,&c,by
ကြုတ် ပွန်း tion )။; rub
wear away .

or) ု ခြင်, meet,

တွင်။ ကြမ်းပြင် ။ မြင်
find, come into contact, see each other,
လြမ် have an interview.
HI 2
A D E N ) I ... ။

ဝါး ခြင်း။ ကြုံ ပ ခြင် ။ ကြိမ် ခြင်။ ကြိ မောင်

6 €, boast, exult, glory in, brag, be ener
getic .
“ or
၈) ပင်။ သိမ်း ခြင်း၊ သိမ် ကြီးတွင် ။ အ
ကြမ်း ) ကြွေး ပြု မြင့် ။ ကြီး ပြင်, lift up, gather

up ; collect together into one place ; do or

perform an action completely or wholly ;
enumerate, multiply, add.
w G , exceed, excel, surpass, outdo,1

transgress, go beyond the mark or

bound .

ကြေး ကြည့်မြင် ။ ခြင် ။ မြက် ခြင်း ဉ် ၌

11 II

GO®,deliver, utter,express ideas, by

words or speech , address, produce a me
lodious sound.

cှင် ။ က် န် ခြင်းခြင,် seater, thrown

about ; sow ; be thin, be set at small dis
tances , have a space between .

၅၁ မြင်။ တင်တယ် ခြင်း ကွပ် ဖြင့်. make

even, level, make handsome by tying,
V E R BA L ROOTS . 265

binding, twisting, & c.; place in regular


ထပ် ခြင်း ဆင်ခြင် ။တဖန် ပြုပြင်, re-act, do
over again, re-perform , re-acquire, ask
over again, investigate.
က် ကန် မြင့်။ ကျောက် ကန် ခြင် ။ တွန်း ခြင်, push,
shove, kick, kick against, resist.
c @ 905 LofaCE, dread, fear, startie ; become
abominable, be disgusted. The active

form is က်
c@a: 213 &uc&ae,extend, or draw a line;
draw or make a furrow .

စင်း ချောင်း မြင်။ စောင် မ ခြင်။ ကြွေး မွေး ခြင်

take care, nourish, feed, tend, protect.
ကြောင့်ကြ င် ။ခြင် ။ ပိုး ရှိန် ဖြင်,be afraid, anxi
I )

ous, concerned , distressed about ; be in


ကြ ကြိုဆိုခြင်း ကြို လင့် ခြင်း ကြ ခြင်း နှင့်

, go to meet, advance towards, look
or extend the eyes or mind towards an
object ; advance (as one object towards
266 APPENDIX . i

another ); advance towards an approach

ing object ; foresee.
23 ပန်း or: ကြိုးပမ်း
lo ခြင်း။ ကြိုးစားခြင်း ကြား
ကုတ် ကြိုး ပြင် လ ထုတ် ခြင်
endeavour, use diligence, perform with
energy, use means,, be determinate , bè
resolute ,

ကြိုး ခြံ ပြင် ။ဒို့ သ ခြင်။ ဝပ် ခြင်, honomy,

respect, be obedient, submissive ; re
verence .

ကြက် ရှင် ၊ ရိုက်ချစ် ခြင်။ တနာက်ပြင်
Jove, prefer, approve, have a desire or
inclination for.

- ၃enitြင်fragrance
ခြင်း ငြင်ငြင်, scent, perfume,

? မာ ပြင်၊ ကွပ် ခြင် be
b low , small in stature,


- ကင်း ခြင်း ကွက်မှတ် ၎င် ။ ကွက် ကန်

ငြင်းကွက်ခြင်း -
နဲ့ ။ ၄ (မြင် ။ ကက်ကင်း မြင်, encircle,
draw a circle, become spotted, checker
ed, dappled, streaked, freckled, mark
V ER BAL : R0.2 TS. 267

ed ; to mark, observe, measure , set a

mark, make a boundary, division ; to
stain , daub, blot.
ကွင်း ကွက် ကွင်းပြင် ။ ကွင်း ပိုက် ခြင်,encircle,
pass round, perform an action in a cir
cuitous manner. zás is the causal form
of this root.

က ကွင်းကွာ မြင်။ ကောင်းခြင်း။ ကင်း ကောင်,

separate, be apart, be far off, distant (re
ferring to time , stray from , be released
from , become free .

ခြင်း၊ ထွင် ခြင်း က် င်,' thro, cast,

let go, discharge, thrust, throw up, cast

nas . G :GEFCE rejoice, smile, leapwithjoy.

ကွတ် သည်း ခြခြင် ။ ကုတ် ဖြင်,geld, castrate.
ကွပ် ကွပ် မြက် ခြင်။ ကွပ် ညပ် ပြင်။ ဆူး ငြင်။ ည့်

ခြင် ၊။ `ခြင်။ ကြေ ကွပ် ခြင် , cut of

destroy, deprive of life ; inflict punish
ment, punish or instruct by punishment,
chastise ; bind, tie (as with a cord or ra
tan), make fast by binding ; rule over,
lord oyer , be great.”

ကွယ်or) ကာ တွင် ဝှက် ခြင်။ ကွယ် ာက် ပြင်, hide

conceal , intervene , obstruct sight, pre
vent a view ; disappear.
ကွာ ကွာ ဝေး ခြင် ။ ကွာ ကင်း ခြင်, become distinct,

be apart, separate, distinct, depart, go

from ,, be free. The active form is 2 ).
က စ ခြင်း Y
ကွာ ခြင်, separate,depart,
be distant, be far off.
moc@ Encogmosof, become bent,

bowed down , doubled or drawn together

(as an old man, ) bend (as the elbow ) . The
active form : has a neuter meaning, viz.
be coiled (as a rope, a dog, ora serpent).
ခြင်။ ဖုတ်
UL ခြင် ။ဆိုက် င်။ ထည့်
E, kindle, light (as a fire );add fuel,
တော့ ကောက် ခြင် ။ ကွေ့ ပိုက် ခြင် ကွေ ကွင်း
ပြင် ၊move round in a circuitous direction ,
ကွဲ ) or become crooked , serpentine,
which see .
' It
က ပြတ် ခြင် ။ရခြင်။ ကွဲ ဖျက်ခြင် ။ ကဲ့ပက်
ငြင်။ မြင်။ ကား ဖြင်. break, di

vide, go asunder, be seperate ; go to ruins

(as a building ); be different, unlike. The
active form is
is ခွဲ
ကျွတ် ကင်းလွတ် ခြင်း ကျွတ် ကြွင်း ကျွတ် ကျခြင်း
be released, delivered, emancipated, free ;
fall off,drop off.The active form is ajos.
ကျွန်း ) omojogs:@e,consume,, reduce to ashes..
ကျွမ်း ချစ်ခင် ခြင် ။ ကျင် ကျွမ်း ခြင်း ။ ချစ်ခင် ကျင်
ကျွမ်းခြင်း။ သိခြင်။ သာ သာ ကျွမ်း ခြင်။ အ
ကျွမ်း ဝင် ခြင်း အချင်းချင်းသင့်ခြင်း ၊ ကွမ်း
ကျင် ခြင် လိမ္မာ ခြင်, love, know, become
familiar, acquainted with ; become ex
pert, skilled . 9 .

ကျွံ ကျွဲ ချစ် ခြင်။ ဇင် ခြင် လွန် ခြင်း အ ယူ ကွဲ ခြင်။
ng &,sink, give way, sink into, be buri
ed ; err, transgress, go beyond bounds.
စကား ကျွေး နိုင် ။ ကဒ်( ခြင် ။ မည်ခြင်။
မည် ကျွေး ခြင် ။ ဟစ် အခံ ခြင်, produce
sound, cry, cry aloud, make a noise, roar.

ft up raise :;
က်ခြင်း ပင့် ခြင်း ဖြင့်, Iiiap,
arise, go, depart, come.
38: nov qo @€,leave,remain bebind,continue
behind .

ကြွပ် 2005@&um & be brittle, snap, break

short, be crisp ; peel off, break off in flakes
(as the surface of the earth after an in
undation, or as the surface of some of the
ကြွယ် ကြွယ်ဝ ခြင် ကြွယ်ဝ ဆုံ ခြင်း လဲ ခြင်းများ
(€, be abundant, plentiful, possessmuch;;
become opulent, be wealthy.
ကြွ zmaj@ e, fall off,drop, drop down or
from , drop to pieces, fall off (as leaves,
&c. )) The active form is oC.
0:00 Cခြင် ,feed, nourislı,, cherish.
Roots with an initial amount to one hundred
and sixty -seven, fifty -seven with an initial ; thirty
six with an initial moj; forty-seven with an initial ;
;ကား five with an initial com and
sixteen with an initial
six with an initial

ခ ရေမ်ခြင် ။ ခြင် ။ တ် ငြင်, latter, be

desirous of pleasing obedient, to wait,
attend upon .
အော် ခက် ခြင်း ရှောင် ပြင်, become hard, dic
ficult, tie, bind.
bosa0506 @ £;be rough,coarse, severe,
င် OCQlEGE, be abrupt,quick, swift.
ခင် ခင်မင် ခြင် ၊ zloracce, love,, be fond of,

esteem , regard. “"

င်း G. ESG &,spread out,prepare.

, against, knock..
cofCE:, beat,beat
aos တက်
• ခတ် osacos @ €, pull up, draw (as water)
or put in (as medicine into water, &c . )

a scape.masce;end, terminate, disap

pear, evaporate.

ခန် ၄၀ ထွက် ခြင် measure, enumerate ,


န် ရိုင် u osမာ @ခြင်E, be well, be excellent,



euCE, receive, obtain, hold, catch ၆; bear,

suffer, endure.
. blocar,e shake, shakedut.

272 APP E NDIY ,

ခါး ခါးစပ် ခြင်, be bitter.

၇ påbe,support, wedge up:
205Gose,hew, chop, cleave.
ခြင်. jump, leap,

၎ or ၃ ဦး လုံး ခြင်း ၊ ငိုက် ခြင်, become reflected,


inverted, curved, concave.

ခူးယူခြင် ။ နှိုက် ခြင်, take up or out, handle
(as rice in a pot ).
20 %bę, be hard, difficult, intricate.
mosaice, bite, gnaw, päin.

ခါက် ရိုက် ခြင်, rap, knock,

ခေါက် GREESCE, double or fold (as aa piece
of cloth ). 1

ခင် လှိုက် ခြင်, hollow,, scope out,, excavate.,

calcete, call, invite.
မှ €, hide, adhere toor hang upon ((as aa

poor man to a rich one).

- ခိုးယူခြင်, steal. is

ရိုက် OR 5 Euc GE,touch , hit, strike agaiņst.

နိုင် 1965, be hard, strong, durable.
VE K BAL R O T s. 273

ဆို နှိုင်း ခြင် ။ ချင်း ကပ် ခြင်, lve alle, approach

towards .

ခြ , into,

st ay . .

8:Gelar E,accomplish, decide, settle

or make up the mind about any object.
ရက် ပြတ် ခြင်, cooky, dress(as food).
ချက် ကုတ် ခြင်။ ဆိတ် C scratch, pinch .
ချင် POJEG ?, expect , wish, desire.
ချင့် တွက် Ena @c,
Ozos ခြင် measure, mete, enume.
rate .

ဗျစ် မင် ခြင်။ ခင် ခြင်။Sy ကြိုက် ပြင်,love .

ည် ချည်ခြင်, be sour, be acid,
ချည် နှောင် ဖွဲ ခြင် , tie bind, fasten, name, call,
odes Sime,approach, draw nigh. ang
ရန် g &:@ခြင€,် be left behind. Baby ? 250

alda , fix in..

@ &, stick in,
ရပ် သင်ခြင်
ချမ်းယ် အေး ခြင် ။ မြင်,.be cold.
zooroor @cu Salase, variegate, lay out

in regular order .

8/2:9 : €, be different, be unlike, dissimi

lar .

G :$GE
။ က
, throw about,dis

REGE, be able, sufficient for, capable of.

jos ခြ
@E,င် , be hooked,drawn,
, entangled..
ချိန် တွယ်ခြင်း ၊နှိုင် ချိန် ခြင်, measu
measure , mete .

