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Julius Caesar Act II Reading Guide

Scene 1
1. According to Brutus, why is it is necessary that Caesar be killed? To make Rome a better place and
he wants to be king

2. What actions does Lucius perform that help the plot unfold? He bring Brutus the letter and lets the
other conspirators inside.

3. What is Brutus’s internal conflict? Making the decision to kill Caesar

4. Why does Brutus disagree about taking an oath? He thinks that what he’s doing will belittle the

5. Why does Metellus think it would be a good idea to ask Cicero to join the conspiracy? He believes
that his reputation will make the conspirators decisions look noble

6. Why does Brutus say they should not ask Cicero to join the conspiracy? Cicero won’t follow the plans

7. What does Brutus say about killing Marc Antony? He says that that’ll make the plan too bloody

8. What reason does Cassius give for why Caesar might not come out of his house today? Because
Caesar has grown superstitious

9. By what method does Decius say he will use to get Caesar out of the house? Flattery

10. Why is Portia, Brutus’s wife, worried about Brutus? He hasn’t eaten, spoken, or slept

11. How does she prove her strength to Brutus? She stabs herself in the leg

Scene 2:
12. Why does Calpurnia want Caesar to stay home? Because of the threatening omens

13. Describe Calpurnia’s dream. She saw Caesar’s statue with blood all over it and Romans were
washing their hands in it.
14. How does Decius interpret Calpurnia’s dream? Lucky and fortunate

15. What arguments does Decius use to change Caesar’s mind about going to the Capitol? The senate
might change their mind about giving Caesar the crown if he doesn’t go

Scene 3:
16. What does Artemidorus plan to do? Hand Caesar a letter he’s written to warn him

Scene 4:
17. Why is Portia so nervous? She’s scared she will give away her husband's intentions

18. What does Portia want Lucius to do? Go to the Capitol and see how Brutus is and see who is
standing next to Caesar

19.What does the soothsayer tell Portia? He’s worried that Caesar will get hurt but he’ll try and stop
him from going to the Capitol.

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