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Lesson Delivery Plan

Pay attention to the R-words to activate the brain for learning!

1. Objective (Rigor) - SMART and should be visible on your board daily.

When given a passage, the student will determine the meaning of unfamiliar words using context clues.
I can use context clues to determine the meaning of words in a text.

2. Opening (Retrieval) – How will you "hook" your students into the lesson--at both the thinking and
emotional level?

 What will you do to open the lesson to motivate and engage the students’ interest in the content?
 How will you help students make connections to prior knowledge?
 How will you identify and present your essential questions, Central focus, and Learning Targets (I CAN
 How will you identify / teach / assess language demands?
 How will you introduce language supports?
 Is your opening congruent to the objective?

Read “Baloney (Henry P.)” to introduce the concept of context clues. This story is about a tardy alien boy who uses
vocabulary that is “out of this world” like stimulus and deski. The teacher will demonstrate using context clues to
determine the meaning of these nonsense words.
Lesson Delivery Plan

3. Teacher Input (Relevance) – What information is needed for the students to gain the knowledge/skill in the
objective? (Be sure you have done a task analysis to break the information/skill into small manageable
steps). How will you use strategies, technology, learning styles? What vocabulary and skills do the students
need to master the material? Are the strategies you plan to use congruent to the objective?

 Model (Routing) – Outline your I DO activities. Be sure to model strategies and academic language
supports needed.
Review different types of context clues such as example clues, synonym or definition clues and antonym or
contrast clues. Model a few examples of each and think aloud as you use context clues to determine meaning.
Model a self-questioning strategy, using the list of types of context clues, with questions such as these: What are
the surrounding words? Where do these offer me clues? What does this mean in terms of the context?

 Guided Practice – Students demonstrate a grasp of new learning under the teacher’s direct
supervision. The teacher moves around the room to provide individual remediation as needed. “Praise,
prompt, and leave” is an excellent strategy to use. Outline your WE DO activities. Be sure to incorporate
strategies and academic language supports that are needed.
Have students work in pairs to read task cards containing unfamiliar text; highlight unknown words, find context
clues to hypothesize the meaning, and then check the meaning against a dictionary.

 Independent Practice (Retaining/Rehearsing) – Students demonstrate an independent

application of new skill. Outline your YOU DO activities. Students demonstrate an independent
application of new skill. Be sure to praise and assess strategies and academic language supports that are
being used.
Task card Shuffle- Students will independently define highlighted words in passages on task cards hung around the
Lesson Delivery Plan

 Check for Understanding (Recognizing) – Practice doesn't make perfect; it makes

permanent. So, make sure the students understand how to proceed before moving to the practice phase
of the lesson. You may need to stop and reteach, so students practice correctly. How do you plan to
assess understanding? What HOTQs will you ask? List at least 3
1. How can you find the meaning of __?
2. What strategy/ clues did you use to determine the meaning of the word _______?
3. What would happen to the meaning of the sentence if you chose a different definition for the word
________? Explain.

 How will you check for understanding or reteach?

-Use Marzano’s strategy of setting objectives and providing feedback. I will provide feedback
as I walk around the classroom while they work.

-Use Kahoot to review the identifying word meaning with context clues

4. Assessment – How will we know that the students have individually mastered the objective? What
evidence will be collected? What will be an acceptable score? What evidence will be collected to demonstrate
mastery of language demands?
Online quiz-Students will read a passage and use context clues to answer definition questions about words in the
passage. 80% correct will demonstrate mastery.

5. Resources - What materials will you need for a successful lesson?

“Baloney (Henry P.)” , context clue task cards, anchor chart paper, pens, pencils, ball

6. Closure (Re-exposure) – How will you have the students end the lesson/reflect upon what was learned?
Whip around activity with a ball so that the students can share what they learned
from the lesson.

Lesson Delivery Plan

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