မ် ချောက် ခြင်း ခြင်,frighten, threat

.en . , ,,

- ပင် က ၊မြောက် ခြင်, nise, lift up, ele

3. {

ခြင် ။ ဆောင်ခြင် lift, take up


carry, undertake.
adagio:@s, praise,applaud

h onazoc, take out or down, reach ,pul, ex


ပ်စပ် ခြင် ။ သီး ခြင်း၊ချိုပ် ယုပ် ဖြင့် ။ လွိုင် ။

ပ် ာင် ခြင်း ချုပ်ကိုင်ခြင်, secure,sex,
stitch,hush, suppress, confine, imprison,
make an agreement in writing ; hide.

၍ လွမ်းမြင် ။ အုပ် ခြင် ။ ဒိုး ခြင်, corer, over

spread, preside over.
, away,grow
odor no$@E, လို G €,pine ,
မျှ or
ချိုး ဖြင်။ရှုမြင်၊ န် ခြင် drawtogether,
contract, become narrow .
09120668, dissolve, rub out, erase, ex
punge .
ချော ချာ ခြeင်, aggravate, stir
capexCe ။a pocoap
up to ( revenge) .
ချော 63/2002@ EHOGE,intreat, teaze, flatter.
ချောက် ရသဖြင့် be dry, dry up.
ချောက် လှန် ခြင်။ချိန်း ခြင်,,frighten.
Cap& ZOGE18 °C , become loose,slack, not
cape: GzE@€, pry into, look (in a sly orcunning
. သူ မြင် ။ ဂန့်ခြင်း၊ ခြင် slip,erry mistake.
ရှိ 8CSOE
ရှိ ။12CCE,sivee
| t,pleasant,
, fresh..
Rice@ခြင်,, rub,, scour, anoint,wash,
, , bathe.

E, be broken .,

202@E, be deficient, defective, lost, ex

pended .
aj 2E, hedge, fence in, surround .
မြင် san ထွင်း €,penetrate, enter in,,
ဖောကs် @En goe:
trust in .

ခြင် ဆောင် ခြင်, reckon upon, fevolt, rebel.

ခြမ်း ` ခြင် ။ တံခြင်, divide, split in two parts.
ခြံ Qaf်ce
မည ခြင်, roar, thunder..
မြဲ ဖြင့် ခြင် ။ လှစ် ခြင်, be expanded, opened,
spread, open.
GS Reoခုတ်
rge ခြင်း, cut, hew .
ලල , ပြက် ခြေခံ ခြင်း ပြောင်ခြင်း ၊ စိတ် ခြင်. be
come hardened ,-stiff-necked, obstinate,
determinate , resolute.

000$ G $, feed,nourish (as a bird or child).

ofe $ &, fight (as cocks or rams).
2 : E1c9 € 8, separate,divide, sever.
လိပ်ခြင်း။ ညွတ်ခြင်, bend, twist, bow,

gather together.

ME, push (as a bull), propel.
@ 6: 0 €, divide, split,separate, skreen.

ချွတ် Go@ခြင်euz @ခြင်,E,undress,pull

, off or out..
ခွတ် qurae, be uncertain,dubious,err.

ဠုန် point, make a point.

ဇွန်း be pointed.

a1@ e, drop , falloff or down .

The whole number of roots with an initial a, -
mount to eighty -nine, viz . thirty with a simple a,
fort y--one with aj,seven with @, six with 2, and five
, ၉

obtain .
ရ ခြင်, be enough, sufficient,
ဝင် ဆွဲ ခြင်း ပိုင်း ငင့် ခြင်း ပိုင်း နှင့် ပြင်, receive,
pull, draw out, extract, spin.
ငတ် ဆာ မွတ် ခြင်, be hungry.

ငန်း လင့်ခြင်း ဆိုင် ခြင်း ရောင်ခြင်, wait for.

( small,

6620500 €, be elevated, rounded, retrovert


ed .

ços agjece u os @ ,dive, enter in, be buried.


ငို OCE, shut,close up, become contracted,

gathered together (as a bud ).
ု ၌ ငို or
ခြင်။ ခြင် ။ ကိုင် ညွှတ် ခြင်, bend,
bow , incline .
ငါ sa co @ €, project, stick out, protrude, be
in a continuous or extended line.

oclos ocasco @ E, daunt, speak authoritatively.

ရင် Cosen0305 @c,speak loudly.
င့် စောင် ခြင်း ဖြင့်။တိမ်ခြင် ။ ဖဲခြင်. be
inclined, leaning towards.
ငို ယို ခြင်, wWeep, cry.
ငိုက် ငိုက် ဆိုက် ခြင် ၊ ငိုက်မည်း ခြင်, nod, bebent
down at the top or end.
be salt, briny .

၄C cu: Enco @ ,destitute, give.

CECECE, hire, ask, bespeak,
take a loan .


စက် ည် ယှက် ခြင်း ။ ဟောက် ခြင် ။ ခြင်, Amell

( fishy or fleshy ).

Roots with an initial ç amount to nineteen , viz ."

those beginning with the simple character C, to six
teen , and those which begin with the compound C , to

အ စ
အ ဦး ဖြစ် ခြင်€,be the first,commence
စ 208:65 ,
begin any work, engage in an undertak
ing: :

Som ်ခြင်းEner@ ,sleep
အိပ်စက ငါဧ , liedowntosleep..
စက် နှိုင်း မြင်၊ စမ်း ခြင်း စပ် ခြင် ၊ ကူး ခြင်, weigh,

try; adhere to, hit, catch (as a disease.)

စင် စင် သန့်ရှင်း ခြင်း ။ စင် ကြယ် ခြင်, become
clean, be pure, unadulterated.
စစ် Oc@ @ €, question, investigate, make en
စစ် os 98,be true, genuine, correct , pure.
စည် ထွက် ခြင်E, fly off or away..
စည် များခြင်း။ ပြင် ။ ဝပြခြင်. be plentiful,
Jj 2
250 A P PENDIX .

စည်း နှောင်ဖွဲ့ခြင်း၊ စည်း ဝေ ခြင်, bind, tie, gather,

စတ် posa E,be hot, pungent .
စပ် ဟပ် ခြင်။ ပွား ခြင်။ ရှက် ခြင် ခြင်, join,
unite, bring into contact .

သပ် @ခြင်E, stroke, feel for, try, scek..

စားသောက် ခြင်, eat.
68@ nè:@€, divide, split,divide into
ဒိန် W6€,stream or ooze out..
စ စိမ်း ညို ခြင်, be green.
စိမ် fo @ , steep, bury under water, immerse
in water.

Empo :alwee, place together, or one

after another, in regular order or in aa di
rect line .

Ec@@€, flow , run in a stream , float



ပွား @ &uoja:68, increase, augment,en

large, extend .

နှင်း ခြင်, ride, be mounted upon.

ု å@E, collect, be gathered together,
QoS ပြတ် ခြင် become broken or rent..
ဧတံ စုတ် ပြင်, be wet.
ရန် Ga @ €, float, flow or glide down.

jose, suck, (asa child ), draw (asa pump

or plaister)
COLEGE1005@ e , collect, unite ( as two

things into one) double.

OSCE, form into a row or continuous line,,
lay out in order or in ranks.
ဝင်ခြင်, pierce, penetrate .
လွှတ် ခြင် send, send away.

စုန် ခြင်း ၇၄ ခြင် ။ စ ပတ် ခြင်, diffuse,

spread throughout or all over any sub
stance (as a perfume), mingle with .

GROUGEUCNMS €, unite, stick or ad
here to .
282 APPENDIX , .

60.1: €, be stingy, niggardly.

း Sos @ aume,cease,, leave off(asrain),) ,
come to a conclusion .
cocos 666 %, be high, steep.:
စောင့် စောင့် လင့် ခြင်း ဖြင့် wait for stay, watch ,
keep, preside over.
စောင်း ခြင်းပင်း ဖြင့်စင်င်းခြင်, be in

I!!!!! " clined, lèảiỉ O : one side, prevaricate..
ဖို့ 805: @ 1883: €, dwell at case, enjoy,
ပါ ) တိုင် ခြင် နိုင်ခြင်း ပြိုင် မြင်,compare.

စွgoတ်ffခြငee,် become wetted ,, moistened .

8 qosbe, suck, (as a child).
GUCE si nə:C , preside over, be great.

ရိုက် ပြီး ခြင်းချက် ခြင် ။ ခြင် plant, stick into.


RE: . & €;ride or drive fast, gallop.


ရှုံး msz&v @ ,receive, adhere, hang on,

remain in , continue, fix (as any thing

in the mind) .
က် လောင် ခြင်း၊ဆင့် ငြင် ။ ပြင် ။ ဖြည် ခြင်း pn
11 }

into, add, to repeat an act.


စွတ် ၊ စို ခြင်,be wet, moist.

gos 20 €, blame, find fault with.
စွန် $12:GEISOE,
ခြင်း ကိုင် be dear, scarce.

Oč,damage, spoil,impair.

ပြစ် ခြင်။ လွှတ် ခြင်။ ခြင်, giveup,desert,

reject, abandon , make an end.
The number of roots with an initial amount to
fifty-one, viz. those with an initial © , to forty-four,
and those withi an initial g, to seven ,
း ဖြင့်uponခန်ခြင်
တွေhit , consider, guess,, releet,
any thing in the mind.
2005 COSE®,
ကပ် unite to,give,
, , bestow.
ဆက် OSC
2005 စပ် ခြင်E 08:@ခြင€် 1 29 Gခြင်&,join,unite, bind.

20 € GECE, put into an orderly condition ,set in

order .

ဆင်း ဆင် သက် ခြင်, descend,elight.

ဆင့် တင်ခြင်း တပ် ခြင်, put or place upon.

ဆည် ကန်ခြင် ။ ဖြတ် ခြင်, cut acros,imple,

its regular course .
struct any thing in

ဆည်း ဆည်း ဆူ ခြင်း ဘူ ဇင်,treasure up,, board,,

lay up in store .

2005 agoslas, be brittle, frangible.

ဆတ် မြန် ခြင် ။လင်ခြင်, be quick.
ဆတ် co @ €, pay or give back, return a thing.

ဆန် COSCE,ascend, advance upwards.


ဆန် acosacó g &u69003 ?@ , be adverse,at

variance, opposite, not congenial.
ac renowac be variegated,

flowered .

Dom @. @EncE @E,draw out,extend , stretch .

ဆန် တော် မြင်။၁ န် ခြင် ။ ခြင် ,be sufficient ,
capable ( to hold, contain or receive any
thing) congruent.
ကယ်ခြင်း catch, take up or out.
&u Mule,
acar uzယူ ခြင်။
မွတ် ခြင်။IIငတ် ခြင်, be hungry..
သိတ် ဆိတ် ဖြင့်။ ဆိတ် ခြင် be silent, solitary
void , empty
ဆတ် 23 i molbe, pinch, pinch off,dig with
. the nails
V E R B AL ROOT S. 285

ဆန်၊၀r မှ မြန်ခြင် ။
10 be delicious,
ခြင် ။ ခြင်,
I '

pleasant, good to eat, sweet, rich.

ooreen male, stop, prevent,obstruct,

ဆုတ် ပြန်ခြင် ။ ချစ် ခြင်, turn about, draw back ,
retract .

ဆုတ် SEOsqSu que, lay hold, shut the fist,
ue eze..
ဆုတ် စဲခြင်။ ဖြတ် ခြင်, be torn , rent.
ကြံ ခြင် ။ ရတွေ့ ခြင် come together, meet.

ဆုံး or) ကုန် ခြင်း ပြီး ခြင်း ပြောက် ခြင်, be ended, ter
ဆမ်း ) minated, brought to a conclusion, obli
terated, become extinct.

