Finley Anderson - Bellwork

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All bellwork will go here. Please number each bellwork. If you are absent, please note

39. I went fishing in the lake in the bayou. The lake is a very antiquity lake. It’s also a very
vibrant kind of lake. My kids were very exalted when I told them we were going to this

40. I wouldn’t say anything because if I told them a secret then I would want it to stay a
secret. My whole family doesn’t need to know my secret. They might want to know but
some stuff is better kept secret. I would also use this as a lesson as to who I can tell my
secrets to, so I would tell my cousin that this lets me see that I can’t tell them anything
anymore. I would do this because it shows my cousin that what they did proves that I
can’t trust them anymore, but my deepest darkest secret shouldn’t be told to the whole

41. Title: Blonde Ambition

Author: Zoey Dean
Pages Read: 16, 4 chapters (finished the book a little early)
Paragraph: The main character Anna was working for Clark; her enemies father,
Cammie. Cammie had called the news pretending to be Anna so she could get her fired;
and it worked. Clark came pounding on her door on a Sunday night; told her to turn on
the news, and fired her. Then on Cammie’s 18th birthday her dad found out it was her
and wasn’t Anna. The next day during her school day, Clark called her and told her to
report to set after school; which she declined because she wasn’t going to work for him.
Then later that day she went to the set; not for Clark but to see her crush Danny. After
apologies they went out to the beach, Danny totally ignoring the fact that he was
supposed to be working. They went to the beach and watched the sunset; while Anna
was thinking about all of her possibilities for her life; then Danny softly kissed her and all
those thoughts faded away.

42. The room smelled atrocious because he let the dog stay in his room without going
outside for 2 days.
She was crying on the phone. I had compassion for her and I went over to her house to
comfort her.
Everytime we pass our old house it continues to deteriorate ever since it burned down.
I had to rejuvenate after that exam so I drank some coffee.

43. I feel older than my actual age most of the time. I think it’s because I’ve been through
a lot in my life, and it’s caused me to mature a lot mentally. I feel as if people treat me a
lot older than I am, even though I’m only 15 almost 16 people treat me as if I’m in my 20s
with a full time job. I think they treat me this way because I can look a lot older than I am
and I act a lot older than I am most of the time; when it comes to responsibilities, money,
etc. I can act exactly like an adult, everything gets done on time if not early, I budget my
money and save for things I might need in the future, etc.

44. Title of my book: The Lucky One

Author: Nicholas Sparks
Pages read: 7
Summary: This guy named Logan found this picture of Beth while he was in Iraq,
military, he went on a journey to find her and he did. She helped her Nana with the dog
business she had they were hiring and he went and got a job there, getting to know her
better. Logan and Beth’s son and Nana were becoming closer than ever and they really
liked Logan’s dog Zeus. One night Logan, Beth, and Zeus take a walk down to the creek
by the kennels. They start to talk and Beth sees that Logan isn’t as bad as she thought
she was.

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