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Sheranda Charles

Mr. Litle

Eng 1021

5 March 2023

Nike commercial

On July 11, 2017, Nike launched a football commercial called Best Commercial

Ever Made. In my opinion, it's one of the best commercials I have ever seen because it portrayed

a lot of passion for sports and that is something I relate to; It also employs rhetorical strategies.

Both audiences will find it valuable and memorable due to the skillful use of several rhetorical

techniques that highlight specific characteristics of football players. With its logos, ethos, and

pathos as well as its effects on supporters, the football advertisement addresses children,

teenagers, and adults. We can discover the benefits of the football commercial and clearly

understand its potential thanks to the mix of the commercial's visual elements and all it had to


The best football commercial ever is represented visually by an advertisement. This

commercial gives football fans a glimpse of what it is like to play professionally. The camera

perspective is the second thing that draws our attention and distinguishes the advertisement

because it gives the viewer the impression that they are the football player, vomiting, being

teased by Ronaldo, and best of all scoring goals. The reaction of the players and the crowd when

there is a goal in this commercial is what I find most interesting. The main colors of the

commercial are red and white, blue, and white. These snappy inserts draw the viewer's attention

to the brand logo and the Nike sign, which are the most significant elements of the advertising. A

text other than the brand name is the only text that elevates the situation. The commercial's visual

component conveys the message. The brand name is appealing in the first place since it allows

kids or other people to purchase it.

With hard effort and dedication, this film can inspire and drive individuals. In the football

commercial, pathos is used. Kids, teens, adults, football fanatics, and their parents make up most

of the campaign's audience. Children, as I indicated before, are primarily affected by the

emotions of the football equipment, such as the boots, uniform, brand name and so on. The

overarching message is to convince their parents. The desire to purchase their name-brand

products right away also makes children and fans interested in the advertisement. The majority

of kids at this age desire to be professionals or at the very least pursue their future endeavors. In

contrast to how the youngster or children focused on the gears and scoring, the feelings of the

fans are different when it comes to the pathos of the commercial, in my opinion. The fans are

impacted by the players or their teams. This football commercial has accomplished a lot by

capturing the kids' enthusiasm and emotions. These feelings prompted people to play the game

and purchase the brand.

Nike chooses to feature all the top football players in their commercial because it appeals

to ethos through character. So, consumers tend to choose Nike over other companies when they

witness the best players sporting Nike gear. For instance, when Cristiano Ronaldo scores, he

sprints in front of the camera and kisses. This advertising strategy employs ethos in a variety of

forms. Like for me, I played football while watching all those professional players, like Cristiano

Ronaldo, Ronaldinho, van Persie, Didier Drogba and Wayne Rooney imagining the impact they

will have on the tournament and how their performances will shape their futures. The ad is set to

a fast-paced soundtrack and features stunning Visual effects, creating a sense of excitement and

anticipation for upcoming world cup. wear Nike apparel and learning about all Nike's

capabilities. By conveying the idea that the football commercial is important on its own, the

advertisement's elements are made to appear more believable and talented.

The logo of this commercial is “Take it to the Next Level" these commercials take

viewers through the journey of a young footballer as he rises through the ranks and becomes a

professional player, inspiring viewers to chase their dreams. Overall, "Take it to the Next

Level" is a powerful and inspiring commercial that captures the essence of football and the hard

work and dedication required to succeed in the sport. The young footballer faces obstacles and

challenges, such as injuries, setbacks, and competition, but he perseveres and works hard to

improve his skills and achieve his goals.

To demonstrate the advantage and distinguish it from other advertisements, the football

commercial's author employs logos, ethos, and pathos. It is a great video because it portrays

motivation, skill, passion and much more for people who have a love for sports. The football

commercial's powerful message is inspirational and memorable. To appeal to both audiences, the

author inserts a commercial. The use of both verbal and visual elements together results in the

commercial being fully realized., "Take it to the Next Level" is a testament to Nike's ability to

inspire and motivate athletes through their powerful advertising campaigns. The commercial

showcases Nike's commitment to not just promoting their products but also to empowering

athletes and fans to achieve their full potential.

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