8:GE 110 @ e, be fat, corpulent, oleagi

ဆူ gos@
ပွ , boiling water.
က်ခြင်း,bubble,, or boil,as
c @ r @ €, clean, wash , scour.
ဆုံး acces , abuse, reproach.
ခြင်, be rude, impu
ဆာ ကျွတ် ခြင် ။ caooogos @e
C ||

dent, brittle, frangible.

235 A P PENDIX .

cac20 % oseben OSEEGGE,build,erect,do,

perform .

caos& EASC E, hear, carry, possess, contain, sus

tain , receive .
ဆာ ၌ ဌင် ။ ဖော်ခြင်း ရိုက်ဖြင်. push, butt (as a
goat) stamp, impress, beat .

0005 4 :GE, hasten, quicken, stimulate, urge.
ဆ ပြင် ။ စပ်ခြင် connect, unite.

သို့ Green oogjox5bE, speak, utter, tell.


2 : 5 @El @SOE, be bad, evil, filthy, vile.


ဆို တာ ခြင်။ ခြင် ။ ဘ် ခြင် ။ သင် hinder,

il 1 .

prevent, stop, obstruct, stuff, cram .

က် ရက် ခြင်, come to, bring to, as a boat.
ဆိုင် RECE, agree, chime in with,fall in with,

coincide, compare.
နှင် &&GE, belong to.
ခင် ပြင် be suspended, slung, hung up.
င်း CGE,wait for,tarry for, or until.
ဘ 06 €, dig, p'erce , prick .
ငွေ RGS ။UWGE,, pluck,, gather.

ဆွန် sa @E,be dumb, crippled, maimed.

can coe,ခြင် rot,, decay.
ဆွဲ CEB &, draw , draw out,hang ,suspend.
All the Roots with an initial 20 , amount to fifty,
viz. those with aa simple 20 , to forty -five, and those

with 20, to five..

2005. Sillo E,be reduced to powder, pul
verized .

င်း ခဲ့ ခြင် ညင်းဆန်ခြင်, deny, refuse.

23€: GEQEnarises,be gentle,slow,soft,

pleasant.: 94
ညစ် ခြင်း တည်း ခြင်း ၊ညစ် ဆိုး ခြင်. be filthy,
..dirty;, mean. :2X!".
* (၂)
ညည်း ညည်းည့် တွင် ညည်း သွားခြင်း,grown, sigh,
sob .

မှ 2230G be fine, soft/delicate.

22 yo

အ ့် be interi
ညန် ၀r) ဟုတ်ခြင်း ၉။ပက်ညဖြင
or in
20. S beauty,,dull,, notfight, deficient, wanting.
Kk 2

ညပ် 046€, pinch, squeeze together, press

between two bodies.

ကျွေး S
ခြင်။ ခြင် ။ ဟစ် ခြင်, shout,
ll II

hollow .

ညား ညံ့ ဖြင် 11602.8, meet, comeinto contact.


ညိ တွယ်ခြင်း ရှက် , catch (( as a nail),, be

ozorca ၊1920%CE,
concealed, entangled .
( a-fire),, light,,
.: &, adhere to, catch (as

ညိတ် ပိတ် ခြင် စောင် ခြင်။ ငဲ့ ခြင်း။ မြင်, bein

clined, leaning, " refer, allude, shake or
nod the head .

BLos@ E, be still, quiet,calm.

ညမ်း , ည ချမ် ငြင်, be free from troubles or
anxieties, not be harrassed.
' ညီ တူ မြင် II -
ခြင်, be alike,, exact,, equal, re

ညီ ကျ ခြင်။ ခြင်း တောက်ပြန် ခြင်။ရိုင်ပင်း ခြင်,

help, assist, aid.
exac@c, ke restless, dissatisfied,unsettled,


ရာင် ရ ညောင် ခြင်း ရာင် ခြင်, be benumb

ed, cramped, listen , hearken .
20. or) woS2.50E, be inferior, deficient, want
ညန် ing
GE, be blue, sky-coloured, paleblue,

bear' malice, be re
ညှိုး .
မုန်း co:@
€,be ang ry ,
vengeful .
egos REC ၊ရိုင်EC6,be inclined,bowed down,,
ကိုင် E12

ညာ GOE, shew, point out.


ညင်း မြင်း on မြှင်း ခြင်းလုံး ခြင်,cut, lice, divide


into thin pieces .

ger oņos@ခြင်€. pressout, squeeze out. .

ခြင်။fromနှိပ်ပြ, ပြင်compr
သြပ် ကွပ်vered off,, be
cut off
,cut be clipt off,, se
ess between two bo

ccglo @ , loosen,let slack.

ညာ as@En 2002@ , release ( as part of a

debt), leave unfinished, behave kindly ,
softly , or gently towards a person .
် 8, become alike , be assimilated..


ဦး S @ & 1 o &os@ e, kindle, light, set fire

to .

28 27 Sl@ 02.05CE, smell fleshy


or fishy.
ရည် ခုံ ဇင်။ ည့် ယင်း နှင်, smell like burnt flesh .

သို့ 30E,bewithere
vel .
, d, fade, shrink up, shri
BZOS ca@ 8723232056 , become bowed round,,
inclined , curved , assimilated .
GGE, shew, poin: out. '
Post : ခြင် 9

The number of roots beginning with
to thirty-six, viz . twenty -two with
I !
an initial 2 ), two
with an initial 23 ten with an initiala ,
သော and two
with an initial
') ည္

လွမ် ပြင် ။၀ က် ရင် ။းပ ခြင်, re


member, recollect, be anxious for.

တက် ဆန်မြင့်။ II
ပြင်း ပွား ခြင်း ။ ခြင်, ascend,,
climb, increase , advance towards.
တင် ) ad & @ eu1 CCU CE,put upon ,place upon .

တင်း ကြပ် ခြင် ။ ပြင်း ခြင်, become tight , (as by

compression .)

တ င့် လျှောက်ပတ် ခြင် ။ တင် ဘယ် ငြင်, appear;

shine, be illustrious.

တစ် ခြင်,be tight.

တည် တင် ။ ဆောက်တည် ခြင်း၊ တည်ကျွေး ခြင်း
place, put, build, entertain .
တ , remain, continue.
တည်း တူ မြင်။ ဆင်ခြင်, le #lang up, hung up,
တည် ပြောင် ခြင်း ဖြင့် be straight, be in a di

rect line .

တတ် မ္ဘာ တွင်, know, learn, understand, be ac

quainted with .


GE, be fit,similar,
sufficient, congruous .

oof: 20 , be stretched or extended out in a

direct line .

တန် QS6 Eur.:CE,stand still, stop.

တယ် စွပ် ခြင်, fix, fix in.
တပ် စွန်း ခြင်း ။ မြင်
။ ငြင် ။ မက်မောခြင်ခြင်း, co
lour, die, tinge, adhere to, covet, lust
after, long for.

292 A P P END I X.

တမ်း 62 Enapoaca:CE,sound,produce sound, ။

weep , lament.
our gu @ E160000$ @ E, aim at, mark out, se
lect, make level with an object.
အသ မည့် တန်း ခြင် ။ မည် တန် ခြင် ။ အောက်
€, lament, bewail,weep, be dissatisfi

Owe, hang upon,cling to; be slung.

များ Core 128GE,
ခြင် impede, obstruct, prevent.
GOSOE, cut off a small bit.
ဝတ် 2os @ ę, be silent, quiet.
600.6E, be shallow.
wabe, be inclined, recumbent,bow.
တိမ် fos @ ell oss@e, terminate, come to an

end, be reduced to a few , become small

in quantity:
ရိုက် ခြင် sound, beat a drum, play upon an

တပ် OSCE, bend,draw the knees together.

VERBAL Roors. 299

ce sour
တုပ် RECENO @E. E,be fat, corpulent,
bulky .
တုတ် င် မြင်။ဖဲ ခြင်, bind, tie, tie in a bundle.
တုတ် Bar@e, break without severing the parts,
bend, double.

issats တုန် တု န့် ပြုတ် ခြင်, slake, tremble, quake.

တို့၌ လည်ခ ြင်&း ။ ပြန်ခြင်း တက် ခြင်,,become cur
ved or turned back, be dull, blunt, crook
ed, perverse ,
“မ့် or) ကြောက်ရွံ့ခြင်။ ဝပ် ကျမ် ပြင်, be afraid or in
0 ကြ

dread of.

GE16SE, be like, similar.


ရက်ဇင်။ ဆွင်, dig
COECE, also ospf, be straight, direct.
to an
somos ?, take notice, remark, observe.
6oooos ofG&uvl@ E, blaze, kindle,dazzle,shine
brilliantly .
n an

cocaos qu%C& s owagę, become intoxicating.

emetic, inebriating
294 A P P E N D IX.

တောင် အောင် ရမ်း ခြင်, beg, ask, intreat.

တောင် ထာ ခြင်း တွင် မြင် measure distance .
Gobę os: € 1 678160 G ,become stiff,un
pliant , inflexible .
9005 Cools @ El1OCCE, be enough , sufficient,

GocS 22-7 oz.CG E&,unite, bring into contact .
@ &u coz .

တို့ azos @ , be short, little, mean, not tall.


တိုး cg @ & uofes @ , push,shove, but.

ပွား Su @ 1?:
ys: @ , become more, increase,,
များ ခြင်
enlarge, advance .
&ထိ @&&OOS
ထို ဆိတ် ခြင်E,,touch, or dip the end of
a thing into any substance .
ကိုက် 20868, hit,touch, knock against.
ကြိုက် ထွင်း မြင် cause to enter, or drink .
တိုင် မြင်။တိုင်
။ ကြ ခြင်, remark, take no
tice of, observe.

နိုင် ရောက်ခြင်း၊ ဆုံး ခြင်း ဖြင်, arrive at, attain .


တိုင်း နှိုင်း ခြင်း ပြိုင်း ခြင်, compare.

ဆိုင် , hang upon,, be suspended..

က် တွက်ချက် ခြင်း ။ ၈ရောက် ခြင် ။ တွက်စစ် ခြင် ။

ozofan @E,add,enumerate, count, reck

on , investigate, judge.
တွက် ခံခြင်း ဖဲ ခြင်, shake oil
:! off.

တွင် တင် ကြယ်ခြင် ။ကြင်,

ရို့ cause to appear,
call, name, be chief.

og & :G €, shove, push, impel , pierce.

on si @En 35 @E ,become wrinkled, shrivell
ed, drawn up together.
ozar COE. MOS @ E, adhere to, stick on like a
II à

leech .

သွားခြင်း go,, creep , move upon .

COO & @ Evo3 @ , be stiffened , unpliant,
inflexible .

တွေ à:@ Ello @ €, be compact, unite, collect to

gether, conglomerate.
တ Socac @ En sopecora @ , ponder,consi
der, be doubtful, ambiguous, suspicious.
o @euAdele,
ခြင်၊ မ ကြုံ ပြင် meet, find,come
, in

Il 9
296 A P P E NDIY .

် DEEZE1510S @E, hang on, be suspended

to , adhere to .

The number of roots with an initial os amounts

to sixty -seven, viz. those with an initial co , to fifty
four, and those with an initial o , to thirteen .

EGE, arise,be erect, get up.
မြက်ခြင် ။ ခြင်, be sharp,keen.
ပေါ် 1 OEÇO: @ €, appear,, become con
ထင် 90% E,suppose, think.
တစ် 205CE, divide, chop; produce sound by
quick repetitions, as in stammering or
in a quick succession of short claps of

ထည် ခံ ဆောင် ခြင် ဖိုက်ထုတ်တ် ခြင်, hebe de

cent, modest , well-behaved , decent in
.. .. dress, also ironically, to be proud, haughty .
ဝင်း ညစ်ဖြင့်€, be filthy,dirty,
2006 , mean..
ထည့် စား ခြင်း ဆို ခြင်, put or place in

တတ် ၁ဝ SS: , exchange, barter.

ထန် WE: ပြင်, be abundant,, exces
E. CE:@E,
သား ခြင်း
sive .

ထပ် ဖြည် ခြင် ။ ဖြင့် ။ လောင်ခြင်း စွက်ခြင်း။

20 @@ €, place one upon aņother, re-add,
ဆင်း ရွက် ခြင်း ဆင်ခြင် ခြင်, carry, bear,

place upon the shoulder .

& CE,place, put upon ,put down.
8 ရောက်နိုင် ။ တွေ့ခြင်၊ ခိုက် ခြင် ။ ထိခိုက်
bę, touch, come into contact, strike
one thing against another.
& co.$cac@20%E, startle, be frightened.
ထန် oscos@S,keep back, keep secret, hide,
. !
conceal .

ပြောင် ခြင် ။ ဝင်ခြင် ။ ငြင်, be bright,


clear, brilliant, transparent.

ထိမ်း ၀ င် ခြင်။ ကြင်ကြင်,take care of ,protect,


ကြောက် ခြင်း လေး ခြင်။ လေဖြတ် ခြင်, fear,


care for, dread, stand in awe .

cc 30.010,70E, be single, solitary.

ရိုက် ပြင်။ တ်ခြင်းစင်, strile, hit,

pound , solve.

qos 2056 €ucnofcus @ , take out, extract,

pull out

ထုတ် peoposge, lead out,drive out, banish .

ထုပ် OS: Eng@ E, bundle, tie in a bundle .
တုန်း ) ဖွဲ ခြင် tie in a knot, make a knot.
on ့ G&, a a

ကြီး )
တို မွမ် E ။. OSGG
JOG E,,spread, scatter dust or
ကြံ ခြင်

powder, besmear, anoint.

GDJECE ,erect, set up.

09 9: &uca @ E,be thick, vast, abun

စကား န်ပြန် ပြင် answer by words or
sounds .

ajo:@EX 00:20.56 €, vary, differ in excel

lency, be extraordinary.

ထည် put or place in..

See oop5;
ောက်ခြင်း ။ ပေါ် ခြင် ။ ရိုက် ခြင်း လျှိုခြင်,

throw , cast, thrust through, ring or beat

as a bell .

သိုက် – ပြင် ။ တန် ခြင် ။ သင်မြင်။ ခြင် ။

Goodsc_056 €, be worthy, sufficient,
capable .
ထိုင် ထိုင်နေ ခြင်, sit, sit down. )
ထိုင်း လေး ငြင့်။ ဝင်။ပြင်း ပြင် ။ ခြင်, be dull,
blunt, stupid, idle, lazy.
လောက် ပြန် ခြင် ။ ပင့်မြင် ။ ခြင် ။ ခြင် ကန် ခြင်။
ကျ ခဲ့ ။ သိခြင်, assist, support, aid, prop.
600705 29?@& n039?@E, be considerate, res

pect, regard.
ထူ , mount, raise up, erect,, set up..
ထောင်€ @a,
ဘင်း ထုခြင်း, beat, pound.
သင့် ဖွက် ခြင် ။ငှက် ခြင်။ ကွယ် ခြင်. lide, secret,
conceal .

ထွက် သွား ခြင် ။ယို ခြင်, gog0 or come, depart, issue

300 A P PENDIX .

ကင် ရှင်ခြင် ၁ဟ် သင်ခြင်, prune, dress, put in

order, prick, pierce.
တွင်း လျှက်ဖြင့် ဖောက် ခြင် , excavate, hollow

zos @En ops:@c,become tender, delicate, full,


ဦး 20 @E,kindle,, light,, burn..

မူ ် ။ တ် ခြင်, become tender, delicate ,
full, plump, sleek.
00 ÖGE. 68:68; swell up or out, be bloat
ed, swollen .

တွေ ocą, be different, vary, become extraor

qosEn GOSGE,mix, jumble together.
၇ န် ခြင်း မပြင်, spit, throw out.
The number of roots beginning with co, amount
to fifty, viz . roots beginning with the simple , are
forty, and roots beginning with ပ
o are ten .
ခုက် စောက်ခုတ်ခြင် ။ ငှက် ခဲ့ ခြင်။ ရှိုင်ခြင်, be
deep, profound. /

နက် G08: €, be black.

ဆို @ခြင် n @E,choke,
, , stick
in the throat

နှင်း por @cuz San&: @E, trampleupon,, tread

under foot, set the foot upon , ride upon,
be exalted over.

နှစ် Qo56 &, be immersed, overwhelmed , bu

ried, drowned .

နှစ် ပြန်ခြင်
GAGE u လှန်
goʻ @ e, ,
return,become reflexed.
23S:ors: cod.?@&,decrease, Þe few , be little, small.
Cuques@ c, tremble,tatter
33.ညိန်shake , ,,quake,

ခုပ် ကက် ခြင် ။ အကျိုးရှိ ခြင်E, be concocted ,

dressed (as food ,) be mature ,

နမ်း GE ! @ , smell,receivescent, kiss,

ల ဆုတ် ရင် ။ နှိုပ် ခြင် ။ ခြင် ။ ရာတွ
စ င် I

squeeze, bruise, rub, bear upon, knead,

mix, unite together.

ရော ် ခြင်။ ပုတ် ခြင်။ ဟောင်ခြင် stink, smell
502 A P P E N D I X.

နာ ယူခြင်း မှတ်မြင်။ နားထောင်

: ခြင်, hear , lis.
ten, hearken , attend to,

နာ CECE , be diseased, be in pain, be sick .

နား opg&u qu @ e, stop, halt, alight,perch.
ခြင် ။ ပြင် ခြင် ။ ဝပ်ခြင်။ ရှိုး ခြင်, be pres
sed, become compressed, deficient, want
ing, not have attained to, unequal .
၌ of Eu @CE, be lowered, shortened, les
sened, become low in stature,

မှုန် ခြင်း၊ ခြင်, be red.

စပ် ခြင် ။ ကပ် ခြင်။ ခြင် ။ ရှည် ခြင်, be
near, approach near.

zos 47@ E! CECE, pluck out, extract.


နှုပ် COGE11600.CS, be small, be little.


” be weak, destitute offirmness.

ထွက် ခြင်း သိမြင်။ ည့် ငြင်, be ten
der, delicate, young, unripe, immature.
•GE, be diseased with the leprosy.
2056 &u mojosos, be soft, reduced to
pulp, ripe, mellow .

ခု GOOSuင် 27381 &&& , continue, stay,
remain, sit.
be sich
See 2.S: 4 COGE, be few .
GoG &ico:@E, become soft, pulpy.
ယိမ်ပြင် ။ ရိုင်ခြင်။လှုပ် ခြင်, be unstedlast,,

not firm .

enedbe နောက် ခြင်း ကြံ ခြင်, be foul, impure, thick,

muddy, not transparent.
နှိုး 8 ခြင်
-:CE, awake,wake.
78: € DECထင်မြင်E, hope,, expect, think,,

င် 4293€ ZE11QEQE,
။ conquer,, overcome,
possess .

နှိုင်း တိုင် ခြင် ။ ဆ ခြင်း နိုင် ခြင် measure, mete ,

compare, try.
O @ E, be warm, lukewarm .
be tel

mature GEGE, bend, incline, bow down, be

flexible, recumbent.

redbe ဇမ် ညှိုးနွမ်ခြင်။ ယိ ခြင်း နွမ်းနယ် ခြင်း၊ နွယ်

6 €,
ခြင်, be withered, shrivelled, shrunk up
Mm 2

( as a flower ), also, become crumbling,

rotten .

వీలు ရှက် ခြင် ။ ကူး ခြင်, creep, twine round (as a


plant )
soslow.@ , become flexible, be pleasant, mel
နက် 2050E, beat, drive down, cause to des
cend, strike, hit, crăm down.
နှင် ထုတ် ခြင် ။ ရောင် ခြင် go, depart, send
away, drive away.
နှင်း အပ်နှင်းခြင် ။ အပ် ပေးခြင်း ဆောက်နှင်းခြင်
give, bestow, deliver over.

မှု ၏ GosGE မွန် ခြင် be immersed, buried,,

ခြင် . 09GE,
overwhelmed, drowned.
နှုတ် ခြင်း s:&, soften,, make flexible, be pliant,, mel


နှုန်း ရူး ခြင်း သွပ် ခြင်, be silly, foolish .


ရှန် or ; န် ခြင်း တွင် ခြင်။ ပြန် ခြင်, spread,


diffuse, (as perfume or scent), disperse.


SOSCE co.:@€, commit,deliver over or


sos ¿ S@ €,compress,press down, cram in.



28 Şcoje, become diminutive,be low


( in stature,) low, humble.

ခြင် ။ ဂွားခြင်
ခင်spread ။ ကာ တွင် ။ လွမ်း ခြင်

out, spread in folds, introduce

the folds of cloth,, paper, or any other
substance between two objects.

နှုတ် ငင် ခြင်း ၊ ပျို့ ခြင်း ထုတ် ခြင် ။ ဖော် ခြင် pull
out, draw out.

မြန် တွင် ခြင်းနှိုင် ခြင် ။နိုင်ခြင်း ပြိုင် ခြင် ။ ခြင်


measure, compare, try.

ဖည် ခွဲ ခြင်း ပြင် ခြင် ခြင်, bedull,elug
gish, not expeditious, inactive.
နဲ့ လှုတ် ရှား ခြင်း cause to shake, tremble,
co @ , mix, mingle.
stir up, agitate.
မြှောက် ခြင်, stir
ခွင့် ရော troublesome, ခြင်း ရှောင်ရှက် ခြင်, be rule
င့် ခြင်း နှောင် tiresome.
ogs Goog.E@Eug& u, tie, bind, make fast.

နှိုး CaosCE, rouse, urge, stimulate, cause to



စွမ် ခြင်။ စွမ် နှိုင် ခြင် ။ တတ် နှိုင် ခြင်, be able

capable .
နှိုင်း ပြိုင် ခြင် ။ ခင် ခြင် ။ နိုင် ခြင် ။ မှိုင် ခြင် mea

sure, compare, estimate (as the difference

between two objects.)
နာ ခြင်း13 OS"။ €€, peel,take off, se
parate from.

ခြင်း၊, ဠင်ခြင်။
ခွာ from take off.
ခွာခြင်, peel, separate
8 ဖ င့် ခွဲ ခြင်း ဖင်ခြင် ၊ ခွဲငင်ခြင်.tarry, loiter,

delay, put off, defer, procrastinate.

ယိမ် SE, loll, lean against,, bein

clined or recumbent.

The whole number of roots with an initial

mount to sixty - five, viz. roots with an initial simple
9, to thirty -four; roots beginning with the compound
g, to four ; roots beginning with the compound g.
to twenty-three, and roots beginning with the com
pound 3, to four..
လင် ခြင် ။ တုန် ခြင်. ။ ထွန် ပြင်, light, shine,

enlighten, dazzle.

ပယ် ခြင် ရှား ခြင် ။ ကုန် ခြင်း မရှိ ခြင်, be res

jected, void, empty .
ပက် ပစ် ခြင် ။ ကဒ် ခြင်, throw, squirt, sprinkle }
water, beat in as rain drives into a house,
throw up or out as a hog does with his
snout .

ပင်ပန်း ခြင်။ မာ ခြင်, be fatigued, haras

sed, exhausted.

ကြ ခြင်း ပန် ခြင်း ။ ထက် ပန်း or ပင်ခြင်

assist, help

ပင့် . ခေါ် ခြင် ။ ပင် ဆောင် ပြင်, call,tell, command.

ပစ် စွန် ခြင်း နာခြင် ။ပယ် ခြင်, throw, easta
way, discharge, shoot (as from a gun
or bow. )
ပတ် 206 €, surround,twist round, twine round,

ပတ် Soo $ &, crack, open as a crackin wood,

ပန် 20E CE 1 & @ , flower, decorate, a
dorn , array.

ခြင် ။ အ ခွင့် ပန် ခြင်း တော င့် ပန် ခြင် ။ ပန်


@r:Gallos@ , tell, speak, ask,

beg,, implore, hear,, attend..
og gaogallofofigခြင်&,, be weary,, be exhausted,,
pant, be out of breath .
ပြည် ဘက် န် ခြင်း ဘက်ပင့် ခြင် ။ ကူ ခြင်။ သိ
' ထာ

င် SOGE«QEZE, help, assist, aid.

ပယ် ပစ်ခြင် း၊ စွန် ခြင်။ရှား ခြင် ။ တန်းခြင်, put a •

way, reject, refuse, shun, set aside .

ပါ ရှိ ခြင် ။ အ ဘူ ခြင် ။ ဘ က ရှိ ခြင် ၊ ပါဝင် ခြင်,
be, get, obtain , have or bring with , ac
company,, follow , carry with .
ပါ W &OI:€ 1 93: 8, approach, draw near,,
recede , retreat .
ပါး လွှား ခြင်။ ခြင်, be thin (like paper, be
thinly set,) be fine ( as cloth .)
012: Enalo @E,become flattened, pres
sed together, compressed , be thin (like
paper. )
ပိတ် ပိတ်ပင် ခြင် ။ ဆီးခြင်။ တား ခြင်း၊ ကားခြင်။

ကွယ် ခြင်E,, shut, shut up,, closeup,

ဆို& G&:070-
stop, prevent, impede, intervene, ob
struct .

CGE u ခြင်,
998, pine, consume away, grow
thin , fall away in flesh .

ပိန်း :GE, be thick (either iu substance or

number ), crowded .
ပုတ် : တူ ဖြင်း သုံး ခြင်, be putrid, rotten, stale:

ပုတ် ရိုက် ခြင် ။ တ် ခြင်း ၊နှက် ပြင်, beat, strike

bruise, slap, beat upon .

ဒွက် ။ ရှောင် ခြင်း တိန် ခြင်း ကွယ်ခြင်း လျှိုး

€,hide, make secret, conceal.
p @ & accome, gather, collect together,

ပုံ ကြွခြင်း riseup into a heap ,,swell up or col.

lect together so as to assume the form of
a bag
- ခွေး ခြင်း ။ လောင် ခြင် ။ ပန် ခြင် ပ။ြုပြင် be
warm , hot, lukewarm , heat, be anxious,
be jealous.
စိုင်။ စု ခြင် ။ ကပ် ခြင် ။ ဖက် ခြင်း ရှည်

CEn 09တုံး :Gė, be - united,, collected,

brought into contact, become compact.

ပေ ပိတ်ခြင်း တုန်း ခြင်,, be turned up , broken ,

dull, blunt ( as the edge of a knife.)
ဂမ် ခြင်း၊ စွန်မြင်။

ခြင်, give, give a
wa , best .
ပြီး MR @.
မြင် ။ g€,break,, snap offor in two,
fall on one side .

oj 8, be many, plentiful, abảndant.

ပေါ့ a Eucer: €,belight,of little value,
ပေါက် တွင်းဖြင့် ။ စုတ် ခြင်း ၂။ {ပြတ် ရင် ။ စ ရောက် ခြင်,
pierce, penetrate through, pass or tear
through, ooze, run out, shoot out (as
60€ En183°CE, mortgage, barter, give
in lieu of.

ပေါင်း စု ပြင် ။ GE,, colleet, unite together, as

semble .'

ပေါ် က COS ခြင်း COCခြင်

ထွက်CEU OE,come to light, appear,.
swim above , float.
OOC @ €, add one thing upon another.
မြင့်.။ ရွက် ခြင်, beinz carry, carry

ပိုက် - ဖက် ခြင် ။ရုပ်, embrace, fold, hug.

ဖို့ အစိုးရ ခြင် ။ ဆိုင် ငြင်, belong, pertain to;
reign over, have an undisputedclaim to.
ပိုင်း ရုတ် တွင် မြတ် ခြင်, divide, cut in pieces,

sever , quarter, halve .

၁ မိ ခြင် ခဲ့ခြင်း ပျောင်းခြင်။ ၎င်။ ငြင်,

!! #

be soft, tender, pulpy, pliable, flexible,

mellow, delicate .
ရောက် ခြင် ၊ မြောက်ပျက် ခြင် ။ ထိန် ရှောင် ခြင်
become lost, disappear, be obliterated.
cuf &: &, beflexible, pliable, flabby.
, be satisfied,, be at ease or
rest, be content, be reconciled.
8 ပျက်ခြင် ။ ပြက်စီခြင်, breal, cone to cles
truction, perish .
8 စိုက်ခြင်, set, plant.
oses cose: Eus@
cosme,be spoiled, destroya
ed, brought to destruction , made unfit
for use, broken , be ruined .

ပြ 2014 C ,shew, point out:":)? }


ပြက် ထင်မြင်။ ထပ်ခြင်း လောင် မြင်။စွက် C.၈p

pear, be conspicuous, add to, pour upon.

ပြင် ဆင်ခြင် ခြင် ။ ပြင် ဆင်ခြင်, repair, prepare ,

make ready, dress, array, decorate , put
in order

ပြင်း 08 €:Genoz@ e, be idle, lazy, negligent.

ပြင်း ထန်ပြင် ။ မြန်း လင် ခြင်, be quick, becomeim

petuous , severe, violent.

Os à G &,be soft, thick, pulpy, be of a thick
consistence, be mucilaginous.
ပြည့် စုံခြင်း။ ဝ ခြင်း ပြည့်ပြင်။“ခြင် x ၂ K

be full, replete, satisfied, be fulfilled .

Cof: Em CE become emptied, be

void, destitute .
ပြည် 6/7: @ ę, be numerous,plentiful, abundant,
စု @ E, sever, cut in two, part or break a
Cos Pos
sunder, cause to be, leave off.
ပြန် chose . OFCE, turn, return, ręcede.
go back, answer .
ပြန် C း ခြင်း ပြန်ပြော ခြင်းများ ဖြင်။ ကြယ်
be, multiply, increase, also divide.
scatter, be diffuse.

ြပ် OSCE.CO ?, be prostrate, recumbent,


fall on the face as a mark of reverence,,


" ပြယ် ` ပျောက် ခြင် ။ S@e,, be finished,brought

to a conclusion, decrease, become little
or few .

ပြီး n :cen OSCE, break, disperse, scatter.

ပြ OCE, fly, soar away.,
လွင့်ခြင် ။ ငြင်, sift.
WOGO €,be blue,sky , colour.
ပြီး ခြင် ။ နေခြင်း ဆုံးခြင်. be finished, be

accomplished , done, ended, compleated.

ထုတ် ခြင်း အောင်မြင် ရင် ခြင်, lo, perform,

ပြက် လုံး asခြင်းthe။ |cockက် ခြင် be dislocated, fly back

of a gun, be disjointed.
ပြုပ် aletleခြင&်, boil, seeth, decoct..
ပြီး or ပျက်ခြင်း ပြုပြင် ။ ကျန် ခြင်, exhaust,
60 :

wear away, become extinct, finish, be

come empty, void, or loose.
ပြီး JUCE, blush, smile, change countenance.
Y @ e,rise or swell up as the mouth
o နှင့်Euဖြင့်
does in the act of speaking or smiling,
remain speechless , be dumb.

9 ၁၉င် ။ GGOE, acquiesce,, bea

come reconciled, agreeable to, satisfied
with .

လင် ပြန် ခြင်
လွှား ခြင်း။။ လျင်မြန် ခြင်, run, fly or run away .
get away
ပြေ ခြင် ။ မြင် ။ ကြယ် မြင်, increase , be
plentiful , abundant, be enlarged.
- ခြင် ၊ မြင်း လျှောက် ခြင်
tell, speak, hear.
စက် က်
ကွက် ခြင်း ၊ က
ဖြင်., be in a circular or ser
pentine form , spotted.
ပြောင် ခြင် ခြင်း ခွာ ခြင် ။ သွား ခြင်, change
exchange, return, leave, be removed.

Goc a GE08 @ , shine, be brilliant, be


ပြောင်း စိတ်မာနိုင် ။ ပြင်။ 9
ခြင်, be
hardened , determinate, resolute, invea
terate, stiff-necked, obstinate.

ပြောင်း မြင် မြင် ။ ခွဲ ဖြင်. be fiabby, flexible

tender , pliable.

GS Goodslee, be satisfied, casy, content,

gratified, enjoy.

8 OjosCau
ပျက်ခ ြင်း CE, fall in or down, fall to
pieces, come to destruction .

adee ခြင်, mature,, arrive at a

နူခဲ့ ခြင် ။"LeSoe,be
state of maturity , not be old.
sac@ E, be sick, be inclined to vomit.


8o:@Elloc:GE, increase,beabundant,
be plentiful, multiply.
ပြိုင် ပိုင်ရှက် ခြင် ။ တိုင် ခြင် နိုင် ခြင်။ ဆိုင် ခြင်း
RECE,။ SEGE, compare,, measure,,
make a comparison .
GOErg @ E,, rise, swell up like a bag, or
like the mouth before a person speaks or

ပွက် ဆူ ခြင် ။ လှိုက် ခြင်, skip, jump about like

fishes in the water, bubble like boiling

ပွ င့် ကား ခြင်, open, expand

ပွတဲ့ ပွက် တိုက် ခြင် ။ သပ် ခြင်, smooth, polish,
rub in order to polish, cleanse by sifting;
ပွင့် ရှုံးခြင်,
0 :0 wear, wearaway. become extraust,

ed .

@uce , become wide, slack.

316 APPENDix .

စွာ 02:68, increase, enlarge, accumulate.

ဒီ beat, carry (as in the arms
ပိုက် ခြင် ။ငြင်,

or Jap .)
ြ က် က် မြှောက် ခြင်, utter
for 6900En cg- @ a, intermix, mix together.
Roots with an initial amount to ninety-nine, viz.
roots with the simple , to forty -two, with Of,to seven,,
with G, to forty, with o , fo eight, and with (@,to tiró .
လင် လယ် မြင် ။ ဆပ် ခြင်။ လယ် ပြင်, bar
ter, exchange.
ဖက် ပိုက် ခြင်း ။ ပ ခြင်။ဖက် ယမ် ခြင်း။' လိင် ခြင်
embrace, hug , fold in the arms, be toge
ther, be in company with.
နှင့် ဖင် စား ခြင်း ဖြစ် ။ လေး ခြင်, delay, loi

ter, be dilatory, procrastinate , be dull,

heavy ..
oof: www7@ E, be pleasant, sweet, melodious
( applied both to sounds and actions).
ဇတ် gos €, read, peruse.
န် ဆင်ခြင် ။ ရင်ပြင် ။။ ပြုခြင်း puton orof as
sume a different form , differ, form , cre «

ate , make ,

ဖန် ခါး မြင်, be acrid. 1

nthe ဖ uz@En ECE, catch, take hold of.

ဖယ် ခြင် ။ ခြင် ။ ဖောင်းခြင် ။ မှု ခြင်, put
away, put aside, renounce, be indirect,
(); move or go aside.

ထား ခြင် ၊ ကျပ်ပြင် ။ခြင်, patch, mend,,
repair a rent or crack.
ရှည် ခြင်း ရည် ခြင် ။ သီ ၊ ၀ခြင် expand ,
throw loosely about, hang in a flowing

OSCE,1498: ,place upon , bear upon,


be upon, crush , squeeze together.

တ် ပင်ဖြင် ခေါ် ခြင်, cally invite.
ဟိုင် ။ စည် ပြင်, ၀ze, stream out.

ဖု 200 G &,become prominent like a knob or



တော် Qos68, roast, šinge,burn in the fire.
tian ဖုမ်or
up: overspread.
ချင် cover, spread, shut
အုပ် ခြင်။ လွမ်း ခြင်၊ ဖိ,
onors ခြင် ခြင် ။ ပြင် ပြင်, meet, come in
contact, see .

@ : 03€ C8, bud, sprout, form a bud

or sprouto
cocco&,swell,the act of swelling or ris
ing up into a tumor.

ကြည် ခြင်။ မြင် ။ ပြင်, cast away,

reject, slun, be separate, part from ,
sever .

စုတ် ခြင် ။ မြင်စ ပိတ် ခြင် ၊ ဗြိမ် ခြင်, break

off, tear off, scale off, break to pieces.
OG EGE;be swollen, enlarged.
နှောင်င် ကဲ့ ခြင်, rine up, Nwell rn
ထားlikeခြင်။မြင်။ op
a a blister or hollow bag.

cnobloc u 200GE, raise out, extract,

bring to light.
လောင် ခြင် ။ ထပ်ငြင်, throw into or upon,,

add to (any thing).

ဖက်က် ဖျက်ဆီးခြင်း က် က် ြင် destroy,ruin,
crase, expunge, scratch out, obliterate.
များ ၊ 929 €, be in a fever.
ာက် က် ပြင်။ ကုပ် ခြင်း, scratch.
ဖွံ ခြင် ။တတ်မြင်။ မောက် ခြင်, Swell up, be

raised or elevated above the usual sur.

face ; be convex .

ဖြင့် 23.CEnoge,
become empty, void, pos
sessing no consistence.
ဖြစ် တည် ခြင်း ရောက် ခြင် ပေါက်ခြင်, Me, exist)
spring up or out of,
ဖြည့် လောင် ခြင် ။စက် ဖြင်. be super-added, re-adu,
heap upon .

GS RECEaços & divide,, sever, cut in


ပြန် @rige: 93.86 , disperse, scatter, ex

pand , extend,
ဖြမ်း ဆွတ် ခြင်,sprinkle,scatter water.
၆ ရှင်ခြင် ။ သုတ်သင် ခြင် comb, cleanse.
OGO ,be white.
GE ဖြန်
0.0ခြင်။ @
, spread, sprinkle, scatter
as salt or pepper is scattered.
6:GE, be gentle, slow ,not quick.

-ngo & Go5 @ , be straight, upright.


ဖျက်ခြင်း၊ ရှင် တုတ် ဖြင့် ရှင်ပြုပြင်, destroy

, drive away , banish ,
ငြင် ငြင် please adid.
0 g)
920 APPENDix.

ဖွက် စုံ မြင်။ ဝက် ခြင်း၊ ကိုယ် ခြင် ။ ထောင်

hide, secrete, conceal.


po@ au SG &, be opened,expanded.


gos@E COOYECE, beat, pound rice.

ဖြိုးခြင်း ကြီး ခြင်။ သ င် ၊ ဖြင်. be
full , large, great, flourishing , strong ,
swollen, bloated .
စွာ ms:@@ x64 :CE, open orramifyinto ma

ny fibres, become brushy, be numerous.


nu:@En @ 12:@ €, open or ramify, become

brushy, be numerous .
ca Gé,bear, bring forth.
se @E, seek, look after, make search into
or for.

နှာ င်။ ခြသခြင်။ တုပ် ပ် ။ “ ည်း ပြင်။


ဟိုင် ခြင်း နိုင်ခြင်း တွင် ပင် ခြင်း


& @@cu ope?CE, tie, bind, unite,


bundle ; hang, swing, consent, unite to

gether in the performance of any work
as two friends may do ; unite or string
together, as sentences or arguments, are
strung together.
VERBAL ROOT $ . $ 21

All the Roots beginning with w amount to fiftya

two, viz with us , to twenty -six ; with de to four .; with
C, to thirteen, and with to nine .

မ ခြင် ။ ဘက် မ ခြင် ကျ မ ခြင် ။ ကယ် မ

@Einac ကုမ a, help,, assist,,recover,, de
liver, cure ; promote recovery
မက် မိတ် မက် ခြင်, drean,
မက် လိုမြင် ။ မြင် ။ မက် မာ ခြင်, de
sire, lust, be avaricious.
မင် DEGEN OLSE, love, be pleased ,delighted.
မည် sarts@ ?, sound, produce sound.
မည် မည် တမ်းခြင်း သ မြင်၊မည် န် ခြင်း တောက်
2:CE, weep, lament, bewail,be dissatis,
fied .

pe:cròqo'GE, be black, dark.

မတ်. ောင် မြင် ။ စော မြင်, be upright, erect,
တောင်။ ၎င်ခြင် ကြမ်းပြင် ။ ကော် ခြင်,

be hard , stedfast, coarse, difficult, heal

thy, strong
00 A P P END I Xa

2 @EHP 8, reach, find, obtain, arrive

at, acquire.
8$ a&@deliver
& in gosspeech
@ & 1605@ e, speak, utter,
a ,
ထိ ။ ဖြင့် ။ ကပ် ခြင်, reach, ind,
ခြင် I

touch ,

မှ GEGEGE, dislike, hate, bear malice, cone

temn .

ရစ် ခြင်း ၊ လှိုင် မြင် ။ ၀ ငြင်း တွေဝေခြင်. bo

intoxicated, giddy, swoon away .
ACE i njęloe,this root has in general
the signification of the preceding one ; it
varies, however, according to the meana
ing of the verb preceding it in the sen
tence, whether it be expressed or notą
This root seldom occurs, except it be
the last in the sentence constructed with
the gerund of the verb which precedes it.
မြန် ခြင် ။ ခြင် လယ်မြင်။ မေး စမ်
ခြင်း ရောင်း( ခြင်, asy enquire into
or about, investigate.
လေ့ မြင်။ ၂၀
သrecollection. င် forget, lose

ပင်ပန်ခြင် ။ ပန် ပင် ခြင်, be fatigued, tired,

ဓမ္မာ စောင့်
oca ခြင်း ၊ လှန် ခြင်း မ ခံ ခြင်, look mp, turn
up the eye, or be in the act of looking
upwards, project in a horizontal direc

မောက် မိုင်
00385 8.။ G :GE, be convex, elevated in the
centre, be reverted .

Gone: BEGEH46 2€:d: @ 8, drive away, frighten..

ခြင် မောင်း
- ဆောupင့်theခြင်။faceလှန်asခြင်း ဖြင်. lookup,tura
in the act of looking up
wards, project in a horizontal direction.
0602E, be elevated, raised in the centre,

become conspicuous, be reverted.

S @ E, cover, overspread, thatch.
ht //

ကဲခြင် မပြတ် ခြင် ၊ လွန် ခြင်း ကြီးပြင် ။
O: , exalted, be noble,,
, be great,be
excel, surpass..

we သမ်း euadaş@ E, be dull, be destitute


of brilliancy, dejected .
မိုက် အ လင် မ ခြင် မောင် become dark, be

မည့် မှတ် ဖြင်. name, call..


$ 2$ eacolarG &19 €68,beripe, mellow , ma

ture .

pos. josboz.CS, noie down, observe, consi

der, remark .

မှန် မှန်ခြင် ၊ မ ပွား ခြင်။ မက် ခြင်, be true


exact, right.

ခွာ $ & c5@cigocor:@ &,tell,inform ,order,

commission, command.
co:QEu zjosupe:@e,be wrong, mistake,,


မှိတ် €, shiut, wink with the eyes, twinkle .


မှိန် GECE, be lost or absorpt in thought; be

inattentive to external objects.

မှီ & Gencremos @ e,reach, find, touch,

attain to, come up to or with, overtake ,
905 လွှတ်s @eu။ COSE, blow with the mouth..

onduce@ou cleu 20%CE, pulverize, re

to powder.

Gazos@E, be covered, entangled, bez

emeared, soiled.

turn over, be convex .

ရောက် မှောက် လှန် ခြင်
နှောင် အ လင် ခြင် ခြင် ခြင်, be dark, disk.

QE TOE, မ် be lost or absorbed in thought.


မှိုင်း အ လင် ခြင် ။ မှောင် ခြင်။ခြင်, be dark,

dusk .

မျက် fojosE, be angry,wroth, insensed.
မျက် 268, stick as a bone in the throat..
opps SojasGE,nap, take a short nap..
ST@ EH POS@ , swim, float,float down,a
stream ,

များ COICE, be many, abundant,plentiful.

ညီ be alike,, resemble.
တူ ခြင်။ မြင်,

divide among distribute.

ဝေ ခြင် ။ ၀ ခြင်, divide
( £

များ 09:00E @Enzfor :CE, deceive, allure,

approve , agree to , consent ,
caj ? gofga,be loosed, slip away, get loose as
a boat from its moorings.
မျှ- ကြည် ခြင် ရ ခြင် ။ နှိုး ခြင်း ၊ငြင် ငြင်, look up,,
look forward with astonishment,anxiety,
hope, or expectation .

ပြ 2006CE1 CGE, become sharp, be keen

either as the edge of a knife, or as cold .
မြက် တက် ။ ၀ က် မျက် ခြင်, becomesharp,be
keen .

မြင် ထင် မြင်, see , appear.

ဖြင့် မြောက် ခြင်။ လွန် ခြင်. be distant in height or

မြစ် ထားခြင်း အား ဖြင်။ ကန် ခြင်, stop, prevent,

obstruct, impede.
Cos 20 be excellent, noble, illus
yo genaaĝa,

trious, great ; excel, surpass in that which

is good .

မှ JEG8, be quick , swift.

ပြန် တန်န် ။ လိမ် ခြင်၊။ ပြန် မြင,် twist,, curl,
bend, shrivel up.
ပြန် ခြ ။ စင်, rule, reign, enjoy.
မြန် RESCE1156:@e,enquire, ask, make search
into .

ş . O zosca, relish,enjoy, be agrecable to

the taste, be wholesome, delicious.
@s 206 €, be overwhelmed, covered, immersed,
buried, suffocated.

rip, bet မြို့ ကင်း ခြင်း ဆိတ်ခြင်, be empty, roid, desti

၂ 0;
tute, deficient.

mesia ခြင် chew, masticate..

01: @e,

odclosbe nodbor @ e, be glad," re


ကား မြေ SantoGas,decay, rot, moulder away..

စပ်ဖြင်။ မည်း ခြင် taste.
REZE,be strong, effectual,substantial,of
long continuance, lasting, to establish.
က် သာ ခြင်။ လွန် ခြင်း များခြင်း ခြင်း၊ တက်
GE06G30508, exalt, promote,lift
up, raise, cause to surpass, exceed, re

မြိုက် GOJEG@€&,singe, scorch,burn slightly.
မြှောက် ပင့် ခြင်။ မြှောက်စားခြင်, lift up, raise, exalt,
promote, be raised to any state of promo
tion ,

မြှင့် 6768nå © &, raise, heighten,increase,

promote , exalt .
Gusso @supe,be buried, drowned,im
mersed .
2 p

ပြု ယာ ခြင် ။ ယ် ပြင်, allure, please,

delight, enchant .
6.7056a, be entangled , interwoven
either as a web or caught in a web .

ကျ ခြင်၊ ညက် ခြင် ။ ခြင်, reduce
powder, pulverize , crumble .

မွတ် ငတ် ခြင်, be hungry.

gelina $ 50GS, be immersed , suffocated, buried,
overwhelmed .

မွမ် လိမ် ကြန်$@ Euge@e,

EXC မွန ် ,
dress , array }

82:GE, beget,bring forth.

စား မြင် ။ သွေး ကျွေး ခြင်, feed , nourish ,

cherish , train up.

2 Odbe, sleep, fie down.
9 2206ဖြင်&,be soft,delicate, easy.

CASCENOGS, be small; atom -like.

Soos @ E, stir up mud,agitate.
REG &, smell, perfume, diffuse fragrance.


The number of roots with an initial is eighty

nine, viz . roots with a simple initial O , amount to
twenty -seven ; with an initial @, to sixteen ; with of
to five ; with မျှ to five ; with @, to twenty ; with G.
to five'; with 8, to eight, and with @, to three.
ယည် က မြင်။ ရှင်ခြင်း ။ ၄ ယ် ကင်, become
L ' ' tame,be broken in ,well bred, trained,
polished, affable, sociable in manner
and conduct, also handsome, beautiful.
ပန် ခြင် be,be wet; soft, moist, soaked.
ယပ် asCE,fan, or cool by fanning.
ယား ယားယံ ခြင်, itch.
ယို ခြင် ။ ခြင်၊ ခြင် ။I ခြင်, be de
cayed, rotten, be in a crumbling state.
coș REGE
ရိုင် ခြင် န်ခြင်,, be inclined, hang over,
an on
Telean on one side.
ယုတ် ofG€uş% €,be vile, bad, ignorant,de
ficient in understanding or skill.
oped or ni 10ထွန်ခြင်
G &,shrink up, be contract
ယူ S. ed, be frightened,,

63098 ICEGE, take, hold, possess.
စိမ် ခြင်မထွက် ခြင်း
ဖြင်။ မ ငြင် ooze

run out, fall from .

of ECE ONC E, bend down,bend together,

။ ၊

n d ract
let dow , ben or cont y the bod
through respect, be humble, crouch.

( S Ojas @euro@E,
be destroyed,lost, left
behind, remain.

The numberoſ roots with an initial w , amounts to

twelve, viz eleven with an initial wသ , and one with

an initial 002.
မိင်။ ရေင်, obtain, find, meet
ငှက် JOSE 11 CE,scratch, dig, scrape to
getlier, rake up . "
တော် co@ ၁ €,stir up,agitate,paddle,
။eu cos6
churn .

၀ က် ွင် orပုတ်
ရက်တweave ခြင်။ သင် ခြင်း၊ ပျိုဇင်,weare
make a mat.

ရင်း SOE,spread, place or putany thing some

where for the sake of accumulating it.


ရင်း မိုး EIMOS ,near, be close, approach .

ရင် 676 €, be ripe, mellow, hardened.
o:@ ico @e,be intoxicated..

ပက် ခြင်း လိမ် ခြင်, twist, twist round, turn


round, encircle, twine.

ရ ရည်မှတ် ခြင် ၊ ရည်ရော် ခြင်း ရည် ဖြင်, re

member, recollect, observe, remark, aim
at, meditate,.

ရ : ရည်း ငန် ခြင်။ အ လို ရှိ ခြင် ။ ကြိုက် ခြင်း ရှိ

anse, be covetous, desire, be anx
ious, fall in love.
ရမ် Oblačila @ , try, puitothetest, examine.
ရပ် ခြင်
$ @Excq@ E, stop, halt,, besituated,con

ရယ် Gos@eil.600.€8, set upright, be erect.

ရယ် ဟင်, lault.
ရှိ o $:ZE,surround, encircle, inclose, encom
pass .

GEGE,be idle, lazy.

တ် ဖြတ် ခြင်း reap, cut, slave,.

ရိပ် စောင် ခြင်း မျက် စောင် နိုင် ခြင် wink, make

signs with the eye, give a side glance.

ရုံ GiG8,956G , cover, overcast, over

ရုံ @ESCE, believe, credit, trust,confide.
ဂျီ OSCEno q&: 08,be coarse, clumsy, in
solent, mischievous , obscene, vile.

28: orq: q @ e, be collected ,assembled.

ဂွမ်း း ငင် ခြင် ။ ဆွဲင်, draw, pull as oxen, ex
tract, draw, pull out of the mud , haul ,
20 €1750 €,be stupid , insane, mad,
distracted .

690.000 €, count,enumerate.
69.605 003 :@ę, write , make lines .
ရဲရင့်ခြင်း စွမ် ခြင်, be fierce, couragi
ous, bold , daring , dauntless .
ရုံး ထိန် ခြင်။ ပြောင် ခြင်, be bright,brilliant.
ရာ ရှာ ခြင်း တွေးမြင် ရှက် ခြင်, his,mingle
comb coloseauMoSGE, arrive, attain, ar
rive at .

င် ရောင် ဖာ ခြင်, be swollen, bloated,

asiasideသို့ ရောက်
စ ရောင် ခြင်, sell.
Overce ရို OOSE, blame, find faultwith.
ရို COEGEN GOSE, be upright, straight,
rust, ca erect .

se, ol ရိုက် ပုတ် ခြင် နှက် ခြင်းခတ် ခြင်, beat, bit, strike,
DE, VX hammer.

ရိုင် တိမ် ခြင် ၊ ညွတ် ခြင်။ အောင်မြင်, lean, be in

clined, recumbent.

aut, ရိုင်း GEREGE, be wild, uncultivated, rude,

unpolished .
nyoscany@ E, be brittle, short, frangi

ble , crumble .

- ရွက် 2:41 62cဆောင်& ခြင်,;carry, bear,, possess.

ရွှင် လစ် ခြင် ။ လတ် ခြင် ၊ ချွတ် ခြင်, be opened,

CUIT emptied, missing, absent, withdrawn,

lost, destroyed, spoiled ; err, fall off, un
dress .

တ် ဖက်ခြင်။ က် ခြင်, real, peruse, repeat, pro
334 A P PE N D I X.

goor gº 892@ En coſacos @ခြင်e, be abominable ,

မှ or a 2057998, dread, fear, be reluctant.
ယ် ဘက် ခြင်။ ဆ ခြင်။ ထို့ပြင်, aim, intend
design .
ပြုပြင် ။ ရုပ်ခြင်း လွှာ ခြင်, prepare, clean,
dress as rough timber is squared or dres
sed .

cu: @ €, purchase, ransom a slave, pay.

စယ် ခြင်။ဝိစစ် ခြင် ။ ရွေးချယ် ခြင်, pick,
choose, select, distinguish .
C ပင် ။ ခြင် ။ ပြင် move, be moved,
recede, remove ; move out of the way,
go on one side, proceed.
မှု Cosice,cut,wound, slightly cut or gash
with a sharp instrument.
ငှက် : ရှ ငြင်, intersect.
OSGE" :98:92%CE,unite,
II (

gos @oosos, be ashamed.

920-CE1008, live, be alive,, move..

နှင် လင် ခြင်း တွင် ငြင်။ပယ်ရှင် ခြင်, clear away,

disperse, remove rubbish or any other
obstacle , prune .

ရှည် စပ် ခြင်။ ပူး ခြင် ။ ဟပ် ခြင်, unite, put toge
ther edge to edge .
ရာ ခ@
ြင်eu9.68 @ e, seek, look after, make
searc for.

99cEGEU 07:@ €, go away, recede,depart,

ရှား နည်း , scarce,, dear,,
high in price.
ရှိ ဖြစ်ခြင်း၊ ရင်။ တင် ခြင်, become con
spicuous, be, become, obtain.
ရှိုင် ခေါ် ခြင် ခြင်,be deep, profound .
ရှု 250 €, look, behold .
ရွှတ် ရှက် ခြင် ခြင်, le confused, jumbled
together in a heap .
ရှုမြင်၊ ခုန် ခြင် smell, kiss.

as BCErum ,swallow, inhale, draw in the
breath , suck in water .
ရှမ်း or) ဆုံးရှုံး ခြင်, be unequal to an undertaking,
unable, insufficient, lose a wager.
ရှမ် or ရွံ့ တွန် ခြင် ။ လိပ် ခြင်း။ ၉ ခြင်, slirik in,
up be
come shrivelled ip, be contracted, drawn
Q q9

335 A : P P END I X.

95@ Eng - , draw in the breath , inhale,

respire, sneeze, smoak, kiss .

လွှဲး ပြဒ် း။ ဖယ် ခြင်။ ရွှင်ရွှင် ။ဖဲ ခြင် ၊၊


92: 8, shun, avoid, go aside.

cgo cego: &, shun, avoid, turn aside .
ရှောင် ခြင်။ ရှား ခြင်, be removed.
င် GEORGE & EGOS, rejoice, be pleased,
smile, laugh, exult, be delighted.

Roots beginning with o, amount

' to seventy-one,
- ,
viz. those with the simple character q, are thirty
eight ; those with eleven ; those with 9,ရှ twenty,
and those with a two..
လင် @ESECE, be light, bright, clear.

လင့် CAGE, BEECE, put off,postpone, delay.


& @@ &n cos @ 8, become open,be vacant,,
လည် ပတ် , turn round, circumambulate,,
move in a circular direction .

လည် röpfcca@ e, walk,, wander, go or move

h, in
လည ° င်, understand, comprehend .
လည်း ပြင် ဝင် ခြင်း ကိုင် ခြင်း ဖြင်. loll,
be inclined, recumbent, be bent down,

fall down, be cast down .

Up လတ် ကင်း ပြင် ၊ လတ် ခြင် ။ လွတ် လတ် ခြင်, be

empty, vacant, exempt or free from .

e ples
လတ် SECE QUECE, be fresh,beautiful,
လန်း လြင် ။ တင်တယ် ခြင် ။ ငြင်, be fresh,
beautiful, fertile, verdang, thriving.

cre di စိတ်ခြင်။ ထိတ် လ န့် ခြင် ။ ကြက် ခြင်, be

frightened, startle back, be panic struck.
လ သွား ဖြင် ။ ပြင်
remove step, move or
put the feet forward.
w+GE, move,, go, come.
ne,delo လမ်း လိ လစ် မြင်, twist, twine.

e facani
လိမ် ရCE, spread ,anoint,, rub over,, be,
smear with perfume or oil .
mbulat ကြယ် စက် ခြင်း ။ ရစ် ခြင်, fola, fold up, roll ap.

02@ Enqqos ,plunder,take or sieze at>

random , scramble .
338 A P P E N D I X.

လုတ် ပြု ခြင် ။ကိုင် ခြင်, make, perform, do, hold.

med GCE11 Gibe,be covered, concealed,
overspread .
ဦး ခြင်, bebe warm .
မြင် wind, twist, roll together into a
ball .

CSGခြင်းEEGE, rub over,, anoint,, besmear.

CU :Co$CE,be heavy,weighty, ponderous.
လ •

ဟာ 20CCS1056,repeat, do again.
sacos de Euroscoe, be enough, suffici

ent .

လောင် 600.05GE, be on fire, blaze, burn, singe,

consume by fire.
လင်း 0 CEncredor:@ €, pour over, into,, or
upon , cast, lay a wager.
လို့ က လို့ ခြင် ။ ရ23,ချင် ခြင်,E desire,,wish..
ထို့ပြင် ။ သွင်း ခြင်း cause to enter, pierce.
လိုက် ထပ် ခြင်။ ပါခြင်, accompany, follow .
လှ ozdow @ g, be handsome, beautiful,

erform, &
လစ် ဖွင့် ခြင်း လုပ် ခြင်, be opened, thrown open,
Fered, con loosened .

လည်း ရုပ်မြင် ။ သုတ်သင် ခြင်, sweep, to clean

with a besom .a

Il togdozeie: goo ပြန်

ether လှည် G GS ။ 095GE, turn,, turn round,turn
over, turn back or upside down .
anoint, bear လည် ပတ် ခြင်,, walk.
လန် C%CE, turn, overturn,return
hty, poné
do again
လှ G. CE, spread out,extend,expand.
လှ လှစ်ခြင် ၊ ဖွင့်ခြင်, be opened.
god cp@ E, take, accept, receive back.
2e, burs pour quoc GE u00c @ E, change one thing
for another.

ur ore,r က
mojige: ca:C8, become diminutive or
. small in all points of view.

re, wish CosCa, cut, sever, lop off.

enter, piff gos ou engợcSs2: , tremble, shake, quake,
, folloir
မြို့ပြငE် « GECE။IOSEGခြင်E, be warmed .

me, beautis o
ကမ်း ခြင်း ပေး ခြင်, give, bestow .
340 A P P E N D I X.

လေး GECE,
G- change, remove from one place
to another..

လေ့င့် င့် ခြင်. fly away as chaff,, pass away..

ရှောက် ထပ် ခြင်း ဆင့် ခြင်း ကဲ ဇင် ။ ထပ် လောက်

@E, increase , multiply, enumerate , add

to .

လှောင် သွန်းခြင် ။ ထား ခြင်, pour or turn into..

enc။ eမွေး 9 €,stirabout, agitate,,churn,,
oooo ရက်
paddle .
လှိုက် côEGE, excavate, scoop out, hollow out..
လှိုင် 6. GE BEGE, diffuse,extend , spread
as perfume does.

20 @ & xQMECE, become small,, taper

R >

away , become thin , be attenuated , spin

out .

ajors OSCE, suck, lick with the tongue.

nje , be quick, swift, move with velocity.
2 နည်း ခြင် ။ ပတ်ခြင် ။ ညံ့ ခြင်, be emptied,
exhausted, become little or few , subside,
diminish .

ScooE SOEnone, be down, lean, loll,


om one
ကော် ပတ် ခြင် ၊ တ် ခြင် ။ သင် ခြင်, be
good, fit, suitable, proper, beautify.
s a29, Goojos eCE1981
။ မျှ ခြင် 20@@ခြင်e, be similar, agree
with, be appropriate.
၃။ : 11
cujos gore@an 9:G&, be thin like paper.
လျှာ ကျောက် ကျခြင်း၊!! ဆင်ခြင် slide slip, slide
off or down .
rn inte
cagi? 2.9@E, be loosened,, lessened, diminished,
gitate, (de abated, subsided, fallen.

လျှောက် သွားခြင်း ။ခက် ခြင်း ခြင်, move by
or over , walk or cross over a bridge, pass
tend, by or near, speak, deliver, utter .
Gcgps sac:@ & 25 €,wash, scrub, rub clothes,
sCour .
nuated : agit: CGE1 OECE, enter,penetrate, go in.
လို့ ဖောက် ခြင်း။ထို ခြင် ။ ခြင်, piece, thrust
through, string, cause to enter.
ith relor ငက်ခြင် လျှက် ၎င်, hide, conceal.
be emple လှ " COSEE, ascend, run, glide or roll over.
ew , su
င် သစ် ခြင်း ရခြင်း၊ ပြောင် ခြင်, appear new,

be glossy, shining, fine, beautiful, bright .

lean, loll Rr

လင့် 8:GE, blown away, receded,departed.

လွတ် ကင်။ လတ် ခြင်း ကျွတ် ခြင်, be free, ex

empt, be emancipated, delivered .

လွန် ခြင် ။ ကြူငြင် ။ သာ ခြင်း များ ခြင်, be
exceeded,surpassed, gone beyond, excel,
transgress ; be past, gone by.
န် သင် ။ ခြင,် die

8 : hang over,, be
လွယ် ဘွဲ့ ဖြင် ။ ခရိုင် ခြင်း။ ခြင်,
suspended, swing:
wamba, be easy, not difficult, intelligi
ble, clear .
မသိန်ပြင် ,

move in an oblique direction ,

pass by on one side, pass over, err, be in
clined, lean , be recumbent.
လ္လင် နှင် ခြင်။ လေ့ မြင် ။ ခြင်, be goneaway,,
receded , sailed from , left, moved from ,
also scattered, dispersed.
ဇွတ် GOE, be sent away, emancipated, releas
ed, delivered .

ဖိုး မြင် ပိတ် ခြင်, cover , shut up..

en c2,

ခြင်း) beyonexced. eded , surpassed ,,excelled,


depre SI:CE, be thin, become thin.

6, belia Gel pec,jump,jumpover, surpass.
CUS @ E, be gone past, mistaken.
Desond The verbal roots beginning with the character co
5. are eighty-three. viz. those beginning with the simple
character are thirty ; those with the compound
ang or
are twenty-two ; those with ay are seven ; those with
ogj are nine ; those with ware eight, and those with
are seven .

cult, iz

que die ကြီး ခြင် ။ ဖွံ့ ခြင်း ကုပ် ခြင်း ဖြင်, be

fat, corpulent .
Ter, er
Oတန် & UGOST@E, be satisfied, enough.
be gone ag:GET ÇOSCE, enter, penetrate, go in,
mora . stoop.
ဝင် &r & CE, be bright, splendid, yel
ဝင့် 205 @ El CECE, spin, draw out, extend..
ဝတ် C '
oosaoEEu , dress, put on, tie or
ed ,ercel bind on , decorate.,
344 A P PENDIX .

ဝန်း ဝိုင်း တွင် move round, be round, encircle.

ဝပ် ဝပ် ခြင်။ပြခြင်း ဝပ် တွား ခြင်, be pro
trate, recumbent, bow the face and back
down .
COS op @ eu COGE, buy, purchase.

Ợ or o çor:@En Ộd:CE, bè dauntless, courage.

ous, daring, venturesome, desperate.
ဂါ ဝဲ များ ခြင်း ဝ ညှာ ခြင်ထောင် လား နှင်, boast,
exult, brag, be self-conceited , proud,
foppish .
olos, be yellow .

SOE. codu:@E,divide,
perse amon , hire .
cueil@ &102 =G , be far, distant.
soarr .
လည် ခြင်း ပျံ ခြင်, fly, 60a

- ဝိုက် ဝင်ငြင်, pin, turn round..

ဝိုင် o $:GE, move in a circle,encircle.

ဝိုင် ကိုဇင် ။ ခြင် ။ ကျင်, help, asist, aid.

ဝှက် ခြင် ။ ဝက်ခြင်, hide, conceal.
RE: Expos@ E, decline(in heighth )be
come deep.

6 ROSC , push, butt,impel,propel, drive

The roots with an initial o are twenty one, viz .

those with an initial o are eighteen ; and those with
an initial are three.

သ ပြင်ခြင် ။ ပြင် ပြင်, repair, recreate
make anew or over again.
သ 2008
, give, offer.

သက် 20 €E u 20 Ewrse, descend, fall, drop

down , go down orinto ,rest upon,, arrive
to, catch .

ခြင်း E, learn,, receive instruc

tion .

သင်း ကွပ် ခြင် ။အဆိုး ဘုတ် ခြင်, gel , castrate.


သင့် လောင်
လေ ခြင်, burn, consume.

သင့် ၈ တ ် ခြင်. ။ လျှောက်ပတ် ပြင်, suit, be pro

per, be suitable, agreeable, resemble.
သစ် - ဓား ခြင်းစာ ခြင်, Wash the face.

သစ် RECE, be new,, fresh..

သည်း ပြင်း ထံ ခြင်း သည်း ထံ ဖြင့် roar; make a ve
hement noise, make a hideous sound .

သတ် ဖြတ် ခြင်း ပယ်ခြင် ။ ခြင် ။ပုတ် ပြင်။

ကွပ်မျက်ခြင် ။ ညီ ခြင်, kill, fight, des
troy , cut off , quench , extinguish .

သနာ & ş-be, be affectionate, kind.


ဒသန် cuသ galben သပြန်CICE,be strong,, flourish

ing, luxuriant, healthy.
သန်၊ ရှင် ခြင် သ ပြန်ခြင်း စင် ကြယ် ခြင်, be clear
intelligible, plain, free from confusion,
သပ် ချောင် ။ ချွန် မြင် ။ သုံးသပ် ခြင်, smooth,
point, stroke, rub down .
သမ် ညံ့ ဖြင်။ သမ် ခြင်။ သမ်မိုင်, be dull,
dim , not brilliant, cast down.
သ ခြင်, gape, yawn.
သမ်း POE! GOSCE, cut across, cut short.
သယ် ပိုး ခြင်။လယ်ပိုး ခြင် ။ က် ဆောင် ခြင်, re

move from one place to another, bear,

carry, transact business .

မိုး ခြင်း လွန် ခြင်း ဖြင်။ ခြင်, increase,
exceed, surpass .

anon CECE, mark, draw or extend a
line, to line or rule .
V E R BAL ROOT s . - 247

CEE @ 2:076 €, know, ,

, perceive, under
ပြတ် stand .
", " ယပ် သိ ခွင့် ပင်။ ထို့ပြင် stuf, cram.
nd. ခဲ့ 905Caua ,shake, tremble , totter.
3 CASEU COMO En030:@e, be little, dimi
၁၇၄ nutive.
သိ 02@eur ခြင်€ 1 gခြင်,gather, collect, take
into possession, confiscate.
dol@ E, sing,utter, say.
ကုခြင် ။ Il
ခြင် ,string (as beads.)

q &G &, sneeze, be irritated as the throat is

နှင် when any thing has passed the wrong
MEGE neç @ €, produce fruit,bear.


သုတ် ပွတ် ခြင်း လက်
ကြန် ခြင် ။ လူးခြင်, clean, rub,
anoint, wipe off.
သုတ် up@& 1108:CE,
vos ခြင်, snatch away as a kite does..
S ince
သို & &,be few, little, bad, empty,, desolate.
G ဖြင့်,
သုံး သုံး ဆောင် @ခြင8်, use, spend, make use of..
l'erter သ
အသက် ထွက် ခြင် ။ လွန်ခြင်, die, become ex
tinguished , depart , exceed .

COGEis : Enque,be small, fine.

Jး or
ပြင် Dp9:00 @8,roar, bellow,, make
သည်း ) a hideous noise.
Gusos Grasose, drink, swallow , smoke.
သိ obonen28 5:08,pick, place, hide,
keep back, take care of, secure.
သုံး တ်ခြင် ။ ခြင် ။II င် ခြင်, ferment, rot,
become stale, rancid.
င် (
axs PorsconsCanBojce, be liquid, watery,
thin , not of any consistence, be expert.
0€ 20.co2Sc , introduce, putin, cause
to enter

၏ သွင်ပြင် ၁၉ ပြင်, introduce, put in.

န် vo@ en gC&, throw, cast into, upon, or
away .

သန်း Oဖြန်း tenace

ခြင်း e, pour out, sprinkle upon
or into .

န် SOE, be bad, corrupt, rotten, decayed,


foolish, light, of little value .

ပ ခြင်၊ ခြင် သတ်ဖြင်, be silly, fool
ish, mad, insane.

ఖులు w @ခြင်။E, 20%CE
ဝိုက် , run or proceed in oneh
ar e
regul coarse, becom small, branc
off, taper away, spin out. 8

သွား coo:GE, move, go, depart.

သ 00လွဲ :on€e sid99e. &@ €, shun, turn off turn on

လ yos & 68.5E, rub upon, sharpen ,
diminish by friction.
သ saonc @ €, do,perform , take, bear, carrý.
Bu səpeu a E,be dry, evaporate.
The roots with an initial 00 , amount to fifty-three;
viz. those with the simple character , to forty ၆; and
those with thecompound 20, to thirteen .
SEGEncy0CE, open,widen the mouth.
ဟက် 09:GE,
လုံး talခြင်းdirection
cut off,: cut through in an horizon
ဟင် မရှိ ခြင် open,, be open, vacant..
လင် ခြင် ။none;
ခံ ခြင်း ၊ ဟစ် အော် ခြင် ။း ကျွေးခြင်း ကြေး
Eurolae, make a noise,shout.

ပတ် ခဲ bite, nibble as a fish at aa

ကံ ဇင်၊ ခြင်,
bait. ,

ons QS1002:C8, impede, stop, prevent,

hinder, obstruct . -

ဟပ် ရှည်ခြင်းစပ်ခြင်း တွဲ ခြင်, unite together)

bring into contact.
ဟုဘဲ မှန် ခြင်း ဟုတ် မှန် ခြင်, be true, right, yes.
on GEGEN 90 CE be swift, violent, vehe:
ment, exceed, bé quick, move with velcg
ဟုမ် ဟုစ် တင် ခြင် roar as a beast,
တဲ့ သမ်း ခြင် gape, yaw .
မာ " Gö € 13& @ €, speak, utter, declins.
သောက် ဟက် ခြင်, Toan, snore.
တောင် oဆို @ &1986 €, be old,, decayed, crung

Sooo @€, stink, be fætid, rancid.
ဟစ် as a dog.. "
ဟိုက် ပန် ခြင်။ မော ခြင်. pant, be out of breath, be
exhausted .

of ons
ဟိုက် O မ့် ခြင်8, becomebollow, deep?,
ရွှင် &•ŞC

one မရှိ ခြင် မခြင်,

@ be destitute of some part oroe
member, or of something essential to
life, be destitute of power or capacity to
obtain an object. Thus, a woman who is
not able to procure a husband, or a man
who is not able to procure a wife, are
said to be ose
Verbal roots with an initial os , amount to nines
teen . The total number of simple verbal roots
amount to one thousand and eighty -seven .


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